5. Lee harvey 2008

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"Assaying improvement" Lee Harvey Abstract The presentation will examine the extent and nature of improvement in higher education: the purity of the enhanced silver. The interactive presentation will focus on transformative learning: on the learner and situated learning rather than abstract learning styles or teaching techniques and link that to quality enhancement. Questions will be asked about impact of improvement processes and a suggestion made as to how 20 years of quality assurance can be evaluated. The presentation will also critique rankings, arguing that they fail to encourage fundamental engagement with transformative learning.

Introduction Assaying is defined as ‘the act or process of testing, especially of analysing or examining metals and ores, to determine the proportion of pure metal’. The presentation will examine the extent and nature of improvement in higher education: the purity of the enhanced silver. Currently, there is a lot of discussion about enhancement and much good practice goes on ranging from classroom initiatives right through to system-wide quality assurance processes. But are we really improving anything or are we just appearing to? Development of higher education Let me suggest three views on the development of higher education. First, a positive view that says higher education has been confronted by a period of rapid change, probably the biggest upheaval in its history. The change is the result of external forces, including the need for a more educated workforce and mobility of workers, which has led to massification of higher education and consequent reductions in funding per student, more diversity in the system and even a change in status of those working in the sector. Through all of this, higher education has adapted and delivered and continues to deliver ever more research and innovative teaching. Institutions have taken on more and more responsibility. One key element in all this is quality assurance in higher education, which, although often involving additional work and costing significant amounts of money, has resulted in a more transparent education system and had an overall positive impact. Indeed, without quality assurance the whole higher education edifice, confronted by market forces, would have been in danger of crumbling. Second, a rather more cynical view suggests that massification has not broadened access. Further, there has been an overall deterioration in higher education. In practice, the service offered to students has declined, with far less one-to-one contact, fewer teaching

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