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Various spiritual helps from Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Natural remedies for depression Spiritual Healing Atharva Vedic Healing With Sexual Energy Six Rules of Perfect Sex Aachi’s Corner Your 2013 Predictions Different “Swaroop” of Lord Shiva Lord Shiva - God of All Atharva Vedic Special Yakshini Mantras Kali Chalisa Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam

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BLACK MAGIC REMOVAL Powerful Amulet drives evil magic & wrong doings of enemies.Ward off evil aura’s. Complete nullify black magic & curse effect. Get rid of evil spells by spiritual holy amulets & talisman. AMULETS FOR PROTECTION Keeps away evil eyes from entring your arena - surrounding & home. Fear & danger are eliminated by these protetive amulets & strong talismans .

CLEARING BLOCKAGES Ancient Atharva Vedic rituals will help dissolve blockages due to evil auras AURA CLEANSING negative vibrations - enemies .Get your We undertake rituals to cleanse your aura blockages aligned / cleaned / purified. thoroughly & free it from all sort of evil spells / negaive forces & harmful energies TO REVERSE A CURSE .Our divine aura cleansing protects you Turns away black magic - curse - breaks from all sort of noxious vibrations.. jinxes - bless house & provides protection & shield. HOUSE BLESSING CEREMONIES Do you feel being haunted by negative energy evil vibrations in house? We undertake holy religious ritual that frees your house from evils & makes it sacred place to live ..

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he incidence of depression has been growing at a phenomenal rate but the positive factor here is that people no longer fell stigmatized by acknowledging that they have a problem. The awareness has set in and once this hurdle is crossed, treatingdepression is possible. The effects of depression can be traumatizing and the individual suffering from it feels emotionally, physically and even spiritually assaulted. It is an illness and one that has to be treated before it becomes too late. Depression can break a weak willed person. When we talk of remedies for depression, you would like to deal with natural remedies and the purpose of this exercise is just to do that. Depression can be caused by many factors both genetic and biological. Individuals may have a genetic makeup that makes them prone to depression or stressful events like the loss of a close one could also be a cause. In addition it is believed that it is also caused by biological factors. We have what are called neurotransmitters in your brains, which are responsible for sense of well being that we feel. Serotonin and other chemicals like dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine largely act as an anti depressants and tranquilizers. Depletion in the levels of these neurotransmitters could lead to depression. Anti depressants essentially enhance neuro transmission simultaneously increasing the levels of the neuro transmitters especially serotonin.. Medication coupled with natural remedies has been known to be very effective in curing depression.

St.John’s wort extract is a herb which is highly rated as a natural anti depressant. In fact in ancient Greece, this plant was used as a tonic for the nerves. The elements present in this herb help to increase the levels of the important neuro transmitters and it has been found to be very effective in countering mild depression. In fact it helps individuals to sleep more soundly and improves memory. It has proved to be very significant in countering depression which is an offset of SAD (seasonal Affective Disorder).This usually occurs during the months when there is a decrease in the amount of available sunlight(during winter). In conjunction withlight therapy what it does is to increase the level of melatonin which is produced in the body thus helping to regulate the sleep wake cycle. Amino acid therapy is fast finding patrons. These basic building blocks of which proteins are made actually function as neurotransmitters. Tryptophan is one such neurotransmitter which relieves depression but the best part about tryptophan is that it is found naturally in foods that we normally eat. Whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits and low fat dairy products are all natural sources of tryptophan. Tofu (high in tryptophan), most Soy products, sesame seeds, walnuts, peas, pumpkin seeds are some common sources of this wonder neurotransmitter. When eaten in combination with carbohydrates, the amount of tryptophan taken in is increased. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin (the feel good chemical) and this in turn to melatonin (which is required for good sleep). Kava is another natural remedy for depression and it has been used for hundreds of years by people living in the islands of the south pacific region. It is often referred to as “ the calming plant” and brings along with a feeling of wellbeing and contentment. Of course overuse of this herb can cause a rash to break out. Gingko biloba is another herb, which contributes to mental health. It is essentially an anti oxidant and is very popular to combat depression. For a long time, depression and nutritional imbalances have gone hand in hand. A deficiency in certain vitamins or minerals could inhibit the production of the neurochemicals - the good feel chemicals. B vitamins have always been in the news and Vitamin B6 is known to have assist enzymes to convert amino acids to serotonin and norepinephrine –

If it is possible try and discuss your problem with a friend or a good counselor. When things are verbally expressed, the intensity of negative force is drastically reduced and they may come up with certain ideas, which helps you to deal with depression. Writing down your actual thoughts and feelings also helps because by doing so, you are able to give vent to whatever is troubling you. This does relieve you to a great extent. Diversify your activities and work till you are tired. This gives the brain the necessary impetus to focus on anything but the problem causing depression.

the good mood chemicals. So a deficiency of Vitamin B12 or folic acid can cause depression. It has also been found that a deficiency in magnesium can lead to nonspecific low mood levels. The point to be noted here is that improvement in the levels of serotonin can be set right by eating the right natural foods which contain the above elements. This in combination with other forms of therapy can alleviate depression. In fact ingestion of Vitamin C has been known to catalyze reactions, which lead to the production of serotonin. The traditional medicine of India -Ayurveda advocates yoga, massage and meditation, which increase “prana”or the energy of life. A concoction of Ashwagandha and Brahmi powder steeped in water for 10 minutes and drunk twice or thrice a day is said to cure depression. Another natural remedy for depression, which is widely advocated, is drinking a “kasahayam” or tea made from the (Indian basil) tulsi and sage. Massaging the body and head with herbal oil and then having a hot water bath does wonders for the body and mind. These have been practiced from time immemorial in India and are very popular forms of treatment. In fact there are actually parlors which offer you this kind of massage. Yoga exercises helps in the increase of circulation of oxygen in the system, helps the mind to relax, stretches the muscles and helps to restore the neurochemicals. Deep breathing exercises or “pranayama” help the body and mind to relax. By focusing on calm and peaceful things, the mind tends to counter the negative energy, which is present. Listening to music, playing your favorite songs, doing the things you like-- all help to nullify depression. Going out with friends, visiting, going to places you like in short doing things that break away from the routine and mundane can help to alleviate depression.

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Aromatherapy has gained popularity of late because of its ability to help the body to relax and revive the nervous system. Inhalation of some herbal oils like rose, jasmine, lime, and grapefruit is a natural remedy for depression. Acupuncture is said to be a great mood enhancer. Eight –10 weeks of acupuncture treatment culminates in mood elevation, which is very similar to the elevation got by the use of anti depressants. Last but not least, prayer is said to have the power to heal. Religious practices and religious beliefs could help the person to cope with depression. All these natural remedies for depression may be sufficient by themselves if depression is not very severe, but in severe cases it needs to be combined with medication TO COME OUT OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND TO LEAD & LIVE A HAPPY LIFE CALL SWAMIJI SIDDHAR @ TOLL FREE 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@aol. com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential

What is Spiritual Healing and How to Use it in Your Life? The concept of spiritual healing has been around for thousands of years and has been mastered and practiced by spiritual healers all over the world. They use their knowledge to cure ailments from physical pain, like headaches, to emotional pain, such as depression. Spiritual healing is put aside by most modern day doctors who have left all their trust in pharmaceuticals to heal their patients for them. Spiritual healing takes a more direct approach to healing ailments. Spiritual healing can be helpful and successful if given the opportunity. The principle of this type of healing works like this: Spiritual healing refers to a number of alternative medicines and practices that focus on restoring health and balance in the mind, body, and spirit. Between cultures these healing techniques vary, but the desired result is the same, to create an inner connection and balance to the inner spiritual and divine. How to Heal Body Spiritually? The idea of knowing how to heal using the concept of spiritual healing techniques can seem a little taboo, but in reality it is one of the oldest forms of healing known to mankind. In nearly every case of spiritual healing ever documented, the healing is completed by channeling a healing energy from a spiritual source, usually a healer, to the person who needs to be healed. In the most ancient techniques the healer will know how to heal using hidden techniques and simply uses his hands to impart, or transfer, the energy needed to his patient to heal them spiritually. Spiritual Healing and Religion Thanks to the many evangelicals that exist, many people think of religion when considering spiritual healing. The truth is, these types of healing practices have little to do with religion and more to do with the balance of your spirit, mind, and body. Spiritual healing can be applied to any religion, or none, since the main proponents of the healing is done through non-physical means. In Hinduism, spiritual healing is an integral part of the natural remedies

such as Ayruveda. Dhyana (meditation) is one of the ways to get salvation according to Hindu Scriptures. The concept of Chakras and Marmas have been wonderfully explained in holy texts of Ayurveda and Patanjali Yoga book. In addition, Ayurveda describes the whole new branch of medicine and treatment called Bhootvidya -the spiritual healing for those affected by evil spirit. Who can be Spiritually Healed? The concept of spiritual healing can be used by anyone willing to try it. It can be used for adults, children, babies, and even pets. There’s no prerequisite or special knowledge that you as the patient need to know or have. The only thing that is required from a person wanting to be spiritually healed is an open mind and willing spirit. If you have this the experience and chance of receiving a truly healing experience amplifies exponentially. What is Spiritual Healing Used For? This type of healing is highly controversial, but has stood the test of time for century after century. Spiritual healing has been utilized as far back as the ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptian cultures. Since its inception, it has been used to heal and treat a laundry list of ailments and injuries. Some of the most popular reasons to use this type of unconventional healing are to avoid the pills and medicines that most modern doctors are so quick to hand out.

Spiritual healing can be used to treat and lighten your physical and emotional loads of stress by using techniques like acupuncture, massages, and even directed meditation. This type of ancient healing can include herbs and natural plants to help ease the nerves and eliminate bodily toxins, which can take tons of weight off your spiritual wellbeing. It’s fully capable of renewing your mind, body, and soul, to its former glory. Some types of spiritual healing can also help improve blood circulation, stop insomnia, improve your sex life and organ functions, as well as provide a certain balance to the body that you may not have felt before you had spiritual treatments. Now that you know a lot more about spirituality and how it can be used in the healing process, you’re going to need to know how to find a reliable healer. Finding Spiritual Healing Finding a person that calls themselves a spiritual healer can be easy, but finding one that has a list of references and alternative medicine degrees can be harder to find. Since there are so many techniques in alternative medicine, most healers will specialize in a certain type of spiritual healing. If you are looking for spiritual healing, it is best to start at the home front. Ask your neighbors and friends that you know are interested in the same type of medicines. They may be the best way to get a quality reference for a great spiritual healer that you can depend and count on. Going to a random spiritual healer that you find not the internet or in the phone book should be the last resort. We all have to start somewhere when looking for spiritual healing; I suggest you start with talking to friends and neighbors when beginning your search for a healer. A spiritual healer will help you heal and give your mind, body, and spirit the ability to balance out and achieve a greater benefit from the healer him, or herself. What will the Healing Session be like? Most people who have never been to a spiritual healer have no idea what to expect while in the healing session. Some people report having a full body heating sensation, a cold to freezing sensation, and even others have reported a strong tingling throughout their body after a spiritual healing session. Overall, the vast majority of people feels relaxed and has a lasting sense of deep peace about them. Spiritual healing, like many medical procedures, doesn’t always work the first time you try it. It may take several sessions to achieve Karma 6

the desired effect, in most cases; it takes at least three session spread across at least a week to give the desired result. When should you get Spiritual Healing? Spiritual healing can become important when having emotional problems, depression, or even physical problems. Many people seek out a spiritual healer when they want to feel better about themselves without taking the vast expense of a psychiatrist. Spiritual healing can ease the mind and body, allowing for it heal faster and solve reoccurring problems that never tend to go away. Some people even treat warts with these sessions with great success. Spiritual healing is a great alternative and additional treatment to the treatments that are usually administered today. If you think you need some spiritual healing, then Call Siddhar Swamiji in USA the only Atharva Vedic Swamiji in all over North America. TO COMEz OUT OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND TO LEAD & LIVE A HAPPY LIFE CALL SWAMIJI SIDDHAR @ TOLL FREE 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential

in hormonal activity which seem to be similar in all mammals to ensure certain evolutionary objectives, especially the wide mixing of gene pools and the safe raising of offspring. This is achieved with the following neurochemical changes. The main players are dopamine, the reward hormone; prolactin, the hormone of satiation; oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, and levels of androgen receptors, which all powerfully affect our mood, our desire for intimacy, our perception of our mate, as well as our susceptibility to addictive activities and substances. These hormones can also have different but generally related functions. Additionally the stimulant phenylethylamine (PEA) is involved, which is also present in cocoa and chocolate and elevates energy, mood and attention. PEA is produced in greater amounts when one is in love; conversely a deficiency (common in manicdepressives) causes unhappy feelings.

Sex for Health, Relationships and Spirituality Sex, or rather sexual energy, is a potent force in regard to our health, intimate relationships and spirituality, but the extent of this is rarely realized. Fortunately we can now understand much of the prevailing dynamics due to recent advances in the neurochemistry of the brain. The observed effects can partly be explained with biochemistry and partly with bioenergetics. THE NEUROCHEMISTRY OF SEX Orgasm is generally regarded as the ultimate goal of recreational sex. Wilhelm Reich was the first scientist to describe the nature and purpose of the orgasm as a discharge of excess bioenergy with the additional liberation of feeling energy, and he also recognized the negative consequences of blocked sexual energies. Unfortunately, in addition to exciting peaks, orgasms tend to produce powerful negative side-effects that are only now becoming better understood. This is due to predictable trends

When we first fall in love we become bonded by rising PEA, oxytocin and dopamine levels When we are sexually aroused by close contact our dopamine level rises further and at the time of orgasm we have a dopamine brainstorm which one researcher compared to the effects of heroin on the brain. Dopamine is active in all addictions, even in people who have forgotten what sex is. Most of this activity is in the limbic system, the oldest part of the brain. After orgasm dopamine levels fall sharply with the usual withdrawal symptoms. This reaction tends to be immediate in males and delayed in females. Also prolactin levels rise, and androgen receptors fall after orgasm. Low testosterone is associated with irritability and anger. In sexually-satiated rats it has been shown that serotonin and endorphin levels also rise, and this also decreases dopamine and raises prolactin levels. Oxytocin levels fall after conventional orgasm but remaining in close contact may help to counter this drop and sustain oxytocin levels. Behavioral changes from this disturbed hormone equilibrium have been noticed for up to two weeks. During this time we may be more irritable, dissatisfied, anxious or depressed, and instead of seeing the good side of our mate, we are now painfully aware of his or her shortcomings. This is exactly the same process and length of time prolactin levels need to recover during withdrawal from cocaine.

Initially, during the honeymoon period of our relationship, we remain strongly bonded by high oxytocin levels, and quickly overcome our hormonal blues by having more sex. Initially sex stimulates us to crave for more sex. This leads to rapid rises and falls in dopamine levels and corresponding rapid emotional fluctuations in our relationship. Later we become less and less interested in sex with our partner (perhaps because we subconsciously begin to associate him or her with the “lows� of the cycle, or perhaps because we grow tired of being used as a fix, and therefore feel less attraction), and now we try to prop up our dopamine level by becoming addicted to some kind of food or drug, or by becoming interested in a new sexual partner. Basically this type of behavior is the same for humans, primates, mammals and reptiles because it originates from the primitive part of our brain. Further evidence of a lasting post-orgasm hangover comes from sexually exhausted male rats. The number of androgen receptors in the hypothalamus declines, reducing the effectiveness of testosterone and changing sexual behavior. These changes last for about seven days, corresponding to a lack of libido of the rats. In addition to serving as a sexual brake, prolactin also affects our moods and behavior somewhat like a hormone of resignation. For example caged wild monkeys initially had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol but gradually prolactin levels rose as they became resigned to their fate. Prolactin levels were highest after seven months. With raised prolactin levels they do not mate, which looks like the same effect that we see in long-term relationships without close oxytocin-producing bonding.

SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS Presently a large number of marriages ends in divorce, often already after a very short time. Informal relationships are even more fragile. While this is a rather recent phenomenon, the underlying reason has always been there. In previous centuries marriages simply were held together by social pressure and an inability to get a divorce. The underlying reasons that drive relationships apart are rooted in the hormonal characteristics of our sexual relationships. In evolutionary terms we are conditioned to spread our genes as widely as possible, and provide a safe environment for raising our offspring. This means we are programmed to meet, fall in love, mate to conceive a child, and after some time to meet another lover and repeat this procedure. Females are attracted sexually to handsome men, but often choose mates based on resources and parenting potential, and males try to spread their genes by being strongly attracted to any (fertile) female with genetically desirable features. This evolutionary pattern comes to a head after pregnancy when the woman maintains high prolactin levels during breastfeeding, and instead of maintaining a loving oxytocin connection with her partner, she now has switched her oxytocin bonding to the Karma 8

baby. In this situation sex is hormonally undesirable, and any orgasmic sex leads to further hormonal and emotional instability. Therefore, what happens presently in our society is perfectly normal in evolutionary terms. The main problem is just the unacceptable amount of emotional distress and social upheaval that it causes. Other casualties are our health and wellbeing, which are greatly enhanced by harmonious long-term relationships. Initially we were bonded together by falling in love through a generous release of oxytocin and enjoyed the exciting peaks of dopamine release during our sexual encounters. Gradually the oxytocin glow faded and we began to fall out of love, and it also became more difficult to maintain an exciting sex life. Instead of enjoying dopamine peaks, increasingly we now have to cope with the dopamine lows after our routine sexual encounters. We begin to see all the faults in our partner that were previously covered by high oxytocin levels (from frequent physical contact without unpleasant subconscious associations). As these dopamine lows may last for up to two weeks this causes considerable strain on a relationship. During this time we tend towards increasing irritability, nagging, resentment, frustration, blaming each other and similar negative emotions as an expression of a biological hangover. Depending on our emotional makeup we may now develop a subconscious desire to separate, and many couples do just that. Over time couples start losing interest in sex and withdraw emotionally, or they may try to shift their emotional involvement to other common interests and in this way may be able to maintain a satisfying relationship. Still others try maintaining peak dopamine experiences by exploring all the different sexual positions, or start swapping partners, or becoming interested in a new partner. Dopamine peaks can also be maintained by becoming addicted to something, it does not really matter to what. This may be legal or illegal drugs, games, racing and betting, chocolate, or frequently finding a different sexual partner. Apart from causing long-term stress-related and other health problems, addictions also have a host of unpleasant side effects on our capacity for intimacy.

SEX AND HEALTH According to psychological studies and statistics in the longer term the vast majority of sexual relationships cause more distress and unhappiness rather than happiness. It is obvious, at least to me, that stress due to failing relationships also has a major impact on our health, emotionally and biologically. Even medical thinking now regards stress as an underlying problem that aggravates all other diseases. Sexual factors that may contribute to health problems are nutrient deficiencies, hormonal and bio-energetic imbalances, and emotional distress. Several of these may be involved in any one case, and they cannot always be identified.

Nutrient deficiencies relate mainly to loss of ejaculate. The seminal fluid is high in zinc and requires much vitamin B6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oils and linseed oil. Deficiency of these is widespread, especially in teenage boys with frequent loss of seminal fluid. The same deficiencies are common in schizophrenia, which starts most frequently in teenage boys. I believe that there is a causal connection. Formerly doctors maintained that excessive masturbation could lead to insanity. They may have been right after all although, without proper investigation, modern medicine dismisses this as a myth. Zinc deficiency also leads to underdeveloped male sexual organs and later in life to enlargement of the prostate gland. By pointing out these connections I do not want to create guilt about masturbation but rather improve nutritional awareness. Also orgasm and schizophrenia are both associated with high and unstable levels of dopamine, while during depression dopamine levels are low.

Strengthening Sexual Energy The strength of our sexual energy is a function of our overall vitality or vital energy. Therefore, if our overall vitality is low, then we do not have much sexual energy available to circulate in the Microcosmic Orbit. Furthermore, by frequently drawing the energy up, it may initially deplete our available sexual energy. Apart from conserving energy through non-orgasmic intercourse, there are many techniques to strengthen these energies. One such method is the Inner Smile. In its simplest form we may just smile at people we meet, at a tree, a flower, a cloud or the sky or landscape. As a more deliberate exercise we may close the eyes, focus on the third eye point between the eyebrows and smile in succession at every major organ and gland in our body. Another important method is concentrating breath energy. This may be done with any organ in need of healing, but for this purpose we may breathe into the sex organs. Inhale deeply into the abdomen, and during a slow exhalation imagine the bioenergy in the inhaled air being compressed into the testicles or ovaries. Due to decades of sexual tensions most of us have permanently tense and weak muscles between the top of the pelvis and the knees. This is like an old battery that cannot hold much charge. Use massage, vibrating, shaking, relaxation exercise and guided imagery to soften their contracted core. Also do pelvic floor exercises. In addition to rhythmically contracting and relaxing the whole pelvic floor, selectively push forward to contract only the front part. In men this gives an impulse to the penis, woman may also rhythmically contract the vaginal opening. This forward pressure is used to prevent loss of energy when near orgasm, while selective contraction around the anus and tailbone helps to lead the energy up the spine. Other common techniques are tai-chi and chi-gong. In these practices we imagine and feel energy being drawn into our body from our environment. Walking barefoot on grass or moist soil

or swimming in the sea enhances and cleanses our aura. The north-pointing pole of a magnet, like the right palm, has an energy that is similar to the yang or male sexual energy, while the energy of the south-pointing pole or the left palm is similar to the yin or female sexual energy. In Tao philosophy the heavenly or spiritual energies entering through the top of the head are male or yang, while the earth energies are female or yin. Generally female energies are soothing and relaxing, and male energies stimulating and activating.

Food for Sex We cannot have strong sexual energy if we are malnourished. Our life force from which we generate sexual energy is similar to the bio-energy in raw food. Therefore, raw food has a much stronger vitalising effect than cooked food. High-quality proteins are part of the seminal fluid and a high protein diet is sexually stimulating. In our culture meat is preferred while in the Orient chickpeas are used to improve sexual performance. The highest reputation has free-range raw fertilised egg yolk. It supplies sulphur compounds that are also high in the semen. However, even more effective than egg yolk is raw minced meat. The seminal fluid is also high in zinc and requires much vitamin B6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oils and linseed oil. Deficiency of these is widespread, especially with frequent loss of seminal fluid. Fish oils are also required for natural vaginal lubrication. The body forms nitric oxide from the amino acid arginine as a signal for the blood vessels of the penis to relax. This is necessary so that the penis can fill with blood and have an erection. Also magnesium supplements help to relax. Stress, on the other hand, or being emotionally uptight, prevents this necessary relaxation and, with this, an erection. Various herbs and alkaloids have traditionally been used to improve various sexual functions. Commonly used for improving and balancing the endocrine system in general and sexual hormones in particular is Maca (botanical name Lepidium meyenii). It appears to be more effective than Wild Yam and is especially helpful with age-related sexual problems. Also Tribulus terrestris is frequently used to improve sexual functions. For any of your sexual problems and to come ut of the same without medicine, call Swamiji Immediately. Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:avtemple@aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential. Karma 9

Holy Hindu Animals worship

F ir s t & only Hindu Temple in the North America and western Countries founded by His Holiness Param Pujya , Maharishi “Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar” for Live Hindu Holy Animals Now there is a welcome opportunity for the residents of USA to conduct their entire “Various Parikaras in the USA itself. First time in the 21st century where you can perform various rituals to the Hindu Holy animals to “make up your karma/ Destiny” comfortable. Another world History created by His Holiness Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. You can worship Hindu Gods and the “Hindu Live Holy animals” in the same Temple Ground OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC WORSHIP FROM MARCH 10TH 2013 ON WARDS….

CALL TOLL FREE @ 1-888-808-1428 OR 408 829 7780 For more details, and to conduct various Parikara/ Parikaram / for your various problems with relates to :-Marriage, Divorce, Business, relationship, Sexual, Black Magic, Kala Jadoo, Mother in law, sister in law, father in law, brother in law, carrier, immigration, court cases, depression, heart attack, cancer, breast cancer, blood cancer, bad luck, partnership problems and much more Siddhar’s Ranch, 7600 Bayway Drive, Baytown, Texas- 77520, USA

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His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Preparation: A day chosen for making love should be filled with mutual kindness and affection. A period of love play with kissing and caressing should precede the sex act. Clitoral stimulation should be avoided. Woman who are used to clitoral orgasms should gradually, within a few weeks or months, be helped to refocus on vaginal stimulation. Comment: Von Urban believed that clitoral stimulation increases tension and makes deep relaxation of the whole body more difficult, and if one is used to clitoral stimulation it also may make it more difficult to achieve deep vaginal orgasm. The main goal for von Urban was not creating strong excitement and coming quickly to an orgasm but rather having a loving and strongly bonding connection with a partner. This does not mean that everyone needs to do it this way, von Urban just believed that it gave the best long-term results in regard to health and relationships. Position: The partners should adopt a position that allows them to remain fully relaxed during a long intercourse. Preferred is the Scissor Position: the woman lies on her back with knees drawn to the chest, while the male lies on his left side crosswise to her, so that his penis touches the entrance of the vagina. She now drops her legs and he places his right leg between her legs. With this, her left leg is between his legs while her right calf rests on his torso. Sides may be reversed. The man places the tip of the penis at the opened entrance of the vagina. Now all kissing and caressing should cease and both lovers focus on the energy streams between their sexual organs. It does not matter if the penis is soft or erect. After half an hour and full exchange of sexual energy the penis usually becomes erect and may now enter provided that the vagina is naturally moist. The use of oil is discouraged as it slows the exchange of energy (but this should not be a problem with long connections), and condoms must be avoided (except possibly temporarily for the purpose of ejaculation) because they block the exchange of bio-energy and lead to increased body tension. These recommendations are for couples in long-term relationships, for casual encounters use safe sex practices.

Duration: After the man has learned to control his ejaculation, the 30 minutes outside the vagina are no longer required. For a long connection of one to three hours the couple remains mainly motionless or with slow movements. If ejaculation occurs prematurely, the soft penis should remain inside until at least half an hour since entering. If unwanted pregnancy needs to be avoided then withdraw shortly for ejaculation, urination and washing, and then connect again the penis to the inner lips. Concentration: During the whole sex act from preparation to finish the couple should focus on each other and what they are doing, become aware of the sensations where they are touching and the energy flows within and between them. Relaxation: It is essential to relax not only physically by choosing a suitable position, but also mentally and emotionally. Any kind of worry, guilt or preoccupation with work or family problems prevents relaxation and full exchange of bio-energy. Try to overcome such problems by dealing with them at other times, and use relaxation exercises and meditation to switch off when you want to. Another problem is that a woman may suppress her sex drive because of previous abuse or disappointment, and may resist subconsciously. This can usually be overcome with much tenderness, love and patience of her partner. Frequency: While this may depend mainly on the desire of the partners, von Urban observed that generally after a 30 minute intercourse with proper preparation couples are happy with a five day interval, after one hour intercourse with one-week, and after two hours with two-week intervals. He regards a sufficient interval as important to fully recharge the body batteries with bio-energy. For any of your sexual problems and to come ut of the same without medicine, call Swamiji Immediately. Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential

· One of the simplest and effective home remedy for treating depression is to add rose petals in a glass of boiling water. Add sugar to the drink and have it.

· Make a tea and add 1/4-teaspoon basil and 1/2 teaspoon of sage per cup of hot water. Consuming this mixture two times a day would be helpful in relieving a person from depression. · Boil a cup of hot water. Add powdered seeds of 2 green cardamoms and sugar. Drink this when warm. It would help in treating depression. · Diet is also an important concern for treating depression. Having a well balanced nutritional food is very essential. Eat a lot of nuts, cheese, apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, pumpkin seeds, carrot juice, apple juice, 5-6 plums, ruta leaves mixed with cumin. · In 1 cup of rice milk or soy milk, cook 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add nuts, almonds, dried fruits, maple syrup or honey to it. this would be effective in curing depression. · Another method would be to stir a tsp of lavender leaves in a cup of boiling water. Have it when warm 3 times a day. · Yet another natural way to cure depressed mind is to soak feet in a tub with hot water with rosemary leaves, chlorine and some soap added to it. Do this for about 20 minutes and then rub your feet.

· Mix 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg powder with 1 tablespoon of freshly extracted amla juice. Consume this mixture thrice a day. · Licorice tea also works well for depressed minds. Take 1-3 cups of tea per day to get rid of depression. · The plant, Griffonia simplicifolia, gives a substance 5HTP which is extracted from the seedpods of the plant. Intake of this would relieve a person from depression. · Another remedy for curing depression is to have an apple with milk and honey. · This might surprise you but a neutral immersion bath for about an hour would do wonders in curing a person off depression and uplift his/her mood. · Dry the root of asparagus and make a powder of it. Daily one or two grams of intake of this powder would heal a person’s mind from depression. Karma 12

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has an additional benefit i.e. it has positive cardiovascular effects. It is known to lower lipid levels and inhibit platelet aggregation. Liberal use of onion is recommended for diabetic patients, while garlic is to be taken in moderate amounts. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Diabetes is a medical disorder characterized by persistent variable high blood sugar levels, resulting from inadequate secretion of the hormone insulin, an inadequate response by the body’s cells to insulin, or a combination of the two factors. The most common forms of diabetes are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Since insulin is the principal hormone that regulates uptake of glucose into most cells from the blood, deficiency of insulin or its receptors plays a central role in all forms of the disease. Diabetes poses a severe risk to health. It may lead to cardiovascular diseases, chronic renal failure, retinal damage, nerve damage, erectile dysfunction, and gangrene. Since ancient times, various herbs are being used to treat diabetes. Scientific investigations have confirmed the effectiveness of these herbs. Some of the major diabetes herbs are: Pterocarpus Marsupium Pterocarpus Marsupium, also known as Indian Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga, is a large deciduous tree, which commonly grows in western and southern parts of India and Sri Lanka. It has demonstrated ability to reduce the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract. It is also known to improve insulin and pro-insulin levels. Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Bitter melon, also known as balsam pear, bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, karela, and charantin, is cultivated widely in Asia, East Africa and South America. It has been extensively used as a folk medicine for treatment of diabetes. Several compounds contained in bitter melon are known to account for its ability to lower the levels of sugar in the blood. Gymnema Sylvestre Gymnema sylvestre, also known as Gurmar, Meshasringi and Cherukurinja, is popular as “sugar destroyer�. The leaves of the plant are dried and pounded together with coriander fruit, and then the juice is extracted to be given orally for remedying diabetes. In India, the herb is primarily being used to treat type II diabetes. It is also being found in over-the-counter weight loss products and blood sugar balancing formulas. Onion & Garlic ( Allium Cepa & Allium Sativum) Onion and garlic have long been used by herbal practitioners to treat diabetes. Experimental and clinical evidence suggests ample on the anti-diabetic properties of onion and garlic. Garlic Karma 14

Fenugreek is a crop plant that is grown as a pot herb. The habitat range of the plant extends from eastern Mediterranean area to China. Fenugreek is used as both an herb and a spice (seed). Pre-clinical and clinical studies on the herb have indicated its anti-diabetic properties. The fiber-rich fraction of fenugreek seeds can help in lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) Blueberries are a natural remedy for regulating the blood sugar levels, whenever they are slightly elevated. Researches on blueberries have come up with impressive results. They contain an active ingredient with an extraordinary ability to get rid of excessive sugar in the blood. They also work as a good astringent and help to relieve inflammation of the kidney, bladder and prostate. Asian Ginseng Asian ginseng is commonly used by the traditional practitioners of Chinese medicine, to treat diabetes. The herb has shown good results in enhancing the release of insulin from the pancreas and increasing the number of insulin receptors. The herb has a direct effect on lowering blood sugar levels. Asian ginseng also helps in elevating mood and improves psycho-physiological performance. Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo biloba has also been used in the traditional Chinese medicine practice for the treatment of diabetes. This herbal medicine, which is now found over around the world, is extracted from the fan-shaped leaves of the ancient ginkgo biloba tree. The extract may help in the prevention and treatment of earlystage diabetic neuropathy. It also improves the blood flow in the peripheral tissues of the nerves in the arms, legs, hands, and feet.

Karma is the sum total of one’s physical, mental and spiritual functions. The world goes on because there is a role of free will assigned to human beings. Where does then astrology fit in, deal as it does with predestination? Is there a conflict between belief in astrology and in free will? How can scriptures lay emphasis on both if they are mutually conflicting?

H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar From the beginning of mankind people have followed the movements of planets and have derived certain patters in them . The sages and the rishis of the Vedic era have associated Astrology with Karma. In the opening verse of the 5,000 year old Vedic text, Brihat Parasara Hora Shastras, the ancient Sage, Maharishi Parashara, tells us that:-

Astrology is based on the relationship of cause and effect. If there is an effect, there must be a cause preceding it. Thus, if an event good or bad happens today, there must be a cause for it, whether or not that cause is appreciable. Certain functions or Karmas produce an immediate result. Still others obtain fruition after a longer time period. Still others may take several years or decades (or even longer) to materialize. If one believes in the law of cause and effect, then the ambience of one’s birth and the subsequent opportunities or their lack cannot be a matter of mere chance. This takes us to a belief in birth and rebirth. Karmas done in one birth must manifest sometime in a later birth.

“The Unborn Lord has incarnated as the nine planets, the Nava Grahas, to bestow on the living beings the result due to their karmas. He assumes the auspicious form of the Grahas (planets) to destroy the demons and to sustain the divine beings.”

The past karmas produce limitations for us because they yield certain results, which influence our future karmas. We do have a free will, but within the limitations prescribed by the results of our past actions. Karmas in fact manufacture destiny.

The great Sage then goes on to describe to us the eternal science of astrology and effect of the planets on the destiny of the incarnating soul.

An Atharva Vedic astrologer can point out which of the results from the past karmas can be overcome, and which cannot be overcome and, therefore, have to be suffered. A karma done is like a missile fired; it may or may not be neutralized by a counter-missile, depending upon the relative strength of the two. Why should one follow astrology?

Astrology and Karma

This work is said to be the fountain head of Vedic astrology. It is the bible of this ancient subject and is an indispensable study for both student and practitioner. It would take a lifetime of dedication to master the astrological rules outlined in this great work, and indeed, it is doubtful if one would ever master it, for the true mastery of astrology can only be accomplished by one who has transcended the three gunas, the ego, and the limitation of human thought processes. The entire subject of astrology is a description of our karmic destiny and the vicissitudes of our temporal existence in this world. If we are not firmly anchored in the stability of divine truth, then we are subject to the fluctuations and fickleness of our own minds. Astrological principles tell us that our moment of birth defines our temporal experience in this world according to the temporal disposition of the planets at birth. The planets operate as guiding impulses from the archetypal world of the Self and they represent our samskars, the mental impressions created from our own past actions. They indicate our talents, good fortunes, state of health and disease, as well as the traumas we are destined to experience. A well-trained Atharva Vedic astrologer like Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar who is also an authority of Vedic Astrology in USA is able to determine the timing of these influences in the natal chart and early in the course of study, a student must master an understanding of lordships before he/she can proceed with chart analysis. Planets have their eternal significations and their temporal significations and they deliver their karmas to the native according to these significations.

Astrologers have observed the planets movements and documented what effect those movements seem to have on humanity. They have discovered patterns. They have also found that as the planets line up in mathematical angles to one another, that too seems to consistently create certain predictable cause and effect scenarios. For someone to use the planets to predict the future is a lot like saying, that when the next full moon comes quite a few women will start menstruating. Why? Don’t know, but it’s true. Will every single woman who isn’t pregnant start to menstruate? Of course not. Will every single pregnant woman deliver their baby on that moon? Of course not. But it’s a reasonably accurate prediction to say that more women then usual will deliver babies and more women then usual will start menstruating. The art of astrology is a bit scientific observation and a bit psychic premonition. Of all the events that could be predicted, which one will hold true for the most people? We think of each planet as a different zodiac clock in the heavens. Each one has its own pace and it’s own season. Each one keeps time with a different zodiac season of the universe. Just like the sun and moon each have completely different seasons and completely different effects at different times. Watching the sun’s seasonal effects helps the farmer know when to plant his crops. Watching the moon’s cycles helps us in other areas. Astrology is taking all of the other planets’ seasons and cycles into account too. Imagine a giant cosmic clock with the moon as the seconds hand and the sun as the hours hand. Mercury would

be the minute hand. Add to that a hand for Venus, Mars, and the others. Each one a bit faster or slower then the others. Now telling time becomes a lot more complex. Time becomes bigger and more infinite. To take it one step further, as each of us is born we are handed our own personal zodiac clock that is the time by which we will live our lives. To the untrained eye it looks like my clock is hung upside down with the 6 at the top and the 12 at the bottom. Another person’s clock is to be hung with the 2 on top and the 8 on the bottom. So to be able to predict someone’s future using astrology, you have to know which angle they hang their clock and you have to compare them to all others who hang their clock that way. Sure enough there’s another pattern. This time it’s a predictable pattern of personality types, styles, and preferences. So as an astrologer you have to be able to know the typical person of that clock position and then read their multi-handed clock. Then with your very best psychic abilities and intuition, tell them what you believe will happen. Why does it work? Because it’s all patterns and cycles and its predictable and it happens the same way over and over. Maybe the planets were put in the positions they were put in just for the sole purpose of keeping time. Maybe they each have their own weird electrical gravitational pull. Maybe the human brain has some sort of odd multi-handed clock programmed into it, each one as different as a set of fingerprints? Maybe some cosmic creator decided that this would be their universal filing system to help them remember who’s doing what and where. Honestly, we don’t know why it works. We just know that it is patterns and wheels that can be predicted like the weather changes each season. Why should you bother to follow astrology? For the same reasons that we follow the weatherman’s report. We want to be forewarned of the possibility of storms and conflicts so we can protect ourselves accordingly. We want to be forewarned of sunny weather and positive aspects so that we can take advantage of the blessings about to be given to us. If I know that there’s a good chance it’s going to rain, then I dress appropriately. If I know that there’s a good chance that prosperity and abundance are coming my way, then I want to be well positioned and ready to receive my fair share. No weatherman is 100% correct and the same holds true for astrologers. Some are better at reading the signs then others. Some have more tools available for reading the skies then others. Both add valuable insight to the possibilities of how your day could unfold. It’s always good to be prepared. You don’t plan an outdoor wedding ceremony without looking at the typical weather forecasts for that area. You don’t plan an international vacation without looking at the political forecasts for that area. Think of astrology forecasts as one of many tools you have at your disposal for timing and plotting the course of your goals and dreams. Here are some myths about death and astrology. And please don’t go around using them as death indicators because they really won’t work and are just doing the rounds to fool you!!! People die on a transit. Many think that their ‘death’ was arriving Karma 16

shortly in the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. No one can die on transit. It has to be backed up in the progressions, firstly. And there may be ‘other’ indicator present, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be in place before something serious and major happens. Nothing major happens on a transit. Everything major occurs with progressions. Saturn is a death indicator. And no, Saturn isn’t the only death planet indicator. It is one of many, as you will see. Any and all the planets, including the Uranian ones, can be involved in a death. Transits in the 8th house are responsible for deaths. Just because you have a transit, progression or eclipse in your 8th house (known as the house of sex, taxes and death), does not mean you’re goanna check out either. Any house in the natal chart, any of the twelve, can be implicated and involved in your death. Hard aspects can lead to death. No it isn’t just hard aspects such as a conjunction, square, in conjunct or opposition that can put you into another dimension. So can soft aspects such as a sextile and trine, too. And there isn’t one aspect that is a ‘death aspect’, either. Eclipses really kill people. Eclipses are not going to kill you. In and of themselves, they never will. In order to die, you must have progressions set up. An eclipse might be a trigger for this to occur, but that is all. Lately, Chiron is getting a myth started on this asteroid that it’s Death’s Door. No, it isn’t. A Chiron transit can certainly bring transformation--but it doesn’t mean dying physically. The Moon’s Nodes are the major indicators of dying. Not really. They may or may not be implicated in a death. They are found to be ‘active’ in potential physical death only about 30% of the time--and that’s not a very high statistic to count on. TO COME OUT OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND TO LEAD & LIVE A HAPPY LIFE CALL SWAMIJI SIDDHAR @ TOLL FREE 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@ aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential

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Aachi’s CornerChettinad Samayal/ Cooking - Ms Vishal Kalyani and ( Thanks to Ms SenthilKumar

Chettinad is the homeland of the Nattukottai Chettiars (Nagarathar), a prosperous banking and business community, which migrated to Chettinad from Poompuhar several Hundred Years ago. Later during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century many of the members migrated to South and Southeast Asia, particularly Ceylon, Burma and Malaysia. Later during the Second World War they returned to Chettinad. The people of Chettinad speak Tamil. Today the Chettinad people, live in the USA, Singapore, Malaysia, among other places. Nagarathars are an exclusive clan, famous for their enterprise, hard work and contributions to society. They earned money by crossing the seas and their business acumen made them successful and prosperous. Chettinad houses and cuisine stand testimony to their ‘Solid’ character. Their social life is Unique. At the apex of the family household, is the “Aachi” the senior most female in the house. She controlled, if not every thing, the finances of the household. “Aachi” is now a household word all over TamilNadu to indicate a strong, dynamic and efficient female leader! Most of Nagarathars became prominent all over Inida by their sterling character and philanthrophy. The world renowned Hindu Spiritual leader, Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is also from Chettinad, India. In the c21st centuru he is the first and the only Nagarathar who has established numerpus Hindu Temples, who has helped more than 3 million followers to Karma 18

come our of various difficulties in their life, who is a very strong and famous phionthrapist, humanitarian, and has pledged $108 Million US Dollors to the various spiritual casuses for the year 2013-2014 recentely Cooking.. Cooking is the process of preparing food with heat. Cooks select and combine ingredients using a wide range of tools and methods. In the process, the flavor, texture, appearance of the ingredients can change. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world. In this blog you can see my style of cooking with my aachi’s touch. You can see more tirunelveli style cooking and recipes. Enjoy!! Bon appetit!! Chettinad is famous for its delicious foods. That is how people get to know Chettinad. Chettinad food is less spicy, less oily and harmless to the stomach. Minimum quantity of oil, spice, tamarind and coconut is used in the real Chettinad food. But the food served in restaurants now is vice versa. With a standard full meal or in marriage lunch boiled rice, cooked dhal, drumstick sambar, ghee for flavouring rice, kootu, poriyal, masiyal, pachchadi, masala, kara kuzhambu, thaneer kuzhambu, soup, curd, appalam, variety of pickles, and desserts like payasam and Ice cream are served. The “kara kozhambu” or “Pakkoda Kuzhambu”is widely regarded as the best tasting Chettinad Side Dish. The word Chettinad, reminds the numerous mouth watering delicacies that have transcended the boundaries of Tamil Nadu to carve a worldwide following. Generally less garnished with spices, the typical menu resembles the aristocratic way of life of the Chettinad people.

As Chettiars had business contacts throughout the world from time immemorial their cuisine is famous for its use of a variety of spices used in preparing mainly non-vegetarian food. The dishes are hot and spicy with fresh ground masalas. They also make a lot of sun dried salted vegetables called vatthals, during the season and use them in the off season, reflecting the dry environment of the region and economic nature. The meat is restricted ot fish, prawn, lobster, crab, chicken and mutton. Chettiars do not eat beef and pork. Most of the dishes are eaten with rice and rice based accompaniments such as idlis, dosais, appams, idiyappams and adais. The Chettinad people through their mercantile contacts with Burma, learnt to prepare a type of rice pudding made with sticky red rice calles the “Kavanarisi”. Breakfast or tiffin includes idly(steamed rice cakes), dosai (a pancake made from a batter of rice) and lentils crisp fried on a pan, vada (deep fried doughnuts made from a batter of lentils), pongal ( a mish mash of rice and lentils boiled together and seasoned with ghee, cashew nuts, pepper and cummin seed), uppuma (cooked semolina seasoned in oil with mustard, pepper, cummin seed and dry lentils.) There are several variations of the dishes mentioned above which are eaten with coconut chutney, sambar (seasoned lentil broth) and mulaga podi (a powdered mix of several dried lentils eaten with oil). Lunch or meals consists of cooked rice served with an array of vegetable dishes, sambar, chutneys, rasam ( a hot broth made with tamarind juice and pepper) and curd(yogurt). For a non-vegetarian lunch, curries or dishes cooked with mutton, chicken or fish is included. The meals is incomplete without crisp papads or appalam.

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Chettinad cuisine offers a variety of vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Some of the popular vegetarian dishes include idiyappam, paniyaram, vellai paniyaram, karuppatti paniyaram, paal paniyaram, kuzhi paniyaram, kozhakattai, masala paniyaram, adikoozh, kandharappam, seeyam, masala seeyam, kavuni arisi & athirasam. Spices used In Chettinad food, the most important spices are marathi mokku (dried flower pods), anasipoo (star aniseed) and kalpasi (dried bark). In addition, tamarind, whole red chillies and saunf (Fennel seeds) are also used along with cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, peppercorn, cumin seeds and fenugreek.

Chettinad Tomato Chutney Chettinad Tomato Chutney with Idli

Tomato Chutney with Idli Chettinad Tomato Chutney Recipe Prep time: 5 min : Cook time: 15 min : Yield: 4 : Main Ingredients: tomato Ingredients Onion - 1, finely sliced Tomatoes - 2 large, sliced Chana dal - 1 1/2 tbsps (Bengal gram/senaga pappu) :Dry red chilies - 2 :Green chilies - 1 Ginger - 1/2 “ finely minced ; Coconut milk - 3-4 tbsps : Salt to taste : Cooking oil - 1/2 tbsp For tempering/poppu/tadka: Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp : Red chilies - 2 : Curry leaves - a sprig Asafoetida - pinch Method 1. Heat oil in a vessel. Once the oil is hot, reduce flame, add chana dal, red chilies and green chili and saute till the dal turns light brown. Remove the dal, green chili and red chilies from oil and keep aside to cool. In the same oil, add the onions and ginger and saute till transparent, approx 3-4 mts. Add the tomatoes and saute for 9-10 mts on low to medium flame. Turn off heat and cool. 2. Blend the cooled ingredients (dals, chilies, tomatoes and onions) along with salt and coconut milk to a fine paste. Remove onto a serving bowl. Heat a tsp of oil in a small pan, add the mustard seeds and allow them to splutter. Add the curry leaves, red chilies and asafoetida and turn off heat. 3. Pour this tempering over the chutney and serve with idli or dosa. Made Chettinad Tomato Chutney with idli for our breakfast today. I try to prepare a new variety of chutney recipe for idli and dosa.

Today, I present an absolute winner of a recipe, Chettinad tomato chutney. Chutney aka Pachadi is a revered dish in our home and my blog is testimony to it. Chutney recipes are numerous with various permutations and combinations. I do not follow any particular chutney recipe as such when I venture out to make a pachadi. I just add a twist to an original chutney recipe by tweaking it and a new chutney flavor is born.

Chettinad Vazhai Thandu Kootu

I wanted to make an authentic Chettinad tomato chutney to go with idli for breakfast and went about searching through my large collection of hand written recipes for one. I found a couple of chettinad chutney recipes but was not sure how authentic they were but settled for this particular chutney recipe as I liked the list of ingredients that went into its making. I’m glad I made it. Its the coconut milk which elevates the flavor of the tomato chutney. Spicy with slight tang and sweet notes, Chettinad tomato chutney is sensational and a keeper.

Vazhaithandu is the tender stem of the Banana plant. It is a potassium rich food with a lot of health benefits. It has a high fibre content; a diuretic and a laxative. The Banana Stem is very fibrous and slicing it is very tricky and the key to enjoying the dish. Using a serrated knife to cut through makes the job easier. As there are many varieties of the fruit, so also with the stem. Amma says that “Kai Vazhai Thandu” is better as the Poriyal or Kootu will be white. Else it discolours and becomes ‘grey’ish. Mostly it is a gamble as you have to rely on your vendor!

Kootu or Kootucurry - a dal+vegetable side-dish served for Lunch as an accompaniment to fiery Kuzhambu (Gravy). The Southern states boast of regional specialties and this is the Chettinad style. Sometimes seasoned and sometimes not; it is tasty and healthy.

It is so lovely to watch her cut even sized match sticks from the round slices, making small turns every often to get uniform lengths. Slicing the Vazhaithandu is a trick, easily mastered. Karma 20

First, remove the thick outer layers. Then slice across (thin and round slices) through the stem and you will find fibrous strands between the two parts. With a twirl of your index finger, remove the fibre (from both the slice and the stem) and discard. Continue slicing until you have 6 or 7 discs. Now pile up the discs and cut into matchsticks. Take about 1 cup of water in a bowl. Mix in 1 Tbsp of buttermilk. Drop the chopped stem (Thandu) into this bowl of water. It helps the stem remain white. Ingredients: Vazhaithandu - 1, small :Moong Dal - 1/4 cup :Green Chillies - 3 to 4 :Grated Coconut - 2 Tbsp :Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp :Salt to taste :Curry Leaves - 1 sprig :Ghee - 1 tsp (optional) Instructions: Take a heavy base pan or kadai and cook moong dal in sufficient water until it is half cooked.Chop the Vazhaithandu into matchsticks as explained above. (By the time you are through with chopping, the dal will be perfectly cooked.)Drain well and add it to the simmering dal along with slit green chillies. Simmer cook and add little water if the Kootu becomes dry. The consistency should be like a thick gravy.When the vegetable is soft, add salt, cumin seeds, a teaspoon of ghee, grated coconut and curry leaves (torn into pieces - to release the flavour).Mix well and take off heat. Serve Hot.Seasoning is optional. If you wish the curry leaves, cumin and 1 dry red chilli (broken into two) can be seasoned in ghee and added to the kootu just before taking off heat.

Chettinad Chiina Urulai (Baby Potato) Roast French Fries or Cajun Potatoes - Potatoes are so versatile that it lends itself to spices pleasing the palate, and have made a place for themselves in every cuisine. We too have our vegetable dishes starring ‘the Potato’. The tiny baby potatoes are a temptation whenever we go shopping; I have to control myself or I will serving them for almost every meal! The only drawback is that they do not absorb the masalas very easily. I would prick them with a fork; an easier

option is to slit them at opposite sides to help absorb flavours and masala; or halve them with their skins on. Peeling raw potatoes is a tedious process; also leaving the skin on is good for you. If need be, pressure cook for 1 whistle, release pressure and drain potatoes. Now the skin will come off easily and the masala will get absorbed as the dish simmers to perfection. Soak the baby potatoes in a large pail of water. Scrub and wash it well and select blemish - free ones to cook. It is better to cook them with the skin and worth the extra effort. Urulai roast is so easy to prepare - an everyday dish; yet a delicacy and will take centre stage in a party menu. It can also be served as a starter; on toothpicks. Ingredients: Chinna Urulai Kizhangu - 1/2 Kg :Curry Leaves :Oil - 3 tsp :Ghee - 1 Tbsp :Masala Paste:Onion - 1/2:Ginger - 1/2”:Garlic - 1 clove: Chilli Powder - 1 tsp : Dhania Powder - 1 tsp :Jeera Powder - 1/2 tsp :Turmerric Powder - 1/4 tsp “:Lemon Juice - 1 tsp (or) Curds - 2 Tbsp :Salt to taste Instructions: Wash the potatoes very well. Slit or prick with a fork.Grind the masala ingredients together without water (add very little if absolutely necessary). Mix the masala, 1 tsp oil and potatoes. Marinate for a couple of hours (or overnight in the fridge). Heat a pressure pan and add marinated potatoes to it. Add a little water (1/4 cup) and pressure cook for 1 whistle. Allow pressure to subside and then open cooker.Heat ghee and oil in a non-stick pan and fry curry leaves. Drain and keep aside. Transfer contents from cooker to the same pan. Cook over a slow flame until evenly roasted. Shake the pan or stir gently, or the potatoes will break. Mix in the fried curry leaves and serve.

Karupatti Paniyaram Pillayar Nombu


Pillayar Nombu falls on the 21st day after Thiru Karthigai, when ‘Sashti’ thithi coincides with ‘Sadhayam’ (star - Nakshatram). There are various stories told by elders about this festival, celebrated all over the world by Nagarathar’s. Being traders by profession, we celebrate this Nombu in the evening. In foreign countries, and now in cities like Chennai, Nagarathaar’s get together at their Sangam or in a common place and celebrate it together. Appa told me that Chettiars were “Samana’s” (people who follow Buddhism) who later converted to “Saivam” at Thiruvannamalai, when they migrated from Kanchipuram to Kaveripoompattinam. The ‘Thiri’ is lit and taken alive. The ‘Ilai” is in the shape of a small mountain - the simplest form of Lord Ganesha.We offer Aval Pori, Arisi Pori, Ellu Pori, Chola Pori and Kambu Pori; along with Cheedai (representing Athikkai/Aalangai), Vadai, and Paniyaram (Karuppatti Paniyaram). Avarampoo, Kannupillai poo and MaIlai form a bouquet. This is offered to the diety and on the next day, it adorns our Vaasal (doorway). The Ilai-Maavu is made of Jaggery or Karupatti and Rice flour. 21 threads form the ‘thiri’ that is drawn from a new, preferably unbleached cotton Veshti. The fasting does not happen now, but this pooja is revered and celebrated. The

eldest in the family will do the honours. He will wear a ‘Thalapa” (head gear) and take the Ilai first. Then he will give the lit “ehlai” to all the others in the family/ community. This year we celebrated the same at Periamma’s. Ingredients: Raw Rice - 2 cups :Karupatti (Palm Jaggery) - 1 cup:Elaichi - 2, powdered:Water”: Oil for deep frying Ingredients: For the Maavu (Dough): Soak Raw Rice for 3 hours. Drain well and spread on a white cloth to remove moisture thoroughly.Grind the rice in batches to get a fine powder. Sieve. Return the granules in the sieve to the mixie to be ground further.Repeat process with the entire rice. Keep aside.Roughly chop palm jaggery. Place in a heavy bottomed pan with very little water and bring it a boil.Allow to dissolve completely, mashing the bits in the syrup. Add elaichi to it.Cook until it thickens a little (should

be syrupy).Strain and cool slightly.Mix into the prepared flour and bind to get a firm dough. Keep aside. NOTE - Do not be tempted to add more syrup, as the dough will become so loose that you cannot shape it.At this stage, we remove a portion of the dough for the “Ilai” maavu; mix it with little ghee and keep it aside for the Pooja.Prasadham (Athikkai 21 nos, Alangai 21 nos, Paniyaram 5 nos, Vadai 5 nos) for the diety is prepared in ghee. Nadu Veetu Kolam is drawn on the floor. When dry, the stove is placed on it. We then blow the conch before starting to make the Palagarams. Take a small Kadai and pour about 3/4 cup of ghee. Heat it over a medium flame and make the Cheedai first; then the paniyaram and finally the Vadai. To make the Paniyaram: Take the thick Maavu (as prepared above) in a shallow dish. Add water as required and thin it down to a thick batter.Check taste for sweetness and add extra syrup if needed.Heat oil in a shallow, flat based pan.Pour a ladleful of the batter into the oil. Use a quick and short motion; and hold the ladle close to the oil. The Paniyaram will float to the top. Turn it over and cook for a minute or two.Flip over once again and drain it by holding the ladle against the sides of the Pan.Place it on a plate (elevated on one side to help drain the oozing oil). Note: My grandmother would add soaked and steamed moong dal into the batter for a softer Paniyaram. Left-over Paniyaram can be stored in the fridge. Next day, steam cook and enjoy!

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The following are the 2013 PALANKAL / PREDICTIONS based on “ Moon Sign” and not on Sun Sign. Do not confuse the following “general predictions” based on Moon sign with sun sign and western astrology. Also the following predictions are very generalized and for your specific questions or problems call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately in his cell Phone @ 408 829 7780 ( USA) or Call the Temple’s Toll free @ 1-888-808-1418 Mesham Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Aries) 2013 is coming with good stars and blessings for you. In spite of getting good news, you will not feel satisfied. Due to which, your mental peace will suffer. During this year, you need to be very careful while taking decisions

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of your life, related to anything. You might also suffer from family clashes due to misunderstandings. From family or love life’s point of view, this year is not much favorable. However, you will do wonders in professional life. Income will increase, which will help you in saving good. You might invest money for family welfare or religious things. In love matters, you need to be sharp. Don’t leave any matter leniently; you have to solve all your issues because they might turn disastrous in coming future or even break-up. Overall, you will be calm and composed throughout the year while dealing with your life. Rishabham Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Taurus) 2013 is bringing good news for people born under this sign. The whole year will be exciting and fun. Whatever you will do, will come with ten times better results. All your efforts will give you results above expectations. It is a good year; try to utilize best of it because at the end you will only count on your efforts. You will feel contended from all spheres of your life. Over that, your family atmosphere will keep your soul refreshed. If you are single and planning to get mingled then this is the right time for you, don’t wait, the time is yours. Don’t worry if you have not met anyone till now, you will meet your love partner very soon. However, you might get worried from your professional front. It is advisable for you not to trust anyone else other than you. If you are a student, many opportunities are running toward you that are going to meet you in 2013. While looking for any course or institute, you need to listen to your heart for better selection. Mithunam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Gemini) 2013 is going to be a challenging year for you. Don’t get scared and buckle up your belt to face the thrill. Some wrong deeds might get fame in your name, where you don’t have even a single finger wet in the sin pond. You need to put each step carefully because a minute mistake can bring tornadoes to your life. It is like as if demons are waiting to see you fall and cry, but you have to gather the strength to make them cry. One thing that you need to watch and control is your words. Even your jokes might be taken as curse by people. Anybody might get hurt from you, even in the case when you won’t have any intention of hurting anyone. From professional front, it is not that bad, neither easy. You need to work harder to keep your position safe or for increments. Someone close might betray you, which will keep distressed for a long span of time. You are advised not to reveal the pages of your life in front of anyone. In any case, tensions and stress won’t help you. Obviously, you are being asked to keep yourself away from depression and fight with bad time. Avoid any risy transaction in money matters because you might lose some money. After all, ups and downs are the part of life. So, take it easy.

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Kadagam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Cancer) 2013 is coming with rude stars, that might give you tensions and stress. Whatever you will face in 2013 will not be because of anyone else, it is you who is responsible. Your stars might influence you to act negatively, which in turn will becomes dangerous for you. Before doing any action or saying something, think twice. Further, you need to set your priorities to avoid messing up. However, you don’t have to worry much because some good stars are also here, which might make some fine changes in your life. These changes are needed by you to lead a peaceful life. Your love life might give you some very beautiful moments in this time. Income sources will increase and you will get better opportunities to save. Apart from this, you need to manage a balance between your personal and professional life otherwise this might lead you to stress. Indeed, 2013 is a good year for you, but you need to keep yourself safe from unnecessary arguments and fights. Simmam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Leo) 2013 will give you some extraordinary moments. This year is going to be one of the best years of your life. You might get disappointed any time in your life, but this year is coming just for happiness. You don’t need to ask anyone for anything because this time your instinct will take you toward heights. You will feel quite satisfied with your income and be able to save well. The needs of your family and love will also be satisfied. Due to which, you will get happiness from them. Indeed, it is a favorable time for students and jobseekers too; they will get the opportunity they were dreaming of. Utilize the best of this time and don’t waste a single moment. Kanni Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Virgo) People born under this sign are known for their wisdom and perfection. This year, you might decide to take a break from your moribund life to space out for yourself. You will realize the importance of love and the people you love. Spending time with your loved ones will help you with mental peace. Your excellence makes everything done by you perfect. People will praise you for your work at workplace. Promotion can also be seen. You are an expert and know how to balance things in life. This will keep your schedule busy throughout the year, but still you will stay happy. Before investing anywhere, just go through the pros and cons to avoid miss-happenings and losses. Travels for work will give you profits, so don’t avoid them.

Thulaam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Libra) Time for acting childish is over, now you have to act smart. Unnecessary changes won’t impress you because you love your life the way it is. However, change has to come because it is the law of nature and nobody can help it. Even if you don’t like the change, it will benefit you in coming future. Apart from this, you will stay distressed throughout the year. Unfavorable conditions might affect your health badly, so avoid taking tensions as they are of no use. 2013 has not brought too much of luck in his bag for you. So, stay alert in all your acts. You might have fights with your lover, which will arise from small arguments, so avoid them. You might have to suffer from a break in business partnership due to internal issues. In order to get good results in things, you will have to put too much of hard work and energy. In some cases, you might seek advices from your seniors or some experts. Students are needed to give their 100% for achieving desired goal. Viruchigam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Scorpio) You people are the most enthusiastic amongst all. Nobody can keep you upset for long. You will have a roller coaster ride throughout this year. One moment you will be on cloud nine and another moment you will find yourself drowning in gloomy ocean. However, you know how to overcome and deal with the situation. You might have to suffer from some family conflicts this year, but things will be fine in the end. Your love relationship is demanding more attention this year. In terms of career, this year is wonderful. You will get good opportunities to showcase your talent this year, which will make you happy. You believe in living in present, due to which you won’t be able to save anything this year. People under this sign are quite hard working and adventurous, which leads them to take risk. Your risk taking tendency might land you up in difficult situation, so avoid them. Dhanusu Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Sagittarius) 2013 has not got anything special for you. It doesn’t mean that it has got something bad. The thing is, this year has left things on you. Now, it is the time when you will decide your own destiny. People under this sign are more carefree and they have to leave this tendency for this year to live happily. You are not of the type who love home, you love travelling; however, your health might suffer due to useless travels. Health should be your topmost priority this year because a sick person cannot do anything. You need to become easier because things might not work under your stubborn behavior. As you are the creator for this year, take things more seriously otherwise you might end up with messed up life. Complications might turn your way in love. Your life might suffer due to misunderstandings. In financial matters, the year seems good, but don’t expect too much, it might hurt.

Magaram Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Capricorn) 2013 is bringing many good things for people under this sign. You will be blessed with fame and prosperity. All your desires will be fulfilled this year. You can expect almost anything and live your dreams. Success will come your way in almost everything done by you. During this time, you will get support from your friends and love from your beloved. Only family matters might make you sad this year. You can do nothing about it. So, don’t worry at all and concentrate on your career. Utilize this time as much as you can. This time is in full support for taking you to heights of success. You are definitely going to earn a good amount of money, but investment is not suggested by stars. Students should avoid being in wrong company, this will affect them badly.

Kumbam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Aquarius) 2013 is bringing loads of happiness for you. You crave the most for love and respect. Diligence is in your nature and you accomplish all assigned tasks with a feel of responsibility. You will be praised for your dedication at workplace and your quality work will take you to heights. A promotion might come your way. Your family loves and respects you. You love to be the center of affection amongst family members. However, you have to be careful about your love life otherwise you might have to face fights with your beloved. This year is lucky for you and nothing seems to be serious. In no time, you will come over the small fights with your beloved. Overall, the satisfaction level this year will keep you happy. Meenam Rashi Tamil Horoscope 2013 (Pisces) People like you are really emotional and easily get overridden by emotions. Position of stars is suggesting you to believe yourself instead of anyone else. This time you should deal with situations using your brain and your point of view. Overall, this year is going to be a very good year for you. However, you will not be noticed at your home or workplace, no matter how many efforts you put in. During this time, you will override things and think too much, which will ruin even good things. You will take things negatively, even if everything is going good. In your love life, you need to take a firm decision and stand by it. For investment matters, it is not a favorable time for you. Some fraud in investment or decrement in income might make you depressed, which might affect your health too. In 2013, you are advised to take good care of your health. TO COME OUT OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND TO LEAD & LIVE A HAPPY LIFE CALL SWAMIJI SIDDHAR @ TOLL FREE 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@ aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential

outcome of such a creation but Shiva had superior powers. Daksha, however, never liked the supremacy of Shiva. So, he took Shiva as his rival. One of the daughters of Daksha, named Sati, was a great devotee of Shiva. She was beautiful and virtuous. Most of the time Sati immersed in the thoughts of Shiva and dreamed of being his wife.Sati, through her sincere and devotional prayers, acquired the blessings of all gods and goddesses. Shiva finally yielded and appeared before Sati. She paid her reverence and kneeling down to Shiva chanted in praise of him. Shiva asked her to choose a boon. Shiva knew what she would ask but wanted her to speak for herself.Sati was hesitant, “How can I say that I want nothing else but Him!” After a while Sati gathered her courage and started to say, “Lord will you ----” Shiva did not let Sati complete her question, and he blessed her, “Be my consort Sati.”

Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Read the following wonderful Hindu stories which I have written for our Hindu Children . The same would bring great spiritual, vedic, hindu, knowledge about our Hinduisam and our children will not lose our Hindu roots

- H. H Swamiji Seri Selvam Siddhar Sati and Lord Shiva

According to Hindu view of life, Shiva, the principle male power, unites with his female counterpart in order to acquire the ability to create and destroy. The story of Sati and Shiva, described in the Purana, presents in simple language, the truth and beauty of such a lofty vedic concept. In the days of ancient mythology, Brahma, the Prajapati, mentally created ten sons (manasa putra) to carry out his task of creation and destruction. Both Shiva and Daksha were the

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Soon Sati was married to Shiva amidst numerous gods and goddesses.After the wedding, Shiva took Sati to Kailas where they spent many a happy days. Then one day, Shiva requested Sati to accompany him to Prayag, today’s Allahabad, to attend a fire- worship ceremony or Yagna.When Shiva entered the Yagna hall, every one stood up to pay respect. After some time Daksha entered the Yagna hall. Everyone stood up to pay respect except Shiva. Daksha felt insulted.”How dare my son-in-law, Shiva, did not stand up! This is a deliberate insult to me,” Daksha said to himself. Shiva, on the other hand, thought to himself, “Being a superior power, it will not be nice if I stand up, and harm may befall on Daksha.” Shiva did not mean to insult Daksha.Taking this instance as an exception, Daksha promised to insult Shiva in public. He hurriedly returned home and declared that he will hold a grand sacrificial ceremony. He invited all gods and goddesses, but deliberately excluded Shiva.

When Sati, Shiva’s beautiful wife and Daksha’s daughter, noticed a large procession of gods and goddesses passing by, she curiously asked Shiva, “Where are they going?” Shiva replied, “To the grand sacrificial ceremony to be held by Daksha, your father.” Sati was amazed. “Then why have you not been invited?” she demanded angrily. “You should have been the first to be asked.” Shiva smiled gently at his wife’s loyalty and fervor. “Daksha has always been hostile to me,” Shiva tried to explain. But Sati’s disbelief increased, “Does my father not realize that you are the supreme power and no one can equal you?” “You are a good and true wife Sati,” Shiva replied gently, “but Daksha thinks differently, he takes me as his rival.” “Invited or not,” Sati said furiously, “I think we should go. It is after all my own father’s house and I atleast need no invitation.” “Then go with my blessings Sati,” replied Shiva. “but do not forget that Daksha will shower insults upon me. You must be strong enough to bear it silently and not allow your rage to show in your father’s presence. If you are unable to tolerate his insults, I fear you may come to harm.” Taking Nandi, the gentle white bull who was Shiva’s companion and mount, Sati arrived at her father’s grand sacrificial ceremony. Daksha reluctantly received her and publicly condemned Shiva - calling him the demon of death and an impious haunter of cremation grounds.”What place has the goblin lord of witches and foul spirits in a sacred ceremony such as mine?” Daksha boomed.Sati was hurt by his insults to her husband and begged her father to stop, but Daksha could not contain himself. “It is disgraceful for a so-called god to wear filthy rags, cover himself with snakes and dance like a madman at ceremonies ---” continued Daksha on and on until Sati could not stand any longer. She remembered her husband’s caution, “Do not allow your rage to get over you.” Sati painfully said, “I am ashamed to be known as your daughter. As I have promised my husband not to take any revenge, much less upon you, I merely denounce you before this assembly. I shall consume myself in a fire and return to mother Earth until I am born again to a father whom I can respect.” Daksha ignored the disappearance of Sati and ordered to continue with the sacrifice. When news reached Shiva, through Nandi, that his beloved wife was dead, he let out a mighty roar that shook Heaven and Earth. He soon created a powerful demon, named Virabhadra, from his matted hair. Shiva also created a huge army of demons to accompany Virabhadra. They descended like a hurricane on Daksha’s feast, destroying the sacrificial offering and killing all those who dared defend Daksha. Finally every one walked over to Shiva’s side to seek refuge with him.

Shiva was about to destroy the universe, when Brahma came with other gods to calm him down. Shiva was still quivering and shook with wrath and grief at the loss of Sati. All the gods soothed the furious Shiva and pleaded with him to forgive Daksha and allow him to complete the sacrificial ceremony, which he had started, otherwise he would go to hell. Relenting, Shiva brought back to life all the people who had been killed in the battle and cured all those who had been injured. Finally he looked up, suppressing the power of his destructive third eye, and stated, “I will return Daksha to life, but he must bear the mark of his foolishness forever.”The gods agreed to Shiva’s condition and Daksha was revived. The mark of his foolishness was clear for all to see for instead of his own head, he wore the head of a goat. Daksha fell at Shiva’s feet weeping with gratitude, and finally acknowledged Shiva’s supremacy. With a mighty effort Shiva contained his grief for the loss of Sati, and he fell into profound meditation, waiting for the time when she would be reincarnated as Parvati and be his wife once again. A DUTIFUL SON- RAMA “Father’s Day” is observed in the month of June. It is the day for expressing our love and respect to our father, one of the most important person of our lives. Both father and mother, all over the world, play a vital role in shaping the character of their children. In traditional India, a dutiful son takes care of his parents in their old age. This is our social security. The daughter is more committed towards her husband’s family though her emotional ties with her own parents never get severed.

After completing the task, Rama was ready to return home when Vishwamitra asked Rama to accompany him to the kingdom of Janak. Janak’s eldest daughter, Sita, was about to pick a husband from the princes assembled in the swayambara (a gathering arranged for choosing a royal husband).Almost every prince present in the assembly wanted to marry Sita as she was the most beautiful girl on earth. To choose the best of the princes in the gathering, a condition was laid. Sita will marry the prince who will be able to bend and string a very heavy bow left in the front of the assembly. One after another all princes tried to lift the bow, but it could not be lifted, let alone bend and string. It weighed like a mountain. Finally Janak was about to give up when Vishwamitra asked Rama to try. Rama took his blessing, prayed, and lifted the bow at ease. When he tried to string the bow it snapped in two. Today I will tell you the story of a dutiful son, Rama, who went to exile for fourteen years in order to fulfill the promises that his father Dasharatha made to one of his queens, Kaikeyi. Long long ago, in India, there lived a king whose name was Dasharatha. He ruled the kingdom of Koshal (part of present day Uttar Pradesh) from its capital Ayodhya. He was loved by one and all because he cared for the happiness and prosperity of his subjects. Dasharatha had three queens, Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Even though Dasharatha had everything to make him happy he was very sad at heart because had no children. He was getting old, and was worried for not having an heir to inherit his throne. Upon the advice of his guru (spiritual guide), Vashishtha, Dasharatha performed a great sacrificial fire worship. On the final day of worship, a figure appeared in the huge flame with a bowl of rice pudding. The figure intoned, “Take this rice pudding and divide this amongst your wives. They will give you the sons you desire.” Then it disappeared. Dasharatha took the bowl to his first wife, Kaushalya, and gave her half of the pudding. Out of what was left, he divided that to his second wife Kaikeyi and the third wife Sumitra. When a little bit of pudding was still in the bowl, he gave that to Sumitra saying “Here, finish it up.” Kaushalya duly gave birth to a son, Rama. Kaikeyi was next, with a son Bharat. Sumitra was the last. She had been given two helpings, so she had twin boys, Lakshmana and Shatrughan.As the boys grew older, Lakshmana got attached to his eldest brother, Rama, and Shatrughan to Bharat. All the brothers, however, were very close and loved each other. Rama was respected by all because of his good nature and truthful character. He was strong, handsome and was the heir to the throne. When the boys were close to sixteen, it was one day, sage Vishwamitra arrived in the court of Dasharatha. Vishwamitra requested Dasharatha to send Rama and Lakshmana with him to the forest to kill the demons who disturbed him in his prayers. Rama and Lakshmana accompanied the sage and killed the shedemon Tadaka and her followers. Vishwamitra was pleased and taught Rama the sacred verses to call for the divine weapons to be used to protect justice. Karma 28

Rama proved to be the strongest prince in the assembly. Sita happily garlanded him. Dasharatha was informed and he requested Janak to let the three sisters of Sita marry his other three sons - Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan. Janak was overwhelmed with the unexpected offer from Dasharatha. He immediately made all arrangements and all the four brothers got married together in front of the sacrificial fire. Dasharatha then decided to retire making Rama the crown king of Koshal. But things did not go according to Dashratha’s plan. When the day of coronation of Rama was announced Bharat and Shatrughan were at their maternal uncle’s place. The city started to prepare for the occasion and the queens were happy for the oncoming event. At this time, Dasharatha’s second wife Kaikeyi got an ill advice from her scheming, hunchback maid Manthara. Manthara said to Kaikeyi, “Why are you happy in celebrating Rama’s coronation? Don’t you realize that you will not be as respected as Kaushalya and Bharat will be totally ignored.” “What nonsense you talk,” said Kaikeyi, “I love Rama and he is the heir.” “Not if you change things” said Manthara in a devilish voice. “But, how can I?” “Easily,” said the scheming maid, “Remember, a very long ago, you saved Dasharatha’s life during a war, and he said he would grant you any two wishes.” “Yes, and I said I would ask for my wishes later, when I knew what I wanted,” said Kaikeyi. “Exactly” shouted Manthara “Ask for them now. Ask for Bharat to be crowned king and for Rama to be banished to the forest for fourteen years.” Kaikeyi fell a prey to the conspiracy of Manthara. When Dasharatha came to accompany her to the coronation ceremony, she was lying on the floor, sobbing.When Dasharatha repeatedly

asked the queen about the thing that was bothering her, Kakeyi replied, “Do you recall the promise you made, when I saved your life in the battle field, to fulfill two of my wishes?” “Yes my queen” said Dasharatha, “I remember that and I will not break my promise. Ask for what you desire!” Kakeyi sternly said, “Crown Bharat king and banish Rama to the forest for fourteen years.” King Dasharatha was stunned into silence. He or his ancestors had never broken a promise. What could he do now? His happiness and his future had all been stolen from him instantly. Dasharatha some how whispered to his attendant, “Go and get Rama.” When Rama arrived, his father was far too unhappy to speak. It was Kaikeyi who spoke, “Bharat is to be king and you are to be banished for fourteen years.” “Is this what my dear father desires?” asked Rama. “Your father is keeping his two promises to me.” Kaikeyi answered. “Then I have no choice, I must honor my father’s word. If promises are made, they must be kept. Let Bharat rule. I leave for the exile immediately.” Sita and Lakshman insisted to accompany Ram. Dasharata died shortly following Rama’s departure.When Bharat came to know about this he got furious with his mother and Shatrughan kicked Manthara out of the house. Then Bharat went after Rama in order to request him to come back and rule the kingdom. Rama very humbly refused as he did not want his father’s promises to be broken. Bharat returned to Ayodhya with Rama’s sandals and ruled the kingdom as an appointee of Rama. Even in the palace he chose to lead the life of a hermit like his elder brother Rama. During the exile, Sita was abducted by the demon king Ravana. Rama hunt out Ravana with the help of the monkey king Sugreeva and his commander Hanuman. A fierce battle ensued and Ravana was finally defeated. Rama triumphantly returned to Ayodhya with Sita after fourteen years’ of exile. We celebrate Diwali in memory of Rama’s return to Ayodhya. Rama is considered by all Indians as an ideal son who willingly undertook hardship in order to save his father’s honor. He was also a great warrior and an emblem of justice. LORD GANESHA In India, Shiva is recognized as the god who controls the forces of destruction. Parvati, his wife, is a powerful goddess, and Nandi, is Shiva’s loyal servant.One day, Parvati was preparing to take a bath so she ordered Nandi to stand guard outside her house. She instructed him not to let anyone enter without her permission. Later Nandi saw Shiva approaching the house. “How can I stop my master from entering his home?”, he wondered.Nandi

allowed to Shiva to enter. Parvati came from her bath and was startled by her husband. Shiva laughed when he saw how his presence had scared her, but Parvati was not amused.”All my servants are Shiva’s servants first,” she thought. “I need someone who will obey me above all others.” Alone in the house the next day, Parvati created someone who would be devoted only to her. Pulling ointments and creams from the surface of her body she built a statue of a young boy. Then, with her divine powers, she gave the statue life and created a son.”Guard this door and let no one enter without my permission,” said Parvati. “As you wish,” the boy responded.Shiva returned home but was blocked by the strange boy. “How dare you keep me from my own home!”, said Shiva. But the boy only repeated that no one was to enter without his mother’s permission. Shiva could not believe that this boy would stop a god from entering his own house. He sent Nandi to teach the boy a lesson. Nandi took a small group of Ganas, Shiva’s army, and went to the house. When Nandi tried to remove the boy from his post the boy threw him to the ground. Nandi became angry and attacked with his men, but the boy fought them all with such strength that Nandi had no choice but to retreat. “I have never witnessed such a thing,” he told Shiva, “We could not defeat the boy. He was too strong and too fast.”All the Gods in the Heavens had heard of Shiva’s conflict with the boy. The gods and their armies assembled to assist Shiva. Brahma, the god of creation, spoke of peaceful solution. “He is just a boy,” he said. “Let me talk to him.” But when Brahma tried to talk, the boy chased him off.When Shiva saw how the boy treated Brahma he became extremely upset.He stood up and addressed the troops. “Man your weapons! The boy has given us no choice but to fight!”And so the battle continued with the boy successfully defending his mother’s house. Parvati was furious.”Why Shiva?!?” She cried, “Why would you go to such lengths rather that simply ask permission to enter? Why would you bring so many great warriors to get rid of one small boy?”Parvati focused all her anger to create two powerful warrior goddesses and ordered them to go help her son.The goddesses created from Parvati’s anger were very powerful. Using their magic they swallowed up the weapons of the soldiers. Most of the men ran away so that only the strongest warriors and gods remained to continue fighting. Shiva became even more determined to defeat the boy. He turned to Lord Vishnu, the protect of the world, and said, “We must work together to defeat his child. I have a plan.”So carried by his loyal servant Garuda, Vishnu flew down from the sky and engaged the boy in fierce combat.Seeing his chance, Shiva crept up behind the boy with his golden trident raised... Shiva threw his weapon and removed the boy’s head.The Heavens rejoiced at Shiva’s victory, but Parvati was enraged.

The waters of the oceans boiled. The mountains quaked and there were fires and disasters throughout the heavens and Earth. The gods pleaded with Parvati to stop the destruction and asked how they could make up for her son’s death.

could do nothing. He soon returned to the party without telling any one what happened. He couldn’t help but wonder, “Who is he?”After a while, Indra asked the wind god Pavan to go to the Yaksha and find out the reason of his visit.

“Shiva must bring my son back to life and honor him as a god,” she replied.

When Pavan approached the Yaksha, the Yaksha asked him, “Who are you?””I am Pavan, the wind god” he said. “I can blow every thing away when I want to.”

Shiva agreed to Parvati’s conditions.Since the boy’s head could not be found, Shiva sent Nandi and his men to bring back the head of the first animal they saw. Nandi obeyed and a short journey returned with the head of a magnificent white elephant. Shiva was pleased. He placed the head on the boy’s body, gave it his blessings and brought the boy back to life.In honor of the boy’s bravery and courage, Shiva named him Ganesha, leader of the Ganas. Shiva announced to the Heavens and Earth that Ganesha was to be known as the Lord of Beginnings, the Protector of all that is new. BREAKING THE VANITY OF GODS Conveying a message through stories and examples, is an ageold effective way of communication. The story you are about to hear was narrated by an unnamed Rishi (sage), to his disciples, that brings home the basic concept of one god, the Brahman. Other gods and goddesses are his manifestations facilitating the operation of this universe that He created. The moral derived from this story is the fact that our righteous acts need to be well guarded against the evils which constantly try to take over. Long long ago, the tyranny of the Ashuras, the evil people, made this earth uninhabitable. The gods, or Devas, were defeated by the Ashuras and they were banished. The gods approached the all powerful Brahman, the creator of the universe and source of energy for all beings, to help them defeat the Ashuras and bring peace back to the earth. Brahman blessed them and asked them to pursue and fight even harder. The Ashuras were then finally defeated and they fled underground, preying on the opportune moment to rise above again. The Gods began to celebrate their victory over the Ashuras and became boastful of their power forgetting that it came from the one and only source, the Brahman. In fact they forgot their duties and became engaged in drinking, merry making and licentious behavior. So, to give a lesson, Brahman sent a Yaksha (demigod) to the place where the gods gathered for their celebration party. Indra, the king of the gods and the god of weather, saw the Yaksha approaching them. He asked Agni, the god of fire to inquire who he was. Agni came near the Yaksha and introduced himself as the powerful god capable of burning off anything that touches him. The Yaksha said with false surprise, “Is that right?” Then he picked up a small dry grass and said, “Can you burn this?” Agni, drowned in his ego, laughed, “Ha! Ha! Ha! You must be kidding!” Yaksha calmly replied, “Why don’t you try it?”Agni took the grass in his hand and tried to burn it. But strangely enough, he Karma 30

“Really!” said the Yaksha and gave him the small blade of grass to blow away. “Could you blow away this blade of grass?”Pavan could not even believe that any one would challenge his power with a blade of dry grass. He callously put the grass on his palm and blew on it. To his utter shock, it stayed exactly as he had placed it on his palm and had not moved. He tried repeatedly to blow it away and finally gave up. Ashamed of his inability to stir a small blade of grass, he sneaked away. Then Indra came himself. As he approached the Yaksha, it disappeared and there stood a woman. She was none else than Indra’s conscience (self acquired knowledge), called Uma. “Did you see the Yaksha standing here?” asked Indra.Uma said, “Indra, being the king of the gods you could not recognize the messenger of Brahman, the Yaksha? The Yaksha carried the message that Brahman is the one and only source of power and none else. He taught to be humble and to stay away from the ego that destroys you. You have had enough celebration for your victory over the Ashuras, and now return to the duties entrusted upon you by Brahman.” The gods were ashamed of their foolish behavior. They returned to their senses and peace once again was restored on earth.

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worried. You’ll be engaged in solving confusions and troubles. It can hammer a little to your relationship. You will be forced to give good time to your partner. Seriousness and harsh behavior can harm you. But situations will get improved gradually. You only need to take things lightly. It will be good for you not to hide your troubles from your soul mate. For any confusion, you can softly share your problems with your partner. Doing this you can certainly be able to maintain good understanding in your relationship.

H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar The following are the 2013 PALANKAL / PREDICTIONS based on “ Moon Sign” and not on Sun Sign. Do not confuse the following “general predictions” based on Moon sign with sun sign and western astrology. Also the following predictions are very generalized and for your specific questions or problems call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately in his cell Phone @ 408 829 7780 ( USA) or Call the Temple’s Toll free @ 1-888-808-1418

Aries - 2013 Love Horoscope

Arians, you will have variations in your love life in year 2013. The year will begin with breezy emotions and warm sensation to glow your relationship. The first three months in this year are promising time-period to amalgamate both of your hearts. You will design new heights to give name to your relation. You’ll put endeavor to make your relation long lasting. However, you can feel incompatible with your partner. In middle of the year, your ambitions will touch the sky. But your high attitude and over ambitiousness canstart creating troubles in your love-life. You may get confused for taking some decisions. You’ll partially agree with your family. But you will also not think to leave your personal affair even after disagreement of family. Gradually, you may also feel that your partner is not giving much attention that you want. Due to clashes or misunderstandings, there are chances of break-up. It will be good for both of you to build good chemistry. Fair understanding, of course, is needed to put your relationship in a strong knot of love. And that’s what you’ll try to establish. It is advisable for you to don’t get worry of facing quarrels. Besides challenges, you’ll put all your efforts to nurture your love life throughout the year. Good luck!

Taurus - 2013 Love Horoscope

Initial few months are indicated challenging your love life. You’ll broadly consider other’s problem that will make you

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Still in middle of the year, path of your love life is quite inexplicable, which demands lot of good chemistry. However, you will find all reasons to love your partner deeply. In ending period of this year, your love life will start touching the zenith of joy. This year you will get chance to know the true meaning of love. The best part is that you’ll get full support of family and close people also, which will help in improving your love life.

Gemini - 2013 Love Horoscope

A mixed period is indicated for Gemini people from their love life front this year. However, you’re a person with dualistic character, your dedication for loving someone will be admired. Your loyalty and honesty for loving someone will truly be appreciated. First quarter of this year will be favorable for your love life. You will find all situations to bind your relationship in a knot of strong bond. Your hopes are touching the height of sky. You may wonder all possible ways to express your deep feelings and emotions to someone special, but barriers may bind you to do so. True! Fair opportunities merely come. Thus, you need to open your eyes all the time to pick your fortunate time. You may have chances to get attracted by opposite sex many times. And this type of diversion can broadly bring separation in your relationship. After the month of August 2013, you are possibly to see some turning point in your love life.

Cancer - 2013 Love Horoscope

Time demands you to take care of your relationship this year. Don’t let favorable situations go out of your hand, particularly for the matter related to heart. Year 2013 brings both blessings and sorrows in your love life. Broadly, tears are indicated for you. It means that most of the time this year you will spend in pain. Even a tiny mistake from your side can disturb the smoothness of your relationship. Try to spend good time with your loved-one as much as possible, either by meeting or by phone calls. In dense of sorrows, you will also enjoy brilliant time. Cancer, you’re the person who loves someone from the bottom of your heart. And, you would not let go any situation that can elate your partner.

This year, you’ll be more concerned about making your relationship stable. It means your main focus will be to make your relationship long and happy forever. For this, you just need to show the positive attitude you have. Ignore negative thoughts. Your positive aura will help you come out from inner nervousness easily. Your favorable fortune and high confidence will support your communication for convincing someone. However, you don’t fear at all for putting best efforts to handle any critical situation, but this year, you may be highly attacked by nervousness. Overall, year 2013, is bringing many ups and downs in the area of your love life. Nonetheless, at ending months of this year, you will certainly form the surroundings exquisite for you. Above all, being an optimistic you can turn environment very lovely for you. 2013 is bringing you a great sexual life. Try to use best of it.

Leo - 2013 Love Horoscope

Year 2013 brings numbers of good news related to love life of Leos. This year is predicted fair for their fortune. Being a Leo, your attitude will remain same. But you’ll also not leave behind for taking any steps for the change if it is good for your relationship. Compatibility with your partner will be strong. However, you may complain for bad tuning between both of you. It can influence misunderstandings or unnecessary quarrel. The year begins with a very lovely time for you. You will be blessed with enormous warm feelings. The best thing is that you’ll get full support of your partner. Overall, your love life is going to be smooth without many impediments this year. Your special one will completely love your generosity. The only thing you need to see is, try to control over your high-attitude and ego. You’re polite as well as a person with short-temper. Don’t get hyper shortly. It can bring many unexpected events that can hurt you or weaken your relationship. In second quarter of the year, your charisma is going high and you’re getting chances to take immense pleasure in your love. It may also happen that you will meet someone special after July 2013. During last three months, think deliberately before taking any decision related to the matters of heart.

Virgo - 2013 Love Horoscope

Feeling of insecurity is visible in your love relationship in the beginning of few months of the year 2013. Disputes and disharmony are also indicated in your relationship. You need patience, politeness and extra efforts to bind your relationship in a strong knot. Perhaps, you may face situations that can deeply hurt you. Make your heart strong for handling sensitive issues. After April 2013, there are chances to see good improvements

in your love-life. However, you need a little care while taking some importance decisions related to your love life. Things will go smoothly for some months. You will feel relaxed to see trouble-free love life. In second half of the year, surprises, wonderful messages, romantic poems and breath-taking moments are waiting to cherish your relationship. Both you and your partner will forget everything in each other’s arms. You will truly love that moment when luck, time and situations will be in your favor. Besides tension you faced in initial period of the year, you’ll immerse yourself in depth of emotions and wonderful sight of sweet dreams. But you may also notice that expectations or demands of your partner may go high. You can take such situations lightly or make your partner realize that true love can never be compared with greed of luxuries.

Libra - 2013 Love Horoscope

Major turning point in your love life is indicated in initial two months of year 2013. Libra, you may face many challenges to sustain your relationship long. This year you’re more concerned about longevity of your relation with someone special. As you are Libra, you believe in balancing everything. But this year, you may struggle to make your situations in balance, especially for matters related to heart. It is indicated that your heart and mind will not be in agreement. It means whatever your heart will suggest to you will not be accepted by your mind. At such situation, you need to be calm. Try to visit natural places like beach, garden, or place full of greenery. You need to unwind yourself. After troubling time, you will also be happy to see good tuning and softness in your relationship. You may also have chances to experience wonderful events that will fill your love life with immense joy. In the month of May or June you will think to arrange a romantic trip with your partner. During last months of this year, your most of the trouble will go off. However, you will be needed to continue your faith. It is true that being a calm person you will certainly show the amazing results.

Scorpio - 2013 Love Horoscope

Separation or break-up is quite visible in your delicate relationship during initial time period of the year. But this unfavorable time will not be for long. In very short span of time, you’ll become efficient or mature to manage the unfavorable things. Some time-period will totally be unfavorable for both of you. This can disturb good tuning between you both. You may feel that chemistry between both of you is getting disturbed. This situation often invites separation or isolation. But in such

circumstances, convincing conversation can decrease chances of parting or break-up. But things will get improved gradually in second half of the year. The same flavor of your love life will be back. However, taking good or right decision is must. And, you will see many situations where taking genuine decisions will become very important for you to save your relationship from break-up.

Aquarius - 2013 Love Horoscope

Blessings are for you this year. Challenges are less and good time-periods are indicated more for you. During starting phase of this year, your pious desires or wish will come true. You will love this time and will maximum enjoy all colors of happiness. Your sorrows or pain of past time will go off. Someone very special will reach to you. And, the person will be like angel or gift of God for you.

Scorpio, you love someone very passionately. And you believe to keep many choices with you. But this time flirting or ditching someone will be very injurious to you. Commitment is necessary for longevity of relationship of love.

Don’t ignore true feelings of your heart. Special colorful time merely comes in life. If you find some one is truly in love with you, don’t let that person go out from your life.

During ending months of this year, you may get puzzled or confused for solving some fussy matter of your love life. Prepare yourself for avoiding harsh or bitter words of your partner. Sagittarius - 2013 Love Horoscope

Aquarius, you are smart enough to know how to sustain a relationship long. However, this year may take the actual taste how you put best efforts to protect your love-relationship. If favorable time is for you, the challenges and obstacles are also waiting to bother you.

Initial few months of year 2013 can be very complicated for people born with sign Sagittarius for their love-life. So, many confusions are coming together to make you bother. Sagittarius, you are advised to face critical situations strongly rather ignoring or avoiding them. In the month of March, you may even face a big dilemma in your relationship that can bring changes in your behavior. Relax! The whole year is not the same. You, in fact, will also smell enchanting aroma in your love life. After the month of May, your time will turn nice for you. Your need of desire will go high. And your expectations may also touch the sky. This may make you a little voracious. You may also face some situations that can compel you to think whether to continue the present relationship or not. If the opposite person is not ideal to you, it is always good to switchoff the relationship. However, by doing compromise you can sustain relationship.

Capricorn - 2013 Love Horoscope

Capricorn, during most time-periods of this year, you are deeply conscious for the pressure of your work. Busy schedule will bind you to give attentions in your private life. It means you need to make good equilibrium or balance between your professional and personal life. Don’t make your partner feel that you’re not able to give enough time, it can create misunderstandings or can hammer your sweet relationship. Maintain good balance in your affair and other works of life. In the middle of this year, you’re going to see lovely changes in your behavior that will certainly be charmed by your sweetheart. Your life-style, mood and many important notable things will get changed. However, you also need to be original in some situations otherwise it may show you fake. It is indicated that after the month of October, you may taste challenging face of love life. It means both comfort and sorrows will come together. Karma 36

Pisces - 2013 Love Horoscope

Pisces, the year 2013 will prove very melodious for your relationship of love. You’ll certainly touch new heights of achievements for nurturing your affair. Your spellbind beauty will certainly mesmerize to someone close to your heart. However, your shy nature may bind you to express the mammoth feelings of your heart. Year 2013 is predicted fortunate time-period for your love life. You can certainly take chance to convince your family about accepting your affair. In middle of the year, you may face aching situation that can hurt your heart. Your rivals or people who are unfriendly with you can spread wrong rumors that can make you aggressive. Thus, avoid aggressiveness and use your best skill ‘positivity’. Being a calm and positive you can take things lightly and will learn how to handle people who do wrong for you. It will be wise if you can completely avoid nervousness and unnecessary doubts. Feeling of insecurity is common where there is lapse of communication. So try to fill communication gap and fully express the emotions you have in your heart. By sharing your feelings, problems and other matters to your partner, you will solve many of your problems. TO COME OUT OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND TO LEAD & LIVE A HAPPY LIFE CALL SWAMIJI SIDDHAR @ TOLL FREE 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential.


H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar

kumAra did austere tapas and analysis, but they were unclear of the Supreme Truth. They finally decided to come to Lord Shiva to get the knowledge of the Truth. The Lord sat under the banyan tree, and the four sages also sat down around Him. Lord stayed in the yOga posture without saying a single word. The four sages got all their doubts cleared just by that posture. The form in which God appeared as a Supreme Guide is the form of wisdom dakshiNAmUrti. This explains that the Truth cannot be explained in words and must be experienced. Including the great chinmudra posture, the posture of shrI dhakshiNA mUrti, who is the teacher of all the teachers, indicates a lot of information that needs days to explain. As thirumUlar says, the posture of the guru is a thing to be thought about always. That is the clarity ! (theLivu guruvuru chin^dhiththal thAnE) Chandrashekharar

Dakshinamurti Dakshinamurthy dhyana Slokam: The leg pressing over a demon, on the top of which the Embodiment of merits is sitting with one leg folded, the one who teaches difficult words (vedas) with ease, the sages enjoying (the teachings, sitting) on ground, with the (hand) posture of explaining, a fire pot, book and akshamAla in the four hands, Who trembles away my ignorance, to That dakshiNAmUrti (salutations). Purana of the dakshinamurthy Dakshina murti: south faced Lord (yoga murti) The four sons, of brahmA, sanaka, sanandana, sanAtana, sanat

Shlokam: With the hands in abhaya (protecting) and varada (boon giving) postures, with a pleasing and decorated expression, a blossomed face and eye, with the shadow created by moon on the crown, with an upright body, and feet in the same level, Coral like formed, holding the deer and axe, (He) stay in the lotus pedestal. (of my heart) Purana of the deity: cha.ndra shEkharar : moon ornamented Lord (bhoga murti) daksha had twenty seven stars as daughters. All of them were married to moon. But the moon had special attraction towards rOhiNi. So all the other wives complained it to the father dakasha that their husband moon is not treating them fairly. daksha got angry and cursed the moon to lose its luminance (kala) day by day. Every day the moon started losing one luminance part (kala) out of his 16 parts. Afraid and ashamed moon disappeared into the ocean. There are many herbs that require the light of the moon to grow. Without moon, they were harmed. Consequently there was suffering in the world. To end the problem the celestials advised moon to take refuge in the Great Divine, Lord shiva. Left with only one kalA, he took refuge in Lord Shiva. Being the graceful Almighty, He wore the moon crescent on His head, making him grow for 15 days and decay for 15 days periodically. Thus chan^drashEkharar is considered a giver of refuge. kiratar shlokam Body black in color, two shoulders holding bows and arrows, hair falling on the forehead, posing comfortably, with two piercing eyes, blossomed nice face, with feathers and fragrant flowers in his head, wearing the skin of tiger, Terrific, I meditate that Hunter (kirAta), the thief (hara).

attacking an animal from the back is not against rules of hunting. An argument broke out. They decided to fight deciding who was more valorous between them. The Hunter cut the string in Arjuna’s bow with His arrow in the fight! Angered and excited, Arjuna started wrestling. He couldn’t match the Lord, and the Lord enjoyed his fighting. At one point of time in wrestling Arjuna held the foot of the Hunter. As the Lord is pleased when somebody catches His holy feet, He stopped wrestling appeared with pArvati revealing who He is. Shocked Arjuna pleaded for forgiveness, as he was trying to fight with the Supreme out of his ignorance. However the God, Who is pleased by devotion, blessed him and gave him the invincible pAsupatAstra. (In some books it is told that Arjuna couldn’t fight with the Hunter, he started worshipping the Shiva Lingam. To his astonishment he found the flowers he offered to the Lingam on the head of the Hunter. Then he prostrated before the Hunter and the Lord revealed Himself). This can be found in detail in kirAtArjuniyam of bhAravi and mahA bhArata. Jala.ndharari Shlokam Smeared in red (blood), moving fierce, with three nice eyes, Protection posture, axe, deer, bow decorating the hands, cutting the head of jala.ndhara who is trying to hold the disc (chakra) of earth (ground), I pray, the destroyer of jala.ndhara. Purana of the deity: jala.ndhara ari : enemy of jala.ndhara (viramurti)

This is the only form of Lord Shiva in which He appeared black in color. Arjuna wanted to get the peerless weapon pAsupatAstram from Lord Shiva for the battle of mahAbharata. He left the other four pandavAs, went to the forest and did austere tapas for getting the boon of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was satisfied with his prayer, wanted to give the pAsupatAstram to him, but wanted to play a bit too. He took the form of a Hunter with Shakthi as Huntress. That time a demon by name mUkAsura, who was in the form of wild pig came to kill Arjuna. To kill the wild pig Arjuna fired an arrow from the front, at the same time the Hunter, Who is none other than God Himself, attacked it from the back and killed the pig.

Jalandhara was a demon king. After doing harsh austerities he got lots of boons. By the power he got out of those boons, he captured and ruled the worlds. He went to the dEvAs to fight against. Since nobody was ready to fight against such a powerful enemy, everybody subdued to him without much resistance. He then proceeded to more powerful worlds of satyalOka and vaikuNTha. There too nobody was ready to fight against him. But he was told that only Lord Shiva can fight against him. Stupid jalandhara not realizing what he is doing, went to KailAsa, the abode of Lord shiva, to fight with the God! Lord Shiva took the form of an old man and stood on his way. He asked Jalandhara where he was going. Jalandhara replied that he was going to fight against Lord Shiva. Smiling the Old Man marked a disc (chakra) on the ground. He said, “Before fighting with the powerful Lord shiva, check your strength by lifting this disc above your head.” jalandhara laughed at the Old man that he did not realize jalandhara’s strength. He decided to show off his strength by lifting that disc. As he started lifting Jala. ndhara realized that it was not an easy job. He took that disc with great difficulty and placed on his head. The disc cut his head off cutting him into pieces!

Arjuna mocked at the Hunter for firing the arrow from the back. Having great pride of his valor, he was als angry at the Hunter because He aimed at his prey. The Hunter responded that

(That disc is the sudarshana chakra part of which was given to mahAvishhNu by the Lord chakra pradhar). ThiruviRkudi is the temple associated with this valorous deed of Lord Shiva

Purana of the deity kiratar : the hunter

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Gangadharar Purana of the deity: ga.nga dharar : Lord wearing ga.nga (river to head).

Going to the temple with a clean body. Legs and hands shall be cleaned at entering the temple. Going to the temple adorned with holy symbols like the Holy Ash, rudrAxam.

bhagIratha was the renowned king forefather of rAma of raghu vamsa. His forefathers known as sagaras were burnt down due to a curse. For the upliftment of those ancestors from the cursed state to get to the heavens, he wanted to bring the river ga.ngA to earth. The idea is that when ganga waters touch the ash of sagaras, they would be uplifted from their sin. He did very severe austerities and to get the permission from indra. He gave permission to bring the ganaga flowing in the heaven to the earth, however he told, coming down to earth would be the decision of ganga. So bagIrata again started his penance and prayed the goddess ga.ngA. She agreed to come down, but warned him that he should find a person who could withstand the force with which she will descend to earth! He agreed and found out that the refuge would be at Lord shiva. He did the austerities pleasing Lord Shiva. Appreciating his devotion and efforts, Lord agreed to hold the ga.ngA when she descends to earth. ga.ngA out of her pride and ignorance thought that the Lord won’t be able to withstand the force! She came down with an intention to gush down the Lord with heavy force. Can the Lord, Who holds the entire world He created, be pushed down by a river ? The Lord, who is the creator of the entire universe and who has taken the forms just out of the grace on creatures, arrested her flow in His matted hair! She tried her best to rush out of His matted hair, but in vain. Not a drop of water could escape! bhagIratha, worried by this (as he would not get ganga to earth otherwise), prayed to the Lord to show mercy on her. The Gracious Lord allowed the ga.ngA through a strand of His matted hair. ga.ngA then flowed humbly, gracefully and giving prosperity on her way to pAtALa. Thus the ancestors of bhagIratha were resurrected by the holy water of ga.ngA.

Taking something to offer to the Lord. It is an offering out of devotion. It would be nice if the offering is the one required in the worship.

The Lord in the posture holding the ganga in the matted hair is called gangAdhara mUrthi.

Circumambulating the Lord saluting the Goddess and the deities in the temple. The circumambulation would be done at least for three times. On special occasions like

How to worship in the Hindu- (Shiva) Temples? Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Temples are the connecting points of high importance in our religion and culture. The absolute necessity of the temple worship is stressed throughout by the great saints of the religion. It is not very difficult to realize the important role they play in cultivating the spiritualism in people. It is the place for collective worship. Given these significant roles of the temples it is required to have some discipline to be followed in the temples for having the real expected out of the worship. Here are a few one can follow to set that harmony. Most of these are in general applicable to all Hindu temples though a few are specific to shaivite temples.

Not to enter the temple with foot wear. Prostrating in front of the flag column (dwajastaMbham) (towards the North) on entering the temple. Not to prostrate anywhere else in the temple. not to prostrate to anybody else in the temple premises. Taking the permission of nandi dEvar mentally before entering His abode. Saluting the elephant headed Lord enter the Lord’s abode. In Lord shiva’s abode, engage the mind in the thinking of the God. Avoid any gossip. Temple is not the place for gossiping. Can sing or chant His names loudly and sweetly if it would not disturb others. Otherwise it could be done internally without making noise. The Holy ash given as the blessings should be worn saying “shivAya namaH”. It should not be spilled on the ground or wasted. It is normally a procedure to offer something to the priest whose whole life should be in the service of the Lord.

pradoshham the are special circumambulation methods like soma sUkta pradhaxiNam are followed. While in the temple either the Holy five letters or any praise could be chanted. Before coming out of the temple go to the place of chaNdEshwarar and take permission for the materials which after worship are taken out of the temple as blessings. One must not take anything out in excess and things taken from the temple should be only as the mark of blessings. If nothing is taken it is the normal practice to wipe (rub) the hands together in his place. Should do something in the promotion of the temple physically or materially or whichever is convenient and required. On coming out of the temple, again prostrate in front of the flag

column towards the north. Sit facing the north and meditate on the God chanting the Holy five letters. While inside the temple should not make the place dirty in any way or make any noise. Going to the temple at least once in a week with the family. The mind should be focussed on the Lord like the dust of iron that stick to the magnet. A worship with such an orientation would have very good effect in us by the grace of the Almighty.

Holy Ash- Viboothi- Facts & Importance Lord kAlAgni rudra teaches bhusu.ndi - earth came out of the sadyojAta face of the Lord. From this came the gray colored cow called nanda from the dung of which came vibhUti. From the vAmadeva face came the water, from that came the black colored cow bhadra giving bhasita. From the aghora face came the fire, from that the copper colored cow t the copper colored cow surabhi giving bhasma. From the tatpuruSha face came the gas/air, from which came shAnti and from that came the white colored cow sushIle giving xAra. From the IshAna face came the space, from which came the multi colored cow sumanA giving raksha. The Holy Ash which is called by five names, when pronunced raises the spiritual power of the individual and hence is called vibhUti. Since it burns the sins to ashes it is called bhasita. Since it gives the wisdom to all it is called bhasmam. Since it neutralises the bad things it is called xAra. Since it protects the people from evil forces, it is called raxa. Irrespective of caste, creed, sex and all other differences all the people shall wear the Holy Ash. It is an old adage the says the forehead without the ash is a ruined one. The Holy Ash having the powers of agni and soma refreshes the one who wears it. For the seekers of yoga this Holy Ash kindles the spirit and provides early fruit. When wearing the Holy Ash the mantra shivAya namaH(The Holy Five Letters(1)) is chanted or the sadyojAtAdi paJNcha brahma mantra(2) or the tryambakaM or mAno mahAntam from rudra sUktam(3). The Holy Ash purifies the one who wears it. This purification (bath) is called Agneya snAna. In this the renouced ones would smear the ash in the remains of ritual fire from the leg to the head. Others would smear in the ash from the head to the leg. ska.ndha purANam says that the Holy Ash would have to be worn at the following fifteen places in the body: Head. Forehead Neck Chest Both sides of the belly Two arms Two Ankles Two wrists Two sides of the back Behind the neck. The holy Ash is the substance the devotees wear on their bodies with adoration and respect. This along with the rudrAxa beads (1) shows up the devotees of the Simple but Supreme Lord shiva. The holy Ash has lots of spiritual sense. There are lots of hymns telling the glory of the holy Ash. ((2) - for example). Karma 40

Ash - the substance that is arrived when things are completely burnt off. In natural terms it is a final state. The state where it has nothing left to burn off ! This indicates the transience of the beings and the Permanence of the Supreme that smears in this ash. This also indicates the matured state of bliss the devotees would be heading towards which stands beyond perturbance transformation (nothing to burn off). The purANic events associated with the holy Ash show its significance. When the three daemons of impurities (tripura) were burnt down by the mere smile of the God, the ash that remained got settled on the Lord, Who danced there. Thus the tripurAri was smeared in the Ash that came out of burning out of the three impurities. When the cupid - the deva of lust, tried to fire his arrows on the yogic Lord, he was burnt by the Lord into a heap of ash. The unruffled Lord appeared decorated with that ash. At the times when everything reduces unto It, the Everexistant Lord wears that ash. The devotees of the Lord, Who gives His form to the ardent worshipper, wear the same way the holy Ash on their body. This holy Ash is prepared in the ritual fire in a specified way (3) along with the chanting of the Holy Five Letters (4) and other vedic hymns. Thus obtained Holy Ash is worn on various specified places of the body including the forehead chanting the Holy Five Letters. (There are two broad categories of wearing the Holy Ash. One is uddUlanam that is sprinkling the Holy Ash on the body and the other is tripuNDram that is in three distinct bands) Some of the upanishads that hail the glory of holy ash. kalagnirudram: aitriya: yogatattva; japali: sanyasa: vasudeva :bhasmajapala: japala (brihajjapala): narada parivraja: ramarahasya: chandilya: tripuratapini: atharvashira

An Angry God – Lord Shiva ? There has been a misconception with some people that Lord Shiva is a fierce One. This misconception stems from the portrayals that He is the god of destruction, He is adorned with the skulls and snakes, the ways of worship are quite strict and yogic in nature. A more closer look into the Shaivism would clarify these. First of all the word shiva itself means auspicious and perfection(1). Can there be a more auspicious thing than the Auspicious ?! This great God who is adorned with skulls and snakes, is the one the great devas worship. Because those great divines realise this Supreme’s potence and glorious qualities.(2) Saluting this Lord, who goes on alms as if He has nothing but in reality made the kubhEra the king of wealth, all the divines get their greatness and prosperity. This Supreme, who could not be explored by even the great devas, get very easily pleased and showers on the devotee with boons. It is said when one wants even hard to get boons, worship of Lord shiva would be the way. Very naturally our Lord is called ashutosha (fast pleased) and bholenath(innocent Lord) !!

When one evolves in the worship of Lord shiva to be a devotee, the worship is more out of love than a fear for a supernatural power. When the devotee experiances the Glorious qualities of the Lord the love blooms and this love, knowledge and experiance paves way for the spiritual success and not the fear. (This is in fact the speciality of Hinduism not compelling the follower to fear for a super natural power but to know, experiance and be in It). The disciplined paths of worshiping the Lord may appear difficult but sure to bring lots of marvel in return. Also not all the worship paths are so strict. If this God would get pleased only for highly strict rituals what would one have to say about kaNNappa ?(3) Lord Shiva is not the the god of destruction, but is the Supreme who plays the five activites of Creation, Protection, Destruction, Concealing and Blessing. The God shiva who is known as parashiva (the Supreme Shiva) plays these actions that run the Universe through Its forms and powers but is above all these specific deeds.(4) But like an owner of a firm who also works with the people he employed, the Supreme Shiva in spite of being the Master of all these great deeds also enacts as the doer of some deeds like the destruction, Concealing and Blessing. Various forms of the Lord Shiva show Him Ash smeared with skulls and snakes dancing in the cemetries. But it should be understood that these are the glories of the Supreme that It is adorned with nature since It is beyond the human ornations.(5)

It is this Lord the wise worship when they want the most auspicious boons. O, Giver of the Boons, the bull, the parts of a cot, chisel, the elephant-skin, Ashes, the serpent, the skull : these are the articles of your house-hold. And yet gods get all their riches merely by the movement of your eye-brows. Really, false desires for worldly things do not deceive ( mislead ) one who is always is absorbed in his soul shiva mahimna Love and shivam, there exist two things, say the fools. Love is shivam, that nobody understands. When everybody realise that Love is shivam, they sit in love as shivam. Thirumuular Lord shiva, the Supreme Potent and Yogeshwara is also the absolute Auspicious One the devoted mind loves in extremity. How can the god of destruction be the Supreme? Destruction is one among the three activities that is undertaken by the Three Holy Manifestations of sanAtana dharma respectively. That being the case how could one say Lord Shiva who gets associated with the destruction be the Supreme God ? braHma, viShNu, rudra, often referred to collectively as trimUrti, play the role of masters of creation, protection and destruction respectively. If we take this world as an example it is an easy task for almost everybody to involve in the acts of creation. (This is not to say that the Universal creation is a trivial task. All due respects to Lord braHma). Whereas as for as protection is concerned it is only few good hearted people, who have the strength and inclination to help for the cause of goodness do the protection deeds. But... not everybody is provided with the power of destruction. When anybody starts doing the destruction then there would be chaos which they call the law and order problem. There is normally one authority called government is given the authority to destroy and not others. This would show how difficult is the action of destruction and how carefully

it has to be dealt with. This is the reason the act of destruction (to be correct this word should be actually “reduction�, as things are not getting destroyed but only a change of state happens odukkam in thamiz and pralayam in saMskR^itam) is handled by a form of Lord shiva Itself, Who is called rudra. Since rudra is a form of the Lord, rudra is considered as Lord shiva Itself. Ok, so far only one part of the question is answered. Agreed, the importance of the act of reduction (destruction). But when this Lord being one among the Trinity, how can this Lord be considered the Supreme ? Let us take an example of a small shop. The owner employs a few skilled people to do the regular work and at peak hours or at critical periods, he/she also takes some important work and executes it. Now that individual wears two caps. One as the owner of the shop and other as the worker in the shop, but the individual is the same irrespective of whether he / she is acting as the owner or as a worker. Nobody questions his/her ownership because he/she shares the work load with the others in the shop. The same way though the Supreme Lord shiva is beyond the five deeds, It also takes roles in the critical deeds assuming a form specific to that role. So though Lord shiva gets associated with one of the three in the Trinity, He is the Supreme Itself.

A point to note here is that it is not just these three actions, but there are totally five deeds which are the acts of/on behalf of the Supreme. These five activities referred to as panycha kR^ityam are creation, sustenance, reduction, illusioning and blessing. The holy masters for these five activities are braHma, viShNu, rudra, maheshwara, sadAshiva respectively. Of these the later three are nothing but the forms of the Supreme shiva (called parashivA). So to conclude Lord Shiva is the Supreme, Who assumes various critical roles and assumes appropriate names and forms, and also stands transcending all these.

Karma 42

Karma 43

-Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar ( The only living Siddhar in USA)

Many of the asurAs worship Lord shiva and get boons as observed in the purANAs. Whereas very few of them worship the other divines. Why is it so ? Why should the God show grace to asurAs ? Lord shiva is the Supreme, Which does not have any parents Which never takes birth Which is all alone without association with any of the creatures or creations enjoying in the Self. God is the only one Who is dependable for anybody / anything to surrender to as It is the only perennial Being. Hence God is the Lord of all creatures (lives/souls). For this reason the Lord is hailed as pashupati (Lord of living beings). Whether it is devas or asuras or humans or other creatures all are pashus. That being the case how could the Lord be partial to one section of pashus and withdrawing the Grace for the other ? So anybody who worships the Lord sincerely could get blessed with Its Grace irrespective of the caste, creed, race, power, status and qualities. It is in fact to be noted that Lord shiva is worshipped by the devas like viShNu, braHma, indra, by asuras like bANa, rAvaNa, tripura, sUrapadma, by humans like sha~Nkara bhagavatpAda, samban^dhar, appar, by other creatures like jaTAyu, sampAdi (eagles), vAli (monkey) and the list goes on and on. One finds in the purANas the variety of people of different backgrounds and qualities worship the Lord shiva. There are many histories

of temples which talk of the cranes, bees, elephants, spiders, snakes worshipping the Lord and getting blessed. So the Lord as the Supreme blesses anyone who worships in sincere devotion. There is no discrimination on who the seeker is. The Lord is so merciful that He showers the boons one look for when there is a determination to seek Him. It is evident from the history of asura bANa who attained a great fame of his valor and got the place in the abode of Lord shiva all due to his determined worship of the Lord. But..., if the receiver of the boons does not use them in proper way and misuses to disturb others, in the Lord defined system of this universe they get punished for the misdeeds. A closer analysis would show that the devas are the divine elements of nature that are essential for all of us to survive (like air, sun, fire etc). Very often asuras are the one who disturb the nature as evident from purANas. So when the asuras misuse the boons got to disturb the other lives they get punished as evident from the histories of hiraNya, rAvaNa and others. When the misuse goes beyond a point by the powerful forces so as to question the existence of the whole system, the Lord the One Who is essential for all the essentials, Who has devised this whole Universe, takes the action to restore normalcy for example like tripura dahana. Lord shiva is the God of all. Like the mother He showers the grace for all the children, but the misusing children get punished. This Supreme Lord better than a mother does not withhold the grace, He is our belovedpashupati.

Translation: The above vedic scripture was written in Tamil – Indian Laguage. The meaning is as follows: Daemons, kinnaras, deva of death, deva of rain, mobile fire, air, sun and moon, illusionless tiger, monkey, snake, vasus, heavenly people and under the earth people - of all these, the ones who worship Your Holy Feet relentlessly - seeing the great glory out of Your grace they have attained, without any surprise I surrender to Your Holy Feet, Oh the Lord of fertile thiruppunkur

Karma 44

-Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar (The only living Siddhar in USA) The Lord, Who holds the holy ga~Nga in His matted hair, is delighted by the holy anointment that is done by the devotees. When this was done with sincerity He gave the small child vichAracharuma the great chaNdIsha post (1, 2). The Lord, Who is adorned with bilva leaves on His glittering long hair, also enjoys the fresh leaves and flowers the devotees offer in their fragrance of care. The Lord is so Gracious that when a monkey shed the leaves of bilva tree on a shiva li~Nga below just out of habit, He made the monkey the famous muchukun^dha emperor (3). So are the greatness of flowers and anointment materials. For the good people would be available the flowers and water (puNNIyam cheyvArkkup pUvuNdu n^IruNdu) asserts the sage thirumUlar. We should try to do as much as possible the worship complete with these holy substances and pure love. This page talks about the procedure prescribed in the scriptures as the worship procedure. This could be followed howmuchever possible. When doing the worship whether at home or at the temple, it is of utmost importance to maintain cleanliness of body and mind. the surroundings should be clean, the worship substances should be clean ad also the body should be clean. Before the worship one should bath and wear clean dry clothes. It is also required to wear the Holy Ash. When going for the worship of the Lord should take something like amointment substances or flowers or food offering or any other offering as a token of the love for the Supreme. These offering should not be taken in the lower part of the body. These offerings could be kept only at clean places. When doing the worship it is advised to be in a proper convenient posture (Asana) so that the concentration would be on the Sweet Lord without physical disturbances. Anointment Pure river water, well water are qualified for the holy anointment of the Lord. The water for holy anointment would be brought by clean people escorted by musicians. The fragrant flowers like pAdhiri, uthpalam, alari, lotus would be put in this water for anointment. Old water should not be used. The following anointments are done in that order Gingily oil : Flour (rice flour) : nellimuLLi : panchagavyam (Cow’s milk, curd, ghee, dung and urine mixture) : panchamritam (explained below) : Milk : Curd : Ghee : Honey: Sugarcane juice: Fruitsl” : Tender coconut : Smellful sandal : shringa nIr : dhara nir : snapana nir : shankabhiShekam : Holy ash : Cooked rice : kumba nir A text called sakalagama sangraham suggest the following order 1. Oil: panchagavyam: Flour: nellimulli: Turmeric:

panchamritam: Milk: Curd: Ghee: Honey 2. Sugarcane Juice: Fruit juice: Tender coconut: Cooked rice: Sandal 3. snapan nir panchamritam : rasapanchamritam A sweet mixture of cow’s milk, curd, ghee (boiled butter), sugar and honey. (cardamom like nice smelling spices could also be added.) pazapanchamritam In the above if the fruits like mango, jack, banana are added this fruit panchamritam could be got panchagavyam The mixture of the cow’s milk, curd, ghee, water and dung. It is said that Pure Water Perfumed oil Milk Ghee Curd Honey Rice powder Sugar cane juice panchamritam panchagavyam Lemon Sugar Tender coconut Cooked Rice(Annam) Sandal nellimuLLi shankhabhiShekam Offering thambulam

fulfils desires gives comfort gives long life gives liberated state gives good children gives melodious voice frees from debts gives good health gives wealth, body strength drives off sins removes fear of death removes enmity gives enjoyment gives mejestic life gives Lakshmi’s grace cures diseases gives good-deedful life gives land lordship gives comfort

ShoDasha upachAram (Sixteen honors to the God/ Goddesses) 1. dhupam (scented smoke) 2. dIpam (lamp/light) 3. maha dIpam 4. naga dIpam 5. vrishabha dIpam 6. purusha dIpam 7. purna kumbam 8. pancha dipam 1 9. pancha dipam 2 10. pancha dipam 3 11. pancha dipam 4 12. pancha dipam 5 (five lights) 13. naxatra dipam 14. meru dipam 15. karppuram (Camphor) 16. mahaniranjanam

3. punnAkam 4. n^an^dhiyAvattai 5. pAdhiri 6. brugati 7. araLi 8. thumbai Expiry period for the flowers After plucking the flower the flowers would have to be used for worship before the following specified number of days. Lotus 5 days araLi 3 days bilvam 6 months tulasi 3 months n^eydhal 3 days shaNbakam 1 day vilamichchai ever (no expiry)

Mhadipam could have 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 light plates in the layered form. dhUpam needs to be shown near the nose and the dIpam in front of the eyes. Soft and clean clothes should be used to clad the Lord’s form. It is said that the offering of clothes would lead to life in shiva lokam. Sandal mixed with agar, goshtam, saffron, camphor and rose water could be applied to the Lord. Ornaments Any ornament could be used to ornate the Lord any day, but the following are suggested as speciality. Days and Ornament Gem Day Ornament Sunday Ruby Monday Pearl Tuesday pavaLam Wednesday Emerald Thursday Topaz Friday Diamond Saturday indra nIlam Flowers God’s head should be ever decorated with flower. In the morning lotus, purachampU, tulasi, navamallikai (jasmine), n^an^dhiyAvattai, man^thArai, mullai, shaNbakam, punnAgam are the preferred flowers. In the noon white lotus, araLi, purachu, tulasi, n^eydhal, bilvam, shanku pushpam, marudhANi, kovithAram, Oridhaz are best suited. In the evening red lotus, lily, jasmine, jAti mullai, marukkozun^dhu, vettivEr, gajakarNikai, tulasi, bilvam are suggested. There are eight flowers renowned as aShTa puShpam much preferred for the worship of the Lord. (ettuk kolAmavar chUdum inamalar). They are 1. aRugu 2. chaNbakam Karma 46

The flowers that were brought in hands, those fell by itself from the plant, dried up ones, those were smelt, those kept in dirty places, materials are not to be offered to the Lord. The petals of the flowers should not be pulled apart while offering. The leaves could be pulled separately and offered. Leaves preferred for worship tulasi mukiz shaNbakam lotus bilvam kalhAram marukkozun^dhu marudhANi dharppam aRugu achivalli n^Ayuruvi vishNugran^thi n^elli The flowers not suited for divines The following flowers should not be offered for the respective devas. Lord shiva thAzai viShNu axata (rice), veLLerukku, Umaththai Goddess aRugu, veLLerukku, man^dhAram sun (surya) bilvam vigneshatulasi Five bilvas 1. mullai 2. kiluvai 3. nochchi 4. bilvam 5. vilA

7 1/2

YEARS SATURN PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE? Sadhe-sati is a transit phenomenon which occurs to every one periodically. It is an expression which in astrological parlance means a period of 7 ½ years when Saturn transits 3 particular houses successively. These 3 houses are: the 12th, the 1st and the 2nd from the natal Moon. According to Jyotish Tatva Prakash : Since it takes roughly 2 ½ years to traverse 3 rashis. For instance, if a person had his Moon in Aries, his Sadhe-sati began in December 1995 when Saturn entered Pisces. It would end after 7 ½ years when Saturn would have completed the transit of Pisces, Aries and Taurus. And this would be true for every single person whose moon is in Aries irrespective of the position of the other planets in the natal chart or in transit. Did u know ? ¼ th of the world population at every time is undergoing Sadhe-Sati. Saturn comes back to the same zodiacal point after nearly every 30 years. Therefore, a person below 30 years experiences his 1st Sadhe-sati. Once it is complete it would come back after 22 ½ years. Thus, many people go through the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd Sadhe-satis in one life time. The 1st Sadhe-sati is said to affect the parents, the 2nd the self and the 3rd the children. Although the underlying stance always is that the period of Sadhe-sati is evil, Saturn being the most malefic planet, yet Sadhe-sati proves to be evil for some, neutral for others and even good for still others. It depends on several factors in the horoscope which make different people experience Sadhe-sati differently. Classics describe the results of Sadhesati as : In other words, when Saturn in transit is in the fourth or eighth house from the Moon sign, it is a period for illness, quarrels with brothers, foreign stay, hardships and anxiety. During Sadhesati, Saturn in the first or second house causes ailments related to the head, heart and legs, fear from the wicked and hardships for sons and cattle. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi Morarji Desai and Charan Singh became Prime Ministers of India in their respective periods of Sadhe-sati. Prime Minister ship is a very significant achievement for any political person but it is also true that “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” Professional elevation, but tremendous responsibilities and accompanying stress, strain and anxiety too. Facts : ·If the moon belongs to Capricorn or Aquarius rashis and Pushya, Anuradha or U. Bhardrapada nakshatras, then Sadhe-sati is not too stressful ·A Moon that is natally familiar with the ways of Saturn is not disturbed too badly due to the transit of Saturn during Sadhe-sati! ·Saturn transiting over its friend’s nakshatras, namely Venus and

Mercury, may be beneficial. ·Even if Saturn is transiting over the nakshatas of the Sun, but if the Sun happens to be the trikona lord (fro the main lagna or the Moon lagna), results of Sadhe-sati may not be too adverse. ·For Taurus and Libra ascendants for whom Saturn is a yogakaraka, Sadhe-sati is generally not adverse. ·In Sarvashtak-varga, if the 12th, 1st and 2nd and houses from the Moon all have high benefic bindus (above 28) then the entire period of 7 ½ years goes well. ·While Sadhe-sati of Saturn is progressing, the other planets are not sitting still. During those periods when Jupiter’s (or Rahu’s and Ketu’s) transit results are favourable, Sadhe-sati can’t be too adverse. For example, those periods when majority of planets are in the 11th from the Moon, the 11th being a gainful house, they would be inclined to do good as per their own portfolios. Thus the negativity of Sadhe-sati would get reduced. ·If the dasha is good, Sadhe-sati can’t be too bad. If the dasha and Sadhe-sati both are bad then only the full force of evil Sadhesati is felt. If both are good then Sadhe-sati is a period to look forward to. Let us not forget that transit is always subservient to the dasha. Are you going through a sadhe sati? Are you suffering the malefic effect of Sadhe Sati ?

If yes,then CALL Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar now in the Toll free @ 1-888-808-1418 and also discuss how to eliminate the malefic effect of the transit ?

Powerful Vashikaran Mantra This is a powerful Atharva Vedic Attraction Mantra for the purposes of Vashikaran from the ancient Hindu scripture the Rudrayamala Tantra.I have been told that this Mantra really works wonders if recited with faith and concentration. This is a mantra which will attract everyone, and make them come under your spell of attraction. This mantra has to be recited 108 times to acquire siddhi [mastery].over the mantra. Again this post is in response to requests for more and more Vashikaran mantras. Kindly note I am not in a position to reply to individual mails, however will try to post answers to common request if necessary. Kindly note I do not use or prescribe the use of these methods, they are given here for information purposes only. Mantra Om namo namo kadsnvarini sarvalok vashkari swaha ll मंत्र ॐ नमो नमो कदसंवारीनि सर्वलोक वश्यकरी स्वाहा ll Shiv Vashikaran Mantra This is an Atharva Vedic Attraction Mantra or Vashikaran Mantra from the Rudrayamala tantra [रुद्रयामलतन्त्रम] an ancient and rare Hindu religious text. This text is dedicated to the Rudra Avatar or the fierce manifestation of Shiva. मंत्र ॐ वज्रकरण शिवे रुध रुध भवे ममाई अमृत कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ll Mantra English Translation Om vajrakaran shive rudh rudh bhave mamae amrut kuru swaha ll Please note : The following article is only for an informational purpose. Before you start using or to test it, please make sure that you call me @ 408 829 7780 or the Toll Free @ 1-888-8081428 so that I could advise you properly the mantras and initiate( Mantra Upadesh) in a proper way!. If you end up using any of the mantras without contating me, you will get very worst and adverse effects in your life. They are very powerful Yakshini related mantras Karma 48

Machindranath Mantra This is a Dhyan Mantra or a mantra for concentration recited to incur the blessings of. Matsyendranatha or Machindranath. Machindranath is the first of the nine saints and masters the Navnath’s.He is also the Guru of Gorakshanath. He is also known as Adinath or the First Master. Most of the mantras and remedies have originated from the Nath Sampradaya or the Nath linage and tradition, which is active even today.

Mantra Om adinatho gururyasya gorakshasyachyo guru: tamham mahasiddham jagatgurum ll मंत्र ॐ आदिनाथो गुरूर्यस्य गोरक्षस्यचयो गुरु: तमहं महासिद्धम जगतगुरुम् ll kaal sarpa yog mantra Kaal sarp yog is an astrological sequence of the positioning of the planets of the horoscope, wherein all the planets are positioned between Rahu and Ketu.Rahu and Ketu are two points on the Zodiac which are called in English as North Node and South Node. It is assumed that the planets do not give full benefits to the native as the planets are restricted between the two nodes. Hindu astral science gives certain Mantras which are beneficial in offsetting the negative effects. These are some useful Mantras which are chanted to give full benefits to the native ll नवनाग स्तोत्र ll अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलं शन्खपालं ध्रूतराष्ट्रं च तक्षकं कालियं तथा एतानि नव नामानि नागानाम च महात्मनं सायमकाले पठेन्नीत्यं प्रातक्काले विशेषतः तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत ll इति श्री नवनागस्त्रोत्रं सम्पूर्णं ll Navnag Stotra Anant vasunki sensh padmanabha che Kambal Sankhpal dhutrashtra che takshak kalia tatha Atayni nav namani naganam che mahatman Sayamkale patenitya sarvatra vijaye bhavat ll Iti shree navnag stotra sampurnam ll नाग गायत्री मंत्र ॐ नव कुलाय विध्महे विषदन्ताय धी माहि तन्नो सर्प प्रचोदयात ll Nag Gayatri Mantra Om nav kulaye vidhmahe vishdantaye dhee mahi tanno sarp prachodayat ll Rahu Mantra Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah ll ऊँ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं स: राहुवे नम: ॥ Ketu Mantra Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah ll ऊँ स्त्रां स्त्रीं स्त्रौं स: केतवे नम: ll Navnath Trishul Mantra This is the Shaabri Navnath Trishul Mantra.The Trishul is the weapon of Shiva, it is a three speared weapon mounted on a rod. The deeper significance of the Trishul is that it is said to represent the three THE THREE FORCES OF GOD or the three

aspects of creation – Creation, Protection and Destruction. The mantra describes the three spears as Omkar - the EverExistent.The Anahat – the Universal Vibration and Amrut - the Divine Nectar of Liberation with the Ever-Existent as the third spear. The Trishul was also the symbol of the nine saints and Masters the Navnath. Navnath Trishul Mantra Om namoji adesh guruji ko, om dharti so akash laya sidha nivas omkar pahali dhar anahat bani duji dhar,amrut bani ,teesri dhar allakh nirvana,sidha sadakh ne trishul dhariya,loha trishul jogi nirvana aasan pavitra trishul pavitra kahe macchindra sun vaa gorakh trishul sada rakhiyo paas kaal kantak nahi aave trishul mantra sampurna bhaya adesh ll नवनाथ त्रिशुल मंत्र ॐ नमोजी आदेश गुरूजी को , ॐ धर्ती सो आकाश लाया सिद्ध निवास ॐ कार पहली धार अनाहत बनी दुजी धार, अमृत बनी , तीसरी धार अल्लाख निर्वाण , सिद्ध साधक ने त्रिशुल धरिया लोहा त्रिशुल जोगी निर्वाण आसन पवित्र त्रिशुल पवित्र कहे मच्छिंद्र सुन वा गोरख त्रिशुल सदा राखीयो पास काल कंटक नही आवे त्रिशुल मंत्र संपूर्ण भया आदेश ll Powerful Mantra to deflect negative energies This is a Shaabri Protection Mantra to deflect negative energies and make them return to where they originated from.This mantra is dedicated to the great master Guru Gorakhnath and invokes the infinite strength of Hanuman. The affected person has to be given 1 lime to eat and then you have to take 11 limes and rotate them in a clockwise fashion over his body. This is known as Utara.This process has to be done a total of 7 times. While doing the Utara this Mantra has to be recited. Then you have to cut the limes and throw them away. Mantra Om namo adesh guruji ko , ulat vade brahmakaye , jisi thaye aaye usi thaye jake khaye ,guru gorakshnathji ke hanumanthbir ki aan ll मंत्र ॐ नमो आदेश गुरुजी को , उलट वदे ब्रह्मकाये , जीसी ठाये आए उसी ठाये जाके खाय , गुरु गोरक्षनाथजी के हनुमंतबीर की आन Mantra for curing Piles This is one more Health Mantra which is used for curing Piles. The mastery over this Mantra is achieved in the period of any solar or lunar eclipse by reciting the mantra 1008 times. Then after that you have to take some water and bind the water by holding the mug containing the water in your hand and reciting the mantra 3 times. After this wash the body part affected by Piles. Keep repeating this every day till the Piles are cured.

Mantra Khurasan ki tini sai, khuni vadi dono jaa-ee ll मंत्र खुरासन की टिनी साईं , खुनी वादी दोनों जांई ll Mantra to attract your Boss This is an Attraction Mantra for the Vashikaram or attraction of a King. In the times these Mantras were composed the king or ruler was the most important person for the common population. In today’s times it can be someone with authority like a minister or a politician who can grant favors to you, it can also mean your Boss who can make or mar your career At first this mantra has to be recited 1000 times to acquire Siddhi [mastery].Then after acquiring Siddhi,you have to take kumkum,sandalwood paste,Gorochan and cow’s milk. Mix all these ingredients together to make a paste. Then Abhimintrit this paste seven times by the mantra to bind it with the mantra. Then apply a Tilak on your forehead and appear before your Boss or the person in authority, whom you wish to attract, he will come under your spell of attraction. Mantra Om hreem rakt chamunde amuksya mam vashym kuru kuru swaha ll Mantra to attract women This is a specific Vashikaran or Attraction Mantra which is used to attract women. The Siddhi [mastery] over this Mantra is attained during the period of an Eclipse, either Solar or Lunar. The mantra has to be recited 10,000 times to acquire Siddhi during this period.The specific dates can be confirmed by checking with a Hindu calendar or a Panchang. After Siddhi take a scented flower and Abhimintrit [bind] the flower by reciting the mantra 108 times while holding the flower in your hand. After that give the flower to the woman you wish to attract to smell. This will bring the woman under your spell of attraction. This is give for information purposes; I do not practice or advocate the use of such methods. Mantra Om kumbhni swaha ll मंत्र ॐ कुम्भनी स्वाहा ll Mantra to attract ‘your” husband This is Vashikaran Attraction Mantra especially for all those women who have written to me asking me to give a powerful mantra with which they can attract their husbands. This is a common problem; the husband after awhile looses interest in the wife, or gets attracted towards other women or has no Sexual appetite. Karma 50

This is a mantra which does not involve complicated procedures and is easy to practice. Take a Clove and rub it on your tongue so that some of the dirt from your tongue mixes and covers the Clove. The hold the Clove and recite the mantra given below 7 times. Doing this will Abhimintrit[bind] the Clove with the mantra. Then you have to give this Clove to your husband to eat. This will attract your husband towards you. But please remember to put some effort in appearing attractive and take the initiative. Mantra Om namo mahayakshini pati me vashyam kuru kuru swaha ll मंत्र ॐ नमो महायक्षिणी पति में वश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ll Bhagwati Mantra for success This is a very powerful Bhagwati Mantra which ensures the ultimate success in life.Bhagwati is the mother Goddess in the Hindu religion. The Sadhana [practice] to attain Siddhi [mastery] over this mantra is as followsA red piece of cloth has to be Abhimintrit [bound] by this mantra. This is done by holding the cloth in your hand while reciting the mantra 1000 times. This procedure has to be done for a total period of 7 days. At the end of 7 days when you attain Siddhi, you must touch your heart with this red cloth. It is said that if you follow this procedure all your wishes will be fulfilled with the blessings of the Goddess Bhagwati. Mantra Om namo bhagwati raktam peetham namah ll मंत्र ॐ नमो भगवती रक्तं पीठं नम ll Please note “YOU SOULD NOT” simply chant this above mantras or buy some yantras from a store or from a pundit or Priest. The Mantra and yantras should be initiated and energized by a proper “ Atharva Vedic Scholar like our Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar” in the continent you live. These are not a grocery store product, although some funny Grocery store owners and some called pundits advise and sell some kinds so called Yantras in their store for sale. If you cahnt the above mantras without proper support of an Atharva Vedic Guru like Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar in USA , you will get in to further more troubles. Call Swamiji immediately @ 408 829 7780 or Toll Free: 1-888 808 1428 to come out of your problems. DO NOT WAIT ANY MORE …….. CALL NOW THE TOLL FREE 1- 888 -808 -1418” The above Atharva Vedic Mantras needs to be initiated by Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar, who is the “ only” Atharva Vedic Swamiji in the entire North America and Europe The above were given only for an informational purpose.

Karma 51


halisas are normally forty verse compositions in praise of various Hindu Deities. These Chalisas can be recited everyday, or on specific occasions, such as the weekly day of the Deity or on the Jayanti or on occasions such as Solar or Lunar Eclipses.The most important thing to derive the benefits of reciting the Chalisas is to recite them with full devotion and sincerity. Any thing started with a pure heart, without harboring ill will toward any is certain to bear fruit. The Chalisas are ancient compositions, composed by various saints and realized beings; hence the unique frequencies associated are pure and powerful.I have tried to give the Chalisas in the original Devanagari Script and also the English Translations The Kali Chalisa is a forty verse prayer dedicated to the Goddess Kali,who is considered in Hinduism to symbolise eternal time and change.The recitation of this prayer with full dedication will help you erase the ill effects of past Karma and lead towards a happy and contented life,which leads towards the final liberation. The worship of Kali is very important in Tantric Practices.

Kali Chalisa in English

Jaykaali Kalimalaharan, Mahima Agam Apaar,l Mahish Mardini Kaalika, Dehu Abhay Apaar.ll Ari Mad Maan Mitaavan Haari,l Mundamaal Gal Sohat Pyaari.ll Ashtabhuji Sukhdaayak Maata,l Dushtdalan Jag Me Vikhyaata.ll Bhaal Vishaal Mukut Chhavi Chhajei,l Kar Me Shish Shatru Ka Saajei.ll Dooje Haath Liye Madhu Pyaala,l Haath Tiisare Sohat Bhaala.ll Chauthe Khappar Khadag Kar Paanche,l Chhathe Trishul Shatru Bal Jaanche.ll Saptam Kar Damakat Asi Pyaari,l Shobha Adbhut Maat Tumhaari.ll Ashtam Kar Bhaktan Var Data,l Jag Manharan Roop Ye Maata.ll Bhaktan Me Anurakt Bhavaani,l Nishdin Rate Rishi-Muni Gyaani.ll Karma 52

Mahaashakti Ati Prabal Punita,l Tu Hi Kaali Tu Hi Sita.ll Patit Taarini He Jag Paalak,l Kalyaani Paapi Kul Ghaalak.ll Shesh Suresh Na Paavat Paara,l Gauri Roop Dharyo Ek Baara.ll Tum Samaan Daata Nahi Dooja,l Vidhivat Kare Bhaktajan Pooja.ll Roop Bhayankar Jab Tum Dhaara,l Dushtadalan Kinhehu Sanhaara.ll Naam Anekan Maat Tumhaare,l Bhaktajano Ke Sankat Taare. ll Kali Ke Kasht Kaleshan Harani,l Bhav Bhay Mochan Mangal Karani.ll Mahima Agam Ved Yash Gaavei,l Naarad Shaarad Paar Na Paavei.ll Bhoo Par Bhaar Badhyau Jab Bhaari,l Tab Tab Tum Prakati Mahtaari.ll Aadi Anaadi Abhay Varadaata,l Vishvavidit Bhav Sankat Traata.ll Kusamay Naam Tumhaarau Linha,l Usako Sada Abhay Var Dinha.ll Dhyaan Dhare Shruti Shesh Suresha,l Kaal Roop Lakhi Tumaro Bhesha.ll Kaluaa Bhairo Sang Tumhaare,l Ari Hit Roop Bhayaanak Dhaare.ll Sevak Laangur Rahat Agaari,l Chauisath Jogan Agyaakaari.ll Treta Mein Raghuvar Hit Aai,l Dashkandhar Ki Sain Nasaai. ll Khela Ran Ka Khel Niraala,l Bhara Maans-Majja Se Pyaala. ll Raudra Roop Lakhi Daanav Bhaage,l Kiyau Gavan Bhavan Nij Tyaage.ll Tab Esau Taamas Chadh Aayo,l Svajan Vijan Ko Bhed Bhulaayo.ll Ye Baalak Lakhi Shankar Aaye,l Raah Rok Charanan Me Dhaaye.ll Tab Mukh Jibh Nikar Jo Aai,l Yahi Roop Prachalit Hai Maai. ll Baadhyo Mahishaasur Mad Bhaari,l Pidit Kiye Sakal NarNaari.ll Karun Pukaar Suni Bhaktan Ki,l Peer Mitaavan Hit Jan-Jan Ki.ll

Karma 53

Tab Pragati Nij Sain Sameta,l Naam Pada Maa Mahish Vijeta. ll Shumbh Nishumbh Hane Chhan Maahi,l Tum Sam Jag Doosar Kou Naahi.ll Maan Mathanhaari Khal Dal Ke,l Sada Sahaayak Bhakt Vikal Ke.ll Deen Vihin Karei Nit Seva,l Paavei Manvaanchhit Phal Meva.ll Sankat Me Jo Sumiran Karahi,l Unake Kasht Maaatu Tum Harahi.ll Prem Sahit Jo Kirati Gaavei,l Bhav Bandhan So Mukti Paavei.ll Kaali Chaalisa Jo Padhahi,l Svarglok Binu Bandhan Chadhahi.ll Daya Drishti Herau Jagadamba,l Kehi Kaaran Maa Kiyau Vilamba.ll Karahu Maatu Bhaktan Rakhvaali,l Jayati Jayati Kaali Kankaali.ll Sevak Deen Anaath Anaari,l Bhaktibhaav Yuti Sharan Tumhaari.ll ll Doha ll Prem Sahit Jo Kare,l Kaali Chaalisa Paath,ll Tinaki Pooran Kaamana,l Hoy Sakal Jag Thaath.ll

काली चालीसा जयकाली कलिमलहरण, महिमा अगम अपार । महिष मर्दिनी कालिका , देहु अभय अपार ॥ अरि मद मान मिटावन हारी । मुण्डमाल गल सोहत प्यारी ॥ अष्टभुजी सुखदायक माता । दुष्टदलन जग में विख्याता ॥ भाल विशाल मुकुट छवि छाजै । कर में शीश शत्रु का साजै ॥ दूजे हाथ लिए मधु प्याला । हाथ तीसरे सोहत भाला ॥ चौथे खप्पर खड्ग कर पांचे । छठे त्रिशूल शत्रु बल जांचे ॥ सप्तम करदमकत असि प्यारी । शोभा अद्भुत मात तुम्हारी ॥ अष्टम कर भक्तन वर दाता । जग मनहरण रूप ये माता ॥ भक्तन में अनुरक्त भवानी । निशदिन रटें ॠषी-मुनि ज्ञानी ॥ महशक्ति अति प्रबल पुनीता । तू ही काली तू ही सीता ॥ पतित तारिणी हे जग पालक । कल्याणी पापी कुल घालक ॥

कलि के कष्ट कलेशन हरनी । भव भय मोचन मंगल करनी ॥ महिमा अगम वेद यश गावैं । नारद शारद पार न पावैं ॥ भू पर भार बढ्यौ जब भारी । तब तब तुम प्रकटीं महतारी ॥ आदि अनादि अभय वरदाता । विश्वविदित भव संकट त्राता ॥ कुसमय नाम तुम्हारौ लीन्हा । उसको सदा अभय वर दीन्हा ॥ ध्यान धरें श्रुति शेष सुरेशा । काल रूप लखि तुमरो भेषा ॥ कलुआ भैंरों संग तुम्हारे । अरि हित रूप भयानक धारे ॥ सेवक लांगुर रहत अगारी । चौसठ जोगन आज्ञाकारी ॥ त्रेता में रघुवर हित आई । दशकंधर की सैन नसाई ॥ खेला रण का खेल निराला । भरा मांस-मज्जा से प्याला ॥ रौद्र रूप लखि दानव भागे । कियौ गवन भवन निज त्यागे ॥ तब ऐसौ तामस चढ़ आयो । स्वजन विजन को भेद भुलायो ॥ ये बालक लखि शंकर आए । राह रोक चरनन में धाए ॥ तब मुख जीभ निकर जो आई । यही रूप प्रचलित है माई ॥ बाढ्यो महिषासुर मद भारी । पीड़ित किए सकल नर-नारी ॥ करूण पुकार सुनी भक्तन की । पीर मिटावन हित जन-जन की ॥ तब प्रगटी निज सैन समेता । नाम पड़ा मां महिष विजेता ॥ शुंभ निशुंभ हने छन माहीं । तुम सम जग दूसर कोउ नाहीं ॥ मान मथनहारी खल दल के । सदा सहायक भक्त विकल के ॥ दीन विहीन करैं नित सेवा । पावैं मनवांछित फल मेवा ॥ संकट में जो सुमिरन करहीं । उनके कष्ट मातु तुम हरहीं ॥ प्रेम सहित जो कीरति गावैं । भव बन्धन सों मुक्ती पावैं ॥ काली चालीसा जो पढ़हीं । स्वर्गलोक बिनु बंधन चढ़हीं ॥ दया दृष्टि हेरौ जगदम्बा । केहि कारण मां कियौ विलम्बा ॥ करहु मातु भक्तन रखवाली । जयति जयति काली कंकाली ॥

शेष सुरेश न पावत पारा । गौरी रूप धर्यो इक बारा ॥

सेवक दीन अनाथ अनारी । भक्तिभाव युति शरण तुम्हारी ॥ ॥ दोहा ॥

तुम समान दाता नहिं दूजा । विधिवत करें भक्तजन पूजा ॥

प्रेम सहित जो करे, काली चालीसा पाठ ।

रूप भयंकर जब तुम धारा । दुष्टदलन कीन्हेहु संहारा ॥

तिनकी पूरन कामना, होय सकल जग ठाठ ॥

नाम अनेकन मात तुम्हारे । भक्तजनों के संकट टारे ॥ Karma 54

drinking that water is said to cure Cough. Menstrual problems in women are cured if a few pieces of sliced Onion are eaten every day. Rubbing Onion and Garlic paste together can reduce the poison form an insect sting. Onion juice is said to give relief to patients suffering from Cholera. It has been prescribed that giving a Cholera patient Adding a small pinch of Asafoetida to Onion juice and giving to the patient on an hourly basis is said to cure Cholera quickly. White Onion, Jaggery and Turmeric mixed together are prescribed as treatment for Jaundice. This mixture if eaten in the morning and evening is said to cure Jaundice. A few drops of the juice of White Onion if put in the ears is said to cure deafness. if this juice is mixed with honey, then it gives relief from ear pain and stops Puss from accumulating. Onion juice mixed with honey is said to reduce the poison from dog bite. This mixture has to be rubbed lightly on the affected area. The plants, fruits, herbs and vegetables which we come across everyday and which form a part of our diet have more often than not some hidden medicinal properties. The ancients discovered these unique medicinal properties and used them the for the treatment of diseases and ailments. These herbal remedies are still widely practiced in most parts of the world; more particularly India. Here are some of these Herbal remedies; which I hope will prove beneficial Home remedies using Onion Note- The following remedy is given for information purposes for your general health and Wellbeing and not as a replacement for any existing treatment. The Onion is easily one of the most common and most consumed of all vegetables. It can be added to most other foods. The Onion has a lot of medicinal benefits. Since ancients Onions have been prescribed as a remedy for a lot of ailments and diseases. Here I am giving some home Remedies for some ailments which can be done through the use of Onions. If Onion juice is rubbed on the scalp it is said to kill lice. A mixture of Mustard Oil and Onion juice is said to give relief from pain in the joints if rubbed lightly on the affected part. If a couple of drops of Onion juice are put in the eyes it gives relief from eye pain and removes impurities. If a little bit of salt is added to the Onion juice and a few drops put in the eye then it is said that it cures night blindness. Onion juice is said to give relief fro skin diseases like fungal infections and infections caused due to parasites. The Onion juice if rubbed lightly on the affected portion give relief from itching caused due to the infection. Nasal bleeding can be stopped if crushed Onion is given to the affected person to smell or if a few drops of Onion juice are put in his nose. A few small pieces of Onion if boiled in water and then

Simple home remedy for frequent urination This is a Simple home remedy for those who have the irritating problem of frequent urination. This habit is due to a variety of reasons; these can range between excessive heat in the bladder and urinary tract or even due to stress related problems. This habit of frequent urination is most irritating especially during the night. In such cases all you have to do is to take some skin of the Pomegranate fruit and grind it to a fine paste. Then take a pinch of this paste along with about 5 grams of water two times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. This has to be done for a period of 10 days. This is said to reduce the excessive heat in the bladder and the urinary tract and cure the problem of frequent urination. Home remedies using Karela Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd, known as Karela in India has been used in the preparation of traditional and Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. A lot can be achieved with this seemingly innocuous looking vegetable. The Karela is used as a Digestive stimulant and is used to cure most ailments relating to Gastrointestinal diseases. Here are some Simple Remedies for health related problems which can be cured with the use of Karela. A little bit of Karela juice taken early in the morning gives relief to Diabetics patients. To remove sugar from the Urine and cure diabetics small pieces of an unripe Karela are dried indoors and then a powder of these pieces is prepared. Then about 10 grams of this powder has to be taken every day in the morning and evening till the ailment is cured. If about 50 grams juice of the leaves of the Karela plant mixed with a pinch of Asafoetida is taken, it is said to relive problems relating to the Urinary tract and it also enables the smooth flow of Urine. Chronic skin diseases can be cured if the juice of the leaves of the Karela plant is applied to the affected area. Skin ailments resulting due to excessive heat in the body can be cured if Karela juice is applied on the affected area.

If the juice of Karela leaves is taken with hot water it is said to give relief from Intestinal parasites and eradicate them. To stop vomiting in children a mixture of 3 Karela seeds and 3 seeds of Black Pepper ground coarsely is given to them to eat. Drinking a little bit of the juice of the root of the Karela plant is said to give relief from allergic reaction on the body. Home remedies using Turmeric Turmeric or Haldi [हल्दी] in Hindi is an integral part and parcel of cooking in most parts of the world; especially in India. It is a common food additive used to give a distinctive flavor to food. There are numerous medical benefits attributed to Turmeric. In Ayurvedic medicine Turmeric is used as an anti-inflammatory agent and antiseptic. Here I am giving some Simple Home Remedies for health related problems using Turmeric. A pinch of Turmeric taken with warm milk at night gives relief from throat inflammation, and irritation due to infection. Turmeric mixed with honey reduces the inflammation of Tonsils if applied on the affected area. The smoke emitting from burning Turmeric reduces cough and cold. A mixture of about 6 grams Turmeric and a little bit of cow urine if taken orally is said to cure and remove white spots from the skin. Infections of the Guinea worm [ Naru] are reduced if a little bit of Turmeric mixed with some male urine is applied on the infected area.. The disease of Elephantiasis is said to be cured if a mixture of Turmeric, cow urine and Jaggery are taken orally for a few days. Internal and concealed wounds are cured if a mixture of Turmeric and Lime are applied over the affected body part. If a piece of roasted Turmeric is placed in the mouth at night it is said to cure cough and cold. 12 grams of Turmeric mixed with 50 grams curd if taken orally for some days are said to cure the illness of Jaundice. A little bit of Turmeric mixed some salt and Jaggery if given to children with milk is said to cure cough, cold and problems in breathing. A little bit of Turmeric mixed with Jaggery and taken with buttermilk is said to give relief from the illness of Kidney Stones. If Turmeric is applied and lightly pressed over a wound which is bleeding, then the bleeding stops and the wound heals quickly. Home remedy to get rid of intestinal parasites This is a simple Home remedy to cure the most common but harmful illness of worms in the intestines and stomach. These parasites can cause serious and a variety of related illness which can have long term repercussions. This home remedy is said to get rid of such parasites. Take 2 sweet apples and insert about 12 grams of cloves into them; like nails. Then after approximately 2 hours remove all the cloves and keep them aside. Then everyday take 3 such cloves along with your morning tea. Avoid foods which are said to cause excessive gas, flatulence and constipation. Home remedies using Tomato Tomatoes are of the most common vegetables of everyday use in most cusines.Yet very few people know about the medicinal

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properties of tomatoes and the home Remedies for health and Wellbeing through the use of tomatoes. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins; especially Vitamin A, B and C. Here are some Simple Remedies for health which can be practiced by anyone at home. A couple of table spoons of fresh tomato juice given to children at least an hour before giving them milk goes a long way in making them strong, healthy and disease free. The painful disease of piles can be controlled and cured if a fresh tomato is eaten along with the skin before meals and at bedtime. A cup of fresh tomato juice taken everyday removes the impurities and loosens the dirt which has accumulated in the intestines. Ailments relating to the eyes including Night Blindness can be cured if fresh tomato juice is taken every day in the morning and evening. This also ensures good and clear eyesight. Impurities in the blood can be removed and blood can be purified if a couple of table spoons of tomato juice is taken 3 times daily. Fresh tomato juice goes a long way in making your complexion flawless and glowing. Underweight people desperate to gain weight are advised to eat a couple of fresh tomatoes every day. Home remedies for Cancer These are a couple of home remedies which are used to treat Cancer.These remedies were given to me by a Spiritual person who is also a distinguished practitioner of naturopathy. I am putting them here for information purposes only and not as a replacement for any ongoing medical treatment. Vavding [Embelia ribes] is said to be effective in combating most types of Cancer. It has been recommended that a coarse powder of the Vavding seeds should be ground. A pinch of this powder should be taken 5 to 6 times daily. Take a corn [flower] of the Kewra [Screw Pine or Pandanus fascicularis] plant along with the stem, with the petals removed. Wrap this flower in a silk cloth and wash it by keeping the wrapped flower under a flowing tap. Then put that put that flower along with the residue on the cloth [with the cloth removed] in a steel utensil. The pour 11 cups of water in the utensil and boil this water. Then after the water cools keep this utensil along with flower and residue in it to cool in a refrigerator. Then drink 1 cup of this water on an empty stomach everyday for 11 days. Quantity If the corn is small then take 2 corns. If large than take 1 corn. If corns are not available then take pure Kewra scent and put 2 drops in a cup of water and drink this water. This should be done 2 times a day for about 2 months. Cancer patients should take a diet consisting of Corns. Avoid Wheat as much as possible.5 leaves of the Tulsi [holy basil] plant should be chewed every day.

For more information, please call Swamiji @ 408 829 7780 in USA

Sex, Pregnancy. Sexually transmitted diseases. Abortions, Pre Ejaculation, Sexual and all kinds of Health and mental problems Problems- Healing through Herbs, and Atharva Thantra Rituals

- H. H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar

Siddhar’s are very specialized in ancient Hindu Herbs and spiritual healing for various health and mental difficulties. Presently His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is the “ Only” living Siddhar in USA considered to be a living God to his followers. He has saved countless number of his followers from, Breast Cancer, Heart problems, back pains, depression, diabetes, sexual problems, impotency, Aids, Blood Cancer, Sleep issues, Bad dreams, Drug and drinks addiction etc., Note- Article written for educational purposes only. Home Remedy to increase Sexual Powers Sexual intercourse has rarely been described properly whether in religion, spiritualism or by scientists whether social or biological. One takes sexual intercourse for granted without really understanding it in totality. It is more often than not associated with abusive language, and wrongly interpreted in most religions as something dirty, ugly or forbidden. Sexual intercourse is a much maligned and misunderstood term for those who do not understand what it means in totality. A whole lot of persons throughout the history of mankind are collectively responsible for mutating the minds of later generations, into what they are today. Sexual intercourse has never been properly interpreted by anyone, and if he has tried it has never been with an unbiased mind, it has always been colored with the interpreters prejudices. Some advocate celibacy, thus depriving themselves and encouraging and influencing others to abstain from what is their natural course of evolution. Thus mental growth and natural evolution comes to a standstill in such persons. These people will have to take birth again and again to correct the imbalance, and find the path which will eventually take them to their final destination. I have written time and again that everything in this universe is governed and ruled by THE THREE FORCES OF GOD. The rules of these three forces are applicable to everything in creation including Sexual intercourse.Hence Sexual intercourse is also divided into three typesCreative intercourse Protective intercourse Destructive intercourse

Creative force means pure energy, and anything done for the creation of anything with pure intentions, triggers off a chain reaction of pure energy. The side effects are pure and a pure atmosphere is created. The pure love which two persons feel for each other, free from any inducements is nothing but the play of the creative force in nature, which is energy in its purest form. The thoughts and emotions do not experience any side effects and hence the brain does not mutate. This type of Sexual intercourse is most of the times spontaneous as the partners are overwhelmed by the pure energy, and the thinking part does not come into play. Protective Sexual intercourse is intercourse which has some inducements attached to it. These inducements are not harmful, and can be like raising a family, finding a partner or companion, emotional or financial security. Such intercourse has strings attached to it. The satisfaction of both the partners is the key to happiness in such an arrangement. There are side effects arising out of such an arrangement as there is expectation involved. This involves a chain reaction and some mutation in the brain and evolution process is inevitable. Destructive Sexual intercourse means rape, intercourse by putting undue fear into the other partner and any such act whereby one of the parties is not a willing partner. Pornography and unnatural intercourse are also destructive types of intercourse. The thinking, emotions and the brains of such persons get mutated totally, and evolution and growth of such people comes to a standstill. The chain reaction which is triggered has severe and long lasting effects. Thus having seen all the three types of sexual inter courses, what must be kept in mind is that only the creative Sexual intercourse is in line with the natural flow of evolution, the protective Sexual intercourse is a slight diversion. And the destructive Sexual intercourse is a major break away from the natural path of evolution. Sexual urge manifests in each and every person, trying to find someone without this natural urge is like finding a needle in a haystack. There is nothing abnormal about experiencing a Sexual urge or even feeling overwhelmed by it. SAMADHI THROUGH SEXUAL ENERGY Sexual urge is nothing but the Creative force in nature, which is manifesting itself in your body; the primary function of this creative force is creation. Each and every living being is created through Sexual intercourse, and Sexual urge is what powers intercourse.

The persons who wrote the rules and regulations for manmade religions as well as the moral scientists have miserably failed to understand the REAL MEANING OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.By painting sex as something bad and immoral, what these fools have ultimately succeeded in doing, is mutating the minds and memory of their unsuspecting followers, and done great disservice to mankind. The Sexual urge which one feels and becomes overwhelmed by is the door way to attaining the ultimate bliss which everyone is after. This Bliss is called by various names like enlightenment, Nirvana or Samadhi. First and foremost you have to be aware and fully understand the fact that, this Sexual urge is nothing but the manifestation of the Creative force out of THE THREE FORCES OF GOD, in your body. I would advise you to feel happy and satisfied by remembering that you are the lucky recipient of this natural energy manifesting itself in your body. This Creative energy which you feel inside your body can be converted into destructive or negative energy or positive energy depending upon how you channelise it. It is ultimately in your hands how you utilize this vast reservoir of energy which is at your disposal. It is of utmost importance to remove all the crap which has been fed to you by manmade religions and moral scientists. Once you remove this crap,which you can easily, by telling yourselves and believing that it is really crap.If you feel discomfort or a feeling of unease you can try which ever technique of HYPNOSIS,which you feel most comfortable with. Once you have removed the accumulated crap in your mind, then the next step commences. Once you have detoxified you mind, then you feel a natural sense of calmness and confidence which you will notice was lacking before. There after whenever you sense and feel the sexual urge rising in your body, you can tell yourself in calm and confident toneHow lucky I am that the creative force is manifesting itself in my body. I can feel this creative force, it is everywhere in my body. I am now being overwhelmed by this creative force. My body is changing itself; the creative force has completely taken charge of my body. I am now turning into the creative force. I have now turned into the creative force. I am the creative force. I am now one with nature, I have acquired the ultimate Bliss, I have achieved Nirvana, I am now enlightened. I have now become truly Non-Dual. It is most important not to think about the fruits, and expect them to materialise immediately,when you are in the process of becoming one with the energy which has manifested in your body by the way of an Sexual urge. If you start thinking about the fruits then you are converting this energy into a negative one. The entire conversion process should be natural and Karma 58

spontaneous. You will get it right after numerous attempts or even at the first attempt. Thereafter you might even experience that the energy permanently resides in your body, and that this energy is you. When you experience that you are the energy, then you will have acquired what is called the state of Samadhi, Nivnana, enlightenment or liberation. This state of being is also called as the Non-Dual state. The Sacred Fig tree, botanical name Ficus religiosa is considered a holy and auspicious tree in India not only in the Hindu but the Buddhist religion as well. The Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating under this tree. This tree is commonly seen in the vicinity of temples. Apart from the religious importance of this tree, there are numerous medicinal properties attributed to it including the treatment of Sexual Health related disorders. This here is a Home Remedy which is used to increase Vitality and Sexual Poweress.The fruit of the Sacred Fig tree should be dried in the shade and taken along with milk. Doing this is said to increase Sexual Poweress The Shankhapushpi (शंखपुष्पी) [Clitoria ternatea] herb is said to be of great value as far as treating Sexual Health related ailments. The Shankhapushpi is also used in treating infertility and to increase Sexual Desire. The use of this plant has great importance in Ayurveda,A wide range of benefits including mental growth ,increase in appetite ,the treating of ailments relating to the nervous system are attributed to this herb. Shankhapushp oil is popularly used in treating stress related ailments by using it to massage the head and body. Healing through Sex Along before the advent of Christianity and Islam, people all over the world were worshipping “Phallus” as the one who created the world. Ancient Indians worshipped the “Shivlingam” as the divine light which gave life and energy. Though today most Hindus have forgotten the real symbolism of the Shivlingam. Today people worship the “Goddess of Love” or “Kamdeva’ in the hope that it would herald in peace and tranquility back into their lives. Some Tantrik cults and new age Gurus preach that spirituality can be elevated and Samadhi gained through pure Sexual Intercourse. The purest of Sexual activities triggers off the dormant healer present in each and every human being. In the purest of Sex one can become the healer; and also the healed. The relieving of tension, dissolution of worry and the return of vitality are the health promoting benefits of erotic experience.

The unseen benefits which one does not even notice are the return of vitality which speeds up the natural healing mechanism always present in the body. Sexual activity between husband and wife and true lovers is as natural as anything else in this world. One will realize how the act of making love assumes therapeutic proportions. You will also realize that allowing sexuality to blossom in your being has added layers of exuberance to you dull life. Through Sexual Intercourse healing is intuitive in nature, it is spontaneous; the after effects of a most satisfying erotic experience. Thus when you and your partner don’t restrict yourself, don’t desire anything; simply give, then you realize that love engulfs you. All the mental barriers start dissolving, and this starts reflecting everywhere in your lives; at work and home and you will be the healer and the healed. The greatest disservice done by man made religion is the sudden stoppage of this natural healing process through Sex. This has led to the human mind mutating as those who founded these religions did not know that the mind can never be enslaved. Simple Remedy to sexually attract your husband I get a lot of mail from woman readers saying that their Mental and Sexual Health is suffering as they are not able to Sexually attract their husband. This is a common problem for most women and there is nothing to be shy about it. In my previous post I have given some simple home remedies as well as some remedies from the ancient scriptures for this common problem. This here is a Simple Remedy to sexually attract your husband and keep him under your control and away from other women. What I am doing is quoting what the text says; I do not take the responsibility for success or failure. You can try this at your own risk; don’t blame me if any thing goes wrong. Now the remedy - take some Mustard Oil and put some flowers of the Madhu Malti tree [Quisqualis indica or the Chinese honeysuckle] in it. Then boil this Oil. After this Oil cools apply some of it around your Vagina[not inside].This should be done

before intercourse. This is said to sexually Attract your husband and keep him away from other women. Simple remedy to get pregnant The Shankhapushpi (शंखपुष्पी) [Clitoria ternatea] herb is said to be of great value as far as treating Sexual Health related ailments. The Shankhapushpi is also used in treating infertility and to increase Sexual Desire. The use of this plant has great importance in Ayurveda,A wide range of benefits including mental growth ,increase in appetite ,the treating of ailments relating to the nervous system are attributed to this herb. Shankhapushp oil is popularly used in treating stress related ailments by using it to massage the head and body. Here I am giving a Simple Remedy using this herb to get pregnant. This remedy is useful to those who even after repeated efforts fail to conceive and beget a child which they so desperately seek. Please note that I am not trying to mislead the childless, I am giving here what is mentioned in the ancient Hindu texts. The positive thing is even if you do not get pregnant,atleast you will enjoy yourself. Now the remedyBring a small root of the Shankhapushpi Herb and mix it well in cold water. Then filter the water and drink it [this is for the woman] before Sexual intercourse. Also if you so desire you can massage each other with the Shankhapushpi Oil, this is not part of the remedy, it is up to you. However this massage is most useful and recommended as along with the Shankhapushpi water it will increase your energy levels. Home remedy for Sexual Poweress and Vitality This is another simple Indian home Remedy which makes the use of Honey and is said to be useful in increasing Sexual Poweress and Vitality. This particular remedy is quite simple and easy to practice and does not require much doing. Intercourse between husband and wife or lovers is a part and parcel of life; and this part has to be enjoyed to the fullest for great physical and mental Health. This remedy is for males. Take a small piece of clean cotton cloth, dip this cloth in Honey and keep it tied on your Nabhi Chakra; this Chakra is located behind the Navel. This should be done at least 1 hour before intercourse. Just before intercourse remove this piece of cloth. This remedy is said to ensure that the concerned organs do not tire and function effectively. Simple remedy for wet dreams Wet dreams or Nocturnal Emission is a most common occurrence in most people; mostly youth. I will not call it an illness because it has no effect on your Sexual Health.Though

some people might feel a physiological hangover effect. Some religions have a stigma attached to this natural occurrence.They have prescribed a set of rules and regulations for those who experience this natural occurrence; these guys should have their heads examined. For those who want to stop this occurrence I am giving a Simple Remedy to stop or minimize wet sexual dreams which can be practiced by anyone without any time or effort. Take the skin of Pomegranate; either the Kabul or Kandahar variety found in Afghanistan. Then ground this skin to a fine paste. Take about 4 grams of this paste in the morning and evening along with water. Do not drink milk at night and for 10 days avoid sour dishes. Traditional Indian remedies for impotence Sexual impotence also known as Erectile Dysfunction is not something which you should run scared off; it’s a common medical condition. More often than not it is caused by emotional disturbances which hinder the smooth flow of blood entering the reproductive organ. Today we are focusing on some of the traditional Indian remedies which are used to treat impotence. I have deliberately left out the more difficult ones and given here those which are real simple and easy to practice. Garlic paste mixed with cow’s milk and consumed for 21 or 42 day is said to give most positive results. Chewing a couple of Garlic petals once a day is also a recommended treatment. Barley drink mixed with a drop of the milk [latex] of the Indian Banyan Tree [Ficus Benghalensis] is used to treat those suffering from this condition. Dried Mango flowers mixed with Wheat Semolina and roasted in Clarified Butter is also known to give positive results in the treatment of impotency.. Simple home remedy for Ringworm Ringworm is a most common but irritating and painful ailment. This ailment causes sever itching which can sometimes become unbearable. Ringworms can easily be cured through anti fungal ointments and sometimes through medications. For the interest of readers I am giving here a simple home Remedy which is used in India to treat Ringworms. Please note that I am giving it here for information and educational purposes only. This is not a replacement for any existing medical treatment. Crush and remove the juice of Garlic Petals. Then rub this juice on the affected body parts for a period of 3 days. In case of severe burning apply clarified Butter [Ghee] over the affected areas. This home remedy is said to control and cure Ringworms. This treatment is also considered useful in eradicating red spots which have erupted on the skin as a result of excess heat in the body. Home remedy for Bedwetting in Children Bedwetting [Nocturnal Enuresis] is one of the most common health issues in children; especially those under the age of 6.There after it starts subsiding. This health issue is more often Karma 60

than not related to growth; mental and physical in children. A Home Remedy prescribed by Naturopaths to regulate urination and to control and stop Bedwetting is to give children suffering from this health issue, a fistful of Mustard Seeds to eat. Mustard Seeds are considered as beneficial to those suffering Urinary diseases. Note – Article written for educational and information purposes only and not as a replacement for any Medical treatment. Home remedy for Eye Pain Coriander and the seeds of Coriander are one of the most commonly used ingredients in every day cooking. The use of Coriander is also widespread in Ayurveda and traditional Medicine. This is one such useful Home Remedy which is practiced to remove Eye Pain; using Coriander Seeds. About 10 to 20 grams of Coriander Seeds have to be immersed in water. After about half an hour these seeds have to be crushed inside the water itself. Then this water has to be filtered using a Muslin Cloth, so that no residue remains in the water. Then one has to sprinkle the water over ones eyes. This is said to give relief from Eye Pain. This remedy is also used in traditional medicine to protect the eyes of those suffering from Small Pox. Sprinkling this water is said to ensues that the infection does not spread to the eyes and the eyes remain safe. Simple Remedy to control and stop loose motions The leaves of the Ova herb [Coleus Aromaticus] are said to have tremendous medicinal beinfits.This is an aromatic plant whose leaves are used as a flavoring in many dished in India. Apart from being used in Home remedies in the treatment of throat related ailments, the leaves of this plant called Ovachi Pane [ओव्याची पाने] in Marathi and Patharchur [पत्थरचूर] or Pashanabhedi [पाशानाभेदी] in Hindi are used in controlling and stopping loose motions.

This is a Simple Remedy to control and stop loose motions. Take about 25 grams of Ova leaves and grind them. Then boil the paste in about 1/2kg water. Boil till the water evaporates to become about1/4kg. Then filter this water and drink warm 2 times Remedy to ensure smooth pregnancy Ulatkambal [Devil’s cotton], botanical name Abroma Augusta is a plant widely used in Indian traditional medicine, including Ayurveda.This plant is said to possess a lot of magical properties. Some Simple Remedies for common problems are practiced in India using the various parts of this plant. This is a remedy which is said to be used to ensure smooth pregnancy. A small portion of the root bark of this plant tied around the waist of the pregnant women ensures smooth pregnancy.

Upacharas & Darshana -Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar ( The only living Siddhar in USA) Sixteen Upacharas During the worship of the Lord 16 types of services/honoring are done to the Lord. Evidently these are the outpouring of love that are channelized and suggested by the Agamas. AvAhana - Welcome/installation Asana - Giving seat pAdya - Washing the leg arghya - Washing the hands Achaman - Water to drink madhuparka - Sweet (honey) mixture to eat snAna - Bathe vastra - Clothe upavIta - Offering holy thread gandha - Scenting pushpa - Floral decoration dhUpa - Incence smoke dIpa - Light decor nivedana - Offering (food) karpUra - Camphor light pradaxiNa namaskAra - circumambulation and salutation Six Darshana The darshanas are the philosophy schools. As against the philosophies that do not account the vedas like lokAyata, charvaka etc., these six accept the vedas. They are not

Simple Remedy for strong and healthy teeth This is a most Simple Remedy for strong and healthy teeth. This home remedy is easy to practice and does not require much time or effort. Close your mouth and bang your upper teeth on your lower teeth for about 30 to 40 times. Doing this improves the blood circulation in the teeth and the teeth become strong and healthy. To keep your mouth fresh and free from bacteria take 1/2 Kilogram water and put a few drops of lime OR Take a small slice of lime and rub it on your teeth and gums. After this gargle. This will keep your mouth fresh and odor free. After meals it is advisable to bite a few the leaves of Tulsi [holy basil], a small mango leaf or Betel leaf. This is said to keep your teeth clean and odor free. For More spiritual help please call Swamiji @ Toll Free 1-888808-1418

necessorily contradicting, but often extending from the one another. nyaya of gautama - vaisheShika of kanada - sankya of kapila - yoga of patanchali - purva mimasa of jaimini - badarayana -

Based on logic to explain the world and God. Allied to nyAya and explains how the world is created. Lists down 25 tattvas (hence called so). Taken basis by the later mentioned philosophies. Prescribes the yogic practices required to attain the final state. It is kriya mArgar (path of action) based on the samhita,brahmana and Aranyakas of vedas. uttara mimamsa of It is the philosophy school taking basis upaniShad also called as vedanta.

Dharma sethu palakam, thwa dharma marga nasakam,l Karma pasa mochakam , susharma dayakam vibhum llSwarna varna sesha pasa shobithanga mandalam,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 5 Rathna padukha prabhabhirama padayugmakam,l Nithyamadwidheeyamishta daivatham niranjanam llMrutyu darpa nasanam karaladamshtra mokshanam,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 6 Attahasa binna padma janda kosa santhatheem,l Drushti pada nashta papa jala mugra sasanam llAshtasidhi dayakam kapala malikadaram,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 7 Bhootha sanga nayakam, vishala keerthi dayakam,l Kasi vasa loka punya papa shodhakam vibum llNeethi marga kovidham purathanam jagatpathim,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 8

Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam English - Hindi and Its meaning

-Param Pujya ,Guru Maharaj “Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar� Kaal Bhairav is the Rudra Avatar of Shiva who is the omnipresent time or Kaal.Kaal or time is the fearsome face of Shiva as time stops for none. Each and every living being is afraid of time as it spares none. Hence Kaal is feared by one and all.

Kalabhairavashtakam patanthi yea manoharam,l Jnana mukthi sadhanam , vichithra punya vardhanam llSoka moha dainya lopa kopa thapa nasanam,l Thea prayanthi Kalabhairavangri saniidhim druvam ll 9 Meaning of the Above Mantra I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Whose lotus like feet is being served by Devendra,Who is merciful and wears the moon on his forehead,Who wears a snake as his sacred thread,Who wears the different directions as his cloth,And who is worshipped by sages like Narada.

The Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam is recited to make your journey through time or life free from troubles and dangers.

I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who shines like billions of suns,Who helps us cross this miserable ocean of life,Who is supreme and has a blue neck,Who has three eyes and grants us our desires,Who is the death to the God of death,Who has lotus flower like eyes,Who has the undefeatable trident,And who does not have decay.

Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam - In English Deva raja sevya mana pavangri pankajam,l Vyala yagna suthra mindu shekaram krupakaram,llNaradadhi yogi vrundha vandhitham digambaram,lKasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 1

I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who has a spear, a chord and a stick as weapons,Who is black in colour and the primeval cause,Who is deathless and the first God,Who is free from decay and ill health,Who is the Lord who is a great hero, And who likes the special vigorous thandava.

Bhanu koti bhaswaram, bhavabdhi tharakam param,l Neelakanda meepsidartha dayakam trilochanam llKalakala mambujaksha maksha soola maksharam,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 2

I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who fulfills desires and also grants salvation,Who is well known for his pretty mien,Who is a form of Shiva,who loves his devotees,Who is the God of the entire world, Who assumes various forms,And who has a golden waist thread,On which jingling bells are tied.

The Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam was composed by the great philosopher saint of the 8th century AD Adi Shankara.

Soola tanga pasa danda pani madhi karanam,l Syama kaya madhi devamaksharam niramayam llBheema vikramam prabhum vichithra thandava priyam,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 3 Bhukthi mukthi dayakam prasashtha charu vigraham,l Bhaktha vatsalam shivam* , samastha loka vigraham llVinikwanan manogna hema kinkini lasath kateem,l Kasika puradhi nadha Kalabhairavam bhaje ll 4 Karma 62

I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who maintains the bridge of dharma in life,Who destroys paths which are not right,Who saves us from the ties of Karma,Who is the lord who makes us ashamed,When trying to do wrong things,Who has a shining body because of golden rope,With bells tied in various places. I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who has feet adorned by the shine of gem studded sandals,Who is eternal and

does not have any one second to him,Who is our favorite God who bestows everything,Who takes away the fear of death from humans,And who grants them salvation by his terrible teeth. I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Whose loud roar is enough to destroy all those created by Brahma,Whose sight is sufficient to destroy all sins,Who is crafty and strict ruler,Who can grant the eight occult powers,And who wears the garland of skulls. I salute Kalabhairava, the lord of the city of Kasi,Who is the chief of the society of Bhoothas,Who grants broad based fame,Who is the lord who judges good and bad deeds,Of those who live in Varanasi,Who is an expert in the way of righteousness,And who is eternally old and lord of the universe. Those who read this enticing octet on Kalabhairava,Which is the source of eternal knowledge,Which increases the effect of righteous deeds,And which destroys grief, passion, poverty, want and anger,Would surely reach the holy presence of Kalabhairava. ll कालभैरवाष्टकम् ll देवराजसेव्यमानपावनांघ्रिपंकजं । व्यालयज्ञसूत्रमिंदुशेखरं कृपाकरम् ॥ नारदादियोगिवृन्दवन्दितं दिगंबर । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥१॥ भानुकोटिभास्वरं भावाब्धितारकं परं । नीलकण्ठमीप्सितार्थदायकं त्रिलोचनम् ॥ कालकालमम्बुजाक्षमक्षशूलमक्षरं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥२॥ शूलटंकपाशदण्डपाणिमादिकारणं । श्यामकायमादिदेवमक्षरं निरामयम् ॥ भीमविक्रमं प्रभुं विचित्रतांडवप्रियं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥३॥ भुक्तिमुक्तिदायकं प्रशस्तलोकविग्रहं । भक्तवत्सलं स्थितं समस्तलोकविग्रहं । विनिक्कणन्मनोज्ञहेमकिंकिणीलसत्कटिं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥४॥ धर्मसेतुपालकं त्वधर्ममार्गनाशकं । कर्मपाशमोचकं सुशर्मदायकं विभुं ॥ स्वर्णवर्णशेषपाशशोभितांगमण्डलं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥५॥ रत्न५पादुकाप्रभाभिरामपादयुग्मकं । नित्यमद्वितीयमिष्टदैवतं निरंजनम् ॥ मृत्युदर्पनाशनं करालदंष्ट्रमोक्षणं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥६॥ अट्टाहासभिन्नपद्मजाण्डकोशसंततिं । दृष्टिपातनष्टपापजालमुग्रशासनं ॥ अष्टसिद्धिदायकं कपालमालिकाधरं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥७॥ भूतसंघनायकं विशालकीर्तिदायकं । काशिवासलोकपुण्यपापशोधकं विभुं ॥ नीतिमार्गकोविदं पुरातनं जगत्पतिं । काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे॥८॥ कालभैरवाष्टकं पठन्ति ये मनोहरं । ज्ञानमुक्तिसाधनं विचित्रपुण्यवर्धनं ॥ शोकमोहदैन्यलोभकोपतापनाशनम् । प्रयान्ति कालभैरवांघ्रिसन्निधि नरा ध्रुवम् ॥९॥

Bhairav Aarti English-Hindi The worship of Bhairav has great importance in tantric Karma 64

practices, as there is great intensity in the worship of Bhairava. Bhairav is the rudra or fierce manifestation of Shiva, Total destruction is associated with Bhairava.Bhairava has a total of eight manifestations Bhairava himself has eight manifestations: Kala Bhairava, Asitanga Bhairava, Samhara Bhairava, Ruru Bhairava, Krodha Bhairava, Kapala Bhairava, Rudra Bhirava and Unmatta Bhairava. The worship of Bhairava is particularly helpful in problems like trouble from hidden and visible enemies,as also all the other comforts in life,Bhairava is also worshiped before embarking on a long journey so as to make it comfortable and free from dangers. The Aatri of Bhairava if said with devotion and a clean heart bestows all the rewards to the devotee, Bhairav Aarti- English Translation Jay Bhairav Deva, Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Jay Kali Aur Gauradevi Karat Hai Seva ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Tumhi Aap Uddhaarak, Dukh Sindhu Taarak l Bhakto Ke Sukh Kaarak, Deepak Vasu Dhaarak ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Vaahan Shvaan Viraajat, Kar Trishul Dhaari l Mahima Amit Tumhaari, Jay Jay Bhayahaari ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Tum Bin Devaa Pujan, Safal Nahi Hove l Chaturvartika Deepak, Darshak Dukh Khove ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Tel Chatik Dadhi Mishrit, Maashaabali Teri l Kripa Kijiye Bhairav, Kariye Nahi Deri ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Paanv Ghungharoo Baajat, Damaru Damakavat l Batuknath Ban Baalak, TanMan Harashaavat ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l Batuknath Ki Aarati, Jo Koi Jan Gave l Kahe Dharanidhar, Man Vaanchit Phal Pave ll Om Jay Bhairav Deva Prabhu Jay Bhairav Deva l भैरव आरती जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । जय काली और गौरा देवी कृत सेवा ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । तुम्हीं पाप उद्घारक दुःख सिन्धु तारक । भक्तों के सुख कारक भीषण वपु धारक ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । वाहन श्वान विराजत कर त्रिशूल धारी । महिमा अमित तुम्हारी जय जय भयहारी ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । तुम बिन देवा सेवा सफल नहीं होवे । चौमुख दीपक दर्शन दुःख खोवे ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । तेल चटकि दधि मिश्रित भाषावलि तेरी । कृपा करिये भैरव करिए नहीं देरी ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । पांव घुंघरु बाजत अरु डमरु जमकावत । बटुकनाथ बन बालकजन मन हरषावत ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा । बटकुनाथ की आरती जो कोई नर गावे । कहे धरणीधर नर मनवांछित फल पावे ।। जय भैरव देवा, प्रभु जय भैरव देवा ।

THANK YOU Swamiji Siddhar Ms Ratna Patel, Mississippi Thanks To Swamiji!!. My business is increased to a level of nearly 75 % due to the divine blessings of Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar, I am very glad to be the reader of the magazine Siddhi Times. I thank the editor and publisher for giving me an opportunity to meet Sri Swamiji. Only because of reading the magazine I got the opportunity to approach Sri Swamiji for the development of my business. Thank you very much.Om Namashivaya!! Shyamala Devi, Atlanta, Georgia Swamiji(Dr Commander Selvam) ...words cannot express my feelings of gratitude to you. You have helped my husband to come out of this serious health issues. You need to live for hundreds of years to help mankind Kumar khandelwal, New York Wow!! Hats off Swamiji. You are not a Swamiji , definitely you are a MAHARAJA. Having 48 full time priest FOR A TEMPLE IN usa , you are the 1st Indian made it possible in USA.I do not have words to express my happiness and the things you are doing for the NRI’s in USA.From today onwards you are my only GOD to our whole family. OM NAMASHIVAYAA!! Mohini chander Verma, New Jersey Swamiji Pranam!!(Dr Commander Selvam) I have got your Temple News through my family friend in Atlanta.. It is remarkable ....the services you are doing. All your 15 priest are excellent, and I was really stunned with the beautiful services performed by the Pundits. Count me as your strong follower and I am always at your service.

Kamal Jeet Kaur Sangera, Connecticut Pundit Ji, your mahaprasadm was very excellent. Is any idea you are going to start a Restaurant in the Temple premises very soon? I could devote my time for your noble cause. Hats off to Swamiji for this wonderful Temple Maha Velappan, Massachusetts I just moved to Atlanta 4 months back. I have been other Hindu Temples in USA, however I have never seen these much dedicated priests services in the Temple. Thanks a Lot to Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar” to build this temple. My fullest support is always there. Ramyaa Navaneethakrishna, New Jersey Dear Sir, I read some of Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam’Siddhar”s articles and was amazed by his knowledge. Astrology is great science. I wish you every success. I am in NJ; I shall come and see Swamiji to get his Darshan, in the month of March 2013. Thanks Sunitha Santharam, Houston, Texas Dr.Commander Selvam’sexplanation about Marahathalingam was excellent. I shall bring all my neighbors from my subdivision for the next Pradosham. Thanks Rupa Shreyas Nana, Pasadena, Texas Swamiji, What is the secret of your smile always. I have seen you so many times and you are always very fresh at any time and always smiling. Don’t you get tired by meeting with thousands of people?. Tell me the secret of your energy! Swamiji I like to have a good Indian boy as my husband, I have told very clearly my parents that I need a soul like you. Swamiji thanks for all the help you have given so far.. I am having proper sleep these days. I do not go with my friends these days to the clubs etc.,, I have totally changed , after I met with you. I love you so much Swamiji

Deepan Navrang, Dallas, Texas Pranam Swamiji!! Thank you so much for your Astrological advise, I WOULD SAY YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS IMMENSE, and I was really delighted when I was talking to you. SwaMIJI i AM SENDING $5001.00 as my contribution for your noble cause. Om Namashivaya Kalpana Sadagopan, Plano, Texas Swamiji , thanks for your poojas. My interview went very well, and I got the job. I am going to pledge 10% of my pay checks to your wonderful Hindu temple from February 2013 onwards. Swamiji please have your hands always around me. I always want to be in your spiritual shelter Rudramurthi Sivanesan, Colorado My dear Swamiji ,You need to live 100 years. With your wonderful thantra Rituals my wife took back her Divorce papers. Now she is back home. I was suffering like anything for the last 9 months. you came as a miracle in our life. I do not have words to express my happiness Bina Bansal, New York Thank you so much for your great help for my son. Now he do not drink. God Bless you Rama Moorthi, Arizona Swamiji- Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar Thank you so much for coming home to bless our family. Our whom is really blessed by a great Rishi like you. Thanks Swamiji Rama Moorthi, Wisconsin Swamiji- Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar Thank you so much for coming home to bless our family. Our whom is really blessed by a great Rishi like you. Thanks Swamiji Chandra Patel, Arizona Sir I have picked up one of the Siddhi Times magazine April issue. WOV!!! WHAT A LOVELY MAGAZINE. Sir you are doing really great. Believe me; I took 15 magazines extra for all my community members to be given to every one Keep it up Sumangali Janarthanan, Arkansas Att: Param Pujya Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar”. I love you like anything. I am having tears in my eyes when I am typing this comment. With your great blessings my husband came out of the court case issues yesterday. All with your Spiritual healings Swamiji. Tell me anything I will give anything in my life to you. Your dad and mom are blessed o have a child like you. In my 26 years of life in the world, I never seen a personality with this much caliber and greatness in the life wherever I see.......... I see only your holy smiling face Swamiji Pranam Swamij Suma, Alpharetta, GA

Karma 66

Thiltaman Shankar, Georgia Swamiji Thanks for coming home to bless my wife, mother and children. My wife and my mother were really talking about you the whole night yesterday. You really create lot of vibrations in every one’s mind Shankar, Lawrenceville, GA Jasmit Suku, Illinois My Dear Swamiji Sri Selvam’Siddhar’ I love you so much. You are a miracle. My husband totally stopped drinking these days. I do not have words to express your holy power. I truly appreciate your help Swamiji Anandhan Sumitra, I consulted Swamiji about my kundli and followed his advice and now I am in a very good position. Thanks and pranams to Siddhar Swamiji. AL Sabu Siril, Illinois Swamiji, I am a Malayalee. I know a little bit about the herbs and herbal oils. But the oil you gave to cure my leg pain is very wonderful. The pain has gone and I am very well now. Thanks and namaskarams for making me healthy. AZ Santosh shah, Tennessee Swamiji, I had many problems in my business. Only because of your Thantric rituals I have overcome all the problems. My Pranams to you. Please shower your blessings on me, my family and business for continuing the same position. Kumuda Gogineni, Ohio Vanakkam Siddhar Iyya With your blessings my sister’s marriage got settled today. Thank you so much. Pramesh Satyavendan, Illinois Wonderful andMeerciful Swamiji, Thanks and Pranams for bringing out my wife from the worst disease she had. By the power of your Manthra, Thanthra, Yanthra, Aushadha and Asthra, my wife is OK now. Thank you very much for giving her a rebirth. We are under your service round the clock. Please keep us as the first in your list and give us a chance. Soma sunadaram, Texas Om Shanthi Swamiji. I do not have words to express my happiness. You are really a miracle, and the thing which happened in my life is certainly not possible without your Thantrs. Swamiji I am going to India on March 23rd. Is in any way, you could come to my new home in Houston, TX and bless me and my son? I would also like you to meet all my friends, and I am thinking of having a small satsang . Swamiji let me know your convenience. Thanks Swamiji you are always in my memories. I love you like anything. Nalini Kishore, Texas Att: Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar”(Dr Commander Selvam) Iyya, You are really superb. My sister’s marriage proposal went

very fine yesterday. After 33 years of her life in Chennai, with your mindful heart and blessings, we found the groom in Houston, TX. My father (82years old) is really extremely happy.. Without you all these things would not have happend. Swamiji I need your blessings always in my life. My husband Sridhar has sent you a check for $ 2002.00 as a small donation for your noble cause. The temple which you have achieved in Texas, is definitely not a human task..... Pattrakka Sudha, Kansas Namaskaram Swamiji! Thank you so much for your thantra poojas,I am having proper sleep these days. Even my sugar issue is also in control. You are doing marvelous things Swamiji.My parents in Kerala has a big Kali Temple. My family likes you to invite you to this 500 years old Temple, whenever you are going to be in India. Sujata Raman, New Mexico My Dear Swamiji(Dr Commander Selvam) Thanks for your blessings. My mum is doing well after your wonderful Homom. Let me know anything I could do in my life to support your temple? Shreya patel, Utah My dear Swamiji(Dr Commander Selvam) I do not have words to express my happiness . We are so much blessed to invite you to our Home. Swamiji I am sending $2501 check. I like to serve you and for your temple. Please take me as your Sishyai Rakesh Annamalai, Neveda SWAMIJI THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT FOR MYDAUGHTER’S PROBLEMS. NOW SHE HAS COME OUT OF HER DANGEROUS SURGERY...ALL YOUR BLESSINGS SWAMIJI. WITHOUT YOU NOTHING IS POSSIBLE IN OUR LIFE. YOU ARE OUR GOD SWAMIJI Sujata Ramu, Idaho My Dear Swamiji Sri Selvam’Siddhar’ I love you so much. You are a miracle. My husband totally stopped drinking these days. I do not have words to express your holy power. I truly appreciate your help Swamiji, Gunashaekar Varadarajan, Georgia Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar” is a wonderful person. My business and Marriage problems were settled by his Thantra Rituals. Very powerful Atharva Vedic Scholar in USA. I am settled down very happily with my family in GA Guna , Lawrenceville, GA, USA Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar” is a wonderful person. My busines and Marriage problems were settled by his Thantra Rituals. Very powerful Atharva Vedic Scholar in USA. I am settled down very happily with my family in GA Gunasekar , Lawranceville, GA, USA Ramakrishnan Venkat, California Swamiji I do not know how to express my gratitude. My

daughter’s marriage got settled today, with your blessings, I know that without you this is impossible. My only request to my living God”PLEASE PUT YOUR HOLY FEET IN THE MARRIAGE PLACE”I will give my whole life to you Swamiji for the help you rendered to my family. Ramakrishnan, Santa Clara, CA Nirmal Gopal, Georgia I like to read the “ Krishna Leela “ in your prestigious magazine. I feel as if I have gone to the period of Sri Krishna when reading the article. Thank you very much for giving such a nice article. Douglasville, GA Sahul Patel, Maryland JAI KRISHNA I AM SO MUCH OBLIGED TO DR COMMANDER SELVAM ALSO KNOWN AS SRI SRI SELVAM’SIDDHAR’. HE IS A LIVING GOD. WITHOUT HIM I WOULD HAVE LOST MY SON FROM A BIG PROBLEM. MY FRIEND HIGHLY RECOMMANDED ME TO GO THIS LIVING GOD. HE IS A VERY POWERFUL SWAMIJI NEVER TAKE A PENNY FOR HIS PERSONAL USE. NOW I AM HAPPILY SETTLED WITH MY FAMILY IN MARYLAND, USA I WISH MY DEAREST SWAMIJI TO LONG LIVE HUNDREDS OF YEARS SAHUL PATEL, MD, USA Manohar joshi, North Dakota Swamiji Pranam!! I am chanting your name every day 1008 times. On the day one I met with you Swamiji,everything is very excellant in my life. Swamiji what is the secret of your ever loving Smile? You look like a budding Telgu movie star. Swamiji bless my sister Nivedita, we are searching for her alliance. Please bless me, Thanks Swamiji. Manohar Joshi, Powder Springs, GA, USA Varun Karthik, Texas We had many troubles in our business. By reading the magazine, we approached Sri Siddhar Swamiji. He scrutinized our horoscopes and performed some rituals based on the Atharva Veda. By the power of Swamiji and his Thantra rituals, we are developing now. Our lives are dedicated to Swamiji Siddhar. Dallas,TX Susheela Varadan, Nebraska SRI SRI SELVAM SIDDHAR swamiji thank you so much for your poojas. My son is doing well these days. Thank you so much for your help. God will give you everything. Arunkumar Mangayarkarasi, Georgia Namaskars Siddarji. You are doing wonderful and marvelous works. Running a temple without any group politics is impossible in anywhere. That too in America, it is not possible to do so. I came to the temple only after reading the magazine. I experienced the energy personally. Once again thanks and Namaskars Swamiji. Duluth, GA

Pamesh Naik, Virginia Wonderful and Merciful Swamiji, Thanks and Pranams for bringing out my wife from the worst disease she had. By the power of your manthra, thanthra, yanthra, aushadha and asthra, my wife is OK now. Thank you very much for giving her a rebirth. We are under your service round the clock. Please keep us as the first in your list and give us a chance.

solve the problems in my son’s education. You blessed him and performed special rituals for him. Now he is doing very well in his studies. Thanks for making my son great. Om Namashivaya!!!

Ramyakrishnan Sundaramurti, New Jersey I read some of Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam’Siddhar”s articles in America newspapers and was amazed by his knowledge. Astrology is great science. I wish you every success. I am in NJ; I shall come and see Swamiji to get his Darshan soon,

Nilofer Sanghvi, Indiana Siddhar Swami, I got married to an Indian. He suffered much due to blood cancer. I approached you for his speedy recovery. You treated him with the best herbs. Now he is fine. Thanks a lot Swamiji. Namaste Swamiji.


Andrews Setaram, New York My entire family is indebted to Siddhar. My only son has come out of his drug addiction only due to the miraculous spiritual healings from Swamiji Siddhar. Thank You Swamiji!! Andrews.

Kiirti Patel, Virginia The state of Virginia was well blessed by the visit of H.H Swamiji Maharishi Bramarishi “Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar” Swamiji blessed close to 6000n families in Rajdhani Mandir. Even with the rain, it was a good turnout Swamiji’s followers served a Divya Bojan to all the Devotes Swamiji is giving Satsang in Hindu Temple of Virginia. Thanks Swamiji!! Anita Sundaram, Missouri Swamiji is the proud founder of 5 Hindu Temple in USA He is the Highest Donor in the Hindu world Every day thousands of people are visiting the Mandir to get the blessings!!! Swamiji is the only living Atharva Vedic scholar in the entire USA. Please access www.108shiva.com and read what thousands of people talking about our Holiness I love him , he changed my whole life. He is my Shivji. Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Mandip Kaur, California Swamiji SriSri Selvam siddhar helped my family very much. Without his Holy powers , by this time I should have lost my Dad Swamiji is a Miracle in the 21 st century I wish him all success. Mandip Kaur, Yuba City, CA Radha Jahan, Minnesota Pranams Siddhar Swamiji. I approached you to

Lakshman Preti, Iowa Swamiji, only because of your healing powers my run down business is coming up. I pray you to bless all of us to flourish more and more. NC

Anu Malhotra, Louisiana Thanks and Namaskars to Swamiji for making my family life as the best in the entir universe. Thanks. Rupa Dayani, New York Swamiji Sri Selvam”Siddhar” Dear Swamiji with your prayers, I was through with the interview. Thanks for all your timely support. I cannot forget your help in my life Ever loving Yours, Maneesha Kaur, Michigan PRANAM SWAMIJI SRI SELVAM SIDDHAR WITH YOUR PRAYERS , MY TRUCK BUSINESS IS DOING WELL. WHENEVER YOU COME TO NY, PLEASE PAY A VISIT TO MY HOME VEER NANDA, Meera venkat, Wisconsin EVERY ONE PLEASE CHANT THE FOLLOWING powerful SIDDHAR MANTRA 108 TIMES TO GET THE BLESSINGS OF OUR GREAT SWAMIJI HIS HOLINESS SRI SRI SELVAM SIDDHAR Om Jai Jai Jai Siddhar Swamiji Om Hara Hara Siddhar ye namaha -Meera venkat Jigna Patel, Virginia swamiji I love you like anything.I have got my residency accepted I will be at your feet always in my life Jigna,VA,USA Valarmathi Soundar, Virginia SWAMIJI I HARED LOT ABOUT YOU, AND I AM EXCITED TO SEE THAT YOU ARE CONSTRUCTING SHIVA VISNU TEMPLE IN LEESBURG, VA. LET ME KNOW ANYTHING I COULD SERVE YOU IN THIS NOBLE CAUSE? MS.VALARMATHI,VA

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