The mission of the Naval Academy’s International Program Office (IPO) is to enhance globalization of midshipmen education by providing experiential opportunities, increasing foreign language proficiency and enabling regional understanding and cultural appreciation.
Our 17th year was ambitious and impactful. Although the COVID pandemic subsided, somewhat, the associated logistical challenges with travel were significant. Through the efforts of my magnificent team, we were able to execute all our planned trips and establish a new record of midshipmen going abroad for the summer. Additionally, we have the most midshipmen studying abroad for this fall semester—73. Since 2005, more than 5.000 midshipmen have been supported with an intentional international experience. My office hears from these graduates and the impact these opportunities have provided and in particular, as they engage with our allies and partners around the world.
Given the challenges around the world—it is clear these types of experiences are making our future leaders better prepared to lead in an uncertain world. Thanks to you, they are engaging with our allies and making a difference NOW.
Please stop by Leahy Hall next time you are the Yard—we look forward to thanking you in-person.
Director, International Programs
Semester study abroad programs are opportunities for midshipmen who are in their junior year or in the first semester of their senior year. Since 2006, 881 midshipmen have studied abroad for a semester. This is the longest a midshipman is allowed to be abroad by law. Although the largest number of these midshipmen are science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) majors, many of them enhance their experience by enrolling in programs that are immersed in the host country’s language.
Some of these programs are reciprocal, meaning that midshipmen study with counterpart naval academies in countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea and Spain. As the Semester Study Abroad Program
continues to grow, IPO expects to send midshipmen to Brazil and Taiwan within the next few years.
In fall 2021 and spring 2022, 66 midshipmen were able to study in 16 countries. The following programs represent the semester study abroad programs they participated in from the past year.
“During my semester abroad, I learned not only the Arabic language, but also valuable information on Omani life and culture. I have made new friends and discovered new perspectives on topics that I had never questioned before. I learned a great deal about myself and the world around me.”

“Before this semester, I viewed the world from a 2-D perspective, as my own world consisted of the United States. Anything I saw on the news never felt as real as it does now. Being able to experience a mix of cultures and history is a priceless experience that has changed my view of the world.”
“Going abroad completely changed my life and I am forever grateful. After meeting with the Air Attaché Colonel at the embassy, living right next door to Ukraine, and meeting college students who are not in the military, I gained a completely new mindset on what it means to be a member of the U.S. Navy.”
“Semester abroad gave me the confidence to thrive in a new culture with an unfamiliar language and way of life.
I am confident I can bring with me the skills I learned into the fleet to make me a far better leader.”
“Studying abroad in one of the most culturally enriching and diverse countries in the world has developed me into a better midshipman, student and leader. It has provided me with unique opportunities to explore the country of Spain and learn about its history and language by being completely immersed in its culture.”

“Removed from all things familiar and given an environment in which I was able to understand a rawer form of myself I grew more assured in the direction I was moving and more unapologetic in my expression. Further, the cultural influences grew a more holistic outlook and appreciation of home.”
In spring 2022, 46 midshipmen took the opportunity to travel abroad during spring break to immerse themselves in diverse cultures around the world, focusing on specific themes or events that fit their personal interests or studies.
• Chile: the goal of the trip was for midshipmen to immerse themselves in Chilean culture and engage with the Chilean Navy.
• Greece: this was a Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) trip focused on exploring Greek culture and its impact on issues facing modern-day Greece.
• Australia: midshipmen on this trip were able to learn and understand more about the Australian Navy, its capabilities, platforms, schooling, as well as its Naval Academy and Officer ascensions pipeline.
• United Kingdom—Shakespeare: Participants gained valuable cultural literacy, first-hand, in the land of the great bard. Along the way, they watched a Shakespeare performance of The Merchant of Venice in the 500-year-old Globe theatre in London and explored the city. The highlight of this trip was a 75-mile mountain bike trek through the rugged Scottish Highlands on the classic Great Glen Way in the land of Macbeth. This rich experience gave participants a vastly greater appreciation for the people, military, history, and culture of the United
Kingdom—one of our country’s most vital military, diplomatic and economic allies.
• United Kingdom—NAVEX: midshipmen were able to pursue leadership and professional development opportunities on this trip including touring Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly. Midshipmen also spent a few days immersed with Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC).
• Italy—International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Competition: this competition in Sanremo, Italy brought together mixed nationality teams to represent a notional country in a multi-lateral Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) scenario.
• Norway: this was a Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) trip focused on understanding U.S. diplomatic effort in the North Atlantic Region and how the Norwegian and U.S. governments work together to maintain regional stability..
• Saudi Arabia: this faculty-led trip developed and deepened midshipman cross cultural competence in the Middle East by exploring the history, culture and traditions of the Middle East.
• Belgium: midshipmen had the opportunity to attend “International Week” hosted by the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium.

During the summer, 350 midshipmen participated in 53 trips led by 58 faculty members to 38 countries. These impactful programs provided opportunities to develop foreign language proficiency, understand regions and their associated challenges and appreciate other points of view. These opportunities are divided into language immersion programs, cultural opportunities and professional training with foreign navies.

The Language Immersion Programs are focused on language development and proficiency for the seven languages taught at the U.S. Naval Academy:
• Arabic: Israel
• Chinese: Middlebury College (Vermont) as travel to Taiwan was precluded by COVID
• French: France
• German: Germany
• Japan: Japan
• Russian: Latvia
• Spanish: Costa Rica
Additionally, USNA participated in the Critical Language Scholarship program administered by the State Department. This enabled seven participants in the following programs:
• Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani
• Brazil: Portuguese
• Georgia: Russian
• Indonesia: Indonesian
• Morocco: Arabic
• Taiwan: Chinese
“Studying in German gave me valuable insight into the European way of life and how the U.S. fits into the global world. Learning a language while in a new country made me appreciate the struggle immigrants in America go through to learn English as well.”
Midshipmen participate in faculty led programs around the globe to better understand regional challenges and cross-cultural awareness. The following trips took place over summer 2022 and varied in length, location and group size. Each experience provided a significant impact on the personal and professional development of the midshipmen.
These opportunities exist in the following countries:
Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Malaysia, Marianas Islands.
Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Vietnam.
Midshipmen participated in hands-on professional training with counterpart naval academies with Brazil, Romania and Spain.
Since 1863, there have been 568 graduates from 79 countries. This year there are 58 international students from 26 countries including Albania, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Montenegro, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Tunisia. These allied and partner nations send their future leaders for the four-year program and then they return to fulfill national service obligations.
During the three midshipmen led conferences at USNA—Science and Engineering conference, Leadership conference and Foreign Affairs conference—international midshipmen are invited to participate. During the last academic year, 63 international midshipmen participated from 17 countries.
Many thanks to the generosity of alumni, IPO was able to send an impressive number of midshipmen abroad.
Though COVID was not as challenging last year, the travel logistics were much more challenging, and the IPO team made incredible efforts to get the midshipmen abroad and safely returned for the academic year.
• Seeking funding for foreign language immersion programs in French, German and Spanish
• Seeking funding in support of international experiences for the popular new Foreign Area Studies majors. The expectation is to have 36 FAS majors per year. There is also an expectation to provide immersive experiences abroad.
• Establishing semester exchange programs with counterparts from Brazil and Taiwan.
• Increasing partnerships with counterpart naval academies through participation in USNA midshipman-led conferences.
• Seeking cooperative faculty programs with counterpart naval academies.
Thanks to the generous support from the U.S. Naval Academy community, the International Programs Office is nationally recognized for excellence in internationalization, innovation, and creativity. Because of this, our Naval Academy can continue to expand upon programs that transform the personal and professional lives of midshipmen and faculty. Thank you for your commitment to the mission of the International Programs Office.
CDR TIMOTHY A. DISHER ’ 81, USN (RET.) Director, International Programs