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Be Beautiful Be YouNique!

The Reason I THRIVE Keith Collins A Mother’s Fear

Dr. Calvinia Williams

From the Choir Robe To the Pulpit Robe Elder Vaughn Price Happy Thanksgiving!

November 2014 Hello Friends And Family; It’s the beginning of a new month and we are now one month away from Christmas. My oh my time is going by so fast! November is the month of Thanksgiving, when we think of Thanksgiving, our first thought is food and lots of it! Our second thought is family, being together, laughing, talking, dancing and eating ourselves sick.  These are the times of the year when we are so thankful to have family and friends. I am so thankful that my mom is still alive and well. Even though I won’t be there for her good cooking, I am just happy to hear her voice over the phone. I’m thankful for my wonderful son who has always been there for and believed in me when nobody else did. I am thankful for all my sisters and brothers. I could go on and on with my thankful list, but most of all I am thankful to God for being my everything! Take time to reflect on your life and think of all the things you have to be thankful for. Sometimes we take for granted what we have, when it’s gone we wish we had it back. It was an old song, can’t remember who it was by, but the lyrics were ..YOU NEVER MISS A GOOD THING TIL IT’S GONE. Is that not a true statement?? I pray that during this holiday season you take time to reflect on your life and all that God has done. Don’t let a day go by without giving thanks for what and whose you are …GOD’S PRECIOUS CREATION! At the end of the following page I will leave you with TEN REASON WHY I LOVE MY FAMILY. This was written by my niece Shevonna Blackshire. If you or you have a family member that has alienated themselves from family, I pray that when you read the ten reasons it will make you think and make amends with your family. NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT SARAH…..

Did you enjoy last month’s issue of Sarah? My Pastor and First lady were featured on the cover. I pray that their story was an encouragement to you. Last month was also breast cancer awareness. Mr. & Mrs. Collins wrote an awesome article on Breast Cancer. They will be in Sarah on a monthly basis educating you on Breast cancer, they want you to know that being aware doesn’t stop in the month of October, it goes far beyond that. Sarah was filled with so many great articles on last month. We even addressed the issue on bullying; the young people that were featured really touched my heart. People you must understand, BULLYING AINT NO JOKE THESE DAYS! Excuse my improper grammar, but it’s the truth. If you didn’t read their articles, re-visit those pages, let’s do something about it! I need to make a correction on what’s coming next month. Instead of it being geared toward children, it will be someone else. The children will be featured in one of the upcoming editions of Sarah. If you have a child doing something extraordinary in their community it’s not too late to send it to me. I will keep you posted on when they will be featured. What can I say to describe this month’s featured story. This man of God has a powerful testimony! It will encourage and inspire you to persevere no matter what. His story is a must read! As usual we are filled with great articles, hair, beauty and so much more. Did I mention food?? Not only do we have cooking with J.C., since it’s the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, we decided to add in some extra mouthwatering recipes to give you some ideas as to what to do with all the leftover turkey. Enjoy… As promised I said I would leave you with TEN REASONS WHY I LOVE MY FAMILY. Read it, and smile, I know that we all can identify with something in here.

1. If one person has a problem it becomes everyone’s problem and they step in even when you may not want them to. 2. We can break out and start doing the Electric Slide, anytime, anyplace and anywhere 3. We can break into prayer anytime, anyplace and anywhere 4. Even though we aren’t Rich whomever has a need for anything someone always steps forward and provides 5. We can get together and take a small amount of food and turn it into a feast of plenty 6. We end almost every phone conversation, email or text with the words, “I love you” 7. I always have comfort in knowing that wherever I’m at

and whatever I do I am always in someone’s prayers. 8. I love my family because they accept me just the way I am flaws and all 9. The Matriarch of our family, my “Bigmom” always has an open door policy and anyone is always welcome. 10. Even the family members who choose to turn their back, hate or not appreciate all of the benefits listed above, we will still love them and even welcome them back with open arms. THAT’S JUST HOW WE DO!!

By Shevonna Blackshire Happy Thanksgiving!

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor



Gerald Smith Jr.

KING-Lori Watkins

16. FAMILY AND FRIENDS – Lighthouse Church Int.


5. TEN REASONS WHY I LOVE MY FAMILY- Shevonna Blackshire



PRAISE FEST- Lighthouse

Church International




with Dr. James



LaNita Price

31. The Reason I THRIVE- Keith


74. SISTA GURL-Sheree Casey


33. DRIFTING-Trudy Proprovo 60. KEEPING IN TOUCH-Renee Purdie

63. BLACK PEARLS- Psalmist D. Stokes-Knight


26. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw



Charles Campbell

67. R.I.P 77. WHOUTER!




11. MIKAYLA TYANN- Brigandis





Caraway Moland

Calvinia Williams

30. Brigandis




Dianna Urfavstylist


70. JASMINE THOMAS- Brigandis Inc. 3. Welcome 39. Subscribe 76. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine

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Happy Thanksgiving

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by children, your health and so on. prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. “ Philippians If you are like me, you give thanks everyday! 4:6, KLV Why? Because nothing is guaranteed in this life. You may hear people say that, but do they really Last night I heard a preacher at a revival. He know what that means? To me, it means that I spoke of getting in the presence of God. The need to get to know My Father so that I would message was very powerful, especially during be able to meet Him on that great day! It means this season. This issue of SARAH Magazine is that I need to live my life for Him because I don’t the November issue, in which we usually have a know when I will see Him! Thanksgiving theme throughout the magazine. With the theme of Thanksgiving, the revival, and This thanksgiving, I want to again acknowledge the scripture, this month’s encouragement was publicly that I love God and I appreciate written. everything He has done for me. I am thankful for everyone that has influenced my life, either The preacher last night provided the definitions positive or negative. Specifically, my parents, of being happy and having joy. He said that being who demonstrated what a godly life is; my sister, happy was based on your surroundings. For who demonstrates what total and irrefutable example, you wake up in the morning, happy to faith is; my sons, who demonstrates how God’s be alive. Then, say, a bill collector calls, or your love is manifested in their lives; and my husband, boss corrects you on something you did wrong, who demonstrates that God is omnipotent and your happiness fades away. Your happiness knows what’s best for me. changes just that quick! Happiness is based on your physical self. I am also thankful and truly blessed to have my friend and creator of SARAH Magazine, Min. Now joy is based on your strong relationship Sheree Carradine in my life. A relationship that with God. It is spiritual, so it is unshakeable and has spanned over twenty years and over three unmovable. So take the example shown above, years on SARAH, she has demonstrated how that bill collector or your boss will not sway the listening and following God’s plan may make joy that you feel. Your strength and belief rests people nervous, adversarial or jealous. God’s with the all-powerful and mighty God we serve! plan will be manifested as long as you stay on track! With that understanding, Philippians 4:6 makes more sense. If I place my belief in Him, I won’t Be careful for nothing. Thank your Lord and need to worry or be concern for my “situation” Savior for loving you despite your shortcomings. because God will take the heavy lifting! But the Live your life as God intended. How do you know caveat is I must have a relationship with Him. what God intends for you? Ask Him! How can He help me if He doesn’t know me when I call for Him? Rest in peace, Christian Logan! This thanksgiving should give us pause to consider what we have, not just physical things, but things of the spirit! That thanksgiving should start with the sacrifice God gave by having His Son die on the cross! The grace and love He gave you when He gave you your spouse, or your

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

WHERE: Lighthouse Church International 2568 N. Palo Verde Blvd. Tucson Az. 85747

WHEN: November 9, 2014 TIME: 10:00 am A full Thanksgiving dinner will be served immediately after service. Bring your family and friends. Don’t Miss Out‌ any questions or for more details, contact Dorothy Dixon at 520-867-1275 Pastor Terry E. West, Senior Pastor

Wondering What To Do With All That Leftover Turkey???

Turkey Croquettes

2 C. diced, cooked turkey  2 C. leftover stuffing  2 eggs, beaten  salt and pepper  1/2 C. cooked peas or other veggie  1/2 C. shredded cheddar cheese  chicken broth if needed  1 T. olive oil In a bowl combine the turkey, stuffing, eggs, salt and pepper, cheese, and peas. Use your hands to combine the mixture and form it into patties- if the mixture is too dry add a little chicken broth as needed to get it to hold together. Heat the oil in a non-stick skillet on medium heat. Working in batches, cook the croquettes in the hot oil until they are golden brown on each side, about three minutes per side. Keep them warm in a low oven on a paper towel- lined plate. 

A Month ago as a mother of an African American male I walked through a nightmare. On the day of my medial procedure my son was scheduled to appear in the North Las Vegas traffic court. He contacted the courts and the court staff stated that the doctor’s notice would be sufficient. The next day my son brought the physicians note to the courts, the Sergeant of the courts listened to two White men and extended and arranged payment on their warrants. When my son approached the sergeant he presented the documents. The Marshal made medical comments pertaining to my medical condition violating HIPPA Laws. My son stated “the Sergeant refused to hear anything, and she stated “how do I know that doctor’s not is not forged”. Did that Sergeant ask my son about any medical issues; no he was not asked it was not important

just another black male. How do you co-exist with a Marshall in the courts that is abusing their position? For the first time in his life he was thrown in jail while two whites were dismissed. My son said the devil played with his mind. At one point he said he decided to give up; his breathing became shallow and he could feel his heart beating at a slow pace. At that moment in time he called on the of Jesus “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust. Psalms 91:2. My son was treated different the question is why? Why was he was not afforded the same opportunity? Do you believe racial profiling is real and deadly? In the wake of unanswered killings of our children our communities are paralyzed with the aftermath. According to an analysis by ProPublica, between 2010 and 2012, black males between the ages of 15 and 19 were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million, for white teenagers,

the rate dropped to 1.47 deaths per million. At the time this was occurring, I felt something was not right; and inside voice led me back to the cross pleading the blood of Jesus and all things would work for the good. Matthew 28:20 - teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. World English Bible. Philippians 4:6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. World English Bible Psalms 118:5 - 7 - Out of my distress, I called on Yah. Yah answered me with freedom. Yahweh is on my side. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Yahweh is on my side among those who help me. Therefore I will look in triumph at those who hate me. World English Bible Luke 7:50 - He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." After spending two hours in jail with his hands behind his back and taking his drivers licenses because he questioned her actions that posed a threat to her intelligence he was

punished. When the Sergeant did unlock the jail cell she replied “You have to go to DMV to get your license.” My son asked is that the correct procedure taking my license for a traffic ticket? He was not afforded an opportunity to make a call. Being Black and Hispanic in American is dangerous are youth are scared to go out into the community because of the violence. While officers, are leaping through a loophole of dismissals. Our memories are focused on the Trayvon Martin’s of the world who was an unarmed, 16year-old who was killed by a neighborhood watch member as he walked to his father's home in a gated community. Or the Michael Browns of the world that was shot and killed by police officer. Two weeks of violent protests broke out in the wake of the unarmed teenager in Ferguson Mo. Liberty and justice for all; what does that really mean? What is your definition? Our youth have so much to give to make our world a better place it is our duty to bring about change and stop this abuse of authority. That same day I personally entered the offices of the United States Congressman, The Mayor and finally the Courthouse where it all

happened. Having no idea what I would face the Court Marshal who was a Sergeant approached me with her hands in her belt buckle. Rather than inviting me into her office for a private discussion I was out in the hallway. That’s when her rampage began no warm welcome just the mode of attack. She knew who my son was because he spoke up for his rights. The Marshall was angry that I dared to speak my mind. It was if I had no rights to say anything. Are these Court Marshalls in North Las Vegas Municipal Courts trained to act in a professional manner when dealing with the public? Being a disabled senior, and an African American Mother; I was beside myself. I needed answers but instead I was given a spoonful of intimidation. As I research the chain of command there are; three employees’ assigned to the Courts Marshalls; A Sergeant, Lieutenant and Court Administrator with no accountability to a higher authority. What is needed for the protection of our communities is the merging of the internal affairs under the North Las Vegas Police Department. Therefore, at least there would be accountability. If I had continued my rights to speak respectfully, she would have placed handcuffs on me for no reason other

than my concern for my son. Was I afforded the opportunity to discuss this situation in private areas? The Sergeant stood over me looking down asking me why I needed her badge number and name. She questioned WHY? She was a bully with a badge. I commented that her behavior was a representation of the situation in Ferguson Missouri. She then kicked me out of the building; yelling at me “Get off the premises now and don’t come back” While on my way out I informed her “Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.” I truly pray that we all can co-exist In a world full of love and compassion John 3:16 - 18 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God didn't send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn't believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. Be courageous my friends Chronicles 28:20 - David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do it. Don't be afraid, nor be dismayed; for

Yahweh God, even my God, is with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of Yahweh is finished I would like to alert our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in American and the World we are fighting against something that is out of control a system that is broken. But if we look toward the word of God the answers of righteousness can be found.

Stay Strong In The Word Dr. Calvinia Williams.D.D. Lupus Survivor President/Founder of Lupus of Nevada Visit our Website www.lupusofnevada

PRAISE FESTIVAL 2014 “ A HARVEST OF WORSHIP” November 7, 2014 Time: 7:00PM

Sponsored by: Lighthouse Church International 2568 N. Palo Verde Blvd Tucson, AZ 85716 NE Corner of Flower/Palo Verde

Nuggets That Nurture bruised me deeply they have not broken me and in the midst of each storm I find myself running back to the father for peace, reassurance and strength.

I was watching a video clip from a television talk show where one of the host was sharing an experience that should have devastated her, but instead of allowing it to consume and crush her she took it as an opportunity to grow. This small clip reminded me of the scripture that says “And we KNOW that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 and in another version it says “That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” I too am finding on a recurring basis that there have been things in my life that came along and while they may have

You see the enemy’s goal is to hem us in on every side with the pressures (cares) of life so much so that we become consumed and lose focus of the true nature, character, strength and promises of God. You see God reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4:17 that “for our light affliction, which last but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. The word affliction means something that causes pain or suffering. Something that causes persistent pain or suffering and God says that while it may produce great pressure it is still light. So this means it is something we can overcome. How? When we take our eyes off of it and focus on God and learn in the midst of it we have something solid and relevant that we can share with someone else, then we find ourselves strong enough

to share with others a way of escape. Whether we want to believe it or not we are being watched, our faith or lack thereof is on display in how we react when challenges come and not so much in what we say. Also, our relationship with Christ is in the crucible and is being tried by fire to burn up that which isn’t built on the foundation of the word. As I stated I believe there is an opportunity to learn not only about ourselves but about God and this learning now becomes a memorial for: 1. For you to hold on to as a reminder for yourself when other trials and test come you can encourage yourself. 2. It helps you to help someone else because now your testimony has some weight to it because you know that you know and not because you heard it somewhere. That is what the scripture is referring to when it states that it produces a far weightier glory. Your ability to now tell the story of what happened to you and what God did has validity, authenticity, you have a stronger confidence and what you know about God

cannot be shaken. So how do we get to a place of confidence to prepare us for the cares of life? I believe God desires that we become more proactive in our relationship with Him. When we are proactive, it means we have spent time in prayer and in the word, so what we have ingested and know from the relationship gives us peace when entering into the challenge. If we operate from a reactive standpoint, we are finding our way in prayer and the word during the challenge and our peace shows up far later in the challenge. As believers we have a right to be overcomers in anything that comes up against us and we can only put pressure on the circumstances in our life based on what we God to be true about God. I am reminded of the story of David when he’d been on the run from King Saul and found himself seeking refuge in the camp of Achish a Philistine King in Gath. (I Samuel 30:1-19) David who’d once found his solace in his relationship with God was now seeking the hand of an enemy king and he even went so far as to say “if I have found favor with you, give

me and my people a place to stay.” I am paraphrasing but David found that during this union that God had not given to him, he found himself losing all that he had and all of that which the men who were with him had. His loss was so great that he found himself almost being killed by the men who were supposed to be with him. David’s saving grace was that he remembered the God in who he’d first believed and found himself back in a proactive position of seeking God for direction, so all he’d lost he recovered. Why? David encouraged himself in the Lord and reminded himself that while facts may state that there is something going on and that a circumstance exist, he refused to allow the facts validity in his circumstance. So we like David must learn not to deny that a problem exist (Fact) and then deny it’s validity with the word of God which is our truth on the matter. So instead of buckling under the weight of a test or trial that will most assuredly come I encourage you in the peaceful times to stay near to the Father

through the word, worship, and prayer so that you too can say that “I may be bruised, but I am Most definitely not broken.” PSALM 34:19 SAYS…MANY are the afflictions of the righteous, BUT THE LORD SHALL deliver them out of them ALL…

Minister LaNita R. Price

Pictures shown are not actual recipe

Connect With J.C On Facebook

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4

I Am ThAnkful for new Beginnings And whAT’s To Come

By SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM

The reason I THRIVE as caregiver is……If I could have gone through the treatments for her, I surely would have. Unfortunately, I was not the one diagnosed, so I had to be strong for my wife. Being positive and being around positive people is the key to beating this disease. This will also test your faith in whatever religion you belong to as well. My wife rededicated herself to God and the rest is history. The first blessing we received was that the Breast Cancer was caught in Stage II, so after my wife’s biopsy, which removed 90% of her Cancer, she had an additional surgery which removed the rest of the residual cancer and remove nine of her lymph nodes. The removal of the lymph nodes was to ensure the cancer hadn’t spread beyond her breast. After her procedure, I wanted her to focus on her Chemo/Radiation. I took care of researching what she was taking and the possible side-effects, etc. I was blessed to attend every single appointment my wife had. I also started a support group for her. That support group is now a non-profit! My wife endured four grueling treatments of Chemotherapy and 35 daily treatments of Radiation a couple of months later. Although I was an Active Duty Soldier at the time, I never missed one of my wife’s appointments for anything she had to be seen for. I thank God to this day for allowing me to be where I had to be! My wife and SHERO, Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins said that she couldn’t have made it through this life-threatening ordeal if it wasn’t for me. I’m here to tell you that I wouldn’t have been able to go on with life without her. She is the most courageous person I’ve ever known and I know that God kept her here with us for a reason. I thank the Lord for what he’s brought us through and for continuing to allow her to be a testimony for many others battling this most terrible disease as we speak. My challenge for all of the MEN out there that find their wives or significant others in this unfortunate situation is to put yourself in the shoes of your spouse/significant other, and think, if I were in the same situation, wouldn’t I want my wife to be there for me? If the answer is what it should be, you will do everything in your power help her get through this trying time and do whatever it takes to kill the beast, which is BREAST CANCER or any type of CANCER!

SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. The organization is based in Novi, MI and was created on behalf of my SHERO, Mrs. Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins. Mrs. Crutchfield-Collins will be an 8yr Breast Cancer Warrior in January, 2015! Visit us on Facebook, Twitter or by going to

Picture Shown Is Not The Actual Recipe

DRIFTING by Trudy Proprovo

About Me:


my life I have enjoyed writing poems and stories. My folks always said I had a vivid imagination. I have several years of writings that I’ve saved but of my real imaginations manifested while I was going to Pima Comunity College. My writing classes woke me to my real desire and maybe even a calling, while refining my literary knowledge. I don’t claim to be even a good writer, but all my work comes from my heart-felt words that have come to me since I was reconciled back to my God. Maybe He has a plan for my future that will be a ministry or writing maybe even a book . His gift to me is to write of His great love and amazing Grace.


I found myself drifting, drifting, as

a piece of drift wood upon the waves. The rocking arms of the sea tossed me to and fro. My body grew numb with cold and darkness enveloped me.

I slept, I awake. The sun was casting

warmth on my face. I could see neither right nor left and I knew not where I was going. I waited for someone to come by to see me. no one did.

I floated idly, aimlessly until I heard

a voice. I struggled to turn to see from whence the voice came. Far away, upon the shore stood an angel holding out his hand. “Come” said he “take my hand”. I summoned the last ounce of will in my soul and reached out and his mighty hand pulled me to the warm and waiting sand. This was written after I had returned to church and realized how lost I had been. Now I have returned back to my Father’s house at last!!

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist By Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette

A Sudden Boost of Confidence!

to sleep every morning or cook yourself breakfast. Maybe you’d finally like to Only In the most start that exercise routine you’ve been recent decades have putting off for months. Cutting your hair women become more short gives you an opportunity to really comfortable with shorter see yourself and gifts you more time to lengths of hair. Since enhance those features that make you the beginning of time who you are. Removing the hair from long hair has been a your face exposes your facial expressions beauty standard but and silently gives you a chance to show this standard has been how you feel. By way of a simple haircut replaced. In 2014, it is you give yourself permission to express now socially acceptable while allowing the world to see it all take for a woman shave her whole, half or even place. Self-expression is a form of beauty 1/4 of her head and still be considered in itself. A short haircut gives you the beautiful! Rihanna, Lupita Nyong’o, feeling of being bold, daring and beautiful. and Amber Rose are just a few of the Maybe it’s time you tried on the new lovely ladies influencing this new haircut haircut confidence to shave some free confidence! Trying on some haircut time into your schedule. The holidays are confidence could be the answer for you. here and it’s always the right time for a boost of confidence. A new haircut means less hair and that means Get you boost of so much more than just confidence at Melvira’s being trendy. It means Hair Studio now ! less maintenance, less stress, more time, money saved, and more cabinet space. Imagine if you had an extra hour

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic SPECIAL OFFER!! SAVE $$$ Mention this article and receive $20 off your visit at Melvira's Hair Studio. NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY!!

Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Melvira’s Hair Studio 7090 North Oracle Rd. Suite 80, Studio 6 Tucson, Az. 85704 520.409.8837 Dianna Urfavstylist & Mary Kay Consultant

Hello everyone! Welcome to Teen Talk Real Talk! How was your month? October was crazy for me; I had so much stuff to do! So first of all, I auditioned for the main role in a play for my drama class. I got the part! I was extremely excited! Then on October 25th and 26th I was in Phoenix, Arizona for a talent competition called Arizona’s Got Talent. It was so much fun! I didn’t win but I had a wonderful time. I met new people and the judges were super awesome. It’s okay that I didn’t win because God will open whatever doors he wants to be open. So enough about me… Did anyone do anything about bullying? Was there anyone who helped or prayed for a victim of bullying? If so, please tell

me about it! I’d love to hear how God helped you to make someone’s life better! Always remember, we want to be known as Christians. We want Christians to be known as the people who are always there to help us through the rough parts of life. Christians are the people who should lead everyone to Christ. This month I want to talk about Confidence, which kind of relates to bullying. Guys and Gals, we have to stand up for ourselves. Whatever God tells us to do, we must do. If you are called then be confident in yourself and Him. People (Bullies) will try to put you down, but what do we do? We ignore it and thank God for forgiving them! Confidence is something that is good and bad. It is good because we will be able to believe in ourselves. It is extremely important to believe in ourselves, as this will cause success in life. Confidence can also be bad because if we have too much, we’ll think we deserve more than we actually do. Your father would not appreciate that. After all he receives the highest praise! Teens always stay confident, but not too confident! So I had some questions from some people! Q: How do you feel around strangers when you pray in public? (Kyla ) A: I don’t feel any different than how I would if I were to be praying alone in my room. When I’m talking to God I don’t care what people think or say and you shouldn’t either!! Q: What do you do when your friends ask you why you pray or what you pray about? (Thomas) A: First I ignore them until I’m done praying. Then I tell them what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. What’s the point in lying about it?

Q: How often do you pray with your family? (Bella) A: I pray alone a lot, but I pray with my family as often as I can.

Thanks for reading everyone! I’ll be back next month with more Teen

Talk, Real Talk! Don’t forget to Pray and love God!

Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

Elder Vaughn Price

me.” To be used of the Lord, you have to be willing, accountable, faithful, patient, flexible, and teachable.

Have you ever wondered how a minister or Pastor got to be a mister or a Pastor? Did we wake up one day and say I am going to preach God’s Word? Is it something we are born with, or do we develop the skills and talent to articulate God’s so His people can understand it, be encouraged and strengthened by it? Some may be born with the gift of preaching; others like myself were processed and developed the skills to proclaim God’s Word. Just as every saint has a story of where the Lord brought them from; so does every preacher of the Good News of Jesus Christ, no two are the same. If you don’t mind I would like to share my story of ministry. If I were to sum up the ministry the Lord has entrusted to me it would be the song Use Me by Ron Kenoly. “If you can use anything Lord, you can use

Let me introduce myself, my name is Vaughn Price, I am an ordained minister and the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona, my job is to provide vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. I recently completed a yearlong tenure as the Interim Pastor of the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Inspirational Gospel Service. I am a 26 year veteran of the United States Air Force and retired as a Master Sergeant in 2010. I am the Unit Program Coordinator for the 79th Rescue Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base where I have the primary responsibility of 85% of all personnel and administrative actions for the premier fixed wing rescue squadron in the Air Force. Now after saying all of that, the most important thing you should know about me is that I am a Born Again Christian and for all of that “To God Be the Glory!” I have a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University; a Bachelor of Science majoring in Social Psychology from Park University, as well as an Associate of General Studies from Pima Community College, an Associate of Science in General Education from Yuba College and an

Associate of Applied Science in Aviation Technology from the Community College of the Air Force. I have won numerous Military, Scholastic, and Civilian awards. I am the oldest of four children and I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio. I am blessed with a wife, LaNita (who was featured in the December 2012 issue of SARAH), daughter Brittney, and a grandson, Noel. More importantly I have Jesus! While these are all great accomplishments and I have achieved a modicum of success over my life, it would not be except for the grace of God. When you read the Bible and you read about heroes of faith who trusted the Lord you have to wonder did they just start trusting Him when they encountered Him, or did their faith grow along the way? I can only speak for myself, that it was a journey of learning to trust the Lord and as I reflect on my life as a whole to this point; I can see where God was watching over me and keeping me until I could come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior for myself. When Abram took Isaac up to provide Isaac as a sacrifice he did not know what God was going to do, but he trusted God to make a way and provide. Earlier when Abram was told to go, he did not know where he was going, but he trusted God and went (Genesis 12:1). People have a habit of asking me what is next in my life and I usually answer I don’t know because I don’t. I might have a goal or a desire to do something, but I have learned to give it to the Lord and watch Him move in my life. I know many preach, “Write the vision and make it plain”, but for whatever reason it does not seem to work that way for me. This is not to say I do not prepare myself and research options and make plans, I just do not articulate where I am going, or how I am

going to get there because I do not know. Bishop Jakes preached years ago, that sometimes you just stumble into your destiny. My destiny I did not stumble into, but some opportunities to get there I stumbled into. I believe the Lord did some major orchestrating to prepare me, get me and keep me where He needs me to be. To understand how I got to where I am now, we have to look back at where I came from. Many think that saved people come to Christ after hitting rock bottom, or after the coming through a traumatic event well for some that is true, but not me. I heard the Gospel message preached and it caught my attention and I kept going to church until one Sunday in 1981 I walked up the aisle of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio and gave my life to Christ. Now let’s go back a few decades; I did not grow up in a Christian home per se that is no one was a professing Christian. My mom was raised Catholic and I can only remember going to a mass once as a child, but that was it. My dad was not a church going man at all and I later learned he had a problem with preachers, because of a likely fake preacher who was more interested in money than people’s souls. I had an uncle who was deacon in a church and he took us to his church a couple of times, I think for Vacation Bible School, but he later left the church and walked away from the Lord (I think). So as a child I had few experiences with the church and had no real encounter with Jesus. As a teenager I had even less church experience if any at all that I can remember. So you can see religion was not part of my upbringing. (Point of fact: Christianity is not a religion, but rather a relationship with the true and living God and His Son, Jesus) I was your typical sinner

going to hell and not even knowing it. The world would have said I was doing okay for a young black man at that time (the 70s), but the Bible said I was on my way to hell. I had a job, I had a car, and some money in my pockets and a family that loved me, was there anything else? Yes it was. I started searching for something more out of life, but not knowing what I was looking for. (I hear Kirk Franklin, “Whatcha Looking For?”) Even as a child there was something in me to serve people and to watch over folks. In the fifth grade I was a crossing guard, it was my job to make sure the other kids could cross the streets safely before and after school. It took commitment to go to school early and stay a little longer than everyone else, but that is what I was supposed to do. I can remember how I grew up in Cleveland and despite some of the foolish and crazy things we did as kids I can now see how God kept me safe. I am amazed that I was never seriously injured or even killed as a teenager. Have you ever played chicken on a bicycle between two street sweepers, or race down a hill at nearly 50 miles an hour through an intersection? I had angels watching over me! One day one of my friends and I were having a BB gun war with no eye protection (unheard of in the 70s) just shooting each other and getting hit by each other until one BB hit me in the head. It lodged under the skin on top of my cranium. I was taken to the emergency room and the doctor said it would likely migrate out in six months, well some 40 years later it is still there under the skin on top of my head. I easily could have gotten shot in the eye and lost my eye and then I would have never been able to join the Air Force then I would never have met Bishop and Pastor Copeland, would have never learned what ministry truly is, would have

never met my first wife, Yolanda, would have never went to Korea where I started my actual work in ministry, or met Lisa King who would later introduce me to my current wife, LaNita. I could go on and on of all that would not have happened if just one thing did not go as God had ordained and allowed. When God has a purpose for your life he will organize events in your life for you to get where you need to be. Look at Moses, only God could have set up his mother to take care of him after he was put in a basket and floated down river to save him from pharaoh’s law (Exodus 2:1-10). God had a plan for Moses; it was a difficult plan and fulfilled his destiny with a few stumbles along the way. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has thoughts/plans that are for each and every one of us that are for our good and not to bring us harm, plans to give us hope and a future. Notice some versions of the Bible say plans and not just a plan; God knows we have the capacity to get off track, get discouraged, and just plain rebel. People like to get excited about the plans to prosper us and nothing else, but to get where God wants us to be we have to deal with and endure life. Proverbs 37:23 says, “The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step] (Amplified Bible). What the Bible does not say is that some of those steps are through potholes, through detours, through mistakes, troubles and trials. I wanted to join the Air Force after high school, it was a dream of mine, I loved airplanes and I used to have a large collection of mode airplanes and, I collected all kinds of statistics on every aircraft in the Air Force inventory. This was before the internet and Google, so I had a made a scrap book on

airplanes. All I wanted to do was work on aircraft; I even went to school for it in high school and graduated in the second class of Aviation High school in Cleveland in 1979. I could not join the Air Force right away because of my crossed eyes. I had to have surgery on my right before the Air Force would allow me to join; it was too far out of limits for me to be accepted. This was a roadblock, but it was only temporary and there was a purpose. Too many times we as believers give up too easily because we see a “no” as a denial when it really is God saying wait. I firmly believe when we pray God has three answers for us, yes, no or wait. Too many times we misinterpret wait as no, or someone talks us out of God’s wait and makes us feel like it is His no. Do not let anyone talk you out of your dream or G.O.A.L. God Ordained Assignment for your Life. Waiting on God has a purpose, you may not always see it right away, but if you trust Him and keep following Him you will find out the purpose of your waiting. It was during this time of waiting to have the surgery that I was invited to church and I heard the Gospel. Before I could join the Air Force I had to be saved! My dear sister in Christ, now Reverend Michelle Thomas invited me to church and when Reverend Glover preached that Sunday morning, it was my life and it got my attention. I kept coming to church because I wanted to know more. The saints were so wonderful and took me in, when I finally joined the church and accepted Christ I had been going to Emmanuel so long many thought I was already a member. While at Emmanuel I joined two of the

choirs; the Young Adult Chorale and The Mass Choir. This is where I learned to sing and learned to love Gospel music. I learned more about Jesus and His Word and after my surgery and I was cleared to enlist. I received my calling to proclaim God’s Word before I left Cleveland, my family, and church family. To say I was overwhelmed with the thought of being a preacher would be an understatement. I tried to argue with God (guess who won that) I said the same thing Moses said when he was called, “Who am I that I should go?” (Exodus 3:11) “I am slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10) ‘Please send someone else to do it” (Exodus 4:13). I even tried the argument Jeremiah used (Jeremiah 1:4-10), but to no avail. Just as God told Moses and Jeremiah, He told me, He would be with me and He has been and still is with me. I shared with Reverend Glover and my Emmanuel family before I left what was on my heart before I left for San Antonio and Basic Training. I had a calling upon my life, but did not know what to do with it and could not do much while I was in Basic, but you know God had a plan. While in Basic, I

was able to get a pass to go with one of the members in my flight to witness his baptism. Basic Training was challenging, and it made you pray and I thank God for the strength to get through it. It was more of a mental challenge back then compared to now, but without the Word to remind me who I am and whose I am, the outcome could have been different.

time. You can only imagine the culture shock I went through when Carman did a concert praising God with rock n roll and other styles of music I was not used to. When I saw all the people who went forward to give their lives to Christ, I realized God can and does use who and what He chooses to use. The Lord was preparing me for ministry and I am so grateful for my time at Sheppard.

This faith walk is just that, a walk, a journey to learn who you are and who God is. I could never tell someone that the Lord is a healer unless I had been healed, nor could I tell someone Jesus saves unless I was saved by Him. I can testify that He is a keeper, because He has kept me over the years. As His plan for my life unfolded, a divine encounter occurred at Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas. At the time I was in Technical school learning how to be an aircraft mechanic (Crew Chief) on fighter aircraft. I should mention this was my first choice as a career in the Air Force (Can you say favor?) I was involved at the Chapel on base, singing in the choir, was part of dorm Bible Study and sang in a choir off base. I had such a good time being with the saints, and the most wonderful thing was that we did not all look alike; we all came from different backgrounds and cultures. The common denominator for us was Jesus, we had a love for Him and we had a genuine love for each other. I had some growing to do and hearing and singing different styles of music helped me to realize how big God really is and that He enjoys different styles of music. We don’t all have to clap on the one, three beat, one two is okay and we don’t have to sings hymns all the

I was waiting to receive orders for my first duty station and I did not know where I was going. One week I had orders to Reese Air Force Base in or near Lubbock, Texas, and then the next week it was Randolph Air Force Base outside of San Antonio, Texas, and then Reese the following week. I sometimes have wondered if there was supernatural struggle going on for my destiny at that time. When the enemy of your soul knows how much of a threat you are, he will try and take you out, or hinder you from being what God has need for you to be. What you need to understand the Air Force gives you ten choices of where you would like to be on what we call the “dream sheet” because you are dreaming if you think you will get what you want. I had selected all northern tier bases (Michigan, Ohio, etc.) so I could be close to home. Do you not know God knows better what we need? Later in my career I found out how foolish those requests were when I did temporary duty at Offutt Air force Base in Nebraska and had to work on aircraft in the cold. I did not like it at all!! Thank God for the no answer to my prayers!

(Saints remember when God says no, He really does know best.) Finally it was all settled and I finally had orders to Randolph Air Force Base, on the day I found out I met another airmen who had been at Randolph and he told me about a Chaplain that was preaching the Word there and I should go and check him out when I get there. In May of 1984 I made it to Randolph and to Chapel Two and the Gospel Service led by then Chaplain David Copeland. Well the rest is history as they say, but I will try and cover some of the highlights. The first Sunday I was there I knew this was the place I was supposed to be. The following Thursday I joined the choir, Faith Inspirational Choir and what a time we had singing all over San Antonio! We had great church, I learned so much from him and the saints, we had wonderful fellowship it was a joy to be around the saints and we hung out with each other even when we were not in church. We used to have such a good time in church we often ended our service late and made the following service start late. Then the Lord took us all to a new level when Chaplain Copeland and his wife Chaplain Claudette Copeland separated from the Air Force and New Creation Christian Fellowship was born in 1985. I learned what ministry was about and it was not about chasing a title or being seen. I did not act on my calling and in fact I rarely mentioned it to anyone, I just served the church and God’s people wherever and whenever I could. I sang in the choir and on the praise team early on and started our

church music store NU Creative Sounds. I learned to take care of God’s house like it was my own from Deacon H.B. Payne a servant’s servant if there ever was one. I stepped out on faith and was Gospel music deejay, “The Prince of Praise” for a few years doing weddings and skate parties. I even hosted a radio program for New Creation for a little while on the local AM gospel station. I learned to pray specifically while at New Creation and when it was time for my first car away from home, I asked for a specific make and model, and the Lord delivered and the Enterprise was christened, it was a 1984 Pontiac Grand Prix that I used to bless others whenever I could. Psalm 75:6-7 tells us, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another” (KJV). In the Air Force you can be promoted at set times for your first three stripes after that you have to test for your next stripe, however there are opportunities to be promoted before your set date of promotion. I was promoted to Senior Airman in 1986 six months ahead of schedule and the following year Sergeant and on January 1, 1988 I sewed on Staff Sergeant in less than three years which was a rarity back then and just about unheard today. Yes God showed His favor upon me and He got the glory (and still gets it!). I studied and

prepared for promotion and did my job, served the Lord and He honored my faithfulness. I took Colossians 3:17 to heart and still do, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (KJV). While at New Creation I was in the handmaidens and servants’ class learning about ministry and how to do it with excellence. I preached my first sermon entitled Sing Your Praise with Understanding in 1987; I still have the cassette of that sermon. During this time I went on Temporary Duty to Offutt Air Force

Base in Nebraska just outside Omaha. I went seven times and was blessed for going except for the one winter when it hit -60, that was not fun at all. Of course I was singing in several choirs each time I went and found the fellowship wonderful. My first TDY to Offutt I went to this small house church and the sermon was “I Now Have my License to Speak” and the Lord was reminding me of

my calling and I needed to get busy. So I started buying different commentaries, Bibles and other books on the Bible, and on God. I was getting ready for I knew not what. Please don’t get the impression I was a

perfect Christian (not that there is such a thing!) and I never made any mistakes, oh I made quite a few and if it were not for the grace of God my ministry could have easily been derailed before it got started. Thank God for mercy is all I will say!! I will add when you are in a position of leadership and you sin (Yes I said it, because that is what it was) be honest with yourself, your Pastor, Bishop, etc. and honor the Lord. You probably should sit down for a while; let the restoration and healing take place that is needed. If you cannot sit down when you mess up, one has to question are you doing what you do for the Lord or for yourself? God will not share His glory with anyone and if you are singing, preaching, serving, ushering for your glory and not His, you must reassess your ministry and service. Everything we do is all about Him. When you have a destiny that is being developed and you are making an impact in

the Kingdom, you become a target. The enemy will throw a counterfeit out in front of the real thing God has for you to throw you off course. Well in the early 90’s a prophet came to our church and prophesied about marriage to many of us single folks. I had finally gotten to the point where I was ready for a wife and started believing God for one even though I was not as ready as I thought I was. So after hearing that word about “She Is Coming” I started trying to help God out by looking for “my” wife. I should have learned from Abraham and Sarah about trying to help God do what He said He would do, but I didn’t. I got shot down more than enemy aircraft attacking a battleship, got my feelings hurt a couple of times all in the name of helping God do what He promised to do. Single folks! Wait on the Lord!! Well I cooled my heels for a while and he brought my first wife into my life while I was deejaying a skate party for one of the local churches. Introductions were made, I gave her my business card, I got interrogated by the saints from her church that night after the skate party as she had to leave early and we talked later for hours after that on the phone. Long story short, I married Yolanda on October 17, 1992 and we were blessed with 12 great years of marriage. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1996 and when the doctor told us only 1 in 5 survives ovarian cancer (at that time) I determined in my heart that she was that one in five and she was! I left New Creation and Yolanda in 1993 for a year to go to Korea, the Lord said it was time for me to leave the nest (I was being fed the Word REAL GOOD at New Creation) and start to my preaching ministry at Osan Air Base (This where I met Lisa King). What a time we had in Korea, I surrendered to the Lord and started to acknowledge my calling and

started to walk in it. All the time learning how to serve and “rightly divide the word. I taught Sunday school and preached a couple

of times in Korea, but the greatest blessing in Korea next to the fellowship was the road trips the choir, Osan Inspirational Choir took all over Korea singing at other military bases and a Korean church. I came back to San Antonio and in December of 1995 and we moved to Beale Air Force Base in California. More ministry training, more this time of what not to do and it was while at Beale Air Force Base that Yolanda was diagnosed with cancer and the fight began and praise God for the victory. The doctors did what they had to do, I prayed, we prayed, the saints prayed and God did the rest; she was cancer free by the time we left California! During her time of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Yolanda could not work, so that meant less money coming in, but the bills got paid. If you have ever wondered if tithing works, YES IT DOES! God took good care of us, the saints rallied around us. Yolanda had to have her chemotherapy treatments at the Travis Air Force Base hospital and that was 2-3 hours south of Beale. When I could not take her the saints would take turns driving her

there and back never asking for anything. We experienced true Christian love during this time. Throughout this time I started going to school and in 1998 I received my first college degree, an Associate of Applied Science in Aviation Technology from the Community College of the Air Force. I became the Assistant Pastor of the Beale Gospel Service in July of 1998 by the Wing Chaplain, then Lt. Col Jerry Fogeltance. In October of 1998 we went back to San Antonio and I was licensed to preach by now Bishop Copeland. Everything I had been doing was because I said yes Lord. There was a need and I did what I knew to do and say what God would have me to say. Many doors opened for me and I was preaching in local churches in Northern California of all different denominations. In October 1999 I received an associate degree in Applied Sciences from Yuba College in Marysville California. God then decided it was time for us to move, he had something else for us to do. Remember the dream sheet I mentioned earlier? I had changed it once after being in San Antonio for my first enlistment to all bases in Texas, but I never made it back to Texas. I received orders to Davis-Monthan and to show you how God works, I was the only one out 10 or so maintainers that got orders at that time to get a stateside assignment; everyone else went overseas. The steps of righteous man are ordered by the Lord! We left Beale and came to DavisMonthan in February of 2000 with a lot of

hope and expectation of God’s destiny being fulfilled in our lives. We had a lot of challenges and the biggest one was finding a place to worship and serve and we did finally at United Gospel Fellowship (UGF) under the pastorate of Arnell McSwain. We both got busy doing the Lord’s work, she was singing in the choir started a singles ministry and I was teaching Sunday school and preaching every now and then. In 2001 Yolanda opened her own hair salon, Nu Seasons in the same plaza where UGF was. God opened that door for her and saw her through it all. Meanwhile I was on my first deployment to the Middle East where the Lord blessed me and used me singing in the choir and preaching for His glory. During the deployment my mother passed away suddenly and I went home for the funeral and did the ceremony. God was with me is all I can say, it was hard and He brought me through. If you have ever read the story of Jacob you will remember a couple of times where scripture said the Lord was with Joseph (Genesis 39:2, 21). No doubt in my mind the Lord was with me (and still is). After two more deployments to the Middle East in 2002 (Kuwait) and 2003 (Iraq) we moved to Hope Chapel under pastor Randy Musgrove and used our gifts to the body of Christ there singing and preaching and all was well in our world for the most part. While in Iraq I was the Co-Pastor of the Kirkuk Air Base Gospel service and started a Bible study. I also gave the keynote address

for the 2004 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial celebration. We were supposed to keep on our body armor at all times, but I just could not preach with it on and I had a short talk with the Lord and took it off and preached. It reminded me of when David went to fight Goliath and King Saul gave his armor to David, but David did not use it, he used what he had, faith in his God and so did I. Thank God for his protection, we did not have any rocket attacks during the service. I had to go back to Korea in 2004, so a couple of months after I got back from Iraq I was in Korea. I was singing in the choir, OMASS, BFC (U KNOW!) and the praise team of course and preaching when afforded the opportunity. Once again the fellowship in Korea at Osan was sweet and the Lord was blessing His people. My tour in Korea was cut short as Yolanda had gotten sick and at first it was not clear what it was. I asked the saints to pray (Lisa asked her praying friends to pray for Yolanda and one of those friends was LaNita.) for her and I came home on emergency leave. It was pneumonia and we

thought everything was going to be all right since the doctors knew what it was and how to treat it. However it was not meant to be, Yolanda stopped breathing at home and was rushed to the ER, three days later she was pronounced brain dead. I was devastated and I did not know what to do or even what to say to anyone. I told the Lord if she could not come back whole just as she was He should keep her. I knew she would not want to be bed ridden for the rest of her life and would not accept anything, but what she was beforehand. I believe she decided to go home to be with the Lord sometime before the doctors said she was brain dead. It was by far the worst time in my life, I was literally in a

surreal fog just barely functioning, but with the Lord’s help and family and the saint’s help, I made it through. Marvin Sapp was right, “Never would have made it!” I held onto God’s hand just barely I suppose; it was more of Him holding me together than anything else. I know this is where you expecting me to say I was mad at God for “taking” my wife, but nothing could be further from the truth. I never asked why and I never got mad at God, she was with our Heavenly Father and who am I to get

mad at God for bringing one of His children home on their terms? How did I get through this time of mourning? I worshipped. When I would cry because I was missing her I would eventually go from crying in grief to crying in worship. The song Lord of the Breakthrough by Israel Houghton was my song and I personalized it; He became the Lord of “MY” breakthrough. I went back to Korea to try and finish my tour and also to get away from my home that was now just a house. I mourned in Korea, but I did my job and the saints at Osan blessed me and somehow I was a blessing to them. I did join a grief support group, Friends Together when I came back to Tucson and they really helped me immensely. I still fellowship with them occasionally and during our annual memorial service. I highly recommend finding a group of people who have walked the walk and can help you through your grief journey. As I went back to work God had a job for me that would help me to get through my grief journey by helping others on a nearly daily basis. My Commander asked if I would be a fill-in First Sergeant for a little while and I said yes, not realizing then the Lord was working behind the scenes. A First Sergeant helps the Commander with disciplinary issues, counsels service members when they have financial, marital, and other problems, gives them guidance and sometime a swift kick in their butts when they need it (Sounds like a Pastor). For the next three and a half years I was an Assistant First Sergeant helping to care of over 600 aircraft maintainers. In that time we had several deaths in the squadron, service members or their family members and what I had been through allowed me to help them and leadership during these tragedies. The worst

one was when we had to go tell a spouse that her husband was not coming home. He was TDY at another base and had a heart attack and died. I knew her pain and I knew what she felt as I had been there, I prayed for her and held her. It was not the best part of being a First sergeant, but it was part of the job and I thank God I was able to be of service to her and the others. Remember how I said earlier God has more than just a plan for you? Well His contingency plan (my term) was in effect and Lisa introduced me to LaNita and she was the friend I needed to pray for me and listen to me and help me through this time. Neither one of us had any notions of what the future would hold for us, she was my friend and she kept me connected to the human race. For a time I did not care about anything including myself, but God got me through that with LaNita’s help. My time of worship with Him is what kept me, when I could not do anything but cry I would worship God. I don’t know who this is for, but I will reiterate this: I never asked why this did happen? Nor did I ever get mad at God. I know people get mad at God for the silliest of reasons, but I think I would have been justified to be a bit angry if I had not said to the Lord, “Keep her if she could not come back the way she was.” Worship kept my focus on Him and He could minister to me in the worship I gave Him. I do miss the intensity of those times, but I will be honest, I have no desire to go through what I went through to get there in the first place. The wonderful thing is I don’t have to; I can and still have deep intimate times of worship with the Father. He is still looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)

and one of the ways we can seek Him is in worship. In worship we find Him and we are in His presence when we truly worship, and in His presence there is the fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11) When the Bible talks about peace that surpasses understanding, it is real and I have experienced it for myself during this time of grief. Jesus said He would be with us, and He was truly with me and His peace became my peace when I needed it the most. On December 31, 2006 in front of then Pastor Jason Johnson and the entire Abundant Life Evangelistic Church in Biloxi, Mississippi I asked LaNita to marry me and in May of 2007 we married right after she retired from the Air Force. When the Bible says it is not good for the man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), I am a witness, and to do what I am called to do and created to do; I needed a helpmeet. Not only was I now married again, I became a father as LaNita has a daughter from her previous marriage, this added a new and scary dimension to my life, but I thank God for Brittney and I think of her as my own daughter and love her as such. Even to this day I am still figuring out this father thing, but when I don’t know I talk to my Heavenly Father. I retired from the Air Force on February 1, 2010 and started working as a civilian on February 2, 2010. That had God’s hands written all over it! We moved to Lighthouse Church International (LCI) after a time of searching for where God wanted and needed us to be in 2010. God blessed us with solid preaching from Apostle Jesse West and Pastor Chauntel and now Pastor Terry West. Truly the Lord

ordered our steps to LCI and even though we did not know why initially it has become clear to both of us, “for such a time as this.” We both finished our Masters in 2012 which was an interesting time for both of us. I became the interim Pastor of the DavisMonthan AFB Gospel Service in September of 2013 and was ordained in November as an Elder and LaNita was licensed as a minister. We did what needed to be done, neither of us was trying to make a name for ourselves but, because we know it is not about us, but it is about Christ being glorified in our lives. December 2013 brought about a new challenge for us, one I was familiar with and never imagined I would have deal with again. LaNita was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer and we rallied with the Lord and our LCI family on our side and she is cancer free today. She still has some reconstructive surgery to go through and yet experiences the side effects of chemotherapy, but like the song says, “This Too Will Pass.” To tell how wonderful and incredible she is, when she got the diagnosis she was more concerned about me than herself since I had been through this before with Yolanda. I did what I always (okay almost always) do when something comes up I cannot handle, I gave it to Jesus. I

prayed for her, held her, took care of her like I am supposed to and we made it through with the Lord’s help. I must again remind you that tithing works! After her chemotherapy and radiation treatment LaNita had to stop working as her body was healing. She tried to work, but it became too much for her and she stayed home to heal and recover. Once again a stream of income had temporarily ceased, but the Lord provided and we paid the bills and did not go hungry. (I hear Tye Tribbett singing, “If He did it before, He can do it again, same God back then same God right now.”) We may not have done all the fun things we were used to doing, but it was necessary for a season. It was tight, but when the Lord is on your side and providing favor left and right you cannot lose and the inconvenience of not having things does not matter. Sometimes a little storm comes to remind us how wonderful and powerful our God truly is. As a citizen of the Kingdom I know the King has an obligation to take care of His people and that is what He has doing, is doing and will do! As I wrap up this tapestry of God’s divine guidance, intervention, keeping power and supernatural contingency planning I am where God wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do. It has not been easy, I don’t know where that lie came from that says come to Christ and life will be easy with no problems. Life is not easy! One scripture the Holy Spirit seems to bring out in many of the sermons I have delivered is Psalm 34:19 where the Bible clearly tells us, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, BUT the LORD delivers them out of them ALL.” We will all go through something terrible or traumatic, whether caused by us or by others, and we

need to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord WILL deliver. In Christ we have access to the one who strengthens us when we are weak, He holds us when we are lonely, wipes away the tears when we cry, heals us when we are sick, encourages us when we are discouraged, loves us when no one else will, delivers like no one else can and keeps us even when we don’t want to be kept. So here I am today a husband, father, grandfather, an ordained Elder, and a Director of Christian Education, ONLY GOD! It has been a journey of faith that I could not have done on my own, nor would I have tried. My journey of faith and service has taken me from Cleveland to San Antonio, Omaha, Nebraska, to Korea, Northern California, Tucson, Kuwait, Iraq and Korea singing and preaching the Word of God and the Lord was there in each and every place. I will leave you with this Holy Spirit imparted thought: “When one tries to reflect on where they are and where they have come from, and how they got there it is difficult to not see the Father’s hand moving on one’s life.” One last thing to you who believe, you have a call on your life and do not believe God can use you, yes He can! I as just a skinny kid from Cleveland, an ordinary guy, then I met somebody who could save anybody (including me) and then made me somebody to tell everybody about Him who loves and can save everybody. Ron Kenoly sings a song that says, “If you can use anything Lord you can use me”. That song was the catalyst for me to start ministering back in Korea. If He can use me (and He does) He can and will use you as long as you are willing and available. I sincerely want to thank the staff at SARAH for this opportunity to share HIS story with you, I pray it has blessed and encouraged you.

In Vegas at Trek Experience- 2007 (R) Marching In Faith Inspiration Choir- 1984 ( L) Osan Air Base Praise Team- 2004 {B. L) Directing Silver Freedom Chorale-2004 (B. L)

2009 Park University Honor Graduate

2012-79 RQS Civilian of the year (R) 2011Annual Banquet (bottom R) 2009-Pima College Graduate (L)

Mr. & Mrs. Price in Sedona 2012 (Left) Watch Night Service DM AFB 2012 (right)

2012 banquet awards (top middle)

Teaching at Tucson Christian men’s fellowship 2014 (right) Preaching at DM Gospel Service 2013 (left)

Elder V. William Price is an ordained minister serving at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Terry West and Apostolic covering of Apostle Jesse West II. He currently serves as the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church 2013 Elder Price Ordination

International providing vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. He has a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and a Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University. He has a vision and is driven to be a blessing to the body of Christ. He strives 2013 Ordination Day to encourage, edify, and challenge the body of Christ to worship, live, think, and prosper as the Bible says we can and should through anointed teaching, preaching, and by being a living example of scriptural truths. Contact Information for speaking engagements: – phone 520-981-9366

Coming Next Month...

Deborah Caraway Moland


How can I be Depressed and Addicted to Opiates? From Darkness into the Light... Be encouraged and inspired by this woman of God’s road from depression and addiction. You don’t want to miss this powerful testimony!

SARAH This could be YOU!

Do you have a SARAH story that you would like to share? Maybe you have a message that will minister to others? Contact SARAH Magazine at My

By Renée Purdie

“People Don’t Care How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care.” In marketing, there’s a phrase called “top of mind,” which basically means when someone is ready to purchase something you offer that you’re the one they think of so you’ll get the sale. Now the trick is, of course, to be in the person’s mind when that buying decision happens. That’s where it can be tricky as it could be the first time you come in contact with that person or years later. For that reason, it’s vital to keep in touch with potential purchasers. More importantly though, you have to start looking at building a relationship rather than just counting up the number of “touches” and calling it a day. To build relationships, we have to make it more about the person and their needs than ours. Our need is to make a sale so we can pay our bills, go on a trip, build our business, whatever the case may be. But what do your potential customers want? In the vast majority of cases, they want a problem solved or a need fulfilled. Your job is to connect with them in a meaningful fashion and let them know how you can HELP them. The other thing we need to do is to find out as much about our customers and potential customers as possible so we will have an idea of how, how often, when, why and what to contact them about. Are they pet lovers? Do they love to travel? Are they a foodie? Once you know information about their likes, dislikes, passions, etc., you can connect with them on a more meaningful level. Does this sound too hard? Is it overkill for, say, selling toilet paper to people? Well, in some cases, yes, but if you’re a small business, chances are, how good

you are at fostering relationships is directly related to the health of your bottom line. So, how can you find out more about your clients/potential clients? The best way is to … talk to them! It may seem old-fashioned in this day and age of technology, but nothing substitutes for simply talking with someone. Schedule a couple “just because” calls per day for you to reach out to people and simply ask how they’re doing. Do NOT use this as a reason to do a sales pitch. Just like you dislike people only contacting you when they want something, so too do clients get tired of only hearing from you about your business, your sales, your product. Make it more about them. As time goes on, they’ll get more comfortable with you and will open up. Now, believe me, I know that you’re busy with your business so you also need to build in some automation to keep in touch and keep “top of mind.” One of the ways to do this is called “drip-feed marketing.” The idea is to develop newsletters, white papers and other content that you can share periodically with your customers. This is important as it shows you’re the subject matter expert. Also, the more shareable you make this content, the easier it’ll be for your clients to pass on your name (within the documents) to potential clients. Videos and infographics are great tools to use in this space and newsletter platforms such as MailChimp and Constant Contact help make the process so much easier. Remember though that now that you know more about your clients, you need to make it personal. If they love travel, include that sort of material in your newsletter or make sure that their handwritten birthday card has an image that evokes travel … Do they love dogs? Include some tips for pampering their pooch. Whatever you do, create a regular schedule to touch base with your clients. It’s easy to forget, but just as you wouldn’t have a great relationship with your significant other if you only contacted them once a year, so too with your clients. Connect with them. Ensure that they know that they’re important to you and that they’re heard and valued. You’ll be amazed at the results. Does your business need a BOOST? Renée Purdie is an experienced business builder with clients on two continents (the US and Australia) who loves to help other businesses grow. If you need help with "thinking outside the box," email her on, call her on 343.7232 or visit her website

Ingredients       

about 2 cups chopped leftover turkey, mix of light and dark meat ½ cup mayonnaise 2 tsp whole grain Dijon mustard ¼ tsp sea salt ¼ tsp pepper leftover cranberry sauce whole grain wraps Directions 1. In a large bowl, mix together the chopped turkey, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. 2. Spread about two tablespoons cranberry sauce on each wrap and top it with a scoop of turkey salad. Roll up wraps and serve. Yield: 4 wraps

Black Pearls by

Psalmist Doris Stokes Knight “Get to Know WHO God Is!” It is important for us to realize as people of God just how important our character means. It’s important for others to know who you truly are by your character because it will precede you in a lot of cases in life: in school, in the workforce, in business relationships and in the NEW relationships you forge throughout your life.

our Creator is. Why is that?...because it would be hard for us to come to know Him, love Him and understand somewhat how He operates and TRUST Him as God without understanding the “Isness” of God.

Now understand that we will NEVER fully comprehend all there is TO know about The Lord but there is enough about His character written in scripture to validate why we should accept and respect What amazes me are the many people who Him for the well-deserving God that He claim to be Christians, believe in God and is. By reading in context The Word and how He interacted with the people of the state they love Him but they don’t really Bible, we come to gain an understanding know or understand His character. Why of how deeply He tends to love, what the amazement? …because just like with makes Him angry, how giving He is and people, you can’t truly “love”, “know” ready to release blessings over our life, or “appreciate” someone without some type of relationship being developed. You how protective He is over His people and have to know something about them: what how He doesn’t tolerate foolishness and disloyalty. Yes, these are character traits they like, don’t like, what they’re good of who He is! at, their strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, behaviors, educational background, profession, what kind of family they came For those that know me, they know from, etc.; these are all windows into what I’m a VERY mild-mannered person, fun-loving and enjoy being around fun kind of person they are. When it comes people. Several years ago a friend of to The Lord, the Bible is instrumental in helping us to know and understand WHO mine told me that another person that

just happened to have attended the same church I did (several years previously) but I had absolutely NO relationship with this individual, had informed her she didn’t “like” me because I had slapped her one Sunday in front of the whole church. So to my friend’s surprise, she said “I was so shocked she said that, I told her, in all the years I’ve known Doris NOBODY I know has EVER said anything even remotely close about her fighting, being violent or getting in any loud arguments or confrontations with ANYBODY!” She said, “Doris that was THEE FUNNIEST thing I had ever heard because I couldn’t imagine in my mind you raising your hand to slap or hit somebody!” See, what this other person didn’t RECOGNIZE is that “slapping anybody” is NOT a characteristic belonging to me. So naturally we had to have a good laugh about it because there obviously was NO TRUTH to her claims. Besides, usually before events escalate to a “slapping phase” wouldn’t the parties involved have to know each other, have had some type of disagreement, argument or SOMETHING before a punch or slap would be thrown into the equation? And, if I had “slapped her in front of the whole church” (which was a pretty large sized congregation) as she claimed, wouldn’t there obviously be witnesses to that fact... especially since my own Mother attended that church as well? Although I knew who the person was, we had NEVER even had so much as a conversation before; it was pretty much a “hello” and “goodbye” relationship! The point is this: if the character my friend had already known about me had not preceded me, she may have believed the lie coming from

this other person who instigated this “story.” But since she had known me for YEARS, she had history about who I was, my consistent behaviors, personality traits and reputation and her RELATIONSHIP with me directly instantly raised a RED FLAG on this accusation against me, so she knew there couldn’t have been much if any truth to this other person’s claims. This is why it is sooooooo difficult to get those that have a genuine relationship with God for themselves to be “turned around” from what they KNOW about Him. They’ve already experienced Him in some POSITIVE way; the God of miracles, signs, wonders, doors being opened or closed, protection, ways made, debts canceled, healings, prayers being heard and answered, as the old saints use to say; “THEY KNOW TOO MUCH ABOUT HIM!” When you allow yourself to understand and gain the wisdom of what makes God be God, you learn to never under-estimate Him nor to pre-suppose what He may or may not do. You’ll never figure Him out but your FAITH in Him will always act on your behalf to encourage God’s hand to move in your favor. His character stands by itself, once you gain a REAL ENCOUNTER with Him no one can tell you how mean He is, or He doesn’t care about us or that He doesn’t exist. All it takes is for you to open your eyes in the morning to see a NEW day or for you to continue walking in divine health and having a reasonable amount of strength, to hear birds singing, rain falling, the sun shining to KNOW He exists! If you’re breathing by the grace of God, that means He’s merciful enough to provide the oxygen you’re taking in to sustain your life, so He cares

for us and we can depend on Him by the character He has exhibited and displayed throughout the ages. The Bible itself is an account of His history.

Pastor (Psalmist) Doris Stokes Knight is: President & CEO of Doris Stokes Knight Ministries

In your walk with The Lord, make a conscious effort and promise to yourself that you will actively take the time to An Ordained Kingdom Pastor, KNOW and learn His character. Think Author, Psalmist, Worship Leader, back on situations in your own life and Worship Arts Workshop Facilitator, see if you can identify HOW you were Recording Artist, Songwriter & delivered or how your situation got Gospel Stage Play Actress resolved or turned around especially if you couldn’t figure things out for Email: bpewordpublishing@gmail. yourself. What character trait of God showed up on your behalf?: was it com Jehovah Jireh (the God of provision); was it Jehovah Ropheka (the God our Healer); Websites: or was it Jehovah Nissi (the God of DaPsalmist (On Twitter); Victory)? See, He’s such a BIG God, He can’t be characterized or contained by one Name because He can and will become TheDorisStokesKnightMinistriesPage the God you need at the time you need Him! He’s a multi-faceted, multi-breasted (On Facebook) God that you can’t place in a box and He won’t operate on your terms! Knowing the character of God will FREE you and give you the liberty necessary to believe God for the impossible! You can trust WHO He is, WHAT He is and WHAT He stands for because His character is SOUND; our God is simply.... AWESOME! ~Selah. I’m lovin’ you to life!

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BPE Word

No part of this article may be copied or used without express written permission from its owner. .

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Ultimate Church Fashions by LaNette Kincaid History of Church Fashion

In the past what a person wore defined their status in their community for example, if you wore jean overalls, you probably were a farmer in your community. On the other hand if you wore a suit, you probably were either a mister, undertaker ,or a banker in the community. In contrast to men women weren’t really judged by what you wore, because most of them were house keepers who made their clothes. So women of the church wore hats, nice dress, and white gloves.

to wear pantyhose with dresses . Now church fashions is more of a convenance. It’s not a secret that most of us agree that church fashions have become a little too relaxed. We’ve all heard the saying, “come as you are” when it comes to church some of us may have taken that advice too literal and come to church with a relaxed and casual feel.

While interviewing Darius Henson of Inspired Jewelry, Darius felt that church fashion should be all about class and elegance. Darius started Inspired Jewelry Church fashion in the past really meant in 2011 and both his jewelry and fashion something and wasn’t taken lightly ,as a line is geared around over the top matter of fact people who weren’t working church fashions. His line consist of blingy in the fields were always dressed up rhinestone jewelry and accessories, wether they were going into town, or going bowties to women suits and oversized to church. hats. Darius states that he is infatuated with people dressing up and feels that you During slavery times church was held in the fields where the slaves worked so after can just tell when a person is dressed for slaves were free, dressing up and dressing church whether they are physically in a nice was just a way to say ‘’I have arrived!’’ church or not. So how have church fashions changed? Church fashions today is either over the top with more extravagant hats, or people dress super casual and not even bothering

FOR MEN: Darius suggests the ideal church look would be a well-fitting suit. Not too tight because you don’t want to show off the family jewels and not too big to give the suit a slouchy look. A well-fitted suit

should be combined with a bold bow-tie with a pocket handkerchief. In addition, this look should be paired with nice shoes, socks with bold colors and jewelry to accent the overall look. FOR WOMEN: Darius suggests a nice dress with matching hat, fur fling depending on the season and nice pumps with bling. Darius Henson revealed that he has always been a snazzy dresser even as a child and feels that his fashion style comes from growing up in the church. It mainly depends on both of the person and the church affiliation that determines how a person dresses going to church. For some churches, dressing over the top would be inappropriate or considered to be too much and for some churches being too casual is inappropriate.

LaNette Kincaid Founder and CEO “Vendors Preferred” “Women with Gifts” “Just Pearlz”

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            

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 3 cups diced mushrooms • 1 cup chopped onion • 1 cup chopped red bell pepper • 3 cups chopped fresh spinach • 1 tablespoon oregano • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • salt to taste • 1 (16-ounce) carton cottage cheese • 4 cups cooked penne pasta (about 8 ounces uncooked) • 2 cups cooked, diced turkey • 1 ½ cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese • ½ cup milk Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 425°. 2. Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms, onion, and bell pepper; sauté 4 minutes or until tender. Add spinach, oregano, and black pepper; sauté 3 minutes or just until spinach wilts. 3. Place cottage cheese in a food processor; process until very smooth. 4. Combine spinach mixture, cottage cheese, pasta, turkey, 1 cup cheddar cheese and milk in a large bowl. Add salt if needed. 5. Spoon mixture into a 2-quart baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with remaining ½ cup cheddar cheese. Bake at 425° for 25 minutes or until lightly browned and bubbly.


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Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


Remember... It’s Never Too Late!

See you Next Month! God Bless!

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