Volume 3 Issue 2
Are we ready for
Our Team Chief Editor Amin Reza Khan Sub Editors Govind Ballabh Pandey Nitin Narang Homa Afroz Nurullah Qamar Managing Editors Shahbaz Haider Asim Abdullah
Letter from the Editor Dear Readers Everything is changing in sight – government in Delhi, politics in India, hyperbolic tensions in judicial activism etc. etc. The changing scenario affects our social bent of mind too. The recent example is of reactions on the decision of Supreme Court on Article 377 of Indian penal Code. This Code was made by British Rulers and we carried it on our shoulders. Now we feel that some of the parts of this baggage is clumsy and itchy. People from every walk of life have voiced their feelings and reservations about Article 377. Same is with the Cover Stories in this issue of SAMAR magazine. There was a time when Ismat Chughtai (a renowned Urdu writer) has to face the wrath of Judiciary due to publication of her story Lihaf (The Quilt). The story was published in 1942. Its subject was lesbianism. Every other person around Ms. Chughtai slammed her except some writers who were already termed as outlaw (Like Sadat Hasan Manto). Even she could not talk about her story in the mehfils of Progressive Writers' Association. At last her story was banned. She had a strained relationship with her filmmaker husband Shahid. And much much more‌. Now the air has less filth and fog. We can at least vent out something called free ideas. Read other articles related to social changes and enjoy the issue of SAMAR Please don't forget to give your free comment. Happy Reading
Photos used in the magazine are for representational purpose only
Content 1. Section - 377- Rahul Ranjan 2. यह सवाल बस समल गकता का नह .ं ..- अतल ु आनंद 3. Homosexuality- Shekhar Jain 4. Why women don't protest ?- Devika Mittal
5. Hinglish: The New Language of Youth Manish Kumar 6. Beggars and their Rights - Sneha 7. Values, Ethics and Education - Zeeshan Anjum 8. बहार, सनो... - अ मत चौधर ु 9. Fun Zone
Your Voice
We thank you for your comments and suggestions, we would try to improve our magazine. We also want you to keep suggesting, Keep writing to us at info@samar.org.in or samar.themagazine@gmail.com
I just glanced through..very interesting topics! Congratulations! as for the feedback, it seems to be a very interesting magazine with different topics. I would just like to share a few designing tips.. always "justify" the text, it will enhance its look. also, don't stretch the pixels of any picture. Regards Devika Congratulation SAMAR magazine Looks good. Please forward my comment to a designer that please increase line spacing and border spacing to make it more readable. Looking little clumpsy. Shekhar It is really nice to see efforts of you people. Keep it up and move on the path of truth, justice and peace for all. All the best Ravi it is commendable effort for a first time. hope to see it continue for a long time. Shreya
Cover Story
Section - 377 This article has been written by Rahul Ranjan who is a film director and writer by profession.
went restless with an impression that his young son is taking much of interest on topic of homosexuality. Just to check his orientation, he tossed a question to Ritesh. What do you think? Is Arvind Kejriwal a gay? why doesn't he make a government in Delhi? Ritesh was waiting for Shraddha's call. She had to go in a party where she was invited but the venue was outside the city, so she wanted Ritesh to accompany her. To pass the time he switched on the TV and went to news channels to get the latest updates on either of the two hot discussions, if Arvind Kejriwal is all set to form a government in Delhi and the status of the protest against the latest verdict of the Supreme Court on the constitutional validity of the Section 377 of INDIAN PENAL CODE (IPC). Any news channels had no update on Kejriwal's move but all of them had a live debate on LGBT, Section 377 etc. Ritesh's father joined him in living room. He
Oh come on dad! What is the relation among two? If someone is taking his time to make a very big decision, it does not make him a gay or whatever. And even if he is a gay, then how does it matter? The voters of Delhi have already made him a winner, so let a gay be a Chief Minister of Delhi this time. Ritesh's reply made his father worried on his sexual orientation. In order to confirm he asked him. Are you not getting late? I think you are going somewhere. Instead of going there, why are you wasting your time on such useless news on television? Yes I am. I am waiting for Shraddha. We have to go in a party, a little far from this place so we are going together.
Shraddha! Is she your girlfriend? Why are you asking such questions dad?
That is not fair mom. I, too, think she is from LGBT community. But she is a girl mom. Don't categorize her as an abnormal.
Ritesh's mother was listening to their
Anyways, she is the girl of my choice. If you
find such a beautiful girl then let me know. I
She intervened and replied before his father
would consider her to be my girl.
does, What is wrong with this question?
Ritesh's parents were looking for such a
Can't you have a girlfriend? After all you are
reply from him. They took a big sigh of relief.
a normal young boy. Aren't you?
Meanwhile, Shraddha came and they went
Ofcourse mom. But she is not my girlfriend
to party.
but a classmate. In fact I dont have any
On the terrace of Shraddha's friend dozens
girlfriend. Now stop making such questions
of young lads and gals were tapping feet on
and let me watch TV. I am just off on mood.
song Chikni Chameli...Chikni Chameli.
Shraddha is also late and you have a set of
They invited both of them to join and
annoying interrogation.
Shraddha was immediately seen on dance
On his reply, his parents went doubtful.
floor but Ritesh took a corner where he got a
Ritesh kept staring on TV where only news
catch hold of a sexy damsel. She very much
flash was on LGBT, Homosexuality and
resembled the girl on television he saw
Section 377.
some minute back at his home. Oh my god. She was the same girl.
Suddenly, Ritesh called his mother and pointed his finger towards a beautiful girl
Everybody was dancing on the dance floor
who was protesting in the TV against the
including Shraddha but Ritesh was sitting
ruling of the Supreme Court on
and sipping coffee. His heart started beating
constitutional validity of Section 377. Ritesh
fast, furiously fast. He liked the girl very
told his mother,
much on television itself and here she was dancing before him. He knew she was not
Mom, look at this girl. She is so charming,
straight but he wanted to talk her then and
beautiful and bold. She may be the girl who
there. But he could not dare to talk to her.
could be my girlfriend. Ritesh's reaction on a good looking girl made his parents a little
He could not remove his eyes from the
relaxed. His mother said, But son, she is
stunning and gorgeous lady with face full of
protesting for LGBT. I don't think she is
shine due to moisture. Suddenly, he felt
caught when the girls eyes also got fixed on
him with wondered look. Shraddha broke his
information, I am straight. You can try your
chain of thought by introducing him to the
luck on me.
same girl.
Shraddha tapped Ritesh's shoulders and
Ritesh! Meet my friend, Tanu. (Ritesh felt
said Ritesh, my friend you are very lucky.
nice to know her name and felt closer to her).
Tanu hardly offers her company to any boy.
Ritesh : (lost in his own thoughts) Shraddha : I know, I know, it is not only you. Tanu is too attractive to lose someone's attention but please behave. Talk to her
Just for your info, she is a social activist and loves standing up for public issues. Ritesh : But being a straight, why did she support the protest of LGBT? After all it is not concerned to us.
rather staring like a fool... (Shraddha giggled and Ritesh felt
Tanu : Do you remember what I have told
you two minute back? It is not always the
Ritesh : (composing himself) Are you the
reality what you see. I understand,
one who was protesting against the latest
everyone wants to ignore this issue as it is
ruling of the Supreme Court on Section 377
none of our business. Even our
of IPC in CITY Center?
policymakers and members of legal
Tanu : Oh yes, I was there with many others. Were you also there? Where did you see me?
fraternity do not get themselves directly associated with this problem. They have just made a rule without realising the fact that it has got a direct impact on personal choices
Ritesh : No! Actually, I saw you on a news
and the way of love making. There is nothing
channel. Hey, If you pardon my frankness,
to make much of buzz on this. And if at all,
can I ask you something?
they have to make it an issue then anyone
Tanu : Yes please. Ritesh : Are you not straight?
can be prosecuted and punished under Section 377 of IPC. Ritesh : Why so? Why a straight one may be
Everyone including Tanu burst into laughing.
prosecuted and punished under Section
Tanu controlled her laughter and replied.
377? We are not from LGBT community.
Why do you think so? Just because you saw
Tanu : Wait, I explain you.
me protesting the ruling of Supreme Court? It is not always the reality what you see my friend. Truth is different. And for your kind
How do you differentiate a member of LGBT community is susceptible under this section? Let me tell you that Section 377
criminalizes and punishes all those sexual
raising their voices against the ruling of
activities which are against the order of the
apex court?
nature. And according to the order of nature only the sexual activities which causes the birth of a child is a necessity. Science has proved that the human being is the only creature of the god who indulges into sexual activity for fun and not always for a child birth. Otherwise, there will not be any difference between a man and an animal. Ritesh : ( A little annoyed) You mean to say that we all should participate in this protest with you to prove that Supreme Court has committed a mistake and Section 377 of IPC is unconstitutional? Tanu : I don't say so. Even Supreme Court does not say like what you have interpreted.
Tanu : Because it is not always the reality what you see. Everyone believes that members of LGBT community are criminals so they don't bother to study deep into Section 377 IPC. On the contrary, Section 377, penalizes everyone who performs sexual intercourse against the order of the nature. And I have already told you what is allowed in the name of order of nature. So, Mr. Ritesh, do I justify my participation into such protest? Ritesh : (Excitedly) Definitely yes. Not only you justified it but encouraged me also to accompany you.
Technically speaking, Section 377 of Indian
Tanu : Ok, that is fine. But before that I would
Penal Code penalizes carnal intercourse
also like to clarify a suspicion as I always
against the order of nature. Before this latest
believe in ' what we see is not always the
verdict of the apex court, all those who did
reality" Are you boyfriend to Shraddha?
the sexual intercourse with children or
Ritesh : Oh no, she is my friend. Actually, I
animal or an intercourse of a man with a
don't have any girlfriend.
woman, against the order of nature could have not been prosecuted and punished,
Tanu : Then change your status from now
because this section was defunct by the
onwards. You have no idea that your staring
ruling of Delhi High Court.
eyes are killing me for last half an hour. Will you be my man?
Ritesh : ( With a surprised look) If this the reality then the members of LGBT
Ritesh jumped in the air and hugged Tanu
community only do protest against the latest
then and there. Everyone else clapped for
verdict of Supreme Court? Why are they
being targeted by so called torch bearer of HINDUISM? Why are heterosexuals not
कवर टोर
यह सवाल बस
समल गकता का नह .ं ..
यह लेख अतल ु आनंद के वारा लखा गया है जो फ़लहाल मु बई म मी डया और क चरल टडीज म MA कर रहे है ।
पके समाज क अवधारणा म जो 'सामा य' नह ं ह, वे विजत ह। उ ह आप अपने समाज का ह सा बनने नह ं दे सकत।े समल गकता के खलाफ सव च यायलय का फैसला समाज के भावशाल वग के उस पवा ह को ू दखाता है जो अपने से अलग यौन च रखने वाले वग को बदा त नह ं कर पाता। इन दन एक मजाक चल पड़ा है क अगर समल गक संबंध बनाना अ ाकृ तक है तो सव च यायालय कौन सी ाकृ तक चीज है ! दे खा जाए तो प रवार नयोजन के सभी तर के अ ाकृ तक है , तो या उन पर भी तब ध लगाए जाएँगे? सव च
यायालय समल गक
मानवीय अ धकार के त कतना संवेदनशील है वह उसके आदे श से पता चलता है । यायमू त संघवी और मखोपा याय क बच ने अपने आदे श ु के परैा 52 म समल गक और यौन अ पसं यक के अ धकार के लए 'तथाक थत' श द का इ तम े ाल कया है । भारतीय द ड वधान (भाद व) क धारा 377 ी-पु ष के बीच जननांगीय यौन संबंध के अलावा और सभी यौन याओं को अ ाकृ तक और अपरा धक घो षत करती है । धारा 377 हमारे भारतीय सं वधान म द त मौ लक अ धकार के व है । यह समानता का अ धकार (अनु छे द 14), भेदभाव के व अ धकार (अनु छे द 15), स मानपवक जीने ू और गोपनीयता का अ धकार (अनु छे द 21) आ द मौ लक
अ धकार का हनन करती है । अदालत क यह असंवेदनशीलता समाज के कमजोर और वं चत तबक के मु पर फैसले सनाने व त भी ु दे खने को मलती है । समल गक के त क जाने वाल नफ़रत, न ल य और अपने से अलग वग, रं ग, जा त, रा यता इ या द रखने वाले समदाय के त क जाने ु वाल नफ़रत से अलग नह ं है । वषम लग ं ी होना 'सामा य' कहलाता है और समल गकता 'बीमार ' बन जाती है । ये भेदभाव गोर-काले, सवण-द लत, अमीर-गर ब जस ै ा भेदभाव ह है । समल गकता पर चल रह बहस को सफ यौन वषय और यौन सहचर को चनने क आजाद के ु सवाल के प म नह ं दे खा जाना चा हए। इस बहस क बहत ु सी परत ह िजन पर बात करने क ज रत है । समल गकता के मु े को लेकर पछले दन दे श और मी डया म िजस तरह क बहस होती रह ह, उसम से एक मख ु बहस समल गकता और ह द ू सं कृ त म इसक वीकायता को
लेकर है । एक तरफ बाबा रामदे व समल गकता को बीमार घो षत कर चक तरफ ी ी ु े है वह ं दसर ू र वशंकर इस मु े को लेकर अ धक स ह णु नज़र आ रहे है । राज न तक दल का समल गकता को लेकर जो वचार ह उ ह जानना भी ज र होगा। भाजपा को छोड़कर दसरे ू लगभग सभी मख ु राजनी तक दल समल गक के साथ ह। समल गकता के मु े पर ग तशील प कार और बु जी वय के जो लेख आए ह वे खजराहो से लेकर ह द ू धम ंथ म ु समल गक पा का उदहारण दे ते हए ु समल गकता को ाचीन काल से ह 'भारतीय' सं कृ त म वीकाय होने का दावा कर रहे ह। वस ै े भारतीयता, भारतीय सं कृ त आ द श द क प रभाषा को लेकर ववाद है क यह क थत भारतीयता सफ ह दू सं कृ त का ह त न ध व करती है । अपवानं द जनस ता म 15 दसंबर को ू छपे अपने लेख 'अ ासं गक : वध ै अवध ै ' म इस सम या क ओर ईशारा करते है । अपवानं द अपने इस लेख म ू कहते है , “...समल गक यौन आकषण को भारतीय बताने के लए जो
उदाहरण खोजे जा रहे ह, वे सब उस संसार के ह, िज ह हम ढ ले-ढाले ढं ग से हद ं ू ह कहगे। ले कन भारतीय और हद ं ू तो समानाथक नह ं।” हालां क अपवानं द खद ू ु उस ढ ले-ढाले प रभाषा से मत लगते है और भारतीय और ह द ू को अपने लेख म समानाथ क तरह इ तम े ाल करते है । वह इस लेख म आगे कहते है , “नार वाद भारतीय परं परा से सम थत नह ं और न द लत अ धकार का आद ं ोलन और न मक का अ धकार, न सामा य जन क वतं ता।” अपवानं द यहाँ िजस ू 'भारतीय' परं परा क बात कर रहे है वह असल म ह द ू परं परा है । इस 'भारतीय' परं परा म आ दवासी परं परा और दे श क दसर परं पराओं के लए ू जगह नह ं है । जनस ता म ह 13 दसंबर को छपे लेख 'संबंध क सामािजक बनावट' म काश के रे ु एक तरफ तो 'मनु म ृ त' और 'नारद म ृ त' के समल गकता वरोधी होने क बात कहते ह वह ं दसर तरफ कई ू दसरे ह द ू धम ंथ म समल गको ू क उप थ त को समाज के उनके त 'स ह ण'ु होने का माण मानते है ।
ह द ू धम ंथ के इस वरोधाभास पर वह यह तक दे ते है क समल गक वरोधी धम थ समाज म अ धक च लत नह ं थे। हालां क काश के रे िजन समल गक समथक ह द ू धम ंथ और उनके समल गक पा के उदहारण दे ते ह, उन ंथ के अनसार ु समल गक/ क नर पा को बहत ु स मान क नज़र से नह ं दे खा जाता था। ऋ ष-मु न क नर और समल गक हो जाने के ' ाप' दे ते थे। इन 'भारतीय' बु जी वय क सम या यह है क ह द ू सं कृ त से उदहारण दे ते व त वह इसके ज टल और वरोधाभासी समीकरण के उ े य को समझने क को शश नह ं करत।े उनके इस सम या पर यालोक ने अपने लेख 'आप वामपंथी ह, तो समल गक तो ह गे ह ...!' म चटक ल है : ु “...ज़रा काश समेत तमाम वामपंथी बताएं क वह सु वधा क कौन सी आड़ है , िजसके तहत त नक भी मौका मलते ह आप पराण-रामायणु महाभारत को कालबा य, गैरऐ तहा सक और अ ासं गक बताते ह, वह ं दसर ओर अपनी बात स ू
करने के लए उनक ह दहाई दे ते ु ह...” हालां क यालोक का यह लेख अपने शीषक म ह दरा ै े ु ह है । जस नार वाद आद ं ोलन का समथन करने वाले का नार होना ज र नह ं है वस ै े ह समल गक आद ं ोलन का समथन करने वाले वामपं थय का समल गक होना ज र नह ं है । इस लेख म यालोक ने अधपके त य और तक के सहारे ह द ू द णपंथ और पतस ृ ता के गढ़ क हफाजत करने क को शश क है । यालोक का यह सवाल हा या पद है क “ या वामपंथी होने के लए घो षत तौर पर समल गकता का समथन करना ज़ र है ?” यालोक शायद भल ू गए है क समानता वामपंथ का मल ू स ांत है और भाद व क धारा 377 यौन अ पसं यक के समानता के अ धकार के खलाफ है । संघ प रवार, द णपंथी संगठन और दसरे धा मक संगठन (चच, मिु लम ू संगठन, आ द), ये सभी समल गकता के मु े पर एकमत हो इसका वरोध
कर रहे ह। द णपंथी संगठन के लए तो यौ नकता पर चचा करना ह 'भारतीय' सं कृ त के खलाफ है । यहाँ गौर करने वाल बात है क जो लोग नार वाद के खलाफ ह, वे ह लोग समल गकता का भी वरोध कर रहे ह। दरअसल पतस को ृ ता समल गकता से खतरा है और सभी धम मु यतः पतस ृ ता मक ह। धमसं कृ त के 'र क' यह कभी नह ं चाहगे क यौन वषय पर लोग अपने मनमता ु बक फैसल करे । गीता ेस, गोरखपरु क कताब यह उपदे श दे ती है क कैसे यौन संबंध क उपयो गता केवल ब चे पद ै ा करने तक ह सी मत है , इसका उपयोग आनंद पाने के लए नह ं कया जाना चा हए। दलच प बात है क जो मिु लम धा मक संगठन आज भारत म समल गकता का वरोध कर रहे ह वे शायद इस बात से अनजान ह क कैसे इजराइल, अमे रका और दसरे पि चमी दे श म ू समल गकता को मिु लम के खलाफ ह थयार के प म इ तम े ाल कया जा रहा है । इजराइल ने 'गे ोपगंडा वार' का इ तम े ाल समल गक को
फ ल तीनी मिु लम के खलाफ भड़काने के लए कया जहाँ समल गक को सरकार क तरफ से व भ न तरह क रयायत द गयी और इ लाम के समल गकता वरोधी होने का जमकर चार कया गया। यह एक पी ड़त वग को दसरे पी ड़त ू वग के खलाफ भड़काने का अ भयान है । इसी साल अमे रका म समल गक के एक काय म म करान को ु समल गक वरोधी बता कर जलाया गया था। इस घटना पर एक अमे रक प कार क टप णी थी क समल गकता वरोधी तो बाइ बल भी है ले कन अमे रका म बाइ बल को जलाने क ह मत कोई नह ं कर सकता। बहत ु संभव है क जो ह द ू द णपंथी आज हमारे दे श म समल गकता का वरोध कर रहे ह, वे भव य म समल गक के ' हत च तक' बन जाए और उ ह मिु लम के खलाफ भड़काएँ। आ खर इजराइल इनका आदश रहा है और 'भारतीय' या फर ह द ू सं कृ त भी ऐसे वरोधाभास से भर है जो ज रत के हसाब से समल गक के प और वप म जा सकती है । बु जीवी
ता रक रमदान समल गकता के मु े पर कहते है क समल गकता पर इ लाम म भले ह पाबंद है ले कन एक मिु लम को समल गक होने क वजह से नै तकता के नयम का हवाला दे कर इ लाम से नकाला नह ं जा सकता। लगभग सभी धम का ग तशील और बु जीवी वग समल गकता के प म अपनी आवाज उठा रहा है । पछले डढ़ े सौ साल म सफ 6 मौक पर ह भाद व क धारा 377 के अत ं गत मामला दज हआ ु है और सजा भी हई ु तो बस एक मामले म। हालां क इस कानन का वरोध ू इस लए करना ज र है ता क इस कानन ू के द ु पयोग को रोका जा सके और समल गक आ मस मान के साथ जी सके। ले कन इसके साथ ह हम समाज के उन वग क लड़ाई के बारे म भी बात करने क ज रत है िज ह सताने के लए धारा 377 जस ै े कसी कानन ू क ज रत नह ं पड़ती। पु लस हरासत म द लत और आ दवासी म हलाओं के साथ कए जाने वाले बला कार के लए कसी
कानन ू का सहारा नह ं लेना पड़ता। कसी बम धमाके के बाद धम के आधार पर क जाने वाल गर तार के लए भी कोई कानन ू नह ं है । इन वग के अपराधीकरण के लए कसी
कानन ू क ज रत नह ं पड़ती। आज ज रत यह है क समाज के ये सभी वग अपने त हो रहे भेदभाव और अपराधीकरण के खलाफ एकजट ु हो कर लड़।
Identify the Personality
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Cover Story
Homosexuality This article has been written by Shekhar Jain who works as a patent analyst, you can reach him at jainshekhar36@gmail.com.
word really makes someone to
Homosexuality. A web source defines this
think or avoid. A word which is not
term as “a sexual attraction to (or sexual
very well adjusted with our society
relations with) persons of the same sex”.
although the word was really adjusted when
Now the thing which makes me to think is
in 2009 a two-judge bench of the Delhi High
what sexual attraction is? and what exactly
Court, held that treating consensual
sex means? I have nothing to say about
homosexual sex between adults as a crime
‘sex’. If I just define the ‘sex’ as an
is a violation of fundamental rights protected
intercourse between a male and female
by India's Constitution. The verdict resulted
then this whole article will end and there will
in the decriminalization of homosexual acts
be nothing left to discuss on the issue of
involving consenting adults, throughout
homosexuality. I will not deal with the word
India. But again in year 2013 Supreme court
‘sex’. I will rather have one more interesting
of India reverted the decision and found
thing to discuss, i.e. ‘sexual activities’, which
validity of section 377 of IPC. Court also said
somewhere broadens my perspective and
that it is for the legislature to debate and
gives me a path to drag homosexuality
decide on the matter. I hope there is lot been
said about the homosexuality and section 377. I have nothing more to add. I have nothing to defend about Supreme Court judgment or anything to say against it. I just want to discuss something which I think is the real problem and what all needs to be done. Probably I would say what all, I think, can be done.
Before going further I had few things to ask, did anyone gave a thought upon “how do two homosexual drive sexual pleasure from each other?” A male do not have a vagina and a female do not have a penis. Then how? The answer lies in the term ‘sexual activities’. I did a bit of google to found out some answers I found that there are many
It is really important to understand the term
sexual activities which need not involve
heterosexual sex organs and two
Is our society is ready to accept
homosexual can easily practice them, to list
homosexuality related education when they
t h e m , a f e w, w i t h o u t m e a n i n g ,
really do not want to talk about ‘natural sex’
sadomasochism, bondage, fisting , ‘golden
showers’ and many more. I hope most of the readers read these terms for the first time. If I write the meaning of these words then probably half of the readers will stop reading this article and move on. So let us come back to the problem which I referred to in the beginning, the problem I was referring to is the lack of knowledge. For the terms we read above
Are we open enough to accept that we are infected from a sexual disease? Do we have enough medical support which will be required to deal with the complications coming from doing homosexual acts? (just to mention fisting can cause serious injuries inside a human body if it is not practiced properly)
most of us will say that they had to do google
I think most of us will answer the queries
to know about those words and actually
with a simple no. I am personally not against
many didn’t bother to know about them.
Homosexuality but I will say a homosexual
Actually we never try to know the problem in
must know all the kind of complications
detail before suggesting a solution. Same is
which can arise if s/he is performing these
with the homosexuality. We want to defend
acts. The problem is that we are not trying to
homosexuality just on the basis that it is
look towards the problem and wants a
people’ choice that they can do whatever
immediate solution but in actual if we try to
they want. Or we want to avoid
look beyond a perspective we can realise
homosexuality just on the basis of saying
that rather than fighting for legalisation of
this is unnatural. In reality, practice of
homosexuality we need to fight for legal
homosexuality can’t be stopped so we want
(mandatory) sex education for all so that we
to legalise it. But, does anyone, who is
could lay a foundation for legal true
asking for legalisation of homosexuality,
apart of homosexual, really understand
A few sources are listed from where I picked some knowledge on homosexuality and SC decision :
what all negative effect it can create? Some of the question really arise in my mind: Do we have enough knowledge about homosexuality ?
http://homosexualityandscience.wordpress.com/2012/11/05/7scientific-facts-about-homosexuality-and-its-adverse-effects-on-society/ http://www.familyresearchinst.org/2010/08/effect-of-homosexualityupon-public-health-and-social-order-2/ http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-1211/news/45080584_1_apostolic-churches-alliance-decriminalisationutkal-christian-council http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_377_of_the_Indian_Penal_C ode
Why women don't protest ? This article has been written by Devika Mittal. She is pursuing M.Phil from Delhi School of Economics and is a core member of Mission Bhartiyam.
more women rebelling against the idea of feminism than men? Why is it that the ideas of the patriarchy are disseminated by women? Why is there no 'womanhood', 'sisterhood'? S i m o n D e B e a u v o i r, a u t h o r o f t h e phenomenal “The Second Sex”, wrote “unlike other discriminated groups, women are not organised into a community. There is no women community. Women never use
“we” for themselves”. remember how we had dared to cheat
during our board examination because
there were boys in our class. Though this
might not be a very good example to give but it reflects social reality. Expectation of honesty is not gender discrimination but cheating requires guts and 'team spirit'. Women are gutsy or else we would have been frozen in time and would have been still exchanged as a commodity. And yes they can and have united themselves as in during the feminist waves but the question then is of “how much”. Why is it that I find
Sadly, I do agree with her. I am not talking about “girl power” or “the girl thing”. Being a woman, I know that a woman gels better and deeper with a woman, than a man. Female bonding is deep. It is beautiful. They say, even if a woman does not say anything, other women are able to understand what she is going through. Yes, I agree. They do understand but they don't speak up. So why don't they stand for another woman? A better question is why don't they realise their own power?
I claim to find the answer in their nurturing. We are nurtured to live in a shell. We are 'moulded' in that way. We are given dolls to play with but actually, we learn from them. We grow up imitating them. We have to be pretty, adorable and voiceless. A doll always has a very serene expression, a smile on her face. We never come across a sad-looking doll ever. So a woman also has to learn to be serene, calm no matter what happens to her. She has to accept the discrimination, injustice, brutality meted out to her as her destiny. This is what is taught to her. She accepts it with pride as they say; only
only to uphold the discrimination so we unite and tell them to act like 'women'. That's our job.
women have the power to suffer, to
I know I might receive some comments from
'sacrifice'. Women are wild, they say. They
my female counterparts calling me 'traitor',
have to be 'tamed', 'controlled'. So our
'betrayer'. I will be accused of conspiring
freedom is controlled. It is not just the
against my own 'community' which does not
freedom of mobility but also the freedom to
really exist. But I don't think I have done
raise our voice, to question, to make
anything of what I might be accused of. I
decisions and to dream.
have dared to state the unfortunate reality. I
We also grow up with the notion of 'survival of the prettiest'. We have been taught to compete. So the beauty, the appeal of a woman is judged more by a woman, than a man. So if a boy finds a girl pretty or appealing, her friend will list out ten points that this girl may have missed out on. We are made the 'guardians' of the culture. We have been taught to keep a check on each other. So you have women disapproving of another woman who has 'dared' to 'venture out'. Because, this is how we are nurtured. We are expected to realise our womanhood
have written this article to make them realise how society has forced us to conspire against each other, to be 'betrayers' to each other and has disapproved of our collectiveness that stops us from realizing the power of our female bonding. We need to stand up, for ourselves and for each other. We need to realize what womanhood is really about. Women are 'wild' and so we have to be 'tamed' they say but in this wilderness lays our liberation. We need to come out, we need to break the glass ceiling and for that, it has to be “We�.
Hinglish: The New Language of Youth This article has been written by Manish Kumar who is pursuing Masters in English from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
careful examination of the
by everyone especially by the student
language used by today's youth,
community when they meet and now it has
especially college students and
become a way to greet a person you know. I
working people, reveals something
have often heard people using both
different. A new language has emerged,
languages at a time like “Just go there and
called Hinglish, which is a mixture of Hindi
see agar mile to le ana” (Just go there and
and English. Today, people explicitly display
see, if you found get it), main nahi kar sakta,
this new trend in their conversations. Let's
I don't have time yaar (I can't do, I don't have
take an example of students of Delhi
time buddy). There are many English words
University. I have carefully watched their
which all Hindi speakers use when they talk
style of talking and found that they heavily
or interact. Let's take an example of
mix both languages when they interact. I
“Please” which is an English word, today no
think “Hi”, which is not a Hindi word, is used
uses “Krupiya” (Translation and meaning of
Please in Hindi). People frequently use
are different kinds of lingos in different
English words when they speak like “Please
institutions and people use these lingos on
kar de na yaar, time kya hua hai, khana pack
many occasions and it fulfills different
kar do”. We can clearly see from the given
examples that people use English words very often when they speak or interact. Most of the time, this mixing of languages is not deliberate or intentional but sometimes it is deliberately and intentionally done. When people speak they know that they are using English but they are using it very rapidly and unconsciously because it has become a habit of youngsters to use this kind of language.
Hinglish is the result of the increasing influence of English among the young population. Today, youth use English on a regular basis and it makesan impact on other languages as well. Cosmopolitanism and multilingualism can be taken as some of the reasons for the increased use of English in society, particularly among the youth. Many people from different parts of India migrate to major and metropolitan cities for
One question that may arise here is how a
jobs or for education which gives rise to
college student or a young person catches
mixing of language starts. At the working
on to this trend so fast. The answer is
place, people mainly prefer English as a
cultural influence of society and community.
communicating language because of
Fresher's come to college and interact with
different reasons. The employees at an
other people and seniors and there they
office may belong to different vernacular
start imbibing the new language which is
language groups and English is a common
being used in the college community and
language. Therefore, it is mostly preferred
society. It's like a game of passing the
as a communicating language at working
parcel; you learnt from someone and
places. Multilingualism has played an
somebody else will learn from you. Further,
important role in promoting English
special words which constitute a certain
because in a cosmopolitan society, people
lingo have become markers of identity for
seek a common language. Thus, it brings
academic institutions and colleges. Words
together people from different parts of the
such as “feel” or “fight” have become
country who would otherwise have no
prevalent in certain college communities.
common language. Hindi is a language
For example kal ke concert mein feel aa gayi
spoken predominantly in northern India.
thi yaar, exam ki preparation ke liye feel hi
When people from other parts of the country
nahi aa raha hai yaar, placement ke liye
get in touch with Hindi speakers, they try to
bahut fight hai yaar and many others. There
learn Hindi. The process of language mixing
over the vernacular version. The English words come more naturally even to Hindi speakers, even though they may be aware of the Hindi words for the same. As we all know, today English has acquired the status of international language. English has become a compulsory requirement for every field or job and without knowledge of English no one today can go far in professional life. Fluency in English is one of the major factors which plays an important role in today's life and this quest for English in youth is paving the way for Hinglish. Use of English in Hindi is becoming very common and regular in today's life and it is an indicator that English is influencing Hindi thus starts among people because most of
and broadening its sphere. There can be
them would not have learned Hindi before.
many consequences to this but Hinglish is
People use words from other languages,
emerging as a new language and a
especially from English, when they speak
language option for non-Hindi as well as
Hindi. There are several reasons for this.
Hindi speakers. I am very optimistic about
Some words are new and do not have a
this new development and experiment and
direct translation in Hindi, such as “burger”
in my view it will go further because it is
or “pizza”. We use English words because
encouraging and promoting both
sometimes it appears outmodedto be using
languages. Hinglish is a language of the
the vernacular form. For example, today
youth and new generation. At the end I
everybody says “date” instead of “Dinank”
would conclude my article by saying
(Hindi word for date), “interval” or “recess”
Hinglish is emerging as a future language
instead of “Madhyantar” (Hindi word for
and it is clearly an effect of English on Hindi,
interval or recess). One reason could be that
which is the most widely spoken language in
using English words have become habitual.
India. I may be wrong on my assumptions
Words like “train”, “time table”, and “speed”
and analysis but in my view, I am pretty sure
and “light” and many more words which do
and hopeful that Hinglish has a future and
have Hindi equivalents are often preferred
more people will go for it in coming years.
Beggars and their Rights This article has been written by Sneha, she works with an organisation,Koshish on the issue of Beggary and demanding repeal of Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 2005. she engages with women sent to remand home for Beggars.
There is a tug at your shirt or a knock at your
Beggary is largely seen as a choice by the
car window at the red light. It makes you
larger society. It is hardly seen as an adverse
irritable. Yet again, someone is extending
circumstance people face. As a result there
their hand to solicit some alms from you.
are many stigmas associated with beggars.
There are several kinds of responses to this.
One of the most prominent beliefs about
Maybe you look for some change to give
people in begging is that they indulge in it
away. Maybe you believe in the genuineness
despite having many alternatives. Most
of the persons' injury and give away more
people question why they don't work for a
money than expected. May be you tell this
living. It is also believed that most of them
person to move ahead indicating you are not
solicit alms to buy drugs and alcohol. As they
interested. Any which way Beggary is a much
are associated with all illegitimate things, they
bigger issue than it appears to be.
are perceived as persons who cause public
While doing any of this the possibility is that we are oblivious to the fact that Begging is a criminal offence. That too a cognizable one attracting arrest without a warrant similar to, m u r d e r, r o b b e r y, t h e f t , r i o t i n g , a n d counterfeiting. Non-cognizable offences are less serious offences like, public nuisance, causing simple hurt, assault, mischief and many others.
nuisance and disturb the public order. It is believed that they form the muck of the city and fully contribute to making it dirtier. Another important stigma associated with them has been that they are absolutely unwilling to work and don't engage in physical labour. As a result such people also find it difficult to seek opportunities of livelihood. It is believed that people indulge in beggary because it is easy to earn money through this means. The
Another important fact is that the maximum
common perception is that these people come
punishment for the crime of Begging is ten
from under developed states.
years of detention. If the Beggar is 'infirm', blind or crippled then the Bombay Prevention of Begging act provides for detention for a lifetime.
The response of the state to the issue of Beggary has been the implementation Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959. The law provides for setting up of certified
institutions for training and detention of
rich are assumed to be beggars and are
Beggar offenders. The basic essence of the
arrested under the act. The Beggary act
Beggary law is that it criminalizes begging
provides for arrest of an offender without a
which itself is remarkably unfair in a country
like India. It is based on the premise that poverty was a historical concern and that every person who has been abused within his/ her family, or is old or differently abled is receiving support from the state and civil society members. The law in its underlining argument assumes that Begging is a choice one of the alternative that people choose and
Also the act equates street performing, fortune telling and street hawking with Begging which is indeed a source of livelihood for many people. As a result of this persons from these communities have always been amongst those who are arrested under this law.
Experience of working inside the
The act also provides for the indefinite
institution has shown that this assumption is
detention of incurably helpless beggars,
extremely untrue.
which includes blind, crippled or otherwise
Another important thing about the legislation is that it defines begging in a very questionable manner. It says that Begging means 'Having no visible means of subsistence and wandering about or
incurably helpless persons. It is needless to say that in the era of staunch believers in Human Rights for persons with disabilities this provision comes as a blow to such idyllic ideas.
remaining in any public place in such
Persons arrested are perceived as offenders,
condition or manner as makes it likely that the
so the facilities and arrangement made for
person doing so exists soliciting or receiving
them are most basic, minimal if any. There is a
alms'. It gives an immense and unfair amount
set limit on the amount of food to be given to
of discretion to the raiding team to decide who
them, and a set of clothing is given when they
is likely to beg. This provision also lays an
are arrested. The care-taking staff believes
unjustified quantum of importance over the
the persons arrested to have come from dirty
appearance of a person and operates at a
circumstances thus are reluctant to touch
preventive level. Thus a person whose means
them if that is required especially in situations
of living are not visible to the raiding team, or
like caring for the elderly. There have also
who has been wandering in a public place and
been instances of violence with inmates
looks poor can easily fall prey to arrest and
especially those who demand better living
detention under the act. Most homeless
people or persons from villages with dirty
The most important aspect of the living
clothes and a different appearance than the
conditions is the mental and psychological
breakdown of a person as a result of staying
To think of a country without beggars
inside an institution away from his/ her family
coincides with thinking of a country without
and ecosystem. If s/he was economically
deprivation and poverty. It would mean that
deprived it is likely that s/he is going to be
Inequalities of caste, class, gender that make
poorer after release having lost his job (if any),
people vulnerable to various forms of
and having lost touch with his skill set.
difficulties are done away with. It would mean
Most of the people who are arrested under this law are persons needing the support of the state and civil society. Like the differently abled, the very old and women rescued from abusive situations. Also this category of persons overlaps with those having a fractured hope for the future. Thus loneliness and hopelessness encapsulates the atmosphere of a beggar home.
that no individual will lose his/ her land due to war, natural calamity, communal riots or displacement due to development projects and even if that happens every person shall have access to the requisite and wholesome Resettlement and Rehabilitation. Every individual shall have an opportunity to earn a livelihood and the country shall grow sufficient food for all and everyone shall have access to this food. Every individual shall have access
Many of the persons arrested under this law
to adequate healthcare. It would also mean
are not engaged in Begging in the first place
that when families break or become
but are daily wage earners and/ or homeless
dysfunctional there shall be systems in place
citizens. Once released after the remand
to support individual family members
period they go back to work if their job
especially the more vulnerable ones. Such a
remains. Those who have been arrested and
situation assumes that women shall be highly
detained for a period of one or three years
respected and not be abused inside families
take much longer to come back to the same
and institutions. There shall be enough jobs in
state they were in before arrest. If a person,
rural areas so that people don't feel the need
who was homeless and a daily wage earner,
to migrate to urban areas. All persons
stays inside the institution for a year she/he is
suffering from mental illness shall have
likely to come back to more adverse
access to shelter, food, treatment and other
circumstances and thus the likeliness that
forms of support needed. Then, indeed we
now he/she will be compelled to beg is
might be able to imagine a nation without
increased. Those who were into begging in
the first place will go back because staying in the beggars' home is only a penalty they pay but for being poor because its environment and facilities are not conducive to bringing people back to the mainstream.
Values, Ethics and Education This article has been written by Zeeshan Anjum and is an Engineer by profession.
There is a burning debate going all across
which was untouched by such incidents in
the county regarding education system in
the past. Those days are not very far when
India, what does it really signify? Why it is at
we shall see our school going children being
all required? Are these values, ethics worth
scanned under X-Ray and each act of theirs
anything in today's world? These are some
will be monitored by a camera placed in the
of the questions that often come to our mind,
classroom. It would be a new experience for
but we seldom pay attention to it. The whole
all of us. The presence of short-tempered
education system of the country is getting
attitude, criminal intention, quarrelsome
concentrated towards producing rankers,
attitude amongst children are new
toppers and bookworms. The whole system
challenges that are being seen from a
is giving birth to a cut-throat competition to
tender age nowadays. But who is really
deliver an artificial human brain whose
responsible for all these changes? It is the
thoughts and ideas come from being bred
social and economical reforms of our
by coaching classes and tuitions. These
country that is really responsible. The
rankers, toppers are now seen as a person
reasons are enumerable but it has to be
who has achieved a real milestone but here
rectified before it's too late. Allow children to
the question arises that how long and for
play, show their physical skills in the
whom this “smart brain” is going to work?
playground. Let them have access to
And is this “smart brain” really smart?
media, so that they can understand what is
We Indians have a long tradition of following the ethics and values of our society but these ethics and values are hardly seen or given any importance nowadays. The recent gruesome act of stabbing a
this all about. Develop in them the habit of reading good magazines and newspapers. Let them see the societal problems and other contentious issues so that they can really learn from them.
schoolteacher in Chennai by a teen is really
Practical empowerment would be a strong
alarming and shocking. Such new incidents
tool rather than things remaining just
are picking up a pace in a country like ours,
theoretical. Make them understand that if
true values and ethics persist in their life, it is
should be treated as a wake-up call for all
far more valuable and essential than
schools and everyone associated with this
earning a good salary and fake respect.
school system. More concrete steps are
Allow them to debate; talk as much as
required to rectify these problems. The goal
possible, on their personal issues and other
of education system should be highlighting
issues as well.
multi-dimensional aspects of life not just a
The cruel acts of these tender age children
one-dimensional aspect.
Answer to Change the Nine Puzzle
बहार, सनो... ु यह क वता अ मत चौधर
वारा लखी गयी है |
ह पड़ी हई ु थी बंज़र स दय से, काले ग
क लग गयी थी नज़र स दय से,
अपने प रद ं को बाहर उड़ते दे खता था वो शहर स दय से,
पान क गम ु टय पर वचार उबलते थे पर लोग मक ू रहते थ,
हाथ मे, पर कछ मे ब दक कताब रहती थी कछ ू रहते ु ु
दफ़न हो जाते थे वो लोग जो बात मे दो-टक ू रहते थ, बस टप णी करते थे, कछ उखाड़ नह ं पाते थे अफसर ु
स दय से,
माथे से वो बदनमा ु काला दाग तो गया है
सबह से जरा सा पहले अध ँ ेरा भाग तो गया है ु अजीब है मगर चलो जमीन का वो टकड़ा कछ जाग तो गया है ... ु ु इस जमीन को तरसते दे खा है उसने, वो सच कहता था,
व त बदल रहा है चलो जमीन का वो टकड़ा कछ जाग तो गया है ... ु ु अभी बस भोर हई दन पड़ा है , ू ु है , अभी तो परा राह तकता वच लत चं तत तू अब तक
या खड़ा है ,
मंिजल तो मल ह जायेगी पर तरेा सफ़र उससे
श मदा है , मगर इसे अपना कहने से भी डरता था,
बड़ा है ,
कब से परदे स मे जाने
पर कह ं भी बस जाए, वो यह रहता था,
तू दबा है बहत ु अ दर कह ं अपनी जमीन के, और तरे कलम ह तरेा फावड़ा है ,
आ खर अतीत का वो जहर ला नाग सो गया है
लंगड़ाता है अब भी पर वो ' बमा ' कछ दरू भाग तो ु
या कछ सहता था, ु
व त लगा पर चलो जमीन का वो टकड़ा कछ जाग तो गया है ... ु ु गमराह हो रह थी वो जमीन जहाँ कभी चेतना के ु भ ुक रहते थ,
गया है
सफ़र क दआ पढो ु चलो जमीन का वो टकड़ा कछ जाग तो गया है . ु ु
Fun Zone
Answer of Riddles We thank you all for participating in the Fun Zone. In all the entries received by us there was only one entry which had all the correct answers of riddles and that was Narendra Choubey. Q: What has a foot but no legs? A: A snail Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it? A: Nothing Q: What comes down but never goes up? A: Rain Q: I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I? A: A candle Q: Mary's father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? A: If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. It's Mary! Q: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it? A: It can have a hole in it. Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs? A: There weren't any stairs, it was a one story house! Q: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals. The man's son was in the operating room and the doctor said, “I can't operate on you. You're my son.” How is that possible? A: The doctor is his mom! Q: What goes up when rain comes down? A: An umbrella! Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary? A: Smiles, because there is a mile between
each 's' Q: If I drink, I die. If i eat, I am fine. What am I? A: A fire! Q: Throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it? A: Corn on the cob, because you throw away the husk, cook and eat the kernels, and throw away the cob. Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? A: Short Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A: A stamp! Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years? A: The letter M Q: What has 4 eyes but can't see? A: Mississippi Q: If I have it, I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it. What is it? A: A Secret. Q: Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I? A: EMPTY Q: What has hands but can not clap? A: A clock
Fun Zone
Identify the Personality Mail your answers to info@samar.org.in or samar.themagazine@gmail.com answers and first five names with a correct solution will be published in the next edition.
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