Before I start, let me introduce again, GIMP is an image manipulation freeware, you can download it at, it’s easy to use, and it’s free. Here’re some elemental effects you can create with GIMP,
Iceball So, you can see, it’s just a matter of playing around with the color balance. First, you need to create a shooting ball, here’s how, go to: File > New , and open a blank template. Then, use the bucket fill tool black color.
, and fill it with
Then, select soft brush to white.
, change the color
You can adjust the brush size using the ‘Scale’ slide bar at the right size toolbox.
Scale the brush size until you get a brush size you like, I use a very large scale so it’s easier for me to create the shooting ball,
Now, use the smudge tool , and start pulling the white part (smudging), until you get something like this,
You can adjust the smudge size using the ‘Scale’ bar also. Then, select brush tool again brush button,
, click on the
Click here
I select the ‘Galaxy’ style, there are 3 ‘Galaxy’s brushes, you can mix them to get a variation of textures.
Then, paint inside your shooting ball until you get something like this,
Now that you get the basic shape done, let’s play with the colors. At the toolbar on top, select: Colors > Colorize > click ‘Ok’ without changing anything. Then, select: Colors > Color Balance, You will get something like this,
For the fireball, the setting is as follow, Shadows:
100 (Red) -100 (Green) -100 (Blue)
100 100 -100 Highlights:
100 -23 -100 Then, you will get the fireball.
For the iceball, the setting is as follow, Shadows:
-56 (Red) -94 (Green) 100 (Blue)
-100 -100 100 Highlights:
-100 100 -26
Then, you will get the iceball.
You can try out other shapes and color balance, have fun â˜ş