Romemu Gala Journal 2012

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gala 2nd Annual Romemu

To our daughter, Caren, Daddy and I have always admired your zest for giving to your peers and community. You have a great capacity for empathy and understanding; you are your own beautiful person. Our hearts are full of love for you always. Ma and Pa

The 2nd Annual Romemu Gala

Honoring Caren Ellis Fried and Celebrating Rabbi David Ingber June 21st, 2012 The Water Club, New York, NY Thank you to our Host Committee and Board of Directors. Host Committee Heide Banks Laurel & Howard Borowick Rande Brown Dr. Judy Fried Siegel & Jonathan Siegel Shelly & Carmi Fredman Shari & Maurice Gluckstadt Judi & John Hannan Deborah Hendell Shimko & David Shimko Wendy & Sidney Ingber Peggy Jacobs Donna Jakubovitz Marcy & Scott Kalish Rav Shoshana Mitrani Knapp & Fred Knapp Shelley Levine & Larry Schwartz Drs. Shari Melamed-Kaplan & Steve Kaplan Mijanou Mosher Heidi & Richard Rieger Lili Schad & Jeff Cahn Stephanie & Scott Spiegel Pam & Peter Takiff Sylvia & Joseph Yasgur Paula & Dr. Jeffrey Yormak

Romemu Board Marla Alt Evey Adelsohn Mason Nigel Austin Jonathan Bickoff Jeff Cahn Wendye Chaitin Eric Davis Caren Ellis Fried Arthur Fried Steve Kaplan Rabbi David Ingber Paul Mason Jorian Polis Schultz Elana Shneyer Ariel Rosen Ingber Peter Takiff Jeff Wallace Felice Winograd Hali Weiss

May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children. —Rainer Maria Rilke

Mazel tov to both honorees, Rabbi David Ingber and Caren Fried, for this well deserved honor. We want to express how proud we are of our Rabbi David, whose inspiration, devotion and tireless leadership over the years has helped to establish and sustain the warm, caring and wonderfully vibrant kehillah that is Romemu. We love you! Wendy and Sidney Ingber Amara Ingber Bettina and Spencer, Sara, Alec and Nathaniel Waxman Rebekah and Adam, Eva, Bella and Israel Ingber

“A person cannot be considered generous unless he is willing to give regardless of the season of the year or the time of day.” —Orchot Tzaddikim, 1540

In honor of Caren Ellis Fried... and Rabbi David Ingber... Thank you for your leadership... For always being available... For giving of yourselves so generously... We are so happy to be a part of the Romemu community.... Deborah and David Shimko Arielle, Zev, Eitan, Ephraim, and Avital

Kol Hakavod to Caren Fried for all the work you do on behalf of Romemu. May you go from strength to strength, Shelly and Mitchell Eichen



Thank you for your outstanding leadership that makes Romemu prosper! Rabbi David,

You bring joy, learning, spirit and peace to your family, your community and your world.

You are an inspiration to us all!

May your light continue to shine.

With love, Denise Manos & Moni Feldman Sonny Greenwald & Liliana Mendelson

Love, Mara and Danny Baror

Congratulations Caren and David Much love, Sylvia and Joey Yasgur

Dear Caren and Arthur, Caren, Only the light of your Torah outshines the good deeds that you do. Congratulations! Your Friday Morning Torah Study Class

Thank you for working to build such a rare and beautiful community, and for greeting all new and old comers with hugs and smiles. With gratitude, Angie and Norman Atkins

Caren, You have been and continue to be an embodiment of everything that Romemu teaches: warmth, openhearted living, patience, courage, honesty, integrity, passion and commitment. You have been such an integral part of this powerful community through your inspired leadership and unceasing devotion. We would not be who we are without you being who you are.

As Romemu matures and grows into our next stage, I am aware of how lucky we are to have your continued vision and wisdom to guide us. You are who our Sages had in mind when they said, “those who learn and live Torah for its’ own sake [for the love of Torah] merit many things”. Your love for Torah, for Judaism and for this community inspire all who are privileged to know you. I congratulate you and thank you for your service. In blessing, David

The right people make the seemingly impossible humanly possible. With our love, respect, and gratitude, we celebrate those who are making a real difference in the lives of so many in our Romemu community. Caren Ellis Fried Rabbi David Ingber Shir Yaakov Feit Your tireless work and dedication inspires us all. Much love, Shari Melamed-Kalpan and Steve Kaplan

Inside this river there is a moon which is not a reflection. From the river bottom the moon speaks. I travel in continuous conversation with the river as it goes. Whatever is above and seemingly outside this river is actually in it. Merge with it, in here or out there, as you please. This is the river of rivers and the beautiful silence of endless talking. —Rumi

Kol Hakavod and Mazal Tov to CAREN ELLIS FRIED For her Extraordinary Leadership at Romemu And All that She Does for the Jewish People From Your AJC Colleagues and Friends Who are Thrilled to Support Your Good Work

The AJC Westchester Executive Committee and Staff

Mazel tov, Caren & Rabbi David! Love, Jane & Bob Matluck

With much love from Phyllis and Elliott Rosen

Caren, You were the first person I met when I came to Romemu for the very first time. You are a shining example of what Romemu is all about. I say Mazel Tov! And “Four More Years!!� With Love and Respect, Rob Rimberg

Mazel Tov, to our dear friend, Caren Ellis Fried. We are so proud of you, and all of the work that you do; bringing Romemu to our hearts and souls. You are an inspiration for us to enjoy our Jewish Spirituality. We thank you and Arthur for introducing us to Rabbi Ingber. We celebrate the community, the fun, the intelligence and the music of Romemu. Love and Shalom, Judy and Robert Fuhrer and family

Jai Guru Dave (la da) Ohmmmmmmmmmmm and Mazal Toooooooooooov love, Merrill and Laura

As we all join to celebrate Rabbi David Ingber, we are compelled to remember that a top 50 Rabbi is but a reflection of the merits of those who love him most (and sometimes pee on his couch). So congratulations to Ariel, Baer and Tal Ingber! With deep love and gratitude for your friendship, Jonah, Julia and Bina

Mazal Tov to Rabbi David and Caren — well deserved honors. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all.

Kol HaKavod to Reb Dovid, Ariel, Caren and the whole Romemu kehila for manifesting your light, love and Torah into a living community. David Aftergood and Regina Schwarz

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We love Romemu!

Kol Hakavod Caren! Cari and Donald Gardner

May today there be peace within. May you trust G-d that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a Child of G-d. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. —Saint Theresa

Caren, You have always been a role model in the family. Ever since we have met, you have shown leadership, strength and direction. We admire and respect you for your success in Romemu. Congratulations! Mazel Tov! Carlos and Esther Michan

Thank you Rabbi Ingber and Caren for your inspiration and leadership! With love and gratitude, The Jakubovitz/Spector Family

“Oh Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true And in thanksgiving, I’ll be a living Sanctuary for you.” Dear Caren and David, You have prepared a magnificent sanctuary for all of us. A welcoming, holy place where we can prepare our true selves to be a sanctuary. We are immeasurably thankful to you for helping us find a spiritual home in our new community. With gratitude and love, Larry and Shelley

Mazal Tov!

Heidi & Richard Rieger

Congratulations to Rabbi David Ingber for the honor of being named one of America’s 50 top Rabbis.

And Caren Ellis Fried for her dedication and support of the Romemu community. Warmest regards, The Paridis Family

Rabbi Pamela Wax WJCS Spiritual Care Coordinator Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction 845 N. Broadway, N. White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 761-0600 ext. 149 Fax: (914) 949-6778

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Romemu thanks

To Caren and David, Thank you both for your wisdom and openheartedness... Many Blessings, The Glazer Family

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Congratulations to Caren for taking Romemu from strength to strength! 窶認ran Snyder and David Voremberg

Romemu thanks

Thank you to those who have contributed to honor David being named one of the 50 Most Influential Rabbis in America. Jeff Elster Michele Elyachar Michelle Ender Simon Feil Cari & Donald Gardner George & Eileen Greene Kim Gross Karen Harel Jonathan Hornblass Peggy Jacobs Elana Shneyer & Adam Kaufman Rachel Shapiro & Joseph Krummel Arthur Kurzweil Cynthia Landon Andrea Leiner Jeffrey Levine Ingrid Schweiger Ingrid Scott Chanti Smith Jade Netanya Ullmann Ellen Weaver

show up not because you should not because you must but because of the magnitude of love because of the magnetic force of compassion show up because you can because life has come knocking and you are there to answer now not when or then but in the immediate potency of the call show up not because it is time or timely not because it is easy

or tough smooth or rough not because it is reasonable or not but because this is what matters now no matter what next show up because it feels right and real because it makes your heart sing or sob because it might ache or break if you did not because joy lives in the present in your presence just show up —Minx Boren

“Embraced, touched, soothed, and counseled, ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices; ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles; We are loved by an unending love.� Thank you to Romemu for providing the air, the nutrients and the seeds to help us grow this beautiful dream. And thank you to Caren for nurturing this dream... in much the same way you nurture us! With an unending love, The Fried Family

We salute our leaders on this special day! Thank you Caren for your fearless, loyal and loving leadership. Thank you Reb David for your incredible vision and tireless commitment. With love, The Romemu Board of Directors

Caren, Mazel Tov on this well-deserved and wonderful honor. Your actions inspire those around you to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

Romemu is blessed to have you as their leader, board chairman and member. We are blessed to have you as our dear friend. We love you and we are so very proud of you, Paula and Jeff Yormak

Caren, you are an indispensable role model and reflect luminously on the Jewish people. Thank you for all you do. —Cliff Wolf

Sababa for leading Romemu to continuous greater heights with your unique combination of dynamism, creativity, passion, genuine warmth, commitment and visionary courage! —Rabbi Neal Kaunfer Mazal tov, Caren and Rabbi Ingber! From the Medjuck-Bruckner family. —Bena & Gustavo, Noam, Ayelet & Yaffa Dearest Caren: Mazal Tov! With love and pride. —Steven and Robin Sisskind MAZEL TOV CAREN & DAVID —Amy, Andrew & Stephen Kramer Mazel Tov to Rabbi Ingber and Caren on this well deserved honor. It is a privilege and honor to be a part of the Romemu community. —Gary Goldman Caren, Thank you for sharing your kind heart and loving soul with us. It is a gift to have you in our lives. —Stephanie & Scott Spiegel Congratulations to Caren for taking Romemu from strength to strength! —Fran Snyder and David Voremberg Caren, yours is the heart of Romemu. With so much love and gratitude, Mijanou Mazal tov Caren and Rabbi David! You inspire, enrich, and uplift us with your vision for Romemu and Clal Yisrael. —Love, L, J, J & T To our friend Caren, who passionately pursues her dreams and for her love and devotion to the Jewish community, her family and friends. —Jamie and Paul Rosenfeld Mazal tov Romemu! —R. Lori Klein, on behalf of the ALEPH Board of Directors Congratulations to my wonderful niece, Caren Fried, in honor of her accomplishments for the Romemu temple. I know that she will deserve many such honors in her future work. —With much love, Aunt Lola & Uncle Pepi Mazal tov —Joyce Trow-Babik Mazal tov —Anonymous

Mazel Tov Caren and Rabbi Ingber! Tara and Morgan Rutman Romemu Gala Journal Ad_Color quarter-page 2.5 x 4 6-11-12

Visual Language LLC 914 693-7799

Congratulations to Caren on a very special accomplishment! We are so proud to call you “Friend.” You are a fantastic woman whose commitment to the Romemu community has touched and enhanced many lives.

“Every word a Jew speaks causes a ripple effect in the heavens.” - Rabbi Chaim Vital, c. 1590

We at Romemu are fortunate to have the words and deeds of Rabbi David, Board President Caren and so many others, which are causing ripples in our community, the country, the world… and the heavens. With thanks, Ellen Shapiro and Julius Rabinowitz

We salute tonight’s honoree

Caren Ellis Fried With love, Laurin and Adam Steiger Daryl, Jake and Jenni

Mazal Tov Caren Ellis Fried and Rabbi David Ingber Judi and John Hannan

You are the top top Abba and we are so proud of you! We love you.

Baer and Tal

Always a woman of valor.

With Love, Sally and Curt Fried Melanie Fried Oken and Barry Oken Nancy Travis Fried and Rob Fried Judy Fried Siegel and Jon Siegel Delaune Michel Fried and Dan Fried

Mazal tov! Jeffrey Levine 212-269-3988

Mazal Tov Caren Fried Ellen Saideman

Mazal Tov Y’all from Memphis! To two visionaries whom we deeply admire for harnessing the spirit, love, warmth, commitment and vision of ROMEMU and imparting that to the world. May HKB’H continue to grant you the wisdom, patience and koach to grow our kehilah in a spirit of inclusion and love. Reuven Moshe Grant & family

‫שמע ישראל ַײ אלהינו ַײ אחד‬ Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Ufros aleinu sukkat shelomecha Vetak’neinu b’eytza tovah mil’fa’necha, ve’hoshi’eynu May the words of my mouth And the meditations of my heart Be acceptable to you Yah My Rock and My Redeemer O Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true And in thanksgiving I’ll be a living Sanctuary for you ‫ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם‬ ‫ואנחנו נברך יה מעתה ועד עולם‬ Ve’a’soo’li mikdash Ve’sho’chanti be’tocham Ve’anachnu ne’varech Yah May’atah ve’ad olam 3

You say I took the name in vain I don’t even know the name But if I did, well, really, what’s it to you? There’s a blaze of light in every word It doesn’t matter which you heard The holy or the broken Halleluyah Halleluyah, Halleluyah Halleluyah, Halleluyah I did my best, it wasn’t much I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you And even though it all went wrong I’ll stand before the Lord of Song With nothing on my tongue but Halleluyah Halleluyah, Halleluyah...


We are loved, loved, loved... by unending love, unending love. We are embraced by arms that find us, even when we are hidden from ourselves. We are touched by fingers that soothe us, even when we are too proud for soothing. We are counseled by voices that guide us, even when we are too embittered to hear. We are loved, loved, loved... We are supported by hands that uplift us, even in the midst of a fall. We are urged on by eyes that meet us, even when we are too weak for meeting. We are loved, loved, loved... Embraced, touched, soothed, and counseled, ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices; ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles; We are loved by an unending love. 1

love is all there is

ein od milvado

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