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Welcome! I hope all is well with all of you. It is so great to be back! I have had a very interesting winter and summer. Well to start, I had to let go of some things that were very dear to my heart, but through it all God has made me stronger. I had to realize that some of the things we value come to an end, but God always has something bigger and better in store. I had to let go and let God’s will be done. Trust me His will is always better and everything is so beautiful when it all comes together. I am so glad that we are back! We have some Awesome children in this issue. I pray that you take the time to read their stories and share this magazine with your friends and family. It is so wonderful to see children doing positive things. This is the purpose for the magazine and why I love doing what I do. Thank you all for hanging in and being patient with us, while we made some changes with the magazine. In closing; We would like to ask you a question? Aren’t you tired of turning on the news and it’s always talking about something negative someone’s child did? It seems the news media focuses so much on negativity! Here we are with this magazine and it’s all about children that are making a difference in this world and they need your help. Some of them are starting their own businesses; some are getting good grades in school, whatever the case may be… these children are doing something great! These are our children, and grandchildren and they need our support. If we don’t support them


while they are doing good, they will began to feel that doing bad things gets more attention. Remember they are our future! Please support these children by purchasing their items that they have created. Not only that, reach out and let them know that they are doing a good job. It’s time to stop the cycle of negativity and give these young people who are really trying their due praise. We hope you enjoy the August issue of Y.P.W.P. We want you to know that our magazine is not limited to only African American children. We welcome all races. We’d love your feedback, let us know how we are doing and what you would like to see in our upcoming issues. Thank you so much!

Bridgette Carradine Creator/CEO ypwp916@gmail.com Sponsored by Sarah magazine

Sheree Carradine Co-Creator, Editor, Graphic Designer www.personalizeitsc.com mysarahmagazine@gmail.com


Welcome- 3 Advertise-8 Back To School Checklist-9

Back To School Word Search-23

Did You Know?-10

They Got Caught! -32

Wonderful’s Manner’s-11

Answers-How Much Do You Know?-36

Back To School Word Search-12

Chat It Up Wit Ya Girl Spairo -13

Journalist Jaelah-37 Coloring Contest -40

Fun Recipe-17

They Got Caught-41

How Much Do You Know? -18

Coming Soon-45

They Got Caught! -19





Has Your Child Started Their Own Business?

Did They Get Caught Doing

Does Your Child Like To Write?

Something Good? We Are Always

Did They Do Or Are They Doing

Looking For Children That Are

Something Great In The Community

Doing Positive Things.

That The World Needs To Know About?



www.personalizeitsc.com 7



Teaching your Male Child how to be a Gentleman: Starting early is better. Whenyou are being introduced to a woman, wait until she offers her hand before you extends yours. He opens the door for a young lady. He respects his elders. He pulls out a chair for a lady. He stands when she walks in the room. He sits after she sits. He doesn't walk ahead of her. He helps her put on/take off her coat. He gives up his seat to her if there is only standing room. More information can be found on the web at www.GoodGuySwag.com

By Wonderful S. Davidson 10


By Spairo Wilson Hey what is up everybody? I’m so happy to be back with all the great writers in this magazine! So how have you guys been? I’ve been soooooo good. 5th grade was the best year ever! Anyway I’m gonna catch you up om me and since it’s been like a long time, you better go get a Capri Sun, some Chips and be ready to read because I have a lot to share and yall know I like to talk or” write talk”.  From the beginning of the 5th grade was Liiiiit all the way to the end of school, but let me tell you about the beginning. I met my best friend and seen all my friends from last year, but anyways I got so many District honor roll and I thank God that I got them. My G.P.A was a 4.0 which is perfect and I had all first place ribbons in track n’ field. I was like an all-star in track and spirit squad which is cheer, but I wouldn’t have that without God. Speaking of my heavenly father, I was in a pageant for the L.L.E which stands for Little Ladies Of Excellence, it’s a church pageant for C.o.g.i.c California


northwest jurisdiction. Most people think it’s easy‌.No it’s not, I had to show grace and elegance, also I had to present a talent AND I rocked mine! I wrote an original poem called “Call Me Church Girlâ€? which you can read on the final page and order a shirt for you and your family, cause you know Church Girls are Liiit. I had to answer questions pertaining to the bible and education, I also had to raise money and yes I won that trophy too‌ Man, God Was Really Good To Me. I won that crown yes I did and really thank God and my family for that, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have God. But my cover picture is something very special; the chair I’m sitting in is my Great Grandma’s Chair. She passed away but it doesn’t feel like she did, it’s like she is still here, but anyways that chair makes me feel confident, it makes me feel immortal like her love is running through me and my family. Rest In Heaven Bigmom đ&#x;˜Š (Beatrice Minor). Well it’s great to be back and I will see you soon loves, and I’m gonna call the people who like my stuff the Chat It Up Gang. Love you guys and I will be back with “Chat It Up Wit Ya Gurlâ€?‌‌.Byeeeeeeeeeee


Oh wait you think callin me Church Girl is gonna hurt my feelings psssh boy please, you can call me that everyday all day cause I’m Heaven Sent Heaven Bound and Heavenly. You think Church Girls are boring cause we sit in church all day Sunday. Well you right that’s where you’ll find me and my friends sitting in that middle pew at Praise And Worship listening to Pastor Collins But that boring part ….? That’s where you so wrong, see Church Girls like me we can sing ooouuu let the church say Amen and we can add a lil this and yah do our praise dance. Yea I did that so please call me Church Girl cause I’m Heaven Sent Heaven Bound and Heavenly. Mmmhmmm go ahead tease me about me being a Church Girl because between my English book and my Math book I keep the word. So when you get on my last nerve I read a scripture actually lemme tell you one Philippians 4:13 “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengthens Me” so please call me Church Girl because yo turn up aint got nothing on my……turn up! I’m a little lady of excellence even if I don’t wear the crown I am a daughter of a king He has His eye on the Spairo and as you know that’s me so please call me Church Girl cause I’m what… say it with me… HEAVEN SENT HEAVEN BOUND AND HEAVENLY! Thank You By: Spairo Wilson 14

Shirt Color Choices Are Purple Or Turquoise. All

Shirt Color Choices Are Purple Or Turquoise. All

The Shirts Have Gold Writing. Please Specify What Color Want When

The Shirts Have Gold Writing. Please Specify What Color Want When

Placing Your Order.

Placing Your Order.

To place an order please contact my mom, BreNae Wilson brewilson@hotmail.com Thank You For Reading My Story And I Hope That You Order My Shirts! Note: Actual shirts may look slightly different than picture. If you are larger than an adult size XL, there is an additional fee of $3.00. 15


This is a time that parents and their children can get together and research the answers. We will provide the answers on one of the last pages of the magazine. But let’s see how much you know without peeking 17 at the answers. HAVE FUN…

On The Following Pages We Are Profiling Young People Who Got Caught Doing Something Good. These Children Are Our Future And We Want To Make Sure That We Award Them For Getting Caught Doing Something Good As Opposed To Putting So Much Emphasis On The Negative Things Happening All Around Us. Help Us Celebrate Those Who Are Doing Something Good!


Annie Katresh Oneil. She is 5 years old. She likes her kindergarten class. She loves to Sing in the Church Choir, write her name and play outside. She says she likes to be nice to everyone. Annie Got Caught Doing Something Good! At age 3 Annie was filmed praying the Lord’s Prayer! At age 5 she still loves to say the Lord’s Prayer. GOOD JOB ANNIE!

Asia Michelle Washington. Asia is 8 years old. Her favorite foods are Chicken and Hamburgers. Her favorite hobby is playing Basketball. Guess What Asia Got Caught Doing?? She is the Lead Soccer Kicker and she got caught singing on the Praise Team in the Mt. Olive Choir. GOOD JOB ASIA! 19

King Edward King is 8 years old. His favorite foods are Tilapia fish and Black Eyed Peas. His hobbies are swimming, basketball. King is an awesome soccer player. He wants to be a professional baseball player when he grows up. King Got Caught‌. He scored 8 goals in his last game as he carried his team to a championship victory! He wants to become a professional baseball player when he grows up. Guess What Else King Got Caught Doing Good? He helped his friend by stopping him from getting beat up. He reported it to the teacher. GOOD JOB KING! 20

Nubian Queen Lee Richardson Nubian is 4 years old and her favorite food is Pizza. She loves to write, play school, and play with her Barbie’s. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She loves to be around her younger cousins. Nubian Got Caught Singing dancing and doing what she loves best. Guess What Else Nubian Would Like To Get Caught Doing? She would like to help single women with children who are less fortunate. GOOD JOB NUBIAN! 21



When I found out I was pregnant with Jaydah my life changed. I wanted to be the best example of a sincere Godly Woman and Mother to her. Jaydah was very active in the womb. Every time I would turn on music or read to her, she would start kicking and moving a lot. I knew she was going to be full of life and energy. She is a natural born leader and God has created her for such a time as this! (Mother, Tiffany Nakatani)

Hi! My name is Jaydah; I was born in Tucson, Arizona on August 22, 2006. I am ten years old and I would like to share my talents and interests. My hobbies are Reading, boxing, drawing, watching animated movies and cartoons, and listening to music. I have been involved in cheerleading, basketball and gymnastics. I will try anything at least once đ&#x;˜Š. My favorite foods are but not limited to pizza, wings, Takis and Panda Express.

MY LOVE OF READING My most favorite yet enchanting interest is Reading. I can lock myself in my room for hours and read to no end. I take a book with me wherever I go. When I read, I feel calm, excited and happy. Reading books takes me on many journeys. My parents are Tiffany Nakatani (Mother), Reginald Phillips (biological Father), and JR Nakatani (added blessing). The names of my siblings are Omarion Phillips, Reggie Phillips, Jr., Tiana Phillips and Journee Nakatani. I am 24

the oldest out of all of them. They keep me occupied, and I love them very much. MY ACHIEVEMENTS In June 2017, I attended Camp Elevate in Prescott, Arizona through Pastor Chad’s ministry for the Youth where I responded to an alter call and received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I made the decision that no matter what happens in my life, I will live for Christ. I am in the G.A.T.E. Program and have also been in the Gifted Program for two (2) years. I have received several Academic Achievement Awards for excelling in academics. At times, I do get frustrated in learning when I don’t understand things right away, but I manage to get focused and clear to complete my class assignments and homework.

My Goals My future goals or dreams are to be a professional boxer, teacher or the President of the United States. When I become President, I plan on changing the environment and creating centers where hungry people can always eat for free. I would also like to say how doubly blessed I am to spend time with my Mom, JR (step-Dad aka added blessing), sister, Journee and my Nana, Christine. I also


enjoy spending time with my Father, Reginald Phillips and my twin brothers; Omarion and Reggie, Jr., and sister, Tianna. I like to go camping, Skate Country, Get Air and church. I know that I am loved much and get the best of both worlds. One of my fondest moments or memories was going to Disneyland for my 4th birthday and Sea World in San Antonio, Texas for my 6th birthday with my Mom and Nana Christine. In addition, going to Rocky Point Beach with my Dad, brothers and sister is always fun đ&#x;˜Š!!

KID-PRENEUR I have recently started my own business selling backpacks that reflect what I love to do which is read, listen to music, and play or watch sports. I plan on raising money to invest in Love of Reading by creating my own personal library and donating money to help end animal cruelty. Along with loving to read, I also love animals. You will be able to see all my back packs and order them on the last page of my story.

Words From Friends And Family Jaydah is an amazing young girl. It’s a blessing to be able to see her grow and witness the development of her personality. It feels like the anticipation and excitement I had when rearing my girls as a Single mother. I couldn’t wait to see who they were going to become. Don’t get me wrong, we had our challenging moments. Yet, I knew that they were going to be great women, and God’s plan and promises for them as different and individual women were to do remarkable things touching those they would encounter. They are indeed phenomenal women that I am so proud of!!!


As we journey alongside, I see Jaydah inheriting that same spirit and tenacity in a leadership role, touching lives of many as well. It blows my mind how she adjusts to and own her atmosphere befriending other young children, be it Sunday school, fun at the Peter Piper Pizza arena, or out at the park or mall playgrounds… She makes it her own. She encompasses this sweet fragrance in spirit, and has a strength of being. Yet, of course experiencing growing pains whereas in her training, she is directed to get back on point. Jaydah never goes anywhere without a book in her face…. She inspires me, and her consistency and joy to read reminds me how important it is to read to increase your vocabulary and heighten communicating skills to be able to interact with just anyone. I am very proud that God predestined us to be connected to each other. I love being Jaydah’s Nana…. I love Jaydah being a part of my life! My prayer is that she will come to know the faithfulness of our Father, to appreciate the sacrifice of our Savior, and to know that the Holy Spirit is always alongside to guide, counsel and comfort her. (Nana Christine)

Have you ever watched a shooting star against a pitch black sky, streaming its milky silver, like cold fire decorating so eclectically its own path? Such is the spirit of Jaydah Raine. Jaydah by nature is full of love, light, and adventure. Her smile warms a room like a cup of hot tea, hastily making new friends, and drawing the love and admiration of all that are in her path. She exercises her intellectual ability to stir up ideas, which promote creative ventures. Jaydah is a signature individual that has the boldness of a young Lioness; she is an exceptional force to reckon with in this generation. It doesn’t matter if Jaydah is playing hard during a basketball game, or in a clustered gymnasium, or stoically hiding herself in her favorite book, you can count on her to give 100%! Your Godmother Mica Love You Jaydah.


Thank you all for reading my story, I hope you liked it. On the final pages I will share lots of pictures of me, my family, my friends AND‌ my Back Packs! My final words would be to follow your dreams and never give up!

Jaydah R. Henry-Phillips



My Back Packs are only $15.00! If you have any questions, contact my mom; Tiffany Nakatani at: anatrice32tiffany32@gmail.com. To place an order visit my website at https://anatrice32tiffany3.wixsite.com/website Thank You 30 So Much!


Alyzia Paige Thompson Alyzia is 9 years old. Her hobbies are cooking and drawing. When she grows up she wants to be a doctor. Alyzia plays baseball for Grant Little League. GOOD JOB ALYZIA!

2017 Upcoming Baseball Star! Ronald Thompson. Ronald is 10 years old; He plays baseball for Grant Little League. GOOD JOB RONALD!


CHAMPIONSHIP! Branden Jennings Branden is 14 years old. Branden’s team won the championship at Stagg High School in Stockton Ca. It was a 7 on 7 tournament. Branden’s team is Consumnes Oaks High School the Wolf Pack! HIS MOTTO IS, PRAY BEFORE YOU PLAY! GOOD JOB BRANDEN!

2017 Upcoming Baseball Star! Robert Thompson Robert is 14 years old. He plays for Grant Little League. GOOD JOB ROBERT!













Hi everybody, it’s me, Journalist Jaelah! I am so glad to be back! I am going to share with you all the things that has happen since the last time we talked. First of all I am not ten any more. My birthday was in April and I am now eleven years old. Can you see how much I have changed since the last time I wrote to you? I had so much fun on my birthday! I spent time with my mom and dad and I got lots of gifts from my all my family and friends. My best birthday gift was that my cousin Amya is spending the whole summer with me! I love all my cousins, it’s sad when we have to be separate from each other. I have cousins in Atlanta and I miss them so much! The good part about it is that we get to talk to each on other on 35

Skype. This makes me feel good and it makes me feel like we are close to each other. I got all good grades in school and was one of the top kids in my class in reading! I am going do my best again this year when school starts so that I can get good grades. Now let me tell you about my summer fun… I am so glad that my cousin Amya is spending the summer with me. We go to the mall, we stay up late and talk about school, friends and lots of other things. I love eating Cotton Candy and Shaved Ice, it is so good! The best part about my summer is that me and my cousin Amya went to Adventure Park. We got on a ride call the Zip line, I rode it over and over again and every time I rode it, I fell off but I didn’t care, I was having so much fun. My cousin only rode it one time cause she got sand in her boots, and she didn’t like that at all. The next thing we got on was a big net and you had to climb to top. While I was climbing my flip flop broke, that was so funny! I also got to ride down a hill inside of a tire and that was fun too. After we left the park we went to the beach and collected Sea Shells, then we went and ate Chicken. I was sad when we had to leave, because we were having so much fun. This is a picture of my cousin Amya with my puppy Khandi. Well friends I just got a few more things to share with you…


My summer has been great and now I am looking forward to school starting. Here are some of the things I would like to see changed this school year. I would like for the bullying to stop and for my school to teach Black History. Oh and also we need to respect each other. Well friends that’s all for now. I will be sharing my gifts and talents with you next time. Before I go… remember to love each other like God loves you. God see’s your good and bad, He’s watching you all the time. Remember to pray, my mom and I do it all the time. I hope that you had as much summer fun as I did. Tell me about your summer. Are you looking forward to school starting? What changes would you like to see in school? Write to me at: ypwp916@gmail.com . Bye For Now! Love and Kisses, from Journalist Jaelah


Make Your Own Color Code! The First Person To Color And Figure It Out Wins A…

CAN YOU SEE WHAT THIS PICTURE IS? Color each number a different color to find out what it is. MAKE YOUR OWN COLOR CODE: 1= 2= 3= 4=






Contact us with your answer and your finished picture. www.ypwp916@gmail.com


Sanai Golson Sanai is 9 years old. Her favorite food is her dad’s pasta with shrimp. Her hobbies are Reading, Writing and Drawing. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Sanai Got Caught‌ Encouraging her younger cousin that Black is Beautiful. Guess What Else Sanai Would Like To Get Caught Doing?? She would like to help the world by opening a nonprofit organization donating Money to charity. She would also serve food to homeless children. GREAT JOB SANAI!


Kimayah Brown Kimayah is 13 years old. Her hobbies are playing on the Computer, listening to Music and Doing Nails. Her Favorite food is Grandmother Barbara’s Gumbo. She would like to be a doctor when she grows up. Kimayah Got Caught‌ Kimayah got caught playing her Violin. Guess What Else Kimayah Would Like To Get Caught Doing? I would change the world by giving away free clothes and school supplies for less fortunate children. GREAT JOB KIMAYAH!


Eunina Jeresh Baker Eunina is 18 years old. Her hobbies are Reading, Driving and hanging out with friends. She graduated from Grant High School. She is going to Sacramento State to major in Criminal Justice. Eunina Got Caught‌ She was accepted as an Undergraduate at Sacramento State College and is now in Criminal Justice. Her future plans are to be in the FBI after graduating from Sacramento State and Law School. GREAT JOB EUNINA!


T -Shirts, Tote Bags, Back Packs, Jewelry And Lots Of Other Fun Stuff! Most Of The Items In The Catalog Are Made And Or Designed By Young People.

GET READY PARENTS! Your Children Are Going To Have Their Very Own Catalog Where They Can Buy Or Sell Their Items. Contact Us If You Would Like To Be On Our Mailing List, Your


Little Kid-Preneur Has Items They Would Like To Sell, Or If Would Like More Details On How This Works. We Are All About Helping Our Young People! We are also going to have contests throughout the month; your child’s name will be entered to win a FREE PRIZE of their choice right out of our catalog! Make sure you sign up to be on our mailing list so that we can notify you with all the details. Parents if you have items you want to sell in our catalog, let us know. THE CATCH… your items must be for young people. Contact us at: ypwp916@gmail.com or mysarahmagazine@gmail.com

 44

has moved up to a full size magazine! Don’t Forget To Order Your Hard Copies!

For prices,visit our web site. www.personalizeitsc.com

Y.P.W.P. is an extension of Sarah Magazine ( Sarah’s Baby). Wherever Sarah Magagzine is seen so is her baby. So that means your little Angels are being seen World Wide! Who’s going to be next to be on the cover of Y.P.W.P??? Will It Be Your Little Angel?? Contact us at: ypwp916@gmail.com or mysarahmagazine@gmail.com


REMEMBER… With God All Things Are Possible! See You Next Time…

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