Bearden Shopper-News 051017

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VOL. 11 NO. 19 |

May 10, 2017

BUZZ UT prof is first Carnegie winner

For the first time, a UT professor has received a major Carnegie fellowship. Nathan J. Kelly, associate professor of political science, has been named a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Research Fellow. Kelly is one of 35 scholars nationwide who will receive up to $200,000 from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to complete a book or major study. Kelly will use the award to complete his book, “America’s Inequality Trap.� Kelly’s research shows that rising economic inequality reduces the prospect of major reforms and policy changes within U.S. political institutions.

Denisha Miller sings the role of Lisa in “The Stronger� May 18-19. Kathryn Frady, artistic director of Marble City Opera, sings the lead role of Violetta, a young woman dying of consumption, in its March production of Verdi’s “La Traviata� at Historic Westwood. The company is celebrating its fourth year of bringing opera into community spaces in May.

Faith matters to you, and to us

“One of the beautiful things I love about the Lord is the fact that anyone that comes into contact with God can’t leave that encounter the same way that he came.�

Julia Metry sings the role of Estelle in “The Stronger� May 18-19.

A contender for attention again

Marble City Opera celebrates new performance, fourth birthday


Marble City Opera has new reasons to celebrate. The city’s chamber opera company that performs mostly in small, innovative spaces is about to unveil a new production. “The Stronger,� a one-act opera about two women who spar in a tavern,


Read more from Matthew Best, a new columnist, page A-9

“Heavyweight boxing has my attention for the first time in 20 years. And it should have yours. “The heavyweight boxing champion used to be somebody. Remember? He used to be a contender – for our attention, for our worldwide admiration.â€? See sports columnist Jesse Smithey, page A-10

Why is UT doing this?

Former Knoxville mayor Victor Ashe raises questions about the salary for UT’s new vice chancellor for communications. It’s more than twice the going market rate.


See “Last Words,� page A-10

Healing through horses Looking for something fun and rewarding to do this summer? Do you enjoy working with horses and/or people? Shangri-la Therapeutic Academy of Riding (STAR) needs volunteers to assist special needs children and adults with therapeutic horseback riding lessons. Junior Vol Training (ages 10-12) is Thursday, May 25, from 5-7 p.m. Lesson Vol Training (ages 13+) is Saturday, June 3, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Horse experience is not necessary, closed toed shoes are a must. For more information, call Brittany at 865-988-4711 or visit Located at 11800 Highway 11E in Lenoir City.

NEWS ADVERTISING SALES 865-342-6084 Glen Coleman CIRCULATION 844-900-7097

By Kelly Norrell

will be at Holly’s Gourmet Market, 5107 Kingston Pike, May 18-19. Seating for a special dinner will be at 6:30 p.m., and the performance that features sopranos Julia Metry and Denisha Miller will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20, with dinner separate. And, Marble City Opera is about

to turn four years old. The feisty startup company that began in 2013 as a way to make opera more accessible celebrates a birthday in late May. It has a solid track record in Knoxville, under artistic director, co-founder and singer Kathryn Frady and new general director Brandon Gibson. It has staged

sold-out productions of “La Traviata,� “Chocolate and Wine,� “Amal and the Night Visitors,� “Sweets by Kate� and many more in creative venues like bars, historic homes, churches and other spaces that match the story setting. To page A-3

On the job with Sergeant Carter By Margie Hagen

It’s National Pet Week, that time of year when we recognize our companions, but don’t worry; you don’t have to send a card! That got me wondering why Farragut residents make so many calls to Animal Control; last year there were over 300 reports made, and Sergeant Debbie Carter’s staff responded to every one. As the supervisor of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Unit, Cart-

er’s team is responsible for all calls within the roughly 500-square-mile area, and that includes all animals. Complaints include excessive barking, livestock running loose, dog bites and neglect or abuse. Farragut runs the gamut, but most are nuisance calls involving neighbors annoyed by barking dogs. After 10 minutes of a dog’s continual barking, their owners can be cited. Carter says owners sometimes get used to hearing their dog bark and they tune it out,

but neighbors might not be so forgiving. “Before you call us, try talking to your neighbor and let them know it’s a disturbance,� said Carter. “You can train and socialize your dog not to bark. There are all kinds of practical solutions available.� E-collars emit a signal or vibration, citronella collars deter with a spray, and there are even birdhouses that sound a distracting tone. To page A-3

Alzheimer’s event to help faith leaders A conference designed to help faith leaders to support Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families will take place Thursday, May 18, at Lighthouse Event Center, 6800 Baum Drive. Alzheimer’s Tennessee is hosting the East Tennessee Regional Clergy Conference, which begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. Presenters will include: ■■William Blevins, Ph.D., from The Blevins Institute for Spiritual and Mental Health at Carson-Newman University, who will address anticipatory grief. Blevins brings nearly 50 years as a counselor and educator as well as his personal experience with grief to the topic. “I have always been interested in the well-being of persons. I just couldn’t get the idea of helping people out of my mind, or out of my heart,� he says. ■■In 1997, Carlen Maddux’s wife, Martha, received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. With his

training and instincts as a journalist, the only way he knows how to share their intimate journey with Alzheimer’s is through his journalistic style. Theirs is a story filled with spiritual breakthroughs, fears, failures, heartwarming encounters, and thought-provoking revelations. He shares how, even in the darkest moments, their journey is one of hope. ■■Dr. O.H. Oliveira, Ph.D., clinical and medical psychologist, will provide an overview of the impact of dementia on the church ministry. Oliveira received his degree in clinical psychology from the University of Tennessee and did his internship in medical psychology at Duke University Medical Center. He served as the clinical director of Covenant Health Senior Services. Dr. Oliveira authored the book “Living with Old Age.� ■■Kerry Howland, former UT women’s basketball assistant academic director, will be the




special lunchtime speaker. Places of worship are great sources of strength for local families and among the first places many turn to for help. “Ministers are on the front lines in offering support for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their families,� says Linda Johnson, Alzheimer’s Tennessee director of programs. “This conference will give faith leaders the tools they need to offer support and to identify families in their congregations who may need help. It’s very important to recognize the signs that someone needs support even if he or she has not yet come forward to ask for help.� Advance registration is required and seating is limited. Cost is $20 and CEU credits are available. The fee includes materials, breakfast and lunch. For more information or to sign up, call Alzheimer’s Tennessee, Inc. at 865-5446288 or visit


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A-2 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news

News from Christian Academy of Knoxville

Melissa Siard with horses Clark and Chip at the Gluck Equine Research Center at the University of Kentucky, where she is getting her doctoral degree. Photos by Stephen Patton

CAK alumna appointed assistant professor at Asbury University By Kelly Norrell

Melissa Siard, who will join the faculty of Asbury University’s equine studies department July 1, with one of the horses she will care for. Photo by Stephanie Reedy.

Melissa Siard, 26, a 2008 CAK graduate, will defend her University of Kentucky doctoral thesis in veterinary science on May 26. She already has a job lined up. On July 1, Siard will become assistant professor of equine studies at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky., her alma mater. In the fall, she will teach three courses – basic equine science, forage management and feeding of horses, and equine exercise physiology and conditioning. Not a bad outcome for a girl who says she caught “horse fever” at about age 8. Siard’s love of science, her great education that began with 13 years at CAK, and her spirit of dedication drew her not just to academia but a unique specialty – studying the immune systems of elderly horses. Her PhD thesis examines chronic, systemic inflammation that occurs in aging horses with an eye to keeping the animals healthy. Her focus is equine immunology. “Horses live to be 30 years old. We want to keep them healthy and happy as long as we can,” she said. “I never thought, ‘I want to be an immunologist.’ But immunology touches so many things. It is almost an entity to itself. It is something I’ve gotten to do that, with horses, a species I love, has been a dream.” Siard credits relationships formed at CAK and challenging, encouraging teachers for giving her the skills she

needed to help her achieve her dream. “I felt I was really challenged at CAK. For example, I had Madame Murff for three years of French in high school. She would challenge us to do what we thought we couldn’t do. And then we did it. In our first semester of French 1, she made us write our own presentation in French and then give it and memorize it. You surprise yourself at what you can do when you are challenged,” she said. Inspired by her mom, chemistry teacher Lisa Siard, she took five years of math and five years of science in high school. “I feel like I learned how to be a good student in middle school and high school, when a lot of people don’t learn that until college or graduate school.” Having begun horseback riding lessons at around age 10, and spent years unwinding by caring for horses, practicing jumps and riding bareback, she fell in love with Asbury University when she was looking for a college to attend. Among other strong points,

Melissa Siard with the horse Mr. Friendly at the Gluck Equine Research Center at the University of Kentucky.

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it had an equine studies program. “In Kentucky, the horse capital of the world, there are a lot of equine programs,” she said. She applied for and received Asbury’s John Wesley Hughes Scholarship for four years. After graduating with a degree in chemistry, she was accepted as a PhD student in veterinary science at UK. To young girls or boys who are interested in the sciences, she said, “I would tell them to go for it and not become discouraged. There are a lot of opportunities out there and if you are passionate about it, then there’s no telling how far you will go.” Siard’s students at Asbury University next fall will range from new freshmen to juniors and seniors. Her instruction will equip them to meet their own goals, which may include veterinary school, farm management, running equine publications or specialized media companies, or working for pharmaceutical or animal nutrition companies.

Melissa Siard with the horse Clove at the Gluck Equine Research Center at the University of Kentucky.

Bearden Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • A-3

Marble City Opera

From page A-1

“Part of the creativity of Marble City Opera comes from the fact that we have no money. One thing we can’t afford to pay for is sets. So we put the production in the space where it makes the most sense,” said Frady. On May 11, Marble City Opera and Saw Works Brewing Company, 708 E. Depot Ave., will launch Pint Sized Opera. On the second Thursday of each month, from 7-9 p.m., singers will perform at the brewery, which will offer beer specials. As patrons sip craft beer, they can enjoy “Libbiamo” (which translates to “Let’s drink!”), “Quando M’envo,” a flirtatious song from “La Boheme,” and the “Toreador Song” from “Carmen.” “It is really exciting. Knoxville is just the right community for what we are doing,” Frady said. It all started in 2013, when Frady and singer Kevin Doherty applied to the Atlanta Fringe Festival to perform the one-act opera “The Face on the Barroom Floor.” “They wanted a company name, so we gave them ‘Marble City Opera.’ We were accepted, and all of a sudden, our name was on a website. We said, ‘Oh my gosh, we’ve formed an opera company,’” Frady said. The company began making plans and raising funds. By October of 2016, it had gained nonprofit status and taken off in its mission of presenting short operas in intimate spaces in Knoxville.

COMMUNITY NOTES ■■ Knox County Democratic Party (KCDP) District 5 meeting, 6 p.m. Thursday, May 18, Rosarito’s Mexican Cantina, 210 Lovell Road. Speaker: Fifth District County Commissioner John Schoonmaker. Info: KnoxDemsDistrict5@gmail. com. ■■ AARP Driver Safety class, noon-4 p.m. WednesdayThursday, May 17-18, O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. Info/registration: George Hancock, 865-3688294. ■■ AARP Driver Safety class, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, June 8, Buckingham Retirement, 7303 Manderly Way. Info/ registration: 865-675-0694. ■■ AARP Driver Safety class, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, June 9, Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Drive. Info/ registration: 865-966-7057. ■■ AARP Driver Safety class, noon-4 p.m. Wednesday-

A dazzling production of “La Traviata” at Historic Westwood mansion March 1618, featuring Frady and Brandon Evans in lead roles, sold out and got rave reviews. The experience seemed to take the art of performing opera in an intimate space to a new level. “The soprano is dying and she is singing the aria right next to you,” said Gibson. The immediacy affected everyone there, including the great Mary Costa, who sang the lead role in Knoxville Opera’s production 40 years ago. “She sat in the front row in every room,” Gibson said. Frady said she would like for MCO to do three operas with chamber orchestras a year. “Right now, we are doing about three operas a year, but two with piano,” she said. Plans underway now include an opera about world-renowned artist Buford Delaney, who grew up in Knoxville. To be written by Knoxville librettist Emily Anderson, the opera will be in the fall of 2018 to coincide with an exhibit of paintings at Knoxville Art Museum, Frady said. Expanding the reach of opera is one of the best parts of what they do, said Frady and Gibson. “We are drawing a new audience. In performing out in the community, we can reach people who wouldn’t otherwise go to the opera. But then they often do,” Frady said.

Thursday, June 28-29, Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, 3700 Keowee Ave. Info/ registration: 865-382-5822. ■■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners. Info:

■■ Historic Sutherland Heights Neighborhood Association. Info: Marlene Taylor, 865-9513773, taylor8246@bellsouth. net. ■■ Karns Community Club. Info: Don Gordon, 865-803-6381.

■■ District 6 Democrats. Info: Mike Knapp, 865-696-8038, or Janice Spoone, 865-771-5920.

■■ Karns Republican Club, 7 p.m. each first Tuesday, Karns Middle School library.

■■ Family Community Education-Bearden Club. Info: Shannon Remington, 865-927-3316.

■■ Karns Lions Club. Info:

■■ Family Community Education-Crestwood Club. Info: Ruby Freels, 865-6908164. ■■ Family Community Education-Karns Club. Info: Charlene Asbury, 865-6918792. ■■ Farragut Gun Club. Info: Liston Matthews, 865-3166486. ■■ Farragut Rotary Club. Info: ■■ Fourth District Democrats. Info: Chris Foell, 865-691-8933 or; Rosina Guerra, or 865-588-5250.

■■ Lyons View Community Club. Info: Mary Brewster, 865-454-2390. ■■ Northwest Knox Business and Professional Association, Karns Community Center, 7708 Oak Ridge Highway ■■ Pellissippi Toastmasters Club meets 12:30-1:30 p.m. each Monday (except holidays), Office Options at 9041 Executive Park Drive. Info: pellissippi. or 865314-4839. ■■ Third District Democrats. Info: Liz Key, 865-201-5310 or; Isaac Johnson, 865-310-7745 or

Sergeant Debbie Carter with her dogs, Cairn terrier Stormy and Belgian Malinois Breeze. Both are rescues; Breeze was adopted from Young-Williams Animal Center. Photo submitted

Sergeant Carter

From page A-1

Dog bites are taken seriously, and can land dogs and owners on the Dangerous Dog Map, maintained on the KCSO website. Cases are heard in the county General Sessions Court and judges determine the level of penalties. A level-one dog stays on the list for 18 months, while a level-two dangerous dog remains on it for life. Owners’ names and addresses are posted along with a description of the dog. It’s something to be aware of if kids or other pets are in the area. As a pet owner and animal lover herself, Carter advocates for responsible and humane treatment for all animals. “If people are struggling to feed and care for their ■■ Toastmasters Club 802. Info: ■■ West Hills Community

animals there are resources out there,” she said. “Pet pantries can help, and there is no penalty to surrender. If you do have to take a pet to a shelter, having their history can help shelter staff find them a new home.” If you do have to call Animal Control, leave your name and number. “If it’s an anonymous call sometimes we can’t locate the animal,” said Carter. “Respect leash laws and keep rabies vaccinations up to date. We are here to help by educating owners. It’s not about taking pets away; it’s about how to be a responsible animal owner. Just don’t call us dog catchers!” Visit and for information and resources.

Association. Info: Ashley Williams, 865-313-0282. ■■ West Knox Lions Club. Info: knoxvillewestknoxlionsclub.

org. ■■ West Knox Republican Club, 7 p.m. each second Monday, Red Lobster on Kingston Pike.

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A-4 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news

News from EyeXcel

Dr. Carusone provides pediatric and sports care, vision therapy By Kelly Norrell Dr. Frank Carusone, EyeXcel’s newest partner, provides a fresh perspective on general eye care plus excellent specialty care in his areas of passion: pediatric care, sports vision and vision rehabilitation. An honors graduate of both Kent State University and Southern College of Optometry, Dr. Carusone is excited about the role of optometry in today’s healthcare landscape. Dr. Carusone’s career as an eye care specialist began with his own family optometrist back in northeast Ohio. “I looked forward to every appointment. He was friendly and took time to get to know me and my family,” Dr. Carusone said. “I was nearsighted as a child and never realized it. When he fitted me for glasses as a teenager, I saw things I’d never seen. Later, he got me into my first pair of contact lenses.” Dr. Carusone

said the relationship sparked his own interest in vision and eyes. “I always had a passion and curiosity about how the body works.” Today, Dr. Carusone is at home in the family optometrist’s role. “Optometry is moving more into the medical space that allows us to treat and manage a number of eye health conditions. With the changing landscape of health care, we are always looking to the most effective way to treat patients and obtain an ideal outcome. Often, that means going to your family optometrist rather than to an eye surgeon.” In any given day, Dr. Carusone may be providing routine eye care such as fitting glasses and contact lenses. Or, he may be performing specialty care such as pediatric vision. “A child’s vision guides the rest of their development. If they have a problem that makes their vision blurry,

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Dr. Frank Carusone provides nofear pediatric optometry. This young patient’s visit took place last Halloween.

they may not be able to see their parents’ mouths moving and learn how to form words. If they are not able to see colors and shapes, they are missing the basic building blocks of development,” he said. Simple glasses and, when a child is older, contact lenses, correct many problems. But Dr. Carusone makes use of other methods of vision therapy to train the eye and brain to work together that are not commonly offered elsewhere. The partners of EyeXcel feel so strongly about the importance of early eye care that the practice now offers free, comprehensive eye exams for babies between six and 12 months of age. Parents can call the office at 865-6871232 to make an appointment. Dr. Carusone’s specialty in sports vision helps sharpen athletes’ visual skills through focused therapy. “We work with skills like peripheral awareness, depth perception, visual reaction time and eye-hand or eye-foot coordination. Developing these skills to a high level can separate the average athlete from a more elite athlete,” Dr. Carusone said. “Right now, we are developing the sports vision program. Often if the child is already here for general vision care, we can incorporate sports based therapy to make it more engaging as well as develop skills they are using in athletic events,” he said.

His uses of vision therapy and vision rehabilitation techniques are often life changing. “Vision therapy can help children with lazy eye or who have an eye tracking problem. We are also able to rehabilitate or remediate vision problems that result from disease, a stroke, traumatic brain injuries or concussions. Severe vision problems can result from these events. Rehabilitating these problems can have a life-changing impact on a person’s recovery,” he said. Dr. Carusone, his wife, Mallory, who is a kindergarten teacher at Ball Camp Elementary, and their dog, Ellie, love Knoxville. “I am excited about EyeXcel. We look forward to expanding our ability to care for more patients in this area in order to meet the needs of those in our community,” he said.

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Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • A-5

Appalachian Science and Engineering Fair Grand Champion Tina Fanelli

St. John students excel at science fair ESK gymnasium named for Silers

A new gymnasium at the Episcopal School of Knoxville was named for Paul and Susie Siler of Bearden May 1. With the plaque placed in honor of Siler Athletic Center are Shay Siler, Susie and Paul Siler, son Paul Siler, and Mary and Bill Walker.

For the first time, students from St. John Neumann Catholic School won Grand Champion and Reserve Champion at the Southern Appalachian Science and Engineering Fair. St. John Neumann sixth-grader Tina Fanelli earned the Junior Division Grand Champion award at the fair held March 27-30 at UT-Knoxville. Sixth-grader Dmitri Kalinin was awarded the Junior Division Reserve Champion and the Naval Science Award from the United States Department of the Navy. Brett Shaffer is SJNCS middle school science teacher. With their science teacher, Brett Shaffer, are five St. John Neumann Catholic School sixth-graders awarded Certificates of Excellence and the opportunity to enter the national Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering Rising Stars) Competition: Kate Pettinger (Engineering: Materials and Bioengineering), Tina Fanelli (Environmental Science), Ellen Falvey (Earth and Planetary Science), Audrey Weaver (Microbiology) and Dmitri Kalinin (Cellular and Molecular Biology). In addition, sixth-graders Abbey Arnold, Mason Burkhardt and Adriana Zablah earned honorable mention.

By Kelly Norrell

A crowd of students, parents and well-wishers celebrated the dedication and naming of a new $6.5 million fine arts and athletic center at the Episcopal School of Knoxville recently. In ceremonies May 1, the school named its new gym the Siler Athletic Center in honor of Paul and Susie Siler of Bearden, whose gift made its construction possible. The Silers and ESK headmaster Jack Talmadge posted a cross at one of the highest points in the gym. The $6.5 million fine arts and athletic building was named SecThe school named the or Hall in honor of founding headmaster Jay Secor, who served fine arts and athletic build17 years. ing Secor Hall after found-

ing headmaster Jay Secor, who helped shape the school from a beginning class of 28 students. Secor retired in 2015 after 17 years of service. The JK-8 school now has 341 students. Talmadge cited Secor’s vision, strategic thinking and ability to forge long relationships. “ESK was very blessed to have a founding headmaster who could gracefully lead us through the tough years,” he said. The building includes two band and chorus rooms with rehearsal spaces, two art rooms with a high-tech lab and a gymnasium.


Webb kicker to UNC-C

was a key player in the Spartans securing a spot at this Webb School of Knox- year’s Division II-A state ■■ Dollywood Penguin Players, ville senior kicker Andrew football championship, 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 24, Favaro has committed to where they finished runnerFarragut Branch Library, 417 play football at University of up. He completed five of six N. Campbell Station Road. Info: 865-777-1750. North Carolina at Charlotte. field goal attempts, with his Webb hosted a recognition longest measuring 40 yards. ■■ West Knox Book Club: ceremony for Favaro MonFavaro closes out his “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance, day, May 8. 10 a.m. Monday, May 22, Spartan football career conBearden Branch Library, 100 For his senior season, Fa- verting 92 percent of his Golfclub Road. Info: 865-588varo made 56 of 61 points PATs and 71 percent on field 8813. after touchdown (PATs) and goals.

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A-6 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news



Renowned clinician and researcher establishes practice on Provision’s Dowell Springs campus Take two PET scans, side-byside, and the results seem obvious: an 84-year-old man riddled with enough plaque to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the 72-yearold man with just a smattering seemingly the more healthy candidate. Right? Wrong. It was, in fact, the 72-year-old patient who failed the Alzheimer’s screening test, while the 84-yearold passed with f lying colors. He, it turned out, was still working as a mathematics professor at Berkeley—enough to keep his mind alive and well in spite of all indications to the contrary. Such is the mystery of brain disease that science and medical practice are unraveling. And a new healthcare

Monica Crane, MD

provider has come to Provision Healthcare’s Dowell Springs campus to help patients prevent, prolong and manage the symptoms of dementia in all its forms. “We know so much more now than we ever have about neurodegenerative disease and brain health,” said Dr. Monica Crane, a fellowship-trained geriatric medicine specialist experienced in treating Alzheimer’s and dementia. Crane has established the Genesis Neuroscience Clinic, in the same building as Provision Health and Fitness, with an eye toward expanding her private practice to holistically serve patients and families dealing with these types of brain disease. “We will provide state-of-the art

care for patients in every stage of their disease,” Crane said. The Genesis services represent a spectrum of care that includes diagnosis—including state-of-theart amyloid PET scans through a partnership with Provision Imaging and the Provision Center for Biomedical research (see sidebar)—and treatment plans, from drug regimens to lifestyle and wellness programs. “What attracted me to the Provision campus was the idea of having all of these resources in one place,” said Dr. Crane. “We want to create a model of care that is sustainable and gives our patients the very best of care.” To make an appointment with Dr. Crane, call (865) 888-9494.

Provision facilitates Medicare Alzheimer’s study Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease early is key to helping delay onset and manage the disease. A study known as the Imaging Dementia—Evidence for Amyloid Scanning, IDEAS, will assess the clinical usefulness when amyloid plaques, an indicator of potential Alzheimer’s, are discovered in those with mild cognitive impairment or dementia for which the cause is uncertain. In addition to assessing the impact of amyloid PET on management of patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia of uncertain cause, the study will compare medical outcomes for study participants with matched patients not in the study. For patients who qualify for the study, Medicare covers the approximately $4,150 cost, and they have the opportunity not only to contribute to development of best practices in Alzheimer’s care, getting an early PET scan “might be a game changer” in terms of providing the best care for patients with early signs of dementia, said Dr. Crane. “We know so much now about how to address dementia with drugs or lifestyle treatments in order to provide the best quality of life and delay onset of more serious symptoms,” she said. “But it’s important to know what disease we are dealing with. Just as with cancer care, knowing the disease determines how we treat it. You are treating the pathology, not just the symptoms.” Provision Imaging is the first center in Tennessee to be approved for the IDEAS registry. “With admission into this study the recent establishment of the Genesis Neuroscience Clinic and the Genesis Brain Health Institute, Provision is expanding beyond cancer care and into a much broader realm of health diagnostic and treatment services,” said Scott Warwick, vice president for strategic initiatives and program development. “With experts like Dr. Monica Crane providing medical services here, we are now a premiere center for brain health in Knoxville and the region.”

What is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms develop slowly and grow worse over time. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, a term that refers to memory loss and cognitive difficulties that interfere with everyday life. Sixty to 80 percent of dementia cases are diagnosed as Alzheimer’s.

Risk factors:

Age (being 65 or older), family history, genetics


Difficulty remembering recent conversations, names or events is often an early clinical symptom; apathy and depression are also often early symptoms. Later

symptoms include impaired communication, poor judgment, disorientation, confusion, behavior changes and difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking. Revised guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer’s were published in 2011 recommending that Alzheimer’s be considered a slowly progressive brain disease that begins well before symptoms emerge.

Three pairs of images from six brain amyloid PET scans. Each pair utilizes a different PET imaging ligand. “Negative” means the person has little or no beta amyloid in the brain. “Positive” indicates the person has moderate to high levels of beta amyloid neuritic plaques in the brain. These images do not reflect IDEAS-Study participants. Photos provided by the Alzheimer’s Association/IDEAS-Study and used with permission from the top by Piramal Imaging, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals and GE Healthcare.

Brain changes:

Hallmark abnormalities are deposits of the protein fragment beta-amyloid (plaques) and twisted strands of the protein tau (tangles) as well as evidence of nerve cell damage and death in the brain.

Visit Provision online at or call (865) 684-2616.


Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • A-7 she’d just heard her siblings playing. “I have been able to play the piano for as long as I can remember!” she says. “For me, playing music is a more effective, powerful means of expression than singing, but that’s partially because I’m not a singer. When crafting a piece of music, I often hear full instrumentation, so trying to whittle that down isn’t always easy. But many churches – perhaps most – will ultimately perform the music with more limited resources, often just piano and/or organ alone. I want the accompaniment to be both full and complementary to the music to inspire the singers and touch the hearts of the listeners. “As a concert artist, the most difficult obstacle is taking what is logically a horizontal experience and transforming it into a vertical one. I want the congregants to journey with me through the music I share, but first I have to connect with my Creator through playing, praying and feeling the Holy Spirit wash over my hands and heart. Then they too can be touched by the music in a more personal sense, and together we will journey to the throne of grace where only God deserves the spotlight!” McDonald recalls a music minister in Nationally known composer, arranger, pianist Mary McDonald will kick off Farragut First UMC’s “Music for a Sunday Afternoon” concert series on May 21. Photo submitted

Mary McDonald to present concert at First Farragut UMC By Carol Z. Shane It’s an understatement to say that lifelong Knoxville resident Mary McDonald has done her city proud. The nationally known composer and arranger of sacred music will present a concert at First Farragut United Methodist Church on Sunday, May 21. Notable among the many high points in her 40-year career is her term as the first female president of the Southern Baptist

Music Conference. Her numerous awards include the John Ness Beck Foundation Composition Award. But she says her desire is to “give God glory for the songs He has allowed me to compose. He alone is the Creator behind my pen.” Her mother played the piano by ear and was determined that her children would read music. At five years of age, McDonald, the youngest in a large family, would crawl onto the piano bench and pick out what



■■ Central UMC, 201 Third Ave., will hold a flea market, bake sale, and breakfast and lunch fundraiser 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 13, at the church.

■■ AARP Driver Safety class, noon-4 p.m. WednesdayThursday, May 17-18, O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. Info/registration: George Hancock, 865-3688294.

■■ Solway UMC, 3300 Guinn Road, hosts a women’s Bible study 10 a.m. each Thursday. The group is led by Cindy Day. Info: 865-661-1178.

Houston telling her an extraordinary story about a 10-year old girl who suffered an accident that stopped her heart for a minute. “Months after her recovery,” says McDonald, “she was listening to a new CD that included one of my best-selling anthems from 1988, ‘Sing and Be Not Silent.’ And this little girl began to sing along, every word, every note – a song she could have never heard while growing up in a rural church without a choir. When her mother asked, ‘How do you know that song?’ the little girl replied, ‘Mommy, they were singing it in heaven.’ “Wow – my music is in heaven … or was it there first? Perhaps I’m not so much a composer as a conduit for heaven’s songs. Someday, we will all be singing around the throne and we will know that the source of every good and perfect gift is the Creator of heaven and earth, and all the glory is due to God alone.” Mary McDonald will open the 2017 “Music for a Sunday Afternoon” concert series at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 21, at First Farragut United Methodist Church, 12733 Kingston Pike. The concert and following reception are free. Info: 865-966-8430 or email

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A-8 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news

News from Office of Register of Deeds

Property sales steady in April By Sherry Witt

The first full month of spring was somewhat lack luster for local real estate and lending markets. The month ending on F r id ay, Sherry Witt April 28, produced 1,029 property sales in Knox County, down from 1,138 in March and 84 short of the total recorded during April 2016. While the number of transfers lagged, the aggregate value of property sold during the month held remarkably steady at $240.9 million – nearly identical to both March and last April’s figures. In March, the total real estate sold in Knox County was $240.1 million, while April 2016 produced $240.8 million in transfers. Mortgage lending experienced a slight dip in April as $295 million was borrowed

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against real property in the county, which was just short of the March figure of $300 million. As of the end of the first quarter, lending in 2017 was outpacing 2016 by about $46 million; however, that lead has now evaporated as last month’s total fell more than $50 million short of April 2016. The most notable real estate sale of the month was the purchase of the Black Oak Apartments complex on Maynardville Highway in Halls. The total price for the transfer was just over $5.5 million. The largest mortgage loan filed was a construction Deed of Trust in the amount of $22.1 million financing a development known as Waterstone at Hardin Valley. Thus far it has been difficult to discover a trend in the markets in 2017. Real estate sales continue to run about $100 million ahead of last year’s pace, but have been somewhat inconsistent from month to month. Mortgage lending got off to a great start but now appears to be on the decline.

VBS ■■ Buffat Heights Baptist Church, 2800 Mill Road, 6-8:45 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, June 4-8. Ages 4 years through sixth grade. Theme: Operation Arctic VBS, “Exploring the coolest book on the planet.” Info/preregistration:

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FARRAGUT BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN AGENDA May 11, 2017 BUDGET WORKSHOP GRANT APPLICATION POLICY REVIEW 5:30 PM BMA MEETING 7:00 PM • Silent Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call • Approval of Agenda • Mayor’s Report - A. Farragut Freedom Run - B.Education Relations Committee • Citizens Forum • Approval of Minutes - April 27, 2017 • Business Items - Approval of Event Application for the Knoxville Track Club’s Farragut 13.1 Half-Marathon/5K Kids Run - Approval of Contract 2017-10, Strategic Planning Services • Town Administrator’s Report • Town Attorney’s Report

11408 MUNICIPAL CENTER DRIVE | FARRAGUT, TN 37934 865.966.7057 | WWW.TOWNOFFARRAGUT.ORG It is the policy of the Town of Farragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 93-112 and 101-336 in its hiring, employment practices and programs. To request accommodations due to disabilities, please call 865-966-7057 in advance of the meeting.


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Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • A-9

The ultimate Transformer Humans are obsessed with change. The concept of one object or person transforming into something radically different is a fascinating one. I think it’s the reason why as a kid I was so fascinated by toys like Transformers because there was just something about seeing a little car turn into a giant fighting robot that seemed really cool. In the same way, I think that’s why many people enjoy makeover television shows because the person the audience meets at the beginning of the program is not the same one we see an hour later, at least not on the outside. Perhaps we’re drawn to things that change because in reality it seems that we have accepted the fact that most people or things just stay the same. I dare to say that many of us probably don’t believe that real DW Designs owners Dawn and Don Wilson recently hosted a grand opening at their new loca- change is even possible. tion, 145 West End Avenue in Farragut. The store carries an apparel line featuring Tennessee People are who they are and pride themed slogans and artwork. Guitarist Britt Clinton entertained the crowd with help from that’s it. But that’s not the Tinsley, his 6-year-old daughter. A City of Knoxville police officer, Clinton came out to support way God sees it. the Wilsons and have some fun with friends and family. Photo by Margie Hagen One of the beautiful

Grand opening for new DW Designs

AREA FARMERS MARKETS ■■ Dixie Lee Farmers Market, Renaissance|Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Hours: 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays through Oct. 28. Info:; on Facebook. ■■ Ebenezer Road Farmers Market, Ebenezer UMC, 1001 Ebenezer Road. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays through late November. Info:; on Facebook. ■■ Gatlinburg Farmers Market, Great Smoky Arts and Craft Community at the Covered Bridge (849 Glades Road), 8:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 13-Oct. 8. Info: ■■ Lakeshore Park Farmers Market, 5908 Lyons View Pike. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Fridays through late November. Info: ■■ Market Square Farmers Market, 60

Market Square. Hours: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays through Nov. 18. Info: marketsquare

Saturdays, June 3-Oct. 14. Info: on Facebook.

■■ Maryville Farmers Market: Broadway, Founder’s Square, Founder’s Lot near CBBC Bank. Hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Saturdays through mid-November. ■■ Maryville Farmers Market: New Providence Presbyterian Church, 703 W. Broadway. Hours: 3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, June 7 through August. ■■ New Harvest Park Farmers Market, 4700 New Harvest Park Lane. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Thursdays through November. Info:; on Facebook.

■■ “Shopping at the Farm” Farmers Market, Marble Springs, 1220 W. Governor John Sevier Highway. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Thursdays, May 18-Sept. 21. Info: ■■ Union County Farmers Market, Wilson Park. Hours: 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays. Special events held each second Saturday. Info: Facebook. ■■ UT Farmers Market, UT Gardens, 2518 Jacob Drive. Hours: 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays through October.


■■ Oak Ridge Farmers Market, Historic Jackson Square. Hours: 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays; additional hours 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays beginning June 7. Open through late November. Info:

■■ Thursday, May 18, 8-9:30 a.m., networking: Tennessee Strategies, location to be determined.

■■ Seymour Farmers Market, lower parking lot of Seymour First Baptist Church, 11621 Chapman Highway. Hours: 8 a.m.-noon

■■ Thursday, May 25, 8-9:30 a.m., networking: Rural Metro, location to be determined.

Matthew Best

things I love about the Lord is the fact that anyone that comes into contact with God can’t leave that encounter the same way that he came. God by His very nature is transformative, and He desires so much for His children that He refuses to allow us to remain the same. He wants to mold us, shape us, polish us and use us. And not just for His glory but also because it blesses us in the process. I am so thankful that I’m not the same person I was when God captured my heart in a very real way as a freshman at the University of Tennessee in the fall of 2007. And I’m also grateful I’m not the same person I was last week. The change that occurs in your life as a follower of Jesus is continual, thorough, and even hard

at times, but always worthwhile. So I invite you to reflect on the ways you have changed in the past few years, whether they be good or bad. What were the lessons the Lord taught you to shape you into a person who looks more like Him? Or what were the hard things you tried to avoid that left you hurting and disappointed? Just think about what He may be calling you to deal with now. I find it to be a blessing that we always have room to grow in our lives. How boring would it be if we ever perfected everything? But it’s doubly encouraging to me that we’re not left on our own to do the fixing, learning, and maturing. God is the greatest agent of change there is. And molding us to be the best version of us always has been and always will be a priority for Him. Matthew Best is an ordained elder at Children of God Ministries in Knoxville, and he works for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Tennessee. You can find more of Matthew’s work and support his ministry at

Credit union boosts museum The Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union, Turkey Creek location, was recognized recently for being the Farragut Museum’s first Corporate Friend. The museum’s Corporate Friend program was established in March. Benefits of membership include a public listing at the museum, recognition in museum newsletters and the Farragut Museum Annual Report, and a listing as a Charter Corporate Friend in Museum Friends’ program advertisements. The not-for-profit Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union was established in 1934, and now serves anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in

Blount, Hamblen, Jefferson, Knox, Loudon, Roane, Sevier and Sullivan counties, as well as Johnson City. For more information on Friends of the Farragut Museum and the Museum’s Corporate Friend program, visit museum or contact Julia Barham at 218-3377.

BIZ NOTE ■■ Free MS Word 2013 class, 8:30 a.m.-noon Tuesday and Thursday, May 16 and 18, Knoxville Area Urban League, 1514 E. Fifth Ave. Small class, personal attention. Certificate from Pellissippi State upon completion. Registration required. Info/registration: Bill, Gladys or Jackie, 865-524-5511.

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A-10 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news

UT official gets $80,000 raise Ryan Robinson, the new vice chancellor for communications for UT Chancellor Beverly Davenport, receives a significant pay boost moving from assistant spokesman for the Athletics Department to the Chancellor’s office on May 17. He jumps $80,000 from his current $145,000 a year to $225,000. This is more than double what the communications directors for Knoxville and Knox County make. It far exceeds the going rate for media people in the East Tennessee area. Why is UT doing this? The answer will be it is consistent with comparable positions in other universities. Many do not agree with that argument. ■■ Knoxville lost

Victor Ashe

an outstanding police officer recently when Deputy Police Chief Rudy Bradley died. For 35 years, he was an effective, loyal and dedicated officer. He made Knoxville safer and had the respect of the men and women of the Knoxville Police Department. He was a policeman’s policeman. ■■ Former City Council member Raleigh Wynn Sr. died April 30 at age 93. He served briefly on City Council following the death of council member Danny

Mayfield until Mark Brown was elected to the seat. ■■ County Commission Chair David Wright was in Nashville May 1 visiting House Speaker Beth Harwell, Gov. Bill Haslam and State Rep. Harry Brooks, who is retiring. He sat on the House floor during the session. Wright is a likely candidate next year. Wright said Haslam was “supportive” of his possible candidacy during a 15-minute meeting last week. While Wright has not officially announced, this trip is a very strong indication he is running. Wright said he would wait until his term as chair of commission expires in August before making it official.

Wright’s term on County Commission runs to Aug. 31, 2020. If elected, Wright would resign his commission seat in November or December 2018 and commission would choose his successor, who would serve without election until August 2020. Wright is actually one year older than Brooks, who has served 15 years. Wright turns 72 this September. Brooks is 71 the same month. If elected next year, Wright would be 73, and probably not serve more than six or eight years. Other candidates for the seat may emerge. State Rep. Roger Kane is also leaving the House next year to run for County Court Clerk. ■■ Randy Boyd had a

stellar turnout for his major fundraiser at the Mill & Mine in downtown Knoxville with over 400 raising $1.5 million for the governor’s race. Attendees include U.S. Rep. John Duncan, Knox County Trustee Ed Shouse, Lenoir City Mayor Tony Aikens, UT vice chair Raja Jubran and UT President Joe DiPietro. Boyd has been a very generous supporter of UTK as well as other groups in Knoxville. It is rare for public university presidents to attend political campaign events. Haslam hosted a $1,000-a-person fundraiser last Monday, May 8, at the Governor’s Residence in Nashville for Ed Gillespie, who is a Republican running for governor of Virginia this fall.

■■ Jared Isaacs, son of well known and respected criminal defense attorney Greg Isaacs and Melissa, was elected president of the Webb School student body along with Palmer Bradshaw, son of Charlie and Kim Bradshaw, as vice president. Isaacs is the goalie for the lacrosse team. ■■ Dr. Digby Seymour, local Civil War author and physician, died at 93 in Arizona, where he had been living after retirement. He wrote “Divided Loyalties,” which is considered the book on the Civil War in Knoxville. He was the uncle of well known attorney Arthur Seymour Jr. His late wife, Lois, was active in local GOP politics in the 1960s and 1970s.

An old sport’s got new fight

ing Council (WBC) heavy- it all. That’s why boxing has weight champion. The become captivating again. other belt Joshua lacks, the I seriously can’t hand Not once in my 12-year 20 years. And it should have thought that Tyson was Klitschko in the 11th round World Boxing Organization over my pay-per-view moncareer as sportswriter for yours. some kind of Chosen One of of a reported indelible tit- (WBO) championship, be- ey fast enough. the Knoxville News Sentinel The heavyweight boxing boxing. for-tat championship bout longs to New Zealand’s JoIf the sport stays out of its own way, it will have Wilder did I pen an article about champion used to be someBut when Tyson lost the on April 29. The 6-foot-6, seph Parker. Joshua holds the Inter- and Parker square off, with boxing. body. Remember? He used last of his invincibility in the 250-pound Joshua actuto be a contender – for our late 1990s, boxing deflated a ally comes across in the national Boxing Federation the winner facing Joshua for attention, for our worldwide bit and I lost interest. public eye as a likable fig- (IBF), International Box- all the belts. admiration. Champions like Lennox ure. He wore white gloves, ing Organization (IBO) and But we’ll have to wait and He used to be one of, if Lewis, John Ruiz and Vitali trunks and shoes in the World Boxing Association see what happens next. Jesse After all, there’s a certain not the, most recognizable Klitschko failed to move the fight against Klitschko, as if (WBA) title belts. Smithey sportsman on the planet. needle like their predeces- Joshua was some savior to So who does Joshua fight science to these types of Their names were lost on no sors. the sport. next? When does he fight things. one. My generation, meanWhile that simile of di- next? A sweet science, that is. Ah, that’s the intrigue of And I am glad it’s back. I will never forget how while, gravitated toward vinity was in jest, Joshua I covered high school much I almost idolized Ultimate Fighting and its does have a certain look to him, a budding superstar sports mainly, with some Mike Tyson. My friends and street-fight-like feel. Boxing returned a couple quality to his style and pergolf and Tennessee athletics I gawked at every one of The City of Knoxville and the Metropolitan Planning sprinkled in here and there. his knockouts. Nintendo’s of weekends ago, however, son. “Mike Tyson’s Punchout” unbeknownst to me and Still, he lacks two belts Commission (MPC) have launched a website for Recode But never boxing. to be the unanimous heavy- Knoxville, the project to update the city’s zoning code. Not an amateur Golden video game escalated his probably you. abilities and reputation to Twitter, as you would weight champion. And one The website – – will include Gloves story. Not even a local profes- such unrealistic levels that expect, gave me the wake- of those belts belongs to an general information and frequently asked questions. even Sylvester Stallone up call and even had video American. The first community meeting for the zoning code upsional boxing angle. I’m reeling you in back to date is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, at 6 p.m. at Central So this is a definite first couldn’t fathom. On that highlights. game, one punch from TyI marveled as Anthony boxing now, aren’t I? United Methodist Church, 201 Third Ave. Attendees will for me. Seasoned American have an opportunity to learn about the update and general The reason for the debut: son to the face sent you flail- Joshua, a 27-year-old undefeated (19-0-0) English- fighter Deontay Wilder zoning information by speaking one-on-one with MPC and Heavyweight boxing has my ing to the canvas. So naturally, we all man, took care of Wladimir (38-0) is the World Box- city staff. attention for the first time in

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Bearden Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • A-11

News from Paradigm Wealth Partners

What could you do with your tax refund? Instead of just spending the money, you could plan to pay yourself

Provided by Paradigm Wealth Partners

About 70% of taxpayers receive sizable refunds from the Internal Revenue Service. Just how sizable? The average refund totals about $2,800.1

What do households do with that money? It varies. Last year, con-

sumer financial services company Bankrate asked Americans about their plans for their federal tax refunds. Thirty-one percent of the respondents to Bankrate’s survey said that they would save or invest those dollars, and 28% indicated they would attack their debts with the money. Another 27% said they would buy food with that cash or use it to pay utility bills. Just 6% said they would earmark their refunds for shopping sprees or vacations. 2 So, according to those survey results, about six in 10 people who get a refund will use it to try and improve their personal finances. You could follow their example.

Do you have an adequate emergency fund? If not, maybe you could

strengthen it with your refund. If you have no such fund at all, your refund gives you an opportunity to create one.

You might use your refund to pay off your worst debts. High-interest

debts, in particular – if you pay off a debt that carries 16% interest, getting rid of that liability is, effectively, like getting a 16% return. If you lack an emergency fund, you should create that first, then think about reducing your debt. Paying debt down without an emergency fund or some reservoir of savings just sets you up for quickly accumulating more debt.

If you own a home, you may want to consider making a 13th mortgage payment before 2017 ends. Putting your refund to work that way may make more sense financially than putting it in the bank, given the minimal interest rates on so many deposit accounts today.

What Could You Do With Your

Tax Refund?

You could pay insurance premiums with the funds. An

IRS refund of around $3,000 could go a long way. If you have put off buying a term or permanent life policy, your refund might make insuring yourself easier.

Could you invest the money the IRS returns to you? You could increase

(or max out) your annual retirement plan contribution with it or simply direct it into another type of investment account. Whether the savings or investment vehicle is tax-advantaged or not, you have a chance to make that lump sum grow with time. Aside from investing in equities or debt instruments, you could take your refund and invest in yourself. Maybe you might use it to start a business or support a business you already own. It could also be spent on education. Think of these options as “indirect investments” that might help you or your household grow wealthier one day.


Lastly, remember what a federal or state tax refund represents. It is

a percentage of your earnings that the government holds back, in the event that you owe it in taxes. If you repeatedly get a refund, you might want to carefully adjust your W-4

withholding, so that your paychecks are larger during the year.3 Jonathan P. Bednar II may be reached at 865-251-0808 or JonathanBednar@ParadigmWealthPartners. com.

This material was prepared by MarketingPro, Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note - investing involves risk, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage the services of a competent professional. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product or service, and should not be relied upon as such. All indices are unmanaged and are not illustrative of any particular investment. Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Paradigm Wealth Partners, a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial. Citations. 1 - [1/21/17] 2 - [4/8/16] 3 - html [2/9/17]

A-12 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news

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May 10, 2017

HealtH & lifestyles News From Fort saNders regioNal medical ceNter

A wise choice

New parents are grateful for team approach at Fort Sanders Regional Wesley Minton sat in the waiting room at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center wondering if he would go home as part of a family, as a single parent, or all alone. His wife was 36 weeks pregnant, hospitalized, and unconscious following a seizure. There was nothing he could do but wait and pray.

Thanks to the teamwork between Fort Sanders Regional and East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, the entire Minton family is happy and healthy.

Making a choice When Wesley and Emily Minton decided to start a family, there were plenty of great hospital choices for the delivery of their first baby. Emily, who is a nurse practitioner, says the partnership between Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and East Tennessee Children’s Hospital was a major factor in the decision-making process. The two hospitals are located next door to each other and connected by a tunnel, so pediatric specialists have the fastest access to the littlest of patients. The Mintons’ hospital choice turned out to be more important than they ever could have imagined when Emily was airlifted to Fort Sanders Regional from their home in Claiborne County on a Saturday night in October.

An unexpected emergency Wesley says he walked into their bathroom to find Emily sick, suffering a seizure caused by eclampsia, a life-threatening condition brought on by high blood pressure. He held her close and called her name repeatedly, but instead of responding she began to go into another seizure that was even worse, driving her whole body into convulsions. He called 911 and an ambulance quickly arrived, but before it could leave the driveway Emily was overtaken by a third seizure, and paramedics determined she needed to be flown to Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center for immediate care. Her blood pressure was 262 over 175. “I knew the severity of the situaCurtis Elam, MD tion,” Wesley says. “I was just hoping

one or both of them would make it.” Obstetrician Curtis Elam, MD, was on call and waiting when the helicopter landed. Dr. Elam carefully explained to Wesley and extended family members what was happening and reassured the father-to-be that Emily was being well cared for. “He told me that the baby was alive, and they had to do some extensive tests on Emily,” Wesley says. “She was in very critical condition and they had to get her stabilized.” There was an MRI, more medication was administered to bring Emily’s blood pressure down, and preparations were made for an emergency C-section. Wesley was re-

A special partnership Emily Minton had worked at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital as a nurse and nurse practitioner, so she had firsthand knowledge of the partnership between Fort Sanders Regional and East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. The two facilities have an open door policy, so there’s nothing to slow down the effort to provide immediate, specialized care to newborns who need it. When the decision was made to perform Emily’s emergency C-section, a team from Children’s quickly assembled and moved through the tunnel connecting the two hospitals, standing nearby as the procedure was performed at Fort Sanders Regional. Baby Amelia was immediately assessed by pediatric specialists and whisked away through the tunnel to the neonatal intensive care unit at Children’s.

While medical staff at Fort Sanders worked to stabilize Emily’s blood pressure, Wesley Minton was able to see his newborn daughter without traveling too far from where his wife was being treated. Later, the day after Amelia was born, Emily was able to travel the short distance indoors through the tunnel to meet her baby. “The whole team was extremely compassionate, and very attentive to our needs the whole time we were there,” Wesley says. “We couldn’t ask for a group of people to be any better to us.” Emily agrees, saying she would definitely choose the Fort Sanders Regional and Children’s teams, if she had to do it all over again. To learn more about labor and delivery at Fort Sanders Regional, visit www.fsregional. com, and click the Services tab.

lieved when he learned his daughter had been safely delivered. He waited and prayed for his wife, who still lay unconscious in a hospital bed. Friends and relatives sat with him in the waiting room as the minutes and hours crept by. There were also private moments when he waited at his wife’s bedside in the intensive care unit. Emily’s blood pressure began to lower, and she was eventually removed from a ventilator. Shortly afterward, she opened her eyes. “I knew I was in a hospital,” Emily says, “but I had no idea what had happened.” She was also aware that she was no longer pregnant, so the first question she asked was about her baby. She was flooded with relief to hear that her child was safe and sound on the other side of the tunnel, just across the street at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. The mother and daughter had to remain hospitalized for a time, but while Emily was still a patient at Fort Sanders Regional, she was able to travel through the tunnel to hold her baby. Little Amelia stayed under the watchful care of Children’s Hospital for about a week, and then the Mintons were finally able to start life as a family together at home. Wesley says that through the care of doctors, nurses and specialists, his family has experienced a miracle. “Dr. Elam has a special place in our hearts,” he says. “And the team at Fort Sanders and Children’s went over and above in how accommodating they were. We’re so grateful and thankful and couldn’t have asked for anyone better than Dr. Elam and the whole staff at Fort Sanders Regional and Children’s.”

National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Progam recognizes Fort Sanders Regional FSRMC was recently recognized by the National safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program for its commitment to best practices and education on infant safe sleep. The National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was created by Cribs for Kids®, a Pittsburghbased organization dedicated to preventing infant sleep-related deaths due to accidental suffocation. In addition to being Cribs for Kids® partners, Fort Sanders Regional was recognized for following the safe sleep guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and providing training programs for parents and hospital staff. “Sleep-Related Death (SRD) results in the loss of more than 3,500 infants every year in the U.S.,” said Michael H. Goodstein, M.D., neonatologist and medical director of research at Cribs

for Kids®. “We know that consistent education can have a profound effect on infant mortality, and this program is designed to encourage safe sleep education and to recognize those hospitals that are taking an active role in reducing these preventable deaths.” FSR Director of Women’s Services Cathy Fry recognizes the importance of community education in preventable deaths. “The nursery begins the discussion upon a baby’s admission and continues their education throughout the stay, prompting new parents to continue these practices when they go home.” For more information on the Cribs for Kids® National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification program visit www.cribsforkids. org/safesleephospitalcertification/. For more information about women’s services at Fort Sanders Regional, visit womens-services.

Happy Mother’s Day

B-2 • May 10, 2017 • Shopper news


Automobiles for Sale

Farm Products





DRIVERS - , CDL-A: Excellent Medical Benefits. Great Family Home Time. Bonuses. Rider Program. No-Touch. Drive Newer Equipment. 1yr exp. call: 855-842-8498

HONDA FIT - 2012. Raspberry Blue color, in excellent condition. One driver and fully service maintained. NO wrecks. 36,005 mi., $9,500. (865)414-8928.

2013 MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS - Silver immac. cond. sunroof, drive assist, nav. and back up camera. Sticker price $57,475. Asking $19,300. Call (865)588-6250 M-F 8am-5pm.

2007 SYLVAN 22’ Pontoon, 115 HP Yamaha, full zip up canvas enclosure, loc. on Douglas Lake, $19,000 obo. (513) 543-9159.

4 Wheel Drive Chev Silverado LTZ 2015, loaded, leather, 4 dr, 54K mi, $26,500. (423) 295-5393. FORD BRONCO II - 1990, needs some work, $3,800. Call 865-579-6718 after 6pm. Jeep Liberty Limited 2002, 4x4, prem. pkg., great cond., new battery/radiator, very clean, $4200. 865-933-6802


Can fix, repair or install anything around the house! Appliances, ceramic tile, decks, drywall, fencing, electrical, garage doors, hardwoods, irrigation, crawlspace moisture, mold & odor control, landscape, masonry, painting, plumbing. Any Remodeling Needs you wish to have done or completed!

IMMACULATE CHAPPARAL 1996 SUPERSPORT 1830 W/trailer, Mercruiser 4.3 LX 160 hp I/O, ext. hull.

ONE OWNER $8,000


865-675-3656 865 405-3513

Retired Vet. looking to keep busy.

Call (865)281-8080

Home Maint./Repair Campers & RV’s


1999 ALLEGRO BUS, 35’, 275 HP, Cat diesel pusher, exc. cond. Non-smoker. No pets. $31,900. Photos online. 865-984-4786.

2013 ACURA RDX - Loaded. Like New. 44k miles. $18,900 (423)-295-5393

2002 DOLPHIN 34’ CLASS A motor home, very low mi, Work Horse chassis w/502 GMC eng., 2 slides, auto satellite TV, Michelin tires, is a beautiful RV. Ready to go to the mountains or cross country. $27,000. Pics available. (865)805-8038

MAZDA TRIBUTE SUV 2004. High Miles but excellent cond. Original Owner. $ 4,200. (865)717-7010.

Trucks ‘05 FORD F-250 - King Rancher 4 dr. 8’ bed, Diesel 98k mi. 1 owner call or text 865-654-7980.

2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO - Second owner. Super nice. 4.8 V8 automatic. 25K miles. Extended cab 4 door. $19,995 (865)-992-4488.


HONDA ODYSSEY EXL 2015, leather, DVD, loaded, 32K mi, $25,900. (423)295-5393.

Vehicles Wanted

FAST $$ CASH $$ 4 JUNK AUTOS 865-216-5052 865-856-8106

Livestock & Supplies

BUYING OLD US COINS 90% silver, halves, quarters & dimes, old silver dollars, proof sets, silver & gold eagles, krands & maple leafs, class rings, wedding bands, anything 10, 14, & 18k gold old currency before 1928 WEST SIDE COINS & COLLECTIBLES 7004 KINGSTON PK CALL 584-8070

Lawn & Garden


2012 JOHN DEERE X300 LAWN TRACTOR - $2500-see classifieds for details/options (865)337-1140


2012 JOHN DEERE X320 LAWN TRACTOR - $2850 see knoxnews. com classifieds online for details (865)337-1140

AUSSIDOODLE minis, 2 males left, 9 wks, beautiful little teddy bears, S&W, $1000. 865-227-3723

Med Equip & Supplies

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD puppies. 2 black & white tri males, 7 weeks, S&W, $250 ea. 865-690-1623

HOSPITAL BED W/BRACKETS WALKER, potty chair & cane. NEW: Call Jim (865)250-2639

Collie (Lassie) puppies, 8 wks, AKC reg, vet ckd, S&W, ready to go, $650. (865)992-7418; (951)357-3095 text

Toys & Games

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC, West German bldlns, 7 M, 3 F, vet ck’d. health guar. $700. 865-322-6251.

Sit & Spin & Plastic Wagon, Both $5. (865)687-6457

GREYHOUND ADOPTION PetSmart, Morrell Rd., Sat, May 13th 12-2pm, www.greyhoundrescue. org. 865-690-0009 or 865-539-9942.


Farmer’s Mkt/ Trading Post Farm Buildings


Millen Garage Builders 865-679-5330

Real Estate Rentals Apartments - Furnished WALBROOK STUDIOS 865-251-3607 $145 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lease.

Apartments - Unfurn.

1,2,3 BR



*Pools, Laundries, Appl. *5 min. to UT & airport BEST DEAL OUT WEST! 1BR from $395-$425. 2BR $550-$750. No pets. Parking @ front door. (865)470-8686.



Many different breeds Maltese, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, Poodles, Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, Shih Tzu. Shots & wormed. We do layaways. Health guar. Go to Facebook, Judys Puppy Nursery Updates. 423-566-3647



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We make loans up to $1000. We do credit starter & rebuilder loans. Call today, 30 minute approvals. See manager for details. 865-687-3228

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Action Ads

Residential & Commercial Interior & Exterior Pressure Washing & Staining Rotten wood replacement Trim Carpentry. Decks Custom Closets Affordable Rates and Quality Workmanship Lic. & Insured, Free Estimates 865-254-8606

EDGEWATER NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE. Off Canton Hollow, near Woody. Sat May 13th, 8am-1pm.

2015 HARLEY DAVIDSON - Dyna Glide, 2600 mi. Excellent condition. $10,825. Call/Text (865)250-6584.

Buy & Sell fast!




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Will clean front & back, $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed.

Garage Sales

SAVE $$$$$$


Services Offered


Sport Utility Vehicles

HONDA PILOT Touring 2015, leather, DVD, loaded, 38K mi, $24,500. (423)295-5393.

General Services

BMW X1 2013, white, AWD, 4 dr, roof rack, xDrive35i, exc cond., no accidents, $18,500. (865) 805-2077. VW Beetle 2012, loaded, AT, navigation, moonroof, 24K mi, mint cond. $10,500obo (865)405-7859.


BLACK BULLS &HEIFERS Call (865) 856-3947

Sports and Imports 04 ISUZU ASCENDER - runs but needs work $1500 Call Ed (865)312-9221.




RARE FIND! Near Mint ! 10 pc 1920’s antique DR set w/4 table leaves & custom table pads, set incl. table & 6 chairs, china cabinet, server, & 7’ buffet. $7800. Serious inquiries only, (865) 556-1329

Real Estate Sales

PINNACLE PARK APTS. Downtown Knoxville Open every Saturday from 12-4pm. Please call 865-523-9303 for info.

Townhouse/Villas Unfurn HALLS TOWNHOUSE - 4507 McCloud Rd, 2BR, 1.5BA, $600 Dep, $650 per month. NO PETS (865) 254-9552

Real Estate Commercial

Cemetery Lots

Manufactured Homes

Lots & Acreage/Sale

HISTORIC GREENWOOD CEMETERY DOGWOOD SECTION. Double deck lawn crypt. $3300. (865)-688-6136


2.26 ACRES, vacant land. 4400 Whittle Springs Rd. Zoned O1. $185,000. (865)544-1717

1990 up, any size OK 865-384-5643

ACTION ADS 922-4136

Moth er’s D a y Sund ay, M ay 1 4

Shopper news • May 10, 2017 • B-3

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS LeConte Medical Center Logan and Bradley Cantwell, Sevierville, a boy, Dresden Michael Lynn Skye Johnson, DelRio, a girl, Courtney Michelle Kendal and Justin Manning, Sevierville, a boy, Gatlin McAlister Amber Hiles and Lucas Stanley, Jefferson City, a boy, Blake Elijah Cierra Posey and Christopher Cain, Sevierville, a boy, Maverick Anthony Strom De Noia and Cody Hall, Sevierville, a boy, Xavier Lee Thomas Amanda Torres and Zachary Morris, Dandridge, a girl, Kamara Mackenzie Sarah Manis and Ryan Day, Knoxville, a girl, Kenley Nicole Samantha Boykin and William Sanderlin, Newport, a girl, Oaklynn Grace Misty and Owen Caudill, Dandridge, a boy, Jackson Ellis June Black, Sevierville, a boy, Jaden Hunter Breana Parker and Jason Thompson, Sevierville, a girl, Aria Lee Holly Holton and Channing Beeler, Thorn Hill, a girl, Harper Faith Derika and Steven May, Seymour, a girl, Tayen Allyse Tiffany and Ronald Tucker, Seymour, a boy, Caleb Matthew Alexis Johnson and Cameron Blevins, Sevierville, a girl, Kinslee Ann Ashley and Clinton Naquin, Sevierville, a boy, Cayson Lee Bethany and Santos Castillo, Sevierville, a girl, Zamyiah TearAraceli Sierra and William Gibson, Seymour, a girl, Ava Grace Tatiana Finashkina and Ronald Bobby III, Kodak, a boy, Noah Russell Jaimie and Chad Owenby, Sevierville, twin boys, Cam Herbert and Wyatt Keith Casey Podsobinski and Dakota Miller, a Sevierville, a boy, Braxton Chase

Ashley and Alex Valentine, Seymour, a boy, Vincent Dean Krystyn and Logan Kelly, Sevierville, a boy, Dallas Blake Jessica and Michael Young, Sevierville, a boy, Mason Michael Kathryn Rumph, Pigeon Forge, a boy, Jonathan David Candice and Brandon Houser, Sevierville, a girl, Emberlee Rayna Sydney and Samuel Kiss, Sevierville, a boy, Sebastian Samuel

Helen Ochoa and Marion Guerrero, Sevierville, a girl, Itati Isabela Christina Cortes and Jorge Mercado, Knoxville, a girl, Camila Michelle Chloe King and Daniel Parris Jr., Sevierville, a boy, Leelan Kane Ashley and Christopher Brackins, Sevierville, a boy, Carson Len Kristina and Elmer Rolen, Sevierville, a girl, Raelynn Faith Amber and Allen Keaton, Sevierville, a boy, Liam Derek

Sarah Slone and Nick Hall, Dandridge, a girl, Averie Renee

Mykenzie Hines and Hunter Ray, Dandridge, a boy, Chancler David

Gabriell McCarter and Jeffery Johnson Jr., Strawberry Plains, a boy, Zachary Braydon

UT Medical Center

Alexis Bohanan and Nickolas Cline, Sevierville, a girl, Emma Nichole-Lee Kiara and Justin Loveday, Sevierville, a boy, Alden Ray Erica Wyrick and Christopher Coggins, Sevierville, a boy, Jaxon Avery Paul Candace and Joshua Hughey, Sevierville, a girl, Allison Belle Victoria Brown, Kodak, a girl, Aspen Ruth Courtney Dunlap and Alex Norton, Morristown, a boy, Bentley Tyler Tiffany Ogle and Brian Parton, Sevierville, a boy, Kaison Clay

Josh and Katie Bailey, Knoxville, a girl, Emilia Dae Brent and Laura Christian, Knoxville, a girl, Scarlett Elise Melinda Cook, Kodak, twins, Cristian Miguel and Alyvia Rose Jason and Heather Draime, Knoxville, a boy, Mason Callis Brandon Burton and Caitlin Garrison, Powell, a girl, Braylin Cheryl Burton Philip Wilmoth and Chelsey Mealer, Louisville, a boy, Isaiah Lucas Wilmoth Nicholas Cox and Rachel Johnson, Knoxville, a girl, Lennon Grace Cox

Jordan and Christina Tallent, Knoxville, a girl, Jovi Liara

Devin and Ashley Davis, Harriman, a boy, Witten Jack

Charles and Heather Romans, Maryville, a boy, John Asher

Biran Graham and Michelle Webb, Knoxville, a girl, Lincoln River Graham

Jonathon and Rhiannon Dulcy, Jefferson City, a girl, Johanna Rayne Candice Tatum, Somerville, a girl, Sofía Violeta Jessica Dudley, Talbot, a girl, Ayla Janae Jaleel Lewis and J’Sharra Carter, Knoxville, a boy, Jaleel Douglas Lewis Jr. Johnny Sumner and Dianna Dunham, Huntsville, twins, Jaxton Kody Jerome and Jayde Rae Marie Sumner Justan Spurling and Katie Morrison, Sunbright, a boy, John Ryker Spurling William and Jessica Herndon, Oak Ridge, a girl, Aria Rayne Timothy Qualls and Haley Tate, Mascot, a boy, Liam Ryan Qualls Maria Villafan Mercado, Morristown, a boy, Eidan Villafan Seth Moneypenny and Kailyn Norton, Maryville, a girl, Adelyn Grace Moneypenny Benjamin and Melanie Finch, Seymour, a boy, Benjamin Berkeley Finch Jr.

Alec and Ashlie Jolley, of Rockwood, a girl, Addison Grace

Joshua and Samantha Bahruth, Lenoir City, a boy, Henry Thomas

Casey and Chelsie Johnson, of Tazewell, a boy, Waylon Hunter

Justin Pruitt and April Dye, Knoxville, a boy, Oliver Graham Pruitt

Bryan Ambrose and Tiffany Wood, of Knoxville, a boy, Hayzen Stone

Zachari and Brittany Bilbrey, Rockwood, a boy, Beaux Everitt

Joshua and Chasity Simpson, of Kodak, a boy, Connor Wayne

Fort Sanders

David and Megan Kidd, of Newcomb, a boy, Levi Alton

Daniel and Ashley McInturff, of Rocky Top, a boy, Maddux Paul

Eric and Fowlen Anders, of Jacksboro, a boy, Camden Riley

Kenneth Laning Jr. and Elizabeth Smith, of Knoxville, a boy, Grayson Levi

Dusty and Alicia Burch, of Dandridge, a girl, Zoey Fayne

Dustin and Lauren Widner, of Knoxville, a boy, Denver Wayne William Davis and Amber Adkins, of Kodak, a boy, William Zaylen Ray Tyler and Sasha Foust, of Knoxville, a girl, Elle James Jerrimi and Brittany Van Horn Jr., of Knoxville, a girl, Macie Grace Kris and Michelle Robbins, of Knoxville, a boy, Ayden Alan Osias

Austin and Rebecca Bilbrey, Knoxville, a boy, Cameron Scott

Casey and Emily Travis, of Powell, a boy and a girl, Mason Cash and Maely Raine

Justin and Tessa Ross, Athens, a girl, Ruby Aurora

Michael and Jennifer Martinez, of Knoxville, a boy, Elijah Thomas

Adrienne and Robert Walker III, Sevierville, a boy, Landon Marshall

Jonathan Martinez and Tessa Jackson, of Harriman, a boy, Mika Liam

Steven Hollingshead Jr. and Anna Rice, of Knoxville, a girl, Addison Anne Marie Jon and Caroline Milford II, of Knoxville, a boy, David Hayes Dustin Powell and Ashley Garrett-Powell, of Maynardville, a girl, Ezmay Pearl Joseph and Jennifer Ellenburg, of Knoxville, a girl, Mary Michael Shannon and Lisa Meade, of Knoxville, a girl, Chelsea Noelle Tamira Stennis, of Knoxville, a boy, Zachariah Da’Kori

Alesia Hatcher and Anthony Tumbarello Jr., Sevierville, a girl, Kinley Blake Marisela Campechano and Loami De La Cruz, Pigeon Forge, a girl, Julianny Madison And David Williams, Cosby, a girl, Payton Ryleigh Christy Walker and Bradley Roudabush, Sevierville, a girl, Jasmine Rayen Morgan Ownby and Isaac Crowe, Sevierville, Reagan Isaiah Lane Chelsea and Christian Chudley, Morristown, a boy, Cayson Matthew Phillip Samay Galeona and Jeiryn Villalobos, Sevierville,a boy, Thiago Alessandro

MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED ■■ Kimberly Anne Ayers, 47, Lenoir City, and Erin Annette O’Connor, 43, Lenoir City ■■ Lindsey Marie Barnhill, 32, Knoxville, and Morgan Daniel Pope, 28, Knoxville ■■ Joshua Stewart Beale, 31, Farragut, and Janna Lee Allison, 32, Knoxville ■■ Adam Blaine Black, 31, Knoxville, and Erica Corbin Ehlert, 27, Knoxville ■■ Vanya Michelle Brawner, 44, Knoxville, and Marvin Eldridge Rucker, 49, Knoxville ■■ Thomas Lee Caldwell Jr., 36, Knoxville, and Christina Renee Gilliland, 31, Knoxville ■■ Dezirae Michelle Carel, 22, Powell, and Justin Thomas Jarnigan, 23, Powell ■■ Wesley Campbell Carter, 31, Knoxville, and Kellie Ann McDonald, 26, Knoxville ■■ Courtney Renee Cassell, 27, Farragut, and Eric Duncan Kestner, 34, Knoxville ■■ Richard William Clark Iv, 27, Knoxville, and Genoa Rose Wolford-Bowling, 24, Knoxville

■■ Adam Benjamin Eagle, 36, Farragut, and Emily Elizabeth Steinert Smith, 34, Farragut ■■ Summer Denise Elam, 20, Knoxville, and Joshua Aaron Woody, 23, Knoxville ■■ John Scott Ethridge, 57, Knoxville, and Donna Leigh Cates Brewer, 50, Knoxville ■■ Daniel Kai Frazier, 23, Oak Ridge, and Courtney Deanna Chamberlain, 20, Oak Ridge

■■ Jennifer Ann Graham, 27, Portland, Ore., and John Andrew Burnette, 29, Portland ■■ Cody Wayne Graves, 21, Oak Ridge, and Carolena Anne Pridemore, 21, Oak Ridge ■■ Ashley Leann Greene, 30, Knoxville, and James Clayton Cardwell, 32, Knoxville ■■ Rhiannon Marie Hawkins, 21, Knoxville, and Brady Lee Nelson, 21, Knoxville ■■ Jaclyn Krystal Hayashi, 27, Spring Hill, and Michael Andrew Yacko, 33, Spring Hill ■■ Kristen Marie Hayes, 26, Knoxville, and Daniel Paul Hubbell, 28, Knoxville

■■ Hayden Everett Cochran, 25, Knoxville, and Ashley Marie Brooks Brooks, 25, Knoxville

■■ Michael Paul Heslin, 26, Gallatin, and Kayla McCall Harrison, 22, Knoxville

■■ Samantha Mikael Collins, 20, Powell, and Luis Gerardo Limon-Vargas, 21, Powell

■■ Anne Mary Hulse, 36, Knoxville, and Nourredine Housseini Abdoulmoumine, 34, Knoxville

■■ Gary Wade Conard, 62, Knoxville, and Kimberly Michelle Tallent, 46, Knoxville

■■ Kati Bethann Hurley, 28, Knoxville, and William Dewayne Craft, 39, Knoxville

■■ Steven Alan Coope, 30, Knoxville, and Lascottsha Shana Ervin, 24, Knoxville

■■ Ashley Joye Jones, 27, Knoxville, and Christopher Michael Howard, 33, Knoxville

■■ Timothy James Diedrich, 32, Corryton, and Lindsey Marie Hudson, 29, Corryton ■■ Taylor William Doster, 22, Powell, and Terah Mischel Nicely, 23, Powell ■■ Hayden Dakota Duncan, 20, Greenback, and Debbie Michelle Buchanan Crisp, 35, Greenback

Ruth White

■■ Kasey Allen Gourley, 27, Atlanta , and Courtney Erin Bowditch, 25, Atlanta

■■ Britt Dylan Cobb, 21, Knoxville, and Samantha Lilly Welch, 25, Knoxville

■■ Audrey Claire Jezanna Coppock-Seal, 24, Strawberry Plains, and Stephen Samuel Horton, 32, Luttrell

Picture of the week

The beautiful blue sky dotted with a few puffy white clouds behind the Ferris wheel at The Island at Pigeon Forge speaks of summer fun ahead. Summer is a great time to explore East Tennessee and enjoy the great outdoors. Photo by

■■ Katharina Denise Kendall, 29, Champaign, Ill., and Matthew Lance Niemiller, 37, Champaign ■■ Patsy Leavern Lane, 61, Strawberry Plains, and William Russell Johnson, 60, Strawberry Plains ■■ David Cresswell Lay, 29, Knoxville, and Britney Shea Weaver, 29, Knoxville ■■ Robin Elizabeth Leasure, 36, Knoxville, and Jeremy Matthew Ellison, 37, Knoxville

■■ Robert Charles Mallery, 34, Knoxville, and Charles Edward Adams, 37, Knoxville

■■ Angela Ecatrina Munasque, 32, New York, N.Y., and Jarryd Ray Werts, 31, New York, N.Y.

■■ Travis Allen Richmond, 40, Knoxville, and Carissa Amber Theobald, 31, Surgoinsville

■■ Shane Martin Spurling, 22, Knoxville, and Savannah Jean Kirby, 23, Jefferson City

■■ Cody James Martin, 23, Townsend, and Hannah Kendall Livesay, 22, Maryville

■■ Sandra Faye North, 73, Knoxville, and Joseph Lawrence Roubicek, 62, Knoxville

■■ Brandon Kelly Roark, 35, Knoxville, and Traci Diane Perry Norman, 42, Knoxville

■■ Haley Victoria Stagg, 20, Knoxville, and Benjamin Neal Woody, 23, Knoxville

■■ Lucas Cody Matthews, 27, Knoxville, and Rodrigo Valencia, 24, Knoxville

■■ Timothy Nutter, 54, Knoxville, and Kristi Allison Neal Anderson, 56, Knoxville

■■ Rory Andrew Russell, 42, Knoxville, and Angel Lynn Duncan, 45, Knoxville

■■ Allison Jacqueline Thomas, 46, Powell, and Justin Lynn Birchfiel, 42, Powell

■■ Kelly Anne Mayfield, 29, Corryton, and Juan Antonio Serrano, 30, Corryton

■■ Allison Carolee Owens, 25, Knoxville, and Mark Ansel Peacock, 28, Knoxville

■■ Brandi Danielle Rymer, 36, Corryton, and Clifton Richard Rogers, 43, Lenoir City

■■ Julian Tino, 34, Knoxville, and Veronica Juan, 31, Knoxville

■■ Adam Drew McIntosh, 32, Knoxville, and Alix Ann Pfennigwerth, 28, Knoxville

■■ Talya La Nacha Pate, 39, Knoxville, and Eduardo Vega Gonzalez, 23, Knoxville

■■ Patrick Michael Schmidt, 36, Knoxville, and Kristjana Alice Loptson, 32, Knoxville

■■ Johnnetta Tishay McKinney, 24, Hermitage, and Yvanna Virginia Andujar Ulloa, 29, Knoxville

■■ Spencer Clay Phillips, 23, Clinton, and Ana Graciela Lopez Marcano, 23, Blacksburg, Va

■■ David Matthew Schroeder, 25, New Market, and Halee Anne Carey Morgan, 22, Morristown

■■ Angelica Mercedes Tomas Pedro, 22, Knoxville, and Geremias Rafael Francisco Miguel, 26, Knoxville

■■ Michael Carson McWhorter, 30, Knoxville, and Claire Ansley O Kelley, 25, Knoxville

■■ Shelby Nicole Poore, 32, Knoxville, and Evan Lawrence Markel, 36, Knoxville

■■ Rebecca Serena-Michele Sharpe, 30, Knoxville, and Brian Pittman Ott, 31, Knoxville

■■ Steven James Valentine, 36, Mascot, and Lauren Victoria Rhodes, 28, Farragut

■■ Oliver David Mejia, 23, Knoxville, and Yaxzaira Jimenez Gomez, 23, Knoxville

■■ Lorann Martha Potter, 24, Knoxville, and Kevin Donald Brown, 23, Knoxville

■■ Jamie Vincent Watts, 40, Knoxville, and Deanna Davenport McLain, 38, Knoxville

■■ Gregory Alan Merry, 58, Kingston Mines, Il, and Betty Ann Holt, 58, Knoxville

■■ Ronald Ac Joshua Ramey, 21, Knoxville, and Sheriece Lavon Gregory, 20, Knoxville

■■ Charles Todd Simmons, 45, Knoxville, and Lachrisha Ann Standridge Kring, 41, Knoxville

■■ Emily Armistead Merwin, 31, Atlanta, and John Ernest Dirico, 31, Atlanta

■■ Jesse Collien Redwine, 46, Knoxville, and Juanell Deann Escalera, 37, Knoxville

■■ Dane Michael Meyer, 25, Knoxville, and Hayley Elizabeth Hartman, 22, Knoxville

■■ Manuel Douglas Reed, 39, Powell, and Randall Ray Owens, 42, Powell

■■ Jonathon David Miller, 31, Knoxville, and Elizabeth Mae Weatherford, 28, Knoxville

■■ Shelby Morgan Reyes, 26, Knoxville, and Michael James Feuerstein, 34, Knoxville

■■ Linda Evelyn Mills, 43, Kingston, and Tammy Sherie Bozeman, 41, Kingston

■■ Jonathan Dalton Reynolds, 29, Farragut, and Jennifer Lee Baxter, 34, Farragut

■■ Robert O Mullinax, 48, Knoxville, and Mary Jane Jocson Biadnes, 31, Knoxville

■■ Jourdan Elizabeth Richardson, 26, Knoxville, and Herbert Donald Elder, 40, Knoxville

■■ Thomas John Smith, 30, Knoxville, and Kimberly Lashea Teffeteller, 25, Knoxville ■■ Merideth Rose Smith, 24, Knoxville, and Chase Edward McDaniel, 25, Knoxville ■■ Hannah Elizabeth Snedegar, 25, Knoxville, and Chad Michael Clark, 29, Knoxville ■■ William Lewis Solomon, 44, Knoxville, and Anjanette Renee Mitchell, 46, Knoxville ■■ Calvin Springfield, 62, Knoxville, and Cheryl Winifred Hatcher, 60, Knoxville

■■ Eugene Ewa Uche, 50, Knoxville, and Latonya Belinda Boyd, 52, Centerville, Ill.

■■ Krista Danielle Weathersby, 23, Knoxville, and Joseph Alexander Meinweiser, 23, Louisville, Tenn. ■■ Lauren Elizabeth Williams, 25, Knoxville, and Jessica Nichole Wood, 29, Knoxville ■■ Adam Lees Wohl, 29, Knoxville, and Katherine Marie Fink, 29, Knoxville

B-4 • May 10, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news

health & lifestyles News From Parkwest, west kNoxville’s HealtHcare leader • • 374-Park

Choosing the familiar Parkwest OB/GYN gives birth at the hospital that cares for her patients Although she could have chosen any hospital for her son’s delivery, Stephanie Cummings, MD, of Knoxville chose a familiar location: The Childbirth Center at Parkwest Medical Center. Dr. Cummings is a Parkwest obstetrician/gynecologist and has delivered hundreds of babies there. She and her husband, Matthew, welcomed their own son, Logan Gray, into the world on Jan. 14, 2016. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Today, Logan is 15 months old, and Dr. Cummings is celebrating her second Mother’s Day as a mom herself. “There was never a question of where I would deliver,” she said, reflecting on her experience at Parkwest. “Why would I go anywhere else? The nurses there are just amazing. “I received prenatal care at the same office I work in, which was great,” Dr. Cummings said. In fact, she worked in the office until the week of her son’s delivery. “I didn’t take calls on the weekends, just in case the baby came. But yeah, I worked right up almost until the birth.” Dr. Cummings was admitted to Parkwest the morning of her son’s delivery and everything progressed as expected. Logan arrived shortly after lunchtime. “I think me being on my feet all the time at work helped a lot!” Dr. Cummings said with a laugh. She spent two nights in the Childbirth Center. “My son was healthy. I had a few postpartum adjustments, but overall, the birth went well,” she said. Dr. Cummings said she trusted the Parkwest Childbirth Center staff completely

Dr. Stephanie Cummings and her husband, Matthew, spend quality family time with their newborn son, Logan, after his birth at Parkwest Medical Center. during her labor. “I wasn’t there monitoring the heartbeat myself. I let them monitor it, and I had no concerns. I turned it all over to them. You have to do that as a physician.” Her co-worker and friend, Kori Cottam, MD, was her obstetrician. “Stephanie did great. She did everything perfectly,” said Dr. Cottam. “I have a lot of fun delivering all my patients, and I spent the same amount of time with Stephanie as I do with the others. But with her it was very special, because she’s a good friend.” Dr. Cummings said she enjoyed the all-

Pre-conception and early pregnancy care Even before a woman is expecting, there are “preconception care” steps she can take to reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. “If it’s her first baby, a woman should make sure she’s seen by her primary care physician to take care of underlying medical conditions, and to review any medications she might need to change for pregnancy. If she needs vaccinations, that Kori Cottam, needs to be done several MD months in advance, for example,” said Kori Cottam, MD, Parkwest obstetrician/gynecologist. Assuming there are no underlying health concerns, the rest of preconception care involves common sense, Dr. Cottam said. “Get as healthy as you can be,” she said. “Make sure you’re eating right. Take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid to reduce the risk of certain birth defects. Make sure you’re exercising. Reduce stress. Quit smoking. Get enough sleep. Do all the stuff you know you should do to be healthy.” If a woman is taking birth control pills, there’s no need to wait several months after going off them to get pregnant, Dr. Cottam said. Recent studies have found that the fertility rate of women coming off birth control pills is slightly higher

than the fertility rate of women who have never been on them. “If you’re on birth control, get off (the pills) and start trying right away. There’s no need to wait three months like they used to say,” Dr. Cottam said. Once a woman suspects she’s pregnant, early prenatal care is important. “Most young women are generally healthy. But we have a whole list of things we go over with them on their first pregnancy visit,” she said. “Genetic testing is available for everyone now, high-risk and low-risk. We do extensive counseling on who is best suited for it,” Dr. Cottam said, adding that someone who has a strong family history of a particular condition may want to consider genetic counseling before becoming pregnant. “The important thing is to bring questions to your physician before and during pregnancy,” said Dr. Cottam. “Make a list, and we’ll go over it.” Dr. Cottam said that the relationship between physician and patient is important during pregnancy. “In our practice group we get to know our patients really well and develop a relationship with them.” For more information about The Childbirth Center at Parkwest or to find a Parkwest obstetrician/gynecologist, call 865-374-PARK or visit us online at

in-one suites offered at the Childbirth Center at Parkwest. “The facilities are so nice. You stay in the room the whole time; you don’t have to transfer to another room for anything,” she said. Each birthing suite is beautifully decorated, with medical equipment hidden but conveniently accessible. There is plenty of room for family to be present and even stay overnight if the mother wishes, and a bassinet so the baby can stay in the room with her. State-of-the-art security systems provide unobtrusive protection for mothers

and newborns. Beyond medical and security equipment, the Childbirth Center suites also have the comforts of home, including television, cable, Internet access, and even a whirlpool tub. “They do everything in the room, like the first bath,” said Dr. Cummings. “It was good to watch my husband bathe him and change his first diaper. It’s good that the nurses teach you how to be a first-time parent. “The lactation consultant came in and helped with breastfeeding, and the overnight nurse was a huge help. Even as a physician, it’s not like you know how to be a mom. You’re learning everything as you go.” After six weeks, Dr. Cummings was back at her job, helping other women through labor and delivery. “As a physician you have other patients waiting – I had patients who were delivering around the same time as I was,” she said. “I am lucky to have family who helped take care of my son for the first few months,” she said. Dr. Cummings said Mother’s Day with a toddler is even more fun than last year. “Wow! Now that he’s 15 months old, this parenting thing just stepped up a notch,” she said with a laugh. “It’s so quick how they get into everything. He started walking at 10 months.” Having now been on the patient side, Dr. Cummings said she is more confident than ever about working and providing birth care at Parkwest Childbirth Center. “It’s such a nice environment in which to have a baby. In fact, this was my first time as a patient in a hospital, ever. I felt very well cared for.”

Teddy Bear University As you or a loved one prepares to give birth, you may benefit from classes through Teddy Bear University in breastfeeding, breathing and birthing relaxation tips and infant and child CPR. All classes are held in the Ocoee Room on the second floor of Parkwest and are led by a lactation consultant. The following classes are offered in 2017:

Breastfeeding – Learn breastfeeding basics including correct positioning, tips for returning to work and an overview of breast pumps. Fathers-to-be are encouraged to attend. Classes are available on one Wednesday evening and one Sunday afternoon each month. Sibling Class – Siblings age 4 to 10 are welcome to attend Sibling Class, which promotes family bonding to help reduce jealous feelings. A tour of the birthing facility is also included in this class. Sibling sessions take place on one Saturday afternoon to effectively perform CPR and removal of airway obstruction for infants and chilevery two months. Birth and Babies Today – This dren. The class does not provide certificamulti-week series covers the variations of tion in CPR and occurs one Thursday evelabor and birth, breathing techniques, tips ning each month.

Birth and Babies online – For expecting parents, coming to a class in-person isn’t always the most convenient way to prepare for a new arrival. To accommodate parents’ busy schedules or physicians’ orSuper Saturday Class – The ders for bed rest, the Parkwest Childbirth Birth and Babies Today class is condensed Center offers a comprehensive, interactive into one all-day Saturday class for women childbirth class entirely online. After regin their seventh or eighth month of preg- istering, you have eight weeks to complete nancy. This session is not recommended for the class. first-time parents. All Teddy Bear University for your support person and care for the new mom and baby. This class is recommended for first-time parents starting in their sixth or seventh month and is completed over five weeks.

Infant and Child CPR – American Heart Association-certified instructors are on-site to teach parents and caregivers how

dates, times and fees are available by calling 865-374-PARK or at




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