ISSN PRINT 2327-3933 ONLINE 2327-3968
Kimberly Daniels + The M.V.P.'s in the Kingdom of God + Debut of her Demon Dictionary Series + Why we should not fear the unseen world
Basing our contentment on circumstances or the Lord?
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Dear Lord, I repent for not keeping your commandments. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. Let my inner man receive and be fed from Your light so that darkness will not fill my heart. I confess that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. I declare spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and material nourishment to replace any malnourished areas in my life and the lives of my seed. I renounce a stiff neck that will keep my mind in bondage. I purpose to pursue things that are after the spirit and renounce things that are after the flesh. Every right word I speak in the right season will hold weight in the spirit and manifest suddenly. My gifts and talents will make room for me in a way that no man can deny. Wherever the soles of my feet shall tread, the land is mine! My enemies shall not devour me. I send confusion to the spirit that gives aid to strong enemies against my purpose. Every arrow that the enemy sends against my relationships will be boomeranged back to the pits of hell. I thank You that I am so full of contentment that Your joy makes it impossible for me to covet. By Your spirit Lord I know how to abound and how to abase. I can clearly hear the voice of God concerning what He has for me. I thank You for being a shield around me. The ability to rebuild, restore, focus, conquer, guard, and maintain good stewardship over that which belongs to God is upon me. I thank You, that You have strategically placed me in the market place in this set season and right time. In Jesus name, Amen.
Contents FEATURES On the Record: Wess Morgan
Strike Out Violence 2013 Charity Bowling Tournament Kimberly Daniels Cover Story
On the Record: AVANT
This happened so…
It’s Circumstantial
What is justice
Lose to win
Alone Time With God
Jesus in the closet
Rejection, Perception, perfection
Hi Everyone!
Spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ in a nontraditional, but holy spirit lead way. ~ Mark 7:9
It is truly endearing to share my heart with you through Shofar Magazine. In each edition the Lord is speaking loud and clear, are you listening? One of the main goals of Shofar Magazine is to edify it’s readers. You & I both go through so much in between each issue wherein our finances, relationships, health, emotions, etc will be tested. We hope that The Shofar Magazine collection serves as a light in the dark times of your life and most importantly re-enforces what God has already spoken in the holy scriptures. When you think about it, everyone wants to hold the title of an MVP....the question we must ask ourselves are we willing to do whatever it takes to obtain the status of a Most Valuable Person in the Kingdom of God? “For without faith it is impossible to please God.” Faith is believing in what is true. Faith has two elements: 1) being convinced of the truth, being certain of reality, having evidence of unseen things, and 2) believing, hoping in, embracing, seizing the truth. Believing is not exactly the same as faith. For belief to be faith, it must light on what is certainly true. Yet Scripture gives examples of situations where belief alone is required, even commanded. There’s no time for evidence collection, to wait, to hear, for certainty. Just believe. Like Peter walking on the water--don’t think, act! God even requires us to believe in him when, temporarily, the evidence looks bad: to trust. God requires belief and trust in moments of human weakness, but faith is what makes us strong. Faith is the state of being convinced about what we hope for. “We must not encourage in ourselves or others any tendency to work up a subjective state which, if we succeeded, we should describe as “faith”, with the idea that this will somehow insure the granting of our prayer.... The state of mind which desperate desire working on a strong imagination can manufacture is not faith in the Christian sense. It is a feat of psychological gymnastics.” ~C.S. Lewis “True faith requires that we believe everything God has said about Himself, but also that we believe everything he has said about US! Until we believe that we are really as bad as God says we are, we can never believe that He will do for us what He says He will do. Right here is where popular religion breaks down.” Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times. Martin Luther Insight and awareness lead to informed choices that can change and heal your life; the Lord has created you for good works, and He is the One who enables you to do them. I pray that you are enlightened by the contents in the MVP Edition of Shofar Magazine. We would like to hear comments, concerns, prayer requests, submissions of prayers, articles, and testimonies. We are the voice of unity amongst God’s people, the voice of peace, comfort, reality, revelation, and impartation that encourages people to walk in their divine God given purposes. Teaching establishes us; warning protects us. May liberty and fellowship walk strongly in our camp. I love you all,
@ѱ,ѱ P. K. Mickens
P.K. Mickens
Shofar is the only pure inspirational holistic magazine. It’s oversized page and voice command the attention of the world’s most influential celebrities & consumers. Our circulation’s rate base is approximately 90,000, and is published bi-monthly. If you are looking to promote your ministry in a non conventional way the Shofar Magazine is sure to proclaim your message, ministry, & product to the nations. We also give back to various communities around the world to fight against Domestic Violence. 5% of our annual revenue goes to aid victims of domestic violence. We have been sent by God to make a global impact by educating, empowering, infusing different cultures, & creating network opportunities for our readers and sponsors. Consider partnering with America’s next largest magazine.
STAFF Editor in Chief P. K. Mickens Senior Advisor Jairrod Burch Sr. Creative Director Jacqueline Stiles Photography/ Contributing Writer Joseph Reaves Marketing/Promotions Bobby Jay
Opinions to be published or letters to the editor send via email 7545 Centurion Parkway Suite 103 Jacksonville, FL 32256
Faith is actively turning to God, calling on his name, and depending on him. By finding strength in God, we call to the one who hears us, loves us, and holds us forever and ever.
Journaling - Process The Issues of Your Heart s
In a consumer society it’s easy to accumulate experiences believing the more we have the better! Yet experiences don’t necessarily bring wisdom, nor do they automatically transform us. We need to listen and reflect on our experiences in the presence of the Holy Spirit to learn from them. Journaling is a way of paying attention to our lives- A way of knitting the vast balls of our experiences into something with shape that attests to the state of our soul. (There is no change thing through which God cannot speak) on the pages of a journal, in the privacy of a moment, we can take a tentative steps into truth and scour our feelings, hurts, ideas and struggles before God.
identity as a Christ follower through ups and downs of daily routines as well as times of crisis. THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO JOURNAL: you don’t need to write beautifully or use complete sentences. Journaling is a way for you to be with God and your thoughts, not an exercise in Language Arts. Tell the truth to God and yourself the best you can. Review what you write on a regular basis. As you do, you will begin to recognize reoccurring life themes, desires, frustrations, and patterns of interaction. These insights become matters for dialogue with God.
Overtime repetitious themes, sins, compulsions, hope, and concerns emerge. We begin to recognize our besetting sins, limitations, and desires. During times of transition, travel, loss, joy, illness, and decision making journaling can be a way of processing the hope, fears, longings, angers, and prayers of our hearts. It can be the place we sound off before God so that so we don’t sound off in inappropriate ways to others. The ongoing nature of a journal catalogs the journey of a soul into God. It reveals how we hammer out our BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ K@G>9J E9?9RAF= 5
7+,6 +$33(1(' 62 inally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. ~ Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV
Many are saddened by the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. Nevertheless, we should ask ourselves this question: what can I do as an American citizen to insure that this type of behavior does not happened to anyone else? I believe good things happen to bad people, as well as bad things happen to good people. It is truly disheartening that a 17 year old African American kid was murdered and the suspect was acquitted. Some Americans think that is not fair for the Martin family to suffer a lack in justice. Please understand, there is a difference between human justice and Biblical justice. 6 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ 6 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
What is Justice?
Justice is carrying out wise judgment based on the laws and characteristics of God. Justice requires a person to verbally confirm God’s truth and carry it out. Only when a person sets aside their own will, will they understand the justice of God.
Justice • • • • • • • •
Is based on the universal principles of God’s word. Establishes guilt when God’s standards are violated. Causes us to confess our failures and plead for mercy Is based on personal responsibility and yields revival Expresses God’s wisdom Is impartial and objective Requires swift prosecution Limits the punishment of criminals
Settling for human justice never leaves the victim whole. When someone is sentenced to prison for a very long time this seems to gives us a since of comfort and tends to make us think that justice was served. At best, this form of justice is a very small part of the equation “Vengeance is mine says the Lord I shall repay.” I can hear your emotions boiling on the inside as a result of George Zimmerman’s non guilty verdict, please understand that God has the final say. He’s all knowing, He is all powerful, He is omnipresent, and He does not sleep nor slumber as my great grandma would say. This case in tragedy did not catch the Lord our God by surprise. As a nation we can rest assure that God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives. Sometimes it is very hard to accept what God allows in our own lives as well as others. One thing is for certain, just as David said,”my times are in your hands.” Now that’s the proper attitude!
Scripture teaches us that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. That is Satan’s goal to keep us all oppressed, as he breeds on confusion. As we are on the social media sites, let us remember that as believers we are to be sowers or (posters) of peace if we expect to reap a harvest of blessings. Some situations in life you have to love your way through them, even when you don’t understand why. Unfortunately, it appears that Zimmerman is the enemy. Keep in mind that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, this is a battle but its a spiritual battle. Are you girded up with your armor in the spirit so that you can fight effectively? I hope so, if we continue fighting this battle in our natural strength we will fail. I hear the Lord saying, “if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land ~ II Chronicles 7:14.” If we are to move forward, anything that we have in our hearts such as unforgiveness against anyone it needs to be released now (Matt. 5 22-24), so that we can pray effectively asking God to give us the strategies we need to overcome. The Bible says: “if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
I believe we can expect that all things are working for the good even though it doesn’t look good. This happened so God may be glorified.
Let us pray, Father we thank you for your grace and mercy that is renewed every morning. I thank you that we are gaining a divine perspective in respect to the death of Trayvon Martin. Lord we don’t understand why but we’re going to trust You, for You are justice. We will seek you first and your righteousness and every thing else will be added unto us. I thank you for strengthening the Martin family and using this as an opportunity to show how great you really are in their lives even though it appears in the natural that You are least. May we internalize that Your power is made perfect in weakness. I thank you for the wake up call in America, for You are truly up to something. I pray that our discernment will be sharpened so that when You speak we will move quickly! We will not operate from the flesh mentality, but under the directions of the Holy Spirit. Help us to always remember that change will not come by might, nor by power, but it will be by Your spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.
Most people demand fairness. However, absolute fairness requires all get the same things at the same time. This is impossible, thus we must look completely just. When we focus on fairness, we fail to see the just compensation of God. BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ K@G>9J E9?9RAF= 7
P. K. Hi Wess! How are you? Great! Good to be speaking with you P.K.! P. K. Tell me, where oh where has the Lord has brought you from? I grew up in a good and wholesome Christian environment. At a very young age I chose to abuse drugs and alcohol, and that took me down a long and painful road. At the age of fifteen I was already spending time in juvenile detention and rehab centers. I spent about fifteen years or better strung out on cocaine. It was just a very painful life for me, I have been in and out of trouble and in courtrooms repeatedly. Some of my offenses were armed robbery, assault, drug charges, and DUI’s. I prayed and asked God to please give me a strategy to not return back to any jail cell. At that point and time I was hoping that he would take that desire from me but instead He chose to give me a strategy. I began to step through that strategy with accountability. I moved back home with my mother and father and for a year and a half I didn’t go anywhere, I just stayed right close to them. I was fortunate and blessed to be able to pull my life back together. Nine years ago I was given the opportunity to explore the will of God for my life and I began to sing and write music about my life’s struggles. It’s amazing how God began to orchestrate my comeback. I am often reminded of the story of Samson, after he made those troubling choices, he was able to do more in his comeback than he was able to do before his fall. I am in a place now where God continues to bless me, and continues to give me great music to share with the world. My music and ministry is about sharing the story of my redemption, my pitfalls and bad choices. P. K. Wow! No matter who you are, or what you go through God can still get glory out of your life. Every time! P. K . You mentioned you spent approximately fifteen years of your life behind bars, did you do any prison time? The hand of God was upon me and kept me from ever going that far into it. I look back and thank God for that, because if I had gone to prison I probably would have turned out worse. P. K. What role does humility play in your life now after redemption? I think it’s because I went so low and I was so out of control as it relates to my destiny and the bad choices I made it just really let me know how vulnerable we are to the trials and the environments that we’re in. I recog8 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
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:HVV 0RUJDQ nize that I am nothing without God. I recognize how successful I have become and able to overcome one obstacle after another and I know that it’s because of God. I realize that I am not capable of doing what I need to do without Him. Clearly I could not have gotten myself out of a life of addiction. I tell people that I have been through too much to be arrogant and puffed up in myself to feel like I’m better or I am capable of doing something on my own. I think it was just a reality check for me, my inner voice echoed “Wes you’re just not going to be able to
accomplish anything of significance without God having full control of your life.” P. K. We really cannot! Scripture says: Apart from me you can do nothing! ~ What inspired your song “You paid it all”? The song had been mocked up by some other writers, so I decided to go out to LA and collaborate with them. We got in the studio and they started singing the hooks and I was like Oh my God, let me get in vocal booth and start cuttin. So I went in and obviously there were parts of the song that had not been finished but it just triggered something on the inside of me, the song had so much of an impact on me that I never wrote down a lyric. I actually sanged the song from the top of my head in the studio straight through. It was amazing! I realized a lot of people relate this song to Easter, but the truth of it is we live the life we live because of the blood of Jesus and how He covers us in the propitiation that He provided for us, it just continues to give us the quality of life on a day to day basis. Still to this day, every time I hear the song it brings me to tears because I realize the price that he paid so that we could have an abundance of life. P. K. Simply Amazing! Now you have a new project coming out, tell us about that. The new project is entitled “LIVIN” After everything I been through, and everybody that said I wouldn’t make it, people gave up on me including judges. I am still here and I am “LIVIN” in a great mental, physical, and spiritual state. God has done a miraculous work in my life and now I am “ LIVIN” the benefits of a follower of Christ. Life can be difficult sometimes, and the people that choose to navigate through life without God I just don’t know how they do it. P. K. Tell me about the Wess Morgan Foundation. We provide services to adults in recovery and prevention services. We also work with kids to deter them from going down the same road I once traveled. We host events throughout the year that really make a big difference and it has been astronomical the way we have been able to affect so many lives and provoke them to good works.
P. K. Good works! I like that Wes. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works...Amen!. Do you have any words of encouragement for those who may find themselves in a similiar situation as you once were? Sometimes you gotta grab life by the throat. If you ask God He will give you the wisdom to navigate through it. We all have been dealt unfortunate situations in our lives, some worse than others. The truth of the matter is, it’s not over until God says it’s over. In spite of what the consequences maybe or bad choices I have had, one must realize that God can redeem all of that. Don’t give up, keep pushing. “Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling.” Make sure you have a good team around you that is a safety net, because we all make mistakes and we all can recover if we have the right people around us. P. K. Who would you say the M.V.P.’s are in the kingdom of God? The MVP’s are the people who are in the field laboring and constantly scattering the seeds of God word into the lives of people so they can grow character, personality, and be more Christ-like. P. K. Amen! Are there any acting gigs in your future? Yes, I actually just finished a movie. We just shot the last scene in Atlanta. Fred Hammond, Angie Stone, myself and a few others. Also working on putting my life story together and turn that into a movie as well. I am constantly doing T.V. work, because I want to exhaust all the potential God has put inside of me. P. K. Do it! Do it! What is the name of the movie? Switching Lanes Directed by: Tommy Ford P.K. I love it! We are proud and blessed tremendously by what you’re doing in ministry. Thank you so much for interviewing with Shofar Magazine. Thank you for the opportunity. I am looking forward to the finished product.
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Strike SOut Violence 2013 Ch hofar Magazine held it’s First Annual Strike Out Violence -Charity Bowling Tournament featuring National recording artist Isaac Carree.
Saturday afternoon, June 8th, King Pins Bowling Center in Jacksonville, Florida was full of action when fun-loving bowlers gathered for the benefit of DIP Foundation. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides domestic violence education, awareness programs and events for men women, and children. Teams were assembled from various community and national supporters. “I had fun bowling, it makes me feel like a kid again,” says Carree who proudly supports “Strike Out Violence.” It’s never a situation where you should be bullied or bully or put your hands on someone. There’s always a better way to handle things. There are alot of people incarcerated because they snapped. They simply had a bad moment, or a bad situation. Always think before you react. Make sure you keep God in the center of your life so He can fight your battles for you, he encourages. Trophies were awarded to the highest and lowest scoring bowler, most strikes, teen with highest score, & best average. Medals were also awarded for similiar categories. The major sponsors/ In-kind donors of the event were King Pins Bowling Center, Jacksonville Jaguars, Beautiful Hair, Athlete’s Foot, Destiny Creations, FMNLIVE Productions, MAC-Cosmetics, & Door Six Entertainment. This event’s proceeds will be used to further the DIP Foundation’s efforts in helping empowering victims and their families break the cycle of domestic violence. For more information about DIP, visit and plan to bowl in next year’s tournament which promises to be bigger and better.
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DIP Foundation is still accepting donations for House of H.O.P.E- Safe Haven for abused women & children. You can make a donation online, or by mail to: DIP Foundation Inc. 7545 Centurion Parkway, Suite 103, Jacksonville, Fl 32256 The June 8th event concluded with a live performance from National Recording artist Isaac Carree at Ultra Fine Dining & Entertainment.
Charity Bowling Tournament Isaac Carree
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It’s Circumstantial! Live on purpose for God’s purpose; purpose to live for God’s purposes.
“Do not dilute the truth of your potential. We often convince ourselves that we cannot change, that we cannot overcome the circumstances of our lives. That is simply not true. You have been blessed with immeasurable power to make positive changes in your life. But you can’t just wish it, you can’t just hope it, you can’t just want it... you have to LIVE it, BE it, DO it.” ~ Steve Maraboli A circumstance is a condition, and sometimes when you’re suddenly hit with an unfortunate set of your very own, they can quickly morph from being what would normally be a temporary setback into something closely resembling a big, gloomy, threatening cumulonimbus cloud sure to make any respectable weatherman rush to fetch his brightest yellow slicker on the double. And that’s okay. But what’s imperative to keep in mind in the meantime is this: That cloud is not permanent, and neither are your circumstances. Circumstances do not banish you behind bars. They do not render you helpless. And they do not determine the outcome of your life. The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense (as is the case for many people I know and work with these days), do have an impact on us, for sure. However, all too often, we give away our power to these circumstances and situations. We act as though it’s a foregone conclusion that we will feel a certain way, based on specific circumstances like the economy, the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic relationship 12 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the state of our career or business or our environment at work. Our experience of life (grateful, worried, peaceful, angry, excited, sad, alive, depressed, joyous or anything else) is much more of a reflection of us and what’s going on within us, not a reaction to what’s going on around us. We’ve all had many times in our lives when things were going great on the surface or we accomplished or experienced some wonderful external success, only to feel a sense of disappointment or sadness underneath because whatever it was didn’t satisfy us at a deep level. And, on the flip side, most of us have had moments of incredible joy, excitement and bliss that weren’t directly connected to anything worthy of these feelings externally. A fallacy in the thinking of some is that adverse circumstances negatively affect the influence one exerts into the lives of others. A study of Joseph’s life from the book of Genesis proves that even if adverse circumstances emerge in one’s life a very positive and even exemplary influence can still be expressed. Joseph was envied and hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, imprisoned, forgotten for two years by the butler he helped, and finally, made to weep because his brethren feared him. But, the leading factor in the story is that “God was with him, And delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he
made him governor over Egypt and all his house” (Acts 7:9- 10). A passage of Scripture which should motivate every Christian to feel very positively about his life is Romans 8:31, which says, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Adverse circumstances cause grief and pain, but they don’t necessarily diminish a good influence; in fact, they may, as in the case of Joseph, even promote a greater influence for good.
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. ~ I Thess. 5:18
Basing our contentment on circumstances or on the Lord? Why do circumstances rob our peace? Are we basing our peace and joy on the Lord or on circumstances? If we trust God that all things will work together for the good, then when we face problems and difficulties we can still be thankful. We may not “feel” like that trial is for our good while going through it but we must “believe” that it is. Faith should not be dependent on “feelings”.
Feelings many times are a consequence of wrong thinking. If we think wrongly we will feel wrongly. Unfortunately people base their decisions on how they are feeling. The word of God says that we must not trust our heart. So we must not trust our feelings- instead we must base our
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The most important questions about justice confronting us today extend beyond human management of crimes and punishments. Even when the processes and penalties in our criminal system are just they constitute only a small part of the just ordering this world.
“If only” phrases We see that Paul had learned to be content in all sorts of situations: Philippians 4:11-12 “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Notice that it doesn’t say if something good happens to you then you be content. Many times people think “if only this would happen” or “if only this circumstance would change” –then they would be content, thankful and at peace. When we use these “if only” phrases we are basing our peace and happiness on outside factors. We are living a circumstantial happiness that is bound to flee when things change.
Submission to God is a key to contentment. We must make a conscious decision to submit to the Lord. When we submit our will to Him- His peace takes over. We have decided to be obedient and submit. There is no more struggle of the wills. He is our shepherd- we are His sheep. We can abide in Him because we base our lives completely in Him. There is a freedom in submitting to the Lord. The freedom of not trying to carry life’s burdens on our own. As Christians we are called to follow Christ’s example and take up the cross. The more we fight God’s plans the less we will grow in Him. The Lord uses this life and difficult circumstances to mold our character. When the going gets rough, instead of putting our eyes on our surroundings we need to turn eyes to Jesus. We need to walk in the faith that God has a plan for everything.
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However, when those processes and penalties turn out to be unjust, they deepen the question of ultimate justice. Part of the difficulty America faces today is that too many of her citizens seem to be concern more about getting rid of lawbreakers than about justice. They appear unaware that the proper aim of retribution against evil deeds is to restore order to reconcile people to one another, to sustain a just society. Rather, they are preoccupied with punishing offenders so those that think of themselves righteous can live in peace. Even their pursuit of ways has become more mindless and expensive just to put criminals out sight. What is just about spending an ever-increasing percentage of precious public resources on prisons that produce more criminals than they restore? WHAT IS JUST about penalizing criminals without reconciling them to their victims through various means of recompense? What is just about finding or locking up the few lawbreakers we catch while remaining helpless to deal with those who get away? What is just about penalizing those thought to be offenders who are actually innocent? Many say no system is perfect! If we wait for perfect justice to be achieved crime will only grow worse. Americans including Christians operate with far too narrow a conception of justice. When we think of ourselves as law abiding citizens, suddenly we become the victims of crime, we all too often shift dramatically from being naive supporters of the system to become cynically suspicious. If the system does not work very well, it is because it doesn’t do justice to us. We become outraged and alienated. Continued on page 22 BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ K@G>9J E9?9RAF= 13 BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ K@G>9J E9?9RAF= 13
Forerunner & Demon Buster
Kimberly Daniels
Cover Story
Kimberly Daniels is the founder of Spoken Word Ministries, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and Word Bible College. Spoken Word Ministries is an inner-city multi-racial church with a vision to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and to train them to do the greater works.. Kimberly Daniels Ministries International is an apostolic vision that reaches cities and nations to impart, equip and activate the saints in new levels of warfare and deliverance. Word Bible College provides Christian education and training for students around the world.
The Power of the Apostolic Believe it or not, I was at ďŹ rst frightened by her. I never knew a person who walked in such power and authority that spirits would cry out in their presence. I found that I had nothing to be afraid of. Apostle Kim took me under her wing and taught me everything I know that runs the gamut of ministry. Through on-the-job training and walking closely with her, I not only learned how to move in the spiritual aspects of ministry (intercession, prophetic, and deliverance ministry), but I learned how to effectively administer church operations in integrity and the character of God. I learned how to interact with people from all walks of life, with different social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. I learned the power of consistency and standing through trials and tests. I most of all learned how to be a leader. All of these things are attributed to her. I have seen every aspect of Apostle Kim as apostle, city council woman, mother, and wife. She has encouraged me like a mother would encourage a daughter, corrected me with authority like a militant ofďŹ cial, and pushed me like a mentor would push a mentee. She is one of the most transparent people I know. I would be a totally different person if I had never engaged with her. I am thankful for all that she has imparted in me and for the leadership she has shown in my life. ~ Alisha Sullivan
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Spiritual Warfare is a
The Devil is Real! “Don’t be Spooked, Be Enlightened”
We all need continuing education. I believe the demon dictionary has a two-fold concept : (one) a new person can come into ministry and learn demon terminology, (two) it will be a resource for those who are already familiar with spiritual warfare. Like Pig’s in the Parlor & Strong’s Concordance. I don’t think I have ever heard of a book in the form of dictionary totally dedicated to Demonology. Although, I have heard of a prophetic dictionary. The Demon dictionary is filled with terms and definitions on demons, witchcraft, and spiritual warfare.
The Demon Dictionary
There is actually three volumes, one volume is completed and will be available in Sam’s Club, Walmart, & various bookstores this coming August. I never thought in my lifetime I will be doing a dictionary series. My Apostle John Eckhardt always says that “we need to increase our spiritual vocabulary.” I like using the example of an attorney: they go to law school and learn the concepts of practicing law, but it’s not until they become an attorney that they can actually practice what they have learned.
P. K. Mickens ~ What would you say to the people that are spooked out about all of this demon stuff? Really? (LOL) Get over it! Don’t be spooked, be enlightened. They are not spooked out by all of these scary movies... You know, the supernatural is in the air, all of this stuff is not coming from people’s imagination. Hollywood is not spooked out by spiritual warfare, they have a better understanding than most people in the church. For example: the movie Poltergeist is real! Spiritual warfare is a reality. When I say, “Get over it”, people do have to get over those fears. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.” The Bible says what we see is temporal, what we cannot see is eternal. The word temporal is “pro kairos” Pro ~ means getting ahead of, kairos ~ timing of God. What we see can make us get ahead of the timing of God. What we cannot see is eternal and that’s what the demon dictionary is all about. In the Spirit realm there is Good and Evil and the church cannot continue to focus on the good. When there is God and there is a devil, there is the Holy Spirit and there is Evil. Where there is light there is darkness. We cannot continue to ignore what is real, what is reality. “Good & Evil.” P.K. Mickens ~ So, this Demon Dictionary is going to be an eye opener for everyone across the world. Yes! America has to catch up. Demons in most countries are nothing new. In America I think we have kind of categorized our demons and renamed them, such as Rehab, Alcoholic Anonymous to name a few. These are things we deal with that are of a demonic influence. There are levels of spiritual warfare in the lives of believers. You know,there are a lot of people that don’t understand how you can be saved and have to deal with spiritual warfare. The Bible says: The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. That means that there are
Continued on page 24
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36:, ;6 >05 antasia Barrino proclaims on her hit single “Lose to Win,” “If it makes you cry, all you do is fight, can’t get no sleep at night ,sometimes you gotta lose to win again!” In today’s modern society in the sports arena of the NFL, NBA, College, High school games or in any competition typically no one volunteers to be on the loser’s just kinda happens. As a result, the loser is deemed less than perfect (which all of us are) and in many circumstances devalued while being ridicule. In this loser’s stance one is rejected and will often feel like their world is crumbling down, simply because they are not good enough. I believe it is in times like these that God chooses to teach each of us some of the most valuable life principles that can be applied in the next chapter(s) of our lives: rather it’s in a relationship, job opportunity, an affliction in our bodies, or some sort of sport’s competition.
John 12:24 says: Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But, if it dies, it produces many seeds. WOW! That will preach right there! John’s text reminds us that without failures we cannot expect to be fruitful. Death and Loss are prerequisites of multiplication and being fruitful in every other area of our lives. If we flip over a few chapters to John 15:1-2 Jesus declares, remain in me... “He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” Again, none of us want to lose anything! Including our branches, especially if they were producing some kind of fruit. Allow God, The Father to prune (clean) your space even if it is painful. WHERE THERE IS PAIN,THERE IS ALSO POWER. Losing is simply part of being human, no one wins at everything. I believe the key to any loss is the attitude you and I posses, and the obedience to “Keep on Keeping on.” Most of the time what seems like a failure is really not. It could very well be an opportunity for some seasonal cleaning and pruning. “Count it all Joy” The Holy Spirit Says: As you remain in Me you will be fruitful...But apart from Me you can do nothing! Wanna be fruitful? Do not be afraid to LOSE, because your losses can be eradicated by a series of WINS! Stay in the vine, as you remain your branches will be strong and full of blooms in God’s ordained time. By: Deborah~77
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Alone Time With
Rob Mercer’s Story By Andrea R. Williams
Life can be a rat race. Job, family, church and other responsibilities can fill our days, and sometimes, even the most dedicated Christian can skip time with God. But what are we missing when we miss our time with God? Gospel artist Rob Mercer understands the value of being alone with God. It’s during those times that he senses the presence of God the most. “I’ll never forget the time I left Norfolk, VA in route to Washington, DC with a plan to catch up on my favorite sports talk radio shows the entire drive,” recounts Rob. “I made a quick stop by 7-11 to pick up a bottle of water and some snacks and headed toward Highway 64. Somewhere between 7-11 and Highway 64, I began to enjoy the silence and serenity that engulfed the automobile. I began to think about how God has truly enriched my life. I thought about how that day had been full of blessings at the church where I ministered. I thought about the wonderful family that He had chosen for me during this life. Then I thought about the scripture in Joshua 1 where He tells us if we meditate on His word day and night, we’ll have good success. Before I knew it, my alone time with God had lasted over 3 hours and I was pulling up in my driveway still without a clue of what was going on in the sports world.” There are things that we can only experience with God when we are by ourselves, far away from the hustle and bustle of life. It’s during those still and quiet times - when God has our undivided attention - that He can speak to us. Rob says, “I’ve realized that every major move of God has happened when I was alone with Him. Now there have been some powerful and amazing times in fellowship with family, friends and the body of Christ. But it was in the alone time that He called me into ministry. It was in the alone time that He told me to lay hands on myself and I found healing for a pain in my leg that had lasted over a year. It was also in the alone time that He freed me from the indignity and anguish of going through a divorce. Not to mention, the songs and sermons that He has given me over the years that continue to bless people week in and week out.” Rob’s alone times with God have also helped him to realize that it’s God alone who has total and complete authority over his life - although sometimes that’s not readily apparent. In this world, it’s easy to believe that man has ultimate power. Man has thrived on power since the beginning of time. Countries, politicians, militaries, and even celebrities wield it at a whim and those who have it can’t seem to get enough of it. But does man really possess power? With one hurricane, tornado or flood, man’s illusion of power is shattered and he
finds himself looking up to the true power source. Mercer understands that God alone is in control. The up-and-coming singer-songwriter recently released a new song called, “God Alone”. A soft and pensive tune, “God Alone”, reminds the listener of the autonomy of God. The song’s lyrics speak of the amazing command He has over the universe: “Completely sovereign, absolute rule, director of all things, none compares to you, unlimited power, ancient of days, exclusive authority, we don’t have a say; You are God alone.” The modern-day psalm is perfect to sing during those intimate times with God. The song, a track on Rob’s debut release, The Photo Album, is one of the highlights of the new CD. The single, already soaring up the BDS Gospel Charts, has a complementary concept video showcasing Rob during his alone times with God. For Mercer, it’s in those alone times with the Lord, where he finds direction. It’s in those times he’s learned how to inspire others. “I have realized that I’m never alone,” says Mercer. “I have a God who never leaves me nor forsakes me. He is an omnipresent God who is with us at all times. When you can’t see His hand or understand His ways, you may think He’s deserted you, but what the alone time teaches us is that Isaiah 55:8 is right: ‘His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways’”.
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$YDQW P. K. Mickens ~ That was an interesting performance tonight, the ladies were going wild...Tell me how are you feeling right now! This is a beautiful thing. I have been in the game for almost fourteen years now and it’s just love that the people show and respect for real music. I go out there and try to give them my personality, also a great performance and it’s just a joy to be out here and still be relevant and the people respect me for what I do. P. K. Mickens ~ Wow! you sure have stayed relevant in the music industry, can you tell us how did you do that and give some advice to all of the upcoming artist? Be real with yourself, and be real with the people. The music I write is about relationships and the things you and I go through everyday so, I think that’s a great contribution to my relevancy in this game. P. K. Mickens~ Are you a spiritual person? What is your belief? I am a Christian. I believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I appreciate everything He has done for me. I am going to continue my belief because He is my everything. P. K. Mickens~ Everybody is doing reality shows now, will we see Avant on the big screen of the reality set soon? Nah.. I don’t think Imma do the reality show thing. There are a lot of reality shows out there, they don’t need Avant on a reality show! P. K. LOL.. O.K. Anything else you want to share with the readers? Follow me on social media @Avantmusic and get my new album “Face the Music” Please understand real music is still alive and Avant is bringing it! P. K. Thank you so much for interviewing with Shofar Magazine Thank you P.K. for having me! Everybody make sure you follow @Shofarmagazine
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JJF off Jazz featuring Avant and Brian Mc Knight May 24, 2013 at Florida Theatre
Jesus in the Closet I received a call to troubleshoot an Internet problem at a local tattoo shop. When I walked in I saw all sorts of strange drawings and pictures hanging around the parlor. Most of the art on display were of sex, drugs and evil things like demons. I thought to myself “is this what people want on their bodies?” I witnessed one of the drawings the owner was working on, he was working on a nice looking demon but I wouldn’t want that branded on me. I pondered on the different type of spirits that were lurking around but I wasn’t afraid because I know I am covered by the blood of Jesus. Nevertheless, I needed to know where his equipment was so I could fix the problem and be on my way. The owner pointed me to the equipment which was in the closet in the back. He said, “I am sorry but the light in the closet does not work.” I said, no worries I have a light on my smart phone; “they have a app for that”. When we opened the door and shined the light in the closet, I was shocked at what I saw. It was a picture of Jesus! It was the very first thing I saw when I opened the door, the kind of picture you will find in a lot of our churches. My thoughts, “what is Jesus doing in this building ? Why was He in the closet? “I have no idea if the owner or anyone who worked in tattoo shop was saved or not but most natural minds would think not. I quickly found and fixed the problem and was on my way. For the rest of the day I couldn’t help but think about that picture of Jesus in the closet.
How many of us keep Jesus in the closet? We go to church faithfully and learn of the love of Christ, we then go and put everything we learned in the closet and keep it for ourselves. There are many that proclaim to be saved at church, but outside of the church building there is no evidence of this declaration. Nothing they do or say would have you believe that they know anything about Christ. There are some Christians who smoke, curse, drink, harbor unforgiveness, use one another’s past as one up or simply a reason to gossip and just about everything else that the people of the world do. (NEWS FLASH: We all have a past) If Jesus looks at a person’s life that mirrors this type of behaviors it would be hard for Him to find himself. The unsaved would think why
should I give my live to the Lord and change my life style when we (as Christians) do the same things? If you make it to Heaven I will also because I am nicer than you. The point of it all is to ask yourself, where do I Keep Jesus? Do I hide Him in the closet ? or do I display Him in my life every day? Don’t be ashamed of Jesus and he will not be ashamed of you. Lift Him up each and everyday of your life. Let Jesus come out the closet. “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” ~ Matthew 5:16 Joseph Reaves BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+ K@G>9J E9?9RAF= 19
common tools the devil will use to destroy a person’s life. God never wanted us to feel rejected or abandon. He desires for you to know who you really are, and realize how deeply God loves, accepts, and appreciates you, so that you can live out the fullness of what all God has ordained you to be. God’s Word tells us that without being rooted and grounded in the love (and acceptance) of God, we cannot experience the fullness of God in our lives: And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be ďŹ lled with all the fullness of God.~Ephesians 3:19 Rejection has a way of destroying a person’s life in a way that few other things can. The sad fact is that the number of people who are affected by rejection is staggering. If we want to be all that God has created us to be, then overcoming rejection and it’s affects is vital and absolutely essential.
7KH IUXLW RI UHMHFWLRQ Many people in today’s society are insecure. In fact, more people maybe insecure than secure. Your security does not depend on your job, bank account(s), real estate owned, red bottom high-heels, or even your twitter followers. Don’t base your security on the way you look, how others respond or treat you, your education, the label inside of your clothes, the car you drive, or what kind of house you live in. Don’t base your security on whether or not you are married, or whether you have children. Placing your security in anything other than Jesus Christ is sinking sand. Webster’s Dictionary describes insecure as unstable, uncertain. When you think about it, if a person is insecure, he is also unstable and uncertain. The deďŹ nition also says insecure means lacking conďŹ dence, unsure, shaky, and unsound. Have you ever felt that way? You don’t have to!
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.� No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. ~ Romans 8:35-37 It seems that almost everybody is affected by rejection to some degree.
:K\ GRHV UHMHFWLRQ ZRXQG XV VR GHHSO\" Because it attacks the very person that we are. It destroys our self-esteem, and attacks who we are and our purpose in life. This is why it is one of the most 20 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
Many people who have faced rejection and abuse as a child, grow up with unresolved emotional wounds. Rejection causes emotional wounds, which if not cleansed and released, will grow and fester into spiritual wounds (such as unforgiveness, envy, blaming God, jealousy, etc.). Those spiritual wounds open us up to evil spirits which love to take advantage of this opportunity to invade us. The goal of the enemy is to get us built up with emotional baggage inside and negative feelings in our hearts against one another, ourselves, and God. Rejection has a lot of fruit which can widely vary from one person to another. Some of the common symptoms of rejection include: • Rebellion in both children and adults • Fabricated personalities (being somebody you aren’t, in order to be accepted) • The tendency to reject others, so that you aren’t the ďŹ rst one to be rejected • A tendency to always wonder if a person rejects or accepts you • The need to ďŹ t in or be accepted by others and be a part of everything • Self-pity where a person feels bad for themselves being all alone • Inability to be corrected or receive constructive criticism • Rejection creates an environment where you are starved for love or just don’t ďŹ t in • A tendency to blame God (“Why did He give me these big lips? Why did God make me so short?â€?) • A sense of pride that says, “How dare they reject me!â€? • Opinionated personality and the need to be right about things • Feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, or hopelessness
• • •
Seeking a parent’s approval is a sign that your basing your identity upon what they think of you Envy, jealousy, and even hate can be rooted in rejection Fear of confrontation (because your identity is based upon what they think of you)
A person who has a hard time admitting they are wrong, or receiving constructive criticism has an underlying problem with rejection. How do we know that? Because they are basing their identity, who they are, upon their ability to be right about everything. Stubbornness can also be rooted in rejection as well for this same reason. They have to be right, or else they feel worthless... that’s because “who they areâ€? (their identity) is based upon them being right. This also ties in with opinionated personalities, who are always there to tell you all about something, even if they have little or no real understanding to speak from. Then we have performance orientation and drivenness, certain variances of OCD, etc. where a person is basing their identity and who they are upon how well they perform at something in life. Whenever we base who we are upon our performance, or our being correct about something, then we fail, it is a blow to our identity. Those who struggle with rejection can also become what we call ďŹ xers; a ďŹ xer is a person who is eager to tell everybody else how they need to be doing things, but many times have little understanding or experience in such matters. Such a person attempts to be the Holy Spirit in other people’s lives, where they have no authority or right to step in. They ďŹ nd their identity in ďŹ xing other people’s problems, and they love it when people come to them for help or advise. The truth is that we were created to be loved, accepted, and appreciated. Rejection is an anti-Christ spirit because it opposes the very nature that God created in us. Rejection starves a person from love and acceptance that they were designed to receive. The problem is that when we turn to others or even ourselves for that love and acceptance, we are setting ourselves up for failure and the damage of rejection. Only God can be trusted as the source of our identity.
to reject you, but just feel shy at the time in stepping out and meeting you (or anybody else for that matter). People who have spirits of rejection can have a tenancy to receive perceived rejection, because the purpose of a spirit of rejection is to make us feel rejected. You are more than a conqueror when somebody mistreats you and it doesn’t affect your worth value! You may have a problem, but as long as the problem doesn’t have you, you are more than a conqueror. You gain a surpassing victory! How? Through Him who loved us verse 37. That is your victory ~ The love of God. For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (verses 38,39).
Self-rejection is another piece to this puzzle. Self-rejection is where a person rejects them self. They do not like who they are. This can often lead to self-hate, self-resentment, etc. It is often tied in with self-unforgiveness, if the person has made mistakes in their life which they deeply regret. Just as it hurts when others reject us, it can do just as much damage when we reject ourselves. Then there’s perceived rejection, where a person receives something as rejection when it really isn’t. For example, “Why is that person not coming over here to talk to me?� When the person may not be trying
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´)DLWK )DPLO\ DQG )ULHQGV Âľ The Interfaith Breakfast brought in people from all different religions to unite them together for the goal to improve education and reduce crime in Jacksonville. “Now is the time for the faith-based community to step up to the plate and let’s take our community back,â€? says Brown. During the event, Mayor Brown talked about mentoring local youth, and crime prevention in the city. Keynote speaker and world renown pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes believes in his mission. “We should not isolate ourselves nor polarize ourselves but we should unite together against the challenges that we all have in common,â€? says Jakes.
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Continued from page 13
In the story of JOB, on the surface it seems obvious that Job was the innocent victim of Satan’s crimes. Job was caught in a war game that God and Satan were playing. Seemingly, he suffered grave injustice, and the logical conclusion is the that someone should be punished or at least called to account. Job was outraged, because the system didn’t work for him according to Job story. However, the one we would have to charge and prosecute or at least as a co-conspirator is God. God- not Job- is guilty. Wait a second, are we any more justiďŹ ed in reaching that conclusion than Job was? Do we stand in any position to pass judgment on God? Job may have suffered what seems to have been unjustiďŹ ed pain in a large circumstance of things, God was proving that He is just and will reward His servants including Job even when the odds are stacked against them. It is imperative to ask deeper questions. Job’s story, in my opinion, demonstrates that ultimate justice is not a matter of momentary incidents alone. True justice displays itself only through lifelong habits of 22 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
walking with God, lifelong endurance in working to create and sustain public health, and having God’s order. Even in asking deeper questions, I’m afraid we expose a mindset far removed from the one God revealed to Job. Job was righteous but, look what happened to him within the conďŹ nes of the popular attitude previously described. How can anyone respond adequately to Job or to the person who has been imprisoned by mistake? What can we say to the person who suffers greater in prison than her or she caused outside? How can we justify a system that spends more money to house the criminals than pay back the victim? This is why we need to work for prison reform; we have not begun to think Biblically! Ultimately, crime and punishment are about justice and injustice, and the cries from victims, as well as unjustly offenders, are cries for justice. We comfort them by explaining that the system sometimes works. Do you honestly believe that this will soothe their hearts to learn that they’re not the ďŹ rst to have suffered unjustly.
Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused—especially verbally and emotionally, although sometimes even physically as well.
The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available. Domestic violence is not always easy to recognize, but the signs are usually there. Abuse can be in many forms, from emotional to physical to sexual. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The person repeatedly lies to you and breaks promises. The person withholds affection in order to get power over you. The person shows extreme jealousy and tries to keep you from family, friends, or interests. The person insults or puts you down. The person violates your privacy, going through your possessions without permission. The person threatens you. The person tries to control you, telling you how to dress, where to go, what to eat, what to do, etc. The person attempts to cause you pain or injury. The person punches, kicks, shakes, slaps, or restrains you. The person attacks you with a weapon or thrown objects. The person causes pain or injures you. The person forces their attention on you, either verbally or physically. The person rapes you. The person injures or threatens to injure the family pet. The person threatens to injure your children. The person injures your children.
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There are six things you can do if you think someone you know is experiencing domestic violence: 1. Call the police if you see or hear violence in progress. 2. Learn about domestic violence services in your community like those provided by The DIP Foundation Inc. (info at 3. Give time, resources or money. Distribute domestic violence awareness materials at your workplace, school, or church. Arrange for informational and educational presentations or training for your church, civic, social and professional groups. 4. If you have a friend or co-worker who is afraid of his or her partner or who is being hurt, offer your support and refer them to The DIP Foundation. 5. Model a respectful attitude toward your spouse in your home, with your family, and in your workplace. Avoid behaviors that demean or control others. 6. Build support among your colleagues and neighbors that abusive behavior and language is not tolerated in your neighborhood.
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Forerunner & Demon Buster
Kimberly Daniels Continued from page 15
some strongholds you gotta pull down. It says that we are not warring against flesh and blood, now if the Bible says that we are warring against flesh and blood then what are we warring against? We are warring against spirits. Recently, I had a dream, and there was a crowd of people around me. As I reached out to shake some one’s hand, my hand went straight through them because it was a spirit. And the Lord said, “You cannot look at the people, because they are spirits behind the scenes.” Some of you may say, “Why would they (people) do this to me?” Because the devil don’t like you! The devil is real. The Demon Dictionary says: the devil is real and gives you knowledge on what is really real (What you cannot see) which includes: the demonic and the things of God. P. K. ~ Wow that’s amazing! We can’t wait for the Demon Dictionary to hit the book shelves! I Thank God that Sam’s and Walmart are excited about a Demon Dictionary. There are entire sections in bookstores on demonology, so for people to waste space and their time and they are placing their mind on something that don’t exist is crazy. It is very real. It is real to the people that fly to my church from all over the world. We don’t want to highlight it and make demons more important than Jesus because they are not, they are on the back burner, but they do exist. P. K. ~ Who would you say are the MVP”s (Most Valuable Players/ People) in the Kingdom of God? The Most Valuable Players in the kingdom of God, I believe is the congregation, the laborers. It’s not the apostles, prophets,evangelist, pastors, and teachers. It’s not the 24 K@G>9J E9?9RAF= BMDQ'9M?MKL *()+
head usher, or the deacons. The MVP’s in the body of Christ are the believers. The Bible says: “ And these signs will follow them that believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues. And because these signs follow the believers they are valuable and most valuable to what God wants to do in the Kingdom. One of my favorite scriptures: Deuteronomy 32:30 explains to us; If one of us can put a thousand enemies to flight, and can put two ten-thousand to flight.... Can you Imagine what the congregation of the Lord could do if we would be equipped according to Ephesians Chapter 4? It says that God gave us the ministry of the five-fold for the equipping of the saints so that we can do the work of the ministry. P. K. ~ Amen! I want to encourage everyone to get the Demon dictionary. Do not be afraid of the dark world. We ought to be afraid of smoking cigarettes, marijuana, lying and cheating, and treating others wrong. We ought to afraid of living like hellions, and not being equipped by God to deal with situations without being suicidal, without being checked into mental institutions. This is what happens to believers who don’t believe in demons. If you don’t believe demons exist you will find yourself on medication, or find yourself in a mental institution, or find yourself suicidal because deliverance is the children’s bread and judgement starts at the House of God and if we can’t be free nobody else can be free. P. K. ~ Thank you so much for interviewing with Shofar Magazine!
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Walking circumspectly and not as fools. We cannot deny that we have to deal with evil in life. There are two roads of life in the spirit. On one road the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. On the other road Jesus came to give us life. This word life is zoe and it means “the God kind of life” or abundant life (John 10:10).
Do not be afraid of the dark world. “We ought to be afraid of smoking cigarettes, marijuana, lying and cheating, and treating others wrong. We ought to afraid of living like hellions, and not being equipped by God to deal with situations without being suicidal, without being checked into mental institutions.”
Matt Shirk and Kimberly Daniels
NFL Jaguars owner, Shahid Khan and Kimberly Daniels
The demon dictionary gives believers spiritual secret intelligence on the devil that goes as far as to reveal “how our enemy thinks.” We cannot know the mind Christ but we can have the mind of Christ. Through God’s word He gives us insight on how the enemy thinks so that we can be ahead of the game and out-think him.
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Ra’Shin T. Akins is founder and senior pastor of Grace of GOD Kingdom Ministries. His passion is to serve the body of Christ in any way that he is able to do so that GOD can fulďŹ ll HIS plan for their liives on the earth. Pastor Akins has a heart and genuine love for people. He has a prophetic mandate to speak life to what appears to be dead situations. Knowing that it’s only by the grace of GOD that he is able to do this, Pastor Akins is determined to preach and teach the Word of GOD with boldness and clarity.
Contact info: P.O. Box 6032 Warner Robins, GA 31095-6032 (478) 919-4128 email:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turnâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall youâ&#x20AC;? JOB 5:19
Coming Soon
Fall 2013
an We
â&#x20AC;&#x153; By Tru sting G od Promis es in Tim â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s es of Judg mentâ&#x20AC;?
UND & Boun
ce Back
How Can We Survive & Bounce Back? â&#x20AC;&#x153; By Trusting Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Promises in Times of Judgmentâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;˘ Abuse â&#x20AC;˘ Rejection â&#x20AC;˘ Economic Depression â&#x20AC;˘ Religion
â&#x20AC;˘ Unplanned Pregnancy â&#x20AC;˘ InďŹ delity â&#x20AC;˘ Incarceration
â&#x20AC;˘ Abuse â&#x20AC;˘ Unpla nn â&#x20AC;˘ Econo ed Pregnancy m â&#x20AC;˘ Religio ic Depression n
REBOUND deals with practical issues of faith,
teaches readers how they can apply spiritual principles to everyday living- for example how to be happy when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sad all the time (such as when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in prison, rejected by others, or simply being abused), how to use bad times to good ends, how to get along with difďŹ cult people (such as family, co-workers, and fellow church members). It is a powerful read. It is pure Spiritual Art. It can change your life if you read it on your knees and allow your heart to be transformed by itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s truths. It can tell you how to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keep On Keeping Onâ&#x20AC;? when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just about done with the whole thing-discouraged, disappointed with people and fed up with life.
â&#x20AC;˘ Rejecti o â&#x20AC;˘ InďŹ de n lity â&#x20AC;˘ Incarc eration
There are some situations we do not choose for ourselves, where we ďŹ nd ourselves chained to a person, situation, or circumstance that is down right difďŹ cult or discouraging-or worse, dangerous. What will we do with them? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to us.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;By having the proper perspective you can surely bounce back- I did!â&#x20AC;? @pkmissions
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WINNERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EDITION MAY/JUNE 2013
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Highlights of Jaguarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NFL Draft Party
Isaac Carree
Starts Fresh "Reset" Featuring the hit single
Clean this House
Debuts 6.25.13
Isaac Shares Some
Drawbacks of Social Media
Â&#x2021; 5HM
Thoughts are Â&#x2021; 3HU HFWLRQ Previews Â&#x2021; 3HU FHSWLRQ FWLRQ of Coming 7KH H[WRXUVUHPHV VIH RPH RI X HOYHV IUR V JR Attractions FEATURED ARTICLE:
On The Record:
Fantasia Barrino â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shares Side â&#x20AC;? Effects of Dating When You Should Be Waiting The Key to Her New Fabulous Figure
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"Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
Wes Morga n
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