Samar magzine july 2014

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Volume 3 Issue 4


July 2014

Is India into new way of Marketing?

Our Team Chief Editor Sarfaraz Sub Editors Vimlendu Govind Ballabh Pandey Nitin Narang Homa Afroz Nurullah Qamar Managing Editors Shahbaz Haider Asim Abdullah

Letter from the Editor Dear Readers To the young ones, to an energetic and belligerent lot; Congratulations. You have made a historical and a very prominent change in the polity of the greatest and largest of all the democracies the planet has ever seen. There is a change of guard. There is a change in direction of all the vectors of socio democratic institutions of our beautiful country. Once again thanks. Your duty doesn't end here. Rather you have taken the larger share of the burden on your shoulders. Now you can not shy off the socio political dramas and casually say that these are not my cup of tea. Even if you are enjoying rock music of the most famous bands of west or cinemas of the alien worlds where every second hour somebody comes to destroy our planet and another somebody saves it with his or her pyrotechniques, the shadows of your decision will chase you relentlessly. You will chase your dreams and they will chase you – a sort of cruelty. Isn't it? It is. Grow up! Don't let anything get away unnoticed. Read the fine print. Read between the lines. It's you who has written those lines. Read yourself. The articles (in this issue of SAMAR) on some very brute social issues have encompassed the problems India may face in coming days. They are showing the stigmas of manual scavenging, urban caste biasness and above all corruption. In coming days perhaps we will face more stringent situations. The writings are clearly indicating it. Enjoy all the articles and write ups. SAMAR will stand on its heels during the changing times ahead – your co voyager in the journey of nation building. Happy reading!!

Photos used in the magazine are for representational purpose only

Content 1. Victim of Politics - Aslan Reyaz 2. Caste rules, Whether you see it or not - Devika Mittal 3. A illegal, yet common practice- Sreelakshmi R 4. e-Commerce - a modern language of Marketing Sabeeh Ahmad 5. Being Real and Tomorrow Killed Today - Abhash Upadhayay

July 2014

The Victims of Politics This article has been written by Aslan Reyaz, who is pursuing his Bachelor in Economice from Bihar National College, Patna

There's no denying that we all are victims of

Some people think that their salary is

politics. Everything religion, caste, society all

increasing but they don't understand that they

are the main victims of politics. Most of the

are in the same situation as they were before

decisions that politicians take and the policies

because dearness is also increasing with their

that they make are for their own benefits

salary which restricts them in the same

instead for the goodwill of this country.


I'm going to describe all types of problems that the people of this country are facing. First of all we'll discuss about the continuous rising of prices of goods and services. Prices of basic necessities are on a rise. Prices of daily commodities like grains, petrol, gas, flour are rising by leaps and bounds. Besides this, the cost of education is also going up remarkably. One point where I want to draw your attention is on the bad condition of our education system. The quality of education getting from bad to worse, the Bihar board education which

There are many parties in India who want to rule and run their own government but none of them take care of the well beings of India rather they care about their leaders and party members. They boost up their leaders all the way so that they are able to make enormous money and luxuries. And when they get to next election, they start splendid campaigning with a lot of promises of all types of activities and works and say that they take pains to develop the whole community to a better position.

was called very tough, it has become easy

Similarly corruption, which's a great part of

and effortless job. And now, the Iron Gate

politics, could be found in other strata of

which we used to call the class 10th board

society. All those money that is used in doing

exam has totally become rusted . The worst

corruption hasn't any account in our GDP. If

thing is that it affects the life of students who

we calculate all that money that's used as

work hard and at the end they don't get a good

corruption, it will definitely boost up our GDP

job. Our government is doing all these things

up to good extent. A great amount of money

to enhance the rate of literacy. In this way they

nearly above 50 lakh crore has been

can show to the world that India's literacy rate

scammed by politicians of different parties.

is increasing. They're doing for the sake of name and fame of their party. And it'll help them in next election.

In the box, am mentioning a list of declared scams and scandals that took place in India

Facts on scam 2G Spectrum ScamCommon Wealth GameUP Food Grain ScamIndia Coal Mining ControversyISRO ScamKarnataka Wakf Board ScamDIAL ScamUttar Pradesh NRHM ScamMaharashtra Irrigation ScamStamp Paper ScamSaradha Group Chit Fund Scam-

Rs. 1,76,000 crore Rs. 70,000 crore Rs. 35,000 crore Rs. 1,85,591.34 crore Rs. 2,00,000 crore Rs. 2,00,000 crore Rs.1,66,972 crore Rs. 10,000 crore Rs. 72,000 crore Rs. 30,000 crore Rs. 20,000 crore


since independence. These include political,

supportive to anyone of them. Some

coporate, financial and others.

politicians always give hate-speech against

So, these are the some examples of scams. After seeing this list we can say that these scams are affecting India upto some extent. Now, one can understand the reason for inflation and why government has failed in controlling poverty. There are two problems which these stupid political leaders always do. Firstly, they do a series of scams, ceaselessly. Whatever the revenue or money collected in

their rival community. They want to show their love and concern to their respective religion. Since independence there were many riots that took place between different communities, whatever is the reason, the common people are always the main victims. In other words, its aam aadmi who is badly affected and their life totally gets disturbed and it takes time to recover.

the form of taxes ( VAT, payroll taxes, income

The main motive behind all the above bad

taxes on individuals or businesses), foreign

activities is that they want to intervene and

aid, investments, fines etc are never fully

trap us into these social problems so that they

utilised by the ministers but is stolen in the

can easily harvest the benefits. So, finally I

form of scams. Secondly, hoarding of money.

say that we should never be mesmerized by

which is a big disaster for the economy of any

the worldly labyrinth of the bureaucrats and


politicians. They never keep their promises but

Similarly, these bureaucrats exploit people by hooks and crooks. They want to show that they're with a particular community but in reality they could never be caring and

go on adding to the old ones. I think we should never pay heed to their promises but keep our conscience fresh and fine to give our country and its people the real freedom.

July 2014

Caste rules, whether you see it or not Devika Mittal is pursuing her M.Phil in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics. She is a core member of Mission Bhartiyam, a peace and social justice organisation. She can be reached at

Power is not a difficult or an unusual concept

the deprived. It is sad to see these views but

to be understood. Power as domination, is

the truth is that, this is the popular view of

generally understood to be recognisable. It is a

most of the upper-class urbanites.

lived experience for all of us, whether in the form of exercising it or experiencing it. However, it is argued that while power is a lived experience, it cannot always be seen. It is not always recognisable as there are some forms of power which we internalise and normalise, making it a social fact, which let alone resist, we cannot even recognise.

It is sad but not shocking that the rationale behind caste-based reservation is not understood because this again comes from the dominating section who had not only dominated but is still dominating. Thecastebased domination is not an evil of yesterday, it is going on. It is the reality of today that still there is a discrimination against students of

Sadly, this seems to be the case for caste in

backward castes in schools. The report in a

urban India. A generally-held view among

newspaper, Times of India, dated 25 June

young, upper-class urbanites is that caste is a

2009 talked about the discrimination faced by

problem of rural India. While a general survey

backward caste students across India. In the

would suffice to prove my point, the voices

report titled "Dalit kids cannot use school loo

against caste-based reservations definitely

but have to clean them", it is stated how not

shows this. Going by the slogans and opinions

only the students but the teachers also indulge

of the anti-caste-based reservation, it seems

in caste-based discrimination. They are made

that most are unaware of the logic behind

to sit on the floor, punished unnecessarily,

reservation. They see it as a privilege being

forced to clean the classrooms, the toilets, and

extended to some because they were

are refrained from attending several school

discriminated centuries back. They see the

programmes. Similarly The Hindu, had

reservation as "discriminating" the general

released its report titled "In Perali village,

category. It is viewed as "anti-progressive".

Dalits can't cycle in upper caste areas" in this

Infact, reservation has almost become a joke

very century. These are not the discriminations

for many. Recently, Aam Aadmi party had

of the past, but the realities of today. Upper-

proposed reservation for Delhi students in

caste men raping dalit women are almost a

Delhi University. Reservation is being seen as

norm in villages even today.

a privilege, rather than as an opportunity for

As about caste being a problem only of the

limited to the rural. It is very much present in

rural India, these upper-class, educated

the urban areas. Another way to 'see' it is in

urbanites should ask the caste of the people

the institution of marriage. Even today, inter-

who come to collect garbage from their house

caste marriages are a problem. Contrary to

or clean the mess on the roads, in their

the view, honor killing and the 'milder' forms of

schools/colleges and workplaces. According to

abuse and discrimination are not limited to

the report 'Upper castes pose problem for

rural areas.

sanitation in BMC' published in The Hindu dated 27 July 2009, while the upper-caste would be appointed, they would not clean roads and drains because they felt that it the work of the lower-castes. The class of sweepers is still largely dominated by the people of underprivileged or backward castes. This is not all. It is wrong to think that discrimination happens only in villages. According to the report titled "Suicide by Dalit students in 4 years" published in The Hindu dated 5 September 2011, 18 students in some premiere educational institutions had committed suicide in four years because of traumatic experience of caste-based

It has been argued that class, not caste, should be given reservation. Do the urban, educated, upper-caste youth realise that a large section of the poor comprise of the under-privileged or backward castes? Caste is not such a social identity. It is tied to political and economic identity as well. They need opportunities to come up. Reservation based on caste will ensure them economic liberation and may also lead to their social liberation. When they will get opportunities to prove themselves, to break this myth that they are good only for 'menial' tasks, they will be able to provoke a change in thinking.

discrimination. One of the victims, a Dalit

I would like to conclude by arguing that caste

student in AIIMS was taunted by both the

is still a reality of the today, whether the urban,

faculty and class mates:

upper-caste people can 'see' it or not. The

“How could Chamars become doctors? You have come here only because of quota, you cannot go ahead�

reason why the urban, upper-caste youth cannot see it is not because it does not exist, but because they are not affected by it. Ask a Dalit, what caste is. As about this constant

This was not a one of its kind report. There are

debate of going 'beyond caste', as Social

hundreds of such reports and thousands of

Scientist Surinder Jodka had rightly pointed

unreported stories. How many of the

out, the beyond framework seems to be a

'progressive, educated' upper-caste youths do

conspiracy of the upper-caste. We cannot go

even realise that their abuses are also caste-

beyond the caste because caste still exists

based? The abusive words "bhangi",

and determines the life of a large section of

"chamar", "chuda" are names of some


underprivileged castes. Caste is not just

July 2014

A “illegal”, yet common practice This article has been written by Sreelakshmi R who is puriuing Masters from IIT Madras.

Much has been said, written and debated

various regions-bhangis is Gujarat, pakhis in

about the issue of manual scavenging in

Andhra Pradesh or sikkiliars in Tamil Nadu-

India. But what everybody seems to miss is

are willing to take up this occupation, and

the fact that human beings- very much

inevitably the burden of “carrying forth the

belonging to Homo sapiens- with the same

tradition” falls on the women folk of the

brain capacity and physical abilities as

community. Also to be read with this is the

anybody else, are being forced to engage in

fact that both the husband and wife in a family

this. It doesn't seem to make an impact on the

need to work thanks to absurdly low wages.

policy makers that a violation of human rights

This just shows how gender and caste are

through such a despicable situation as caste-

irrelevant in the analysis of this issue.

based job allotment is taking place in a

Teltumbde noted that alternate employment

country promising its citizens equality of

for manual scavengers was supposed to be

opportunity and rights to life. A recent

completed by 1993 as per the Supreme

discussion on trying to explore the various

Court ruling. Several deadlines have

dimensions of this issue conducted in IIT

whooshed past and the authorities haven't

Madras, led by Anand Teltumbde, a faculty

lifted a finger.

m e m b e r o f Vi n o d G u p t a S c h o o l o f

engaged in this occupation are being forced

Management at IIT Kharagpur and Bezwada

to continue in it, and their children also end up

Wilson, one of the founders and National

in it, much to their chagrin. This only shows

Convenor of the Safai Karmachari Andolan

the negligence that lawmakers have for the

(SKA), a human rights organisation that has

problems of the community.

been campaigning for the eradication of

We fall into a generation of innocent souls

manual scavenging revealed the reality

who would doubt if any such heinous acts

behind this.

take place. So alienated from the social

All through India, only one particular Dalit

realities in a fast-“growing” country such as

caste, known by different names in the

India, it would be quite shocking that caste-

So the people who are

based allotment of Class-IV jobs still occurs

independence and 150 years of colonial past

in the Panchayat level. Wilson, who hails

have only strengthened practices known to

from such a community himself, could justify

exist only in the ancient times in the country.

his fight highlighting his personal

And the most terrible thing to happen is that

experiences: his mother, so determined that

even Government agencies, such as the

her children should not take up this job, tried

Railways, hire the (unofficially, of course!)

her best to dissuade his brother and sister.

“Scavenger community”. When PSUs and

But they got sucked in by the system, as

such agencies also support this, can the

putting bread on the table at dinner was more

government have a clear conscience when

important. He was the youngest, so could

stating, “The law will take care of

escape the terrible fate that the world had


bestowed upon them and took up the cause of his community. His passionate words show how even the most “reformed” members of the society humiliated him in his many trips to the capital to fight the endless, looping legal battles. This is when name-calling and other forms of discrimination in the name of caste are prohibited by law. The real problems in the issue of manual scavenging are the stigma associated with hygiene workers and the shamelessness of the general public in dirtying the public space and expecting someone else to clean up after them. So what about the said latter set? They get to walk around polluted minds and clean bodies, while the others get jeered at.

Is it really so difficult to do away with manual scavenging? Strict policy measures, including enforcing the existing ones, and will-power to make a difference, is all that we need. After all, this is the Indus Valley civilization that had planned cities and common baths and underground drainage systems right from the times of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. It is time for us to wake to the reality that most Indians live in. To conclude, Manual Scavenging should be prohibited – both legally and in practice - because it is a clearly harmful and hazardous practice. Such regressive practices only hinder India on its march to becoming a global superpower. Through collective dialogue

The discrimination that the Dalit's face in the

and action, we must initiate steps to remove

country are so deep-rooted and cruel that if

this practice from our country and attempt to

one was born Dalit, they will have no chance

come up with new ideas and inventions to

to live with dignity and would eventually

stop manual scavenging, related diseases

succumb to suicide, if not murdered already.

and the caste based bias against people in

More than just the general human rights

the hiring of scavengers.

violation, this shows that 66 years of

Cover Story

July 2014

e – Commerce a modern language of Marketing This article has been written by Sabeeh Ahmad, who is pursuing his post graduation..

E-commerce is one of the hottest and

through their splendid and impressive looking

ubiquitous topic in present times. The mass

items and their way of marketing is that easily

adoption of the Internet has created a

availability of products and its timely delivery.

paradigm shift in the way businesses are

Doing business online is not an easy task at all.

conducted in today's modern era. Unlike past decades, currently we are facing the emergence of new kind of commerce and that is e-commerce. Traditional physical trading of goods and currency is becoming increasingly popular and more businesses are jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon-commerce is a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organisations, merchants and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery by using the Internet. It differs a lot from traditional ecommerce in the way that it enables the trading of goods, money and information electronically from computer to computer. This cumulative ecommerce industry has emerged as a favourite destination for those who love to shop online. Online portals like Flipkart, Amazon, Snap deal, Jabong, Fabmart, and Infibeam and others have attracted their customers a lot

Apart from these things, companies have to look into some other areas in order to make their online business more fruitful. They have to focus on areas such as direct marketing, selling, services, online banking and billing, secure distribution of information and last but not the least on value chain trading and corporate purchasing.

Today e-commerce

conducted between businesses differs from that carried out between a business and its consumers. The various types of ecommerce/e-commerce market models are: Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Consumer (C2C) and Business to Government (B2G).Business to business refers to ecommerce activities between businesses. An e-commerce company can be dealing with suppliers or distributors or even agents. But these transactions are usually carried out through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).It is

generation, business process automation, and

Company's vision for e-commerce should also

even cost reduction must be met. The systems

be to help businesses establish stronger

used to reach goals should be flexible enough

relationships with customers and industry

to change when the business scenario

partners. E-commerce is about setting our

changes. The internet provides universal

businesses on the internet and it should be on

access, but companies should protect their

the right track. Allowing visitors to access our

assets against accidental or malicious misuse.

website and go through a virtual catalogue of

System security however must not create

our any company's products/services online.

prohibitive complexity or reduce flexibility.

When a visitor wants to buy something he/she

Customer information also needs to be

likes, they merely add it to their virtual

protected from internal and external misuse.

shopping basket. Items can be added or

Privacy systems should safeguard the

deleted and when we are all set to the check-

personal information critical to building sites

out counter which has our complete total and

that satisfies the customer and business

that asks us for our name, address etc and

needs. Most of the companies already use (IT)

method of payment(via debit/credit card).

to conduct business in non-internet

Once we enter all these information, we can

environments, such as marketing, order

then just wait for delivery. Today, consumers

management, billing, inventory, distribution

are pushing retailers to the wall, demanding

and customer service. The internet also

lower process, better quality, a large selection

represents an alternative and complementary

of in season goods. Retailers are scrambling to

way to do business, but it is imperative that e-

fill the order. They are slashing back-office

commerce systems integrate existing systems

costs, reducing profit margins, reducing cycle

in a manner that avoids duplicating

times, buying more wisely and making huge

f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d m a i n t a i n s u s a b i l i t y,

i n v e s t m e n t s i n t e c h n o l o g y. T h e y a r e

performance and reliability. When systems

revamping distribution channels to make sure

from two or more businesses are able to

that warehouse costs are down by reducing

exchange documents without manual

their average inventory levels and coordinating

intervention, businesses achieve cost

the consumer demand and supply patterns. In

reduction, improved performance, and more

the push to reduce prices, more and more

dynamic value chains. Failing to address any of

retailers are nowadays turning to overseas

these issues may spell failure for a systems

suppliers, in part because of cheaper labour

implementation effort. That is why the


commercial strategy of any company should be designed to address all these issues to help customers achieve the benefits of ecommerce.

On the other hand, e-commerce is forcing companies to rethink the existing ways of doing target marketing, relationship marketing, and sustaining a long term relationship with

an automated format of exchanging

consists of a person to person transaction that

information between businesses over private

completely excludes businesses from the

networks. As a result, this allows more

equation. Customers are also a part of the

transparency among business involved;

businesses and C2C enables customers to

therefore business can run more efficiently.

directly deal with each other. For example we

EDI is composed of standards that enable

can say that peer auction giant, Ebay's

businesses computers to conduct transactions

business to government is a new type of trend

with each other without human intervention.

in e-commerce industry. This type is used by

With the help of B2B e-commerce, companies

government departments to directly reach to

are able to improve the efficiency of several

the citizens by setting up the websites. They

common businesses functions, including

have some government policies, rules and

supplier management, inventory management

regulations related to some respective

and payment management.

departments. Any citizen may interact with

Using e-commerce enabled businesses applications, companies are able to control their supplier costs by reducing purchase order processing costs and cycle times. This has added a lot of benefit of being able to process more purchase orders at a lesser costs in the same amount of time. E-commerce technology can also serve to shorten the order-ship-cycle of inventory management by linking business partners together with the company to provide faster data access. Businesses can improve their inventory auditing capabilities by tracking

their websites to know the various details. The concept of smart city has been evolved from B2G e-commerce. To many businesses, information is their most valuable asset. Although the internet can enable businesses to reach huge new markets for that information, businesses must also ensure to safeguard that information in order to protect their assets. Digital right movement provides protection for intellectual and information property and today it is a key technology to secure information distribution.

order shipments electronically, which results in

E-commerce can also be implemented

reduced inventory levels and improves upon

through various issues. Although it is simple to

the ability of the company to provide just in time

describe their benefits, but it is not nearly as

service. Business to consumers refers to e-

easy to develop and deploy commercial

commerce activities that are focused on

systems. Companies may face significant

consumer rather than on businesses like

implementation issues like cost, value,

purchasing services from an insurance

security, leveraging existing systems and

company conducting online banking and

interoperability. Businesses want to know

employing travel services. Customer to

whether their investments in electronic

customer refers to e-commerce activities,

commerce systems will produce a return or

which use an auction style model. This model

not. Business objectives such as lead

the existing and the potential customers, and

opportunities. There are very few successful

even event marketing for example we can say

business companies that do not use

that setting up a virtual booth where interested

computers in their everyday business

people come and visit. If we consider a case of

activities, which also mean that these are few

conventional direct marketers, who devote

companies who do not use e-commerce. So

some percentage of their revenues to such

some advantages of e-commerce are, speed,

costs as printing and postages for catalogue

cost saving, no boundaries, ease of

etc. Interactive marketing could help cut such

networking, reduced prices to its customers,

expenses and may even deliver better results.

global market place, 24*7 access, quicker

Interactive marketing is accomplished in


electronic markets via electronic multimedia catalogues that give the same look and feel as a shopping channel. By this way, users find moving images more appealing than still images and listening more appealing than reading text on screen. Maximum public acceptance will require that interactive catalogue services have a more entertaining visual appearance than traditional textintensive have had. Ideally, an interactive shopping program should produce full-motion demonstrations of selected products but such kind of practical and economical technology is yet to be developed. In order to be a successful e-commerce company, there are also certain incentives. The key to e-commerce success is to optimize several key factors such as selection, value, performance and service efficiency, the look and feel of the site, advertising and incentives to purchase, personal attention, community relationships and last but not the least security and reliability. When it comes to the matter of e-commerce advantages, with the astonishing growth of the internet, many companies are finding new and exciting ways to expand upon their business

Apart from these things, there are also some disadvantages like hidden costs, network unreliability, the cost of staying in business, lack of security, lack of privacy, low service levels, legal issues and limited access to computers. Although vast amounts of money have been invested into making e-commerce work, and although it causes vast amounts and large number of goods to change hands every day, it has also so far failed to deliver the goods for a broad audience. The various reasons for e-commerce not been an overwhelming success for the masses can roughly be answered firstly, everybody don't have access to computers, secondly, buying goods over the internet is not natural is that one cannot feel or see the products in real life, the interaction is unnatural, there is no salesperson present, and thirdly, people feel unsafe to buy over the internet.


July 2014

Tomorrow killed today

Being Real These poems have been written by Abhash Upadhayay.

It's better to hate;

Often we dream of a tomorrow which totally contradicts the reality, the truth

Than to fake a love, We imagine a tomorrow with no worry, no grief. It's better to be ugly and evil, A tomorrow when we find that happiness, Than to be pretentious beautiful and loving; It's better to be alone, Than to be with “temporary” loved ones; It's better to be cheated Than to be trusted like cunning fox;

Tomorrow filled with believe and faith, An incarnation, A rebirth, Tomorrow which will overshadow today's tear Tomorrow when we are together and happy! What an irony. A dream of best tomorrow dominating the pinching reality

Its better to be hostile, For today and always let's try one thing Than to be friendly; Let's not be more hard on ourselves Its better to walk off; Than to call a fight for nothing at stake. There is a reason for it Atleast! We are not under a “formal duty “of being loved, beautiful, friendly and trusted


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