Expression of Interior Detail in Adaptive Re-use Approaches

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Expressions of Interior Detail in Adaptive re-use approaches The meeting of the old and new through case-studies Shikha Mehta Faculty of Design, CEPT University

ABSTRACT Every built form being reused is to be a palimpsest, having its own story, layers of history and relevance in time. An adaptive reuse intervention being introduced develops a language based on the original built and its history, the new function and the design stand taken by the designer. These stands can be for the interventions to either be in complete contrast to the original or blend and fuse with it, to respect its history and not touch it or pierce into it, to celebrate it or to destroy it. The expression of the details between the old and the new, however minute, is critical in defining them - either as individualistic entities or as subtly different beings and it affects the spatial perception of space monumentally. The case-studies of Phantom Restaurant, Opera Garnier (Paris), S(ch)austall(Germany) and the Selexys Dominica Library (Holland) are projects where the built form has been re-used without damage or breaking of the built-form inspite of different design approaches. The paper is to be a study into these designed gaps and junctions where the built and the intervention meet for the new design stands to be expressed impactfully in the reused space. This is to be done with an analysis of the interior detail and expression, in multiple case studies studying why the built form has been retained, how the details come into being without destroying the built-form and how the design approach has been conveyed. The case-studies are studied with an idea of materials, colours, fixtures, junction details, aesthetical expression and conveyance of design stand.

Keywords: Detail, Expression, Interior, Adaptive re-use, History

1. INTRODUCTION Some buildings prior to becoming defunct have a historic value, some notional and nostalgic ones. They now have layers of history, time, value and memories on them, making them stand after many years, still in time. Any such building being re-used would evoke design sensibilities and responsibilities, generating a response on how to treat them. “The building already has a story; all you have to do is add the interesting next chapter”1


Bruner Jerome, “ Past and Present as Narrative Constructions,” in Narration, Identity, and Historical Consciousness

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