Shofar Magazine Pre-Ed Vol. 3 of 3

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Our Prayer

Lord — we thank you for the new life that is found Christ Jesus which gives us supernatural strength. You are the Alpha-omega, redeemer, messiah, and we honor You above any other Abba Father. May your peace that surpass all understanding, circumference every believer that trust in you despite their current circumstances. Lord you reign, and because of it our faith does not rest upon the economy of man (Wall Street), but in the economy of the One and true God almighty. I decree and declare that “wealth and riches are in my house.” I will lend to many nations. I am debt free and owe no one but to love them, by your stripes I am healed. I will keep a spirit of steadfastness, by praying about everything and worrying about nothing! We are more than conquerors through you who love us. Your grace is sufficient and power is made perfect in our weakness. May we continue to show our neighbors the same love and grace that you have shown us. Your word says, even if we have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if we have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, we are nothing. We shall walk in the light as you are in the light, so that we will have authentic fellowship with You and our brothers and sisters too. In Jesus name, Amen

EDITOR’S SALUTATION Obedience is better than sacrifice

It is amazing how the Lord will place a task in our heart that may seem impossible to accomplish, but as we trust and obey Him things will work out for our good.... (Romans 8:28).

simultaneously supporting a great cause. Did you know that 5% of our total revenue is donated to aid victims of domestic violence? We love to hear feedback from our readers & sponsors. We encourage you to share your comments on our facebook page, or feel free to email us any questions that you may have.

This is exactly what Shofar Media’s team experienced with the Pre-Editions of Shofar Magazine. It has been a faith walk for us, but one well journeyed. I am super excited to welcome you to Issue 3 of 3 entitled Obedience & Restoration which concludes the Pre-editions. The goal of the first three issues was to introduce the God-given vision, capture readers from all walks of life by sharing personal testimonies of God’s grace, healthy eating habits, cooking tips, financial and domestic violence education, and give Biblical solutions to real life-issues we all face at some point in our lives.

I mentioned earlier Obedience is essential to our walk in Christ. God’s best only comes through obedience. Obedience is learned behavior. The choice to obey God is the choice to spend your days enjoying the best that God has to offer. There is no substitute for obedience you must be willing and ready to obey God’s instructions. If you need acceptance from anyone else to obey God, you will be prone to compromise. The one who is the most important in your life has the most influence in your life. God honors those that obey His Word.

As we prepare for the next phase, Shofar Magazine’s “Exclusive Edition” available January 2013, I am asking for your prayers and support. You can show your support by sharing this publication via social media with your family, friends, co-workers, haters, etc. (lol). Purchase a annual subscription, or a multi-media advertising package to include: (print, online, radio, & T.V.) spotlights to spread the word about your event, campaign, business, ministry or product; while

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land” (Isaiah: 1:19).

God’s divine power is always the end results of obedience.

Thanking you in advance for your support, P. K. Mickens Twitter: @Pkmissions


When it’s no longer funny


The Importance of Obedience


Obama gets four more!


Book Review- Andy Stanley’s Deep & Wide


On The Record- J-Moss


Florida’s lack of restoration for former felons


Our Staff Editor in Chief - P. K. Mickens Graphics/Design - Jacqueline Stiles Photography - Joseph Reaves Contributing Writers Hellen De’Jesus Natishia Y. Stevens

Prayer request To submit a prayer request please submit to :

Table of Contents

The Light

Opinions to be published or letters to the editor send via email 7545 Centurion Parkway Suite 103 Jacksonville, FL 32256

“ If we are in the light as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other... if we say we have no sin we are fooling ourselves.”

FEAR Depletes

The Light


eal fellowship happens when we are honest about who we are and what’s happening in our lives.

The world thinks intimacy occurs in the dark but God says it happens in the light. Darkness hides our hurts, faults, fears, failures, and flaws.. But in the light we bring them all out into the open and admit who we really are. Of course, being authentic requires courage and humility, it means facing our fear of exposure, rejection and being hurt again. Why would anyone or both of us take that risk? It is the only way to grow spiritually and emotionally healthy. The Bible says make this your common practice: “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you can live together whole and healed.” We only grow by taking risks, and the most difficult risk of is to be honest with ourselves and with others. In real fellowship people experience mutuality. Mutuality is the art of giving and receiving. It’s on each other. Mutuality is the heat of fellowship: building reciprocal relationships, sharing responsibilities, and helping each other. Paul said, “I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.” All of us are more consistent in our faith when others walk with us and encourage us. The Bible commands mutual accountability, mutual encouragement, mutual serving, and mutual honoring. “Over 50 times in the new testament are we commanded to do different tasks to one another and each other. “make every effort to do what lead to peace and edification.” When we live in light of eternity, our values change.

The person who is full of fears has no strength. Fear intimidates it’s victim. Many of my children are so full of fears that they are powerless to live a successful and overcoming life that can leave an impact on the world. They are among the multitudes who just “exist.” They pass the time of their earthly surmount with without victory and often without the joy that comes from accomplishment because their hearts are full of fears they have little or no peace. Their lack of peace takes away their strength to do anything special. This kind of life is not necessary my child, you are called to a higher life. You have my spirit dwelling in you, strengthening you, lifting you up, and inspiring you to attempt great, unconventional things for me and also to expect great things from me. The courageous heart is filled with hope. It is strong to do exploits, it does not easily succumb to heart failure. Many hearts stop beating because of hidden fears, worries, bad shocks and great sadness. I am with you, to encourage you, comfort you and help you. Therefore you will have much courage -- and this courage will give you a strong heart. Selah (Psalm 31:16-24)

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 5

WO R L D P R E M I E R Tune in November 19, 2012 9:00PM ET National Geographic TV Series TABOO Featuring Kimberly Daniels

Kimberly Daniels is an “apostle” in a globe-spanning evangelical movement known as the New Apostolic

Devils & Demons Jacksonville Councilwoman Kimberly Daniels is a soughtafter conference speaker, preacher, and powerful prayer warrior. Daniels graduated from Florida State University and Jacksonville Theological Seminary and is the author of Spiritual Housekeeping; Inside Out; From a Mess to a Miracle; Clean House, Strong House; Delivered to Destiny; and Give It Back! She is also the coauthor of More Than Just the Catch. She is the founder of Spoken Word Ministries, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and Word Bible College.

Spoken Word Ministries (North) is an inner-city, multiracial church with a vision to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. The church is a spiritual hub that trains believers and equips them to fulfill the call of God. In July 2009, God expanded the church vision by starting a new work in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Kimberly Daniels Ministries International is an apostolic outreach to the nations. The ministry imparts and activates the saints in warfare and deliverance. The foundation of warfare and deliverance has provided a launching pad for victorious living in the lives of many. The key word for the fruit of KDMI is ‘radical transformation’. Kimberly Daniels has a unique ability to bring deliverance to homosexuals, HIV/AIDS victims, drug addicts, convicted felons and others with hard cases in hard places. Word Bible College provides Christian education and training for students around the world. The Midnight Cry is a discipleship program and operates under the covering of Word Bible College. Through the MNC hundreds of students have been personally trained by Apostle Daniels and released into the mission field. The Commanders of the Morning Ministry provides newsletters and prayer alerts to approximately 40,000 intercessors around the world.

Tune in Daily for a tailor-made word Apostle Daniels latest ministry is her international radio broadcast, 25 Minutes of Power (During the Lunch Hour). PURE RADIO (WJNJ) hosts this broadcast Monday through Friday from 12:05 to 12:30 p.m. (AM 1320 / FM 103.7)

For More info visit:

6 ShOfar MagaziNE NOV/DEC 2012

When it’s no longer funny… I can remember growing up in Perry, Georgia and enjoying family time with my aunts, uncles, and cousins almost every Sunday out on the farm we lived on. What I remember most about that time was making fun of family members who had “senior moments,” excusable embarrassing accidents, shiners (“Bozo the Clown” hairdos), and the ones who walked hunched over as it was called back then. I’m sure most of us can relate to the old phrase, It’s funny until it happens to you, then it isn’t funny anymore.” What is compelling to me is that we are getting diagnosed with symptoms, illnesses, and diseases at much younger ages than our parents and grandparents when they were diagnosed. I realize that the joke is on me now because of my behaviors back then. The boomerang effect is in full motion. These conditions were prevalent and diagnosed as such due to old age not poor health. I am accepting full responsibility for my role in creating my present poor health conditions due to my past poor choices of nutrition, lifestyle, career, and occupation. I know that my health state, state of mind, and physical state was brought on by my own unwillingness to invest in my health. As I was pursuing my wealth, I didn’t know

that I was neglecting my health. I became accustomed to associating feeling good with the ability to wake up on my own, walk without pain, breath on my own, even though at times it was very difficult to do so. I thought I was okay because most of the time I wasn’t in any pain and I didn’t feel sick. When I was feeling down I would like many others self diagnose my symptoms, go to my local drugstore to find something over the counter, or take leftover antibiotics from another illness because I didn’t take all of it as prescribed; for the just in case it or something like it came back. Since I haven’t always had health insurance due to the very expensive cost to insure preexisting conditions, my self employed status, and my not wanting to take time off from work to go to the doctor. For me, going to the doctor is no leisurely, fun filled walk in the park. You make the appointment, take time off from work, wait in the waiting room, get your vitals performed, wait in the back room, be visited by a doctor or nurse who may or may not examine you, be given a prescription, and wait for it to be filled. It seems when you become ill, you wait, wait and then wait some more before relief comes. I now recognize that I shouldn’t have based my health on how “good” I felt. What I didn’t know or both-

ered to care to find out from my doctors was to get tested to find out what were my health numbers. Today, I am trying to become obedient to my health issues in an attempt to restore my health. I am executing my plan of action which involves believing, acting on my beliefs, and obedient to my commitment to become healthier. Today there are tests for almost every type of disease, illness, or affliction. Most medical professionals start most health assessments with blood pressure, blood sugar, and urine tests to rule out the common health problems like high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, diabetes, and high cholesterol. These numbers don’t affect you, until these numbers AFFECT YOU. If it matters to you, you’ll FIND a WAY. If it doesn’t matter, you’ll FIND an EXCUSE Changing Mirrors Reflective Moment: You don’t know what you know, until you know what you know; then you KNOW Changing Mirrors® Inc. CHANGING What Matters Most Hellen DeJesus 208-206-7315

NOV/DEC 2012 ShOfar MagaziNE 7


Obeying God is in our best interest Obedience can keep us from disease Obedience is the key to a successful life Obedience is a result of loving God Obedience is the practical acceptance of the authority and will of God. It includes both submitting to Him and then expressing that submission in actions, words and thoughts. To be obedient is to be in agreement with God. To be in agreement with God is to be in a position of power in Christ. Disobedience is caused by rebellion and distrust of God. To be disobedient is to yield to self-will instead of surrendering to God and desiring His will in all things.

God expects obedience (Deuteronomy 11:26-28). The first obedience we should show is confessing our sins, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, and making Him the Lord of our life. The second obedience is to serve Him the way He wants us to serve Him. Worship without obedience is futile. In fact it makes the Lord angry. Getting excited and zealous for the Lord without obedience to God by living in accordance with His law and the doctrine of Scripture is futile and meaningless, and in fact, dangerous. Many people say that they know God, but their rebellious lifestyle discredits their statement of faith. They refuse to be persuaded by the Gospel of Christ and their works display the true condition of their heart. Colossians 3:6 tells us, “...the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience (apeitheia”). God views “disobedience” in different ways. The people who willfully and stubbornly refuse to obey the Word of God as an act of rebellion, and refuse to be persuaded by the truth of the Gospel, will receive the wrath of God (Colossians 3:6, Ephesians 5:6). But those who carelessly fail God through inattentive and careless actions will reap the harvest of their disobedient acts, but will also be given a chance to repent and receive forgiveness and mercy from the Lord.



“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.” (Psalm 126:1-4) I have heard your cry, seen your tears and loosened you from your captivity. All the chains and bondages of the past no longer have a hold on you. You have fasted, and you have prayed, and now you are FREE. Rejoice, sing, praise, and dance, for I, the lord, have done great things for you. What I have done for you shall be evident among all people. Even the heathen shall see and know.Freedom is the greater treasure that you have in this world. The outward signs of bondages are not a true indication of the actual freedom of your soul. I have set your soul free. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit (Romans 8:1).” Your spirit will always be free; it will never be brought into bondage and condemnation of any kind, as long as you let my spirit rule in your life. I suffered and went to prison, that all prisoners might be loosed from captivity. Many walking around, free to all appearances are actually prisoners held captive by their habits, by lust, by demons, or by ignorance

concerning the truth. They sit in darkness long after I have loosened their chains, and opened the prison doors before them. They need an angel of truth to awaken them and tell them that I have opened the doors. “arise and follow me” are the words which their sleeping ears need to hear. They are so deep in despair that many do not hear the message of truth that would set them free. I have done great things for you. Rejoice! Begin to dance in your cell until you dance right out of it. Let your mouth be filled with laughter and your tongue with singing! Rejoice in the midst of your captors who seek to put you into bondage, for I have set you free. Astound the enemy with your joy! If you don’t rejoice you will dry up like the streams in the south, but if you will rejoice, they will fill up with water and become the rushing river by which you escape. The mouth of the Lord has spoken

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 9




veryone was talking about how the Democrats are unenthusiastic and the Republicans are fired up,” Kondik said. “It sounds like that was all talk.” President Barack Obama asked for four more years, and that’s exactly what he gained in the Election. On November 6, 2012 American voters spoke loud and clear. As the votes were being tallied shortly after the polls closed it appeared as though Mitt Romney would take the title as America’s next president. As the night progressed voters were on the edge of their seats awaiting the final results.... around midnight it was clear that President Barack Obama would not be leaving the White House anytime soon. “The task of perfecting our union moves forward. For the United States of America, the Best is yet to come says, President Obama.” There has been various comments about Obama’s victory over Romney. However, I know this to be fact: men lie, women lie, it is evident that the numbers from American voters did not.

Like it or not we must all unite together; to make a difference, not only in our personal lives but in the lives of others. Whatever happened to the concern for the greater good for all of mankind? Prayer for this nation and its leaders is essential more now than ever before. It is not a matter of who is in office, but how we view the one who has been appointed for that office. I encourage you to look to the One (Jesus) who has all power and is the author and perfecter of our faith from start to finish. P. K. Mickens Twitter: @PKMISSIONS


NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 11

Examples of Disobedience


he Bible contains many stories of the men and women who failed to obey the Lord and the consequences that ensued.

In Genesis 12:1, the LORD instructed Abram, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” Abram obeyed the first part of God’s command when he left his native country to follow the Lord; but he clearly disobeyed the second part of God’s command when he brought his father and his nephew, Lot, with him. Their presence was a constant distraction and often delayed Abram’s journey to complete the will of God. Nevertheless, God forgave him and continued to work with him, because Abraham never stopped seeking the LORD. The Bible says that Lot’s wife disobeyed the angel’s command when she looked back on the destruction of Sodom. Genesis 19:26 says, “...she became a pillar of salt.” Her act of “disobedience” instantly caused her death. Moses had a relationship with the LORD unlike any other prophet of the Old Testament. Nevertheless, Moses was prohibited from entering the promised land because he disobeyed the command of God (Numbers 20:11-12). It was God’s plan for Israel to enter the promised land a few weeks after they were delivered from Egypt. Instead, Israel wandered in the desert for forty years because of their disobedience. Joshua 5:6 says, “For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till all the people that were men of war, which came out of Egypt, were consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of the LORD...” Their “disobedience” caused the fathers to die in the wilderness, and the children to wander aimlessly in circles for forty years. When the word of the Lord came to Jonah and asked him to preach against the wickedness in the city of Nineveh, Jonah, initially, refused to obey and ran from the presence of the Lord. Jonah’s disobedience caused his life to be filled with one disaster after another until he repented and submitted his will to God. Whereupon, God forgave him and delivered Jonah from the belly of the great fish and brought a city wide revival to the people of Nineveh when Jonah finally preached the word the LORD. David disobeyed the commandments of God when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed in battle. When the prophet Samuel confronted him with his sin, David repented and the Lord forgave him. Though he was forgiven, David’s acts of “disobedience” opened the door to severe consequences that could not be stopped. The child that was conceived through his act of adultery died, and David was prohibited from building the temple at Jerusalem. The prophet Samuel spoke in II 12 SHOFAR MAGAZINE NOV/DEC 2012

Samuel 12:10, “Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised Me and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.” Sin has consequences, even for the mighty. As you can see, the acts of “disobedience” often have severe consequences, even for the people that love the Lord. Galatians 6:7 tells us, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” When we choose to disobey the Lord, we open the door to all kinds negative consequences. Sometimes, disobedience causes premature death. Sometimes, it brings judgment in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. Sometimes, it causes us to wander aimlessly for years, as we wait for a new season to arrive from the Lord. After we have disobeyed the Lord, all we can do is repent, ask for forgiveness, and wait for a new door of opportunity to open. The only way to experience all that God has for us is to walk in complete obedience. Then we can be sure not to miss any good thing He desires for our lives. Obedience always brings blessing. But sometimes, in spite of our faithfulness, we suffer. We notice that people who don’t acknowledge God receive the things we long to have or experience for ourselves. What’s happening when pain enters the life of an obedient believer? God uses disappointment to realign our focus. We might have set our eyes on something that was not His will or not yet in His timing. Or maybe we assigned too much importance to a worldly goal that is of little value to God.

Turn It Around The Apostle Paul taught that we can, sometimes, correct our mistakes and set right the effects that our “disobedience” has caused. II Corinthians 10:6 makes this statement, “And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience “parakoe” - disobedience caused by inattentive hearing], when your obedience (“hupakoe”) is fulfilled.” By using the word “parakoe”, Paul makes it clear that he is not talking about those that willfully and obstinately reject the will of God through rebellious acts of disobedience. Rather, Paul is referring to the people who fail God because of careless and inattentive listening. The word “readiness” is translated from “hetoimos” which means to be adjusted (in the sense of fitness), and made ready or prepared to do something. The “something” Paul wants us to do is to “revenge” all disobedience. “Revenge” is translated from “ekdikeo” which means to vindicate or set something right.

That Robbed The Blessing Jonah’s disobedience to the word of God placed him a situation that would, if not corrected, take his life. Faced with death, Jonah repented of his sin and promised to keep the “vow” that he made to the LORD (Jonah 2:9); and, God forgave him. Jonah came to this realization in Jonah 2:8, “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” The Amplified says, “Those that pay regard to false, useless, and worthless idols forsake their own source of mercy and loving-kindness.” The strongholds and imaginations in our mind often cause us to do foolish and stupid things. However, if we will repent of our foolish ways, the LORD will forgive us and allow us to fulfill the destiny He has planned for our life.

“Vindicate” means to clear someone of accusation, blame, or suspicion; to free from a charge or imputation of guilt; to prove one’s innocence. Paul tells us that we can “vindicate” or set right our acts of “disobedience” (i.e., where we have failed to hear and obey the Lord) through righteous acts of “obedience”. Putting this altogether, Paul wrote that your acts of “disobedience” can be turned around and set right after your attitude has been adjusted and made ready through righteous acts of “obedience” which you are dutifully carrying out to their completion. The Amplified says, when your submission and obedience is fully secured and complete. In other words, after you have failed God, you can repent and turn yourself around by correcting your attitude and then changing your behavior. The preceding verses say, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (II Corinthians 10:3-5). When misguided logic and stubborn refusal to heed the voice of God has caused you to make a shipwreck of your life, you can turn your life around by cleansing yourself from the strongholds and the evil imaginations that exist in your mind. You can refute the arguments and the prideful reasonings that caused you to disobey in the first place, and renew your mind to the Word of God. With God’s help, you can clean up your mind and train yourself to obey the commands and the suggestions of the Holy Spirit. The life of Jonah is one example of this process working.

Though Peter denied the Lord three times, he repented of his mistakes and went on to be the leader of the church at Jerusalem. After he was confronted by the prophet Nathan, David repented of his sins, and God forgave him. God’s love for David caused Him to make this statement about this flawed and disobedient servant, “...I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will.” (Acts 13:22). Regardless of his mistakes, God continued to love him and to change David’s character. The Norlie translation says, “... he will do all that I want him to do.” William’s translation says, “...he will do all that My will requires.” The Amplified says, “...who will do all My will and carry out My program fully.” Like David, all of us have many faults and character issues. Eventually, every one of us will fail God. But Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that God’s mercies are new every morning. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.” God will never stop loving you, even when you fail Him. Like David, you can find the place of forgiveness and still carry out God’s plan for your life. God has a purpose and a will for your life. Your acts of disobedience can delay His will from coming to pass, but they cannot reverse it. You can prolong your suffering, hinder God’s plan, and make your life difficult; but your disobedience will never change God’s love for you. If you will truly repent of your misdeeds, and ask the Lord to forgive you, He will put you back on the righteous path that was designed for you to follow. It’s never too late to turn your life around.

God has a plan for your life, and there ain’t nothing the devil can do to stop it. NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 13

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my c onfidenc e.” Psalm 71:5

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The ceremony on October 2, 2012 opened with acoustics from Edward Waters College Drumline accompanied by Mayor Alvin Brown, EWC President Nat Glover, and Irvin Cohen Director of New Town Success Zone.

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A confident woman knows that she is loved. A confident woman refuses to live in fear. A confident woman is positive. A confident woman recovers from setbacks. A confident woman avoids comparisons. A confident woman takes action. A confident woman does not live in “if only” and “what if”.

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7 SECRETS of a Confident Woman

“The Unveiling of Success Park in New Town”


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The City of Jacksonville, EWC and several other area nonprofits have partnered to F or support families and their children’s intellectual, You a e my r a u o re my ho emotional and physical growth from the infancy to pe; O Lord God, Y young adulthood with the New Town Success Zone. Modeled after the successful Harlem Children’s Zone in New York, this effort is enriching the lives of the families and students in the New Town neighborhood as it prepares participants for successful and rewarding collegiate, military or skilled-labor careers. The half-acre park at the intersection of Pearce and Dot streets in the New Town Success Zone ark includes a walking trail, playground equipment, benches, adult fitness equipment and passive green space. Further improvements will include additional trees and a picnic and pavilion area, provided by TD Bank. The park project began last summer and was completed in March 2012. Mayor Brown said the park brings life back to the community. For additional information on Success Park or any city park, call (904) 630-CITY (2489) or visit For more information on the New Town Success Zone, call (904) 635-6143 or visit


BOOK REVIEW Detroit is the biggest city in the U.S. state of Michigan, and the seat of Wayne County. It is the major city among the primary cultural, financial, and transportation centers in the Metro Detroit area, a region of 5.2 million which is where J Moss was born and raised.

Anointed Pedigree James Moss is one of today’s leading gospel artist, writers, and producers. He began recording at the age 5. He has written and produced for several mainstream artist. During his childhood he toured with his father’s group Bill Moss and the Celestials, and with his cousin’s group The Clark Sisters. As a teen, Moss teamed up with his brother Bill Jr. to form a group The Moss Brothers, a group that lasted seven years. J Moss released two albums before joining up with Paul Allen and Walter Kearney to form the music production company PAJAM.

V4 The Other Side J Moss is on fire like never before. He’s come through an electrifying testimony about how to thrive victorious on the “other side” of adversity. His latest album titled V4 The other side (Moss’ fourth Cd for Verity Records) finds Moss and his PAJAM partners delivering a techno funk praise that always sets him apart from the rest. Special guest on V4 include: Kierra Sheard; Karen-Clark Sheard; Hezekiah Walker; Dorinda Cole-Clark; and James Fortune.

Family drama led to the birth of one of America’s largest ministries.

Andy Stanley’s

Deep & Wide

encourages readers to launch into the deep.

“Let’s go deep. But let’s be wide. Let’s be so wide that the whole world knows the church isn’t for church people. It’s for everybody!” Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People love to attend is an in-depth look into the formula that North Point Ministries developed in it’s infant stages and still follows today. North point Ministries now draws more than 33,000 weekly visitors. Stanley explains his strategy for preaching and programming to dual audiences mature and cynical believers without dumbing down the content. Stanley’s goal isn’t producing the most- high tech worship services, nor is he interested in creating the biggest church. His greatest concern, he writes is “ to present the Scripture in a way that is so helpful and compelling that everybody in the audience is glad to have attended and drives away with every intention to return the following weekend.” Rating:

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 15

On The Record


ecently I caught up with J Moss, PAJAM, & 21:03 while on the GMF Music Tour, we chatted a bit about the new album V4 and the hit single “God’s Got it!” J is a very down to earth Christian with a free spirit. Undoubtedly authentic worship is the nucleus to Moss’ success in the gospel music industry.

P.K: That was an amazing performance tonight! Where do you get all of that energy from? J Moss: From a very young age my dad always taught me to leave it on the floor, and mom too she was the spiritual side of it....She basically said, “when you minister you leave it all on the floor.” Praise like it’s your last, because you may never get another chance. What we do as ministers is life and death. So many people come to hear us perform and they are stuggling with suicide and other things that could put them in harms way even death. So I try to make sure that I am in tune with the Lord and how I am presenting the ministry so I do it full out with energy!

P.K: How do you balance all of the traveling, ministry, family, etc..? J Moss:

Oh my goodness P.K., it’s so hard.. but, this is what we signed up for. If God gives you an assignment, He’s going to equip you with the strength, knowledge, and the people around you to make it happen. I thank Him first for strength and a great supporting cast around me.

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The Proper Place 5600 New Kings Road, Suite 7 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Has booths available for Hairstylists, Barbers, & Nail Techs The Proper Place is a great location for you to grow and service your clients.

(904) 838-5800 “Let us put you in The Proper Place!” 16 ShOfar MagaziNE NOV/DEC 2012

P.K: The song Good and Bad you have been tweeting that! It’s being retweeted everywhere! J Moss: You’ve been seeing all of my tweets? LOL, my fingers are about to fall off! P.K: The latest single... “He’s gotta work!” J Moss: It’s called God’s Got it! (Hums & dances) Yep that’s us! I encourage everyone to go out and grab the CD it is really blessing the people. It has all of my family on this album Karen, Ki-Ki, & Dorinda, Hezekiah walker, James Fortune, and of course you can always follow me: InsideJmoss on Facebook; Twitter; Instagram Follow Me! P.K: Thank you very much for interviewing with Shofar Media & Publishing, and for your support of Shofar Magazine.

In Stores Now! NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 17

Pretty in Pink September 2, 2012

Tehillah, pronounced (teh-HEE-lah) means “sing unto the Lord” or “praise”. As an award-nominated gospel music publicity agency, we sing the praises of our clients by promoting, publicizing and branding them through online, print, radio, &T.V. media.



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g n i m o C Soon

They’re All



They’re All


When a married man gets involved with other women, usually it is not for anything other than sex. Maybe it is the kind of sex he wouldn’t ask from his wife. Maybe it is the kind of slackness a man Prophetess K atina Mickens wouldn’t perform in public with a woman he respects. But because he’s entering middle age and needs to prove he still ‘has it’ he’ll find the trashiest girl he can play with. When the wife discovers the affair, he gets on his knees, tears streaming down his face, begging her not to leave him, promising everything he can. When he dumps the other woman, proving her original thesis that she is not as good as the wife, she goes ballistic.

The Other Woman is not fighting over him, she is fighting to regain her sense of worth…Have you ever experienced this? Do you know someone who has?

The World Premier of “O.M.G. They’re All Married”.

An easy read that’s insightful, encourages, and serves as liberation for the plethora of women that find themselves in the same adulterous affairs that “NUCHI” finds herself in repeatedly. Author: Prophetess Katina Mickens

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 19

Florida’s Lack of Restoration

for former felon’s civil & voting rights


n Florida, persons with a past felony conviction lose their right to vote, serve on a jury, and hold public office. ARTICLE VI, SECTION 4.

The right to restore civil rights is vested in the “sole discretion” of the Governor and the Cabinet sitting as the Board of Executive Clemency. ARTICLE IV, SECTION 8A. Constitution of the State of Florida as revised in 1968 � In March 2011, Governor Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi led the Cabinet in reversing Rules of Executive Clemency that were adopted during the Crist Administration. These new restrictions on civil rights restoration adopted by the Board of Executive Clemency (which include members of Gov. Scott’s cabinet), made it much more difficult for former felons to regain their civil and voting rights. The new clemency rules now require former felons to wait five or seven years after they have completed their sentences for eligibility to apply for the Restoration


of Civil Rights. These rules act as another form of punishment in denying basic civil rights to former felons who have paid their debt to society. In order for former felons to apply for rights restoration, they must fill out a clemency application, which can be completed without a lawyer and must be sent to The Board of Executive Clemency in Tallahassee, Florida for review. The Florida Board of Executive Clemency meets only four times (4x) a year to grant or deny civil rights after the application process. This has created a back-log of 7-13 years for those waiting to be granted their civil rights under the 2011 rules. Some persons are able to have their rights granted without a hearing based upon their crime. Others require an in-person hearing which mandate former felons to travel to Tallahassee, Florida and stand before the Executive Board of Clemency, telling the board why their civil rights should be reinstated. Today, Florida’s disfranchisement rate is the highest in the country, three times that of Texas. There is also a staggering 1,059,301 Florida citizens who are disenfranchised, which include 10.42% of the state’s voting age population and a shocking 23% of Florida’s African- American population.


There are currently 37 states that automatically restore civil and voting rights after completion of sentence or some stage of supervision; however, Florida is one of only four states (Virginia, Kentucky and Iowa) that impose lifetime disenfranchisement upon conviction of a felony. The recommendations made by the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida include that restoration of civil rights be automatically restored and calls for the removal of waiting period requirements. Other important recommendations include the removal of restitution pre-conditions and that that clemency and Florida Parole Board provide accurate information to all people with criminal records and increase transparency in the rights restoration process (i.e. clemency applications, waiting periods, and voting status). Do not give up on having your civil rights restored if you are a former felon. The process should be done to ensure that civil rights are restored and all citizens are treated fairly. For those former felons or family members who believe their loved ones rights have been restored please don’t hesitate to call out the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition on the ACLU of Florida Northeast Office to check the status of restoration.

Chicken Cheese

2 chickens cooked and de-boned or a large package of chicken breast can be used as a substitute.Cook, cool, and shred. 10 tsp. or cubes of chicken bullion 2 ½ tsp. Parsley 1 onion, chopped 2 carrots,sliced 2 stalks of celery, sliced 2 cups of minute rice 1 can Ro’-Tel Tomatoes (mild) 2lb. Velveeta Cheese ________________________________________

Article Written by: Natishia Y. Stevens, Regional Organizer, Northeast Region American Civil Liberties Union of Florida

Contact Info: Florida Rights Restoration Coalition:


ACLU of Florida Northeast Region: (904) 353 7600 or go to

Cook chicken, shred and put in pot of 16 cups of water. Add all ingredients except the Velveeta. Cook until the vegetables get tender. Once tender cut up the cheese into cubes and add to the soup mixture. Stir until cheese is melted. Serve anytime.

Yum! Enjoy!

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 21

Power in Persistence Everyone desires success. Simply wanting it, however, won’t guarantee achievement. That’s why many people fail to reach their goal; they encounter hardship and give up.

He felt indebted to share the life-changing truth of salvation. He knew the devastation awaiting those who do not know Jesus.

Persistence is the characteristic needed when we set out to accomplish our goals.

Paul had his eyes fixed on his purpose, which he so valued that no circumstance could deter him. Ultimately, he achieved what almighty God had ordained.

Paralyze resistance with persistence

Persistence is the combination of strong desire; will power-- it’s capacity to stay on course in the face of difficulty and refuse to quit. Paul exemplified this quality. He was passionate about sharing the gospel with both Jews and Gentiles. (Acts 20;24) records his purpose(s)…“that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of grace of God.” Though he encountered tremendous obstacles like shipwreck, prison, physical punishment, and constant danger, the apostle never quit (II Corinthians 11:23-28).

What motivated Paul to persevere in the midst of struggles? A clear God-given goal and trusted that the lord would enable him to achieve it.

Our father in heaven has great goals for our lives. Striving for anything less will neither fulfill us nor achieve what God has planned in our life. Once His direction is clear, we should passionately pursue God’s purposes with the Holy Spirit’s strength and guidance. Especially when obstacles arise. DON’T GIVE UP!

Paralyze resistance with persistence.

P.K. Mickens


A Way of Escape

House of H.O.P.E.

Hearts of Peace & Edification

To further our goals of preventing domestic abuse, the DIP Foundation is upgrading our property — House of H.O.P.E. specifically to provide emergency shelter for the population that we serve. This shelter will offer our clients a shot at a renewed life without the burden of looking over their shoulders. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States, more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. Nearly three out of four (74%) of Americans personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic violence. 30% of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year. Police report that between 40% and 60% of the calls they receive, especially on the night shift, are domestic violence disputes. Police are more likely to respond within 5 minutes if an offender is a stranger than if an offender is known to a female victim.

The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $5.8 billion each year, $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health services. There are 1,500 shelters for battered women in the United States. There are 3,800 animal shelters. Safe houses are one way a battered woman can escape her situation, but the need is greater than the resources. The DIP Foundation seeks to increase the number of shelters for battered women by opening House of H.O.P.E. immediately. DIP Foundation needs urgent funding to bring this project to fruition. We are a 501Š(3) organization Every donation to this cause is tax deductible. Together we can make our communities violence free, it starts with you and me! Please mail all tax-deductible donations to :

DIP Foundation Inc. 7545 Centurion Parkway Suite 103 Jacksonville, Florida 32256

NOV/DEC 2012 Shofar Magazine 23


Drumline Live November 17th 8:00 PM Times-Union Performing Arts Center Jacksonville, Florida

Joel Osteen November 30th 7:30 P.M. Veterens Memorial Arena Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Jaguars VS. New England Patriots December 23rd 1:00 P.M. Everbank Field Jacksonville, Florida

28th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards Saturday, January 19, 2013 The annual salute to Gospel’s best and brightest performers returns to Nashville’s iconic Grand Ole Opry House Theater

24 ShOfar MagaziNE NOV/DEC 2012

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