How to
Hand Spinning News The email version of this newsletter may look much better online: The weather is Summery as I write, so it seems slightly sad to be receiving autumn issues of some magazines. But if you spin and knit as slowly as me, then now is certainly the time to be thinking about projects to wear when the weather cools off a little bit. So I've picked the free patterns this month with that in mind. This is among the biggest issues of HSN and it's not because I've been any more or less selective but because there seems to have been more interesting stuff out there, so a BIG thank you to everyone who posts pictures, blogs, articles about spinning. It's appreciated by me and the lovely people who read HSN. Read on for this month's round up of spinning news, reviews, fun and freebies. Photo right: Be fearless.
Contents News and articles from around the web From Blogland Tips and tutorials Gallery Showing off some of the best images I've found this month Free patterns A selection of free seasonal patterns which will work well with handspun yarn Events Some dates for your diary
News and Blog Posts Tour de Fleece Prep and Practice Grace is feeling excited about the Tour de Fleece. Spinners everywhere will set themselves spinning challenges alongside a minor sporting event which happens to have a similar name. It starts in a couple of weeks. She explains how it all works and she links to the Ravelry group if you'd like to join in.