Fill out a General Awards and BursarY. aRRlication.
Settle in for an exciting semester. Now's the time to make lasting connections and to take charge of your education!
You may be feeling Ill
Relieved, curious, or astray.
Social Living
Get involved on campus.
Get help with your resume and job search
Explore the Co- with Career Services. Curricular Record
Create your semester .(CCR) catalogue.
If living off-camRUS, learn and weeklY.study_Rlan to stay motivated. Access group support options available through Wellness and Use Rrofessional Counselling. netiguette when sending emails or
Check out student posting online. leadershiR opportunities.
Connect with your professors if you have
Check Sheridan Central academic concerns and the SSU website for before midterms begin. upcoming events.
"One of my achievements as a student at Sheridan College was receiving the Elizabeth Fry Award as a Child andYouth Care (CYC) Change Maker. This award came when I needed a positive push in my life, andhelped me to stay motivated andpush forward. It empowered me to do my best in my schoolwork and achieve all my goals. I also became a peer mentor in my last year at Sheridan. It granted me the opportunity to connect with many students and achieve bigger goals than I had imagined."
- Wafa Benmahmoud
Check out the rest of Wafa's story here.
about waste management, fire safety, and personal safety.
Domestic students-now is your chance to withdraw from or enroll in the Health and Dental insurance Rian.
International studentsLearn about your Health insurance Rian.
Sheridan's librarY. has so much to offer!
• Research and citation help
• Borrow books
• Book group study rooms
• and more!
SLATE is Sheridan's online learning platform
Watch the Getting Online: Academic Platforms workshop or review this helP-ful article for more information.
For help with math, writing, English conversation, study skills and more, check out Tutoring Services.
All first-year students have access to a program-level tutor in their Learn Well Virtual Community on SLATE.