VOL. 11 NO. 4
www.ShopperNewsNow.com |
January 25, 2017
Reform elder law now By Shannon Carey All my fellow Gen X’ers, Millennials and younger, give me your attention. You guys, we are so not ready for the Silver Tsunami. If you’ve not heard, that’s the going name for the tidal wave of elderly Andrea Kline folks needing care that’s expected as the Baby Boomers – our parents and grandparents – age. I heard Assistant District Attorney Andrea Kline speak about elder abuse last week, and the statistics she quoted are staggering. Age 85 and over is the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. By 2050, 19.8 million will be over 85. Half will have some kind of dementia. Kline said Tennessee’s laws about elder abuse, her specialty within Knox County District Attorney Charme Allen’s office, are outdated, making it difficult to prosecute those who prey on the elderly. Written in the 1970s, those laws were cutting-edge at the time, but they need a reboot. She said, and I agree, “It’s time for a change, and the time is now.� More statistics: 47 percent of elders will suffer abuse by their caregivers, and only one in 19 of those cases will be reported. Examples include physical abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. The stories will break your heart, like the one Kline shared about an unnamed 90-yearold woman who was left in a bathtub for four days by her “caregiver� son with nothing but a Honeybun and a yogurt to sustain her. Shocking? “Things like that happen all the time,� said Kline. She receives between five and 20 referrals a day, although she does not prosecute them all. To page A-3
Sherri’s photo feature:
Painting at ‘Wine and Canvas’
Van Gogh couldn’t have been any more intense about his brushwork than the 20 artists who gathered at Gibby’s restaurant in the Cedar Bluff Holiday Inn. These men and women, students of Tracey Crocker’s Wine and Canvas class, were focused. ➤ See pictures on page B-3
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All the singing valentine quartet members belong to K-Town Sound Chorus, an affiliate of Sweet Adelines. It practices every Thursday evening at Fountain City Presbyterian Church.
By Kelly Norrell Stumped for a special valentine for your sweetie? Send a singing valentine, complete with flowers and chocolate. The K-Town Sound, Knoxville affiliate of the nonprofit Sweet Adelines International show chorus, is offering singing valentines by barbershop quartet in Knoxville and surrounding areas. For a small fee, customers can order singing valentines delivered with flowers and chocolate to a loved one’s home, school or workplace. The group travels only with treats and a pitch pipe, deliver-
Singing valentines
for hire
ing up songs like “Let Me Call You Sweetheart,� “It Had to Be You� and “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love.� “Singing valentines are one of the most unique gifts you could get for your loved one. People love them. It embarrasses them but everyone around them, you can see in their eyes, is thinking, ‘I wish I had thought of that,’� said Kellie Phifer, musical director of K-Town Sound and a pro at singing valentines. K-Town Sound chorus, which is about seven years old and has about 25 members from across
Knoxville, performs in East Tennessee venues year round. Its four singing valentine quartets will perform for customers from Sunday through Thursday, Feb. 12-14. Fees range from $25 for on-site love songs and a valentine card, to a deluxe package for $35 that includes card, chocolate and red rose or balloon. Customers may also buy “love songs from afar,� a performance delivered via telephone, for only $20. Each performance lasts five to 10 minutes, said Katie Mayo, performance manager.
Phifer said songs sung in the distinctive barbershop quartet style, a lively, four-part harmony with no musical accompaniment, are disarming, fun and usually unexpected. Popular venues include nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants, and dentist’s and doctor’s offices. “Restaurants are always fun. You attract a lot of attention. Schools are fun, too. The kids love it,� said Susan Stair of Halls, a tenor in singing valentine quartets for about 21 years. To page A-5
2 seek fairness in school rezoning By Betty Bean From Farragut to Gibbs, from South Knoxville to Hardin Valley, the Butlers have sat in school auditoriums listening to the concerns of parents and community members who are bracing themselves for a massive middle school rezoning. What the Rev. John and the Rev. Donna Butler (they are both ordained ministers) say
they want in their own communities is pretty much the same as what other communities want: State-of-the-art neighborhood schools, a 21st century curriculum, first-rate teachers and administrators who represent their community. “Our communities are not all black, so we don’t expect all black teachers,� John Butler
said. “But we do want a good representation of what our community looks like. And we also would have liked for the school board, before they made decisions, to have included the whole community and formulated a plan before they made the decision for the benefit of a specific population only.� To page A-3
Here’s a thought: Ask a teacher By Lauren Hopson
Kids need to be kids. Children don’t have enough time just to play anymore. These are statements heard regularly from teachers and parents alike. Recess times have gotten whittled down from 30 minutes to 15 in many schools across the state. Some schools don’t offer recess on days that Hopson students have physical education class. Teachers are starting to use all kinds of gadgets from exercise balls to pedal desks and fidget toys, just to give students an outlet for their boundless energy. Knee deep in good intentions, our friendly local legislators jumped in to save the day! This past fall, a new Tennessee law went into effect that altered the structure of the school day. It mandated additional time for public school students to engage in unstructured physical activity, otherwise known as recess. I imagine the sponsors of this bill were reacting to data about the health of our children and outcries from con(86 5)58 4-4 554
cerned parents and teachers. In theory, if kids need more exercise, then let’s give it to them. While we were watching harmful bills that would drain funds from public education by funding charter schools and voucher programs, this seemingly helpful one snuck up on us. It came as a great surprise to administrators who were suddenly tasked with fitting in additional periods of recess between 90-minute math and reading blocks, lunchtimes, related arts classes and intervention schedules. Bad weather, limited playground space and seven-hour days became issues. A couple extra 15-minute breaks per day may not seem like a big deal until you are faced with the nonexistent sense of urgency of a 7-year-old who needs to find his coat, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water and then play in the water fountain on the way to the playground door. Many of them will probably need to do that again on the way back to the classroom. That is what 7-year-olds do. Happily, Rep. Bill Dunn was quick to recognize the problems and introduced a bill this year to repeal the previous legislation. While
teachers are thankful that they may have a more workable schedule next year, many are wary that taking away all time requirements may allow districts to skimp on recess again. If physical activity is so important, why on earth would school systems do this? The answer lies in our obsession with feeding the testing beast. As long as test scores are used inappropriately to judge schools, administrators and educators, districts are going to be tempted to use every possible minute for instruction of subjects that can be assessed by TN Ready. Last I checked, recess is not a tested subject, but apparently, you can do math and sit on a bouncy ball at the same time. The lesson to be learned here is that crafting legislation should always involve asking the experts. Healthcare workers should be consulted on medical legislation. Safety policies should be crafted with input from the police. Maybe we should also ask teachers how legislation will actually translate to the classroom. Lauren Hopson is president of the Knox County Education Association and a mom.
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A-2 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
An invitation to clear skin A
nderson and Rahman Dermatology, a dermatology practice on Bearden Hill in West Knoxville, has the most advanced laser resurfacing treatment available in the world: the Fraxel re:store Dual laser. Anderson and Rahman Dermatology is sponsoring a seminar on Monday, Feb. 6, to educate the public about the Fraxel laser system. The event is scheduled from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Reservations are required.
‘Fine lines disappear, pigmentation goes away, and your skin texture dramatically improves. This technology is leading the way in skin care.’ – Dr. Elizabeth Anderson
Fraxel is the pioneer of “fractional photothermolysis,” a technology in which thousands of microscopic laser columns, each just a 10th the diameter of a hair follicle, treat a small portion of the skin at a time without affecting the surrounding tissue. The result is younger, smoother, healthier skin. Anderson says that even those who may not be looking for the proverbial fountain of youth, but have skin concerns such as acne scarring, stretch marks or pigmented areas, benefit from this revolutionary treatment. “Fine lines disappear, pigmentation goes away, and your skin texture dramatically improves,” Anderson says.
“This technology is leading the way in skin care. Other lasers – even the older Fraxel Fraxel lasers – simply Education cannot produce the same results with Seminar very few side effects like the Fraxel Monday, Feb. 6 re:store Dual laser. 5:30-7 p.m. There is nothing else out there like it.” Call 450-9361 Anderson and Rahto RSVP man Dermatology also offers Clear + Brilliant Laser Skincare, a unique, safe and effective laser treatment that addresses the early signs of aging. It works by creating millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger-looking tissue. “The treatment is safe for skin of all types,” said Dr. Quyn Rahman. “Because the treatments are so gentle, they can be performed with minimal downtime, often with only a few hours of mild redness.” Other services offered include Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm injectable filler, glycolic peels, sclerotherapy, Before and the SkinCeuticals line of skin care products.
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Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-3
Akima Club donates to Gatlinburg fire relief
Ruthie Hoffman, president of Akima Club, presents Father David Boettner of Sacred Heart Cathedral with a box of gift cards for “Needs” not “Wants” for the people of the Gatlinburg fire. The Akima members gave $2,880 in gift cards for Kroger, Lowe’s, Walmart, CVS and Walgreens, along with some fast food places. Photo submitted
School rezoning
From page A-1
He is the pastor of Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church in Mechanicsville, but it was in his capacity as president of the Knoxville Chapter of the NAACP that he filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights over possible violations surrounding the decision to build a new Gibbs Middle School. The OCR is investigating why Knox County proceeded with construction of the school despite spending $75,000 on a study in 2015 that concluded that no new middle schools were needed in Knox County. The office is looking at maps of attendance zones, records of current and projected enrollments, breakdown of enrollments by race, records of communications among county officials – including the mayor and his staff; The Rev. Donna Butler and the Rev. John Butler have crissnotes and DVDs of meetings crossed the county attending school rezoning meetings. where school construction was discussed, and copies of middle and high school lev- dren reach similar success. media coverage and criteria els, just like all these other “We’ve been blessed,” she and software used for draw- communities have,” John said. “And now I’m advocating district lines. Butler said. ing for other children, and “I just wish the County The Butlers’ three chil- it’s hard to hold my peace Commission would have dren – Jeremy, Jennifer and when systematic, unfair waited for the OCR concern Joshua – are all grown and practices continue to occur to be investigated (before starting careers and fami- and nothing has been done voting the funding for Gibbs lies of their own (Joshua, about it.” Butler said she Middle School),” said Donna the youngest, was the vale- doesn’t begrudge any comButler. “It proved to me that dictorian at Austin-East in munity advocating for its they had their minds made 2012, and graduated from children. up without waiting for the the University of Pennsyl“We don’t want our kids data, and that they selfishly vania last year), but Donna bused and our schools made a decision to go ahead Butler said she is commit- closed at the expense of diwith the new school. It’s a ted to helping other chil- versity,” John Butler said. continuing slap in the face of the African-American community, and if we’re going to build these bridges and have From page A-1 diversified schools, it’s going to have to start with those “It’s a huge change, and She, along with Knoxwho have the authority.” it’s for the better,” said What the Butlers do not ville and Knox County law Kline. “We’re about 20 want to see is the closing enforcement and Adult years behind, and it’s time of either Holston or Vine Protective Services, set up Middle Schools in order to the first VAPIT (Vulnerable to step up and make some changes.” fill the new school in Gibbs. Adult Protective InvestigaOther problems exist. “Now, in the rezoning tion Team) in the state, Right now, there is no mirprocess, we want what the making it a model that is other communities want now required in every Ten- ror of child foster care for vulnerable adults, Kline – neighborhood schools. nessee DA’s office. Kline is also part of a said. There is a need for And that includes Vine and that includes Sarah Moore team that has drafted a new more low-cost services and respite for caregivers. Kline Greene. And that includes section of code for state doesn’t have an answer for Beaumont and Maynard law dealing just with elder and Lonsdale – all the com- abuse. The proposed change those yet, but changing munities where minority is modeled after child abuse state law to stop abusers is children, after elementary laws because “these victims a good place to start. It’s time to protect the school, have to get on buses are vulnerable in ways simifolks who raised us. Call and go to school in other lar to children.” The team hopes your legislators today. people’s communities for the rest of their time in pub- Tennessee’s Legislature will Shannon Carey is a freelance journalist and blogger. Find her on Facebook lic school. We need to have adopt these proposals this or at www.thepluckypen.com, or email schools at the elementary, year. shannon.b.carey@gmail.com.
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A-4 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
News from Knoxville Christian School
KCS offers robust and distinctive education By Kelly Norrell Knoxville Christian School, 11549 Snyder Road in West Knoxville, offers a robust and distinctive education for PreK3-12th grade students: ■ Teaching in small classes, the school serves 200 students from all parts of the city and, through an international program, from more than 19 countries. ■ Administrators and parents call “strong relationships” the best aspect of the school, yet it maintains academic excellence with 100 percent of graduates being accepted in college, most with scholarships. ■ It is a Christian school with daily chapels and Biblical integration in all subjects, yet it embraces students from all faith backgrounds, including most world religions. ■ Families come to KCS because they want a strong, Christian education and individual attention for their children. They stay because the
school provides those things affordably. “We strive for KCS to be an affordable, values-oriented, nondenominational private school,” said Jarra Snyder, president and principal. Knoxville Christian School, which at more than 30 years old is one of the older private schools in the area, is both grounded in tradition and cutting-edge in its approach. Snyder said individual relationships with each student are a top priority. “What has allowed our students to be so successful academically is having those relationships. They know they can ask questions and be challenged.” Accredited by both the National Christian School Association and AdvancEd (SACS), the school prepares students for the rigors of both U.S. and international colleges. It offers high school students dual enrollment programs and AP courses, and maintains an ACT average of 25. Graduates
KCS president Jarra Snyder examines a history project with sixth-graders Erin Sweeney and AnnaMarie Bailey. Photos by Kelly Norrell
attend universities that include VMI, Dartmouth, University of Tennessee and Christian colleges such as Lipscomb, Harding and FreedHardeman. Adding to the richness of campus life are strong programs in athletics and the visual arts. Distinctive experiences include frequent involvement in community service projects. Recently, middle and high school students spent a day snapping fresh green beans for Second Harvest so the food could be bagged up and distributed. The International Student
program, which this year has placed 30 students on campus from 10 countries, expands the horizons of both the visiting and the Tennessee students. “It is amazing what they can share from their cultures. We now live in a global community. We have had students from five continents,” Snyder said. Visiting students this year are from Japan, France,
Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Germany and Ukraine. Students learn a Christian worldview in all their classes. In a recent example, said Snyder, a math class included a reference to the exact measurements of Noah’s ark described in the Bible in a discussion of math rules. “You think creatively, but you do not skip the rules,” she said.
Parents love strong academics, caring teachers at KCS The KCS stated mission tells why parents love KCS, said president Jarra Snyder. And parents seem to agree wholeheartedly. The mission: “to develop children spiritually, emotionally, academically, and physically with Jesus Christ as their standard and the Bible as their foundation, preparing them to be Godly representatives in their community, church and home.” Research engineer Bob Arritt and his wife, Rochelle, a dental hygienist, have three children enrolled at KCS – fourth-grader Elisabeth, first-grader Abbie, and Arena Leigh, preK. “We wanted a good school with small class size and a Christian-based education with moral teachings, self-discipline and strong academics,” he said. Both parents are pleased. “We really like the family atmosphere here, the small community feeling. They know our children on an individual level and how they best learn. At dinner, our 9-yearold talked about reading ‘Pilgrim’s Progress.’ Just hearing how excited she was, makes us all appreciate her eagerness and happiness to learn,” Bob Arritt said. His wife added: “I can talk to teachers any time about how my children are doing in school. They send texts and pictures showing what they are working on. There is constant communication showing care and concern.” Knoxville real estate agent Angie Cody enrolled her son Tristan, now 10 and a fourthgrader, at KCS when he was only 3. “I saw an advertisement in the newspaper. They had a
Fifth-grade teacher Contessa Kendrick and student Lauren Bailey greet Lauren’s mom, Marianne Bailey. Photo
Casey Buck, 14, Caleb Buck, 16, and Ashlynn Amato have grown as leaders, students and athletes at KCS, said parents Tom and (not pictured) Dawn Amato.
by Kelly Norrell
KCS father Bob Arritt and his daughter, Anna, 5, who is in PreK, at a basketball game. Anna is a cheerleader. Photo submitted preK3 program. I was looking for a place that was a better environment than daycare. I enrolled him and we never left,” she said. From the beginning, she was struck by the small classes and the warmth. “The first day, Tristan was nervous and he cried. But his teacher, Mrs. Gibson, said, ‘Mom, Tristan will be fine. You walk away.’ And she held him and gave him a big hug.” Marianne Bailey, who brought four children of many ages and learning styles to the school six years ago, praises the school for helping each child excel. Her oldest son, KCS graduate Nathan Bailey, is now a sophomore at Virginia Military Institute, where he is on full scholarship. “The school’s desire is to prepare each student academically to succeed in college. The teachers will work with you and adjust to what each students needs, each
learning style,” she said. Families said the school works with them to find a payment plan that is affordable. Tom Amato, a manager of GC Services, and his wife, Dawn, billing manager for a medical practice, needed help paying tuition for multiple children. They emailed the school about their interest but stated their need for assistance. “They sent an email back requesting a meeting. We met with the president, who presented a plan that we were able to commit to. They made it possible for us to be here,” he said. Today, Amato said, their three children at KCS are flourishing. “They get to know the child and teach them the way that the child learns best rather than a one-size-fitsall approach. Each child has a need, and they work with each child’s need.” – Kelly Norrell
Photo by Kelly Norrell
“The mission of Knoxville Christian School is to develop children spiritually, emotionally, academically and physically with Jesus Christ as their standard and the Holy Bible as their foundation, preparing them to be Godly representatives in their community, church and home.” 865-966-7060
KCS School Facts •
Fully accredited by AdvancEd and NCSA
PK3 – 12 grade classes available
Lower teacher/student ratio
Daily chapel and Bible classes for spiritual growth
Dual enrollment at local colleges
Clubs and extracurricular activities for social development
Independent study programs available
College preparatory curriculum including Honors and AP courses
Graduates accepted at major colleges and universities
2015 average ACT score 25.7 exceeding local, state and national averages
Competitive athletic program – basketball, baseball, volleyball, cheerleading, tennis, golf, soccer and cross-country
Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-5
Kellie Phifer, certified director of K-Town Sound chorus, has years of experience performing and competing in barbershop singing. The sound of the women’s voices in harmony is “incredible,” said director Kellie Phifer. “When you sing and the parts align, the feeling is like nothing else.”
Tenor Jamie Bazen, lead Rachel Everence, bass Donna Carnduff and baritone Janet Brockman call their singing valentine quartet “Girls and Pearls.” Photos by Kelly Norrell Susan Stair of Halls, Kellie Phifer of Fountain City, Mary Ann Page of Halls and Andy Lynn practice valentine quartet songs. Singers for the four quartets come from across the Knoxville area.
Singing valentines Singing valentine performers don’t usually have music as a day job. Bass Donna Carnduff of K-Town Sound’s Girls and Pearls quartet, for example, is an instructional designer in the IT department at the University of Tennessee. Tenor
Jamie Bazen is a senior in forensic anthropology. Baritone Janet Brockman is a business analyst. Lead Rachel Everence works for KUB. In addition to weekly practices of the central KTown Sound chorus, the
From page A-1 quartets are conducting their own practices in preparation for their valentine deliveries. The harmonies are “like nothing else,” said Phifer. “When you sing and the parts align, the feeling that you experience, knowing
you made this sound with your voice, is incredible. I get goose bumps talking about it.” Mary Ann Page of Halls, retired math teacher and baritone in a quartet, said that singing valentine recipients don’t have to be
sweethearts. “You can send a singing valentine to anyone. It can be a boss, parent, child, teacher or friend. One of the songs will be appropriate to them all.” Katie Mayo said the singing valentines are so popular that onlookers at deliv-
ery sites often hire them on the spot to go sing to someone else. To hire a singing valentine, call Janet at 865-8886587 or email Valentines@ ktownsound.org. Info: w w w. k t o w n s o u n d . o r g / valentines/
A-6 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
More inauguration trivia! By Kip Oswald Last week, we began our Presidential Trivia with Inauguration Day, and since then we have had our 45th inauguration! This week, we are going to look at how the rest of the day ended over the years. After lunch, the president watches the Inaugural Parade, a tradition started in 1809 with James Madison. In 1953, a cowboy in Kip Dwight Eisenhower’s parade rode out of the parade and lassoed the president. The whole day ends with fancy celebrations called Inaugural Balls. James Madison’s wife, Dolly, planned the first one. However, the biggest party was Andrew Jackson’s in 1829. He was the first person elected president who was not really rich so he invited everyone to come to the White House to celebrate with him after his inauguration and as many as 20,000 people came. It got so wild inside the White House, the president had to hide until the people left. Likewise, the police had to be called to calm down Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural parties. President Bill
Clinton attended the most balls of any president when he went to 14 during his second inauguration. When Kinzy and I found out that Andrew Jackson in his inaugural speech invited all the people to the White House party, it made us wonder how the people even knew about the inauguration back then, because now we see all about it on social media and television. So we found out that bit of trivia. James Buchanan’s inauguration was the first to be photographed in 1857, but pictures were not seen until weeks later. Likewise, the first one to be recorded on any kind of video was William McKinley’s inauguration in 1897, but people had to go to the movie theater to see it weeks after it happened. People heard the first live inauguration in 1925 when they heard Calvin Coolidge’s on the radio for the first time. The first time people saw an actual inauguration live on television was in 1949 when Harry Truman was president. In 1997, Bill Clinton’s inauguration was the first one broadcast over the internet. Hope you have enjoyed the Inauguration Trivia! Next week: Part one of Presidential Pets! You won’t believe it! Comments to oswaldsworldtn@gmail.com
PSCC offers winter
FREE GARDENING CLASSES UPCOMING specials Knox County Extension Master Gardeners will present the following gardening classes. All classes are free. ■■ Spring Lawn Repair: What a Mess!” 1:30-2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, Bearden Branch Library, 100 Golfclub Road. Presented by Master
Gardener Ron Pearman. Info: 588-8813. ■■ Raised Beds: Build ’em and Fill ’em,” 1:30-2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 25, Bearden Branch Library, 100 Golfclub Road. Presented by Master Gardener Mike Powell. Info: 588-8813.
Pellissippi State Community College is offering Valentine’s Day special pricing through Feb. 14 for select non-credit courses. Most classes are held on the Hardin Valley Campus. Register at www.pstcc. edu/bcs
■■ Historic Sutherland Heights Neighborhood Association. Info: Marlene Taylor, 951-3773, taylor8246@bellsouth.net.
■■ West Knox Preschool & Activities Fair, 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, St. John Neumann Catholic School (SJNCS) gym, 625 Saint John Court. Info: facebook.com/ events/1754877141501593/.
■■ Lyons View Community Club. Info: Mary Brewster, 454-2390. ■■ Third District Democrats. Info: Liz Key, 2015310 or lizkey1@gmail.com; Isaac Johnson, 310-7745 or ijohnso2@gmail.com.
■■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners. Info: cwkch.com.
■■ Toastmasters Club 802. Info: 802. toastmastersclubs.org.
■■ Family Community Education-Bearden Club. Info: Shannon Remington, 927-3316. ■■ Family Community Education-Crestwood Club. Info: Ruby Freels, 690-8164. ■■ Fourth District Democrats. Info: Chris Foell, 691-8933 or foellmc@aol.com; Rosina Guerra, rosinag@earthlink.net or 588-5250.
■■ West Hills Community Association. Info: Ashley Williams, 313-0282. ■■ West Knox Lions Club. Info: knoxvillewestknoxlionsclub.org. ■■ West Knox Republican Club, 7 p.m. each second Monday, Red Lobster on Kingston Pike.
West Side Y plans family luau
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Do you and your kids have cabin fever? Bring them to the West Side Y from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, for the Family Luau. It’s a pool party complete with pizza, fruit slushies, Hawaiian leis, luau music, and more. Those attending should bring swimsuits for the whole family and enjoy family free swim together. Kids can participate in fun contests like noodle races, biggest and smallest splash competitions and cannonball contests. This event is free for Y members. For Y guests, the Family Luau will cost $6/ person or $20/family.
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Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-7
Kari Sanders has a way with words and movement “At the age of 10, my mom told me about the power of the pen,” says Strawberry Plains resident Kari Sanders. “At that time I didn’t know how to express myself so I just held it in. Then, when all of my anger built up, I’d just blow up randomly. So my mom said, ‘Instead of holding things in and blowing up, write.’ And I did. I’ve been writing ever since.” Originally from Atlanta, Sanders is a young entrepreneur who writes, dances and performs under the name “Kari Werde Sanders,” taking her middle name from a form of the German word that means “to become” or “to turn into.” She’s performed poetry since the age of 13, when she won the First Word Youth Poetry Slam sponsored by the Chicago urban and hiphop radio station V-103. “I was able to perform at Earthlink Live Atlanta and did a commercial spot for (sitcom) ‘Girlfriends.’” Sanders is a fixture on the Knoxville poetry slam scene, appearing frequently at Big Fatty’s and the Open Chord, both on Kingston Pike. But she’s not just a “word nerd,” another self-descrip-
Carol Z. Shane
tor. “I have been performing dance since the age of 6 or 7, learning in church. “When I was growing up, Atlanta was on the rise for entertainment and very well-known for its dance scene. I was introduced to all types of dance styles – jazz, African, ballet, contemporary, mime, you name it! I moved to Knoxville at the age of 21. The dance isn’t as much on the forefront but it’s definitely here!” And Sanders is doing her bit to help the art form grow. In addition to teaching Intro to Dance and Beginner Hip-Hop at Knoxville Fine Arts and Crafts Center, she’s now on the faculty of Inskip Elementary School. “My job came through another local artist, Michelle Gore, who does amazing painting and poetry. She invited me to come in and do a dance workshop for the children last summer. While doing the workshop, the co-
Picky Chick consignment coming soon The Picky Chick Spring Consignment Sale will be held Thursday-Saturday, March 2-4, the Grande at Knoxville Expo Center, 5441 Clinton Highway. Hours are: 10 a.m.8 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. The Charity Presale will be open 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 1. Admission to the presale is $5 and proceeds will go to a local charity. Info: thepickychick.com/; Instagram @ thepickychick; Facebook.
ordinator, Blaine Sample, observed and at the end, she offered me an interview.” Sanders not only teaches dance but also tutors through the UT-assisted Community Schools program. “In performing arts we teach dance, theater, music and circus. We are currently preparing for a performance in February for Black History Month alongside Austin East High School’s West African Drummers and Dance Troupe. At the end of the semester, we will do a musical production called ‘It’s a Jungle Out There.’ “In tutoring, we go over any curriculum the child is struggling with. We have at least three teachers in a classroom so that each child can get the proper enrichment.” Students’ schedules also include Spanish lessons, nutritional information, and learning about veggies, fruits, planting and harvesting in their school garden. All this fits right in with Sanders’ youthful energy and passion. She says, “It is still fairly new for Inskip Elementary, but it is definitely making a positive impact on the students, parents, faculty and community.”
Young Kari Sanders channels her passion for poetry and dance into enrichment for her community. Photo submitted
■■ Dogwood Arts 2017 events and exhibits entry deadlines: Dogwood Art DeTour, Feb. 10; Chalk Walk, Feb. 20; Regional Art Exhibition, March 3. Info/applications: dogwoodarts.com or 637-4561.
■■ Move Well Today, a 12-week fitness intervention program designed specifically for people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, Bob Temple North Side YMCA beginning in February. Two sessions: 6:30-8 p.m. Monday and Thursday, beginning Feb. 6; 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, beginning Feb. 8. Cost: $50 members, $100 nonmembers. Also available at the Cansler and West Side Ys. Info/registration: Vickey Beard, 406-7328, vbeard@ ymcaknoxville.org or ymcaknoxville.org.
■■ The jurying process for new members of the Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway 61, Norris. Samples of handcrafted work, along with forms and $25 jury fee, are being accepted through noon Wednesday, Feb. 1, at the Center. Info/ forms: appalachianarts.net or 494-9854.
■■ Living with Diabetes: Putting the Pieces Together, 2-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Road. Info: 689-2681.
LIBRARY NOTES Cedar Bluff Branch Library, 9045 Cross Park Drive: ■■ Homeschoolers @ Cedar Bluff Branch Library: Everyday Expressions with the
East Tennessee Historical Society, 1:302:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27. Grades 3-8. Info/ registration: 470-7033. ■■ Saturday Stories and Songs:
■■ Miss Lynn, 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 28. ■■ Kindermusik, 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4. Ages birth to 5.
■■ Peninsula Lighthouse Group of Families Anonymous meetings, 6:15-7:15 p.m. each Tuesday, 1451 Dowell Springs Blvd. Newcomers welcome; no dues/fees; no sign-up; first names only. Info: Barbara L., 696-6606 or PeninsulaFA2@aol.com.
■■ Info: 470-7033.
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A-8 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
Provision Health & Fitness is home to Knoxville’s top personal trainer From athletes to cancer patients, center offers range of fitness programs What gets Britton Leitch most excited is not when he gets to work with the university athletes who come to the Provision Health & Fitness Center. Or simply seeing a senior gain strength and mobility after a personal training session. Or putting a group of participants through their paces together. Or helping a new member work toward their New Year’s resolution. What gets him most excited is that he gets to do it all. And in a very personal way. “I’ve always enjoyed exercise,” says Leitch, a certified strength and conditioning specialist at Provision Fitness. “There’s not too many people who can get up in the morning and do a job that fulfills their sense of mission and calling. It’s wonderful to be able to have a positive impact on somebody’s life.” He certainly has. In 2016, Leitch received “Top Personal Trainer” as part of the Knoxville Mercury’s Top Knox Readers’ Poll awards. Here’s what the paper said about him: “Britton Leitch, a fitness manager for Provision Health & (Fitness), is a Knoxville native with over a decade of experience. No wonder Leitch comes highly recommended when it comes to finding the best strength and conditioning coach. Not only is he a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the NSCA, Leitch has won competitions as a Scottish Highland Games athlete.” “It was really an honor to get this recognition,” Leitch says. “I think it just demonstrates the personal attention we give our clients, no matter their background or fitness level.” Provision Health & Fitness is a state-of-the-art fitness center at the Dowell Springs campus in West Knoxville. The center is associated with the Tennessee Aquatics program, working with student athletes in their strength and conditioning efforts. In the same way, each member of the fitness center receives one-onone attention required to help them meet their personal fitness goals, whether it be training for a particular sport or improving flexibility and endurance for their daily lives.
Members of the Provision Health and Fitness Team “We have really focused on creating an environment of whatever your goal is you are welcome,” Leitch says. That has meant expanding the offerings of the center to provide a range of services, from personal training to group exercise classes. At Provision Health & Fitness, members can opt for one-on-one training. Provision’s fitness experts design challenging, customized programs appropriate for an individual’s fitness level and then provide accountability and motivation in a personalized setting that ensures every exercise is executed safely and properly. Or members can share a personal trainer with a friend or spouse – enjoying the camaraderie of reaching goals together while benefiting from private instruction. One of the fitness center’s newer offerings is a small group fitness class, which allows those with similar areas of focus or even simply a group of friends to work out together. The program splits up the fee of a personal fitness trainer, making it a more cost-effective option. Provision’s personal trainers conduct individual evaluations for all participants and design a custom program challenging for everyone, but taking into account the unique needs of each person. Groups range in size from four to eight. Provision Health & Fitness also
is qualified to accept Silver Sneakers Flex members, who can utilize the gym and participate in group fitness classes through the program, paid for by a number of Medicare health plans. Exercise classes at the fitness center include chair yoga, “Yoga for Healthy Aging,” “Functional Fitness” and “Functional Movement” – both low-impact classes focused on range of motion, everyday movements and building core strength and balance; and Women’s Small Group Training, a challenging program designed to improve balance, mobility, strength and stamina. Other fitness classes offered at the center include Xpress Fitness – a total body workout in 45 minutes; spin; power yoga and boot camp. Located in the heart of Knoxville at 1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Provision Health & Fitness is currently providing a one-month trial membership for $19, making it easy to sample everything the center has to offer. Provision Health & Fitness also offers Small Group Training for Cancer Survivors. The fourweek, twiceweekly program consists of stretching, strengthening and cardiovascular conditioning exercises targeted at the needs of men and women in recovery from cancer treatments
– and who are ready to take the next step toward better health. The next four-week class, which holds four to six participants, starts Feb. 20. The class is taught by Kathy Kearse, a physical therapist with Provision Physical Therapy who is also a certified lymphedema specialist, and Kathleen Bullock, a certified personal trainer and cancer exercise specialist who works at Provision Health & Fitness. “We like helping people,” Bullock says. “The work we do helps some people win a race or accomplish an athletic feat. For others, it just helps them get through a normal day and feel good. “Whoever they are, we are helping people have a better tomorrow.”
Kathleen Bullock guides one-on-one training with a client
In small group training, those with similar focus – or even friends who work out together – can share the costs.
Visit Provision online at ProvisionFitness.net or call 865-232-1414.
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Voted Knoxville’s TOP PERSONAL TRAINER by the Knoxville Mercury Reader’s Poll
“Britton has been extremely instrumental in helping me achieve my fitness goals.” – George Barham
Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-9
‘Caring for All Creation’ concert at Messiah Lutheran Church By Carol Z. Shane Sometimes the best way to reinforce a message is through music, and that’s certainly the case with Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light’s (TIPL) Feb. 12 “Caring for All Creation” choral program at Messiah Lutheran Church. The organization’s mission, according to its website, is “to spiritually respond to the challenges of the climate crisis through upholding the sacredness of all life, protecting vulnerable communities and caring for the earth.” “As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – the largest Lutheran denomination in this country – matters of social justice, including care for creation, are a high priority,” says Messiah’s Eric Murray. “By hosting the ‘Caring for All Creation’ concert, Messiah Lutheran Church is doing its little part in answering the call of God to pursue wholeness for creation.” Murray considers the joining together of different choirs “a wonderful sign of the healing and wholeness
which God desires for all people.” Along with Messiah, participating choirs are from Church of the Savior, UCC; St. Mark United Methodist Church; and Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church. Alexandra Engle, music director at Church of the Savior, has chosen two pieces. Engle “‘O Sifuni Mungu’ is an exuberant setting of ‘All Creatures of Our God and King’ from South Africa that is full of images of living beings, lands, and peoples, all engaging in active worship,” she says. “‘God of the Deep’ is not only about the metaphorical deep places in our own faith life, but reminds us of the vast treasures of the oceans that are in God’s care, and which must be a priority for us as stewards of creation as global sea temperatures continue to rise.” Tyler Owens, music director of St. Mark UMC, has chosen “The Work of Christmas” by Dan Forrest and “The
Majesty and Glory of Your Name” by Tom Fettke. “I chose the first for its beautiful a cappella setting of a gorgeous text. We’re just coming out of the Christmas season, and this text really emphasizes that, while Christmas may be over, the work of Christmas is just beginning. The second song was chosen specifically for the creation care aspect. The text talks about how we can gaze into the night sky and see the work of God’s fingers, from the birds of the air to the fish of the sea.” Joan McGinnis of Messiah has chosen “The Perfect Wisdom of Our God” by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend and “For the Healing of Creation” by John D. Becker. Almost 30 churches across the state of Tennessee partner with TIPL, and all faith groups are invited to join. “Caring for All Creation” will be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, at Messiah Lutheran Church, 6900 Kingston Pike, at the corner of Papermill Road and Kingston Pike. The concert is free. For more information, visit tennipl.org or call Messiah Lutheran Church at 865-588-9753.
Should the boss ‘friend’ on social media? By Sandra Clark Attorney Janet Hayes offered advice on business management in the age of social media when she spoke last week to the Halls Business and Professional Association, meeting at Beaver Brook. ■■Should a boss also be a “friend” on Facebook? ■■How about checking a Linkedin profile before hiring? ■■Should you read an employee’s personal blog? “You can look” at social media sites, but you can’t violate privacy, Hayes said. “You can be friends or not; there are no rules, legally. Just don’t do or say anything that might create discomfort at work.” Employers should be mindful that if employees post a review of your
business, the Federal Trade Commission requires them to disclose that they work there. “Put a policy in place.” If a manager gets a complaint that an employee or manager is harassing another on social media, “take that complaint seriously.” It’s legal to call in the employees and Janet Hayes ask to see that portion of their online writings that affect the workplace. But, Hayes said, you should consult your human relations department or a lawyer. The National Labor Relations Board has jumped into social media to say that “water cooler talk” is protected speech – and it’s more likely to be
He that ruleth over men
Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel said, “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.” (2 Samuel 23:1-4 KJV) Like so many others, I know these words because I sang them. I heard them Cross Currents first when I was in junior high school; the high school Lynn choir room was just across Pitts the hall, and so I could listen in to their rehearsals while I did my work. I fell in love with both the biblical president. text and the music of RanMy prayer is that he will dall Thompson (my very be aware of the need to be favorite composer). Later, just, and rule in the fear of much later, I had the privi- God. lege of directing my own Let us pray for him, adult church choir, which, whether or not we voted for with more mature voices, him, and for our beloved was better able to do justice country. Let’s be aware of to the composer’s setting. our duties as citizens to do I suppose the biblical what is right, care for those text came back to me now less fortunate, welcome the because our country has foreigner, and obey the laws just inaugurated a new of our land.
protected if more than one employee ■■ UT’s McClung Museum will is involved. host a viewing of the film Employers can monitor email on “Unmasked Judeophobia” 7 company computers, but you should p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, in the put in writing that employees have no auditorium, 1327 Circle Park expectation of privacy on such devices. Drive. In commemoration Businesses should write a social of International Holocaust media policy and update it frequently. Remembrance Day and the 72nd anniversary of the liberWhen employees use privacy setation of Auschwitz concentratings, they generally enjoy a right to tion camp. A Q&A session and privacy and an employer should not a dessert reception follows try to work around it. the showing. The event is free Janet Hayes and her family live on and open to the public. a farm in Strawberry Plains. She is a ■ ■ Messiah Lutheran Church, shareholder in Lewis Thomason, the 6900 Kingston Pike, will host law firm formerly known as Lewis “Caring for All Creation” King and Krieg. choral concert, 4 p.m. Sunday, A graduate of Carson-Newman Feb. 12. Choirs from Messiah University, she chaired the board of Lutheran Church, Church of trustees in 2016. Her law degree is the Savior, Clinton Chapel from UT. AME Zion Church and St.
Mark UMC will perform. Info: Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light, tennesseeipl@gmail. com. ■■ Solway UMC, 3300 Guinn Road, hosts a women’s Bible study 10 a.m. each Thursday. The group is led by Cindy Day. Info: 661-1178.
SENIOR NOTES ■■ Cumberland Estates Recreation Center, 4529 Silver Hill Drive. Info: 588-3442. ■■ Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Info: 670-6693. ■■ John T. O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. Info: 523-1135. ■■ Larry Cox Senior Center, 3109 Ocoee Trail. Info: 5461700.
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A-10 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-11
Joseph Construction gets service honor Joseph Construction Company Inc. has received recognition as a Vocational Service Month Company from the Rotary Club of Bearden. Gerry Eastman, CEO at Joseph Construction and a former president of the Bearden club, has been serving in Rotary since 1987. The plaque, awarded by current club president Ted Hotz, is given to those who adhere to the Rotary Creed, Service Above Self, and have especially exem-
The Rotary guy
Longtime Rotarian takes club helm
plified outstanding professional achievement and high ethical standards. Since 1972, Joseph Construction has provided general contracting, construction management and design-build services to East Tennessee companies. With headquarters in Knoxville, the firm has branch offices in Sevierville and Johnson City.
By Tom King
Gerry Eastman and Bearden Rotary president Ted Hotz
Hayes heads women executives’ group By Margie Hagen Entrepreneur, advocate, educator, volunteer; Rader Hayes brings a wealth of experience to her new position as the incoming president of Knoxville Area Women Executives. Founded in 1981, KAWE is a nonprofit organization with the mission of supporting women throughout their careers and beyond. Shared professional and business expertise, career development and networking are benefits of membership. The group awards annual scholarships to young women interested in contributing to the community
FARRAGUT CHAMBER EVENTS ■■ Thursday, Jan. 26, 8-9:30 a.m., networking: Y-12 Federal Credit Union-Farragut, 13128 Kingston Pike. ■■ Thursday, Feb. 2, 8-9:30 a.m., networking: Clarity Pointe Knoxville, 901 Concord Road. ■■ Thursday, Feb. 9, 5-6:30 p.m., networking: Campbell Station Wine & Spirits w/ Milestones Event Center, 11909 Kingston Pike.
on all levels. Whether it’s business, academic or nonprofit work, K A W E looks for students Rader Hayes who have the potential to succeed, but just need a leg up. KAWE also recognizes women who have risen to the top in their fields, and not just in business. Creative arts, sports, civic and charity work have been acknowledged. Past Notable Women of the Year have included Pat Summitt and Mayor Madeline Rogero. In 2016, Elaine Streno was awarded the honor for her work as executive director of Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee. For Hayes, it’s a privilege to serve as president. Sharing her life experiences and bonding with women to form lasting friendships are cornerstones of what she has done throughout her career, and she plans to advance that agenda this year. After earning a doctor-
ate in consumer economics and mass communications from Ohio State University, Hayes was a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rutgers, Marquette and St. Ambrose. As a recognized expert in consumer affairs, Hayes was called upon to testify before two congressional subcommittees investigating infomercials, recalling, “I was known as the ‘research queen of infomercials’ before they became as commonplace as they are today. Many were misleading and some were potentially dangerous. “They preyed on the most vulnerable members of society.” Hayes volunteered with foster children for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). She was a foster parent herself, and still keeps in touch with her foster daughter. These days she and her husband live in Blount County. He volunteers with Greater Knoxville Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), educating and mentoring small-business entrepreneurs, while Hayes
runs her own business, LifeStory Scribes. History has always been her passion, so starting this business was a natural extension of that interest. “LifeStory Scribes is a personal way for people to leave a legacy for family and friends by combining storytelling with memoir writing and multimedia resources,” says Hayes, adding, “Everyone has a story to tell.” As a certified Legacy Advisor and Planner and a member of the Association of Personal Historians, Hayes is enthusiastic about preserving and documenting life stories, saying, “It’s an endowment of sorts that you leave behind.” Asked what advice she would give to new entrepreneurs, Hayes says, “Starting and running your own business is more work and more difficult than you ever imagined. Try to benefit from the experience and advice of mentors, and help bring others up with you.” Info: kawe.clubexpress. com
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“Rotarian of the Year.” He was club treasurer and served on its board of directors. He left that club when he moved to Knoxville. He and his wife, Mike Holober C h r i s t i ne , were charter members of the Rotary Club of Turkey Creek Sunset and he was its third president. She is in the process of joining her husband as a member of the Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club meets each Wednesday at Gettysvue Country Club at 7 a.m. ■■
An interesting question
The Rotary Club of Knoxville posed a very interesting “Question of the Week” to its members in its current weekly club newsletter. The question is: “What well known film critic was also a Rotary Scholar?” The answer is the late Roger Ebert, who was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to South Africa (1965).
TDOT releases new state map The official 2017 Tennessee Transportation Map is now available for travelers. There are some new additions to the 2017 map. State Route 840 in middle Tennessee is now designated as Interstate 840. In Williamson County, a section of I-65 was widened, as were several state routes statewide. “The map is free and is available online and at welcome centers and rest areas across the state, said TDOT commissioner John Schroer.
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Joe Jarret has resigned as president of the Rotary Club of K nox v ille Breakfast Club because of his teaching responsibilities in Tom King the Department of political science at the University of Tennessee and to complete work on his doctoral dissertation. Stepping up to fill the void is the club’s president-elect, Mike Holober. This is not uncharted territory for Holober, who is a past president of the Rotary Club of Turkey Creek Sunset (2013-14). Holober owns M&M Jewelers in West Knoxville. Holober will begin as president on Wednesday, Feb. 1, when District 6780 Governor Fred Heitman will install him. He has been a Rotarian for 20 years, beginning in 1997 when he joined the Rotary Club of Belleview (Fla.). He was selected as the club’s “Rookie of the Year” and in 1999 was named the club’s
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A-12 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
‘Social Justice for the Soul’ at Fourth Pres By Carol Z. Shane “So often we hear that politics has no place in the church, but I believe it is the responsibility of the church to stay in the political conversation,” says the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Peterson of Fourth Presbyterian Church on Broadway. “Christians have a unique opportunity and responsibility to speak up for love over hate, and for justice over oppression.” During February, the church will host speakers and discussions on topics related to racial unrest and discrimination. Guests include Tom Castelli, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee; J.T. Taylor of the Knoxville Homeless Collective; the Carpetbag Theatre; and former United Nations consultant Aftyn Behn. Behn worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva, Switzerland, on protection issues for minority groups who had, for a variety of reasons including ethnicity and disability, been forcibly displaced to other countries from their homelands. “My unit was the community-based protection unit; we identified minority groups and helped them build capacity to assume more power within their communities.” Holding a master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas, Behn moved back to Knoxville after the recent presidential election in order to use her
knowledge and skills to help her native East Tennesseans and “to be quite frank, with the intention to run for office in a few years.” Behn will join Peterson to kick off the series on Feb. 1 with a talk and discussion on “Dismantling Racism and Recognizing Micro-aggressions.” “We have been surprised and excited by the great show of interest in these anti-racism talks,” says Peterson. “There is clearly a hunger to engage in this dialogue, even though it can be personally challenging for many. “We find there is a spectrum of knowledge, from people who have spent their lives fighting for civil rights, to those who have never explored the troubles associated with racism in their personal lives. “It is encouraging to see that when people of such different backgrounds come together, a spark of understanding comes. “This isn’t about allying ourselves with one political party over another, but about learning how to treat one another with respect, and recapturing the fine art of disagreeing without devolving into hate speech.” “Social Justice for the Soul” meets 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday during February at Fourth Presbyterian Church, 1323 N. Broadway in Knoxville. For a full list of speakers/topics, visit facebook.com/FourthUnitedPresbyterian or call 865522-1437.
Former UN consultant Aftyn Behn Photo submitted
Diane Davidson, Sheryl Ely and Jan Evridge. Retiring directors are Mark Brodd, Julie Graham, Daryl Johnson, Bob Williams and Josh Wright. Officers are: Rick Blackburn, president; Nathan Honeycutt, first vice president; Katharine Pearson Criss, second vice president; Jan Evridge, past president/treasurer; and Sheryl
Design Center gets new board members
■■ East Tennessee Community Design Center has added four new directors. Dwane Dishner, Mary Beth Robinson, Alicia Griego and Lane McCarty join directors renewing for a second term:
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Ely,secretary. Remaining board members are Lucinda Albiston, Bill Bruce, Scott Busby, Gayle Bustin, Ryan Chinn, Hollie Cook, Dwane Dishner, Mary Kathryn Durr, Randy Fields, Alicia Griego, Lane McCarty, Garry Menendez, Mary Beth Robinson, Steve Smith, Susanne Tarovella and Georgiana Vines.
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JUST LISTED! Great Starter or Investment Rancher on Dead End street. 2 BR, 1 BTHS, Lots of updates. Ready for new owner. Large partially fenced in yard. Priced @ $68,900 MLS# 987463 HALLS HAS IT! Amazing 3/4 brick home w/so many updates! 4 BR, 4 BTHS, 3,697 sqft. Completely private backyard & room for the entire family to enjoy! Home is immaculate & just waiting on you. Great convenient location near Beaver Brook Golf Course & Country Club!. Priced @ $329,900 MLS# 984809 LAND OPTIONS: 6.23 acres in Halls $42,900 1.2 acres in Powell $19,900 4.92 acres in Halls $90,000
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Bearden Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-13
News from Emerald Youth Foundation of Knoxville
A concrete decision to give back
A Message from Steve Diggs Emerald Youth president and CEO The beginning of 2017 brings with it a refreshed vision for us as we serve young people in the heart of our city – a city where we believe every child, in every neighborhood, has the opportunity for a full life. As the new year has started, we celebrate Steve Diggs our 25th anniversary, and each day I’m grateful for the time God gives us with urban youth and their families. In his “Letter from Birmingham City Jail,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.” Every minute of every day counts, such as children learning the fundamentals of soccer at the Sansom Sports Complex, middle school youth enjoying a weekend camp retreat in the mountains, or high school students receiving tutoring at our College Street Ministry in Mechanicsville. Each of those moments is ripe, and this year we look forward to serving more than 2,000 young people across Knoxville. By building meaningful relationships with children and being comprehensively involved in their lives, we can change their trajectory and help them become godly young adult leaders in Knoxville and beyond.
On the left is the Emerald Youth dining room before new flooring was installed. The photo on the right is the dining room after the new flooring was installed. When Emerald Youth Foundation moved into its facility on North Central Street 17 years ago, two neighborhood boys were a constant presence on the basketball court of its new gym. Brothers Ballard Hall and Stephen Bryant were involved with Emerald Youth in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Hall was in the seventh grade when his teacher first connected him with the ministry. She thought Emerald Youth would be a good place for him to get some additional academic help after school. While initially hesitant to heed his teacher’s advice, Hall became involved with Emerald, not only getting help with his studies, but also playing basketball along with his brother. Hall graduated from Fulton and Bryant from Central; both earned their college degrees. They also enlisted in the Marines and were commended for their outstanding military service as combat veterans. After deployment in the Middle East, they returned home to Knoxville and went into business together, launching Custom Concrete and Design LLC, a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business.
“From the time we were children, we learned how important it is to serve others and that success is measured by one’s actions,” Hall said. “We started Custom Concrete and Design to build a better community, Stephen Bryant, Jonathan Whaley, Cassen Jackson-Garrison and Baland our recent proj- lard Hall of Custom Concrete and Design LLC. ect for Emerald was one way we’ve been able to give back.” ers and their employees. The product used The project: donation of much-needed protects the existing concrete while giving flooring in the dining room at the very facil- the floor the look, texture and color of inity Hall and Bryant enjoyed using as kids. laid tile. The generous in-kind gift will help Emerald “We are so pleased with the look and better serve young people and their fami- durability of the new floor,” said Emerald lies through faith, learning and sports pro- Youth spokesperson John Crooks. “Ballard, grams that regularly occur there. Stephen and their team did an incredible “Emerald did a lot for Ballard and me job. This project is really a blessing, and it’s during our childhood,” Bryant said. “They not one we asked for – they offered it unsowere always present in our lives and never licited. What great guys!” turned their back on us.” Custom Concrete and Design can be The new floor, which will last for years to found online at www.concrete2design.com come, was installed Jan. 2-7 by the broth- or call 865-773-2749.
Food City values Knoxville’s youth Pictured at left, Cedric Jackson and David Wells with Emerald Youth Foundation accept a $5,000 donation from Food City’s Mickey Blazer and Emerson Breeden. Next to Breeden is his granddaughter, Suzanne Stone. “Food City is genuinely dedicated to the wellbeing of the communities in which it does business,” said Jackson, Emerald Youth Foun-
dation stewardship director. “The support we have received over the years has been tremendous, and this is another example of Food City’s generosity.” The funds will be used to support Emerald’s faith, learning and health programs with young people throughout Knoxville’s urban neighborhoods.
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last words Rider just won’t be outworked Lauren Rider got so aggravated by what she was hearing about herself last week that she called her best friend to vent. “I asked her, ‘Can we go clean up a creek, or something?’” Rider – who served four years as president of the Old North Knoxville Inc., two years as cochair of the Broadway Corridor Lauren Rider Task Force, two three-year terms on the Neighborhood Advisory Council, has restored four old houses and a commercial building and owns a resume that includes a long list of volunteer activities – has been preparing for at least two years to run for the District 4 City Council seat that incumbent Nick Della Volpe will vacate in December. Questions about her party allegiance don’t sit well with Rider. Nor does the suggestion that she should defer to Harry Tindell and wait for an at-large seat to come open in 2019. “Some people say I can’t win. Some people say I’m not a Democrat. Some people say I’m not a Republican. What I am is a candidate in a nonpartisan race, running because tons of people have asked me to run over the years. I’ve had a lot of officeholders and community members urging me to run for council year after year after year. I’m fresh and new to this and I’m sincere about it and don’t doubt for a minute that it’s difficult and not fun at times, but I have a great wealth of knowledge of how the city works,” she said. Tindell, her only announced opponent, is a Democrat who started his political career by serving on the Knox County school board, spent 22 years in the General Assembly, was well-liked by his colleagues and was never seriously challenged for re-election. He’s amassing an impressive list of supporters, but so is Rider, a librarian at Pellissippi State’s Division Street campus, who moved to Knoxville 12 years ago when her husband, Steven, took a position as a neurologist at University of Tennessee Medical Center. Rider is from the tiny town of Evans, Ga., near Augusta. Growing up in the country – “seven miles from the grocery store, seven miles from school,
Betty Bean two and a half miles down a dirt road” – made her hanker for city life. A small inheritance provided the means to help her attend Georgia State University in Atlanta, where she got her first taste of city life. She lived downtown, majored in exercise science and was president of the sports club council. She also worked full-time and spent her weekends racing bicycles, something she continued after graduation. After she got her degree, she moved to Indianapolis with her coaches and worked as a nanny to their children. It was there that she met Steven, a medical student. They moved to Knoxville when he finished his training. While Tindell’s supporters tend to be Democrats, labor leaders and business people, Rider’s list of supporters is heavy on neighborhood stalwarts like Carlene Malone, Jamie Rowe, Ronnie Collins, Lynn Redmon and former state Rep. Gloria Johnson. Rider said she won’t be outworked. “There are both men and women, Rs and Ds and Independents who support me,” she said. “I have support from a broad base and from all walks of life, and it’s based on my experience and the work I have done. I’ve shoveled gravel in the basement of a blighted property in 100-degree weather, to the point of tears, by myself, with my two kids running around. I know zoning. I know neighborhood issues and I work to the point of blood, sweat and tears to do what is best for my community.”
A-14 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
Vols in Super Bowls Football is a numbers game – wins and losses, yards gained, punting averages, pass percentages, attendance and millions generated by the SEC Network. Here’s one you probably haven’t heard but have undoubtedly eagerly awaited, the number of former Volunteers in Super Bowls past: 96. Another number goes with that one: 7. Tennessee ranks seventh in the talent supply chain for the NFL extravaganza. Miami is first with 117. Southern Cal is one behind, followed by UCLA (108), Michigan and Penn State (104 each) and Notre Dame (101). Quarterback Peyton Manning carried the Vol flag to four Super Bowls. Linebacker Jack Reynolds and defensive back Bill Bates played in three. There are secrets to such success – get drafted by or traded to a good team. Fourteen former Vols played in two Super Bowls: punters Ron Widby and Craig and Britton Colquitt; wide receivers Alvin Harper
Marvin West
and Marcus Nash; offensive linemen Mickey Marvin, Raleigh McKenzie, Bruce Wilkerson and Chris Scott; defensive warriors Reggie White, Leonard Little, Jerod Mayo, Malik Jackson and Tony McDaniel. On the flip side are other great players who never got a chance. Steve DeLong, Bob Johnson, Frank Emanuel and Chip Kell are in the College Football Hall of Fame but didn’t get closer to a Super Bowl than good seats for observation.
Memories, comments Bill Anderson played in the first Super Bowl, 1967, with Green Bay. Steve Kiner had a twoyard kickoff return for Dallas in Super Bowl V. He
made the cover of Sports Illustrated trying in vain to block Baltimore’s winning field goal. Kiner remembers the pregame carnival atmosphere. He said it seemed very strange. “I kept wondering what all the excitement was about. We were just going to play another football game. It was no big deal. “I personified young and dumb. I had no sense of time, no perspective about professional football or the history of it. I was playing and having a great time. “After the loss, a great sense of missed opportunity lingered for years.” Eddie Brown had an interception for the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl XIV. Reynolds achieved legendary status as the Pied Piper of the San Francisco 49ers. He often surprised teammates but actually stunned them in 1982. Hacksaw was primed and ready long before kickoff. He boarded the bus from
the hotel to the stadium already in full uniform. CBS analyst John Madden loved it. He said “Boom!” Stanley Morgan had six receptions for New England in Super Bowl XX. Willie Gault had only four for Chicago but produced 129 yards. Alvin Harper became the first Vol to score a touchdown in a Super Bowl, XXVII, a 45-yard pass from Troy Aikman. They played for the Cowboys. Reggie White had three sacks for minus 23 in Super Bowl XXXI. Jamal Lewis carried 27 times for 102 yards and one touchdown on behalf of the Baltimore Ravens in XXXV. Charley Garner, coming out of the backfield, caught seven passes for Oakland in XXXVII. Manning as a Colt was MVP of Super Bowl XLI. Manning, last February as a Bronco at age 39, was the oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl. Five sacks may have encouraged him to retire and do more and better commercials. Marvin West invites reader commentary. His address is westwest6@netzero.com
Speaker’s job changes hands
Lt. Gov. Randy McNally turns 73 on Monday, Jan. 30. He represents part of Knox County and all of Anderson County in the state Senate. He is the first person to represent Knox County to be Senate speaker in over 100 years. State Rep. Jimmy Matlock, who came close to winning the GOP speakership contest in Nashville over incumbent Beth Harwell, turns 58 on Feb. 5. Harwell had been considered a candidate for governor but is viewed as a longer shot now due to the difficulties she has encountered the past two years as speaker. With 30 of the 74 GOP House members voting against her to be speaker for a fourth term, they are not likely to favor her bid for governor either. Nevertheless, Harwell is now passing the word she may run after all. This means this would be her final term as speaker. Her House clerk, Joe McCord, abruptly retired as clerk just four days before ■■ Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones is the House reconvened on making noises about running Jan. 10. He had become a for county mayor. He cannot source of controversy for seek re-election in 2018 Harwell, and she quickly because of term limits. named Tammy Letzler – a ■■ Hiring Hugh Holt for more onetime employee of Jimmy money than he was making Naifeh – the first woman for Knox County governever to be clerk of the House ment to do just a portion of in his place. McCord, 49, will the work was a signal that be eligible to draw a generJones would not again face voters. Perhaps he thinks we’ll ous state pension at age 55 as he is a former legislator. forget? Her committee appoint■■ Joe Bailey is gearing up to ments last week sought to run for Knox County Repubpunish several who opposed lican Party chair – with the support of courthouse heavy- her for speaker, which may weights. Bailey is a former city haunt her next year when vice mayor. she campaigns in the coun– S. Clark ties of those House mem-
Victor Ashe
bers. There was not a healing process here. Harwell will need to articulate a compelling story of her time as speaker and what she has accomplished to make headway over former economic development chief Randy Boyd, U.S. Rep. Diane Black, the three state senators – Mark Green, Mark Norris and Doug Overbey – and Williamson County businessman Bill Lee. ■■ Five City Council members depart in a little over 10 months on Dec. 16, but they will not depart the city’s payroll, as they will receive a modest city pension based on eight years of service. The current council annual salary is $19,000 a year. Three of the five who are over 66 will receive $2051.52 a year. They are Vice Mayor Duane Grieve, Brenda Palmer and Nick Della Volpe. Former mayor Daniel Brown will receive the highest pension at $7,635, which is a result of his 11 months as mayor when he received the mayor’s salary of $130,000 a year. Because the pension is based on one’s highest two years of pay, this generously upped the pension amount for Brown. Former vice mayor Nick Pavlis receives the least at $1,838.52, since he is not yet 66.
Mayor Madeline Rogero, too, will transition from her mayor’s salary to a city pension the day she leaves office in December 2019. Her pension will be based on 11 years with the city, which will work out in rough figures to $30,000 a year plus a 3 percent annual increase, which in 10 years in 2029 means a 30 percent increase compounded in her pension. Several other high-paid city employees such as Bill Lyons will depart then, but in his case his annual pension will likely exceed $58,000 a year also with the same 3 percent annual escalator. He will have put in 16 years with the city. He is currently the second-highest paid city employee at $168,240 a year plus $1,320 in longevity pay and $5,830 a year car allowance – when he lives at 607 Union Ave. and usually walks the five short blocks to work. Lyons’ total pay package exceeds $175,000 a year with a guaranteed 7.5 percent increase on top of this for the remaining three years he has with Rogero. Rogero earns $142,000 a year but does not receive an annual increase nor does council. Five city employees make more than the mayor. ■■ The Confucius Institute at UT Knoxville, located in the International House, is funded primarily by the Chinese government under the name of Hanban in Beijing, which is part of the Chinese Ministry of Education. Its funding is less than $150,000 a year, which
is less than 25 percent of the new UTK Chancellor’s salary. By UTK standards, this is almost pocket change. What has become controversial is discussion of the real motive behind the Institute, which now has over 500 locations around the world in 105 nations as part of China’s overseas propaganda strategy. China interestingly picked the name of Confucius, who has never been part of the Chinese Communist ideology. Clearly, had it been named Mao Institute it would have created major public relations issues in the USA. The respected University of Chicago did not renew its contract with the Institute in 2014 as the Confucius Institute has weighed on free speech issues at some campuses by expressing concern with some programs viewed as anti-China by the Chinese government. The concern voiced about Confucius is having a foreign government with a clear agenda exercising influence on college campuses inconsistent with academic freedom. This would include, for China, discussions on Tibet, Taiwan, Falun Gong and the Dalai Lama. China carefully monitors these topics within China in a way that contradicts America’s concept of true academic freedom. Problems have not yet surfaced at UTK, but they could, depending on the actions of the Chinese government. China’s government has a different view on academic freedom and independence than does the USA.
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A-16 • January 25, 2017 • Bearden Shopper news
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January 25, 2017
HealtH & lifestyles News From Fort saNders regioNal medical ceNter
Law & Aorta
FSRMC surgeons mend ex-NYPD detective’s tell-tale heart Lt. Joe Kenda, TV’s “Homicide Hunt er,” is showing in the living room of John and Barbara Mohl’s Sevierville condo minium, but neither is watching. That’s because Mohl, a retired detec tive with the New York Police Depart ment, has plenty of true crime stories of his own. His were the kind of highpro file cas es that might evoke a signature “My, my, my” from Kenda himself. But these days, John’s most recent case is a crime of the heart. He was 80 when clogged arteries choked off his heart in August 2015, sending him to the ER at LeConte Medical Center. From there, he was sent to Fort Sanders Re gional Medical Center for a triple bypass and valve repair. That, however, wasn’t the worst of it. Tests prior to his bypass surgery revealed a deadly secret – he also had an abdomi nal aortic aneurysm (AAA), a balloon like dilation of the largest blood vessel that leads from the heart, down through the abdomen to the rest of the body. It was almost three times its normal “gar den hose” size. The great majority can be treated with a stent; however, Mohl’s an eurysm involved the kidney arteries and plaquerelated blockages of his iliac and femoral arteries, requir ing open repair. If it ruptured, the odds were 90 per cent he wouldn’t make it. Even without a rupture, repairing it would not be easy on him or his surgeon. Mohl would have to wait more than six months to heal from his openheart surgery before his body could withstand the rigors of an open AAA, one of medicine’s more chal lenging and complicated surgeries. Vascular surgeons Richard Young, MD, and Michael Kro pilak, MD, met that chal lenge in an operation at Fort Sanders Regional. “We always doublescrub on open A AA surger ies to increase the speed and quality of the repair,” said Dr. Young. “Every case is different, but an open Richard AAA is a major operation Young, M.D. for any patient.” Through a large incision on Mohl’s
Ex-NYC detective John Mohl and his wife, Barbara, are back to their quiet life after John’s vascular surgery at Fort Sanders Regional.
abdomen, Dr. Young clamped the aorta above and below the aneurysm to stop the blood f low. Then he replaced the diseased vessels with a polyester graft. After it was attached, they removed the clamps to restore blood f low and closed the incision.
Two weeks later, a happytobealive Mohl was discharged from the hospi tal. “There are not enough accolades for these two doctors,” he said. “They did a marvelous job. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be sitting here. They may say things that you think are blunt but
Hidden killer:
AAA often goes undetected, untreated Think you would know an abdominal aortic aneu rysm if you had one? Think again. More than half – 62 percent – of AAAs are discov ered incidentally, meaning they are found while doctors are searching for something else. For John Mohl, that “something else” came while doctors were looking at a CT scan for a possible pulmonary embolus. Dr. Richard Young, a vascular surgeon at Fort Sand ers Regional Medical Center, says the location of AAAs is what makes them so difficult to detect. “They lie along the front of the backbone in the back of the abdomen,” said Dr. Young. He added that while most aneurysms affect the segment of the abdominal aorta below the kidneys, Mohl’s AAA extended up to the kidney renal arteries. What’s more, Dr. Young said, “Almost all are asymp
tomatic (show no symptoms) until they rupture, leak or begin growing very quickly.” In fact, 75 percent of AAA patients show no symp toms at all. Of the 25 percent who do, the most com mon is pain in the abdomen, chest, lower back or groin area. The pain may be severe or dull. The occurrence of pain is often associated with the imminent rupture of the aneurysm. Acute, sudden onset of severe pain in the back and/ or abdomen may represent rupture and is a lifethreat ening medical emergency. Sometimes, a pulsing sensa tion, similar to a heartbeat, in the abdomen may be a symptom. More times than not, however, AAAs are diagnosed with CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds or arteriograms while searching for a different problem.
they’re just telling you how it is, and that’s how it should be. In the medical profession, you can’t go sugarcoating things.” Straight talk. It’s a quality Mohl learned to appreciate on some of New York’s toughest streets. He joined the NYPD and began patrolling in June 1956, 11 months before his marriage to Barbara. “He was 21 and looked 12,” she said. “People would throw garbage cans at him from the roof.” In the ensuing years, Mohl worked undercover narcotics, burglary, major crimes and homicides in neighborhoods where surviv al required street smarts. He later became part of the Major Crimes Investigative Unit, working to round up criminals claiming responsibility for highprofile crimes. “I was always too smart to get hurt. Se riously,” said Mohl, whose undercover col leagues included Eddie Egan, who inspired the movie “The French Con nection.” “You have to be on the alert. It’s not a game out there. These people play for keeps. You just have to be a little smarter.” These days, Mohl lives the quiet life of a “house husband” and fills his days alongside Barbara, vacuuming, washing dishes, going shopping and watching Joe Kenda on TV. He occasionally helps out at the Rainforest Adventures Discovery Zoo, owned by his daughter and sonin law. He would like to see his 90th birth day and thanks to Drs. Young and Kropilak and Fort Sanders Regional, he might just do that. “When you come from a big city like New York, you have a sense of superior ity, that everything is bet ter there,” said Mohl, who still speaks in his native Michael “Brook lynese.” “They may Kropilak, M.D. think ‘All the best hospi tals are in New York.’ No, they’re not! They should try Fort Sanders someday.” For more information about vascular surgery at Fort Sanders Regional, call 865-673-FORT or visit fsregional.com.
Are you at risk for an abdominal aortic aneurysm? What causes an abdominal aortic aneurysm to form? The exact cause isn’t fully known. Most people, like re tired detective John Mohl, who quit smoking 10 to 12 years ago, attribute it to smoking. While it is true that smoking weakens the arterial wall, vascular surgeon Dr. Richard Young says smoking is only part of the problem. “Smoking in itself doesn’t cause AAA,” said Dr. Young. “Risk factors are anything that can weaken the arterial wall, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking. A family history of aortic abdominal an eurysm also increases your risk. Fifteen to 25 percent of patients undergoing AAA repair have a first degree relative with an AAA.” Factors also include age (older than 60), gender (males are four to five times at greater risk than females), genet ic factors and obesity.
Regional Excellence: SURGERY Fort Sanders Regional’s surgical capabilities are transforming the surgery experience for patients in East Tennessee.
From the area’s first robotically-assisted surgery system, imageguided brain and spinal cord procedures, to our brand new hybrid operating room, Fort Sanders Regional provides patients more options and the best surgical technology available.
B-2 • January 25, 2017 • Shopper news
Sport Utility Vehicles Transportation
KIA SPORTAGE - 2013. #793A, $19,987 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
Automobiles for Sale Buick LaCrosse 2005, a real gem, 83K mi, all maint. records avail., all service done at Twin City Buick. 1 ownr, gar. kept. $4500. 865-660-7336 CHEVROLET CORVETTE - 2011. #551A, $30,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. CHEVROLET SS - 2014. #840A, $32,895 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. Chevy Impala LT Limited 2014, black, loaded w/sunrf, remote start, sharp car! 54K mi. $8950. (865)522-4133.
DRIVERS - Regional & OTR. Excellent Pay + Rider Program. Family Medical/Dental Benefits. Great Hometime + Weekends. CDL-A, 1 yr. EXP. 877-758-3905
CHEVROLET SILVERADO - 2006. #3054, $17,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. CHEVROLET SILVERADO - 2011. #926L, $23,944 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137. CHEVROLET SILVERADO - 2014. #376B, $32,887 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. DODGE RAM 1500 - 2014. #273E, $23,982 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
FORD MUSTANG - 2014. Black, AT, V6, leather, tinted windows, nav., 24K mi, $19,500. (865)922-5532.
DODGE RAM 2500 - 2014. #224B, $31,964 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
FORD MUSTANG - 2015. #5431, $21,845 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
FORD EXPLORER - 2010. #877E, $16,982 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
FORD MUSTANG - 2016. #5864, $22,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
FORD F150 - 2005. #481E, $15,970 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
Saturn L200 2003, loaded, AM/FM/ CD/cass., PW, PDL, 175K mi, good shape, $1800 obo. Ron 865-670-9676
FORD F150 - 2014. #7009, $28,895 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
Sports and Imports
FORD F150 - 2015. #0141, $49,895 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
HYUNDAI SONATA - 2014. #220A, $13,995 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
FORD F150 - 2016. #6594, $30,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
Mercedes 2005 E320 4-matic, immac cond, champagne ext/beige int, 110K mi, always serviced at Jarik Car Auto, $6900. (865)216-2924. MERCEDES E350 - 2013. Premium 1 Pkg, Luxury Pkg, Lt Pkg, Sticker $57,475. Buy it for $21,900. Call (865)588-6250 M-F 8am-5pm. SCION IM - 2016. #018A, $14,880; INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. TOYOTA CAMRY - 2015. #219A, $15,373; INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. TOYOTA COROLLA - 2013. #3034, $12,881 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
FORD F250 - 2008. #022B, $21,900 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137. FORD F250 - 2016. #6340, $36,821 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. FORD RANGER - 2010. #968E, $19,962 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137. GMC SIERRA - 2008. #513B, $10,980 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137. HONDA RIDGELINE - 2012. #687E, $25,987 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137. MAZDA B4000 - 2010. #360E, $16,981 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
4 Wheel Drive
NISSAN TITAN - 2014. #926E, $25,987 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
DODGE DURANGO - 2013. #027B, $26,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
TOYOTA TACOMA - 2014. #374E, $16,987 INCL. $499 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 9846 (865)643-8137.
FORD EDGE - 2016. #3815, $33,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
TOYOTA TACOMA - 2016. #018N, $21,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
FORD ESCAPE - 2016. #4286, $17,497 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
TOYOTA TACOMA - 2016. #1387, $36,883 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
FORD ESCAPE - 2016. #8428, $19,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
TOYOTA TUNDRA - 2013. #762A, $28,941 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
JEEP CHEROKEE - 2016. #3976, $23,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
KIA SORENTO - 2016. #1800, $20,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
FORD TRANSIT - 2016. #4632, $23,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
TOYOTA 4RUNNER - 2007. #141A, $16,887 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
Honda Odyssey EX 2010, 1 owner, DVD syst., leather, gar. kept, new brakes & tires, $11,500. (865)675-1176.
TOYOTA 4RUNNER - 2016. #4775, $37,941 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. TOYOTA FJ CRUISER - 2014. #455B, $32,881 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
Sport Utility Vehicles ACURA RLX - 2014. #704A, $25,985 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
Vehicles Wanted
FAST $$ CASH $$ 4 JUNK AUTOS 865-216-5052 865-856-8106
FORD EDGE - 2010. #986A, $15,887; INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. FORD EDGE - 2014. #210A, $22,156 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. FORD ESCAPE - 2016. #3054, $16,580; INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. FORD EXPLORER - 2014. #7481, $27,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. FORD EXPLORER - 2016. #6906, $28,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673. FORD EXPLORER - 2016. #8976, $36,495 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. FORD FLEX - 2016. #3084, $29,980 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611. JEEP Grand Cherokee Limited 2002, V8, leather, great shape, $4500. (865)922-5532. JEEP WRANGLER - 2014. #490A, $30,880 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
DRIVERS -CO & O\Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855-582-2265. NOW HIRING - Experienced Machine Operators. $12.50 - $15.00/HR. 865312-8904. NOW HIRING MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATES- No experience needed. Up to $10.85/HR. 865.558.6224. www.resourcemfg.com
SHOW PRICES AVAIL. ON 2017 MODELS UNBELIEVABLE PRICES ON ALL NEW & PREOWNED UNITS Visit Us Online at Northgaterv.com or call 865-681-3030
BASSETT PUPPIES - CKC reg. All worm/1st shots. Mom on site. 4 lemon & white. 3 females/1 male. $500 each firm. (865)438-9425
hoping to grow our family through adoption! Our warm, nurturing home is waiting to welcome your baby! Expenses paid. Anne & Colin
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC, West German bldlns, 2 M, 8 F, vet ck’d. health guar. $700. 865-322-6251. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, AKC, $650. 1st shots, vet checked, Phone 931-808-0293. Golden Retriever puppies, AKC, family/farm raised, parents on prem. $1100 ea. (423) 618-6311 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC, Males only. Best litter to date. $550. 865-7895648; 865-933-2032
www.facebook.com/ AnneandColinAdopt/
ADOPTION: Loving couple promises your baby the best in life. Expenses pd. Paula & Christopher 1-800-818-5250
General Services
Can fix, repair or install anything around the house! Appliances, ceramic tile, decks, drywall, fencing, electrical, garage doors, hardwoods, irrigation, crawlspace moisture, mold & odor control, landscape, masonry, painting, plumbing. Any Remodeling Needs you wish to have done or completed!
Many different breeds Maltese, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, Poodles, Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, Shih Tzu. Shots & wormed. We do layaways. Health guar. Go to Facebook, Judys Puppy Nursery Updates. 423-566-3647
Business Opportunities WATERSIDE MARINA ON NORRIS LAKE - OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE TO LEASE GRILL/DELI SPACE Waterside Marina has space available for seasonal lease. Searching for company or individual w/previous food service experience to lease out the Marina Grill/Deli. Includes basic restaurant equipment, furnished dining room, and outside patio area. For more detailed information please contact Waterside Marina (865)494-9649.
SHIH TZU puppies, AKC, beautiful colors, Shots UTD. Warranty. $400 & up. 423-618-8038; 423-775-4016
Consolidation Loans
YORKSHIRE TERRIERS CKC - males, Black & tan & 1 tri-color. $700$1200. (865) 201-1390
We make loans up to $1000. We do credit starter & rebuilder loans. Call today, 30 minute approvals. See manager for details. 865-687-3228
Retired Vet. looking to keep busy.
Call (865)281-8080
Real Estate Sales
Home Maint./Repair HAROLD’S GUTTER SERVICE Will clean front & back, $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed.
Antiques CAST IRON dinner bells for sale. 865256-8064; 865-688-0055
Manufactured Homes I BUY OLDER MOBILE HOMES 1990 up, any size OK 865-384-5643
Garage Sales
90 Day Warranty
West Multi-Family Garage Sale & Chili Lunch - Sat., Jan. 28, 10a-4p. $5 Chili lunch from 11a-1p. Benefits Knoxville Christian School Baseball Team. Located at 11549 Snyder Rd., 37932. 20-25 families providing for the sale.
2001 E. Magnolia Ave.
Farmer’s Mkt/ Trading Post
2 plots in the Bronze section # 33 in Greenwood Cemetery, Tazewell Pk. $4,000/both obo. (865)688-1561.
Farm Products
For Sale By Owner LOVELY KARNS 3100SQ FT HOME/ POOL/PRIV WOODED LOT - 7529 Shaker Drive, Light+space! 4BR, 3.5BA, eat in kit., Sunrm, fin bsmt, fplc, 2C gar. .51ac +.45ac Lot avail. GreatKarnsHome.com 865-771-6207
Cemetery Lots 2 LOTS IN SHERWOOD MEMORIAL GARDENS - Prime location. $2900 for both. (865)525-6260
Prime property, must sell. Older section in Lynhurst Cemetery. 4 spaces, $8,000. (865)525-3253
WALBROOK STUDIOS 865-251-3607 $145 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lease.
Apartments - Unfurn.
1,2,3 BR
RECORD COLLECTION. Over 100 vintage 78’s, late 40’s - early 50’s. Most in record albums w/sleeves. Make offer. Jim (865) 250-2639
Storage Sheds
Dogs AMERICAN BULLDOG puppies, champ. bloodline, ACA reg., 4M, 7F, ready 1/26/17, 1st shots, vet ckd, various amounts of brindle & white, $1,000 w/breeding rights. (865) 660-8509 AUSSIEDOODLES - DOUBLEDOODLES LABRADOODLES. Litterbox Trained. Call or text 865-591-7220
8’x10’ storage shed, locking doors & rear window, gambrel roof, $2,000 new, 1 yr old, $1500 obo. 865-454-8790
HARDIN VALLEY CABIN furnished 1 BR, $150 wk + dep. 1 yr lease. No smoking. No pets. (865) 310-5556
Homes Unfurnished 3 BR, 3 BA - Farragut Area- 2 car gar. End unit in condo subd. Plenty of windows. 1 BR & BA w/bonus rm up. $1300/mo. Lse & refer. 865-300-4591 HALLS, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1 car gar. $925 + deposit. Pets + dep. 865-388-4498; 865-680-8971 NEWLY REMODELED HOME - near powell, handicap acces built in ramp at front and balcony deck in back. 2br 1b with eat in kitchen. Large dining room/living room and den with hardwood floors, garage. water furn. $950 mo. & $1000 deposit. 423-593-8010.
Powell Claxton. 3 BR, 2 BA no pets, private, convenient, $700 mo + 1st, last, DD. 865-748-3644
Duplx/Multplx UnFurn 2 BR DUPLEX
South (off Chapman Hwy) Convenient to Downtown & UT No Pets $565 - $575 (865) 577-1687
Gatlinburg in Arts & Crafts Comm. 1 BR w/loft, jacuzzi, hot tub, priv. courtyard. $100/night. Check VRBO #925381
90% silver, halves, quarters & dimes, old silver dollars, proof sets, silver & gold eagles, krands & maple leafs, class rings, wedding bands, anything 10, 14, & 18k gold old currency before 1928 WEST SIDE COINS & COLLECTIBLES 7004 KINGSTON PK CALL 584-8070
Homes Furnished
Apartments - Furnished
Downtown Knoxville is now running a MOVE-IN SPECIAL for the month of Jan. With any qualifying move-in by 1/31/17, you will receive $100 gift card to Walmart. Please call 865-523-9303 for more info.
Seasonal/Vacation Rentals
Call Illa’s B & G Shop (865)687-7638.
KENSINGTON FOREST APTS. 404 Tammy Dr. Powell, 938-4200 BELLE MEADE APTS. 7209 Old Clinton Pk., Knoxville, 938-4500 CREEK WOOD APTS. 612 4th St., Lake City, TN 426-7005 Call to receive info. about being placed on a waiting list. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer.
Real Estate Rentals
ELDER APTS, 1BR, Ftn. City near I-75 N. Newly remodeled, quiet, priv, no pets, non smoking, $465. 522-4133
Pembroke Corgi “Valentine” pups, AKC reg, vet ckd, 1st shots, ready to go 2/6 aft 2nd shots, 4M, 1F, tri color, $800. 865-457-4415; 865-388-7040
BROADWAY TOWERS 62 AND OLDER Or Physically Mobility Impaired 1 & 2 BR, util. incl. Laundry on site. Immediate housing if qualified. Section 8-202. 865-524-4092 for appt. TDD 1-800-927-9275
A Loving & Fun Couple
ENGLISH BULLDOG puppies, AKC reg., 8 wks old on 1/18. 1st shots, vet ckd, $1500. 865-966-8983; 865-712-1469
Beautiful Toy puppies, 1st shots, $400. 865-717-9493
Services Offered
Campers & RV’s
GOLDENDOODLE PUPS - great temperaments, good with children, S&W, $850. (865) 466-4380.
We build all types of Farm Fencing and Pole Barn.
Apartments - Unfurn.
BASSET PUPPIES, CKC reg., 7 wks old, all shots and dewormed, females $350, males $300. (931) 319-0000
TOYOTA SEQUOIA SR5 2002, V8, 4WD, 205K mi, 1 owner, no accidents, $6199. (865) 719-6441.
FORD FUSION - 2016. #2951, $14,882 INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 11367 (865)693-7611.
KIA OPTIMA - 2015. #925B, $13,880; INCL. $595 Doc Fee + TTL. TNDL# 595 (865)251-3673.
*Pools, Laundries, Appl. *5 min. to UT & airport www.riversidemanorapts.com
Rooms Furn/Unfurn FREE RENT in exchange for housecleaning & dog sitting. Loudon area. (865) 851-5765
Real Estate Commercial Invest./Income Prop/Sale INVESTORS! CASH SALE ONLY $600K 13 dwelling portfolio generates over $100K annual rents. Tax appraisal $528K. (865) 219-8669
Retail Space/Rent
Cherokee West $615 South - Taliwa Gardens $585 - $625 1 1/2 bth, W/D conn. (865) 577-1687 A Large Clean 2 BR apt. in Old North Knoxv. Conveniently located. No smoking/no pets. $625 mo. Dep req’d. (865)522-7552 BEST DEAL OUT WEST! 1BR from $395-$425. 2BR $550-$750. No pets. Parking @ front door. (865)470-8686.
CONVENIENCE STORE FOR LEASE. KNOXVILLE. No Inventory to Buy. Call 865-560-9989
There’s no place like...here!
Real Estate
Wanted MR. BASEBALL buying Sports Cards, I come to you, 203-557-0856, cell 203-767-2407.
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Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • B-3
Danielle McKellar of Bearden, front, and Leilani Branner of Hardin Valley work on their paintings.
Spread out at long tables, the students in the Wine and Canvas class are hard at work.
Tracey Crocker, owner of Wine and Canvas, welcomes her students to class and showcases the painting they will be reproducing. Photos by Sherri Gardner Howell
‘Masterpieces’ unfold for
Karns resident Jama Chandler concentrates on layering her blues
budding artists
By Sherri Gardner Howell Van Gogh couldn’t have been any more intense about his brushwork than the 20 artists who gathered at Gibby’s restaurant in the Cedar Bluff Holiday Inn. These men and women, students of Tracey Crocker’s Wine and Canvas class, were focused. There was quite a bit of laughter, too, and a little wine and cocktails for some – just to loosen the mood, but when the brushes hit the canvas, they were attentive, watching Crocker as she
guided them through creating their own masterpiece, “Stars Are Out at the Bijou.” Crocker and her husband, Rob, own Wine and Canvas and have been conducting classes in approximately 70 venues for almost three years. While they sometimes offer a “Masterpiece Class” for painting the famous works of Van Gogh and Monet and the like, most of the works they choose for their students to paint are originals. “We have more than 1,000 paintings in our wheelhouse,”
says Tracey. “Local scenes are very popular. This one (Stars Are Out at the Bijou) was painted by Rockney McNamara, who is here to assist tonight.” Interesting thing about copying masterpieces: If the artist has been dead for 100 years, there are no copyright protections on reproducing the work. “For example,” says Tracey, “I can paint a picture from Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ (illustrator John Tenniel), but not a Disney Alice.”
With the outlining complete, Natosha Webb of Maryville and Jake Thompson of Farragut wait for the next set of instructions.
Don Sessoms of Gatlinburg looks to the front for instruction.
Jennifer Aaron from Louisville works on the edges of her canvas so her painting will be ready to hang.
Heather Grose is part of a group of five friends who came together to socialize and paint.
HAPPENINGS ■■ Production of “The Surprising Story of the Three Little Pigs” by Knoxville Children’s Theatre, Thursdays-Sundays, through Feb. 5, 109 E. Churchwell Ave. Performances: 7 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, 1 and 5 p.m. Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays. Info/tickets: childrenstheatreknoxville.com. ■■ Books Sandwiched In: “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” by J. D. Vance, noon Wednesday, Jan. 25. Discussion led by Sam Venable. Info: 215-8801. ■■ AARP Driver Safety class, noon-4 p.m. Thursday-Friday, Jan. 26-27, O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. Info/registration: 382-5822. ■■ Handbuilding Workshop, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway 61, Norris. Instructor: Judy Brater. Glazing day, Friday, March 3. Part
of the Featured Tennessee Artists Workshop series. Some supplies needed. Info/registration: 494-9854 or applachianarts.net. ■■ Refresher course for Wilderness First Responder, Friday-Sunday, Jan. 27-29, Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont. Satisfies the requirements to renew certification in First Responder on the national registry. Info/registration: gsmit. org/wfr.html or 448-6709. ■■ Conifer Symposium for Gardeners, 8:30 a.m.-noon Saturday, Jan. 28, UT Gardens, UT Institute of Agriculture campus on Neyland Drive. Cost: $30 members; $35 nonmembers. Registration deadline: 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26. Info/registration: tiny.utk.edu/conifer. ■■ Nuno Felted Scarf Workshop, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway 61, Norris. Instructor: Tone HaugenCogburn. Some supplies needed. Info/registration: 494-9854 or
applachianarts.net. ■■ Winter Stargazing Session, 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, Marble Springs State Historic Site, 1220 W. Gov. John Sevier Highway. Session led by Gary Noland, UT adjunct instructor of astronomy. A $1 donation per person is requested. Info: info@ marblesprings.net or 573-5508. ■■ The KSO Chamber Classics Series: Principal Quartet Plays Beethoven, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, Powell Recital Hall in the Natalie Haslam Music Center, UT Campus, 1741 Volunteer Blvd. Tickets: $35. Info/tickets: 291-3310 or knoxvillesymphony.com. Tickets also available at the door. ■■ Jazz Lunch at the Square Room featuring Top Brass with Thomas Heflin and Mitch Butler, noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 4 Market Square Building. Admission: $15; includes lunch buffet by Café 4. Tickets: knoxjazz.org or at Café 4. ■■ The Authors Guild of Tennessee meeting, 11 a.m.
Thursday, Feb. 2, Faith Lutheran Church, 225 Jamestowne Blvd. Published authors invited. Info: authorsguildoftn.org. ■■ Sara Evans in concert, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, Knoxville Civic Auditorium, 500 Howard Baker Jr. Ave. Tickets: knoxvillecoliseum.com. ■■ Public reception for new exhibits, 5-9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay St. Exhibits on display Feb. 3-24: “The Slovene Independent Biennial,” lower gallery; National Juried Exhibition of 2017, Balcony gallery; “Through My Eyes: Works by Derrick Freeman, an Autistic Artist,” display case; “Travel ... Begins Close to Home” by Cheryl Sharp, the Atrium; “Mother’s Dream Quilt,” recently created by the Tennessee chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Info: 523-7543 or knoxalliance.com. ■■ Foghorn Stringband, 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, Laurel Theater, 1538 Laurel Ave. Tickets: $15, some discounts
available. Info/tickets: jubileearts.org. ■■ The Scottish Society of Knoxville’s annual Robert Burns Tribute Dinner, 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, the Holiday Inn, Executive Park Drive. Dress is formal; social hour, 5-6 p.m. Entertainment: the Scottish Good Thymes Ceilidh Band. Info: Ron Jones, ronann619@comcast.net or 947-3394; or Doug Harrill, flash37886. dh@gmail.com or 983-1534. ■■ Clayton Valentine’s Pops Concert featuring Mary Wilson of the Supremes and the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, the Civic Auditorium, 500 Howard Baker Jr. Ave. Info/tickets: knoxvillesymphony.com. ■■ “The Power of Video and Photo to Tell Your Story” workshop, noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay St. Cost: $5, Arts & Culture Alliance members; $8, nonmembers. Info/ registration: knoxalliance.com or sc@knoxalliance.com.
B-4 • January A-2 AnuAry 25, 25,2017 2017••PBowell earden Shopper Shopper news news
health & lifestyles News From Parkwest, west kNoxville’s HealtHcare leader • treatedwell.com • 374-Park
Eight is great Parkwest’s first baby of new year is No. 8 for Scott County family It takes a 12-passenger van for the Barnett family of Robbins, Tennessee, to venture out on any given day. Dusty and Jessica Barnett have eight children, and each one was born at Parkwest Medical Center. “They love to go to Frozen Head, and go see their daddy on the way,” Jessica says. Dusty Barnett is an advanced EMT with Morgan County EMS, and works near the entrance to the state park. “There’s a great children’s play area there, and they like to walk the trails.” While the number of children in the Barnett household is two or three times as many as the average family in East Tennessee, it’s a happy and comfortable home life for them. The older children are home schooled, and help care for their younger siblings. The children tend the animals on the small family farm, they love good books, they cherish the Bible, and the favorite family meal is lasagna. “Jonathan is 9, Lydia is 8, James is 6, Jason is 5, Chloe is 3, Jeremy is 2, and Jared is 16 months,” Jessica says. The newest addition to the family is little Annalee Hope, who was born on New Year’s Day. As a matter of fact, Annalee was the very first baby born at Parkwest this year, making her grand entrance into the world at 8:01 a.m., Jan. 1, 2017. “My husband’s middle name is Lee,” Jessica explains, “so we named her after him.” “I truly love helping bring new babies into the world,” says Marlyn Leisy, MD, who delivered Annalee on New Year’s Day. “It was especially an honor Marlyn Leisy, to deliver Parkwest’s first MD baby of 2017. Jessica was delightful to have as a patient. It was touch-
ing to see their sweet family continue to grow and witness Dusty and Lydia’s excitement about Annalee’s arrival.” Annalee weighed in at seven pounds and five ounces, she was 21.25 inches in length. Mother and baby are both doing just fine. With a husband who is an experienced EMT, and with the experience of already having had seven children in the family born at Parkwest, Jessica says she and Dusty knew exactly where they wanted their eighth child to be born. When the first Barnett baby was delivered at Parkwest nine years ago, Jessica says it was a good experience, and they’ve been pleased every time a new baby has been added to the family. “I like how the labor, delivery and recovery are all in one room,” Jessica says. “And the nurses are really good. They’re so attentive.” Nurse manager Teresa Paris appreciates the compliment, noting that helping moms in labor to experience childbirth in a comfortable and comforting environment is intentional at Parkwest. “The nursing staff changes to flex the care for the patient so she is able to remain in that one room,” Paris says. “It’s more of a family environment where they feel like they can settle in, and they don’t have to be shuffled around the hospital.” When the big day arrived at the end of
Teddy Bear University As you or a loved one prepares to give birth, you may benefit from classes through Teddy Bear University in breastfeeding, breathing and birthing relaxation tips and infant and child CPR. All classes are held in the Ocoee Room on the second floor of Parkwest and are led by a lactation consultant. The following classes are offered in 2017: ■ Breastfeeding – Learn breastfeeding basics including correct positioning, tips for returning to work and an overview of breast pumps. Fathersto-be are encouraged to attend. Classes are available on one Wednesday evening and one Sunday afternoon each month. ■ Sibling Class – Siblings age 4 to 10 are welcome to attend Sibling Class, which promotes family bonding to help reduce jealous feelings. A tour of the birthing facility is also included in this class. Sibling sessions take place on one Saturday afternoon every two months. ■ Birth and Babies Today – This multi-week series covers the variations of labor and birth, breathing techniques, tips for your support person and care for the new mom and baby. This class is recom-
mended for first-time parents starting in their sixth or seventh month and is completed over five weeks. ■ Super Saturday Class – The Birth and Babies Today class is condensed into one all-day Saturday class for women in their seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. This session is not recommended for first-time parents. ■ Infant and Child CPR – American Heart Association-certified instructors are on site to teach parents and caregivers how to effectively perform CPR and removal of airway obstruction for infants and children. The class does not provide certification in CPR and occurs one Thursday evening each month.
Birth and Babies Online For expecting parents, coming to a class in person isn’t always the most convenient way to prepare for a new arrival. To accommodate parents’ busy schedules or physicians’ orders for bed rest, the Parkwest Childbirth Center offers a comprehensive, interactive childbirth class entirely online. After registering, you have eight weeks to complete the class.
All Teddy Bear University dates, times and fees are available by calling (865) 374-PARK or at www.CovenantHealth.com/TeddyBearU.
Jessica could no doubt write volumes on the subject of parenting, but when asked what kind of advice she would give expectant mothers, she only says, “They Jessica, Lydia and grow up very, very fast, so Annalee Barnett enjoy it! “I love raising the children, I love teaching them, and caring for them – I just love everything about it,” she adds. As for choosing a hospital, Jessica is quick to point out the benefits she enjoyed at Parkwest, like having the whole experience in one room, without having to be moved back and forth between separate areas for labor, delivery, and recovery. She also advises expectant moms to make sure they have attentive nurses like the ones at Parkwest who have helped her bring new life into the Barnett family, year after year. “A lot of the nurses in the childbirth center have more than 10 years’ experience in labor and delivery, so they are very well trained, very experienced nurses,” says Paris, adding that about 1,600 2016, 8-year-old Lydia Barnett went to the babies are delivered each year at Parkwest. hospital with her mom and dad to usher in “Our patients come first, and excellent care the New Year and offer moral support until is always our goal.” The Parkwest Childbirth Center is on it was time for the baby to be born. Dusty then returned home to care for the rest of the second floor of the six-story Riverstone the children, and brought them all back to Tower at the hospital, and is composed of meet their new little sister when Jessica, 20 birthing suites, a spacious nursery, and Lydia and Annalee were ready to leave the two operating suites for cesarean sections. To learn more about the Childbirth Cenhospital. “They were pretty excited,” Jessica ter, visit www.treatedwell.com/childbirth, or call (865) 373-4299. laughs.
Remember the ABCs of Safe Sleep Babies should sleep Alone, on the Back, and in a Crib ■ Use a firm sleep surface, such as a mattress in a safety approved crib, covered by a fitted sheet. ■ Do not use pillows, blankets, sheepskins, or crib bumpers anywhere in your baby’s sleep area. ■ Do not smoke or let anyone smoke around your baby. ■ Make sure nothing covers the baby’s head. ■ Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep, for naps and at night. ■ Dress your baby in sleep clothing, such as a one-piece sleeper and do not use a blanket. ■ Keep baby’s sleep area in the same room where you sleep. ■ Baby should not sleep in an adult bed, on a couch, or on a chair alone, with you, or with anyone else. References:
Safe Sleep, 2017, Tennessee Department of Health Safe to Sleep®, August 2014, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Life over 50
A Shopper-News Special Section
January 25, 2017
After a career teaching art in the school system, artist Ann Birdwell now shares her painting expertise at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center.
By Carol Z. Shane
Ann Birdwell
Native Oak Ridger Ann Birdwell’s 30-plus years of teaching art in the Anderson and Knox county school systems were full of challenges and joys. She was there when East High School transitioned to Austin-East in the late ’60s. She spent almost 20 years at Central High School, retiring in 1995. Even after that, she continued to substituteteach. “The most joy I had,” she says of that time, “was to go back to Oak Ridge High School 50 years after I had graduated! They have such a strong program there. They value the necessity of art and how it helps the students in so many disciplines.” Now she teaches beginning and advanced art at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. And according to her students, she’s the bomb. “She is amazing!” says Pauletta Thomas, a retired chief nursing officer. “She has a way of telling you how to improve your work without making you feel bad about yourself.” “So many of them, when they come in here, they’re intimidated,” says Birdwell. “Once they’ve retired, this is something they want to pursue. My delight is to see how they progress.”
still loves to teach
To page 2
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Life-2 • January 25, 2017 • Shopper news
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Karen Fawver (left) and Ann McIntyre flank their teacher, Ann Birdwell. McIntyre retired from UT’s psychology department in 2005. Her only previous art experience, she confides, was “sketching on the backs of the agendas at faculty meetings.”
Ann Birdwell
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Elle Colquitt says her impressive first attempt at painting glass bottles is working because Birdwell told her to look at the reflections in a photo from all angles, including upside-down.
Her students have been in the spotlight quite a lot lately, owing to “Breaking Ground,” the show by the John T. O’Connor Senior Center Painters, currently part of a triple exhibition at the Emporium Center on Gay Street in downtown Knoxville. Their First Friday reception, originally planned for Jan. 6, was postponed because of the snowstorm. On a recent Wednesday morning, the students talk excitedly about attending the rescheduled event, and about their art.
From page 1 “I’m a retired schoolteacher,” says Sherry Lane, who has been studying with Birdwell for four years. “It’s like a dream come true to be able to express myself this way. It’s like saying ‘this is me.’” Akiko Takayana, originally from Japan, says she loves watercolor because “you’re not supposed to touch it that much. It reminds me of Japanese calligraphy – you just put it on the paper and leave it; you cannot erase it. That’s why I like it. It’s always challenging.”
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Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • Life-3
Ann Birdwell’s warm relationship with her students is obvious from this photo, taken as she greets Sherry Lane.
Ann Birdwell suggests improvements to Akiko Takayana, who works in the unforgiving medium of watercolor.
“She came to me in 2000,” says Birdwell. “She is very talented. And she’s a breast cancer survivor.” Ann McIntyre wears a smock that has “The Artful Codger,” a play on a Dickensian name, spelled out in fabric paint on the pocket. She lobbied for the class to adopt it as a group name, but failed. “Not everybody was crazy about the idea,” she says with a laugh. “I don’t think they liked the word ‘codgers.’” Birdwell is fond of all her students and says picking a standout is like “trying to choose a favorite child.” She has
two grown children of her own, two stepchildren and eight grandkids. Her son Robert, a caterer, paints every day and sends her a photo of each painting. “He was around it growing up,” she says, but he didn’t really delve into it until he lost his dad last March. Ann’s husband, Robert Birdwell, was one of the “Knoxville Seven,” a collective of envelope-pushing young artists in the 1940s-1960s. Birdwell loves her work and her students at the senior center. “It’s a real creative outlet,” she says. “This is a completely new way for them to express themselves.”
Pauletta Thomas works mostly in acrylics. “I so enjoy it,” she says. The retired critical care nurse draws parallels between painting and nursing. “You work hard ‘til you get it so that you feel good about what you have done.” Photos by Carol Z. Shane
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Life-4 • January 25, 2017 • Shopper news
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Making new friends after a move or other life event Downsizing and other life changes often find seniors leaving their comfort zones to move to new neighborhoods or regions of the country. It can be difficult to leave those comfort zones behind, especially when it means saying goodbye to close friends or family members. Establishing new social circles as a senior can be challenging. But with a little effort and the right attitude, seniors can meet new people and enjoy the excitement that comes with new friendships. ■■ Join a club. If you have a particular hobby or interest, rekindle it in your new location. Find a local gardening club, churchsponsored organization or fitness center where you can meet like-minded men and women. Ask the real estate agent who helped you relocate to make suggestions on where to find community information; read community notices in the local newspaper. ■■ Get a dog. Dogs make great companions inside the house and also serve as an ice breaker when you are outdoors. Take plenty of walks and take advantage of opportunities for conversation when people come up to you to inquire about your dog. Explain your situation and you may make some new friends along the way. ■■ Volunteer your time. Many people make new friends through volunteering. Vol-
unteer and you’re likely to meet people who share the same interests as you. Sign up with a favorite charity or volunteer at nonprofit events and look for familiar faces. Start talking to those people you meet again and again. ■■ Participate in church events. Places of religious worship are often cornerstones of a community, and they frequently host different events to get parishioners or members together. Read the bulletin and get involved in potlucks, retreats, movie nights and other church-sponsored events. ■■ Work at a school. Schools also serve as hubs of community activity. Volunteer or work for a local school and you will soon find yourself immersed in your community’s weekday hustle and bustle. This is a great way to meet people and learn more about your new neighborhood in the process. ■■ Host your own party. Go out on a limb and plan a “new to the neighborhood” party. Put invitations in neighbors’ mailboxes and invite everyone over for snacks and cocktails. Remember, neighbors may be just as nervous about new faces as you are, and a party is a great way to break the ice. Change can be hard for seniors starting out in new communities. With some gumption and a few strategies to get started, anyone can expand his or her circle of friends.
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Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • Life-5
James Williams enjoys lively conversation. His natural curiosity and his years spent as an educator show in his wide range of interests. Photos by Carol Z. Shane
James Williams finds joy in every day By Carol Z. Shane Gerontologists divide old age into the young-old (ages 65-74,) middle-old (7584) and old-old (over 85.) Among the latter, James Williams of Norris is that rare treasure: a man with a mind like a steel trap who speaks generously but unsentimentally about his long life, and about his everyday challenges. A visit with this 92-yearold won’t have you patting his hand and thinking, “poor old dear” – not for a minute. With his ready laugh and lightning wit, Williams is much too engaged and animated for that. After all, he’s weathered Gen. George S. Patton, the raising of two daughters and 32 years as principal and teacher in the county school system. And he still has lessons to teach.
“I keep a daily record,” he says, pulling out a small notebook. “See, here are all the names of the staff since I’ve been here.” Now in an assisted living facility in Norris after leaving the home he bought when the town was new, the adjustment wasn’t easy. But “they’re super, and I have to reason that I am much better off here than there.” Williams and his eight siblings grew up on a farm near Matthews, N.C. “I come from a family of vigorous, active people. I worked from the time I was 13 years old. It kept us in good physical shape.” Basic training in the Army built upon that strength. “It was absolutely a rigorous program. I gained weight, I gained muscle.” After serving in the 22nd Infantry Regiment of the Third Army under Patton,
he returned home in 1946 and within a week met his future wife, Jean, when she came to town to visit relatives. “My friend asked, ‘Would you like a date with a redhead tonight?’” and I said, “‘Of course I would!’” At the end of the evening, he told Jean’s aunt, “I’m going to marry that woman.” The next year, he did. “Look at you, you beautiful thing,” he says, gazing at a photo of the two of them. “We were absolutely totally dedicated to each other all our married lives,” he says. “We didn’t argue; we ‘discussed,’ which was good. She was not a patsy. She had her views.” The couple enjoyed adventurous road trips, raising their daughters, gardening and putting up preserves, To page 6
At his daughter (left) Missy Williams Tortora’s birthday party, James Williams is asked, “How does it feel to have a 60-year-old daughter?” “Like I’m 92,” he deadpans. Also shown is Terry Williams Hozinsky, who lives with husband Ira in New York City. Photo by Emily Shane
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Life-6 • January 25, 2017 • Shopper news
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James Williams
From page 5
and watching game shows and sports on TV. He lost her in October 2015. “I have had a tough time adjusting to it. You can’t have a beautiful, wonderful companion for 68 years and have her leave and not have it be different.” He’s found some new activities, but admits without a trace of self-pity, “I don’t watch golf now. But it was fun when she watched it with me.” In May 2017, Williams will have been retired as long as he was employed as an educator – a rewarding career that he found after a series of postwar jobs that didn’t work out. “I’m not a religious freak,” he says, “but there was some kind of guidance. It didn’t just happen by accident.” Williams says “staying active” is his No. 1 priority in healthy aging, and he attends his facility’s exercise classes every weekday. He still drives. He enjoys jigsaw puzzles, word games, science magazines and “wonderful” email. “You’ve got to find a little bit of joy and pleasure every day,” he says. “Sometimes I feel 92 and sometimes I feel much younger,” he says. “Sometimes it changes throughout the day. My dear sweetie used to say, ‘one day at a time.’” His faith is in “an all-loving God,” and when the day comes and he’s standing at the Pearly Gates, what does he hope to hear? With a laugh as big as his heart, Williams’ answer is immediate: “Jeanie’s right around the corner!”
Seniors and exercise: Tips to avoid injuries, get healthy Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Daily exercise can improve mood, promote an active lifestyle and reduce a person's risk for a host of ailments, including diabetes and heart disease. Despite the importance of exercise, many people live sedentary lifestyles into their golden years. Seniors who want to embrace a healthier way of life and get more physically active should first consult with their physicians before beginning an exercise regimen. Certain medications may limit just how far seniors can push themselves, while pre-existing conditions may make specific types of exercise off limits. After discussing their limitations with their physicians and developing a safe exercise routine, seniors can heed these tips to avoid injury but still get healthy. ■■ Pick a partner. Whether it's a spouse or a friend who is physically active or wants to be, try exercising with a partner, at least initially. Doing so can provide the motivation you need, and partners can serve as safety nets should you need assistance completing an exercise or suffer an injury and require medical attention. Personal trainers can serve as your partner, and many gyms offer discounts to seniors on personal training services. ■■ Start slowly. Seniors who have not been physically active for some time should take a gradual ap-
proach to exercise. Instead of heading right for the treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical machine, start walking every day. When it rains, find a treadmill you can walk on. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends seniors begin by determining how many steps they can take in a day and then gradually working toward 10,000 to 15,000 steps per day. Utilize step counting apps on your smartphone to track your progress. Apply the same slow approach to strength training exercises, lifting only very light weights at first before gradually increasing weight as your body acclimates to the exercises. ■■ Stretch. Bodies that have been inactive for lengthy periods of time are inflexible, and lack of flexibility increases your risk for injury. The AAOS recommends that seniors warm up their bodies before stretching with five to 10 minutes of low-intensity activity such as walking. Then stretch gently, remembering to relax and breathe during each stretch. ■■ Switch things up. When strength training, do not work the same muscle group two days in a row. Muscles need time to recover. If you prefer circuit strength training where you exercise various muscle groups in one day, do not strength train on back-to-back days, leaving at least one day in between strength training sessions so muscles have ample time to recover.
Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • Life-7
Interesting ways to enjoy travel Research indicates that traveling is at the top of the list of interests motivating today’s men and women over the age of 50. Seniors are perhaps the most likely demographic to indulge their love of traveling. Retirement leaves lots of time for recreation, and many choose to spend that time on the road. Travel also can improve adult longevity, say geriatricians at the University of Arkansas. Those in the travel industry understand that men and women over 50 comprise a large percentage of their customers and have catered many travel packages toward this influential demographic. The following is a look at some of the more popular travel opportunities for men and women over 50. ■■ Genealogical tourism: This is one of the fastest-growing markets in vacation travel. Genealogical tourism involves individuals traveling to areas of historical significance for their families, such as churches where past relatives may have married and villages where grandparents or cousins once lived or were employed. This can create a tangible link to one’s past and open up more opportunities to learn the varied genealogical history that has shaped a family, and even one’s per-
sonal identity. ■■ Extended vacations: Seniors may have the capacity to devote more time to travel and not be caged in by strict time constraints. That makes them eligible for extended vacations. These can include long-term rentals in tropical locales, several-week sightseeing cruises or guided tours overseas that touch on several dif-
ferent countries or cities during the trip. ■■ Off the beaten path: Adventurous travelers may not be content to stick to the resort lifestyle or standard vacation options. Active men and women over 50 are charting their own vacation courses with bucket list-style vacations that may be off the beaten path. Travelers who have always aspired to climb a mountain or see
a rain forest may be inclined to realize these goals as they get older. Nontraditional tours can include living like indigenous peoples or following the footsteps of early explorers. ■■ All-inclusive tours: All-inclusive packages remain a popular option for travelers of all ages. These vacation packages charge one price for accommodations, entertainment, sightseeing, food and many other amenities. Allinclusive vacations remove some of the headaches associated with organizing various components of travel so that a person can focus on relaxation and having fun. ■■ Singles meets: Single vacationers over 50 may want to meet other men or women in their age bracket in the hopes of finding romance. These vacations double as relationship mixers and give men and women the opportunity to mingle with others in similar situations without the pressure of traditional dating. Travel is a way to see the world, meet new people and experience various cultures. Seniors increasingly embrace travel because they have both the time and the means to take vacations.
How to determine if downsizing is for you As men and women retire or approach retirement age, many opt to downsize their homes. Such a decision can save older adults substantial amounts of money while also liberating them from the hassle of maintaining large homes they no longer need. Downsizing to smaller homes or apartments is a significant step, one that homeowners should give ample consideration before making their final decisions. The following are a handful of tips to help homeowners determine if downsizing to smaller homes is the right move. ■■Get a grip on the real estate market. Downsizing is not solely about money, but it’s important that homeowners consider the real estate market before putting their homes up for sale. Speak with a local Realtor or your financial adviser about the
current state of your real estate market. Downsizing can help homeowners save money on utilities, taxes and mortgage payments, but those savings may be negated if you sell your house in a buyer’s market instead of a seller’s market. If you think the current market won’t get you the price you are hoping for, delay your downsize until the market rebounds. ■■Take inventory of what’s in your house. Empty nesters often find that their homes are still filled with their children’s possessions, even long after those children have entered adulthood and left home. If the storage in your home is dominated by items that belong to your children and not you, then downsizing might be right for you. Tell your children you are thinking of downsizing and invite them over to pick through any items still
in your home. Once they have done so and taken what they want, you can host a yard sale, ultimately donating or discarding what you cannot sell. Once all of the items are gone, you may realize that moving into a smaller place is the financially prudent decision. ■■Examine your own items as well. Your children’s items are likely not the only items taking up space in your home. Take inventory of your own possessions as well, making note of items you can live without and those you want to keep. If the list of items you can live without is extensive, then you probably won’t have a problem moving into a smaller home. If you aren’t quite ready to say goodbye to many of your possessions, then you might benefit from staying put for a little while longer.
Retirement saving for late bloomers Today’s young professionals hear about the importance of saving for retirement seemingly from the moment they are hired. In addition to discussions with human resources personnel about employersponsored retirement plans, young professionals are learning about the importance of saving for retirement thanks to the abundance of financial-planning advertisements on television, the radio and the Internet. Older workers may not have been so lucky, and many may find themselves trying to play catch up as retirement age draws closer. While it’s important to begin saving for retirement as early as possible, late bloomers whose retirement dates are nearing can still take steps to secure their financial futures. ■■ Pay down debts. Eliminating debt is good for men and women of all ages, but especially so for those nearing retirement. Substantial debt may delay your retirement and can greatly reduce your quality of life during retirement. If you still have substantial debt, eliminate that debt before you start saving additional money for retirement. Once your debt slate has been wiped clean, you can then increase your retirement contributions. ■■ Eliminate unnecessary expenses. If your retirement savings are low (many financial advisers now advise men and women that they will need at least 60 percent of their pre-retirement income each year they are retired), start cutting back on unnecessary expenses and reallocate that money toward retirement saving. Cutting out luxury items, such as vacations to exotic locales or country club member-
ships, is one way to save money. But don’t overlook the simpler ways to save, such as canceling your cable subscription or dining at home more often. ■■ Downsize your home. Many empty nesters downsize their homes as retirement nears, and doing so can help you save a substantial amount of money. If the kids no longer live at home or if you simply have more space than you will need after retirement, downsize to a smaller, less expensive home. Monitor the real estate market before you decide to downsize so you can be sure to get the best deal on your current home. Downsizing saves on monthly utility bills, property taxes and a host of additional expenses. Downsizing also means less maintenance, which gives you more time to pursue your hobbies upon retiring. ■■ Take on some additional work. While you may have long felt you would slowly wind down in the years immediately preceding retirement, taking on some additional work outside your current job is a great way to save more for retirement and perhaps even lay the foundation for a postretirement career. Workers over the age of 50 can be invaluable resources to startups or other businesses looking for executives who have been there, done that. Look for part-time jobs that seek such experience. Even if the initial jobs don’t bowl you over financially, part-time consultant work in retirement can make up for lost retirement savings and may even make your retirement years more fulfilling. Men and women on the verge of retirement can take many steps to grow their retirement savings and make their golden years that much more enjoyable.
■■Consider your retirement lifestyle. If you have already retired or are on the verge of retirement and plan to spend lots of time traveling, then downsizing to a smaller home may free up money you can spend on trips. ■■And if you really do see yourself as a silver-haired jetsetter, then you likely won’t miss your current home because you won’t be home frequently enough to enjoy it. If travel is not high on your retirement to-do list but you have a hobby, such as crafting, restoring classic cars or woodworking, that you hope to turn into a second profession, then you might benefit from staying put and converting your existing space into a workshop. Many retirees downsize their homes, but this decision requires careful consideration of a variety of factors.
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Protect your joints and prevent pain Joints play vital roles in the human body, forming the connections between bones and facilitating movement. Damage to the joints can be especially painful, and that damage may result from conditions such as osteoarthritis or gout. While not all joint pain is debilitating, the discomfort is such that it’s wise for adults to take steps to protect their joints with the hope of preventing joint pain down the road. The Arthritis Foundation offers these joint pro-
tection tips: ■■ Forgo fashion with regard to footwear. When women choose their footwear, fashion should not be the top priority. According to the Arthritis Foundation, three-inch heels stress the feet seven times more than one-inch heels, and heels put additional stress on knees, possibly increasing women’s risk for osteoarthritis. Though heels may be fashionable, the risk of developing joint pain is not worth making the fashion statement.
■■ Get some green in your diet. A healthy diet pays numerous dividends, but many may not know that a healthy diet can help prevent joint pain. Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale and parsley are high in calcium and can reduce age-related bone loss while also slowing cartilage destruction. ■■ Shed those extra pounds. If you start including more healthy vegetables in your diet, you might just start to lose a little weight as well.
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Life-8 • January 25, 2017 • Shopper news
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