Architecture Portfolio

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DESCRIPTION: Located at the site of the former Cable Tram Engine House in Fitzroy, the proposal involves an institute led and facilitated by its three distinct visual arts academies on site—painting, digital, and textiles. It is a mixed-use building for the site, including art academies, exhibition spaces, shops and other functions that support the institute. The project aims to create a space of collaboration but also welcoming friendly conflict, thus creating a democratic learning environment on the site. Secondly, the project reveals the heritage industrial function of the building in lieu of style, thus redefining the public knowledge of this heritage. Lastly, as the art scrap recycled and flows on the site, individual memories are weaved and new public knowledges are collected and reproduced.


The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Design, The University of Melbourne Univeristy of New South Wales Foundation ARCHITECTURAL INTERNSHIP Nervegna Reed Architecture, Victoria, Australia ARCHITECTURAL INTERNSHIP Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd, Shanghai,China ARCHITECTURAL INTERNSHIP East China Architecture Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Shanghai,China THE SECRET GARDEN MELBOURNE IDEAS COMPETITION Committee for Melbourne, Finalists MENTAL x DESIGN IDEAS COMPETITION 2022, The University of Melbourne, Runner Up Upscale, SONA AIA, 2nd Prize Architecutre Studio 1, Weaving Landscape, MSDX Landscape Detail Design, MSDX Architecture Studio 26, Housing Home and Contents MSDX MSDXWinter 2021 Photography Competition, 2nd Prize Shirley Ziyun Guo Email: 2016-20172018-20202021-nowshirley.ziyunguo@gmail.comshir.archi 0601 11 17 21 FLOATINGPAVILIONLANDSCAPEWEAVINGEducation:Awards:2018201920212022202220212021202120212021Skills: REVITSKETCHRENDERRHINOADOBEAUTOCADSUITEUP


PROJECT BRIEF: To design an art institute PROJECT TYPE: Commercial YEAR LEVEL: Master Year 2, Semester 1, 2022 SUBJECT: Art, life & other things SITE LOCATION: Cable Tram Engine House, Fitzroy Victoria,



GROUPTUTOR:AustraliaSamuelHunterWORKWITH:Ioanna Petropoulou, Meichen

ScrapAcademiestower Roof & infrastructure Heritage & EXPLODEDAmphitheatreISOMETRIC 2 3

Meanwhile, the publicly accessible institute only furthers the creation of new memory through the production—and recycling—of art and artistic resources.


Primary PurlinSecondaryStructureStructure



The Italianate style heritage structure on site prompted us to think of heritage in two distinct ways—function and style. The overall architectural style and techtonics was shaped by the dialogue between the robust, ornamental, and constrained heritage style, and a lightweight, industrial, function-driven structure. room, toilet, kitchen & laundryShort-term stay greenhouse Meeting room Activity room Weaving workshop ACADEMY StageStorage& Shared dye Rooftoplab dry room with vent from digital motion capture studio Rooftop greenhouse ACADEMY studio Rooftop garden

The proposal, titled after the Greek Goddess of memory, Mnemosyne, involves an institute led and facilitated by its three distinct visual arts academies on site—painting, digital, and textiles. Lining Sheet



Dismantling elements as soulveniors ROOF EXPLODED ISOMETRIC 4 5

TEXTILERooftopWorkshopgardenACADEMY 2:


Stripping back the ornament and masonry, the industrial inner workings of what was once the Cable Tram Engine House is revealed. That memory is now disseminated to the wider city, rather than hidden behind bluestone and plaster.


Rooftop garden DIGITAL

canvas1:PAINTINGlaboratoryprojectionACADEMYStorage&StretchingPigmentlab NORTH PARTIAL ELEVATION SCRAP SHAREDlookoutspaceCenteredTOWER:exhibitionCirculationaroundCantileveredACADEMY 2:




and experienced physical markers define in reality what is notational and legislative. Tangible markers involving fences and roads enable the experience of threshold. Subject to continuous entropic forces which defy legislative demarcation of ownership, they constantly re-negotiate in a push and pull between territories. A contestation. Domestication is a continuous act of taming and nurturing, perpetuated by human cultivation. Domestication is indicated by demarcation, where the land is specified and quantified. Domestication signifies a claim of ownership, when the unadulterated is transformed to evoke familiarity. Within the site, domestication is the observed and supervised growth of the possessed. The domesticated exists in a constant disjunction with the rural landscape, the rural reclaims the domesticated and the domesticated, the rural. Challenging perceptions of domestication as boundless.

Image by Jonathan Stacy

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SUBJECT: Housing Home and Contents SITE LOCATION: Rural, Victoria, Australia TUTOR: Colby Vexler GROUP WORK WITH: Tasha Handoko, Jonathan Stacy


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project rethinks the idea of rural and contemporary domesticity. The rural emerges within a perceivably infinite expanse. The process of domestication, quantification and ownership of rural land dispels the illusions of distance and scale. The seemingly boundless becomes allotted: finite; bounded; defined; and labeled as a Approximate“lot”.

PROJECT BRIEF: To design a house on a rural lot PROJECT TYPE: Residential YEAR LEVEL: Master Year 1, Semester 1, 2021

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PROJECT BRIEF: To link CBD to Yarra River PROJECT TYPE: Urban design YEAR LEVEL: M.arch Year 1, Semester 2, 2021 SUBJECT: Weaving landscape SITE FederationLOCATION:SquareEast, Vic TUTOR: Isabell Lasaka GROUP WORK WITH: Carol Wang PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The design proposal aims to provide the opportunity for travellers to continue their journey by extending the existing vertical circulation, from Fed Square and Fed East to the Yarra River front. Programs are engaged to adapt the site topography and create fluid access that draws circulation towards the river. While people are moving closer to the water, their visual connection is prioritised to the design intervention as a way of engaging with the site and participating in the community.

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AnalysisTransporation Site AnalysisOccupationSiteSection-Seperation City to River Connection Attraction in Between Buildings Speed and Seating Analysis Sun and Wind Analysis Site Issue: Lack of intimate relationship with water (only visual connection) A mix of transportation method take place on the site Few people on the site in regular days Height difference of the site creates different zones which block the flow of the public Vertical Connection: City to Riverfront 12 13

Horizontal Connection: Federation Square to Birrarung Mar Isometric View14 15

Water Plaza Close View Federation Square Front Water Plaza General Isometric Federation Square to Yarra River Connection FLOATINGPROJECT4PAVILION PROJECT BRIEF: Using parametric design method to design a 5mx5mx5m pavilion in Queen Victoria Garden to hold a YEARPROJECTquartet.TYPE:PavilionLEVEL:Year2,Semester 1, 2019 SUBJECT: Digital Design SITE LOCATION: Queen Victoria Garden, St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004 TUTOR: Joel Collins (email: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The concept of this pavilion is floating. It is made of intersecting horizontal timber platforms and vertical glass supporters. Horizontal pieces are emphasized while vertical pieces are hidden to provide a sense of floating. The glass allows natural light to pour in and also serves as a building shell. perspective1: quartet time 16 17

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The vertical supporters and horizontal platforms are thinner at the bottom and thicker at the top. The distance between each two sandwiched supporters gradually becomes shorter towards the top of the structure. These variations give the structure a gradient, making the pavilion appear gradually transparent to solid and providing a sense of protection. octreedispatchdivideremap

The pavilion is of a dome shape which suggests the volume of space underneath and its unique design allows users to climb up the structure to the rooftop.

Front structure

remap surfaceextractbooleanbooleanpointattracting&

The fragmented square landform divide spaces for audiences The height under this stair platform is 1400mm, allowing children to go through.Every stair run is 250mm, al lowing users to walk and tem porarily sit on. The parallel horizontal timber pieces act as louvres to allow visual connection and provide privacy between interior and exterior space.

The lifted timber desk has glass ver tical supporters underneath, which matches the design language of the floating pavilion. detail


cupationaudiencecirculationoc Stair

1:25 sectional model, front physical model section 1:25 sectional model, perspective

perspective2: center perspective3: night perspective4: dawn OTHER WORK 1. LandscapeDynamicsDetail Design, M.arch, 2021 2. The DigitalWoundDesign, 2019 20 21


More specifically, the final design outcome produced a compilation of following functions from east to west: An elevated walkway entry ovoid declining romp at banana alley; A pedestrian bridge connecting banana alley and enterprize wharf; three setback engagements at enterprize park surroundings; A walkway above Melbourne aquarium ahead into batman park, where Batman Market locates. A

3. Bridge DF_Lab, M.arch, 2020 4. Secluded Urban Cooling Park Landscape Studio 4: Designed Ecologies, 2020

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Engineered scheme (left), topographic scheme (right) Site Tectonics, 2020

5. The Secret Garden Melbourne Ideas Competition finialists, 2022 The design featured a series of elevated concrete platforms, toward destination ‘New Batman Park’ to perform a valid influence to surrounding grey space.

Glulam and clamp to the jig Karamba Analysis Dry for a nightSteam bending timber

6. International Flower & Garden Show Exhibition, The Secret Garden Melbourne Carlton Garden, A2022display pavilion was built as a module of the competition entry. 7. 8.Analysis,Construction2019ConstructionDesign,2020 24 25

8. GTR Tower Applied Architecture Technology, M.arch, 2020 26

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