Preparing for Your Orientation
DavisCampus Fall2024
DavisCampus Fall2024
If you have an accessibility need, let us know by August 19 ✏
Fill out this form to let us know what you need. Email if you have questions.
Plan your route to campus ��
Will you be driving, taking the bus or maybe even walking?
Know when your program orientation session is ⌚
You don’t want to miss the chance to meet your Program Coordinator, faculty and classmates. Find the details for your session here.
Plan the activities you will attend during your Campus Orientation ��
We have lots of activities for you to do during your campus orientation. Take a look at your campus’ schedule and make a plan for the day that meets your needs!
Know your class schedule ��
View your timetable in myStudentCentre. If you are having troubles, connect with the Office of the Registrar before Orientation.
Upload your OneCard photo ��
Check your email for your invitation to upload your photo for your student ID card - known as a OneCard. You’ll want to have it for your first day.
Dress for the weather ��
Make sure to dress appropriately for the weather! This incudes sunscreen, a hat and water if it's hot OR an umbrella and rain coat if it's raining.
Going to the SIN Clinic? Bring appropriate documents ��
Proper documentation including your original passport and study permit are required if you are attending the Social Insurance Number (SIN) clinic.
Get excited! ��
Indigenous Students are invited to drop into the Indigenous Student Services Orientation from 10-2 pm in B298.
Newcomers to Canada are invited to go to the Social Insurance Number clinic to register for a Social Insurance Number from Service Canada between 9:30-3 pm in B218.
Students with disabilities are invited to attend the Accessible Learning Transition Session from 2-4 pm in B311. Registration required.
Led by campus experts, our workshops are designed to ensure you are prepared for day one!
Room J203 | 11-11:30 am, 12-12:30 pm, 1-1:30 pm & 2-2:30 pm
Learn more about key tasks to complete before day 1, the basics about being a Sheridan Bruin & how to get help at Sheridan. This session is open to students and their parents/supporters.
Room J203 | 10:30-11 am, 11:30 am-12 pm, 12:30-1 pm & 1:30-2 pm
Join a Tech Essentials for Students Workshop where Sheridan's IT team will teach you to get the most out of setting up your laptop.
Room J205 | 11-11:30 am & 1-1:30 pm
Join Sheridan’s Financial Aid team for an informative workshop where they will guide you through the process of applying for financial aid to support your postsecondary education.
To determine if you are eligible for OSAP, visit
Room J205 | 10:30-11 am, 11:30 am-12 pm, 12:30-1 pm & 1:30-2 pm
Meet our elective coordinators and learn about the different types of electives you may take during your studies. This workshop is not designed to provide support with swapping your electives.
Meet fellow students, interact with campus clubs, and find your community!
The Den, Student Centre | 11 am-4 pm
Join us in Bruno’s Lounge for a chance to connect with classmates, engage with clubs, and participate in activities like friendship bracelet making and writing a letter to your future self!
Outside B & C-wings | 10 am-4 pm
Embrace your inner competitor at our outdoor carnival!
Learn all about what your new campus looks like and feel confident navigating the halls before day one!
Depart from outside the Gym| 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm & 2 pm
Join a Sheridan Ambassador on a 30-minute guided campus tour where you will navigate through the campus and learn where everything is located! Pro tip: have a copy of your timetable handy so you can look out for your classrooms before day one!
From advising and tutoring to athletics and peer mentoring, discover all the services Sheridan has available to help you succeed!
Gym | 11 am-2:30 pm
Check out the Marketplace to meet our services, student organizations, and supports. They'll be happy to answer any of your questions. (You might even get some Sheridan swag!)
Room B218 | 9:30 am-3 pm
Get your Social Insurance Number at our SIN Clinic. You must bring your original passport and study permit. Service Canada cannot accept photocopies, screenshots, digital copies or laminated copies.
Room B298 | 10 am-2 pm
Welcoming Indigenous students (First Nation, Métis and Inuit) to learn about the supports offered by the Centre for Indigenous Learning and Support. Connect with peers and team members, enjoy a cup of tea and find out how to get involved with the campus & Indigenous community.
Room B311 | 2-4 pm
Join our Accessible Learning team for a transition session to help you understand more about how the Accessible Learning department provides academic accommodations to students for the upcoming term.
Navigating a new space can be challenging. To give yourself enough time, aim to arrive 15 minutes before your program session starts.
Ishouldarriveby8:45AM.Aftermy programsession,Icanengagewithother orientationevents.
Ishouldarriveby10:45AM.Aftermy programsession,Icanengagewithother orientationevents.
Ishouldarriveby12:45PMformyprogram orientation.IfIwanttogotoother orientationevents,Ishouldarriveearlierin theday.
Ishouldarriveby2:45PMformyprogram orientation.IfIwanttogotoother orientationevents,Ishouldarriveearlierin theday.
Ifmyprogramsessionisnotrunning duringthecampusorientationday
Icanarrive15-minutespriortothestartof orientationeventsIwouldliketoattend.
Therewillbepeop helpmeifIhavequestionsabout orientationorneedtofindmywayaround campus.
IfIhav Hub. Someo Mytim Myfin Acces
AttheSer entermyi willwatch whenitis tothedes
Myprogramorientationsession iswhereIcanexpecttomeet faculty/professorandfellowstudentsin myprogram.
Iwilllearnwhattoexpectinmyprogramand connectwithmyfellowclassmates.Ofallthe orientationsessions,thisisthemostimportant formetoattend.
Workshopsarerunbycampusexperts.I canaskquestionsandreceiveguidance.
IcanexpecttobegreetedbysomeoneinaBlue Shirtwhomayinformmetowaitinlineforthe nextworkshoptobegin.
IfIneedtogetmySocialInsurance Number(SIN), IcanattendtheSINclinic.
To confirm the documents I need, I can visit the Government of Canada website:
I can go to the SIN Clinic at any point during its allotted time.
Thesupportsandservicesmarketplace iswhereIcanlearnandtalktostafffrom variousservicesandsupportsatSheridan College.
Icanexpectthespacetobenoisyandbusywith varioustables,staff,andfellowfirstyear students.
IcanalwaysasksomeoneinaBlueShirtfor assistanceandtheywillwalkwithmetomy desiredlocation.
WelcomingIndigenouslearnerstoour campuscommunity
AsanIndigenousstudent,Icandropbyandvisit theCentreforIndigenousLearningandSupport inB298.
IfI’mlookingforamorecasualspaceto hangout,IcanvisitBruno’sLoungetodo activitiesandcraftswhilemeetingother students.
If I need accommodation to participate in
washrooms or people of all genders and sexes, families, and people needing privacy for a variety of reasons.
ThedoorswillhavethissignandIcanfindthem onthecampusmapprovidedatorientation.
g directionalsignsaroundcampusorIcan asksomeoneinaBlueShirttoguideme.
Tngthe C-Wing, secondfloorandinJ-wing,firstfloor.
Mostoftheorientationeventswillendby 4:30PM.
I don’t have to stay the whole time if I feel like I received all the information I need.