In this issue:
• Accountability in the Workplace
• A Look at Mental Health
• Hiring During & Post Covid19
• Staff Highlights
•Find A Word!
ACCOUNTABILITY in the workplace
Accountability in the workplace is one of the most important characteristics of highperforming teams and employees. A lack of accountability, on the other hand, can keep companies and individuals from reaching their full potential.
Accountability in the workplace means that employees take responsibility for both their performance and business outcomes. Instead of playing the “blame game” when something goes wrong, they step up and take full ownership. They don’t waste time trying to look good to others accountable employees work to find solutions. As a result, the organization thrives.
Let’s look at some of the endless benefits if accountability is achieved in the workplace.
Accountability is best seen in the way your team members show up to work.
Punctuality: Employees are always on time for team meetings and never make excuses for late deliverables.
Honesty: Employees tell the truth about what they can accomplish and when, because they know that they’re responsible for the results.
Being proactive: Instead of waiting for someone else to take ownership, accountable employees are excited to solve problems and seek solutions.
Acting with integrity: Employees do what they say they will, when they say they will.
Communication: Employees are brave enough to have difficult conversations because they know they’re responsible for maintaining and developing their relationships.
Vulnerability: Employees admit their errors instead of rushing to cover up mistakes. They ask for help when they need it, because they feel responsible for heir own success.
When there’s accountability in the workplace, operations will run smoothly. Projects will get completed with excellence and on time. Accountability creates a positive, safe, welcoming work culture that helps everyone thrive. (Article: Adapted from Better up, by Shonna Waters)
Rising to the challenge of starts with you!
May is
Mental health is a significant issue in Jamaica, with high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide. The World Health Organization estimates that 20 per cent of the Jamaican population suffers from some form of mental health issue.
5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness
• Changes in personality or emotion
• Isolation
• Sudden absence of self-care
• Sense of hopelessness or feeling overwhelmed
• Warning Signs of Suicide.
5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health and Well-being
• Talk to someone you trust
• Look after your physical health
• Stay away from harmful substances
• Take two minutes to focus on the world around you
• Seek professional help.
“It's your battle, but you don't need to fight alone.”
In just three years Covid19 Wreaked Havoc on the World and looking back on the last three years, I can’t help but to think, how did we pull through this? Some of us contracted the deadly virus, some of us lost loved ones and at least everyone knew someone who lost a loved one. One thing for sure is that not one living human being came out of this pandemic unscathed. The lingering scars, be they physical or emotional will be forever etched in our memories. From getting used to breathing in a mask to living like strangers with our families even in our own homes. Some of us still experience panic/anxiety attacks and still hold our breath until we almost pass out, at the mere sound of a sneeze or a cough.
With the world rapidly closing off access to travel and trade, many industries began experiencing a constriction of sales/business which ultimately resulted in millions of workers worldwide, losing their jobs. Ironically, with everything else collapsing around us, the construction/ building industry experienced a boom. Even with this boom, I must confess however, that in the beginning of the pandemic we made the decision to lay off some of our Team Members, as like everyone else we were uncertain of the future and were scrambling for ways to preserve our business. This decision though was short lived as the industry’s growth spurt sent us scurrying to invite our valued Team Members back to work and inviting new applicants to apply for jobs with us! In addition to existing positions, we soon recognized that in order to fulfill our mandate to our customers we had to create new positions and, in some cases, expand departments.
Not long after I resumed interviews, I realized a frustrating trend developing. New hires would accept our offer and start working, however a few weeks later would not show up for work. One new hire told me after 2 months on the job that she is resigning as it is too much hassle to come to work in the traffic. She said she prefers to stay home and sleep but will eventually try to find another job online.
One theory I came up with, was that people had become so used to being at home, they no longer had the urge to go out, especially not for work. But then I asked myself “how will they survive financially?”
After conducting further investigations, I found out that many companies locally and internationally, were offering “online jobs” which allowed employees to work from the comfort of their homes and at times, at their own leisure. The international need for online workers had ballooned proportionately, giving opportunities for local talents to earn in US$. Certainly, who wouldn’t choose this option? You saved money on transportation, corporate attire, lunch etc., while earning in some cases significantly more than you normally would.
Needless to say, with these two opposing factions, the hiring process for mainstream corporate, became a constant challenge. And to compound matters, online shopping was never a luxury local shoppers embraced as our consumers were happier shopping instore where they could “experience their purchase” before a payment was made.
Prior to the pandemic, we encountered challenges in hiring, as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) or more popularly known as “Call Centers”, were popping up by the dozen; sometimes it seemed like these building went up overnight. These entities offered what seemed like an attractive overall package as even though the compensation and or benefits were not the best, they offered a less structured environment with flexible hours. This environment was the ultimate choice for the millennials and the Gen Zs.
Another developing trend I found was that many persons across all the generations, were opting out of the usual 9 to 5 jobs to create content which they use on different social media platforms and were gainfully employed as social media influencers.
All in all, the pandemic has ushered in a new era of how the world operates and this includes how HR executives execute their hiring process and make their company’s compensations and benefits attractive enough to lure local talents back to the office/store. This may include vamping up social activities to keep employees motivated and engaged and offering compensations and benefits that are more competitive.
At Home and Things Ltd. we pride ourselves on the constant and consistent strategies we employ to ensure that our employees know that they are our most valued asset. We never miss a beat to ensure that our employees are nurtured and given the tools needed to operate effectively and efficiently. From customized training sessions to quarterly socials, monthly performance bonuses, gym sessions, and an open-door policy, where Team Members feel safe and are encouraged to come in a and discuss their issues be they personal or work related. We continue to outperform the competition because of the investment we put into our Team Members. This is evident from the numerous positive feedback we get from our loyal customers.
Let me use this opportunity to thank our customers for their loyal support throughout these trying times and our valued Team Members who continue to keep our standards high by providing the exceptional shopping experience that our customers “know & trust”.
Article: Contributed by Janice Anderson HR Manager, Home & Things Limited
Here’s a REMINDER...We are still living with the COVID-19 Virus. Continue to be safe by sanitizing, practicing social distancing and wearing your mask when necessary. If you start to experience symptoms, stay at home and do a test as soon as possible.
We must all do our part to stay healthy!
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