Shofar Magazine Summer Edition

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T.D. Jakes

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Steve Harvey

NY Times Best selling Book Instinct Mustafa

s Situation

MAGAZINE Your Kingdom Media Source

Summer Edition Volume 1


Anthony Hamilton

Rickey Smiley & Gary Owens

P. K. Mickens

Kerry Washington

Lupita Nyong’o

ISSN PRINT 2327-3933 Online 2327-3968

From Vision to Investment to Worldwide Impact @ShofarMagazine


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Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You for Your unconditional love for me. I know that I have made you sad in past when I heard your still small voice and I did the complete opposite of what I heard. You never ever gave up on me, even when I would have completely understood if You did. I speak the life of God to my spirit, soul, and body. I renounce all stubborn spirits in my life. Lord deal with every thing that would try to keep my mind in bondage. I decree and declare that I am stable and steadfast in my calling and will not miss the high calling on my life because of attacks against my mind.

Help me to discern Your seasons and timings so that I may know Your heartbeat. Father, give me the eye of the Spirit that I may know how to navigate and maneuver in the things of the Spirit. Let the love of Christ shine from my soul so that men will be drawn to Jesus. You are my helper, and I thank You that I will not be deceived, pulled away, or caused to stray from the truth of Your Word.

I fear having a relationship with people without having a relationship with God. I am anointed to follow God wholeheartedly. I decree that I am saved, sanctified, and satisfied. In Jesus Name, Amen.






by Terrelle Smith-Harrison









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Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. Welcome family and friends to the “Real-Life Situations” Edition of Shofar Magazine! Most of us gravitate to almost anything that we can relate to right? Well, in this issue I hope that you will be encouraged and find interesting facts & truths that will provoke you to change the terms on the way your everyday life situations are viewed. Allow the content to help you develop a since of clarity and purpose in your heart in mind. God has made an incredible promise about small groups of believers: “For where there are two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” And family God is in the midst of the Shofar Magazine. I pray that our publication provides real fellowship. In real fellowship people experience authenticity. Authentic fellowship is not superficial, surface-level chit chat. It is genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut level, sharing. It happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives. They share their hurts, reveal their feelings, confess their failures, disclose their doubts, admit their fears, acknowledge their weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer. Authenticity is the exact opposite of what you find in most magazines. People wear masks, keep their guard up, and act like everything is peaches and crème in their lives. These attitudes are death of real fellowship. Personally I have discovered it is only as we become more open about our lives that we experience real fellowship. The Bible says: “If we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other…If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves.” The world thinks intimacy occurs in the dark, but God says it happens in the light; we bring them all out into the open and admit who we really are.

MISSION Spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ in a non-traditional, but holy spirit lead way. ~ Mark 7:9 Shofar is the only pure inspirational holistic magazine. It’s oversized page and voice command the attention of the world’s most influential celebrities & consumers. Our circulation’s rate base is approximately 500,000, and is published bi-monthly. If you are looking to promote your business in a non conventional way the Shofar Magazine is sure to proclaim your message, ministry, & product to the nations. We also give back to various communities around the world to fight against Domestic Violence. 5% of our annual revenue goes to aid victims of domestic violence. We have been sent by God to make a global impact by educating, empowering, infusing different cultures, & creating network opportunities for our readers and sponsors. Consider partnering with America’s Next Largest Magazine.


Being Authentic Requires Both Courage & Humility It means facing our fear of exposure, rejection, and being hurt again. I hear you, why would anyone take such a risk? Well family and friends it is the only way to grow spiritually and be emotionally healthy. The Bible says, “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.” The Real-Life Situations Issue was comprised for the purpose of rubbing out mistakes, not rubbing in. We all need mercy, because we all stumble and fall and require help getting back on track. “Share each other’s problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” We only grow by taking risks, and the most difficult risk of all is to be honest with ourselves and others.

P. K. Mickens

P. K. Mickens Editor-In-Chief Follow @ PKMISSIONS 2 | Shofar Magazine

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P. K. Mickens Jairrod Burch Sr. Jacqueline Stiles

Marketing/ Promotions

Bobby Jay Jaha McCray Nina Andy

Opinions to be published or letters to the editor send via email 7643 Gate Parkway Suite 104-160 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 800-9MAG

Summer Edition Volume 1

CD Features Nationally-acclaimed Artists And Musicians Including Shirley Murdock, Preashea Hilliard, And John Wilds Renowned preacher and pastor Dr. Riva Tims presents Gospel ensemble, Majestic Praise, granting listeners full access to the new project titled, Access Granted. With two singles already charting, the ensemble’s debut project ushers in God’s presence with its praise and worship emphasis while prompting believers to utilize their kingdom access granted through Jesus Christ.

The highly anticipated CD, scheduled to drop this summer, follows the release of the album’s first single, “Incredible God”. It features the harmonious blend of the Majestic Praise team of Tims’ church, Majestic Life Ministries, based in Orlando. The 10-song project also highlights the talented vocals of nationally recognized artists such as Shirley Murdock, Preashea Hilliard, and John Wilds. Listeners are provided with a worship experience that includes live instruments, anointed voices, and original music that is promises to stir souls, empower lives, and change hearts. “This music is sure to set an atmosphere for praise and worship,” explains Tims. “It provides a Sunday morning experience that can be felt on any day of the week. I truly believe that the Spirit of God is felt in every song and that the message behind each song will minister to every situation.” Dr. Tims is highly recognized as a preacher and prophet. She is also known as cofounder, along with her former husband the late Dr. Zachery Tims, of New Des-

tiny Christian Church. Surprising to most however, she also possesses a love and passion for gospel music. This passion led to the development of Access Granted. With the help of Praise & Worship Director, Lydell Tate, of Majestic Life Ministries, Tims began working on the project immediately after hearing from God. “God honored my desire to spread the gospel through music,” she shares. “Music has also touched me in a special way and as a pastor, I certainly appreciate how music sets the atmosphere to receive the preached Word of God. It has a powerful way of touching hearts and breaking through emotional and spiritual barriers. I wanted to develop a project that would have that same type of impact. I truly believe that Access Granted does that.” In addition to the riveting, “Incredible God”, the CD contains tracks like the title tune, “Access Granted”, inspired by a sermon by Tims and “When It All Falls Apart,” the second single and the title of Tims’ autobiography. To connect with Riva Tims & Majestic Praise, find them on Facebook at majesticpraisemusic and on Twitter at @RivaTimsMP.

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YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT YOU SEE! When you look in the mirror, what reflection do you see? Is a confident person? or a person that is easily defeated? Whatever reflection you see is what you are going to exemplify. One of the problems with many today is that we want to act in a way that we do not even see ourselves. For years, I listened to other people’s thoughts about me. People would say that I was too dark or that my teeth were not straight enough, that my face was too flat… there were so many things that were said. If I would have allowed what people said or what people say about me, I would live a lift of total defeat. Are you allowing what people said or are saying get to you? If you are… STOP IT! Do not allow this to be a distraction in your life that prevents you from pursuing all that God has called you to do.

You were made wonderful! Everyone that was born has a beautiful and precious story to tell. I bet when your parents saw you for the first time, there was nothing you could do wrong in their eyes. You were the sparkle in their eyes that put a huge grin on their faces. This

4 | Shofar Magazine

is how God our father sees us; we are the apple of his eye. We put a smile on His face when we are obedient to what he tells us to do. Don’t let others try to tell you any different. Even if you’re wrong in your earthly parents’ eyes, they may fuss at you or try to correct you by some type of punishment, or better yet, a warning. This is what our heavenly father wants to do with us when we mess up. Yes, his grace covers us but he still wants to love on us, as well as make sure we don’t fall into that same mistake again. Hebrews 12:6 It tells us the Lord disciplines those he loves. The reason he does this is because he knows how special you are, you were made in his image with power and the ability to do better. He wants our flesh to be crucified so that we will lead life with our spirit man instead of our natural man. Now, this is a kind of love that cannot be touched. It’s time to start seeing life from God’s view, simply because his is madly in love with you! By Terrelle



Book Promo Seibert says, “I felt led to write this book now because I believe there is a deep need for more voices calling people to a radical devotion to Jesus. We wanted to inspire others to believe in the Church again - not just biblically, but practically - as we rally together to be the moral conscience of our nation and the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth.”

PASSION & PURPOSE proclaims a message of the power of the church in modern society. A message that individuals who come together, focused on loving Jesus and being dedicated to His work can have a global impact. He hopes Passion & Purpose creates a stirring in the hearts of churches to go out and be the church as described in the book of Acts, to go be salt and light in a dark world. Summer Edition Volume 1

CONTENTMENT Discontentment makes rich men poor while contentment makes poor men rich – Benjamin Franklin

“Contentment is realizing that God has already provided everything I need for my present and future happiness.” Contentment comes as we realize that God is all we really need and He will never leave us. We can be satisfied in Him, knowing that He is the Supplier of all our physical and spiritual needs. “Be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Contentment Must Be Learned We long for a better environment, assuming that with different surroundings we will

achieve contentment. Yet Adam and Eve had the perfect environment, and they were not content in it. They had perfect health, a perfect garden, and daily fellowship with God Himself, yet they soon believed the lie that God had not provided everything they needed for their present and future happiness. If Adam and Eve were not content in the Garden of Eden, what hope is there for us, apart from the spiritual insight that comes from God? May we, with Paul, be able to say, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content (Philippians 4:11).

promised to provide for our needs; however, He has not assured us that we will get all our wants. We have the tendency to spend our resources on wants and then worry about our needs. Jesus warned about such concern. “Therefore take no thought, saying, “What shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, where withal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you” Mathew 6:31-33

There are few things in life that are really necessary. In fact, God identified just two: food and clothing. (I Timothy 6:8). If we are content with the basics of food and clothing, we will never be content, no matter how many things we obtain. God has

The more you and I release earthly possessions, the more you and I can grasp eternal treasures. “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” I Timothy 6:7

Personal Evaluation How content are you?

In what specific ways do you enjoy the presence of ✓ the Lord?

✓ Do you enjoy spending time with your family? Are you making practical use of the possessions that ✓ have been entrusted to you? you set your affections on getting things that ✓ Have you think will make your life happier? Do you become bitter when your possessions are ✓ damaged or stolen? When damage comes to your life, possessions, or ✓ family, do you have the response of Job? “The Lord gave, and The Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). Do you rejoice in the wealth of ✓ things that money cannot buy- such as health, freedom, a good name, a clear conscience, and eternal salvation-more than temporal possessions? Do you believe that God has ✓ given you all you need?

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n o Pyth

If the spirit of Python can crush your hope, your visions, and your dreams you will not have the intensity you need to 'press on to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ.' This evil spirit wants to destroy God's plans and calling for your life. Python wants to rob you of your drive, motivation, and fight, and replace it with discouragement, hopelessness, and apathy. True to its name sake, the spirit of Python wraps itself around its victims and suffocates the life out of them. This is true whether the victim is an individual, a family, a business, a church, a community, or even a nation. The spirit of Python loves to 'play' with its victims by squeezing them until their almost dead then releasing its grip somewhat, then squeezing again, time and time again. Ultimately bringing death. This is why one sees individuals, families, businesses, churches, and communities that always seem to be on a roller coaster ride. Up one moment, down the next, success and prosperity today, failure and devastation tomorrow, only to rise up again, only to fall again. Each time they fall, they sink lower than ever before. When the spirit of Python is working, there is no real communion or fellowship. There will be isolation, cliques, and special interest groups. There is no real sharing or rejoicing, but lots of agitation, strife, contention, and a high level of defensiveness. People will become fearful, weak, and weary. The people become so cynical they don't enjoy anything or anyone, including themselves. Python seeks to break down God's plan and purpose of the local church by destroying the divine order of authority. It is always undermining the authority of the church, constantly causing havoc for those in leadership. There will be no commitment to the Church or the Pastor. Doubt and unbelief will soon enter in; and people will begin to question their calling, their position, and their vision. People 6 | Shofar Magazine

IS AT WORK controlled by the spirit of Python will wander from church to church, never becoming rooted, never established in a local body.

are scratching their heads and saying, "I just don't know or understand what is going on", it will be the spirit of Python working through divination and witchcraft.

The spirit of Python is the source of witchcraft and divination. Divination, the art of obtaining secret knowledge, especially of the future, is a pagan counterpart of prophecy. Python spirit is a diviner, false prophet, a giver of false prophecy. Careful comparisons of scripture will reveal that inspirational divination is by demonic power, whereas genuine prophecy is by the Holy Spirit of God. The biblical attitude toward divination is distinctly hostile. In Deuteronomy 18:10-14, the prophet of Jehovah is contrasted with diviners of all sorts and is set forth as the only authorized medium of supernatural revelation.

Where Python is allowed to rule, there will be an ever increase in the use of drugs. This could be drugs of any sort; illicit and/or prescription drugs.

Python is the spirit of divination which empowers crystal ball readers, palm readers, tarot card readers, etc. to see into the future. This spirit has access to us if we expose ourselves to any aspect of the occult through movies, Ouija boards, hypnosis, seances, horoscopes, 'fun' fortune-telling, occult rituals or chants, etc. This spirit causes people to focus on the prediction of future events. More attention on the future, and less on the 'Now', a diversionary tactic that keeps people looking to 'tomorrow' and never accomplishing what God wants done 'today'. However, God wants us to daily seek and trust Him. The Python spirit is the spirit of Infirmity. This spirit can cause feebleness, frailty, arthritis, cancer, weakness, and many other sicknesses and diseases. There is a much more sophisticated type of sorcery caused by this evil spirit. That is the sickness and death of many people through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. People truly get sick and die through the 'words' and 'deeds' of others through witchcraft. Many times, when people are sick and dying, and the doctors

In Revelation 18:23, it is talking about the judgment that falls on 'Babylon, the great city' in the end times. Notice what it says about the sorcerers. And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (parmakeia - drugs, medications, magic, witchcraft) were all nations deceived. Revelation 18:23

The Python is at work The drug cartels throughout this world are pushing their deadly illicit drugs onto our streets like never before. They are increasingly and openly becoming more violent in their actions against any one that gets in their way. The pharmaceutical companies and the medical associations around the world are throwing every conceivable drug possible at the populations. There is no real desire to bring relief and healing to the hurting (with a few exceptions), but an over whelming need to manipulate and control the masses; make 'money' and become 'wealthy'. The 'mind set' is, with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for some time, will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own. The spirit of Python can constrict the flow of and can literally steal one's finances Summer Edition Volume 1

from them. Where Python is in operation, the 'love of money' and the 'fear of loss' is always present. The ultimate purpose or goal of the spirit of Python is to crush and destroy the vision, dreams, and hope of the Church and of the individual Believer. The spirit of Python promotes divination, witchcraft, and rebellion. Python seeks to break down God's plan and purpose of the local church by destroying the divine order of authority. The spirit of Python will always draw attention away from Jesus and onto other human beings, or 'self'. This demonic spirit causes people to focus on the prediction of future events and away from 'Now, today'. Python is the source of many sicknesses and deaths of many people through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. Where Python is allowed to rule, there will be an ever increase in the use of drugs. The spirit of Python can constrict the flow of and can literally steal our finances from us. Good News, as born-again believers, we have absolute control and victory over the spirit of Python, through the Name and Shed Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord Jesus! For I know the thoughts ( plans or purposes) that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

Taking our place in the world of

MONEY•POWER•RESPECT Women’s Empowerment Movement 2014 Women can get the money. They can get the power. The Money-Power-Respect Women’s Empowerment Movement 2014 at is the perfect way to change their mis-education about money. The event, which features Bravo TV Thicker Than Water stars, Brooklyn & Jewel Tankard, will improve financial literacy and raise domestic violence awareness.

The Tankard women are forerunners in the field of entrepreneurship who have a wealth of knowledge to share about acquiring financial stability through Bible-based principles. Brooklyn Tankard, CEO of Queen Brooklyn Virgin Hair, will host the event and introduce her mother as the keynote speaker for the evening. From her rise as the top income earner with Ardiss International (MLM) to the author of her best-selling book, Millionairess Lifestyle: Understanding the Price and Process and board member of a domestic violence shelter in Murfreesboro, TN, Jewel Tankard is the blueprint of financial success. After facilitating an interactive panel discussion on financial literacy and empowerment, Jewel Tankard will sign copies of her book. Through the Tankards’ financial advice and personal testimonies, women can learn how to regain the control from money and the abusive people in their lives. They can become the masters of their own fate. Donations during the event will go toward buying emergency products and building the House of H.O.P.E, (Hearts of Peace & Edification), a safe haven slated for opening in 2014. For inquiries, press, or more information, email or Call Nina (904) 800-9624 Follow the event on Facebook & Instagram or visit

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Shofar Magazine | 7

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The Multi-Award Winning actress Kimberly Elise who is best known for her roles in Set it off, Beloved, John Q, The Manchurian Candidate, Woman thou Art Loosed, Gifted Hands, The Ben Carson Story, Diary of A Mad Black Woman, & For Colored Girls interviewed with us over a Los Angeles phone line. She tells us that she is enjoying the weather in L.A. and cannot wait for everyone to see the new movie “Apple Mortgage Cake” premiering Easter Sunday, April 20th 7PM on UP TV. The movie tells a true story of Angela Logan, a mother that must raise $4,000.00 or lose her home. Oh how inspiring, uplifting, and empowering, is Logan’s real-life success story of a woman who refused to accept defeat and overcame incredible odds. 8 | Shofar Magazine

“This movie is so relatable to everyone, all Americans have been affected by the financial crisis in one way or another which was why I was attracted to the movie.” “I believe Apple Mortgage Cake can instill some hope in people who are still facing hard times says, Kimberly Elise.” She is no stranger to kitchen, when she is not filming for the big screens she enjoys baking and spending time with her family. Elise has several upcoming movie projects in which she is featured that you do not want to miss. The inspirational, tear jerker “A Day Late a Dollar Short” World Premier airs on Lifetime April 19th at 8pm/7c. Starring: Whoopi Goldberg, Ving Rhames, Kimberly Elise, Mekhi

Phifer, Anika Noni Rose, & Tichina Arnold. Also “Hit the Floor” (TV) Series by James LaRosa which scored the #1 new scripted drama title last year 2nd Season premiers May 26th 9pm/8c on VH1. The phoenomenal actress leaves us with a few words of encouragement for up and coming actors & actresses: “Study your craft, and do it for the Love,” she says. I enjoyed our girl talk chat; I am so looking forward to all of the features that are set to air. It is evident that Kimberly Elise has studied her craft; it shows in every character that she has ever played. Don’t believe me? Tune in to all the listed dates above I promise you won’t be disappointed. We love you Kimberly! Summer Edition Volume 1

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Shofar Magazine | 9

From Vision to Investment to

W O R L D W I D E I M PA C T :

Visionary, Entrepreneur & Minister P. K. Mickens Shares Her Journey & Future Goals for SHOFAR MAGAZINE By Anjeanette Alexander-Smith

“Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not… But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to the that are lost.” 2 Corinthians 4:1, 3

We are all called to function in kingdom assignments. The journey that we take to get there may have checkered paths and not-so-perfect landmarks. But life is not meant to be lived as perfect. God designed our struggles to be blessings to others, an instructional manual on how to overcome, a divine design in which “he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in. (Deut. 6:23)” On July 7, 2010, in a prison cell, God revealed His prophetic vision to P. K. Mickens. Through the gift of writing, she would reach thousands through a publication that would create a platform for honest dialogue to take place and for domestic violence to receive the press it well deserved. She would bring people out from a sense of hopelessness and despair into a place where their experiences would become the foundation for their elevation. For two years, P. K. wrote continuously, reflecting on how the publication would be an extension of the (D.I.P) a domestic violence nonprofit organization that she had started in 2008. It would give her the opportunity to promote prevention. No one should have to die again from domestic violence in 10 | Shofar Magazine

order for the community to be compelled to act. P. K. was no stranger to starting new business ventures. Since the age of 15, she has been an entrepreneur, a game changer, a go-getter who was determined to make her own way in anything she pursued. Her experience as a Nail Technician & Real Estate Investor taught her how to communicate with people in order to reach them where they were. Learning how to invest in people would be a people skill instrumental in her God-given vision. On July 7, 2012, P. K. launched Shofar Magazine, and it has been the most impactful endeavor she has ever started. The magazine has allowed her to connect with so many people in the music & entertainment fields as well as in different ministries. Her interviews have enabled her to meet such celebrities, such as Tamela & David Mann, Lecrae, Emmitt Smith, Mary Mary, Kirk Franklin, Jennifer Hudson, Boris Kodjoe, and Ray Lewis, just to name a few. She has been blessed to be featured on WJXT-Channel 4 several times.

people demanded a publishing platform that offered something for all walks of life. As Shofar Magazine prepares for a future in which its stories still feed the lost spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, P. K. Mickens envisions the publication becoming America’s next largest magazine, a tool that society could use to inspire them to become a better version of themselves. That is what kingdom people are called to do: to heal the brokenhearted and give them the wings to run their race. P. K. Mickens had more to share about her journey and the future of Shofar Magazine in the following Q & A session.

Walking into a vision also has its challenges. P. K. has encountered a lack of support from those whom she thought had shared her goals for the magazine. But through it all, Shofar Magazine has still carried out its mission. The mission has evolved from one in which the target audience had been Christians, but the needs of the Summer Edition Volume 1

F I V E Q U E S T I O N S F O R E D I T O R P. K . M I C K E N S Anjeanette: Since the first issue of the magazine, you have always shared your experiences with your readership. What is something that your readers do not know about you? P. K.: I am a mother of three children, two boys and one girl. I have many hobbies, such as volunteering, shopping, traveling, playing & watching basketball, photography, and of course, spending time with my family. Anjeanette: What was your most memorable interview?

Shofar Media & Publishing breaking out of the boundaries of magazine publishing and branching out into starting an ad agency that will create jobs, not only in Florida, but around the world. Anjeanette: You have already interviewed several celebrities and notable visionaries in your magazine, such as Lisa Raye, Oprah, Joel O’Steen, Wendy Williams, Tamar Braxton, & Wendy Williams. Who will be featured next in future issues of Shofar Magazine? Whom do you see yourself working with in the future?

P. K.: It would have to be one that I most recently completed with T. D. Jakes. Every word he said was so inspiring to me. I admire how diverse he is. T.D. Jakes has a spiritual mindset, but he knows how to relate to all people just like Jesus did. minister to saved. T.D. Jakes meets people where they are, and this is the vision that I have not only for Shofar Magazine, but also all of the ministries and organizations that I work with.

P. K.: I would like to interview Michelle Obama, Jay Z and Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex in the City. I can see myself being interviewed on The Steve Harvey Show and sharing parts of my testimony I have never written about or shared with a lot of people with him. A possible movie project with Tyler Perry is definitely something I would like to pursue.

Anjeanette: What are your future goals for the magazine?

Anjeanette: And finally, what kind of impact do you want Shofar Magazine to have locally, nationally, and internationally?

P. K.: I can envision a larger distribution that expands to a worldwide media phenomenon. I see a divine connection being established with a worldwide distribution company. God has given me the prophetic vision of

P. K.: I want the magazine to inspire people by highlighting the positive things that are going on in the community as well as sounding the alarm for the things that negatively affect families and people in the city of Jacksonville. Shofar Magazine may be the only form of church or godliness that people see or come in contact with because of everything transpiring in churches all over the world. The future is not only bright for Shofar Magazine, but there are other projects on the horizon for P. K. and the D.I.P. Foundation. P.K has a book project, Rebound, that

will be out soon. She also is partnering with celebrities, various corporations, sports associations, and the community to raise awareness and funds for the House of H.O.P.E. Project, a safe haven for abused women and their children. Learn more about the D.I.P. Foundation and get involved in the House of H.O.P.E. project by visiting P.K. Mickens is available for speaking engagements. She passionately speaks about domestic violence prevention and her ministries. She can be contacted at Keep up with the future mission of Shofar Magazine by visiting or visiting its Facebook page. Anjeanette Alexander-Smith is a freelance writer who offers writing, marketing, and editing services through her company, Muse on Blast, She can be contacted by email at

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Anthony Hamilton

Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade Frankie Beverly

LL Cool J

Stanley Clarke & Doug E Fresh

Nelly & Kelly Rowland


12 | Shofar Magazine

Summer Edition Volume 1

D.L. Hughley

Jamie Foxx

The City of Miami Gardens’ 9th Annual Jazz in the Gardens music festival at Sun Life Stadium announced record breaking numbers jumping from 63,000 in “2013” to 68,000 for two-day total attendance in “2014.” Fans from all across the nation and abroad, danced in aisles to performances from LL Cool J, Jamie Foxx, Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, Trey Songz, Kelly Rowland, Mint Condition, Anthony Hamilton, Stanley Clarke, Rachelle Farrell and Boney James. The festival was hosted by comedian, actor, author, political commentator and syndicated radio host D.L. Hughley.

Kelly Rowland


Rachelle Ferrell

Trey Songz

Dwayne Wade & LL Cool J

This year’s lineup featured surprise appearances by Nelly who appeared to support Kelly Rowland’s performance of the duo’s 2002 hit, “Dilemma.” Superstar comedian, Kevin Hart had the crowd in stitches before Trey Songz took the stage. Sponsors of the 9th Annual Jazz in the Gardens include Presenting Sponsor Music Choice; Platinum sponsors Sun Life Stadium, Miami Dolphins, Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, Volkswagen; Gold Sponsors MSNBC, Comcast, Tootsies, WHQT, ADT and the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau.

For more information about 2015’s 10th Anniversary Edition of Jazz in the Gardens, visit,, and Sponsorship requests should be directed to Roane Consulting Group at (804) 506-4020 or Food and merchandise vendor request should be sent to

Shofar Magazine | 13

Dr. Christine Farris, Linda Johnson Rice, and Hiroko Tatebe Honored with Legacy of Leadership Awards at 10TH Anniversary Spelman College Women of Color Conference Hosted By Access Hollywood's Shaun Robinson, Conference Participants and Honorees Include Major General Marcia Anderson, Media Trailblazer Paula Madison, Essence Magazine's Vanessa Bush, Coca-Cola's Dr. Shell Huang, Ebony Magazine's Mitzi Miller, and KeyCorp Executive Ms. Margot Copeland among others

Spelman College celebrated the past and future of leadership during the Tenth Anniversary of its preeminent Annual Leadership and Women of Color Conference by honoring exceptional women leaders, including retiring Spelman College professor Dr. Christine King Farris, Johnson Publishing Chairman Linda Johnson Rice and Global Women's Leadership advocate Hiroko Tatebe with Legacy of Leadership Awards. In addition, for the first time, eighteen high powered women were inducted into the Spelman Women of Color conference inaugural academy of Game Changers during the "Game Changers: A Decade of Success" Luncheon. The two-day event was held at the Georgia International Convention Center, May 14 -15, 2014. Featuring groundbreaking women across a variety of disciplines, the conference theme "Twenty-First Century Leadership: Leading Forward set the stage for two days of dynamic discussion, led by Spelman alumna

Shaun Robinson, conference host and Emmy Award-winning journalist/Access Hollywood co-anchor. Jane E. Smith, Ed.D., Spelman College executive director of the Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement highlighted her selection of this year's Legacy of Leadership honorees, stating, "We wanted to recognize Christine King Farris because of her 50 plus years of service to the Civil Rights Movement, to education of young women, and to her retirement from Spelman College. Hiroko Tatebe's focus on leadership development from a global perspective is a primary objective of the College and we wanted to highlight her work in this area. We are recognizing Ebony and Linda Johnson Rice because the magazine has chronicled 10 years of civil rights and women's development in the work place, and has handled that beautifully." In her heartfelt acceptance speech, Dr. King Farris stated, "I am honored and pleased to accept the Legacy of Leadership Award. I have been at Spelman College nearly all of my life and hope to continue [to do] work worthy of such a prestigious award."

Spelman College President Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, Crisis Communications Expert/Author Judy Smith, Dr. Brenda Wade

14 | Shofar Magazine

A Game Changer is a twenty-first century leader who is powerful, forward-thinking and embraces her drive for excellence. Recognized for their

Actress Nicole Ari Parker, Singer Avery Sunshine, Spelman Executive Director of Communications Tomika DePriest, and Hunger Games Actress and Entrepreneur Karan Kendrick

exemplary leadership and commitment to creating positive change, Spelman College President Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum conferred Game Changer awards upon Rep. Stacey Abrams, US Army Reserve Major General Marcia Anderson, social advocate Analisa Balares, Navajo Times Editor Candace Begody, The CW Network executive Traci Lynn Blackwell, Francisca Brown of American Family Insurance, Essence Editor-in-Chief Vanessa K. Bush, publishing executive Kimberly Casiano, strategic marketing expert Anna C. Catalano, KeyCorp executive Margot Copeland, J.P. Morgan Chase Diversity executive Patricia David, Teneo Holdings' Kimberly Davis, Coca Cola's Dr. Shell Huang, Sachi Koto, media mogul Paula Madison, public policy PR guru Elizabeth OliverFarrow, Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce CEO Tisha Tallman, and Bank of America diversity executive

Spring Editio

Geri Thomas. The luncheon was hosted by author and Editor-at-Large Essence Mikki Taylor. Through informative workshops, powerful speeches from keynote speakers such as Madison, Anderson, Martin, Erica Dhawan, Lily Tang and others, oneon-one interactions, presentations and revealing testimony in "conversation" with Johnson Publishing Actress/Entrepreneur Nicole Ari Parker, Founder of the A J Zone AJ Johnson Chairman Linda Johnson Rice and Spelman President Beverly Daniel Tatum, Ph.D., conference participants heard firsthand from some of the world's most influential and dynamic game-changers about the leadership strategies they use to achieve success at work and in the community and to thrive in diverse environments.

JPC Chairman Linda Johnson Rice, Spelman President Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum Ph.D

Featured thought leaders and industry influencers from business, public policy, media and education engaged in detailed discussions centered on the theme Leading Forward, including journalists NPR's Michel Martin, Ebony Editor-in-Chief Mitzi Miller, policy expert and media pundit Michelle D. Bernard; Delta Airlines' Letty Ashworth; media consultant Debra Langford; McDonald's executives Sharlene Smith, Millie Ver-

Spelman College President Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, Actress/Entrepreneur Nicole Ari Parker, Dr. Brenda Wade

gara, Debbie Roberts, and Michele Bradley; JPMorgan Chase Foundation President Dalila Wilson-Scott; Atlanta Univ. Center Consortium CEO Dr. Sherry Turner; U.S. Dept. of Energy Director LaDoris "Dot" Harris; Georgia-Pacific Corporate Affairs executive Charmaine Ward; Coca Cola executive Cathy Ramos; UPS Global Manager Estella Cramer, and media brand expert Tai Beachamp, among others. In an exclusive tweet-up session, Mikki Taylor also presented insights on topics such as work, relationships, spirituality, personal branding and style from her book "Commander In Chic: Every Woman's Guide to Managing Her Style Like a First Lady." Sponsors, partners and contributors for the 10th Annual Spelman College Leadership and Women of Color Conference include UPS, American Family Insurance, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, The Coca Cola Company, Georgia Power, McDonald's, The Johnnetta B. Cole Institute, The Bonner Program, AT&T, BNY Mellon, Chick-Fil-A, Comcast Universal, AGL Resources, Cigna, Deloitte LLP, Georgia-Pacific, PNC Bank, Fox HBCU Media Alliance and Innovative Women's HealthCare Solutions, with media partners Essence, Johnson Publishing Company and KISS 104.1FM.

Shaun Robinson, Michelle Bernard, Traci Lynn Blackwell, & Vanessa Bush

Shofar Magazine | 15


Cheryl Boone Isaacs Kerry Washington President, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences



Kevin Hart & Crew Members “Real Husbands of Hollywood”



Anthony Anderson

Sherri Sheppard & Arsenio Hall


Kevin Hart


The 45th NAACP Image Awards, recognized as the preeminent multicultural awards show – from an African-American point of view. The NAACP Image Awards is the nation’s premier multi-cultural awards show. The event celebrates the outstanding achievements and performances of people of color in the arts (television, recording, literature, motion picture and writing & directing), as well as those individuals or groups who promote social justice through their creative endeavors.

Michael Ealy & Tony Goldwyn




Terry Crews & Archie Panjabi

Tyrese Gibson & Tika Sumpter

Vin Diesel

16 | Shofar Magazine

Summer Edition Volume 1


Louis Gossett Jr., Ed Asner, and Ben Vereen



Forest Whitaker

Lupita Nyong’o

“Lee Daniels’ The Butler”

"12 Years A Slave"



Oprah Winfrey

Rickey Smiley & Gary Owens


Paris Barclay Director


Kevin Hart




"Scandal" (ABC)

Stevie Wonder

Shofar Magazine | 17

Photo Credit: NAACPAWARDS/EarlGibson

Nelson Mandela

BISHOP T.D. JAKES PROMOTES HIS LATEST NY TIMES BESTSELLING BOOK "INSTINCT" Hot on the heels of earning the top spot on the New York Times bestseller book list with his latest release, "Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive,"

T.D. Jakes with Devon Franklin

T.D. Jakes with Steve Harvey

T.D. Jakes with Arsenio Hall

18 | Shofar Magazine

Photo Credit: Arsenio Hall Show Summer Edition Volume 1


I got nervous and start asking all sorts of questions: Where have you been? Why didn’t you call? Do you desire to be with me at all? You reply: “Yes, baby you’re all I want. I am working trying to pay all of our bills so I can continue to give you anything you want. For some strange reason I feel like everything you say is all a front. Call me crazy, but you have been acting real shady lately. Deleting all your calls and texts, keeping your distance, not asking for sex, complaining about toothaches and massive headaches, you even get angry if I ask you why you are on edge… In the beginning you painted a picture so rare: if I agreed to be with you, CHEATING ON ME you wouldn’t dare.

When we met, you promised me that you would never ever hurt me. I am remembering the morning coffee you would bring: clothes, money, vacations, flowers, whatever I wished you granted it to me. “Time & Money wasn’t a thing”. We have been friends for over two decades; you were there for me when others saw the worst in me. I guess that was the reason for the decision I made to give you all of me, and even though you are still married your heart’s desire was to be with only me for eternity. It was all good just a few weeks ago… you would call throughout the day, no particular reason just to say hey baby! Then out of nowhere the excuses came. The phone calls, text messages, and time we normally spend all of a sudden came to an end.

What would you do if I did the exact same things to you? All of a sudden did not make time any time for you. What else is there left for me to do? I have tried talking to you; all you do is tell me how much I am a fool. Humph! A fool in love with you, who wants to believe that all of those fabricated stories you told me are true. Why is it that you almost have a nervous breakdown when I try to touch you? What has happened to us boo? I spent the last two weeks in the bed, couldn’t focus on anything else but you. I don’t want to let go, because it hurts me so…ooooohhhhhh! I want to believe that it’s me, just darn insecure and crazy. Would you keep me as your lady and continue to pay all my bills if portrayed any of these shady signs in our relationship daily?

These are the signs of a boyfriend or husband that’s acting shady: • He takes his phone with him every time he goes to the bathroom. • Every time you call him out on something (like why he went so MIA on text) he turns it around on you, saying you’re being clingy or crazy. • He stops initiating sexy time. • Has your boyfriend or girlfriend stopped talking to you? Did your significant other always have things to say, and has suddenly become distant? Your relationship may be losing intimacy because your lover has started a new one with someone else. • When you pick up his phone to do something innocuous like check the time he FREAKS OUT and snatches it away from you. • If you calmly and sincerely approach your partner about the thought that something seems off or makes you uncomfortable, and he or she lashes out and make you feel insecure or insane, it’s because s/he is deflecting. A caring relationship involves talking things out and caring about one another’s feelings and validating them, while trying to resolve an issue in a constructive and healthy way. Watch carefully: does he or she become angry when you come over unannounced, or only text you when they are at home, never calling you? These are also signs of a between-the-sheets betrayal. For some reason, they do not want you at their home at certain times, and they do not want to call you while they are at home. Catch them in a lie. Casually ask a boyfriend or girlfriend where they were such and such day, and let them answer. Remember their answer, and ask again a few days later. If they are lying constantly, then they will have a hard time keeping up. They may start to get angry with these simple questions, another big hint

Have you ever thought your boyfriend was cheating on you? Were you right? How did you handle it? Tell us: Attn : Letter to the Editor

Shofar Magazine | 19

Abuse comes in many different forms


Are you in an emotionally abusive relationship? Emotional abuse is elusive. Unlike physical abuse, the people doing it and receiving it may not even know its happening. It can be more harmful than physical abuse because it can undermine what we think about ourselves. It can cripple all we are meant to be as we allow something untrue to define us. Emotional abuse can happen between parent and child, husband and wife, among relatives and between friends. The abuser projects their words, attitudes or actions onto an unsuspecting victim usually because they themselves have not dealt with childhood wounds that are now causing them to harm others. Even if there is no violence, abusive language can be very damaging to you and your children. Common forms of emotional or psychological abuse are when your partner undermines your sense of self-worth by: • constantly criticizing you, your intelligence, your looks, your parenting abilities, etc.

Other forms of psychological abuse are when your partner causes you fear by intimidation, threatens to harm to himself/herself, abuses pets or destroys property, causes you to be isolated from friends, family, school and/or work. Emotional abuse leaves few physical scars. Its victims suffer no broken bones, torn flesh or spilled blood. Still, those wounded might describe it as the most painful and destructive form of domestic violence. While statistics are elusive, experts agree that emotional abuse—for mostly women, but some men as well—have reached epidemic proportions. And despite its everyday occurrence, few of us recognize it, identify it or even do anything about it.

Recognizing that there is a problem is the first step

• calling you names, telling you that you are crazy, that no one wants you, making fun of you in front of others, etc. • damaging your relationship with your children by getting the children to participate in the abuse (e.g., telling your children to refer to you by a nasty name), criticizing your children or forcing you to do so, telling the children that you are worthless, that they should not listen to you, etc.

20 | Shofar Magazine

Summer Edition Volume 1

Shofar Magazine | 21


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