CONNECT Aug 2011

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Land Transport^^Authori ty

August 2011

12 More Circle Line Stations to Open On 8 October ^

12 More Circle Line Stations b Open In Octobe >:" : - "

I ;tober 8, commuters can take the train tc z a : e ; H J and Village and Telok Blangah.


• a v e 3otanic

rse a-e amongst the 12 stations of the Circle Line s : a : e ; - =~c o, which will 1 another 17km to the line. ne new stations on the Western arc of the ~a Vista, one-north, Kent Ridge, Haw F ark and HarbourFront.

:- v " a decott, Farrer Villa, Pasir Panjang,

C( 2

12 Mow Circle Line Stations To Open In October


Students Impress In Inaugural Lane Transport Debate


CCL SenesPart 3: Testing, Testing


"Our Job Is Not Boring!"




Minister Befriends Fre'-os


Mortal Oa> Honour Roll "Saf°=t" Contractors



"The new station being right in the heart of Holland Village will make this place even more accessible and bring in the crowds. I believe business around here will go up with the increase in human traffic." Adam Ng 32, photography studio manager

"I would like to thank the residents and Grassroots members affected by the Circle Line for standing together with us throughout the construction works. All Singaporeans will be able to enjoy the benefits that the new stations will bring to us very soon."

Botanic Gardens y,

Lui Tuck Yew Transport Minister

The "7<m long stretch traverses the research and business hub of one-north, the vibrant food and club scene in Holland Village and the joys of natu-5 a: t"e Botanic Gardens and Labrador Park. Commuters can also enjoy significant time savings. For instance, those travelling from Bishan to Buona Vista will only take 26 minutes on the Circle Line compared to the current 40 minutes on the North South and East West Lines.


Transp:-: '.' - s:s Lui Tuck Yew (in dark grey shirt) tours the new CCL stations.


Hollars . =;e =:=: : - .


Harbour'—-. 5:a: ; - .



Every part of the Circle Line is rigorously tested before you step on board. Did you know that before the different sections of the Circle Line are open, rigorous tests are conducted on every part o* 5 and the trains for over a year? This, said Mr Kang Meng Liat, Senior Project 7 = - = : T - :~~ = : ,\er Supply at the LTA, is to ensure that passengers using the C : ^ _~e .•. enjoy a safe and pleasant journey. "We want to make sure that what we design for works the way it is intended, particularly on safety related functions" said Mr Kang. Especially since, in a fully automated rail line like the Circle Line, driverless trains move around the system under the direct supervision from the Operations Control Centre (OCC) without a driver on board the train.


air> arriving in Kim Chuan Depot. Each Circle Line train is made up of three cars a-xl


v a i n weighs

In order to achieve a safe, reliable and fully integrated system a lot of engineering effort and testing has to be carried out to ensure the various Electrical and Mechnical subsystems function as they should. These are some of the tests which the Circle and Downtown Line (Electrical & Mechanical) project team conducts: • To ensure that the train sways within reasonable limits when it makes a turn so passengers are x " . c : e, an empty train carriage is loaded up with sand bags to simulate a fully-loaded carriage. As it goes along the track making its turns, special sensors will detect how much the train is swaying.

• A s 're v a n s go on test runs, snc ^ake sure that the trains stop exactly where they are supposed to, so they do not go over or under the stop point. This also ensures that the train and station's platform doors are aligned. • There are thousands of control and monitoring points which have to be carefully and manually checked. For instance, when one control point from a system terminates and another takes over, engineers have to make sure that the transition is faultless by checking the intended action is executed correctly. • Passenger information displays are tested so it accurately reflects the arrival times of the trains as well as other short messages.

arried out before any trains can begin service.

LTA's National Day Honour LTA extends warm congratulations to two members of Its Board, Dr Wu Shen Kong, for being awarded the Public Service Medal and Mr Loh Khum Yean for receiving the Public Administration Medal (Gold).

Dr Wu Shen Kong - awarded the Public Service Medal.

Mr Loh Khum Yean - awarded Administration Medal (Gofcfl.

Dr Wu was the President of BP Companies in Singpaore and Thailand until his retirement in December 2006.

Mr Loh is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Manpower.


:e .3 the Award; •oughthe years for

"I am humbled =~: and thankful to my nr their continuing f ' e "

"I feel that the award adds another testimony to LTA; a very progressive organization staffed with many capable people, operating at the forefront at providing world class solutions to enable pleasant and seamless journeys for commuters and motorists."



Congratulations to all LTA officers who have been awarded the 2011 National Day Awards. P U B L I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N M E D A L (SILVER) Mr W o n g C h e e Kiong Frederick

G r o u p Director, Safety & C o n t r a c t s PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION M E D A L (BRONZE)

Mr Shaik S h a Marican Bin Ahmed Kassim 2-eong Yew Seng

3 D e p u t y Director, D o w n t o w n L i n e 1

M s Goh Swee Yee

2 D e p u t y Director, Civil C o n s t r u c t i o n 1 ' / ,. ' ( D o w n t o w n L i n e 2)

,, ,. „. , M s Lim Tze Sin ( p e s : - . - •




59 L e n g A l i s o n

Ms T e r ~ : : • _im Mr Victor V * a .


Manager, B u s Regulation Project M a n a g e r , S y s t e m s Integration

. I -ector. C o n t r a c t s ( E & M 1 )

MEDAL : - =: r - - o a d S y s t e m s S a f e t y

M r S o o n g K h e n g 3zz~ - • Mr M a kKeng S e -g

v = - s ; r - . Strategic Planning

Senior Project M a n a g e r (Services), Circle Line 2 EFFICIENCY


M r C h a n Yew C h o o r :

Higher Principal Engineering O f i c e '

M r A n g Hai P o h

- ; - r - Principal Engineering Officer

M r Tan M e ^ c F a r :

Higher Principal Engineering Officer

M s Mah Lay Hoon

E e : . : i v e Service Officer

M r L e e S w e e </. a->g

Principal Engineering Officer

Mr Loke Kok C ^ e c g


Mr r . h a n K n k I « m o JoaoDfi

- z~er P r i n c i p a l E n a i n e e r i n q O f f i c e r

-: zs- E n g i n e e r i n g O f f i c e r

Mr F r e d e r i c k W o n g - a w a r d e d the P u b l i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n M e d a l (Silver). M r W o n g is the G r o u p D i r e c t o r of LTA's S a f e t y & C o n t r a c t s Group.

il Day Award winner Frederick Wong's 25 years with his most memorable work moment was after the f the Nicoll Highway in 2004.

In Nat the LI

overwhelming odds, we managed to secure an t with all parties in the shortest possible time to re-start ie Nicoll Highway and Stadium Stations, and Tunnels, icident," said Mr Wong, who was awarded the Public ition Medal (Silver). The T-';jp Director of LTA's Safety & Contracts group, who had previously worked in London and Switzerland, ensures that LTA's c ; . e ; : s = e built within budget in a safe environment, and are ultimately safe to use when open for operations. r

Said Mr Wong, on the award: "It was a pleasant surprise and I felt the award also acknowledged the efforts, support and contributions given by my staff and supervisor." His word of advice to young officers: "Take on your job as a challenge as you never know what you can achieve until you have tried your very best."

LONG SERVICE Mdm Hasnah BinteAli Mr G o h Buay Eng & Roland G o h

Senior Supervisor Higher Engineering Officer (Architecture)


M s Esther Rani William

Senior Admin AaoaftMt

M d m Toi M i a w J e e , B r e n d a

Mr Stewart Darren Scott

H i g h e r E x e S r v s Officer, Taxi Enforcement

Mrs Noraini Bte A b d u l Hamid

E . e : - " -e S * - . c e I - o e '

M s Kow Hwee Mei

Project A d m i n Officer

M d m Chia May Yock

- e —

Mr Lee Kam Chung

Project Manager, S e r v i c e s (Depot Srvs)

Mr W o n g Ghee Kiong Frederick

G r o u p D a « c k x . Safety & Contracts

M d r A::. B e e - u a . C h r i s t i n e

Principal Engineering Officer

M r Leung Fat Y u e n , S a m m y

M d m Lim Ai Lian

Senior Executive, C o n t r a c t s (E&M3)

Mrs Yeo-Lim S e n Choo, Joseorn- -


M r T o h Chin Hwee

- ; - - e - ~-

z Officer Field A s s i s t a n t

M r L e w Yii Der

G r o u p Director, Corporate Planning & Research

- ": : e E"; - ~ -


G r o u p Director, C o r p o r a t e S e r v i c e s

Mr Sukaimi Bin M o h a « d Yun

- -.

M d m Norlelah B t e Ariffin

Senior Admin Assistant

Mr Leong Wing S e c - 8 Muhammad Dar a -eongAtooMI


M r Tay C h e n g C h u a

P r i n c i p a l E n g i n e e r i n g O f f i c e r (CT)

M d m Tay M e o w Cheng

M s Alice Tan G u o n g Khim

r r



z'gineering Officer



ncipal Engineering O f :es Support)

- ; - e Principal E n g i n e e r i r - C " rer

Systems Support)

Bouquets For The "Safest" Contractors Z- ~-~. construction site, there are p e t e - : a . z e~: S:

: is no small feat that the LTA, '-otion activity, has achieved its r~;s per million manhours workec


5- 5 •ge of road and rail 'eqjency rate of 0.2

he spotlight on the contractors ='e " to do the work on id, and who successfully make the e^'oc to stay safe, LTA gave out ) 16 contractors at its Annual Safety Award Convention on 27 July. ap winner was McConnell Dowell South : " = ::ors Challenge Shield for its : - as part of the Downtowr _ - e 1

Asia, which received the le construction of Beauty

= 30 going to introduce a ac : -'-e^jsncy identification (RFID) contractors can tap on to track workers while they are onsite, ze safely monitored. r

One of the 3 finalists, Samsung- Solentanche Bachy JV for Contract 908 puts up a short skit on the theme of 'Driving safety

Work In Progress On

el Stretch Of Downtown Line

Bringing us one step closer to the completion of the Downtown Line, work is kicking into high gear on the second half of the 42 km line - Downtown Line 3. On 26 July, contractor Nishimatsu Construction organized a ground-breaking ceremony at Ubi, to start installing special walls in the ground to hold back the earth for tunneling works. The new MRT line will weave from Ubi to Kaki Bukit, Tai Seng and then Bedok, and will include the building of one of the longest tunnels along the Downtown Line. LTA Chief Executive Chew Hock Yong was there with Nishimatsu's President Mr. H. Kondo to symbolically break the ground a szsz'a 'ig.


L T A C h i e f E x e c u t i v e M r C h e w H o c k Y o n g v. :~ N i s h i m a t s u ' s P r e s i d e n t M r -

- z -zz

: a p h r a m w a l l rig t o s y - o o l i c a


Students Impress In

Inaugural Land Transport Debate

J. ^2

I To get students and teachers thinking about land transport, an inter-school debate for junior colleges and Integrated Programme schools was organised, to great success. T w o t e a m s of six y o u n g d< 32 t e a m s of over 150 s:^c=_ furiously a r g u e d in front c~ r public transport be operate:

vn f r o m as they : Should

h e r e w a s never a dull m o m e n t 3^ of t h e inaugural L a n d T r a n s p c : Z-\ o n 5 A u g u s t a s Minister Lui T u c k > ~z~z~3s laughed, n o d d e d and s c - e a r s a: the t e e n a g e r s ' a r g u m e n t s .



i g w a s clear: T h e junior cc e a r jn 17 a n d 18, s h o w e d a n admirafc ; - : now it is a p p l i e d in land t r a n s :

B o t h t h e -"~a :ea™s f r o m V i c t o r i a J u n i o r Co e T e m a s e k J u n i o r C o l l e g e liberally t o s s e d o u t ter scarcity, natural m o n o p o l y a n d p u b l i c g o o d t o fic

A s Minister Lui said h i m a to d o t h a t at y o u r a g e ! "

d o n ' t t h i n k I w a s able

The winner: Victoria Junk ials lips


T h e d e b a t e w a s orgai w i t h s u p p o r t f r o m t h e Sex D e b a t e r s a n d t h e Ministry

)y t h e LTA A c a d e m y , A s s o c i a t e d inter-tertiary ration's E c o n o m i c s Unit.

-eir It is part of an initiative w h i c h s t a r t e d in 2 0 0 9 to get s t u d e n t s a n d t e a c h e r s t h i n k i n g a b o u t land t r a n s p o r t , w h e n four land t r a n s p o r t e c o n o m i c s v i d e o s w e r e l a u n c h e d . Following t h e d e b a t e , Minister Lui t o o k t o t h e r o s t r u m where the student audience asked him questions about :ssues like central b u s - p l a n n i n g .

"Through this debate, I have seen that land transport is much more multi-faceted than I thought, and that it affects different people on different levels." Fu Liren (left) 17, Victoria Junior College. Best Speaker of the Grand Finals

"The Land Transport Debate 2011 has indeed achieved its high aim of engaging our youths on the difficult economic and social trade-offs which have to be made in implementing a public transport system for the overall betterment for all Singaporeans. The event has made a clear impact on all the participating students." Mr Loke Wing Fatt (left) President of Society for Associated Inter-Tertiary Debators (SAID) and Chief Adjudicator for the Land Transport Debate Championship




NOTBORING! Two of our LTA's engineers will be featured in a Mediacorp infotainment programme called "Behind Every Job 2". They tell us what they do and why they love their jobs.



LTA engineers don hard hats and boots and do humdrvri technical work on a construction site all day : -:: Wrong! Ask LTA project engineers Alvin Sim and Candice Choong if that is all they do and straight off, they will tell you no. In fact, both Nanyang Technological University alumni, who chose to join the LTA straight after gracua: :~ ';r.z that every day offers a different set of challenges, from technical to project management to communication. "My job actually involves a lot of communication," said Mr Sim, 27, "For instance, every month, I make presentations to grassroots members and Members of Parliament and talk to residents when they have issues. As a LTA project engineer, soft skills are equally important. It's a job which encompasses many different skills." Mr Sim, who is currently overseeing two road diversions at MacPherson and Ubi, does a lot of talking these days as he has to expiain the diversions to the residents. "A resident insisted that he wanted to discuss his concerns with a Chinese-speaking engineer. I talked to him and he was very happy," said Mr Sim, a hard-core backpacker who debunks the myth that engineers are boring people.


- -

3S . s Choong, 26, talks to people every day on

the job.

Now stationed at the Bencoolen station, she joined the LTA as she wanted to work on big projects which are "not just about money, but also about benefiting soc'e:_.". On a technical level, she is excited about the :\z'<s a: Bencoolen as it is the deepest MRT s : a : ; ~ a: 43m deep - almost six levels - compared to the normal 3-4 levels. "The challenge is that we have :z : : - : e:e the station in the same amount of time. We have to work fast," she said. At the community level, she is talking to business and hotel owners around the a l l concerned about how their clients w l b by the construction. "I try my bes: : : e ~ : ; said Ms Choong. She added: "My job rea stakeholders, know fully v.f challenge is to translate t e c r It is all very exciting."


—e :z meet on and the a. T a n terms.

Catch Candice and Alvin on "Behind Every Job 2", on Channel 8 in November.

B e h i n d t h e s c e n e s a t t h e f i l m i n g o f " B e h i n d E v e r y J o b " . L o c a l c e l e b r i t y h o s t . '.' = -- _ e e



e-s in o n w h a t it is l i k e t o


nister Befriends Friends New Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew met 14 Friends of LTA for the first time in a wide-ranging discussion which covered a range of transport issues. B:agger school and working ~C_TS to ease road congestion, Build more parking lots for bicycles, Se: a s d e designated train carriages for women. - : ~ e ' ~:rst dialogue with new ~-a'szz-- Minister Lui Tuck Yew, " - - e - ; s of LTA, members of the community w h o are passionate ac:_: a~: :-a^sport, came prepared W.T a a - " - , list of suggestions to -1 : jting experience, z

A r e - :~e I event, Minister Lui left with a better idea of what they hoped tc see /. - e the Friends of LTA emergea ,',:~ a eerier understanding of the thinking behind land transport. -

Sa z : e ;?.":ca~t grassroots leader Chris N g : "It was a very fruitful dialogue as many views were heard." _

~-ezz:z_^ z~ a:: : as : : :a-e ~.

5 a "•'ghlight in a series - ch riends of LTA get P

~~e z .e-=e 3-cup of people have in c o m m o n a desire to play a part in shaping Singapore's land transport landscape. Said Mr Ng: "I am someone who likes to give constructive feedback." Their voices are heard,

WHO ARE FRIENDS OF THE LTA? These are people from all walks of life living in Singapore, including grassroots leaders, housewives, taxi-drivers, students and ex-Members of Parliament, who are happy to spend time giving valuable insights into the land transport system. HOW MANY OF THEM ARE THERE? As of August 2010, there were 320 Friends of LTA, up from 100 in October 2008 when the scheme was newly-started. WHAT DO THEY DO?

Friend of LTA, student Willis Chong, 15, counts as a highlight how the LTA took note of his feedback about the signs at the new Jurong East MRT station platform, and changed it so it was clearer, A tour was organised for Friends of LTA before the station was officially open. "I feel happy not only for myself but for the commuters who use the train because they will have a better experience," said Willis, a trainspotter who sometimes hops onto MRT trains for rides to nowhere. Willis added: "As a Friend of LTA, I also find that I better understand the reasoning behind some transport policies. It's a different perception, but I find that I am more enlightened."


Transport Minister meets Friends of LTA for the first time at LTA's Hampshire Ro

Amongst other activities, they take part in surveys, focus group discussions and dialogues, are invited to special previews of MRT stations before official openings to give their feedback, and they get to go on special tours of MRT construction sites. CAN I BE A FRIEND OF LTA? You have to be invited. However, the LTA has been recruiting more Friends who are senior citizens, are youth or are new Singapore citizens, to better reflect the Singapore's diversity.

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