Tutorial Developed at the College of Business, Florida State University. Page 1
Developer 6.0 Form Builder Tutorial IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Developer 6.0 Forms is a visual application development environment. Application developers use it to create easy-to-use enterprise client-server applications that allow end-users to interact with an Oracle8i database. Coomppoonneennttss ooff Deevv eellooppeerr 66..00 Developer 6.0 Forms is just one of the tools in the Oracle Developer 6.0 toolkit. Other tools included are: • Developer 6.0 Reports: an application development tool that allows the generation and formatting of complex reports. • Developer 6.0 Graphics: a multimedia tool that allows graphical images to be dynamically linked to a data source. • Developer 6.0 Procedure Builder: allows you to create and manage program units separately from the other application tools. Together, the Developer 6.0 tools provide a comprehensive integrated application development environment. In addition, all Developer 6.0 tools operate in a similar manner and have a similar interface. Because of this, knowing how to work with one allows you to work with all. Frroonntt--eenndd aanndd Baacckk --eenndd Developer 6.0 application development tools combine to form the database “front-end”, while the Oracle8i Relational Database Management System software is known as the database “backend”. Prreevv iioouuss kknnoowlleeddggee nneeeeddss No previous programming knowledge is required to use a Forms application. Form uses SQL and PL/SQL to interact with the database back-end, but the code is hidden from the user. However, a Developer 6.0 Forms developer should have good knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL. Evv eenntt--ddrriivv eenn eennvv iirroonnmeenntt Developer 6.0 Forms is an event-driven environment. In an event-driven environment the enduser is in control of the application. In the Forms environment, event-driven functionality is achieved by means of PL/SQL code. For example, you can write PL/SQL code that executes when the end-user clicks on the associated button. Tutorial Developed at the College of Business, Florida State University. Page 2