Seasoned with humor, compassion, revelatory insight, and personal candor, Dr. Trimm translates hard-hitting spiritual insights into everyday language that empowers individuals to activate purpose and maximize potential. She frequently appears on popular TV and radio programs, as well as keynotes on international platforms that touch millions with the Gospel.
As an author, Dr. Trimm has repeatedly topped bestsellers lists with what have become renown classics, such as: Commanding Your Morning, The 40 Day Soul Fast, The Rules of Engagement for Over coming Your Past, and Prevail: Discover Your Strength in Hard Places.
Reaching beyond the pulpit, Dr. Trimm’s ministry extends to the global mission field. By joining forces with partners around the world, Cindy Trimm Ministries International engages in medical missions, food relief, and resourcing those in need with tools that will change the trajectory of their lives and communities.
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input.
During her years in clinical practice and her work with thousands of underprivileged teachers and students in her home country of South Africa and in the USA, she developed her theory (called the Geodesic Information Processing theory) of how we think, build memory, and learn, into tools and processes that have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD), autism, dementias and mental ill-health issues like anxiety and depression. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace.
Dr. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Switch on Your Brain, Think Learn Succeed, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and many more. She teaches at academic, medical and neuroscience conferences, churches, and to various audiences around the world. Dr. Leaf is also involved in the global ECHO movement, which trains physicians worldwide on the mind-brain-body connection, mental health and how to avoid physician burnout. She runs the “Integrated Mind Network”, which is a panel of top neurosurgeons, neurologists, MD’s, OBGYN’s, endocrinologists, MD’s, and neuroscientists with whom she consults with, and does research and clinical trials. She is also part of a mental health initiative in Washington, DC. Dr. Leaf is currently conducting clinical trials using the 5-step program she developed while in private practice to further demonstrate the effectiveness of mind-directed techniques to help relieve mental ill-health problems such as anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. The primary aim of these trials is to make mental health care more affordable, applicable, and accessible worldwide, and to reduce the stigma around mental health.
For over 35 years, Dr. Clark has served as a catalyst in the community to provoke people to fulfill their destiny in life. And because of Dr. Clark’s passion for helping people to succeed, she has authored over 35 inspirational, motivational & business books and publications. Such books as “Pray & Grow Richer,” “Think Like A Millionaire, Be A Millionaire,” “Blessed: How To Attract Wealth Into Your Life,” “Discovering Your Destiny,” “Empowered Overcomers,” “Daily Dose of Direction for Women in Business,” “Business & Workplace Affirmation Declarations,” and “ a 7 Day Guide From Being An Employee To Becoming An Entrepreneur.” audience in Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and the U.S. (including Hawaii and Alaska), Dr. Clark has a global voice to nations.
Dr. Clark is called to raise up Kingdompreneurs -- individuals within the faith-based arena that have been called to the marketplace to start businesses. This is why in 2000, Dr. Clark founded Shirley Clark International Ministries; in 2010 established a business institute, ANOINTED FOR BUSINESS LEADERSHIP INSTIATUE; in 2016, launched a new marketplace entrepreneur magazine, KINGDOMPRENEUR; in 2018 established a business certification institute, in 2020, founded another business publication, “BLACK ENTREPRENEURSHIP,” a Preferred Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach.
Dr. Clark is also a business woman. She is the CEO of Clark’s Consulting Firm, LLC - a business incubation management service comprised of six departments: Self-Publishing Writer’s Agency, PR, Marketing & Branding Firm, Corporate Coaching & Consulting Services, a Business Leadership Institute, Event Planning, and an Entertainers & Speakers’ Management Service. Her firm collaborates and services primarily Corporate Executives; six and seven figure clients (authors, speakers, entrepreneurs, business owners and events with high-end clients and strategic partners (billionaires, millionaires, celebrities, CEOs and governmental officials). Such as Oprah Winfrey, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John, T. D. Jakes, Dr. Michael Roberts, NFL Gospel Super Bowl Concert, Cassi Davis of Tyler Perry’s movies, Get Motivated Business Seminar, and many more.
In addition, their clients and strategic partners have been featured on/in: Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, CNN, Fox News, CBS, BET, Lifetime, ABC, Dallas Morning News, CBN, James Robison Show, Nightline, NBC, Black Enterprise, Essence, The Steve Harvey Show, Judge Hatchett Show, Bravo, Women’s World Magazine, Daystar, Dr. Steve Show, etc. Also, in 2014, Clark’s Consulting Firm, LLC was selected to be listed in the Who’s Who in Black Dallas Business Publication.
Dr. Clark has also been featured on over 100 media outlets. To name a few: Judge Faith, TBN, Atlanta Live, Fox4 News, KCBI, The Potter’s Touch, KHVN, Essence Festival Bookstore, WSRC, TCT, Sierra Vista Herald, The Word Network, The Gazette, The Power Page, Faith Family Network, Dallas Gospel Connection, The Ministerial Herald, Impact Network, The Durham Sun, Mind, Body & Soul Radio, The Now Network, etc. She was also on the cover of Courageous Women and Gathering of Eagles Magazines along with her writings been featured in several international magazines & publications: Equanimity, Epitome and New Creation Newsletter (A T. D. Jakes’ publication).
Dr. Clark is a highly sought out motivational keynote speaker, coach & trainer, and marketplace minister, who has spoken to audiences from as few as 25 to as many as 30,000. As a speaker, Dr. Clark has shared the stage and been on programs with prominent speakers such as Les Brown, Master Coach & World-Renowned Motivational Speaker; Dr. Keith Johnson, America’s #1 Confidence Coach; Lisa Nichols, World-Renowned Personal Development Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author; Dr. George Fraser, Founder of the 5th Largest Business Seminar in America; and Dr. Michael Roberts, one of the largest Real Estate & Hotel Owners in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Clark speaks at corporate events, community forums, faith-based conferences, marketplace chambers and governmental functions.
1. When did you get saved and when did you feel the call of God on your life to start a church?
I was 16 years old when I gave my heart to Jesus; I was in Fairhall St. Vincent, West Indies. I remember making a profoundly serious decision to walk with Jesus at that age. I believe my Sunday School teacher had a lot to do with that early experience because my awareness of God was strong. In 1995
I heard a clear word from God to plant a church in the city of New York. God said that the church would grow to become one of its tallest trees. My wife Shelly and I planted this church and that is where we are to this very day.
2. I know you believe that every believer should be an intercessor, but why do so many Christians struggle with having a prayer life?
I do believe that the saints of God should lead a life of prayer. There are a few areas that we must address as to why so many Christians struggle with having a prayer life.
A. There is an organized satanic resistance to a praying church and to a praying believer that we should not underestimate. We could seek to find natural reasons why people do not pray but because of the dynamism of prayer, Satan moves to destroy it!
B. Our general culture poses a threat in that so many of us spend a great number of hours in daily work and subsequently doing so much to take care of our family, it could become extremely consuming, leaving so little or no time to seek the face of God.
C. It has been noted that there is a lack of praying leaders and so they do not foster a mature culture of prayer in the people that follow them. Prayer is seldom talked about and preached about at so many churches. If a leader does not have prayer in the core of their own life, the value of prayer would not be transferred.
D. There is an instinct to enjoy everything other than prayer. In our own carnality we see prayer as boring; prayer is, but a spiritual exercise. The prevalence of sin in the life of the believer destroys the accurate function of the spirit; therfore, prayer is not sustained, and believer’s faith level is weakened.
3. Can you give 3 steps to help people develop a strong prayer life?
A. The first step is to begin to READ about PRAYER. Begin to acquaint yourself with God’s economy of prayer. Lack of awareness of the power of prayer is one of the many reasons why people do not pray. There are two incredible books I could recommend in this area: Dr. Paul Bill, “Destined for the Throne” and Dr. E M Bounds, The Power of Prayer.
B. Build a SCHEDULE of prayer in your life. As we move into 2021, we find that so many of us create ‘new year
resolutions’ and ‘schedule’. Build prayer in your daily planner and schedule. Do not create unattainable timeframes for yourself. If you are doing this for the first time, begin small; 15 minutes per day. You will quickly find that the joy of praying would be so captivating in your life you will quickly add to this time.
C. Set small prayer goals. Journal the areas you want God to show up in your life. Begin with the smaller areas and work your way up to the larger items. The reason for this is to give yourself an opportunity to see the hand of God at work in your life. Once each goal is achieved, check it off in your journal. The exercise would also increase your faith level. Additionally, you will know that it is not just ‘luck’ because of the consistency in your prayers being answered.
4. Give 2 examples (testimonies) that you have seen that God answered your prayer.
There are countless testimonies that I could share which could fill an entire book.
A. A gentleman confined to a wheelchair because of an accident attended one of our church meetings. We prayed and believed God for healing. The very minute he got home we received a call of excitement. The guy got up and walked; he never used a wheelchair again.
B. There was a young man with several problems who just could not see his way forward. His college bills were pressing on him; his father was so sick (just to name a couple). We prayed with him knowing that only God could intervene in his situation. It felt like overnight God provided the money to clear his tuition payments and completely healed his father.
5. As an Apostle of Prayer, do you lead other organizations/fellowships in mobilizing and gathering saintsrayer?
Our annual International Prayer Summit has been the catalyst for leading other fellowships in the mobilization of saints in prayer. We have received numerous reports from around the globe
where leaders who have attended our prayer summit re turned their respective communities with a renewed strength and commitment to pray. They marvel at the inten sity of our meetings and the time we take to include hours of prayer within each session. They witness prayers being answered and see miracles before their eyes. Prayer is that one area that we refuse to compromise with.
6. What has been one of your greatest achievements in life as a leader in the faith-based arena?
One of the gifts that God has bestowed upon me is my strength for others. I believe that by God’s grace I have been able to assist in the building up of local churches and working with the leaders as they serve their communities.
7. What has been one of your greatest failures or challenges in your past?
One of my greatest failures has been ‘not adhering to the voice of God’ when he gave me specific instructions. I remember I was in Japan one year and the Lord told me to raise an offering when I return home. He said to cast a net and ask for one dollar from one million people: just one dollar. I debated on how to do this correctly and procrastinated. One day the owner of the building next to my church asked to meet with me. He offered to sell me the building for one million dollars; this just came out of nowhere. But I was not prepared. Had I listened to the voice of God and not my own thoughts I would have been ready. The building is currently worth around 15 million dollars. Another area from my earlier years I remember hearing a word from God. God spoke to me about leaving St. Vincent. I remember my hesitation because I was running a thriving business and things were going very well for me. Shortly after, my business crashed and I lost everything. It was confusing to the naked eye to understand exactly what happened. I knew it was my disobedience and fail-
ure to harken to the voice of God. Today, I hasten to His voice and direction for my life.
8. So many leaders in the church have died because of the Coronavirus, how can you encourage people to continue to believe in God?
A man is only as good as his strategy and during this pandemic what I found was that so many leaders had no perspective or strategy that were carefully crafted. For me, I began with making my personal time in prayer a primary habit; I spent quality time with God every day. I made that a central issue. I believe the pandemic was more than just a virus but a supernatural force that you could not deal with by administering a ‘cocktail’. This virus was ravishing more havoc in the lives of His people.
I think believers should do the follow ing:
A. Maintain a faith-based masterman alliance. Stay in connection with other strong prophetic voices. A threefold cord cannot be broken.
B. Build the habit of maintaining solid personal health. Individual trauma hinders a person’s spirit. A man’s body and spirit are connected. I kept myself physically strong, rest is also needed.
C. This one may sound a bit weird. But find/make time to show love to others. There is just something magical about helping others. Taking time to speak to
someone in need; to encourage that person, is priceless. It is more blessed to give that to receive. It inspires the heart. Loving others move my heart. Jesus moved with compassion. It does not have to be the biggest thing in the world but being a blessing to others is medicine for the soul.
9. Do you have a mantra that you live by? If so, what is it?
My mantra: I AM UNSTOPPABLE and UNPUN ISHABLE. I believe that the finished work at calvary is final and the provisions of the new covenant provide overwhelming resources.
10. How can readers connect with you?
Facebook: @officialunstop Website: peterbonadieministries.com Partner with us!
Altars to Thrones is a masterpiece! Dr. Peter Bonadie takes us through the mystery of unanswered prayer via a passage of truth and revelation before landing at the foundational principles for effective prayer. This book would help each reader be more deliberate and precise as they begin to develop a laser focus on how to journey pass the dimension of the altar and advance to His Throne.