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To another edition of Sarah magazine. Would believe that we are six months away from Christmas! I don’t know why that thought came to mind when I was typing this. It seems like we just celebrated Christmas and New Year’s. Time seems to be flying by; we need to make each day count. Speaking of time flying and celebrating… do you know what next month is?? Some may know, but if you are a new, let me share with you what next month is. IT’S OUR ANNIVERSARY! Yes Sarah is celebrating its third year. God is so good! I never thought it would make it this far, but we are still going and growing. THANK YOU JESUS! I pray that last month issue blessed you. I met Wonderful Davidson about a year ago, she has such a beautiful spirit. When she shared her story with me, it brought back memories of what I went through with my son. It is so many children being misdiagnosed and having to go through life with a label that keeps them in bondage to the system. Thank God that this beautiful woman has taken a stand for children. That subject was very dear to my heart. Thank God I didn’t settle for what the system said about my son many years ago. Parents if you have not read the June edition cover story, I encourage you to please read it. It is a beautiful story and an eye opener for all parents. Here we are again with another great cover story! My prayer is that we are reaching you in every way. It doesn’t matter if you are young, old, female or male, we have something for you. Everybody is going through something, we want you to know, you’re not alone. This month’s issue is so powerful! I haven’t met this woman personally, but we have talked on 4

several occasions over the phone. After hearing her testimony, I knew that I had to feature her in Sarah. To go through what she went through and still be standing is a blessing. Her story is a must read! After reading make sure you connect with her and support her foundation. I thank God that Sarah magazine is reaching so many people. Sometimes you need to know that you are appreciated. I liked to share what a beautiful woman of God wrote about Sarah magazine.

SARAH MAGAZINE (God's ' Chosen) Heavenly Father, as I watch your love unfold of Sheree Carradine and SARAH Magazine it goes without saying the magazine has opened the door for many. We so often fall short in giving you glory and extending a helping hand to a fellow sister or brother. Yet SARAH magazine has done just that, page to page and cover to cover, sharing your profound word of the ministry in so many great ways. SARAH Magazine offers wonderful helpful cooking hints for a working mom; it offers daily food for your soul in thought. It warms the heart of Houston Texas that we may now partake in this great magazine as well. It's not only on line but it now comes in book form as well. I invite you all to visit this woman of God as she allows God to lead her with being a servant unto him through SARAH Magazine. You may contact Sheree Carradine via facebook and see all what the world already knows, she is a force to be reckon with. Blessings to SARAH Magazine Queen Blogger This Brought tears to my eyes. This is what keeps me coming to you every month, knowing that I am appreciated and peoples lives are being touched.


People connect with her and read all of her blogs on face book her page is Queen Blogger. Just a few little reminders before I close. Remember that we are not only online, but you can order in hard copy as well. It’s donations that keep us coming to you every month, we welcome donations. We want to continue to cater to those who are on a tight budget. Help us as we help you. As always, many thanks to my faithful supporter and readers. I hope you enjoy reading this months issue. STAY TUNED FOR NEXT MONTH!!! God bless Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor


July 2014

Contents 16. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald

20. SISTA GURL- One Act Play

Smith Jr.

By Minister Sheree Casey



Pack and school supplies distribution Pastor Mike Molina

Darlene Thompson



Apostle Duane and Co-Pastor Antoinette McCoy




EMPOWERMENT CONFERENCE – Lighthouse Church International


By Dametreea Carr


66. RAPE – Charles Campbell 74. PROMISE, POSSIBILITY


POTENTIAL-Elder Vaughn Price



FIRE-Renee Purdie

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw

14. HANDWRITTEN NOTES- By Renee’ Purdie



Two- By Oma Edoja

40. Whouter! 7

ContentsContinued 64. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS WITH URFAVSTYLIST – By Dianna Grissette

72. Celebrity Hair ExtensionsBrigandis Inc. 21. Health Courage & Love- Where Is Your Father’s House- Dr. Calvinia Williams

78. CALLING ALL SINGLES-Q&A 32. TEEN TALK- Now Interviewing 4. Welcome 12. CHARITY CHANGE- Charles Campbell 63. This Could Be You 62. Coming Next Month! 33. Subscribe 82. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine 8




reat is encouragement of others. Great is receiving encouragement. But in these last days, people don’t take the time to encourage one another. People are so threatened that someone will produces or receive more, that it has become a competition, separating people, the have and have nots. I enjoy giving encouragement to others because I am not inferior to them. You see, each of us has been given a dream, a strong desire, to do, or go, or accomplish something specific. That dream was given to us by God. That dream may not be a dream, but spiritual communication between you and God and you don’t even realize it! The spiritual communication can be in the form of a special or specific gifting. It usually is something we are good at or something that we enjoy doing. Take a look at what that thing is that is in you, that thing you can’t shake. I would say that God is telling you that He needs it for His Kingdom! When I was young, I had a gift, something I was good at. I received training in it from the time I was 6 years old until sophomore year in college. But then life came and I put it aside. Looking back, I realize that it was a choice! I would convince myself that I didn’t have time for it or it wasn’t practical to pursue it. Sometimes I would ask God why did He gave this to me and why I wasn’t using it. Why was I spending time listening to other people use their gift instead of me improving on mine?

the growth of The Kingdom! I use it in my church; I use it for SARAH Magazine! This gift, that I know comes from God, serving Him! What I am trying to convey to you is that we all have more than one gift. Take a look at yourself and see what gifts you have that can be of service to The Kingdom. I know you have them! Sometimes we look at things and say, “oh, that is not as important as Sista’ Sue does” or “that I can’t preach”, you know what I am talking about. But what you don’t understand is that we all have a role, a part of that puzzle, no matter how small. When you put all the small pieces together, it creates something bigger. Then you put that something bigger with other bigger things, and before you know it, God’s Glory will be manifested! As for that other gift, I feel that God is developing me, giving me more confidence. I lost my confidence because I let other people talk me out of moving in that gift. People that I love, I trusted; that is just the enemy! Don’t stop, Son and Daughter of God! People have opinions, evil deeds and thoughts. Some people don’t want to see you succeed, but God does! He knows what He put in you, He knows what steps you will take, He knows where it will take you, and He knows that in the end you will give Him glory for it!

This month, July 2014, we celebrate the independence of our country. Let this month also be the month that you celebrate YOUR independence from those chains that are God has a plan. I have said this before, but holding you back from God’s plan! Take that He does have a plan. That plan was conceived first step….you can do it! Look to the heavens long before we were conceived. The road we for your strength…. are taking was preordained, pre orchestrated. God knew our every thoughts, our very steps. Each of these steps, experiences, tears and stumbles help shape the person that God wants to use. Amazing, huh?!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

Although I am not using THAT particular gift, He made a way for me to realize another gift, the gift of administration! That gift I use for 11

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t amazes me how you know something yet you are afraid to try it, thinking that you will fail. Well that is where we fall short right there, afraid to just try. I have seen one fall after the next the past (2) years, and I felt like a struggle in the struggle, and God said that I will never leave nor forsake you. At some point in time, we all have felt, if we are honest, that God was not listening to our cries, and He has turned a deaf ear to you. So not true, He just comes when He is ready and God can not and will not be rushed, point blank period!

notes and records. Linda came to me and said “Shell this is what you should do” (after reading an article I had written). I said what, she said blog. Well people, I did not know what she was talking about or what blogging was, yet the more I said I know nothing about blogging, God would show me how, and I do mean God would show me! We are all given a talent in life from God, yet sometimes when it is hidden, God will reveal it through a dream, a thought, or in my case, my best friend. I am aware that we have so much hidden talent surrounding us and yet we are afraid to not only explore the talent, but to lend a helping hand getting the door opened for someone in fear that they will excel further and faster than you. How about that same person can reach back and get you as well. I love writing and i published a book of poetry named TLwhich means true love, true Lord true life, for God has been all of that to me and then some!

Every day I seek out a new person (s) or business that I may help promote, in the direction that God desires for it to be led. God will allow people to come in your life Blogging has become my second set of lungs, for certain times and seasons. I have been friends with Ms. Linda Scott for 33 years now, and I breath blogging; it kind of runs through so I guess it has just been our time. Often my my veins, its my blood now. I know beautiful women rich in spirit like Sheree Carradine pastor states that God will show you you are there in life, and we must be ready to receive of SARAH Magazine that does the exact same thing in her magazine; reaching out in what He shows us, not what we want for our everyway possible to help someone. I want to selves. My love for the Lord and people has made me smile and cry for when man said no, be known as one that extened a helping hand, God said “behold beloved there is a ram in the not one that could, and did not. bush.” That is what Linda Scott has been to Life is so short, and our time here on earth me, my ram in the bush; she has pushed me is as well. Today I challenge you to extend a and said I could, when man said I don’t think helping hand, or send to me, Queen Blogger, so. notification of some one that could use my This is how Queen Blogger began: I do modeling when I am not doing bonds and bad checks. My job requires that I maintain good

help. This is not my blog page. No, it belongs to you all, forever in Christ Jesus,

Roschell Ward


The power of the personal touch: handwritten notes By Renée Purdie In the “olden days,” it was common to receive lovely notes on beautiful paper, sometimes scented with a hint of lavender or other perfumes. Now, all too often, we receive email correspondence with messages like, “Dear Sir/Madam.” In the increasingly competitive business world, it is vital for businesses to do things that make them stand out (for the right reasons). One of the ways you can do this is to send out handwritten thank you notes. Also, most businesses, especially small ones, need to learn how to forge and maintain relationships and these types of personal touches are a great way to do that. So, how do you go about integrating this activity into your business? As with much of my business advice, the first step is simply to start. When you receive an order or a referral, take the time to write a handwritten note. All it’ll cost is about five minutes of your time, a stamp and a nice thank you card. There are tons of places to find thank you cards or you can have your own pre-printed, but still be sure to leave the inside blank so you can add your real handwriting and some personal insights that show the person is not just a number or part of your bottom line. There are services that seek to help you automate this process, and you can even upload your real handwriting to use in the notes, but I believe that defeats the purpose! After all, if you get too busy to handle it, you can always hire someone with beautiful penmanship to help you—This is a good problem to have!

Dear Sheree Thank you so much for creating SARAH magazine. It is a wonderful way to showcase my work and learn about new ideas, people, gifts and Kingdom builders around the world. You are a gem so keep on keeping on! Love, Renée PS I’d handwrite and mail this “for real,” but the production deadline is today!

You might also want to start a wall or display board of the thank you notes and feedback you receive from your clients. Apart from giving you a boost, it might also encourage others to add to the wall. It should also help you focus on providing stellar customer service that makes people WANT to talk about your business and share your details with their friends and family. To make things easier, consider creating a “kit.” In it, you could place a nice pen—one that is easy to use and is also pretty (I’m a pen aficionado!)—your lovely stationery and your stamps. You might also consider buying a book of quotes, not necessarily because you’ll include them in every note, but they might inspire


you as you write. Find a quiet place to write and decide whether your quiet time is before or after work. Then set aside a specific block of time each day so things don’t pile up. Happy handwriting! Regards Renée Brief bio and call to … call! Renée Purdie is a Business Development Specialist who grows her business by helping you grow yours. To schedule a free (23-minute) consultation regarding your business goals and vision, visit Renée’s website on: and fill in the contact form or email her on:


Canvas Art by GERALD W. SMITH JR. SIZES 11 X 14 Larger Sizes Available Upon Request To see more of my art or to place an order, contact me 520-982-5977 email:

Buy One 11x 17 Canvas Art For $15.00 Or Get Two For Only $25.00 This Offer Is For A Limited Time! Brochure Available.


Keep reading for a look at what I was able to accomplish once I finally sat myself down, took time to think, and then found the courage to seize the day!

Job Well Done! Here we are...two years and two months later, ending the journey that taught me things about myself that only God knew and only Rwanda had the ability to bring out. From the sum of my experiences, this is the bulk of what I have taken away: Slow down--take time each day to take it all in. Be patient--rushing won't get you anywhere faster, it'll just fill you with regret. Be kind--you never know who's watching or who needs your kind words. And finally, seize the day--tomorrow isn't promised, but today is yours for the taking!

Hand Hygiene and Related Illness Prevention When surveyed for which health issues they would like to focus on within my community, the vast majority of 22 community health workers responded that they wanted to focus on hygiene and related illnesses. With regard to their wishes and my personal interests, we put our heads together and came up with our first grant funded project--Hand Hygiene and Related Illness Prevention. This project included a 3-day training for 22 community health workers in which they received teaching tools and information on the importance of hand washing. The two photos to the right show a mother helping her small child wash his hands and a health center worker transporting 300 hand washing stations on his motorcycle.

Each day for the past two years, I feel like life has been plotting to leave these four life-changing footprints on my heart. Pre-Peace Corps, taking time to think was never a planned part of my day; especially since I've always known what I wanted out of life and I've always been pressed to get there. In high school my mind was in college; in college my mind was in the "real world," and for much of my service in Rwanda, my mind was in the US in medical school. It wasn't until I outlined the next step of my life with a practicing physician that I realized that I really needed to slow down. She said to me," I rushed through life to become a doctor by a certain age. And I got there, but now what?" She didn't say these exact words, but this is what I took from her testimony. I have been blessed with a life of limitless possibilities and spoiled by God with numerous life-changing opportunities. At some point you have to stop, indulge in the moment, and thank God for blessing you so.

Latrines and Sanitation Continuing our work within the realm of hygiene, my community's second grant funded project dealt with latrine hygiene and sanitation. The funds from this project were used to build a state of the art sanitation facility on the health center grounds to be used by hospitalized


patients and health center staff as a teaching tool when discussing proper latrine hygiene. The facility contains four "toilet" rooms and two bathing rooms; a HUGE step up from the health center's previous one-room latrine which was nearly full and served its purpose more as a fly trap than a place for health center patients to relieve themselves. The photo above shows a view of the new sanitation facility and the old latrine just behind it; to the right is a front view of the completed sanitation facility.

say no, HIV/AIDS education, malaria prevention, self

esteem/confidence, gender equality, and to offer career guidance. Each camp typically lasts for one full week with each day consisting of 3 lessons, arts and crafts activities, athletic activities, and group bonding time. In addition to these activities, each camp contains a career panel, a talent show where campers get to show off their greatest rap, dance, and comedy skills, a campfire with smores, and a movie night complete with a big screen and yummy snacks that the students go just about crazy for! Photo above: a group of BE campers posing during a break between life skill lessons.

STOMP Malaria STOMP Malaria is a Peace Corps organized and PCV run initiative that was created with the intent of STOMPing out malaria and getting the malaria burdened countries of sub-Saharan Africa to the preelimination phase that is so close within our reach that we can actually feel it. As a member of the STOMP Malaria mobilization team ,I served as the Eastern Region Representative and Liaison among PCVs, and the monitoring and evaluation co-chair. STOMP activities over the past two years have literally been endless, but a few that I have taken part in are community distributions for free mosquito nets, community and school lessons on how to use, hang, and care for mosquito nets, malaria messaging and mural painting, and a community wide anti-malaria parade.

Camps GLOW and BE GLOW (Girls Leading Our Word) and BE (Boys Excelling) are two separate camps that are put on by PCVs all over the world. The purpose of the camps is to teach secondary students a number of life skills including goal setting, practicing safe sex/learning to

Life Skills Clubs Life skills clubs take place within secondary schools and are organized by PCVs who have participated in a GLOW or BE camp. The purpose of the clubs, known as GLOW and BE clubs, is to create a means by which the students who attended camp can share what they learned with their peers and be a force for change within their communities. Life skills clubs focus most on HIV/AIDS prevention and education, however they also touch on the topics listed above under GLOW and BE Camps. Photo: GLOW students making cards for any woman who inspires them in celebration of International Women's Day. School Fees School fees in Rwanda are a major problem for secondary students as a lot of times, students' families are too poor to afford to pay them. With this being the case, many students tend to stop


going to school until their families are able to scrape up enough funds to send their child back to school or until they are able to find a job to pay the fees themselves. It's quite common to meet several students in village schools who are between the ages of 19 and 24; due to the fact that they weren't able to gather up the funds for several years. With regard to this issue and misfortune that most students cannot help, I teamed up with the Tucson Alumnae and Phoenix Metropolitan Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated to assist up to 48 students with their school fees for anywhere from one school term to 1 full year. Photo: the school headmaster and a group of students who have been helped by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporat ed.

over by my community counterpart, the Rwandan native who has helped to make each of my projects a huge success. Photo: the organizing and counting the books just after they were delivered by USAID. Host Mom in America Upon joining the Peace Corps, PCVs tend to learn that our work does not stop at the official close of our service. Peace Corps' first goal is to provide technically trained Americans at the request of any developing country. Goals two and three deal with cultural exchange on the part of both Americans and the peoples served and I will be partaking in these final two goals upon my return to the States. My host mother is coming home with me! She was approved for a visa at the end of May and will thus be visiting with my family for two weeks as her life long dream of visiting America comes to life right before her eyes. Photo below: myself and my host mother in her village home.

Community Library Cafe USAID, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that places much of its focus on youth and education has a program called "Community Mobile Libraries" for which they donate upward of 900 books to participating communities to encourage a culture of reading among Rwandans. I received books to begin a library a few months ago, however due to spacing availability, our library is being promoted on a smaller scale. Rather than being in a large room filled with tables, chairs, and numerous shelves, my community has decided to place the books in a community boutique so as to create a library café. This project is still in the works and will be taken

World Peace and Friendship Many volunteers come to a country with no idea what they were sent there to do. And sadly, there are still a number who leave still not knowing what their purpose was. All of my thanks go to God that this was not the case for me. I came to Rwanda unsure of my purpose, but I prayed…and sat…and thought…and prayed some more until the Lord showed me what He wanted me to do. And through this, I found my place, and I worked at it, and I made a difference. And that my friends, is what Peace Corps is all about. World peace and friendship and doing our best to make a difference :) Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea




John 14:12 King James Version (KJV) 12

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

My sacred place of prayer is in my prayer closet where no one or nothing exists; but Jesus. Where his peace and tranquility surrounds me and life stands still. In my sanctified place I close my eyes and imagine my real heavenly home where worship, joy and the wonders of heaven overflow. Walk with me through the three heavens examine where you want to go. Do you want to remain in the first second or third heaven? The First Heaven (The Atmosphere that surrounds the Earth) - Genesis 1:6–8 ESV And God said, d“Let there be an expanse1 in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 And God made2 the expanse and eseparated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were fabove the expanse. And it was so. 8 And God called the expanse Heaven.3 And there was evening and there was morning, the second day. 6

Second Heaven: consists of Outer Space, the Stars, Moon, and Stars fixed in orbit.

Psalm 19:4-6 New International Version (NIV) 4

Yet their voice[a] goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. 5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.


WHERE IS YOUR FATHER’S HOUSE? When I pass over I want to run to the throne of our Lord and worship Him endlessly for He gave His only begotten son for my sinful flesh. He loved me when I didn’t love me. Everyone needs to believe there is a better place other than this earth. Before my birth God molding me carried me, comforted me, suffered for me, and rejoiced with me. According to scripture; ” (1 John 3:2).ESV 2 Beloved, we are zGod’s children cnow, and what we will be dhas not yet appeared; but we know that ewhen He appears1 fwe shall be like Him, because gwe shall see H as he is. (1 Corinthians 15:47).ESV 47 kThe first man was from the earth, la man of dust; mthe second man is from heaven, no time existence. I can feel the light that radiates within lifts my very being. He makes it all seem right what the devil meant for destruction he in turn gave me victory. Did you know Paul was caught up in paradise third heaven? This means (paradeisos) Third Heaven. - This is place that the Lord resides with his holy angels, creatures and spirits of just men. Paul was taken and permitted to see “The Heavens of Heavens” where God dwells. This Third Heaven goes farther than the Second Heaven which is further than outer space and our stars. Jeremiah 8:2 King James Version (KJV) 2 And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.

Paul's Vision and His Thorn - 2 Corinthians 12 New International Version (NIV 1 I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows. 3 And I know that this man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows-- 4 was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell. 5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. 6 Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say. 7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, "My grace is


WHERE IS YOUR FATHER’S HOUSE? sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Paul's Concern for the Corinthians 11 I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it. I ought to have been commended by you, for I am not in the least inferior to the "super-apostles," even though I am nothing. 12 The things that mark an apostle--signs, wonders and miracles-were done among you with great perseverance. 13 How were you inferior to the other churches, except that I was never a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong! 14 Now I am ready to visit you for the third time, and I will not be a burden to you, because what I want is not your possessions but you. After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. 15 So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less? 16 Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery! 17 Did I exploit you through any of the men I sent you? 18 I urged Titus to go to you and I sent our brother with him. Titus did not exploit you, did he? Did we not act in the same spirit and follow the same course? 19 Have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves to you? We have been speaking in the sight of God as those in Christ; and everything we do, dear friends, is for your strengthening. 20 For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder. 21 I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged. Please feel free to direct your questions or comments to

See You In The Third Heaven

Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. Lupus of Nevada, Inc.




Mike Molina


CHICCY BARITONE - POET CHICCY BARITONE is not content with being the last in line. She has strategically moved her way to the front of the line where she maintains a strong presence. Introduced to the poetry circuit in 2001 and affectionately named, “Chiccy Baritone” (Pronounced “chick-y”) Charlene Evans lives up to the full meaning of her stage name - Chic, well-put together (spiritually and emotionally). CHICCY BARITONE uses her deep melodic alto voice to share her life stories in poetry form with much authority! Her work can best be described as spiritually grounded, filled with real life situations and God-filled solutions. CHICCY BARITONE resides in Greenville, SC and earned a degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from South Carolina State University. She moved Upstate to begin her journey into adulthood while working in the corporate arena. CHICCY BARITONE embraces that there are no limits when it comes to reaching people with her poetry; classrooms, clubs, Church . . . her stage is diverse. She knows this is only the beginning of where God is extending the use of his Word in her as His vessel. CHICCY BARITONE currently launched her sophomore project Wildflower January 2013 and engages her social media network through a monthly project called “Raw and Unedited Poetry Collection.” In addition, the prestigious internationally recognized TED Conference known for leveraging speakers like Bill Gates, selected Chiccy Baritone as a performing artist out of 150 nominees. TEDxGreenville conference occurs April 2014. CHICCY BARITONE knows this is only the beginning to where God is extending the use of His Word in the vessel of Charlene Evans, aka Chiccy Baritone. Her prayer is to speak words of LIFE and not death that will take root in your soul and spirit, LIVING long after she has left the stage. Poetry is life. Chiccy Baritone speaks life. What is life or Chiccy without poetry?

Custom Made



Debut CD “Next In Line” – 2004

“Wildflower” – 2013


‘Woman’ featured with The Mandela Martin Impact: Reflections of Life, Loss & Legacy Social Media Edition – February 2014

Performing artist for the annual MLK Weekend Greenville County nonprofit organization - January 2014

Performing artist on Carolina Now aired on WYCW Channel 62 - TV Now – November 2013

Featured writer in Impact Detroit Magazine, DeVon Franklin (Sony VP) Sparkle Holiday Edition – December 2013

‘Church Girl’ aired as intro during radio interview with UP TV Network screen writer Rhonda F. Baraka (Pastor Brown, Trinity Goodheart, Marry Me For Christmas ) - December 2013

Performer for ‘11th Annual Young Entrepreneur Conference,’ Auntie Karen Foundation, Benedict College – October 2013

Performing artist for Bishop I.V. Hilliard’s ‘Reunion Sunday Family and Friends Festival’ – October 2013

Featured monthly writer for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Social Media Site, Ransom – 2011, 2012

Featured in G Magazine, “Saved By the Written Word” – March 2009

Performing artist for Billy Graham Ministries Annual “Rock the River Tour” – 2009

Opening Act for Michelle Obama, Women’s Conference, Columbia, SC - May 2007

Cover of IMARA Woman Magazine - March/April 2007

Featured in MetroBeat Mag, “Hip Hop: Chiccy Baritone – Upstate poet’s world outreach” July 2006

Voted ‘Best New Poet’ by Las Vegas Poets Society – 2005

Featured in Greenville Magazine, “Young, Gifted and Black -16 African Americans changing the face of Greenville” – 2005

South Carolina State University (SCSU) Review Magazine, “Distinguish Alumni under 40" - Winter 2004-05

Creator/Producer of annual all women poetry showcase, “R U Skooled: From a Woman’s Perspective Poetically”


We at Sarah magazine recently had the Pleasure to Interview Charlene Evans Known as Chiccy Baritone. After reading her bio and listening to her unique poetry, I knew we had to put her in Sarah magazine. What a talented young woman! This is just a prelude to her upcoming cover story. I hope you enjoy reading this interview. Support her by purchasing her CD’s; you will be truly blessed when you listen to them.

Interview With Chiccy Baritone S.M. - I see that your music is spiritually grounded; did you start out singing in the church? C.B. - First of all I am not a singer. It started at my high school Spring Valley in Columbia, South Carolina, I was in a pageant. My talent was a poem; the poem was called A BLACK LOVE by Gwendolyn Brooks. My family was amazed! S.M- How did you transition into poetry?


C.B. - While in college, I would write poetry, I had a notebook that was filled with all my poetry. I performed at my college graduation in 2001. I would also do open mic. S.M – I read your bio and I see that you were selected for the TedxGreenville Conference out of 150 nominees. How did you feel and what was the process? C.B – It was a great experience for me! Everything went well. The process was very strenuous; it was a 4 month process. It took me 5 weeks to prepare for it. Chiccy performing at TedxGreenville conference. S.M- I understand that you will be going to South Africa. What will you be doing there? Tell me more about that. C.B- Yes! I will be traveling to S. Africa for a 2 ½ week vacation in addition to performing at the University of Pretoria (Chi Alpha Tuks) for a poetry event called UNMASKED in collaboration with Universal Xperience and Editor of In His Steps Magazine and host of UNMASKED, Adebayo Okeowo! I worked in S. Africa for 3 months in 2013 and fell in love! There was so much to see and I felt like I needed to go back to see some more sites and do some more Tours! So going back was more exciting than the first time and to be able to perform poetry was a double blessing! S.M – Do you have any CD’s available? Tell me about them. C.B- My first CD was called NEXT IN LINE-THAT’S YOUR BABY. My recent CD is called WILDFLOWER – Volume 1. My third CD is WILDFLOWER-Volume 2. S.M- How did you come up with the name WILDFLOWER?

C.B – it’s basically based on the Wildflower. A Wildflower takes over and blooms everywhere. It blooms in every season. Like a wildflower, I have no boundaries; I go wherever God leads me.

S.M- who is Chiccy Baritone outside of the music? C.B – Outside of the poetry and music, I have a career in Engineering for a Fortune 500 Company. My back ground is in Electrical Engineering with a degree from South Carolina State University. Currently I am working as a Project Controls Engineer and have been in the Engineering field for 13 years. I have afforded some amazing opportunities with engineering which have allowed me to see the world! I come from a family that includes 2 female engineers along with my father who naturally builds things and served as a huge motivator for me. In addition to engineering I am also a self-taught photographer and traveler that includes multiple out of the country trips like Jamaica, Bahamas and India and also multiple states within the United States.

S.M – What inspires you or who is your inspiration? C.B – CHRIST, all my creativity comes from Him. Meeting people all over and life experiences. My motto is, LIFE SITUATIONS WITH GOD FILLED SOLUTIONS. S.M – What words of wisdom/encouragement would you give to that young man or woman who wants to become a poet such as yourself? C.B- I would say to them to create a brand. If it’s consistent people will listen to it. It takes personality, good morals, values, standard boundaries and staying consistent. Most of all.. having a relationship with God. S.M – In your own words what would you like to say about you and your music?


C.B – I just want to continue to speak life with what God has given me. I want to be an influence to others. S.M – How can people contact you if they wanted to buy your CD’s or have you come and perform at one of their events? C.B – For appearances and interviews contact: Universal Xperience, or 313.434.3589

This was just a brief interview with this beautiful Woman of God. I really was blessed by all that she does. Please stay tuned, we will be doing a complete cover story on Charlene Evans/Chiccy Baritone in one of the upcoming issues of Sarah magazine. I hope you enjoyed. To discover more about Poet Chiccy Baritone, please visit her website I’d like to personally thank you Chiccy Baritone for taking time out of your busy schedule to do an interview for Sarah magazine.

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor


We Are Interviewing For‌.

As you all know Leah Alexis shared her high school journey with us. She has now moved to Missouri and is preparing for college. She wants to pass the mantle to someone else until she gets settled. We are now interviewing for teen talk. Parents: Do you have a teen or pre-teen that loves to write. We would like to have them in Sarah. We want teens that are serving God and would like to write positive articles to encourage other teens. They can be male or female; we just want to continue to reach out to our youth. What better way to do it through teens reaching out to other teens. Contact us, there articles will be read by teens worldwide. For more details email


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NWO is the latest acronym that you will want to know. Duane A. McCoy and Antoinette McCoy of DNA FILMWORKS, subsidiary of Epic Royal Entertainment, are producers of the latest apocalyptic movie called “NEW WORLD ORDER” (NWO). The story line is the journey of two women who are faced with a most important decision that will affect the rest of their lives and the impact they have on others. Do they choose to live under the anti-Christ or choose to die for the testimony of Jesus Christ? The point of the movie is a strong message and the fact that it is already resonating internally only leads one to believe that the message is articulated well in the script. The movie includes incredible action scenes that add volumes to the representation and intensity of the story. It is important for others to know that Duane and Antoinette’s hope is to educate and make the story of salvation understandable. They want to share about the trials and tribulations and where we are as a people. The message explains that we are already a church and that as believers or non-believers there will be choices that need to be made to escape the wrath of God. They want to encourage living life in such a way that souls will not be lost in the end, but won over to Jesus Christ.


My name is Lady Antoinette McCoy co-pastor of World Evangelistic Crusades International in Avondale, Arizona. My husband Apostle Duane A. McCoy and I wrote, produced and directed the latest Christian film called NEW WORLD ORDER "THE END HAS COME�. We are seeking an opportunity to come and share this great movie God has given us with you our fellow labors in Christ. New World Order came from a prophetic dream God gave Apostle McCoy some 14 years ago and now New World Order "The End Has Come" feature film is currently on National Distribution and is available in Walmart, Best Buy, Target, FYE and other Major Outlets as well as your local Christian bookstore. We are currently producing our 2nd Film in Hollywood: 7 YEARS "SURVIVE THE DARKNESS". New World Order is about two young females Demi Holloway and Christen Books living in the apocalyptic era. Forced to make a choice to either live under the New World Order of the antichrist or die for the testimony of Jesus Christ. Here is the trailer for your review. Should you like to move forward with a possible screening please feel free to give me a call at 480.696.0160. God Bless you! Best, Antoinette McCoy DNA Filmworks


COOKING WITH J.C With Your Ribs Here’s Some Good Side Dishes To Make With It.

J.C.’s NOTHING BUT RIBS This Is 4th Of July Meal For 4


8 lbs. of Baby Back Ribs RIB RUB In a bowl add…. ¼ cup of Olive Oil 2 tbsps. Brown Sugar 1 tbsp. Garlic Salt 1 tbsp. Onion Salt 1 tbsp. Meat Tenderizer 1tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Pepper Mix all ingredients together. Lay your Ribs on a large baking sheet. Brush your mixture on your Ribs. Cover with foil and let marinade overnight. When you’re ready to cook, heat up your grill and let ribs cook for 15 minutes per side. Continue this until you ribs are to your desired doneness. Add your favorite bar-b-que sauce.

8 Ears of Corn Wash and pat dry with paper towels In a small bowl add.. ½ stick melted Butter 1 tbsp. Lemon Pepper Mix together. Cut 8 pieces of Aluminum foil making sure your pieces are big enough to wrap your corn in. On each piece of the foil, brush the lemon pepper mixture on them. Place an ear of corn on each piece of foil and wrap tightly. Cook on the grill about 15 minutes.

(Pictures shown are not actual recipe) 36

Pineapple strawberry upside

cooking with J.C. continued


You will need a Bundt pan. Coat pan with cooking spray oil.

4lbs of Red Potatoes 1tsp White Vinegar 1tsp Salt 1tsp Pepper 1 tbsp. Dijon Mustard ¾ cup Mayonnaise ¾ cup Sour Cream 6 Hard Boiled Eggs (chopped) 2 sticks of Celery (chopped) ½ Red Onion (chopped) Wash and boil the whole red potatoes with the peels on about 15-20 minutes. Don’t let them get totally soft, because you don’t want them to get too mushy when mixing the ingredients. Once potatoes are done dice them up and set aside. In a large bowl, add all your ingredients and mix together. Add in your diced red potatoes and mix well. Chill your potatoes salad in the fridge until ready to eat.

1 bx. Yellow cake mix (your choice, cook according to package directions.) 1 can. Crushed Pineapples (drained) put the juice of pineapple aside, this will be used later. 7 Strawberries (sliced) Pour crushed Pineapples in the Bundt pan. Lay the Strawberries on top of Pineapples. Pour your cake batter on top of the fruit mixture, bake in oven at 300 until done. When cake is done, let cool. Once cooled flip unto a cake plate. Glaze for the cake In a medium sized bowl, pour in the juice from the crushed pineapples. Add 7 whole strawberries and 1 cup powdered sugar. Mix together and chill in fridge. Once you are ready to eat your cake, drizzle glaze mixture over it and top with some whip cream. (Note: poke holes in your cake before using the glaze; this makes the cake moist and soooo good!!) 37

Cooking with J.C. CONTINUED.. To complete your meal, make this sweet drink. Mix Mountain Dew and Strawberry Soda together and chill. Serve this with your dinner. This is not a dinner for the weight conscious person. This Is A 4th Of July Celebration Dinner!


Pictures shown are not actual recipe

Connect With J.C On Facebook

Jeannette Carradine38Crenshaw- J.C. +4

PICTURE THIS ON YOUR WALL!! Call me: 520-982-5977



! r e t u o h W

Whouter (website address is a microblogging website that values user’s Free Speech and Privacy. People are becoming afraid to use social media because of government spying and employers monitoring their employees, firings them or not hiring potential employees because of what they say on social media. Whouter Values Your Privacy! Mobile Apps are available on the App Store for IPhones and iPads and Google Play Store for Android Phones and Tablets. iPhone App Android App is a microblogging web application similar to Twitter. Users can create a free profile and whout (post) a 280 character text message with a photo. Users can also upgrade for $1.98 to add a 10 second audio and 15 second video whoutering (posting). Whouter was created because of government spying on social media users and companies are viewing employee’s social media post and firing them for their post. They are also viewing potential employee’s social media account and making a hiring decision based on what they find. This is wrong, unethical and illegal. Social Media companies also provided the NSA with a backdoor to monitor social media users. This is a violation of Free Speech and privacy rights under the US Constitutions. Whouter does not require a user’s real name or email address or any personal identifying information, nor do we store what is posted. Whouter is realtime and only the last six posts repeat. When a new whout is submitted, the oldest whout is automatically deleted. The goal is to restore Free Speech and Privacy Rights to everyone who is afraid of using social media because of what our and other governments and employers are now doing.



Wendy Deniece Allen was born June 18, 1965, to Alfred Allen and Katherine Harden- Holmes (mother deceased) in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from Fremont High school on her birthday June 18th 1983. Wendy excelled in English Composition, Music and Drama. This young woman’s talents include.. Being cast as Anita in “West Side Story”, Dorothy in “The Wiz”, Featured Vocalist in the Fremont Gospel Choir and being honored Featured Vocalist at her high school graduation. Wendy was accepted to UCLA and USC, however due to financial difficulties, was unable to attend. Wendy was a great student and was admitted to Southwest Community College in 1983. Wendy married in Aaron E. Bell in 1985 and served as a military spouse for nine years. Together they built a successful Military Lifestyle and during their union Wendy gave birth to two Sons, Andrew E. Bell and Matthew S. Allen Bell, One Her Heart and The Other Her Heart Beat. A mutual divorce took place in 1994. In 1997 Wendy met Kevin Karl Tribble and they married in 2001. On December 24th 2012 { Christmas Eve } the Divorce Decree was Stamped and Wendy Allen-Bell Wrote Her Book…


“MY EX TRIED TO KILL ME AND IT’S IN MY HAIR!!! “ A book intended to encourage Women, Young Women and Girls NEVER to Accept Less Than God’s Excellence for you. Wendy’s advice is “Wait on the Lord and Be of Good Courage. “

The year was 1994 and Wendy Allen –Bell was a guest on a cable television talk show in Los Angeles. After the wrap of the show Wendy was approached by the Supervisor of the television studio, he was impressed with her presence on the show she was interviewed on. Mr. Harold Brown (supervisor of the Studio) stated to Wendy and I quote “YOU CAN DO THIS!!” Wendy asked “What do you mean?” Mr. Brown stated “YOU SHOULD HOST YOUR OWN SHOW!!” Wendy took a moment and asked “what would that take?” Mr. Brown replied “Be trained and Certified as a Producer by our studio and the sky is the limit as “I see GREATNESS in YOU.” Three weeks later Wendy came up with the name.. SAINTS COMING HOME WITH YOUR HOST, WENDY ALLEN- BELL…”Where The Saints Come Home To Praise, Worship And To Fellowship.” The television show began in a featured artist variety show format, then grew to a Community Activist format, from there it grew to a remote format where they traveled when needed interviewing ONLY Positive topics. At that point it was Saints Coming Home Productions Incorporated due to the fact that it was not just Wendy, but a team of Media Professionals that captured her vision, believed and assisted whenever and where ever needed by God’s Grace and Gods Awesome Favor. To this day, Wendy is tremendously grateful to ALL who continue to assist her Productions in Excellence.


The Year was 1977 in 7th grade at Charles Drew Jr. High School Wendy Allen Met Ken Jones, Gifted Musician. Wendy was interested in singing live in the talent show that year and the BEST Piano Player she knew of was Ken Jones. She was nervous to ask his help as he was already a Professional. Well she gathered the nerve to ask Ken to please play for her at the talent show and much to her SURPRISE, Ken said YES. Ken informed Wendy that he was very serious about his music and if he was to play for her she MUST rehearse on his set schedule and be just as serious as he is. She agreed and it was at that moment that Ken Jones was The Very First Musical Director of Wendy Allen and Ken Jones. Wendy Allen WON The First Talent Show they EVER performed in and Every One they Performed in TOGETHER ever since. The group Strictly Business featuring Wendy Allen-Bell with Musical Director Ken Jones was formed years later. Ken and Wendy where in their 30’s and Ken accepted an assignment to Perform Internationally and the two lost contact. Ken Jones and Wendy Allen Won Most Talented in JR. High School together. Ken Jones and Wendy Allen toured Gospel Music Venues while in High School together. Ken Jones and Wendy Allen married other people and where Blessed with children through separate unions. Through 45

his first marriage Ken was Blessed with Ken Jones JR. and Kendra Jones both named for their father now Dr. Ken Jones as Ken holds an Accredited PHD in Church Music History. The year was 2012 and Wendy was very ill fighting Kidney Failure after a Kidney Transplant in 2007. Wendy’s Eldest Brother was ill and Wendy was called home to Los Angeles from Sacramento. Wendy needed HELP and called on Ken Jones. The Details are OVERWELMING as ONLY GOD Could Have Transpired The Events To Follow... Wendy now shares the events in her story…

I was 36yrs old. A successful event and video Production Producer, CEO of Saints Coming Home Productions Incorporated…Mother of two Sons and In an abusive second marriage of which I long suffered for 15years. I grew Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired and Wanted to Leave. I had grown weary of the Women of the Night calling my home , Cursing Me Out, and having the Nerve to Instruct me to Inform MY HUSBAND it is his bill time and he needed to show up to the designated Strip Joint he frequented. The physical abuse was the Final Straw. Time after time his false repentance got OLD as he would abuse me and I would cover for him, with the Police, his Employer, and above all, hiding the Abuse from my family. Even though I lived comfortably, we had Two Homes Custom Designed and Built, Drove the latest Model Cars, Wore Designer Clothing, positive cash flow, traveled as we saw fit, and Extended charity without need of


repayment nor expectation of return. None of it was Worth the STRESS That I was forced to live with on A Daily Basis, But I was determined to Be STRONG and Endure.

The day was December 25th 2001 Christmas morning. I woke early to groom myself and prepare Christmas breakfast for my family. I had a bad headache took an aspirin and thought nothing of it. As I stood in the mirror my left leg moved all the way to the left, and my right leg moved all the way to the right. I fell to the bathroom floor hitting my head on the door and lost total control of ALL nerves in my body. My husband heard me hit the floor and rushed to my aid pushing his way into the bathroom as my body was blocking the door. He picked me up and placed me on our bed in our bedroom. I remember thinking to myself‌. Thank GOD I did not lock that door. As he placed me on the bed to call 911 I began to gyrate like a fish out of water and the force of this seizure lifted me up off the bed and I hit my head again‌.this time on the bedroom door. My hearing was fading as all sound was as though I was underwater. I did mention I was grooming when this story began??? Picture waking up in the hospital Alone wrapped in an old sheet not even 300 Thread Count and Nothing Else. { I Recall The Paramedics Came Back To Check On Me and


were VERY Pleased I had survived as they Admitted they were concerned I would not make it. } It was later the Doctors informed me I had not One But TWO Grand mal seizures the Worse Seizures possible and I had Survived TWO in One Day!

As I looked around the hospital room, in walked a Doctor I had never seen. He tossed a pamphlet on the bed and stated “You Have Kidney Failure. “And Walked Out. I looked at the pamphlet titled “You Have Kidney Failure”…You Will Feel Depressed and Denial, after that I Stopped Reading because my older sister walked in with my youngest Son, my Niece and my husband. I passed the pamphlet to my sister and we both began to cry as she had been diagnosed with Kidney Failure two years prior and was already on Dialysis and the thought of her baby sister going through what she had been battling with was heart breaking.

I informed my Teenage Niece to take her baby cousin my baby boy Matthew home and get all the Christmas gifts from under the tree….because if we were going to spend Christmas in the hospital then I wanted it to be as fun as possible. She did as I asked giving my seven year senior sister and I an opportunity to talk freely without our children. The Kidney Specialist { Nephrologist } assigned


to me entered introduced himself to my sister and I and asked, “ Do you know HOW you got Kidney Failure?” I stated, “no”…He said from the looks of things you developed it due to high blood pressure { The Silent Killer. } I said I get exams regularly and after being denied Life Insurance I went for a full exam and was informed by that Doctor that all was well. The Nephrologist showed me my test results one year previously that had the Internist caught the problem we could have avoided the shock of what was to come. My left kidney had completely shriveled up and my right kidney was only operating at 20%.

High blood pressure never showed itself at any of my Doctors checkups. Yet I did have migraines and swelling regularly. Not thinking much of it due to my Mother and My Grandmother dealt with swelling so for me it was the “norm”. The women in my family are heavy so I was happy in my own skin and not concerned about the 280lbs I was carrying around. After being informed that I had Kidney Failure I was forced to choose between two options. A. Dialysis Treatment or B. Die Shortly After Without Dialysis. Dialysis is the removing of one’s blood from the body filtering it and returning the blood back to the body. This is normally done by the Kidney’s, but my Kidneys are No Longer Working. In order to remove the blood and return the blood that requires surgical access. There are Three Types of Surgeries 1. Catheter -This is a device that is surgically implanted under the skin usually directly to the heart that offers access to the blood stream. 2. Fistula- This is a surgical procedure connecting the artery and vein (AVF) allowing blood flow access for dialysis treatment.


3. Graph- This device is a plastic tube implanted under the skin connecting the artery and the vein allowing access to the blood for dialysis treatment. (AVG) When I had the First Surgery in My Life it was the Catheter that was placed in my thigh by mistake. Only to have it removed then a catheter placed in my neck…Surgeon Zigged when she should have Zagged and placed the Catheter in Error. At that point a Third Surgery was needed to position the Catheter in my neck to my heart then to place a Fistula in My Left Arm to heal then Dialysis through my Fistula can began. Having Dialysis through the Catheter in my chest was neither Cute nor Fun. It is a very intrusive procedure and can be painful as well. Not to mention very delicate as the need to avoid infection is GREAT. I was on Dialysis for almost six years.

August 4th, 2007 I got “The Call” to come from Sacramento California to Los Angeles to Cedar Sinai Medical Center to Receive My Kidney Transplant. The day of “The Call” I came home from Dialysis and my husband said you have a phone call. I asked him who is it and he said I do not know it sounds official. I answered the phone and the nurse on the other end was FRANTIC!! “Wendy We Have Been Trying To Contact YOU!! We have a Match For You and You Must Get Here ASAP!!” I was distraught as I could not afford an “on the spot trip” from Sacramento to Los Angeles….I shared this with my nurse and she stated “I will call you back in ten minutes.” When she called back she said…Get to Sacramento Airport we have taken care of your flight and will have a car waiting for


you at LAX to bring you To Cedars for Your Kidney Transplant. That was bitter sweet …..Honestly I was terrified! A dear friend Yvette Hicks flew with me as she and so many others had been praying for me to get a Transplant and she INSISTED to be at my side knowing I would be forced to go through this alone as the challenges in my marriage forced me not to expect support or encouragement from my spouse.

We made the flight only taking about an hour from Sacramento to LAX. The driver was waiting at LAX with a sign with my name, my friend and I got in the car. The City I grew up in looked different to me somehow…It was silent and I felt as though my ENTIRE Life was about to change. We got to the hospital and the Surgical Team Met with me and asked if I was ready to do this?? I said “Thank You for taking care of me.” The Doctor said… “IT IS NOT US IT IS GOD.” To This Day I Can Not Recall The Face of That Doctor.. But The One Thing I Do Remember is The Comfort and Peace That Came over Me as I Drifted off under the anesthesia.

When I woke in the recovery room the pain was great yet I was HAPPY to be alive. The doctor told me “Wendy There was Five others that received Transplants the same time as you and yours is the Only One That Fired….Meaning it was the Only One working. All others either died or went immediately back on dialysis. WE NEED YOU TO FIGHT!!


He came in with the entire Transplant Team and They All Looked On As The Head Surgeon Asked If I would Like To Know where my newly Transplanted Kidney Came From?? I said a resounding yes! The Doctor told me The Young Man was 27years Old in Excellent health had a car accident and his Family Donated His Organs. I BEGAN TO CRY MY EYES OUT!!! I apologized to my team for losing control, and explained all I could think about was the poor young man’s Mother, and being a Mother myself would I have had the courage to honor such a gift, as it was her Sons wishes to be an Organ Donor.

No truer words have ever been spoken when my Doctors told me I had to FIGHT for my Life. The medications to keep the new Kidney going did not agree with my system and the Doctors had to go to special chemist to develop medications to keep the medications down as I was throwing up everything even water. I had Stomach specialist that found a bleeding ulcer, during the Kidney Transplant, Fibroid Tumors were found and left inside of me as it would have taken more surgery to remove them putting the new Kidney at risk. The walls of my hospital room were plastered with the side effects from each medication so I could learn what to look out for as this was Now My New Life Style. I was in the hospital 17 days and each day was work and test after test. It was the largest challenge of my life yet all I knew to do was Pray and Trust God.

I wanted to know the details behind HOW I got Kidney Failure. I was a Clinical Trial Subject with Cedar Sinai Medical Center. When I looked back


over my life and after detailed discussions and research with my Doctors I found all my troubles began with “STRESS”! 1. I was stressed out in an abusive marriage that stopped me from doing what I loved {Singing and Producing} 2. Stress Developed Bleeding Ulcer. 3. Bleeding Ulcer Developed High Blood Pressure. 4. High Blood Pressure Stole Kidneys Causing End Stage Renal Failure. 5. Developed Thyroid and Para Thyroid Problems Found Cancer in Thyroid. 6. Had Hysterectomy to remove Painful Fibroid Tumors Size of Grapefruits. So Much More..

After 17days in the hospital I was released under Strict Instructions. No Animals No Plants No Small Children {Especially With Colds or Flu} Medications MUST Be Taken Same Time Twice a Day. So many rules and regulations, The Fight For My Life Surely Was ON!! Doctors’ Orders were… Only Deal With Positive People and ANYTHING Causing Me Stress Remove Myself From It PERIOD! DaVita In-Home Hemodialysis Training Nurse Bonnie Perry Dr. Ken Jones & Wendy Allen-Bell


While recovering from my Kidney Transplant in Los Angeles at the kindness of my Father , Step Mother, Siblings, Nieces and Nephews MY HUSBAND THEN EX HUSBAND NOW FILED A RESTRAINER ORDER ON ME TO STOP ME FROM BEING ABLE TO RETURN TO OUR HOME. He moved in another woman into our home while I was fighting for my life and financially cut me off. I had no clothes, no shoes, nothing fit properly after my Transplant and I did not have money to feed myself. My family was outraged that I was with my husband as long as I had been and he would behave in such a manner leaving me during such a time as this. BOTTOMLINE GOD HAD TO ALLOW ME TO LEARN HE IS MY SOURCE AND SOMETHING FAR BETTER WAS IN STORE JUST TRUST GOD!!

Only three weeks after my Kidney Transplant I went back in to Producing. I got a position with The Christian Business Expo in Atlanta as Marketing Director. I Came back after that assignment to Los Angeles and became Director of Media for Cover The Children Ministries, Revived Saints Coming Home Productions Incorporated as CEO and Became a Certified Editor at The Hollywood Location of Time Warner Studios. ALL I COULD DO WAS TRUST GOD!! During my healing process I met a lot of people and shared my testimony to all that would listen. I became a spokeswoman for Donate Life of


California. Under the direction of Dr. Ken Jones The Wendy Allen Bell Foundation was formed.

Many challenges have come my way, yet I MUST share the gift That Only God Could Have Granted. I have known Dr. Ken Jones since 7th Grade at Charles Drew JR. High; we also went to John C. Fremont High School together. Formed The Music Group Strictly Business Featuring Wendy Allen-Bell with Musical Director Ken Jones. Ken traveled internationally and we lost contact. Years went by and Ken and I reconnected during a time in my life when Only Ken Jones could have stepped in and saved the day. My eldest brother Deacon Gerald Harris passed away { Needing A Kidney More Details In My Book “ Tell Them What The Doctors Told You, But SHOW Them What God Did!!” } I NEEDED HELP and The Spirit of The Lord Said Call Ken Jones. I was so overwhelmed at the challenges I was battling as my Transplanted Kidney was failing. I had no idea how to contact Ken; again it had been years since we had spoken. I had one number on him and much to my shock it was correct! I got the voice mail and left a message. Ken called me back late that night…I told him I needed help getting home to Los Angeles and He said “However I Can Help YOU, I Will Wendy.”

As I type now, I think back that Trusting GOD Got Me The Biggest Blessing Of My Life. Ken Came Through For Me…It was as if we had never been apart. He produced the Video for my brothers Home Going Celebration. He called on one of his artist to sing at the Home Going. He played and sang at the Home Going. He paid for my flight home to Los Angeles and Produced a Donor Drive 800 Persons Standing Room Only, huge Success.


Ken Jones has been my FRIEND since I was a Girl and I Loved Him Then. Loving Him NOW… is a Real Grown Folks Adult Love. Loving Him Now…. is A Joy That Fills My Heart Daily. Loving Him Now…. is My Pleasure, and November 7th, 2013 the Day Dr. Ken Jones made Wendy Allen-Bell his wife WAS ONE OF THE PROUDEST DAYS OF MY LIFE AND I KNOW This Union Is Ordained By GOD!!! I LOVE YOU MY HUSBAND.

June 2012 my Transplanted Kidney Failed. In an effort to save my newly Transplanted Kidney I was overdosed and all my hair fell out lesions developed on my scalp and the pain was Overwhelming. I had to adjust to the loss of my new Kidney and The Next Stage of My Life….ONLY GOD COULD HAVE MADE HAPPEN…. I have been in the U C Davis Sacramento system for more than eleven years. After being told by U C Davis Sacramento Transplant Team That They Are Ill Equip to Provide Me With A New Transplant and that I would need to return to Southern California to pursue Possibly getting on another list for another Transplant, TRUST Me That Stressed Me OUT and My Health Began To Fail. The 56

doctors were not my favorite people at that time, but once again I HAD To Trust GOD. Weeks after that my Nephrologist Dr. Jose Morfin approached me with what he stated was the Next Best Thing To a New Kidney.

In-Center Treatment Most Kidney Patients receive In-Center Treatment. In-Center treatment is performed, three times a week. It Restricts your schedule, and confines you to the chair. You spend most of your day recovering from your treatment in my experience. April 2014 my Husband Ken and I Completed In-Home Hemodialysis Training on The NxStage In-Home Hemodialysis System Under The Training Criteria of DaVita Calvine In Home Training Center in Sacramento , California.


NxStage In-Home Hemodialysis is helping me take my life back. I am now able to set my dialysis schedule to fit MY needs. I now receive five treatments per week ONLY for two hours each, VS. Three times a week four hours per session. I am Now able to travel without being forced to find a dialysis facility in a strange town to treat me. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!! I use to be too tired after dialysis for exercise like a simple romantic walk that I enjoy often now with my Husband. I HAVE TAKEN BACK CONTROL OF MY LIFE!!


The Wendy Allen Bell Foundation is Dialysis and Post-Transplant Patient Advocates. Our mandate is to assist Dialysis and Post-Transplant Patients with the day to day needs. Far too often the daily needs of our Patient Clients Go Un Met. They must choose between Medicine or Groceries. This is just sad as we are our brother’s keeper. July 12th 2014 Dr. Ken Jones President of The Wendy Allen Bell Foundation will Be Live in a Benefit Concert in an effort to raise funds to assist this worthy Foundation. View our website @ And Follow Our Journey on Facebook At Wendy Allen-Bell Foundation


My Production Company Saints Coming Home Productions Incorporated, Produced A Purity Ceremony For Sarah’s Daughters Out Of Bishop Noel Jones Ministry The City Of Refuge In Los Angeles ,California 60

I pray that my story has been both a blessing and encouragement to you.

Wendy Allen-Bell

Our Pastors Pastor William O. Litton & First Lady Betty Litton With Dr. Ken Jones and Wendy Allen-Bell


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November 2013



ingdom oupleFeeding YOU

Spiritually and Physically!

Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster


MARCH 2014

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What God has for You! Helena and Isaac Price



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Do you want to be on the cover of SARAH Magazine? Do you have a ministry that you would like to share with the world? Consider interviewing for the cover!

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist It takes more than hair products! by Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Hair can measure your health! It may sound crazy but your hair does communicate with you. Hair that is dry, brittle or has a slower growth rate could be an indication that something is wrong internally. No matter how great a hair product may be it only nurtures hair from the outside. Nurturing from the inside should be your first line of defense when maintaining healthy hair. Your hair doesn’t stand a chance outside of your follicle if it doesn’t have a good start on the cellular level! Here’s how it works. On almost every part of your body there are hair follicles. A hair follicle is a part of the skin, which grows a hair by packing old cells together and pushing them out above the skin’s surface. These old cells are what we like to call keratin. This keratinous fiber is your hair! In your body’s healthiest state keratin protein is readily available for your follicles to produce hair. The more keratin in hair the healthier it is. If the body experiences poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, and/or illness your keratin levels may be lower. Low keratin levels will result in hair that grows slower, becomes easily damaged, is rough to the touch and may be frizzy. To avoid growing these weaker versions of your hair follow these simple rules daily. 1. Get a full nights rest daily. Sleep affects the body’s ability to function properly. An adult human should have a minimum 7-8 hours of sleep a daily. 2. Eat healthy. Nutritionist Lisa Drayer, MA, RD and author of The Beauty diet says, “Just like every other part of your body, the cells and processes that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet”. Foods like Salmon, Walnuts, Eggs, lentils, Oysters, and green Veggies all aid in healthy hair growth. 3. Minimize stress. Small amounts of day to day stress are not enough to cause hair loss. However, stressful situations that cause loss of appetite or change in sleep pattern can affect keratin levels. 4. Be aware of Illness. Often times illness related hair issues cannot be avoided. Certain illnesses or medications can cause hair loss. I advise that you speak with your primary doctor to address these situations. 64

The factors above are the most important when it comes to your hair regime. Without them you will find it difficult to cultivate and maintain healthy hair. Hair products will never be enough if your hair isn’t given a fair chance. As you grow your hair always keep in mind that if you pay attention to your body it will pay attention to your hair. Ladies and Gentlemen it takes more than hair products! For more information sources have been cited below. Reference:




Rape is a crime against women and girls and its at a crisis level globally. I propose to design and manufacture an AntiRape-Pad that will allow women to protect themselves and create fear in the minds of rapist and potential rapist. The design of this small device will fit into the palm of the hand and when used, it will insert over 20 sharp needles with hooks into the rapist, which can only be removed by a physicians with a special key that retracts the hooks. I need your help to design, manufacture and distribute these devices for free to women and girls in the most affected parts of the world. Help 66 me end rape for good with your donation!

Crimes Against Women Rape is a crime against women and girls and its at a crisis level globally. I propose to design and manufacture an Anti-Rape-Pad that will allow women to protect themselves and create fear in the minds of rapist and potential rapist. The design of this small device will fit into the palm of the hand and when used, it will insert over 20 sharp needles with hooks into the rapist, which can only be removed by a physicians with a special key that retracts the hooks. I need your help to design, manufacture and distribute these devices for free to women and girls in the most affected parts of the world. Help me end rape for good with your donation! Please share this information with friends, family and associates. Sincerely, Charles E. Campbell, Founder & CEO Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC), Inc. The Quiet Resolution (TQR, Inc.) My Money Reynoldsburg, Ohio USA 43068 1-614-668-0327 67


11 Bootstrapping Ideas to Start or Expand Your Business When Funding is not an Option Part Two, by Oma Edoja In my last article, I shared 5 things you can do to raise money to start up or expand your business. In this final article in the start-up series, I share 6 more boot strapping ideas for small businesses. These are ways to save money, free up money, find money and tap into your own resources plus those of others, to start or expand your business. 6. Other income streams

While you wait for the money to come in from your own products and services, you can become an affiliate for someone else’s. When I offer this suggestion, I usually get a quick response saying, “Oh no, I would be diluting my own efforts by promoting other people’s products.” This is due to a misunderstanding of affiliate marketing, so let me clear this up here. An affiliate is someone who promotes a product, service or event on behalf of someone else and gets paid a commission on the sales they make. In my business, I support women business owners with marketing and developing their businesses. In the course of their marketing and business development, they often need email marketing software, Skype recording software, web hosting and various kinds of support that I do not offer. I find that I am recommending these all the time to my clients, having tried several out and found some I am happy to recommend. And since many of these providers have affiliate programs I decided to become an affiliate and make commissions on each referral. Note that I am promoting COMPLIMENTARY products and services, not COMPETING ones, so there is no chance of “diluting my own efforts.” Also, in compliance with the law, I make it clear when I am promoting a product as an affiliate that I stand to make a commission. And thirdly, I only ever become an affiliate of a product or service that I have used satisfactorily myself or a business whose reputation I trust. So, as an affiliate of carefully selected complimentary products and services, I am actually taking a huge load off my clients. I am saving them the time, effort and frustration of searching for a suitable provider and I am helping to develop their business. My clients do not pay me for this added service and it is only fair that the company whose products I am recommending do so. I have received affiliate commissions for various complimentary products and services and even a training event. This extra income has been very handy to invest back into my business and to tide me over lean times. Not all products are winners and not all companies make good affiliate partners, so your due diligence is required. An affiliate income stream can take a while to build up, just like any other. But on the whole, affiliate marketing can be a viable way to make extra cash that you can invest in your start up or business expansion. 69

Another extra income stream that I have tapped into in the past has been by offering my services as a writer. I have been paid to write a column for an international lifestyle magazine and also as a contributor to a children’s and adult’s daily devotional. What skills do you have that you can monetize to make start-up or expansion money? You could do this as an odd job on the side as you build your business. Get started with it today! 7. Leverage! Begin building your network and nurturing relationships before you launch or expand your business. Your contacts are human capital. Start making them before you need them. Then when you are ready to launch your new product or endeavour, do this through joint ventures with your contacts, to reach more people than you could on your own. In this way, you are able to reach their database of trusted customers, so it shortens your route to market. As a new, unknown business owner, this saves you much time and effort and helps you get more business quickly. A joint venture is a one –off collaboration between two or more businesses, where all parties bring their resources to the table and benefit in some way from the collaboration. After the joint venture is over, all parties go their separate ways, unless they wish to collaborate again. So, for example, a new dietician might joint venture with an established personal trainer and a personal stylist in the form of a private retreat. The dietician is then able to reach the client bases of both the personal trainer and stylist. After the collaboration, they become the dietician’s customers too. Another form of leverage is joint-promotion, where two or more businesses pool their resources to run a promotion that benefits all parties. If you are on a tight budget and unable to finance a promotion alone, why not consider a joint-promotion with some complimentary businesses? A third way to leverage the resources of others is through sponsorships. You can find sponsors to finance a public presentation, which you offer free to your attendees. Then you can up-sell a paid product or service to the audience. 8. Personal credit Work on your credit rating long before you need credit! Keep it healthy and endeavour not to take out credit for what you cannot pay off in 30 days, to avoid interest and mounting debt. Then, if you do need credit during your start-up or expansion phase, it will be in good shape and available to use.


9. Scale down and free up! Do you really need all the computer soft ware, magazine subscriptions, memberships etc you currently have? Take a long, hard look at what is essential and what is just good to have and scale down to free up cash for your business. Keep an eye on your expenses. You could be paying for things you do not need to. At one time, unknown to me, I was paying for a phone set long after the contract ended. Payments did not stop being taken until I called the company and stopped them. They said it was my duty to stop the payments, not theirs! I also discovered I was paying for insurance for a mobile phone handset which I did not authorize. I was able to process a $143 refund. I also discovered a free trial membership that had gone on to a full paying program without my consent. I nipped it in the bud just in time to get my $34 back! You can free up money by cancelling subscriptions you do not want or did not authorize. Read every line of your bills and statements to be sure you are not being ripped off in this way! 10. Borrowing from family and friends can be less hassle than from banks. You might want to consider The Bank of Mum and Dad! 11. Pre-sell! Build your community of engaged followers then invite them to invest in your service before you even create it! Then use your customers’ money to create and deliver the service at a profit. You can even offer gift certificates, so people can buy your product or service for themselves up front! I hope these 11 bootstrapping ideas will help you save money, free up money or find money to invest in your business. If you have questions on any of these tips, you are welcome to contact me at the link below. ========================= Oma Edoja is an author, speaker and Women’s Business Growth Mentor who is passionate about empowering women! She is the Founder of Women Thriving in Business International, a global support community for women entrepreneurs and the host of her own talk show for women in business, Your Business, Your Heart! Oma invites you to receive a free copy of her book, “The Essential Get Clients Guide: 14 Reasons Women Business Owners Struggle to Get Clients and How to Avoid Them” at and to visit her community for women entrepreneurs at www. You can also send any questions to Oma here.


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we met Jesus. Our world, our lives turned around and we were on the right road to fulfill the plan God has for each of us. In Jeremiah 29:11, God declared, God promised that He has plans for each of us to glorify Him (NIV & NLT). I will let you in on a little secret; the reason there are plans is because He knows us and our capacity to fail, to mess up, and just plain get it wrong. So He has contingency plans to get us back on the road to destiny.

With everyone else coming out the closet flaunting their foolishness and rebellious ways against God. I just wanted to remind Christians who they are and challenge them to come out the closet and be who God created them to be! We as born again believers, blood washed redeemed saints of the Most High and we are more than what we see. We are joint heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17); we are now the SONS and DAUGHTERS of God. (1 John 3:2) NOW ARE WE! We are because God is, and God has made us fearfully and wonderfully. (Psalms 139:14) God made us to be HIS children of destiny; fulfilling HIS Promise, full of Possibility, with unlimited Potential. When I was a Cub Scout Leader in San Antonio, one of the things I used to have the scouts recite to encourage them and build them up was, “I am possibility, I am promise, I am potential. Kingdom people; you are possibility, promise and potential!

The plans He has for us are for our good, to bring about the results He has ordained to be. Now often those plans require us to go through things that are painful, embarrassing, cause tears to flow and us to be angry with God, the church and everything in between. Psalms 37:23 reminds us that, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” (KJV) Now look at how the New Living Translation says it, “23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 24 Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” No matter what you step through and over God has you! It is in those times of stepping through and stepping over that we need to remember what God says about us, what we can do and who we are in HIM!

Until we met Jesus we did not and could not fulfill the possibility that God had planned for us. While we were in our sins we had no access to the Father to reach our full potential, then 74

“But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” (Daniel 11:32a) Since we know God and He knows us, is in us,

with us, (Emanuel) and for us there is nothing we cannot do. We are God’s people and we are expected to do great things. Jesus said “Greater works shall you do.” As believers we should lay hands on the sick and know that they will recover. However because; we do not believe it can happen, so it does not happen. “According to YOUR faith, YOUR faith has made you whole” When we forget who we are, whose we are and the authority we have been given, our lack of faith negates the potential blessing in us from coming out. In many cases, we have never been told or taught that you can do what the Bible says you can do.

God can use us to be a blessing, or to do anything else He wants us to be or do? We have more faith in a light switch than we do in ourselves. Flip it on and you know the light will come on. God says you can do this or that, but you have to figure out how it supposed to happen first. We have to stop selling our selves short, and stop listening to the lies the devil and the world has told us. If we come to God and ask Him for anything we have to believe that He will give us that which we seek. If we are praying according to His will and His word what we ask for will come to pass. It is His will for us to be blessed and prosperous and to be a blessing to those around us. God is a rewarder of those who seek him diligently and believe that He is. (Hebrews 11:6) In times past it was good enough to know that God was able, but we now have to know that He is able and willing to do for us, that which we need. Paul said, “He is more than able to keep us...” You need to know without a doubt that God will do for you; exceedingly, abundantly, above what you can ask or think.

Throughout the Gospels Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” And we need to say it over and over again until we get in our heads and in our hearts and in our spirits. We should make it our theme, our motto. Nothing is impossible to God’s people if they will believe Him! Nothing is too hard for God, who is our source, and if He is the source of our supply, then IT IS possible and there is nothing (NO THING) too hard for us to do. We make it hard to do when we doubt God or the God in us, who is for us and who is with us. If we learn the principles in the Bible and observe to do what the Bible says, then we can and will do all that we are called to do.

We are to do more than what Jesus did because there are more of us to do what He did. We can lay hands on the sick and watch them recover; we are to speak words of life. We are supposed to change the world. Yes you and me! It is in us to do so, just like Ragu it’s in there. Believe it, receive, and do it! We are to give flavor to this bland world that is why we are different and are supposed to be. We are to bring light into this dark world.

Paul boldly stated that, I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me,” (Philippians 4:13) because he knew where his power and authority came from. JESUS! The potential exists in all of us to do all things, to do GREAT THINGS. If it’s in the Bible, we can do it, but we have to believe we can do it. And that is our main problem. If we can believe that God will bless us, why can’t we believe 75

For so long we only believed God could, if He wanted to. He wants to bless us, but we have been deceived by

the enemy to believe God might bless us, or that we don’t deserve God’s blessings. The devil is a liar!! And there is no truth in him! Every promise of God is yeah and again amen! (2 Corinthians1:20) We are God’s promise to the people who don’t know Him. Don’t you know that every good and perfect gift comes from God the Father? (James 1:17) Don’t you are understand YOU are a gift of God to those who encounter you? God loves and He gives. YOU ARE A GIFT!

through Christ. I have authority in Christ.” “In Him I live and move and have my being.” “I am blessed coming in and going out.” “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” The only way you can affirm yourself with what God says about you, YOU have to open up your Bible and read it. The preceding affirmations are in the Bible, your homework is to find them, learn them, and believe them. I am PROMISE, I am POSSIBILITY, and I am POTENTIAL according to the Word of God. Like Caleb told the children of Israel “We are well able to overcome it!” (KJV) “We are well able to conqueror it.” AMP “We can certainly do it.” (NIV) {Numbers 13:30} DECLARE TODAY AND FOREVERMORE I AM WELL ABLE TO DO WHAT GOD NEEDS ME TO DO. I AM WELL ABLE BECAUSE HE PROMISED. I AM WELL ABLE BECAUSE HE MAKES IT POSSIBLE. I AM WELL ABLE BECAUSE THE POTENTIAL TO DO GREAT THINGS IS IN ME PLACED BY THE HAND OF GOD.

God so loved the world, He GAVE His only son. God so loved you He gave to you Jesus, the Word, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Deliverer, Jesus the Transformer, Jesus the Restorer. God still loves you and He is still giving to you. God so loved Tucson He gave it many churches where His Word is being preached and taught. God so loves you, He gives you pastors, teachers, brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage you and challenge you to fulfill your God given potential. Each of us are a blessing first to one another and then to the people of Tucson, to our jobs, to our family and to our friends. He so loves you He gave this magazine and this article just for you.

New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Il. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Jesus affirmed himself in the Book of John seven times; “I am the Bread of Life” (6:35&48), “I am the Light of the World”(8:12), “I am the Door”(10:9), “I am the Good Shepherd”(10:11&14), “I am the Resurrection”(11:25), “I am the True vine”(15:1), “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”(14:6). Just as Jesus affirmed Himself, we need to affirm who we are in Christ, according to the Word of God. “I am the head and not the tail.” “I am MORE than a conqueror.” “I am an over comer and I can do all things

Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

Elder V. William Price is an ordained minister serving at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Terry West and Apostolic covering of Apostle Jesse West II. He currently serves as the Director


of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International providing vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. He is also the Pastor of the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Gospel Service. He has a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and a Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University. He has a vision and is driven to be a blessing to the body of Christ. He strives to encourage, edify, and challenge the body of Christ to worship, live, think, and prosper as the Bible says we can and should through anointed teaching, preaching, and by being a living example of scriptural truths.

LaNita Price’s Husband blessed us with Nuggets That Nurture This Month. Hope you Enjoyed‌


OK, so I’m going to warn you now that this question is going to raise a few eyebrows, but it’s a topic that keeps coming into my mind each time I hear people going on and on about gay me first say that I’m not gay or a Biblical scholar, but it’s been stated that Jesus did not mention anything about gay people. IS THAT CORRECT? Secondly, it strikes me as being very hypocritical for Christians in particular to go on and on about gay people, seemingly making them out to be as bad as the anti-Christ when they remain silent on fornication, remarriage (unless it’s supported by Biblical Scriptures such as being widowed),etc. The Scripture that comes to mind is: Matthew 23:24 “you blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.”

SO, what are your thoughts on why people get so heated about a portion of the population that is very small according to most census data, but then don’t take a stand on some other actions that are rampant throughout the worldly let alone Christian, community. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Renée Purdie Please send your comments to we will post it in next months issue.


g n i l Welcome l Ca to all . . . s e l Sing

the Singles Section of SARAH! 79

LAST MONTH’S SINGLES QUESTION??? When you are dating as a Christian, should you always go in a group or is it safe to go by yourselves? What is safe dating for Christians? If we are both Christians isn’t ok to go out without chaperons all the time? I would like to know. I feel I am grown enough to know what to do and what not to do… I’d like to know what you think about this topic my fellow singles??? Signed. Just Need Answers So, the question is whether you have to always go out in a group or if it's okay to date solo. Well, I would say that even if the person is a Christian that you should exercise caution. I strongly recommend that you do not go to either of your homes, or any other place where you're the only ones there, as temptation can be a real problem, especially if you know what you're missing and you're following the Word of God about NOT being a fornicator, i.e. having sex with someone when you're not married to them. Going to a movie, out to dinner, bowling, etc. are all good choices. Trust is good, but it has to be earned. Signed, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY Hello my sistah; I used to think just like you. I thought I didn’t need a chaperon when I was dating as a single Christian woman. For a while I had everything in control. As long as I kept my guard up as to what I wasn’t going to do, all went well. The more


attracted we became to each other my guard began to drop. I found myself in something that I regret!! All I have to say is BE CAREFUL MY SISTAH! I read about the person who asked about dating in a group. I don’t see anything wrong with you and the person you’re dating going out alone. How are you going to get to know each other if it’s always someone with you. There might be things you’d like to talk about and you don’t want everyone knowing. I think if you stand your ground on your beliefs, I think you would be ok to go out by yourselves. Signed, I’M JUST SAYING.. I don’t know if you are male or female. But I went out with my now husband alone. It’s all about maturity and boundaries. If you know what you want and how you want to be treated, you are going to do the right thing. I’m not saying you don’t get tempted, but again I say, you both must have a love for Christ and a relationship with Him. When you have a strong relationship with Christ, you are going to do the right thing. The Holy Spirit will let you know, when, where, and what not to do, when you listen. Everyone has an opinion on how you should date as a single person, but I say listen to God and again it’s all about boundaries and maturity. Signed, KNOW YOU’RE BOUNDARIES! In Response To The Question, All I Got To Say Is.. PROCEED WITH CAUTION! ANONYMOUS..

THIS MONTH’S SINGLES QUESTION??? I have been reading the singles section and I see it’s mostly women sending in 81

questions. Well I have a question for all you ladies out there. Here it goes.. I would like to know why women always say they are looking for a good man. Their favorite saying is that, “There Are No Good Men Left”. They say that we are either GAY, IN JAIL, MARRIED OR ON THE DOWNLOW. When a good man comes into your life and tries to treat you right, you put them on your only FRIENDS list. You continue to date the guy that is treating you bad. There are still some good men out there and I am one of them. My experience is that it seems its all talk, when it’s right in your face, you don’t appreciate it. My questions are; WHAT DO YOU LADIES WANT? WHAT CAN A GOOD MAN DO TO MEET A FOR REAL GOOD WOMAN?

WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR RESPONSES.. Married or single, we’d like your feedback. Let’s keep the conversation going on all these questions. If you have a question, please send it to us. Remember You Can Remain Anonymous


Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

To get

of my book, click on the link:

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Remember... IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!! See You Next Month… God bless

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