Samar magzine april 2014

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Volume 3 Issue 2


Cover Story

Childhood and its exploitation

April 2014

Our Team Chief Editor Asim Abdullah Sub Editors Vimlendu Govind Ballabh Pandey Nitin Narang Homa Afroz Nurullah Qamar Managing Editors Shahbaz Haider

Letter from the Editor Dear Readers Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, The emptiness of ages in his face, And on his back the burden of the world. Who made him dead to rapture and despair, A thing that grieves not and that never hopes. Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox? Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw? Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow? Whose breath blew out the light within this brain? The Man with the Hoe -Edwin Markham This issue of the magazine largely discusses the wretched condition of human life. How the society, which has advanced in terms of science and technology, is still extracting human forces into contemptuous job. Reading it gives a contrast in mortals, subject on being rich and poor. How certain class of force is overburdened, without a grief, hoping to see a better future. But it all turns into despair. In 21st century when it is heard of ‘Manual Scavenger’ then it is degrading advanced technologies, that affirms to land on moon and mars and making breakthrough through galaxies and stars. A disgrace to the human race. Human labours are still engage in removal of waste/excreta of their rich similitude which is so vile and inhumane and must be abolished. Yet another problem the society faces is child labour. A bitter truth to accept but it so common to find child labour in the form domestic help, industries, rag pickers, tea-nukkads and other grievous forms are commercial work in shops and restaurants, begging, prostitution and pornography etc. We must take pledge to stop child labour and should take a strong stand against it. Children are being deprived of their childhood, thereby deprived of their basic education. They are extracted of their emotions and innocence at a very early age. Where the rich of their age are surrounded by advanced technologies, smart phones, tablets, notepads and pushing their soft fingers in gaming consoles; they are surrounded with hammers and chisel (perhaps trying to chisel their bright future out), adzes and trowel. “How blessed are we to be educated, to know how to read and write, Wealth might be the luxury, but a little deeper education is a far greater luxury.” The articles in this issue are really informatics and conveying. Happy Reading

Photos used in the magazine are for representational purpose only

Content 1. Childhood without the child - Devika Mittal 2. Child labour, Street Children and role of media in Human Rights - Shreya Raj 3. Child Labour- Shekhar Jain 4. Manual Scavangers- Manish Kumar 5. फं ी द लत सनेमा का उ सव - अतल ु आनंद 6. राहल क क वताएं - राहल ु ु ु यदका ु यदका 7. Rain Splash - Shraddha Madhwani 8. My Childhood - Shahid Hussain 9. Fun Zone

Your Voice


We thank you for your comments and suggestions, we would try to improve our magazine. We also want you to keep suggesting, Keep writing to us at or

Congratulations SAMAR. I really liked this issue. The best part was nothing was edited and everything was put into magazine as it is. Really liked that writers/feedback pen wasn't trimmed down by editors instead it was just sharpened a bit. Shekhar Jain I was happy to see that the cover story was around section 377. The three articles touched on three different and important issues related to non-heteronormativity. I think all the articles had put forth some very important points. I would just like to add that I think that heterosexuals need to speak for non-heteronormativity (homosexuality is only one form of it) because in it lies the liberation of all. Drawing from Atul Anand's argument, patriarchy fears sexual diversity. It was patriarchy that had gendered the society, making separate rules for men and women. It dictated how men and women should behave. Sexual diversities or non-heteronormativity challenges this. There are some groups like the intersex who do not confine to either the male or the female. Then there are other sub-groups like homosexuals, transgenders, transvetites and others who also expose these constructed conspiracies. The message of LGBTI movement is simple: "I am what I think I am". Another article that I found interesting was the article on Hinglish as the new language. I was glad that this was appreciated and was taken in a positive light. In agreement with the author, I think hinglish or our (hindi speakers') personalisation of the language can also be seen as counter-hegemonic. Devika Mittal There were enough and good articles on the topic. There were also few articles on some other relevant issues. In some articles there are photos but many others were without any photographs, cartoons, etc. It would have been great if the topic/cover story of the next issue would have mentioned in the recent issue. Atul Anand

Cover Story


Childhood without the child Devika Mittal is pursuing her MPhil in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics. She is a core member of Mission Bhartiyam, a peace and social justice organisation. She can be reached at

As kids, we had a desire to speed up the

buddies, Dave and Aladdin. They would talk

growing up part and become adults.

about their vacations back in the villages

Adulthood meant an escape from the boring

and the “real” fun, as they used to put it.

homework, having a lot more freedom and

Every vacation, I was forced to engage in

the power to decide. Though, now as adults,

some 'fun' activity like dance, music or

we like to laugh on that silly desire. It was

playing casio. We all grew up being

silly but it was a very innocent one. We were

compared with a neighborhood kid or a

too innocent to understand what adulthood

cousin. This was our childhood. We were

would really mean. How that “freedom”

more 'privileged' than our previous

would mean very little in front of that ever-

generation but the next and the current

increasing tension. We realize it now but it

generation have a lot more, like cellphones

seems that parents these days don't.

before college, facebook accounts much

Recently, I came across an article in a TOI supplement, Education Plus, dated 12th January 2012, about preschoolers and little

before their teen years, the obsession with branded and fashionable clothes, in short, an over-exposure!

kids learning to cook, wash cars and doing

Now, I think that we were so much better off.

computers. I anyway never understood the

And I don't feel any kind of happiness as I

concept of pre-schooling as 14 years of

write this. I feel really sad that what they are

schooling is torturous enough for kids but

losing out on what happens to be what kids

this came as a major shock to me. I

are famous for i.e., innocence. Now, when I

wondered what has gone wrong with

think of my childhood, I review all the

parenting these days.

mistakes that I ever made. Some of them

I remember how our parents would talk about their 'golden' childhood and would totally discard our idea of 'fun' in childhood. My mother had a serious disapproval for Cartoon Network and my computer

were stupid and others, quite serious, yet I don't feel any remorse because I was innocent. I was not trained enough to see all aspects of things. I realized and learned from my mistakes only with time. I learned all that at the right age. I was ignorant,

immature and imperfect. It was only with

What are they playing at? The World is

time that I started shedding some of them. I

moving on very fast. There is an upsurge in

now feel that growing up is so beautiful. And

technology and one needs to be updated

as I realize this, I feel sad for these kids.

but not at the cost of destroying the beautiful

It's not their age to learn how to cook or how to wash a car. Why do they need to do that? Are they being expected to be independent? I see kids in reality shows trying to express emotions that they are not even supposed to understand and I have

child-like innocence. Why are we exposing them to a world for which they are not yet ready? Why are they taking away from their own kids what they cherish the most, the “golden” childhood? Why are the parents in such a hurry?

nothing but pity for them. Why are they

The schools consider this as a step to better

being expected to behave like adults? Most

'prepare' the students. They are 'preparing'

of the times, the judges don't seem to know

the students for what, this competitive

how to talk to kids. They end up

world? The world has definitely become

discouraging the kids. But, Why are kids

'meaner' day by day and the competition is a

supposed to be perfect today? They are

reality. But this does not mean that we end

expected to sing their throats out, dance till

up producing miniature adults, rather than

their legs give away and express emotions

kids. And all this is only worsening the

that are way ahead than their ages. So we

competition. The schools may claim

have a preteen TV actress playing the role

“innovative” methods to make learning “fun”

of a wife (not a child bride) on a popular TV

but actually, it is translating into a lot of

show. Is there a dearth of better actresses, I

“learning” for the kids, with these “extra-

wonder? What was the need for playing with

curricular” activities. The “Extra-curricular”

the psychological mind-set of the young

activities, which sometimes also include


personality development, a concept which

I see preschoolers having their ears pierced and I wonder the need. I remember having

again I fail to accept for kids. If immaturity is bad, so is over-maturity.

the ear piercing done when I was in third

Why can't we just let them be themselves

standard. I fail to understand why things are

and enjoy their innocent childhood, which

going so fast.

they will cherish later in their lives, when

I don't think one can blame the kids. The questions should be directed to their parents, their guardians and these schools.

they will ultimately struggle in this notorious, demonic world? Why cant we let kids be kids again?

Cover Story


Child labour, Street Children and role of media in Human Rights This article is written by Shreya Raj. She is pursuing law from Chanakya National Law University.

is the father of man”, for the development of

“I am the child All the world waits for my coming All the earth watches with interest to

the society as well as of the whole nation. A

see what I shall become. Civilization hangs in the balance For what I am, the world of tomorrow

quality education and protected from several

will be. I am the child You hold in your hand my destiny You determine, largely, whether I shall succeed or fail, Give me, I pray you, these things that

child, therefore, should be introduced to social evils. One of these evils is CHILD LABOUR. Child labour is a practice usually followed in developing and underdeveloped countries. India, unfortunately, is one of them. India is home to more than one billion

make for happiness. Train me, I beg you, that I may be a

people, of which 42% are children below the

blessing to the world.”

age of 18 years of age. In international

- M.G. Cole

comparisons of the status and condition of children, India continues to rank poorly on

United Nations secretary General Kofi

several key counts, mainly on education,

Annan quoted, "Child labour has serious

health and social security. The world's 10th

consequences that stays with the individual

largest economy ranks 127th on the Human

and with society for far longer than the years

Development Index. In the 1991 population

of childhood. Young workers not only face

census of India, the numbers indicated 11.28

dangerous working conditions. They face

million child labourers. That is the tragedy of

long-term physical, intellectual and

being a child in India!

emotional stress. They face an adulthood of unemployment and illiteracy.”

Children are more than a third of our population and all of them are our future.

A child is a person with an immature intellect

According to the 59th convention of

and imperfect discretion and thus unable to

International Labour Organisation, no child

comprehend the consequences of his own

below the age of fourteen years shall be

acts. William Wordsworth recognised the

employed to work in any factory or mine or

importance of the child when he said “a child

engaged in any other hazardous

employment but unfortunately, the real

morality of the society is shaken, after all

picture appears quite grim. Children are

they are the future, they decide the future.

forced into child labour primarily because of poor financial conditions of the family, ignorance about the benefits of education and due to the 'nimble finger theory' which means that children are better producers of certain products, and they agree to work at low wages. Child trafficking, working on the agricultural farmland, as domestic workers in factories and other hazardous areas, on the streets as beggars, in outdoor industry like brick kilns, mines, construction, as sex slaves, as workers in bars, restaurants, and tourist establishments, and as soldiers in over 30 areas of conflict worldwide, are some

Government promises and has even made it a fundamental right under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution that all the children between the age of 6 and 14 shall get free and compulsory education. But, how far is this being implemented, everybody knows the answer. If all the child rights indicators were to become a critical measure for Human Development Index, India would rank even worse, because of its low levels of achievement on accepted national goals for the survival, development and protection of its children.

forms of this evil practice which is

The International Labor Organization (ILO)

excessively abundant. Some of these little

estimates that approximately 186 million

hearts engaged in child labour are even less

children between the ages of 5 and 14 were

than 10 years of age.

engaged in child labor in the year 2000.

All human rights conventions require that their guarantees should apply to all persons, regardless of race, color, language, sex, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Child labor violates this guarantee of equal protection for all. In no country, the child

Approximately 111 million of these children were working under hazardous conditions. The impact of child labor on children's physical and mental development has been well documented. Working children have higher rates of hospitalization than their nonworking counterparts.

labourers are the children of the rich and

Over the last decade, a blossoming of public

favored classes. It's the poor who are the

attention to child labor has fueled a renewed

unfortunate ones. Child labour is a burning

public international response, ranging from

problem because the children engaged in it

the passing of ILO Convention 182 on the

in the process degrade their health; they do

Worst Forms of Child Labor to the

not study and hence become ignorant

establishment of the International

citizens; and by working as sex slaves the

Programme on the Elimination of Child

Labor (IPEC). The role of private monitoring

exploitation and from performing any work

and shaming has an importance even

that is likely to be damaging to the child's

greater than it does in efforts to protect the

physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social

rights of adult workers. Private initiatives to

development”. There is an immediate need

protect workers' rights generally have also

to confront the deficiencies of legal, political,

been criticized because they lack the

and social structures that fail to protect

mandatory nature and coercive power of law.

children from exploitive labor. Renowned

This weakness, however, has less effective

scholar and political scientist Myron Weiner

s i g n i f i c a n c e t h a n i t w o u l d a p p e a r.

says: “India need not wait until the income

Participation in independent monitoring

levels of the poor have risen; population

programs such as Rug mark or the Fair

growth rates have slowed; employers have

Labor Association is voluntary, but these

need for a more skilled labor force, or

initiatives involve an element of coercion.

government has greater resources. Indeed,

They depend on independent monitoring of

such changes in the country's economic and

employer conduct and credible, accessible,

demographic conditions would not result in

public information, allowing consumers to

the voluntary end of child labor and in

make informed purchasing decisions. This

universal primary-school education. The

creates pressure on participating employer

experiences of other countries also suggest

companies to comply with the standards to

that it is within the power of the Indian

which they have agreed, including the

government to make education compulsory.

prohibition against child labor.

Otherwise, child labor will not end and

International human rights law does not

literacy will not become universal”.

prohibit children from ever engaging in any

The media plays a striking role in curbing this

kind of work. When activists speak of

practice and awaking the authorities from

abolishing child labor, they are talking about

their slumber. As a result of the awareness

protecting children from harm. A useful

spread by media, the Commission on

concept, based on the provisions of

Children took suo moto cognizance of a

international human rights treaties, is

report appearing in Nav Bharat Times of 3rd

embedded in the mission statement of the

July 1998 in which it was stated that two

Global March against Child Labor: “To

drunken police constables allegedly tortured

mobilize world-wide efforts to protect and

a young boy, working in a roadside Dhaba.

promote the rights of all children, especially

The news item further alleged that the two

the right to receive a free, meaningful

constables ordered him to fetch his mother

education and to be free from economic

to entertain them and when the boy refused,

they stripped him and branded him with a hot iron rod used for making "tandoori roti". Not

The UN Convention on the Rights of the

just this there have been several other cases

Child (CRC) sets the standards that should

of worse incidents of child labour and the

prevail for the protection of children. It

plight of street children is deplorable.

emphasizes in particular, the rights to life, survival and development of the child. CRC

“Death of 12 year old child worker,

makes it obligatory for the State to ensure

Naushad: Bangalore

the survival and development of the child to

Exploitation of child labourers in Tonk:

the maximum possible extent. This spirit


prevails in the Directive Principles of the

Bonded child labour: Andhra Pradesh

Indian Constitution, e.g., Art. 39 (e) & (f), which require that the State should direct its

Kids slogged 12 hours a Day Paid @ Rs.

policy towards securing for children the

5/- a Week: Delhi

opportunities and facilities to develop in a

Exploitation of Children by the Great Roman Circus in Gonda District of Uttar Pradesh�.

healthy manner, in conditions of freedom and dignity, so that childhood is protected against exploitation and the tender age of children is not abused.

Don't such news headlines portray the pitiable condition of the darkness and filth prevailing in the society, doomed by greed and rapacity of the aristocrats? Children know laughter, they know tears Children know peace, they know chaos Children know acceptance, they know rejection Children know joy, they know pain Children know abundance, they know lack Children know health, they know illness Children know fulfillment, they know emptiness Children know hope, they know dismay Children know love, they know hatred What they don't know is WHY! -Namie Elisha

The Indian Constitution, in article 24, prohibits employment of children in factories and other hazardous enterprises and article 45 mandates that the State shall endeavor to provide free and compulsory education for children upto the age of 14 years of age. The efforts of the Commission seek to give expression to the spirit of article 32 of the CRC, the provisions of Constitution of India and judicial pronouncements of the Supreme Court. These provisions recognize that the child has a right against economic exploitation and the performing of any work that is likely to be hazardous or interfere with the child's education or be harmful to the child's health or development.

Campaigning is always the first step to a noble cause and aims at building awareness

Tagore: “where the mind is without fear, and the

among the masses. In a great country like

head is held high,

ours, the largest democracy of the world,

Into the heaven of freedom my father, let

campaign is the authentic way to social

my country awake”

change. The mass media can be an instrument for educators, educational institutions and Governmental and Non-


to shape values, attitudes and perceptions of

A report, Ministry of women and child development, Government of India. International Labour Office, Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour 20 (April 2002), available at http:// World Health Organization, Children at Work: Special Health Risks 15, available at (1987). Other panelists were to examine these and other efforts of the International Labor Organization to combat child labour. Global March, The Mission, at march/goals.php3. Myron Weiner, The Child and State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective.

issues pertaining to human rights.

Articles & Books

Gabriel Mistral once said:


1. Becker, H. (1963) Outsider; Studies in the sociology of deviance. New York: The Free Press. 2. Esland, G. and Salaman, G (1980) The Politics of Work and Occupation. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. 3. Firestone, S. (1974) The Dialectic of Sex. New York. Morrow 4. Hughes, E. C. (1964) Good People and dirty work. Illinois: The Free Press. 5. Human Rights Watch, (2002) Key findings of the global report on child soldiers 2001, Human Rights Watch, New York, 2002. 6. Human Rights Watch, (2004). Turning a Blind Eye: Hazardous Child Labor in El Salvador's Sugarcane Cultivation. London: Human Rights Watch, 7. Hyman R. (1971) Marxism and the Sociology of Trade Unionism. London: Pluto Press. 8. ILO, (International LabourOrganisation)(1996) Targeting the Intolerable. Geneva: ILO. 9. Zehra A. F.(2002)Analyzing Child Labour as a Human Rights Issue: Its Causes, Aggravating Policies, and Alternative Proposals. Human Rights Quarterly - Volume 24, Number 1, February 2002,

Yes, I shall not wait. I cannot answer him,

Internet Sources

Governmental Organizations for the dissemination of Human Rights related information. Information systems are increasingly becoming important in the dissemination of knowledge. Electronic media like Radio and TV have impact on young people, and, as such have the ability

“We are guilty of many errors and faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the foundation of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot; right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made and his senses are being developed. To him, we cannot answer 'tomorrow'. His name is

'tomorrow'. I must speak for him today. Each and every letter of the above quote must inspire me to speak for him today - his name is 'today'!!” Summing up in the words of Rabindranath


2. 75&Language=EN. 3. africa/report/page3.htm. 4. 5. 6.

Cover Story


The Child Labour This article has been written by Shekhar Jain who works as a patent analyst, you can reach him at

Something which we can see everywhere,

really variable Sometime children are forced

in our surrounding, in markets around us, in

to do such things by their parents and some

house hold. Starting from a child working on

are sold to mafias for making work and

a dhaba, or begging on streets, or working in

money for them. Sometime parents from

schools, colleges, canteen, or serving tea,

villages sent the kid to a relative to study but

or doing shoe making business outside

they are forced into work and sometime kids

school, colleges or hospitals etc. a child

are deliberately sent to work to support

labor can be found everywhere or most


easily, on any busy red light, selling so many items.

Some days ago I attended a debate, about the literacy rate, and in that debate a guy just

Each mouth has different words so every

gave a point, during his speech, “in every

employer has some different reason for

cracker's factory kids works and in every

keeping an under age and immature labour.

road side dhaba kids works”… and

Some says they are cheap and easily

somehow he related this point with his

available and some says “he was sucking

debate. And then for encountering this point

himself in that small village. I brought him

a guy just asked, “Everyone knows child

and saved him. Some says he do not have

labor is crime in India and you are so sure

anything to eat at home atleast I am giving

about the child labour. So tell me why are

him something to eat. Most common reason

you not doing anything about this???Why

I have come across is, "he will not study sir.

are you not complaining about this to

Let him do his work". I came across such

anyone??? ”.Of course!!!! As expected!!!!!

replies and a lot more reason may appear if

HE WAS SILENT. He just gave no answer.

someone just explore the world and start

The point, here, is not about the debate.

questioning employers of a children ”*sick*


The reason child come into working are


This was something spoken on a stage and

judges discarded that question by saying

to discuss this problem just as a debate's

“you can't raise personal questions”. So

point of view will not serve the purpose. So

even when it is a stage' topic we can't ask for

let us come to this real world.

the reality.

In this real world this is not really hard to

But with that question other question also

accept that, on certain level, we all know that

appears. We all know about the child labor

child labour exist but the interjection is also

thing but why we are not doing anything

equally valid…….why ?Why we are not

about the issue. Why we are just behaving

doing anything about this issue?

like ostriches every time. Even, why not so

Or other side of the coin: Is this issue a matter of debate's point and or it is an affair

many NGOs are coming to take up this issue. Why , why and why ?

of GDs happening, as an interview round, in

Hard but true: Even this issue is also

some Bs school.

diminishing from the political circle and our

Pathetic but seems like this only. This issue just looks like a stage's 'topic'. About which don’t speak in the real world or hardly share over tea and snacks. Probably every newspaper in India, around Diwali time, writes about it: About the existence of children in cracker's factory.

dear politicians are not including this topic in their political gimmick of collecting votes. Is the matter has just this little importance? So let's rethink about the concern for a while and bring this cause as a prime issue on this world's frame and stand for this cause and do whatever best we can do.

Some publish their rotten hands, some

Least we can do is to ask the employer to

publish their smeared faces. But then

send the kid to school whenever we see a

everything is puffed off in the cracker's puff.

child labour. If we just stop behaving like

Coming back to the debate's interjection, the

ostriches then things may change.


Manual Scavengers This article has been written by Manish Kumar who is pursuing Masters in English from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

The phrase “Manual Scavengers� might be

working on this issue for last five years said,

new for some but it is a humiliating daily

we see people going into sewer lines, we

reality for several others in India. Manual

sympathise with them. He highlighted that

Scavenging refers to the removal of animal

contractors use liquor to attract people for

or human waste/excreta (night soil) using

this kind of work. They use liquor as a trump

brooms, tin plates and baskets from dry

card for recruitment. This is an exploitative,

latrines and carrying it to disposal grounds

class based and caste based system which

which always happen to be some distance

is sub-human. He asked a question, if any

away. Manual Scavengers and their

higher caste personis doing this job? Even

Rehabilitation Bill was presented in

when gloves are given, are they going to be

Parliament 2012 (not passed yet) with an

used by everyone? Dr. Sultan Ismail, a

intention to put a stop to this hazardous job.

scholar with significant research in this field,

The bill aims to make employing people for

disagreed that workers don't wear gloves.In

manual scavenging and cleaning of septic

his experience, gloves are not practical and

tanks and sewers, attract a hefty penalty.

prove insufficient. Surgical gloves get torn in

Recently Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) and IIT Madras jointly conducted a seminar on Manual Scavenging in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (DoHSS), IIT Madras. Many Professors, Researchers, Activists

five minutes and other gloves make your hand sweat so much that it is practically impossible to wear them and work. He then talked about how we ourselves are responsible for the continuation of this abominable practice of manual scavenging.

and Scholars participated in that seminar. A.

We have to create awareness among

Narayanan, a social activist who has been

people so that uncontrolled garbage,

sewage on street, open defecation etc. does

replace the present toilets to prevent

not happen. Manual scavengers are there

Manual Scavenging and diseases

because of this, and creating awareness is

spreading through them.

the first step to realizing our collective responsibility in causing such a degrading practice to exist in the first place. Dr. Ismail called for eco-friendly toilets where children can defecate without fear of being left behind closed doors as it happens in houses. He urged IIT and the IITians to come out with innovative technology model for toilets which the children can use without fear; where, even rain water harvesting can be utilized for cleaning purposes. He ended his talk with talking about some alternative and substitute toilets which can be used to

To conclude, Manual Scavenging should be prohibited - both legally and in practice because it is a clearly harmful and hazardous practice. Such regressive practices only hinder India in its march to becoming a global superpower. Through collective dialogue and action, we must initiate steps to remove this practice from our country and attempt to come up with new ideas and inventions to stop Manual Scavenging, related diseases and the caste based bias which operates against a class of people in the hiring of scavengers.

Identify the Personality

The answer to the previous month Identify the personality was Shahrukh Khan.

अ ल ै

फ म समी ा

फं ी : द लत सनेमा का उ सव यह लेख अतल ु आनंद के वारा लखा गया है जो फ़लहाल मु बई म मी डया और क चरल टडीज म MA कर रहे है ।


ह ते


फं ी दे खने पर ऐसा लगता है जस ै े क सनेमा के

य त िजंदगी से समय

पद पर द लत सा ह य सजीव हो गया हो. 'फं ी'

नकाल 'फं ी' दे खने गया


के एक द लत समदाय 'कैकाडी' ु


था. चे बरू के एक सग ं ल

बोले जाने वाल बोल का श द है िजसका अथ

न थएटर 'अमर' म

को छआछत सअर होता है . फ़ म म सअर ू ू ु ू के

“ला ट डे - ला ट शो” दे खा. यहाँ चाल स

तीक के

े ाल कया गया है जहाँ प म इ तम


सवण ने यह तय कर दया है क कस तरह के


जानवर और आदमी 'शु ' या 'अशु ' ह. फ़ म के

नदशक नागराज मंजले ु फं ी को अपने जीवन क

नग ं के दौरान थएटर म जो जोश भरा माहौल

कहानी बताते है . फं ी म ओम काश वा मी क का


म बालकनी का मल जाता है . फं ी

था वह बस अनभव ह ु

कया जा सकता है . मेरा

“झठन” भी दखता है . फं ी उन सभी द लत क ू

एक दो त चे बरू के एक म ट ले स म इस

कहानी है िज ह जा त क वजह से सवण के

फ म को दे खने गया था. वहाँ क

टकट डढ़ े सौ

पए से कम क नह ं आती. साथ ह वहाँ का दशक

अ याचार सहने पड़े ह. फं ी इस कहानी को कहने म कह ं भी ज रत से

वग भी मु यतः अमीर-सवण का ह था जो फ म

होता और ना ह

के गंभीर

अ याचार

य के दौरान भी अपनी जा त क

समझ के अनसार ठहाके लगा कर हँसना नह ं ु भलता था| ू

यादा मेलो ाम टक नह ं

फ़ म म द लत पर होने वाले

के सनसनीखेज वीभ स

दखाने क ज रत पड़ी है |


फ़ म एक द लत लड़के जामवंत उफ़ ज या

उस यथाथ को दशाता है क इतनी लड़ाई और इतने

(सोमनाथ अवघड)े क कहानी है जो कशोरवय का

साल गजर जाने के बाद भी द लत क ि त थ म ु

है और अपनी क ा म पढ़ने वाल एक उ च जा त

कोई ख़ास बदलाव नह ं आया है . इस फ म का

क लड़क शालू (राजे वर खरात) से यार कर बठ ै ा


है . ज या एक काल

म कभी भल ू नह ं सकता. ज या

च ड़या क तलाश म है जो

य मेरे लए ख़ास अह मयत रखता है िजसे कल ू जाने क

दलभ है और िजसके पीछे मा यता है क च ड़या ु

जगह गाँव के सवण के आदे श पर अपने प रवार

को जलाकर उसके राख को कसी पर भी छड़क

के साथ सअर पकड़ रहा होता है . तभी अचानक ू

दे ने से उसे मो हत कया जा सकता है . फ़ म 14 फरवर को महारा

कल ू म रा

-गाण बजना शु

हो जाता है . रा


म रल ज़ हई ु थी ले कन इस

गाण सनकर पहले ज या ि थर खड़ा हो जाता है ु

ेम-कहानी मान लेने क भल ू

और फर उसका परा ू प रवार. फ़ मकार ने यह

फ़ म को बस एक

नह ं करनी चा हए. यह फ़ म एक द लत के यार

य बहत ु ह

भावशाल बनाया है जो हमारे

के सामािजक यथाथ को दखाती है . फ़ म गहरे

भारतीय सनेमा के सबसे मह वपण ू

सामािजक-राजनी तक अथ रखती है . फ़ म म ऐसे

एक है . इस

बहत ु से

कैसे हमारा शासक वग रा

य ह जो बहत ु ह

प ृ ठभू म म दख रह

भावशाल ह. वह चाहे

कल ू क द वार पर बनी

कि पत रा

य म से

य के गहरे राजनी तक अथ है क य

तीक और एक

के स ांत के बल पर दे श के वं चत

अ बेडकर और सा व ीबाई फले ु क त वीर हो या

तबक को बेवकफ ू बनाकर रखे रहता है . फ़ म का

क ा म अं तम पंि त म बठ ै ने को मज़बरू द लत

लाइमे स शायद इस जंजीर को तोड़ता है . फं ी

ब चे. अपने घर क द वार पर 'शभ ु ववाह' लख

का लाइमे स बहत ु ह गैर-परं परागत लाइमे स

रहा ज या का प रवार हो या फर कल ू म डफल

है िजसका लोग अपने हसाब से अलग-अलग

बजा रहा ज या या फर वह

संभावनाएँ सोच सकते ह.

य जहाँ ज या का

फ़ म म नागराज

प रवार सअर उठाकर ले जाता रहता है और ू

मंजले ु का भी एक करदार है िजसका नाम चाण य

प ृ ठभू म म द वार पर द लत आ दोलन से जड़ ु े

है . फ़ म म उसे एक साइ कल क दकान चलाते ू

सभी अगआ ु नेताओं क त वीर होती ह. ये म टाज

हए ु दे खा जा सकता है जो ज या के

त सहानभ ु ूत

रखता है . चाण य को लोग बदमाश समझते है और



कया है . अभी तक मराठ

फ म

ज या का बाप भी उसे चाण य से दरू रहने को

नमाण म सवण का ह दबदबा रहा है . कछ ु लोग

कहता है . फ़ म म एक जगह गाँव के एक मेले म

यं य से कह रहे ह क फं ी और इसक भाषा ने

ज या नाचने क को शश करता है ता क वह शालू

मराठ फ म क 'शु ता' को 'अप व ' कर दया

पर अपना भाव जमा सके. इस दौरान जब सवण

है |

उससे ध कामु क कर उसे बाहर कर रहे होते है तब चाण य बेधड़क नाचते हए ु ु भीड़ म घसकर ज या को बचाता है . फ़ म म यह घटना लोग को भले ह छोट लगे ले कन दे श म मेल - योहार के

फ़ म म सोमनाथ स हत दसरे सभी करदार का ू अ भनय बहत ु ह

वभा वक रहा है . फ़ म म

ज या और उसका दो त परया अ भनय करते नह ं बि क अपनी रोजमरा क िजंदगी जीते दखते ह.

समय द लत का पीटना आम बात होती है |

फ म म सोमनाथ ने डफल बजायी है और उसे फं ी स चे अथ म एक नव-यथाथवाद

फ म है

जहाँ एक द लत फ़ मकार बना भ य-नकल सेट क मदद के असल लोकेशन पर फ़ म शट ू करता है . फ़ म म ज या के बाप का करदार कर रहे कशोर कदम को छोड़कर लगभग सभी करदार नए ह. सोमनाथ कोई मंझा हआ अ भनेता नह ं है ु बि क महारा

के एक गाँव का द लत लड़का है

जो अभी क ा 9 म पढ़ा रहा है वह ं उसके दो त परया का करदार कर रहा सरज पवार सातवीं ू क ा का छा

है . फ म अं ेजी सबटाइट स के

साथ रल ज़ हई ु है . फ म मराठ म है ले कन कई जगह द लत कैकाडी समदाय क मराठ बोल का ु

वाकई डफल

बजाना आता भी है . दरअसल

फ मकार क मलाक़ात सोमनाथ से भी तब ह हई ु ु थी जब वह अपने गाँव के एक काय म म डफल बजा रहा था. फं ी म कैमरा और साउं ड का काम भी बेहतर न रहा है . फ़ म दे खते व त लगेगा क आप वा तव म ज या के गाँव पहँु च गए है . नागराज मंजले ु ने इससे पहले एक शाट फ़ म ' प तु लया' बनायी थी िजसे कई परु कार मले थे. फं ी ने कम शयल सनेमा के दायरे म रहकर भी बेहतर न काम कया है . नागराज मंजले ु का कहना क जब तक अलग-अलग समदाय, खासकर ु वं चत समदाय के लोग को फ़ म इंड ु

म जगह

नह ं मलेगी तब तक हमारा सनेमा हमारे समाज

पटकथा लेखक से कछ ु समय पहले बात हई ु थी.

का सह मायने म

त न ध व नह ं कर पाएगा.

उनसे बात कर पता चला क फ़ मकार के तरफ़

म आए

के क थत

से दशरथ माँझी के च र को जानबझकर आ मक ू

योगधम फ म फं ी के आगे पानी भरते दखती

दखाए जाने और कहानी को मसालेदार बनाने क

पछले कछ साल ु

हद ं

को शश क जा रह है . 'ब डट

ह| पछले दन अपने एक प कार साथी से इस फ म ं पर बात हो रह थी. साथी का कहना था क हद सनेमा के जो क थत


फ मकार ह

उनक फ़ म कभी इस ओर नह ं जा पाती ह और वे फ़ मकार सामंती भावना को त ृ त करने म ह लगे रहते ह. वाकई अगर दे खा जाए तो इन क थत योगधम

फ मकार

फ म

से द लत-

आ दवासी गायब होते ह और अगर कह ं होते भी ह तो उनका च ण मनमाने ढं ग से कया जाता है . इनक

फ़ म जा तवाद दं भ और सामंतवाद का

कपरू ने 'ब डट

या ह

वीन' का शख े र

कया था वह सबको पता है .

वीन' म बला कार के

य का इ तम े ाल

फ़ म को सनसनीखेज बनाने के लए कया गया था. फ़ म बनाने के बाद नदशक ने फलन दे वी ु को फ़ म दखा उनक रजामंद लेने क ज रत भी नह ं समझी. यह हाल भंवर दे वी पर बनी 'बवंडर' का भी हआ था. ये सवण फ़ मकार, ु द

ण भारत के एक डा यम ू

फ़ मकार के

हा लया फ म के शीषक को अपने लए स दे श समझ सकते ह - “ड ट बी आवर फादस”!

ज न मनाती है . गग-वार और अपराध कथाएँ ह

फं ी अब दे श के कछ ु मु य शहर म द शत होने

इनक सीमा है और वहाँ भी वे हॉल वड ु से चराए ु

वाल है . पीवीआर इस शु वार, 28 फरवर को इसे

गए फ़ॉमल े ाल करते ह| ू े ह इ तम

दे श के सात शहर

अभी दे श के एक दसरे ह से से आने वाले द लत ू दशरथ माँझी पर 'माउं टे नमन ै ' के नाम से एक फ़ म बनायी जा रह है . जा हर है क फ़ मकार एक सवण है . फ़ म क पटकथा को सधार रहे एक ु

द ल , कोलकाता, चे नई,

बंगलौर, इंदौर, अहमदाबाद और बड़ौदा म रल ज़ कर रहा है . फं ी द लत सनेमा का उ सव है ! फं ी स चे अथ म लोग का सनेमा है िजसक हमारे समय म बहत ु ज रत है ...

क वता

राहल क क वताएं ु ु यदका

अ ल ै

यह क वता राहल वारा लखी गयी है जो IIT मु बई म पढाई कर रहे है । ु ु यदका

क वता 1


ेम कया तमसे पर, ु

क वता 2

होश हमने संभाला थे ज मे जभी,

आज वयं एकाक हँू म.

वो बेखद ु म जीना एक वाब रह गया

शि त नह क पीछे दे ख,ंू

फँू का है कोयले को, घ टा है आसओ ु ं को,

स मख ु ह भीषण अं धयारा.

वो मयकद म पीना एक वाब रह गया

भटक रहा म मारा‐मारा.

कछ ु म हम, ु इस कदर थे उलझ,े घर और दकां

आख ँ म नज अ ु लेकर,

िजनसे वमख ु हआ ु करता था, तरे​े ेम क मदम ती म.

िजनको कल ठकरा आया था, ु संबंध क इक ब ती म.

आज क जब तम ु भी ठकराकर, ु मझ‐धारे म छोड़ गयी हो.

कैसे कह दं ू तनक से क , दे दो मझको तु ह सहारा. ु शाद ‐शहनाई क आशा, क जाती थी िजस वारे से. पर िजस चौखट बेवा रोए, उस चौखट क झांक हँू म. वष

ेम कया तमसे पर, ु

आज वयं एकाक हँू म.

क दो त वो कमीना एक वाब रह गया

ये दकान बनी मं दर, और घर बना शवाला, ु सो माँ का वो मद ना एक वाब रह गया

सो िजंदगी हमार कछ , ु ु इस तरह से गजर जो वाब था हमारा वो वाब रह गया

क वता 3

क वता 4

अभी शु वात है तकल फ अभी होती है

तु हारे लए एक दन न दे य घम ू लेना,

ज़ म ताज़ा है क तकल फ अभी होती है अगर म उठ के नहा लंू तो कह ं चन ै मले क तरे खशब ु ू से तकल फ अभी होती है

एक गर ब बु ढ़या का उ सा हत हो हाथ चम ू लेना, तु हारे जीवन का यादगार अनभव बन सकता है ! ु

तु हारे शोध का वषय या तु हारे गीत का दद बन सकता है !

तम ु इसे बाद म याद कर, एक उपलि ध मानकर,

ये तरे याद भी जायेगी तो जाते जाते क तरे याद से तकल फ अभी होती है

एक वजयी मु कान दे सकते हो! और.. फर एक बार...

दवा मल है , दाग मटगे ले कन

एक और दन के लए...

उ ह दे ख के तकल फ अभी होती है

उसी अप रव तत सड़क, उसी बु ढ़या क ओर लौटकर

कछ ु एक रोज़ म त हाई क आदत होगी क तरे​े जाने क तकल फ अभी होती है

अपने “अनभव ” का दायरा बढ़ा सकते हो... ु

अपने संघष क सची ू म एक और संघष जोड़ सकते हो... अपनी “क पना क द ु नया” म, क िजसके तम ु भा य वधाता हो,

मेरे माल से प छे थे आसँू तने ू

उनक तकद र का ख मोड़ सकते हो! ले कन...तम ु पहले नह ं हो...

क उसे धोने म तकल फ अभी होती है

और ने भी इस सड़क, इस बु ढ़या से अनभव पाए ह... ु अपने

ान और संघष के आयाम बढ़ाए ह... इ तहास सा ी है !

और आने वाला व त भी दे खेगा... इस सड़क, इस बु ढ़या को

ान और अनभव का ोत ु

बनते हए! ु

य क यह तु हारा एक दन का खद अनभव, ु से सिजत ु ृ खद ु खड़ा कया गया संघष

उस सड़क और उस बु ढ़या के

त दन जीवन का कठोर

स य है ...



Rain Splash This poem has been written by Shraddha Madhwani. She is pursuing post - graduation.

I woke up this day as usual But aura around me seemed unusual Half opened eyes and I am all lazy Stretching my arms and things looked hazy. Look at the weather outside Rain has engulfed my sight.

My Childhood This poem has been written by Shahid Hussain, a private sector employee.

When I was child it was great fun, Without any worry, with sorrows none, It was really exciting, With no single fighting,

Scene outside looked like heaven And I feel myself on cloud seven Rain dancing down and I held one drop of it, Closed my eye and listened to its beat, Memories of past flashed through my sight, A tear rolled down like a flying kite…… Hair scathed all around my face, Lips trembling and I looked up in space, Suddenly a thunderstorm strikes and holds me tight, In his eyes, I saw black shining bright. “I love you”, I murmured. Before I could say anything he was murdered…. Nothing is permanent in life Best can turn into worse anytime Be happy for what you wished happened, Memories of what you will always reckon. For me that was the best and worst day I smile and cry remembering that rainy day.

It was filled with lots of loved ones and friends With love from all ends. It was my dad, who took so care, When he left me, I remember all times we shared. Now I feel that my childhood has faded away, I feel as if it was a dream, Don’t take my childhood I screamed. Hope I can be child again, Will not let any moment to drain. P.S – Be a Child to live life with extreme happiness

Fun Zone


Solve the Puzzle Mail your answers to or answers and first five names with a correct solution will be published in the next edition.

Fun Zone


SU DO KU This is the solution to the Su Do Ku puzzle given in the month of February

Identify the Personality

The answer to the previous month Identify the personality on Fun Zone page was Late Farooque Shiekh.


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