Tamara MacIntyre, D.C., presents her CE session, “The Art of Doctoring.”
This year’s Lyceum theme, Reconnect, was exactly what a reunion weekend should be about, and it’s just what our profession needed. Lyceum 2022 was among the best ever, and we’re just warming up! Check out the highlights of our annual homecoming and continuing education event that was held on campus April 28-30, and mark your calendars for Sherman College’s 50th anniversary Lyceum weekend May 4-6, 2023. Sherman College faculty members Ron Castellucci, D.C., A.C.P., and Armand Rossi, D.C., FICPA, lead a pediatric session called “The Baby Dance” on the Gelardi Main Stage.
Nona Djavid, D.C., presents a session on “The Million Dollar Practice.”
Speaker Frank Vaught, D.C., and Edgar Everett, D.C., chat with Sherman students Aquil Holden and Victoria Carroll between CE sessions. Lyceum Emcee Brian Dooley, D.C., ’05, A.C.P., and Bruce Steinberg, D.C., stop for a quick photo at the registration area in the Atrium.