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Praising God Is So Wonderful For Our Daily Living. This Keeps Us Healthy, Wealthy And Wise. If You Are Feeling Low Maybe You Are On The Wrong Diet.. Try Jesus! Smile By Darlene Thompson Happy Mother’s Day!

Greetings; Welcome to another edition of Sarah magazine. I would first of all like to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mothers. I pray that if your mother is still on this earth you are loving, cherishing and treating her like the special gift she is. Buy her flowers, take her out to dinner, It’s her special day! It is somewhat sad time for me, as some of you know, my mom passed away in December so this is the first Mother’s day without her. I miss her so much. People love your mother and don’t take her for granted, for tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Here we are in May 2015, doesn’t it seem like these months are going by so fast! We just celebrated the New Year and now it’s almost summer. Living in Arizona we are already feeling like its summer, we don’t know what it is to have cold weather.  Where ever you are I pray that all is well and that you are enjoying life. Now let’s talk about the magazine. Did you enjoy last month’s issue? If you haven’t read it, there’s still time to get a hard copy. It was so impressive to see so many young people working for the Kingdom of God. We see so much negativity in the news media that we forget about those who are doing something positive. Which is why I profiled young people doing something good? I hope you enjoyed it. Did you notice how thick this month’s issue is?? I call it a Book Within A Book. This month we have a beautiful couple as our featured story. We all have seen the news and it’s all about racism. We try to ignore the fact that racism exits, but it does. We look at racism as just black and white, but we tend to forget that racism exits in other ways as well. We are sometimes prejudice against our own race, we have racism in the churches! I had to address this issue, because it is so prevalent in this day and age. Who better to talk about this issue, than Martha and William

Wills. We refer to them as Mom and Pop. They are breaking down racial walls through their powerful conferences which you will read about in this issue. I’ve asked others to share their views on racism as well. It’s time we face the fact that it does exist and something needs to be done. When you read how it all began with Martha and William, you will be inspired to attend these yearly conferences to be a part of breaking down racial barriers. They will share their story of how they are carrying on their son’s legacy Bishop William O. Wills Jr. Who passed away in May, 2013. I could go on and on telling you about this beautiful family, but I will let you read it for yourself. This is a wakeup call people; We need to pray and then pray some more!! Change has got to come! We also have some powerful articles that you need to read. Such as being educated on Lupus, Breast Cancer, taking care of your hair properly and so much more. Don’t focus on how thick the magazine is, but focus on all the information you are getting that would normally cost you hundreds of dollars. We compiled in one magazine every month just for you! Take your time to read, relax and enjoy Sarah magazine. Please give us your feedback, we’d like to know what you think. Your input means a lot to us. God bless you and enjoy…

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

12. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr. 3. MORNING INSPIRATION- Darlene Thompson 4. WELCOME 9. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-Leach 17. A TRUE WARRIOR FOR CHRIST –Shermeka Ellis 32. RACISM IN THE BLACK CHURCH – W.S. Davidson 40. SPEAK LIFE - Nuggets that Nurture- Minister LaNita Price 44. REFLECTIONS – Labriel Leach 48. INTIMACY AND BREAST CANCER -Keith


16. MNIN RADIO SHOW- Dr. Ethel James 27. DADDY’S LITTLE GIRLS- Victoria Only 34. COMING SOON! A PERSONAL GUIDE FOR NATURAL CURES- Susan Murph-Jones 46. HOW TO PUBLISH IN FOUR EASY STEPS – Sheree Carradine 52. NEW MOVIE! JOY COMES IN THE MORNING- SCS FILMS 91. SAVE THE DATE- Racial Reconciliation Conference-Martha & William Wills


Our Featured Story 58. BREAKING DOWN RACIAL BARRIERS- Martha & William Wills

20. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS -With Dianna Urfavstylist 23. HEALTH COURAGE & LOVE –By Calvinia Williams 42. FINEST QUALITY HAIR &MAKE UPBrigandis Inc.

TEEN TALK 35. RACISM-Alexys Rodgers

39. Advertise 57. Subscribe 95. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine

My Mother My Friend

R.I.P Mommy Beatrice Minor 8-29-1927 -12-27-2014

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Happy Mother’s Day Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

May is the month where we celebrate our Mothers. This month, I would like to talk about my Mother, Veronica Beaden. My Mother was a stay-at-home Mom. When I would come home from school, I would bend her ear about everything that went on during my day. She would make the best sandwiches to send me to school with. It wasn’t until I was older that I told her that I would trade some of my sandwiches for extra milk! My Mother is a smart women. She would help me with my homework with such imagination! For example, I had a book report about the state of Mississippi. My Mother helped me get the information (that was before Google), write up what I learned (there was no copying), and presented it in a very nice photo album where I put my pages into. Of course I got an “A” on the project, but I told my teacher that my Mommy helped me! My Mother taught me how to be independent. When I was in kindergarten, my mother did not drive. So I would share a ride with a neighbor’s son, who was the same age. One day, no one came to pick us up! Now, do you remember when you could walk home without any issues? Well, we started walking home. Two little kids walked home alone, which was about a mile. When I got home, it was later than usual, so my Mother was concerned. How did we get home, she asked? We walked by ourselves with no help! We were so very proud of ourselves! Needless to say, my mother learned how to drive!

the time! I would come home from school and peck at the piano songs that I learned that day. So when I started music lessons, she would sit and listen to what I was playing. She would say “that doesn’t sound right” without knowing the song. She had and still has a good ear! While growing up, I would talk to my Mom about anything! She would explain things I questioned so that I could understand. There wasn’t too many things that I could not talk to her about. As I got older, our conversations were woman-to-woman. We didn’t always agree, but we respected each other’s opinion. I value her opinion, even if it conflicts with my own. My mother also showed me that she is a fighter! Around two years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. As God’s timing, I was there when she received the news. Of course she was in a state of shock, but I knew that God would not take her, at least not yet. There were things that she still needed to do! So we all rallied beside her, my father, sister, brothers & wives, and my eldest son, her oldest grandson. She taught us how to be close, so Mom knew that we would be by her side. She is slowly recovering, but she is still alive!

While growing up, she made being a Mother look so easy. I’m sure there were times when she thought that we took her for granted. We did, but it wasn’t until I became a mother myself did I realize that! We, as mothers, give to our children whatever we have, so that our children would have what we feel is a better I love music and dancing. Where did I get that life! We love unconditionally, no matter the from? My Mom! She would dance with me situation. We are there when our children and my siblings to Jackie Wilson and other need help and ready to assist whenever we music from her 45s (do you know what those can. We know that God’s gift are our children are?). She would sing songs and dance all of and we will raise them according to His Word!

So, if you have a Mother that is still alive, don’t just take her out to dinner and call it a night. For all of the things that she has done for you requires more than just dinner….it requires YOU. My Mother lives far away and I just can’t jump in a car to be with her. So I wanted her to know that I love her and thank God that He chose her to be my Mother. There are those who Mothers have gone to be with The Lord. Cherish the life that you had with her. Don’t mourn her life, but celebrate it! She was a special gift given to you, which makes you special, too! I love you, Mommy Rest in Heaven, Ida Eugenia Stewart Rest in Heaven, Mary Beaden Rest in Heaven, Lucille Grigsby-Heron Rest in Heaven, Beatrice Minor

Veronica Beaden, My Moth er

My Mother, me, and My Faither

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When you look at me, what do you see? I pray that it is an image of what God wants you to be. A True Warrior for Christ, that’s what I strive to be! Nothing more nothing less, just living my life so that one day I can be with Him eternally! For those of you who do not know Debra Ramsey, she is a daughter, sister, aunt, mother, wife, grandmother, lifetime best friend, confidant to many, and most of all a child of the Most High God. When you look at her she is an example of a courageous warrior for Christ. Many of you have heard the saying, I don’t look like what I’ve been through, well in her case she could have wrote the book and produced the song. In spite of years of health issues, reports from the doctors that were not always so good, surgery after surgery, and being told you should not be here, she yet holds her head up high because she knows who’s she is and who holds her in the palm of His hands. There are not many people that will take the time to stop on the way to the pharmacy in the midst of feeling sick beyond relief and lead a soul to Christ? There are not many people that have laid in the hospital bed after a six day stay not knowing of the four more days ahead and honor God in Praise and Worship. That is what you call a True Warrior for Christ. She has lived through several reports that the results concluded with her being taken from this earth, BUT GOD!! SO, if it is your deepest desire to be a True Warrior for Christ, God will equip you with the Armor necessary to stand against the evils of this world. Just take a moment to read Ephesians 6:10-18. You will find that God provides for you a Belt Of Truth, Breastplate Of Righteousness, The Gospel Of Peace, A Shield Of Faith, The Helmet Of Salvation and last but not least the Sword Of The Spirit.

Debra Ramsey is a great example of a living breathing testimony that reflects the truth behind, only what you do for Christ will last. In the midst of her daily uphill journey she yet finds the time to encourage someone else and lift the spirits of souls that can’t seem to see the sun soon to rise again. Need I say it again; A True Warrior for Christ will last. As her first born and one and one and only daughter, it is a true privilege and honor to call her MOTHER. Life is not promised to anyone young or old , so on this Mother’s Day I encourage others to show your mother the love she deserves. If for no other reason besides she was a part of giving you life, remember life is one of the most precious gifts one can give. Someday, one of you will not be here so take the time to make this Mother’s Day count! Then going forward, as my brother says, “Remember, Every day is Mother’s Day!” Mom as I have told you before, I cherish every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second you are here with me. you have been a true example of what a Godly, strong, successful and courageous woman should be. I am truly grateful and thankful to God for every year I am able to say Happy Mother’s Day!

I Love You To The Moon And Back Your Daughter,

Shermeka Ellis

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist By Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Bald Edges!!! Bald Edges!!!! Bald Edges!!!! What is a Bald Edges you ask??? I’ll tell you. The term “Bald Edges” is used to describe when a woman has experienced balding or traction alopecia around the front part of her hair line. The condition happens as a result of the sufferer constantly pulling the hair in one direction. According to Wikipedia, Traction alopecia is the recession of the hairline due to chronic traction or hair pulling. This condition can be reversed with a little love and care. In worst case scenarios, the hair MAY NOT GROW BACK!

Weaves, braids, and ponytails are beautiful when done properly but these are hairstyles that will do damage to your hairline if you just can’t live without them. The truth of the matter is that our hair is fragile and must be styled carefully. Any hairstyle that pulls should be carefully considered. There is a common misconception in the black community. Many of us have believed for years that if you pull your hair tighter into a style it will grow faster. THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Let me explain. Hair is produced in the matrix below the surfaces of our skin. This matrix is the place where keratinization takes place. Keratinization is the term that describes the process of making hair, skin or nails. As hair develops in your matrix it

is slowly forced out of the follicle until it reaches the surface of your skin. By the time the fiber reaches the outer environment it is strong and able to withstand the outer elements. The process of keratinizing hair is a delicate process and it takes time. When we pull our hair constantly or repeatedly we rush the creation of hair. In doing this we have not allowed our hair to gain all of its strength before being exposed to things like heat, water, air or tension. Thus you have a weaker strand of hair that breaks easily. Over time you may even pull your hair hard enough to pull it out at the root!!! Enough of this and the hair matrix is damaged and may not grow your hair back. This can be scary and nerve wrecking. Here are a few tips to keep you from living life on the edge!! 1. Never pull your hair to tight. A sign of this is pain, or folds in the skin. 2. Try not to wear hairstyles to long if they pull your hair up or back. 3. Make sure your weaves, braids or other constricting hairstyles or done professionally. A professional should know what is healthy for your hair follicles. 4. For edges that are completely gone use a temple balm to promote hair growth and cease the use of any hairstyles that are damaging to your edges. To learn more about caring for your edges and other hair issues please attend the following event: Southern Arizona International Natural Hair Meetup Day Saturday May 30, 2015 12pm-4pm 2047 S. Highway 92 Sierra Vista, Az 85635 Tickets Available at

Do you have a hair question?? Email me at: Your question could be my next topic. Melvira’s Hair Studio 7090 North Oracle Rd. Suite 80 Studio 6 Tucson, Az. 85705 520.409.8837


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Health Courage And Love

In Sarah‘s 2014 issue the cover featured an African American women living with lupus. Throughout the struggles andHealthDay pain sheReporter overcame and is still making progress to live a “quality of Life.” The month of May represents Individuals living with Lupus all around the globe. World Lupus Day observance on May 10, 2015 signifies an opportunity to bring awareness around the globe. At least five million people worldwide have lupus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system mistakes the body's own tissues as foreign invaders and attacks them. Lupus affects people of African, Asian, or Native American descent two to three times as often as it affects whites. Nine out of 10 people with lupus are women. The disease usually strikes between age 15 and 44, although it can occur in older individuals Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system mistakes the body's own tissues as foreign invaders and attacks them. Some people with lupus suffer only minor inconvenience. Others suffer significant lifelong disability. Lupus affects people of African, Asian, or Native American descent two to three times as often as it affects whites. Nine out of 10 people with lupus are women. The disease usually strikes between age 15 and 44, although it can occur in older individuals. According to WebMD News from HealthDay - Lupus Death Rates Vary by Race, Ethnicity: Study By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Jan. 15, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Asian and Hispanic lupus patients in the United States have lower death rates than whites, blacks or Native Americans with the disease, a new study reveals. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes joint and organ damage. Autoimmune disorders mean the body's immune system attacks healthy body tissue by mistake, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. "While previous research has examined racial differences among lupus patients, the studies have primarily been based at academic research centers," said lead author Dr. Jose Gomez-Puerta, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "Our study investigates the variation in death rates due to lupus among different ethnic groups in a general clinical setting." Researchers reviewed Medicaid claims filed by more than 42,200 lupus patients aged 18 to 65, between 2000 and 2006. Of those patients, nearly 8,200 had kidney inflammation caused by lupus (lupus nephritis).

Health Courage And Love By racial/ethnic group, the percentages of patients with lupus or lupus nephritis were: black, 40 percent; white, 38 percent; Hispanic, 15 percent; Asian, 5 percent; and Native American, 2 percent.

against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to

Hispanic and Asian lupus patients had the lowest death rates, according to the study published Jan. 15 in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology. The annual death rate was highest among Native Americans, blacks and whites, in that order.

stand your ground, and after you have done

"In less than three years of follow-up of Medicaid patients with lupus, we found a great disparity in mortality [death] rates among ethnic groups. Understanding the variation of death among the races is important to determine how best to treat individual patients, modify risk factors, and ultimately improve survival for those with lupus," Gomez-Puerta said in a journal news release.

15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that

everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Our disease is real there are no bland stories painted on our faces. In an attempt to deal with LUPUS my weapon of choice are various scriptures that I reflect on throughout the day;

Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV The Armor of God 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is] that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can

Matthew 11:28 - Come unto me,

take your stand against the devil's schemes.

all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - And he

Health Courage And Love said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (Read More...)

Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon

Be blessed in the Lord and remember; 7

The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,

the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

Nahum 1:7 New International Version (NIV)

Psalms 31:24 - Be of good courage, and


he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

Lupus of Neavada, Inc.

Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Psalms 103:2 - 103:4 2

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:


Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;


Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

My Citizenship is in Heaven Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D.

Hello my name is Victoria; Daddy's Little Girls was started in 2006 by four little girls who loved there daddy's so much they wanted to form a group. They approached me and asked if I could help in starting such a group. I, of course said yes and together we decided on the name "DADDY'S LITTLE GIRLS". I then discussed with them that we would form the group but it would cater to all girls even if they have no relationship with their Daddy's, we all look to our Father above for all of our needs, or at least we should... I am a firm believer that where my Father leads I will follow. The four young ladies mentioned are Mikayla Moore, Bryanna Moore, Amari Moore and Cenia Willis. Along with myself Victoria C. Only.

Hi I’m Mikayla; We were sitting at our aunt’s daycare watching the movie “Daddy’s Little Girls.” We put ourselves in the movie because there were 3 sisters and there were three of us. Then we applied it to real life. being that our dad has always worked and provided for us, taken us out on individual dates, bought us whatever we needed and most of the time whatever we simply wanted, taught us how to love each other as the Lord loves us and that loving the Lord is the most important thing in life. He has always been right there for us, we are crazy in love with our Daddy! Having and active dad has taught us so much on how a man should treat, or spoil his lady and how he should love and protect her. Our daddy has instilled in us that we are princesses and we should never be treated less than one! So we say all that to say this; the organization is to bring dads and their daughters closer to each other, and also closer to the lord. We love our daddy, and we love our God the father. We just simply want to share our stories and our love with the community of young ladies and their daddies.

God has given me an awesome assignment that I am very excited to finally share with you. As the founder of Daddy's Little Girls, my goal is to create young ladies that will grow up knowing there self-worth putting God first in everything they do, to teach Fathers how to develop a relationship with their daughters, I feel this is where it starts. If a Father treats his daughter like the princess she is early on, when the time comes when she is at dating age she will not settle for anything less than being treated equivalent to the standard she is used to. We will be teaching the girls good Christian morals. how to live their lives for Christ how to keep their bodies pure until they meet that perfect mate that God has sent to them. We will also teach proper etiquette, college preparation, career planning and entrepreneurship. There will also be opportunity for those interested in modeling, and acting. We will also have a beautiful Praise Dance Ministry. I hope this excites you enough to want to be a part of something amazing! I am praying for a change in our young ladies of tomorrow, please help me in making this dream a wonderful reality. Join us in starting the conversation on BLOG TALK RADIO??? God Bless You,

Victoria C. Only - Founder/ Daddy's Little Girls

Presents….. Proverbs 22:6 D.O.K –Daughters Of The King A Formal Event-Coming In October, 2015 Where: Sacramento, California Young Ladies Ages 5-18 Etiquette Training, Self Esteem, College Preparation, Entrepreneurship And So Much More! Sign Your Daughters Up For This Two Day Event! Join Our Mailing List Or To Find Out More About This Great Event Contact; Victoria C. Only At Daddyslittlegirls226@Gmail.Com , or 916-308-6734 Coming Soon… Daddy’s Little Girls On Blog Talk Radio! Time And Date To Be Announced.


RACISM IN THE BLACK CHURCH Willie Lynch, the British Slave Owner, did a job on us! It is very difficult for me to address this issue. However, I will share with you what I have witnessed in these past 56 years. I do not have a Ph. D in Behavior Psychology, but I believe we as Blacks cannot escape what has been embreaded in our culture. I see the church as a symbol of the white southern house on a plantation. I visualize the Pastor as a Master over his slaves, which are the members. The Elders and Deacons are the overseer of the slaves. The leaders of the church shows partiality toward people who fit the norm of society. For example, they are the members who can pay big tithes and give large offerings. Most of the time, these people are attractive and have status in their community. These are the people who are given the opportunity to visit the pastor’s home and go out to dinner with them. The members that have status in the church tend to look down upon the lay members, who are single parents, the mentally challenge and handicapped. Moreover, I have notice that people who are considered poor in church are normally given tasks in church that is beneath the big tithers, such as cleaning the bathroom, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, dusting, mopping, cooking, and running errands, things that other people don’t want to do. I see these people as the cotton pickers or as the busy bees.

Furthermore, envy runs rapidly in the Black Church, which leads many times to the church falling in disarray. The Black Church preach and teach love, but hate is boiling over within the same race. There are “clicks” in the church, one group wants to sit in one area because they feel they are much better than the other group. Sometimes if a new person comes to church and does not know that this is a seat that one claims as their seat, a confrontation can come about over a small matter as this. Likewise, I notice that the fair skinned people in church tend to congregate together and if you have good hair, but are somewhat brown, they may allow you to partake in their conversation. Have you notice? Who gets the lead song every Sunday? What about the young lady in the choir who is faithful and helps with all the choir fundraiser? She has a great soprano voice, but for the last three years, she has not been given the opportunity to lead one song. What is the matter with this picture? I feel she has proven herself to be a committed choir member. Another thing, does the Master of Ceremony of the church program always need to look like “Eye Candy”? The Black Church knows how to break one’s spirit! Maybe that’s the reason the Black Church membership is declining. Black People are sick and tired of being beating down in

words over the pulpit. They get enough negative attitude during their daily lives, they don’t need to come to church and get a whipping by the Black Master! The Lynch Letter stated if you want to control the slaves, you need to put fear in them, separate them, beat them and put distrust in between them. The Black Church is doing a good job at it. Mr. Lynch stated “the horse and nigger must be broken”. The Black Church is no different than the police in Baltimore; they cripple and kill people too!


Please forgive me, if I have hurt your feelings regarding the state of the Black Church.

Susan Murph – Jones is the author of A Personal Guide For Natural Cures. Susan has spent countless hours researching natural remedies. She believes she has found some great information and wants to share it with you. It is with great hope that something in this book will be of assistance to you or a loved one who faces challenges with health. Or, maybe you are just looking for a home remedy that works. In this book you will some of Susan’s favorite Natural Cures”. Susan Murph – Jones is also the founder and publisher of Impact Detroit Magazine. Impact Detroit Magazine (IDM) reports positive stories about people and families in the city of Detroit and greater Detroit area on national platforms. IDM provides both a print and a digital issue. youcan also visit her website

Hi guys! It’s Alexys here with a new Teen Talk Real Talk! How did everyone’s month go? I had a pretty exciting one. I went to the fair, hung out with friends a lot and my track team won our City Track Meet! It was crazy fun! I hope everyone had a great month full of fun and laughter! So for this Teen Talk I want to talk about racism. I have only 3 things to say. First Off, What Is Racism? The Dictionary Definition Says:

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various huma n racial groups, determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to

dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. Basically, it’s when someone puts a different race or culture under you. Now the second thing is – what would make someone want to do that? I mean after slavery and the torture wouldn’t that give a message? Don’t you think people would stop being racist? Well, they don’t! We can do so many things to stop this, but we all refuse to stand up and speak! To stop racism we have to pray first. Prayer is what gets everything going. After we pray we just need to speak. For instance at my school, I hear people say the ‘N’ word all the time. You just can’t be afraid! You have to say something about it. Racism is wrong and if God doesn’t accept it then why should we? If we are doing something that God isn’t happy with, we aren’t actually beautifying God and we’re just like the rest of the people who don’t know god. And the last thing… What does the bible say about racism?

Acts 10:34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, Peter is saying that God favors no one and he loves us all equally. Black, Caucasian, Asian, it doesn’t matter God loves us all.

Ephesians 6:9 Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him. Again it is talking about how God shows no partiality. So if God shows none then we shouldn’t either! He made us in his image so as Christians

we need to be role models for the rest of the world and actually be like him! I have a few questions to ask all of you 1.) How do you stop racism? 2.) What is your opinion on racism? 3.) What other places in the bible talk about racism? So I hope this helped someone! If you have anything to say email and I’ll be sure to answer your question or respond to your comment! Everyone have a great month and don’t forget to pray and Love God!

Former NBA Player and Entrepreneur Erving “Magic” Johnson and his wife Cookie Johnson has gone through many struggles. She stood by him when he contracted HIV from sex, when other women would have divorced him and walked away with half his wealth. In this eBook, I pose the questions, would other Black African American Women have been as supportive and understanding or Did Magic Take The Last Cookie “Good Black Woman?” eBook $4.99

HERE’S HOW: If you like to write, have a ministry, business or anything you want the world to see. Send it to us; we will make your advertisement look great! Simply follow the four easy steps and your ad will been seen in Sarah magazine by thousands of people worldwide. 1. A $20 donation will get you a full page ad. 2. Our deadline is the 25th of each month unless otherwise stated. 3. Send your submission to 4. To make your donation go to We are a monthly magazine and we work by donations only. Your donations are what keep us coming to you every month. The magazine comes out on the fifth of every month; we are online as well as in hard copy. Want to be added to our mailing list? Simply send us your email address and we will add you to the list.

Today I Pray That You:        

Have supernatural wisdom to let go of what is not producing life Knowledge Understanding Open ears to hear Softened heart to receive from God’s word and leading Courage to obey Faith that God is in control Stamina to stay the course on this walk as a follower of Christ

I found this prayer note from January 2012 in one of my journals and it reminded me of a song I listen to on the radio every day. The singer reminds the listener over and over again to speak life, and admonishes us to look into the eyes of the broken hearted and speak hope and life. But how many of us are doing that? How many of us have taken time out of the hustle and bustle of life to really look for those around us who need a word of encouragement of a kind gesture to let them know it is going to be okay? To let them know about the hope we have in Christ. I see people posting quotes, challenging one another to post scriptures or sign your favorite inspirational song. Why don’t we take all of that energy and time to reach someone outside of our virtual world? Every day we hear of killings, racism,

discrimination, profiling, name calling, wars and rumors of wars. I believe this earth is in turmoil and Christ is soon to come and it now time for those of us who have sat in our congregations and been fed the word over and over again to put feet, hands and open hearts to all that we know. Pastor Randy Musgrove said once “You teach what you know, you produce who you are.” Could it be that we can make a difference by becoming the living word to others. 2 Corinthians 3:3 says “It is clear that you are Christ's letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God--not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” (Holman Christian Standard Bible) When our hearts are soft and pliable to God leading through the Holy Spirit and His word we then are humble vessels the love of God with grace and share it as freely as we have received it. When we don’t walk in humility we cause more harm than good. The world seems to have gotten it right when they started paying it forward and random acts of kindness, you see someone realized that one good deed turns another but that movement has since slowed down. Why? It was based in man operating in His own strength to be morally good. We as believers can capitalize on that random form of kindness and keep it going through the sustaining power of God’s grace, but it takes us getting out of our comfort zones and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us in our day to day walk. This week I encourage you to pray that God would give you His eyes to see His people as He sees them and that you would be willing to get out of your comfort zone and share a kind word, gesture or even offer to pray for those you come in contact with.

Minister LaNita Price

WHAT IF you could order one product that could go on your EYES, your LIPS, NAILS and HAIR. WOULD YOU BUY IT? Contact me NOW!!! 1-

Bridgette Carradine Independent Presenter


Reflections by Labriel Leach One of my life long goals was the have

the privilege of bowling for a college team. And like some many other things in my life, obstacles always seemed to get in the way. But that all changed last August when I finally faced my fears, packed up and accepted a sports scholarship to Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis.

I can to get us there next season.

One of my biggest achievements for the season, actually didn’t come from the bowling itself. After having a great first semester, in which I was named to the school’s Honor Roll for having a grade point average of 3.75, I was surprised to find out that I was rewarded for that hard work I had put into my school work by being named a NAIA National Academic Things didn’t get off to the best start, though as because of previous years of struggling with All-American for the year! This was easily the best feeling I’ve ever had! my education, I had to sit out the first half of the season to get my GPA better. After sitting Running this season has not been able to out for that first half of the season (just another go as planned thus far. Back in October, I obstacle I’ve endured in the past few years), I unfortunately pulled my left groin muscle finally fulfilled my dream in January. while training with the team in preseason weight training. Ultimately, I was sidelined Although I am still young, and can say that I for almost two months with the injury, which have accomplished and achieved so much in put a halt to my training. Things didn’t get my sports up to this point of my life, nothing much better though, as I reinjured it just weeks could have prepared me for the intensity, into getting back in the swing of things. I excitement, and most of all nervousness that finally got cleared in March, but because of I experienced that first this, I had lost a huge chunk of the season bowling tournament. that would lead us to believing redshirting Now the tournament me for the season would do the most good. itself did not go the I have been slowly getting back my running way I would have like legs these past 3-4 weeks and just as a training individually, but I was workout, I have been traveling with the team able to help the team and have competed in 2 races as an unattached to its best finish of the season up to that point. runner (I didn’t wear the school uniform). I would go on to finish my 1st season with a Confidence is the one thing that has always 192 average, which was not only tied for the been my toughest opposition. The results, top bowler on the team, but also finished in although completely surprising in my eye for the top 40 in the nation. I was able to help lead the lack of training, have been amazing. First the team back into the college postseason for race back running the 400 hurdles, I was able the first time in 3 years. Although we missed to finish 3rd out of 21 athletes with a time of making it to the National Championships, it 55.68, which would have tied the National left me with the burning desire to do whatever Qualifying Standard, as well as broke a 16

year old school record. This would have booked my ticket to nationals, had I been competing in a school uniform. I followed this performance the next week by adding the 110 hurdles as well. I was able to finish 3rd out of 19 athletes, with a new personal best time and second time in school history with a 14.68; and later finished 2nd in the 400 hurdles as well. Although I will not being able to compete for a national title this season like I had hoped, these past few weeks have given me confidence that I can and will get back to full strength! It couldn’t come at a better time, because over the next 417 days, I will embark on a journey that will hopefully end up achieving my all-time biggest lifetime goal; running for my place in history and running for my place on the US National Team for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games! As I sit here writing this, I can’t explain how amazing it feels to have finished my first year here at school. I have grown much as a student, an athlete, as well as a Man. I’m finally seeing all my hard work pay off. Sometimes obstacles are placed in front of us, with some bigger than others. Mine just happened to have been 5 years’ worth. I’ve wanted to give up numerous times, but it was because of the love of my family and friends that I’ve been able to make it this far. Now, St. Louis will never be able to replace what Tucson has in my heart, but I finally believe I’ve found my place. A place where I can finally get my college degree; a place I can make a name for myself in my sports individually as well as for the school; but most of all, a place I can finally become the Man I was always destined to be.

A personal note: My son has struggled since high school to be the person he has always dreamed of being. But like the majority of us, life has obstacles. Those obstacles were put in front of us to teach us things that we would need later in life. He would fight against those things, which brought him more pain. Sometimes, it takes us to separate ourselves from the familiar to test what God has put into us. My son has learned alot in a year, but there is so much more he will learn. But the first and foremost thing that he learned is TRUST IN GOD! I am so very proud of the man he is becoming and continue to pray over his life and the new steps he will be taking in the years to come. I love you, son!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

Do you have a story to tell? Are you trying to turn your story into a book? Is everything all boggled up in your head and you don’t know where to start? Are you looking for help, but have found the cost to publish is outrageous? If your answer is yes to these questions, then you need my help.

Let me teach you how to write and publish your book in four easy steps, for less than $600. And in less than three months. This is what you will learn... 1. Putting what’s in your head on paper. 2. Friends and editors 3. Publishing companies 4. Your journey starts now! Learn all of this and more!!

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Carradines-A.C.O A.C.O Publishing Company

By SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM As a caregiver or significant other, questions will arise when your Breast Cancer Warrior is ready mentally and physically for intimacy. I think it's very important to let your Breast Cancer Warrior know each and every day how beautiful she is, no matter what she looks like on the outside. But unfortunately, the inside is what must first be addressed. There are many ways to confront this most serious issue and many avenues of approach. According to Jayne Garrison (via WebMD), this is the insight that's most important: Breast cancer may bring challenges in love, sex, and intimacy. Below are some answers to common questions for women with breast cancer. Will my marriage fall apart? This diagnosis can make or break a marriage. You'll find that you have a better marriage after breast cancer, or you'll have no marriage. Fortunately, most women find the diagnosis makes a marriage stronger. Your fight against breast cancer truly is a battle in the medical trenches. Let your

husband or boyfriend climb in the trenches with you. Let him help in any way he wants. Some husbands come to every medical appointment and take notes. Some have their hands full just helping with the grocery shopping. The point is, give your husband permission to be as involved as he wants. And understand that not every man can climb into the trench with you. If you didn't have a strong relationship before your diagnosis, you may face a rough time now. But if you're both willing to work, you can find ways to get back to the love you shared years ago. A crisis has a way of drawing a couple closer. Will I ever want to have sex again? Sex sure isn't at the top of a woman's mind after her diagnosis, and treatment doesn't help! You're sore, you're scared, and some of the treatments cause vaginal dryness. It's common on the breast cancer message boards to see a posting that says, "Sex? What's that?" Talk with your guy about it. He needs to understand how you feel, and that you won't feel this bad forever. Go slow, at your own pace.

Keep in mind that most chemotherapy puts women into premature menopause, so you may experience hot flashes along with vaginal dryness. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to reduce menopausal symptoms. And when you do want to try sex, don't hesitate to use a vaginal lubricant. Some positions may hurt, such as lying on the side where you had your mastectomy. Certain activities that once gave you pleasure may not anymore. Your partner needs you to be his guide. When you feel like having sex, let him know. Be willing to experiment. Your body isn't exactly the same. Why should you follow the same sex routine? Remember, once you're feeling healthy, you can get back your sex drive. While you're feeling sick, don't concern yourself with anything except feeling better. You can bring romance back into your relationship long before you resume sex. If you're uncomfortable with your appearance, wear pretty lingerie to bed. Light the room with candles when you go to bed, even if the two of you are just going to talk. Take a shower together before bed. You'll feel more romantic if you feel fresh.

SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. The organization is based in Novi, MI and was created on behalf of his SHERO, Mrs. Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins. Mrs. Crutchfield-Collins is an 8yr Breast Cancer Warrior! Visit us on Facebook, Twitter or by going to

One Team/One Fight!

Lupus Groups Seek International Attention for Chronic Disease Afflicting Five Million People Worldwide

Lupus of Nevada unites with advocacy groups around the world to raise awareness about the disease that has no boundaries Las Vegas, Nev. (May, 2015) – Lupus of Nevada is uniting with advocacy groups from around the globe to host a seminar to raise awareness about the serious, lifealtering effects of autoimmune lupus. The event will be held in honor of the ninth annual World Lupus Day on May 10, 2015 and will feature world renowned immunologist, Dr. Djemel Ait-Azzouzene. “Lupus is a disease with no boundaries. It impacts more than five million men, women and children around the world,” said Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/Founder of Lupus of Nevada. “We are proud to hold this seminar to help educate Nevadans and


Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/Founder Lupus of Nevada, Inc. (702) 595-0313

build awareness for this life-altering disease.” Lupus affects more than just the person with the disease – it impacts family, friends, and work colleagues. Still, it is widely underrecognized as a global health problem by the public, health professionals, and governments, which is driving the need for greater awareness for early diagnosis and treatment. EVENT DETAILS: The seminar will take place on Saturday, May 9th at Lord of Harvest from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at 2777 W Craig Road, Suite 103, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032. All are welcome to attend. The following admission prices will be made as donations

to help raise awareness and understanding of lupus:  Lupus of Nevada members: $15.00  General public: $25.00 About World Lupus Day World Lupus Day began with a Proclamation 11 years ago by an international steering committee representing lupus organizations from 13 different nations when they met in Eaton, United Kingdom to organize the first observance of World Lupus Day. The Proclamation is a call to action for governments around the world to increase their financial support for lupus research, awareness and patient services. The Proclamation reflects the emerging issues that people with lupus around the world must face every day. The Proclamation serves to give a single voice to all individuals affected by this devastating and debilitating chronic disease. About Lupus of Nevada Lupus of Nevada is a nonprofit organization devoted to growing awareness about the mystery of lupus, one of the world’s cruelest, most unpredictable, and devastating diseases, while giving caring support to those who suffer from its brutal impact. For more information please visit:

About Lupus Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.


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Social Media/Promo Links Joy Comes In The Morning 2015 Twitter: 689 Project Website: Facebook: Joy Comes In The Morning Movie Promo 1 Joy Comes In The Morning Movie Promo 2

Leading Actor Nick W. Nicholson Nick is the leading actor and a consultant for this project. Though born in Los Angeles, Nick Nicholson grew up in Oklahoma where he nurtured his early burgeoning love for the arts. After his first performance as young Winthrop in a production of The Music Man at the age of five, Nick was hooked. He took every opportunity available to him through high school, Community Theater, and college to pursue his acting career, taking such roles as Peter Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank, Sgt. Sefton in Stalag 17, Laertes in Hamlet, and as the Monster in Young Frankenstein. Also demonstrating his superb musical abilities, he performed in multiple musical theater productions including The Music Man and The Mikado. During this time, Nick earned his bachelor and master’s degrees in Fine Arts from The University of Oklahoma. With Nick’s move to Houston came a shift of focus in his career from acting to professional film criticism. His work as a critic has crossed the market nationally from print to radio. His time working for News 92, CNN Radio and multiple other media outlets garnered Nick the special distinction of being the only film critic in the State of Texas that votes for both the National Film Awards as well as the National Television Awards. Nick’s national accreditation in film and television criticism came through his membership in the Broadcast Film Critics Association, the Broadcast Television Journalist Association and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Beyond this, Nick speaks at both public and civic organizations on the subject of film and the entertainment industry and serves as a consultant on numerous film projects. While still a prominent film critic, Nick never gave up on his passion for acting. He has performed roles in several feature films including The Avengers: Age of Ultron, 7 Chinese Brothers, Haunted Trailer, The Legend of DarkHorse County, Patriot Act, and the multiple award-winning film Jacob.

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I met this beautiful family between the late eighties maybe early ninties. From the moment I met them I claimed them as my family. Over the years I have just been in awe of the things they do in the community as well as the conferences they have every year. They opperate in excellence! Every one knows them as Mom and Pop Wills. They have adopted so many as their own and we all love them and their biological children so much! If you have not attended one of their conferences or met them personally, you are missing a treat! I could go on an on about Martha and William, but I will let you get to know them through our Featured Story. It’s filled with lot’s of pictures , articles within the article actual news papper clippings and so much more! There is a few little surprises for Mom and Pop in this story. We had to make it a book within a book because they have so much to share about their journey and their son the late Bishop William O. Wills Jr.

Minister Sheree Carradine

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

Martha and William Wills Martha was born in West Memphis Arkansas on May 6, 1929. At age 5 her family moved from West Memphis to Cardova Tennessee. Martha attended Three Rooms Elementary School in Cordova. At age 10 she accepted Christ into her life. In 1947 she graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and in 1951 she enlisted in the military and she worked as an LPN. She met William Wills in 1952 at Randolph AFB, in San Antonio, Texas. On April 4th, 1953 the two were joined together in Holy Matrimony. William was born in Bronx, New York on May 25th 1932. He was raised in Borough Manhattan. He was educated in the public system in New York.

races to interact with each other without prejudice. Minister A. Ritchie Low of the Congregational Methodist Church in Johnson, Vermont contacted Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York to share this vision. Together the two created “The Vermont Plan”. The article “Hands across the Color Line” was in the August edition of Parents Magazine in 1948. They were also featured in Ebony and readers digest. (pictures shown on next page).

As a young child, William and his brother Thomas were included in a vision “The Vermont Plan” which brought together children from different backgrounds and

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

Pictures Of Interracial Groups

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter July 1951 he joined the military. In l952 he met the love of his life, Martha at Randolph AFB, San Antonio, Texas. On April 4th 1953, the two were joined together in Holy Matrimony. Martha and William were now Mr. and Mrs. Wills. Martha chose to end her career in the Military so that they could start a family. Their first child William Jr. was born in 1954. In 1958 their daughter Regina was born. While stationed at Forbes AFB In England, Martha

Martha & William

birthed their third daughter Constance in 1963. They were stationed in England until 1965.

In 1965 their next duty station was in Great Falls, Montana. They were stationed there from 1965 1969, during their stay, they joined the first black church called Union Bethel A.M.E, The Pastor was Reverend Himes. During that time they joined the

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter choir, and became great servants for the Lord. Martha had a direct line to the Air force times and she fought for a beauty shop on base so that women would not have to drive for miles to have their hair done. In August 1969 they moved to Arizona, which is where the ministry started their great ministry. They attended South Park Church. Over the years Wills family continued to be faithful servants of God.

vision to do a Racial Reconciliation Conference (RRCON) Instead of the traditional church anniversary. Now the seed and germination of RRCON was now to become a great and powerful ministry! They hosted the first RRCON with Meadowlark Lemon as their special guest speaker.

William Wills retired from the military in 1971 at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson Arizona. In 1980 they decided to start a bible study in their home, the ministry got so big that they decided to start their own ministry in 1981. They moved it from their home and taught in hotels, the ministry continued to grow. In 1982 they started Sunshine ministry with their son William Jr. son as the teacher. Sunshine church continued to grow. For the first two years they would do the traditional church anniversary. Approaching the third year of their ministry William Jr had a

In 1987 they purchased their church, located at 2145 S. Sahuara,

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter

The Beginning Of Sunshine Church

Tucson Arizona with William Jr. RRCON has sponsored a city wide as the Senior Pastor. Martha and conference to discuss William planted the seed in racial/cultural differences and breaking down racial barriers; find realistic ways for people to their son watered it respect each and took a big step other and City Wide Conference in founding the work together. Racial Reconciliation During the Community 1990’s the Network Outreach RRCON (RRCON), as it is conferences commonly called. began to grow RRCON was and numerically in still is breaking down dividing influence by bringing dome of the walls that separate God’s people best national and international bring a clearer cultural race reconcilers (people like Dr. understanding to the masses of Raleigh Washington, Dr. John the ethnic believers all over the Perkins, Rev. Prentice Tipton, world. Every year since 1987,

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter Apostle Clifford Turner, Pastor John C. Cherry, Dr. Myles Munroe, Chris Rice, and Glen Kehrein to name a few). Also, the 90’s saw the continuation of the Fall Festival Community Outreach (which had started the same year that the RRCON conferences had), the implementation of both Friday Night “LIVE” and the STC food program. By the end of the decade Sunshine Church had changed its name to Sunshine Training Center to better explain what the church actually did (train men and women in the gospel to become complete ministers).

Bishop William O. Wills Jr. was born in San Antonio, Texas, and attended public schools in Topeka, Kansas; Memphis Tennessee; High Wycombe England; Great Falls, Montana; and Tucson, Arizona. He attended Arizona State University and graduated from

the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism. He is committed to building relationships with churches, families, and businesses throughout the city; he is a man with a vision and an uncompromising teacher of the Word of God. He is involved with bringing together denominations and diverse pastors and leaders to pool their resources to accomplish their goals. As a motivational leader, he has a strong voice for reconciliation in Tucson and the Southwest. In 1995, he founded and implemented “Friday Night Live”. A ministry that provides a safe environment where young people can have fun. In 1996, Bishop Wills established a food program, which received television exposure and national recognition from former First Lady Hillary Rodham-Clinton. (See pictures on following pages) He has received numerous certificates and awards of recognition for “Outstanding Community Service” from the

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter following persons/organizations: Congressman Ed Pastor, Mayor Robert Walkup, former Mayor George Miller, Council Member Shirley Scott, the Tucson Police Department, the University of Arizona’s International Student Organization, and Citizens Neighborhood Services. On May 9, 2004, Senator Mark Anderson presented him the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Crown Peace Award for his outstanding leadership in reconciliation, peacemaking, and service to others. In October 2005, he received the United States Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation certificate of appreciation for outstanding community service from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). In February 2008, Bishop Wills received the Tucson Chapter of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and LULAC “Ms. Rosa Parks Living History Makers “Award for his faith-based community leadership.

In the following path GOD has given him, Bishop Wills has led RRCON to bring us to new heights. RRCON hosted its first ever free concert featuring the renown Tye Tribbet & GA from Camden, New Jersey. (Pictures on Following pages)That concert had well over two thousand attendees and many lives were forever altered. Another event, featuring the Fall Piñata Party and Outreach met the needs of over Eight hundred youth and adults right on Sunshine Training Center’s home campus. Bishop Wills believes in investing in people and has been a key component in restoring fine arts ministries within a lot of local churches (dance as well as drama, instrumental and vocal music). His motto is “NEW CONCEPTS<NEW WORDS< NEW POSITIONS”. In May 2013 we all suffered a great loss, when the man of God went home to be with the Lord. This was a devastating time for his family, friends and so many people that had the honor of

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter meeting him. He left such an impact and his legacy lives on through Mom and Pop. They have devoted their time along with their two daughters to continue the RRCON every year. We want you to know that there is so much more that we could add about this powerful man of God and his family, instead, we will let the pictures and articles tell the rest. Soon to come a book telling the whole story. Martha and William have two Daughters, Regina and Connie, one Granddaughter, Candace and two Great Grandchildren, Jaylin and Joelle. Before we close this section we have a special surprise for you.

Generations have prepared my parents for what they are doing now. My mom was born and grew up in the south, Memphis TN. She was part of the "Jim Crow" era. My dad on the other hand was born and grew up in

New York City. I am not saying that growing up in the city was any better for my dad, he too endured hardships. They met in the military and little did they know what they experienced together while serving our country would be an intricate part of the ministry of reconciliation. I appreciate them for being my parents. For loving me and my siblings through everything. For standing in the gap for me when I should have suffered the consequence. For being strong role models not just for her children but for a community of children. They have gone to bat for and helped so many people, too many to number. They just celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary that is a testament in its own right. Through their love and the grace of God, they have withstood the test of time. I am so proud of them. May God continue to bless them. I Love You Mom And Dad.


Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter May I first say I am so proud of my parents, Bill and Martha Wills!!! All of my life they have had a passionate zeal for God's work. That passion has not gone away in their senior years; in fact it just seems to get stronger. My parents have taken the work of Reconciliation to the core of their beings. Mom and dad know Reconciliation is the Lord's Mandate and they have chosen to be willing and obedient in doing the work to get the message of Reconciliation to the world! God continues to give them boundless energy, and unprecedented favor in this ministry He has called them to. I thank you Mom and Dad for persevering and continuing this work pioneered by Pastor William O. Wills Jr. so many years ago. Your labor is not in vain, you will see the fruit!!!!

beyond a reality. To break down walls for the glory of God's kingdom. They, along with their son, (my uncle) Pastor William O. Wills Jr. were instrumental in touching lives through bringing people together prior to his passing. In present times, this drive has only been magnified.

Constance E. Wills

I could go on for eternity about my grandparents. Experiencing their sincerity, gifts or service...or just having the chance to MEET these truly amazing human beings is truly a GIFT that I thank God for daily! We love you "Poochie" And "Grandad".

My grandparents, William O. (Bill) and Martha T. Wills are truly pillars in the community at large and my inspiration. All of my life, I have witnessed their infinite amount of unconditional love for so many individuals. They have relentless passion and drive to make Racial Reconciliation in Tucson and

In addition to serving God's kingdom through serving our community with their vision, they are also the head and backbones of my family. We all look to them for support, guidance and wisdom. Although they are extremely busy, they never dismiss a chance to show us God's Agape love! They have taken on the role as great grandparents to my children, for their diligence in helping me steer them in the way they should go, I am forever grateful.

-Mike, Candace, Jaylin, And Joelle

Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter Family Pictures



Jaylin, Candace, Joelle




Breaking Down Racial Barriers –The Heart Of The Matter We have only scratched the surface telling their story. There is so much more to come. Martha and William would like to thank you for taking the time to read as they share their story and the vision of their son the Late Bishop William O. Wills. It’s All About God’s Mandate! Experience The Glory! John 17. We will carry on in Breaking Down Racial Barriers. On the following pages, we hope you enjoy viewing the pictures of all the RRCON events over the years. Let’s make a difference! Come out and enjoy the upcoming conference.( Information on following pages )

Martha &William Wills (A.K.A Mom & Pop)

William Wills With Hillary Rodham-Clinton And Bill Clinton

Preston Harris with Tye Tribbett

The next three pages are all the issues of RRCON from the first to 2014. Look how far we’ve come!

Rev. Elwood J. McDowell Rev. Elwood J. McDowell hails from Vicksburg, Mississippi. He is married to Shirley J. McDowell and the father of five children and seven grandchildren. He holds a B.A. degree in philosophy from Divine Word College in Iowa and an M.A. in philosophy from the University of New Mexico. He did further graduate study in philosophy and religious studies at the University of Oklahoma. He holds an M.A. degree in Clinical Psychology from Fielding Graduate University. He has taught as an adjunct at the University of New Mexico, the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Arizona in the fields of African-American Studies and Religious Studies. He was a Core Trainer at the National Drug Education Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the early 1970’s after working for Bernalillo County Mental Health Center running an adolescent drug abuse center in Albuquerque. He was chosen to be on a panel at Oxford University in England called the Oxford Round Table and has worked for Southwest Behavioral Health in Phoenix as a mental health counselor. He is presently a spirituality and therapy consultant at Cottonwood de Tucson, a nationally known behavioral health and addictions treatment facility. And best of all, he is pastor of Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in Tucson. Rev. McDowell has been preaching since December 1978. He has preached and taught seminars in several foreign countries.

Apostle Rita J. Montgomery, fondly known as Mother Rita is a native Memphian. She is the wife of her supportive husband, Brother Rickey and the mother of daughters, Ruth & Rachell. Although she only gave physical birth to these two, she has birthed many spiritual children and has become the “Mother of Many Nations.” She is also the shepherd of United Christian Fellowship Church in Millington, TN. Having traveled the world with her husband who was in the Air force, since she was 19, it afforded her the opportunity to experience ministry in many different cultures and denominations which has given her a unique view of the Kingdom of GOD. These experiences led her to focus in and strive to exemplify the greatest commandment of all which is LOVE. She is the epitome of love, doing it God’s way and shows it unconditionally to all who will allow themselves to receive. With her it is never church as usual. Rooted and grounded in holiness, Apostle Rita preaches the unadulterated Word of God in her own unique style, which some say is non-traditional and her method of worship is a body ministry. She is devoted to seeing people healed, delivered and set free, which sets her apart from the normal way of doing church. When you experience the power of God that is unleashed through this Awesome and Anointed Woman of God, you will realize that a change has taken place in your life and you will never be the same again.

Are You In A Relationship That You’re Not Sure About? In Need Of Some Advice? This Is Book Is For You. It’s Not A Male Bashing Book! Its True Stories Of What We As Single Women Face When We Get Into A Relationship With The Wrong Man. Contact Me, Let’s Talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS!


Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


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