Extroverting the Introvert

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IR3009 - Assembly Based Interior Design Practice

Extroverting the Introvert Shail Sheth UI3515

L3: ABIDP About the Studio

Unit Tutor: Kireet Patel Unit TA: Chandni Chhabra

Focus of the unit: The studio focuses on ‘design’ role of technology in the field and practice of interior design. To set up an exploratory attitude to the program with emphasis on interior design-space as an outcome of relationship between technology and expression. The possibility of serving and practicing design knowledge needs systematic and structured explorations to resolve modes of technologies in construction of enclosed interior spaces where interior elements are agents of feasibility of assembly based construction and its technology. This studio also synthesizes technological changes in solving interior design field problems.

Brief Outline: The studio is seen as an experiment between making of interior elements, organization of interior elements and modes of technologies in resolving assembly based construction of enclosed spaces. The studio also relates initial hands-on workshop outcomes to apply them to different contextual situations and occupational patterns. The course will formulate, resolve and apply assembly based construction as different approaches in the current practice of interior design.




Designing a part


Developing a part


Developing an instruction sheet


Orienting Assembly


Developing the process of concept of assembly


Tray Development




Proving the Resolved assembly


Assembly and Working of the system

10. Application of assembly 11. Can it’s 12. Concept of assembly 13. Program brief, Area calculations and Case study 14. Space allocations and First attempt 15. Final plans, section and Interior views 16. Proposed scheme and structural details




01 Designing a part

Brief: Taking 5 different materials to determine the assembly of a volume (13x8x5 m) in 1:50 scale.

Material 1 - Exploration 1

Material 2 - Exploration 2

Material 3 - Exploration 4

Material 4 - Exploration 1

Prepare 20 devices out of these materials using rules of constructions in an iterative process to document the progression of tools in the developed system. The developed volume must reflect the property of the chosen material in terms of the technique as well as the physical characteristics. The resultant technique must exhibit the qualities of opacity versus porosity achieved as a result of the interventions applied to the volume to adapt to the properties of the chosen material.

Material 5 - Exploration 1

Material 5 - Exploration 4 05

Material 1 - Exploration 1

Material 1 - Exploration 4

Material 2 - Exploration 1

Material 1: Bendable, Foldable, Split-able, Strip Exploration 1| Rules •Starting from a plane of the smallest faces of the volume and dividing the longer sides of the plane in three parts such that the centre part is twice of the edge part. •Adding horizontal members of the longest dimension of the volume and gradually decreasing with the predecessor of the longest side until the shortest side dimension is achieved. •All the connections should be slotted and at 90 degree.

Material 1 - Exploration 2

Exploration 2 | Rules •Starting from a plane of the biggest faces of the volume and connecting the end part of the members with the predecessor of the longest side. •Adding horizontal members of the shortest dimension of the volume until the 4 corners of the both planes are connected.

Material 2 - Exploration 2

Exploration 3 | Rules •Starting from a plane of the biggest faces of the volume and connecting the end part of the members with the predecessor of the longest side. •Adding horizontal members of the shortest dimension of the volume until the 4 corners of the both planes are connected. •All the connections should be slotted and at 90 degree. Exploration 4 | Rules •Dividing the volume into two equal parts by introducing the planes. •Planes are connected by the horizontal members at 45 degree which provides better stability and strength.

Material 1 - Exploration 3 06

Material 2 - Exploration 3

Material 2 - Exploration 4

Material 3 - Exploration 1

Material 3 - Exploration 4

Material 2:

Material 3:

Foldable, Bendable

Split-able, Elastic, Bendable, Strip

Exploration 1| Rules • Creating two planes of the volume and connecting both from the centre part with pivot junction.

Exploration 1 | Rules • Creating a two frame of the biggest plane of the volume. • Elevating it to the height of the volume by the 4 cross members.

Exploration 2 | Rules • Creating a module such that when 4 modules are placed vertically next to each other makes the breadth dimension of the volume and when 2 modules placed vertically on top of each other makes the height of the volume. • Creating 16 of such modules and placing them at staggering alignment leaving 3 modules space in between. Exploration 3 | Rules • Making a part by 3 planes of 3x3 cm dimension. • Part should be such that all the junctions are at 90 degree.

Exploration 2 | Rules • Making a plane of the biggest plane of the volume and making holes in it taking reference from 1x1 cm grid. Exploration 3 | Rules • Making a plane of the medium plane of the volume and making holes in it taking reference from 1x1 cm grid.

Material 3 - Exploration 2

Exploration 4 | Rules • Making a plane of the biggest plane of the volume and making holes in it taking reference from 1x1 cm grid.

Exploration 4 | Rules • Making a part by 3 planes of 3x3 cm dimension. • Part should be such that all the junctions are at 90 degree.

Material 3 - Exploration 3 07

Material 4 - Exploration 1

Material 4 - Exploration 4

Material 5 - Exploration 1

Material 4: Brittle, Stiff Exploration 1 | Rules • Creating a part | module such the members are 3 and in all the three axis and joint from the centre. Exploration 2 | Rules • Taking x axis member singular and joining y and z axis member of the breadth and height dimension of the volume. Exploration 3 | Rules • Taking x axis member singular and joining y and z axis member of the breadth and height dimension of the volume.


Material 4 - Exploration 2

Material 5 - Exploration 2

Material 4 - Exploration 3

Material 5 - Exploration 3

Material 5 - Exploration 4

Material 5: Aggrigate Exploration 1 | Rules • Making the volume and trying and observing the capabilities of tools used on it. Exploration 2 | Rules • Making the volume and trying and observing the capabilities of tools used on it with a rhythm. Exploration 3 |Rules • Making the volume and creating cavities and depressions and resembling the same in mirror image on top. Exploration 4 | Rules • Making the volume and creating cavities and depressions.

Material 4 - Exploration 1

Part taken further: Material 4 - Exploration 1 was taken further with junction possibilites and orientation and evolving character in all the 3 axis. Material 5 - Exploration 4 qualities were taken insense of the porosity and opacity possibilites and geometry orientation.

Material 5 - Exploration 4 09



02 Developing a part

Brief: Developing a part with the idea of modularity.

Junction 1

Junction 2

The kit of parts must exhibit the quality of being a part developed through either technique of nomenclature or by its properties. The applied rule must reflect onto the developed kit of parts such that it navigates the process of coming together as a system and the technique involved. No part must exhibit a quality of being generic in nature of its construction. The developed device must exhibit properties of opacity versus porosity explored by its technique of construction.

Junction 3

Junction 4 11


Junction 5

Junction 8

Junction 11

Junction 6

Junction 9

Junction 12

Junction 7

Junction 10

Junction 13

Junction 14

Junction 15

Junction 17

Junctions: Types of junctions depending on the function in regards to forces acting on them, orientation of the parts, extendibilty and termination of parts in the system. They have been tried with different properties of material for optimum functionality and feasibility.

Junction 16

Junction 18 13

Systemof 7 parts

7 Parts system: Module is of a rectangle from where the other two modules are joint with it by stacking on it with orientation from down to upwards is 1,2 and 4.

Plan: System of 7 parts 14

System of 15 parts

15 Parts system: Same as the 7 part system the 15 part syatem is oriented but the stacking in it from down to upwards is in 1,2,4 and 8 order. The problem with the system is that the height is range is not in any criteria to follow and its random and parameter of porosity v/s opacity ratio is not achieved.

Elevation: System of 15 parts 15



03 Developing an Instruction sheet

Brief: Developing an instruction sheet documenting the techniques and rules applied to designed part. This instruction sheet can be defined as the ‘Construction manual’ of the designed object and determines the concept and ideology behind articulating the given mass with the idea of 40% opacity and 60% porosity. The following factors must be defined to formulate the instruction sheet. • • • • • • • • • •

Material Shape Other material Fixing Technique Ratio Layering of porosity Gradation Variation Overall stability

System 2 17

Thermocol base model of the ration between Opacity v/s Porosity


Instruction sheet 1: 1. Material – Brittle & Stiff 2. Different Shapes – Linear System 1

3. Differentiation of Material – Planar ( rigid) 4. Fix|Fixity – Pin - Rigid 5. Technique – Cutting, Puncturing, Slotting, Bundling 6. Ratio – 60% Porosity and 40% Opacity 7. Layering of Porosity – Left to Right 8. Gradation in Parts – of Parts, Module and Angle 9. Variation in Parts – Size 10. Stability all axis - Yes

Caption 19

Instruction sheet 2: 1. Material – Brittle & Stiff 2. Different Shapes – Linear System 2

3. Differentiation of Material – Strip ( flexible) 4. Fix|Fixity – Pin, Rigid, Hinge 5. Technique – Cutting, Puncturing, Slotting, Bundling 6. Ratio – 60% Porosity and 40% Opacity 7. Layering of Porosity – Left to Right 8. Gradation in Parts – of Parts, Module and Angle 9. Variation in Parts – Size 10. Stability all axis - Yes






Orienting Assembly

Brief: Developing an instruction sheet documenting the techniques and rules applied to designed part. This instruction sheet can be defined as the ‘Construction manual’ of the designed object and determines the concept and ideology behind articulating the given mass with the idea of 40% opacity and 60% porosity. The following factors must be defined to formulate the instruction sheet.

Complex Assembly 23





Order: Expansion: System progresses and expandes with the formulae of its own with time. Progression: Daisies have 34,55,89 ... petals all Fibonacci numbers and the centre part is in progressing in Pentad | Pentagon which is the very act of regeneration. Termination - Organization: Gesse fly in V shape pattern and terminates the shape after a time so the gaggle can stay united and there is a distance of one nird between two bird to take care of the nonuniformity between the two. Termination - Organization 24






Particularize: Bones of palm and fingers of the hand are factorized from palm to the tip of the finger but there is a particular function of each bone.

Propagate: Tailor bird nest is propagated from the junction which is connected with the branch of the tree. Extendibility: Bamboo stem is extended and progresses from the node and node acts as a junction and its the rigid part in the bamboo.

Subdivide: Entire summation of the diameter of all the branches of the tree is equivalent to the trunk of the the tree.

Stability: Arch of rocks are in stable condition when the friction between the two rocks acts as a junction.

Articulate: The veins in the wings of dragon fly are articulated in such a way that the weight of a individual wing is equally distributed and the both wings are identical in weight. Stability





Developing the process of concept of assembly

Brief: Developing the process of the concept of assembly with all the learnings from the previous exercises. Shifting the resolving medium from model to isometric to quicken the process duration.Choose a representational tool of other choice to further verify the rules applied to the kit of parts. The tool could be of any medium depending upon the process of verification. After applying the rules to the chosen representation tool, identify the points of improvement for the designed kit of parts and redesign with improvised rules and elements.

Isometric - Representation tool 27

Side elevation of the mass with points

Isometric of the mass with points

Developing a Grid: Mass was divided into frames. Thermocol model curve points were plotted on the grid of the given mass.

Plan of the mass with points 28

Front Elevation of the mass

Side Elevation of the mass

Isometric of the mass

Web 1: Resultant points obtained from the grid were connected such a way that connections stay in the frame itself which results plan and side elevation of the mass visually light and see through.

Plan of the mass 29

Isometric - Resolved Web

Untangled Web 1: Web system was resolved and unnecessary lines and connections were removed and merged into one and resultant web system was obtained.


Front Elevation - Exploration 1

Side Elevation - Exploration 1

Isometric - Exploration 1

Exploration 1: Resolved web was given material thickness with consciousness of the material properties and possibilites in that material without minimum requirements of the other material in junctions. Learning: Properties of shape and form Problems: Pattern making, Connection between two frames, Porosity v/s Opacity ratio

Plan - Exploration 1 31

Front Elevation of the mass

Side Elevation of the mass

Isometric of the mass

Web 2: Another web system was generated from the grid keeping the problems and learning of the Web system 1. Web system 2 has connections from Left to Right. Starting of the assembly of the mass starts from the left to right direction rather than down to up conventional method.

Plan of the mass 32

Exploded Isometric - Exploration 2 33

Front Elevation - Exploration 2

Side Elevation - Exploration 2

Isometric - Exploration 2

Exploration 2: Learning: Use of more than one material Forces and how to counter it Order in randomness Problems: Kit of parts More of geometry than Assembly Large domain

Plan - Exploration 2 34

Frames and Angles of Exploration 3

Exploration 3: Parameter 1: Dividing 27 frames into 6. 27 frames were factorized into 6 frames keeping the maximum contact points as a parameter. Parameter 2: Factorizing angle, length and number of parts. Number of parts and the length was reduced to 4 parts by length and 3 axis junction on a specific angle.


Isometric of the Exploration 3 mass 36

Front Elevation - Exploration 3

Side Elevation - Exploration 3

Isometric - Exploration 3

Exploration 3: 4 type of parts and 6 sets of frames completes the Exploration 3. Learning: Factorization and Parameter Strength of smaller domain Problems: Kit of parts Junctions and Stability

Plan - Exploration 3 37

Process model 1

Process model 2 38

Isometric - Part Model with material thickness

Side Elevation

Plan 39

Set of frame 6

Set of frame 5

Set of frame 4

Set of frame 3

Set of frame 2

Set of frame 1

Exploded Isometric - Exploration 3 40

Isometric - Exploration 3 41



06 Tray Development

Brief: Based on the processes that have been designed so far, apply the rules of formulating the kit of parts to develop a tray of 1:50 scale (dimensions 16 x 13 x 2.5 m). The tray must exhibit the processes characterised in the earlier assignments and formulate a spatial volume of its own. The rule of 60% porosity v/s 40% opacity is to be followed for the tray development as well. Deciding the representation tool to demonstrate the formation of the tray. Construct a part model of the tray demonstrating the designed process of forming the kit of parts and 1:20 scale part model to explain the joineries of the kit of parts in real scale.

Part model - Tray 1 45

Side Elevation - Tray 1

Tray 1: Splitting the mass into two equal mass and putting them next to eachother and using the concept on it. Learning: Making concept of assembly in such a way that it can be used in any volume. Problems: Concept of assembly has a limitation when given to other volume. Kit of Parts has limited possiilites

Plan - Tray 1 46

Side Elevation - Tray 2

Tray 2: Translating the tray 1 components into curved members to decrease and unify two lines into one. Learning: Reductant and merging of the points Problems: Randomness between the two points.

Plan - Tray 2 47

1:20 part model

1:20 part model 48

Junction 1

Junction 2

1:20 Model: Replicating the junctions with real materials and method of construction of the concept of the assembly.

Junction 3

Junction 4 49

Junction 1

Junction 2

Junction 3 50

Junction 4

Junction 5

Junction 6 51

Junction 7

Junction 8

Junction 9 52

Junction 10

Junction 11

Junctions: Depending on the junctions and situation in the junction part in the concept of assembly.




07 Sculpture

Brief: Just by one picture on the right the mechanism have been replicate with flexibilty in material and sculpture was to be remade to understand the intricacies and micro-macro behaviour and interdependency in the system. Dangrayber statement: ‘With my sculpture I investigate the concept of inventions that are self-centered or independent of outside force or influence. The sculptures are mechanisms and systems that are invented only to hold themselves up; to compensate for the complications created by their own existence. They function as self-resolving problems. The piece alone represents the need and the solution. My sculptures exist in the area where physics and art coincide. It is possible to consider all of my work experiments with tension, friction, gravity, and the need to find equilibrium. At the same time, it is also possible to view the piece as metaphors for human preseverance. Every piece represents a struggle in an attempt just to maintain position’

Cavity Mechanism - 4 by Dangrayber 55

Basic geometry of the sculpture

System movement

Breaking the sculpture: Understanding the geometry and the forces acting and generating on the members of the sculpture. Figuring out via exploded isometric of the dimension of the parts, junctions and things which can go wrong while making the sculpture.

Exploded isometric - Part of the sculpture 56


Scanned by CamScanner Member joinery detail

Scanned by CamScanner

String configuration

Breaking the sculpture: Understaning the system in totality and the contact points with the glass case and orientation of the string to generate the desired movement.

System working 57

Centre member

Boundary member

Upper plus joint

Wooden bolt from screw used in the sculpture 58

Main boundary members

Lower plus joint

Sculpture: Junctions and parts and system before suspending the weight and putting the entire system in the force.


Front Elevation

Sculpture before putting weight 60


Sculpture after putting weight 61



08 Proving resolved Assembly

Brief: Proving that the Assembly is resolved by fulfilling the 24 criterias of concept of assembly. 1. Point 2. Point of Unification 3. Axis 4. Rhythm 5. Union 6. System 7. Connection 8. Interdependency\ 9. Kit of Parts 10. Sequence 11. Expansion 12. Module 13. Order 14. Variation 15. Repetition 16. Gradation of Porosity 17. Factorization 18. Open-ended 19. Symmetry 20. Domain 21. Junction 22. Geometry 23. Stability 24. Orientation






Orientation 63





Point of Unification





Kit of Parts



Gradation of Porosity






Open-ended 65



Assembly and working of the system

Brief: Kit of Parts and junctions and how will they meet the components and how many were quantified when the final system was broken down into the assembling stages and order.

90 degree aligned components

45 degree aligned components

30 degree aligned components

60 degree aligned components


Final system: Final system of the concept consist of the parts at 30, 45, 60 and 90 degree angles of total 92 elements making the kit of parts excluding the junction members. Members at 30 degree: 14 ( 12 Vertical - 2 Horizontal) Members at 45 degree: 22 ( 6 Vertical - 16 Horizontal) Members at 60 degree: 32 ( 12 Vertical - 20 Horizontal) Members at 90 degree: 24

Final system

nut bend pipe 10mm radius 4 mm gauge

metal pipe 20 mm radius with threads

wooden member metal junction

30-60 degree aligned junctions

metal casted ball joint

Triple point junction

metal pipe 10mm with threaded end metal pipe 20mm with slot

wooden member

X junction metal pipe 20 mm with threaded hole

X Junction


10 Application of Assembly system

Brief: Making elements with concept of assembly like: Staircase, Bridge, Screen, Table and Display system.

View of the elements with indirect diffused light

View 2


11 Can it’s?

Brief: Can the assembly be challenged with respect to site, context, program activity and tasks.

Can it intersect to an alien mass?

48 such examples of the Can it? with abstract ideas of the possibilites.

Can it connect 2 blocks without touching the ground?

Can it be moving?

Can it start and end in grid and between is random?

Can it become a concept of physics?

Can it be acoustically sound?

Can it integrate furniture?

Can it give intermediate floors?

Can it be a ramp?

Can it be a precise services and water system?

Can it transport light?

Can it cater to HVAC?

Can it become a slide?

Can it take load of mass?

Can it teach unity?

Can it give birth to shapes?

Can it teach about religion?

Can it make the mass light?

Can it expand as per need?

Can it lock itself?

Can it be a landscape?

Can it be implied in narrow spaces?

Can it give a sphere?

Can it be implied on other assembly?

Can it be a display system?

Can it intercept an experience?

Can it be flat-pack design?

Can it be assembled on site only?

Can it be a virus?

Can it perform?

Can it be a structural wall?

Can it explore with textures?

Can it show time?

Can it be an installation?

Can it become a furniture?

Can it become a structural column?

Can it be different worlds?

Can it cantilever and then start progressing/

Can it be a door?

Can it be a roof?

Can it be a gallery?

Can it be a kitchen?

Can it be an arcade?

Can it transport sound?

Can it be railing?

Can it get 2 opposites geometry?

Can it be self-ventillated?

Can it achieve different volumes?



Concept of Assembly

Brief: Radius = 3002mm in 13x8x5 m volume

Ratio of components: 1:1.15:1.4:2 Component’s parameters: 1. Orientation - 24 possible permutations to arrange the 4 different bubbles together 2. Scaling - Scaling ratio of the modules is 1.62 based on the divine proportions of the Fibonacci sequence. 3. Constraint - No same bubble of the same scale to connected with each other.

Radius = 3676mm in 13x8x5 m volume

Radius = 2600mm in 13x8x5 m volume

Radius = 5200mm in 13x8x5 m volume



Program brief, Area calculations and Case study

Ahmedabad: India’s first Heritage city The city of Ahmedabad, now the seventh largest metropolis in India and the largest in the state of Gujarat, was founded in 1411 AD as a walled city on the eastern bank of the river Sabarmati. Historically Ahmedabad has been one of the most important centres of trade and commerce in western India. It is also a major industrial and financial city contributing about 14% of the total investments in all stock exchanges in India and 60% of the total productivity of the state. It is the home of several scientific and educational institutions of national, regional and global importance. The city has a great architectural tradition reflected in many exquisite monuments, temples and modern buildings ranging from historic monuments to traditional timber construction to modernist brutalist architecture. Recognized as heritage city on July 8, 2017 by UNESCO for its: • 28 monuments listed by Archaeological survey of India (ASI) • 1 monument by State Department of Archaeology (SDA) • 2696 important buildings by Heritage Department of Ahmedabad municipal corporation (AMC)

Project: Ahmedabad Heritage Centre Ahmedabad Heritage Centre a place consisting of an Experiential museum, Library, Store, Poleplay theatre and Bhadra bazaar.

Site: Premabhai Hall Abandoned for nearly 2 decades and sitting at Bhadra Plaza which is the centre of the old city of Ahmedabad is a potential site for the project and as well as concept of assembly. Factors for concept of Assembly: • Volume • Light • Sound • Connection • Structure

Amdavad: Heritage Center Heritage center located at the heart of the old city which is Bhadra Plaza inside strong brutalist modern architecture of the Pritzker Laurent B.V Doshi. Programs: 1. Core Exhibition space 2. Temporary Exhibition space 3. Travelling Exhibition space 4. Store 5. Resource center 6. Pole play theatre 7. Storage & Cloak room 8. Reception 9. Waiting area 10. Library 11. Viewing area 12. Offices 13. Bazaar

Area allocations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Entry Vestibule = 40 sq.m. Ticket counter = 10 sq.m. Store = 50 sq.m. Exhibit area = 600-700 sq.m. Resource centre-Library = 240 sq.m. Lecture space = 300 sq.m. Administrative offices = 80 sq.m. Centre atrium = 60 sq.m. Bazaar = 2400 sq.m.

Bhadra Bazaar One of the oldest working market in Ahmedabad. Mostly items sold are New clothes, ladies accessories, home decorations, household wares, shows, key makers etc.\ Type of vendors: 1. Open vendors = 81.6% 2. Tent Umbrella = 15.8% 3. Covered = 2.6% (Out of 38) Types of Display: 1. Ground / Wall = 11 2. Box = 5 3. Table = 5 4. Kiosk = 2 5. Bicycle = 2 6. Carrying goods = 3 7. Lari = 16 (Out of 44) Age group: 1. 18-24 = 7.9% 2. 25-34 = 28.9% 3. 35-54 = 42.1% 4. 55+ = 21.1% (Out of 38) Trading costs: 1. Pay for storage = 61% 2. Pay for transport = 66% 3. Bribes = 50% (Out of 38)

Same goods round the year = 86.8 % of 38 House of working per day = 11 Approx. number of street vendor = 3500 Weeks per working = 52 Days of working = 360 Annual average turnover = 236.88 crore

Source: Street vendors in Ahmedabad: Status, Contribution and Challeneges working paper March 2013 Centre for urban Equity (CUE), CEPT University

‘ Premabhai hall, a restraint built, on Bhadra Plaza (open market), has been abandoned for the last 2 decades because of issues revolving around circulation and functionality. Opening the huge mass of opaque concrete facade which creates the possibilties for intrusion of people from the sides by putting the circulation on the facade rather below it which leads to side spaces of the built. The center part is divided into two spaces. 1. Atrium of 15 meters of height was done in such a way that the volume is experienced by moving and not by standing below it. 2. Besides the atrium, there are levels and tunnel in such a way that makes user to walk through them and reach a point which overlooks the Bhadra plaza. ‘


14 Space allocations and first attempt

Viewing gallery

Brief: Bazaar from Bhadra plaza was incorporated in the side spaces on all the floors of the Premabhai hall. To make the side spaces of the built open the facade of eastern and western facade of the built .


Fourth floor plan


The center part of the premabhai hall is where the Heritage center in located and proscenium is where the pole play theatre is allocated. The eastern and western bazaars are connected via northern and sourthern bridges. UP

Theatre Heritage center Bazaar

First floor plan

Offices Library & Resource center

Ground floor plan

Facade system iteration

Facade system: Reasons different from functionality issues which let down the project was the connectivity with outside and openess of the hall with Bhadra plaza. So Assembly based Construction is the tool by which functional Porosity can be achieved connection can be built between the Bhadra Plaza and the built form allowing the public to enter and exit more freely, easily and get an experience.

Ground floor escalator shaft entrance

Gallery Lift 3rd Floor Exterior Entrance

East side Elevation

4th Floor Enterior Entrance

2nd Floor Enterior Entrance Gallery facing Plaza

Bhadra corridor




Brief area

Library and Resource center

Brief area

Exhibition start / Temporary exhibition

Administrative offices

Pole-Play theater / Lecture space

Wall section

Long section


15 Final plans, section and Interior views

Exterior view from Bhadra plaza while approaching Premabhai hall


Bhadra plaza viewing gallery

Glass tunnel Slab 2

Slab 1 Northern bridge

Sourthern bridge


Male washroom


Female washroom

Ground floor

Library / Resource center


Western facade



Sourthern bridge


Heritage center

Northern bridge

Entrance Walkway


Eastern facade

First floor


Entroverting the Introvert: The spaces are constructed keeping in mind the circulation of the heritage center and cross connection between the Bazaar spaces and the visual connection and interception from bazaar spaces to heritage center.

View from inside the glass tunnel

View from entering from between the beams

View from the sourthern bridge facing towards the auditorium

Viw from the northern bridge

View of Heritage center

Entrance of the first floor



Proposed scheme and structural details

Exploded view of the facade











270 1060




Structure to fix the concrete tube to beam to beam

Structure to support the external walkway

Metal casted



Metal casted girder

Concrete tube Metal structure to lift the concrete tube

Structure to f concrete tub beam

Metal structure to support the escalator

Concrete tub




Concrete tube flooring

Escalator 1 R1650






Working drawing of the facade



Escalator 1


Escalator 2

Escalator 1 132°


Escalator 2



Escalator 2


Cable end point















Laminated timber member 450 x 300 mm






Base plate with pin joint anchor fastened to the column

Suspended auditorium long section

Casted metal junction 3 (compression)


Tension cable (r=10mm)





MS pipe (r= 35mm, t=3mm)




Casted metal junction 2 (tension)


MS T section 50 x 65 mm, thickness = 5 mm








Metal shear cap

LEGEND Cable start point

1. 2. 3.



4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Seating Stairs leading to auditorium Stairs leading to walkway and mezzanine First floor of auditorium Walkway Stairs leading to 160 stage Stage floor 555 Auditorium seating

6470 7650 13285

Truss system









Suspended auditorium long section working drawing




Casted metal junction 1 (tension)








6 1000











2000 3640

Suspended auditorium short section

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Detail A

Detail B

Sectional perspective - Heritage center

Detail D

Detail C

Curved I section C section


570 75 70

Curved I section




C section 650 975

650 Curved I section


104 5

° 69

Tension member





Slab 2305



Slab Base plate


Slab c



customized Aluminum extrusion

Base plate


customized Aluminum extrusion

concealed down lighter

Deatil A : Glass tunnel


concealed down lighter


185walkwa Detail D : Facade entrance

customized Aluminum extrusion Bazaar railing|seating concealed down lighter

suspension rod



Girder 49 °


Base plate

Heritage center space

1680 450 450





suspended railing

Fixing girder

suspended railing



suspension rod



Heritage center space

Acoustical translucent glass



Acoustical translucent glass






Tension member






MS pipe r= 75mm t= 4mm compression member


Tension member

C section


MS pipe r= 75mm

MS pipe r= 75mm t= 4mm compression member t= 4mm compression member



Acoustic glass and lighting detail




Slab construction detail


Fixing point between girder and truss

13 60






Tension cable






R50 R50





Base connection


Detail B : Slab elevate girder -truss detail



Right junction 2

Right junction 1

Tension cable

Metal base plate with tension cable holder

R20 450 °

Concrete column

Northern interior bridge detail

89° 45°






Shail Sheth

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