FLASH HELP TEXT EFFECTS Stretch & Fade Software : Flash 5.0 Level : Beginner Stretch 1. For Stretch, create new file. 2. Type the text using Text tool. Convert into symbol using F8 key. Cut and paste the symbol to bring it to the center of the stage. 3. In the time line keep the pointer on 20 and right click. Select insert keyframe. 4. Select 20 th frame. Modify > Transform > Scale or select scale icon from standard toolbar 5. Stretch the text.
6. In the time line keep the pointer between 1 and 20 and right click. Select Create Motion Tween. 7. In the time line keep the pointer on 40 and right click. Select insert Blank keyframe. 8. Select 1 st frame. Copy and paste it on the 40 th frame. 9. In the time line keep the pointer between 20 and 40 and right click. Select Create Motion Tween.