Hand spinning news for july 2014

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Hand Spinning News The email version of this newsletter may look much better online: hand-spinning-news.com It's July and that means a bonanza of sport on the telly. For spinners The Tour de Fleece is underway - I'll be making my pick of TdF posts and pictures next month. If you find challenges like this inspiring, then please read the article below about Spinzilla which is open to spinners worldwide this year. I must give a mention here to the lovely people at Golden Fleece Carders. Besides helping to support HSN once more, they've made an amazing offer on their blending board which you mustn't miss. Scroll down for details and don't delay if you're interested - the offer closes on 20 July. Read on for this month's round up of spinning news, reviews, fun and freebies. Photo above right: rolags by Stitched Together.

Contents News and articles from around the web From Blogland Tips and tutorials Gallery Showing off some of the best images I've found this month Free patterns A selection of free seasonal patterns which will work well with handspun yarn Events Some dates for your diary

News and Blog Posts Spinzilla 2014 If Tour de Fleece has brought out your competitive side, Spinzilla may be for you. The event is entering its second year and if you were miffed that it was only open to the US and Canada last year, good news! It's open to teams around the world this year. As I write this, a specific team hasn't been registered for UK spinners (there is still a little time...) but Spinzilla have told me that UK spinners are welcome to join any team which has openings for spinners. Another option is to spin 'rogue' which means entering without being part of a team. Rogue spinners' overall yardage will still count towards the whole and will also be eligible for Mile High and random prizes. Last year, Spinzilla spinners spun 1,373,175 yards of yarn and raised $5,826.98 to establish a spinning

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