FODR portfolio

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Semester 1, 2018

Ziyun Guo, 962735

Studio 17

Tutor: Mitchell Ransome





Flatness vs Projection








How to Draw a Croissant

Pattern vs Surfaces

Frame vs Field









Flatness vs Projection Module 2 tasks students with creating axonometric drawings. Both hand drawing and software making skills are required. The creation is based from two given elevations of the original world. The rest empty spaces should be designed to fill in.

Hidden space creating The two pictures demonstrate simple and similar scenes. It shows a lively and harmony atmosphere. The items in it are also cute and simple. There are hills, lands, a chimney and some coins. More structures needed to be created and at the same time the theme has to be kept. I imagined a castle-like Mario world. In the hidden space, towers, channels, stairs and water were created. Hills were digged with holes in different geometrical shapes. Some terraces were built for Mario to stand. Doors and clocks make the world more vivid. High walls surrounded the world helps build a closed territory and contain the water. The flowing water activates the static world. It flows from hills through a sloping channels and was divided into two routes. One flows through another channel and down to a container before flowing out of the notch of the container onto the floor. The other one flows through some stairs into a hollow tower. Finally, it flows down through four different holes on the outer wall. The creation of the water make the Mario World more logical and vivid.


MODULE 2 Flatness vs Projection

The two given 2D Mario world

The equipments used in the drawing, which are the pencils, fineline pens, Tsqruare and set squares.

Hand drawn Mario world traced in Adobe Illustrator

The original picture was put 45 degree and the vertical outlines of the orignal picture are extended, so that the width of the iterms were the same as which of the original ones. The height of items were also measured and drawn 1-to-1 scale.


MODULE 2 Flatness vs Projection

Coloring I added some elements and tried different colors and themes of the Mario World in the Adobe Illustrator. When using the adobe illustrator to trace outlines and fill in it with colors, a big rock was added under the original world. The purpose is to make the world heavy and stable. What’s more, it also gives an answer to the flow direction of the water. Various textures and colors are added to show different materials. The outer wall and the small temple are wooden, the coins are mental and the stairs are concrete. The textures are all hand drawn by pen tools in the Adobe Illustrator. The use of transparency of the color helps represent the nature of the water and cloud. What’s more, the gradient shadows increase the reality of the world. The ribs in the side of the coins can also be clearly seen.



Pattern vs Surfaces This module allows students to create a new landscape on an existing topography with 3 to 5 innovative models by Rhino panneling tools. Then the 3D model will be unrolled to dozens of 2D folders and printed out. Ivory cards would be cut according to the cutlines and fold to be the designed 3D models.

Developable surfaces A surface is any developable geometry made between two lines, while there are more criterias to be a developable surface. Three elementary type of development surfaces are cylinders, cone and tagent surfaces of space curves. In brief, developable surfaces are those can be made by a piece of paper. I used ‘planarsurf’ command in Rhino to confirm that individual surface is developable.

Topography creating The given topography is a basin, so I emphasized the middle of the model with some cubics, which are distinguishing shapes in contrast to the other models with triangle surfaces. I designed 4 models in total. The three open models are opening to different directions and are of different sizes, which creates different layer when observing from elevation view. Different directions of open space on the model together with its polysurface create different shades and shadows.


MODULE 3 Pattern vs Surfaces


MODULE 3 Pattern vs Surfaces

Testing Rhino paneling tools with one type of model

Four created models with different directions and sizes of open areas.

Final created surface in the Rhino

Unrolled folders from grouped models 10


Frame vs Field This module introduces perspective, a technique of representation first theorized in Renaissance Italy and further developed as a tool in cinema. This work is to represent a specific city in ‘Invisible City’ written by Italo Calvino, which describes the cities Marco Polo has been visited. A notated isomatric map and two perspective views together represent this city. Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Rhino are used as techinal tools.

Story In Ersilia, to establish the relationships that sustain the city’s life, the inhabitants stretch strings from the corners of the houses, white or black or gray or black-and-white according to whether they mark a relationship of blood, of trade, authority, agency. When the strings become so numerous that you can no longer pass among them, the inhabitants leave: the houses are dismantled; only the strings and their supports remain. From a mountainside, camping with their household goods, Ersilia’s refugees look at the labyrinth of taut strings and poles that rise in the plain. That is the city of Ersilia still, and they are nothing. They rebuild Ersilia elsewhere. They weave a similar pattern of strings which they would like to be more complex and at the same time more regular than the other. Then they abandon it and take themselves and their houses still farther away.Thus, when traveling in the territory of Ersilia, you come upon the ruins of the abandon cities, without the walls which do not last, without the bones of the dead which the wind rolls away: spiderwebs of intricate relationships seeking a form.

City imagination Trading cities 4- Ersilia is chosen as my city (right), because dramatic plots can be read in the story.The stretched strings are the clue in the story, which show the relationship of blood, trade, authority and agency among residents.Two contrastive scenes can be easily inferred from the story. One is the view that they are building relationships with strings, The other is the ruin where residents are packing and leaving.The isometric map shows the visiting route of Marco Polo, the places of characters, the direction he viewed as well as the passage of time and different. Clear notations of different symbols together help represent the city. 11

Trading C iTies 4: ersilia Trading CiTies 4: ersilia

MODULE 4 Frame vs Field

Ziyun Guo, 962735

Ziyun Guo, 962735

Key Perspective 1 Perspective 2



Perspective 1 Stare

Perspective 2


Glance 0







Light/Dark Walk 0



People Heavy Mood


Time Light Mood Walk Heavy Mood Light Mood


MODULE 4 Frame vs Field

This scene is selected as the first perspective view. In this view, strings, which

This scene is selected as the second perspective vew. It has a relatively broader vision, which helps represent that Macro now is in an abandon city and is surrounded by the ruin. With a column in the middle of the scene, a sence of depth can be presented. Also, an oblique light shows that the final light is leaving this city and it will be under darkness.

symbolize the relationships of blood, authority, agency and trade among residents stretching from the corner of the houses along two sides of the quad can be clearly represented. What’s more, a direct light towards the quad make the scene look more three-dimensional.


MODULE 4 Frame vs Field

Perspective1 Houses are built along two sides of the old quad. In the left part of the scene, a judge is sentencing a poor resident unfairly, because he has no money and status. Two man is crying beside him. On the right, a girl is begging two young ladies in the window. However, they are larghing at her and stretching the string to the rich merchant to show the trading relationship with him. A hungry and poor begar laying on the column with a hat in hand. A knight with a sword in his hand is riding a horse towards the front. The string tied to the neck of the horse shows that the poor residents are under control of the ‘string relationships’ which represents blood, authority, trades and agency. 14

MODULE 4 Frame vs Field

Perspective 2 In this view a young girl with a large bamboo basket on her back is hunkering beside the middle column, showing that the residents are packing and leaving this abandoned city. An dying old man lying on the column with his legs stretching shows the depth of the view. Some corpses are lying on the ground showing a cold and chill atmosphere.



REFLECTION From this semester’s study, not only did I learn some basic skills of design, but also some qualities which are essential to an architect. The four modules’ studies refer to different design knowledges, in both practical and theorical aspects. Module 1 teaches us some technical skills, like the use of Photoshop software, photostage setup and axonometric drawing. It also emphasizes the importance of layout. The lecture in Module 2 introduces different types of projection with clear examplesas well as the effect of depth and space. Creation of our new Mario worlds also increases our imagination through hand drawing and software making. Module 3 helps us understand the developable surfaces with both software creation and hand making. Module 4 reinforces the knowledge of perspective projection and emphasizes the importance of clear notation. Lectures, workshops and tutorials together help me develop design skills, with the lectures giving brief introductions to the subject, workshops technically supporting my expression of ideas and tutorials improving my works with valuable feedbacks. What’s more, my ability to demonstrating works, such as writing journals and making web pages improves as well. What I’ve found challanging is the heavy workload. It’s the first time for me to use different softwares to edit images, especially for 3-D models in Rhino, so that I have to study by myself on Lynda for those uncovered software skills. Also, I lack ideas, which may need to be collected at ordinary times. The ability of designing webpages can be improved by appreciating and learning from others’ websites as well. What’s more, I sometimes cannot catch the core of the module studies. For example, I paid a lot of effort on adding textures to my Mario world and ignored the importance to create more structures in the “hidden space”. I spent a long time in making models by hand in module 3, but ignored that the module aims to create different patterns and surfaces. Model making is just a method of expressing ideas. The idea itself is the more important. In terms of the presentation skills, it is a direct way to express ideas, compared to drawing and notations. I learnt from other students’ presentations in class. Logic, clear and enthusiasm are the important elements. With the help of the feedbacks after every module, I amended some parts of the work. For example, the colors of the Mario world are changed, the photos for module 3 model are retaken and more characters are added to the perspective 1 view in module 4. Overall, I successfully step into the design world through this semester’s study. It helps me generate various ideas and express in professional forms. The knowledges and skills I’ve learnt will support my future study.


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