Karma magazine published by swamiji sri selvam siddhar dr commander selvam shiva vishnu temple volum

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Content......... Black Magic/ Kal Jadoo Remedy & Healing and Immediate Result Vedic Astrology & Astronomy Stars & Hindu Vedas Black Magic? Kala Jadoo/ Pilli Soonyam Problems? Tantra Sex Respect Do you or your children has Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha ? Palmistry Dakshina Kali / Dhyan Mantra Letter to our Swamiji Sri Selvam “siddhar” Shakta Thantra

4 8 10 15 18 26 32 39 56 69 78

Special Sections Editor & Vice President Ilavarasan

Editor Pundit Madhu Manikandan

Reporter & Art Director Priest Kumar

Contributing Writers Nirmala Sujatha Reddy Deepika Raina Sheetal

Pooja Sushma pattel Shama z

Karma Empowering Self & Community

The nation’s largest full color monthly spiritual and metaphysical magazine. Submission & Disclaimers : We accept articles, photography, and art work that is in keeping with our mission. We do not endorse any particular opinion, program, or advertisement. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material we receive. We will do our best to honor the integrity of our readership. It is merely our sincere hope that we help our readers to achieve success in their lives. Post Masters: Send address changes to Shiva Vishnu Temple of Texas 7600, Bayway Dr, Baytown TX -77520 Note: Karma does not accept any responsibility for products or services advertised. The publisher has the right to deny any advertising at its sole discretion. Contact Information Publisher texastemple@aol.com Editor texastemple@aol.com Advertising & Marketing avtemple@aol.com Subscription& Postage parutower@gmail.com Telephone 1-888-808-1418 web www.karmamagazine.org

Legal Advisors A.P. Jayachandran, Esq

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uru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Swelvam Siddhar is considered to be a living God to millions of his followers. He has changed countless number of peoples’ lives in this universe. PLEASE NOTE THAT GURU MAHARAJ SWAMIJI SRI SELVAM SIDDHAR IS THE “ ONLY” ATHARVA VEDIC SCHOLAR AND SWAMIJI WHO PRACTICES ATHARVA VEDA OF HINDUISM IN THE ENTIRE US AND ALSO WESTERN COUTRIES. There is no other person existing in the United States and western countries who knows or practices Hindu Atharva Veda. (There are 4 vedas and Atharva Veda is the 4th Vedic Science of billions of Hindus) The consultation and help from Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is highly confidential. The following benefited people by our Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar’s help have consented to release their information and help they have received from Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Their intention is to suggest to everyone to approach Swamiji Selvam Siddhar to come out of various difficulties in their life. Appreciation letters and testimonials from some of the Swamiji’s followers: Moss F Christopher, Houston, Texas, USA I met with High Priest- Swamji SelvamDr Commander Selvam in my quest for knowledge. I got to know I was under some serious Black Magic. High Priest Selvam helped heal the effect ;at least put a stop from future attacks using

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combinations of healing methods. I have searched high and low for guidance, and spent vast amounts of money looking for a good teacher. The one thing I can say boldly about him is he knows what he is doing. Any man whom cares about the affairs of the human race more than money, in my books, has the true knowledge of command spirits like in the days of the old. Another thing about him is he does not do what some may consider Black Magic, so don’t even ask. This man is the real deal when it comes to healing you from wicked Magic. Mohd. Azhar Uddin (Former Indian Cricket Capt.) I take this opportunity, like I have in the past as a cricketer, that enthusiasm and expert guidance alone can reap benefits in a personal and professional bond. Similarly, my coming into contact with Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar enabled me to surmount the darkest chapter of my life. He has powers and talent that

can effect change and infuse a new and evolved life. My finest good wishes to Swamiji always. Catherine Newnan, California, USA Swamiji is the real deal. A very gifted man who helped me heal from a very dark problem. He is caring and accurate. I recommend him highly.” Irrfan Khan, Actor (India) I have been consulting Guruji Sri Selvam Siddhar for many years regarding projects, property and relationships. many times I wasn’t kicked about certain projects and I was advised to take up those projects because it’s going to be fruitful, and it turned out that way and vice versa. I could continue this association because it seemed more personal as if your alter ego is conversing, arguing, suggesting and warning you, rather than a third person looking at your life and predicting things for you. Nilu Gupta, Edison, New Jersey Dr Selvam( Swamiji) has been a great help to me and my family when life seemed to not be going anywhere. Now I approach every situation with boldness and positivity. Swamiji has also helped me understand spirituality better. I

particularly like the way he uses humor to diffuse difficult situations. I will always keep in touch with him and I feel he is my true friend. Anshumaan Swami, Film Producer (India) To be able to reason out our being here on this planet, to be able to figure out our rights and wrongs is not possible in one life time. Thankfully I met Swamiji life’s understandings and doings have become much simpler and smoother. God bless him… Manoj Kumar, Actor & producer, India Guruji, You are too accurate, you are gifted with powers use it for society welfare. All the best Dinesh Jain, Dubai, UAE Firstly I would like to thank Guruji Selvam Siddhar for changing my life since the day I met him, during my search to fight against black magic which had ruined my life for almost 2 years… Black magic is the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life till date…I had consulted many Aalims for cure, but everything went in vain…only with Guruji I have got a complete cure within 11 days of ritual…the best thing is the Karma 5

simple procedure he does… within 3 months of consulting with Guruji ,I got to know the hidden world of jealousness of our relatives who had done black magic on my entire family…until know he has cured 9 of my family members… and moreover I have identified the culprits who were responsible for such a cruel act by Imran’s readings… on behalf of my entire family I would thank occult mystery team, who has changed lives of all my family members and handed us again to our destiny Malini Shah, Queens, NY, USA Guruji Selvam is my Living God. He has dome miracles in my life. I have never seen the God but I would say Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is my living God and I will give my whole life to him. Arvind Patel,, Sugarland, Tx, USA I turned to Swamiji coincidentally while I was deriving from my matrimonial path. I felt I was being dragged by forces unexplainable to me. However I was amazed at how he helped me get back on the right track and I am and will always be grateful for how he helped me save myself and the future of my kids. I since, (back in 1998) always consult Swamiji , for any relationship matters that I have

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and he always been helpful aand has assisted me in any way that he could. I found Guru Maharaj Selvam Ji on the internet when I needed answers to some life situations which were really bothering me. I was very touched by the quick response and help I got when I contacted him and even recommended him to my sister. Guruji is a lifelong friend and a genuinely gifted man who is very passionate about what he does. Thank you for making a positive impact in my life; I see life differently now. Santhanam, Actor, India I am amazed with the insight given by Swamiji someone can predict future so precisely, he asked me not to do journey on a particular day, and my car was crashed badly resulting in the death of my driver …. its like a new life to me.Swamij has made my 1st production as a grand sucess and I should thank my frirend cum co actor “ Sethu” who is related to Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Swamiji for making my film “ Laddu Thinna Asaya” as a grand success. Your Atharva rituals really worked and You and I know that film field industry is a place to believe in good and bad luck always

For more help and to come out of any of your problems in your life please call His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Swamiji is the only Atharva Vedic Scholar in the entire USA. Please reach him at the toll free number: Abdul Reed, aka (Olgun Aziz) 1-888-808-1418 or email swamiji I am Muslim and do not follow the avtemple@aol.com. Please predictive sciences, but am really at surprised when he recounted my past life note we are Anti-Black Magic, so accurate , like I was reading my own and work against people who are diary.. thank you Swamiji into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil rituals. Priya Venkatesh, Actress, India Since I met him through my friends and the internet, I can say that my life has been completely transformed, notably on a psychological level. He has opened the path towards that which I waited for and what I was looking for.

viji Krishna, Actress, India Swamiji is a miracle star and he is my living God. He has helped me and my family very much Mano Chitra, - Actress ,Alwarpaet, Chennai. India I don’t know how to fully express my gratitude for the help and advice you have given me. I first contacted him, it was a little bit just by chance and by curiosity. But the most amazing was the accuracy of the dates he gave me, today I am very happy indeed, his guidance enhanced my movie and modelling career a lot ….

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edanga Jyotishya is a 3400-yearold explicit Vedic astronomical observation/estimation handbook for practicing Vedic priests. Two versions, one attached a Rig Veda- Arca-Jyotisham and other to Yajur Veda, YajushaJyotisham are available. The priest’s handbook was an almanac to perform Vedic Yajna’s at correct times relative to seasons based on Sun-Moon motions. The luni-solar handbook provided algorithms to estimate linear astronomical dates with corrections every five years, based on observation of solstices. Jyothishya shastra evolved from this foundation and always has been in use amongst followers of Jyotishya as the calendar. However, from a European viewpoint, Capt Jarvis, Weber and others were the first to note existence of an astronomical significance of Vedanga Jyotishya in the 19th century. Evidently they did not fully comprehend all the algorithms. In the late 19th century, traditional Indian scholars Barhaspatya (Chotelal), Bal Gangadhar Tilak and others were also active in the study of intricate algorithms in Vedanga Jyotishya. A continuing study by others, the latest being by T S Kuppanna Sastry appears to have provided a broad understanding of the algorithms in Vedanga Jyotishya, despite corruptions, and omissions in the many versions of the Vedanga Jyotishya available in original form. Perhaps there is more work to be done. This article is a presentation of significance of Vedanga Jyotishya, with some modern astronomical graphic tools.

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Vedanga Jyotishya provides a five year time-linear mathematical model sun-moon movement in time covering nakshatra, Thiti, Parva, masa, Ritu, Ayana (equinoxes, solstices), year ending with a five year unit called Yuga, which is eternally cyclic. The Yuga model is a 5-year unit of 1830 days starting when Winter solstice coincides with sun and moon being in conjunction at Shravishta nakshatra, with provision for correction. Rest of the units mentioned above is related to Yuga based time units. Vedanga Jyotishya provides algorithms to calculate the current circumstance like nakshatra, Thiti etc based on keeping track number of days past from beginning of Yuga, which would be visually observed The aim of this article is to provide a graphic view of work done by all in understanding the Vedanga Jyotishya., inspired by TS Kuppanna Sastry’s work. The Nagari script texts are provided in the end for those who wish to look at the original text. In the following, specific inferences that can be drawn from Vedanga Jyotishya text are provided.. The material in Vedanga Jyotishya is attributed to Lagadha Mahatma. The text refers (RVJ-2, RVJ-29, YVJ-42A) to Lagadha in third person as the source of knowledge, and hence was probably recorded by his disciples and carried down in time. For More Help call our Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar #@ 408 829 7780 in USA or email him to avtemple@ aol.com


sychosymbology is to control your own destiny. Psychosymbology teaches you how to contact that part of your brain which contains all the secrets of the ages – past, present and future- secrets which will send you soaring to heights of bliss, peace, and personal power. It is the language of brain, is easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to develop the greatest source of human psychic power ever discovered by man.

brain. Your sub-conscious will react to these symbols as well and bring surprising results into your daily life. The symbol of Sun gives authority. The Moon, psychic ability. Mercury, insight knowledge. Venus, love and beauty. Mars, strength and power. Jupiter, wealth and expansion. Saturn, economy and prudence. Uranus, revolution and transmutation. Neptune, imagination and extra sensory perception. And Pluto, occult powers and invisible aid.

Biologically the left side of the human brain is conscious and rational and the right side of brain is unconscious and irrational. The right part of brain is a vast and boundless sea of knowledge, wisdom, potential. It remains unused, untapped because people try to communicate with it through the use of words. But the Unconscious does not understand words.The very fact that you are reading this page implies that you are the type of person who wants to be in conscious and responsible control of invisible psychic forces and unknown potential. Practicing this science, no matter what you want, desire or need– a wife, a sex partner, wealth, power, house, whatever it can be yours through the great vastness and magic of your sub-conscious mind…. the right brain. Practicing Psychosymbology is easy, you have to concentrate of a specific symbol according to your need. Tape the symbol on a wall and focus your attention upon it every night before going to sleep. During concentration on the symbol, leave the entire work for your right brain, simply gazing at the symbol. By gazing at the symbol you are permitting your sub-conscious mind (right brain) to respond to that stimulus in its own way, without dictating your desire, need or wish, you left everything for the higher forces. The Unconscious knows what we need.

There are also colors in Psychosymbology to brighten lives. You have to choose the right color and then gaze the color with the thoughts you are going while you flash the color to your right brain. Here I am mentioning colors with a few of their possible meanings.

There are ten planet symbols which you can also use in Psychosymbology practices, each of which can evoke wonderful properties of your right

Violet,Purple,Blue,Green,Yellow,Oran ge,Red The list of few symbols are given as follows, take the print out or draw the symbol on a white sheet of paper, follow the rules carefully and meditate with patience. In case a symbol according to your wish is not given here, you can email me for a symbol of your need. Paste the symbol on the wall at the level of your eyes, in sitting position. Draw the symbol on a white paper with black ink, unless specified for a particular color. Concentrate on the picture, using only your right brain. Let the picture transmit to your unseen twin, the right brain….The symbol alone can contact your dormant and sleeping Unseen twin and arouse him into vigorous action field, like oil bubbling beneath the surface of the earth, your Unseen Twin awaits your call. Magic, Love, Power, Personality, Charisma, Dynamism, Strength, all of these things and more reside latent in your right brain. Symbols put you in touch with that little known side of yourself, and from Unseen Twin will emerge the joys and gifts you desire. Karma 9


clear night sky with bright stars is and has always been an object of fascination for mankind. One can probably see about 10,000 stars though millions exist. In this computer era, humans have lost the awe of the objects in the sky due to astonishing advances in science through modern astronomy, human visits to Moon, remote robotic visions of Mars, and views of galaxies through the Hubble telescope. Humans feel a sense of control and omnipotence about their future. However astronomical events listed below makes one wonder. 1. The Shoemaker-Levy comet’s earth size impact on Jupiter in 1994 2. The Siberian comet impact of 1908’s. 3. The alleged comet impact on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico resulting in extinction of Dinosaurs. The helplessness and insignificance of human power in the face of even minor cosmic events becomes apparent. These events put in to perspective the historical respect and reverence past human societies have had for possible devastation from the sky. Observation of precise cyclic movement of bodies in the skies formed the basis for calendars and almanacs throughout human history. Relation of apparent motion of Sun, Moon, planets and stars Karma 10

observed from earth, to the solar year with its different seasons controlling weather and agriculture was well known to most older societies (Ref-9). Many societies independently fitted the observed heavenly body motion in to different almanacs with major religious and cultural components in the past. Some are known and certainly many are lost. Even today, such almanacs exist and are used for religious and cultural identity. These almanacs are solar pointer, lunar pointer or a combination of these types. Amongst these, the European Julian solar calendar system modified by Rome’s pope Gregory in October 1582 AD, has displaced all other almanacs and is in universal use throughout the world presently. The Gregorian calendar has no lunar components whatsoever. In the vedic literature, Bharateeya’s have the oldest continuing culture running for thousands of years. Pre-vedicculture understood the motions of the bodies in skies and evolved a moon pointer calendar, moon pointing to daily stars in the skies. Various stars in the moon path and a few others were given proper names many thousand years ago. Some notable proper names from veda’s assigned to stars are the 27 or 28 daily starsAshwini to Revati, the saptarishis (Ursa major for Rishis Ma richi,Vasishta,Angirasa,Atri,Puslastya, Pulaha,Karatu or Gautama, Bhardwaja,

Vishvamitra, Kashyapa, Jamdagni, Vasishtha and Atri), Dhruva (Polaris) and Arundhati.Chandramana or Moon pointer almanac has been extensively used during and since Vedic period. The thousands of year old lunar almanac system is an integral part of traditional Bharateeya’s, who probably have a birth horoscope where in an important parameter is the birth Nakshatra and birth Rashi. While manyBharateeya’s know that nakshatra’s refer to objects in the sky, not many can point to the night sky and identify these Nakshatra’s by their names. This article aims identify the Nakshatra’s referred to by Bharateeya vedic culture, and to provide present day alternate names from other cultures, including modern astronomical identities from star catalogs. Though the lunar time between two successive full moons is 29.53059 solar days, the time taken for the moon to

go around the earth (sidereal month) is 27.32166 days. The moon also has an oscillatory motion crossing the ecliptic. The moon anomalistic motion and nodal motion have periods are 27.55545 and 27.21222 days for a revolution around earth. The reason for time between full moons being higher than sidereal months is because, the moon has to go around the earth by more than a revolution (nearly 390 degrees) to keep with earth which moves forward in its trajectory around sun. The Chandramaana lunar calendar system keeps a natural cyclic count of days using two Moon based properties described below. The first property is that the moon functions as an astronomical day count clock in which Moon is the pointer and the stars are numerals in the sky pointed to by moon each day of the lunar month. The astronomers of Vedic period identified this approximate 13 degree movement of the moon between successive days and named the 27/28 stars pointed to by moon on a daily basis over a rotation as 27/28 nakshatra’s, corresponding to little less than a lunar month. Thus a Nakshatra shift corresponds to moon traverse over approximately one solar day. The second property is the size of fractional moon exposure to sun can indicate a day count and is defined as a moon day or thiti. Thirty thiti’s are defined in a lunar month, each thiti being smaller than a solar day. Fifteen are identified as Shukla paksha or ascending fortnight and next fifteen are called krishna paksha or descending fortnight. This system of day count calendar keeping, is traceable to Veda’s. Veda’s, which are perhaps the oldest original Karma 11

documentation of knowledge anywhere in the world, still in their original shape and language. A study of theVeda’s, Brahmana’s, and Aaranyaka’s point exclusive use of a lunar pointer as the primary calendar in the Vedicperiods. Pournamsya, a time at which earth, sun, moon are aligned is a time of singularity used for religious purposes and formed the unit of half a month and is used in Rigveda. The Vedas also refer to solar events such as Aayanas, and VishuwatSankramana’s as solar singular events. Ayana means Solstices when apparent North-South movement of Sun reverses, usually occurring on June 21 and Dec 22. Vishuwat means equal or the spring and fall equinox’s when daytime is equal to nighttime, usually occurring on March 21 and Sep 21. There are vedic references to solar singularities with corresponding solar/lunar pointed star locations. The six-season definition is unique to vedic system and is not found in any other recorded culture or system. These seasons are, Vasanta, Geeshma, Varsha, Sharad, Himavanta and Shishira each season being about two moon cycles. It is in Taittareeya Samhita (Krishna Yajurveda) and in Atharva samhita 19th kaanda /7th Sootrathat an explicit first definition and identification of the twenty- seven(28) Nakshatra’s is available (Refs, 1 and 2). It should be noted that the concept of Zodiac/Raashi is not even hinted in any vedic texts of the old period. The table below provides a list of the twenty-seven stars from Taittareeya Samhita and Krishna Yajurveda 4thKaanda 4th Prashna of Andhra School. Similar list is referred to in Atharvaveda, 19th kaanda/7th Sookta. It differs from the Yajurveda list in that twenty eight stars are listed. In 19th Karma 12

Kaanda/8th sooktha twenty eight(ashtha vimshaani) nakshatras are declared. The nakshatra not explicitly used in Jyotishya and in yajurvedais named Abhijit. The taiaareeya brahmana (third Ashtaka) derived from yajurveda again lists 28 nakshatrasincluding Abhijit. It is referred to in Athrvana veda. The author or Drashtaara of Atharva veda sookta is Gaargya Rishi. The confusion about 27/28 Nakshatras can be analyzed as follows. The 27.3 days taken by moon for visiting the same star can be rounded to either 27 or 28. Each of these integers represents a nakshatra or a daily star. It is possible that initially 28 nakshatras were proposed and defined to represent every day. This is evident fromGargya’s Nakshtara sooktha. Subsequently many years later when Jyotishya was taking a more formal and mathematical shape, 27 integer identities were perhaps found to be more reasonable and accurate. Hence one of the original 28 nakshatras had to be deleted. This could not be done easily as the vedas are considered to be ‘apourusheya’ and no liberties were allowed. Hence perhaps Abhijit, was declared to be an imaginary nakshatrameant only for phala.(ref 10). The Table below lists names of Nakshatras, the deity to which Nakshatra is dedicated to, and alternate names. Ashwini and Bharani are listed as last two Nakshatras. Note that the list starts from Krittika and not fromAshwini as is currently used in Jyotishya Shaastra (Ref 3). The time at which Rishi gargya documented the list of nakshatra’s in Atharvana Veda is at least circa 2400 BC, as analyzed in appendix I. The appendix also dates the Jyotishya Shaastra as having been brought in to the present form around circa 400 BC.

Nakshatra Krittika Rohini Mrigasheerisham Aardharaa Punarvasu Tishya Aaslesha Maghaa Poorva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni Hastaa Chitra Swati Vishaaka Anooradha Jyeshta Vichruta Aashada Aashada(Abhijit) Shrona Shravishta ShathaBhishaja Proshtapada Proshtapada Revathi Ashwini Bharani

No. of stars 6 5 3 1 2-4 3 1 5 2 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 11 2 3 3 4 100 2 2 32 3 3

The lunar calendar was in universal and secular use in ancient Bhaarata. Historical events used the lunar calendar for dating all events. It is well known that Gautama Buddha was born, achieved his enlightenment and died on full moon day with the full moon pointing to Vishakha Nakshatra. The twelve months were named after the stars at which full moon occurs and these are Chaitra, Vaishakha, Jyeshta, Ashaada, Sharavna, Bhadrapda, Ashwija, Kaartika, Margashira, Pushya, Maagha, Phalguna. Typically alternate stars with some skips refer to month names and hence accommodate 27 stars corresponding to nearly 360 degrees motion of Sun in a solar year.The first question that arises

Alternate name Pushya Ashresha Pubba Uttara Chitta Moola Purvashada Uttarashada Shravana Dhanishta Purvabhadra Uttarabhadra

Dedicated to Agni Prajaapati Soma Rudra Aditi Brihaspati Sarpa Pitru Bhaga Savitru Indra Vaayu Indraagni Mitra Indra Pitru Aapah Vishvedeva Vishnu Vasu Indra Ahirbadhni Pausha Ashwini Yama

is whether a ‘Nakshatra’ corresponds to one single star entity or a group of stars in the sky. Bharateeya Jyotishya shaastra states that each Nakshatra name

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corresponds to a group of stars called star mansions or Asterisms. The concept is that Chandra or Moon visits these mansions in his trajectory around earth. It is very possible that at the inception of daily star concept during the early vedic period, a Nakshatra may have been a specific single star. Nakshatra positions may have been rationalized in later days to mansions or groups of stars for purposes of mathematical averaging to be exactly 13.333 degrees apart required in Jyotishya. The table above also shows the number of stars, accepted by Jyotishya shaastra, constituting the specific Nakshatra. The Vedas and other older texts do not refer to weekdays named after Graha’s or Planets or to Raashis. TheGrahas referred to in Veda’s are Surya, Chandra, Brihaspati, Shukra, Budha, shani, Kuja, Rahu, Ketu. They extensively refer to Nakshatra month names and moon pointing at different Nakshatra’s for various purposes. Therefore it appears likely that the Bharateeya cosmological system interacted with the European solar calendar and gradually the Jyotishya shaastra was modified to the present form, as we know now. Sun based concepts ofRashi, weekdays were invoked in to Jyotishya. This could have occurred, perhaps through contact with Yavanas (Greek’s) as there is considerable evidence of Greek and Bharateeya interaction during period before Chandra Gupta. Appendix provides astronomical time markers which confirm the origins of Jyotishya Shaastra in present form to circa 400 BC. Without acceptance of this interaction, it is difficult to explain why the twelve Zodiacs of the European star system are translations of the NakshatraRashi defined in Jyotishya. Karma 14

It is worth while looking at the some Bharateeya astronomers of a more recent time of 300-500 AD. They areAryabhata, Varaha Mihira, Brahma Gupta. These astronomers were aware of the vedic astronomy and made new and unique contributions. Specifically Aryabhata made contributions to Spherical geometry, a part of understanding the earth as a globe. Varaha Mihira’s contributions include pesently used Soorya Siddhanta, (He refers to nine types of time keeping and calenders) and the fact that he proposed Prime Meridian through Ujjainin Madhya Pradesh. He knew of Earth’s Precession and called it as ayanaamsha. Brahma Gupta made contributions to Arcsin in Trigonometry. Aryabhata had estimated the beginning of kaliyuga as 3102 BC. He stated that when he was 26, sixty of the 60-year cycles were completed after start of kaliyuga. Varahmihiramade an estimate of 2526 before start of Shaka varsha for Mahabharata’s Yudhishtira. Texts from that period likeYavana Jataka, Romaka Siddahnta provide evidence of understanding of European astronomical works. The Chandramaana Lunar scale has 27 daily and twelve month name definitions. While amalgamating the solar calibrations of zodiacs in to Lunar calibrations of Nakshatra’s, the issue of translating 27 Nakshatras in a revolution to 12 Rashis was solved in Jyotishya Shaastra by treating 1/4 of a Nakshatra as a unit making Nine quarters of Nakshatra as one Raashi. For More Help call our Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar #@ 408 829 7780 in USA . Or email him to avtemple@ aol.com

-His Holiness Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Note: In case anybody feels that he/ she is a victim of Black Magic/ Witch craft, Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar who is living in the USA will cure the person, by his Atharva Thantra Rituals/our healing methods. Everything in life happens for a reason. A wonderful new beginning could be in store for you. Once you open your mind to the occult powers of black magic. You could find the spiritual guidance you seek for your life. For years, Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar has created an original and unique style of healing techniques to come out of black magic spells. He has combined the ancient and traditional knowledge of the black magic. He has helped many people around the world and has given them spiritual guidance to resolve different types of problems caused by Black Magic/ Kala Jadoo/ Voodoo. His help will NOT give you bad karma or any other unwanted side- effects. The difficulties that you know now could change. The spells are customized for each client’s particular

needs, and for that reason you need to contact Swamiji first to see if you can get help and how . All the works of Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar for you will be highly confidential. Here are some of the basic harms that are inflicted upon people using black magic: Blocked income, Destroying someone’s career, Bad luck, Bad dreams, Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce: Controlling someone’s mind for sex, Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex: Causing accidents, Making people sick, Anger &amp, emotional imbalance, Fear, Not allowing the victim to sleep Depression, Making the victim commit suicide, Blocking a woman’s monthly periods, Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive, Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real, Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans, Kill people by giving them a heart attack, Karma 15

magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxers, dabblers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’. But a real black magician is very dangerous. Because he has dedicated his life to evil.

kidney failure and activating cancer in the victim’s body; There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians Black Magic Many systems have been developed over the years to help us control our thoughts. A great amount of dogma has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people. Magic, the occult kind, is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will. Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black Karma 16

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic can produce aversive side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive magic is dangerous! Most of the magic we see today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it al all. What Magic can Do………. Magic encompasses many things - science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an

adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole. Magic is fun and interesting. Use magic to help raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences. Fantasy can come alive through magic. Psychic phenomena can be controlled and be fun and helpful. Magic is beneficial. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Magic can also be used for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it. Magic and Witchcraft…… A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy

is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are very powerful occultists indeed. Healing and Banishing Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by occult means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

For more help and to come out of any of your problems in your life please call His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Swamiji is the only Atharva Vedic Scholar in the entire USA. Please reach him at the toll free number: 1-888-808-1418 or email swamiji at avtemple@aol.com. Please note we are Anti-Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil rituals. Karma 17

His Holiness Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar Tantra is a Sanskrit word means ‘woven together’. In some places the sexual union of male and female is worshipped either in principle or in human practice. It has also come to be applied to sexbased religious practices developed in other religions, including Bon, Tibetan , Judaism, Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism and Transcendentalism. In Hindu religion there is worship of yoni (Yoni puja), a ceremony honoring the vulva — either of a statue or a living woman. Depending this puja (prayer) may involve making offerings of food and liquids while chanting prayers or it may involve the deliberate sexual arousal of a woman who is believed to embody or personify the deity. Another worship, the worship of the god Siva, has at its center linga puja, a ceremony honoring the penis, often in the form of a natural upright stone. Similar objects of worship have been found among the archaeological remains of many Neolithic people around the world. Karma 18

It’s a practices that make use of our natural sexuality as a means to achieve higher consciousness and energy. The secrets have to do with the ways we can transmute the life energies of the lower chakras into the spiritual realizations of the higher spiritual centers. What is Tantra Sex For doing this we do not have to become sadhus, monks, nuns, or saints. We have to continue the normal process of — sleeping, dreaming, bathing, dressing, dining, dancing, and making wonderful love. We have only to change our outlook concerning them. Tantra Sex is also a procedure where one can emit or receive energy through sex. These procedures are not very hard to follow. There is also a myth that highly spiritual people are sexless. It’s wrong, spiritualism is everywhere, all you have to do is to discover it with right path, right way.The concept of sacred sex, Divine sex, Tantra sex whatever you call, is to find spiritual union through a sexual act, is slowly gaining ground all over the world. Our psyches are certainly ripe for it. As a society we are obsessed

with sex. In part it is a lustily healthful obsession, a celebratory dance of life’s great force, but much of it flounders in darkness and neurosis – sex for power, sex for profit, sex for oblivion. You have to slowly learn the rituals and process of Tantra Sex to move all wild sexual energy around inside you, whole body orgasm, through eyes, elbows or toes, becomes a real possibility, not just involving your genitals. While learning to withhold ejaculation is part of the process there is also a more relaxed, more fluid perspective that allows for personal preference and ability. It will take some time to learn the delights that come with delaying or eliminating ejaculation as you explore the many other ingredients of tantrik sex practice – emotional and mental as well as physical.The Tantra sex goes far beyond the bedroom, helping partners open fully to each other in trust and love through all facets of their relationship. Your relationship itself helps for spiritual growth and personal awareness. As you learn to open to yourself, to your own inner lover, you naturally open to others around you. You begin to understand that surrender does not mean submission or loss of self, but rather a loving expansion to something that is much greater than you are. Sacred sex teaches a discipline of the mind and body. As a celebration of life, sacred sex teaches the importance of conscious awareness, of being totally into your actions. By focusing attention on your body and your mind, and what you are doing with them, you become all around healthier. Your emotions become more stable and more

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real. Your mental capacity increases. Your physical health improves as you discover that your body is indeed the temple of your soul and as you begin to honor it that way.During the practice of Tantra Sex you have to view sexual energy as a divine, all encompassing life force that sleeps within the individual, permeates the universe, and affects everything you do from birth to death. As sexual beings, we have the ability to raise that energy within ourselves and use it to directly experience alternate or mystical states of consciousness. In effect, we become gods and goddesses, our bodies transformed into temples of male and female divinity. Now The Time to Start Tantra Sex Ritual The place should be peaceful, undisturbed, clean and with fresh air. No high intensity lights, not very dark. It should be only RED-colored light. You should be wearing only white soft cloths. Before starting the ritual you must be in your cloths, which you remove slowly during the entire process. Lit a fresh candle near you (if there is no fan) the color of the candle must be red. No fancy candles are allowed during the ritual. Keep in mind that you are a slave to your genital need. Relax your belly and chest so your breath can flow unobstructed, with full force and great ease. Relax your jaw, face, and eyes, so the whole front of your body is soft, round, alive, and vibrant, not stiff or tight

Male partner has to inhale deeply down the front of his body, as if drawing energy from his head, down to your face, through throat and chest, into belly, and down to the genitals. Then contract the floor of your pelvis so it becomes like a trampoline. As the energy comes down to front you bounce it off to pelvic floor with an upward intention and muscular contraction of your anus, genitals, and perineal area. Exhaling, shoot the energy back from your genitals and upward along the spine. As the orgasm energy glides up your spine, make your eyes turn up and great blesses rush in an upward direction through your body, through the head, and up, up, up, as if into a great space of light .Do whatever brings you almost to orgasm. This can be masturbation or sexual activity with a supportive partner. Remember to relax and breathe into your orgasmic state. Take your time. Bring yourself almost to orgasm, backing off just before the point-of- no-return, several or more times. What you’re doing here is charging up the sexual battery. It’s easier for women to do this process because orgasm is usually not an energy drain for them . Women are able to climax multiple times gaining

tremendous energy from it. So, to my female readers, I encourage you to relax, breathe, and have fun. It’s also very helpful to strengthen your PC/ vaginal muscle and get in touch with your G/Sacred Spot. When you have almost reached orgasm, after coming close several times and you’re ready to let go, recall from your mind the reality you want to create and energize it with focused intention. Make it vivid, exciting, big and beautiful. When you orgasm, keep focused on the picture/creation and deliberately channel the orgasm into it. Just let it flow into the reality you want to create. Remember to keep breathing during the orgasm and breathe your orgasmic energy into your creation/ goal/ dream/ reality. Stay focused and hold the picture. Your body will do the rest. You can repeat the process if you want to come to another orgasmic energy. For more clarification call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ 408 829 7780 in USA

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FREE . . . . . . Vedic Astrology advice FREE . . . . . . “Vedic Astrolgy / Janmakshar / Kundli

# Find a partner. If you’re in a group, a class or just with friends, you need to have a partner to do the [[Meditate meditation]]. You will have to be a pair, so find only one partner, and build up trust so you can enjoy the experience more.

FREE “ Vedic Astrolgy/ Janmakshar/ Kundli CONSULTATION WITH GURU MAHARAJ SWAMIJI SRI SELVAM SIDDHAR on Every Saturday @ the Shiva Vishnu Temple of Texas

# Start the session. Lay down on the floor or on a bed, back-to-back and hold hands. Make sure you have everyone taking it seriously so you will not get disturbed. It’s also important to feel comfortable with your partner.

Every Saturday between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM to discuss about any of your problems with “ 100% confidentiality” and with the “ only “ Atharva vedic scholar in the USA.

# Light. Turn off the light, and light up some candles so that you are in a dim light together. Practice some [[Breathe Deeply|deep breathing]].

1. Only face- to- face consultation is available on this day. You need to come to the Shiva Vishnu Temple of Texas personally. It is located on 7600 Bayway Drive, Baytown, TX77520, USA 2.No walk-ins . Prior appointment needed . Call the Temple at 678 234 6885 to make an appointment

Meditate With a Partner

- Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar Doing it with a partner will make you have a better experience in your meditation and relationship. This is how:

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# Be creative about the session. You will have to do things together, or think together about something that bring you closer. An example: #*Picture yourselves in somewhere where you consider yourselves happy and hold hands through the whole process. #*Have something ruin your happy place. Something realistic. Imagine your partner making it better again. # Waking up. Lay in that position for another few minutes then slowly wake up, getting out of the meditation state. Sit a little together, then stand up slowly and turn on the real lights. # Repeat. Repeat this often since it makes you feel better and closer to your partner.

- Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar Mantra Meditation” consists of two parts: mantra and meditation itself. Mantra means pure God’s consciousness and meditation means giving due respect to the God. The technique taught here is that of the Vaishnava tradition of Bengal, India. 1. Don’t sleep too much or too little. People who always go to sleep with sunset and get up with the sunrise have an easier time meditating. Ideally sleep must become meditation but never the opposite. Get up in brahma-muhurta. This period starts before sunrise. This is time of predominant sattva (goodness) which is roughly from 3am to 6 am. This helps to go even further and touch with the transcendental world full of bliss, knowledge and eternity, which, is still not formless. Set God (Krishna) as your object of meditation Our eternal position is a servant of God. Thus meditation 24 hours a day is best. If person meets death in meditation he has more chances to get out of circle of birth and death. Still, even if one is doing meditation nonstop, but knots within his heart are still not eliminated, he is probable to fall down and get low birth like animal in next life. Thus one must be very sincere and serious. God is your best friend and well-wisher. 2. Take bath in a holy river. If you live in a city without a holy river, go outside to the closest water-source for pure water. Never use water from water tap as it brings dangerous karma related with animal-slaughter. Go to the holy

place of God and saints past times. If you live in a place which is not figuring in list of Holy places, go to the best temple around. Alternatively you must have God’s room with altar at home and do your mantra meditation only there - it helps in concentration on eternal purpose on precious human life. Never chant mantras in your bedroom or at least clean your bedroom after sleeping. 3. Be ready to do yama/niyama/hathayoga/pranayama/pratyahara. You must follow non-violence, perfect behavior, keep your body flexible, have clear breathing and control your body from wanting to do something different from meditation. Only then can you concentrate and meditate - dharana and dyana stages. The result would be samadhi - coming back home to Godhead in the spiritual world. 4. Utilize music instruments and singing. Senses are always distracted from service to God. Thus the only way is to utilize them all in service - nice dress, nice music, nice songs. God is not satisfied if you are afraid of His power He is your best friend and well-wisher. ( “yoga-kṣemaḿ vahāmy aham” - God will preserve whatever you have and will give you whatever you lack) Still, if you don’t have all these, you can simply chant or sing the mantras. But slowly God will support. (“ śaśvac-chāntiḿ nigacchati “- you will attain supreme happiness without doubt!) 5. Use clean chanting beads (a.k.a., japamala)In Bengali Vaishnavism, Tulsi (a.k.a., Tulasi) beads are preferable, Karma 23

due to their connection with Krishna. If these are not preferred, other beads, such as Buddhist beads, Rosaries, Rudraksha beads, or even the crease-lines and finger tips of your hands (counting them with the tips of your thumbs, you can chant 16 mantras on one hand, and count sets of 16 by engaging the other hand) can be used. If you wish to make your own beads, the traditional method is to use 109 beads, including one larger bead (the head bead, which marks the ‘rounds’ or full sets). Further, it is good to make a knot between each bead to hold them in place, so that if a bead breaks off, it will be detected as missing. The head bead lets you know how many mantras you have chanted. Bengali Vaishnavas generally chant between 16 and 64 rounds a day. This can take from 1 1/2 hours to 8 hours! But whatever your level, try to keep to a minimum, even if it is only one or two rounds a day. You can always increase later as you feel necessary or ready. Count from the first bead 108 mantras listen attentively. A.C. Bhakti vedanta, one of the world’s leading exponents of mantra meditation, says, “chanting is thinking”. Hearing the sound with submissive aural reception will produce the desired effect. 6. Gently bring your mind back to the sound of the mantra. Do not be surprised or discouraged if your mind wanders. Training the mind is hard work, but will deliver palpable results if you possess determination, enthusiasm, and patience. Have a wonderful time performing this early meditation; it helps set one’s mind and focus, and can enable one to achieve more in six hours than most people achieve in twelve hours.

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7. Repeat . The very best meditators are steady in their practice, and do it every day without exception. Consider yourself in training for the mental olympics. If you manage to do this every day for three months, you will already be on the track to a steady, focused life of increased possibilities. 8. Seek out peers and mentors in the process . Regular mantra meditation becomes much easier when you are engaging in the process in a socially reinforced environment. *Pay submissive attention to the sounds. Proper submissive reception to the sounds will cause rapid revelation of their transcendental character. Be patient if it doesn’t happen right away. Break the mind of its learned habits of wandering, and teach it to focus. If you are determined, enthusiastic, and patient, results will almost automatically follow. *Remember, meditation is never a wasted endeavor. Even if you cannot practice according to the ideal conditions, the endeavor itself will help you to refine your life-style in favorable ways. Eventually, you will find a completely favorable situation if you just keep at it without losing hope. *There are a multitude of good mantras to chant. Some of the most effective: ** “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”. Sometimes referred to as the “Hare-Krishna Maha-mantra”, this is considered by Bengali Vaishavas, to be the supreme mantra of all mantras. This is spoken in the Vocative, so one is calling out to the names of Vishnu

or Radha-Krishna (the all-attractive Supreme Divine Couple) Hare is the vocative of Haraa, the feminine divine or supreme energy/possibilities, whilst “Krishna” and “Rama” are vocative of the masculine divine or the very form of supreme existence, wisdom, and bliss. A web image search for images of Radha-Krishna, or Rama, turns up many blissful, divine icons to help in meditation, though in mantra meditation, it is generally considered best to just listen rather than look. ** “Haum Mani-Padme Om” This is a popular Buddhist mantra. It can be taken as asking the Buddha (the divine) for favorable life conditions or enlightenment, i.e., the extirpation of material desires. ** “Jay Shree Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityaananda, Shree Adwaita, Gadaadhar, Shreevasaadi Gaura-

bhakta-vrinda”: This mantra invokes the compassion of God in five forms, and is good for developing a devotional attitude toward the personalities of Godhead. In Bengali Vaishnavism, this is chanted once at the beginning of each 108 mantras (and does not count toward the total number of mantras chanted) in order to evoke auspicious conditions for the mantra chanting. It is like chanting for the sake of good chanting. ** “Kyrie Eleison”. This is a popular Russian Orthodox mantra, also used by Catholic monks. It means “Lord Have Mercy”, and can be quite a purifying chant. image search for images of RadhaKrishna, or Rama, turns up many blissful, divine icons to help in meditation, though in mantra meditation, it is generally considered best to just listen rather than look.

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H.H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar


n a nutshell, respect is earned through respecting both yourself and others. Wealth, clothing, or physical attractiveness are not requirements. The way others perceive you isn’t necessarily based on your level of education, what schools you may have attended or the crowd with whom you are acquainted. Respect is accorded to those who conduct themselves with integrity and treat others with dignity. If you set an example by respecting yourself, appreciating your own good qualities and highlighting the positive in other people’s lives, you will earn the respect of others.


Presentation 1. Present yourself well. Practice good grooming and dress neatly. Clothing doesn’t need to be expensive but it should be laundered and in good repair, showing that you care about this aspect of yourself. Take care of your health and

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your teeth. Your smile will show to others that you enjoy your own company, and theirs too. 2. Greet people in proper and friendly manner. Open, warm and acknowledging greetings are appreciated and returned by others. A positive and uplifting greeting makes each person feel wonderful and if you can also manage to make a compliment, it personalizes your attention and makes them feel special. Charisma is in large part acknowledging the worth of another person and helping them to feel good about themselves. If someone does not reciprocate or acknowledge your greeting, give that person the benefit of the doubt. Be polite. It is possible that they may be deeply absorbed in thought or worried about something, and as a result failed to acknowledge you. The same goes for a lukewarm response to you––don’t take it personally. Many people are shy, poorly trained in good manners or even overawed. Give them the space to thaw; most will come round when they realize you don’t hold anything against them. Respecting Yourself 1.Have confidence. Many people will test you, and poke your insecurities. No matter what they say, if you have confidence in yourself and your worth, their disrespectful behavior will go away because they realize that they cannot intimidate you. And even if their disrespectful attitude doesn’t stop,

trespassing of these boundaries are. Do what you announced to do (or not to do) every time the trespassing happens.

you will at least be able to ignore it and maintain your inner peace. Remember that you do not need the acknowledgement of other people to prove yourself worth; only you can do that. 2. Try to be optimistic. It is easy to point out the downside of a situation, but if you make the effort to overcome your obstacles through constructive thinking, taking decisive action and facing the problems head on, you can lead happier lives and be an encouragement to others. Find ways to assist people who need help and your own troubles will seem less overwhelming, and you’ll feel better for doing it! Volunteering is one possibility. But so is dropping in on a lonely neighbor, calling a long lost relative or helping your children build something in the backyard.

Example: If you want to go out to meet friends with your partner, inform them of the time and that you will leave at this time; whether they are ready or not. If your partner is not ready to go, leave the house without them. Do not let them call you back or change your plans in any way. Do not try to justify your actions, and refuse to accept blame. If at all, tell them that you informed them of the consequences and they are only suffering consequences that could have easily be avoided if they had played by the rules. Building Your Worldliness 1. Be aware of the world around you. Notice the events happening around you and also the events happening around the world, be they in the field of movies, entertainment, sports or something else. This way, you will be comfortable when people talk about the current trending issues. Having a good knowledge of the subject matter will attract others attention. Even if you don’t like certain topics that are pervasive in society, such as politics, religion or sports, try to keep a very general awareness that allows you to ask the opinions of others who do follow such

3. Respect yourself and others around you. Keep your home and surroundings clean and well kept. Your neighbors will respect you and the neighborhood will be a better place for everyone. Treating others with respect is the most important thing to do; if you treat someone with respect, they’ll treat you with respect. 4. State your boundaries. Clearly communicate what you are willing to accept and what the consequences for Karma 27

things with passion. They’ll appreciate the opportunity to talk their talk, you’ll learn more about them. You may never agree but you can listen and acknowledge the other person’s interests. Basic Common Courtesy 1. Keep your language clean and respectable. Say positive things about others whenever possible, but be sincere - people can recognize the difference between true interest and forced flattery. 2. Never bully others or take advantage of their weaknesses. Bullies are not respected because they don’t show respect. Allow people to keep their dignity. Bullies are incapable of showing respect because they typically do not even respect themselves, and/or may not know the definition of respect. And intimidating others to get what you want from life is a fast road to loneliness and being ostracized. Don’t tease people. While it may seem like fun and while you don’t mean it, people can really feel offended by teasing that pokes at the heart of something they care about or stand for. It soon turns into disrespect, especially if you insist you’re just joking when they ask you to stop, and you don’t.[1] Karma 28

In turn, deal with bullies in a respectful manner, so as to disarm them of the one thing they really want––your weaknesses revealed. If they take something from you, start to tease you, or try to treat you like less than dirt, say something like: “Can I have that back? And by the way, that’s a cool bike”. Staying polite and not getting flustered will easily throw a bully off guard. Don’t shower them with compliments, as once you lose your unpredictability, they will take advantage of that. Simply keep it a short, nice phrase and then be on your way or back to your work. 3. Give everyone a chance. Don’t prejudge people, and be pleasant to everyone. Even if you realize someone is a jerk, remain civil and have class; you don’t need to stoop to their demoralizing level and play their game. People around you will respect your ability to stay above it all more than bad mouthing or confronting them in a mean way. 4. Live up to your promises. Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep, or you are unsure you’ll be able to keep. It is much more respectable (and more difficult) to just say “No, I can’t do that,” or even “I don’t want to do that.” This is where you have to respect yourself and

be different from your own. And remind yourself that the wisest people in the world are those who acknowledge how little they really do know, for there is so much yet to discover.

your own will, and make it clear to others in a polite and assertive way. And when you do make a promise, keep it.

If you do catch yourself acting like a know-it-all, use humor to make light of it, and say something simple like: “Sorry, I seem to have gotten a bit too passionate about this topic. Obviously I care about it but I’ve been rude talking so much. Sorry! Please let me know what you think of this matter. I am a good listener you know!”

Toning Down Opinionated Interactions 1. Keep your cool and be prepared to see other people’s side of the story. If you’re strident, always presenting your point of view loudly and refuting anyone else’s version of events and life in general, you’ll be viewed as a boor. Few people can stand the person who hogs the limelight constantly and refuses to acknowledge that other people have a say too. Stay cool and if something does fire your passion, share this by all means but acknowledge that your point of view is but one of many.

Setting a Good Example 1. Be a good role model. Set an example e that others would like to follow. When another person imitates you, it is a sign of respect. If someone else has set a good example, let them know how much you appreciate it by your own actions (and words too).

Having had a hard life is not an excuse to abuse or take advantage of other people. Bear in mind that most people you meet have faced battles of one sort of other in their own lives and may well be experiencing problems right now too. Seek help for emotional hurt that is eating you up so that you can lead your life as you want it to be, and not according to a past you’re still trying to defeat.

2. Be yourself. Don’t just join in with the latest craze just because others may be following the popular style. Respect yourself by making your own choice, this will bring respect from others. If you’re unsure of what to do or what you value, and you’re looking for someone with authority to guide you, always remember who you are, and always ask yourself if youagree with what this person says and does. Sometimes, it is easier said than done: sometimes you feel lost and are not sure what you want or what you believe. It’s okay to make mistakes; everybody makes them. However, you should still

2.Don’t act like a know-it-all. People do not appreciate it when you act superior to them. Once again, listen and respect their opinions, even though these may Karma 30

Be a good role model at home, work and in social situations. Wherever you are, there is always an opportunity to show others how to live with self-respect and how to honor the dignity of others.

remember that you are the final judge of everything that you say and do, and be ready to face up to your mistakes, learn from them and move on. 3. Don’t be overly materialistic. Stay focused on people rather than objects that may be lost or destroyed; people are so much more important and our true value is not what we have, it is the person we are inside that others will respect. But in the same vein, pay attention to the fact that while materialism is not all of life, it is part of it. We all need things to survive, and while we always must remember that things are not everything and others aren’t to be judged just on what they have, we must also keep track of our things and take care of them, conserve them and expect respect for our things from others. Just don’t get it in your head that things are everything. 4. Don’t procrastinate. Always act with a purpose. When you set your mind on doing something, think about it, plan it as best as you can, and then just do it. Don’t wait forever, don’t let other people do your job for you, and don’t get yourself into a loop of endless planning and worrying about it. People respect action, and equally don’t respect procrastination. Be very careful when dealing with two individuals with different core philosophies, as if you please one of them, the other might lose respect for you. This conundrum can often be sidestepped by being true to yourself and respectful of both opinions. You don’t need to agree with other opinions; rather, just make it clear that you’re willing to listen. Remember that people notice the example your children are following. If you treat your children lovingly and teach them to have respect for yourself and

others, you will be treated with respect also. Try to find what you’re good at, and use it. If you’re a good singer, be in a school or community musical, sing for events, etc. People will recognize you and your talents. Bring beauty to your surroundings by giving your neighbors a pleasant view of your home and your personality. Invite the people in your neighborhood to draw near with genuine interest and friendliness. They will want to care about you, too. Be circumspect about how much you reveal about yourself to others. It grows harder to respect someone who fails to acknowledge the boundaries between enough information to know someone and too much information, especially in workplace and social contexts.

Don’t lose yourself in socially promoted “virtues” or “requirements” that give an allure of “respectability”; this confuses respect earned for the person you are with outward signs of amassing things or doing something to fit in, be it having five Ferraris in the garage or murdering someone to fit into a gang. Neither of these will earn you respect––notoriety or envy maybe–– but never respect. Karma 31

-H.H Param pujya Swamiji “ Sri Selvam Siddhar� Maharaj What is Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha ? The name Manglik dosha means a Dosha or a defect caused by the effect of planet Mars. Manglik Dosha is found in the kundli or Birth Chart of the Native. A comparative analysis of the Birth Chart, the Moon Chart & the Navamsha is done to conclude whether a person is Manglik or not. Manglik Dosha is also known as Kuja dosh. How is Mangalik Dosha formed in the kundli/ Jathakam ? Mangalik Dosha is formed when Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th house from the ascendant (lagna), Chandra lagna (moon sign) in lagna horoscope, Chandra horoscope or navmansha horoscope. The highest degree of this Manglik dosh is formed when mars is placed in ascendant or the seventh house. These two placements form two most severe manglik dosh out of which placement in seventh is the most severe of all. Next in severity in decreasing order come the mars in eighth house, then forth and then Karma 32

twelfth house. In addition to mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and ketu’s placement in the houses mentioned above also forms partial Manglik dosh. Why Mars causes this Dosh ? Mars is considered the most malefic planet as far as marriage of a person is considered. Mars is a fierce planet and its placement in certain houses results in Mangalik dosha. Marriage is considered as one of the most auspicious ceremony. In Hindi the word Manglik denotes auspiciousness. Hence a manglik dosha makes the even inauspicious or causes problems in this event. What are the effects of Manglik Dosha ? The most common effect of Manglik dosha is - Delay in Marriage. Manglik dosha causes the marriage to be solemnized as late as at the age of 34 years, 38 years and even in 40s.Apart from this if a manglik boy/girl is married to a non-manglik spouse then the event of death or severe accidents have been witnessed by many couples which lead to death, permanent disability of the nonmanglik spouse.

Manglik dosh formed by mars is believed to cause following effects 1. Delay in getting married . 2. Difficulties in marital life. 3. Continuous fight between couple. 4. Divorce. 5. Death of the spouse: Manglik dosh formed by other malefic planets. Manglik dosh causes excessive delay in the marriage. There are so many Boys/ girls who are afflicted by this dosha and because of this, there are going through a bad phase of life whether it is due to delay in marriage, fight between couples or divorce. Hence, it is advisable that a Manglik boy or girl must always be married to a manglik partner only. Some experts have the opinion that the Manglik Dosh is neutralized when the native reaches his late 30s in life. I personally, disagree on this point because in my experience of more than 45 years I have come across many such mishaps caused because of this belief. It is a further belief, that a manglik girl will have problems in marriage till her Manglik dosh is NOT solemnized.

What are the remedies for Manglik dosh ?

At some places you will observe a list of remedial measures mentioned to solemnize the manglik or kuja dosha. kuja dosha CANNOT be solemnized by following some common remedies by all. To suggest a remedy for the manglik dosha it is necessary that a thorough analysis of the birth chart is done by a well learned Atharva Vedic Scholar like Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar .On the negative side of Mars/ Kuja in our Janmakshar , the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence, injury and disaster. For more help call Swamiji immediately @ 408 829 7780. Toll free 1-888-8081418. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is the “ only� Atharva Vedic Swamiji in USA who has helped millions of people in USA. He is NOT a travelling Swamiji or a pundit to USA and Run away. Swamiji has established 13 Hindu Temples in USA and considered to be the living God to his followers. Swamiji has recently built the biggest Shiva Vishnu Temple in all over Texas , near Houston Texas. Swamiji has pledged $ 108 Million donation to various charities this month.

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His Holiness Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar What is a Paranormal Body? A paranormal body or ghost or spirit or apparition is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Some knows and some does not know that they are dead. Mostly they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch and sometimes they can just be sensed.An earthbound spirit or paranormal body can be a human spirit that has not properly passed over. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever we can call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and the place they live we call haunted. Sometimes there reason to stay behind is to take care of unfinished business, their love for their children. Often these earthbound spirits do not remain here for long, once they can complete their desire, they normally pass over. Karma 34

How do ghosts (paranormal body) possess a person? The act of possession can happen in a few seconds or over a period of few months. It primarily depends how vulnerable is the person. Here vulnerability means at a physical or mental level. Ghost or paranormal body weakened the possible victim by creating a vulnerable atmosphere, like they cause sleeplessness. Sometimes if they have the power to create voices, they make sounds to create a fearful atmosphere. They take advantage of the resultant vulnerability to create an entry point. They take advantage of personality disorders such as anger, fear, over-emotional nature etc. They aggravate these personality defects adding more vulnerability. Addition to that they put negative thoughts, creating self doubts, instigating depression, causing fights between couples. The incorrect thoughts planted in a person by the ghost make the person misbehave. Their normal behavior changes to a larger extent. Ghosts destabilize a person’s mental balance and thereby create vulnerability. And then they take over.

Ghosts can possess easily when the sheath of the physical body is separated from the mental sheath, e.g. in dream state, state of despair etc. In some cases this can happen even in a meditative state. Only a higher level ghost can take advantage of the subtle body being separated from the physical body during meditation. What times the paranormal bodies are most active? Paranormal bodies are most active during the transitory times like the twilight zone between day and night, the new moon day (dark moon) and full moon day between the waxing and waning phases of moon, eclipses, etc. These are periods with highest likelihood of people being possessed. They are also most active between 12.00 to 3.00 a.m. How a person get possessed? A ghost takes possession or control of a person through black energy. Black energy is a spiritual negative and harmful type of energy. The ghost infuses black energy into the vulnerable person and make a centre. And then onwards the ghost goes on to progressively transmit black energy, and make the body his home.The possessing ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.) covers the sheath of the physical body of the possessed person with its own mental and causal (intellect) body sheaths. By this process the mental and causal body sheaths of the possessed person become non-functional. The person then begins to talk, walk, think and behave according to the new mental body sheaths of the ghost. In a way the possessed person’s subconscious mind is now in the control of that particular paranormal body. Most people suffer in silence, there are people who have no idea that they are possessed and lead a normal life.

What are the signs of possession? A change in character, taste, life-style, few changes that appear suddenly like a person may begin to express cravings he never had before like for specific food, alcohol, drugs, sex or anything else, a person’s behavior may change drastically , a complete change in interest, change of voice and behavior. The person may also have wild mood swings.Sometimes the possessed person has an idea that something is wrong or different is happening, sometime other’s point out about the changes. The most common environments where possessions occur are hospitals, graveyards, funeral homes, wells, battle-fields etc. Why they trouble? They want to enter in a person’s body or cause trouble due to unfulfilled desires and due to the inability to move on in the afterlife and attain a higher positive region or sub-region.The manifestations of distress due to ghosts or negative energies are varied, and can be from a person displaying uncharacteristic behavior to erratic violent behavior, addictions, various physical and psychological illnesses, family problems, business problems etc. Also in case of possession by powerful spirits, the voice and mannerism of person entirely change. Do ghosts have a gender i.e. are they male or female? They do not have a physical body. Hence in this perspective there is no gender. But on the basis of the appearance of their subtle form and psychological characteristics, and what they were in the past, they have genders. When ghosts materialize the apparent form is most influenced by the appearance and sex of their immediate prior birth. That is, if the ghost were a female in the human form, Karma 35

it would materialize as a female. Higher order ghosts like sorcerers have the ability to assume a form as per their liking. Sorcerers (Maantriks) are ghosts with very high spiritual power comparable to the spiritual powers of Saints. In order to acquire such levels of spiritual powers, a sorcerer needs to perform intense spiritual practice. What is the lifespan of a ghost (paranormal body, demon, devil, negative energy, etc.)? In case of humans, the term ‘lifespan’ means the period between their birth and death. In the case of ghosts, this would signify the period between the subtle bodies becoming ghosts to their eventual rebirth on Earth or going back to the light or heaven. Thus the lifespan of ghosts is varied. In the case of inferior order ghosts, it could be anywhere around 40-400 years. Ghosts that have been relegated to the deeper rungs of Hell and who have lot of powers are instrumental in doing wide-scale harm to humanity can remain as ghosts for thousands of years. Can paranormal bodies exist or survive in the earth, water or fire? Yes, all such paranormal bodies can exist or survive in all these areas. This is because ghosts being subtle bodies, i.e. without physical bodies, are unaffected by earth, water or fire. However ghosts of a lower order like the common ghost or those who have just entered the ghost order fear water or fire, based on the lingering impressions from their human life. This soon passes away as other ghosts educate them about their new status. What can a paranormal body cause in my life? Ghosts can be responsible for many Karma 36

type of illnesses, mostly mental and sometimes physical illnesses. They mostly are responsible for strong negative emotions, poor interpersonal relationships, life breakdowns on different levels: mental, financial, sexual, health etc. It can manifest itself in many ways which depends on the personality of the person possessed, one’s conscious and subconscious mind, needs, emotions, lifestyle etc. Can ghosts persuade one to commit a suicide? Yes, this is their first desire and motive, they do this very often. Ghost is an entity who passed through the death for various reasons. Very often they are resigned and have only little energy. As they are dead they wish the possessed person also join their world. Is it possible that a ghost who has been removed off enters someone else’s body? Yes, it is possible. after removed by force or leaving by choice they look for another person to possess. Like we have a free will , same they also have. Are there good ghosts around? There are both kinds of ghost, but mostly they are evil, and in principle dangerous for the living human beings, because they need to steal our energy in order to survive. Very often they also want to steal our body to find a vehicle to fulfill their own desires like sex, power etc. Is possible to talk to a paranormal body? Can they hear us? It is very much possible to talk to ghosts, but it is very dangerous, Talking to ghosts is equal to summoning them, which is very dangerous even if the ghost is someone very close to you. When you call them you are invoking their desire to

live in this world, they hear what you say. In a way you are disturbing their peace. This is not a good practice and one should avoid it. There are many other adventure sports to try. What are the symptoms of a possessed (haunted) house ? If the house is possessed or we say haunted, there are noises in your home, waking in the middle of the night, banging, knocking, objects moving or falling, being touched, being raped, the sensation of cold, the sensation of invisible attacks, being manipulated, humiliated and oppressed, if bruises of unknown provenance appear on your body, scratches, wounds, then it’s very likely that you are not alone in the house. In such houses the dreams become intense nightmares. Sleep is constantly disturbed. Constant headaches. Negative emotionsFear, Hate are intensified. Person might talk aloud to the spirits. Person hears spirit voices that confuse thinking patterns and hinder concentration needed for school, work and normal life. Fear that the person can’t control or stop the spirit. Thoughts of suicide are frequent and uncontrolled. Who is more prone, male or female? Females are are more prone to becoming a victim of the spirit world compared to men. They are more vulnerable during their monthly cycles, if during that time period she goes near the graveyard or a river or lake or under trees, uses perfumes, drinks alcohol or take drugs, keeps herself dirty, open hairs with perfumed

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oil she is inviting trouble as spirits are everywhere and can take charge of the female body anytime the circumstances are right. On the other hand in men the possibility arise when they take alcohol in open area, urinate in open areas or under tree, involve with women who are possessed or are unhygienic. In both men and women when the aura weakens the possibility increases. In case anybody feel that he/she is a victim of paranormal Body, Swamiji will cure the person, by his Atharva Vedic healing method. For More help and to come out of any of your problems in your life please call His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar for more help. Swamiji is the only Atharva Vedic Scholar in the entire USA. Pleas reach the Toll Free # @ 1-888-808-1418 or email swamiji to avtemple@aol.com. Swamiji is the “ only” person can remove any Evil spirits from any one and can destroy to make sure that, it will not come back to you. Doing or getting help from india for your problems WILL NOT work at all if you live in USA. Do not trust the so called pundits who and claim to help you , they are nothing but con artist and will defraud you. The person should have a complete knowledge iin Atharva Veda and this time Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar who is living in USA and a citizen in USA is the only human can help you. Call Swamiji in the Toll Free No. @ 1-888808-1418 IMMEDIATELY

Palmistry His Holiness Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar Palmistry or Hand Reading is the art of disclosing, by means of the Hand, its form, texture, fingers, mounts, lines etc., the secrets of the brain together with its quality and quantity and its action with its subsequent results upon the character, career and life of the individual. The hand is the direct representation of the brain and mind. In order to prove this statement and fix relation between brain and the hand, and in order to say that hand plays a most important role in a man’s life, following are some observations and proofs. On examining the texture of a of the hand of a cultured person, it is often found to be elastic or fine as comparable with his fine speech and reasonable action and conduct; on the other hand , the texture of vulgar or laborer’s hand will be found rough and coarse, same his speech and actions are. When the thumb and its behaviors is observed, in case of an infant up to 6 months old, the thumb is always seen closed in his palm, the infant during that age has not any will power at all, similarly the thumb of an Idiot appears always to be small and weak. It is further observed that his whole hand is small and the thumb dropped or bent towards the palm. This adult idiot , also has no will power. In another example there are signs in Hand for centuries past these have been held as warnings of sudden death. The signs are:

· The line of life ceasing abruptly, with deep, black spots on it. · The line of heart beginning suddenly (without ramifications) under the mount of Saturn · In both hands the line of heart joined to the line of Mentality under the mount of Jupiter or Saturn. · One short line traced in each phalanx of each finger. This science is de-famed by a number of fraudulent practices indulged in the reading of hands for money, the first and essential fraud being that the so-called palmist or chiromant has no real knowledge of the science he or she supposed to thoroughly conversant with. The so-called palmist is generally ignorant to a degree and trades shamelessly on public credulity. These people only spread bad name to them and to this science also. The special significance of the human hand was recognized at least as far back as the stone age hand prints made in red ochre and black pigment have been discovered in European caves, with some particularly fine examples to be seen in the famous Altamira caves, at Santillana del Mar, Spain. Dermatoglyphics is the name of the empirical study and classification of the skin-ridge patters found on the palms of the hand soles of the feet. This science is somewhat related to Palmistry, some palmists use it also while analyzing the Hand. It is currently being used in America and Germany to pre-diagnose and treat latent mental and physical ill health. If you want your Hand-Reading analysis, predictions…. You can send your hand image to us, along with your queries… we will reply with the desired predictions. Email: avtemple@aol.com. Phone: 408 829 7780

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- Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar Overcome Hidden



Biases Buried prejudice and biases are surprisingly influential underpinnings to all the decisions we make, affecting our feelings and consequently actions. And there are times when not recognizing this influence on your choices and decision making can do more harm than good. Primarily it is very important to understand biases in order to overcome it and this tutorial contains a few methods to try out to overcome your unconscious and hidden biases. Understanding Bias # Biases affect us all in ways we seldom fully realize, even when we have one we are aware of and would like to deal with. We may see ordinary, happy people living their day-to-day life in all kinds of environments, but they all have a bias of some kind which is directing their intentions. Biases can be positive or negative aspects of human nature; they all influence how we act and interact with other people and events. It’s Karma 40

important to compare our biases, because the way we create biases in our minds is the same process for both mild biases and severe ones. Some aspects to consider include: #* People from their personal identity based on a wide scope of aspects, but one of the most pervasive is bias. We often hold onto our biases because we feel they make us what we are. However, this is ultimately deceptive, as a bias is not what or who we are. Indeed, our biases change often. It is equally proportionate to the difficulty it is to let go of a bias in relation to how precious it is to us. #* People of similar thinking often pool together, like raindrops that form a lake. There is nothing wrong with this, but hanging around the like-minded can influence you quite strongly, as a form of peer pressure. People select their partners, friends and associates according to personal biases and actually often train each other to adopt personal biases without realizing. This is largely because we want our friends to be like us. It can also happen exactly in the reverse, in that we want to be like our friends and so we adopt the same biases. We are highly susceptible to influence from others

(current and historical life has shown we also commit suicide, murder and even war due to the power of influence.) And for an example many people can relate to––many employers look for employees with similar thoughts and feelings. #* Bias and prejudice may often have been something someone has told you, or that you heard as a third party. As such, they’re not always your own original opinion but one you have adopted. It may have been adopted recently, or a long time ago, and the older it is, the more tricky it may be to overcome its influence. #*Sometimes the bias reappears in the mind on impulse, such as seeing or hearing of something related to the object of your bias. It can also expand by being made aware of something that is similar to your original bias. Very often there is an emotion behind your prejudice, such as greed (wanting something to be, something to happen), hatred (rejecting or wanting something to go away etc), or just ignorance of the object itself. # Explore the dynamic of biases. Meditation is a good way to investigate your bias as well as how your mind acts in relation to them, as well as how they get created. Another good method is to discuss it with a friend, counselor, or a psychologist #* Bias is often a complex aspect, it mostly because our minds rely and uses measurement as a central way to process data. Every interaction and experience we encounter is measured by the mind in order to analyse and determine it. This determination can be a bias on its own (either a new one, or reinforcing an old one), but this determination depends on pre-existing biases and assumptions

as well as experiences that you have developed over your lifetime. #* The process of measurement is almost exclusively related to the past, specifically information we have heard or been influenced towards by other people, or our own experiences. If a mind is free from such bias and assumptions, it will typically approach the event with a clean slate, but with the clear intention of determining what it is. Recognizing this dependence on the past, or that the reflection of the past we measure against is not actually the thing we experience right now is a very useful way to overcome bias. #* People consequently seldom like those who “sit on the fence”, who are secretive about their feelings or are neutral. The reason for this is that they cannot easily categorize, predict or rely on such people to be manipulable to suit their own agenda. Being able to rely on another person is an important aspect, but while a person may be reliable, without trust people would still be hesitant to rely on that person. Trust is often built on finding common biases and prejudice as a way to identify with a person (and for probability calculating). #*The flipside is the case when a person sees someone with skillful, beneficial or admirable qualities and feels inclined to adopt and practice these same positive qualities. This is usually called positive influence but it works in the same way as its opposite case (when someone adopts harmful or unskillful biases from negative influences). We model our good behavior from qualities we all have, but only from seeing others do them in a normal environment. Adopting biases is a way to be accepted by others, be it for Karma 41

#* 2. As you identify with your prejudices, it can feel like you are surrendering part of yourself up, or betraying your cultural identity for someone else you don’t know. These issues are often the main cause why many are reluctant to overcome their bias. Of these problems, the exact same question has to be asked as that of the bias––is it causing you more harm than good?

better or worse, but can also be a way to improve oneself if the biases are of the positive kind. Working on the Bias # Recognize that the specific bias exists. This is the beginning stage to enable you to overcome it. If you can, this means admitting there is a bias, as in really admitting it, not just thinking there is a bias. Often this is very difficult for most people to do honestly, as it is somewhat of a humbling act. But doing this will help you to explore it more in depth, as you are prepared to be more open. By recognizing your bias and what it relies on to stay in the mind, then you are one step closer to getting rid of it. # Consider why it is usually so difficult to remove biases. There are often three main problems at play: #*1. You often feel distant and uncomfortable with the fact that the object of the bias simply exists. This can be because you don’t actually know anything about the focus of your bias. You might have heard plenty of negative stories about what you have a bias of, but how much of that is true or relevant? Karma 42

#*3. You may feel you have a bias but have not really come to a conclusion that it should be abandoned. Consequently, many parts of your mind will struggle against overcoming them as the bias is still attractive to certain parts of the mind. # Ask yourself questions. This is an effective way to not only gain an insight but to lessen the grip the bias has on you. Whenever the thought or bias arises, you can ask yourself: “Is this bias of mine fair, relevant or even worthy of having?”; or, “does this prejudice own me?”; or, “does this help anyone?”; or, “OK, it’s a prejudice, but what is this prejudice, how did I get it, why is it so powerful, why do I find it important?”. This can help you understand as well as let go of the thought as it no longer seems attractive. #* Many philosophers have also pointed out the benefits of being unbiased, in that you are virtually nonstick. Not only in a way that mud doesn’t stick to you, even though life will always throw it at you, but also that as you wade through life, you can avoid it sticking to you and getting swamped. This means you can avoid getting snarled in pointless arguments, as you have transcended a powerful bait and trap system and you can be more happy, healthy and wise.

# Meet the object of your bias head on with an open mind. The most effective (and hardest) way to get around it is to meet it face to face. Say you have a bias against a certain religion or nationality. Find out if their society or embassy is holding an open day and then go and meet people of that group. Your bias might be unjustified and you might meet some new friends at the same time #* Look for the humanity in the object of your prejudice. Everyone is human and has feelings, thoughts, wishes and dreams. It’s just that everyone identifies with their own culture and at some time in history, their culture was isolated from yours and developed differences. #* Use movements of time to your advantage. Biases have their roots in time, which means they are subject to change as well as modification. With each passing month or year, or a special date such as a birthday, you can use these measurements of time to choose and commit to leave the past behind and look at the future with a clean slate. # Ultimately take things a step at a time. It becomes easier the more you want to let go

of the bias. The whole process of overcoming a bias is to understand what a bias is and how you got them, whether they are for your benefit and well-being or will make you cold-hearted and cruel. Finally check your own feelings about subjects regularly. Doing this can allow you to start to build practice and skills in letting go of the bias, able to overcome it through investigation and attention. *If you have ever meditated before, try looking into [[Practice Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta)|goodwill]] meditation. This is where you wish yourself, your loved ones, friends and acquaintances all the way down to strangers and people in other lands to be happy, healthy and successful. This is very helpful to overcome any ill will in your biases as eventually you build strength to be able to wish those you have prejudice against the exact same happiness and health. This does take some time to develop however as it requires a strong foundation of understanding.

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Remember that this is about making beautiful last memories for both of you to hold onto. 2. Talk about the good times you’ve had. Recount your funniest stories. Dig deep into your past: the things you’ve done together, the things that happened while you were friends, the time you have spent together, how you met.

-Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Part:-1 Saying goodbye to friends Parting ways with people (and other beings) is part of the natural order of life, teaching you to grow as a human being and helping you to come to terms with life and its foibles. Through a small shift in perspective, you can open up a new way of seeing separation that takes you beyond your own sorrow. Within many a sad goodbye is often the reality of more positive things, such as release, freedom, joy or even new opportunities. 1.Plan an appropriate time to talk before the departure. Choose an enjoyable occasion––maybe over dinner, strolling down by your favorite waterfront or spending time together doing something both of you have always enjoyed.

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3. Tell your friend how much he or she means to you. Our friends tend to hold some of our most special relationships, they are the ones with whom we share our thoughts and feelings and enjoy similar interests together. Our friends make life more pleasant. 4. Make plans to stay in touch. Try to commit to something concrete so that communication doesn’t slip away. For example, you can commit to doing one Skype chat a week to catch up. 5. Make your goodbye personal. Stay with your friend for as long as you can. Before you leave, and when you leave, give them a hug, and say “It’s not goodbye, it’s just... farewell until we meet again”. You’ll hopefully see each other again someday. Part Two: Saying goodbye to a family member. Saying goodbye to someone who’s been with you all of your life, raised you, or has been kind to you, takes its toll. We tend to have a different relationship with our family than we do with other people in our lives, for they have not only known us our whole lives, but are often the people around whom we can truly be ourselves.

1. Spend as much time as you can with your family member. If it’s a set date at when they’re leaving, invite them to do fun stuff with you, look at a photo memory book, or just be together. They won’t mind if you cry a bit––if anything, they’ll know you’ll miss them. It may also give them an opportunity to release their own emotions, knowing it’s safe to do so around you. If they do Skype, arrange it so that you can chat with them when they’re away. If they don’t Skype, set up an account and show them how to use it. 2. Be kind to yourself. Feeling sad and crying is a natural way to release and express your emotions. Only a person who has truly come to terms with the event and transcended their feelings is able to wish goodbye in the face of the sorrows of life. Releasing your emotions helps you get over your feelings and it may help to know it’s all done with and now you can move on. If you’re feeling angry, or if it’s just how you get over things, express yourself constructively. It’ll help get your anger out and the bad stuff inside of you can get out. They’ll always be in your memory, and keep the thought that they’ll probably be back. Time goes faster than you expect. Part Three: Saying goodbye to a dying person. 1.Accept it, forgive it and let it go. Know that it’s life, just like anything else–– being born, and living––death is part of that, it’s a reflection of the nature of life. 2.Spend as much time with your loved one as possible. Be with him or her and support them.

If the being you’re saying goodbye to is a pet, give it a comfortable place next to you, and be with it. 3.Recognize and relinquish feelings of inadequacy. Often, people feel that they have failed when they cannot save or keep those they love. Sometimes they may feel rage or despair that no matter what they have tried, it made no difference and that life once again, has taken things away. 4.Say goodbye when it’s time. As sad as it is, many people don’t get to even say goodbye to a loved one before they pass. Where it is possible, be with the departing person, comfort them and give your last regards and best wishes. One of the kindest gifts the living can give to the dying is the blessing to take the next journey. Be reassuring and tell them it’s okay and simply be there for them. Part Four: Saying goodbye to a coworker. 1.Buy a card. Ask the whole staff sign it with their best wishes. Encourage personalization. 2.Be open and friendly. It’s important to let a departing co-worker know where you stand. If you want to keep in contact, Karma 45

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let them know they are free to email, consult or simply catch up. You never know when an old work colleague may have some advice to share, or where you could assist them. Asking for an e-mail address or phone number can be comforting, so that you can still talk with them. Be honest with both yourself and your co-worker. If you have no intentions of staying in touch, don’t ask for contact details. It can leave a departing coworker wondering about your sincerity, especially in the case of retirement, being made redundant or going off to raise children where ties with work tend to get severed. 3.Spend some personal, one-to-one time with your departing co-worker. Invite them out to dinner or a movie. While there may be an office send-off, this will never take the place of personalized goodbye events. On the day your co-worker leaves, give them a hug and a “Goodbye for now” because you always have the chance of seeing them again! Part Five: Coming to terms with separation 1.Explore why we part ways. Sometimes it’s merely so that the person can take a short holiday or take a few days away on school or business trips. Sometimes it’s the need to go away to school or to move across states or even to a new country for a few years. While some partings are temporary, others are permanent, such as those brought about by death, divorce or emigration.

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Where it is permanent, it can feel deeply sorrowful and bring about a sense of eternal loss; even temporary loss can bring with it great sorrow at not having a special person around to talk to or share things with, and it can be laced with fears of permanent loss. 2.The manner in which we separate can give you greater cause to feel negative, for example, if you parted in anger, regret or on unhappy terms. Ideally parting should occur on good terms but this is not always the case. 3. Acknowledge your sense of loss and regret. Often fear can arise when parting from another, as you don’t always know or become aware of the full realities involved. Questions of uncertainty may beset you, such as: Does this person intend to return? Is there an afterlife where you will see this person again? Are the angry words you parted with the last thing you’ll ever get to say to this person? 4. Make the parting moment count. Parting on good terms and leaving one another with expressions of good wishes can make all the difference to your well being down the track.

It’s often said that the parting moment is remembered well beyond the times you have spent with the person now gone. Even if you feel deep sorrow, a sense of anger or mounting frustration about the impending departure, it pays to reflect in advance on how to make the best of the separation, for the very sake of your future sense of inner peace.

Permanent loss brings deep sorrow for most people. It may also be a time for relief––a notion some struggle with but for the gravely ill person in pain, death is a release from suffering. Yet even in permanent loss, there must be space for acknowledging the good things, such as the benefits this person brought to the world and the good that they did.

5.Find the joy in parting. It is not set in stone how we should feel, not even if there are family or societal traditions that you feel obliged to emulate, so you can make the parting moment as good as it can be.

Make a card and put it on the gravestone. This is a comforting and very personal way to say goodbye. It may be read by others, it may not be––but perhaps if it is read, it may also bring them comfort too.

Think of times when saying goodbye fills us with joy, such as saying goodbye to the winter as we look toward the joy of spring. It may help to rustle up your sense of humor in the face of the bleakness of goodbye. It might be the time to draw together a scrapbook of good time memories or to find the old photo album. For those who are carrying the burden of anger or revenge, it is a time to find deep forgiveness for something you have long held against this person. 6.Plan ways you can keep in regular contact if possible. In a world of remarkable interconnectedness, where phones, the Internet (email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and snail mail keep us just one click or read away, we have no excuses to stay strangers anymore. There are very few ways that contact cannot be made.

Send the departed––and yourself––good wishes. Remembering does not always have to be an unpleasant experience and not always a futile one. Much can be learned when we reflect on the changing nature of life. Remember this person by treating your own life as precious, choosing not to waste it. This includes refraining from harming yourself. Perform more positive actions for others, such as giving more of your time to those in need. Socially speaking, this is not always something you have to do alone. Much benefit can be gained by collaborating

7.Ease the sorrow of permanent loss. Karma 49

4. Communicate regularly. Remember, there are a lot of fish in the sea! If it is someone who is still alive, give them a call or email. If it is a person who has passed on, or for people who parted ways and do not wish to communicate, communicate with others so that you can understand that you do not have to be alone. By remaining in touch with other people, you remain connected to the world. with friends, family and other caring people. If it’s a friend, spend time with their family if appropriate and consider ways to help them feel better. Part Six: Dealing with post separation issues. 1. Observe your emotions. It does not take long to recognize that feelings continue to arise, showing us that we have not truly come to terms with them yet. 2. Be kind to yourself and others. Expressing your feelings is an important release mechanism, but one that can too easily go out of control. Express yourself creatively and constructively––engage in art or other projects, learn new skills or talk about something the person you’ve said goodbye to with a trusted person. 3. Learn meditation. Meditation and its various applications such as mindfulness,compassion, kindness, gratitude, equanimity and even mindfulness of death can all be used for individuals to come to terms with their feelings. Unless you are already experienced at meditation, it is recommended that you practice and seek training with another experienced person first. Even seeking a teacher can be a source of constructive moving on. Karma 50

Remember, it’s okay to cry. Should you lose somebody you love, especially a family member, don’t try not to think of them. Talk about them with others who knew and loved them- share funny stories, memories, habits and quotes. Read How to break up and How to get over a break up for information on dealing with loss of intimate relationships. It’s wise to reflect that while the world is in front of you to make a fresh start, you still can connect with where you came from.Saying goodbye is often made all the more difficult when you see the separation solely from your own perspective. In choosing to see the removal of a person from your life as something to be endured, you can place an unbearable burden on the person leaving to try and console your loss, when only you have the ability to do that.

While distance between you and another can feel like a cruel lesson, it can also teach you joy and gratitude. Indeed, learning to come to terms with parting ways healthily is one of the greatest skills you can master. While “parting is such sweet sorrow”,[1] discovering how to transform the sorrow of the parting into cherishing the time you have had together is an art worth cultivating.

H.H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Have you ever noticed how some people have the ability to captivate absolutely anyone? No matter what they look like or how much money they have, these people can just walk into a room and instantly be the center of attention. When they leave, people want to emulate them. That’s charisma — a sort of magnetism that inspires confidence and adoration. Like beauty, luck, and social position, charisma can open many doors in life. However, while these other qualities may be difficult to attain, anyone can be more charismatic. Just follow these easy tips to learn how. #Exude confidence. Charisma isn’t the same thing as confidence, but appearing confident can make you more charismatic because your confidence will put others at ease and inspire faith in your abilities. If people see you as a confident person, they will naturally want to be around you. Here’s how to be confident: #*Be positive. Confident people are generally positive because they love who they are and what they do. Don’t start off a conversation by criticizing another person, place, or political figure. Instead, focus on the things you love, which will

engage people and make them want to be around you. If you come off sounding like you hate everything that comes your way, people will worry that your negative vibe will rub off on them. #*Speak with confidence. Speaking with confidence doesn’t mean talking more than everyone else, or louder than everyone else. Say something important and say it with conviction. Speak at a relaxed pace and [[Speak Clearly|speak clearly]]. Vary your tone, rhythm, volume, and pitch to emphasize your most important words and to keep your speech interesting. To practice speaking with confidence, you can record yourself speaking, and make sure that you sound confident when you talk. #*To appear confident, you first have to ‘‘be’’ confident. Truly confident people love who they are, what they do, and what they look like. If you don’t feel confident on the inside, work on emphasizing your good qualities, addressing your flaws, and improving your appearance to show that your looks matter to you. #**Remember that if you’re still working on developing your inner confidence, having a confident voice, clothes, and body language can go a long way in Karma 51

back you up, or do you look nervous, uncaring, or bored? If you’re passionate about something, do your gestures communicate this?

making people think you are confident. Show charisma through your body language. Your body language can say a lot about how you feel about yourself, and can help you seem more approachable to others. The wrong body language can make you look shy or indecisive, so it’s important to move in a way that shows you’re confident, engaged, and alive. Here’s how to do it: #*A charismatic person stands tall and walks with steady, determined strides. They walk into a room of strangers with pride, ready to embrace a new opportunity. They also gestures with their hands instead of crossing them over their chest. #*[[Improve Your Posture Improve your posture]]. Nothing conveys confidence like good posture. Stand or sit up straight, but not rigidly. When you meet someone, give a firm handshake and look the other person in the eye. Display positive [[Read Body Language body language]] while you’re talking to someone or even when you’re just waiting around. Sit facing the person or people you’re talking to, uncross your legs and arms, and keep your hands away from your face. Look at ease, and don’t fidget or convey nervousness. #*Think about your own gestures. When you speak, does your body language Karma 52

#*Practice in a mirror. Watch yourself in the mirror and give a speech or even pretend to hold a conversation. What are your eyes doing? How about your hands? Do you look like the shifty politician or the charismatic one? Could someone know what emotion you’re trying to convey even if they couldn’t hear you? Practice regularly, and make note of what you need to improve. #*Mimic the body language of those you are conversing with, so that you can get closer to them in a non-verbal fashion. If someone is gesturing a lot, you can join in, while if a person is more reserved, you shouldn’t gesture too wildly. #*Look people in the eye when you’re talking to them. Don’t stare them down, but don’t glance around the room or look everywhere but at them. Engage them with your eyes, not just your voice. Don’t check your phone, your watch, or look around for other people to talk to because you won’t appear engaged. #*Watch how other people gesture. Notice how some speakers’ gestures appear fake or out of sync with their message. These people come off looking shifty or uncertain as a result. Other speakers use body language exceptionally well. These are generally the more effective communicators and appear more trustworthy and competent. These people are often successful actors, religious leaders, and pundits. Look for good and bad examples of the use of body language. Pay attention, and learn.

#*[[Smile|Smile]] genuinely when you greet someone. Your smile show say that you’re excited about getting to know them. #Make people feel special. No matter whom you’re talking to, you should always try to charm that person and make them feel like the only person in the world. To have true charisma, you should be able to talk to anyone about any topic, and be a good and attentive listener. Here’s how to do it: #*Be anyone’s equal. If you’re talking to a potential employer, a group of wealthy donors, a child, a stranger, or an attractive guy or girl, for example, don’t put them on a pedestal or talk down to them. Be respectful of other people, but respect them as equals, and expect that they will accept you as such. #*Show an interest in people’s lives. Without being nosy, ask people questions about their lives, their background, or their opinions on certain matters. Make them feel that what they’ve done matters, and that you value their thoughts.

#*[[Listen]] actively when others speak. Give someone your full attention when they are speaking to you. Nod in agreement or make brief interjections, such as “I see,” or “Okay,” to assure the person that you are listening and you’re interested in what they have to say. A brief touch on the upper arm can emphasize your agreement or empathy with something someone says, and it can make the person feel connected to you. #*Learn and remember people’s names and address people by their names. This will make you more likely to remember that person’s name when you see them again. #*[[Compliment People Compliment people]] freely, but [[Be Sincere genuinely]], and accept compliments graciously and without any fuss. #*Remember that being charismatic isn’t the same as pleasing people. Charismatic people don’t care about what others think. They are just totally charming and charismatic on their own. #[[be Wittier|Be witty]]. A truly charismatic person should be able to make people laugh without trying too hard. Part of being a person who everyone wants to be around is engaging a group of people in laugher and jokes. You should be able to charm people with your sense of humor. Here’s how to do it: #*Learn to laugh at yourself. If you learn to poke fun at yourself, people will be charmed at how confident you are and will be more comfortable around you. You don’t have to be self-deprecating to show that you’re aware of your flaws, and to let people join in on laughing at Karma 53

them. Being able to pull this off is a sign of having true charisma. #*Learn to joke around with a variety of people. You should be attuned to the sense of humor of the person or group of people you’re talking to. If you’re talking to people with a raunchy or slightly offensive sense of humor, don’t be afraid to play ball. However, if you’re around an older or more sensitive crowd, then tone down your humor and stick to short and inoffensive jokes. When you’re with a new person, be conservative at first. You don’t want to risk offending or turning a person off with an inappropriate joke. #*Don’t try too hard to be funny. You don’t have to make a joke every five seconds to be a witty person. The welltimed joke can go a long way. Value quality over quantity, and focus on making just a few jokes over the course of a conversation. #*Learn to tease people. If you’re comfortable with someone and are already on your way to charming them, you can learn to joke around by teasing that person a little bit. This can bring you closer to the person and can show that you don’t take anything too seriously. Just make sure it’s a person who is amenable to your jokes. #Be engaging. To be truly charismatic, you need to be able to not only impress, charm, and listen to a group of people, but you should be a person who is good at engaging others and always has something interesting to say, so people will naturally gravitate toward you. Here’s how you do it: #*Be versatile. A truly charismatic person should be able to speak to a variety of Karma 54

people about a variety of topics. You should be well-read, read the newspaper every day, and have a variety of interests, such as foreign languages or modern art, so you can discuss these topics with anyone. #*You can work on being well-rounded and knowing a little bit about politics, history, science, and literature, so you can tailor the conversation to the individual you’re speaking to. #*Think before you speak. Reduce the fluff and filler material in your daily communications. Try to make every word count, and think about how you’re going to phrase something before you open your mouth. If you don’t have something important to say, remain silent. It may seem surprising, but limiting the amount you talk will make what you have to say more interesting. #*Get in touch with your emotions. Research has shown that people who are generally believed to be charismatic feel emotions strongly, and they are also able to relate to what others are feeling. Don’t be afraid to feel anger, pain, sadness, or elation, and don’t be afraid to communicate your emotions in an appropriate manner. #*Put it all out there. People tend to hide thoughts and feelings from each other without any bad intentions, but everyone warms up to someone who is totally honest without being awkward or weird. If you can communicate honestly and help people open up, you’ll be on your way to being [[Be Charming|charming]]. Of course, there are a few exceptions; don’t say anything that will make people feel uncomfortable or want to back away from you.

How to reduce and prevent Stress

(The Atharva Veda technique by Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar.)

In today’s speedy world the stress plays a vital role in spoiling the health condition right from a school going kid to the most elderly people. What is the reason for this? First is the work and life style and second are the planets. According to the Atharva Vedic Astrology, if the Ascendant or Lagna is occupied by the planets Sun, Mars and Saturn it is sure that the individual will have lot of stress even if he/she is not doing any critical or difficult works. Those people will make their mind and life style as a stressful one. It may seem that there’s nothing one can do about the stress level. The bills aren’t going to stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day for all the errands, and the career or family responsibilities will always be demanding. But one has a lot more control than he/she might think. In fact, the simple realization that an individual is in control of the individual’s life is the foundation of stress management. When one is under high levels of stress, rational thinking and decision making go out the window. Runaway stress overwhelms the mind and body, getting in the way of our ability to accurately “read” a situation, hear what someone else is saying, be aware of our own feelings and needs, and communicate clearly. The stress management consultants prescribe the following ways to come out of stress. “Think clearly and creatively.

relationships, relaxation, and fun – plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on. Even though one lives according to the aforesaid ways and if the planetary positions are not good in the horoscope it is sure that the concerned person will be affected with heavy mental stress. Atharva Veda has told a lot of ways to make the planets happy and make an individual’s mind very clear and free from stress. The rituals to the Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas is the best way to control the mind make the life a stress free one. The best way to select the exact Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas is to consult Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. He is a great scholar of Atharva Veda and Atharva Vedic Astrology. He scrutinizes the horoscopes very well and he gives spiritual solution and salvation for all sorts of the problems. Hindu Temple of Georgia is the only healing temple in the entire western countries. One can have a wonderful spiritual solution for all sorts of problems. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-818-1418 or email to avtemple@ aol.com

Communicate clearly. Accurately “read” other people. Hear what someone is really saying. “Trust others. Attend to your own needs”. Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, and the way one deals with problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work,

Karma 55

Dakshina Kali Dhyan Mantra -Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar The transliterated text follows the one given by Shri Narendranath Brahmachary of Dev Sangha Ashram, Deoghar, India, in his ‘Mantra O Puja Rahasya’ ( Mantra and Mystery of Worship). om karAla-badanAm ghorAm muktakEshim chatur-bhuryAm. kalikAm dakshinAm dibyAm mundamAlA bibhushitAm sadya-chinna shira kharga bamA-dordha karAmbujAm abhayAm baradAn-chaiba dakshinadArdha pAnikAm mahA-megha-prabhAm shyamAm tathA chaiba digambarim kanThA-bashakta mundAli galadrudhira-charchitAm karna-batAng shatA-nita shaba-jugma bhayanakAm Karma 56

ghora-drashtAm kara-lAsyAm pinnonnata-payodhorAm shabanAm karasanghAtayi kritakAnchim hasan-mukhim srikkadaya galadrakta-dhArA bishphuritananAm ghorarabAm mahA-roudrim sashAnAlaya-bAshinim bAlArka mandalA-kAra lochana tri tayAnitwam danturam dakshina-byapi lambomAn kaccho-choyAam shaba-rupa mahA-deva hridayo-pari sangsthitAm shibArbi-ghora rAbArvi chatur-drikkhu samanitwAm mahAkAlena cha samam biparitaratAturam sukha-prassanna-badanAm smerAnanasaroru-hAm ebam sacchinta-eta kAlim dharmmakAmArtho-mokhsha-dAm Meditation Hymn of Dakshina Kali Om. Fierce of face, she is dark, with flowing hair and four-armed. Dakshina Kalika divine, adorned with a garland of heads. In Her lotus hands on the left, a severed head and a sword. She bestows sanctuary and blessings with her right hands. The color of the monsoon clouds, and clothed by the sky, the garland of heads around her neck, tinges her with blood. Fear-inspiring, with a pair of unborns as her earrings. Her face is ferocious , her high breasts full in affection. Girdled with a skirt of severed arms, she smiles. A stream of blood flows from the corner of her lips. Terrifying of voice, turbulent, dwelling in

Initiated Under “Atherva Vedic Agama

Karma 57

cremation grounds With fearsome teeth, her three eyes reddened like the early sun. Her unbraided locks covering her left side, she is installed on the heart of corpse-like Siva. Jackals howl around her, filling the four directions. She is in reverse congress with Mahakaal(Time) . With a blissful face, she is always smiling. Meditate on kali, who grants all needs and desires. Dakhshina Kali Mantra This mantra is depicted in the hymn to kAli named ‘dakhshinA kAli stotram’, which is also called the ‘karpurAdi stotram’ stemming from its first word ‘karpUr’ which literally means camphor. The word ‘dakhshinA’ in this context means ‘south’ as She is traditionally seen as facing south. One meaning of the word ‘dakhshinA’ is ‘a fee paid to a priest’, inappropriately alluded to by some in this context. The base word, ‘dakhshin’ also means right (as opposed to left), like referring to the right hand. The root ‘dakhsha’means ‘skilled’ or ‘ expert’. This is in semblance with the Latin ‘dexter’ for right- handed, with the same root giving ‘dexterous’ and ‘dexterity’. (The left is ‘sinister’). One puja text explains that the departing souls who are heading south towards ‘hell’ are rescued by the goddess, who is facing in the same direction. The Southern transit of the sun is also connected to the ‘night of the gods’, so She may be said to be facing the ‘night’. ‘dakhsha’ is also the name of the father of the Goddess in another form as ‘satI’. And in there is the story of the death of Sati because her father did not invite her Karma 58

consort shiva to his great fire-ceremony. The gods ended shiva’s ensuing dance of destruction by slicing the body of satI into fifty-one parts. The sites at which her body fell gave rise to the 51 ‘shaktipithas’ all over the Indian sub-continent. The dakhshinA kAli mantra is described in the first six verses of the karpurAdi stotram in terms of its individual parts and letters. The mantra consists of 22 syllables. In Sanskrit, the syllable is the ‘akhshara’. The word could mean letter (vowel or consonant) but also means ‘that which is not dissipated’. The root ‘khsara’ means ‘that which is destructible’. So, Brahman, ‘the ultimate reality’ is expressed in the ‘akhshara’. The Bhagabat Gita thus refers to ‘akhshara Brahman’.

(aum) krim krim krim, hum hum, hrim hrim, dakhshinA kAlikay, krim krim krim, hum hum, hrim hrim, swaha. The mantra is preceded by ‘om’ or ‘aum’. It consists of three ‘bija’ or seeds, krim, hum and hrim, and the name ‘dakhshinA kAlike’ and ‘swaha’ signifying offering. The Sanskrit script shows the first seven terms of the mantra preceded by the ‘Aum’ on the first line. The ‘dakhshi-nA-kA-lI-ke’ (six syllables) on the second line. The last line shows the last nine syllables ending in ‘swA-hA’. The end sound of the seeds are between ‘m’ and ‘ng’ and are nasalized; krIm ~ krIng, hUm ~ hUng, hrIm ~ hrIng.

Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar

that we don’t need to be taught how to begin meditating.

Small introduction and some ideas;The essence of meditation is awake nonstriving. As such, in its most basic form, it constitutes one of the four natural states of the mind, the other three of which are waking, dreaming and deep sleeping.

Of course, that’s absurd! Don’t we pay good money, sometimes even thousands of dollars, in order to learn from expert teachers how to meditate? Isn’t it common knowledge that mastering even the basics of meditation requires many hours of dedicated practice? And how about people who say they’ve tried to learn meditation only to find they just couldn’t do it, it wasn’t for them and, after all, they reall y don’t like to meditate?

Briefly explained, waking is our “everyday” awake state of mind, what you are in right now. Dreaming occurs during a light stage of sleep, which is different from the dreamless state of deep sleeping. And meditating begins in the relaxed state of mind we experience between full waking and dreaming. First though, note the word “natural” in the sentence, “Meditation constitutes one of the four natural states of mind.” This word suggests a couple of things, like the possibility that there are other states that could be considered unnatural - such as hallucinating or lucid dreaming, for example. But more importantly it suggests that along with waking, dreaming and deep sleeping, meditating is an activity so natural to us we don’t really need to be taught how to do it. It suggests the possibility that we all already know how to meditate, or at least

Well, just because it’s natural and we already basically know how to do it doesn’t necessarily mean we know how to do it well, in the same way that many of us are unable to sleep well. Nevertheless, the truth is, we all already do meditate, and likely every day, just like we sleep, dream and are awake every day. The following suggestions will raise the hackles of meditation teachers and practitioners everywhere but activities like listening to music and (horrors!) watching TV constitute the state of awake non-striving that is characteristic of the meditative state of mind. That’s not to say that the teenager with her ears plugged into an iPod or the househusband glued to the tube for hours on Karma 59

end are experiencing anything at all close to what could be called a “high-quality” or deeply meditative state. In the same way that it’s possible to eat low quality food with little or no nutritional value, it’s similarly possible to practice a very low quality form of meditation that provides little or none of the benefits of high quality meditation and that could in fact be deleterious in the long run to your mental well-being. TV and music are, to put it bluntly, like the McDonalds of meditation…. How about watching a sunset? Or sitting by a pool enjoying a glass of wine? Or taking a walk in a quiet forest? Or sitting in a cave chanting ommmmm? Yes, all of these could provide contexts within which a meditative state of mind can arise (well, maybe it’s better to save the wine for afterwards). It largely depends on what’s happening in your mind while you’re there. Let’s return to our definition of meditation for a moment, that the essence of this state of mind is awake non-striving. This can be opposed to the state of mind called waking, which we’ll sum up as Karma 60

awake striving. When we are in the state of waking, we are always striving to do something, no matter how insignificant it may seem. There is something we want to do, and we are trying to do it. Typically it’s something like earning a living, getting somewhere, learning something, acquiring something, or even something simple like washing the dishes. We are striving, which basically means we’re trying to do something according to a belief or set of beliefs about how we think things are and how we think they should be. And also about the way we think we should accomplish what we want. This is crucial for the understanding not only of the waking state but also of the meditative state. Because at the heart of every true meditative state exists a relative absence of beliefs. This is crucial to understand for a couple of reasons: one having to do with how we meditate and the other with why we meditate. Let’s deal with this question of how first, taking the example of watching a sunset. We don’t have a lot of beliefs about how to watch a sunset. It sounds absurd, in fact. In order to watch a sunset, you don’t have to sit in a certain way, feel a certain way, act a certain way. It’s not like washing dishes, for example, where we each have our own particular set of beliefs about the best way to do it, even if we hardly take any notice of those beliefs. The sink full of water? A pot full of water? Rinse first, then wash, then rinse? Just wash without rinsing first? Scalding hot water? Luke warm water? Got to use gloves? Gloves not important? And so on and so forth. Marital dramas are built out of this kind of stuff! But no-one can say you’re watching that sunset in the wrong way, simply because, if you’re doing it in a fairly meditative, non-striving state of

mind, there is no right or wrong way to do it. You are simply there. The sun is setting and you are watching it do its thing. You might have some thoughts float through your mind – about the office or your spouse or that jerk who did whatever he did to you the other day – but those thoughts don’t really take hold. Each one just sort of comes along and then passes by and you return to watching the sunset. Perhaps a particular thought comes along and you follow that one for a while. But eventually, after awhile, you return to watching the sunset, and you’re simply there, and the sun is setting, and all you’re doing is watching it. And that is all there is to it. Because the fact is, you are not really doing anything. No one can write a How To book on doing nothing because there’s no way to say how to do nothing. About the best one can do is give some suggestions about ways to set yourself up that are conducive to doing nothing and maybe a few more words about what it means to do nothing and how when you think you’re doing nothing, you may actually be doing quite a bit still. In the end, all one can do is point to instances of doing and say, “That’s not doing nothing!” Okay, now the question is likely coming up: “But why ever would I want to sit around while I’m wide awake and just do nothing? I can understand deep sleep – that’s doing nothing, but at least I’m asleep and my body is getting its needed rest. And I can also understand dreaming – that’s a kind of doing something while I’m asleep and it usually feels right to do it. And of course I can understand doing things while I’m awake, because it’s the only way I’ll get food on the table and have fun with the family. But doing

nothing? While I’m awake? What’s the use? What’s the sense?” All of which, of course, is to ask why we meditate, which was the second question raised above. There are two ways to answer this question, the simple way and the complex way. The simple way is to point to all the obvious benefits one gets from deep relaxation as in the article on this website,What are the Benefits of Meditation?” The complex answer (which we’ll just outline here) begins with the admission that much mystery surrounds the mind and its various states. For example, we don’t yet really know why we dream. Many suggestions center upon the notion of the subconscious mind in some way reorganizing itself. This notion of reorganization can be usefully applied to all the mind’s states. When we sleep deeply, for instance, the body and its unconscious processes can be said to be reorganizing their energies so that we wake up feeling healed and refreshed. Similarly, while we are in the waking state of mind, we are actively reorganizing our environment in various ways, shaping it into forms that we hope will fulfill our needs and desires. So we see a clear progression from deep sleep, to dream, to waking: ·Deep sleep => reorganization of the body/unconscious mind ·Dreaming => reorganization of the subconscious mind ·Waking => reorganization of the environment What, then, is left out of the above schematic? Consciousness, of course. And that’s precisely where meditation comes in. Through the practice of meditation, Karma 61

consciousness is reorganized in such a way that it can more adequately reflect reality, which effectively comprises all the material of consciousness (if that seems like a circular argument, it is). What this largely boils down to is the reorganization of our belief structures so they not only more adequately reflect reality but also eventually interfere less and less with our mind’s ability to directly reflect reality.In any case, for most of us a large portion of the time during which we are awake is spent in this state of awake striving we are here calling “waking”. And a far less portion of that time is spent on this thing we’re calling meditating, a state of mind characterized by awake non-striving. And that, of course, is how it should be. You’d eventually starve if you did nothing but watch sunsets all day long – even if you watched them in a profoundly deep state of meditation!

·“Now visualize a six-pointed azure star rising out of a lotus flower with one million multi-colored petals.” ·“Now spend the next hour focusing on your breath. And don’t move a muscle either, no matter how much pain you’re in.”

Joking aside, because we spend most of our awake time striving, it’s only natural that when we turn to meditating, we carry with us that element of striving – especially if we’re doing something called “learning how to meditate”. This simple fact explains nearly all the difficulty people report when they try to learn how to meditate. As long as we are striving to learn how to meditate, our minds will be in direct opposition to that which is supposedly being learned: awake non-striving.

So what we’re going to do here is learn how to do what we already know how to do but to do it more effectively, more deeply and with a profound increase in its quality. And the crucial two words we’ll be taking with us as we begin that journey of learning are “awake” and “non-striving”.

Taking it further, any method that places the mind in a striving mode in order to acquire or develop the state of mind called meditation will fail to successfully teach meditation. Many methods do just that: ·“Now concentrate unwaveringly on the space between your eyes.” ·“Now repeat the mantra 1008 times.” Karma 62

The student may discover how to meditate more effectively, but it will be despite methods such as these. It won’t be the method itself that teaches effective meditation. This notion of effectiveness explains the difference between a socalled “experienced” meditator and a “beginner”, in the same way that a “successful” deep sleeper is able to sleep much more effectively than someone who can’t, and in the same way that some strivers are able to strive for and accomplish what they strive for more effectively than those who can’t.

For More help call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ 408 829 7780. Email: avtemple@aol.com

Ideas by Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar to Handle House Guests That Stay Too Long How to Handle House Guests That Stay Too Long Having guests overstay their welcome is never a pleasant thing. Here’s what to do, when guests just don’t get the hint and go home! 1. Set boundaries. Prevention is the key. Before anyone actually lands on your doorstep, let them know how long you’re willing to have them stay in your home. Decide as a family and then be clear and direct in your communication. You might say “Sure, we’d love to see you. We’re available tomorrow until 6 p.m.” Or, if it’s an overnight guest, say “Yes, please come and stay with us, we’d love to have you for two days.” That way, everyone knows the parameters.

in-law! She might be a beast, but the more you can find to appreciate about her, the easier it will be for you to be in the same room together. 3. Hold your ground. It’s so easy once someone is actually planted on your couch for them to stay longer than you planned. If they try to stay longer than you agreed, kindly let them know it’s time to go. You might say “It’s been a great visit and our time together is already up. Thanks so much for being a great guest and keeping to our

2. Appreciate your guests when they are behaving well. If they help with the dishes or offer to watch your kids, thank them. Successful relationships have a 5 to 1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms and yes, that includes your relationship with your motherKarma 63

schedule. See you next year.” 4. Expect huffy displays of “Who do you think you are!” Lots of people expect others to forego their own wishes to make them happy. But only you can create your own happiness and you must. People who want to push the boundaries of others often get upset and create drama. In this way, they feel they have power in their lives. By creating clear boundaries and sticking to them, you are demonstrating real power, a skill they may not have, which can feel threatening to them. They may feel hurt or they may feel scared. Let them have their feelings without trying to rescue them. 5. Choose to honor yourself and your family for creating exactly what you all wanted. Find a way to celebrate after the guest has gone. Share with each other the things that felt hard or scary and those that were wonderful and empowering. 6. Try hinting with polite ways. For example, you can yawn, look at the clock/watch, and say “Oh, it’s getting so late already. I’m so tired...” Karma 64

EditTips ·Sometimes you have to admit you are rigid host, and maybe your ideas about hospitality are bordering on aggressive hospitality. If you are pointing out to people you have invited to your home they should be thankful you are “being put out,” or make hints about how they should do more dishes, perhaps you should reconsider inviting over house guests. Someone who enjoys entertaining and hosting is not expecting their guests to hop to it, and you as the host could have hired catering and cleaning services if you feel overwhelmed. A host is entitled to have certain rules about guests who visit their homes, but some hosts might be better off just not inviting people over at all. Perhaps you should opt to visit family and friends at their houses for Thanksgiving or Christmas instead. Also, as the host your might want to reflect upon things you might have said or done that has kept previous house guests from coming to your house, and ponder how there is a possibility you could be a more magnanimous host when there are guests. Your current guest will prefer to stay in a hotel in the future if they are made to feel like they have to be

indebted to you for every little thing, or they might reconsider whether visiting with you is even worth their time. · When college-aged young men overstay their welcome because of gaming sessions, it becomes clear that an adult has to intervene. In my experience, this can go on for weeks, especially in the summer. Groceries are not the only problem. The adult must be up-front about boundaries of time right from the beginning. One never thinks this would go on for weeks, but it does. Expecting the son to communicate with his friends does not work. A single mother may have more difficulty addressing the issue. A man can just say, “Go home,” and no arguing ensues, for whatever reason. Mom has to be firm at the getgo about how long she will endure this. · Do your best to keep your sense of humor. When drunk Uncle Bert starts slobbering and telling dirty jokes in front of the kids, find a way to laugh as you escort him out the door or at least out to the garage. · When individuals within a family have differing wishes for the length of stay, it’s best to go with the lowest number of days. For example, if the wife’s mother is coming and the wife says “Oh she can stay for a week” but the husband says, “Uh, I think I could only handle two days.” Go

with the lowest number of days and find ways for the wife and her mother to get together outside of the home, during the additional days. Maybe the mother stays with other family or in a hotel and she and her daughter go shopping. · Speaking of Uncle Bert, list the house rules and post them: no smoking, no drinking to the point of slobbering, no peeing on the front bushes, anyone who criticizes has to do the dishes AND say five appreciations of the person they criticized, Anyone who asks Jane why she isn’t married yet has to sing an entire love song! When someone breaks the rules, just point to your list and smile. · Dealing with extended family members is often the biggest cause of stress during the holidays. Core family are the ones who currently live in your home. Anyone else, no matter how connected by blood they are, is extended family and is subject to house rules, decisions and parameters, but doesn’t get to decide on the rules.

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1. Determine what needs to be done. From laundry to taking out the garbage, make a list of all the weekly chores and who currently completes the task. In defining the mandatory tasks, you clear the first hurdle of your husband overlooking the tasks left undone. Moreover, identifying the exact chores can help both of you see what constitutes household work. Typical chores include:

- Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar

The division of “household labor” is nonexistent in many busy homes. Between work, kids and social outings, housework usually falls on one set of weary shoulders: the wife’s. After a while, many wives become resentful, especially if they have a day job, as housework becomes the “second shift.” In order to avoid a marriage meltdown, creating an action plan that will not only motivate your hubby to help around the house, but create peace and balance within the marriage, is one way forward. EditSteps Karma 66

o Tidying all areas of the house o Laundry (washing, ironing, folding and putting away) o Grocery shopping, plus other sundry store visits o Cooking, washing the dishes o Bill payment and sorting o Yard work, gardening and maintenance o Getting children to and extracurricular activities,medical visits, etc. o Pet care, including grooming, vet visits, feeding, etc. 2. Define easy, moderate and difficult tasks. Rate each task by considering how time-consuming it is, how strenuous, and how often it must be performed. For example, washing the floors may be a moderately difficult task, what with mopping, sweeping, waxing, etc. o When writing up the list, consider items that could make cleaning easier. For example, can you upgrade the vacuum cleaner or get better detergent? These can be excellent tasks to assign to your husband. Making him feel that he has bought the items can give him a greater sense of pride in using them to prove that they’re doing the job than the old items! 3. Ask for help. Unless you ask, he mightn’t know that you need help, and you may never know how much more he can contribute. Make a date with your

husband to discuss the chores. Schedule your date after a fun day or even a long week at work––just avoid booking time immediately following an argument or when something else has your husband’s attention. Grab some wine, get away from the kids (and the TV),and bring your list to the date. 4. Begin by telling your husband how much you appreciate what he does around the house. Reference the tasks he performs already and talk about how his contributions make a difference in how well the family functions. Then go on to explain that because you feel as if you’re taking on more than you can handle, you’d love him to help out more. o Show him the list of tasks so that he can see the multitude of household chores in black and white. o Don’t tell him that you think it’s unfair that you’ve been doing the majority of the work––chances are, he’s never thought of your housework input as being unbalanced. Just tell him that his contributions would help maintain your energy levels, and give your family more time to do things instead of waiting around while you finish the housework. 5. Ask him to review your list and find the

chores that he wouldn’t mind taking on. Ask him to review your list and find the chores that he wouldn’t mind taking on. Steer him toward the chores that may not require previous homemaking experience, like bathing the pets, sweeping, orcleaning the toilets. 6. Since he may have never tackled these “new” chores, tell him how you accomplish the work and when. Since he may have never tackled these “new” chores, tell him how you accomplish the work and when. Don’t tell him that he must do the chores one way and on a certain day, but instead explain how you do it and what has worked for you. Don’t freak out if he doesn’t use your exact approach. 7. Consider forming a team approach to the household chores. Set aside one time a week where both of you pitch in and do household chores together, after which there is room for relaxing and leisure. Saturday mornings can be a good time if there aren’t other commitments since it frees up the rest of the weekend; otherwise choose another time that fits and lets both of you do housework in tandem.

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9. Get into the habit of thanking one another for keeping the household running smoothly. Give some of the housework to the kids. Children need to learn early in life how to manage basic household chores, so asking them to put away their laundry, clean mirrors and make their bed is a good start. Increase the amount of chores regularly until they’re doing cleaning up jobs without even having to be asked. o In the spirit of teamwork, break down smaller chores into team efforts, too. For example, you cook, he washes the dishes. You hang the clothes on the line, he takes them off and folds them. You vacuum the floors, he mops the rest. And so on. 8. Be flexible and patient. It takes time to change old routines and habits, especially when one person has been relied upon to keep the house clean. It may take lots of gentle reminders and additional persuasion, but persist until it becomes the norm in your household. And avoid keeping score; he’s likely to slip up, and you are too. Just gently remind him of his end of the bargain when he fails to meet it. o Cut your husband some slack. Just because he doesn’t do it to perfection, don’t interrupt him to fuss. Remember that if you want more help, you have to accept how he does it. o Give your husband “foolproof” housework such as emptying garbage cans, picking up laundry and sweeping floors. Wait until he’s better capable to tackle chores like laundry, where there’s the possibility he could accidentally turn your white clothing pink. Karma 68

If your husband is willing provide him with a “honey-do” list so he knows exactly what you want and doesn’t have to guess. If you and your husband work long hours, determine if you have the finances to hire a weekly cleaning service. Even if one or both of you works from home, having a cleaner can make life a whole lot easier. Consider which tasks you’d like the cleaning service to handle and which tasks would still be your responsibility. Usually weekly cleaning is best left to a cleaner, while both you will need to remain responsible for day-to-day needs and bigger cleans. If helping around the house doesn’t work out, split the difference and ask your husband to instead run your errands, grocery shop and take and pick up children from school or practices. Plan cleaning in advance. Prepare his mind and his mood to be engage when the weekend comes to clean the house. Do it together and limit the time so your family doesn’t spend the entire day cleaning. The goal is to get your husband to get involved. If it becomes too much, he may not want to do it again. Start small and build from there.

Delfa, Barnegat, N J Swamiji “May all the happiness you give to others be returned to you” is a great saying by one of the greatest scholars. I wish to repeat these words to you. I Thank you very much for the prayers and rituals you performed for me. Only because of those prayers and rituals, I am healthier by mentally and spiritually. Swamiji once again thanks to you, your prayers and rituals. As a result of those prayers and rituals I am doing well in my job also. Please continue to bless me. Rama N Prasad, Douglas, MA Swamiji, even though I wish to express a lot, I wish to tell the same only in few words. “Thank you and Please bless me and my family. A. Thomas, West Palm Beach, FL Revered Siddhar, I am amazed with your knowledge. I am a regular reader of the magazine Karma. Please provide me with a copy of Sri. Atharva Soolini Durga’s photograph. From your article on Sri. Atharva Soolini Durga I understood that, you are the only person to remove the evil spirits from me. Please remove that evil spirits from me and make me as one of the best human beings in the entire worlds. Bushan Lal Kaw, Edison NJ Respected Swamiji, I am on an official visit around New York. I came to access your monthly magazine Karma at the hotel where I stayed. It is really a fantastic magazine having all the spiritual information. Please bless me and my family and please be kind enough to mail a copy of the magazine to my Indian address. Thank you very much and Namaskars Swamiji.

Marcellus Cooper, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Swamiji, two months back I wrote you a letter stating that I and my family are affected by the spell of some evil spirits. Taking that letter as an emergency petition, you performed some wonderful Thantric Rituals to remove the spell of those evil spirits. Now we all are doing OK. I and my entire family submit our worships to your lotus feet daily. Thank you very much for making our life very fine. Jayanth Nathan, Buffalo Grove, IL Swamiji, only because of your wonderful Thantric Rituals, I am having a smooth family life now. I thank you very much for making my life a peaceful one. Even though there is no limit for your blessings, once again thank you very much Swamiji. Ramchandra Lakhani, Dublin, OH Thank you very much and Namaskars Swamiji. You have made our gone down business as the best. Our entire lives are dedicated to your golden feet. Om Namashivaya. Rani Lakkshmi Vadhwani, Kaysville, UT Swamiji, only because of your blessings and prayers my marriage is settled. My Namaskars to your golden feet. Asha Ratan Lal, Los Angels, CA Dear Swamiji, Namaskars. Only because of the wonderful magazine Karma, I contacted you. After your powerful Thantric rituals, my business is growing vigorously. Thanks for making me as the happiest businessman. Thanks and Namaskars once again. Siddharji you have done a great miracle with my son, who was addicted to drinks. Now he is fine. Once again thanks Swamiji. Karma 69

Christina Doopraj, Helena, MT I am a Guyanese living in MT. Thank you very much for the wonderful consultation given to me. Your words, actions and thoughts on the humanity are amazing. Only because of your holy thoughts you are leading a great and exemplary life. Only because of your Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals, I came out of the black magic problems. Thank you very much for you and your wonderful spiritual magazine Karma. Swathi Gaddam, Kahului, HI Maharaj, Namaskars. I used to read the magazine Karma through the website. After reading the articles on astrology, I approached you to solve the problems caused by my close relatives. You cleared everything with your wonderful mantra, thantra and yantra powers. Now I am very happy. Suresh Mathigadda, Lake City, MI Thanks a lot Swamiji for your wonderful contribution of the magazine Karma to enlighten the entire human race. Radhekrishna, Dayton, OH Thank you very much Swamiji for bringing out an ego free temple in my town. I came to the Temple after learning the news from the magazine Karma.Even though I wish to contribute a lot to the Temple and the magazine. I am not able to do so because of my poor earnings. Please kindly accept me as a volunteer to the Temple. Baba Wilman, Camden, SC Swamiji, Namaskars. Even though I have spoken with a lot of scholars, saints and monks, I have never felt the energy from anybody. While talking to you, I felt a great energy and aura from you. Thank you very much for giving such a wonderful experience to me. Anna Andrews Eagle River, WI My entire family is indebted to Siddhar. My only son has come out of his drug addiction only due to the miraculous spiritual healings from Swamiji Siddhar. Thanks for the wonderful magazine Karma for connecting our family with Swamiji. Karma 70

George Chen Mattawan, Choteau, MT Dear Swamiji, Thanks for bringing out a great spiritual magazine Karma to enlighten the community. I am very happy to read the article Vedic Astrology. After reading that, I requested you to clear off the problems in my career. With the power of mantras, you cleared off all the problems in my career. I and my family members are very happy now and we all have become the regular readers of the magazine. We have also become as your ardent devotees. Rajasekar, Beltsville, VA I got married five years back. I had no kids. After reading the magazine Karma, I approached Swamiji Sri Siddhar to solve the problem. He found that due to some black magic we were unable to get good kids. He performed some Thantric rituals and blessed us. Now my wife is pregnant. Thanks to Swamiji for blessing us. Ketan Shah, Pueblo, CO Swamiji, I came to know about your good self and the temple through the wonderful magazine Karma. I approached you to fix the marriage problem of my daughter. Swamiji My daughter’s marriage is fixed now after a long time only by your blessings. Charles Misty, La Fayette, GA Dear Dr. Commander, I am a regular reader of the magazine Karma. Due to some kind of ill spirits, my only son has become a drug addict. By your great power, you brought my son out of his bad habit and you have given him a new life. Thank you very much for this. I do not keep any kind of photographs other than yours in my prayer. As I do not know to say thanks in your language, I say as “my entire family’s lives are surrendered to you”. Thanks. Nayak K Patel Houston TX Swamiji, even though I am a multi millionaire, I had no peace of mind. Only after your consultations, I am getting peace of mind. Please bless me and my family with the same continued piece of mind. Namaskars.

Neelam Harsha VA Swamiji, I am really blessed. I am one of the poorest families living under the help of the Government. You came and blessed our home during your visit to Virginia. Thanks and Namaskars Swamiji. Siddhartha Ray Fairfax VA Thanks a lot Swamiji. You gave wonderful definition to the life path during the stsang at Rajdhani Mandir here. I bow my head to your speech. Ram Shevak Pantopadhyaya NJ Thanks A lot Swamiji for bringing out such a wonderful magazine. It is very much useful to the entire human race. Please bless New Jersey also with an ego free temple. Raja Xavier CA Swamiji I am a Tamil Christian I am always very much proud to be a Tamilian. Now days I feel more proud because you are also a Tamilian. Only the kings and Emperors did these kind of Herculean tasks. As a Tamilian you have did it. My best wishes and salutations to you Swamiji. Ranganatha Mahopadhyay Dallas TX Namaste Swamiji. I am a Sanskrit Scholar and pundit. I retired from an esteemed university in India. I feel very proud of you. In this very young age you have learnt a lot of things. I pray Ambamaa to bless you with a long and happy life for the benefit of the entire human race. Salami Irfan Houston TX Dear Swamiji, In shah Allah. I had many black magic problems. Without considering my community you did wonderful rituals to come out of the black magic done on my family. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot more to Siddhitimes for introducing such a wonderful Swamiji to me. Maasha Allah. Tarik K Tanweer CT Swamiji I approached you to solve my marriage problem. You calculated my horoscope and solved the problems in my marriage life. Now I got married and I am in family way. I humbly request you to calculate

the horoscope for my kid and bless all of us. Thanks and Namaskars Swamiji. Shiva Santa PA Swamiji, only because of your wonderful blessings and rituals I lead a hale and healthy life. You have cured the worst disease, that effected my entire life. Thanks a lot for you and your wonderful magazine. Sant Gupta , AZ Siddhar Swamiji, Thanks for blessing me. I was jobless. I approached you after reading the magazine Siddhitimes. Considering my situation you performed wonderful rituals and solved all the problems in the most spiritual way. I wish to donate $51.00 every month towards Siddhitimes. Please accept this donation. Namasthe Swamiji. Narayanaswamy Atlanta Vanakkam Swamij. I realized you as a “Mahapurush�. When I approached you to solve the problems you considered me as your family member and solved the problems in a wonderful spiritual way. My humble salutations for your great knowledge and wisdom. Ramba tenuja IL Swamiji thanks a lot to you and your wonderful magazine. Only because of the magazine I came to know about you. I approached you to make me the best in sports. With your wonderful mantra power you made me an excellent sportswoman. My pranams to you. Ratnakar Mehrotra San Jose CA Pranams Swamiji. Only because of your blessings my son has got his graduation in medicines. Now he is going to start his own office. Please keep your continued blessings on our entire family. Thanks and pranams. Fredrick Victor AL Dear Dr Commander Siddhar, I am a Christian. I do not know how to make the salutations as per Hinduism. First I apologize for it. You cured my mental problems and you have made me as the best human. Thanks once again for it. Karma 71

Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar How to Teach Manners to a Toddler It’s never too early to teach little ones good manners. Even kids who cannot yet speak can learn to communicate by signing words with their hands. While learning to share is a life-long lesson for all of us, it’s especially crucial during the tender ages between two and four. Likewise, greeting others warmly is a trait that many youngsters can manage when encouraged on a regular basis. Like all aspects in parenting, teaching manners is never easy, but here are a few tried and true tips for sticking with it and being successful.

Children who cannot speak yet are still able to communicate these words by learning a little sign language. For example, when you say “please,” make the sign for it at the same time. This reinforces the sign and the verbal word while giving your pre-verbal child a way to communicate back. As you repeat this often, your child will pick up the sign and begin to sign “please” when she asks for something.


2. Be persistent and consistent. This means once you introduce manners, stick with it and rehearse the trait several times a day. Make it a part of everyone’s behavior. It may take time, but young ones are smart and will get it. Teaching manners early in life will pay dividends long after they’re out of the house (not that you want to think about that yet!).

1. Begin with two or three nice words such as “please” “thank you” and “excuse me” and then introduce more as your child begins to grasp their understanding.

3. Model the behavior and language you desire in your child. Children make you better people because they mirror the way you act. 4. Provide plenty of positive feedback when they’re signing their words or demonstrating self-control such as waiting in line patiently or helping a friend put away toys. Let them know how polite and thoughtful their actions are to others.

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· Say and sign “please” and “thank you” when talking to others in your world -your spouse, relatives, friends, etc. -- so your children will witness and value what you’re teaching them. Ask caregivers to join in as well.

5. Have fun with it. Remember that teaching manners is often the first step in getting young ones to think beyond themselves. Some families have “antimanners” dinners where all rules are thrown out the door. Try sticker charts to reinforce positive behavior or a “manners” month for those who may need

a refresher. It won’t happen overnight, but when you see them in action, you’ll be so proud. It’s not uncommon to first see the fruits of your labor when you’re out of the house, around others, or visiting Grandma and Grandpa. EditTips

· Keep up with the praise, practice and patience. · The benefits of teaching your children sign language are immense. For example, you’ll then be able to non-verbally remind your child to say “please” and “thank you” from across the room once they’re able to talk.

· Start signing to your child as a baby. You can start as early as six months. Once they sign and understand some basic words such as “more,” “eat,” and “all done,” then introduce “please,” “thank you” and “share.” You can start teaching first word signs as early as six months of age.

· Be your child’s role model. Children generally follow their parents’ examples, so be that good example. · Use every opportunity to teach the importance of being well-mannered. With most young kids eating three meals and two snacks by 12-months of age, there will be plenty of practice. Karma 73

came from. No matter how you feel about money, it’s good goal for a parent to assist your child in growing up to be a financially responsible and secure adult.

-Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar How to Raise Children to Be Rich Many of the skills and attitudes needed to become ‘rich’, if that is a value that you desire for them to have, begin to develop in childhood, along with all other lifetime skills. If you want your child to grow up to become the next Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Tiger Woods, or, if you just want to encourage the development of habits and skills that will help your child eventually have the ability to not only earn, but to become more responsible with money, it is never too early to start, and for you to be a good example. Edit Steps 1. Examine your own beliefs and feelings about money. Do you believe that earning an income is a privilege and challenge; a good thing that can help you achieve your dreams and goals, or do you see it as a “necessary evil” to getting through life? If your thoughts tend toward the latter, you’ll have a hard time convincing your child that building wealth is a good thing. It’s difficult to instill positive financial values that will help your child achieve success if they come into conflict with your own. Carefully think about your attitudes toward money and where they Karma 74

2. Evaluate and address your own spending habits. If you spend more than you earn, or if you spend your money frivolously and neglect to save and invest, don’t expect your child to develop better habits. If you’re currently having trouble providing for your family’s basic needs, and money is a constant source of stress in your household, consider looking carefully at how you are modeling spending habits and the work ethic. Identify your problem areas, and work to correct them. Develop a budget and stick to it. Start saving money and invest for retirement and college funding, even if it is in very small amounts. These steps will have benefits right now for the entire family and will set a good example for your child to follow. 3. Appraise your general work ethic. Hard work over time is the only way to financially succeed for most people. Are you a conscientious worker? Have you tended to change jobs often, unsatisfied with your career? If so, discuss with your child how you are determined to alter the choices you’ve made regarding work. A large part of thinking positively about making an income is in having a job you enjoy. If you are not happy in your work, take action and make realistic plans to get a different job. This is a valuable lesson for your child to experience. Watching you make these tough changes will have a lasting impression on your child. 4. Think about the values you want to instill in your child. Most everyone has mixed feelings about money and about work. Examine how you feel about the ways you make and spend your income.

Talk to your child about your goals and methods - don’t send mixed messages. If you want your child to aspire to build wealth, espouse the virtues of making plans, persistence in following them, and accepting roadblocks along the way. Be careful what you say about the wealthy and what they choose to do with their wealth. It’s what you do with yours that counts. Avoid making comments that suggest having wealth is somehow wrong; rather, emphasize the good that can be done by earning an income and then using it to advance your goals, to include helping others. At the same time, discuss how wealth, in and of itself, doesn’t necessarily brings happiness. Praise the ingenuity and work ethic of financially successful people while also encouraging your child to be ethical, charitable, and socially responsible with money. Avoid complaining about your job around your children. While this is a common feeling for many of us, if this is what a child observes day in and day out, it may instill in them the feeling that work is negative and something to be avoided. 5. Look carefully at your work habits. Successful adults are more likely to spring from secure homes, where parents have enough time to spend with their children, teaching and modeling important life skills. If you realize that you feel that you have to work constantly to support your children, reconsider your decisions and find a way to do with less, showing your child that you value them by spending time with them rather than making more money to buy more. While your children may make comments that others have more material items than you do, you’ll be able to point out that, by having less things, you have more time for each other, which is much more valuable in the long run.

6. Invest in your child’s education early on, making this a high priority as early as possible. Planning for education is likely to lead to better results. Look for the best educational experience for your child, whether in a public or private school, from the beginning, in kindergarten or pre-school, one that will challenge your child and prepare him or her for college or other advanced technical training in the area(s) they are interested in. 7. Encourage your child to do their best in everything they do, especially in school. Early on, encourage your child to get good grades, but stress the importance of doing as well as they can and then being happy and satisfied that they did just that, no matter the grade. This will develop in them the attitude that what’s important is the energy they put into it, not necessarily someone else’s impression of that effort. For sure, if your child is getting poor grades, you must be involved and ask why they are not doing better. Be ready to help them address any problems they may have with learning, and make sure your home is an environment conducive for studying. Seek advice from teachers and school counselors. Consider getting a tutor if your child is still struggling. Instilling a feeling of satisfaction in achieving good academic performance, you can help your child on the path to self-reliance and self-esteem. 8. Be careful not to over-emphasize the value of accumulating money to your child, but rather what can be accomplished with it. Most every parent, at some point, says that “money doesn’t grow on trees.” It’s important that children understand that making money requires initiative and hard work. All too often money only enters the discussion when you’re refusing a child something, and this can cause your child to see money as a Karma 75

source of stress, rather than as a means to accomplish their goals. 9. Teach your child about budgeting early on, by finding ways for them to earn and manage money. Teach your child about budgeting early on, by finding ways for them to earn and manage money. If you provide your child with an allowance, help them to develop a budget that includes making short and long-term goals that include a savings plan, no matter how small. Teach them about investments and the miracle of compound interest. Be careful not to bail them out if they spend their money too quickly. Let them experience the consequences of their actions while they live under your roof. If a child wants something that they could reasonably save up and buy with their allowance or earnings, teach them how to set aside a little money each week so that they can eventually buy the item, and have them keep track of their savings. 10. Be very cautious in insisting that a child must work at a young age. A child’s job is to grow and learn, not earn a living. Do not make your teenager get a job. Resist this temptation - there’s plenty of time to work for a wage after their education is complete. This is the surest way to cause them to feel that earning a living is not a positive and rewarding experience. Mowing lawns, cleaning their rooms or common areas in the house, helping with dishes - these are all tasks that come with sharing a living a space. Avoid paying them an allowance for these endeavors. Instead, reward them for assisting other family members in getting their personal chores done, or for setting up and running a lemonade stand, or helping a neighbor with a project. Remember - ‘working’ is not a responsibility of childhood - ensure Karma 76

they have time to be kids. Those who do well in life, financially, do so because they enjoy doing what they are doing. If your teen insists they want to work a summer job rather than pursuing other learning experiences, because they have set a goal that requires funds, that’s all right, of course, but help them to develop a good work ethic and appreciate the value of a balanced life of work and play and relaxation. 11. Encourage your teen to think about the future by sharing your financial plans with them. Discuss the importance of setting goals early, but also in being flexible as changes must be made along the way. Building resilience and flexibility are great life skills to appreciate and learn early on. Encourage your child, even while in elementary or middle school, to think about what they want to do “when they grow up.” Emphasize that they may change their minds a few times, but have them research their choice and write out a plan of how they might accomplish it. By thinking through a plan with timelines and goals at a young age, they will develop the ability to list what’s required to reach those goals and how to earn the funds they’ll need to fulfill their dreams. Help them be realistic in setting attainable financial goals, but be careful not to set unnecessary limits. With hard work and persistence we can all do amazing things. It’s important for our children to understand that building wealth is a lengthy process for most of us, but that they can have or do just about anything they want if they’re willing to set goals for themselves and conscientiously work toward those goals. Patience is a virtue. 12. Since starting and running a business is one way your child can become wealthy, guide them into starting a very small one, such as raising earthworms or even just

selling candy. Encourage spending a little of it, and investing the remainder--either by expanding the existing business or starting a new one. 13. If your child is good at something at a young age (like football, baseball, or electronics) ask them if they have fun doing that, and ask them how they got so good. Only do this if they can make a lot of money doing it. o But warning: DO NOT PUSH THEM TO BE PERFECT AT IT. All kids get better with time. For example, straight A’s would be amazing, but a couple B’s are okay. Just tell them they did great and help them do better next time. o Also, if they want to stop, ask them if they’re sure they want to stop and let them know the bad things about quitting it, and let them know all the things they would be giving up by quitting. If you make them continue, they are most likely going to quit once you can’t control them anymore. EditTips ·Feed your children positive reinforcement. Read to them often, and make sure it is something instructive or uplifting. My mother used to leave Norman Vincent Peale’s power of Positive Thinking books in the bathroom. Many parents these days lead busy, exhausting lives and don’t have the time or energy to read to their children. That’s okay. Take them to the library and check out audio books and play them at home or in your car. You could also download free audio, such as Think and Grow Rich at websites like this www.thinkgrowrich.com. ·Give your children every opportunity to network with people who are happy in their chosen careers. Give them the

opportunity to experience the value of talking with others, and networking with those with similar interests. · Let your kids fail while under your roof. This is much better than waiting until they are of college age, or older, before they make less desirable choices that have a long-term, or permanent, impact. Avoid letting them constantly fall back on you, however. Let them learn selfreliance. Help them through really tough, unexpected times, but in general let them see failures as learning experiences. Successful people typically leave behind a long string of failures, but they learn from them and bounce back. · Encourage your children to follow things that they are passionate about, along with choosing one out of these that is also financially rewarding · If your children sincerely admire the accomplishments of successful people, they are more likely to emulate them. If they work hard and efficiently, chances are that they will attain good results in life. They should make their own success, be competitive, original, honest, optimistic and work hard. · Remember that money is not the key to happiness. · There are lots of ways to become financially independent. While you may have a set career path that you would like your child to take, don’t force him or her into your dream. Give your children advice and model satisfaction with your career, but let them make their own choices. If they can find something they enjoy doing, they will be more likely to put in the necessary work to become successful. Encourage and support continued interested and inclusion of hobbies or arts in future work plans. Karma 77

Thantra is a subject that evokes awe, confusion and at times opposition and distaste in the uninitiated. It is a branch of human endeavor that has its beginnings in the dim past. The methods it employs have many things in common with other similar practices in many other ancient cultures. Today, however, the Thantric system alone maintains a complete, unbroken initiatory system that is even now being practiced by many persons in India.

I started my spiritual practices at an early age and have been a Thantra practitioner for many years. By way of introducing the subject, let me say that “Thantra” is a very general term, and that in Shakta (Goddess-focused) Thantra alone there are many distinct subsects, some of them largely unknown except by their own initiates. In the Agasthya tradition initiation by a guru is the very core, because the Guru passes on the powers and traditions to the sishya at the moment she/he places his foot on the Shishya’s head. They then remain dormant; and as you practice sincerely and properly, the knowledge opens up like a flower and you have the whole knowledge of the lineage (the parampara) to be taken and used. It just flows out like a stream.

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But for a practitioner, it is unnecessary to gauge the antiquity of the system. The very basis of the practice is unsullied belief. That is why Parasurama says “Vishwaasabhooyishtam Pramaanyam” “The belief is the authority”. A practitioner should, first and foremost, practice the system and reap its benefits. And so I do not propose to go into the history of Thantra except very briefly. Those who want to know full details, if they approach me as a guru, I am ready to teach them on the subject that elaborate on specific areas of practice. The basic concept of Thantra is attributed to Parasurama, the 6th Incarnation of Vishnu. His work Parasurama Kalpasoothra (The Aphorisms of Parasurama), is the basic Bible of Thantrics. There are Shakta, Shaiva, Vaishnava, Ganapathya and Saura Thantras to name just a few schools. In every school, the main Deity is treated as supreme and all other deities as lower. This is so as to instill complete devotion on the practitioner in the initial stages.

Thereafter as one progresses the Sadhaka realizes that “All is one” and still later that “Thou art That”. If you have full grace of the Guru, this realization comes fast. In Shakta tradition, there are ten great Devathas or, as stated in Sanskrit “Dasa MahaaVidyaas” [i.e., “Ten Mahavidyas”]. Practicing the rituals associated with some of them is really difficult. There are various systems in Indian spiritual practices that have granted benefits to practitioners. They can easily be categorized broadly as: The Vadic System: (i.e., the system based on the Vedas). This approach deals with detailed Rituals, requiring strict discipline over long periods; various materials (some of which are now not available, even in India); and strict training under well versed Vedic scholars. It is a rather difficult thing for those who are not willing to spend long periods of ascetic life.

different in content and quality from ordinary spiritual practices, in which a great emphasis is laid on renunciation, restraint, etc. It is said that, by Thantric practices, one attains both the worldly pleasures and ultimate realization without any form of renunciation. In fact renunciation is frowned upon in this system (though a certain amount of discipline is called for). The Thantric Practices were and are still shrouded in great secrecy from its very nature. The injunction given to the initiate is: “Give up your Kingdom (i.e. all your worldly possessions), give your life, but do not give the main Mantra to anyone.” Now, because of passage of time, there has been a blurring of the lines of distinction between Vaidic and Thantric practices. Vaidic practices have indeed taken some parts from Thantra and vice versa. But I personally feel that keeping the two streams separate is a great necessity to gain maximum advantage.

The Yogic System: (based on Pathanjali’s Yoga Sutras). Again, this approach requires long and arduous discipline under highly qualified teachers. To the best of my knowledge the West has few such teachers. But many unqualified persons are creating great physical, mental and spiritual damage to those who study under them. Like the Vaidic system, Yoga requires a certain amount of renunciation and is intended for ultimate realization of Godhead. The Thantric System: The Thantric practices are slightly

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Misconceptions about Thantra Thantra has always been a secret path. At all times there were opponents. That is why we are taught never to give away our mantra: It is a specific injunction that a person shall not be initiated into Thantra without specific testing as to suitableness. Vaidikas - the followers of Veda - on many occasions derided the Thantra path. But there are also references in Puranas extolling virtues of Thantra. People in the West have not seen or been made familiar with all the Thantric practices -- even by those who have opened parts of it to the West. Thus, the West was mistakenly led to believe that Thantra is nothing but “glorified sex”. This misperception has led many astray, and has kept many really deserving persons away from the practices. It has also brought many sexually unsatisfied persons to what they think is “Thantra”. It has helped many people to cash in on the “fad” and the “need”. But let me clarify once and for all that THANTRA IS NOT ALL ABOUT SEX. Real sexual practices may play some role in the first stages -- and at certain much, much higher stages -- but it is not the be-all and end-all of Thantra. Because, you must understand, sex in Thantra simply plays the same role as in ordinary life. We have sex in our life but sex is not what we live for. It has its role in the psychological and procreative spheres. In the same way does sex has some role in Thantra. But it is not an essential thing. In Thantra there are three sub-divisions: 1. The Dakshinachra. The Right-Hand Path, which is closely linked to Vaidic practices;

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2. The Vamachara. The Left-Hand Path, which partakes all that is good from all systems and is essentially Kundalini Yoga. Here, all differentiation between good and evil are destroyed. It is also called the Kaula Path. 3. The Samayachara. This is a purely mental process. The Vamachara system has gained great notoriety because of its use of various items like Meat, Alcohol and sex in the practices. Actually, this is a misplaced notoriety. These items are only given the same amount of usage they receive in ordinary life!! If anybody uses these items in excess in ordinary life, it is not a good thing. And the same principle applies to Thantra as well. Furthermore, the interpreters have indicated time and again that these can be replaced with symbolic items. The greatest danger of the path is that powers come to you easily and fast along this path; but any misuse leads to eternal damnation. The first and last systems have no physically sexual content. The system that is chosen by a practitioner will depend on his or her mental attitudes and spiritual development as assessed by the teacher. But before starting the practices, a student must assess his or her own fitness for the system. He/She must ask: Am I capable of unconditional love? Am I willing to spend the time and energy to lead a life that -- from daybreak to nightfall will be governed by secret co-relation with Thantric practices and attitudes?

The greatest beauty of Thantra is that once the student becomes a full fledged practitioner, she/he will no longer be governed by the normal rules of Karma. Outwardly she/he will be leading a normal existence but inwardly she/he will be leading a very balanced life, so that all actions are properly identified and hence she/he will not be bound by the Karmic link and she/he will always be free from the Karma of all his actions, because she/he has the right attitude. The Karmic bond is snapped once for all once the student becomes a real Thantric. She/ he is no longer bound by the mundane differentiations of good and bad. The dualities in life cease to have any role!! Beginning a Thantric Practice It is said in Thantra that for a person to be initiated properly into Thantra one must verily be SHIVA himself, or that it must be his last incarnation on earth. What usually happens is that sometimes persons who are not fully evolved also get initiated because of some past good fortune. They will keep on doing the practices without any substantial benefits. But suddenly, at some stage, the realization dawns on them out in a further life -- and they get a full-fledged initiation and realize the ultimate truth. For a Thantric practitioner, every day is a new birth, bereft of the Karma of the past day. He will have no baggage to carry around! But there are certain injunctions that must be remembered always:

this injunction has little force now as the practices are now coming out of the secret places where they used to be practiced.) · Practice daily and regularly. · Never misuse the powers that you MAY gain for harming others, because with that all effects of the practice will cease. (Some people think that because they destroy the karmic bonds, they can do ANYTHING bad. This is wrong and will be visited with grave consequences.) · Always ask the mind why a certain urge is coming; whether it is pure and whether it will hurt ANYBODY. ANYTHING that will hurt ANYBODY shall not be done. But practices that need to be done for spiritual progress can be done, so long as you keep it from the knowledge of anybody who will be hurt by the knowledge. · The basic position is that we must realise that WE ARE GOD and all GOD’s powers are available to us. The only difficulty is that we do not recognise that; and once we do that, then WE ARE GOD.

One must always strive to find the Guru and when you find him/ her, you will have completed 90 percent of the Journey. Lalitha Parameswari is the Goal at the end of the Journey. To find whether you are fit to become a Thantric · Do not let a non-initiate know you are a Thantric Practitioner, as there is feel free to contact me @ USA Toll chance of derision, and this will affect Free 1-888-808-1418 or email to the aural body of the practitioner. (But avtemple@aol.com Karma 81

emotions. For dissolving these blockages and the resulting problems Swamiji wants to invite to a Darshan. You can thus start expressing the true self without shyness and with full honesty.

The word “Darshan” comes from Sanskrit and means sight, looking, showing, and teaching. It is mostly used to describe the instance of seeing a holy person. Darshan also refers to the spiritual vision or awareness in which you experience the Divinity inside your heart and soul. It is a group meditation and a group healing. Many people using the names as Sri Sri, Gurji, and Guru Maharaj, give darshan to many people in this country. But it is a fact that none of them practically knows how the energy works? None of them are practicing Atharva Veda or Atharva Vedic astrology. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the only Swamiji, who practices Atharva Veda in the entire western countries. None of these people will say to the devotees that they will give the spiritual salvation for the troubles of the devotees or followers. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the only Guruji, who says as “I will get spiritual salvation for the problems from the Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas through the rituals”. In Tamil there is an old saying “Siddha Darshanam Shiva Darshanam”. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar’s Darshan is designed to bring back the feelings into life. He wants to give training for the mind not to control the feelings too much. He gives an introduction on how to come from head to heart so that blockages in the heart chakra can be dissolved. These blockages were created by suppressing feelings and Karma 82

Swamiji will guide into the meditation in which everyone will make a journey to his or her own heart. He will then come close to each person and hold their hands and look in their eyes. In this time he will be reciting Mantras, which are holy prayers, to activate the energy of the individual Chakras and to send healing energy into them. His touch and the Mantras give the needed energy to finally open the heart chakra and to feel what is inside. Swamiji always points out that it is important to let everything flow that is inside. In this way one gets wonderful energy during a Darshan. When people open their hearts, some of them are laughing, others dancing, others are crying because their pain is finally released. People sense a calm and loving energy, which leads to inner peace. The blockages are dissolved and the physical problems eased. Anyone can come to Darshan with Swamiji to raise the energy levels in their chakras and to open their hearts. Darshan is also suitable for those who have had an individual treatment with him and wish to maintain the resulting energies for a longer period of time. Swamiji makes this gift available to everyone. Donations for the Ashram and his charitable projects are welcome. Everybody who has already felt the amazing “Darshan Energy” with Swamiji is most welcome to share his or her experience with us. To know more and more about darshan or any other related subjects and to solve your problems in the best spiritual manner contact the office of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar @ USA toll free 1-888-818-1418 or email to avtemple@aol.com

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