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Hello to all
Welcome to the final letter of the year! December already, I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by.
This has been a year of new beginnings and fond farewells for us at SHOP-SA. Hanlie Delport was brought in as COO and we bid Hans Servas farewell as he retired at the end of June. Vanessa Bentley, also known as the DTP guru, left us to follow her own pursuits in September and sadly this month Wendy leaves SHOP-SA after 11 years.
So, the challenges have been there, but the successes too. SHOP-SA is re-positioning itself and we look forward to a busy and productive 2023.
This edition focuses on the festive season and a few things that are holiday related as I’m sure we are ready to kick back and relax a bit. We look at markets and fairs that abound at this time of the year. With Christmas and night markets making their annual appearance wherever you are in South Africa, there is bound to be some near you.
We look at glues and adhesives and their different applications, this may come in really useful as the holidays are the time for projects and what is a project without glue? Our feature on finance highlights the benefits of compound interest, the 8th wonder of the world and the member spotlight shines the light on Eagle Stationery.
There’s a bit of festive cheer sprinkled throughout to get you in the festive frame of mind. Enjoy the magazine and the holidays, stay safe, be blessed and we will see you in the new year!