Sat May issue 2014

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South Asia Times Vol.11 I No. 10 I may 2014 I FREE s o u t hasiatim .au Editor: Neeraj Nanda


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CECA BJP Victory Read on page 5

Amitabh Bachchan spices up IFFM-2014 Read on page 38-39

Victoria & Federal budgets - Read on pages 6-7-8-9-10 - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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Why Others Fail To Grow Your Hair? Brought to you by the Australian Hair & Scalp Clinic By Martin Khor


ost medical hair loss centres use a very limited form of treatment such as the drug Propecia (finasteride). This reduces male hormone levels to treat hair loss. Unfortunately male hormones are only one of many other factors that cause hair loss. Therefore this treatment is far too limited. Further problems with finasteride use include decreased sex drive in males and a slow therapeutic response time where visible results can only be achieved after 6 to 12 months. Also finasteride has not been indicated for use in women because of possible side effects. Minoxidil is another medical hair loss treatment that only works temporarily. After stopping use, hair loss occurs again, often even worse than before. Side effects of Minoxidil include swelling of the face, blurred vision, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, rapid weight gain and increased hair loss. Because there are so many different medical causes of hair

loss, doctors often focus on treating the disease only. Unfortunately, these treatments usually do not regrow their patients’ hair back. For example some specialists treat skin disorders to treat hair loss. This results in delayed treatment for the actual hair loss. The Solution Hair loss is often a symptom of an internal medical disorder. However, hair usually doesn’t grow back when doctors only treat the disorder. Hair regrowth requires specific treatment. Also further hair loss will occur if we only treat the hair and scalp (external condition) and not treat the internal body cause. Therefore all relevant internal and external causes of hair loss must be addressed. The most effective way to treat hair loss is to address these factors, specifically by adjusting body imbalances, activating hair follicles, improving the hair and scalp environment and enhancing hair nourishment. The safest way to achieve all of this is to choose a natural/herbal based treatment solution. Need help? Call 1800 001 101 or go to - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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South Asia Times

PUBLISHER/EDITOR Neeraj Nanda M: 0421 677 082

EDITOR (Hindi Pushp)

Dr. Dinesh Srivastava

SAT NEWS BUREAU/Australia (Melbourne) Neeraj Nanda


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South Asia Times

BJP victory: The proof of the pudding is in its eating This is not an edit. I have liberally quoted three people. In the absence of detailed information and statistics I had no other option. A detailed analysis of the Indian elections will appear in the June, 2014 issue.

Neeraj Nanda, Editor


elbourne: As we were going to press the results of the Indian elections have come in and it is clear the BJP and allies (National Democratic Alliance) have succeeded. Mr. Narendra Modi, Gujarat Chief Minister is to be the next Prime Minister of the world’s biggest democracy. He will be the second BJP leader to lead the country after Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee. The result has not come as a surprise because the exit polls had predicted a win for the BJP led NDA. The Congress which was in power for a decade has fared very badly and most of its losses have benefitted the BJP. It may be called an anti-incumbency wave or a pro Modi wave. Or,rather a combination of both. In states where the BJP is weak other parties have gained at the expense of the Congress. The performance of the TMC (West Bengal), AIADMK (Tamilnadu) and BJD (Odhisa) have been exceptionally good. But as the BJP itself has crossed half way mark, the support of these regional parties may not be needed by the NDA. One thing has to be understood that just because one combination has won with big money power (10,000 crore by some estimates) and campaigning does not mean the endorsement of its ideology and views by everyone. Yes, supporters of BJP-NDA (and gate crashers) might think so but it’s not the end of the tunnel for those on the other side of the fence. Defeat is bad but good are those who learn from mistakes and arrogance. Many Indians and overseas Indians have been reacting on the social media. One former journalist (name withheld) says: “The 2014 election verdict is clear. History will not absolve the Congress and the Left for their utter failure to integrate with the people and understand the feeling. They will be held responsible for bringing in the Right to power in India. Assam's Tarun Gogoi had the grace to accept the verdict and agree to resign. But what about the leaders of the Congress and the Left? Lacklustre leaders do not inspire and more so the corrupt leaders and their misrule. And as far as dynasty is concerned, all such dynasties have been rejected by the people. These so called leaders must resign and get out. They have failed.” Another friend (university mate) writes: “The second round of failed "shining India" begins today posing a serious challenge to progressive forces in India. It is not an unexpected beginning.I don't expect from the BJP - a party of Indian corporate, the big 25 capitalist houses - can perform better than its sister Corporate agent – Congress, which had already served its Masters for ten years. In fact, I expect in the coming days a tough life and more hardships for the Indian working class, peasantry, downtrodden,

poor and middle class of the country. This is because the Corporate would now obviously screw the BJP for more and more favours in order to return their investments they made in election campaign, and to increase their capital via the loot of the country's natural resources as well as human resources - the working class and farmers who are the backbone of Indian economy. Let us make ourselves ready to bear further hardships of price rise, barbaric privatization of the remaining public sectors, more concessions to Western capitalism through the MNCs and fragmentation of society on communal lines. We must be ready to witness that the poor will be further poorer while the rich will be further richer as a result of pursuing the Capitalist path of economic development.” Let us also come out from the fool's paradise that the BJP can provide good governance. There would be no much difference between the two established Corporate Parties – Congress and BJP. Does the BJP have a better track record of fair governance and being free from corruption and criminal charges? No, the record confirms that it is in the same boat on a driving seat with Congress. It is now high time for us to seriously think as how to work patiently and consistently to make India free from the dominance of Indian Corporate, Big Capitalist Houses, corrupt and criminal political goons and Mafia - an India where its population can get clean water, free education but linked with employment, free basic health facilities, safety, security, communal harmony, dignified life for the elders, women, kids and teachers. At the same time, we must be fully aware of those wolves with sheep clothing’s who try to achieve their vested and petty socialpolitical interests by propagating a theory of “Religious Political Unity”. A befitting reply rather a slap on such faces is what was said by the great hero of Indian freedom movement, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: A united Hindu-Muslim field struggle for the betterment of the society is a firm guarantee to strengthen the fraternal social fabric of the Indian society.” But there are also different views with caution. Pro BJP writer Chetan Bhagat writes: “It will be an unusual government, one of the rare times in our contemporary history that a party will be in power despite a public, near boycott by the Muslim community. In any case, a low percentage of Muslim population voted for BJP historically. With Modi, they have gone public with their disdain. Yet BJP has the upper hand. A large part of Modi’s appeal comes from his pro-development, proaction and can-do image. However, make no mistake. The verdict could spell an inflection point for

Hindu-Muslim relations and an alltime high of Hindu power in the country. Is that a good thing? Or is it a terrible thing? Well, both choices are available. The outcome of power, good or bad, depends on what the holders of power do with it. A kitchen knife has power. Used positively, a knife is a handy tool in the kitchen. Negatively, it can also be used to stab a person. The same applies here. What do BJP and the Indian majority do with this new Hindu power? Do we use it to settle scores with Muslims? Do we use it to establish a majoritarian, intolerant state where minorities are ‘put in their place’? Do we impose ourselves and say things like, ‘India is the land of Hindus’? Do we make laws more in line with Hindu religion? Frankly, we may have the power to do some of these things now. It may even appeal to sections of the population. How-ever, be warned. This would be an awful and terrible use of this power. In the long term, such a thought process will only turn us into a conservative, regressive, unsafe and poor country where nobody would want to come for business. Our neighbours like Pakistan and Bangladesh are prime examples of majoritarian states that have messed it up. Make no mistake, if this rise of Hindu power is not channelled properly, we risk turning into one of our neighbours. Anybody want that? So how this Hindu power should be used? Here are five areas towards which the new government and Hindu citizens’ efforts should be focussed. First, get India its rightful place in the world. India has to be shoulder to shoulder with the world’s economic powers. We need to be a high growth economy, with a stable business environment. The only risk a businessman, Indian or foreign, should take is a business risk. Political, regulatory or government uncertainty risk has to be minimal. There have to be fair, pro-business policies, with no ‘gotcha’ regulations like GAAR or retrospective taxes. Experts are available to tell us how to grow the economy; the will is missing. Let’s generate that will. Remember, little money means little respect in this world for a country, religion or community. Second, go after corruption. It bothers Indians and needs to be fixed. However, at present it also churns the wheels of our economic system. Draconian measures or finger pointing will solve nothing. It might bring the country to a halt. You don’t solve a blood contamination disease by cutting off the arteries of the heart. You make the blood pure again one pill, one small transfusion at a time. You don’t want all IAS officers or cops to stop working. You don’t want them to be corrupt either. Hence incentive structures, laws, mindsets and empowerment all need to be looked at. Indians - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

don’t want corruption solved next week. They just want a leader with genuine intent to solve it. You have your time, but fix it. Third, win over the Muslims. Even though Muslims may not have voted for BJP, it has to win them over and Hindus have to open their arms to them. This can only happen with love and understanding on both sides, but the onus is on us. BJP must care better than any imam ever did for Muslims. Of course, this doesn’t mean appeasement. It does mean making Muslims feel secure. It also means never encourage, but rather come down heavily on violent and fundamentalist acts or those that curb another’s personal liberty, irrespective of religion. Fourth, redefine secular – one of the most abused words in Indian politics today. Nobody can define it clearly. The simplest description is letting all religions coexist. But coexist how? Like oil and water? Or like milk and sugar? We have to strive for the latter. We have to blend in as Indians. Oil-and-water secular is not secular at all. It’s just vote-bank politics. Fifth, fix laws that keep us separate – no modern, liberal democracy has separate personal laws based on religion. These laws keep us separate in the ‘oil and water’ secular mode. Remove them. Same for Article 370 in Kashmir. It’s one country, one system. Apply for citizenship elsewhere if you don’t like the rules. We are at an unprecedented crossroads in Indian history. On one side, we have a chance to be one of the best in the world. On the other, we could mess it up with brazen abuse of power. I am an optimist. I’d like to think we shall all choose the former, and make India the great nation it deserves to be.” Chetan Bhagat might be right or is he is loud thinking? Can a ‘Sawamsewak’ abandon his ideological baggage? Hardliners have already called for a uniform civil code, a Ram temple in Ayodhya and the abrogation of Article 370. But the Indian Express Editor, Shekhar Gupta said recently in Melbourne, Modi will change. The new government will also not have the numbers in the Rajya Sabha to pass legislation. This situation may continue for a year or so. One has to wait and see what actually happens. India’s Constitution is the best protector of its people. The Supreme Court in the Keshvanand Bharti case (1973) had laid down that the constitution’s ‘basic structure’ cannot be changed. The ‘Basic structure’ broadly being according to Chief Justice Sikri - The supremacy of the constitution, a republican and democratic form of government, the secular character of the Constitution, maintenance of the separation of powers and the federal character of the Constitution.

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Main points of the Abbott/Joe Hockey Budget 2014 4$ 7 charge (Medicare co-payment) to see a GP, have a blood test or X-ray. For children and pensioners and others with concession cards, there will be no charge after 10 services a year. 4$ 5 increase in pharmaceutical prescriptions from January, 2015. It’s $ 6 now and will become $ 11. 4Family tax benefit B will be restricted to those with an income of less than $100,000 (at present, $150,000) and will be cut off when the youngest child turns six. 4The eligibility test for self-funded retirees seeking a Commonwealth senior’s health card will be tightened. 4Pension increases will be lower from 2017 when they will be

tied to the inflation level, instead of wages. The pension age will rise to 70 by 2035. 4Unemployed people aged under 30 will have to wait six months before receiving the ‘‘dole’’ (Newstart). 4People earning more than $180,000 will pay an extra 2 per cent debt levy for three years. 4A medical research fund, planned to reach $20 billion by 2020, will be funded from the Medicare co-payment. 4The budget deficit is projected to be cut from its present level of $49.9 billion to $17.1 billion by next financial year and just under $3 billion in the final year of the four-year budget cycle. source: COMPILED FROM DIFFERENT SITES

This is a Budget of broken promises built on lies: Bill Shorten Federal Budget Reply by Bill Shorten on 15th May, 2014.

Madam Speaker Tonight I rise to speak on behalf of millions of Australians who feel shocked and angry. Shocked by the brutality of this Government’s attack on their way of life. Angry at a Prime Minister who pretended to be on their side. This Budget divides our Parliament. More importantly, it will divide our nation. The Government says this Budget is just the beginning. And it is. The beginning of extreme policies with an extreme impact on the Australian people. This is just the beginning, turning Australia into a place most of us won’t recognise – a colder, meaner, narrower place. Losing our sense of fairness and our sense of community. I believe in a different Australia. An Australia where your destiny is not predetermined by your parents’ wealth or your postcode.A fair and prosperous nation populated by a creative and productive people. But this is not the Australia we saw reflected in the Budget on Tuesday night.On Tuesday night we saw the outlines of Tony Abbott’s Australia – an Australia divided into two societies.This was a ‘tax it or cut it’ Budget. Millions of Australians now know what Abbott’s Australia will look like: If you need to see a doctor, you will pay more. If you need to buy medicine, you will pay more. If you go to work and earn a good wage, you will pay more. If you have a family, your support will be cut. If you lose your job, your support will be cut. If you are a young person, you will be left behind. If you rely on a pension, you will be punished. And if you drive a car, even for that, you will have to pay more. And if you relied on the Prime Minister’s promises– then you were betrayed. This is a Budget of broken promises built on lies. And not just lies; systemic and wilful ones. A Budget that goes out of its way to create an underclass. A Budget with the wrong priorities for Australia. A Budget that confirms the worst fears Australians always had about this Prime Minister. Madam Speaker This is a Budget based on a myth. And now on the basis of this myth, a manufactured crisis, the Australian people have been ambushed with unconscionable changes.

Where is the decency? Where is the honesty? Where is the humanity in this Government? For a Prime Minister who campaigned to restore trust in our public life, he has let the country down – and badly.The Budget papers reveal the economic truth.Australia is fundamentally strong, and so is the legacy Labor left behind.Low inflation.Low interest rates. Net debt peaking at just one seventh of the level of the major advanced economies.A triple-A credit rating with a stable outlook from all three international ratings agencies – one of only eight countries in the world. Superannuation savings larger than the size of our whole economy. And around a million new jobs created.That’s what we left. Let’s call the Liberal Budget ‘emergency’ what it is: An attempt to justify the Abbott Government’s blueprint for a radically different, less fair Australia. From a Government that see the Australian people not as workers, parents, carers, patients or commuters but as economic units unentitled to respect. BROKEN PROMISES Madam Speaker The Australian people have now witnessed this Prime Minister repeatedly promising one thing before an election while doing something completely different after. Say what you like Prime Minister.Spin as hard as you can.Australians know a lie when they hear one.They can spot a phony when they see one.And they know when they’ve been deceived.This Budget underestimates the Australian people.Australians are up for hard decisions.But pay them respect, sit down, talk to them, and listen.No dancing past the hard questions.No lectures.No surprises.No excuses. What the Australian public expect are consistent structural changes aimed at the medium and long term. A Budget that invests in the future.That is, a Budget which points the way to an achievable destination but by a process, anchored in reasonableness. COST OF LIVING A nation’s economic confidence begins with the family Budget.And this is a budget that shows no understanding or respect for around 9 million family budgets.This is a Budget that will push up the cost of living for every Australian family.A Budget drawn up by people who have never lived from paycheque to paycheque.

Never sat at the kitchen table with a stack of bills to work out which ones they can put off and which ones have to be paid to avoid being cut off. People who don’t understand that increasing petrol tax will make the school run, the commute and driving the kids to weekend sport more expensive. So, I say to the Prime Minister, don’t lecture Australian families about hard choices.Do something to help them make ends meet. This morning I met with a young family from Queanbeyan. Karim and Radmilla have two daughters, Isabella aged 4 and Mary Therese aged 8 – and another baby due next week.Karim is a high school teacher.Like most Australians, Radmilla and Karim aren’t wealthy – they work hard to make ends meet.They balance their family budget, but some fortnights are harder than others.They worry about their washing machine breaking down out of warranty – or paying for new tyres on the family car. No matter how hard they try, the weekly shop never seems to cost less.It always seems like less than a month has passed since the last bill landed in the letter box. And if the Prime Minister gets his way – Radmilla, Karim and hundreds of thousands of Australians like them will be worse off every year. Madam Speaker The Government’s GP tax, the Hospital tax and the increased cost of medicines will cost this family more than $450 per year. Whenever they fill up their car – they will be slugged at the bowser. And when Term 3 starts, there will be no more SchoolKids Bonus to help with the costs of new books and new uniforms and shoes for their growing kids. This Prime Minister’s Budget will smash family budgets across the nation. NATSEM modelling shows that a couple with a single income of $65,000 and two kids in school will have over $1700 cut from their family budget.Add in health costs, and the Prime Minister is cutting nearly $40 from their weekly budget, every week. And under this Budget, the cuts will get deeper and deeper.More than tripling to almost $120 a week by the time of the next election. In 2016 this family will suffer cuts of over $6,000 per year.That’s around one in every ten dollars of the family budget gone.This is not a Budget shaped by the everyday life of - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

real people. MEDICARE Madam Speaker Medicare –universal access to healthcare – is fundamental to our Australian way of life.Labor created Medicare because we believe that the health of any one of us is important to all of us.We are all members of the Australian family and Medicare is, at its core, a family measure. And with it, we created a new community standard one that is now 40 years old.We reject a US-style, two-tiered system where your wealth determines your health. The Prime Minister once claimed he was the best friend that Medicare ever had but this Budget proves he is ideologically opposed to Medicare and its central principle of universality. The government proposes to establish a $7 GP Tax for visits to a general practitioner. The justification is that the Medicare system is too expensive and requires greater patient contribution. Yet the Budget reveals that not one dollar of the GP Tax will be returned to recurrent health spending.Not one dollar. The GP tax is being applied simply to break the universality of Medicare. The kind of thing you would expect from American Tea Party Republicans – not from a Liberal Party formerly committed to Medicare. And no hypothecation to a future fund – whether medical or otherwise – justifies the measure or the wilful breach of promise it entails. Taxing the sick won’t heal them.Making medicine more expensive won’t make us healthier.Yes, investing in medical research is crucial. All research is crucial.But you don’t fund the search for the cures of tomorrow by imposing a tax on the patients of today. Australians are smarter and more generous than this.But the GP tax does another thing.It seeks to turn Australian GPs into tax collectors. To dragoon them into the service of a


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completely ideological quest – to distract their time and attention from the immediate task of diagnosing and treating their patients. The Government has forgotten that general practitioners are the front line troops in our constant battle to keep Australians healthy. Only the government’s general contempt and disregard of them could lead it to impose such a burden on them. This Parliament has a choice – it is either for or against Medicare.I give you this commitment Madam Speaker.Labor will never, never give up on Medicare.We will fight this wicked and punitive measure to its ultimate end. $80 BILLION Madam Speaker In some ways, the worst thing the Treasurer said on Tuesday night didn’t actually come from his speech.It was concealed in the Budget papers.Hidden in the papers was a capricious, unconscionable attack upon health and education services. The Budget papers reveal an $80 billion cut to schools and hospitals – a cut for which there had been no discussion, no forewarning, not a shred of consultation. And let me repeat, Madam Speaker, the sum, – in case people might have missed the scale of it.Eighty thousand million, Madam Speaker – or in today’s parlance $80 billion.$50 billion dollars from hospitals.$30 billion dollars from schools. An attack on this scale is unprecedented. The Treasurer promised to bring forth massive savings, fairly applied.Instead, in an incompetent and cowardly way, he has outsourced the main burden of his savings task to the States. How could a collection of States with limited revenue possibly cope with these cuts? The Treasurer and the Prime Minister have hinted at the answer: a broader and heavier GST. The Prime Minister and the Treasurer are blackmailing the States with unconscionable cuts to turn them into the Commonwealth’s cat’s paw – A Trojan Horse to a bigger GST but absolving the Abbott Government of fingerprints or blame.This is how low this Budget’s formulations have taken us.Even John Howard was prepared to take his GST to the people and proselytise on it.But not Tony Abbott or big brave Joe Hockey. Never before has the scale of such an attack ever been mounted upon the States and never before so underhandedly.I make clear, Madam Speaker, that we on this side of the House will have no truck with these brutal and cruel cuts to hospitals and schools. EDUCATION Madam Speaker Labor is the party of education.We are the party that brought the dream of a university degree within reach of all Australians.We are the party that implemented the Gonski reforms for schools funding based on need.A $14.7 billion additional investment in Australian schools.But after this Budget, the Gonski reforms are dead, buried and cremated.But Labor is committed to making every Australian school a great school. It was my mother taught me the power of education.The pathway that it can provide. My mum was a teacher, winning a teaching scholarship in the early 1950s. She taught in city and country government schools. She travelled the world, she raised a family.And then studied again later in life. Mum never stopped being a teacher. She taught my twin brother and I everything.She taught me the value of education.Like all parents, what Chloe and I want for our children is a quality education. What separates Labor from the Liberals is: we want a quality education for all Australians. Because it is Australia’s productivity that will determine how we fare in the 21st Century.When I was at school there were 7.5 taxpayers to support each Australian aged 65 years or older.When our daughter was born in 2009, that ratio was five to one.By 2050 it will be only 2.7 to one. Labor knows the only answer to this

challenge is to make the right investments in skills and productivity. Only through education will Australia fully develop our economic potential, our scientific potential, our artistic potential – our people’s potential. That is why the Prime Minister’s $5 billion cuts to Higher education are so destructive. Cuts that mark the end of Australia’s fair and equitable higher education system.Cuts that bring down the curtain on the Whitlam university legacy.The legacy that gave Australians like Dr Cathy Foley, Astronomer Bryan Gaensler and author Tim Winton the chance to go to University.The legacy that gave Tony Abbott – and at least 12 members of his Cabinet the same opportunity. An opportunity that they now seek to deny the next generation of young Australians.This Prime Minister’s cuts to higher education sell-out Australian genius and reject Australian potential. Labor will vote against these cuts to university funding and student support. Labor will not support a system of higher fees, bigger student debt, reduced access and greater inequality.We will never tell Australians that the quality of their education depends on their capacity to pay. PENSIONS AND SUPERANNUATION Just as we will never tell pensioners to tighten their belts, again and again.This Prime Minister sees pensioners as a burden to the Budget.Labor rejects this. Labor believes that Australians who have worked hard all their lives, who have paid taxes all their lives – and if lucky, have a humble family home – have earned a dignified and secure retirement. Pensioners should not have to worry about whether or not they can afford to put on their heating, visit their doctor or buy a treat for their grandkids.Let’s be clear: the aged pension is not a king’s ransom.It is a modest sum.$20,000 a year. The reforms introduced by Labor guarantee the pension keeps pace with the cost of living.If the Prime Minister’s pension cuts had been in place for the last four years – today pensioners would be at least $1700 worse off. The Prime Minister’s breach of trust with pensioners isn’t just breaking a promise he made before the last election. He is breaking a promise Australia made with our fellow citizens forty and fifty years ago.At the start of their working life. A promise that if they worked hard and made a contribution, the nation would look after them in their old age. This Prime Minister’s cuts trespass against the nation’s covenant with pensioners. This Prime Minister’s lies and broken promises hurt every generation of Australians. Pensioners, and their sons and daughters, who are worried about the quality of life for their ageing parents.I make this solemn pledge to Australia’s pensioners.Labor will not surrender the security of your retirement.We will fight for a fair pension. And Labor will prevail. This Government’s failure to plan for the needs of older Australians is not just a problem for those currently on the aged pension. The Prime Minister and the Treasurer should not harangue Australians about working til they’re 70. If their only plan is for Australians to work longer and harder and retire later, with less. I have spent my adult life representing the people who do the real heavy lifting: tradespeople, labourers, cleaners, nurses and other Australians who make a living with skilled hands and strong backs. Many of them started work at 15 – don’t force them to work til they’re 70.Rather, empower Australian workers to save for retirement is so important.Labor wants Australia to have the world’s best retirement savings system. This Prime Minister wants Australia to have the world’s oldest retirement age.And in this Budget the Government continues to target the retirement savings of all Australians. The Abbott Government has cut superannuation– another broken promise.

It means more Australians will be reliant on a pension in the future.As Minister, I moved legislation in this parliament to raise super from 9 to 12 per cent. And reduced taxation on the modest superannuation contributions of Australians who earn $37,000 or less in a year.Yet one of the first acts of this Government was to abolish Labor’s Low Income Super Contribution.This was a cowardly raid on the retirement savings of 3.6 million low-income earners. Two thirds of those hurt by this change were women – who had moved in and out of the workforce to start and raise a family. How can this Prime Minister think it’s OK to pay multi-millionaires $50,000 that they don’t need. And yet rob the retirement savings of over two million women who earn less than that in a whole year? Prime Minister –how can you not see how unfair this is? JOBS Labor believes every Australian should be able to find good and fulfilling jobs with decent pay and conditions in productive and profitable enterprises.But for Australians under 30 who are looking for work, this Budget offers no hope.It offers despair.It offers poverty.It offers no plan for jobs. Prime Minister – where is your plan for jobs?The changes to Newstart are perhaps the single most heartless measure in this brutal Budget.Sentencing young people to a potentially endless cycle of poverty when they should be getting a hand to find a job. Is just a blame-shifting, cost-shifting measure that will put the price of unemployment on to Australian families. Prime Minister, how are people under 30 looking for work supposed to survive for six months on nothing? These are purely ideological changes that go to the very core of the Prime Minister’s character.They contradict every piece of expert advice. This Prime Minister’s vicious, victimblaming policy will create a forgotten generation of Australians – shut out of the workforce. Labor will have no part of this. LABOR BELIEVES Madam Speaker Australia does not have a budget emergency, as the Government claims, but it has a budget task. And that task, in the face of declining terms of trade and lower nominal income, is to change and reconfigure the Budget’s trajectory. To, over time, make certain that the combination and influences of Commonwealth spending and Commonwealth revenue come together to reduce the Government’s call on national savings. In short, Madam Speaker, to make our national budget sustainable.But make it sustainable in a fair and reasonable way.And why is this so important? Because the Budget supports and needs to support large numbers of dependent people, as it does families on modest incomes, and as it must, on schools and health. The Budget always needs a balance in its imposition on incomes, the contribution of companies, the incidence of its excises and those expenditures which underpin us as a civil society. Indeed, I believe, as a great social democracy.Labor has always held to these precepts. This is the kind of thoughtful responsibility I subscribe to.Recognising what needs to be done and going about the job of doing it.But this is not the framework this government has adopted. It is walking away from this kind of balance.This Budget is designed to change the essential compact of Australian society. It is conservatism taking it up to consensus – tugging away at the very struts that have held us together as a good and prosperous nation. This Opposition will support reasonable and balanced remedial budgetary measures but it will not support the conscious development of an underclass. - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

This is a Budget that would seek to demolish the pillars of Australian society: universal Medicare, education for all, a fair pension, full employment. The very things this Prime Minister promised not to touch, are the first casualties of his fabrications.Including new and higher taxes. This is the Budget of a Prime Minister and a Government who want to tear down everything Australians have built together. By contrast, Labor invests in our people to make our country stronger.Labor educates. Labor cares for all.Labor believes in an Australia writ large.We believe that economic growth comes from extending opportunity. We believe in a prosperous Australia: prosperity for everyone who works and prosperity which works for everyone.An Australia where your Medicare card – not your credit card – guarantees you access to quality healthcare. An Australia where the National Disability Insurance Scheme is a reality for people with disability, their carers and the people who love them – not a scapegoat for complaints about spending. Labor believes that a teenager in a regional town should be studying in a great school – and have the choice of a university education, learning a trade or taking up a rewarding job. We believe that science and innovation should be at the heart of national policy – because they are central to our prosperity. We believe in an Australia where small business can grow and thrive.An Australia that still makes things.An Australia with quality infrastructure – including digital infrastructure.An Australia where women are equal – and pays them equally. An Australia that is closing the gap and extending opportunities for the first Australians.Labor believes in an Australia that cares for its environment – and takes the science of climate change seriously. An Australia where multiculturalism is celebrated as a social and economic asset – not treated as sport for bigots and ideologues. An Australia that is a good global citizen, confident and engaged with the opportunities of the Asian Century. An Australia ready for the future, optimistic about the future and investing in the future. This Prime Minister and this Treasurer, talk a lot about the freedom of the market, deregulating and liberating. Of course, you can get rid of fairness and leave people to fend for themselves.That is a kind of freedom.Tonight I say to Australians there is another freedom. There is the freedom of integrity and the freedom of respect.The freedom that gives every person dignity and the right to be treated equally. There is a freedom of compassion and respect that gives individuals the opportunity to fulfil their potential.That is the freedom I believe in. This Budget undermines that freedom. This Budget weakens it.This Budget tears at the living standards of our people. And in doing so, this Budget tears at the fabric of our country. Madam Speaker On Tuesday, the Treasurer quoted from Robert Menzies’ ‘Forgotten People’.But the Government forgot a lot of people on Budget night.They are the Australians I speak on behalf of tonight, the Australians I am speaking to.The Government forgot you in its Budget – and it forgot what makes our country great. It forgot opportunity.It forgot reward for effort.It forgot the fair go.Well, Labor hasn’t forgotten.We still believe in fairness. We still believe in an Australia that includes everyone, that helps everyone, that lets everyone be their best, that leaves noone behind. This is the Australia that the Prime Minister has forgotten.And it is the Australia that Labor will always fight for. If you want an election, try us.If you think we are too weak – bring it on.But remember – it is not about you or I Prime Minister. It is about the future of our nation and the wellbeing of our people. Source: Bill Shorten Site

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2014-15 Victorian budget (Overview) The Victorian Coalition Government 2014-15 Victorian State Budget will deliver a once in a generation investment in State shaping infrastructure to create jobs, drive economic growth and boost productivity right across Victoria. Premier Denis Napthine said the Budget has delivered infrastructure and services for Victorian families and local communities right across the State, and will dramatically change how we move people, goods and services. “The Coalition Government has committed around $27 billion for State shaping infrastructure that will create jobs, boost productivity and build a better Victoria,” Dr Napthine said. “Through responsible economic management the Coalition is delivering better services through record funding for health, education, community safety and support for the most vulnerable in our community.” Treasurer Michael O’Brien said responsible economic management had delivered a budget that has ensured Victoria continues to have the strongest finances in Australia. “Today’s budget is about building a better Victoria and responsible economic management means we can deliver a record infrastructure program that will create jobs, boost productivity and deliver better quality services,” Mr O’Brien said. A growing Victoria The 2014-15 Victorian Budget delivers an estimated operating surplus of $1.3 billion in 2014-15, rising to $3.3 billion by 2017-18. Economy to grow by 2.5 per cent in 201415, rising to 2.75 per cent in 2015-16. Employment growth to strengthen in 2014-15, with the unemployment rate forecast to fall to 5.5 per cent by 2017-18. Net debt is forecast to be 6.3 per cent of Gross State Product (GSP) at June 2015, declining to 4.5 per cent by June 2018. Reducing taxes and supporting new jobs Cutting payroll tax for around 39,000 Victorian employers and their 1.6 million employees to 4.85 per cent saving businesses more than $234 million over four years. Abolishing Stamp Duty of life insurance policies saving consumers $4 million annually.

Investing in transformational infrastructure Record program of investment up to $27 billion in new infrastructure that will create jobs, boost productivity and improve liveability for all Victorians. The Coalition Government will deliver the Melbourne Rail Link – including the delivery of the Airport Rail Link – creating 3,700 jobs during the peak of construction. Building the East West Link – Western Section, in addition to last year’s announcement of the eastern section, at an estimated cost of $8 to $10 billion, creating 3,000 jobs during the peak of construction and providing a much needed alternate route to the West Gate Bridge, benefiting commuters from Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne’s West. Transformational infrastructure will drive economic growth and better connect Melbourne and the regions, and Victoria to our export markets. Better roads and public transport Cheaper public transport – commuters being able to travel in Zones 1 and 2 for the price of a Zone 1 fare and free tram travel within the CBD and Docklands. Up to $2.5 billion for the Cranbourne – Pakenham Rail Corridor project that will boost capacity by 30 per cent and remove four level crossings and plan the removal of a further five. Up to $850 million for the CityLink-Tulla Widening project, in partnership with the private sector, to ease congestion and move people and freight to and from the airport faster, creating around 700 jobs at the peak of construction. $685 million level crossing removal program – removing a further four level crossings supporting around 1,000 jobs during the peak of construction. $130 million in additional funding for road maintenance and restoration, taking the total annual commitment to more than $500 million. Diversifying our skills and training sector $1.2 billion per year for vocational education and training to support people to access training and develop the skills they need to take advantage of new opportunities in our economy.

2014 VICTORIAN BUDGET REPLY Shadow Treasurer Tim Pallas delivered Victorian Labor’s Budget Reply on Thursday, 8 May 2014. Check against delivery.Before the first tree was ever planted on Collins St, two doctors opened a tiny clinic at the foot of Exhibition. This was a time when hospitals were considered a charity’s domain. So when the colonial Government chipped in with 14,700 pounds to fund the clinic, it was no small gesture. Individuals founded this budding, six-bed specialist medical centre – the Government backed it and the community supported it.We could call it an early experiment in public health. We know it today by a different name: the Royal Children’s Hospital.It’s a monument of our

state, but no party owns its legacy. Generations of investment built it.

If anything can claim credit for the Royal Children’s, it’s a particular worldview.One that says a Government must constantly seek opportunities to work with business and the community to build something greater and bigger than itself. That worldview is the purpose of office – the purpose of a budget – and the Royal Children’s is its lasting testament.It’s not the only one. Victoria: the headquarters of world-leading medical research.The birthplace of multiculturalism, accountability and anti-discrimination.Home to the country’s thinking economy.It didn’t happen by accident.

$30 million funding over two years for reskilling automotive and supply chain workers and helping them transition into new and growing industry sectors. Record investment in our school students $2.8 billion over five years for our schools, contributing to the Coalition Government’s commitment to provide an additional $5.4 billion over six years. This includes $564 million to government and non-government schools to improve student outcomes, and $273 million for more resources for students with disabilities. $500 million to build schools in growth areas, upgrade school facilities statewide and to secure land for future schools. Strengthening healthcare and community services The 2014-15 State Budget delivers an additional $1.4 billion in health funding to bring the record funding to $15 billion. An additional $331 million in 2014-15 for hospitals and the health system, bringing the total allocation to $10.3 billion for acute health spending in 2014-15. $190 million over four years to boost elective surgery performance and a further $60 million in 2014-15 to boost health service capacity during the winter months. Delivering $73 million for the Latrobe Regional Hospital redevelopment, $14 million for the Boort Hospital redevelopment and $28 million for the new Barwon HealthNorth facility. The Coalition Government has already commenced Bendigo, Monash Children’s and the redevelopment of the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospitals. $97.7 million over four years to boost services for mental health, including demand management, accommodation support and prevention and recovery care services. $25 million to continue the delivery of the NDIS trial in the Barwon Region and an additional $121 million for disability care statewide. Building a better and stronger regional Victoria $1.2 billion in new infrastructure investment in regional Victoria, supporting additional jobs growth. $35 million to support emerging export opportunities through the Food to Asia Action Plan, taking Victoria’s regional

A succession of strong and steady Governments put us where we are.These were Governments that weren’t fearful of their purpose, weren’t dismissive of their people. Here, more than anywhere else, we saw a greater standard of leadership, devoted to the progress of this state and the skills of its people. That was the Victorian way. Previous Governments, they had a plan.They had a purpose.They weren’t panicked.They weren’t preoccupied. …So I honestly don’t know, Speaker, what on earth happened to this one. I honestly can’t explain why a Government would so casually undermine the very things that made this state so great.This

produce to the rest of the world. $180-$220 million to upgrade country rail freight lines in Western Victoria, including upgrading the Mildura to Maryborough and Murtoa to Hopetoun lines and standardising the key Mildura to Geelong rail link. $362 million for duplication of the Princess Highway West – 37 kilometres of highway between Winchelsea and Colac. $11 million for upgrading Princess Highway East – three new overtaking lanes between Nowa Nowa and Orbost and additional $30 million upgrade of the Sands Road interchange. $73 million to build modern law courts in Shepparton. Protecting a growing community $447 million to expand Victoria’s prisons, providing additional men’s and women’s prison beds across the State, including at Langi Kal Kal, Beechworth and the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre correctional facilities. $86 million to reform the adult parole system to ensure that community safety is the highest priority in making parole decisions. $49.5 million in new equipment for our fire service personnel with the replacement of all respiratory protection equipment and the purchase of 78 new CFA vehicles. $29.5 million over four years for child protection services to meet demand for assistance for vulnerable families. $13.4 million for preventing domestic and other forms of violence. $13.5 million for the roll out of 580 Tasers at 29 locations in regional and rural Victoria. $34.9 million over four years to address the harms of ICE and other drugs in the community. —Premier and Treasurer media release 6 May 2014.

Government fears its own purpose; dreads its own cause.They don’t believe it’s their role to invest in the people of this state. They don’t work their hardest to protect our most vulnerable. Ultimately, they don’t believe it’s their responsibility to build a better society. They might say it in their slogan but it doesn’t ring in their heart.This Government dismisses the public.Victorians are their obstacle, nor their object. They ignore their voice and remove their choice. The Victorian people never chose to spend $8 billion of their own money on a tunnel they don’t - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

want.They never chose to have lifelines of their economy locked up behind chained gates. They never asked for a war with paramedics; they never asked for a health system in crisis. They got it.But they can’t find out much more than that.Because this Government hides the crisis in our health system.They deny the crisis in our economy.


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They won’t even reveal the business plan – the basic justification – for their signature policy.They establish an anticorruption commission that can’t even investigate misconduct in public office. It’s a systematic reversal of Victoria’s reputation for inclusion, for clarity.And the effects are felt in lounge rooms and boardrooms across this state.There’s a different kind of feeling in the Cabinet Room, though. Because this Government is unstable.And I don’t just mean a hint of dysfunction or a trace of despair.I’m talking actual, factual, could-collapse-at-any-moment calamity. How can they fight for your job when they’re so busy fighting for their own?How can they address Victoria’s priorities when their first priority is mere survival? They’re a circus. And when a Government is so volatile, so volcanic, its every word and sound is compromised.Even its most formal ones, those which were tabled on Tuesday.A simple recipe: Put a Government in a blender and leave it on for three years.This budget is what it spits out. They’re not strong, they’re not steady and they were never ready. And what’s it done to the State of Victoria? It’s sent us backwards. Let’s look at jobs.Victoria used to be number one. We were the engine of the country.Today, we’re more like the exhaust.Unemployment’s up, above the national average. Wages have ground to a halt. Nearly 52,000 Victorians have lost their jobs under this Government. These aren’t just statistics; they’re families. Under this Government, you are three times more likely to have become unemployed than to have found a full time job.Out on your own, the way the Liberals like it. Tony Abbott celebrates workers being liberated from their old jobs. Liberated. He means sacked.This Treasurer says our economy is structurally sound, resilient and merely in transition. Well, his resilient transition has left behind a trail of wreckage.He liberated a generation of workers who dedicated their professional lives to putting Australian cars on Australian roads. And his structurally sound economy houses the nation’s youth unemployment crisis.If you’re a young person looking for work, Victoria is the worst place to be on the Australian mainland. Interstaters used to come here for a job, now our own sons and daughters are moving to Sydney. More than half of unemployed youth have been so for over a year. We are at a juncture where ordinary young Victorians might not ever be able to build a good life for themselves. And the figures are the worst in regional Victoria.Kids are forced to leave home, leave town, just to find work, just to study. Let me tell the House about the part of Victoria that’s seen the biggest increase in youth unemployment. Almost a 50 per cent rise, Speaker, in Melbourne’s Outer East.A real Government would be pulling every lever to give these kids a chance. Because there is only one university and TAFE in this region. Well, there was one, Speaker. They cut it.They closed it.They’re selling it. The future of Melbourne’s Outer East is chained up behind ten-foot gates at Swinburne Lilydale.

Well, we believe there is no louder warning for the future of any community than the sound of a school that’s shutting its doors. And when the books are written about this Government, chapter one, page one, line one will read: They cut TAFE. Because they wear it. They own it.And they’re actually proud of it.Well, you know what? We’ll reopen it. We’ll give it back.And we’re proud of that. And we’re proud of our plans for primary and secondary schools across this state.The schools this Government forgot. The schools where kids are crammed into portables that were built before the Bulldogs won their Premiership. The schools where classrooms are falling into disrepair – falling apart.Our loved ones deserve the best start but they’re not getting it.And if they can’t get the skills they need then they can’t get the jobs they want. Children and adults alike. The very people who need their Government to step in – they get put last. They’re on their own. People at home, in panic, waiting those extra, needless minutes for an ambulance. People in crowded emergency departments, waiting those agonising hours. People who need urgent surgery, waiting longer than ever. People waiting on a train platform, waiting in the City Loop, waiting in traffic, waiting at a level crossing. Workers at factories that are hanging in the balance, waiting for good news, waiting for bad news, waiting for an opportunity – waiting for anything. A generation of Victorians, calling on their Government to help. Your call is important to us, but Government is busy with itself right now: please wait. They might have to wait for a whole new Government, because this one has ground to a halt. Victoria has stopped. And this Budget won’t get it going again. Too narrow, too shallow, too little, too late. It’s not a defibrillator; it’s barely a pinch. And Tony Abbott’s in Canberra, winding up the punch. Hitting Victoria harder than any other state. Cutting our health funding, more than any other state. Chasing down our pensioners, our students, our seniors and our sick. That’s what Liberals do. Somewhere out there, there’s a vital service to confiscate. Somewhere out there, there’s a major company that needs a few more reasons to leave our shores. Tony Abbott and the Liberals want to charge you for visiting the GP. They want to tax you for the deficit that they doubled. They want to abandon our struggling industries – these things we call jobs. They want to make you work longer, pay more and receive less. And if this Liberal Government doesn’t speak up, it means they’ve signed up. All the way with Tony A. The same goal, the same creed – the same Liberal tribe. And what do we get? Half-baked plans and a half-mast economy. The white flag from Ford, Holden and Toyota. The red flag from a dozen more. And uncertainty for every single

Victorian. Because when a Government won’t support our industries, they won’t remain industries. And when a Government has no jobs plan, no job is safe. And when a Government doesn’t care, then you’re on your own. The Victorian people now have a question to ask. Can they trust such a dysfunctional Government to make the right decisions for them? If they looked at this Budget, they’ll have their answer. Cunning accounting, perhaps, but a collapse of economics. You know, that science that’s devoted to providing people with the simple things they need to live and to thrive. Those most fundamental duties of any Government. The basics. And on basically every measure, this Government fails. Our health system is in crisis. Victorians are waiting longer than ever on the elective surgery waiting list. They’re waiting longer than ever for an ambulance. They ask this Government, ‘why can’t we get the treatment we expect?’ And the Government replies, ‘You get the treatment you deserve.’ ‘If you get sick, if you need an ambulance, if you need surgery, then you’re on your own.’ This Government promised 800 new hospital beds. 757 to go. This Budget spends twice as much on prison beds as it does on new hospital beds. This Budget only provides funding for three hospital projects – none of them in Melbourne. That’s their solution to the chaos at, say, Frankston’s Emergency Department: three projects hundreds of kilometres from Frankston. But the men and women of regional Victoria shouldn’t get too excited. Because this Budget is bad news for them. Regional Victoria is home to 25 per cent of Victoria’s population, but it will get 4 per cent of Victoria’s funding for major projects. What else. Apparently there’s going to be record spending for schools, but I can’t find any evidence of it here. The Liberals will have spent – on average, per year – less than half of what Labor spent on new school buildings, facilities, classrooms and grounds. But I can credit them for one innovation: surprise funding. If you’re a school that doesn’t make a request for an upgrade, you get funding by surprise. As long as you’ve found yourself in a targeted Liberal seat, and you’ve kept good and quiet, then here’s the Premier with a cheque and a wink. Meanwhile, let me tell you about some of the schools in my community – who did submit bids for funding. Tarneit P-9, Manor Lakes P-12, Werribee Secondary – they’ve been ignored for the third year in a row. Tarneit Senior College still has a mound of dirt obscuring its school sign. Construction has stopped. Kids are doing PE in the carpark. Tarneit P-9 had to ship in 18 portables. And this is the fastest growing area of the state. How do you think teachers and parents at these schools feel when other schools win the electorate

lottery? Perhaps they shouldn’t bother making submissions to the Government for funding – they should just make a submission to the VEC at the next redistribution. The education cuts haven’t stopped. This Government will spend $124 million less on TAFE. I thought they would run out of things to cut eventually – adult education, TAFE and training, secondary schools, primary schools. But, I was wrong, they found one more. Kinder. Denis Napthine and Tony Abbott are cutting kinder for fouryear-olds. They formed a partnership to tear up a partnership – to shortchange every young family in this state. The shredder’s working overtime in Canberra, cancelling our most important national partnerships. Funding for essential vaccines. For Victorians needing dental surgery. For school children with disabilities. Going, going, gone. Those opposite make a lot of noise about tearing up contracts – well, these were contracts with Victorians. These were agreements people relied on. Our seniors rely on aged care and Denis Napthine will cut that, too. Fewer options for our elderly, more excruciating decisions for their families. Privatising our aged care facilities wasn’t enough. Another $75 million will be ripped from the system. More funds cut from home and community care, which lets seniors live in their own home, with their families, and not in a hostel. Now, these seniors will literally be on their own. There’s a checklist in the Premier’s Office, ‘how to make life harder for seniors’. Every box has been ticked. Increase vehicle registration? Done. Increase public housing rents? Done. Cut gas and electricity concessions for pensioners? Done. They’re on a roll. This Government is the highest taxing Government in Victoria’s history. They’re hoarders – taxing more, charging more, cutting more, keeping more. They claim a surplus, but ordinary people don’t see the benefit of a surplus if it leaves every school and every hospital in deficit. And this surplus has blood on its hands. It was built with the biggest cuts to TAFE in Victoria’s history. With the institutional neglect of our hospitals and schools. It’s built on inertia. It’s built on austerity. It’s made our state a harder place to raise a family, a harder place to live. This Government is obsessed with the baubles and bonanzas of a budget. But it always forgets the fundamentals and it cuts the basics to the bone. We have a Premier walking around like Donald Trump, trying to build the world’s tallest building and the world’s biggest boat…..but our schools are falling apart! Our hospitals are in crisis. - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

Crime is going up. Companies are going down. They’re turning Victoria into the world’s most liveable wasteland. And there’s nothing in this budget that will fix it. There’s nothing in here that will improve our quality of life. There’s nothing in here for the things that matter. Congestion is destroying our city. Trains have ground to a halt. Cars pile across level crossings every single morning. This Government were the last to see it coming. They were the world’s last convert to the cause of public transport. They’ve gone from a do-nothing Government, to an ‘oh my god, quick, somebody do something’ Government. A Government of panic and disorder. Well, Speaker, disorder is no substitute for a decision. Panic is no substitute for a plan. This Government has done nothing for three years. Now they’re facing the test of the people and here they are, cramming for the exam. No time to spellcheck. No time to revise. No time to consult. No time to consider our priorities. Look at what they’ve given us. It’s a mess. No direction, no design. Where’s the investment for transport in our growing communities? For the roundabouts in half-built suburbs that become carparks at the strike of morning? For the country roads and V/Line train services that are deteriorating by the day? Yet, they’re signing up to an 8 billion dollar tunnel in inner-city Melbourne. It’s the Premier’s biggest priority, but it isn’t Victoria’s biggest priority. Melbourne Metro Rail is. But they’re not building that. It was supposed to double the size of the City Loop and build five new stations. It would have been the solution to the gridlock that plagues our train system. The gateway to new train lines. The project this state needs. But they’re not building that. If this Budget really is a story about infrastructure, then someone’s torn out the beginning, the middle and the end. It’s like a Magic Eye. If you squint long enough, you can just make out the bare silhouette of our most important project. Melbourne Metro went through the CBD. This one doesn’t Melbourne Metro alleviated train congestion. This one doesn’t. Melbourne Metro improved access to the City Loop. This one doesn’t. Melbourne Metro would build four more stations and service our hospitals. This one doesn’t. It’s the evil twin. It’s a ghost train. A tunnel to nowhere and a service for no one. There are four massive problems with it. 1. No access to four major hospitals and Melbourne University. Instead, Denis Napthine wants to make it easier to get to the South Melbourne Markets and the Mahogany Room. These are his priorities. As Neil Mitchell helpfully suggested: punters, not patients.

south asia 10 South Asia Timestimes 2. More delays at North Melbourne Station. At the moment, when my train stops at the invisible station in the North Melbourne railyards, I can listen to an entire Bruce Springsteen song before it starts moving again. Well, thanks Premier, now I might be able to listen to a whole album. 3. Trains on the Frankton Line won’t run through Flinders St. They won’t even come close. They’ll be in a tunnel somewhere underneath a suburb that they probably haven’t heard of. 4. The South Eastern suburbs will be locked out of the City Loop. Cut off forever. We apologise for the inconvenience, but the next City Loop service to depart from the Cranbourne/Pakenham line has been cancelled – for eternity. Welcome to Denis Napthine’s Victoria, where commuters on our busiest rail corridor can’t even get a direct service to city’s biggest stations. They’ll have to find their own way to the platforms most people use. Mind the gap. This plan has all the elements of something that was drawn up on the back of a napkin on Budget morning. I wonder how many people in the Department learnt about the ghost train when the rest of Victoria did. The experts who have to untangle this labyrinth, they’re as confused as we are.

There’s no business case and no justification. Nothing to progress its design. No process for public consultation. No possibility of construction starting in 2016. No firm date for completion. Just panic. And all this commotion about where the new station will be located – it’s enough to drive you round the Fishermans bend. Now, I suspect that a lot of Victorians woke up yesterday morning asking themselves where on earth Fishermans Bend actually is. …One of them was the Premier. Here’s a tip: the Casino, the South Melbourne Market, the Montague precinct and the factories of Fishermans Bend are not actually the same place. It’s design-as-you-go. They realised their mistake – So now there’ll be a new tram line for Fisherman’s Bend, where the train was meant to go. What next – a zip line to the Royal Children’s? We don’t know precisely where the new station will be. But we know where it won’t be. It won’t be at the doorstep of Australia’s most important hospital precinct. It won’t take you to uni. It won’t take you to the city. It won’t take you where you need to go. You can’t even call this project Metro-Lite. It’s not even the Diet Coke version. It’s more like New Coke.

M A Y It’s a completely different plan and it just won’t do the job. It won’t fix our broken train system. And it won’t even get a single new cent under this Budget. That’s how much they really care. It’s a con. It’s a shame. It’s a 100 year catastrophe. The one shot in the locker and they missed by a mile. And we’ll never hear the end of it. They’ll fill up another 20-page glossy pamphlet and send it to every address in the state. They’ll run non-stop, taxpayerfunded ads about more space-age projects that, as we speak, are barely a hole in the ground. Because that will be the real legacy of this Government – a hole in the ground. In the Transport Minister’s mind, that’s enough to say: mission accomplished. It reminds me of the Castle. Go on, Minister, tell ‘em. Denis dug a hole. That’s the price for three-and-ahalf years of nothing. That’s the cost of a dysfunctional Government. They’re proud of this mayhem, this dollar sign saturation. They think it’s politically brilliant. But while the insiders are all high-fiving, the outsiders are left high and dry. An election is not a cold transaction. A sham program of panic and disorder is nothing to be proud of. And only Labor has a plan to

prevent it. Only Labor will consult the experts about the major projects that Victoria needs. Only Labor will take the advice of an independent body – Infrastructure Victoria. Only Labor knows the difference between Victorian politics and Victoria’s priorities. We’ve waited years for this Government to say the same. We’re still waiting. And there’s more to governing than dollar signs. If people can drive to a hospital emergency department five seconds faster, but still face a five hour wait inside, their lives haven’t improved. If people happen to find a single seat free on their train, but not a single new classroom at their kids’ school, they’re not any better off. If people hear this Government boast about jobs, but they see the whole state falling behind South Australia, they know where they stand. Victorians won’t be fooled by another empty promise. They know the difference between a headline and a deadline. They’re smart enough to know that the devil, here, is in the lack of detail. Because a press release isn’t a major project and a dotted line on a map doesn’t get you home. An artist’s impression is no substitute for the people’s impression. And they’re not impressed. They were promised Doncaster Rail, Avalon Rail and Rowville Rail. They never came. Now we have some new promises but no new detail and no - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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new funding. The Government may as well announce Moon Rail. Ordinary Victorians have heard it all, they’ve watched it stall and they don’t buy it. Because Liberals lie about public transport. A plan to improve access to the City Loop by cutting off access to the City Loop? The Liberals lie about public transport. It’s in their DNA to be dishonest. If a public transport project only ever exists in the Premier’s notepad, it’s good enough for him. That’s not good enough for the Victorian people. Because chaos is not our currency. Panic is not a policy. Disorder is not a decision. And the Victorian people deserve so much better. They deserve a Government that will work for them, not around them. They deserve a Government that actually governs; a leader who actually leads. They deserve real train lines – not headlines without deadlines. And a health system that isn’t on the verge of flat line. They deserve a plan for jobs, growth and skills. And every Victorian child deserves every single chance. We need a Government that will deliver the budget surplus that matters the most – the one in the family budget. We need a Government who will put people first. We need a Government who can make Victoria number one again. Source: ALP SITE



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South Asia Times

southSouth asia times 11 Asia Times

Carrum Downs temple intersection gets 8.2 m after Labour efforts

By our community reporter


elbourne: Finally, the dangerous intersection on the corner of Wedge Rd and DandenongFrankston Rd (Shiva-Vishnu temple is located across) was blessed on Labor’s call. The Victorian Government allocated $8.2 million on May 6 in the state budget to fix this dangerous intersection. This happened after continuous ongoing protest from the community and local Labor leaders. To give more flame to this issue and get quick action from the Victorian government, activist Manoj

Kumar, along with the local residents of Carrum Downs contacted Mr. Luke Donnelan, Shadow Minister of Roads, Ms. Sonya Kilkenny, Labor candidate of Carrums Down and South Eastern upper house MP Lee Tarlamis. The shadow minister met the residents, listened to their concerns and asked the State Government to provide funding in the 2014 State Budget for upgrading the intersection. On approval of budget for intersection, Sonya Kilkenny, Labor Candidate for Carrum thanked the local residents for their patience and hard work for this intersection. Later on May 10, local resident

Mr.B.Maharaj, Mr. Pandit Patil and Mr. John Kumar called Sonya Kilkenny, Neeraj Nanda, Manoj Kumar & others to celebrate the occasion by giving ritual foundation of the intersection at the junction. The ritual foundation was done by Sonya Kilkenny, Labor Candidate for Carrum Downs. The priest Pandit Bill Maharaj undertook worship and the chanting for the ritual foundation of the intersection for the benefit of community at large. Local Residents also thanked Ms Sonya Kilkenny and Mr.Manoj Kumar for raising this issue to get final the result.

India requests Australia to return stolen Natraja idol By our correspondent


elbourne: A couple of months back India requested Australia to return the Chola dynesty Natraja sculpture which was stolen by a US based antique dealer from Tamil Nadu temple and then sold for a hefty amount to the National Gallery of Australia. The idol was purchased in 2008 from a New York Art Gallery owned by Mr. Subash Kapoor. The antique dealer is under detention and is facing criminal charges in India. The request states that the statue was exported from India in contravention of

cultural property laws, namely India’s Antiquity and Art Treasures Act 1972. “Australia is a signatory to the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. Our obligations are implemented through the PMCH Act and the Indian Government’s request is being actioned in accordance with that Act,” says an media release from the Australian Attorney General‘s Department. The National Gallery of Australia has, meanwhile, voluntarily removed the statue from display at the museum. —SAT News Service - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

The Victorian Government allocated $8.2 million on May 6 in the state budget to fix this dangerous intersection. This happened after continuous ongoing protest from the community and local Labor leaders.

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Pauline Richards campaigns in Forest Hill

southSouth asia times 13 Asia Times

High rate rise sees two Wyndham councillors reject draft budget

By our correspondent


By our community reporter


elbourne: It was great to see the local Labor candidate of Forest Hill, Ms Pauline Richards starting her campaign by meeting people from diverse communities, that have been running small business. During her visit, she tried to understand basic challenges and concerns of local small business owners. Her visit was conducted on 16th of April, with the event being organised by small business owners Kaushiliya Vaghela and Vermont resident Aparna Kumar in association with exFederal Labor candidate for Menzies, Manoj Kumar. Pauline & her team visited the following places: - Kadai Chicken CurryBlackburn South: Thanks to Mr.Harbhajan Singh Khaira (owner of the Restaurant) for inviting Pauline to visit the restaurant. Mr.Khaira is also the president of Australian Panjabi Association and wellconnected within the local Indian community. During conversation, Mr.Khaira has also invited Pauline to visit Blackburn Sikh Temple, to work with locals in ensuring their concerns are heard. - India Delight (Malaysian Restaurant) Forest Hill – Pauline and her team

visited the restaurant and conversed with Mr.Ratan Kertan, restaurant manager. Mr.Kertan warmly welcomed Pauline and her team, and thanked them for the visit. - Khushboo Restaurant, Mitcham- Sunil Gupta, the owner of the restaurant welcomed Pauline and team to his restaurant. Sunil talked with Pauline about the delay in construction of Mitcham Railway crossing which significantly affected

his business. Now the crossing work has finished and he is expecting to get his clients back. Overall it was a great initiative by the local candidate to engage with local people to understand local issues in her own electorate. Pauline has already been a local councillor, and with such great initiatives, she could be a great voice for Forest Hill, said Aparna Kumar a local resident of Forest Hill.

yndham: Two councillors voted against Wyndham Council’s draft budget recently, airing concerns with how high the rate rise is and how much the council is borrowing. Residents face a 5.5 per cent rate rise under the 2014-15 draft budget, which was passed at the meeting. To help pay for the council’s $108.79 million capital works program, which includes $63.05 million for new assets, the council will borrow $15 million, taking the total debt to $55 million at the end of 2014-15. Councillors Heather Marcus and Intaj Khan refused to support the budget. Cr Marcus said she was concerned with the financial pressure being put on residents with the rate rise double inflation.She said the amount of money the council was borrowing was too high. “We have never borrowed this amount of money before,” she said. Cr Marcus said she feared the council would have to put rates up by 10 per cent in the future to pay off the loan and its interest. Cr Gautam Gupta shared Cr Marcus and Khan’s concerns but still supported the budget. Major building projects proposed to be funded include the Wyndham Leisure and Events Centre and Werribee Sports and Fitness centre redevelopments and expansions, and the com- - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

Residents face a 5.5 per cent rate rise under the 2014-15 draft budget, which was passed at the meeting. mencement of construction of the Tarneit Library and the Saltwater Coast Promenade Community Cent The budget includes $27 million for roads and pavements, with $4.5 million to be allocated to building Armstrong Rd to Middle Ring Rd from Greens Rd to Ballan Rd, $1.25 million to construct Black Forrest Rd from McGrath Rd to Armstrong Rd and $265,000 to complete the duplication of Tarneit Rd from Hogans Rd to Good News School. To help the council pay for capital works, the council plans to borrow $15 million, taking the total debt to $55.06 million at the end of 2014-15. People can make submissions to the budget until 5pm on Tuesday, June 10. The draft budget can be viewed at the Wyndham libraries. —Source: Wyndham Leader

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community news


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Vilification law changes give a wrong message: Mark Dreyfus By Neeraj Nanda


elbourne: AttorneyGeneral George Brandis recently laid out controversial plans to repeal Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA). The section which protects Australians against racist and hate speech will be repealed and replaced by a new section to outlaw racial vilification and current safeguards against intimidation. The government claims changes will give greater protection against racism "while at the same time removing provisions which unreasonably limit freedom of speech." A case has been made out that Sec 18-C limits freedom of speech. This has come under criticism from the opposition, human rights campaigners and ethnic communities. Recent information session on the subject at the Dandenong civic centre, by the

Shadow Attorney general Mark Dreyfus and backed by the Human Rights Law Centre laid bare the existing law and the proposed changes. Mark addressing the gathering said 18-C protected our freedom of speech as well as gave us freedom from vilification. The law survived 11 and a half years of the Howard government and now the proposal is the complete removal of the protection. It was emphasised freedom of speech was not ‘absolute’. “The Australian labour Party is concerned,” he said. Hugh de Kretser, Executive Director, Human Rights Law Centre detailed the provisions of Sec. 18-C (protection against racist hate speech) and Sec 18-D (Exceptions from Sec. 18-C). He explained how the Andrew Bold articles talked about some people pretending to be Aborigines (not full blood Aborigines) to get access to

facilities. This was challenged the Federal Court (2011) and in which Bolt was found in breach of the RDA. Under the changes, the words “offend, insult and humiliate” would be deleted from the existing laws. “Vilify” would be inserted but narrowly defined and the existing protection against “intimidation” would also be given a new narrow definition. The drafting of the community standards test opens up the prospect of perpetuating prejudice. The existing free speech exemptions for fair comment, fair reporting and artistic and scientific works would be over-inflated and greatly expanded to include “public discussion of any political, social, cultural, religious, artistic, academic or scientific matter.” Importantly, the requirements for “reasonableness” and “good faith” in the exemptions would be removed. “The exemptions are the most - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

Under the changes, the words “offend, insult and humiliate” would be deleted from the existing laws. “Vilify” would be inserted but narrowly defined and the existing protection against “intimidation” would also be given a new narrow definition.

concerning part of the changes,” said Mr de Kretser Answering to a question the Shadow Attorney General said, “We oppose the changes and no case has been made by the government for change. It gives a wrong kind of message.” —SAT News Service


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community news

southSouth asia times 15 Asia Times

The Liberal Party Multicultural Gala Dinner took place on 10th May at The Heritage Bar and Grill, Epping. The largely attended function was attended by Mr. Methew Guy, Multicultural Minister (Vic), Mr. Robert Clark, Attorney General (Vic.), Mr. Kevin Andrews, MP and Minister for Social Services (Federal), Mr. Nick Waklings, Minister for Higher Education (Vic.) among others. The event also had community leaders including Mr. Vasan Srinivasan, FIAV President and Indian media persons in attendance. PHOTO: Supplied.

Daniel Andrews: A Labour govt. will not increase GST By Neeraj Nanda


elbourne, May 15: The Leader of opposition in Victoria, Mr. Daniel Andrews today said a future Labour government in Victoria will neither increase GST nor expand its reach. He was answering to a question during a media conference today by SAT, whether Federal cuts to education and health could lead to increase in GST in Victoria. Mr. Andrews said, “Tony Abbott and Nepthine could allot billions for the proposed ‘East-West Link’ but not for hospitals and schools.” He also criticised the proposed cuts to the ABC and SBS calling them “mean spirited”. “If you cut like this it is disfranchising the people. The cutbacks from Canberra we have to fix them as a priority,” he said. Mr. Andrews also touched his ‘Project 10,000 – Trains, Roads and Jobs’ plan for Victoria. The plan envisages removing 50 worst level

Concern over missing Indian student By our reporter


crossings, build a Melbourne Metro Rail, get 5,000 trucks a day off the West Gate Bridge, $ 2 billion for roads and create 10,000 construction jobs. “We need a world class transport system, new stations in the city and doubling the size of the city loop,” he said.

Shadow Minister for Public Transport, Jill Hennessy MP was also present at the media conference held in Parliament House. She further detailed the ‘Project 10,000’ and answered questions from media persons. —SAT news Service.

yndham: Two councillors voted against Wyndham Council’s draft budget recently, airing concerns with how high the rate rise is and how much the council is borrowing. Residents face a 5.5 per cent rate rise under the 2014-15 draft budget, which was passed at the meeting. Melbourne, May 11: Police have appealed to the public for information surrounding the disappearance of 27-year-old Melbourne delivery van driver, Shiva Chauhan. There has been no progress in tracing Shiva Chauhan, Victoria Police media unit told SAT. Homicide Squad Missing Persons Unit detectives have been told Mr Chauhan began his delivery route on Thursday night (Friday, May 2) and was last sighted at a bakery on South Park Road, Dandenong South around 12.30am on the same day. Concerns were raised the next morning when it was discovered his deliveries were not made and he had failed to turn up to an arranged meeting the same after- - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

noon. Mr Chauhan’s delivery van was located on Hutton Road in Keysborough around 3pm on Friday (May 2). Investigators have since been told the van was sighted at that location around 5.40am that day. An initial search of the area has been conducted, however there have been no sightings of Mr Chauhan. According to the Indian Consulate in Melbourne, Shiva Chauhan was on a student visa which probably lapsed and he was eager to get it extended but that did not happen. Detectives are concerned for Mr Chauhan’s welfare and are treating his disappearance as suspicious. He is described as Indian, around 177cm tall, slim build and has darkcoloured straight hair. Anyone with information about Mr Chauhan’s whereabouts, or who may have seen his delivery van in the Dandenong and Keysborough areas on Friday(May 2) morning, is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Information can be provided anonymously. —SAT news Service.

south asia 16 South Asia Timestimes


Melbourne Durbar

AIBC elections T he Australia India Business Council National is holding elections for the posts of National Chairperson (NC) and National Vice Chairperson (NVC). There are about 500 members all over Australia and the largest are 175 and 142 in NSW and Victoria respectively. The election is being conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and counting will take place

on 2nd June at the AEC, NSW office in Rockdale. Those in the fray for the post of NC are Mr. Dipin Rughani, Mr. Raja Jata, Mr. David Trench and Mr. Sarbjit Singh. Mr. Gautam Gupta, Mr. David Trench, Mr. Raja Jata and Sheba Nandkeolyar are contesting the post of NVC. If you are a voter and have got your ballot go ahead and make your choice for the AIBC National leadership.

‘Sacked’ or ‘Resigned’?


hile India’s Bollywood icon Mr. Amitabh Bachchan was opening the Indian Film Festival Melbourne 2014 at the Princess Theatre, a rather unpleasant drama was taking place elsewhere. An Advisor (a well know face in the Indian community) to the Victorian Multicultural Minister, lost

his lucrative job for alleged ‘security breach’. Though he says, he resigned his job. He also called up a few to say he had himself quit the job. What prompted the Nepthine government to take this step is not clear. The fellow is said to be close to former out of favour Coalition Premier Mr. Ted Ballieu.The recent campaign in the media against the

Victorian Government supported Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2014 could have been a trigger behind the move. A rally outside the opening venue against Mr. Bachchan by a group, some feel, was the climax. SAT tried to get an official view (talked and sent an Email) from the Coalition media contact but did not get any reply.

By Desi Oz



n a bid to help Overseas Pakistanis who are at disadvantage to look after their rights in Pakistan, Hon. Chief Justice of Pakistan has established and inaugurated "Expatriate Pakistanis Complaint Wing" in the Human Rights Cell of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Wing is being looked after by the Hon. Chief Justice of Pakistan himself. The Wing will receive complaints of Overseas Pakistanis through post, fax as well as email on the applicationproforma uploaded on the official website of the Supreme Court of



he IFFM-2014 closed on the 11th May after the screening of Konkona Sen Sharma’s ‘Goynar Baksho’ and a question answer session with her at the Hoyts Melbourne Central. This was the biggest ever Indian film festival in Melbourne. Off course, the biggest attraction was Bollywood icon Amitabh

Bachchan and Festival Brand Ambassador Vidya Balan among others. Big-B stole the limelight and created a sensation with local participation by thousands. The mainstream media and South Asian/Indian media were on their toes for the festival’s 11 days. The city also embraced the festival with open arms and many Aussies could be seen at

the Master class sessions. Incredibly, the festival gave a big boost to Melbourne and Victoria. Credit goes to the Victorian Government/ Screen Australia for supporting the festival, all sponsors and to the Mitu Bhowmick led Mind Blowing Films for giving such a wonderful and exciting window of the world’s biggest film industry.

Air India allows 30 kg baggage


ir India has announced the increase in Economy class Free Baggage Allowance to 30 Kg and Business class Free Baggage Allowance to 40 Kg for return tickets from Australia to India and back, with effect from 12 May 2014. The airline is also commencing flights to Rome and Milan from 6 June 2014. Passengers

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from Melbourne and Sydney can avail connections to Rome and Milan via Delhi with free overnight accommodation at the airside Hotel Eaton, Delhi (newdelhiairport. on the outbound .Inaugural return fares inclusive of all taxes start from AUD1500 to Rome and AUD1487 to Milan, says a Air India media release. - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

Pakistan. The Wing will process complaints within 24 hours. It will protect rights and interests of the Overseas Pakistanis in Pakistan ranging from their right to vote protection of property and land right and the hardships they face in their visit to Pakistan, etc. It is mandated, interalia, to analyse grievances and to call report from the departments complained against and to give directions for redressal, if required. CONTACTS: Address: Chief Justice of Pakistan, Supreme Court Building, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad; Fax - 0092-51921 9516 and Email: dir.

southSouth asia times 17 Asia Times

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southSouth asia times 21 Asia Times - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

south asia 22 South Asia Timestimes

Your dream lifestyle is waiting for you in regional Victoria.


A move to regional or rural Victoria could be the best move you ever make. Explore your move at

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southSouth asia times 23 Asia Times - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

south asia 24 South Asia Timestimes


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Sangeet Sandhya Open forum for music lovers – classical, semi-classical & film music

Saturday 1/02/14 - Saugoto Ghosh, Piano Recital Saturday 5/04/14 - Pooja Gupta, Classical Vocal Saturday 7/06/14 - Parag Kaole, Violin Recital Saturday 2/08/14 - Madhuri Kamtikar, Vocal Saturday 4/10/14 - Nicholas Buff (Hindustani Instrumental ) and Sridhar Chari (Carnatic Flute) Recitals Saturday 6/12/14 - Neeraj Sharma, Piano and Harmonica Recital

Swar Sandhya Open forum for music lovers; Karaoke – Popular Indian Music Bring your own music, perform and enjoy

Saturday 4/1/14 Saturday 3/5/14 Saturday 6/9/14

Saturday 1/3/14 Saturday 5/7/14 Saturday 1/11/14

Venue: Waverly Meadows Primary School, Columbia Drive, Wheelers Hill

Time: 8.00pm

Free Entry, with ample parking, Free tea, coffee and biscuits Contact: Phone- 0402 074 278 or 0407 559 113 email- - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

south asia M A Y

South Asia Times

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southSouth asia times 25 Asia Times

Raped, and abandoned by law

By Irfan Ahmed


AHORE, Pakistan, May 3 2014 (IPS) - Amina Bibi, an 18-year-old from Pakistan’s Punjab province, was allegedly raped by four men on Jan. 5 this year. All the accused were granted bail. A desperate Amina set herself on fire outside a police station on Mar. 13 and succumbed to burn injuries the next day. The Supreme Court of Pakistan took up the case and sought a report from police. The report was presented Apr. 21, only to be dismissed by the court. The report claimed that Amina had not been raped – something the court was not ready to believe, especially when it could find no other reason for her suicide. “One of the foremost reasons for the poor conviction rate is rape cases are mishandled from the very start." Amina’s case has once again thrown the spotlight on the plight of thousands of rape victims in Pakistan who suffer due to flaws in the criminal justice system, socio-cultural inhibitions, the negative attitudes of investigators, police failure to collect evidence and the humiliation of victims in trial courts. According to the National Police Bureau (NPB) of Pakistan, around 3,000 cases of rape are reported every year – to be precise 3,173 cases were reported in 2012 and 3,164 in 2013. The conviction rate, however, is less than four percent, according to a report released by the NGO War Against Rape (WAR). “One of the foremost reasons for the poor conviction rate is rape cases are mishandled from the very start,” Asad Jamal, a Lahore-based lawyer who has represented several rape victims, told IPS. He says very few police officials know how to collect scientific evidence in rape cases or record the statements of traumatised rape victims. Citing the example of a case he is fighting right now, Jamal says the police investigator concerned even forgot to preserve the clothes that

One of the foremost reasons for the poor conviction rate is rape cases are mishandled from the very start.

the victim was wearing at the time of the sexual assault. In the case of Amina Bibi too, it was found that police had failed to conduct timely forensic and DNA tests. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif suspended several senior police officers and ordered the arrest of others in connection with the case. Jamal says sometimes police insist on including the names of fake witnesses to strengthen rape cases but such practices end up benefiting the accused, especially in appellate courts. “Ideally, scientific and DNA evidence should be enough to convict an accused, but unfortunately trial courts depend a lot on eyewitnesses for primary evidence,” he says. Jamal pointed to another reality – rape victims often belong to disadvantaged sections of society while rapists are mostly powerful people. He says crime data indicates that girls in the 9-19 age group from lower income families are most vulnerable to rape.

“That’s why the number of domestic workers subjected to rape is on the rise,” he says. Zia Awan, founder of the Madadgar National Helpline for women and children, told IPS, “The number of rape cases reported in Pakistan is only a fraction of the actual number.” He receives a large number of calls from women who are undecided on whether to report the case or remain silent in order to avoid humiliation and lifelong stigma. The impunity of rapists and the ordeal of rape victims deter the latter from seeking justice, he says. “The shameful attitude of society, police and lawyers towards rape victims is the biggest hurdle in securing justice,” says Faisal Siddiqui, a Karachi-based lawyer. His own client, a rape victim, had to seek psychological treatment for two years after appearing in court for cross-examination, he says. The defence lawyer, he says, asked her about the minutest details of the assault and made her recall

the traumatic incident over and over again. Unfortunately, he says, many lawyers deliberately confuse rape victims during cross-examination in order to get relief for the accused. “They ask shameful questions which no woman can answer.” Sources privy to rape investigations reveal that due to socio-cultural mores police usually try to put the blame on complainants and prove that rape victims are women of loose morals. Their perception is that a woman who has really been raped would not dare to report the crime out of shame and fear of public humiliation. If the victim has had any association with the alleged rapist or has been socially active or has a ‘modern’ lifestyle, police tend to believe that her allegations are fabricated. Legal provisions in Pakistan also make this possible. Shahid Ghani, a Lahore-based lawyer, cites such a provision: “When a man is prosecuted for rape or an attempt to ravish, it may be shown that the - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

prosecutrix was of generally immoral character.” He says this provision allows for looking into a victim’s history to prove that she may not be innocent and may be sexually active. Inspector Amjad Naeem, master trainer at the Police Training College, Lahore, says there has to be an element of empathy in rape cases and special care must be shown by investigators in seeking information from victims. “The victim has to be told not to change clothes, wash herself or go to the washroom before evidence is collected,” he told IPS. “In case it is necessary to go to the washroom, the urine and stool should be collected for later examination.” Thanks to a project called Gender Responsive Policing (GRP), launched by German development agency GIZ in collaboration with NBP, many policymakers have begun to believe that more women should join the police force and handle cases of violence against women. Ali Mazhar, communication manager at GIZ, told IPS that a large number of policewomen have been trained under the programme to understand cases of violence against women. Under the programme, he says, Ladies Complaint Units (LCUs) are being set up at police stations where women officers attend to women’s complainants in an environment that is free of harassment and fear.

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southSouth asia times 27 Asia Times

Hard life for India’s 20 million street vendors By Neeta Lal


EW DELHI, May 3 2014 (IPS) - Bhure Lal, a 33-yearold street-food vendor, has been selling his spicy ‘chaat’ outside the New Delhi Railway Station for 15 years. But despite a punishing 12-hour work schedule, and a new law to protect hawkers like him, he doesn’t take home enough to feed his family. More than half of Lal’s weekly income from the ‘chaat’, a lipsmacking pot-pourri that is particularly popular with women, is extorted by policemen, he says. He gets to take home about 1,500 rupees (25 dollars) weekly. Noncompliance could mean harassment by the street mafia, forced eviction or even jail. “If I don’t pay, hoodlums dismantle my stall and loot my food." “If I don’t pay, hoodlums dismantle my stall and loot my food. I have five kids and aged parents to look after,” he told IPS. According to the National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI), the country has 20 million street vendors – believed to be the highest such population in the world – who offer a variety of goods from food to clothes and furniture to toys, especially to the urban poor. In the absence of a law protecting their right to livelihood, the vendors used to hawk their goods illegally, making them vulnerable to extortion, harassment, heavy fines and sudden evictions. But in 2010, the Supreme Court declared hawking a fundamental right. The court ruled, “Considering that an alarming percentage of

the population in our country lives below the poverty line, and when citizens by gathering meagre resources try to employ themselves as hawkers and street traders they cannot be subjected to a deprivation on the pretext that they have no rights.” The Indian government then drafted the Street Vendors’ (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill 2012 that was passed by both houses of Parliament. The presidential nod for it came in March this year. But it is yet to be notified and therefore the law has not been implemented. NGOs blame the delay on the ongoing general elections in India. The law would entitle every hawker to protection, besides offering identity cards and licences. A chunk of funds under the National Urban Livelihoods Mission would be earmarked for them, but the amount has still not been decided. The government will also help with banking facilities for vendors under the new legislation. The bill introduces the concept of a town vending committee to regulate vending and to issue licences. But delayed implementation of the bill is distressing the country’s vendors. Despite the huge vendor population, very few municipalities in India have created vending zones, say activists. “Under the law, a uniform identification system and vending zones will enable vendors to earn their living peacefully,” Dr. Sharit Bhowmik, a social scientist with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, told IPS. The vending trade pays some 800

million rupees (13 million dollars) in bribes per year in Mumbai and a similar amount in Delhi, says Bhowmik, who also co-chairs the Greater Mumbai Expert Committee for Street Vendors constituted by the Municipal Commissioner in 2012. Most vendors in India’s cities are rural migrants or laid-off workers. “In 1961, 65 percent of Mumbai’s population was in the formal or industrial sector,” says Bhowmik. “However, over the years, the shutting down of Mumbai’s textile mills and other factories meant that today 73 percent of the city’s populace is engaged in the informal sector, a sizeable portion of which is made up of street vendors.” NASVI, a strong contingent of more than 762 vendor organisations, including 600,000 vendors, is active in 23 out of 28 Indian states. It has been campaigning for vendors’ rights since 2004. “The government must immediately issue implementation guidelines. This should be a priority for the next government,” Anurag Shankar, project manager at NASVI, told IPS. Shankar said the new legislation entitles vendors to be included in the National Urban Livelihoods Mission, so that they can receive skill-based training. “The bill gives them the right to livelihood, but they are deprived of facilities like health, housing and education, which people in other unorganised sectors are entitled to.” The new law too does not offer these facilities. Ram Pyare, a street vendor in south Delhi who has faced many rounds of eviction since the 2010 Commonwealth Games, said, “No - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

The law would entitle every hawker to protection, besides offering identity cards and licences. facilities like housing or education are available to us while the mafia continues to deprive us of our hardearned wages.” A 2001 study by the International Labour Organisation on Mumbai revealed that 85 percent of Indian street vendors were suffering from stress-related diseases like migraine, heartburn, hypertension and high blood pressure. NASVI national coordinator Arbind Singh said their organisation is fighting “tooth and nail” to reclaim the rights of street vendors. “The severity of the problem can be gauged from the fact that there’s not a single vendor in the country who is free from the tyranny of paying extortion money.” Bhowmik as well as NASVI officials say vendors have been taking loans from moneylenders at high interest rates while losing almost 50 percent of their income to bribes, and in the process earning less than the minimum wage (of around two dollars a day) for unskilled workers. This is not expected to change at least until the new law becomes a ground reality.

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Dilli ka Ram Bhakt... By Neeraj Nanda


ew Delhi: It was a rather semi-hot day and I boarded a scooter (auto) in Delhi’s Karol Bagh to go to a West Delhi area. Traffic was heavy as usual and the noise of honking laced with rumblings of other variety of vehicles criss crossing the lanes (no lane driving) could be observed in detail. Yellow fumes from diesel and other fossil fuels made me sick. But I had to move on and adjust to the Indian estyle. Reluctantly, I asked the auto driver his name. He replied it was Ram Bhagat (literally meaning God Rama’s deciple). And where where you from, I asked? I am from Gonda (Eastern UP) and live Yamuna Paar (across the river Yamuna). So, which side your vote went in the recent Lok Sabha election. Sir ji, I voted for ‘Jhadu’(Broom) , he said. Why did you do so, I asked? I face a difficult life in Delhi and there is corruption all around. But why not Congress or BJP, I taunted him. Ji,

un ko dekh chuke hain. Hum sab jante hain (I have seen them and know everything), he said. As a poor man the authorities harass us, even family life was not good. But why, I asked? They want money for everything. And we are struggling to make ends meet. I work around 12 hours (from early morning) daily and make around Rs 1,200 daily. Out of this 400 given to the auto owner, another 400 spent on fuel, food etc. and just 400 Rupees are left in the end. This is not enough to run a family (including rent) and educate two growing kids. But you said your family life was not good. What happened? He replied – When I got married and brought my wife to Delhi, I realised she was very dominating and would not even come near me. I got upset and dejected but kept confidence. Our life was not good and she had a few abortions. No baby would survive. But what was the reason, I asked? I had a feeling I was possessed by a ghost for a long time. Even in the village, my

brother, tried to remove it from my life but it would not go. Well, a ghost, I was surprised. Yes, Sir ji, I went to the temple and a cat would follow me and when I reached the temple gate the cat was already there. What does that mean, I enquired? Ji, bahut khatarnak bhoot tha jis ne mare ko daboch rakha tha (It was a very dangerous ghost who has possessed me) and life became hell for me. That is why all the problems, I had. So, is it still there? Ji nahi, aisa lagta hai wo nikal gaya kuch salon main meri zindigi ko barbad kar ke. (No, it looks it was shunted out by my determination but destroyed my life). But as it is gone now life must be improved. Yes, sirji, he said as the auto stood at a red light. But how did it go away? Ji, after lots of puja and daan it left me. What was the consequence? Ji, mere wife kafi theek ho gaye (my wife improved a lot) and life goes on now but ab corruption ka bhoot Dilli par sawar hai aur main takleef main hoon (now the ghost

The man was very frank and vocal about his life and struggles. My destination was nearing and the man was going on a on. of corruption troubles me). You voted for ‘Jhadu’, will it help? Ji, yeh to waqt batayaga (time will tell what happens). The man was very frank and vocal about his life and struggles. My destination was nearing and the man was going on a on. I wondered if Ram Bhakt’s story is endless...My journey abruptly ended and Ram Bhakt wished me with a smile as I paid him the fare. —SAT News Service.

Jude Perera Election Fundraiser

as a professional and personal campaign. In a recent book, “The Drugs Don’t Work”, she revealed that for her annual health report in 2012, she had decided to focus on infectious diseases. - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082



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southSouth asia times 29 Asia Times

Growing crisis of antibiotic resistance

By Martin Khor


n this article, Martin Khor, executive director of the South Centre, warns that humanity is looking at a future in which antibiotics will no longer work, unless an effective global action plan is launched to address the crisis. GENEVA, Apr 10 2014 (IPS) - The growing crisis of antibiotic resistance is catching the attention of policy-makers, but not at a fast enough rate to tackle it. More diseases are affected by resistance, meaning the bacteria cannot be killed even if different drugs are used on some patients, who then succumb. We are staring at a future in which antibiotics don’t work, and many of us or our children will not be saved from TB, cholera, deadly forms of dysentery, and germs contracted during surgery. The World Health Organisation (WHO) will discuss, at its annual assembly of health ministers in May, a resolution on microbial resistance, including a global action plan. There have been such resolutions before but little action. This year may be different, because powerful countries like the United Kingdom are now convinced that years of inaction have cause the problem to fester, until it has grown to mind-boggling proportions. The UK-based Chatham House (together with the Geneva Graduate Institute) held two meetings on the issue, in October and last month, both presided over by the Chief Medical Officer for England, Dame Sally Davies. This remarkable woman has taken on antibiotic resistance as a professional and personal campaign. In a recent book, “The Drugs Don’t Work”, she revealed that for her annual health report in 2012, she had decided to focus on infectious diseases. “I am not easily rattled, but what I learnt scared me, not just as a doctor, but as a mother, a wife and a friend. Our findings were simple: We are losing the battle against infectious diseases. Bacteria are fighting back and are becoming resistant to modern medicine. In short, the drugs don’t work.” Davies told the meetings that antibiotics add on

average 20 years to our lives and that for over 70 years they have enabled us to survive life-threatening infections and operations. “The truth is, we have been abusing them as patients, as doctors, as travellers, and in our food,” she says in her book. “No new class of antibacterial has been discovered for 26 years and the bugs are fighting back. In a few decades, we may start dying from the most commonplace of operations and ailments that can today be treated easily.” At the two Chatham House meetings, which I attended, different aspects of the crisis and possible actions were discussed. In one of the sessions, I made a summary of the actions needed, including: 4 More scientific research on how resistance is caused and spread, including the emergence of antibioticresistance genes as in the NDM-1 enzyme, whose speciality is to accelerate and spread resistance within and among bacteria. 4 Surveys in every country to determine the prevalence of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria causing various diseases. 4 Health guidelines and regulations in every country to guide doctors on when (and when not) to

prescribe antibiotics, and on instructing patients how to properly use them. 4 Regulations for drug companies on ethical marketing of their medicines, and on avoiding sales promotion to doctors or the public, that leads to over-use. 4 Educating the public on using antibiotics properly, including when they should not be used. 4 A ban on the use of antibiotics in animals and animal feed for the purpose of inducing growth of the animals (for commercial profit), and restrictions on the use in animals to the treatment of ailments. 4 Promoting the development of new antibiotics and in ways (including financing) that do not make the new drugs the exclusive property of drug companies. 4 Ensuring that ordinary and poor people in developing countries also have access to the new medicines, which would otherwise be very expensive, and thus only the very rich can afford to use them. On the first point, a new and alarming development has been the discovery of a gene, known as NDM-1, that has the ability to alter bacteria and make them highly resistant to all known

drugs. In 2010, only two types of bacteria were found to be hosting the NDM-1 gene – E Coli and Klebsiella pneumonia. It was found that the gene can easily jump from one type of bacteria to another. In May 2011, scientists from Cardiff University who had first reported on NDM1's existence found that the NDM-1 gene has been jumping among various species of bacteria at a “superfast speed” and that it “has a special quality to jump between species without much of a problem”. While the gene was found only in E Coli when it was initially detected in 2006, now the scientists had found NDM-1 in more than 20 different species of bacteria. NDM-1 can move at an unprecedented speed, making more and more species of bacteria drugresistant. Also in May 2011, there was an outbreak of a deadly disease caused by a new strain of the E Coli bacteria that killed more than 20 people and affected another 2,000 in Germany. Although the “normal” E Coli usually produces mild sickness in the stomach, the new strain of E Coli 0104 causes bloody diarrhoea and severe stomach cramps, and in more serious cases - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

damages blood cells and the kidneys. A major problem is that the bacterium is resistant to antibiotics. Tuberculosis is a disease making a comeback. In 2011, the WHO found there were half a million new cases of TB in the world that were multi-drug resistant (known as MDR-TB), meaning that they could not be treated using most medicines. And about nine percent of multi-drug resistant TB cases also have resistance to two other classes of drugs and are known as extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). Patients having XDR-TB cannot be treated successfully. Research has also found that in Southeast Asia, strains of malaria are also becoming resistant to treatment. In 2012, WHO Director General Margaret Chan warned that every antibiotic ever developed was at risk of becoming useless. “A post-antibiotic era means in effect an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill.” The World Health Assembly in May is an opportunity not to be missed, to finally launch a global action plan to address this crisis.


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मेल्बर्न में दस ू रा भारतीय फ़िल्मोत्सव

इस महीने १ मई से ११ मई तक मेल्बर्न में दस ू रा फ़िल्मोत्सव मनाया जा रहा है | उद्घाटन के समय प्रसिद्ध फ़िल्मी सितारे अमिताभ बच्चन ने अपने दिवंगत पिता, श्री हरिवंश राय बच्चन की प्रसिद्ध कृति, ‘मधुशाला’ तथा स्व-रचित कविता ‘अग्निपथ’ के अंश और गीत ‘कभी-कभी...’ सुना कर दर्शकों का मन मोह लिया| इस वर्ष फ़िल्मोत्सव में हिन्दी के अतिरिक्त, कई अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं में भी फ़िल्में दिखाई जा रही हैं | भारत के अतिरिक्त बांग्लादे श, पाकिस्तान, नेपाल तथा श्रीलंका की फ़िल्में भी इस फ़िल्मोत्सव में सम्मिलित की गई हैं | इस दृष्टि से इसे भारतीय के स्थान पर इसे दक्षिण एशियाई फ़िल्मोत्सव कहना अधिक उपयुक्त होगा| इस उत्सव का आयोजन विक्टोरिया सरकार के सहयोग से किया गया है जो भारत के साथ न केवल व्यापारिक बल्कि सांस्कृतिक सम्बन्ध भी बढ़ाना चाहती है | इसीलिए विक्टोरिया सरकार ने बॉलीवुड की सिने-तारिका, विद्या बालन को इस फ़िल्मोत्सव का दत ू चुना है | इस अवसर पर लघु-फिल्म तथा नृत्य प्रतियोगिताएँ भी हो रही हैं और फ़िल्म जगत की कुछ प्रसिद्ध हस्तियाँ भी मेल्बर्न पधार रही हैं | स्मरणीय है कि आज से चालीस वर्ष पूर्व यहाँ कोई भी भारतीय फ़िल्म बड़े पर्दे पर नहीं दिखाई जाती थी| मेल्बर्न में सबसे पहले चंद ू कनौड़िया ने एक सिनेमा हॉल किराये पर ले कर हिन्दी फ़िल्में दिखाना प्रारं भ किया था| तबसे अब तक ऑस्ट्रेलिया में भारतीयों की संख्या में बहुत बड़ा परिवर्तन आया है | परिणामस्वरूप, अब यहाँ भारतीय फ़िल्मोत्सवों का आयोजन भी होने लगा है | इस अंक के k;Vyकंु ज स्तम्भ में ‘मातृदिवस’ तथा अन्य विषयों पर रोचक कविताएँ हैं | साथ में, ‘मातृ-दिवस’ पर और गत वर्ष वी.सी.ई. हिन्दी में तीसरा स्थान प्राप्त करने वाली छात्रा के लेख हैं | इसके अतिरिक्त, ‘पुस्तक-परिचय’, ‘संक्षिप्त समाचार’, ‘अब हँ सने की बारी है ’, ‘महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ’ व ‘सूचनाएँ’ स्तम्भ भी हैं | सभी माताओं को ‘मातृ-दिवस’ की हार्दिक बधाई| लिखियेगा कि आपको यह अंक कैसा लगा| -दिनेश श्रीवास्तव

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Editor, Hindi-Pushp, 141 Highett Street, Richmond, Victoria 3121 é-mel se rcn;E\ .ejne k; pt; hw-

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कल और आज

-सुमन वर्मा, मेल्बर्न

कितना अंतर है जीवन के उस कल और आज में कल तू था पर समय नहीं था आज समय है पर तू नहीं सूरज भी खिल रहा है फूल भी महक रहे हैं पक्षी भी चहक रहे हैं और झरने भी बह रहे हैं जीवन में सब वहीं है पर एक तार टू ट गया है और नग़मा ज़िन्दगी का ख़ामोश हो गया है इस ख़ामोश ज़िन्दगी के ज़रा नज़दीक आकर दे खो फिर से तराना सुना के ज़रा उल्लास भर के दे खो चक्कर यह ज़िन्दगी का जैसे रुक गया है सुनहला सा ख़्वाब मेरा मझधार में खो गया है कितनी शिकायत थी कल पर अफ़साना था उस शिक़वे में जलवा अब ज़िन्दगी का निस्तब्ध हो गया है एक बार ज़िन्दगी में ज़रा पास आकर दे खो गुज़रे हए कल को फिर से जगा के दे खो कल तो गुज़र गया है कल को मैं कैसे भुला दँ ू कल तो इस ज़िन्दगी का मक़सद बन गया है कितना प्यार था कल में वह आज नहीं है उस कल को लौटा कर ज़रा फिर से लौ जला दो ।।

-डॉ. भावना कँु वर, सिडनी कैसे उस पीड़ा को मिटाऊँ कैसे करूँ उस तड़प को दरू जो बनाती है हर पल दिल में गहरे घाव जमा कर रखती है अपने पाँव हटाती ही नहीं क्यों नहीं बन जाते फिर से वही सहारा जो बने थे कभी जब थामा था हाथ मेरा दनि ु या की चिंता किए बिना बनाया था एक छोटा सा आशियाना क्यों तिनका-तिनका बिखरने दे ते हो इसे क्यों नहीं थाम लेते फिर से उसी अंदाज़ में हाथ मेरा ज्यों थामा था बरसों पहले।

पड़ती है जब ज़रूरत मुझे तुम्हारे सहारे की लगते हो तुम खुद ही कोई सहारा ढू ँ ढने और मैं दर्द के दरिया में हाथ-पैर मारती ढू ँ ढती किनारा सँभालती ख़ुद को और उठ खड़ी होती ख़ुद ही दर्द से लड़ने को मिट रहा होता मेरा वजूद फिर भी हर बार संभालती जाती ख़ुद को और साथ ही तुमको भी पर दिल के कोने में उठती टीस को कैसे मैं समझाऊँ

रिश्ते जीवन के कैनवास पर रिश्तों की लम्बी - छोटी, आड़ी - तिरछी लकीरें कुछ गहरी, कुछ फीकी कुछ हल्की, कुछ तीखी कुछ मन से जुड़े, कुछ तन से जुड़े कहीं आगे बढ़ने की होड़ में संपर्कों की आड़ में जबरन जुड़े, स्वार्थी रिश्ते महलों की चाहत में दमकती दीवारों में सम्बन्धों की संवदे नाओं से बेअसर, बेदर्द

- कुसुम वीर, नोएडा, भारत पत्थर से रिश्ते शादियों में, उत्सवों में पर्वों पर, त्योहारों में नातों की नींव पर संस्कारों के नीड़ पर परम्पराओं में बँधे ढर्रे पर रें गते बेमानी रिश्ते कभी, इस मकड़जाल से निकलने को तड़पते राह न सूझने पर छटपटाते बेबस से रिश्ते

नहीं लौट पाई वह ...... कितनी पगडं डियों से गुज़रते हुए, उसने दे खे होंगे, कई बसंत कई पतझड़। कभी नहीं पूछ पाया मैं उसके मन की उमंग कहाँ से शुरू होती है ? उच्छल उतग ्तुं लहरों के साथ, कहाँ डू ब जाना चाहती है रोज़॥ कुछ रोज़ साथ-साथ चलने ही हद, और फिर नितांत अकेलेपन की दम घोटू हवाओं के बीच कहाँ, कब और कितनी दे र तक, - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

- सुशील कुमार ‘आज़ाद’, भारत

टहलती रही मेरे जिस्म में। मगर, मै नहीं समझ पाया उसको, वह कौन थी? जिसके संसर्ग में, मैं त्रिकाल दर्शी की तरह दे खा करता था अपने भविष्य की कंदराओं को सहज भाव से, जिसकी यादों के झरोखे से आज भी लहकते हैं बसंती झोके। जो लौट नहीं पाई मेरी राहों में, मै भी खोजता हूं अवशेष उसके, यहीं जहाँ वह लौट नहीं सकेगी कभी॥


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southSouth asia times 31 Asia Times

मातृ-दिवस (मदर्स डे )

वी.सी.ई. हिन्दी के मेरे अनुभव -सौम्या काकरिया, ग्लेन वेवर्ली केन्द्र,

-पूर्णिमा पाटिल, मेल्बर्न

दनि ु या भर में मई के दस ू रे हफ्ते के रविवार को मातृ-दिवस (मदर्स डे ) मनाया जाता है । अमेरिका की आन्ना जार्विस के विचारों से उपजा यह विशेष दिन है । इसका अपने आप में एक सम्मानजनक इतिहास है । आन्ना की माँ सामाजिक क्रांतिकारी महिला थीं। महिलाओं का परिवार के लिये समर्पित योगदान दे खते हुए वे चाहती थीं कि माताओं के सम्मान में उनको समर्पित कोई विशेष दिन मनाया जाना चाहिये। अपनी माँ की मृत्यु के पश्चात समझदार बेटी आन्ना ने अपनी प्यारी माँ की इस सुन्दर इच्छा को

राष्ट्रपति वूड्रो विल्सन ने घोषित किया क़ि प्रति वर्ष मई माह के दस ू रे सप्ताह के रविवार के दिन मातृ-दिवस अमेरिका में मनाया जायेगा। धीरे धीरे ४५ से अधिक दे शों में यह विशेष दिन मनाया जाने लगा है । आन्ना जार्विस का मन अमेरिका में यह दे खकर भी दःु खी था कि अनेक बच्चे बड़े हो जाने पर माँ के प्रति लापरवाह हो जाते हैं । माँ तिरस्कृ त और अकेली पड़ जाती हैं । माँ के प्यार दल ु ार परिश्रम-त्याग की गाथा को सम्मान दे ने वाली इस बेटी आन्ना जार्विस ने जिस सद्भावना से इस ‘मदर्स डे ’ को शुरू किया था आज उस भावना का बाज़ारीकरण होता जा रहा

पूरी करने की ठानी। समाज में लोगों के बीच इस भावना का उन्हें एहसास करवाया कि ईश्वर ने माँ के रूप में अपनी सबसे प्यारी छवि को हमारे पास भेजा है । माँ की ममता को किसी परिभाषा में बांधना मुश्किल है तो क्यों न उनकी नि:स्वार्थ प्रेम भावना के प्रति हम सम्मान प्रकट करें । आन्ना ने अपनी माँ की याद में गिरजाघर में उनका सबसे प्रिय फूल समर्पित किया और सरकार से लगातार अनुरोध व प्रयत्न करती रहीं कि मातृ-दिवस को विशेष दिन घोषित किया जाए। आन्ना द्वारा १९०८ से प्रारम्भ प्रयास अंतत: सफल हुआ और १९१४ में


विक्टोरियन स्कू ल ऑफ़ लैंग्वेजेज़

है । उपहारों को दे कर माँ के प्रति प्रेम व्यक्त करने की औपचारिकताएँ बढ़ती जा रही हैं । किसी का मन पढ़ने के लिये, प्यार दे ने के लिये, संवाद बनाने के लिये किसी खास तरह की भाषा या उपहार दे कर भावना प्रकट करने की ज़रूरत नहीं अपितु केवल आतंरिक गहरे प्यार और सम्मान दे ने की आवश्यकता होती है । माँ की रोज़ाना ख़बर-ख़ैरिययत लेते रहें । अपनी व्यस्त दिनचर्या में कभी-कभी थोड़ा समय निकालकर अपनी माँ के पास बैठें और उसे ख़ुशी पहुँचाने वाली दो चार बातें भी कर लें तो मातृ-दिवस (मदर्स डे ) मनाना सार्थक हो जायेगा!!

s'i=Pt sm;c;r

वी.सी.ई. के दो हिं दी छात्रों को प्रीमियर पुरस्कार

‘विक्टोरियन सर्टिफिकेट ऑफ़ एजुकेशन’ (वी.सी.ई.) की सन ् २०१३ की हिं दी परीक्षा में प्रथम और द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त करने वाले दो छात्रों क्रमश: तुषार गोयल और अतिभव चौधरी को विक्टोरिया के शिक्षा मंत्री के कर कमलों द्वारा २९ अप्रैल २०१४ को "प्रीमियर पुरस्कार" प्रदान किया गया। इस वर्ष, विभिन्न भाषाओं में ‘विक्टोरियन स्कू ल ऑफ़ लैंग्वेजेज़’ (वी.एस.एल.) के कुल ११ विद्यार्थियों को यह पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया, जिसमें दो हिन्दी विद्यार्थियों को मिला कर ग्लेन वेवर्ली केंद्र के पाँच विद्यार्थी सम्मिलित थे| ‘मेल्बर्न एक्ज़ीबिशन ऐंड कन्वेंशन सेन्टर’ में आयोजित पुरस्कार समारोह के पश्चात ली गयी फोटो में क्रमश: बाएँ से दाएँ, हिं दी संयोजिका, शिक्षिका सुश्री मनजीत ठे ठी, वी.एस.एल. के प्रधानाध्यापक, श्री फ्रैंक मर्लिनो, पुरस्कृ त छात्र तुषार गोयल, अतिभव चौधरी तथा अंत में वी.एस.एल के ग्लेन वेवर्ली केंद्र की एरिया मैनेजर’, सुश्री कोनी ब्रैम्बल हैं |

राष्ट्रपति भवन, दिल्ली में पद्म अलंकरण समारोह

r‹g-ibr‹gI kh;iny;\

Le;%k - riSkn b;Ž<@ p[k;xk- p[.;t p[k;xn ² n”R idLlI 110002 anuv;dk-ÅI a¨, c‹{² mULy 200 rÐpye .;rt srk;r Ã;r; ¾pµ .UW,¾ se sMm;int le%k riSkn b;Ž<@ ne apne s‹kln kI 24 ¾r‹g ibr‹gI kh;iny;\¾ ”s s‹g[h me‹ p[Stut kI hw‹) ks*lI me‹ jNme le%k kI ph;@¹I pirvex me‹ il%I g”R kh;inyo‹ me‹ k;Lpink .yoTp;dk .;vo‹ ko ¬veÐrne k; p[y;s iky; gy; hw) ¬Êm anuv;d ke ¬pr;‹t .I vh t;rtMy nhI‹ bn p;y; hw jo p;#k ko a;k‹# @ubo de a*r a;turt; se p;#k agle cr, kI p[tI+;; kre) lg.g s.I kh;inyo‹ me‹ piryo‹ a*r p[et;Tm;ao‹ k; sm;vex hw) bhu/; kq;nk p;Xc;Ty xwlI kI prMpr; pr a;/;irt hone ke k;r, .;rtIy pirvex se azUte rh j;te h'w) ”s puStk me' d;dI m;\ kI kh;inyo‹ ke g¨,² s;\p kI xK¹l k; r;jkum;r² a*r mr,opr;Nt jIivt p[;i,yo‹ kI Ekrst; ko r‹g ibr‹gI kh;inyo‹ ke åp m'e p[Stut iky; gy; hw) ihNdI kh;inyo‹ me‹ ¨ic r%ne v;le ivxeWkr ¬n p;#ko' ke ilye² jo smy dexk;l a*r le%k kI apnI ¨ic k; p[.;v² le%n pr de%n; c;hte hw‹² yh s‹kln ¬pyogI hog;) -@;Ž nreN{ ag[v;l

भारतवर्ष के राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुख़र्जी ने हाल ही में ३१ मार्च २०१४ को ५६ विशिष्ट व्यक्तियों को पदम ् अलंकरण से सम्मानित किया। इनमें से पद्मविभूषण का सर्वोच्च सम्मान जगप्रसिद्ध योगगुरू बेलरू कृ ष्णमाचार सुन्दरराजा आयंगर को आधुनिक जगत में पुरातन भारतीय योग कला की वैश्विक पहचान बनाने के लिये प्रदान किया गया। सुप्रसिद्ध लेखक रस्किन बॉन्ड, टे निस खिलाड़ी लेंडर पेस को पद्मभूषण और क्रिकेटर युवराज सिंह, अभिनेता परे श रावल, लोककलाकार मुसाफिर भारद्वाज ,एनीमेशन विशेषज्ञ राम मोहन, टोक्यो विश्वविद्यालय के भारतीय दर्शन के विद्वान नेगांकू मायदा आदि को पद्मश्री से सम्मानित किया गया। इस समारोह में एक को पद्मविभूषण , ११ को पद्मभूषण और ४४ विशिष्ट व्यक्तियों को पद्मश्री से अलंकृत किया गया। इसके पूर्व गणतन्त्र दिवस पर पहले ही कुल १२७ में से ६६ व्यक्तियों का पद्म अलंकरण हो चुका है ।

mhTvpU,R itiqy;\

१ मई (मई-दिवस/अंतर्राष्ट्रीयश्रम-दिवस),

२ मई (अक्षय तृतीया), ९ मई (रवीन्द्रनाथ टै गोर जयंती), ११ मई (मातृ-दिवस),

१३ मई

(हज़रत अली का जन्म-दिवस), १४ मई

(विशाखा पूजा, बुद्ध पूर्णिमा), १६ जून (गुरु

अर्जुन दे व शहीद दिवस), २८ जून (रमज़ान का आरं भ) |


1³ meLbnR me' .;rtIy if¹LmoTsv águ¨v;r² 1 mé se rivv;r² 11 mé tkâ k;yRv[Ðm ivvr, tq; Sq;n² smy a;id ke

टोरोंटो, कनाडा में भव्य वेदानुवाद विमोचन समारोह

टोरोंटो महानगर के मारखम शहर में वैदिक सांस्कृतिक केन्द्र के सभागार में छै अप्रैल रविवार को आर्य समाज, मारखम तथा टोरोंटो आर्य समाज द्वारा एक ऐतिहासिक, गरिमामय विमोचन समारोह का आयोजन किया गया। कनाडा के आप्रवासी वैदिक विद्वान डॉ. तुलसी राम शर्मा द्वारा चारों वेदों का आठ अंकों तथा आठ हज़ार पृष्ठों में अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद इस विमोचन समारोह की मुख्य विशेषता थी। टोरोंटो स्थित भारत तथा गुयाना के कोंसलावासों के प्रमुख महामहिम अखिलेश मिश्रा तथा सुश्री सती साव इस अवसर पर मुख्य अतिथि थे। इसके अतिरिक्त टोरोंटो महानगर के अनेकों गणमान्य विभूतियों ने भी सभा की शोभा बढ़ाई। -(प्रोफ़ेसर दे वेन्द्र मिश्र)

हिन्दी का आधुनिकतम शब्दकोश

हाल ही में महात्मा गांधी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिं दी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा ने हिं दी के सबसे नये व आधुनिकतम शब्दकोश का लोकार्पण किया है | वर्धा विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति, श्री विभूति नारायण के अनुसार, यह शब्दकोश अन्य हिं दी कोशों से बिलकुल अलग है और भविष्य में, इसके आने वाले संस्करणों में. ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड डिक्शनरी की भाँति, व्यवहार में आए हुए नए शब्दों को भी समाहित किया जाएगा| इस शब्दकोश का छोटा संस्करण भी शीघ्र ही आएगा। प्रकाशन भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ, नई दिल्ली ने किया है । अंतर्जाल पर इसे दे खने के लिए वर्धा हिं दी शब्दकोश दबाइये अथवा निन्मिलिखित वेबसाईट दे खिये- contentDetail.aspx?id=3159&pageno=1

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(हम हर वर्ष वी.सी.ई. हिन्दी परीक्षा में उच्च अंक प्राप्त करने वाले विद्यार्थियों के अनुभवों के बारे में लेख छापते हैं | इस लेख के लेखक ने वर्ष २०१३ की हिं दी परीक्षा में तीसरा सर्वोच्च स्थान प्राप्त किया है | यह इस ê'%l; का तीसरा लेख है – संपादक)

जब मैं अपने परिवार के साथ नौ वर्ष पहले ऑस्ट्रेलिया दे शान्तरित हुई थी तब मैं हिन्दी से पूर्णतः अनभिज्ञ थी। ऑस्ट्रेलिया आने पर मैंने दस ू री कक्षा में प्रवेश लिया था| मेरे घर में हिं दी बोली जाती थी परन्तु दसवीं कक्षा में पहुँच कर ही मैंने हिन्दी कक्षा में प्रवेश किया और दो वर्ष पहले मेरा अत्यंत यादगार सफ़र प्रारम्भ हुआ| मैं बहुत भाग्यशाली थी जो मुझे श्रीमती ठे ठी जैसी प्रतिभाशाली अध्यापिका मिलीं, जो सभी छात्र-छात्राओं को बहुत प्रेमपूर्वक पढ़ाती थीं। अगर कभी भी मुझे सहायता की ज़रूरत पड़ती थी तो वे बहुत धीरज से मेरी बात सुनकर मेरी मदद करती थीं। जब-जब मुझे ऐसा लगा कि मैं हिन्दी नहीं पढ़ सकती तब-तब उन्होंने मुझे प्रोत्साहित किया। श्रीमती ठे ठी व मेरे माता -पिता के प्रयास तथा प्रोत्साहन के बिना मुझे नहीं लगता कि मैं हिन्दी विषय में उत्तम अंक प्राप्त कर पाती। शुरू में मेरे हिन्दी पढ़ने का मुख्य कारण था भाषा के ज्ञान को बढ़ाना| बाद में मुझे यह जानकर प्रसन्नता हुई कि मैं एक वी. सी. ई. के विषय के रूप में हिन्दी पढ़ सकती हूँ| हिन्दी पढ़ने से मुझे अनेक लाभ हुए| उदाहरण के लिए, मुझे भारतीय संस्कृति, इतिहास, मान्यताएँ और जीवन -शैली के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करने का अवसर मिला। साथ ही, मुझे हिन्दी बोलने तथा समझने में भी आसानी होने लगी। पहले जब भी मैं भारत में अपने अन्य परिवार के सदस्यों से बात करती थी तो अँग्रेज़ी में ही बात करती थी लेकिन अब आसानी से उनसे हिन्दी में बात करने लगी हूँ| मैं वी. एस. एल. का भी सच्चे दिल से धन्यवाद करना चाहती हूँ कि उन्होंने मुझे हिन्दी पढ़ने का यह सुन्दर सुअवसर प्रदान किया और साथ ही यह भी आशा करती हूँ कि हिन्दी भाषा ऑस्ट्रेलिया और अन्य दे शों में और भी अधिक लोकप्रिय बने। मैं सभी भावी विद्यार्थियों को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए यह संदेश दे ना चाहती हूँ कि वी.सी. ई. में हिन्दी पढ़ने के सुअवसर का लाभ उठायें। मेरी हिन्दी की पाठशाला की शिक्षिका और सहपाठी मेरे परिवार का हिस्सा जैसे बन गए थे। हर सप्ताह मैं अपनी हिन्दी कक्षा का बड़े उत्साह से इन्तज़ार करती थी क्योंकि मुझे सभी सहपाठियों के साथ पढ़ना व हँ सी -मज़ाक करना बहुत अच्छा लगता था। हर सप्ताह हम भारत व भारतीय संस्कृति के बारे में कुछ न कुछ नया सीखते थे। मुझे ऐसा लगता था कि मैं भारत के बहुत क़रीब हूँ । यह सच है कि वी.सी.ई. में मेरी हिन्दी की कक्षा का अंत आ गया पर नई बातों का सीखना कभी समाप्त नहीं हुआ| मैं आशा करती हूँ कि आगे जा कर मुझे हिन्दी भाषा व संस्कृति के बारे में और जानकारी प्राप्त करने के अन्य अवसर मिलते रहें गे। वी.सी.ई. में हिन्दी पढ़ने से मुझे भारतीय होने का मतलब समझ आया और हिन्दी की पढ़ाई ने मुझे इस का़बिल बनाया है कि मैं अपने आप को गर्व से एक अच्छा भारतीय कह सकँू ।

ab h\sne kI b;rI hw


१. प्रश्न-भारतीय पत्नियाँ अगले जन्म में भी अपने वर्तमान पति को पाने की इच्छा क्यों करती हैं ? उत्तर- इसलिए कि इस जन्म में पति को सुधारने में उन्होंने जो मेहनत की है , वह अगले जन्म में भी काम आये| ३. रमेश (सुरेश से) – अगर तुम्हें दनि ु या बदलनी है तो जब अविवाहित हो तभी बदलो| सुरेश (रमेश से) – क्यों? रमेश (सुरेश से) – क्योंकि विवाह के बाद तुम टी.वी. का चैनल भी नहीं बदल पाओगे| 3. पत्नी(पति से) - सुनते हो, डॉक्टर ने मुझे एक महीना आराम के लिए स्विटज़रलैंड या पेरिस घूमने जाने को कहा है | हम कहाँ जायेंगे? पति (पत्नी से) – दस ू रे डॉक्टर के पास| (प्रेषक –डॉ. सुरेश गुप्ता, मेल्बर्न)

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SBS Radio's South Asian

SUNDAY Language Program Hindi..................................9 am to 10 am – 93.1 FM BANGLA Urdu................................10 am to 11 am – 93.1 FM Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 Tamil...............................11 am to 12 pm – 93.1 FM Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB Radio 2 Hindi.................................8 pm to 10 pm – 88.3 FM Monday & Saturday Singhalese.......................8 pm to 11 pm –97.7 FM 6-7 PM GUJARATI MONDA Y Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 Hindi....................................3 to 4 pm – 93.1 FM Melbourne 93.1 FM & SBSPm Radio Bengali...............................4 pm to 5 pm – 93.1 FM Wednesday & Friday 4-5 PM Hindi...................................6 pm to 8 pm – 88.3 FM Indian (Fiji)..................................6 pm to 8 pm 88.3 HINDI Punjabi........................1 1 am to 12 Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 noon 92.3 FM Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB Radio 2 Daily TUESDAY 5 PM

Hindi..................................... 6 am to 8 am – 97.7 FM Hindi.................................... 2 pm to 4 pm – 97.7 FM kannada Sydney SBS Radio 3 Melbourne SBS Radio 3 WEDNESDAY Tuesday 3-4 PM

Hindi.................................... .6 am to 8 am – 97.7 FM Hindi......................................... 12 to 1 pm – 93.1 FM Nepali Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS1Radio 2 12 pm - 92.3 FM Punjabi............................ 1 am to Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB Radio Hindi................................... .8 pm to 29 pm – 97.7 FM Saturday & Sunday 4-5 PM

THURSDAY PUNJABI Hindi............................... 5.30 am to 7 am – 97.7 FM Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 9 pm – 92.3 FM Tamil.................................... 8 pm to Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB Radio 2 Sinhalese.......................... 1 1 pm to 3 am –92.3 FM Monday & Friday Punjabi............................. 9 pm to 10 pm – 93.1 FM 9-10 PM SINHALESE FRIDAY Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 Indian.................................. .8 Radio am to 29 am – 88.3 FM Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB Monday & Friday 11AM-12 PM SATURDAY

Sinhalese............................ 7 am to 8 am – 92.3 FM TAMIL TSydney amil..................................... 12-12.30 97.7 FM & SBS Radio 2 pm – 88.3 FM Indian.................................... am to26 am - 92.3 FM Melbourne 93.1 FM & SB5Radio Monday & Saturday Punjabi.......................................... 12-2 am – 92.3 FM 8-9 PM Indian................................ 9 pm to 10 pm – 92.3 FM Punjabi.................................................. 11 pm to 1 am urdu Sydney 97.7 FM & SBS Radio24/7 2 Radio stations Melbourne FM & SB Radio 2(Subscription) Indian Link93.1 Radio Wednesday & Sunday 18000 15 8 47 6-7 PM Radio Santa Banta (Internet) WORLD NEWS AUSTRALIA RADIO SydneyJhankar 1107AM88.6 & SBSFM; Radio 1 Thursday; 8 to Radio Every Melbourne 1224AM & SB Radio 1 10 pm; Contact: 94668900 or 0411247320 or Monday & Friday 9404 2111 6-7 am & 6-7 PM



PLACES OF WORSHIP HINDU Shri Shiva Vishnu Temple 57 Boundary Rd, Carrum Downs, Melbourne, Vic 3201, Ph: 03 9782 0878; Fax: 03 9782 0001 Website: Sri Vakratunda Vinayaka Temple 1292 - 1294, The Mountain Highway, The Basin, Vic 3154, Ph: 03 9792 1835 Melbourne Murugan Temple 17-19 Knight Ave., Sunshine VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9310 9026 Durga Temple (Durga Bhajan Mandali) Neales Road, Rockbank, Vic 3335 Ph: 03 9747 1628 or Mobile: 0401 333 738 Hare Krishna (ISKCON) Temple 197 Danks Street, Middle Park Vic 3206 Ph: (03) 9699 5122 Email: Hare Krishna New Nandagram Rural Community Oak Hill, Dean’s Marsh Rd., Bambra VIC 3241, Ph: (052) 887383 Fax: (052) 887309 Kundrathu Kumaran Temple 139 Gray Court, ROCKBANK Victoria 3335 Ph: 03-9747 1135 or M: 0450 979 023 SIKH BLACKBURN Sri Guru Nanak Satsang Sabha 127 Whitehorse Road, Blackburn VICTORIA 3130, Ph: (03) 9894 1800 CRAIGIEBURN Sri Guru Singh Sabha 344 Hume Highway, Craigieburn VICTORIA 3164 (see map), Ph: (03) 9305 6511 KEYSBOROUGH Gurdwara Sri Guru Granth Sahib 198 -206 Perry Road, Keysborough VICTORIA 3073 (see map) LYNBROOK Nanaksar Taath, 430 Evans Road, Lynbrook VICTORIA 3975, (03) 9799 1081 HOPPERS CROSSING Sri Guru Nanak Satsang Sabha 417 Sayers Road, Hoppers Crossing VICTORIA 3029, Ph: (03) 9749 2639 WERRIBEE Gurdwara Sahib Werribee 560 Davis Road, Tarneit VICTORIA 3029 PH: (03) 8015 4707 SHEPPARTON Gurdwara Sahib Shepparton 240 Doyles Road, Shepparton VICTORIA 3603 PH: (03) 5821 9309 JAIN Melbourne Shwetambar Jain Sangh Inc 3 Rice Street, Moorabbin, Vic - 3189, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9555 2439

M A Y MUSLIM Melbourne West Mosque 66-68 Jeffcott Street, Melbourne Ph: 03 9328 2067 Broadmeadows Mosque 45-55 King Street, Broadmeadows Ph 03 9359 0054 Islamic Call Society 19 Michael Street, Brunswick Ph: 03 9387 7100 Islamic Centre of Australia 660 Sydney Road, Brunswick Ph 03 9385 8423 Australian Islamic Cultural Centre 46-48 Mason Street, Campbellfield Ph: 03 9309 7605 Coburg ISNA Mosque 995 Sydney Road, Coburg North Coburg Mosque (Fatih Mosque) 31 Nicholson Street, Coburg Ph 03 9386 5324 Deer Park Mosque 283 Station Road, Deer Park Ph 03 9310 8811 United Migrant Muslim Assn. 72 George Road, Doncaster Ph 03 9842 6491, Footscray West Mosque 294 Essex Street, Footscray Glenroy Musala 1st Floor, 92 Wheatsheaf Road, Glenroy Heidelberg Mosque Corner Lloyd & Elloits Streets, West Heidelberg Islamic College of Victoria (Mosque) 201 Sayers Road, Hoppers Crossing Ph 03 9369 6010 Huntingdale Mosque 320-324 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale Ph 03 9543 8037 Al Nur Mosque 34-36 Studley Street, Maidstone Meadow Heights Mosque Hudson Circuit, Meadow Heights Springvale Mosque 68 Garnworthy Street, Springvale

EMERGENCY CONTACTS EMERGENCY CONTACTS Police, Fire & Abulance ........................ 000 Victoria State Emergency Service (SES)....................................... 132 500 Traffic hazards and freeway conditions.......................... 13 11 70 Gas escape........................................... 132 771 Poisons information........................ 13 11 26 Maternal and Child Line................ 13 22 29 Parentline........................................... 13 22 89 Kids Help Line......................... 1800 551 800 Lifeline (provides confidential telephone counselling)................. 13 11 14 Suicide Help Line.................... 1300 651 251 Animal Emergencies.................. 9224 2222 - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

2 0 1 4

HIGH COMMISSION FOR PAKISTAN,CANBERRA 4 Timbarra Crescent, O’Malley ACT 2606 (Australia), Tel: 61-2-62901676, 61-2-62901676, 62902769, 62901879 & 62901031, Fax: 61-262901073 Email: parepcanberra@internode., Postal Address: PO Box 684, Mawson ACT 2607 (Australia)

Sri Lanka Consulate 32A Brunswick Street ,Walkerville 5081 Melbourne , Phone: 9898-6760, 9248-1228 Email:

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra 43, Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT-2606 Canberra, Australia, Ph: (61-2) 6290-0511, (612) 6290-0522, (61-2)6290-0533 (Auto hunting). Fax : (61-2) 6290-0544 E-Mail Consulate of Nepal, Melbourne Email: Level 7, 28-32 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Ph: (03) 9650 8338 Email: SBS1 – Daily NDTV News - 11 am - Monday to Saturday. (From New Delhi, India).

TV News/programs Hindi News Urdu news SBS1 - PTV News – 9.30 am - Every Sunday – (From Pakistan). Readymades Roshan’s Fashions 68-71 Foster Street, Dandenong, Vic 3175 Ph: (03) 9792 5688 Raj Rani Creations 83-A Foster Street, Dandenong, Vic 3175 Ph: (03) 9794 9398 Heritage India 54-56 Foster Street, Dandenong, Vic 3175, Ph: (03) 9791 9227 Site:

DVDs, Music CDs & Film Stuff Baba Home Entertainment 52C Foster St., Dandenong 3175, (03) 97067252 Essence of India 76 Foster St., Dandenong 3175 (03) 87744853; 0413707685 Accountants & Loans Deepak & Associates Suite 4 & 6, Bldg.6, Hamilton Place, Mont Waverley 3149, (03) 9807 5992; 0402459174; 0411733737

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quick community guide


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contd from previous page All Banking Needs Rakesh Raizada Commonwealth Bank (Indian Banking) Ground Floor, 378 Burwood Highway Burwood East 3151 Mobile: 0434470095 Email: Immigration iVisa Consulting Level 5, 45 William St. Melb. Mobile: 0409504094 1st Migration PL, Suite 110, Level 1, 672 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn Vic 3122 Travel Agents Gaura Travels 1300 FLY INDIA or 1300 359 463 Supa Cheap Travel 381 Burwood Road, Hawthorn 3122 Ph: (03) 98194656; Mobile: 0420201155 Mann Travel 329 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168 Travel House 284 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168 Ph: (03) 95435123, Mobile: 0425803071 Solicitors/Barristors Vernon Da Gama & Associates 28 Fromer St. Beltleigh 3204 Ph: (03) 95038046; Fax: (03) 95038047 Mobile: 0401407280/042193100 Email:


South Asia Times CONSULAR SERVICES (Passport, Visa, OCI, PIO & Miscellaneous) Please note that all these consular services are handled by VFS Global (Indian Passport and Visa Service Centre) The Consulate General of India in Melbourne will continue to provide to residents of Victoria and Tasmania the following consular services, for which applications would have to be lodged directly with the Consulate:

Khalsa Loins Celebration Dinner

The Khalsa Loins organised a dinner cum function at the Azooba Restaurant, Westmeadows on 9th May evening. A large number of members, supporters and political leaders attended the largely attended glittering event. Prominent political leaders and personalities addressed the gathering. People attended the celebration in their traditional dresses. The organisers did a good job as all the arrangements were in place at the beautifully decorated restaurant.

Miscellaneous OCI Services • Miscellaneous Consular Services (such as attestation of documents, transfer of visas from old to new passport, affidavits, birth certificates, life certificates, certificate required to transport ashes or mortal remains to India etc) IMPORTANT: The Consulate does not accept credit cards, EFTPOS, personal cheques or company cheques. Please send only money orders or bank cheques with applications sent through the post. Cash payments are accepted only at the counter. WORKING HOURS General Working Hours 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, Consular Working Hours 09.30 am to 12.30 pm Monday to Friday, (except on public holidays observed by the consulate) International Students International Student Care Service (ISCS) Ph: 1800 056 449 Emergency Services Police, Fire, Ambulance............................000 Crime Stoppers......................1800 333 000 Property st Property PL, Suite 110, Level 1,672 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn Vic 3122

Dr. Nadesan’s books launched

Melbourne: Three books written by Dr. Noel Nadesan were recently launched at the RSL Glen Waverley along with Liz Beattie MP ,Cr. Chandra Daya Bamunusinghe JP, Jude Perera MP, Neeraj Nanda, SAT Editor, Dr.Kausal Srivastav, Manoj Kumar among others. The gathering was addressed by prominent writers and academics. Everyone wished all the best to Dr. Noel Nadesan. The three books were – Lostb in You (English), Butterfly Lake (Sinhala) and Ashoka’s Hospital (Tamil).

INDIAN CONSULATE (MELBOURNE) Address : 344, St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia , P.O. Box No: 33247 Domain LPO Vic 3004 General phone: +61-3- 96827836 Fax No: + 61-3- 96968251 Web site: PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number for General Consular Enquiries(operational only during Consular Working Hours i.e. 0930 hrs to 1230 hrs, Monday to Friday) For PCC and PCC and Driving License Verification enquiries 03- 96825800 02 8223 9908/ 1900 969 969 Email ID for General Consular Enquiries Visa enquiries: Passport/Police Clearance Certificate/ Driving License Enquiries passportinfo., OCI/PIO Enquiries

Join SAT @ South-Asia-Times-SAT - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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Indian electricity prices will double with Australian Coal: IEEFA By News Desk


ydney, May 16: Australian coal export projects are economically unviable and lack financial justification for development, according to a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). As Chinese coal demand growth continues to slow, attention is focusing on India as the next potential big growth market. This groundbreaking new report uses in-depth financial modelling to evaluate the prospect of India as the next big coal import market, with results demonstrating the fundamental financial problems facing the Indian coal-fired power generation industry. “Evidence is mounting that coal mining in Australia is entering structural not cyclical decline. This report is a wakeup call to investors and industry, questioning the economic basis for an increasing number of

proposed coal projects in Australia,” Tim Buckley, Director of Energy Finance Studies, Australasia for IEEFA said. “Detailed financial modelling has exposed Galilee basin coal as essentially unusable - the two biggest thermal coalmine projects in Australian history are fundamentally unprofitable and commercially unviable. “The financial justification for Galilee Basin coal is based on flawed economic assumptions, including a reliance on the increasingly uncertain prospect of India being able to continue to finance and economically justify building imported coal-fired power stations,” he said. The report contributes to mounting industry unease about the financial viability of Australian export coal. In September 2011 Gina Rinehart sold most of her coal assets in Queensland’s Galilee Basin to Indian company, GVK. "The industry’s economic models are flawed, the world’s

poor won’t be helped, and the demand that is used to justify ruining Australia’s natural wonders is an illusion. Savvy operators are increasingly avoiding the Galilee,” Mr. Buckley said. “The report found that imported coal would need to be priced at double the wholesale price of India’s electricity, which categorically discredits the nonsense arguments that it might alleviate India’s energy poverty. “The good news is that renewable are increasingly affordable and effective: wind, solar and hydro can be built faster and cheaper, in addition to acting as a deflationary driver in the economy. “The cost of electricity generation from solar in India has fallen 65 per cent in the last 3 years alone and these doubledigit declines are forecast to continue. “A key difference between coal fired power generation and renewable energy is the issue of inflation: fossil fuels are inflationary while renewable are deflationary,” he said.

“The financial modeling demonstrates that renewables not only start out cheaper than building new imported coal power capacity, but also get cheaper over time. “In contrast, the average price escalation for imported coal in India equates to 4% pa in Rupee terms because it requires purchasing this US$ denominated fuel. “India’s perilous economic and financial situation create further uncertainty for companies relying on its ability and willingness to import coal, with its associated implications for inflation, current account deficits, economic instability and energy security,” Mr Buckley said. Tim Buckley is the Director of Energy Finance Studies, Australasia for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. He has 25 years of financial markets experience, including 17 years with Citigroup culminating in his role as Managing Director and Head of Australasian Equity Research.Mr. Buckley - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

The report found that imported coal would need to be priced at double the wholesale price of India’s electricity, which categorically discredits the nonsense arguments that it might alleviate India’s energy poverty. has spent the past five years investigating trends in global renewable energy and as a result questions the viability of the Galilee developments. —SAT News Service


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Five South Asian films @ 61st Sydney Film Festival (4-15 June, 2014) By our film correspondent


ydney, May 12: There are five South Asian movies at the forthcoming Sydney Film Festival. Four are from India and one from Nepal. The focus of the festival is on China featuring six feature films and one short film. The festival has a daring and diverse program consisting of 183 titles from 47 countries, with 15 World, 122 Australian and 6 international premieres, screening at multiple locations, including the State Theatre, Event Cinemas George Street, Dendy Opera Quays, the Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace Cremorne, Art Gallery of NSW and,

new in 2014, the Skyline Drive-In Blacktown. Short briefs about the South Asian movies at the festival:

housewife with an office worker in the dusk of his life. Siddharth (India)

This affecting and powerful film, about an Indian father desperately searching for his 12-year-old son who goes missing after being sent to work at a factory, was a hit in Venice and Toronto.

Charulata (India)

Satyajit Ray's 1964 adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore's novel, about a love triangle centered around a lonely housewife in Victorian Calcutta, helped make him a master of world cinema.

Manakamana (Nepal)

Faith Connections (India)

The latest film from Pan Nalin (Samsara) focuses on India's Kumbh Mela, the biggest gathering of people on earth, and the ultimate pilgrimage for 100 million Hindus.

The Lunchbox (India)

Irrfan Khan (Life of Pi) stars in this Indian indie hit - a delicious celebration of food and romance. A wayward lunchbox connects a

Radical cinema from Harvard's Sensory Ethnography Lab: a dozen cable-car trips to a Nepalese monastery, unedited and with little dialogue, offer a revealing and meditative experience. For details:

A visit to ‘Ghalib Ki Havali’

By Neeraj Nanda


elhi : Ghalib born Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan (1797 – 1869), was a classical Urdu and Persian poet in Delhi from the fading years of the Mughal Empire and the rising years of the British colonial rule. He used the pen-names of Ghalib and Asad. After shifting from Agra, Ghalib lived in Old Delhi’s ‘Gali Qasim Jaan’ (Chawari Bazar) in his ‘Haveli’. Known as ‘Ghalib Ki Haveli’, it is in the heart of the crowded, busy and noisy Old Delhi. Me and SAT correspondent Rajeev Sharma took a ‘Rikshaw’ from ‘Chandani Chowk’ and reached the place wading through chaotic narrow lanes and crowds of walking people. We were late and the ‘Haveli’ (now a heritage site under the Archeologically Survey of

India) was closed. Somehow we searched the caretaker and he happily opened the ‘Haveli’ for us. It was a dream come true and a flashback into the bygone era. It has a large compound with Mogual era bricks and portraits of Ghalib and his couplets. A few hand written couplets and books are also there. A sculpture of Ghalib that was sculpted by Bhagwan Rampure and commissioned by poet and Hindi film lyricist Gulzar can also be seen. The place has a poetic ambience laced with the din and glow of a lost era. I read somewhere in Rahul Pandita’s book on Ballimmarian saying that Hasrat Mohani’s Ghazal “Chupke, chupke raat din ansoon bahan yaad hein….” was written on a terrace in Ballimaraan by a youthful Mohani who had fallen in love with a girl living in the next house. Well, one

wonders, how many more poems were written here. When you enter the main gate of the ‘Haveli’ you see a commercial setup just adjacent (or inside) the ‘Haveli’ complex. One realises time is taking its toll. Despite the ASI taking it over the place needs more and efficient up keeping. It was getting dark and having clicking the camera too much with curious onlookers outside it was time to say goodbye to the abode of Delhi’s (and India’s) greatest Urdu poet. He was the poet who

celebrated Eid and Diwali. He called himself a half Muslim as he consumed alcohol but did not eat Pork. Ballimaaran, which stood witness to the bloodshed during India’s First War of Independence 1857, has seen it all. I had a feeling of fulfilment visiting the ‘Haveli’. My iPhone was ringing reminding how much life has changed from the times of Ghalib. We hurried towards the Chandni Chowk Metro station for a train to the Press Club, Raisina Road. —SAT News Service - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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Akshay Kumar ‘s romantic thriller ‘Holiday’ releasing on 6 June M By News Desk

umbai: One of India’s talented actors, Akshay Kumar, is set to take on his most iconic role to date in his new film: ‘Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty’, releasing worldwide on 6th June 2014 through Reliance Entertainment and releasing in Australia by Mind Blowing Films. Produced by Akshay Kumar’s production company Hari Om Entertainment and Vipul A Shah’s Sunshine Pictures, Holiday is an intelligent, high-octane, edge-of-yourseat romantic thriller, which delves into the dark labyrinth of terror cells, bomb plots and international espionage. Directed by renowned filmmaker A. R. Murugadoss, who made the worldwide blockbuster Ghajini, Holiday sees the talented and

versatile actor-turned producer Akshay Kumar joined by a stellar cast comprising Bollywood siren Sonakshi Sinha (Dabangg, Rowdy Rathore), who plays love interest Nisha, and veteran actor Govinda (Raavan, Partner), who ably performs the role of Akshay’s senior commanding officer. Newcomer to the Bollywood arena Freddie Daruwala shines as the ruthless and brutal leader of the terror cell. The music for the film has been penned maestro Pritam Chakraborty. Akshay Kumar essays the role of Virat Bakshi, a military officer who is on holiday with his battalion in his bustling home city of Mumbai. However, unbeknown to his fellow officers, Virat is also an undercover Secret Defence Intelligence Agent, masterly skilled and trained in covert anti-terror intelligence operations. Whilst on a family visit to Mumbai, Virat is caught up in a

gruesome terror attack that sees a crowded bus blown to pieces. But this is just the beginning of the story for Virat, as he gets drawn into a sinister web of lies and deceit in his quest to bring the very top echelons of the terror mafia to justice before they strike again in the heart of Mumbai – the city that Virat holds closest to his heart. - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

This Summer audiences will be gripped with intrigue, action and thought-provoking drama interspersed with romantic elements, as ‘Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty’ gets set to infiltrate peoples’ hearts and minds. For details about Australia release check – www. —SAT News Service.


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Amitabh Bachchan spices up IFFM-2014 - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

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Amitabh Bachchan spices up IFFM-2014

By Neeraj Nanda


elbourne: India’s favourite Bollywood icon and actor Amitabh Bachchan, here for the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) 2014, was given a rousing reception by fans and lovers of Indian cinema. His presence in the most liveable city from the day he landed at the Melbourne Airport followed by a spate of IFFM-2014 and other events once again proved his immense popularity. He was named the IFFM International Screen Icon for 2014 and he presented the first ‘Shri Amitabh Bachchan’ scholarship ($ 200,000) that was instituted in his honour by the La Trobe University. He was also given a private tour at the Iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on 2nd May, hosted by the Victorian Government. Talking to SAT, Mitu Bhowmick, CEO of the festival said., “I was delighted when La TRobe awarded the ‘ Shri Amitabh

Bachchan Scholarship ‘ to a Phd Student for unto 4 years”. Addressing the media Amitabh Bachchan had full praise for the festival organisers and commended the Victorian government for supporting the festival. “Films are integrating factors in society and I feel proud to be part of this festival. Feel very honoured to inaugurate the festival. “ “This will not be my last visit to Melbourne,” he said. Later talking to SAT, Amitabh Bachchan said, “He wanted the most able person to lead India after the current elections.” “I joined politics but realised I am not qualified for it,” he said. Once known as the ‘Young angry man’, Amitabh now feels he is an ‘Old angry man’. Fans had widely anticipated his visit as the city geared up for the IFFM2014. Amitabh Bachchan, also known as the Big-B, was there to launch the first film of the festival ‘Sholey 3D’, at the Hoyts

Melbourne Central, which is a 3D conversion of his 1975 super hit movie ‘Sholey’. The IFFM is the southern hemisphere’s greatest annual celebration of Indian cinema and welcomes a colourful array of Bollywood artists to Melbourne including film maker and actress Konkona Sen Sharma, famed director and producer Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, enduring Bollywood actress Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Malaika Arora Khan and Simi Garewal and many more Indian talents. The 11 day long festival kicked off on May 1 with premiere of Amitabh’s ‘Sholay 3D’. An glittering IFFM awards ceremony at the Princess Theatre later honoured films in five categories – Best Film, Best Performance, Best Director, Best Independent Film and the People`s Choice Award. Filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's hit film 'Bhaag Milkh Bhaag', a biopic on legendary athlete Milkha Singh, bagged three awards in the categories of best film, direction and

actor awards. Kangana Ranaut was presented the best actress award by the former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu for her hit film 'Queen'. In the category of People's choice award, 'Dhoom 3' stood as the winner after being the highest grossing film at the Australian box office. In the best Indie film award category, Ritesh Batra bagged the award for 'The Lunchbox'. The sparkling evening came to a spectacular close with Mr Bachchan playfully taking a selfie with the 1600 strong enthralled audience behind. “The vision for the Indian Film festival of Melbourne has already been big .. to bring people together.. be a wonderful cultural bridge between Australia and India , to watch lots of great films in various languages , dance at federation Square , make short films and be a ‘ festival’ in every sense of the word..,” Mitu told SAT. The festivities continued with the ever popular Bollywood Dance - (03) 9095 6220, 0421 677 082

competition held at the iconic Federation Square on may 4.Teams and dancers from All over Australia to dance for Malaika Arora Khan, Vijay Acharya ( Dhoom 3 ) and Avtar Panesar ( VP YRF).The winning dancers were of various ethnicities which was very heart warming and special for Malaika. The Masterclasses by Suhasini Maniratnam and Konkona Sen sharma had young film makers energised and full of questions hungry for more Over 45 films , in 20 different languages , from 5 countries and 21 Australian premieres were screened at the 2014 IFFM making it the largest festival of Indian films in the southern hemisphere The festival finally came to a stunning close with the Australian premiere of Gayonar Baksho , introduced by 2 time National award winning Konkona Sen Sharma .. Film lovers have already started counting days waiting for IFFM 2015! —SAT News Service

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