Bonhoga Spring/Summer 2016

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Spring/ Summer


Exhibitions Shop CafĂŠ Events

Visitor Information


Bonhoga Gallery




Lerwick Scalloway

Bonhoga Gallery is owned and run by Shetland Arts Development Agency. A programme of 7 exhibitions is

Opening Hours Gallery, Café & Shop

organised each year for the Upper Gallery, featuring local, national and international contemporary visual

Low Season

art and craft.

28 Oct 2015 - 24 Apr 2016

Downstairs are smaller scale

Wed - Fri: 11.00 - 3.00

exhibitions by Artists and

Sat & Sun: 11.00 - 4.00

craftmakers from both Shetland and

High Season

the rest of the UK.

25 Apr - 1 Nov 2016

Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale Mill,

Mon - Sat: 10:30 – 5.00

Weisdale, Shetland ZE2 9LW, UK

Sunday: 11.00 – 5.00

Tel: +44 (0) 1595 745750 Fax: +44 (0) 1595 830444

Admission: Free of charge


Accessibility: Disabled parking,

wheelchair ramp, disabled toilet 2

Contents 2 - Visitor Information 4 - Bone & Shadow 6 - Contemporary

Shetland Textile Design

7 - Otters in Shetland:

The Tale of the ‘Draatsi’

8 - The Art World 10 - Amy Gear 12 - Peter Davis: Elemental 14 - Bonhoga Shop 15 - Frances Teckkam 16 - dontbitchstich 16 - Kirsten Welsh 17 - Weisdale Mill 17 - Café 18 - The Shetland Open:

Black & White

19 - Mareel 19 - Art at Mareel 20 - Exhibitions 2016


Tony Humbleyard, SCAPULA III


23 April - 5 June


Bone & Shadow A Mythology Of Place A collaborative exploration through sculpture & contemporary dance Tony Humbleyard uses the found object

Jack has worked with major dance

to explore place and the ways in which

companies throughout the world,

we interpret the world around us.

he is associate artist at Tramway,

Abandoning guidebooks, maps and signs

Glasgow during 2016 and has recently

in favour of random journeys and direct

returned from Iceland taking part in

experiences, he has been collecting

the NordDance International Exchange.

materials from Unst where he has lived

He will work alongside Tony at his

since 2005. His sculptures and prints

studio in Unst prior to the exhibition

incorporate - and are inspired by -

to create a companion performance

animal bones and found objects.

piece in response to Tony’s work. The

For this exhibition Tony will collaborate

piece will be performed in the gallery

with Jack Webb, a dancer and

at the exhibition opening and filmed for

choreographer based in Edinburgh, as

screening thereafter alongside as part of

part of a developmental opportunity

the show.

supported by Shetland Arts.

Public opening Friday 22 April

A chance to meet the artists and see the live performance of Jack’s dance piece in the gallery alongside Tony’s work - a world premiere.

6pm - 7.30pm Everyone welcome 5

23 April - 5 June

Contemporary Shetland Textile Design

Amy Gair, Morwenna Garrick & Emma Geddes Craft Cabinet, Bonhoga An exhibition of recent work by three

They combine traditional qualities

of Shetland’s finest contemporary

and techniques with contemporary

woven textile designers. Each has been

colouring to create luxurious and

selected for their style and expertise in

desirable fabric for fashion, interiors

their field.

and accessories. Morwenna and Emma’s work are available for sale.


23 April - 5 June

Otters in Shetland: The Tale of the ‘Draatsi’ Brydon Thomason & Richard Shucksmith Lower Gallery, Bonhoga and Feature Space, Mareel. A unique and inspiring portfolio of

Brydon Thomason and Richard

images for sale, celebrating the lives of

Shucksmith are both naturalists and

Shetland’s otters by the local authors of

photographers with an intimate

the recently published book, ‘Otters in

understanding of Shetland’s otters.

Shetland- the tale of the draatsi’.

Their spectacular images celebrate the story of the fascinating lives of this much loved and admired species.



11 June - 24 July

THE ART WORLD A collaborative exhibition by pupils from five Shetland Schools The Art World is a project which has

the textures of sculpture to the artist

been running across five schools in

statement. Collaboration has been the

Shetland since January as part of a

key - each school has shared what

three year education programme

they have made to influence each

funded by Shetland Arts, Children & the

other’s work, a bit like a giant game

Arts and SIC Creative Links.

of consequences. All their work will

The exhibition at Bonhoga is a

come together at Bonhoga to create

culmination of the first year of the

one giant immersive artwork. Their

project and will fill all areas of the

discoveries along the way have been

gallery and beyond...

collected by chief explorer (and Artist) Amy Gear - who recently returned to

Approximately 300 young Shetlanders

Shetland after a research expedition

from 5 schools - Baltasound, Fetlar,

to the Royal College of Art in the City

Sandwick, Whalsay and Aith - have

of London. Amy has been delivering

been exploring an entire world - THE

workshops at Bonhoga and in the

ART WORLD. In order to understand

participating schools and charting the

the vastness of this territory, they

progress of the project in a blog.

split up into groups, each exploring a different aspect of the subject from the-art-world/ The outcome is a world all to itself. For 6 weeks from June 11th 2016, Bonhoga will be transformed into THE ART WORLD.


The Art World

Lead Artist:

Amy Gear Amy Gear graduated with a MA in Fine Art (printmaking) from the Royal College of Art in 2015 and currently lives and makes in Shetland, her home. Curiously feeling, sounding and finding

and inside lives. Connecting through

her way between the art world and the

the Internet has brought with it a

real world Amy’s practice encompasses

wide understanding of the world as a

materials and outcomes new to her. Her

whole, but a fractured understanding

works range broadly from sculpture to

of the immediate, of our immediate

photography, writing to knitted painting,

surroundings, of the right now. Amy’s

sound to memo cards. She is interested

work sits on this slippery slope of

in how humans place themselves in the

connectedness, digging its heels into

world and relationships to our outside

the present.

Public opening Friday 10 June

Opening event Saturday 11 June

6pm - 7.30pm Everyone welcome

School events 13 & 14 June

10.30 - 1.30 Everyone welcome 10


Elemental, Vatnasviđ, Watercolour on paper 2015


30 July - 11 September


Elemental Peter Davis is a Shetland based artist

topographical. However the images are

specialising in the use of watercolour.

abstracted from real places.

In 2014 and 2016 he received a Visual

“I am fascinated by the tension between

Arts and Craft Award from Shetland Arts

representation and abstraction and

to develop his work using handmade

the ambiguity of scale and image

paint, working towards an exhibition

within this subject matter. The effects

based on visits to Iceland.

of watercolour can mirror the effects found in the environment. Angle of

ELEMENTAL is a response to Iceland,

paper, quality and quantity of water and

particularly its physical features, through

pigment, size of brush, drying time and

the under-rated medium of watercolour,

temperature are all variables that affect

using experimental techniques and

the final outcome.”

handmade paint. It explores the world of ice, rock and water and how watercolour

Peter will lead two watercolour

can mirror the natural world.

workshops during the exhibition, one for adults with experience of working with

“My work is often concerned with light

watercolour and one for children (with

effects and ‘representation’ though

no experience required).

that’s not to say that it is realistically

Public opening Friday 29 July

Informal gallery talk by the artist:

6pm - 7.30pm Everyone welcome


Sunday 31 July Free, no booking required 13

Bonhoga Shop

BONHOGA SHOP In addition to the main gallery there are also dedicated spaces for the exhibition and sale of art and craft in the lower gallery and shop. The shop features collections of prints, textiles, jewellery and ceramics by artists, designers and makers from Shetland and across the UK. It also stocks a wide selection of design-led goods and cards.


Bonhoga Shop

FRANCES TECKKAM Based in the Scottish Borders, Frances

natural fibres, including vintage and

has been successfully designing

upcycled yarns, Frances creates

and making for the Scottish and

handmade wearable pieces that

International Textile and Knitwear

are individual and beautiful with a

industry since 2011. Working in

personal and contemporary twist. Intrigued by the transformation that comes from knitting yarns into fabrics and garments and the fascinating variations that can be created with yarns, colours, structure and pattern, Frances experiments with the effect of colour on pattern and pattern on colour. The result is a beautiful contemporary range of scarves, hats and gloves in a huge range of colours and designs.

Frances Teckkam


Bonhoga Shop

DONTBITCHSTICH dontbitchstich is an innovative design led accessories company run by British textile designer Anne Kelsall. Manufacturing products that combine art and function dontbitchstitch is committed to giving you items with personality, integrity and originality with a strong emphasis on quality. All products are made by hand in the UK by skilled craftspeople, using traditional techniques of both machine and hand stitching. At Bonhoga we have available a wide selection of colourful


leather and fabric bags.

KIRSTEN WELSH Kirsten Welsh’s paintings are predominantly inspired by land and sea. After spending two years in Shetland working as an art teacher she returned to Edinburgh in 2008 where she continues to teach. She paints in an expressive abstract style from memories, sketches and photographs of the Shetland coastline. We are delighted to have a selection of prints and framed Kirsten Welsh

original artworks for sale at Bonhoga. 16

Bonhoga Gallery



Bonhoga Gallery is situated in Weisdale

Café is a popular spot all year round for

Mill, on land cleared for large-scale sheep

locals and visitors alike.

In the south-facing conservatory overlooking the Weisdale burn the Mill

farming in the 19th Century. It was a meal and barley mill from 1855 until the

The menu features locally-sourced

early 1900s, then used as a butchery and

produce and specialities, all prepared

tannery before falling into dereliction

daily on the premises. As well as

in the middle of the 20th century. The

options for children, the café caters

building was renovated and opened as

for those with special dietary

Bonhoga Gallery in 1994, and since then


has been welcoming large numbers of both Shetland residents and visitors to

Our menu changes daily - check our

the isles. Bonhoga means ‘my spiritual

specials board to see what we have on

home’ in Shetland dialect.

offer today.


© Chloe Garrick



O16PEN 20


17 September - 30 October 2016 The Shetland Open celebrates local

• Craft & design

artistic and creative talent. It takes place

• Photography, print and new media (includes film)

every two years, with an exhibition of work by the prize-winners in the

Each sponsored £150 award will be

intervening year. Entries are welcome

matched by a further £150 from

from amateur, professional and student

Shetland Arts to fund a group

artists and craft-makers aged 18 and

exhibition at Bonhoga in 2017.

over, who are linked to Shetland by

Submission dates: 15 - 31 August 2016

birth, education or residence.

Work is to be submitted to Bonhoga

The theme of this year’s Open is

Gallery or Mareel between these dates


only. If transport issues are likely to

Awards will be made in the following

please contact the gallery for assistance.

prevent you from submitting your work

categories (sponsors to be confirmed): • Painting, drawing & sculpture

For further information visit

• First Time Exhibitor - any medium

The Shetland Open: Black & White



Sun - Thu: 10am - 11pm Fri - Sat: 10am - 1am

Situated in a prominent quayside area in Lerwick next to the Shetland Museum and Archives, Mareel has a live performance auditorium, two cinema screens, rehearsal rooms, a recording studio, education and training spaces, a digital media production suite, broadcast facilities and a café bar with free high speed wi-fi internet access.

Mareel provides a year round programme of film, live music, education and other performance events. It is a hub and a focus for the creative communities not just in Shetland but beyond, and a catalyst for the creative industry sector in Shetland. 

ART AT MAREEL In addition to Bonhoga, space in the Upper Café Bar at Mareel is programmed on an annual basis for large scale work or specific projects. Smaller exhibitions are also displayed in the Feature Space in the cinema foyer. We also run regular workshops and development sessions throughout the year. Keep your eye on our websites for updates.


WWW.MAREEL.ORG  01595 745500

Exhibitions 2016 JANUARY

David Mach


16 January - 28 February

Marc Wilson

The Last Stand 5 March - 17 April TONY HUMBLEYARD / JACK WEBB

Bone & Shadow

A Mythology Of Place 23 April - 5 June PUPLIC OPENING 22 April, 6 - 7.30pm


The Art World 11 June - 24 July PUPLIC OPENING 10 June, 6 - 7.30pm

The Shetland Open



Black & White

30 July - 11 September

17 September - 30 October

PUPLIC OPENING 29 July, 6 - 7.30pm

Bert Simpson

Noup & Noost DECEMBER

from 5 November

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