Sunrise 4 SB
NòìaŠ‡Žïq@õ@H2009I@ôÜb@H121I@ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒjŽïnØ@ôn“ @ômóîaŠóiòíŽîŠói@óÜ
Teacher ’s Book 10
Teacher’s Book
Sunrise 4 AB
@@NòìaŠ‡Žïq@õ@H2009I@ôÜb@H122I@ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒjŽïnØ@ôn“ @ômóîaŠóiòíŽîŠói@óÜ
Teacher’s Book
Welcome to Sunrise – a bright new look at English!
Sunrise is a complete English course written especially for primary and secondary school students. The course Sunrise 4 TB speaking, reading and writing, with a clear focus on grammar has a communicative approach, integrating listening, structures. Sunrise 10 consolidates and extends work done in earlier grades and increases the emphasis on skills and learner @@development NòìaŠ‡Žïq@õ@H2009 I@ôÜb@Hautonomy. 123I@ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒjŽïnØ@ôn“ @ômóîaŠóiòíŽîŠói@óÜ
Key features
• Sunrise 10 makes learning fun through seven motivating, topic-based teaching units. These units contain vocabulary and grammar presentations leading on to skills work. Language Focus summary sections follow, Sunrisetechniques. 10 SB offering additional vocabulary acquisition • Sunrise 10 provides regular reviews of vocabulary, grammar and skills through three revision units. • Sunrise unitsI@ô allÜb end withIan episode of Around the WorldjŽïnØ@ôn“ in Eighty Days. òíŽîŠói@óÜ NòìaŠ‡Žïq@õ@H10 2009 @H124 @ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒ @ômóîaŠói • Sunrise 10 has a CD with all the dialogue, pronunciation and listening activities. • Sunrise 10 offers seven optional projects related to the topics covered in the units. • Sunrise 10 provides a substantial reference section to help students develop their ability to study independently. • Sunrise 10 Activity Book provides grammar and vocabulary practice materials. It also supports the Student’s Book skills lessons with a variety of guided10 writing Sunrise AB tasks. • Sunrise 10 Teacher’s Book contains easy-to-follow lesson plans for every lesson in Sunrise 10. It also gives teachers lessons and suggestions for extension work and alternative @@NòìaŠ‡Ž ïq@õ@Hideas 2009for I@ôstarting Üb@H125 I@ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒjŽ ïnØ@ôn“ @ômóîaŠói òíŽîŠói@óÜ activities. It contains the answers for all Student’s Book and Activity Book activities, a Grammar Summary and a Wordlist. It also contains CD scripts for the listening activities.
Sunrise 10 materials are:
Sunrise Book, 10 TBCD Student’s Book, Activity Book, Teacher’s
@@NòìaŠ‡Žïq@õ@H2009I@ôÜb@H126I@ô䆊br@õòŠbàˆ@çbØóïïn“ @óäbƒjŽïnØ@ôn“ @ômóîaŠóiòíŽîŠói@óÜ
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