Issue 4

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“Like the winds sweeping across the plains, faith is invisible, yet the most tangible connection between our world and His world. The stronger the faith, the more evidence you see...” By Katie O’Keefe

24 20 IDEAS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS Let these 20 ideas get your marketing brain a turning and then put them into action to propel your business forward in 2014. By Bethany Aleshire


“It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to define ourselves anything other than how God sees us...” By Zipporah Kapambwe


“Great people do not do great things; God does great things through surrendered people.” This book is all about finding your calling. By Bethany Aleshire


44 THE TERRIFYING, COURAGEOUS & BEAUTIFUL “You are terrifying and strange, courageous and beautiful, something not everyone will know how to love, but the right ones will...” By Sarah Delanie

58 INTERVIEWED // GINA ZEIDLER Meet a photographer, mentor, and leader of authenticity and how Jesus works in her crazy life.

70 BURGEONING THROUGH LONELINESS “We do need those months of discomfort to produce three seasons of outstanding beauty. In nature and in our souls.” By Bethany Aleshire


“That the greatest of gifts is to truly know Me. And though oft My answers seem terribly late, My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait.” By Russell Kelfer

IN EVERY ISSUE 8 Letter From The Editors 10 Contributors

38 What We’re Up To 68 #ShiningandSoaring 7




inter Edition | Issue 4 was illuminated during a collaborative season of hazy confusion, rocky change, scarce clarity, and desperate hearts reaching for relentless grace. We craved for the Lord to wrap up our fears and through them away. In the presence of Jesus we found our rest. When searching for clarity, we found an invitation from the Lord, pending for an R.S.V.P. It’s a response to partake in His kingdoms glory first and foremost above all else. It is a choice to be peaceful against the grain of life, and a it is willingness to walk in manner of utter fulfillment, because that is what we are promised. It is living out John 5:30 “...for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.”


The Lord is already at work around us, every second of every day; and when we fix our eyes and hearts on the center of His desires, we find rest. Rest in the reality of a sacrificed life-- walking, speaking, encouraging, and obeying His higher calling for our souls. It is setting aside the anxieties of life and realizing that our salvation is our hope and His significance is our purpose. We live on display for the world to see the power of His hands and the pattern of his feet.

Our deepest desires for this issue is that you would be swept over with peace in the presence of His grace-- that your heart would be set in a manner that is constantly seeking out His will each moment of the day. That you would be humbled by the fact that you are a partaker in this great big timeline of hope.


DITORS Each grain of salt that you can promote has a lasting effect in the sea we afloat. Ultimately, we hope that you would know these seasons of stillness and start to cultivate contentment in Him alone, even if you seem to wrestle your way through it every time.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” // Matthew 7:13-14

We have spent these last few months sowing His promises, truths, and ultimate provision in assurance that our harvest would be simply to bring Him fame and glory. We are so humbled to understand that we are not the “doers” and neither are you, we are simply servants walking out what God that has been doing, and is doing, around us every second of the day. We are walking out truth, reflecting hope, and clinging to promises in complete assurance that He is the forever King and worthy to be praised!

Come join us in being the few that are called to the small gate and the narrow road. We are adopted children with scrapes on our knees and bruises on our elbows. We have dirt under our nails and mud on our face, but underneath the mess, we are the searching hearts, the humbled servants, and the trusting souls. Let this winter snow purify your heart and renew your mind as you dive into the Shine & Soar Magazine Issue 4 | The Winter Edition. The S&S Team, Bethany, Ciera, Sarah & Mackenzie 9

CONTRIB BETHANY ALESHIRE Hello, I’m Bethany, a wedding, lifestyle, and fashion photographer who also happens to be a graphic design student, blogger, and the Editor-in-Chief of this lovely magazine you’re reading here. To say that I have an entrepreneurial spirit is an understatement, I’ve been dreaming up business ideas since the young age of seven and haven’t stopped since. Each and every day I’m seeing just how much I need Jesus and tasting all the freedom He brings into my life. I’m a lover of all things cake batter, deep conversations, airports, and loud and crazy dance parties. // Visit her website and blog at

ALEX ANNE I’m Alex — a Midwest photographer struck with wanderlust and the passion to create. The core of my art stems from bold colors and daring emotion. I believe in the adventurers, the creators, the go doers – the ones that aren’t afraid to set their heart on fire, just to see the sparks fly. Some of my favorites include: rainy days + coffee, succulents, road trips, books + songs + films that make my heart explode, gold things, butt workouts, airports, iphoneography, and real life Pinterest boards. My mantra: tall & adventurous. // See her work at

CIERA CHANTE Hello there, My name is Ciera. I’m the eyes behind Ciera Chante Photography located in Fort Worth, Texas. I love capturing beautiful, raw, and real moments in life. Laughter has a special place in my heart, as it can always brighten up even the most dreary days. I’m the Creative Director for Shine & Soar and to be a part of a team of girls with hearts that are so completely aligned with Jesus Christ, is quite a blessing in my eyes. I love collecting vintage cameras. I think every girl should own a pair of pearl earrings and I dream of being able to travel the world and open my eyes to a whole new light of life // Visit her at

SARAH DELANIE Hello, I’m Sarah, a destination wedding & lifestyle photographer & Executive Editor for Shine & Soar Magazine. I have quirk for writing, a love for laughter, and swoon over beautifully cultivated art and rich relationships. You can usually find me sipping on a cup of coffee while pondering “this & that”, I have a curious draw to intentionality and an addiction to traveling. Imperfections & shortcomings are my specialty, but by grace I have been chosen, saved, and redeemed! My heart’s fullest desire is to live a life reflecting the noble beauty, grace, and love of Jesus Christ my Savior, less of me & more of Him is always a better place to be! Just a girl, with a heart that is consumed by the Overcomer. // Visit her at 10

BUTORS EMILY HUGHES My name is Emily and I am a fine-art wedding photographer specializing in natural light, focusing on capturing beautiful, real moments. My husband is my best friend and second shooter. I thrive on people and their stories. I am a creator; whether it’s photographing a wedding, painting or spending time on the piano. I am constantly learning about the Lord and this path he has put me on. Here at Something Gold, we are passionate about marriage, not just the designer of the dress or location of the venue, but the couple, the families, the story, the love and the real moments. // Find out more about her at

ZIPPORAH KAPAMBWE Hello! My Name is Zipporah and I am a Wedding and Lifestyle photographer, and designer of Eden wedding floral headpieces based in Nashville,TN. I laugh like it’s my job and creativity is in my blood. Every day I feel blessed to be doing what I love. When I’m not working I love spending time with family and friends, hanging out at local coffee shops and going out on my own little adventures. My heart is for young woman to realize their worth in Christ. My hope and dream for the future is to grow in my relationship with Christ and to become the woman He has called me to be. // Follow her blog at

MACKENZIE KERN Hi friends! I’m Mackenzie Kern, a North Carolina & Minnesota (soon to be Lynchburg, VA) based photographer focused on preserving legacies and love. Having grown up in a big family that was always moving and discovering new places, overtime I developed a passion for travel which cultivated my love for destination weddings. I have a heart for mentoring, speaking, and writing. I am an encourager, adventurer, and lover of the sea. “Therefore, since we have this hope, we are very bold.” – 2 Corinthian 3:12 // Find out more about her at

AMANDA MARIE LACKEY Amanda Marie Lackey is a photographer and stylist with laugh that will ring in your heart for days. She exudes a radiance that captivates her clients and transcends beautifully into her remarkable work. Amanda Marie Portraits has been featured on: Grey Likes Weddings, Style Me Pretty, Brides of North Texas, Green Wedding Shoes, and Grooms Sold Separately. Clients Include: Gaylord Texan Resort & Spa, Brides of North Texas, Reata Restaurant, Wolfgang Puck, Edison’s, Wendy Krispin Caterer, City Club Fort Worth, and Anthropologie. // Follow her on her blog at 11

KATIE O’KEEFE Born in the deep South and raised on several different shores, Katie traded in ocean waves for the rolling hills of Oklahoma the moment she met her sweet, country husband. After living half of her life in a tutu as a professional ballerina and the other half writing, designing and coordinating for the non-profit world, she decided to jump off her cliff of faith and pursue God’s calling to create a magazine coming soon – Cottage Hill. On the weekends, you can find Katie teaching Pilates at a local studio or picking up fresh eggs and flowers at the farmers market! // Visit her blog at

JANELLE PUTRICH Hello there, I’m Janelle! Art embodies who I am. Whether it’s looking through the glass of a camera, making a stroke on a canvas, or bringing an atmosphere I envisioned to life, every idea I create represents who I am I was born to adventure My family is everything to me I am always up for a good laugh and am an enthusiast of meeting new people Above all, my greatest inspiration and key to success of everything I put my hands to is Jesus Christ. The very essence of my art, my personality, and my photography are rooted in Him. // Find her at

GINA ZEIDLER My name is Gina Zeidler! I am a photographer, a believer, a mentor, an encourager and connector. I cherish all of these roles because I love people. I love becoming friends with my clients and getting to the core of who they are and capturing that beauty. PS. authenticity is pretty much the best thing ever. I am passionate about people- about getting to know each of my clients and defining each person through my images. A lil’ bit of storytelling and a lot of capturing genuine authentic love & emotion. I live in the Twin Cities with my husband Matt, Pup Mya, and a Baby on the way in July! // Visit her at

We want to know what articles YOU loved most! Hashtag #shineandsoarissue4 with an image of your reading space or a snap shot of your favorite article. We want to know what impacted you the most and how you where inspired by this issue! 12




Stillness. Pauses. Breaths. Seconds. Moments. Hours. Stop. Take it in, live. We live in motion, but take a second to feel something whether it’s a cool front, the depth of a breath in your lungs, an eye lash fogging your vision, a tear, a gradual smile releasing your heart, your pulse, a glance, or that last streaming glimmer before the sun goes down. Vibrance is everywhere, I promise you do not want to miss it. Be present in these moments, enjoy everything for what it is, not for what it could be; and leave the rest in the hands of the Creator who knit together this moment and has already created the next. That last golden glimmer you see- embrace it and let it refine you simply for what it is because by tomorrow it will already have passed, never to be felt again.



the rock th


When my heart is

whelmed: lead me to

hat is higher than I. // Psalms 61:2 17






urrender can sound like such a scary word. It sounds like giving up. It sounds like you stopped trying or maybe what has been promised in your heart isn’t coming so you might as well stop where you are. At least, that’s how I always approached the word. I’ve never been a fan of surrendering anything, especially anything I really loved or have worked so hard to attain. But, for some reason, my online radio switched to an old hymn that made me think of my Granny’s church in Mobile, Alabama. “I Surrender All.” It’s a song that can stay in your head and with you all day. It also seems to be the go–to song Southern Baptist churches use when they ask people to give their life to Christ at the end of a service. The line that really got me was “all to Him, I freely give.” Freely give? That’s not what I was doing in the coffee shop back in December. I was fighting tooth and nail to hold on to as much control as I could as I chugged the caffeine like they were running out of coffee beans and typed ferociously on my keyboard. — December 30, 2013 “All to Jesus I surrender; all to Him

I freely give.” Don’t say “editor,” you’re not a real editor. Just say it’s a little project. That’s all. You know who would have a good laugh if she knew you drafting this e-mail. “I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live.” Dehydration. I feel dried up, empty. Staring at the blank screen, then out my window to watch the Oklahoma wind send a small bundle of tumbleweed down the street. Refresh. Grabbing my mug of coffee, I resist a cold shiver in the drafty space and curl my feet underneath the chair. Staring outside, my mind wanders as I begin to hum. “I surrender all…” This is dumb. This is expensive. Why did I think this was a good idea? It’s going to take a long time to even make this happen. I think my attorney was being sarcastic with me in his last e-mail. I studied ballet, how I am supposed to know everything about media law? “All to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all.” Refresh. Tiny specs of ice float down and lightly ‘ting’ on the windowpane. I remember something I read early in the week and grab my Bible. My half-interested gaze roams over the highlighted and underlined sections in Genesis as I alternate glances back to the computer screen debating whether or not to just delete everything.

“All to Jesus I surrender; humbly at His feet I bow.” God just said there’s going to be this big flood no one has seen before and Noah started building. And he built. For years, like 50-75 years of building. I bet that wasn’t cheap. It’s takes a long time to build an ark. Was he even a builder? It takes a long time to build a ship, especially where there is no water nearby. Dried up. “Worldly pleasures all forsaken; take me, Jesus, take me now.” Taking a big dramatic sigh, I look back at my storyboards. I open one, inspired by my great-grandparents, and remember how they would dance in their socks late into the night to the record machine playing Tijuana Brass as if they were on their first date 60 years ago. I remember seeing pictures of them of when they were young and beautiful like old-Hollywood movie stars. The years seemed to make their love grow more extravagant and rich into a big grand finale during their final years together. I would dream about translating their love into this magazine. Love matters. Love lasts. And people need to know that. “All to Jesus I surrender; make me, Savior, wholly thine.” Yes, this is a little crazy and really challenging, but this promise is in my heart. Just like Noah, and he built his ark 19


anyways. Every day, he woke up and built the ark God told him to construct, for this big, crazy idea of a flood that no one had seen before. Daily, he worked on this. He practically lived in the boat. “Fill me with thy love and power;

truly know that thou art mine.” As the sun starts to slide down the side of the city towers and my mug loses its warmth, my heart gets quiet. All I can hear above the faint music in my ears is a whis-

per to my heart to let it go. Closing my desktop files, I look back out the window at that harsh window and open my palms. “All to Jesus I surrender; now I feel the sacred flame.” Surrender. I have to surrender my power to get His power like a big ship navigating a world of unruly seas. Only then, can I make this happen. “O the joy of full salvation! Glory, glory, to his name!” — That December afternoon I shut everything down on my computer and phone and I prayed. And I cried. I completely surrendered. Answers did not come. I didn’t suddenly feel warm and embraced in supernatural comfort. Something else came along, something useful, something powerful – faith. Like the winds sweeping across the plains, faith is invisible, yet the most tangible connection between our world and His world. The stronger the faith, the more evidence you see. Full faith is found when you surrender all. A lot of peace comes with it too. And later on, a little bit of magic found in “random” miracles. Surrender is not giving up. Surrender is the very opposite, it is winning. The letting go is difficult, but the peace we receive comes free. It’s the prerequisite for faith. Faith is not hope. Faith is not a wish or dream. Having faith is believing in the promises. But more importantly, faith is living in the promises God has put on your heart. Faith is building your ark like the floods are coming today… even in a landlocked state like Oklahoma.



Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. // MATTHEW 11:28


20 ID TO










1 2 3 4 5


Build a styled shoot concept on a private Pinterest board. Start an email newsletter on MailChimp or Madmimi.

Legalize your business. Partner with local stores & offer them your services for free Do a 365 challenge and post about it on your blog.

6 7 8 9 10

Giveaway your favorite products on your blog.

Schedule an hour a week just for brainstorming.

Print business cards.

Ask past clients for testimonials for your website.

Host a webinar for clients on a topic that interests them.


11 12 13 14 15


Treat yourself to some office decoration to keep inspired. Do a fitness and network with the women there. Purchase advertising on a blog your ideal clients read. Attend a local networking event. Film Q&A videos for clients & put them on your website.

Create a welcome gift box for your clients. Listen to informing podcasts. (Catalyst, Money Market, etc) Purchase birthday cards to send to your clients. Create an ebook to give people who sign up for your newsletter. Start a tumblr and post some of your creative work on it.

16 17 18 19 20









Never let your circumstance become your identity.


”She said to them, “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went away full, and the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi, when the Lord has testified against me and the Almighty has brought calamity upon me?” Ruth 1: 20-21


he other day I found myself saying very similar words, maybe not to this extent, but similar none the less. Then the Lord led me to this story of Ruth and Naomi. For some there is always that one thing that happened or a couple of things that they just don’t understand. As much you try to forget, there are times where it just all comes back to you at once and you start asking God “Why?” And from then on you start slumping deeper and deeper into woe is me until you subconsciously but not literally start saying, “Just call me Mara.” I find a lot of these moments happen either at night, in the morning, or during the winter season when you’re forced to stay indoors a little more than normal. I believe that the winter season breeds a time of reflection. One of the things that I truly love about winter is cuddling in some warm blankets with the fireplace on. I wish life could always be this comfortable. But if there is one thing I have learned it’s being uncomfortable is how we grow the most. And even though I love my warm winter blankets, there will be a time when I will have to go outside and face the bitter cold. But as long as I have prepared myself beforehand I will always be able to see the hope in the situation. Uncomfortable moments will happen and I think we can learn a lot from Naomi’s story. Never let your circumstance become your identity. I truly can’t imagine going through what Naomi went through. Losing her husband and her two sons. But she took on these terrible circumstances and allowed them to define who she was. Even to the point where she actually wanted people to call

her bitter. As Christians when trials come we have to understand that they have nothing to do with our identity. Our identity is found in Christ and Christ alone. When we start identifying ourselves by other things, we are showing ourselves and Christ what we truly value in life. It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to define ourselves anything other than how God sees us. Widow, failure, childless, alone, disappointment, etc…. those are and should never be words to define ourselves. Because Naomi was so focused on her situation, she was not able to see the Lord’s provision in her life at that moment. The Lord provided her with Ruth. A daughter in law who was loyal to her beyond reason. Ruth no longer had ties to Naomi. Ruth could have gone back to her family but instead she chose to stay with Naomi through thick and thin. I wonder how many blessings we miss because we are so focused on what we don’t have or what we lost. Naomi thought that her story was over. She thought it was too late for her. But sometimes the end of one story is the beginning of something even greater. The Lord is always working in the background. This is where faith comes in. Trusting his promises even when reality shows something different. Always remembering that his ways are greater than our minds can comprehend (Isaiah 5:8-9). And that even though the Lord doesn’t bring the misery into our lives, he always finds a way to use it for his glory. “Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer, and may his name be renowned in Israel! He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.” Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her lap and became his nurse.” Ruth 4:14-16





WHAT WE’RE UP TO // what we’re currently loving



…is listening to: Hillsong’s We Are Young & Free album, mainly the track “Alive.”

…is listening to: “Warm Body” by Wild Child is stellar!

…is reading: Safe People by Henry Cloud & John Townsend and “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore. Both fantastic books to kick off my year of liberation.

…is reading: My Bible. Life is busy, so reading is on the back burner until summer, but making time for a routine with scripture in the morning is the absolute best.

…is loving: My new church and being in a community of other people chasing Jesus with their whole being. It is absolutely not something to take for granted.

…is loving: Wool socks. Sad but true. My first and last winter in Minnesota (Virginia here I come!) and I’ve realized they are necessary to survive!

…is dreaming of: launching my new brand and website and taking risks with my business in 2014.

…is dreaming of: A school-less summer with more time to invest in travels, reading, and living with sweet, sweet rest + time to sit in the sun.



…is listening to: Run To You by Newport Church

…is listening to: the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack station on Pandora!

…is reading: Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey …is loving: Psalm 130:5 which says “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in his word I put my hope.” …is dreaming of: A year of embracing the fullness of Jesus’ presence, building new friendships, and traveling!

…is reading: The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis …is loving: this gorgeous weather we’ve had here in Fort Worthover the past few weeks! We’ve had serveral days of 70º weather and it has been so lovely. …is dreaming of: summer adventures and all the opportunity that a new season brings.





inding our calling has been a hot topic as of late, and for good reason. We all want the grounded purpose of knowing that what we are doing is what God wants us to be doing- especially as many of us approach graduation from college or high school and make our entrance into the real world. This main calling I’m talking about is our vocational calling. Does God want us to be a physical therapist or a photographer? Or is a designer where we are truly gifted? Or should I go to the University of Virginia or California Baptist University? Or after that, should I stay in my home state or move out to the East Coast? Are these my dreams or God’s? Gah! Callings are hard. All we know is that we were made for more, but the “more” we want is like a big ominous something out in front of us. And discerning it sometimes seem tougher than actually running towards it. Enter Restless by Jennie Allen. Jennie is one of the up and coming Christian women leaders of this generation. Her heart is transparent about her passion, for seeing other women enter into an alive relationship with Jesus, is contagious. Jennie uses the life of Joseph in Genesis as a guide for the whole book. Out of that, she creates a formula called “threads”, which is essentially the process of digging into your soul and writing down your passions, gifts, sufferings, and a few other categories onto one sheet of paper in order to see it all and discover your calling. Personally, I need to read through this book again with someone else to get even more out of it. I tend to speed read through books as well as skip the exercises, and it shows in how impacted I am by the end of the book (aka, I didn’t walk away with “this is exactly what my calling is. Boom”). But I believe if I took it slower next time round, things would definitely be clearer for me. And, I believe that you can walk away with a clearer vision of what God is calling you to if you put in the elbow grease, step out in fear, and talk it over with people who are dear to you. Overall, this book is for the woman who just wants to figure out her calling but doesn’t want to get to self-helpy or too theology-only. Jennie brings both of those aspects into balance in a biblical way through a fresh perspective. The way she writes and who she is, is so akin to how my best friends are. Their spirits are deep and impactful, yet also of lightheartedness at times as well. Jennie pushes you towards bigger dreams for God’s glory, but also says that just doing what’s in front of us (e.g. helping our neighbor out with shoveling their snow) is as much of our calling as a huge scary dream is. If God is pushing you towards figuring out your vocational calling, and taking this season to decide with His guidance, please pick up this book as your guide. It will invigorate you as well as smack your pride down.









This is for my youn eyes of the world ar thinkers, fig and entre


ng girls who in the re driven, dynamic ghters, doers, epreneurs.


his is for my young girls who, in the eyes of the world, are driven, dynamic thinkers, fighters, doers, and entrepreneurs. You do not settle for less or take no for an immediate answer. Yet, at the end of the day you know that all you truly are is a chosen one. This is for my brave beauties who just need a good cry because fighting against the grain of perfection is hard. This is for my sisters who balance more than a typical teenager should, the ones who feel so isolated and “ununderstood” they could scream. Your are bold, but shrinking, you are surrounded, but horrifically lonely. Your pursuit of authenticity and set-apartness is not as beautiful as the cover of a magazine or as vibrant as Instagram. This is for that twinkle in your eye that is far & few, that tiny piece of you that just needs to be told that she’s not alone.

This is what you need to know. Failure- it is inevitable. Successit is flighty. Fear- it is crippling. Significance- it is living. Your restlessness is restful, and your invisibility is visible. You are terrifying and strange, courageous and beautiful, something not everyone will know how to love, but the right ones will. Your pursuit of authenticity is rough and ugly, the farthest thing from perfection, but you, my love, are

completely fulfilled in every way because Jesus thought you were worth dying for. Cling to that! Balancing life, business, school, and the uncontrollable future is breaking you apart one sharp slice at a time. You’re a time bomb waiting to go off. You’re strong on the outside, but break down in a fountain of tears behind closed doors. You make good grades (sometimes) but even then your sleep suffers. Your clients adore you, but colleges can’t quite grasp an understanding of you. Your closest friends encourage you, and those friends that are distant, brutally step on your fingers, turning them stained red, dying for oxygen. They just don’t understand. You shake it off because you “know” the truths, but you are just struggling to embrace them fully in your heart. There is a fine line between knowing and believing, hearing and feeling, seeking and walking. All are crucial, there is not one greater than the other, but all must find themselves aligned before skyrocketing you into the unknown. It’s a descending grace that wraps you up and coddles you closer. “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” // Psalms 126: 5-6 49


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.” // Isaiah 55:8-13


“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” // 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Your complicated heart will never be fully understood even by those dearest to you, but Jesus, Jesus understands. He is waiting on you to simply- and I mean simply- say, “Daddy come near to me.” There, my love, in that place, you will find unexplainable joy and a peace that surpasses all understanding, literally. Why? Because He has been near to you the whole time, you just had to stop and feel his pressing presence. Your life will be fearless, your heart willing. And, those constant failures smacking you upside the face? They’ll keep coming, but you will keep truckin’. You will bulldoze the standards and those ugly, ugly, ugly, and I’ll write it again ugly, expectations of the world will become so irrelevant your radiance will explode and expose the shadows containing their powerless lies. It will never be about what you do, where you go, or who you are. It will never be dependant on how you feel, what you think, or what you say…This is your freedom. Because Jesus will achieve exactly what He wants perfectly with that willing heart of yours. Yes, even through your short comings. You are simply dancing to the rhythms of grace, nothing more, nothing less. There will be thorns all your life, but “all your life” is a passing breeze of wind, because 52

after that, you get to partake in eternity. If you ask me, that is some crazy kind of something to fix your eyes upon daily. It’s a total game changer. Wrestle with it and overcome it. Joyfully rejoice in it, and, geez kid, just laugh! Praise Jesus, Hallelujah it is not about you and it has everything to do with Him. You’re going to have to face many battles in order to internalize biblical truths and that is okay, because He is sharpening you, pruning you, and ultimately making you one of his mightiest by perfecting your faith. Set yourself free, walk in that freedom, be okay with the humbling process, lessen yourself, and love the truth of Jesus like crazy. Even in the loneliness and the quietness you will be a luminary, one who inspires others, a light. Because of Jesus. Because of Jesus Because of Jesus. My dear, never forget, even in the dark, that you are not alone. Jesus is right next to you, listening to each breath you take and carrying you the whole way. Not far off you will find someone else, even if you can’t make out their face, doing the exact same thing. Hands out, feet trembling, lip quivering, eyes covered, heart trusting. You are not alone, my terrifying, courageous, most beautiful of these, you are not alone.











hen you meet someone who is down-to earth, hilarious, uplifiting and is to the core genuine... you just can’t get enough of them. Those are just some of the reasons Gina Zeidler is such a beloved photographer, mentor, and creative industry leader. We hope you enjoy our interview of her and are blessed by the calling the Lord has put on her life to serve others with her whole heart and soul. 1. Tell us a smidge about you, your heart, where you’re located, and your business. My name is Gina Zeidler! I am a photographer, a believer, a mentor, an encourager and connector. I cherish all of these roles because I love people. I love becoming friends with my clients and getting to the core of who they are and capturing that beauty. PS. authenticity is pretty much the best thing ever. I am passionate about people- about getting to know each of my clients and defining each person through my images. A lil’ bit of storytelling and a lot of capturing genuine authentic love & emotion. I live in the twin cities with my husband Matt, Pup Mya, and a Baby on the way in July! 2. As a photographer, mentor, wife, soon to be mama, and integral part of Making Things Happen how do you balance day-to-day life? To be honest, I often don’t. I believe the only way to feel balanced and at peace is to have JESUS at the center of your life. Each day.


Each decisions. Also, it’s important to be okay with the ups and downs. With a business that is SO crazy busy for 9-10 months out of the year, then slower for the other 2-3 it’s all about having Grace and finding what works for you, NOT what you “think” you should be doing. 3. In this season of life that can be wildly busy, where do you find rest (mentally, spiritually, physically,etc)? Time with the Lord is number one, even if I often fail miserably at this. I find the MOST rest in Him when I put down my phone and turn off hulu. Also, finding days where I can fit in time to do what fires me up and makes me excited is majorly important! I firmly believe in the quote WORK HARD, PLAY HARD. 4. We love you’re authenticity and ability to connect with clients, fellow creatives, and friends. How have you managed to stay inundated within the social media world while sticking to your core? I think for me it’s being real. Sharing all of life and not just the pretty parts. I definitely think social media has challenged me especially during our times of infertility as sometimes I just wanted to post how hard it was everyday. Taking time to really be me is what truly pushes the authentic part of my heart to honestly overflow. I also think TIME OFF social media is CRAZY CRAZY important. We all need a break from it and time to



remember life without it. That is how I try to stay on top of the social media craze. 5. What is the one thing that you love most about your job & makes everything worth the hard work? I love people. I love connecting with their “real”. The moments when my clients forget about the camera and just live are when I am most inspired and fired up to show them the beauty that they ARE!!!! BAH! I love when those images hit my screen. I do a crazy dance. For reals, ask my clients. 6. How are you simplifying your life and resting more in 2014? Number one, I am continuing to work with a Christian Financial counselor (William Ray) and this is really the key to more simplifying and more rest for me this year. I wish I would have done this when I started my business years ago. Working with Will, has given me so much peace on the business side of things. To be honest for so many years I was so scared of money and taxes, I didn’t want to even touch that stuff. But working with Will has broadened my understanding of my business and it has given me such peace about knowing

where my business is going financially. It helps me simplify by seeing how much money I actually need to make verses feeling like you can never say no to a job. I KNOW YOU KNOW that feeling. It helps me set boundaries with my work without me feeling like I am going to lose money. I also am a HUGE believer in Lara Casey’s Powersheets! They are amazing tools to go through her goal process with. This process helps you simplify your life and just focus in on your real goals- your heart goals; which always in my mind apply to business, because most of us ARE our businesses you know? 7. Growth is often hard and messy. What areas of your life have changed as a result of pursuing your business? When I first started my business I went to a lot of meetings and meet-ups as a newbie. Those have had to fall by the wayside a bit as I have chosen to really work on spending more time family, and I have made some really great friendships in the industry already. Having to say no to things like that or to time connecting with others is always hard.


8. Best business tool, big or small, that you can’t live without? PhotoMechanic, HANDS DOWN. This program has saved me hours and hours of time. I couldn’t live without it. 9. What are your current favorite tunes to jam out to? Goodness, so many! I love the Shawn Mcdonald pandora station. My good ole’ Zumba music is filled with Pitbull, Latin songs, etc. I absolutely love the song Oceans, and also Your great name ACOUSTIC version by Natalie Grant I believe? 10. What is the biggest stumbling block you see other creatives who are just starting running into? 64

Getting overwhelmed and having too much work. Being glued to the computer is another, because new creatives often think there isn’t another way. This is definitely the biggest problem I see with newcomers. It’s my FAVORITE thing ever to mentor them and show them my workflow and how to save hours of their time! 12. What is your recipe for having a deep and fulfilling quiet time with God? A fleece blanket, tea, quiet space (mine sometimes has to be outside of the house), journal and a good devotional or study. My second choice is to get outside. (not as easy for me in the winter as in the summer) but fresh air and sunshine help me always remember where I am.

13. You mention God openly + frequently in your blog + social media, can you tell us the reasoning behind doing this? How do you glorify God in your business? To be honest I really am just sharing my heart and soul. The Lord is a HUGE part of that so I am not fearful of sharing my life. I want to be surrounded with people who share all of their heart not just pieces of it. Because we all are weak, we all have imperfections but HE MAKES US WHOLE. I feel like the Lord has put each of us on earth to show His glory. Whether it’s in our images, conversations, hugs or tears. We are here to show Christ. Be that light.





Images submitted via instagram using t Suzy Vandyke - @suzyvandyke, Ki Sara Lynn Spiers Hoomes - @saralynnspiershoomes, Tessa - @tessavoc


the hashtag #shiningandsoaring. Special thank you to: Emily Nichols - @emilynicole520, Melissa Grace - @whoaamelissavan, iley Marissa - @kiley_marissa, Shelby Hewitt - @shelbyhewitt, Dejah Lynn - @dejahblaze, Amy Joy Hamiltion - @amy_joy_ham, ccla, Mercy Vrazo - @mercyvrazo, Elizabeth Lauren - @ebtakesphotos, Emily Fruit - @emfruit, Jennifer Grant - @jennifergrant.







inter is the epitome of loneliness. It is brutal, seemingly never-ending, and quite bone chilling. If we were to be honest with ourselves, we’d rather have a three-season cycle; jumping from promising spring, to glorious summer, and ending with crisp autumn. For the most part, every ideal day would be beautiful and we would be busy with things that fill our hearts. But winter?! Who needs those months of pain and dormancy! Actually, we do need those months of discomfort to produce three seasons of outstanding beauty. In nature and in our souls.


As much as we wish we all could be constantly flourishing, building, achieving, and doing amazing things…we would burn out if we did not have a state of rest, reflection, and planning every once in awhile. One of the ways we can have a period in our lives of stillness is through loneliness. A season where we don’t have much of a social life or we don’t have a close community of friends. This time of stillness can be a blessing if we choose to view it as such even though, a lot of the time, it does not feel “fun” to be the only one not accomplishing tasks that are dynamic or living with a full schedule. But, time… Time is this thing we often take for granted-

especially the seemingly endless stretches of it that feel empty. As new seasons role in and life becomes hectic, we no longer have these unearthed gems of time that can be utterly full of meaning. God ordains us to be in seasons of loneliness, but He doesn’t always want us to stay there. We need to seek Christ, and question whether we are supposed to reach out, plan, and prepare or if we are called to remain in this period and soak up the lessons. Amidst the rest, we can seek growth, and continue to thrive. Here are six things that you can do in a season of loneliness to live fully and grow.





#1 // Build a more intimate relationship with God This is the primary reason I believe God takes us into a season of loneliness. We get so busy that our relationship with Him can often be the first item on the chopping block to make way for the pressing to-do’s. Sadly, we tend to put urgent things over important things. But, in this season, we have lonely nights that can turn into times where our heart can be knit even closer to His heart through worship. Or, we have empty mornings when we can have a good hour or two to be with Him. Can you imagine where your relationship would be with Him even in three months if you intentionally pursued a deep relationship with Him? It would be

life changing. Last winter, when I was going through a hard season of loneliness, I decided to read through the Bible. And no, not the Bible in a year plan, that was too slow for me! I started the “Bible in 90 days” plan on YouVersion and powered through it most mornings. I challenge you to start one of those plans if you haven’t read through the Bible before or haven’t in a couple of years. If you want to slow down and really extract all the goodness out of what you read, pick a book and spend a month on it. Whatever God leads you to, there is a time and season for it.

#2 // Initiate some relationships, events or ideas

I mentioned this earlier, but again, not every season is meant to be deeply savored, if you know what I mean. Just because you feel God has put you in a season of loneliness does NOT mean you’re banned from reaching out to anyone, that you cannot ask anyone out for coffee, or that you are not allowed to make a new friend because “this is a season of loneliness.” Because if you do that, there can never be a transition to a new season of growth or community. When we make excuses, we begin to deliberately choose to be lonely when God, in actuality, desires us be a part of a community. Become an initiator- plan a night out, set a coffee date, or collaborate on a project. Create connections. 75

#3 // Bring something into being that requires your full heart and soul to create it Have you heard of this quote by Ira Glass? All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. There is more to this quote, but the point of it is that there are endless hours of work to bring your skill level up to your taste level. Lots of shutter clicks, books read, hours in front of Illustrator, etc. to turn out work as good as your taste knows it can be. This is a great time to put in those hours of blood, sweat, and tears and create crap so that your art can get better sooner. Or, maybe now is the time to put your whole focus into one creation-- writing a book, starting a new business, creating a fashion design collection, or designing a product line. Whatever your art is, be working at it in a season of quietness so God can unleash it in a season of growth and newness.

#4 // Pray for Christ-centered relationships If you can’t get friends, or good friends, around you in this season….pray for them. While you are praying for those relationships, prepare yourself to be the 76

best Christ-centered friend you can be. You have to work on your character as well to prepare for that relationship. Which circles back to the whole point of this type of season; it’s a time to do the hard core work, to work on your foundation to prepare for future blessings.

#5 // Invest in what’s right in front of you Don’t shun the projects, jobs, relationships, activities, or responsibilities that are right in front of you just because they aren’t perfect or what you want them to be. Be grateful for them and work unto them as unto the Lord. Be a good steward. If you don’t have friends around you, invest intentionally into your family. If you don’t have a boyfriend, invest into your friends or coworkers. If you don’t have a lot of activities or things to do, grow your relationship with God. There is always something good to invest in. That does not always mean it is exactly what we want to be laboring over. But God also doesn’t give us the biggest or best things that we want if we aren’t stewarding the little or un-ideal things well.

#6 // Strip down our lives + ourselves This has a lot to do with #1, but it has its own little point- becoming self-aware and stripping our lives down. When you are lonely, you are alone. You. Just you (and God too, of course, but you know what I mean). Some of us are truly scared to just be us. We feel that we are inadequate to just be ourselves. This is a time and season that we can face that fear and

even work on heart or our character in order to become better people through God’s leading. This is equals part self development and part self awareness. He can show us who we are and how to grow ourselves. Also, God can strip away everything else and show us what is truly at our cores. Is it us or Him? He can show you your underlying desires in your soul. He can heal your heart. He can take away the sins of selfsufficiency, performance-based mentality, judgmentalism, insecurity, the need to achieve and many others. It’s a hard process, but one that produces the most amazing results. Examine yourself.

If you are going through this season, dear sister, I am sincerely praying for you. Loneliness is one of the hardest things to go through. But, hold on to this- this is a time God can sculpt, mold, and reform you into someone even more dynamic and full. The ball is in your court and it’s your move to make something spectacular out of this season. I hope you use your months of winter and loneliness wisely to bring about one of the most glorious springs you’ve ever seen. Believe it.




Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried; Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied. I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . . And the Master so gently said, “Wait.” “Wait? you say wait?” my indignant reply. “Lord, I need answers, I need to know why! Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard? By faith I have asked, and I’m claiming your Word. “My future and all to which I relate Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait? I’m needing a ‘yes’, a go-ahead sign, Or even a ‘no’ to which I can resign. “You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe, We need but to ask, and we shall receive. And Lord I’ve been asking, and this is my cry: I’m weary of asking! I need a reply.” Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate, As my Master replied again, “Wait.” So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut, And grumbled to God, “So, I’m waiting for what?” He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . . and He tenderly said, “I could give you a sign. I could shake the heavens and darken the sun. I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.




“I could give all you seek and pleased you would be. You’d have what you want, but you wouldn’t know Me. You’d not know the depth of my love for each saint. You’d not know the power that I give to the faint. “You’d not learn to see through clouds of despair; You’d not learn to trust just by knowing I’m there. You’d not know the joy of resting in Me When darkness and silence are all you can see. “You’d never experience the fullness of love When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove. You would know that I give, and I save, for a start, But you’d not know the depth of the beat of My heart. “The glow of my comfort late into the night, The faith that I give when you walk without sight. The depth that’s beyond getting just what you ask From an infinite God who makes what you have last. “You’d never know, should your pain quickly flee, What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee. Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true, But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I’m doing in you. “So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me. And though oft My answers seem terribly late, My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait.”



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