She ROCKS It Magazine-Women's History Month Edition 2024

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The Magazine where SHE Belongs

Her She


The importance of setting Boundaries to protect with your Mind, Body &Soul



Magazine SPRING 2024
EntrepreneurHER, Game ChangeHER
Business Woman, Hair Industry Leader
Words of Empowerment from women in the SHE network WROTE THAT Articles, books, and stories from amazing writers

ACelebrationofwho SHEisSpecialWomen’s HistoryMonthEdition

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CARRITA WordsofEmpowerment

3 5


Cover Story

EntrepreneurHER, Game ChangeHER

Author, Business Woman, Hair Industry Leader




this edition


SRI Magazine 2024

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Our dining experience at Lizzy J Cafe

4 2


The Organization for women, ran by women, who recognize women who ROCK

4 3


Meet She ROCKS It

Class of 2024 Honorees


Quotes and words of empowerment from women in our SHE network

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An inspiring article on the importance of these 4 things being in alignment with each other

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Welcome to a special edition of She ROCKS It magazine, dedicated to Women's History Month – a time to honor, celebrate, and amplify the remarkable contributions of women throughout history. In this edition, introduce you to women across the U S who are sharing their word or words of empowerment to our readers This edition is more than just a collection of photos, it is a testament to the strength, resilience, and enduring spirit of women across the globe.

Our Women's History Month edition is a tribute to the countless women who have shattered glass ceilings, defied expectations, and paved the way for future generations. The theme resonates with the idea of breaking barriers and inspiring change – a narrative woven into the fabric of women's history. Through captivating narratives, insightful interviews, and thought-provoking features, we aim to capture the essence of the extraordinary journey women have undertaken to claim their space in every sphere of life

While we honor the pioneers of the past, we also shine a spotlight on contemporary trailblazers who continue to shape the course of history In our past editions we have shared Interviews with influential women, featured rising stars, and included articles on current issues facing women today underscore our commitment to acknowledging the ongoing journey towards gender equality

As we immerse ourselves in the pages of this Women's History Month edition, let it serve as a call to action. Let it inspire conversations, ignite passions, and fuel the commitment to creating a world where every woman can thrive Together, let us acknowledge the progress made and the work that still lies ahead in the pursuit of equality and justice.

Women's History Month is a time to celebrate the achievements, resilience, and strength of women who have shaped history and continue to inspire change. By acknowledging the past, embracing the present, and advocating for a more equitable future, we contribute to building a world where every woman's potential can be realized without limitations

Join us in this celebration of women's history – an ode to strength, a tribute to resilience, and a testament to the enduring power of women's stories Welcome to a journey through time, where each page is a step forward in recognizing, honoring, and celebrating the indomitable spirit of women everywhere

Meet J.Dawkins



Joyce Dawkins is the visionary behind She ROCKS It, an organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering women worldwide. As the founder of S.H.E. Inc non-profit, Joyce collaborates with other organizations that share her mission of helping women overcome their past and focus on building a brighter future.

Through her motivational platform, My Soul Point of View, Joyce shares her personal perspective on topics close to her heart. Additionally, she showcases her passion for cooking on My Soulfood Point of View, where she creates unique and flavorful dishes.

Joyce's impact extends beyond the digital realm She is the driving force behind the thriving Facebook Group, I AM SHE, which serves as a networking community for likeminded women This community fosters connections, encouragement, support, motivation, inspiration, and empowerment among its members. In fact, I AM SHE was the inspiration for the creation of She ROCKS It

Furthermore, Joyce is the founder of National I AM DAY, a special day dedicated to affirming one's identity. She believes that whatever follows the words "I am" shapes our truth This day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of March Through I AM SHE, Joyce encourages women to take bold leaps and pursue their dreams The group engages in weekly discussions on various "table topics" that impact women's lives. Additionally, I AM SHE highlights its members' achievements through a member Spotlight


Joyce Dawkins is a true champion for women, using her platforms and initiatives to uplift and empower them to embrace their full potential. S


How one woman is changing the game of the hair care industry one product at a time.

Meet ngela Brown

Many women and men have experienced hair loss, the numbers are constantly exultating! Over 45,000,000, women 53,000.000 according to (Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery. Angela Brown takes hair loss very seriously, with 40 years of a hair care specialist in Memphis TN

Angela H Brown worked very hard behind the chair and received her cosmetology license in 1989 and had favor to work in the salon at the age of fifteen years called (Fashion Goes to Your Head Salon)

She never wanted to go to college and was often told that she wasn’t smart enough to do anything else but hair Angela years later would prove them wrong repeatedly! Angela was raised to work very hard but not smart, so she became a workaholic so her body would often be exhausted!

Years went by and she started fitting into the beauty industry and noticed she loved to grow hair and mix different products together

Africain Americans have multiple textures so it’s impossible to get results with just one system. Angela’s clientele was very large, back in the day salons were packed, and the wait was often long.

Friendships, and women bonded together while wearing their healthy beautiful hair!

Angela had no idea that sixteen years later she noticed clients were slowly leaving the salon and going natural

Angela believed in reinventing the wheel, she became an author, her first published book was IT’S MO BETTER THE SECOND TIME AROUND, it was inspired by domestic violence from her boyfriend in high school Angela mentioned that her revenge had been her success! She later wrote her second book, (HOW TO GET THE HEALTHY BACK IN YOUR HAIR), A tell all book about secrets, and advice about restoring your hair back to its healthy state

In 2008 Angela made her first product, Damage Reversal Elixir Oil, hired her first chemist, and began helping regrow her client's hair and edges. She mixed her ingredients at home while her husband of 21 years would help bottle up the product. She was convinced by her clients to make more products, and that’s when she contacted Communities Unlimited, a non-profit organization that helps new up-and-coming businesses.

Vonesha Mitchel assisted in helping her find manufacturers develop her business plan and get her small loan! She launched her hair care line 2016 called D’Serv Professional Hair Care Products. Angela was nervous to pitch her products to salon professionals, and she was often rejected by them In 2017 she decided to travel to Nashville where she received more love from the salon professionals. Angela eventually started developing more products and reaching out to the everyday customers.

She noticed that customers needed a system, they have spent hundreds of dollars on products that don’t cater to their needs & texture. So, she noticed that a lot of women has different cases of Alopecia, stress from protective styles, and genetics also overall performance. So the hair whisperer started adding hair tools, and maintenace products, and created bundles to help each customer get the help they need. Well, it was working, she was finding how to help get the results she desired Then she prayed for a way to get even faster results, so she Developed the D’Serv PACC HAIR LOSS SOLUTION, PACC means Performance, Application, Coaching, & Consistency.

Angela knew that hair needs protein, moisture, detox, and stimulation. Angela recognized that more women are turning to weaves, wigs, and braids and their real hair is not as appealing as it used to be. D’Serv Healthy Hair Care Products along with Angela’s coaching drive more clients to her website. Not only does she sell products that reverse hair loss, but she offers consultations to speak with customers who may have any questions before they buy the products. When you thought she had thought of it all, in 2018 Angela launched her live online talk show,


TO ME, where she has special guest, and give countless hair care advice, with give aways.

Angela has become a Hair Coach, who understands hair loss is about shame it can make you insecure and left wearing the new hair hat a wig. Now Angela believes there is nothing wrong with wearing a wig from time to time but when you become a prisoner of it that is when shame comes. Some people have no choice but to wear a wig because of deep rooted medical issues

D’Serv Healthy Hair Care Products will be here for years to come, Angela wants to leave behind a legacy of nuggets and hair tips for people who desire hair help. Today, Angela Brown has her products in some local beauty outlet stores, she private labels her brand, and services salon professionals across the US, and ships to some foreign countries This hair coach has helped people with Cancer, side effects from medications, hair neglects, and natural or chemically treated hair, and so on. She believes that everyone DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE AT HEALTHY HAIR D'Serv Professional Hair Care Products 366 New Byhalia Rd, Collierville, TN 38017 (877) 833-5877 You D'Serv A Transformational Journey! D'Serv Coach Angela is an experienced hair coach and is available to assist you in getting the healthy hair you deserve.
HARMONY AligningMind,Body, andSoulWhile settingBoundaries forOptimal Well-being C H O O S E Y O U M O R E I N 2 0 2 4 NUOB D ARIES
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In the intricate dance of life, finding harmony within ourselves requires a delicate balance. One key component that often gets overlooked is the art of setting boundaries This article explores the profound impact of establishing boundaries on aligning the mind, body, and soul Discover how embracing healthy limits can lead to a more balanced, fulfilled, and aligned life

In the fast-paced and often chaotic world we live in, the concept of aligning mind, body, and soul has gained significant attention. The harmony between these three aspects of our being is not just a philosophical idea but a powerful approach to achieving overall well-being and unlocking our full potential. In this article, we explore the profound impact of having our mind, body, and soul in sync and the transformative power it holds

In the pursuit of mind-body-soul alignment, setting boundaries emerges as a vital and transformative practice By honoring the limits of our minds, nurturing our physical well-being, and protecting the essence of our souls, we pave the way for a life that is not only balanced but also deeply fulfilling. Embrace the art of setting boundaries as a profound act of self-love and a powerful step towards achieving the alignment that leads to a flourishing and purposeful existence.

The mind, body, and soul are not isolated entities but interconnected aspects of our existence Achieving synergy among these elements creates a holistic state of wellbeing

For example, stress in the mind can manifest as physical ailments in the body, highlighting the intricate connection between mental and physical health. By recognizing and addressing the interplay between these dimensions, we can cultivate a more balanced and harmonious life

The power of having our mind, body, and soul in sync is transformative. It enhances our resilience in the face of challenges, deepens our self-awareness, and fosters a sense of purpose Individuals who prioritize this alignment often report increased happiness, improved relationships, and a greater capacity to navigate life's complexities. The transformative journey towards harmony is ongoing, requiring conscious effort and a commitment to selfdiscovery.

In a world filled with distractions and demands, the power of having our mind, body, and soul in sync cannot be overstated It is a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and intentional living. As we strive for harmony among these interconnected elements, we unlock a reservoir of resilience, clarity, and fulfillment that propels us towards a life of purpose and well-being Embracing the transformative power of alignment is not just a choice; it is a profound investment in our holistic flourishing."

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The interconnected nature of the mind, body, and soul is fundamental to understanding the concept of harmony Stress in the mind can manifest as physical ailments, underscoring the intricate relationship between mental and physical health. Acknowledging and addressing this interplay allows us to cultivate a state of well-being that encompasses the totality of our existence.

The transformative power of achieving harmony among the mind, body, and soul is evident in its impact on resilience, selfawareness, and a profound sense of purpose. Those who prioritize this alignment often report heightened happiness, improved relationships, and an enhanced capacity to navigate life's complexities This transformative journey demands ongoing commitment and a conscious effort toward self-discovery.

In the beauty of the symphony of life, the power of harmony resonates through the delicate interplay of mind, body, and soul. This article delves into the profound impact of cultivating harmony within oneself, emphasizing the crucial role of setting boundaries to align the mind, nurture the body, and nourish the soul

The modern world often challenges our sense of equilibrium, bombarding us with stimuli and demands In response to this, the concept of achieving harmony among mind, body, and soul has gained prominence. This isn't merely an abstract ideal; it's a transformative approach to holistic well-being and unlocking one's true potential.

At the heart of this pursuit lies the art of setting boundaries. Establishing clear and healthy limits becomes a cornerstone for aligning the mind, protecting the body, and nurturing the soul. It's an intentional act of self-love, a commitment to creating a life that is not only balanced but deeply fulfilling

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Our minds are intricate and powerful tools that shape our thoughts, perceptions, and actions. When the mind is in sync with our goals and values, it becomes a source of clarity, focus, and creativity. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and positive affirmations help cultivate a balanced mental state, reducing stress and promoting mental resilience. By nurturing a healthy mindset, we can navigate challenges with greater ease and make decisions that align with our authentic selves

Our minds are constantly bombarded with external stimuli, from work demands to social pressures. Setting boundaries in the mental realm involves recognizing and respecting our cognitive limits. This means learning to say no to excessive commitments, embracing moments of solitude for reflection, and prioritizing activities that nurture mental well-being. By creating a mental space free from overwhelm, we allow our minds to focus, recharge, and maintain clarity

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The establishment of boundaries is not a siloed process but a harmonious interplay between the mind, body, and soul For example, setting boundaries in the mind may involve prioritizing thoughts that serve our well-being, leading to reduced stress and improved mental health. Similarly, creating physical boundaries may free up mental space, allowing for greater focus and clarity. The interconnected web of boundaries forms the foundation for a holistic and aligned life.

Learn to say no!

One of the most powerful tools in boundary-setting is the ability to say no. Saying no is not a rejection of others but a prioritization of oneself. It is an acknowledgment of personal limits and a commitment to self-care. By saying no when necessary, we create the space to say yes to activities that truly align with our values, passions, and overall well-being.

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Boundariesdoes aBODYgood!


The body is a remarkable vessel that houses our consciousness.

Maintaining physical health is not only essential for longevity but also for overall well-being. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest contribute to a harmonious relationship with our bodies. When the body is in good health, it becomes a source of energy, strength, and vitality The connection between a healthy body and a sound mind is undeniable, emphasizing the importance of caring for our physical well-being.

The body, our physical vessel, often bears the brunt of our fast-paced lives. Establishing boundaries in the physical realm involves honoring our body's need for rest, nutrition, and movement. Adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise become non-negotiable components of self-care. When we prioritize our physical well-being and set limits on activities that compromise it, we pave the way for a healthier, more energetic existence

CHOOSEYOUMOREIN2024 https://www sherocksit com

It’stheSOUL experiencethat deserves


The soul represents the core of our being, encompassing our values, passions, and innermost desires. Aligning with our soul means living in accordance with our authentic self. Practices like self-reflection, spiritual exploration, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment contribute to a harmonious connection with the soul. When we honor our true selves, we experience a profound sense of purpose, inner peace, and alignment with the greater universe. Discovering tranquility and equilibrium in life will bestow an invigorating sense of authority, as the ability to manage circumstances and establish limits fosters a contented spirit. Prioritizing the well-being of your soul ensures its fulfillment.

Do the things in life that make your Soul Satisfied.


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In 2024, prioritize yourself and make time for self-care! The past few years have been filled with so much hustle and bustle that we often forget to take care of the most important person in our lives - ourselves. Consider treating yourself to a staycation, a simple yet rejuvenating getaway that doesn't require extensive planning or a hefty budget. Look for a charming hotel within a 50-60 mile radius from your home, and book a one- or two-night stay. Opt for an all-inclusive package that includes delicious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, allowing you to fully relax without the need to venture out. Take a moment to practice some calming breathing exercises while listening to soothing instrumental music. Transport yourself to a serene place where you can declutter your mind and enjoy some peaceful quality time with yourself.

relax, release &be renewed

J Dawkms

Make a commitment to prioritize selfcare in 2024, and let your mind, body, and soul be revitalized. Whatever you choose to do for yourself in the upcoming year, ensure that it brings true satisfaction to your soul. Remember, you don't need anyone's permission, and you never have to explain yourself when it comes to living your best life!

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K I M B E R L Y Wrote That She Crisp White Shirt Kimberly Padgett Morrison

"In the dance of history, women are not just participants; they are choreographers of change, architects of resilience, and bearers of untold strength. As we celebrate Women's History Month, let us honor the legacy of those who paved the way and empower the women of today to script their narratives with courage, determination, and the unyielding belief that they are the authors of history in the making." jdawkins

Enjoy the following pages that shines the light on some of the beautiful women in the SRI network!

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She possesses unwavering resilience. She has the remarkable ability to endure and bounce back swiftly from any challenges, adversities, or hindrances that attempt to impede her journey towards becoming the formidable woman she was destined to be. She embodies the rich heritage of women from our past, present, and future who have valiantly fought to establish their identity in this world.



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Q.R., 38

Park Forest, IL

“Live in truth and believe in the divine; unspeakable joy will transcend.”

Lisa, 46 DeKalb, IL

SHE Is the embodiment of grace, turning challenges into opportunities for growth

Nicole, 54 Lynwood, IL

“This is your E^2 season (God is Exceeding your Expectations)!”

“My empowerHER word for 2024 is Excellence! You are your brand and everything you do should done with excellence! Never overcommit then underperform ”

Don’t make any permanent decisions about temporary situations! Don’t suffer in silence. Seek Mental Health treatment as needed.

SHE Is the architect of her dreams, building a life that echoes her passions and purpose.
“Be an
Tawana, 57 Hazel Crest, IL Dr. Airies Davis, 52 South Holland, IL April, 43 Flossmoor, ILl
andahero.BetheSHEroinyour ownmoviebywritingyour manuscript”
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“Mental Wellness is a lifestyle not a respond to a crises.”
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Is a symphony of courage and kindness, leaving a trail of inspiration in her wake.

“Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to obtain comfort.”
“Theprocesspreparesyouforthe promise,sokeepmovingforward..”
“Empoweredwomen empowerwomen!“
Nkoya, 27 Chicago, IL Yvonne, 47 Chicago, IL Ashley, 37 Orlando, FL
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Candice, 40 Chicago, IL

"The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me." -Ayn Rand

Felicia. 51 South Holland, IL

Jessica, 49 CHICAGO, IL

"Chart Your Future Boldly": EmpowerHER advice is to build connections that conquer your fears.”

She is the curator of joy, finding beauty in the simplest moments.
Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." ~Poet Audre Lorde
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11 Notes from The B _ list:

Essentials of Sisterhood

Shared with love from Khalilah Shakir Lyons

Ladies, as we enter Women’s History Month, it’s important to take note of the essentials of sisterhood that come from B list Living. B-List living is a lifestyle for those ready to release unrealistic a-list perfection and instead audaciously leverage everyday moments as breakthroughs for personal freedom, peace, and purpose.

So, take note of 10 essential affirmations to ensure we authentically, audaciously and unapologetically leverage sisterhood as a source of empowerment, harmony, compassion and inspiration.

1. You are essential. Someone sees you as what is possible.

2. You are authorized to rise. So, let’s rise together.

3. Curate a sisterhood that brings joy because in sisterhood we are joy.

4. We can be beautiful together.

5. Everyone is finding their way home. Be a lantern for the sister that needs you.

6 Don’t be the limit

7. You are in the process, you are progress. She is in the process, she is progress.

8. Judgement can get in the way of who you need to be for her.

9. Your truth is a ministry for us.

10. If it’s making you shrink instead of shine, it’s not sisterhood.

11. Sisterhood does not require you to validate who you are. Sisterhood simply values who you are. Bonus to keep on repeat: I embrace who I am to empower all that she is.

B list Living allows us to evolve in sisterhood together through the bumps that come, as we bounce from complacency, honor ourselves with boosts, stand in our beliefs, and breathe and be in our brilliance, balance and boldness. Let’s embrace the essence of true sisterhood, where we prioritize devotion to one another without demanding perfection from each other.

more love letters to your purpose and to embrace B-List living, connect with Khalilah at: https://www iamkhalilah com/ for weekly notes, tips and frameworks from the B-list, individual coaching, consulting and/or speaking engagements
list living or
igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= for daily perspectives and principles on how to leverage life audaciously
https://instagram com/iamkhalilahlyons?

A soulful dining experience

Located in the vibrant Fulton Market district of Chicago, Lizzy J Cafe is a hidden gem that offers not just a meal, but an experience As soon as you step inside, you ' re enveloped in a soulful ambiance, where art adorns the walls and fresh flowers add a touch of elegance to the space

But it's not just the atmosphere that sets Lizzy J Cafe apart; it's the food With a chef who has mastered the art of culinary creation, every dish is a masterpiece. From classic favorites like chicken and waffles to more gourmet options like lamb chops, the menu caters to every palate. And let's not forget the mouthwatering blueberry lemon pancakes, creamy grits, and perfectly cooked catfish

Recently, I had the pleasure of dining at Lizzy J Cafe with some of the incredible women who will be gracing the stage at the upcoming I AM SHE Expo. As we shared our stories, laughed, and enjoyed the delicious food, it became clear that Lizzy J Cafe isn't just a restaurant; it's a place where connections are made and memories are formed

So, if you ever find yourself in Chicago, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a meal at Lizzy J Cafe You won't just be eating; you'll be experiencing the soul of the city.

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lizzyjcafe 916 W Fulton Market Chicago, Il 815-735-2762 A soulful experience C H E F J A M I E This family-owned and operated one of a kind breakfast and brunch cafe is Located in the heart of one of Chicago's prominent communities, Fulton Market Lizzy J is known for its loving atmosphere, delicious eats, and its homemade teas!


She excels because of her unwavering dedication to her business, her unwavering consistency, and her relentless drive to move forward. Stay strong, sister. The rewards of your hard work are on their way. Do not surrender, do not yield; your perseverance will be rewarded. As we celebrate Women's History Month, we commend you for being a true representation of women worldwide!


MyempowerHERadvicefor2024isto notquit.Startingandoperatinga businesscanbefrustratinganddifficult. But,whatI'velearnedtobetrueisthat youhavetocommittoyourbusiness,be consistent,andkeeppressingforward Thefruitofyourlaboriscoming


“Sis, remember that you are a POWERHOUSE and don’t you dare shrink back!”

I AM SHE, Living life unapologetically


“Never stop dreaming your biggest dreams and inspiring others to do the same”.
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“Trust your instinct, For God is with you“

L, 37 GO, IL

ng Heavy God is the greatest redient to ful 2024,! tart there and all the ssings will follow


“Lead and the rest will follow”

SHE Is a mosaic of experiences, embracing every color and shade that paints her life.


Zarria Alexander is a poet and published author. Born and raised in Chicago , she uses poetry as an outlet and outreach to her community. Zarria hopes to connect with people around the world.

Facing adversities never stopped her from believing in herself. At the age of six Zarria began writing and at the age of seventeen she sought out to accomplish her dream of being an author. Zarria inspires to be a role model for young girls. Lived Through Hell is the first of many poetry books Zarria plans to write. L. T. H is a poetry based memoir on the many things Zarria faced growing up.

“ Surviving is living proof.”

The greatest thing is being you. The power is within you to create all things possible. You win when you choose YOU!

Barbara, 62 Chicago, IL


Marily, 47 Maryland Heights, MO

"There's nothing two can't handle as long as one is the Lord "

Tasha, 48 Schaumburg, IL

“Step into the Full Essence of who God created you to be.”

Charise, 51 Chicago, IL

“God is intentional about YOU, be intentional about what you accomplish on this earth for HIS Glory”

Lachelle, 51 Oaklawn, IL


m p o w e r H E R

Felicia, 44 Lynwood, IL

“Girl , go be great! For greater is he than he that is in the world. 1john 4:4"

Jade Ivy 33, Chicago “Triumphant”

Toni, 43 Alexandria, VA

“There is POWER in Manifestation ! Dare to be a dreamer ! Imagine your future self and encourage HER . SHE will eventually get to the destination. You can lose when you bet on yourself !”

Yolander, 53 Chicago, IL

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

Tonia, 52 Park Forest, IL

“It is my responsibility to uplift and empower every woman who crosses paths with me.”

Mona, 53 Roselle, IL

“To experience the NEW, we must release the OLD!”

Teara 35, Houston, TX

"I am a radiant bloom, embracing my unique beauty and fragrance. With each petal, I exude grace, resilience, and timeless elegance. Just as the rose thrives despite thorns, I persevere through life's challenges, blossoming into my fullest potential with every sunrise. I am a symbol of love, strength, and growth, reminding the world of its inherent beauty and resilience "

“RISE! In spite of all challenges!”


I Screwed Her Over

I asked her to set down and have a talk with me for a moment. Looking in her eyes, for the first time I was truly able to see her clearly and I knew this conversation was long overdue. I couldn’t avoid it; it was time to have the uncomfortable talk. I open my mouth and immediately began to apologize!

I know we should’ve done this a long time ago but let me start off by telling you that I AM SORRY! I know often I’ve put you last and made you wait a lot, making you feel like you weren’t a priority! Telling you to get over every situation you ’ ve gone through; never giving you the option or time to decompress and/or heal, just simply to move on I put you in situations you didn’t deserve without any regards to your feelings Time and time again I took your heart for granted and didn’t protect it! Making decisions that suited your flesh and not your spirit And before you say anything I know I dummied you down and altered who you were to make others feel better I silenced your voice because of how big and bold it was and the fear of the rooms and relationships it would shake and shift with the things you would say Making you be quiet at a time when the world needed to hear your voice! Asking you to conform to those around you because that was easier then leaning into your purpose and having to stand alone God has made you extraordinary and I placed limits on you

I didn’t give you the love, understanding, or support you deserved and for that I am sorry! But please allow me to make it up! I have to do better by you I will love you more than I love anyone else; Show up and advocate for you more; Check in with you and make sure you are operating out of a healthy space I never want you to think I take you for granted, because I understand the magnitude of who you are and what’s inside of you You are MY priority This is my promise to you I can’t change the past, however I can acknowledge, apologize, set up a plan, and execute it moving forward ”

As tears fell from her eyes, her hand trembling, in a soft voice she told me thank you She said she hadn’t been seen in so long, she didn’t even desire it anymore She had become numb with no ambition, and had reserved to being in the background She told me she appreciated the conversation and agreed to give me grace and understand as we began to rebuild together

Who is SHE…SHE is ME!

Question, how many times have you put yourself on the back burning to tend to the needs of others? Taking on a narrative of you that you didn’t write? Pushing yourself pass exhaustion, just to make sure you ’ re showing up with your integrity intact No judgement sis, I’ve been there However in this season we will practice more self-care, not just our physical being but our emotional, spiritual, and mental as well Acquiring help and seeking healing for those past traumas

Learning new things, while becoming in tuned with self Strengthening our NO while Radiating peace and joy The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with self; you must continually nurture, protect, encourage, uplift, and correct it You owe it to yourself

Nikita Nicole #GodsGirl #TheHoodsGirl

In 2024, let us encourage women to rekindle their dedication to themselves and uphold unwavering determination in the pursuit of their aspirations. Demonstrate unwavering commitment towards the time and effort needed to achieve success, stay resolute in accomplishing tasks, and consistently invest the required work. She ROCKS It inspires women to take charge of their lives this year, embrace the unknown with confidence, and arrive at the destination they truly desire. Continue to stay devoted to the time and effort required to attain success, remain committed to completing tasks, and consistently put in the necessary work. She ROCKS It empowers women to seize control of their lives this year and fearlessly venture into the realm they aspire to be.

She Rocks It

2024 EmpowerHER statment
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Mayor, Katrina Thompson, 53 Broadview, IL

My empowerHER WORD quote for 2024 is “If we are to get the prize, then we have to run like we mean business. Giving up on small obstacles will get us nowhere, but if we persevere, keep our eyes on the goal, and keep running, we can experience that elusive place where success and purpose become one”


“In 2024 I would like to encourage women to take back their power.”

“My love is unconditional, not my time.”-

Sherise, 38 Chicago, IL

Colette, 47 Plainfield, IL

“You were made for this!“


I AM SHE, the of my own
"Persist with purpose and let your resilience illuminate the path to your aspirations." narrative https://www sherocksit com

Madison, 23 Dekalb, IL

“Stand firm on who God said you are, and walk boldly into the promises he has for you!”

Carol, 53 Lansing, IL

“The fortune is in the follow up, so do not stop following through!”

Katherine, 42 Peoria, IL

“Don't ever be afraid to be your first supporter.”

Joy, 59 Maywood, IL

“To be the best version of yourself and to love yourself unconditionally”

Nikki, 50 Chicago, IL

“Finally, learning to invest in yourself FIRST, is an ENTIRE Vibe!”

LaJuana, 55

Bolingbrook, IL

F.L.Y. “First Love Yourself”

Felicia, 40

Calumet City, IL

“Take the limits off”

Storm, 45 Chicago, IL

“Leave it if it's not meet for you because what divinely harvest by roots of our ancestors will bloom into success.”

Lisa, 57 Chicago, IL

“Never give up on your dreams, that mission or vision that you have is a gift, it takes time to find it's value, but very much worth the pursuit.”

Marchanna, 52 Hillside, IL

“It's time to activate your God given power and walk in your destiny”

Candice, 52 Bolingbrook, IL

“Don’t let the Devil ride for free, Charge him premium prices”

Pastor Angela, 58 South Elgin, IL

“Today is a Gift from God, What I do today is my gift back to him”

Beverly, 63 Chicago, IL

“Positive Audacity, stepping outside of my comfort zone to achieve meaningful goals, contribute to positive change and bring about improvements in all aspects of my life.”

"I am a sunflower, standing tall and vibrant in the warmth of the sun. With each golden petal, I embrace the light and radiate positivity and joy to all around me. Like the sunflower, I turn towards the light, finding strength and nourishment in its rays. I am rooted in resilience, always seeking growth and blooming with boundless optimism. I am a symbol of hope, happiness, and endless possibilities." I n s p i r e H E R
April 25,2024 7PMCST CallingallConsumerPackaged Goodsentrepreneurs! Transformyourproductidea intoaretailpowerhouse! PENNIECROCKETT WITH


Empowering Women to Soar Higher in 2024 and Beyond!

Discover the transformative power of ElevateHER, our exclusive monthly sessions tailored to empower and inspire women like you. Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock your true potential and reach new heights in both your personal and professional life.

Invest in yourself and seize the opportunity to be elevated in 2024 and beyond. ElevateHER is your gateway to personal growth, self-discovery, and unparalleled success. Don't miss out on this chance to join a community of like-minded women who are determined to make a difference.

Take the leap and join us for ElevateHER. Together, we will break barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and create a future where women thrive.



Women's empowerment is an imperative subject that has garnered significant focus in recent times. The empowerment of women is vital in attaining gender equality and fostering a more inclusive society. This entails equipping women with the essential tools, resources, and opportunities to actively participate in all facets of life, encompassing education, employment, decision-making, and leadership roles.

She ROCKS It recognizes that enabling women to pursue their i ti d h i

Women's empowerment encompasses the promotion of gender equality and the challenging of gender stereotypes. These stereotypes can restrict women's opportunities and impede them from realizing their full potential. By challenging these preconceived notions, we can establish a more inclusive society where women and girls can flourish.

She ROCKS It firmly believes that women's empowerment is a pivotal matter that necessitates our attention and proactive measures. Empowering women and girls is not only morally right, but it is also indispensable in creating a better world for all individuals. By equipping women with the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities, we can assist them in reaching their utmost potential and accomplishing their aspirations.

She Rocks It


She ROCKS It is an organization that was specifically established to host events that celebrate and empower women globally. Our primary objective is to provide a platform where women can unite, honor each other, network, find inspiration, gain empowerment, and receive motivation to share their unique identities. She ROCKS It is committed to supporting and recognizing the achievements of women by utilizing our platform to showcase their success. We strive to promote continuous learning by organizing educational events, foster positive relationships among women through networking events, contribute to non-profit organizations that assist women in overcoming their past and rebuilding their future, and collaborate with other organizations and entrepreneurs to establish strong partnerships and utilize our resources to mutually succeed.

She ROCKS It is dedicated to curating events that offer women an unforgettable experience Our events are tailored to meet the needs of today's women, empowering them to live their best lives and showcase their true selves to the world We extend an invitation to all women to join us for our diverse range of events held throughout the year, including networking events, workshops, and ladies' nights with an empowering twist.

Additionally, She ROCKS It collaborates with non-profit organizations that share our commitment to community service, specifically in helping women move beyond their past and focus on rebuilding their future

"Many Women Do Noble Things But SHE (You) Surpass Them All"
WOMEN WHO ROCK-CLASS OF Honorherforallthatherhands havedone,andletherworksbring herpraiseatthecitygate.
SHE ROCKS IT Join us May 18,2024 as we honor these amazing women, tickets on sale now!
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