A great community newspaper.
VOL. 50, NO. 13
MARCH 28, 2011
INSIDE www.ShopperNewsNow.com
By Wendy Smith
Tickling the ivories at Carnegie West High School freshman Carolyn Craig hits the stage in New York. See page A-17
Fashion and history ‘Styles With a Flair’ fashion show and luncheon benefits Ramsey House. See Wendy’s column on page A-3
Cheating hurts (worse if you get caught) Marvin West ponders cheating in the NCAA, past and present See page A-7
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The story of Queen Esther, as told in the Megillah scroll, is one of reversals. Consequently, the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Purim is nearly the perfect opposite of the more somber Minyan, or prayer service, that typically takes place on Sunday at Heska Amuna Synagogue. Crazy costumes, the clanging of gongs, the jeering of the rabbi and shots of rum are hardly the norm at the synagogue. But such revelry is encouraged during Purim, which commemorates the salvation of the Jews in Persia around 450 BCE. The holiday is celebrated on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, which fell on March 20. “The idea is that this holiday is supposed to be silly,” said Rabbi Alon Ferency. The corporate observance of Purim revolves around the reading of the story of Esther, a Jew who became Queen of Persia upon her marriage to King Ahasuerus. When the king’s grand vizier, Haman, concocts a plot to have Persian Jews murdered, Esther’s cousin and custodian, Mordecai, persuades her to speak to the king on behalf of the her people. Esther admits her identity and the Jews are given the right to defend themselves. In spite of the grim ending of the story, in which Haman and his sons are hanged and thousands are killed in the ensuing battle, Ferency says the story is viewed as a farce. The use of double entendre also makes the story “surprisingly adult.” As part of Purim tradition, Josh Gettinger’s lyrical reading of the Hebrew text was interrupted by the sound of graggers (noisemakers), drums and horns each time the name of Haman was read, while Mordecai’s name elicited cheers. Shots of rum were distributed to uphold the tradition that observers drink enough that they can no longer distinguish between the two. To heighten the carnival atmosphere, the reading of the text was broken up by rounds of “Shushan
Ellen, Rachel and Martha Iroff get creative with Purim costumes.
A Purim Party Gift-giving is another holiday custom, and the kids were more than happy to accept their shalach nanote – treats and delicacies – along with the rest of the congregation. Members made contributions to the synagogue’s religious school, which prepared the goody bags, in order to fulfill the Purim tradition of charity. After the service, participants feasted on triangular fruit-filled cookies called Hamentaschen, or “Hamen’s pockets.” The revelry continued later that evening when the women of Heska Amuna gathered for Vashti’s Banquet. The dinner was named for Rich Adlin bangs the drums during the Purim reading of the story of Esther at Queen Esther’s predecessor, who Heska Amuna Synagogue. His daughter, Celia, is beside him and Heska Amuna was deposed when she refused to appear before the king. The event President Bernard Bendrium is behind him. Photos by Wendy Smith featured a market, door prizes and Jeopardy,” which was played by dren. Susan Arronte’s children, a belly-dancing contest, as well as teams of “queens” and “kings.” Nat- Stella and Aaron, came happily Moroccan food prepared by Mariurally, the “queens” won. dressed as a queen and king. lyn Burnett. No one enjoyed the festivities at “She always wants to be a prinAfter all, it isn’t just little girls Heska Amuna as much as the chil- cess or a queen,” laughed Susan. who want to be queens.
Say it ain’t so, Joe By Larry Van Guilder Law Director Joe Jarret’s legal opinion backing a resolution to bring the budgets of the fee offices and assorted clerks under the purview of County Commission has officeholders Joy McCroskey and Sherry Witt bracing for a fight that began at last week’s County Commission workshop. It continues at today’s regular commission meeting.
Analysis 10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Larry Van Guilder lvgknox@mindspring.com ADVERTISING SALES Paige Davis davisp@ShopperNewsNow.com Darlene Hacker hackerd@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 24,267 homes in Bearden.
Jarret says state law allows County Commission to appropriate funds for salaries and other “authorized expenses” for the fee offices provided that the officeholders turn over to the general fund all fees collected each month. The collective response of McCroskey, and Witt: “Say it ain’t so, Joe.” Commissioners Richard Briggs, Mike Hammond and Sam McKenzie are sponsoring the resolution with the enthusiastic backing of Mayor Tim Burchett, who says it’s all about “transparency.” Those familiar with the history of the trustee’s office under Mike Lowe or with Mike Padgett’s career as County Clerk wince when they hear “transparency” mentioned in con-
ed Nominatf o e on ’s “East TN! ” Best
nection with a fee office. Phantom employees, dubious staff “bonuses” and nepotism fueled those political machines. The imposition of term limits was a step in the right direction, Sherry Witt Cathy Quist Joy McCroskey but the old courthouse view that holding office is a right, not a privilege, lingers. “You’re talking about diminishing the powCathy Quist, Clerk of the Knox County Ju- ers of officeholders,” Witt said. venile Court, the Civil Division of General Witt’s comment expresses the fear that BurSessions Court and the Circuit Courts, is an chett – or his successor – might attempt to attorney, but it was Criminal Court Clerk Mcmicromanage the fee offices. But Dean Rice, Croskey who brandished the legal saber at Burchett’s chief of staff, points out that, if apMonday’s workshop. proved, the resolution would not take effect “How are you going to represent all of us if until FY 2012-2013, allowing ample time for we oppose this?” she asked Jarret in a preview all parties to agree on the ground rules. of lawsuits to come. The offices affected by the resolution are She erroneously added that the idea had clerks and masters of the chancery courts; “been defeated in a referendum.” The 2008 county clerk and clerks of probate, criminal, Charter amendment McCroskey referenced circuit and special courts; register of deeds; would have granted the mayor authority to ap- trustee; and general sessions and juvenile point certain offices. court clerks. McCroskey, who said a mouthful at the Trustee John Duncan and County Clerk workshop, including the complaint that the Foster Arnett have signaled their support. Last resolution would “put my employees under a Friday, Quist formally aligned with Duncan budget,” said she would have “plenty more” to and Arnett, stating in a press release that she say at the regular commission meeting. supports “full transparency and accountabilSpeaking at the Halls Republican Club on ity and a funding process that is unified across Monday evening, Register of Deeds Sherry all of county government.” Witt said her office is already “totally transCommission is scheduled to vote on the resparent. olution today.
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Jam offers musical mentoring It’s a beautiful thing when professionals take time to share their wisdom and experience with newbies. And when it’s bluegrass music that’s being shared, and when those with no talent whatsoever get to listen, it’s pert near perfect.
Amber Pritchard, librarian at Halls Elementary School, sings lead at Johnnny’s Bluegrass Jam at the Knoxville Visitors Center. Jimmie Warwick, left, plays along – and provides encouragement.
Wendy Smith That’s just what happens during Johnny’s Bluegrass Jam, held every Monday evening at the Knoxville Visitors Center. The session is named for local guitar guru Johnny Rushing. But it’s run by Josh Sidman, owner of the Parlor, which serves up homemade food and music in North Knoxville and operates the café in the Visitors Center. Sidman says he grew up going to jam sessions but was frustrated by the fast tempos and not knowing the chords. He makes the Monday sessions beginnerfriendly by putting chords, lyrics and song structures on an overhead projector. He’s pleased to have regular attendance from beginners, some of whom take lessons from him, as well as professional pickers. The music itself isn’t difficult, he says. “Bluegrass is very simple in terms of harmonic structure. It’s just fast.” Anyone is welcome to participate, or just listen, from 6 p.m. to whenever the place shuts down on Mondays.
Fashion and history come together at Ramsey House benefit The spring forecast calls for lots of color, along with leggings and tunics, according to Judy Gardener of the Silk Purse. Fashions from the Bearden store appeared on the runway with togs from Janice Ann’s Fashions, J.P. Coffin’s and the Lily Pad Boutique at the “Styles with a Flair” fashion show and luncheon hosted by the Ramsey House. Along with spring fashions, a new offering from Ramsey House Plantation was debuted – a Lunch and Learn series. Each event is about 40 minutes long to allow participants to come during lunch break, and drinks and desserts are provided. The first is “Decorating for Spring Using Primitives and Country Décor” on April 7. Judy McLean, interim director of the historic home, encouraged the audience to participate in the Historic Homes of Knoxville Dogwood Bus Tour on April 16. “We just want you to come out and see us.” Ramsey House is located at 2617 Thorngrove Pike.
The importance of knowing what’s important
Leena Leiniainen, Carolyn McPherson, Barbara Milligan and Jean Rhyne prepare to take to the runway in attire from the Silk Purse, owned by Judy Gardener, right. The women participated in a fashion show to benefit Ramsey House Plantation. Photos by Wendy Smith View scheduled events at http://ramseyhouse.org.
Drama portrays faith struggle The WordPlayers will present “Shadowlands,” the true love story of C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Gresham, April 1-3 and 7-10 at 1540 Robinson Road. Artistic Director Terry Weber says he’s drawn to stories about real people and has long been a fan of Lewis, author of the “Narnia” series and a well-known Christian apologist. The story is compelling, he says, because it portrays the crisis of Lewis’ theology coming into conflict with his personal experiences. “We can relate to it, because it’s when the rubber meets the road we find out whether we believe or not.” The WordPlayers is a Christian drama troupe that tells stories from a Christian perspective. The company stages three full-length plays at its theater and also has a touring wing that takes shorter productions to schools, churches and even the Morgan County Correctional Facility. A recent tour featured a play on HIV and AIDS prevention. “Wherever people want us to come, we’ll try to accommodate them,” says Weber. For “Shadowlands” schedule: www.wordplayers.org.
The University of Tennessee’s men’s basketball team got trounced in the first round of the NCAA tournament. A couple of days later, coach Bruce Pearl was shown the door, not as result of his team’s 30-point loss (although that couldn’t have helped) but because – as Marvin West writes in today’s edition – he was “guilty of an NCAA felony.” Pearl lied to NCAA investigators. Dumb move, and UT fans surveying the wreckage of what for a brief but brilliant era was a program flirting with a regular place at the table among college basketball powerhouses are left with nothing but a Big Orange crush. So it goes. As a fan of UT sports since I was old enough to tune the radio dial without assistance, I’m disappointed. But last Wednesday night as I hurried my wife into our basement in response to a tornado warning, I had a few minutes to reflect on matters that are really important. More years ago than I care to count, I huddled in like fashion in a basement in Bellevue, Neb., as a powerful tornado carved a path of destruction in neighboring Omaha. Samuel Johnson, the 18th century English essayist and lexicographer, is alleged to have said that nothing focuses the mind like the prospect of being hanged in the morning. I would add that finding yourself in close proximity to 150 mph winds can affect one similarly. Loved ones are important. Home, health and family are things that matter. In the grand scheme, the success of a college basketball program is a trifling matter, certainly nothing for fans to agonize over. In our features section this week you can read about the important things, some lives that mattered, people who made a difference. Check out all our editions and catch up with your favorite writers at www.shoppernewsnow.com. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.
Joe Rector book signing April 5
Terry Weber and Nancy Duckles play C.S. Lewis and Joy DaOur own Joe Rector will be signing copies of his book, vidman Gresham in the WordPlayer’s production of “Shadow“Baseball Boys,” 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at Double Dogs lands.” Anne Millett directs the play, which debuts April 1. Chow House, 10639 Hardin Valley Road. Joe invites all our readers to join him for a meal and some fellowship. Some some good news – the eco- some of the plants, which copies of the book will be available, or you can order “Basenomic slowdown has been produce significant amounts ball Boys” from Amazon.com or Createspace.com. of carbon dioxide. great for the environment. “The level of passivity and Stephen Smith, executive director of Southern Alli- the level of debate are out of A+ Super Budget ance for Clean Energy, led proportion with the political Call or text 388-1752 Pool openings starting at $150. the Knox County Library’s impact of this,” Smith says. Weekly maintenance, salt systems, We mow, weed-eat, blow & Brown Bag Green Book disMore info: www. in-ground & above-ground liners, mulch. Licensed/Insured cussion last week at the East cleanenergy.org professional fencing. Call 712-2147 Installation Professionals, references avail. Tennessee History Center. Eric Pooley’s book, “The HOME Climate War: True BelievIMPROVEMENTS ers, Power Brokers, and the Roofing, Painting, Siding, Fight to Save the Earth,” Gutters, Flooring, Fencing, Etc. 865-924-5119 was the topic. “Design Your Home Colors Online” Smith made it clear that www.RoofingConceptsDesign.com he is not pro-recession. But the slowdown has helped rid the environment of at our new location CO2. Still, the planet is on a relentless march toward catastrophe if big changes Thrift Shop • Emergency Assistance aren’t made, he says. “We are waging a grand All proceeds are used to provide food, clothing, Call experiment on our only planmedications and personal hygiene items to the poor. and we do not understand Sluggish economy good et, the significance of what we ALL DONATIONS WELCOME! TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL are doing.” for environment Honest, Reliable Service Since 1971 He encouraged East Carbon dioxide levels are rising at an unprecedented Tennesseeans to speak out rate, and the country’s lead- against TVA’s coal-fired ers have stifled the debate on power plants. The energy climate change, but there is giant is considering closing
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Witt to speak to Republicans The Karns Republican Club will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, in the
Karns Middle School library, 2925 Gray Hendrix Rd. Sherry Witt, Register of Deeds for Knox County, will be the guest speaker. Info: Lorriane Coffey, 660-3677 or Chris Smith, 256-4866.
Don’t Fear… The List.
COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The Knoxville Writers Guild will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7, at the Laurel Theater. Guest speaker, poet Bill Brown will read from his poetry collections and discuss current projects. A $1 donation will be requested at the door. ■ The Harvey Broome Group/Sierra Club will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 2931 Kingston Pike. Guest speaker Lynne McCoy, wildlife rehabilitator, will be bringing animal ambassadors. ■ Little T Squares, the largest square dance club in Tennessee, is now offering classes in Plus Square Dance calls. The group is also accepting couples and singles for its basic square dance class starting later in the year. Info: 966-3305 or 966-0745. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
■ Families Anonymous will meet each Tuesday from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. at Peninsula Lighthouse building 2, 6800 Baum Drive. The group gives support to families with members experiencing substance or behavioral issues. Info: Barbara, 696-6606. ■ Optimist Club of Knoxville will meet at noon each Friday for lunch at the Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive. Info: www.knoxvilleoptimist.org. ■ Knoxville Bipolar Disorder Support Group will meet 10 a.m. each Saturday at Messiah Lutheran Church on Kingston Pike. All items discussed during the meeting are completely confidential. ■ First Friday Knoxville Networking Organization will meet 8 p.m. every first Friday, at the Sobu Lounge, 6213 Kingston Pike. Come for networking, business card exchange and door prizes. Info: www.1stfridayknoxville.com or 615-944-1388.
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government Pavlis to the rescue First District City Council member Nick Pavlis didn’t get a lot of support from local historic preservationists when he ran for office in 2009, but he’s becoming a favorite now. A few weeks ago, he brokered a deal to bring the historic JFG sign back to the South Side after it was evicted from the property of Holston Gases. Last week, Pavlis authored a r e s o lu t i o n that stymied the demolition of the old South High School building, which was designed Pavlis in 1935 by Charles Barbour and has long been a major concern of those who seek to protect Knoxville’s historic structures. The Pavlis resolution, which passed unanimously, came a day after he applied for a historic overlay, which effectively imposed a 180day delay on property owner Bahman Kasraei’s plans to tear the building down. Kasraei, who owns considerable property all over town, much of which is not up to code, is a frequent recipient of codes violations. His demolition permit was
Betty Bean
delayed when he applied for it under someone else’s name, which gave Knox Heritage executive director Kim Trent time to sound the alarm to Pavlis. She has been trying to save South High since 2002. “I was pregnant with my 8-year-old daughter when this started,” she said. “The school administration was planning to tear it down and put up a metal storehouse building. We joined together with South Knoxville residents and other preservationists and pushed that back.” Requests for proposals went out in 2005, and developer Leigh Burch responded with a plan to restore and convert the old building for residential use. In return, the county agreed to a token asking price of $100. The deal was scuttled by County Commissioner Paul Pinkston, who insisted the county could get more money elsewhere. “We couldn’t get him to see the bigger picture,” Trent said. The county issued an RFP
A-4 • MARCH 28, 2011 • BEARDEN SHOPPER-NEWS the following year, but there were no takers. The building continued to deteriorate. By the fall of 2008, Trent was really getting worried. Developer David Dewhirst offered to buy it, secure it and wait for the economy to come around. Pinkston blocked this deal, too, insisting on a public auction. Enter Bahman Kasraei, who put a roof on the building but left the back side standing open. “I’d like to calculate the cost to the city dealing with codes enforcement, citing him to court, the lack of investment in the neighborhood. Then you’d have to figure the county taxes not getting paid, the devaluation of property around it, which is lowering the amount of taxes the property would have brought in,” Trent said. “The project would have cost $3 to $4 million, and that would have paid a lot of construction workers. This is cutting off your nose to spite your face.” Pavlis, who got Knox Heritage, which is interested in preserving historic signs, together with Scenic Knoxville, which opposes billboards, to talk about ways they can work together, says saving old school buildings just makes sense. “Thousands of people graduated from South High School and it’s very dear to them,” he said. “And there are so many repurposed schools – Tyson, Park Place, Brownlow … there are lots of reasons to save them if you can. It’s community friendly.”
Visit Baker museum (and hurry!) One of the better but lesser known museums in Knoxville is the one at the Howard Baker Center for Public Policy at 1640 Cumberland Ave. It tells the story of the evolution of two-party politics in Tennessee over the past 80 years. The large, nonpartisan museum has many exhibits and is high quality, similar to the East Tennessee History Museum. I spent part of the afternoon there last week and was the only visitor. That is a shame, as it is so well done. Of course, parking for visitors on the UT campus is extraordinarily difficult under the best of conditions. The museum has not been advertised very well. Most people know of the Baker Center but are blissfully unaware of the museum. The university has not showcased the museum to the degree it should for one of its most revered alumni. Visitors to lectures at the center do not know to wander into the museum. There are exhibits on Howard Baker the person, the lawyer, the politician, the statesman, the photog-
Victor Ashe
rapher and advocate of East Tennessee. Issues such as Watergate, the Panama Canal, AWACS, revenue sharing and Iran-Contra are all the focus of attention. They are spelled out in a scholarly and objective manner. Howard Baker’s career touched countless international and national issues. He not only had a front row seat on history since 1966, but was an active participant. The recent task force report recommends archiving much of the museum and converting the vacated space to classrooms. Once this happens, you will not again see these exhibits, which are an important part of Tennessee history and closely tied to our community. A precise date has not been set for this downsizing, but it could happen as
soon as this summer. It will be a setback for students of history. If you have not been, do go. You can park on Lake Avenue nearby. Plan on an hour if you want to read and listen to each exhibit. You will be glad you went. Meanwhile, the city works on its budget presentation for April 21. Reports say that it is a tight budget. Count on no property tax increase. If there is serious movement to cut useless expenses, then the $146,000 being spent annually on David Hill, who overseas very little on the waterfront, will be axed before it goes to council. If it stays in the budget, then we know there is room for fat which should be going to neighborhoods. It will be hard to defend little funding for needed neighborhood projects while there is money for a nonproductive position. Mayor Daniel Brown will present the budget at noon Thursday, April 21, at the Knoxville Botanical Gardens on Wimpole Avenue. It is an open meeting.
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Commission faces IQ test County Commission has plenty of smarts to go around. In fact, any commissioner who would own up to being dumb should resign immediately and apply for a position with the Criminal Court Clerk’s office – Joy McCroskey needs all the allies she can get.
Larry Van Guilder
However, before taking such a drastic step, commissioners should self-test with the Shopper-News Intelligence and Knowledge Examination Rater (SNICKER) in order to assure themselves they are indeed commission-worthy. This simple test was inspired by the pending resolution that would allow commission and the executive branch oversight of the fee office budgets. Commissioners Briggs, Hammond and McKenzie, co-sponsors of the resolution, will act as proctors for the exam. Commissioner, please use a No. 2 pencil to mark your answers to the following: 1. According to the Knox County Charter, what body or individual authorizes disbursements from the general fund? (a) County Commission (b) the state Senate (c) John Troyer (d) Big Jim Haslam 2. The best use of excess funds held by fee offices is: (a) employee morale-boosting trips to Dollywood (b) employee raises and bonuses (c) Transfer the excess
to the county general fund each month. (d) Deposit the funds in a numbered Swiss bank account. 3. Some officeholders who would be affected by the passage of the resolution are threatening to sue. How should County Commission and Mayor Tim Burchett respond to this threat? (a) Schedule a mud volleyball match in which the winner takes all. (b) Remove the officeholders from the commission’s and the mayor’s Christmas card list. (c) Call Herb Moncier. (d) Say “See you in court.” 4. “Transparency” in government operations is (a) dangerous, and nothing to fool with (b) embarrassing for officeholders with large picture windows (c) what we need more of (d) Is this a trick question? 5. As a commissioner, I have a duty to (a) Win the annual Mr. or Ms. Congeniality Award. (b) pass on crucial votes until I see which way the wind is blowing (c) Tell constituents where to get off. (d) Do the right thing for taxpayers. OK, let’s total up. Give yourself one point for each
correct response. Question 1: While choosing Jim Haslam is an error often made, the correct answer is (a) County Commission. Question 2: Score one point if you chose (c). Deduct two points for any other answer. Question 3: “See you in court” is the appropriate response. Man up, already! Question 4: Response (c) is correct and worth one point. We’ll award 1/2 point for (b) just because it’s our test. Question 5: Gotta be response (d). Deduct a point if you selected (b). Ratings: 4 1/2 points to 5: You’ll do the right thing, and you’re probably a judge of fine whiskey to boot. 4 points: See the law director for a Charter refresher course. Less than 4: Salary suits have already been filed for the upcoming year, but check with Joy McCroskey or Sherry Witt about a temp job for FY 2012-2013. Contact: lvgknox@mindspring.com.
Roddy to open campaign headquarters Knoxville mayoral candidate Marilyn Roddy will host a grand opening for her campaign headquarters in the Joy of Music School Building, 1209 Euclid Ave., from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 2. The event will feature free food, a few remarks from the candidate and information on how to get involved in the campaign. “We are excited about opening our headquarters in the heart of the city, Mechanicsville, one of our great neighborhoods,” Roddy said. “I am looking forward to meeting volunteers and our new neighbors in the community.” Info: www.marilynroddy.com.
Knox County Council PTA scholarship recipients are: Tyler Kennedy and Zachary Kennedy, Halls High; Bart Satterfield IV, Fulton High; Ashley Richards, Carter High; Amanda Venditti and William Rutter, Farragut High; and Thomas Hamilton, West High. Photo submitted
NOTES ■ Public relations in public education will be Jim McIntyre’s topic when he speaks to the local marketing group at noon Thursday, April 21, at The Foundry. Hmmm. Wonder if Mike Hamilton could listen in? ■ Oink, oink: Board chair Indya Kincannon has confirmed what many have long suspected. Yes, there is “pork” in the KCS budget. It’s a line item
on today’s commission agenda to ratify a contract with Brookwood Farms for “commodity processing of pork with culinary standards.” ■ Hard times have hit the lottery business according to state Rep. Harry Brooks, who said the state’s lottery fund is running a $22 million deficit as more students qualify and keep lottery scholarships.
To make sure funds are available, Brooks says the state might raise the grade eligibility from 3.0 in high school to 3.25, require a higher ACT score (from 21 to 23) and/or reduce the time for a Hope Scholarship from five to four years. View and track these bills on the state’s website at HB13, HB14 and HB15. Or we could all buy more scratch-offs.
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Cope excited about new school at Northshore Lanis “Lanny� Cope has designed schools almost all of his life. “In 36 years you learn a few things,� he says. “You learn what’s important to teachers and principals, because it’s not about the central office. We know what (design) solutions work.� Cope Associates Inc. won the competition to design the new elementaryy school at Northshore Town Center. The design, Cope said, is based Sandra on the floor Clark plan of Gibbs Elementary School, which he also designed. While every school system is different and every school unique, there are certain universal elements, he said. Safety and security are paramount. Cope’s floor plan allows two people (principal and assistant principal, for instance) to see each other and every corridor in the school. The schools are designed with a security foyer. A single entrance pushes everyone to the office. “We always design schools to be community centers, providing for after-hours use of the gym and cafeteria while securing the classrooms,� Cope said. He also designs the music rooms on the back side of the stage and makes sure public areas have rest rooms. He makes provisions for teacher planning areas outside of the classroom, enabling collaboration and support. “The real beneficiaries are the kids,� he said. He would never put kids in the path of cars to get to a playground. He likes elementary schools on one level. That’s the design at Gibbs and Northshore. “You just don’t want smaller kids on stairs,� he says. “We want a circular flow. We color code the wings so it’s easy for students to find their classroom. And we try to let each school express the character of its community.� Cope said nothing is decided yet on the exterior of the building at Northshore, except that it will be masonry. He plans meetings with residents to “bring in the flavor of the community; to blend the school into the community and reinforce what they’re trying to do.� Northshore is designed with similar core space to Gibbs but with classrooms for 200 more students. He said Knox County Schools saved about $250,000 to $300,000 by using the Gibbs floor plan. Cope’s contract for
Architect Lanis Cope at his office on Kingston Pike. Photo by S. Clark
Budget time for Knox County Schools Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre will explain his preliminary $384.67 million budget for 2011-12 at a workshop at 5 p.m. today (March 28) at the Andrew Johnson board room. The meeting will be broadcast on Comcast Channel 10 and livestreamed at www.knoxschools.org/. Budget detail was posted on that website late last week, and a quick review shows a staff reallocation with most high schools expected to lose one teacher. Fulton High and Gibbs High would remain constant, Halls High would gain one, and the new STEM Academy would start with 11. McIntyre proposes to reduce the central office staff by 7 percent (roughly 16 of 225 people), and he’s issuing a Request for Proposals to see if savings would result from outsourcing custodial services. McIntyre will host a budget forum at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 31, at West High School, and the public can “tweet� questions during the televised forum.
more than a half million dollars is on today’s agenda for County Commission. Cope said architectural fees would have been closer to $800,000 if the previous selection system and state fee schedule had been used. “We compete for professional services almost everywhere,� Cope said. His firm has worked in 16 school systems. “We know how to design a school that’s cost effective to construct and to operate.�
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‘She touched many people’ Scholarship to honor Lisa Gregory Spears PULL UP A CHAIR ‌ | Jake Mabe P
hey called her Mama Lisa. Her patients. The medical staff. Everybody. To them she was Mama Lisa. A nurse by trade, Lisa Gregory Spears spent much of her career working in oncology in Charleston, S.C. She got to the office at 6 a.m. and usually didn’t leave until nearly 7 that night. She always told her cancer patients that things would get better. She’d hug them. She cared about their mental pain, too. About their hearts. Her sister, Tammy Houk, says
that Lisa stood about 5-2 but packed a punch. Lisa said that “dynamite comes in small packages� and often proved the point. She wouldn’t take no for an answer when it came to her patients, Tammy says. She would see them through to the end and try her best to keep them enjoying life. One cancer patient was terminal stage four. Lisa made sure she was sent to a facility that uses experimental drugs. “She’s alive today because of my sister.� Helping people came naturally to Lisa. Tammy says that began at Halls High School. She says Lisa always was interested in the personal problems of others. She finally decided to go into medicine. After graduating from Halls in 1985, Lisa studied nursing at Carson-Newman, earning a bachelor’s degree in 1989 and becoming a first generation college graduate.
Lisa Gregory Spears at her 1989 graduation from Carson-Newman, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Spears, a 1985 Halls High graduate, was killed in a car accident Feb. 14. A scholarship for a Halls High senior who is planning to enter the medical field is being set up in Lisa’s honor. Photo submitted She eventually earned a master’s degree from the Medical University of South Carolina and spent the last several years working as a nurse practitioner at Spartanburg Orthopaedic Associates (Spartan-
“Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you took care of me.’� (Matthew 25: 34-36 NRSV)
Hold who needs holdin’ CROSS CURRENTS | Lynn Hutton
Gonna hold who needs holdin’ Mend what needs mendin’ Walk what needs walkin’ Though it means an extra mile. Pray what needs prayin’ Say what needs sayin’ Cause we’re only here for a little while. (“Only Here for a Little While,� Billy Dean)
had just spent two hours in a waiting room with nothing – NOTHING! – to read, except the sign on the reception window listing things
burg, S.C.). She lived in Easley, S.C., just outside of Greenville. Lisa was killed on Valentine’s Day in a tragic car accident. She was 44. In lieu of flowers, her family and friend Rena George Beeler are asking for donations to a memorial scholarship that will be given to a Halls High graduate entering the medical field. “She and her husband, Brian, had no children,� Tammy says. “Doing a scholarship in her name will not only be beneficial to the local school, but it is something she’d be proud of because she loved kids. “She wasn’t perfect, she was an A and B student. We’re not looking for somebody perfect. We want the money to go to someone who needs it.� Halls High students interested in applying for the scholarship should check with the guidance office. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 20. Priority consideration will be given to first generation college students and those with financial needs. Tammy says that working on the scholarship is her catharsis, a
across the waiting room talking in low voices. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to in the silence, and it became apparent that one was reasthat were not allowed there. suring the other. They were (The absence of books or dressed in jeans, both of magazines gave me a glimpse them tall and lean, and the of what hell may be like!) reassuring one had a mane There were two women of long silvery gray hair.
They went out for a while to walk the grounds. My daughter Eden had been taken back to another room to be interviewed. She has suffered from bouts of depression all her life, but this one seemed scary. These counselors had been recommended as the best care available.
An account has been established at SunTrust Bank in Halls for anyone interested in making a contribution to the Lisa Gregory Spears Scholarship Memorial. Contributions can be wired directly to the bank using the routing/transit number of 061000104 and the account number #********118463 or mailed to the branch at 7302 Maynardville Highway, Knoxville, TN 37938.
means by which to heal. She says she was overwhelmed by the doctors, nurses, drug reps and patients who showed up, some from as far away as Washington, D.C., for the funeral. “They would tear me up with the stories of how she helped them.� Mama Lisa. Always helping others. “At 44 years, God decided to take her,� Tammy says. “She didn’t have a long life. But what life she did live, she touched many people.� Mrs. Spears is survived by her husband, Brian Lee Spears; mother, Susie Reidneor Gregory; brothers Dennis Gregory and Johnny Gregory; and sister, Tammy Houk. She is preceded in death by her father, Vernon Gregory, and her brother Randy Gregory.
As seconds crawled by, I wondered what was next, what tomorrow might look like, how I would go back to work and be able to think. And then, there she was, smiling a crooked smile and looking apologetic. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly for a long minute, gave her one more squeeze, then made the sign of the cross on her forehead, and kissed it. She turned, and they took her through a door where I could not follow. I was out the front door and into the sunshine when Silver Mane came out and opened her arms to me saying, “I want to give you
April 1
a hug.� “Are you a mama, too?� I asked as this perfect stranger held me in her arms. “A big sister,� she smiled. Then she looked in my eyes and said, “We’re going to get them back.� “Yes, we are,� I agreed, and believed it, and thanked her for the reassuring hug. I walked toward the car, humming Billy Dean’s song, “Only Here for a Little While.� My heart was lighter and my faith stronger because a woman I did not know – and probably will never see again – had the heart and the faith to see a need and meet it.
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Cheating hurts –
f you will stay with me for a couple of minutes, I’ll take you places Tennessee basketball has never been and may never go. The Final Four is the truly great spectacle in sports. I’ve been there. It is much better than the Super Bowl, better than game 7 of the World Series, better than Sunday at the Masters or Wimbledon, better than the 100-yard dash at the Olympic Games. I’ve been there. The last Saturday of the college basketball season is a genuine mountaintop, a sensational setting, packed to overflowing with drama and emotion. After months of preparation and a long, hard run, four coaches, four teams, four schools, four pep bands, four clusters of fanatical fans believe this is their time. For some strange reason, they all think they can win it all. The Final Four is classic competition, nothing held back, lay it on the line, leave it all on the floor. The difference between success and failure is awful – and awesome. Losers go home. It is over. The end. There is the magic of Monday night for winners. Alas and alas, the greatest sporting show on earth
worse if you get caught TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West Be advised that cheating is a matter of degrees. The great Al McGuire once said Ray Mears was the most honest coach he knew, much too honest for his own good. Al admitted he was not. He winked and said he was sixth on his secret list of sinners. Al and Marquette won a title. Two John Calipari teams, is not always spotlessly clean, freshly scrubbed, UMass and Memphis, were pure as driven snow. Not forced to vacate Final Four exactly. Because rewards accomplishments because of are so great in college bas- violations. Calipari somehow ketball and because one su- escaped and is now a Sunday per duck can take over the school teacher in Kentucky. Michigan gave back 114 entire pond, some involved victories and earnings from take risks. Recruiting is jungle war- two Final Fours because of fare. If legitimate rivals don’t four ineligible Wolverines. get you, Nike secret agents, Villanova, Ohio State, Minhungry relatives, sneaky nesota and UCLA are among street merchants and ambi- those smacked with painful tious AAU big brothers will. penalties at the championFighting for McDonald’s All- ship level. Getting caught reAmericans is expensive and ally hurts John Wooden’s immacudangerous and almost always leaves blood in dark corners. late reputation took a wicked
WW II vet shows
hit when former Bruins, hoping to sell books, told of gifts, grants and payoffs from deeply entrenched booster Sam Gilbert. He inspired recruiting and helped players get cars, stereos, clothes, airline tickets and double scalpers’ prices. Jerry Tarkanian, NCAA poster boy for probation, tried to add up UCLA cash receipts and finally concluded: “The only team with a higher payroll was the Lakers.” The NCAA eventually got UCLA and Gilbert. Wooden and his 10 national titles had been safely retired for six years. Slick coaches who dabble in lesser offenses, such as exceeding contact limitations, have a proven formula for explaining them away. Is it a new rule? We must have lost count. An assistant did it. Coaches who announce that they are disregarding
recruiting rules invite disaster. Bruce Pearl did that. He told prospects and parents they were welcome at his home cookout but their visits were illegal. Just don’t tell anybody. For such a smart cookie, betting on silence was a dumb gamble. When investigators came calling, they already knew the correct answers to questions. It was really daring or dumb – dumb for Pearl to say he couldn’t identify the photo made at his house, that no, he did not recognize the wife of an assistant coach. For him to ask others to help cover up made him immediately guilty of an NCAA felony. It is called unethical conduct. For the athletic director and chancellor to announce, in front of God and everybody, that they were standing firm with their coach proved to be another serious error. In the Bruce Pearl saga, there were enough minor violations, major mistakes and plain old stupid blunders to last a lifetime. It may take half that long to get past the firestorms and ashes. It was a gaffe when Mike Hamilton adjusted his Pearl position and announced the
flip just before the tournament flop. It was a gaffe to fire the coach on the day women’s basketball was at home in the tournament, on the day Derek Dooley was trying to pump up the start of spring football practice. In the communications business, it is called stepping on good news while scattering bad. Some administrators understand. Some have no clue. College basketball is so beautiful, high energy, bright lights, enthusiasm over the top. The Final Four is the ultimate peak. Oh, that all components were honest. Many, many years ago, my grandmother, almost always right, several times said that cheaters don’t win and winners don’t cheat. It was a surprise and disappointment to find her wrong. It was disappointing that Pearl and his people were found wading in mud puddles. It was a shock that they wouldn’t admit it even with stuff all over their shoes. When the Vols recover, please let it be without cheating. Getting caught really hurts. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.
toughness throughout life
James Ford was wounded on Anzio Beach in Italy. Photo submitted
| Joe Rector
t’s been said that “war is hell.” James “Jim” Ford has the scars to prove it. His story is one of toughness and determination. Ford graduated from Karns High School in 1943 at the age of 17, and within three months he was drafted into the Army. After a ship ride across the Atlantic, Pfc. Ford and other soldiers in the 45th Division arrived at Anzio Beach as replacements. On May 10, 1944, Ford and three other soldiers were on patrol and spent the entire night in a foxhole in a wheat field. Before dawn they moved back toward the American front line, but German soldiers heard them and began firing. He felt numbness spreading from his feet to his knees but suspected it was from the cold. His buddies told him he’d been shot, but Ford didn’t believe it until he looked at
his legs and saw the blood. Ford said two of his pals carried him for an entire day before arriving at a medic station behind the American lines. For years, he visited with the two because they’d saved his life. His wounds were extensive. A bullet entered his left ankle, then hit his right foot and ankle, and stopped by his toe. There was concern that he would never walk again. He spent four months in a Naples, Italy, hospital encased in casts from his knees to his feet. “After surgery, I struggled to see my legs. When I saw that both my feet were still attached, I lay down and fell asleep again,” Ford says. Doctors presented him with a souvenir from his operation – the bullet that struck him. Except for one nick, it was in perfect condition. He has kept it. One officer called Ford a
Jim Ford holds the bullet that tore through his legs and feet. Photo by Joe Rector
goldbricker and threatened to send him back to the front lines after rehab. “I knew I wasn’t goldbricking, but every time I tried to stand, it felt as if a million needles were sticking my leg.” An officer at rehab sent him back for re-evaluation X-rays that finally revealed a compound fracture of his left ankle. That injury was treated, and he was then
Mercy Proudly Welcomes
shipped home. Back in the states he endured more rehabilitation in Kentucky and Michigan. Ford was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star as well as other campaign medals. He was discharged from the service in 1945 and made his way back to Knoxville. For several years he worked in his father’s business, Ford’s Grocery on
Middlebrook Pike. In 1951 he married Mary Ruth Smith, and they had three children: Linda, Rick and Ed. He later worked at H.T. Hackney for 28 years. Even back home, Ford has faced plenty of obstacles. He’s survived a double hernia, heart attack, triple bypass surgery, prostate cancer, gall bladder surgery and a temporary colostomy. His wife passed away in 1997. Now 86, he still stays busy. He’s currently working at Weaver’s Funeral Home as he has for the last 20 years. He’s served as a greeter at Cumberland Baptist Church for 40 years. Ford and fellow Sunday school members serve lunch at Volunteer Ministry Center on Thursdays.
In his spare time, gardening and yard work are favorite hobbies. His son Rick has Parkinson’s disease and lives in an apartment behind Ford’s home. They take care of each other and enjoy each other’s company. To Ford, his greatest accomplishment in life is his family. He served his country proudly but doesn’t consider himself a hero. Instead, he believes that the pals who carried him back to friendly confines are the heroes. Others disagree. Jim Ford has been an inspiration to his friends and children because he’s refused to give in to the injuries and pain that would have caused many others to sit down and stop trying.
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Knoxville Breakfast Rotary
Introduction to the Upper Tennessee Cruise
If You Can Dream It with
Logan Murrell
Join us for a relaxing, weekend, spring cruise from Knoxville to Spring City and return at weekday rates on April 30th and May 1st.
Sunday May 15 • 7:00pm
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to benefit The Joy of Music School & R Rotary Charitible Gift Fund
$125 per passenger if booked by April 15th and does not include meals and lodging at Arrowhead Marine Resort. Navcal River Rides also offers Historical/Sightseeing cruises Friday through Sunday at 3:00 and 5:15 plus Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Charters 300 Neyland Dr, 865-765-3407
General Admission: $35 Premium package: $100 • Reserved Concert Seating • Post-Concert Reception with Logan Murrell • Autographed Concert Poster
www.navcal.com and follow us on facebook.com/navcal
Contact: Knoxville Breakfast Rotary 675-5901
Ad space donated by
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Ribs Fixin’s
A shop with several mini shops
Door Prizes
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Lifestyle Shop
Vintage Decor & More
c Wah Lum Kung Fu Studio c Four Seasons Cottage
c Jessica’s Healing Arts c Sweet Pea Garden &
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A portion of the day’s proceeds will benefit The Next Door – a local organization dedicated to helping women in crisis, equipping them to develop lives of wholeness and hope.
Grab your best gal pal and come on down to The Shoppes on Carr Street...connecting Kingston Pike with Sutherland Avenue...where you don’t need a car to shop on Carr!
Music by THE DIRTY DOUGS Artist Larry Cole painting on the patio Blue Grass Music by DANDO & DONDO
Workshop at ETTAC
Knox County Parks and Recreation named Mike Raabe the Baseball Volunteer of the Year for his work with Catholic baseball. Photos by N. Lester
United Daughters of the Confederacy The Capt. W.Y.C. Hannum Chapter 1881 hosted the Tennessee division United Daughters of the Confederacy East Tennessee District meeting at Green Meadows Country Club. Pictured are: (front) Mary Lynn Morgan, Elaine Russell, Barbara Parsons, Janie Bitner; (back) Mary Nell Clevenger, Lorna Matheny, Janette Kemper, Florence Byrd, Debra Wilson, Barbara Spence and Barbara Hilliard. Photo submitted
Last Monday, Knox County Parks and Recreation recognized Tyler Julian for his involvement with Carter Youth Basketball.
seniors, $10 students). Info: www.orcba.org.
Design workshop
Swing from 1940 A mixed performance of poetry and jazz will tell the story of the 1940s girl band The International Sweethearts of Rhythm at 6 p.m. Friday, April 1, at Lawson McGhee Library. Speakers including Edye Ellis will recite poetry while musicians perform jazz as an accompaniment. Free admission. Info: 2158729.
Art by Pamela Neal The Arts and Culture Alliance will present a new exhibit of works by Pamela Neal at 5 p.m. Friday, April 1, at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay St. Neal’s works include collage, jewelry and more. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Info: www. penstudioart.com.
“Room by Room,” a free design workshop for your home, will be held 9 a.m. Saturday, April 2, at Bliss Home, 7240 Kingston Pike. Class size is limited. RSVP: 558-5677 or email Diana@ shopinbliss.com.
Audition workshop The Foothills Community Players will hold an audition workshop 1-3 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at First United Methodist Church, 617 Gilbert St. in Alcoa. Admission is $5 at the door. Info: 712-6428 or www.foothillscommunity players.com.
Music showcase Carson-Newman College will present a showcase of musicians 7 p.m. Monday, April 4, at American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek. Free admission.
Writing workshop Award-winning playwright Lisa Soland will teach an eight-week playwright workshop each Tuesday evening through April 26 at Pellissippi State Community College in Hardin Valley. Info: www.lisasoland. com, 818-973-2262 or email lisasoland@aol.com.
‘The Firebird’ The Oak Ridge Civic Ballet Association will present Igor Stravinsky’s “The Firebird” 7 p.m. Saturday, April 2, and 2 p.m. Sunday, April 3, at the Oak Ridge High School Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $20 ($15
Antiques appraisal East Tennessee PBS will hold its second annual Antiques Appraisal Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at Cherokee Mills. Last year’s finds included a diary from the Civil War, a letter written by George Washington and a portrait made of human hair. All proceeds benefit the nonprofit public television station.
Show chorus seeks singers The K-Town Sound Show Chorus, a new Knoxville Sweet Adelines Chapter, is
Home Comfort Is A Dirty Job...
The WordPlayers will present “Shadowlands” 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 1-2, and Thursday through Saturday, April having a guest for women 7-9; and 2:30 p.m. each who love to sing. Enjoy an Sunday, April 3 and April evening of food and drink, singing, friendship, and fun 10, at the WordPlayers’ 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, at Theatre, 1540 Robinson Rd. Tickets start at $8 and Fountain City Presbyterian Church, 500 Hotel Ave. Info: can be purchased online at Nancy, 692.1617 or http:// www.wordplayers.org or at www.ktownsound.org the door. Info: 539-2490.
Spring gala at the craft center The Appalachian Arts Craft Center will host its Spring Gala at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at Norris Community Building. Music will be provided by the Little Big Band and there will be food, door prizes and a silent auction. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Tickets: 494-9854 or stop by the center, 2716 Andersonville Highway 61 in Norris.
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The East Tennessee Technology Access Center (ETTAC), 116 Childress St., will host a workshop 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 6. Two of Humanware’s assistive reading devices, the ClassMate Reader and the Intel Reader, will be demonstrated. Both devices are great for helping students with low vision and for help with reading comprehension Admission is free although registration is required by Friday, April 1. Info: 219-0130.
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How would you like to have a room in your home transformed on TV? Rivr Media is seeking energetic Knoxville area homeowners with great personalities and a room that could use a major overhaul for DIY Network’s Run My Renovation. Run My Renovation is a unique concept among home improvement shows. In each episode, homeowners allow a room to be completely transformed according to the whims of online users who vote on everything from flooring to fixtures, cabinets to counters, and moldings to mantelpieces.
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42 42
Eddie Reymond, owner of Health Shoppe and Knoxville Performance Lab, will celebrate his 42nd birthday by running
42 MILES AROUND THE PARKING LOT and doing 420 PUSH-UPS, 420 BICEPS CURLS AND 420 TRICEPS EXTENSIONS with 20-pound weights in each hand. Take advantage of special sales at the Health Shoppe on Wednesday, March 30, and watch Eddie complete this amazing feat! FREE SAMPLES ALL DAY PRIZE DRAWINGS EVERY 15 MINUTES 10% of total sales and 100% of sales of selected items will be donated to two charities: MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION CURE SEARCH FOR CHILDREN’S CANCER For more information, please contact Health Shoppe owner Eddie Reymond at
8025 Kingston Pike in Suburban Plaza • www.eddieshealthshoppe.com
Stitches of Hope Ministry sews for Kentucky children By Natalie Lester
Organizer Glenda Tipton never dreamed her knitting hobby would turn into a ministry, but now Tipton leads a weekly meeting to knit an assortment of items for less fortunate children in Hazard, Ky.
Trisha Castro enjoys the crafting and fellowship she finds at the meetings every Monday. Photos by N. Lester
April at the Art Market Gallery The Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St., will present an exhibit of recent works by painter and illustrator Victoria Simmons and clay artist Linda Sullivan Tuesday, March 29, through Saturday, April 30. A First Friday reception will be held 5:30 to 9 p.m. April 1 with refreshments and live music. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Info: www. artmarketgallery.net or 525-5265.
‘Phaedra’ at Clarence Brown The Clarence Brown Theatre group will perform “Phaedra” by Jean Racine in the Lab Theatre 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 31, through Sunday, April 10. The production contains adult content and themes. Admission is $10 ($3 UT students). Tickets: 9745161 or 656-4444.
Glenda Tipton learned to crochet five years ago and picked up knitting along the way, but she never imagined her hobby would turn into a ministry. “I’m so surprised by the road it has taken me on,” she said. “God was definitely working on this long before I was.” The Stitches of Hope ministry at First Baptist Concord has kept hundreds of children in Hazard County, Ky., warm through the winter months. The idea began when Tipton first heard about the need for winter supplies in a prayer group with Emmette Thompson, Mission of Hope executive director. “He would talk about children who would sleep with all of their clothes on to stay warm,” she said. “They didn’t have any blankets.” Through Mission of Hope, Glenda partnered with Kids Compassion to provide the needed items for children 5 years old and under.
“We felt early childhood kids were most important,” Tipton said. “Once they are 5 and in the school system, Mission of Hope takes care of them.” As the idea developed, Tipton began talking to her friends and began the group last fall. Eight to 10 women come every week to knit or crochet. They also accept contributions from others who don’t attend. “We have many women who will make an item at home and then drop it off,” she said. In October, the group sent out their first shipment of more than 300 items. The women’s love went with the handmade gifts to keep the children warm. Several other deliveries have been canceled due to the weather, but they hope spring will allow them to travel to see the children. “We would love to meet them and give them the items ourselves,” Tipton said. Despite the warmer temperatures, the group has no
Conference on children’s literature The University of Tennessee’s Center for Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Knox County Public Library will host “Focus on Children’s Literature: A One Day Conference” from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at Hardin Valley Academy. Admission is $45 and includes lunch. Continuing education certificates will be issued. Several nationally known children’s authors will be available for meet and greet. Info: www. knoxlib.org.
Spring gala at the craft center
Marsha Bauldry unravels yarn to begin her crocheting during the Stitches of Hope ministry meeting last Monday.
plans for stopping. Anyone interested in Stitches of Hope is welcome to attend on Monday nights from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room at the FBCC WestLake campus.
The Appalachian Arts Craft Center will host its annual Spring Gala 7 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at the Norris Community Building. There will be live music, hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction and more. Tickets are $25 ($30 at the door). Info: 494-9854 or visit www.appalachianarts.net.
Kids’ writing contest East Tennessee PBS has launched this year’s PBS Kids Go! Writers Contest for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. All entries must be original, illustrated stories and should be received by Thursday, March 31. First place winners will receive a certificate, prizes and the opportunity to read their story on-air. Info: Frank Miller, 595-0240.
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Art Market auction
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The Art Market Gallery, 422 South Gay St., will have its annual members’ silent auction Friday through Sunday, April 1-10, as part of the Dogwood Arts Festival. The event will include more than 50 pieces of art. A reception will be held 5:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 1. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Info: 525-5265 or visit www.artmarketgallery.net.
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AARP driver safety classes
Gathering for The Launch Melissa Ziems, Ed Ziems, Dave Norris, David Brewster, Krista Brewster and Jordan Smith gather around a table for Two
CONDOLENCES ■Click Funeral Home (675-8765): W. Richard “Dick� Huntley Dr. Francisco “Paco� Platillero Lena Sgroi ■Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Lee A. Cameron Thomas Waddell Gresham Ruby Lee Howe Jasper William “Jay� Martin
WORSHIP NOTES Special Services ■Trinity UMC, 5613 Western Ave., will present the film “Tony� at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 3. ■Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services (CADES) will host the monthly Caregiver’s Support Group at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 5, in room 226 of Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Dr. Guest speaker Bob Coyne will discuss “taking care of the caregiver.� Everyone is invited. Info: 675-2835. ■Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 800 S. Northshore Dr., will host a Stephen Ministry Workshop from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 9. The workshop will explain how Stephen Ministry works. Cost is $15 ($50 for four or more from the same congregation). Info and RSVP: 314-428-2600 or visit www.stephenministry. org/workshop. ■Grace Covenant Baptist Church on Dutchtown Road will host a Bible study relating to Easter at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 12. Lunch will be served afterward. Info: Janet or Judy, 607-9899. ■Fellowship Church, 8000 Middlebrook Pike, hosts GriefShare on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Get support from the group while recovering from a loss and rebuilding your life. Registration: Laura, 470-9800. ■Bearden UMC, 4407 Sutherland Ave., invites everyone to “Jubilee Praise and Worship� at 6 p.m. every second Sunday in the fellowship center. Park in the back of the church and enter through the gym. Fellowship and a snack-supper follow the service. Info: www.beardenumc.org. ■Two Rivers Church, 275 Harrison Lane, Lenoir City, hosts “the Launch� from 5-7 p.m. Sundays in the Fireside room. Come experience community and connect with others in a Growth group. Info: www. tworiverschurch.org.
Music services ■Knoxville Chamber Chorale will present its 2011 Spring Concert and Donor Reception at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 3, at St. John’s Cathedral, 413 Cumberland Ave. Tickets are $10 at the door. Info: www. knoxvillechoralesociety.org. ■Knoxville Christian Arts Ministries will present “The Ungrateful Servant� at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 10, at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. Free admission.
Women’s groups ■Fountain City Presbyterian Church, 500 Hotel Ave., will host guest night for K-Town Sound Show Chorus, a new Knoxville Sweet Adelines Chapter, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29. There will be food, drink, singing and friendship. Info: Nancy, 692-1617 or visit www.ktownsound.org. ■Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, hosts a “Morning Moms� group 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. each Friday in room 296. Bible or book studies will be
discussed relating to women’s lives in general. Child care is provided. Info: www. concordumc.com.
Men’s groups ■Concord Woodcarvers will meet the first and third Friday mornings of each month at Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive. Info: www. concordumc.com. ■Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 800 Northshore Drive, hosts “The Brotherhood of St. Andrew� from 7-8 a.m. each Thursday for prayer and study. Info: www.knoxvillascension.org.
Youth ■The WordPlayers and Samaritan Ministry will present “The Inner Circle� by Patricia Loughrey at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 3, at Middlebrook Christian Ministries, 1540 Robinson Road. Recommended for ages 13 and up. Admission is free. Info: 539-2490. ■Rocky Hill Baptist Church, 7409 Northshore Drive, invites kids to the Word of Life Club on Sundays at 5:45 p.m. There will be games, Bible study and more. Info: www. rockyhillchurch.org. ■Concord Christian School is now enrolling for the 2011/2012 school year. Info: 288-1617. ■Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, has open registration for summer and the 2011-2012 school year sessions of preschool and Parent’s Day Out. Info: Lori or Lisa, 531-2052.
For registration info about these and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Barbara Manis, 922-5648. ■Wednesday and Thursday, April 6-7, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Oak Ridge Senior Center, 728 Emery Valley Road, Rivers Church’s weekly Bible study, ‘The Launch.’ The group, Oak Ridge. which meets 5 p.m. each Sunday, is open to any individual who ■Thursday and Friday, is new to the church and serves as a way to connect members April 14-15, noon to 4 p.m., and get them involved in a ministry. Photo by N. Lester Halls Senior Center, 4410 Crippen Road. ■Thursday and Friday, ■First Farragut UMC, 12733 April 14-15, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fundraisers and Kingston Pike, invites everyCora Veal Senior Center, 144 one to “Wednesday Night sales College St., Madisonville. Live,� 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. each ■First Baptist Concord, 11704 ■Wednesday and ThursWednesday. Enjoy a homeKingston Pike, will hold a day, April 20-21, noon to 4 cooked meal with your family children’s consignment sale p.m., Cheyenne Conference and have some fun and fel9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 1, and 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 2, in the family life center gym. The sale will also be open to church staff and participants only 7-9 p.m. Thursday, March 31. Info: www.fbconcord.org.
â– Concord UMC , 11020 Roane Dr., will hold a community rummage sale 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 8, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 9. Fill a bag for $5 from 1:15 to 3 p.m. Saturday. All proceeds benefit the Concord Youth 2001 Choir Tour and Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services (CADES). Info: 966-6728. â– Beaver Ridge UMC , 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, is looking for crafters to participate in a craft fair 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 9, in the family life center. Spaces are $20 with a table and two chairs included. Only original, handcrafted items will be sold. Info: Call the church at 690-1060 or email Julie at julie-graham@ comcast.net.
Rec programs ■First Baptist Concord will hold a boater’s safety class 6-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, March 28-29, and Thursday, March 31, in the fellowship hall of the Kingston Pike campus, 11704 Kingston Pike. To register: 675-5680.
Room, 944 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ride. â– Wednesday, April 20, 1-5 p.m., and Thursday, April 21, noon to 4 p.m., Jefferson City Senior Center, 807 W. Jefferson St., Jefferson City. â– Tuesday, April 26, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Wednesday, April 27, 1-5 p.m. Buckingham Clubhouse, 7303 Manderly Way. â– Wednesday, April 27, and Friday, April 29, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Morristown Senior Center, 841 Lincoln Ave., Morristown. â– Tuesday, April 26, and Friday, April 29, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Everett Senior Center, 702 Burchfield Dr., Maryville.
lowship. A family of four can have dinner for only $22. Info: www.ffumc.org.
Adult spelling bee Singers needed for male chorus A new youth chorus is being formed for males of high school and college age, sponsored by the Greater Knoxville Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and the Smokyland Sound Chorus. The first of three rehearsals is scheduled 9 a.m. Saturday, April 16, at Bearden High School. Performances are scheduled for the Veterans’ Memorial on Memorial Day and a Smokies Baseball game Tuesday, June 7. Deadline to register is Friday, April 1. Info: 470-8622 or 5394400.
The fifth annual Rotary Club of Farragut Adult Spelling Bee will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at the Clayton Performing Arts Center on the Hardin Valley Campus of Pellissippi State Community College. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. Scott Firebaugh, winner of the National Adult Spelling Bee, will be the pronouncer. Tickets are $5 or the donation of used prescription eyeglasses for Knoxville-area Lions Clubs. Cost of admission includes dinner. Teams will compete for prizes, trophies and the all-star championship title. All proceeds will help support the Adult Education/ GED program at Pellissippi State, the Knox County Imagination Library and Ball Camp Elementary School. Info: Lee Mrazek, 679-9007.
Lincoln Day Dinner Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner will be held 7 p.m. Friday, April 8, at Crowne Plaza. Sen. Tom Coburn will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $25. Info: 689-4671.
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Coach Chris Kesler instructs the West High Rebels during their matchup with eventual state champs Craigmont. Photo submitted by Dale Smith
Bulldogs and Rebels end season at state tourney Bearden High School’s boys basketball team fell one win The West High Rebels’ boys team reached the quarterfishort of claiming the Class AAA state crown, falling 61-55 nals of the tournament before bowing to Craigmont 69-64. to Craigmont in the championship game. Ty Greene led the The Rebels finished the season with a record of 27-6. PhilBulldogs with 18 points. Bearden finished the season with lip Stanford led West with 22 points. an outstanding 35-3 record. – Larry Van Guilder
SCHOOL HAPPENINGS ■ Kid Kinetics will be held 2:45 to 3:35 p.m. Monday, March 28, at Rocky Hill Elementary School. ■ Thursday, March 31, the kindergarteners at West Hills Elementary School will present the musical “How Does Your Garden Groove?” at noon and the 2nd grade will present the “Rhythms Festival” 6:30 p.m. in the school gym. ■ The 8th grade students of Episcopal School of Knoxville will present the annual Hunt for History at Old Gray Cemetery, 543 N. Broadway, 2-4 p.m. Sunday, April 3. Free admission. Info: 522-1424. ■ Webb School of Knoxville’s Lower School will present “An Aesop Adventure” at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 3, and 9 a.m. Monday, April 4, in the Bishop Center auditorium on campus. Free admission. ■ There will be a board meeting for the Rocky Hill Elementary School PTO 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 5, in the conference room. ■ Kindergarten Roundup for Knox County Schools will be held Tuesday, April 5. Info: www.knoxschools.org.
Good News Club Dakota Glenn displays a book while instructor Debbie Green talks about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Dakota is a member of the Good News Club, an after-school program sponsored by Rocky Hill Baptist Church Photos by N. Lester
Living history weekend The Ramsey House Plantation, 2614 Thorngrove Pike, will host “A Living History Weekend: A Timeline from The French and Indian War to the Civil War” Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15. Info: www.ramseyhouse.org or 546-0745.
Special delivery Knox County media center carrier Lennon Glover delivers boxes of T-CAP tests to Hardin Valley Elementary School last Wednesday. Each county school received the tests last week in preparation for student testing in the near future. Photo by N. Lester
Dragon Boat race registration open Registration is open for the ninth annual Knoxville Dragon Boat Festival race scheduled for Saturday, June 25, at the Cove at Concord Park. Boat teams race for prizes and raise money for Knox Area Rescue Ministries in the process. Info: 742-4306, visit www. racedragonboats.com or e-mail penny@racedragonboats. com.
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SPORTS NOTES ■ The second annual Coach Rusty Bradley QuarterbackReceiver Clinic will be held 6-7 p.m. Monday, March 28, and Monday, April 4, at Christian Academy of Knoxville for current 5th-7th graders. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119. ■ Chris Newsom Preseason Classic for open/travel teams 5U-14U will be held Friday through Sunday, April 8-10, at Halls Community Park. Info: 992-5404 or email hcpsports.msn.com. ■ Spring recreational lacrosse sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 9-14, excluding high school students. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season through May 21. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Spring recreational baseball sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 3-12. T-ball, coach pitch and player pitch. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through early June. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Spring recreational softball sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 7-12. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through late May. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Open registration for additional CYF Football teams based at CAK for 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-year-olds. Teams will play in AFC and NFC divisions. Rosters capped when full. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119.
The benefits of a pretty privy By Wendy Smith Bearden High School environmental science teacher Linda Radcliffe has discovered a novel way to positively influence the behavior of students: by sprucing up their bathrooms.
Bearden Bulldogs After hearing female students complain that the bathroom off the West Mall was depressing, Radcliffe set out to find a way to improve it. At the recommendation of assistant principal Debra Bean, she applied for a Toolbox for Education grant from Lowe’s – and received a check for $5,000. The money was used to renovate the girls bathroom last year with a new countertop, stylish glass vessel sinks and faucets, artwork, and mirrors. The improvements complemented new stall doors, which had been purchased previously by the Student Government Association. The space is now surprisingly pretty, and feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive – except from the boys. Radcliffe has applied to Lowe’s for another grant to renovate the adjacent boys bathroom.
Bearden science teacher Linda Radcliffe kicks back in a girls restroom she renovated last year with a grant from Lowe’s. Since then, she has updated 10 more restrooms with help from custodian Steve Lis. Photo by Wendy Smith Since that project was completed, five faculty restrooms in Bearden’s main building have been refurbished, as well as four student bathrooms and another faculty restroom in the school’s vocational building. Radcliffe spent
five days of her spring break working on the project and was assisted by custodian Steve Lis. The renovations were not on the same level as the initial project – mostly cleaning, painting and the addition of artwork – but she thinks
the improvements make a difference in the attitude, and behavior, of students. “It says to our students, ‘We care about you. We want you to have a nice school.’ ” Having nice facilities also encourages kids to take better care of the building, she says. The renovated bathrooms make a positive statement to the community as well as the students. The West Mall bathrooms are used by those who attend functions in the school’s auditorium, and since the school sometimes hosts countywide events for teachers, even faculty bathrooms can have a broad audience. The appreciation expressed by students encouraged Radcliffe to find other ways to brighten the school. After taking suggestions from her classes, she has installed pictureframe aquariums in the cafeteria and in an upstairs hallway. After 23 years of teaching, Radcliffe has been inspired by her new role as bathroom decorator. The rewards of renovation are immediate, she says, and her efforts are appreciated by everyone. “After all, who doesn’t have to go the bathroom?”
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Soccer team opens with draw Bearden’s Andrew Fulcher dribbles down the field against Hardin Valley Academy. The Bulldogs and the Hawks tied 1-1. It was the season opener for both squads. Photo by Natalie Lester
Summer camp at AMSE The American Museum of Science and Energy will host Science Explorer Camp 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 6-10, and Monday through Friday, June 13-17, at Freels Bend Cabin in Oak Ridge. Explorations will include insects, habitats, water, weather and more. Cost per week is $175 for AMSE members, $190 for nonmembers. Info: www.amse.org.
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Craig plays at Carnegie By Betty Bean Lots of kids go to the beach or the mountains for spring break. Carolyn Craig played the piano at Carnegie Hall. So how does a West High School freshman manage that?
West Rebels It helps to start taking piano lessons at age 7, have supportive parents and dedicated teachers and a world of talent. Like most youngsters, Carolyn began by playing simple melodies from sheet music with huge notes that took up the whole page. Playing was fun for her, practicing sometimes not so much. “That’s the hard part,” she says. She progressed through a level a year, then, as she puts it, “Kinda started speeding up” after awhile (Carolyn is really modest). She recalls doing a TAG (talented and gifted) project on Beethoven in the 3rd grade. By 5th grade she was playing the first movement of Beethoven’s Sonata in G. She was participating in local competitions when she was in the 6th grade, and accompanied the school chorus all three years at Bearden Middle School. She made more progress when she attended camp at Interlochen in Michigan and really found a place she
Carolyn Craig at the piano. Photo submitted wanted to be when she attended a camp at the University of North Carolina School for the arts. She’s been there twice and wants to go back again (as evidenced by her UNC School for the Arts Fighting Pickles T-Shirt). Around the 7th grade, she learned Aaron Copland’s “the Cat and the Mouse,” a piece that starts out simple and gets complex fast. “That’s when I started winning the occasional competition, just because I enjoyed the music so much,”
she said. Early this school year she applied for the American Protégé Talent competition. “It seemed like a long shot, but the prize was you got to play in Carnegie Hall. In January I got an email that said I was one of the winners. I was really excited and really, really surprised, but it was fantastic.” So on March 11, Carolyn, her parents, Ann RobinsonCraig and Dr. Christopher Craig, her piano teachers Faye Adams and her aunt Susan Hoover arrived in
New York. She’d been there before on a choir trip, but had never really gotten a chance to see the city. Did she like it? (Huge smile) “Yes.” She did a lot of sightseeing, but the highlight of the trip was Carnegie Hall, where she played a beautiful Steinway in Weill recital Hall. She relieved her anxiety by talking to a girl who was going to sing a number from one of her favorite musicals, “The Sound of Music.” She got five minutes to run through her piece – Aram Khachaturian’s Toccata in E-flat minor, which she said was enough since it’s a number she knows well. “It’s helped me get through a few competitions,” she says. Carolyn’s hoping to return to UNCSA and, looking down the road a ways, wants to go to a college where she can major in music and “something to do with medicine, maybe biophysics.” She was in the Science Olympiad when she was in middle school. Her team placed in the top 10 in anatomy every time she went, and that, she thinks, is where her career path lies. “I don’t think I want music as a full-time career. It helps me escape from other stresses and I don’t want it to become a source of stress itself.”
Works by Peter Sarkisian
An evening with Vince Dooley
The Knoxville Museum of Art will present “Peter Sarkisian: Video Works, 1996-2008” through Sunday, April 24, featuring nine multimedia works. Sarkisian will also teach workshops at Fulton and Austin-East high schools. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is free. Info: www.knoxart.org.
The Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum, 2743 Wimpole Ave., will host an evening in the garden with Vince Dooley, former University of Georgia football coach and author of “Vince Dooley’s Garden: A Horticultural Journey of a Football Coach,” 6 p.m. Friday, April 8. Admission is $35 for KBGA members, $45 for nonmembers. Info: 862-8717 or visit www.knoxgarden.org.
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March 28, 2011
High-tech tool makes Knoxville man’s lung surgery less invasive As a businessman, Tom O’Connor likes to research and carefully consider his options before he makes an investment. The same is true when it comes to his health. So, when the 60-yearold Hardin Valley man learned he had a potentially cancerous spot on his lung, he immediately started researching his treatment options. “I went online and read everything I could,” explains O’Connor. “I learned that having the spot removed from my lung with robotically-assisted surgery was less invasive. I was pleased we have it available here in Knoxville.” O’Connor’s pulmonologist suggested that he meet with thoracic surgeon Dr. Mark Cooper. Dr. Cooper performs roboticallyassisted lung surgeries at Fort Sanders Regional using the da Vinci Surgical System. “Dr. Cooper met with me and determined that I was a candi-
“I can breathe real deep and have no discomfort whatsoever.” – Tom 0’Connor A traditional lobectomy (removing a diseased lobe of the lung) is done through a large incision in the patient’s side. The ribs are removed or spread apart to give the surgeon access to the lung. Recovery can be slow and painful. The less-invasive natured of robotIn late February Dr. Cooper ically-assisted surgery helped Tom biopsied O’Connor’s left lung and get back on his feet sooner after discovered the spot was cancerlung surgery. ous. He removed the upper left date for the robotic surgery,” lobe using the da Vinci Surgical says O’Connor. “He answered my System. Instead of a large incision, questions and I felt comfortable Dr. Cooper made four small keywith him. I was glad they could do holes in O’Connor’s side. With the my lung procedure this new way, precision of the robotic controls, instead of the old way.” Dr. Cooper was able to remove
the section of the lung through a keyhole without spreading O’Connor’s ribs. He also removed the surrounding lymph nodes. O’Connor is happy with how the robotically-assisted procedure went. “It was still major surgery and was tough,” he says. “But here it is four weeks later and I’m basically back on my feet. It’s amazing.” O’Connor already returned to work and despite some numbness in his side, feels good. “I can breathe real deep and have no discomfort whatsoever.” He considers robotic surgery a good option for someone potentially facing lung surgery. “I’m impressed with the technology. I highly recommend it.” For more details about the robotically-assisted procedures available at Fort Sanders Regional, call (865) 673-FORT (3678).
Robotically-assisted surgery: A new option for lung surgery As Tennessee’s first hospital to offer robotically-assisted lung removal surgery, Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center continues to be a pioneer in the field of robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted surgery Mark Cooper, is less painful M.D., Thoracic than traditionSurgeon al surgery and requires a shorter hospital stay. “The work is done in a minimally invasive way, without making a large incision,” says Dr. Mark Cooper, a thoracic surgeon who uses the da Vinci Surgical System – a robotic-assisted surgery tool – for removing lung cancer. The da Vinci has been used for years at Fort Sanders primarily for prostate and gynecological surgeries. “Now it’s in the beginning stages of being applied to thoracic surgery,” explains Dr. Cooper. So far, he says he has seen a tremendous benefit for his patients. Lung cancer often requires a lobectomy, the removal of at least one lobe of the lung, with surrounding lymph nodes. In a traditional lobectomy, the surgeon makes an incision of six to seven inches on the patient’s side. The ribs are spread and the lobe removed. Because of the damage to the ribs and large incision, the sur-
da Vinci Surgical System gery is quite painful and requires a hospital stay of five to seven days. Recovery can take months. With the da Vinci system, however, the surgeon makes only four small cuts, each one centimeter long on each side of the chest, called “ports.” In one of the ports, a camera is inserted, so the surgeon has a 3-D high definition view inside the chest cavity. In the other three ports surgical tools are placed. There is no need to spread the ribs because the slender arms of the robot system can slip between them. The tools are controlled by the surgeon using a special hand piece at a computer console nearby. The computer translates the
surgeon’s hand movements into precise micro-movements of the robot’s instruments. To remove the lung, Cooper inserts a nylon bag with a drawstring closure through one of the small holes and into the chest cavity. As he cuts away the diseased lung, he compresses it and puts it into the bag. “You pull the purse strings closed, and pull the strings through one of the openings in the chest,” explains Dr. Cooper. “As it reaches the opening outside the chest, you can open the purse strings, and the lung is slippery enough that it just slides out of that little opening by itself. A number of studies have shown that robotically-assisted
surgery is just as effective at removing lung cancer as traditional surgery is. And almost anyone with lung cancer can have the surgery. “Probably 90 percent of patients are candidates,” says Dr. Cooper. “We estimate this is about a 50 percent reduction in hospitalization time,” states Dr. Cooper. “Recovery time is a huge issue in chest surgery. Splitting the ribs is extremely painful for patients and can be quite debilitating for them. For the robotic surgery patients, pain is not such a big issue. And that’s very important in patients with cancer, who need all the energy they can get.” Dr. Cooper encourages lung cancer patients to think about whether robotically-assisted surgery at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center is right for them. “If they want an opinion about whether they’re candidates, I’d be happy to see them,” says Dr. Cooper, who says he expects robotic lung surgery to be the norm someday. “Urologists and gynecologists quickly made the switch to robotic surgery when they saw the benefits,” says Dr. Cooper. “I think we’ll see thoracic surgery making the same transition, too.” For information about the physicians who perform robotically-assisted surgery at Fort Sanders Regional, call (865) 673-FORT (3678).
How healthy are you? Get your health numbers and more at Covenant Health Check! If spring is in the air, it must be time for the annual Covenant Health Check, East Tennessee’s longest-running community health screening program.
On Saturday, April 9, Covenant Health Check will be held at Cokesbury Center, 9915 Kingston Pike, from 9 a.m. until noon. Free screenings for 2011 include blood pressure, body composition/ BMI, bone density, carotid artery ultrasound, heart rhythm and vision. Hemoccult Kits (take-home colon cancer screening kits) will be available for $2. For an extra dose of “heart health,” participants can check out their six risk factors for heart disease at the Know Your Six area. Risk factors include blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol/glucose (fee, see below), sleep habits and activity levels.
Discounted blood tests available at each Health Check Site include: N CHC profile – $20 (12-hour fasting recommended for accurate results; those with diabetes should check with a physician before fasting.) Test includes chemistry profile (glucose, potassium, calcium, etc.), cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL and tryiglycerides), and liver enzymes N Complete blood Count (CBC) – $15. Test includes red and white blood cell count, hematocrit, platelets, etc. N Thyroid (thyroid stimulating hormone) – $20 N Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA prostate cancer screening) for men – $20 N C-reactive protein (High Sensitivity ) – $20. Measures heart disease risk and indicates arterial inflammation, especially recommended for those whose cholesterol and blood pressure are above desirable levels. N Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) – $20. Measures the amount of sugar (glucose) in a person’s blood over the last three months. Covenant Passport members receive a $5 discount on one blood test. Membership ID is required. The Cokesbury Health Check site is designated as a “Super Site” and will feature senior health, heart health and stroke prevention activities. For more information about Covenant Healthcheck, visit www.covenanthealth.com or call 865-541-4500.
ROBOTICS SURGERY: hands on meets high tech • • •
More precise Less invasive Quicker recovery
Fort Sanders Regional, the first East Tennessee hospital to offer robotic surgery, now offers the newest generation of the da Vinci Surgical System, with enhanced 3D vision and increased movement.
Fort Sanders’ surgeons specialize in robotic surgery to treat prostate, kidney and bladder cancers, as well as gynecological and thoracic procedures.
For more information, please call (865) 673-FORT (3678).
Bedtime tales I’m getting tough on bedtime. If you don’t already know, I’m staunchly against cryit-out methods of so-called sleep training, especially for infants. I think anyone who can listen to an infant cry and not respond is a heartless, selfish person who maybe should have thought harder before having kids. An almost-3-year-old is a different story, though. By this age, they’re old enough to figure out that they can delay going to sleep. Daniel does not want to go to sleep at night, and he tries everything to keep from drifting off. Before my get-tough regime came into play, Daniel would delay sleep in a number of ways. He would drain his juice cup in one gulp and ask for more, then more and
Shannon Carey
moms101 more. This resulted in two training pants changes per night and soaked bedsheets. He would call for me and try everything he could think of to keep me in the room. He would ask over and over to go to the rocking chair. I’d go to the door, and he’d call “Wait,” then want to have a conversation. I’ve played this game long enough. Mr. Sly Pants got a taste of the new world order last week.
Campbell helps in Guatemala Dr. Willard “Bill” Campbell, surgeon with Premier Surgical Associates, has joined other local physicians, nurses, surgical techs and translators on a mission trip to Guatemala each January for the past eight years. The mission is organized each year by Knoxville Medical Mission. The trip is focused on general surgery, gynecology and urology. As with any major undertaking, the mission is not without challenges. Coordinating details takes a tremendous amount of time and organization. Planning for the next annual trip begins almost as soon as the most recent trip ends. The best way for someone to make an impact, according to Campbell is “to donate money.” Checks in support of the mission can be made payable to Knoxville Medical Mission Foundation and mailed to Dr. Willard Campbell, Premier Surgical Associates, 9430 Park West Blvd., Suite 310, Knoxville, TN 37923.
Photography contest Knox Heritage is holding a contest for photographers to participate in the organization’s annual Art and Architecture Tour. Professional and amateur photographers 16 or older can submit photos of historic buildings located in and around The Old
Change No. 1: No juice cup in his room. He gets a drink before bed, and that’s it. Needless to say, he was not pleased. Change No.2: One rocking chair visit after lights out, and that’s it. Other comforting takes place at bedside. Change No. 3: No waiting. Once I’m at the door, I say “I love you, goodnight,” and close it behind me. So far, so good. I’m still not leaving him in his room to cry himself asleep. At worst, there’s been a minute of hollering, but if real tears start to roll, I’m in the room like a flash. We’re not crying it out, but I am teaching him that nighttime is for sleeping. Contact Shannon Carey at shannon@ ShopperNewsNow.com.
Sheridan named chair of TennPath The Tennessee Public and Teaching Hospitals Association (TennPath) has named John J. Sheridan as its 2011-2012 chair of the board. Sheridan is vice president of Sheridan Community and Government Relations at The University of Tennessee Medical Center.
City. The winning photos will constitute the tour route Friday, May 6, and will be displayed at the Emporium throughout June. Entries must be received no later than Thursday, March 31. Winners will be notified mid-April and publicly announced the day of the tour. Info: 523-8008 or www.knoxheritage.org.
Looking good, feeling good P
remier Vein Clinics patient Laura Parham, like more than 50 percent of women, suffered from varicose veins. Varicose veins typically are dark purple or blue in color and may appear twisted and bulging – like cords. They most often are maligned for their unsightly appearance; however, they may cause the following symptoms: pain after prolonged sitting or standing; burning, throbbing or muscle cramping; swelling in your lower legs; a heavy feeling in your legs; aching legs; or itching around one or more of your veins. Dr. Willard Campbell, a board-certified vascular surgeon at Premier Vein Clinics, advises that the condition should not be ignored. “Spider veins and varicose veins can be indicators of other serious vascular issues,” Campbell says. “Seeking medical attention can be far more important than just being able to show off your legs again.” He advises that patients should seek treatment if they experience any of the following symptoms: ■ Your leg suddenly becomes swollen, red or very tender or warm to the touch. This could indicate a blood clot in a deep vein, a condition that can be serious and needs prompt attention. ■ The skin over a varicose vein begins to bleed on its own or when it is injured. The skin over varicose veins is often thin and can bleed heavily. If this happens, elevate your leg and apply pressure directly to the vein to stop the bleeding. ■ Your leg has a tender lump. This could be a clot or inflammation in a vein just under the skin, which is
With the treatment of Premier Vein Clinics’ vascular specialist Dr. Willard Campbell (right), patient Laura Parham now enjoys an active lifestyle and attractive, pain-free legs.
PREMIER VEIN CLINICS 588-8229 • www.PremierVeinClinics.com usually not dangerous but may need treatment. ■ You develop an open sore (ulcer). Skin ulcers near your ankle can represent a severe form of vascular disease and require immediate attention. ■ Your varicose vein symptoms don’t improve with home treatment, or there are symptoms you are concerned about. In Parham’s case, the
swelling and pain from her condition led to her decision to seek treatment. Following treatment from Dr. Willard Campbell, Parham is happy with the improved looks of her legs. She says that she is even happier with how good she feels. She now enjoys an active lifestyle that includes walking two miles a day, biking and swimming.
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4 BR PRIV. PARADISE 10 min. east of downtown. 6402 Mtn. Laurel, 37924. $1250 mo. 865-687-8300. 752832
FARRAGUT. Lrg 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 car gar, Jacuzzi tub, FP, $1950 mo+dep. 865-310-3188 748711
1745 Windrush Original owner, custom built home w/ lots of space. Cedar Bluff or Hardin Valley schools. $214,900
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2BR, Central H&A, off Middlebrook Pk. Nice & private. $550. 865-804-0914.
3 BR, 2 BA, carport, outside single gar., $850/mo. $1,000 DD, No pets. 865-898-4857
Manf’d Homes - Rent 86
4BR 2BA S. Knox/UT, 1600 SF, den $800. 2 BR, 2 BA condo, Topside/Pellissippi, great nbhd, $650. Both appls., CH&A, W&D. 865-719-1631
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Farmer’s Market 150 HAY, 4x4, dry, round bales. $12 & $15 per bale. Phone 865-314-1964 HORSE TRAILERSteel-ST/LD w/53" dressing room, new tires, excell. floor, $4,199. 865-539-1232 MASSEY TRACTOR, runs good, good tires, $3750. 865-6903189 OVER 400 laying hens, many breeds & ornamentals, the best eggs will come from your backyard flock. Wisner Farms, 865-397-2512
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POM KENNEL SALE 5 F, 2 M, 4' & 6' Household Furn. 204 fencing, cages, houses. 865-242-6995 ART SACRIFICE- oil pups101.com paintings, closed gallery, museum POM PUPPIES, AKC quality. Smoky Mtn reg, S&W, 7 wks, scenery. 865-244-7365 P.O.P. $275 to $350. KNX752883 865-933-2032, 789-5648 KNX753176 MOVING SALE. Refrig. freezer, qn BR POODLE NURSERY, suite, DR tbl, office We Have All Sizes, furn. 865-531-6428 all colors. Pups are reg., have shots, health SEALY memory foam guarantee & wormed. full matt., 18"H. Our nursery is full. Good cond, like new. $175 & up. 423-566-0467 $700. 865-690-6420 PUG PUPPIES, 6 wks, fawn w/black Auctions 217 mask, 2 M $275, 1 F $300. 423-337-6032
WEST, 2 Br, 2-1/2 BA w/gar adjacent to PUPPY NURSERY. FS health club. Conv Many different breeds & quiet nghbrhd. Maltese, Yorkies, Gas FP, all appl, Malti-Poos, Yorkicrpt, patio, pool. Poos, Shih-Poos, shots Duplexes 73 new No pets/no smoking. & wormed. Health $850/mo+dep, 1 Yr guar. 423-566-0467 2 BR, 1 BA, avail. lease. 865-773-4578. North & Halls. PUPPY SALE! Puppy Web ID #756338 Starting at $600. Zone at 8235 King865-414-1848 ston Pike next to Willow Place Condos Chuck E Cheese. Call 2 BRS, 2 BAS, 1 car WEST - FAMILY 865-690-5252 or come garage , laundry by for more info. NEIGHBORHOOD 2BR, 1.5BA, connections, all kitchen laundry rm, new carpet, lg bkyd, 1 yr appliances included, Rottweiler, 4 mo, felease, small pets welcome $695 mo $750/mo. $500 dep. 1 yr male, German style $250 dam. dep. 216-5736 or 694-8414 lease required. 389-8244 show ch parents, $900. 865-216-0146 KNX755215 Manf’d Homes - Sale 85
Houses - Unfurnished 74
912 Tampa
LOUDON LOFT, Historic 2 BR, total reno- BOSTON TERRIER vation, old brick walls, PUPS, CKC & NKC hdwd flrs, granite & SS reg M&F, blk & wht kit., lease w/all pmts $500. 865-579-2829 applied to purchase opt. $950/mo. 865-924-0791 DACHSHUNDS, Mini, KNX753257 CKC, 9 wks old, red long hair 2 M, 1 F, N.E. 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 $250. 865-428-9228 car gar., 2000+ SF, KNX756450 2 story w/new hdwd flooring, $1100 mo. ENGLISH BULLDOG 865-599-8174; 938-7200 puppies, AKC Reg. 753262 Exc. ch. bldlns, family raised & NE KNOX, Washington loved. Vet cert. Up Pk/Murphy Rd area, to date on shots & Newly Built Condo, wormed. Stocky 3BR, 2BA, 1550 SF, w/lots of wrinkles. 2 car gar. $1050 mo. $1800. 865-394-9054 865-604-1322. 754817 ENGLISH BULLDOG Pups, NKC Reg., 12 NORTH Hills Rancher, wks. S&W, ch. bld. 3BR/2BA, hdwds., $1,200. 423-314-5731 equip. kit. laun./bonus, KNX755211 deck, $950 + dep. No vouchers. 865-546-3713 GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies, AKC, 1 M, NORTH. Lrg new 4 BR, 2 F, 12 wks, $500. 8653 BA, master & 2nd BR 397-5730 ask for Karen on main, bonus, FP, 2 KNX755188 car gar, $1950 mo+ dep. NO PETS. 865-310-3188 German Shepherd 748708 puppy, fem., black & cream, AKC reg., born POWELL, nice 3 BR, 1/6/11. 865-291-7651 2 BA, cent. H&A, appls., community GREAT PYRENEES pool, $550/mo. 938-1653 puppies, 3 mos, Females raised w/chickens, WEST, 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 S&W $150. 865-376-0364 kitchens, behind KNX755323 Mall, stone frpl, lg. rec rm, new appl., Lab Pups, AKC reg, new paint, hdwd yellow & choc. Parfloors, lawn care ents on site. Ready incl. $1200/MO. + 4/1. 423-336-1935 $1200 dep. 8017 SaKNX756000 bre. 865-399-7452 MIN. SCHNAUZERS KNX748893 AKC. Will be ready WEST, CLOSE IN April 1. Blk, S&P, 2BR, LR, Big kit., super coated, $350 & all appls., W/D, NICE! up. 423-736-0277 $675. 414-7616. KNX756594
FARRAGUT – 2 BR, 2 UNIQUE APTS. 2 BA, 1 car garage, Sequoyah Hills, 2 BR & 3 BR, 2 BA, priv. eleva- approx. 1300 Sq Ft, lg. tor, W/D, water incl. laundry rm, gas FP, $1,000/mo. 865-740-0200 $850 & $950. 865-924-0454 FTN CITY AREA Condo Lease to purchase, 1 1/2 BA, W/D conn., 2BR, 21/2 bath, $800.00 mo + $40.00 HOA mo. Cent H/A, $585 mo. Call 865-679-8105. 865-690-5418; 414-0054
Apts - Furnished 72 WALBROOK STUDIOS
Positive minded FTN CITY, 3BR, 2BA, people wanted. 2 car gr., kit, app furn., no pets, refs, If you are an energetic, $950 mo. 567-6063. enthusiastic person, with INSKIP, 3 br, 2 ba the desire and drive to make ranch, 1 car gar, $1000 a week, then give appl, cent. air, no us a call. Must be 21 with smoke, no pet inside. a valid driver's license. Call $850/mo. 865-212-9797 today to start tomorrow. KNX755222 Please call between LAKE HOME w/dock 11am-6 pm 865/455-1365 or 423/723-9716 Concord/Farragut Schls 3BR, 2BA ranch $1,500/mo. 865-755-1023
SCHELL, Want a KAY home with a great Apts - Furn or Unfrn 70 756913MASTER back yard in Cedar Bluff? DELUXE TOWNHOUSE Condo Rentals 76 Ad Size 2 x 5 2 BR, 2 1/2 BA, W/D, New 2 bd/2 ba Private back $635, West 865-670-0007 Brand 1 car gar, Ftn City. 4c W $850/mo. Call John yard w/tiered 865-740-1181 <ec> l a n d s c a p i n g Apts - Unfurnished 71 Web ID #752366 & hardwoods. Home is immaculate inside & out. $213,000
Driver Trainees
Needed for US Xpress, Werner & others. $850$1000 weekly. Local training. No layoffs. FARRAGUT Crossing, Lifetime job placement. 4BR, 2 1/2 BA, 3200 Financial assistance SF, comm. pool & avail. 1-877-720-7321 tennis, $1675 mo. + dep. Pets OK. Call 865-207-0332. 756260
141 Boats Motors
SIBERIAN Husky AKC CYPRESS KAY 2010, Pups, champ lines, 20 ft Angler Pontoon shots, $350 to $500. boat, loaded w/2010 865-995-1386 115 HP Mercury. 2010 KNX753633 Motorguide Trolling mtr w/remotes. & Vans 256 SIBERIAN HUSKY tow bar. $22,800. 865PUPS, AKC 919-8271 Nissan Quest Van 2000, 6 M, 2 F, $250 ea. KNX753169 looks/runs good. 182k www.tnwesties.com mi. SR, good heat/AC, 865-789-4276 $2800/b.o. 865-254-5277 KNX754114 KNX755250 YORKIE BABIES, AKC reg, S&W UTD champ. pedigree, Trucks 257 Quality Beauties! 865-463-2049, 441-6161 DODGE RAM 2001 KNX756243 PU, V6, AT, AC, new tires, $5,000. YORKIE/CAIRN Pups, Call 865-281-8811. Mom is reg. Cairn, Dad is reg. Yorkie, F-$275, FORD F150 1992, 34K M-$250. 865-963-1965. mi., new tires, brakes, KNX752942 bed cover, new cond. $3,000. 865-933-9555. YORKIE, CKC reg, male, all shots, 1 yr FORD LIGHTNING old in May. $300. DORAL 2005 T-Craft, 2004, garage kept Call 423-714-6798 like new, 39k adult 21 ft w/tandem, KNX752777 driven mi., new Shorelander trailer, tires & batt., 1 nice only 25 hrs, gar. kept, HP truck. 4.3L Merccruiser eng., Misc. Pets 142 many extras. $16,900/bo. 380 $21,500. 865-691-7175 Joe 865-385-2285 LINCOLN MARK LT KNX752779 2006, 4x4, remote East Ridge, TN start, 4 dr, 103k mi, VISION 200 DC Bass (Chattanooga), Camp $19,900. 865-712-0632 Boat 1989. Boat, Jordan Arena, I-75 KNX752541 motor, trailer, $6500/ Exit 1, April 2 & 3. obo. 865-387-3350 423-240-8423 KNX748274
SCHNAUZER Toy, CKC reg, female, 12 wks old, 1st shots/ wormed. $225. 865546-0574;865-257-0285 KNX754238 SHIH TZU, 6 wk old, $250-$350. 2 are rare. CKC reg., wormed 865-255-3627 SHIH TZU PUPPIES, CKC reg., 8 wks., shots/wormed, cute & adorable, 2 F $400 1 M $350. 423-404-4189 puppeeperson@yahoo.com
NEXT AUCTION: Tues April 5, 6pm Cherokee Auction Co. 10015 Rutledge Pike Corryton, TN 37721
Just 10 min from zoo exit off I-40. 865-465-3164 or visit a u c t i o nz i p .c o m T A L 2 3 8 6 FL 5 6 2 6
Garage Sales
HUGE 2-DAY INDOOR SALE! Fountain City Plaza across from the Duck Pond Sat & Sun, April 2nd & 3rd Reserve a table for $25. Open to public & dealers.
265 Pressure Washing 350
LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1998, 90k mi, $4285. Runs & looks great. 865-548-1804 KNX756171
MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS GS 2005, 78,267 mi. great cond. $8,000 neg 865-389-7430
25 Yrs. Exp! APT, RESTAURANT, & BANK CLEANING D&D PRESSURE WASHING & STEAM CLEANING Vinyl Siding Driveways Decks Cleaned & Sealed Stucco Gutter Whitening Low Rates, free est., licensed & Ins'd. 100's of satisfied customers! 986-1123
Cement / Concrete 315 AUTHENTIC CONCRETE specializing in decorative concrete, driveways, sidewalks, slabs & more! Licensed & insured, free estimates. Call James at 617-9396.
CAROL'S CLEANING SERVICE 20 yrs exp, comm & residential. Bonded & insured, refs avail. Call for quote 323-9105
324 DODGE RAM 1997 Elderly Care 1500 4x4, 162K mi, good tires, must see, Caregiver / Post 26' 2011 Puma travel $2395 obo. 865-933-9555 Surgery Patients / ^ trailer w/super slide, Light Housekeeping. many upgrades, used Roofing / Siding twice, $17,500. 865- JEEP WRANGLER $9 hour. 865-973-0599 Sahara 1998, 150k mi, 933-1476; 719-7020 4.0, 6 cyl, 4x4, loaded, KNX751165 great cond, $8500. Fencing 327 CEDAR CREEK 2002, 865-448-8861; 274-7413 Web ID #752932 5th Wheel with YOU buy it, we install gooseneck adapter, NISSAN TITAN 2004 it! Fencing & repair. 31', 1 super slide We haul stuff, too! out, Onan gen., no LE, 4WD, 91K mi. loaded, Free est. 604-6911 Rockford Fosgate smoking or pets. stereo system. $12,000 Clean. $15,500 OBO. obo. 865-408-1045. 865-640-8709 Guttering 333 KNX754842 FLEETWOOD Royale HAROLD'S GUTTER 2007 Pop up for sale SVC. Will clean or trade. Exc cond. Comm Trucks Buses 259 front & back $20 & Fully stocked. $4000 up. Quality work, OBO or will trade for 1986 BLUE BIRD BUS guaranteed. 945-2565 landscape repair. 8652 - 15K Generators, 354-0017 (Rockwood) Good Condition KNX753448 For more info. email 339 mprowell@medicblood.org Lawn Care JAYCO JAY FLIGHT 750821 G2 25' RKS, 2010, with super slide, satellite TV, used Antiques Classics 260 twice, $18,500 OBO. 423-337-1689 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille 1972 Trail Light Cruiser, For details call 2004. queen bed, kit. 865-691-8202 & bath, dinette $7900 KNX755515 cash. 865-376-6856 MERCEDES 500 SEC WILDCAT 2011 1984, European 28 RKBS 5th wheel, model, 2 dr. coupe, NEW & warranty. all svc records, Beautiful, 2 slides, mint cond. 167k mi. easy towing, lots of $8000. 865-992-0150; extras. Bargain, 727-809-4513 $29,900. 865-933-4780. KNX756947 KNX751147 ^ Motor Homes
237 Sport Utility
All American Roofing
EXPLORER Winnebago Adventure FORD Sport 2001, AT, 2006 35U, 2 slides, in mo4WD, wht, 2 dr, tion satel., awnings, 33k 160k mi, good cond, ^ mi, garaged, extras, $4,795. 865-660-40 exc. cond. $98,000. 865BUSY BEES LAWNWeb ID #756253 992-0150; 727-809-4513 CARE at your serKNX756959 vice! Mowing, mulchNISSAN Xterra 2003 ing, lawn detail, you low miles, 4WD, exc. WINNEBAGO name it! Free est, Sr. cond. gray, non smkr. ADVENTURER Discount. It would Bee $9999. 865-805-2644. 33V 2003, every option, my pleasure to serve KNX756956 2 slides, transferable you! Mark 335-7290 warr., new tires, and brakes. Asking Imports 262 $52,500. 865-607-8888. Painting / Wallpaper 344 KNX755319 HONDA ACCORD EX AA PAINTING 2004, V6, 99K mi, Int/Ext painting, Motorcycles 238 sunrf, leather, 6 disk staining, log homes, CD chngr, heated pressure washing. seats, new MichHONDA 750 ACE 2003 9 9 2 -4 0 0 2 elins, exc cond, black, 2 Corbin seats, or 6 1 7 -2 2 2 8 $10,900. 865-207-2428 ^ S/B, W/S, pipes, 19K 752880 mi. $3,400 865-228-2700 Tree Service KNX756515 Pool Services 349 HONDA CIVIC 2007, 2 dr, auto, loaded, KAWASAKI NOMAD under 52K mi., $14,300 KUNTRY POOLS 2005, $6200 cash. nego. 314-378-5826 Openings start at Exc. cond. 16k mi. 756051 $150. Wkly maint, 865-982-2199. salt s ystems , inKNX753075 LEXUS LS 400 1998, ground & aboveavg mi, 13k yr., blue ground liners. InSuzuki 1500 Intruder w/tan leather. Very stallation pros, refs 1997, blk/chrome. Low good cond. Tires 70%. avail. 388 -1752 mi, saddlebags, dual $5990. 865-966-4140 pipes $4800. 865-604-3709 KNX756280 KNX750505
& much more Low, low prices •Free estimates •Experienced •Great Cleanup •Licensed/Insured •Senior & Vet Discount 201-6828
SUZUKI INTRUDER LC 1500 2001, extras, like new, $3,900. 865-680-3178
LEXUS SC430, 2003, 55K mi, silver with saddle int., new tires $21,500. 865-705-7271
Pressure Washing 350
TRIUMPH SPEED MERCEDES 560 SL Triple 2006, black, 1988 convertible, red immaculate cond., w/blk int, all orig, soft $4,900. 865-680-3178 & hard tops, mint cond, 124k mi, $17,000 Yamaha Virago 250 obo 865-992-0386 2007, 1225 mi, exc cond, Web ID #756169 green boogie lites, $2400. 865-809-8704 NISSAN ALTIMA ***Web ID# 756601*** 2002, 2.5 S, 4 dr., 72k mi. Garage kept. $5750. 865-584-4347 Autos Wanted 253 KNX755630 A BETTER CASH OFFER for junk cars, trucks, vans, running or not. We also buy junk tractor trucks & buses, aluminum rims & auto batteries. 865-456-3500
^ COOPER'S TREE SVC Bucket truck, lot cleaning, brush pick-up, chipper. Ins'd, lg & sm jobs. 523-4206, 789-8761
VW BEETLE conv. 2006, 5 spd., AC, cream paint, cream lthr. int., khaki top,
Only 11,625 orig. mi. Wife's car, like new cond. Only $14,500. Call 423-312-1587. KNX755929
Biggest winner challenge leads family to better health Dad and son to compete in Knoxville Marathon April 3
When David Taylor experienced a pulmonary embolism in 2006, he couldn’t imagine that about five years later he would be training for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon in its Biggest Winner Challenge. While Taylor’s recovery included anti-coagulant therapy, his primary health concern was being overweight. “I have used a CPAP machine for sleep apnea for nearly a decade,” said Taylor. “I had a rotator cuff repair last summer, and I knew it was time for me to focus on my overall health and lose weight.” This wasn’t his first bout with weight loss. In 1985, he began working as a nurse and quickly realized that he wanted to work in surgery, but he would need to lose 60 pounds to qualify for additional training the U.S. Army offered. He lost the weight by running daily. Within six months he started his new career in the Army, serving 13 years until he was Honorably Discharged as a captain in 2000. After moving to Knoxville, he worked as a cardio-thoracic surgical nurse. He is currently working as a regional nurse consultant for the state of Tennessee, Department of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. “Losing weight was a priority, but my greatest motivation is my youngest son, Thomas, who is 18, because he was also overweight” said Taylor. “At the time applications were being taken for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge, I thought it would be the perfect incentive to improve our health.” Taylor found out about the Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge last fall while he was on the Covenant Health website. The
David Taylor and his son, Thomas. program selected 11 participants to be followed on a weight loss journey. The team’s progress is tracked and members are able to utilize various tools within the Covenant Health system to aid themin winning their weight loss challenge. “Thomas and I both have an ‘all or none’ nature,” he said. “All three of my children are great. I’ve really enjoyed the amount of quality time that we’ve been able to have training for the marathon.” Now at 47, he finds himself enjoying the camaraderie, accountability and competition within the Biggest Winner team and encourages others to create a healthy challenge to improve their health. “Our society as a whole is guilty of working too much, eating too much and sleeping too little while juggling multiple re-
sponsibilities,” said Taylor. “We must choose to make healthier choices if we are ever going to become healthier because it doesn’t come naturally.” While training for the marathon, Taylor found himself as a patient at Parkwest again to treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Through the latest state-of-theart technology, he was able to recover more quickly.
“I returned to my training program within just two weeks,” he said. “After being a registered nurse for more than 25 years, I can honestly say that each time I have been a patient at Parkwest, I was ‘Treated Well. Well Treated.’ Most impressive is the individual attention provided by the hospital staff. All the staff members were kind and attentive, ven though they had multiple patients to care for. They made me feel like I was their only patient, and I would like to thank the staff members who cared for me – Dr. Mitchell and David in the Emergency Department and Glenda, Cindy, April, Faith, Sara, Steve and Grace on 5 Riverstone.” The Taylor family has restructured their nutritional and exercise habits as recommended through their time training with Cov“If an old man can train for the enant Health. With marathon, I knew I could do it better,” the Covenant Health said Thomas Taylor. Knoxville Marathon His father, David, encouraged him to on Sunday, April 3, enter the Covenant Health Biggest WinDavid and Thomas ner Weight Loss Challenge in preparation are nearing the finfor the Covenant Health Knoxville Maraish line. thon on Sunday, April 3. “I have already “I have lost weight and gained muscle,” lost 20 pounds and I he said. “I didn’t like giving up things I enfeel so much healthijoyed like sweets and sodas, but I’m feeler – being more alert, ing better and looking better as a result.” rested and having my As a fulltime college student participatjoint pain decreased ing in the half marathon, he admits that dramatically,” he he is sad the team’s training is coming to said. “I can also wear an end, but he knows they will continue clothes that I thought their journey together again next year to I would never be participate in the 2012 Covenant Health able to again. I am so Knoxville Marathon’s full marathon event. proud of all the prog“This has been an enjoyable experience ress and positive lifeto do with my dad. We push each other to style changes Thomas make healthier choices and encourage and I have conquered each other to do more,” he said. together.”
Marathon registration open through March 30 It’s not too late to register for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon! Online registration is available through Wednesday, March 30, at www. knoxvillemarathon.com.
For more information about the marathon or to register online, go to www. knoxvillemarathon.com or call the Knoxville Track club at 865-684-4294.
Keith Stewart before his weight loss. Along with his appreciation, Keith Stewart recently presented his Key West Half Marathon medal to Dr. Stephen Boyce, Stacey Smith and Barbara Foster with the Covenant Weight Managment Center.
“This proves that Covenant Health, as a whole, is dedicated to keeping people healthy in all ways,” said Stewart. After going through the weight management program, Stewart’s waist size shrank from “a snug 44 to a loose 38,” and Stewart says Covenant Keith Stewart is training for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Weight Management Center’s unique program helped him gain an insomething he never would have imagined doing just a few years ago. After credible amount of muscle. losing 60 pounds through a medically supervised program at Covenant The Covenant Weight Management Center offers both nonsurgical Weight Management Center, he’s moving through life at a faster pace. and surgical weight loss programs, with surgeries performed at Parkwest Stewart enjoyed an extreme mountain climbing feat last year, fin- Medical Center, a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. Free seminars ished a half marathon in January and took on his second half marathon about weight loss surgery are held monthly and more information is available by calling 865-541-4500. in February. For information about the nonsurgical weight loss programs, call Running the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon is especially important to Stewart because of the connection to the weight management the Covenant Weight Management Center at 865-531-5243 or visit center. www.covenantweightmanagement.com.
Run Keith, run!
Family Members are ™ Treated Well. Well Treated. Another Reason People Prefer Parkwest ƭɥ 1##ɥ5 +#3ɥ2#15(!#2 ƭɥ (1#+#22ɥ(-3#1-#3 ƭɥ /2! +#ɥ"(-(-%
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Section SPot MARCH 28, 2011
Burchett battles for fee office change By Sandra Clark
The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs will study the book by Peter Walsh. See page C-4.
Mrs. Fisher Cat at Franklin Square Bring your camera for pictures with Mrs. Fisher Cat from Calico Corners at Smart Toys & Books 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 2. Info: 691-1154.
First Friday April 1, 5-8 p.m. The District in Bearden
New Partner NHC in Farragut has joined the gang as our newest Strategic Partner! See their first full page next week, April 4.
Paige Davis 640-6354
davisp@ ShopperNewsNow.com FARRAGUT
Debbie Moss 661-7071
mossd@ ShopperNewsNow.com WEST SIDE
Darlene Hacker 660-9053
hackerd@ ShopperNewsNow.com
If Charlie Burchett were around he would say something like, “Well, the boy’s got some moxie.” Mayor Tim Burchett blasted those who oppose the resolution by commissioners Richard Briggs, Mike Hammond and Sam McKenzie to bring the budgets of the county’s six fee offices under the scrutiny of the commission. He spoke Friday to the West Knox Rotary Club. “The (opponents) have shut the door on transparency, and you’ve got to ask yourself why are people so upset about transparency?” Burchett asked. “The days of the fiefdoms are over. The days of someone taking seven months off to run for County Commission are gone. … This has been called a power grab, but I call it a power sharing opportunity.” Burchett said with some $20 million in these offices, “it’s time to put this system to bed and move into the 21st century.”
write down 215-2534, the number of the commisMayor Tim Burchett signs sion office. “Your commisa book to donate to Pond sioner won’t be there, but Gap Elementary School as leave them a message that Rotary of West Knoxville club you support the Briggspresident Phil Parkey looks on. Hammond-McKenzie resoPhoto by S. Clark lution. They’ll know what you mean.” Former Clerk and Master William Jones said, “This makes sense, but does it affect salaries and who decides staffing levels?” Burchett said the measure would enhance the dignity of employees who now feel “intimidated” to buy fundraiser tickets and actively campaign for their boss. On another note, Burchett said some people want him to abandon campaign mode and act like a mayor. “What’s wrong with trying to fulfill the camThe change would have by the fee offices only tell ated from Bearden High paign promises you made?” collected fees deposited what each has spent, not School and UT Knoxville, he asked. “You’ve got me for with Trustee John Duncan what they plan to spend. was among friends. four years and dad gum it, each month and the office He likened harnessing that Someone asked, “Why I will try to do what I said expenses paid through to pushing toothpaste back would anyone oppose this?” I would do. The sixth floor Knox County. into the tube. “Machine politics,” said (of the City County BuildBurchett said the Burchett, who grew up Burchett. He asked every- ing) is a shenanigans-free monthly reports provided in West Hills and gradu- one to take out a pen and zone.”
Socializing at Ace Hardware If the new Ace Hardware store in Bearden served liquid libations with its popcorn it just might become the hottest social spot in West Knoxville. Think that sounds a bit strange? Just hang on. This is my story and by gum I’m sticking to it. For one reason or another, every idea I had for this column fell through last week. Just a few hours before time to turn it in, I didn’t have anything much to write about. In desperation, I decided to mosey down to the new Ace place to see if I could stir up something interesting. I figured since the store had moved to such a huge space, they must have a lot of new stuff the public needs to know about, and all of that is true. A handsome and very bright young clerk named Chad Owen, who is a UT student majoring in criminal justice and working part time at the store, could not have been more helpful. Chad showed me the spa-
Anne Hart
cious new Benjamin Moore paint department and educated me about why that brand, which is new to Ace, is the best on the market. Seems it has the lowest amount of volatile organic compounds of any paint. Chad said VOCs contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. He also said Benjamin Moore paints cover better than other brands, are easier to clean and have less odor. Next we talked about the addition to the store of Craftsman tools and tool chests, which Chad said have a lifetime replacement warranty. And here’s a new item for those of you who like to tinker with your cars, and also for those who worry the thing is about to blow up
when that pesky “check engine” light comes on. Ace has something called an OBDT that will scan your engine – just like those computers do at the dealership – and tell you what’s wrong. And it costs less than $70. That’s about as far as Chad and I had gotten when the social stuff started. I looked up from my notebook to see my buddy Janet Crossley sashay in on a mission to buy light bulbs. That was the most boring thing she bought. The most interesting was three cans of hornet and wasp spray for herself and her daughters, Muffet Buckner and Janet Testerman. Janet had seen the recent segment on TV that says the stuff is more effective than mace in warding off assaults by humans (in addition to hornets and wasps, I guess) because its spray projects 20 feet. While she was explaining all of that to me, a gentleman pushing an Ace shopping
Chuck Lee, with one of his signature bamboo walking sticks, To page C-3 and Chad Owen at the Ace Hardware in Bearden.
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Providing over 50 years of glass work in East Tennessee. Working with contractors and homeowners specializing in custom glass and mirrored work to fit a variety of applications and projects. Our staff is experienced in glasswork from small pictures to buildings including patterned glass, security, mirrored and tinted. Our on-site shop provides a variety of options for your residential, commercial or industrial projects such as colored glass, specialized edging, custom pattern cutting and much more.
we do a lot more than windows. Celebrating 50 Years in Bearden
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Our service trucks will deliver and install glass and mirrors for large projects throughout 5209 Kingston Pike • 588.0486 Free Estimates Knoxville and www.westknoxvilleglass.com Personalized Service surrounding counties
Rural/Metro at Knox marathon Athletes are warming up for the annual Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon set for Sunday, April 3. Since it began in 2005, the marathon has attracted more than 20,000 participants – with even more supporters in attendance. It has been great to see this event get such enthusiastic participation.
Rob Webb Division General Manager of Rural/Metro
long & short Join us each Wednesday from 9 to 10 a.m.
Barbara lawyers up Barbara Pelot chats with Beth Boatner, a retired prosecutor, and Ivan Boatner, in-house counsel for ORAU, as they start their day at Long’s Drug Store. The Boatners live in Westmoreland.
lifelines But large events always increase the likelihood of an emergency. As in years past, Rural/ Metro will donate standby service, stationing an ambulance at Neyland Stadium where the race ends. We hope all participants finish in good health with a fast time. Rural/Metro will be there to cheer, as well as provide immediate first aid for any athlete or spectator in need. That is just one of many complimentary services we provide to our community. In the month of March alone, our ambulance standby services have helped keep more than 18,000 people safe at events such as Food City Race Night, the Knoxville 100 Health Expo at World’s Fair Park, Drumline band competition at Halls High School and the Mt. Olive Health Fair. For the kids, we visit schools with information on personal safety, fire prevention and health issues. Through the Teen Driver program, we help area high school students understand the importance of safe driving. And our Touch-a-Truck program offers young children a hands-on experience with emergency vehicles. In April we will once again be volunteering with Habitat for Humanity on their weeklong Blitz Build. Not only will Rural/Metro provide stand-by and emergency first aid service on site, but our team members will be firing up the grills to provide lunch for the work team as well. So ready, set, go! The activities and events never end in Knoxville; and Rural/Metro is proud to be an active partner, helping keep people safe in our community.
of it
Toast and Coffee with Barbara Pelot at Long’s Drug Store
Photos by Wendy Smith
Perhaps we should stick to the weather … John Stancil, candidate for City Council at-large Seat A, sees an interesting dynamic as he visits local political groups. Party labels matter less and less, he says. Barbara Pelot, former council member, agrees and says the focus is on Knoxville rather than party affiliation. But that doesn’t mean that everyone agrees, as Stancil and Pelot demonstrated with a lively discussion on the city’s now-defunct Ten-Year Plan. Stancil wants an effective solution, but is concerned about the sustainability of the Housing First program.
Did someone say coach? Brad Loos, a University of Central Missouri basketball coach, came to town to visit with his old college pal, Brian Carlin, a sales representative for Dyna Rex Corporation. Both attended Austin Peay University. Brian is a Bearden High School grad and is the son of Allen Carlin, who coached football at Bearden and the Christian Academy of Knoxville.
Karns students excel in speech competition PETS training includes By Sandra Clark Karns High School stu- information and motivation dents Rebecca McDonald from exceptional speakers, all with the goal of producand Brena Laster spoke reing the best prepared, cently to the West Knox most enthusiastic club Rotary, competing in presidents in the Rothe club’s Four-Way tary world. Speech Contest. Rotary InRebecca West Knox Rotary t e r n a t i o n a l is CEO of the Shopper has more than Game Day GetSPot 33,000 clubs in 200 up, a virtual compacountries and geony through the Karns graphical areas that conVirtual Enterprise class taught by Vickie Gibson. Bre- duct projects to address challenges of illiteracy, disease, na is the company’s COO. Club member Alan Smelt- hunger, poverty, lack of clean zer said both gave their best water, and environmental effort. Judges awarded the concerns. Rotary’s top priority is the $250 first prize to Brena and the $150 second prize to Re- eradication of polio, a crippling and potentially fatal becca. disease that still threatens children in Africa and Asia. Gibson trains as Since 1985, Rotary club president elect members worldwide have Lucy Gibson, the club’s contributed more than $800 president-elect who will take million and countless volunoffice in July, has completed teer hours to the effort and the three-day multidistrict are now working aggressively training session held March to raise an additional $200 20 in Nashville. The Presi- million to match a $355 mildents Elect Training Seminar lion challenge grant from the (PETS) attracted upcoming Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaleaders from six Rotary dis- tion. tricts Alabama, Kentucky Great progress has been and Tennessee. made, and the incidence of
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Dr. Lucy Gibson, president-elect of the Rotary Club of West Knoxville, meets top Rotary leaders at a PETS (president-elect training) conference in Nashville. Pictured are: Gibson; Kalyan Bannerjee, Rotary International president-elect; Frank Rothermel, Rotary’s local district governor-elect; and Ron Appuhn, president-elect of Maryville Rotary.
Helen Harb
polio infection has plunged from about 350,000 cases in 1988 to fewer than 1,500 in 2010.
Meet the members Richard Bettis, who will become the club’s
president-elect in July, joined Rotary in 2008. He chaired this year’s Rotary Jam which netted roughly $30,000. He grew up in Greeneville, working on his grandfather’s farm and later in
his dad’s trucking company. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Tusculum College and is just 20 credits short of a master’s from Carson-Newman where he has helped coach basketball. He and his wife, Lisa, have a 5-month-old daughter, Ainsley Taylor Bettis, and he works as assistant vice president and a commercial relationship manager for SunTrust Bank. Helen Harb joined Rotary in 2001. A Knoxville native, she graduated from Farragut High School and UT with a bachelor’s degree in communications. She has worked in real estate and advertising sales. Currently, she owns a printing company. Helen is currently a member of Executive Women’s International holding a position of program chair. She is also a member of the American Marketing Association, serving on the board as program chair for next year. And she is a member of the Knoxville Medical Group Management Association.
Woodstream Hardwoods marks 35th anniversary Jim McNutt and the folks at Woodstream Hardwoods of Knoxville, founded in 1970, will celebrate their 35th anniversary with an open house 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at 3636 Division St. NW. Free tree seedlings will be given out for planting. Very rare woods and fine wood products will be on display. At right, Jim McNutt shows reclaimed timbers and beams from an old bourbon distrillery. Woodstream Hardwoods operates the area’s only dry kilns and custom hardwood flooring and wood products operation. Info: www. wood st re a m ha rdwood s. com or 524-0001.
Ace Hardware
Oak Ridge attorney Joe Judkins and his wife, Ann, with friends from the Choto area Ray and Marylee Vining. Photos by S. Clark
Pamela Treacy uncorks a wine bottle at the tasting.
Huge turnout for
Second Harvest By Sandra Clark
t was the biggest turnout yet for the March version of Campbell Station Wine & Spirits’ Second Saturday for Second Harvest. Store owner Gene Treacy said folks knew that Second Harvest was hurting because of the flood at its warehouse. “A couple of customers left checks for $50 saying they couldn’t come but wanted to help,” Gene said. Rebecca and Daniel Saldivar catered the event and their hors d’oeuvres were popu-
Rebecca and Daniel Saldivar of Savor Catering donated food for the event.
lar. Based in Lenoir City, the Saldivars own Savor Catering. Info: 329-9393. Gene and Pamela Treacy matched 10 percent of the money collected. “Three people get a meal with every buck contributed,” said Gene, standing on a chair. “Thanks for coming!” Second Saturday for Second Harvest has outgrown the venue adjacent to Campbell Station Wine & Spirits. It is now hosted by American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek. Info: 966-7122.
Susie Cataldi, who works at Regal Entertainment, was a late arrival. Gail Root of Second Harvest points toward the buffet as she works sign-in and collections.
Nan Doyle, Rae Baldwin, Pat Baldwin and Jim Doyle enjoy the wine tasting. This event is a “win-win,” said Jim, who also mentioned that he’s Irish.
From page C-1
cart and also carrying about a six-foot-tall bamboo walking stick, called across the aisle to her. It was Chuck Lee, whose wife, Linda, is the granddaughter of Lloyd Parker, who opened the original Parker Brothers Hardware in Bearden in 1923. Chuck and Linda ran Parker Brothers for 25 years before selling it to Ace in 2005. Linda is an artist, whose paintings of local historic buildings hang in the offices at Knox Heritage. She is also the baker of those delicious chess squares she and Chuck served with coffee on Saturday mornings at the store’s old location. Chuck has had heart surgery and several strokes, and spends his retirement years doing good deeds. He grows bamboo in his yard and makes walking sticks out of it. He gives them all away. He absolutely will not accept payment, even though he has a little money in them because of the rubber caps he attaches over each end so they won’t slide. Chuck explained he really enjoys practicing “random acts of kindness.” He watches for people who park in handicap zones and asks them if they would like to have a walking stick and just gives it to them. While we were in the store, he offered one to a customer who was in a wheelchair. So, while Chuck and Janet and I were chatting away in the middle of the aisle, in walks my friend Melissa Tassell, who is secretary at Farragut Middle School. Melissa is one of those women who can do absolutely anything. I often tell her she needs a Super Woman costume. So what was she buying? Heavy duty bolts for bunk beds she is building for her sons. And I mean building them from scratch. Really. The woman is amazing. Chuck started telling Melissa about his canes, and asked her if she had seen the movie “Pay It Forward.” She grinned from ear to ear and said she had just bought it. “My friend Anne Hart told me to get it.” Small world. Turns out the movie, which came out in 2000 and has spawned a charitable foundation and a worldwide movement, is what gave Chuck the idea for his random acts of kindness. By this time I had been in the store for two hours and still had a column to write. It was time to run, but I had had a great time and now had plenty of column material, thanks to Chad and a group of good buddies who happened along at the perfect moment. Oh, if you haven’t been to the new Ace location, stop by. It’s located next door to Earth Fare, and as the saying goes, if they don’t have it you probably didn’t need it anyway. Contact: annehartsn@aol.com.
No ‘one size fits all’ To correct hearing loss By Sandra Clark
All hearing losses are as individual as fingerprints, says Gary Weaver, a licensed hearing instrument specialist. “Each hearing loss is unique to the person who has the partial loss. At Weaver Hearing Aid Center we have products to meet the needs of each person with a partial loss.” Gary and his wife, Belinda, own and operate the Weaver Hearing Aid Center, located in Franklin Square on Kingston Pike near Pellissippi Parkway. Call them the quintessential “mom and pop,” but not too loudly. Their hearing is sharp! Gary sees folks frequently who are confused about steps
to take when hearing loss is suspected. “People are just blown away by the ads and mailings. They often don’t have a clue where to start.” The Weavers have a simple answer: Visit them for a free check-up. “There’s no co-pay and free front door parking,” said Gary. Gary and Belinda are low-key and personable. There’s no high-pressure to purchase, and the Weavers carry hearing instruments from major manufacturers. Appointments are generally available within two days. “Unless there’s a serious or sudden problem, start with us,” said Gary. A visit to Weaver Hearing starts with an otoscopic ear examination, in which a licensed professional uses a fiber optics process to look into the ear. “We check for wax
‘We provide individualized service.’ and look for problems,” Gary said. “This exam is painless.” Next, if indicated, comes a full battery of hearing tests. Finally, “we will present solutions,” said Gary. “The (hearing) loss determines what type of equipment we recommend. All aids are designed for specific circumstances. All hearing loss is different, almost like a fingerprint.” He said it’s not abnormal to have a hearing loss as one grows older, and a hearing aid is an investment. Good hearing is not a luxury. Weaver works with seniors who are remaining in the work force
longer. He speaks bluntly: “We’ve got to be on our game, because the next generation is on our tail.” Getting checked earlier is better because the hearing loss is easier to correct. If the loss continues over time, Gary can often reprogram the hearing aid to adapt without the need for new equipment. Belinda and Gary are sensitive to price, working to make good hearing affordable to as many as possible. They recommend that a spouse or family member attend the initial appointment, to help them learn about the patient’s lifestyle and hearing Belinda and Gary Weaver issues. Weaver does not sell “toys” that one might see advertised WEAVER HEARING AID CENTER on TV. Gary says, “We pro357-2650 • 9648 Kingston Pike, Suite 2 vide individualized, personal service. We are not cookie(Franklin Square) cutter.”
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9648 Kingston Pike, Suite 2 • Knoxville, TN 37922 • Visit www.weaverhearingaidcenter.com for other current specials.
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Locally owned & operated! We are NOT a franchise! Let us be your Local Source for Better Hearing.
Say what? By Sandra Clark “Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?” is not another book about dieting. In fact, author Peter Walsh says our relationship to food is complex. “If you’re fat, your problems are real, and there are no miracles. Change … requires straight talk.” “This book is awesome,” says dietitian Casey Peer. “It is about the clutter around you and the clutter inside you that prevents you from living the life you want and being the person you want to be. “It really isn’t about the numbers on the scale. It is about living life to the fullest. Relationships with food are complex and can be difficult to change. Join us for a fun, practical, but different approach to addressing your weight and truly realizing your goals.” “Casey will facilitate a 6-week book study,” said Lisa Wolf, managing director of the Wellness Center at Dowell Springs. The cost is $125 ($85 for members) and includes the book and materials. Sessions will be on Wednesdays from 5:30 until 6:30 starting April 27. “The book asks ‘what would make you happy?’ in a truly realistic way. It guides you toward defining the life you want to live while acknowledging the issues that cause clutter,” said Wolf. “Then we clean it up!” The class is not a group therapy session. It’s a book study of a unique publication. You can tell that by the title. Walsh writes: “Diets don’t work. Why not? Because they focus on what foods you should or shouldn’t eat but completely ignore everything else that makes us fat. Look at your own situation. You say you want to lose weight, but you just can’t stop
‘This book is awesome. It is about the clutter around you and the clutter inside you that prevents you from living the life you want and being the person you want to be.’
Wellness Center launches ‘clutter’ book study indulging. You say you’d exercise more if only you had the time, yet you spend precious hours every night in front of the TV doing what? Munching nutrition-free snacks and drinking super-sized beverages.”
– Casey Peer, Registered Dietician
He says the key to successful weight loss is to forget about calorie counting and weekly weighins. Instead, you need to focus on how, why and where you eat. Casey adds: “Can your body perform a half-marathon or even a walk in the park with your grandkids? Are you happy with that, or do you want to make a change?” Lisa said both men and women will benefit from the class. “Dads may not pack on the pounds because of higher metabolism or a more active lifestyle, yet many are killing themselves with high blood pressure, clogged arteries or diabetes. Dads who want to be around to see their grandchildren grow up should declutter. “The Wellness Center is where medicine meets life. We want to change attitudes so our clients have a lifetime of health and productivity.”
PROGRAMS AND OFFERINGS Zumba is a Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements. Beginners are welcome and no experience is necessary. Arms and Abs – Designed for quick, convenient 30-minute group sessions, our Arms and Abs class helps you gain strength using your own body weight, dumbbells, resistance bands, BOSU balls and more. Pilates – Improve your balance and core strength with our Pilates class. Yoga – Learn essential yoga basics and experience the wellness benefits of poses, bends and relaxation in our one-hour group sessions. Pump – Ideal for everyone from beginners to experienced exercisers, our Pump class targets every major muscle group. With minimal down time between exercises, you’ll get the most out of using the body bar, dumbbells, BOSU, step bench and more. Spin – Ready to challenge yourself by starting your own spinning regimen? Spin is an entry-level spinning class lasting 45-
60 minutes, perfect for beginners. Cycle In, Yoga Out – An ideal fit for both beginners and veteran spinners, this is your chance to change up typical spin class routines by starting with 45 minutes on the bike and ending with 15 minutes of yoga. Kid Fit – Don’t let busy schedules get in the way of your exercise regimen. Fit in your own workout while your kids enjoy a fitness class designed just for them. This one-hour group fitness class for ages 6-12 is focused on making physical activity fun for kids – and giving you a break from supervising. Power Hour – Push yourself in our onehour Power Hour class with 30 minutes of hardcore cycling hills, sprints and races, immediately followed by 30 minutes of intense leg and ab work. Functional Fitness – Class involves a variety of exercise, including but not limited to: cardiovascular, balance and strength. Appropriate for seniors or individuals who desire fitness gains with little impact on the joints.
Xpress Fitness – Ideal for working individuals and travelers, our convenient morning Xpress class fits a total-body workout into only 45 minutes. Work It Circuit – A 60-minute total body workout in a bootcamp style class. Healthy Eating Series – It’s all about food! Classes are designed to provide you a hands-on, food-based learning experience to bring comfort to your kitchen. Each month will highlight a new topic to help YOU find success with nutrition. Eating with Diabetes Made Simple – This 90-minute group class is specially designed for those with diabetes, and focuses on reading food labels, meal planning and eating away from home or on the go. Grocery Store Tours – Get out of the classroom setting and take a closer look at how to properly read food labels and recognize healthier choices right on the grocery store shelf! You’ll discover there are a lot of choices available that pack as much flavor as nutritional value.
Kids in the Kitchen (Healthy Cooking) – When the kids get involved in preparing nutritious meals, eating right becomes something the whole family looks forward to. Our Kids in the Kitchen classes help families make time for healthy cooking and eating, even in the midst of busy schedules. Weight Management: Getting to the Basics – In this four-week group program, you’ll meet 60 minutes per week to learn about identifying the barriers to successful longterm weight loss, plus effective strategies to overcome those barriers. Cardio Fit – One-hour beginner-level class with cardiovascular focus. Class participants will be instructed and supervised in use of cardio equipment on the gym floor. Fit 4 Baby – A prenatal fitness program created to safely and effectively teach women to exercise throughout their pregnancy. Stroller Strides is offering this program for women in any stage of pregnancy. Classes include warm-up, strength training, cardio, stretching and balance exercises.