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JUNE 2014

Wonderful S. Davidson


Branded: No one can hold you back unless you let them!

Happy Father’s Day! Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

Look inside for the New Single by Stephanie D. Sanders

Greetings everyone; I pray that you all are doing well. I must say God is still doing great things for me personally and Sarah magazine. He amazes me every day. Once again he has blessed us to come to you yet another month with more great articles, food, business information and so much more. I would like a moment to say Congratulations to all the 2014 graduates. I would also like to say Happy Father’s day to all the fathers out there that chose to do the right thing and take care of their children. We sometimes forget to give fathers their due praise. It’s a lot of men out there that are deadbeat dads and we tend to categorize all men as the same. Believe me there are some truly good fathers out there. So once again Happy Father’s day, my hats off to you!! Can you believe that we are in the month of June already! It’s officially summer, a least here in Arizona, its hot already!!! We are already in the 100’s. When it gets too hot to go outside, just kick back with a glass of Iced Tea and read Sarah magazine.

Did you enjoy last month’s issue? Our cover story was awesome! We got a lot of great feedback on it. I hope you took the time to read all the information she gave about Lupus. This month’s cover story is awesome as well. If the system is trying to label your child, you need to read her powerful story. This story will really inspire you. Along with the awesome cover story, as always, we have a little something for everyone this month. If you have any questions or maybe some suggestions of what you’d like to see in Sarah, contact us, we welcome your suggestions. Once again thank you so much for continuing to read our magazine. If you are wondering how to place an ad in our magazine or would like to be on the cover and share your story, contact us. Don’t let the cost of advertising hold you back, we cater to all budgets. So I hope to see you in the next edition of Sarah. Now my friends, sit down relax and turn this page and get ready for some good reading. Enjoy…. Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

June 2014

Contents 80. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr.

72. SISTA GURL- One Act Play 3. MORNING INSPIRATIONDarlene Thompson

8. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-Leach

70. DADDY I MISS YOU- Helena Price


By Dametreea Carr



Evangelist Debra Ramsey

25. INTO THE DEEP- Rev. Phyllis

Show reviews- By Minister Sheree Casey



Pastor Teirrah McNair


BLACK BOOK FAIR – Pastor Teirrah McNair




CONGRATULATIONS-Class of 2014, Powell Family


18. DIASTER RECOVERY 101- By Renee’ Purdie



Oma Edoja

77. Text4Biz-Juanna 68. Whouter!

28. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw

ContentsContinued 56. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS WITH URFAVSTYLIST – By Dianna Grissette

16. Celebrity Hair ExtensionsBrigandis Inc.

66. Health Courage & LoveMENTAL DISORDERS- Dr. Calvinia Williams


4. Welcome 10. CHARITY CHANGE- Charles Campbell 89. This Could Be You 54. Coming Next Month! 34. Interviewing 76. Subscribe 88. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine CHARITY CHANGE- Charles Campbell

ENCOURAGEMENT When Our Father created the heavens and the earth, He created Man. This Man was created in His image, with all of the power and dominion given. When He created Woman from the rib of Man, they were intended to be a team, sharing in that power and dominion. This team was provided attributes, strengths and weakness that separately can function; however together they would be a dynamite duo!

you “special”? You may not have called him Dad or Father, but he meant the qualifications nonetheless.

Society has created a world where fathers are not with their children, making children question where they come from and requiring mother to perform a dual role. Fathers have been given a negative image because of this. Does that mean that we are to carry this to the next generation? I say no! This month’s Encouragement is to lift up our Fathers.

My father is a strong, Christian man. While growing up, he demonstrated that he had strong values and principles that stems from his faith in God. A hardworking man, he loved his family and defended them no matter the situation. My “Pop” sacrificed so that his family could have the things that he didn’t have as a child. Pop is the kind of man that I looked for in a husband and prayed that my sons would emulate. I love him so much that I honor him by making his name part of mine.

In Webster’s Dictionary, the word father means “a man who has begotten a child”. Does that sound familiar? John 3:16 says that “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. What does “begotten” mean? It comes from the Greek word “monogenes”, of which one of its definitions is “pertaining to be the only one of its kind within a specific relationship.” If you put this all together, father means that he has a child that is special to him. You can have many children, but each child is special in their own way. If you had a man in your life that spent time with you, gave you advice, and a shoulder to cry on, wouldn’t you like to think that he would consider

If you have been reading Encouragement during the months Sarah has been published, you will notice that my last name is hyphenated. The “Beaden” is the last name of my father and the “Leach” is the last name of my husband. My name carries honors that I would like to share with you.

When I was young, my father gave me a car. This car wasn’t fancy, but the engine purred and was very dependable. One day I was going to work and I was following a truck too closely and struck it. It was a utility truck, so it dented the grill and the radiator of the car. I bumped my head on the steering wheel (before airbags), so I had a bloody lip. I was hysterical, not because of my

lip, but that Pop would be mad at me for messing up the car. My mother tried to console me, but all I could think of was Pop being mad. When he came home from work that day and we told him about the car, his only concern was whether I was okay. The car could be easily fixed, as he was a car mechanic by trade; but I could not be replaced. I will always have that memory because it showed me that he loved me! My husband is a strong, but quiet man. He does not talk a lot, but when he has something to say, it has meaning. “My Love” is a strong, Christian man also, with strong values and principles. He demonstrates patience and sacrifice, as he makes sure his family has what they need before considering his own needs. He does not move fast either, but whatever he is after is there when he gets there. He has taught me so much in our 26 years of being together, mainly how to be patience and how our differences make us a dynamic duo. I love him so much that I honor him by accepting his name part of mine. Early in our relationship, I learned that he does things in his own time. I was encouraging him towards something that I thought he wanted. He was not moving the way I thought that he should move, so I went to the “battlefield” and fought for him. After my fight, I went home and proceeded to tell him all that I had done for him, what he should have done, and what he was to do now. After I wound myself up, fussing and running out of breath, I just looked at him. He asked me was I finished, then handed me an envelope with a letter stating that he had achieved the goal that I went on the battlefield for! Needless to say, that was the last fight! Not all men are bad. My father and the father of my children are two of many men that are strong in character because someone believed in them. They were supported by people who loved them

and they handed that love to the next generation. That is how we get our “Fathers” back! Remember, we have a heavenly Father that believes in us and supports us. Pass it on!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

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The Real World, Peace Corps Does anyone remember The Real World? You know, the MTV show where a bunch of random people were placed in a house together and had to face the challenges of the "real world" together? Well I always tell my fellow volunteers that Peace Corps needs a reality show. With all the things that we love and hate about serving in the far reaches of the furthest, most underdeveloped countries, it would make for a very interesting season! On one end we would have the beauty, sweet people, and good food; then on the other end we'd have the coal stoves, bucket baths, nose picking, latrines...the list goes on. We leave our homes and are thrown in with 25 other people and are told to be merry, make friends, and make a difference. All of the above can be as easy or as difficult as we make it, and this in fact is what would make a Real World, Peace Corps reality show all the more interesting--That and the emotional rollercoaster rides and drama drops that we tend to fall from. Not to mention, most (if not all) of our thoughts revolve around tomorrow…always pondering on sweet, sweet tomorrow. It's all too often that we as people get caught up in thinking about tomorrow. When I was in the States, I always thought about what it would be like to live in a different place. I wanted to escape the craziness of the US and travel abroad. I wanted to see a new culture, help a people who would appreciate my efforts, and like anyone else who puts thought into things bigger than themselves, I wanted to save the world. Not once did I allow my mind to consider what it would be like to actually live abroad. I just wanted the stories I had heard; the stories about how my classmates had spent a semester studying in Spain and Ghana. How they went out on weekends and experienced late nights in downtown Madrid having tapas and paella. I wanted to see the sights that they saw and collect the artifacts that they would forever have as proof that they had lived in an exotic, faraway land; I wanted the opportunity to leave my footprint on another part of the world.

I've come to realize, though, that once our feet touch the ground in the "other" world that we've spent our entire lives dreaming about, it seems that the only thing that plagues our mind is, yet again, tomorrow. I want to go back home. I miss my family. I'm missing graduations, and births, and all the great events that make our lives worth living. All these things we think about rather than basking in our lifelong dream that has finally come true. Take me for example. Before coming to Rwanda, I never stopped to think of all the things I would be leaving behind, I only thought about the things that would come. And at the 6 month mark, when the initial feeling of "I'm here! I'm in Africa!" wore off, I began my descent down the slope toward homesickness. Two years is a long time to be away, however in the grand scheme of things, it is only two years. I was reminded of this fact when my mother came to visit last year for Thanksgiving. Through her excitement and sheer joy at the newness of everything, I was able to see and appreciate this experience for what I saw in it the first day I arrived. My mom scrambled for her camera at the sight of literally everything--the houses, the trees, the vast seas of green far off in the distance--in much the same way I did on May 8 of 2012. Seeing her in my village gave me a new appreciation for this country, the culture, and the people around me; it made me reevaluate myself and my attitudes. It brought me face to face with the fact that this journey is only two years…and for the bulk of it, my mind has been playing in puddles in the US more than it has been soaking in the experience here. And here is where I reminded myself that I needed to take this experience for what it is--a blessing. For I'll be back in the States in no time wondering where the time went. So I took my own advice and decided to live it up. Here's a look at what living for today has changed my experience into, and also a look at all of the great things you won't want to miss when you make your next family trip an excursion to Rwanda...because I just know you will! Background image. A beautiful species of crane found near Lake Kivu in Western Rwanda and Lake Muhazi in Eastern Rwanda. 2013.

Four Corners, Four Adventures I can give you four really good reasons to make Rwanda the next stop on your personal or family todo list. One is for Volcanoes National Park located in Northern Rwanda; two is for Akagera National Park located in the East; number three is Nyungwe Forest in the South; and number four is Lake Kivu in the West.

As you can see, there is literally something great to do in each of the four corners of this beautiful country and I have been blessed with the opportunity to see all four main attractions. Though I've been here for two years, the country is small enough that you can visit all four attractions in a span of just two with that being said, read on and then get to planning!

Volcanoes National Park Volcanoes National park, located in the Northern Province of Rwanda, is home to the infamous mountain and silverback gorillas. People from all over the world travel to the Land of a Thousand Hills to take part in this once in a lifetime experience of gorilla trekking atop one of 3 volcanoes, to get as close as 4 meters to these majestic and friendly animals. If you're not quite brave enough to step foot into a dense, animal-filled and barrier-free forest, there are also a number of hiking trails, the Dianne Fossey grave site, and amazing views to sit out and gaze upon as the sun falls asleep to take a night's rest from lighting up our world.

Dametreea gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park, located in Musanze, Rwanda. 2014. Top left: mother and 3 month old baby gorilla. Top center: female gorilla. Top right: the infamous adult male, silverback gorilla. Bottom left: Male teenage gorilla caught during lunchtime. Bottom right: Dametereea with three gorillas in the background to the left.

Akagera National Park The gem of Rwanda's Eastern Province is none other than Akagera National Park, where you can spend anywhere from 1 to 7 days taking in the beauty and watching as wild animals run, eat, interact, and relax. With your very own safari car and driver, you'll be sure to see giraffe's, zebras, hippos, buffalo, and deer, among other animals. Bird watching is also an Akagera visitors favorite, as well as the canoe safari where you can flow down a calm river as the sun sets, allowing you to become one with the nature that God created to decorate the most amazing planet in the universe.

Photos from Dametreea's visit to Akagera National Park. 2013. Top left: zebras relaxing in the early afternoon. Top center: two elephants from a family of 4, crossing a safari road. Top right: Hippopotomi doing what they do best, lounging in the calm, cool blue as a relief from the blazing sun. Bottom left: adult and baby giraffes basking in the early afternoon sun. Bottom right: a safari truck traveling through a herd of buffalo.

Lake Kivu If you're a beach lover like me, then Lake Kivu in Western Rwanda is just for you! Beautiful is an understatement when it comes to describing the views surrounding Rwanda's largest and most popular lake. For relaxation, you can lounge around in a beach chair right on the shoreline where the sand meets the calm waters; or for a little adventure you can take a short boat ride to one of several islands for a short hike to see the infamous bat caves or to Amahoro Island for a cool beverage and a little beach volleyball after chowing down on a few goat brochettes.

Photos from Lake Kivu. 2012. Top left: A beautiful view of the lake and surrounding mountains. Top center: bats soaring high during the island bat cave hike. Right: view of a hotel off the shore of the lake and a small boat. Bottom center: boat view of the lake.

Nyungwe Forest and National Park The home of one of Africa's only canopy walks, Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda's Southern Province is a natural sanctuary filled with the most beautiful species of plants, flowers, birds, and primates. This forest is particularly popular for its chimp trekking and waterfall hike, which takes you on a four hour journey through the forest where you'll have to hop, duck, jump, and pull yourself up if you want to see the waterfall as it crashes down among rocks and soil, then rushes away as if something were chasing it from a few meters behind. The canopy walk is also a visitor favorite; it allows the brave, adventurous hiker to enjoy a more breathtaking view of the forest. Situated up to 40 meters high, you get to see the forest as the monkeys do since you're literally at eye level with the tops of some of the forests tallest trees.

Dametreea's visit to Nyungwe Forest. 2014. Top left: waterfall hike trail details. Top right: Dametreea and hike guide Christian, standing in front of the waterfall. Center left and right: two views of the flowing waterfall and surrounding nature at the middle point of the hike. Bottom left: View of the forest looking out from the top of the canopy. Bottom middle: Dametreea and other hikers walking across the canopy at 40 meters up in the air. Bottom right: view of a portion of the canopy walk from afar.

And there you have it; the top four reasons to make Rwanda your next worldwide stop! Now get out your laptop, log on, and book your know you want to!

Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea

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By Renée Purdie What would you do if your office burned down or—on a (seemingly) smaller scale)—your laptop “blew up?” (OK, I mean after you stopped screaming and/or crying …) To minimize the impact of occurrences like this, it’s important to learn about disaster recovery. As small business owners, we often wear a lot of hats, including: operations, marketing, accounting, copywriting and HR. There’s another important one to add to the list: disaster recovery specialist. Words are important, but whether you want to call it disaster recovery or business continuity planning, it’s important to ensure that you create and implement a plan. Key areas to consider     

Hardware (networks, servers, desktop and laptop computers, wireless devices and peripherals … backup power supply, climate control, etc.) Connectivity to a service provider (fiber, cable, wireless, etc.) and phone services Software (electronic mail, office productivity, CRM, etc.) Data restoration (electronic and paper) Insurance

Some suggested tasks  Develop a strategy to ensure that all critical information is backed up on a regular basis, either with some sort of data redundancy such as RAID or in the cloud. Keep a copy both on and off site.  Identify critical software applications and the hardware required to run them. Using standardized hardware will help to replicate and reimage new hardware. Ensure that legal copies of software are available to enable re-installation on replacement equipment. Prioritize hardware and software restoration.  Make a list of: o supplier names and contact information. o equipment serial numbers, passwords, etc.

o insurance providers with their contact numbers and your policy information. o your active clients. If you’re worried about security, put it in a security deposit box as well as an electronic file with a password, especially if it contains sensitive data such as social security numbers.  Develop a strategy for advising all of your clients of a change in office address or phone numbers, such as having a landing page prepared that your website provider can display when you call them or some sort of back-end app that will allow you to contact all of your clients via text.  Make sure that you have sufficient insurance! Create forecasts for software and equipment replacement. Staffing costs should also be considered as well as possible rental accommodation. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but it should give you some things to think about to minimize the loss of time, money and your sanity! Do you need help with formulating a business continuity plan or taking your business to the next level? Renée Purdie specializes in assisting small businesses. From copywriting to communications solutions, including provisioning and set-up of mobiles, videophones and internet services to strategic marketing advice, Renée can help your business be more engaged and engaging. To take your business to the next level, Contact Renée at 520.343.7232 Or email:

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. (Acts 16:25 KJV) We are living in a day and time where we are faced with hopeless situations, rejection, labeled and fractured lives. The bible is full of messages of midnight situations. A midnight situation is one that seems hopeless or very hard to overcome. God uses a midnight situation to grant us victory. Paul and Silas was beaten and in prison. They were beaten in the flesh but not in the spirit. They had a song in their heart. When we are beaten with the cares of this world, Will You Praise Him? When you are rejected, Will You Praise Him? When you are labeled according to false reports, Will You Praise Him? When you feel your life is

fractured, broken into pieces, Will You Praise Him? Have You Lost Your Song? Paul and Silas had a song in their hearts, in spite of where they were physically. The prisoner that was listening was there before they arrived. They were also beaten by the world, sin, no hope and were ready to hear something new. “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.”(Acts 16:25-26 KJV) They prayed and praised God with their whole heart. Let your praise flow from your heart. Hold on to your praise.

When we praise God despite of the negative circumstances, we affirm His power and victory over the circumstances. They experienced a ground shaking, foundation crumbling and bond loosing experience. God wants to breakup some foul ground in our lives. He wants to do some unusual things in the life of his children. God wants to set somebody free from fear and anxiety, from weakness to strength. God wants to take you higher spiritually. He doesn’t want you to lose your song thru the process. Praise shifts the atmosphere, it shifts your mindset. When we praise God our faith is increased and we are strengthened from the joy of the Lord. When the foundation is crumbling, and bands are loosed in our life. We are not our residue, that’s correct we are not what we use to be before Christ. We are not slow we are brilliant! We are not cursed we are blessed; we are the Victor not the Victim. God has given us a fresh start and a fresh anointing. As we Praise God we sense His presence, In His presence there is fullness of joy. Now it is time to sing a new song.

Praise ye the Lord, Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. (Psalm 149:1) Come On And Tell God Thank You, Because You Didn’t Lose Your Praise!

God Bless,

Evangelist D. Ramsey

This month‘s blogging post is from another one of our anointed writers, Rev. Phyllis Williams. Please visit our blog

to make your comments. Join the conversation!

Minister Sheree Casey

"The Lord reached down from above and took hold of me; he pulled me out of the deep waters" (Psalm 18:16 ) There are times when we think, "I'm going under for the last time! I'm about to sink!" You can't see your way. It's cold, deep, and dark. Your hands are bound. Feet won't budge. Tongue is silent. Resolve is fading. Someone may advise you to "let go and let God." But, there are times when we aren't clear what it is we are to let go of. Giving in to let go at that moment of crisis may seem as though you are certain to drown.

there; He can and will pull us out of the deepest darkest places we find ourselves. No matter what problems we encounter, God's love towards us runs deeper than any of them. His deliverance is always near to us. At this very moment many are in deep despair, trouble, and under deep stress. Whether it be emotional, physical or, financial "deep' problems, God's love reaches deeper still. He's into the deep! Blessings,

No matter how distressed we are, we must never forget God's love is Rev. Phyllis Williams Executive Pastor Upper Room Full Gospel Church Piscataway, NJ

The Fiery Singer with the Explosive Voice from Florida has done it again! As of may 22, 2014, Stephanie D. Sanders realesed her new wedding single called The Invitation. Brides & Grooms make your request soon, she would be happy to grace your wedding day or reception with a song.

Sarah magazine had the pleasure of listening to Stephanie’s first CD Release which was titled, I AM WHO I AM. When we listened to it, this is what I said.. “ OMG! THIS SISTAH CAN SANG! Excuse the improper grammar but her voice is phenomenal!” What can I say the second time around; the song, THE INVITATION is a beautiful wedding song! This Woman Of God has an awesome gift. Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to go out and buy this beautiful message music, invite her to sing at your wedding. Get your wedding celebration and performance request made before her schedule fills up all the way into 2015

Minster Sheree Carradine - Creator/Chief Editor

COOKING WITH J.C Bean sprouts, snow peas, and onions. Mix all together. Now add in your cooled Chicken Breast and mix it all together. Top with your chopped boiled eggs and crunchy Chinese Noodles.

J.C.’s SUPREME SALAD Another Simple Dish For Summer 2 Romaine Lettuces (chopped) 1 Each, Green, Red, Yellow Bell Peppers (sliced long ways) 1 Small Can Of Watercress 3 Tomatoes (your choice, chopped) 1 Cup Bean Sprouts ½ Cup Snow Peas 1 Bunch Of Green Onions (chopped) ½ Cup Soy Sauce 1 Cup Water 4 hard Boiled eggs Crunchy Chinese Noodles 3 Chicken Breast

Oriental salad dressing ¾ Cup Soy Sauce 1tbsp. Orange Marmalade Jelly mix together and pour over your salad. Serve your dinner with some hot buttered French bread and Sweet Tea to drink. Easy Dessert

In a large pot, add the Water, Soy Sauce, and Chicken Breast. Boil until chicken breast is done. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Cut the chicken breast up into to bite size pieces. Let your chicken pieces cool.

1 pint of strawberries 1 store bought pound cake I can of whip cream or cool whip slice your strawberries and add sugar, your desired amount. Let chill until ready to eat. Slice a piece of cake, top with strawberries and whip cream

In a large bowl add the romaine lettuce, the bell peppers, watercress, tomatoes,

(pictures shown are not the actual recipe)

Connect With J.C On Facebook

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4


11 Bootstrapping Ideas to Start or Expand Your Business When Funding is not an Option Part One, by Oma Edoja

In Part One of this series we explored the option of self-employment. In Part Two, we looked at the pros and cons of working your business from home. In this third part of the series, I share the first instalment of 11 things you can do to boot strap your new business idea or expand your existing one. Bootstrapping your business means to start up or expand with your own resources, without taking on any external resources. If you have ever felt that a lack of money is stopping you from launching or expanding your business, please read this article and think again! Here are 11 ways to find the resources you need, when a bank loan or external funding source is not an option: 1. Start small! Business coach Mattison Grey, of, says to begin your venture doing one small project for a client, that has a start and end, and then you get paid! Then keep on taking on small projects for clients, getting paid and reinvesting the money in the business. Many of us think we need a rented premises, van, elaborate web site and staff to get started in business. But the reality for many of us is that we simply cannot afford this luxury. This does not mean that the doors to entrepreneurship are forever shut to us. It just means we need to find another route. And the small project route is a more realistic option when funds are in short supply. Janelle started her hair dressing and beauty consultant business as a mobile hairdresser. She travelled to service her clients and had a simple one page website, a set of business cards and a mobile phone. Her first goal was to save for equipment and then a down payment on premises. Living with her parents meant she was able to save on living expenses and make use of the family computer when necessary. Fifteen months later, Janelle moved into her own premises as the happy owner of Beauty by Janelle. “I decided not to start with a loan to avoid the pressure of creditors. I began doing friends’ hair and put money away for my first set of equipment. My clients liked that I could come to their homes CopyrightŠ2014 Oma Edoja


and work with their schedules. Referrals came from happy customers and I soon had more work than I could handle. I brought a part-time hairdresser on board and began planning for premises of our own. I put some money aside for a down payment on the rent and here we are today!” Growing as you go provides the opportunity to learn business-building skills, build a network of customers and referral partners, gain on-the-job experience, build a track record and make mistakes on a small scale, with smaller consequences and no pressure from creditors. Get started with one in-demand product or service, that is not capital intensive but with high-yielding returns. 2. Use what you already have Can you work from home instead of renting an office, factory or workshop? Can you make do with the technology you have instead of buying new gadgets? If you already pay for broadband at home, it might make sense to start off working there. If your mobile phone can use two SIM cards, you could get a second line on the same handset. Can you use your savings instead of taking out a loan? Do you have family members who could lend you their skills? Look around for resources you already have that could be useful in your new venture, with little or no extra expense. 3. Look for free money. It does exist! At the start of my business, I found several grants and government schemes to cover various start-up costs. These paid for my web site, business cards, mentoring, and legal support and halved my transportation costs. A local initiative sponsored my first public work shop and another provided free business start-up training. I found these programs through online searches, the local papers and browsing around information centres. Look around your city for “free money.” Read your local newspapers for news of grants and sponsorships. You may find organizations looking to support various segments of the population, such as lone parents; ethnic minorities; people over 50 or under 30; women business owners; social enterprises; women in technology or those below a certain income bracket. Browse the notice boards and enquire at the information desks in your local library or town hall. This will require your time and persistence. Keep at it until you find what you are looking for. Copyright©2014 Oma Edoja


4. Source free equipment, supplies, PR etc There are organizations and web sites such as and where people give away used items for free. You can find office equipment, furniture, computers, electronics, office supplies and more, for free. You will need to organize your own transportation for these items and adhere to the web site’s regulations. You can use the Freecycle and Gumtree web sites from almost anywhere in the world. You can get free publicity for your business by speaking for free at events and on radio and TV, by writing for industry publications with a link back to your site and by volunteering with your professional associations and at industry events. I have signed on new clients from speaking at networking events and conferences, by guest blogging on others’ web sites and by contributing to industry publications. 5. Liquidate! What do you have, that you do not use? Could you sell these items at a garden sale, boot sale or perhaps on EBay? What can you give up, to free up cash to invest in your business? Could you take a packed lunch to work instead of eating out? Borrow videos from friends instead of going to watch a movie. Do your beauty treatments at home; work out at home and save the money you are currently spending at the salon and the gym. You might not think much of this but, saving $3 a day adds up to over $1,000 in a year! Think of all the things you could do with $1,000 in your new business. Do not let a lack of finances rob you of your entrepreneurial dreams. If you can conceive an idea for a new business or to expand an existing one, you can find the resources around you to at least begin the venture with a small project. In the next and final article in this series, I share 6 more things you can do to boot strap your business and overcome the no-money hurdle. Look out for this in the next issue of Sarah Magazine.

Copyright©2014 Oma Edoja


Oma Edoja is an author, speaker and Women’s Business Growth Mentor who is passionate about empowering women! She is the Founder of Women Thriving in Business International, a global support community for women entrepreneurs and the host of her own talk show for women in business, Your Business, Your Heart! Oma invites you to receive a free copy of her book, “The Essential Get Clients Guide: 14 Reasons Women Business Owners Struggle to Get Clients and How to Avoid Them” at and to visit her community for women entrepreneurs at

Copyright©2014 Oma Edoja


Why do YOU think that you should be on the cover of SARAH Magazine?

! S W E I V R E T


SARAH Magazine would like to hear from you! We are looking for candidates for the front cover, starting in September. Do you have a testimony that you would like to share with the world? Submit a BRIEF biography of your accomplishment. Tell us how you overcame a hurdle, learned from an experience, or encouraging words that you would like to share. Please keep it brief, as we will be interviewing many submissions. Send your biography to

Wonderful S. Davidson

Finding the Ability to Learn by Wonderful G.S. Davidson

What’s In A Name? Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His Shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I was born on June 27, 1955, in Walnut Creek, California. My mother, Evelyn M. Martin Wonderful at 9 months old

(Crawford), gave me the name “Wonderful.” She wanted to name me “Jesus” as a way of showing her gratitude to Christ for answering her prayers with the birth to a healthy baby girl. But after deciding that “it wouldn‟t be too Age 3 much,” the name of Wonderful was chosen. All of my life, people have asked me, “Is your name really „Wonderful‟?” One day, I asked my mother why she gave me that name. She told me that I was a miracle baby. Her faith did not waver after two miscarriages. After my birth, she went on to have three other children, my two younger sisters and brother. Before my mother‟s death in 2013, I told her how pleased and happy I was that she gave me a powerful name like Wonderful. My name has blessed me in so many ways, especially when I‟m facing challenges in my life. I can count on God‟s word that He does answer prayers. The Beginning of Being Labeled a Retard – “Subnormal” Ability to Learn As a child, it did not feel good to be labeled as mentally challenged and

called a “retard.” Unaware of the stigma of being mentally challenged, I thought I was just like the rest of the students in my class at Wonderful & lady Highland (missionary)Gaschew Elementary School in the Vallejo City Unified School District or in my neighborhood. In first grade, I felt I was having a pretty good year in school. However, I can vividly recall that I did not like sitting so far in the back of the classroom. I really wanted to sit up front. The children in the front of the class received more attention from the teacher than the kids in the middle or in the back of the classroom. I felt that the teacher did not like me that much, as she hardly spoke to me or assisted me with my class work. I remember acting out in class because I wanted some attention. I can remember the taste of the soap that my teacher made me eat. A couple of days after that incident, my mother showed up at my classroom. I didn‟t know that she had an appointment with my teacher. I was curious about what they were discussing.

Why? She told me that the teacher felt I could not keep up with my class and was falling too far behind. I needed to be in a program for slow learners called Special Education. My happy attitude turned to sadness. I did not want to leave my new friends. This was the beginning of my downward spiral and the end of having a positive attitude about school.

I could hardly wait to get home to talk with Mom about her visit to my classroom. That evening at the dinner table, she broke the news to me – I would be attending another school.

During this time, I did not have high self-esteem. Every time I looked in the mirror, I did not see a pretty girl – I saw a monster. I came to realize that I had some difficulties learning to

That same year, I was transferred to McKinley Elementary School in the same school district. On the first day of school, I walked into the classroom and received the shock of my life. I felt like I had landed on another planet. The children in the classroom looked deformed and were in wheelchairs; some had large heads and were slobbering. After being in this class for a while, I started mimicking some of the other children. I don‟t remember ever doing any subjects such as Math or English. We mostly cut and pasted, listened to music and learned how to make jam. Once a day, we would go outside and play. I remained at this school for about five years. During that time frame, I accepted my label. I was a chubby girl who was afraid of everything that she encountered. Junior High School

read, write and do math, but I did not think I was retarded. The first junior high school I attended was Franklin Junior High. While I was there, I remained in the Special Education Program. Because my mother was a religious woman, we had to attend church at least three times a week. I began to listen closely to every word that the missionaries, evangelists, teachers and Elders preached and taught about God being a healer of the mind. They always quoted the scripture Hebrews 11:1, which pertained to having faith that God would answer your request, if only you believed. My mother tutored me, but to no avail. I could not catch on. My middle sister, who is smart, tried her best to teach me math and how to tell time, but I could not comprehend it. At times the family would get frustrated with me because it seemed like I wasnâ€&#x;t interested in learning. I did not understand how to follow instructions when it came to phonics, so I could not spell or memorize. I attended this school for several months and then I was transferred to Spring Town Junior High. I still felt like I was lost and walking around like a zombie on the campus. Sometime during that year, I accepted Jesus Christ in my life. I felt like I could fly. My life began to fare much better. I began to smile, laugh and make new friends. I noticed that once I started fasting and praying, my confidence grew stronger and I could

move forward with my life. I wanted to prove to myself, my mother, and to everyone else that I was not ignorant. I attended Spring Town Junior High for about a year. Next, I was transferred to Vallejo Junior High School, where I still remained in a Special Education Program. By then, I was in the eighth grade and eager to learn and participate in extracurricular activities outside of church and school. Each morning, before I went to my Special Education classes, I went to zero period. At zero period, my new friends would meet me at my class and ask me to meet with them and some other students and read the Bible to them. I would testify that the Lord was blessing me, how the Lord had saved me, and how they could also have a personal relationship with the Lord. I explained to my peers that God could work any situation out for them. They did not have to succumb to drugs, sex and alcohol. They enjoyed my uplifting words. Some of the students asked me to pray for them. Eventually, I had to stop teaching about the goodness of the Lord, because of the law that religion could not be taught in public schools. But while sitting in my eighth grade classroom, I began to pray sincerely and wholeheartedly that God would work a miracle in my life by touching my brain so I could learn. Well, within a few seconds, my teacher, Mrs. Donahue walked over to my

desk and stated that she wanted to mainstream me into two regular classes. She told me that if I messed up in these classes, I would be pulled from the program. My response to her was, “Oh no, Ma‟am! I‟m not going to mess up!” Wow! I knew God worked fast, but this was almost in an instant. I thanked God for showing my teacher that I was gifted and talented and that what I needed was an opportunity to shine. “I call this Favor.” Sometimes, I wondered why Mom did not advocate for me when I was being confronted by these stereotypes and labels. Finally, I figured it out. My mother was raised in Texas and she was taught to never talk back to white people. She was taught to stay in her place and consider that whatever white people said was set in stone. I enjoyed the two regular classes I was enrolled in and I worked hard to earn good grades. Mrs. Donahue was pleased when I obtained an “A” grade and a “B” grade in the classes. The following semester, I was promoted to the ninth grade and given the opportunity to register in two more regular classes. I remained focused and earned two “A‟s” by the end of the spring semester. I was able to graduate junior high and I received a medal for being an Outstanding Student. I must share with you that the Lord began to show me how to use music, drama, art and poetry to learn different techniques to

comprehend my lessons. This was an exciting time for me. My world looked fantastic to me. I understood that graduating from the ninth grade meant that it was time for me to join up with the Big League. I learned early on that I would need courage to stand against the devils attacks. I knew I would need to wear my spiritual armor of God every day and walk confidently on the high school campus. I would need to pray everyday to ask God to protect me as I walked or rode the bus to or from school. I had learned to use the word of God to ward off evil spirits that would try to attack my mind. Vallejo Senior High School God continued to show me that if I wanted to be blessed, I would need to be thankful and grateful for everything that he had done and would do for me. One of the important lessons I learned from my Mother was that I needed to have love for everyone, regardless of race, color or creed. Another lesson I lived by was to “Honor Thy Mother and Father.” I knew that I would not be blessed if I were disrespectful toward my mother. I noticed that the more I fell in love with Jesus; more blessings began to rain down upon me. Therefore, the first year of high school did not seem to be so frightening to me. Even though I had fared well in my regular classes at

junior high, I still had to be affiliated with the Special Education Program at Vallejo Senior High School. But because of my happy spirit, people were drawn to me. I still witnessed about the Lord privately, if someone approached me and requested it. In tenth grade, I decided to run for a student government and I was elected to a Student Representative position.

Wonderful art Age 25

Also, I became a Candy Striper and was assigned to Broadway Hospital. I learned to have patients and compassion for elderly people. I learned how to work as a team player. I took pride in learning how to work in the medical secretary office. The more risks I took at trying new things, the more my confidence increased. God gave me favor with the Principal, Mr. Cook, and the rest of the teachers on campus. Their positive reaction helped me to strive even harder to do well in my academic work. Besides being a student and volunteer, I was a member of my church choir, the District Choir and the State Choir. My first year at Vallejo High went very smoothly. In the eleventh grade, I decided to take an active role in the PTA. I was selected to be an historian for the organization. I became a

member of the Black Student Union, where I learned so much about our culture and the major contributions African Americans have made to the United States. I received the Key to the City of Vallejo by Mayor Florence Douglass for participating in a debate competition. At the end of the school year, I was recognized and awarded in Who‟s Who of Outstanding American Students. I was thankful that I had a good reputation on the school campus and in the community. I was known as the “Holy Girl.” I had to be a light for Jesus Christ and I was more than joyful to carry that mantel. The young men on campus were very respectful toward me. Sometimes, I wondered why the young men never considered me as a girlfriend. I realized that it had to do with the high standard of my church. My senior year was somewhat challenging for me. I had to take several exams in order to graduate. I was excited about attending the Senior Prom and Grad Night. I was asked to Wonderful at 29 speak at one of our senior programs and to lead the prayer. I felt honored to be asked by my peers. I was blessed to be nominated to

“Who‟s Who of Outstanding American Students” for the second time. These nominations caused me to receive congratulatory letters from universities, inviting me to apply to admission to their schools. “The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go” – John Muir “I‟m so glad I learned how to trust God to guide me. I could not have followed His prompting, unless, I knew his voice.” – Proverbs 3: 5-6 (paraphrased, read Proverbs 3:5-6) If I had not been raised in a God fearing home, my life would have taken a different path. The devil had set me up to fail, but God had other plans for me. Being labeled a retard causes one to feel like a “nobody” and when you believe the lie, you tend not to care about yourself or anybody else. You blame other people for the mistakes you make and you are a danger to yourself and everyone that you may encounter. There were times I had to rebuke Satan because he wanted me to go into a deep depression and have a self-pity party. If you are being told that your child needs to be in a Special Education Program or take medication, please pray about it before you make a decision to allow your child to be branded for life. Ask God to help you find creative ways to teach your child how to learn. Please, pray over your child and anoint your child with

blessed oil. Teach your child how to pray and provide a positive environment where his or her mind can be stimulated. In 1997, I called a group of ladies together to help me coordinate a Plus Size Fashion Show. The funds from this event would be donated to an organization called W.E.A.V.E. This organization assisted me after I had been abused by my husband. W.E.A.V.E stands for, “Women Escaping A Violent Environment.” The event was such a success that I was encouraged to start my own nonprofit business. I established a board, and God gave me name for the organization called "Wonderful Unlimited Productions". I chose this name because with the Lord's help, WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING we put our minds too!

We became a 501c (3) in the year of 2002. Wonderful Unlimited Productions Inc. is dedicated to the uplifting and empowerment of the disfranchised and the general community. We achieve our mission

through our annual esteem-building fashion show along with ongoing workshops at local churches, schools and government funded programs, these workshops are designed to improve the self-esteem of battered women, survivors of child abuse, trouble teens, and other recovering victims. In closing, I want to thank God, my Mother, my teachers, mentors, counselors, missionaries, evangelists and preachers for the words of wisdom that they spoke into my life. My friends, keep your eyes open for my book I am writing about my life, A Little Girl on the Yellow Bus. It was fourteen-year process that led to great success. You will find out about how the Lord blessed me to obtain an Associate of Arts degree and a Bachelor degree! This Woman of God continues to do the work God has called her to do. In the following pages we will share all of her other accomplishments. Also read the inspire article written by Wonderful called “The 666 Evil Eye Has Set You Up”.

After graduation, Wonderful continued to be active in her community. Her concern for youth caused her to initiate several events in Vallejo, including Youth of the Year Award, Youth Crime Awareness Day, and the City Wide Christmas Party. She developed and coordinated Big

Beautiful People Day, complete with a proclamation from the Mayor of Vallejo. “Are Black Women Falling Through The Cracks?” was a seminar she created to assist and educate local women. As Health Educator for the NAACP, she taught smoking cessation classes, organized antismoking campaigns, and assisted in the coordination of a city wide Health Fair at UC Davis Medical Center. Wonderful served as Director of the Visitor Center Program at Vacaville State Prison and Medical Facility. She has also worked as an Employment Program Representative and an Office Assistant for the Employment Development Department in Sacramento. WUP developed and presented Plus Size Fashion Shows in 1998, 1999 and 2001. These shows, which included lunch, were great successes, being held at the Sterling Hotel, the Sacramento Capitol Club and the Clarion Hotel respectively. Local merchants provided the beautiful outfits, which were modeled by local men and women selected by Wonderful and her team. Besides enjoying an elegant luncheon, guests could also support local vendors, who had booths set up throughout the banquet rooms. For those who enjoyed uplifting and inspiring music, WUP presented Gospel Boat Cruises in 2001, 2002, and 2003.

The Spirit of Sacramento was the location for these successful, wellattended events. Wonderful also organized a Hip-Hop Modeling Summer Camp in Oak Park and facilitated a Blue Print for Success Workshop at Sacramento City College. WUP has also created fashion shows, skits and events at Juneteenth Day in 2005, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, from 2006-2008 and at the California State Fair in 2005 and 2006. Highlights of the 2006 State Fair event can be seen on YouTube at Av-VUKUcpo. Wonderful generates a lot of publicity with the Who‟s Who in Unique Names Club. Through the Club, she shares the history of her name and encourages others to tell their stories. The club celebrates unique names by sponsoring events and presenting awards to members. The club was mentioned on several television and radio stations in Sacramento and was featured in several local newspapers. The club also presented a fundraiser for the Birthing Project, which was coordinated by Wonderful. From 2008 to 2010, Wonderful lived in Lincoln to be near her mother, who is now ninety. While living there, she worked as a volunteer at the Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center. She taught a series of classes on charm and etiquette,

addressing issues such as dressing to impress, protocol, posture, skin care, color coordination, and manners. In March 2010, she was honored with the Soroptimist of Lincoln‟s “Women Helping Women” Ruby Award. She received the award for her dedicated work with women, teens, and children in the community. In October 2010, Wonderful and her mother returned to Sacramento, but she continued her work in Lincoln. In 2011, she put on a Black History Month program at the Lincoln Library. March 24, 2011, was designated as Girls‟ Esteem Day at Lincoln City High School. As chairperson of the event, Wonderful organized a program to honor and support young women of the community. For the last two years, she has been conducting etiquette and manners classes in Lincoln and Sacramento. In April 2012, she was featured on the Auburn Community Channel. She has been nominated for the Woman of Excellence Award and the Business Excellence Award.

Wonderful S. Davidson continues to take chances and seek knowledge. She views life as a never-ending adventure with many opportunities to grow and advance. She credits her faith with giving her the impetus to continue to reach for her goals and dreams. Her goal is to become a certified Etiquette Consultant and motivational speaker. She is currently working on an inspirational book about her life and how she overcame personal and professional obstacles. Her dream is to share her story around the world to inspire others to move beyond their boundaries and explore the boundless windows of opportunity. She wants others to be inspired by her example and realize that they too can overcome obstacles to have a successful life.

WONDERFUL SPEAKING- The Lighthouse of Lincoln Ca. How to set a budget workshop 2010 Coordinated by Wonderful

I pray that this story by Wonderful Davidson was a great inspiration to you. We at Sarah magazine was honored to have her as our cover story. After reading this story, I pray that you will not settle for the label people give you, but know that you are Fearfully and Wonderfully made by God. Wonderful is such an inspiration to many people. If you were blessed by this story, let us know; also let her know as well. God bless

Wonderfulâ€&#x;s Cover Picture Was Taken By, Ryan Bates Ryan Bates Photography 542 Main Street Vacaville, CA 95688 707-447-6706 Wonderful and her cousin Gina

Wonderful Speaking At The Black History Program In 2010

Wonderful Speaking At Building Confidence Workshop

The Women Of Color Conference Day. This Event Was Held At The Crest Theater In Sacramento California

Have we lost our way? I think we have. We have put our confidence in the public school system. We have allowed them to persuade us to put our children on medication and give them a label that cannot easily be erased. I thought we were faith walkers and a class of people that could stand on our own two feet. Have we lost our tribal sense of community? When we were living in the country picking cotton in one hundred degree or more heat and

walking three to six miles or more a day to school, our life seemed to be much happier. Our children were not addicted to medication to keep them calm. If your child did have a learning challenge, the teacher did not tell you to keep your child at home or go see a doctor to get medication for your child. Teachers were kind enough to work with your child until they understood their lesson. These children worked hard before they went to school and they still were able to accomplish their goals. It appears that the hot sun made those children stronger and more motivated. Our standards were set high, when it came to our values, morals, ethics and faith in God. Our Faith walk disappeared when the schools became integrated. A lot of people felt they were doing

the right thing when they advocated for it. But they did not know that the evil eye had a hidden plan of action set up for blacks, if integration was ever set in place. Did they have foresight? We are like the children of Israel, being tested today and calling on Jesus to rescue our children from the evil eye. I feel that black parents need to teach their children to know the tactics of the evil eye. The evil eye focuses on targeting our black children. They are knowledgeable about how black children learn but they prefer to label them and then throw your child in a special education program. Did you know that these programs receive a large sum of money to keep them operating. Your child’s placement in this program is helping someone to finance a trip or buy a second home. Where are you living? Have you put any money away for your children’s education? The way I look at it, if you don’t protect your child’s soul, who will? It is important that black parents talk with their children and find out how they are being treated by their teachers and their classmates. It is important that parents communicate on a regular basis with teachers because some teachers do not know how to communicate with your child,

especially black boys. Yes, black boys may be more active in a class setting, but that does not mean that they are mentally challenged and need to be in a special program. Moreover, white boys are just as active as our children but they don’t have a problem; they are just being normal. Another thing I don’t understand is how a white teacher of a fourth grade class can feel threaten by a large framed black boy in her class, but she can marry a black professional football player. Did she marry him for love? The evil eye is making preparation for your son or daughter to enter prison. They already have a cell marked for him. How are you going keep your son from becoming a number? There are more black men in prison than any other race. Have you asked yourself why? Can you see the connection between Special Education and the Correctional Department? Black parents need to teach their children not to be so easily intimidated or fearful of the evil eye. Some teachers do not realize that the world of black children is different from the world of white children. Many of our black children are dealing with hunger, with not having a soft bed to sleep in or proper clothes for school. Some are

coping with an abusive parent, living in a single parent home, or are homeless. Our children are not retarded - they are trying to cope with life’s struggles. Our Black children need to know the meaning of blessed oil. I feel our children should be anointed and prayed over every day, because the evil eye has set a trap for them to kill off their brothers, sisters, parents, friends and anyone who gets in their way. Parents, if you want your children to do well in school and go to college, you need to let your child know that you believe in them, because, the public school system will inflict self-doubt into their spirit. We should be sick and tired of being manipulated and controlled by the evil eye. Our fear should not be in man but in God. Furthermore, we need to stop hating on one another and focus our attention on our children’s academics. As black parents, you need to speak life into your child and not condemnation. Our black children do not need drugs; they need a dose of Jesus. Once, Jesus has entered their life, he becomes their best instructor. They are walking and trusting God to lead and direct them in their studies. Black parents need to know that by the time their son reaches the fourth grade, he may begin to have

difficulty comprehending lessons, because most teachers change their teaching method to a lecturing one. Our black boys don’t have a chance, as their teachers have already prejudged them. They can’t win! It’s our children mannerisms; their appearance and the way they speak that disturb them. So, I believe, we should counteract the teacher’s thought process about our children and prove them wrong. Our, black boys need to be taught how to follow their instinct and intuition. This will help them to go further in life and how to communicate with the evil eye. Parents, your child is smart, intelligent and brilliant. Don’t let the public school system disrespect you or your child. You have resources to help you with this dilemma. There are concerned educators and activists that are compassionate about helping black boys to feel excitement and wonder about learning. There is hope for your child. Find a tutor for your child even if you have to work an extra job to pay for it. Find mentoring programs for your child. Get your child involved in extracurricular activities. There are community groups and afterschool programs that are offer boys social, physical, and emotional outlets.

There is so much more I can say about how our black children, they are being stereotyped and labeled but I will stop here. My dear parents, please be pro-active when it comes to your children’s education. What is your child’s learning style? It will take some investigation, but it will be worth it. Please don’t help your child end up being another criminal; help him be all that he can be. Many Blessings to you and your family. You have the courage to climb this mountain. You have Jesus to carry you! I look forward to receiving an invitation to your child’s graduation!

Love, Wonderful S.Davidson

Part two of last month’s phone consultation

Telephone rings.

Stylist: Hello thank you for calling Melvira’s Hair Studio. Potential Client: Hi, I would like to make an appointment to get my hair done.


No problem. What service are you looking to have done


Potential Client: I would like to have a texturizer to soften my hair a bit.


Okay. Let me make sure I understand correctly. You want a

texturizer because you’re looking to make your hair softer and more manageable??

Potential Client:

Yes. I have been trying to go natural but my hair is

just too much for me to deal with on my own. I don’t have the time or

patience to deal with my natural hair. I think a texturizer helps. That’s what my old hairstylist used to do.

Stylist: Before I commit myself to doing a chemical service to your hair I would like you to come in for a consultation. Together, we will devise a plan of action to get your hair where you want it to be. How’s Wednesday at 3pm sound??

Potential Client:

I kind of wanted my hair done now or

tomorrow…………why do we need to do a consultation?? Don’t you do texturizers? And how much is that??

Stylist: I’m prepared to answer any hair questions you have ma’am.


can tell you don’t have a lot of time to waste. A consultation will help you save time. In this process, we assess the current state of your hair, how it got there and map out the best way to get to your desired results. Your consultation will help us dodge any potential setbacks before they occur and help you feel comfortable about choosing me as your new hair stylist. Currently, it is a free service offered to all potential clients but some hair salons do charge for their time. Your consultation will make us both confident about what decisions we decide together and will give me proper time to prepare for your MHS experience.

Potential Client:

Well since you put it that way. Put me down for

Wednesday at 3pm. I’ll keep working with this wig until then!

END. You have just read an example conversation that takes place in many salons all over the world every day. New clients call salons expecting to be serviced immediately. They don’t realize how serious and fragile their hair is. Even an experienced stylist will sometimes move forward into a service without seeing the Potential Client’s hair. If the service is familiar, the stylist will know the right questions to ask over the phone ensuring that

he/she can allocate enough time for the service. These questions will sometime reveal that the service should not be done. When you look up the definition of the word “Consultation” you will find one of the following:  A meeting for deliberation, discussion, or decision.  A meeting of physicians to evaluate a patient’s case and treatment.  Conference for discussion or the seeking of advice, especially from doctors or lawyers. What many fail to realize is that beauty professionals are allowed just as closely into your personal space as doctors. This is a very important role that no beauty pro should take lightly. Properly understanding a client’s hair before a service gives the beauty professional as well as the client an extreme advantage by avoiding minor and major setbacks. Consultations are usually performed by the beauty professional you choose to work with or someone who can properly relay the information. Like an assistant or another beauty pro. They are done at the establishment unless otherwise specified and need to take place before the service is initiated, if possible. In our microwave society we call America we need what we want right now and right away. Let’s not allow this impatient way of life to be a hindrance to our hair care. Prepare well thought out questions for your beauty professional. Give yourself a chance to see what an amazing hair care provider you have chosen so you can feel great about not only your style, but also the health of your hair.

Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic


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Hello Teen Friends; This is Leah Alexis, I am happy to say that I made it! My graduation happened and I am so happy! Summer break starts and then College in August. This is when real life starts, and I will learn how to be independent. People asked me was I sad about leaving Arizona and moving to Missouri, my response was, NO. Then I thought about it, I’m a little sad because I’m going to miss my close friends, family and my favorite teacher. I am so excited about the new experience of seeing what it’s like being on my own.

I’m going to get a job and save to buy me a car. My plan is to live on campus for the first two years of college at the most. This will give me time to save money. College is going to be a whole new experience for me. In last month’s Teen Talk, my god mom asked me was I going to pass the mantle to someone else to do Teen Talk. At first I told her no, because I still want to do it. After giving it some thought, I might have to let someone else do it, just until I get used to being in college. I realize it’s going to be a lot to do once I start college. I’m not sure who to pass the mantle to yet. So stayed tuned to see whose next. I will still write articles every now and then to keep you posted on how I’m doing. This is exciting and scary at the same time. When I start college, my plans are to stay focused and work hard. Please keep me in your prayers. I need all the support I can get. Well teen friends, that’s all for now. I will be checking in periodically. My final word to you is…LIVE A LITTLE, DON’T TAKE LIFE SO SERIOUS! Until next time… this is Leah Alexis, JUST KEEPING IT REAL!

Me and my favorite teacher Ms. Thomas

Have you ever wondered why Mental Disorders are hot topics in our society? There are no answers, and no results. The blame is usually placed on the families that are left with anger, guilt and frustration. As families experience the uncommon verdict their actions determine the outcome of the individuals suffering from Mental Disorders. As I reflect back on a most recent incident; this individual was thrown on the bus with a one-way –ticket; no money, no food and simply the cloths on his back. The individuals that were responsible for his care chose to send him to his immediate family. Within a short time, his Mental Disorder became a spinoff of uncontrollable violence within the home; imaginary voices and destruction of personal property. Medical Responders and Law Enforcement were called to come out to the home; but to no avail, no action was taken. The Police stated “He has his Constructional Rights.” However, how can an individual that is on psychiatric medication make rational decisions regarding their well-being. As the family questioned the medical responders; the police officers became loud and aggressive. The home that once was at peace now reign in hostile territory, but in the mist of confrontation; the family step up to Calvary their weapon of choice was Isaiah 54:17 KJV; “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.” On a national level Mental Disorders are growing at an alarming rate and families are caught up in system. The issue’s that are continuously asked but not answered is the following; what happens to the families that suffer from the aftermath? Do they have an opportunity to seek medical assistance without out-of-pocket medical cost? How can they learn to love that family member again, when their trust has been betrayed? How can they extend the olive branch when they are emotionally broken?

The word of God offers the best prescription for any illness Elohim the God, Mighty Creator the one that created us all. According to Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God connected us through the comforter the Holy Spirit; take some time and pray for and with the family. Prayer changes everything lost hope is a pit for the devil. Courage, hope and love is generated through God. Just have faith and God will administer his blessings in the following areas; "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

Below you will find list of Bible verses related to Mental Illness from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance; And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. Matthew 4:24 - King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. Luke 11:24 - King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 - King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 - King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1 - King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition

The Power of Prayer Try It! Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. I’d like your feedback. Can you identify with this topic? Contact me: Email: Website:

! r e t u o h W

Whouter (website address is a microblogging website that values user’s Free Speech and Privacy. People are becoming afraid to use social media because of government spying and employers monitoring their employees, firings them or not hiring potential employees because of what they say on social media. Whouter Values Your Privacy! Mobile Apps are available on the App Store for IPhones and iPads and Google Play Store for Android Phones and Tablets. iPhone App Android App is a microblogging web application similar to Twitter. Users can create a free profile and whout (post) a 280 character text message with a photo. Users can also upgrade for $1.98 to add a 10 second audio and 15 second video whoutering (posting). Whouter was created because of government spying on social media users and companies are viewing employee’s social media post and firing them for their post. They are also viewing potential employee’s social media account and making a hiring decision based on what they find. This is wrong, unethical and illegal. Social Media companies also provided the NSA with a backdoor to monitor social media users. This is a violation of Free Speech and privacy rights under the US Constitutions. Whouter does not require a user’s real name or email address or any personal identifying information, nor do we store what is posted. Whouter is realtime and only the last six posts repeat. When a new whout is submitted, the oldest whout is automatically deleted. The goal is to restore Free Speech and Privacy Rights to everyone who is afraid of using social media because of what our and other governments and employers are now doing.

I was a 16 year old girl waiting for my father to come and be with me at the skating ring. I was skating around and round, every time the door opened, I would get excited thinking that was him, but it wasn't. So I went around and around again. Then before I knew it, the time was up and the skating ring was closing. He never showed up. I went home and my little town was lit up with the bad news of my father being killed. I was in shock, and it was hard for me to believe! A friend that stayed across the street came by the house to check on me to see if I was doing ok. I wasn't doing too well at all, from that day on my life changed. Never will he see me grow up and graduate from high school, Never will he get to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day or see any of my children. Never will he get to build our house and come visit with us. OH MY GOD, I miss my daddy! I am 49 years old today and I still miss my daddy. The pain was unbearable and it seemed like the pain would never end. For years I had a void in my life and I didn't know what to do, because no one could replace him. He was my daddy, and a good one. He was a Preacher and pastored two churches. He had his own business building houses and was doing great. One day I met a man that would stick closer to you than a brother. He will be a father to you when you are fatherless. He will always be there with you. Call Him at any time, it doesn’t matter what time it is, He is there. He will listen and

console you when you’re in need of comfort. He will feed you when you are hungry. He will heal you when you are sick. He will deliver you. He will fill in the void and take the pain away. He will save you. He is my Father. Yes, he is God and He is Awesome. WHAT A MIGHTY I SERVE! Try Him, He’s Never Too Busy.

By Minister Helena E. Price

We shared this event in last month’s issue of Sarah magazine. Minister Sheree Casey’s show was a

success. Her one woman show was on May 17, 2014. She sold out, the place was packed, and her performance was Awesome! Stayed tuned, there is more to come. On the following pages we’d like to share with you the highlights of her great performance.

About The Writer: Minister Sheree A. Casey is a native of Plainfield, New Jersey who currently resides in Tucson Arizona. She is the wife of percussionist James Casey. She is a Licensed Minister of the Gospel, Actress, Singer, Songwriter, Playwright, Poet, Producer And Director. She holds a BA Degree from the University of Arizona in Creative Writing with a specialization in Scriptwriting /Playwriting with a minor in theatre. She received her training from Kean College of New Jersey from the late James Murphy. She also briefly

Preparing for the show

attended the Harlem theatre school in New York. Her acting credits include Gods trombone’s (Behold all things new productions), A Black Christmas Carol (New York theatre Company), Terminus (Pima College), National Spanking Day Domestic violence skit, Cathedral international (SBC) Drama club. And of course her own play which was produced in Harlem and New Jersey the Long Way Back. Her film credit include: “Scrappers” the movie film here in Tucson. She is currently an Assistant Youth Minister at Lighthouse Church International.

Opening Prayer - Elder Delisia Ross, Tucson, Arizona Master of Ceremony - Matthew Kearney Opening Act - Donnie Thomas Poem - Kansas City, Missouri (Pines Bluff) Miss Unapproachable Playwright -Sheree Casey Music “So glad to see you” NJ Mix Jockey Anderson (ITunes & Amazon)

Produced, Written and Directed by Sheree C. aka Sheree Casey Special Thanks To: Trump Tight Entertainment - Tucson, Arizona “Bad boy” - Luther Vandross “Every Ghetto” - Lauren Hill “Golden” - Jill Scott “I Believe I Can Fly” - R. Kelly Hair & Makeup by Cellisa (C.J.) Johnson Posse’s Hair Emporium stylist to the stars! Sista Gurl - The play was inspired by all my Sista Gurlfriends and our adventures.

My Lord And Savior “Jesus Christ” The Light House Church Family Pastor Terry And Lady West New Life Worship Center Family Facebook Family My Family (Husband & Isaiah) Elder Delisia Ross Matthew Kearney Cellisa C.J. Johnson Gail Johnson Chandra Bailey Invisible Theatre Staff

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g n i l Welcome l Ca to all . . . s e l Sing

the Singles Section of SARAH!

LAST MONTH’S QUESTION SAVED OR UNSAVED…WRONG OR RIGHT? I am a single Christian woman. Like most of us single women I am looking or should I say waiting for Mr. Right. I consider myself to be attractive and very successful. My thing is that, being single and Christian, it’s hard to meet a good Christian man. So I have been dating men that are saved and not saved. I recently met a gentleman that I really like but he is not saved. I’m sure he likes me a lot as well. He treats me good and doesn’t have a problem with me going to church. He goes with me sometimes. I could see this relationship going to the next level, like marriage. The thing I struggle with is that other Christian friends and family are saying that it is wrong for me to be with a man that is not saved. I know about the scripture being unequally yoked. My question is…. Why Is It Wrong If This Man Is Treating Me Like A Queen? He respects me as a Christian, but he’s just not ready. If I continue as a Christian, won’t he eventually get saved by watching my life? Why is it so wrong if you have a man that is doing all the right things? Someone answer my questions, PLEASE! Signed, Saved With The Unsaved RESPONSES TO LAST MONTHS QUESTION:

Hello my sister; My advice to you is that you should be on the same page with each other. Eventually you will end up clashing because religion and politics is the most important thing in a relationship. If you have different views, it’s

going to cause problems. I know you’re saying that things are good now, but believe me my sister; it will end up hurting you. If he is not interested in church right now, you can’t change him. God should be first in your life. If you love God, you are going to want Him to love him too. Ask yourself; is it worth you trying to please him and God too?? I would really evaluate this relationship. Signed…KEEP IT REAL!!

Hello First of all, I would say you guys are both grown and you are responsible for your own choices. Then on the other hand I would say, date have fun, but stand your ground as a Christian woman. Don’t lower your standards! When you are going out together make sure you have other couples with you, so that you don’t fall into something you will regret. If you truly believe he is the one, then ask him what his next step is. I hope you are not having sex outside of marriage; if so tell him to put a ring on it. Lastly if you choose to stay with him, one of you is going to rub off on the other. I pray your ways win, if not you are the one that has to answer to God. Signed.. Stay Prayed Up

Hi Saved with Unsaved; When you are dating as a Christian, it is wise to go in a group. Especially if you are dating an unsaved man, his morals and beliefs are different from yours. I would like to know why are you as a saved woman dating an unsaved man. I know you read the scripture about being unequally yoked.

If you are a Christian you should want a Christian man. He’s nice now, but he will change. Someone is pulling the other!! I don’t think you should date him, you should move on. Wait on God! Signed, Back Up My Sister!

Dear SAVED or UNSAVED, The first thing I would ask you to do is open your May copy of SARAH magazine and turn to page 97 ... sorta midway ... and read that advice from Anonymous. It begins with: "Sister, I know that LONELY is difficult. I'm there." Then take a moment to read this Scripture out loud: 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what partnership has light with darkness?" Meditate on that because when God gives us advice, He gives it to us for our own good. While you're thinking about that, let me tell you a bit about the person in the Bible who inspired this column. Her name is Prophetess Anna who is described in Luke 2:36-37: 36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; 37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. Let me just do a little math here. She was a widow for 84 years! Now we talk about "waiting on the Lord," but we get tired of waiting if He hasn't sent THE ONE in a couple months, let alone a couple years. Can I just say it again: She was a widow for 84 years!

It is often our impatience and loneliness that gets us into trouble because hearts can be deceitful even without the added fire of seeing "everyone" around us get married, have children and go along their merry way. We also get into the trap of revisiting even imperfect relationships with the longing that time (and selective memory) can bring. With all that said, we are meant to be new creatures with our eyes on God. We are meant to trust God to deliver on ALL of His promises as long as we are OBEDIENT to His Word. His Word is delivered to us in the Bible and this Scripture is very clear: 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness?" Don't get mad, but I don't see anywhere in that Scripture anything that says: "But if he's good to you, girl, then go 'head." I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the truth often isn't popular. In a nutshell, if this man is THE ONE, you should wait to see the fruit of the Spirit in him. In the meantime, you need to make sure that you follow the other instructions of God, specifically the no fornication rule (which means NO sex outside of marriage ... and we're using the non-Bill Clinton definition here!) Apart from not polluting the temple of God, abstaining should help you keep a clear head. And hopefully heart. With love Your Sister in Christ Anna

THIS MONTH’S SINGLES QUESTION??? When you are dating as a Christian, should you always go in a group or is it safe to go by yourselves? What is safe dating for Christians? If we are both Christians isn’t ok to go out without chaperons all the time? I

would like to know. I feel I am grown enough to know what to do and what not to do… I’d like to know what you think about this topic my fellow singles??? Signed. Just Need Answers WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR RESPONSES.. Married or single, we’d like your feedback. Let’s keep the conversation going on all these questions. If you have a question, please send it to us. Remember You Can Remain Anonymous

Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

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November 2013



ingdom oupleFeeding YOU

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Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster


MARCH 2014

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What God has for You! Helena and Isaac Price



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