gurmiq cyqnw
Mission of Human Life
M: 98780-11670,Office: 98768-63606
sMpwdk, Cwpk Aqy pRkwSk privMdr isMG ^wlsw ny gurmiq AkYfmI, pitAwlw qoN jwrI kIqw[ CpIAW rcnwvW qy lyKW nwl sMpwdkI borf dw sihmq hoxw zrUrI nhIN hY[
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dwKlw SurU gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj hMBVW rof, (nyVy jI.Awr.fI. AkYfmI), luiDAwxw ivKy 5 swlw kQwvwck, kIrqn, qblwvwdk gurmiq kors krwaux leI dwKlw SurU hY[
kwlj iblifMg dI kwrsyvw SurU hY[ sMgqW qn mn Dn nwl ih`sw pwaux
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bIbI kmljIq kOr dw invyklw auprwlw
gurU rwmdws jI
KYru dIjY bMdgI
jnrl isnhw ihMdusqwnI POj dy aus vkq dy jnrl jdoN ieMdrw gWDI ny sRI drbwr swihb qy hmlw krn dw hukm id`qw sI, pr ies jnrl ny hukm mMnx qoN ienkwr kr id` q w Aqy mjbU r n irtwiermYNt lYxI peI[ ikauNik ies jnrl dw kihxw sI ik is`KW krky hI ihMdusqwnI POj ivc jwn hY, jykr is`K hI ip`Cy ht gey qW POj ivc kuJ nhIN bcygw (ieh g`l isnhw ny Awpxy iek AwrtIkl ivc ilKI sI)[ ies ny ieh g`l
vI khI sI ik drbwr swihb ’qy hmlw krn dI iqAwrI POj (hmlw krn qoN) 18 mhIny pihlW qoN kr rhI sI[ qy lokIN kihMdy ny ik ieh hmlw sMq jrnYl isMG jI Aqy swQIAW ƒ PVn leI kIqw igAw sI, jd ik hmly qoN 18 mhIny pihlW nw qW sMq jrnYl isMG jI qy nw hI aunHW jnrl isnhw dw koeI swQI drbwr swihb rihMdw sI[ ies hmly dOrwn 9 is`K rYjmYNt rwmgVH kYNt qoN Aqy 13 is`K rYjmYNt gMgwngr qoN bwgI ho geIAW sn[
kI qusIN jwxdy ho
pMjwb ivc is`KI dw ienklwb ikvyN Awey?
kOm nUM Kqm krn dy FMg
isrIrag mhla 1||33|| isrIrag mhla 3||33||31||64 isrIrag mhla 4||33||31||6||70 isrIrag mhla 5||3||100
goifAW dy drd nUM lvwE gofxI
gurdy dI p`QrI ipqy dI p`QrI smwn:- jYqUn dw qyl, 1 iklo inMbU bwrwmwsI ivDI:- jYqUn dw qyl ivc 1 iklo inMbU bwrWmwsI incoV lau, imSrn iqAwr 1/2 k`p svyry 1/2 k`p Swm ƒ 15 idn Sihd iv`c imlw ky lYx nwl p`QrI ƒ sdw leI Arwm imldw hY[
cyqnw smwcwr
AwstRylIAw rswly ny sB qoN qwkqvwr jrnYlwN iv`co pihlw sQwn id`qw hrI isMG nlUAw nMU
BweI bldyv isMG vfwlw v`loN mu`K sk`qr dy Ahudy iKlwP sMgqw nUM lwmbMd hox dI ApIl
ihMdU pirvwr 'c pYdw hoeI rvInw rwxI hux rmndIp kOr rvInw AimRq C~k ik is~K srUp 'c sjI dovwN bwhwN qooN s`KxI kulivMdr kOr ny kIqI j`j dI pdvI hwsl
sI is~K hW[ is~K Drm dy pRcwr pRswr leI Drm pRcwrkw dI iqAwrI Aqy is~K Drm dy pRcwr ƒ sMgTq qrIky nwl krn dI izmyvwrI vI swfI bxdI hY[ds gurU swihbW ny ds jwimAw AMdr lgBg 239 swl dy lMmy smyN dorW ijs "Kwlsw pMQ" dI nINh rKI sI, auh nINh idn-b-idn kmzor huMdI jw rhI hY[ij~Qy AsI smwijk, Dwrimk qy rwjnIqk p~Ko igrwvt v~l v~Ddy cly Aw rhy hW[ AwriQk pKoN vI AsI lu~t-Ks~ut dw iSkwr huMdy cly Aw rhy hw[ swfIqrwsdI ieh hY ik swfy Dwrimk AwgU vI Anykw pRkwr dy SMikAw qy ivvwdW 'c' iGry pey hn[ ij~Qy ikqy 2-4 khwaudNy isAwsI jW Dwrimk AwgU gurbwxI ieiqhws, rihq mirXwdw qy is~K isDWqw sMbMDI isr joV ky bYTdy hn auh ie~k dUjy nwl qrk qy bihs CyV ky Awpxy kImqI jIvn dy pl ivArQ gvwaux iv~c l~g jWdy hn[ ieQy hI bs nhI isAwsI iek-ju~tdw pKoN vI swfw dIvwlIAw-pn swƒ mUMh icVw irhw hY[ swfy isAwsI AwgU pMQ-pRsqI C~f ky in~j pRsqI qy hauymY dI dldl 'c' Psy pey hn Aqy AwpsI kukV-KyNh dw iSkwr ho cu~ky hn[ ijs dw KimAwjw smu~cI is~K kom ƒ Bugqxw pY irhw hY[ is~K kom dI mjUdw lIfriSp isAwsI pKoN idSw-rihq hox krky by ivSvwsI qy is~KI AgvweI dy vkqI Awlm dw iSkwr ho cu~kI hY[ Aqy AwriQk p~Ko Drm dy nwA qy AMD ivSvws dIAw GMumx-GyrIAw c PsdI jw rhI hY[ gurmiq isDWqW dI soJI igAW pRdW krn leI auswrU rol inBwaux ih`q pMQk drdIAw v~lo SurU hoeI SRomxI gurimq cyqnw (lihr) ƒ hor qyj krn dy Xqn jwrI hn qW jo isMG sBw dI qrj qy isKI ivroDI BUimkw inBwaux vwly Awr.AYs.AYs vrgy soimAW dI pihcW krky isK pMQ AMdr sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI shI ivcwrDwrw dy pRcwr leI pRBwvSwlI Xqn kIqy jw skx Aqy gurU gRMQ swhib jI dy qu~l iksy hor gRMQ dI sQwpnw dy mnsUby kwmXwb nWh hox[ A~j is`K AKvwaux vwilAw dw v~fw ih~sw piqqpuxy qy niSAw dw iSkwr ho irhw hY[fyrwvwd dI mzbUq p~kV Aqy golk pRDW glq gurUduAwrw pRbMDkI isstm kwrn is~KI ƒ isDWqk p~Ko AMdro hI Gux vWg mukwaux dy sPl Xqn ho rhy hn[ A~j ipMf dy gurUduAwrw pRbMD qoN lY ky is~K q^qw dy pRbMD q~k smu~cy FWcy AMdr auswrU BUimkw inBwaux dI loVH hY[ ies leI is~K ivroDI vwqwvrn dw twkrw krn leI is`K m~q dy pVHy ilKy pRcwrk, rwgI, gMRQI swihbW dI sXog iqAwrI krvwaux ih~q gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj hMbVw rof luiDAwxw ivKy SurU kIqw igAw hY[ ij~Qy cyArmYn sR: rwjw isMG qy ipRM: privMdr isMG Kwlsw (muKI sRomxI gurmiq cyqnw lihr) dI
AgvweI hyT bhuq hI sUJ - bUJ vwly au~c ividAk DwrnI, qzrbykwr mwihrw duAwrw isK ividAwrQIAW dI iqAwrI krvweI jWdI hY[ Awp jI BlI pRkwr jwxU ho ik SRomxI gurmiq cyqnw (lihr) vloN lMmy smy qoN is`K Drm pRswr leI gurmiq kYNpw duAwrw ipMfw, Sihrw, ksibAw qy ngrw iv~c is`KI ƒ pRPu~lq krn dy Xqn kIqy jw rhy hn[ auQy hux gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj ivKy nojvW b~icAw ƒ is~KI Drm, klcr Aqy is~K ieiqhws dI pUrI jwxkwrI dy ky "is`K pRcwrk" iqAwr krn dI BrpUr koiSS kIqI jw rhI hY[ is~K b~icAw dI irhwieS qy lMgr Awid dw pRbMD iblku~l PRI kIqw jWdw hY[ is~K b~icAw ƒ kIrqn, qblw, gqkw Awid dI is`iKAw dy nwl nwl gurmiq klwsW rwhIN gurbwxI, is~K ieiqhws Aqy pMQ pRvwinq is~K rihq mirXwdw (pRkwSk. dI jwxkwrI id`qI jWdI hY[ eyQy loVvMd byshwrw is`K b~cIAw dy AnMd kwrj krvwey jWdy hn qy hryk b`cI ƒ GrylU loVINdw smW gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj v`lo vI idqw jwdw hY[grmIAw qy srdIAw dIAw CU~tIAw dorW v~K v~K ksibAw,ipMfw qy Sihrw dy gurU GrW AMdr gurmiq kYNp lgw ky skUlW, kwljW dy b~icAw ƒ gurmiq isiKAw dy nwl- nwl hrmonIAm, qblw, gqkw dI isKlweI idqI jWdI hY qy ieMgilS spIikMg, AweIlts, kMipaUtr Awid dy kors vI krvwey jWdy hn grIb qy loVvMd b~icAw dI pVweI leI ikqwbw, vrdIAw, PIsW Awid dw pRbMD vI gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj v~lo kIqw jWdw hY qW jo AwriQk p~Ko kmjor b~cy pVweI qoN sKxy nw rihx[gurU rwmdws kwlj v~lo is~K pRdrSnI SoA 'dsqwr kyskI dy mukwbly, qy gqkw mukwbly krvw ky nojvWw ƒ snmwinq kIqw jwdw hY[ smyN smyN is`KI srUp 'c' Agwh vDU ibjnsmYn, aucI ividAw 'c' nwm pRwpq krn vwlIAw is~K SKSIAqw ƒ bxdw mwx snmwx vI id~qw jWdw hY[gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj luiDAwxw ivKy SSqR ividAw,kMipaUtr, kIrqn qblw Awid dI isKlweI leI Xog stwP r~iKAw hoieAw hY[ kwlj kMplYks AMdr bhuq hI rmxIk vwqwvrx qy hvwdwr kmry hn qy suMdr (guruduAwrw duK BMjn swihb) SSoiBq hY[ijQy rozwnw mirXwdw Anuswr AMimRq vyly inqnym/kQw/kIrqn dw pRvwh inrMqr cldw hY[ ielwky dIAW is`K sMgqw jIvn sPlw krdIAW hn[ -0-
mwiek shwieqW leI:Account Name: Shiromani Gurmat Chetna Bank Name : Punjab National Bank Account No. : 4997 0021 0000 1085 IFSC Code : PUNB0499700
gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj luiDAwxw:AMdr sInIAr gru~p 'c' 10 vI 10+2 jW ies dy brwbr dI Xogqw r~Kx vwly ividAwrQI nUM pMj swl dw gurmiq kors krvwieAw jwdw hY[ is`K nOjvwnW nUM sRI gurU gRMQ swihb dI sMiQAw kIrqn qy qblw gqky dI (mwrSl Awrt) mukMml isiKAw idqI jwdI hY[ ies dy nwl nwl grYjUeySn q~k dI pVweI qy gqkw, kMipaUtr, AweIlts qy ieMgilS dw kors vI krvwieAw jwdw hY[ gurmiq kwlj AMdr irhwieS qy lMgr dw pRbMD vI kIqw jwdw hY[ dUsry sInIAr gru~p:- skUlW/kwljW dy gRMQI isMGw qy pRcwrkw, rwgI isMG Aqy is~K sMgqw leI rozwnw Swm 4 qoN 7 vjy q`k kIrqn/qblw/gqkw gurbwxI sMiQAw qy gurmiq klwsW vI gurU rwmdws kwlj luiDAwxw ivKy lgdIAW hn[ ijQy hr koeI dwKlw lY ky Awpxy Gr rih ky "gurmiq kors" kr skdw hY[ rozwnW b~icAW dIAW dsqwr isKlweI klwsW vI lgweIAw jWdIAw hn[ hPqwvwrI kIrqn smwgm:- gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj v~lo hPqwvwrI kIrqn kQw pRogrwm iksy nw iksy gRih jW gurU Gr AMdr hryk AYqvwr svyry 4.30 qoN 8 vjy qIk kIqy jWdy hn[ij~Qy ismrn,in~qnym, kIrqn qy kQw dy pRvwh c~ldy hn[ AKMf pwT qy sihj pwT:- gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj dy ividAwrQIAW v~lo du~K s`uK dy smwgmw smyN AKMf pwT qy sihj pwT dI syvw vI ividAwrQIAw v`lo inBweI jWdI hY[ iksy nw iksy gurisK pirvwr v~lo kwlj dy gurU Gr AMdr hryk vyly sihj pwT dI syvw inrMqr jwrI rihMdI hY[ AnMd kwrj leI ivSyS pRbMD:- gurmiq Anuswr AnMd kwrj krvwaux leI gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj kMplYks 'c ivSyS pRbMD hn[ AnMd kwrjw jW hor smwgmW smyN is~K rihq mirXwdw 'c' rihx dI pwbMdI jrUrI hY[ v~fy smwgmw smyN lMgr qy pwrikMg Awid dw ivSys pRbMD hY[qW jo mYirj pYils, AwrkYstrw qy niSAw qy pYsy Aqy smW brbwd hox qoN b~c sky ies nwl hIy isK isDWqw dI ho rhI bykdrI qoN bicAw jw sky[ Dwrimk iPlmW:- gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj hryk mhIny dy dUjy hPqy " Dwrimk iPlmW" ivKw ky svwl jvwb puCy jWdy hn, shI jvwb dyx vwilAw nUM ienwm snmW dy ky snmwinq kIqw jWdw hY[ies qoN ielwvw iksy ipMfW SihrW ngrW dy gurU GrW ivc Dwrimk iPlmw idKwayx qy AMimRq sMcwr dw pRbMD vI kIqw jwdw hY[ ^wlsw rozgwr syvw: SRomxI gurmiq cyqnw (lihr) vloN is`K nOjvW vIrW/BYxW, irtwierf is`K APsrW / ipRMsIpl / AiDAwpkW ƒ skUlW / kwljW / PYktrIAW / kMpnIAW qy hor srkwrI gYr srkwrI AdwirAW AMdr nOkrIAw / kwrobwr dw pRbMD krn leI (KHALSA PLACEMENT SERVICE) 'Kwlsw rozgwr syvw' kyNdr KoilHAw igAw hY[ Awpxy qzrby qy hor vyrvw swfI Email: 'qy Byjo[ smUh ividAk sMsQwvw, kwrobwrI AdwirAW Aqy PYktrI mwlkW, pRbMDkW ƒ bynqI hY ik auh ienHW syvwvW ƒ lYx Aqy dyx leI swfy nwl sMprk krn[ dPqr:- SRomxI gurmiq
cyqnw, gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj nyVy jI Awr fI AkYfmI, hMbVw rof luiDAwxw[ SoRmxI gurmiq cyqnw mYgjIn:- gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj v~lo hryk mhIny C~px vwlw isK isDWqw qy pMQk ivcwrDwrw nUM pRcwrn vwlw "sRomxI gurmiq cyqnw mYgjIn" hr Gr ivc ByijAw jwdw hY[ ijs dI mYNbriSp slWw PIs dyS ivc 500 ru: Aqy ivdyS ivc 100 fwlr hY[ieh mYgzIn hryk bu~k stwl qy auplb`D hY qy AwnlweIn ieMtrnYt qy / shiromanigurmatchetna 'qy lwg AW krky swrI dunIAw iv~c piVHAw jw skdw hY[ is~K kOm dy aujly Biv~K leI is~K sMgqw nMU ApIl hY ik gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj 'c' Awpxy b~icAw nUM dwKl krvwaux Aqy auprokq swry kwrjw leI qn mn qy Dn duAwrw sihXogI bx ky is~K pMQ dI cVHdI klw leI swfy hmsPr bx ky gurU Gr dIAw KuSIAw pRwpq kro[-ipMRsIpl
dwKlw SurU gurU rwmdws gurmiq kwlj hMBVW rof, (nyVy jI.Awr.fI. AkYfmI), luiDAwxw ivKy 5 swlw kQwvwck, kIrqn, qblwvwdk sMprk kro:
ipMRsIpl: 98780-11670 98768-63606 kwlj iblifMg dI kwrsyvw SurU hY[ sMgqW qn mn Dn nwl ih`sw pwaux
Drm pRcwr srgrmIAW
ipMfW ’c pRcwr vhIr dOrwn AKMf kIrqnI jQy dy muKI BweI bldyv isMG qy ipMRsIpl
pMQk sMGrS dOrwn ipMRsIpl privMdr isMG Kwlsw qy is`K sMgqW
Mission Of Human Life The aim of life, according to the Sikh Gurus, is not to get salvation or a heavenly abode called Paradise, but to develop the best in us, which is GODIf a man loves to see God, what cares he for Salvation or Paradise? Dar dars (h) an ka pareetam (u) hov -ei-mukt (i) b-ei- kuntth-ei-karei kia {What Should He, Who Is The Lovers Of Lord's Portal And His Sight, Do With Salvation And Paradise? But the fact remains that everyone longs for liberation and the blessed vision of the Almight: Surag Mukti(i) b-ei-Kuntth Sabh(I) baanchhah INitt(I) aasaa aas Kareej- ei Har (I) darshan K-ai Jann mukt (i) na maangah(i) Mil (i) darshan tripat (i) mann (u)dheej-ei, All long for paradise, emancipation and heaven; and ever rest all hopes on them. The persons desirous of the God's sight do not ask for emancipation. By obtaining the Lord's sight their mind is sated and satisfied) How to see God and to love Him? The question is taken up by Guru Nanak in Japji:
Ph-ai-r(Iki agg-ei rakhee -ei jitt(u) diss-ei- darbaar(u) Muhau(n) ki bolanh(u) bole-ei jitt(u) sunh(i) dhar-ei piaar(u) Amrit v-ai-laa sach(u) Naao(u) Vadiaaee veechaar(u) Karmee aav-ei kapar(h) aa Nadaree mokh(u) duaar(u). (What shall we offer to him that we may behold his council chamber ? What shall we utter which may move him to give his love? In the ambrosial hours of the morning, meditate on the grace of the true name; for, your good action may procure for you a better birth, but emancipation is from Grace alone) The True One is Omnipresent: Naao(u) poojee-ei Naao(u) mannee-ei Akhand (U) sadaa sach (u) soe. (We should worship the naam, i.e. Virtues of god, whiThe practice of Naam is prescribed again and again in the Sikh Scriptures.)
The Nature Of God Or The Naamch is ever and ever the same and true.) God is described both as Nirgum or absolute and sargun or physical. In the beginning, God was Nirgun: His will is above nature as well as working within it, and in spite of its Immanence, it acts not as an arbitrary force but as a personal presence physical working most intelligently
-Principal Teja Singh
Aapnhaa aap(u)oupaaion(u) Tadah (u)hor(u) na koee Mataa masoorati(i)app(i)kar-ai jo kar-ai su hoee Ta d a h ( u ) a a k a a s ( u ) n a paataal(u) h-e Naa tr-ei loee Ta d a h ( u ) a a p - a i a a p ( i ) Nirankaar(u)h-ei Naa opat(i) hoee Jio tis(u) bhaav-ei tiv-ei-kar-ai Tis(u) binn(u) avar(u) na koee. (Before there was any creation, God lived absolutely in Himself, but when he thought of making himself manifest in creation, he became related . In the former case, when he god was self-created, there was none else; he took counsel and advice with Himself ; what he did, came to pass. Then there was no heaven, nor hell, nor three regioned world, there was only the formless one himself; creation was not there.) Everybody hankers after salvation, Paradise or Elysium, setting their hopes on them every day of their lives. But those, who live to see God do not ask for Salvation. The sight itself satisfies their mind completely.
When God became or manifest, He became what is called the Naam and in order to realize Himself, He made nature, wherein He seat and is diffused everywhere and in all direction everywhere and in all direction in the form of Love: Jatara tatra disaa visaa hoe-ph-eilio anuraag. (jaap sahib)
(Here there everywhere, you are the love prevailing in all direction.)
In presenting this double phase of the supreme Being, the Guru have avoided the pitfalls into which Some people have fallen. with them, god is not an abstract idea or a moral force, but a personal being Capable of being loved and honored and yet he is conceived of as a Being, whose presence is diffused All over his creation. He is common father of all, fashioning worlds and supporting them from inside. But He does not take birth. He has no incarnations. He himself stands for the creative agencies, like the Maya, the 'world' and Brahma; He Himself is truth, beauty and the eternal yearning Of the heart after goodness, as Guru Nanak says in Japji. in world, the gurus have combined the Aryan idea of immanence with Semitic idea of transcendence, without taking away anything from the unity and the personal character of God: kaah-ai-r- ai bann Khojan jaaee sarab nivaasee sadaa al-ai- paa Tohee sang (Isamaaee Puhap madh (i) jio (u) bass (u) basat (u) h-ei-Mukar maahe-j-ei-sai chhaee T-ei-s-ai hee Har (i) bas- ai nirantar (i) Ghat hee khojan(u ) bhaaee. (why do you go looking for him in the forest? although he is unattached, he dwells everywhere. he is always with you as your
Everybody hankers after salvation, Paradise or Elysium, setting their hopes on them every day of their lives. But those, who live to see God do not ask for Salvation. The sight itself satisfies their mind completely. companion. like the fragrance, which remains in the flower and like the reflection in the mirror, the lord dwells deep within; search for him within your own heart.) p e o p l e , w h o co m e w i t h preconceived notions to study sikhism, often blunder in offering in interpretation. Those, who are conversant with the eastern thoughts, fix upon those passages, which refer to the thoughts of immanence and conclude that Sikhism is nothing but an echo of Hinduism, while those, who are imbued with the Mohammedan or Christian thought, take hold of transcendental passages and identify Sikhism with Islam or Christianity. Others who know both will see here no system, nothing particular nothing but confusion. If however we were to study Sikhism as an organic growth as an organic growth evolved from the existing systems of thought to meet the need of a newly evolving humanity, we would find no difficulty in recognizing Sikhism as a distinct system of thought. Take for instance Guru Nanak's Asa ki var, which in its preliminary stanzas, lays down the fundamentals of sikh belief about God, It is a trenchant clear- cut monotheism. God is called the indweller of Nature and is described as filling all things 'by an art that is artless.
Balihaaree kudarati (i) vassiaa T-ai-raa ant(u) na jaaee lakhiaa. (I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power, which is pervading everywhere. Your limits cannot be known.) He is not an impotent mechanic, fashioning pre-existing matter into the universe. He does not exclude matter. But transcends it. The universe too is not an illusion. Being rooted in good, who is real, it is a reality ; not a reality final and abiding, but a reality on account of god's presence in it. His will is above nature as well as working within it, and in spite of its immanence, it act not as an arbitrary force but as a personal presence (physical) working most intelligently. Sabh t -ai-ree kudarat(i) too(n) kudara (u) kartaa paakee naaee paak(u Nanak hukam-ei-andar(i) v -aikh-ei vart-ei taako taak(u). (Everything is in Your power Lord; You are the all - powerful creator. Your name is the holiest of the holy. O Nanak, though the command of His Will, He beholds and pervades the creation, He is absolutely unrivaled.) The first observation about God is that he is indivisibly one above every other being however highly conceived, such as Vishnu Brahma, or Shiva or as Rama and Krishna. The second observation is that He is the highest moral Being:
Vaddee vadiaaee jaa vaddaa Naao(u) Vaddee vadiaaee jaa sach (u) niaao(u). (Great is His Greatness, as great as His Name. Great is his Greatness, as True as His justice.) He is not a God belonging to any particular people, Muslim or Hindu, But is the dispenser of life universal and that way is not knowledge and formalism or what are received as meritorious action, which establish a claim to reward. Lakh n-ai-keeaa(n) changiaaeeaa(n) Lakh punnaa parvaanh(u) lakh tap oupar (i) teerathaa (n)sahaj jog b-ai-baan (h) lakh soortan (h) sangram ran (h) mah (i) chhootah (i) paraan (h) Lakh suratee lakh giaan dhiaan Par (h) eeah (i) paath puraan (h) Jin (I) kart-ei karn (h) aa keeaa Likhiaa aavan (h) Jaan (h) Nanak matee mithiaa karam (u) sachaa neesaanh (u) . Hundreds of thousands of virtues and good actions , and hundreds of thousands of blessed: charities, hundreds of thousands of penances at sacred shrines and the practice of Sehj Yoga inthe wildness hundreds of thousands of courageous action and giving up the breath of life on
the field of battle, hundreds of divine wisdoms and meditations and reading of the Vedas and the Puranas - before the creator, who created the creation and who ordained coming and going, O Nanak ! All this is false. True is the Insignia of his grace.) Then what should a devotee do? he should love: Bhaao (u) bhagat (i) kar(i) neech (u) sadaa-ai- ai Tao (u) Nanak mokhantar (u) paa- ai (with loving devotional worship, adiding in humility, O Nanak salvation is attained.) His will is above nature as well as working within it, and in spite of its Immanence, it acts not as an arbitrary force but as a personal presence physical working most intelligently and have faith: Kah (u) Nanak nihchao (u) dhiaav - ei (says Nanak, meditate with deep faith.) with the sole aim being to obtain the grace of God: Karam (i) mil - ei - taa (n) paaee ei Hor hikmat (i) hukam (u) khuaar. (when the Lord bestows His Grace, then alone it is received; other tricks and order are useless.) Nanak matee mithiaa Karam (u) sacha neesaanh (u) (O Nanak, all these things are false. True is the insignia of His Grace.) The only way of worshiping Him is to sing His praises:
vasiaaee vaddaa paaiaa vadiaaee vaddaa paaiaa By His greatness, the Great Lord is obtained.) Tinn mangan (n) je tujh - ei dhiaa (i) d - ai (I seek those, who meditate on You.) and
jitt (u) much (i) sadaa saalaahee - ei Bhaagaa (n) rattee chaar (i) Nanak t- ai much oojl - ai Titt (u) sach - ei darbar (I) That mouth, which praises the Lord continually, is blessed and beautiful, O Nanak, those faces shall be radiant in the court of the True Lord Koorh (i) kamaanh - ei koor (h) o hov - ei Nanak sifat (i) vigaas (I) (Practicing falsehood, only falsehood is obtained. O Nanak, through the Lord's Praise, one blossoms forth.) and to meditate on His Naam: Naam k - ai dhaar - ai sagal - ai jantt Naam k - ai dhaar - ai khandd brahmandd.
The Naam is the support of all creatures. The Naam is the support of the earth and solar system. Har (i) kaa Naam (u) maan (i) vasaa - ai (He enshrines the Naam of the Lord in his mind.)
Naam (i) lai - ei jaahe tarandda. (taking the Naam, the virtues of the Lord, you shall swim across.)