Student Council Booklet 2019-20, Faculty of Design, CEPT University

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Student Council | 2019-20

Vaidehi Ghatwai | President

Riya Shah | Admin. Secretary

Shail Sheth | Ac

Out of the many responsibilities she took during the council tenure, the most important and crucial was to be as a glue which made a great bond within the 7 radically different components of the council. Along with that her nature and being approachable any time-every time attitude reduced the friction and distance between the council and the general body. Her joyful presence and involvement within the activities and meetings of local domain (SID level) and global domain (CEPT level) had resulted into fruitful interfaculty council relations and across administration as well. Her not so bossy nature had been successful and the people from general body liked working with her for any activity and event. From early morning presence to being the last person leaving after sorting the entire event made sure that event starts and end as per planned and all the requirements and arrangements are in place for smooth execution of the events. More than being a voice, she believed in being an ear to listen to the needs and issues to help in any way possible. Along with that rather being a pointing finger at tough situations, she took the blame on council and herself when needed which shows the selfless nature of a person who is president of more than 250+ students.

The planner, treasurer, entertainer, provider, organizer, giver.... etc etc, the list is a little long but never being a taker. The mind of the council, the strategist for all the events within the local domain (SID level) and in many events at global domain (CEPT level). From getting contacts for any work at any given time and needs as well as to be ready with the money whenever needed for whatever task. There were times when the delay in release of funds from the administration, she took out her own funds which every admin. secretary do but never telling it openly and even internally within the council reflects the character which is rare. That character made sure that the funds of the entire general body of SID will never been used for anybodies personal needs or interest and as well not for uselessavoidable-notsoimportant expenses. Her calculations and assumed approximation about things related to numbers had been strength for the council throughout at every stage as well as shutting down yearly followed unchallenged traditions in CEPT events. Attitude of releasing money after knowing everything about the expense had saved more funds which resulted into a council which had bank balance always positive throughout from starting and allowed any fundneeded event to take place without the restriction of shortage of money.

It is rightly said “Act than words.� and h of this saying and throughout. The sile member of the c present anytime if t being hampered. W of listening and tak it radically and ethi been the honest member. Bringin the table where the quality of SID, the aim. With the things but perfect all the academic e for the students. T or activities were p students not just purpose but also knowledge. Right the talks and givi the juniors, he wa for a fruitful outc students with their and installations an get better at it. Alw good for SID and situations, he stoo believed. His dedica benefited students and addressing the very smoothly. His patience and ma us in solving man came in our way.


tions speaks louder he is a firm believer has followed that ent yet responsible council, who was the academics was With the capability king actions against ically, he has always and trustworthy ng new ideas to we can enhance D, has always been idea of doing less tly, he made sure events were fruitful The kind of movies planned to benefit on entertainment to enhance their t from planning ing discussions to as always present come. Supporting ideas for structures nd helping them to ways wanting to do ethically handling od strong for he ation and vision has s of SID in solving eir academic issues ability to deal with aturity has helped ny problems which

Abhinav Iyengar | Cultural Sec. Karnav Mistry A pair which resonates together but have extremely different cherishable qualities and interests. One being an observer the other one being a presenter, one being a organizer the other being an executor, one being techno-centric the other being artistic, the presence of these extreme differentiation between the two made possible to encourage all sort of activities in the SID with great enthusiasm which is one of the cultural aspect of SID. With a smile on their face and the attitude of giving anything a try had been greatly beneficial to the council and changes the council had to do in the working because of the changing times. The eagerness and restlessness shown by the two was a constant boost to the entire council. The self-enthusiasm of their never made an event failed because of the energy they used to put in with full determination. From taking criticism as grown up and again to show the curiosity and involvement as a new comer, from speaking hard truth to their own friends when they are performing as a council member and then not holding on to that so it doesn’t become an hindrance in the relationship showed that they know when to draw the line. This gave a sense that future councils holds a potential to deal with the drastic changes the college is going through.

Uttara Gupta | Sports Sec. Yati Aggarwal These two brought the fresh perspective to the old vision of the SID council working. From going toetoe with their counterparts within the student council of CEPT whenever needed. From being polite to stubborn to make sure that SID students doesn’t have to sacrifice their nonacademic privileges and obtaining a proper sports and storage cabinet for the students. A great bond is must when there are two post for a singular title and expressed this by dividing responsibilities according to them in all the sports events which have been conducted. From procuring new sport equipments for the general body to being a constant back-born of support for the decorated sport of SID (cricket). From finding new activities and along with that new meaning to the old activities, they didn’t limit their duties but also took up duties of batch representative in sharing the issues and problems faced by the 18’batch because of the transition in the curriculum and along with the new faculty (B.Des). Being the youngest member of the lot but keeping themselves active and attentive and not holding themselves back whenever they need to go and discuss an issue or sort out a matter with anybody emphasized the quality of not letting go anything easily out of their hands.

Management Activity

Academic Activity

Sports Activity

Cultural Activity

Cultural activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Lamp Bathroom wall graphic Old-workshop wall graphic Two flex in the double height Graphics Invitations Merchandises Breakfast (food1) Snacks (food2) Music system (speakers) Workshop: Dinesh Korjan Lecture 1: Keyur Vadodaria and Megha-Patel Vadodaria Lecture 2: Samir Pathak Lecture 3: Moksh Thappar Lecture 4: Anand Belhe Talk: Arthur Duff

29th Foundation Day Pre-Post Work:


Permission was procured for the first half of a working day which made possible for the entire general body and faculties to come together. From getting merchandises ready for the Day, to sending invites and planning for the lectures and the talk. From getting permission for the events to the bookings for spaces and arrangements for foods and other logistics for the event. Timely completion of everything before the morning of the event increased the novelty of the occasion. The merchandise as well as selling of CEPT press and SID research cell books was the economic part of the event. Organizing and planning the sequence of the performances from UG+PG as well as CFP involvement for the SID Cultural night. Post event the cleaning and making things the way they were was the responsibility which was taken seriously and was fulfilled,

From working on the theme with the graphic team for the event, thinking on the topics for the lectures which helps the varied spectrum of interests of the students. From which food for the morning to how the cultural night would be executed was all brain stormed. Seven of us had different roles and responsibilities which was divided but all the 7 had knowledge about what the other is doing. From working with the graphic team to the invite folding and sending to the coordinating with the music system people, coordinating for food in morning and night. The event has been worked together with the FD PG council and all the 12 people in total had made tried their best to make the event successful.



Cultural activity Management activity

Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Coordinating with the 18th batch as the event was executed by them and providing the funds for the expense done by the 18th batch.

Food Music arrangements Theme based Being a common ground for 16th and 18th batch for interaction

HALLOWEEN Night Touch Points: • • • •

Food BBQ BBQ arrangements Music arrangements Props for the dress up and pictures


BAND Night

Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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After the disappointing band of the Roots this event was decided to be executed and more for a session to bring all the general body together. Coordinating and getting the FT.UG council on board so that events expense can be spitted into halves. From selecting the band, coordinating and making the necessary arrangements for them. Making a spontaneous backdrop for the night. The event when done solo would have taken up the majority amount of the student fund of the semester which is why the collaboration with FT.UG council was planned.

Band Music System Food Backdrop for performance



Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points: • • • • • • • •

Food Presentation for Batch Music playlist Sound system DJ Mementos Graphic Invites

Contribution: the


A memorable event for all the out-going batches and all the student’s of the out-going batch uniting together. The event was planned as it was been planned from the past some years because of the simplicity which works the best for this event. Designing the mementos and executing with the very limited help from the general body. From graphics to the invites and the same requirements for a night which are food (dinner), Sound system and the substance which completes such nights !! The presentation was the collective effort of the entire general body and executed by the 15th batch.


Academic activity Management activity

SCREENINGS Movies/Documentaries Touch Points:


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Something which we conducted continuously because we believe that this beneficial for the entire general body because of the collective learning and can strike up a debate/conversation/help in studios and other subjects. The topics were selected as per recommendations and by the need for the general body.

Dieter Rams Sam Maloof B.V Doshi Abstract EP1 Abstract EP2 Frei Otto with KP sir A beautiful mind Good Will Hunting Dead Port Society Mona Lisa Smile Frank O Gehry


THESIS Presentations

Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Research outcomes and how to present the thesis was shared in this presentations. Been beneficial to the thesis batch and the students who just watched it. The topics were selected on the recommendations provided to us.

Devanshi Doshi Niti Singhal Devashish Pandya Roshni Rao Chandani Chhabra

EXCHANGE Presentations

Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points: • • • • •

Shikha Mehta Jinal Shah Haardikkaa Goswami Gaurav Mewara Kush Bansal


Planned for 12 individual experiences but because of casestudies and other reasons, out of 12 individuals only 5 experiences were shared. This was planned because of the changes happened in the CEPT exchange program. The presentations covered all the four exchange collaborations and the details regarding the stay, college, probable internships in the country etc. FD.UG



Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points: • • •


House around the Courtyard by Aakruti architects Projects of HCPIA* Projects of Workshop Inc*

A site visit with the senior architect, the residence project was explained from perspectives of organization, space planning, material choices, details, ergonomics and anthropometry aspects. Other two site visits were in pipeline but wasn’t able to execute because of unavoidable reasons.


Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points: • •

Rani Sipri Masjid Dada Harir ni Vav


A activity which carries tradition with it but because of the curriculum changes and the new method of learning this event hasn’t been able to be carried for many times because of less participation from the general body. Suggestion this event has to be re-thought and re-worked for the future. FD.UG


Cultural activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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From procuring the funds from the general body along with ours and putting the council fund that formed the money bank for the most fund-demanding event of the tenure. From calling ten different hotels and travel agency for rates and discounts to formulating the itinerary for the trip. Understanding the situation of the students who were eager to come but the financial barrier didnt allow. The core of the trip is the interaction of the batches and formulating the date system to give a push to the activity. Fort the only academic part of the event, the discussions in the fort regarding the construction, the era, the place which is something will be lasting longer than a sketch drew of that place. From one bus singing rap songs and another the bhajans, the trip was able to accommodate all the type of the likings and comfort zones of the varied students.

Location Hotel bookings Itinerary Fort visit Night ! Buses Funds management



Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


A stand to enroll students so the system becomes fair for everybody and everybody gets the gift from his/her secret santa.

Formulating who gifts whom

HOLI and DIWALI Celebration

Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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From eating sweets of Diwali to drinking bhaang of the Holi. Holi was celebrated in the atmosphere of Corona so the students at that time doesnt feel restlessness which the pandemic caused. The place was cleaned after the event and hygiene was maintained.

Materials Food Arrangements Cleaning after the event


WORKSHOPS Learning-Doing

Cultural activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Requirements of the students and the needs of the particular semester and time played the crucial part for the workshops. From presentation to the 3D software workshop in the monsoon semester for the new ex-CFP students, to the need of learning new method of visual process Revit and Fusion softwares workshops were conducted. The workshop were learning and doing approach based. To break out a little from the extreme academic pressure Tie and Dye workshop played the role. For the internship going batch (17th), portfolio carries great weightage and thus portfolio workshop along with the input sessions for the same were planned and executed for group and one to one basis.

Bhagyesh Patel Jinal Shah Jhanvi, Parina, Viraj and Aditi Silvi Panchal Gaurav Mewara Abhinav Iyenger Vaidehi Ghatwai Chirag Markana Shikha Mehta Shail Sheth



Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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This event was more of the learning how the CEPT council together functions and what learnings could be taken from it.

Food BBQ Music arrangements Band Music system First CEPT council event


Cultural activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Organizing and removing the old run tradition of certain unchallenged rules to make an event economical, fun and safe. To painting matkis and making sure that after the event the venue is cleaned.

Thandai Matkis

CEPT Council Body


Cultural activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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From forming the conveyors for the event which looks after the installations and graphics progress and designs. While making sure that the one aspect of the fund management lands in our department. From security, food stalls, stage, mandali at least anyone of the 7 was present depending on the appropriateness and needs. From playing ethically hard to get what we want as department and making sure that the budget don’t overshoot like previous year and make a unavoidable issue for the next semester for all the councils. From tasting foods for the mandali and food stalls to bargaining for the least possible expense in procuring materials for installations at common CEPT level and SID level. Where the task slipped out of the hands is where the installations wern’t able to judge the conditions, time available and workforce which helped in learning for the students who designed and us as well as organizers. The situation which caused the 3 year halt period was not in our domain and neither open to discussion from the CEPT main administration.

Funds Passes Installations Security Graphics Banners Mandir Lamps Food

CEPT Council Body

ROOTS 2020

Cultural activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Encouraging maximum workshop initiatives from the department to fighting for the maximum duration for the Roots because of the clash between the exhibition inauguration and event kick off. Making sure that we can provide the food for the workshop conductors of our department. Getting the backdrop for the band and selling the merchandise in the mela to get as much money into our funds from where ever we get the opportunity,

Workshops Foods Arrangements Funds Band Sound system Backdrop for performance Stage

CEPT Council Body

BADMINTON Tournament

Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Sports being a great bonder between the UG and PG and inter batches also. From getting all the arrangements and fixtures in place to getting spontaneous players whenever needed so the event goes on.

New Rackets (3) Fixtures Arrangements


Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Disappointing halt to the one of the most energized event in the single height. One TT table was circled by min 20plus people for both the evenings.

New Rackets (4) Fixtures Arrangements


CHESS Tournament

Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Similar to the game the event functioned smoothly and quietly. From every update on the whatsapp group to maximum possible involvement of the general body in it.

Chess boards/matts (2) Fixtures Arrangements

EGG DROP Challenge

Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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A campaigning idea transformed an entire evening into fun time. With little material and investment the outcome on the people faces was priceless when the egg breaks or lands safely on the floor.

Materials Idea Arrangements Challenge planning


Sports activity Management activity

DODGE-BALL Touch Points: • •

Sports activity Management activity

Balls (2) Arrangements

SATOLIYU Touch Points: • •

Tennis ball (3) Arrangement



Cultural activity Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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This event always creates the sense of unity in the department. From making sure that the boys have all necessary things required so they can focus on the game to the booking of the ground whatever happens. To celebrating the journey to finals also!

Bats (2) Jerseys (16) Balls packs, food etc. Ground booking Fixtures Arrangements Involvement


Sports activity Management activity

Touch Points:


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Not so heard event but very demanding in respect of planning and organization.

Planning Arrangements Organizer Involvement

CEPT Council Body

Cultural activity Sports activity Academic activity Management activity



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A pandemic in the 2020 put an halt on the entire time line of the events which were planned for the March till mid April. Other isolated games were being taken place by the students themselves.

Panga* Volley ball tournament* Football tournament* Color Workshop* High tea* Carrom Frisbee Tug of War


Cultural activity Sports activity Academic activity Management activity

Touch Points: • •

Cakes on the birthday for the faculties Addressing the issues of L2 and L3 to the administration which went on through series of mails and meetings Addressing the lack of studio space for the thesis batch and before getting a permanent

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space, temporary space was allocated CBMs with individual batches regarding any issues or needs which needs to be addressed as council Supporting the issue for the B.Des curriculum students Helping the other council for their specific academic needs (FA nightout prepone proposal)

Providing sport equipments to the other councils on rent based for security and some times just as a favor Raised voice against the unfair actions of the other council in the event of Navratri which was later compensated and was reflected in the funds and made the event and its components fair for future FD.UG

END-NOTES Vaidehi - Signing Off Being a part of this council has been a very different experience of my life all together. It has taught me to look at all the possible aspects a situation could have. The experience is a learning, that will last forever. Being part of council made me realize the aspects that I lack as a leader and also the aspects where I stand strong. It was a roller coaster ride throughout, but indeed the best bitter-sweet experience. I tried to make the best use of the post I stood for our department with the help of the fellow council members. I am extremely thankful to my bunch of council members for being sane and pushing each other ahead and give out best. Council has taught me to stand strong for the responsibilities that have taken up on myself, bringing people together, working together and getting things done. In the end, it was the teamwork that sailed the boat. I am very thankful to Riya to be the backbone and the support throughout the tenure and helping me be on track for things I am responsible for. Shail, for helping me to take

Riya - Signing Off better decisions and work for good of people. Abhinav for all the madness and entertainment throughout and keeping the enthusiasm to get things done. Karnav for making me realize that being silent and crazy is essential to be sane. Yati for being positive and optimistic about every situation that came our way. Uttara for being smart and effortless in organizing events and taking up responsibilities. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my GB for helping and believing in us when needed. //

First of all before anything else I would like thank all my fellow mates for having that faith in me and giving me this opportunity. The journey has not been less than a journey of roller coaster where you feel all different types of emotions like happiness, sadness, anxiety, but at the end you feel very satisfied and glad that yes, you did it! This journey would have been incomplete without support of my fellow council members. Vaidehi: The one who was always there for any help or support needed. She was like a rope holding all the sticks together. Shail: The one who was always spreading positivity and a very good listener. Abhinav: Always there with some crazy ideas and probably upcoming Admin. Karnav: Helps everyone in relieving their stress by his chilled out attitude.

Shail - Signing Off Uttara: Very straight forward and always on her toes. Yati: The happy, bubbly person who always helps in making mood light and playful. We have cried together, fought amongst ourselves, laughed together, but above all we were there for each other whenever we needed each other’s help. Being part of council has helped me to grow as an individual. I have learnt how to deal patiently in every situation which was lacking in me. I have learnt how to convince people and take out work from them. My fierce attitude has always been a strong support for me and helped me in accomplishing every task for which I was responsible. I have made mistake but also I have learned from my mistakes and came out stronger every day. I have tried to be as honest and transparent as I can as that was the most essential quality being part of this post. I am very grateful to everyone for giving me this lifelong cherishing experience. //

What a start and what a end to this council period. From enrolling myself for the post in the last 3-4 hours before the deadline and finding sub-ordinates and then all the candidates of 15th batch for all the posts campaigning together and helping each other in their campaigning in their rightest and honest spirits.

approach, and Abhinav-Karnav having chilled out and easy going attitude made all the pressing times and tight deadlines a piece of cake. Uttara-Yati one of the qualities and the most impacting ones was their positive-happy approach to any work/criticism/ challenge which has been thrown to them.

The GB trusted and gave me the opportunity to express myself as their Acad. for the year. Never in the entire year, I have felt that GB had lost that trust in me and the way the GB had made all the events (non-academic and academic) a success in the year with their enthusiasm and positive involvement is something which we as a council are very grateful and honoured. Talking about the council, we seven always had the mentality of Hum 7- Saath hai!! That approach of ours made all the joyous movement more special and all the bitter ones smooth and manageable. Talking about the two ladies (Vaidehi and Riya) they both brought the qualities and mindset which I lacked for the

All the 7 being opinionated and strong on their beliefs made all the discussions and sometimes heated arguments the memories which we seven will cherish for life. The council responsibilities and the things along with it taught me that communication is the vital aspect in the life and carries same amount of impact as being ethical and honest towards the work. Along with that the post and the responsibilities of a council member helped me in judging when to be hard and soft and how-how much to be hard and soft to get the job done. The learnings and the experiences are the rewards in return. //

Abhinav - Signing Off I would like to thank my fellow council members for supporting me in this position as Cultural Secretary and helping with the duties that it carries, and I would like to thank the GB for electing me and for the Joyous participation in every event. As the academic year 19-20 comes to an end, I would like to say that the council has taught me a lot of things, handling many responsibilities and also owning up to my irresponsibility. I hope I fulfilled my duties as needed in this academic year and I personally really enjoyed this post. It was a very amazing experience working with the like minded set of people to establish a proper balance between Council, GB and the Campus office. Although there have been many ups and downs it has been an amazing journey, and it is also an experience worth gaining. I would also especially like to thank Karnav Mistry for being my partner in crime and supporting me a lot and also handling my craziness. We split our duties perfectly and balanced each other out.

Karnav - Signing Off And lastly I would really like to thank the GB for participating, helping and making every event around campus a huge success. It wouldn’t have been the same without you. //

Starting with how crazy this academic year was and in this craziness, my fellow council members always helped me in all possible ways. From organizing an event to helping me write this note. I would like to thank all of them, wouldn’t have pulled any job without you guys. Being a council member gave me a hell of an experience. It helped me becoming an extrovert and an active person. And I would like to thank GB who were actively participating in every event... //

Uttara - Signing Off

Yati - Signing Off

When I stood for the position of sports secretary, my batch had recently joined the FD troop. Honestly, we did not have any idea of the adventures coming in front of us. But this tenure has been nothing less than a roller coaster for me. I have learnt skills of patience, management, coordination and self-motivation, for which i would have to thank my supportive council membersVaidehi, Riya, Shail, Abhinav, Karnav and Yati. I would also like to thank the GB of FD for making all the events possible and electing me as their trusted sports secretary. Special thanks to my fellow sport secretary Yati, who was everywhere I couldn’t be at times of need and who was my support at all times. Thank you for this one year of memories of ups and downs. It would be unfair not to mention the staff of other major helpers FD PG Department, FD Admin Department, FD Cleaning Department, SSO-CEPT and the helpful guards all over the campus ensuring our safety. //

Surrounded with new faces everywhere, whole FD was strange to me and hence the day I decided to stand for the post of Sport Secretary, I knew many challenges were already at my door step. The journey from finding subordinates to getting permission for various events, I explored a better me. As ‘FD’ slowly unfolded its adventures and drama to me, I learnt patience, management and self motivation is only solution to all the problems. As weeks passed, I realized my job is more than just organizing sports events for students of FD. I was the face of my batch. Uniting them was a task. This was made easier by my other fellow mate- Uttara Gupta, another warrior and also my shield in the time of distress. She has always been a savior. Her optimism was a rainbow after a heavy downpour on both of us. I would like to thank all the members of the council Vaidehi, Riya, Shail, Abhinav and Karnav to support me whenever needed. It was a pleasure working with all of them. I big thanks to the faculties and the daily helpers without

whom we cannot think of FD. //


Please download the free student version prior to the workshop.

A Workshop on how to make 3D forms and render.

19.10.19 1800 hrs 3rd bay

Thank you to the entire GB of FD and all the people who have contributed to the events in whatever the way possible. -FD.UG Council 2019-20

FD UG Council | 2019-20 SID, CEPT University

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