FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com
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VOL. 6 NO. 13
March 26, 2012
County government visits town By Sandra Clark Town of Farragut leaders Mayor Ralph McGill, Administrator David Smoak and Vice Mayor Dot LaMarche.
New York to Knoxville
Spring March 26, 2012
Knox Vegas to Big Apple
Read a story about a local guy who made it from local theater to the lights of Broadway, discover a quaint Italian joint on Restaurant Row and much more in the spring edition of New York to Knoxville.
See the special section
Possum Valley and the Civil War No one is quite sure how Possum Valley acquired its name, but the most plausible explanation seems to be attributed to Gen. Ambrose Burnside’s Union forces that wintered there in 1863. In some of the soldiers’ diaries they noted that, “If it had not been for the possums, we would have starved to death.”
Farragut area principals (at left) Julia Craze, Farragut Primary; Michael Reynolds, Farragut High; Sallee Reynolds, Hardin Valley Academy; (above) Kay Wellons, Farragut Intermediate and Craze. Photos by S. Clark
See page A-6
Meet Gene Wessel Finding Gene Wessel at lunch time on Wednesdays is easy. When the Rotary Club of Farragut meets each Wednesday, Gene is there.
See Coffee Break on page A-2
Need info on Elvis Jake Mabe is looking for anyone who might have photos or memories to share from Elvis Presley’s April 8, 1972, appearance at Stokely Athletic Center as the headliner for that year’s Dogwood Arts Festival. If you can help, call Jake at 922-4136 or email JakeMabe1@aol.com.
Index Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Malcolm Shell Faith Schools Community Calendar Business Health/Lifestyles
A2 A3 A4-5 A6 A7 A8-9 A10 A12 Sect B
10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sandra Clark sclark426@aol.com.com ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
TVA wages war on trees By Betty Bet ett tty ty Bean Bea ean n The row of Leyland Cypress trees behind the homes on Cresthill Drive was planted by the developers of the Summit Medical Group at Deane Hill to screen the neighborhood from the clinic parking lot. As they grew, the trees delivered the additional bonus of muffling the sound of Kingston Pike traffic, a short block away. But last Saturday, the Summit evergreens were scheduled to be cut down and reduced to woodchips because they were more than 15 feet tall and stood within 75 feet of a TVA transmission line, as per the utility’s new transmission line easement maintenance policy. TVA power lines are strung 60 feet off the ground. “This is a good example of what’s going to happen all over town,” said Chris Szluha tree advocate Larry Silverstein, who planned to protest TVA’s tree-cutting policy at today’s County Commission meeting. Commissioner R. Larry Smith requested that TVA send a representative to explain why it is cutting down vegetation that will never grow tall enough to endanger the power lines. TVA representatives have told property owners that trees standing more than 15 feet high must be re-
Keep Your Me Memories emo SAFE!
move mo ved d beca b ecaus usee th us tthee Fe F Fed ede dera rall Ener E nerrgy moved because Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requires it, on peril of $1 million a day fines. “TVA has lied consistently about government regulations,” Silverstein said. “Is there a federal rule that requires a utility to cut down all the trees? No. TVA has just not been honest about this from the getgo, and to me that’s a big thing. They claim they have to do it. The FERC document says no such thing. This is just blatantly false to imply that they must cut them down. Fines up to a million dollars a day? I don’t think TVA has ever been fined once. “No taller than 15 feet within the easement is just not reasonable,” said Silverstein, who compiled packets of documentation for commission members. “These are 60-foot power lines. And that FERC stuff? Completely misleading. The public has no idea of the amount of destruction to private property and harm to the environment this policy will cause in the near future. “If people want to change this policy, they’re going to have to get involved. I cannot do it by myself.” TVA spokesperson Travis Brickey cited a multistate power blackout in 2003 as the reason for the more stringent regulations and said Silverstein’s major complaint is with the way the media have reported this story. “We have been very consistent.
After the 2003 blackout, FERC said, ‘TVA, you need to submit a vegetation control policy that meets the new requirements and we’re going to hold you to that. … Our decision was the way we’re going to comply with FERC is to cut instead of trim.” Chris Szluha has lived on Green Hills Road since 1998. A TVA transmission line borders his backyard,
A few weeks ago, he heard from TVA again. The trees had to come down. Crews, accompanied by members of TVA’s internal police force, showed up on his property to start cutting. “They had said if I trimmed the tree they wouldn’t cut it ‘this year,’ ” Szluha said. “But in three years, it barely grew at all. It was an old, fullgrown tree. Tell me how that was a hazard.” “If people want to change The subcontractors also clearcut a wooded area behind his propthis policy, they’re going erty, hacking down everything, into have to get involved. I cluding low-growing sumac, and in the process disturbing swarms of cannot do it by myself.” termites and flying ants, which then – Larry Silverstein infested his home. “My backyard was like a war and in 2009, the utility notified him zone,” he said. that it planned to remove four of his Brickey took issue with that trees. After considerable wrangling, characterization, saying that TVA he entered into an agreement – TVA crews left Szluha’s property the way promised not to cut down the trees they found it (minus the trees). if he would have a large sweet gum Margot Kline, who lives fartrimmed. It cost him more than $800, but he thought that meant his To page 5 trees were safe.
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More on page 5
By today (March 26), the trees behind Larry Silverstein are no more. They were slated to be cut by TVA because they were more than 15 feet tall and planted within 75 feet of the transmission lines. Photos by Betty Bean
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Farragut officials hosted the Knox County Commission work session last Monday and invited Farragut area principals to lunch. The ensuing discussion was so informative that most left wondering why they don’t do this all the time. And why it was never done before. Even though schools were closed for Spring Break, four of five principals attended. “I can raise money for athletics, but it’s like pulling teeth to fund technology,” said Farragut High School principal Michael Reynolds. “My teachers can earn $9,000 to $10,000 more in Oak Ridge. The veterans will stay, but the younger ones, who knows?” Commissioners present were Mike Hammond, Amy Broyles, Brad Anders and Jeff Ownby. “I don’t see the money reaching the kids,” Ownby said in response to Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre’s ambitious budget proposal. Reynolds was quick to respond. “We need technology. (Farragut High) could go wireless for $36,000.” He said he’s “kicked off” the system he has about six times a day. He also urged support for the feeder schools, saying you can have great feeders without a great high school, but “you cannot have a great high school without great feeders.”
Coffee Break with
understanding of others.”
What is your passion? “Serving the Lord and helping mankind.”
With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “I would like to have lunch with basketball coaches Branch McCracken and Bobby Knight.”
Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My high school principal, who taught me self-discipline and gave me the confidence to succeed no matter what life has to offer.”
Gene Wessel
I still can’t quite get the hang of… “Swimming.”
Finding Gene Wessel at lunch time on Wednesdays is easy. When the Rotary Club of Farragut meets each Wednesday, Gene is there. In 38 years as a member of Rotary club, Gene has perfect attendance, whether in Chicago, Lenoir City or his current home with Farragut. “I joined Rotary in Chicago in 1974,” says Gene. “I owned my own company in commercial printing and felt it was good for small business owners to be involved in the community. Rotary was a great way to do that.” He moved to the Knoxville area in 1995 to “semi-retire.” “I have always liked this part of the country, so when time came to leave Chicago, we moved to Tellico Village. I love golf and tennis, so this was a good place to come.” After a few years, “retirement” took a turn, with Gene going to work part-time with Kohl’s when they came to East Tennessee and then later buying Homespun Craft and Antique Mall. “I owned Homespun for about eight years, from 2001 to 2009 when I sold it to one of my vendors. Now I am really, officially, retired.” Gene is called “Father Rotary” by his fellow Rotarians in the Farragut club. “I am living in the Halls area now, but I keep my membership in the Farragut club because I really like the group. They are hard workers, support a lot of good causes and are a lot of fun.” Two hip replacements forced him to give up the tennis, says Gene, who will be 70 in November, but he still loves playing golf. Also keeping him busy is his love of woodworking. Family includes a daughter in Chicago and a daughter in Santa Fe and three grandchildren. His own penchant for collecting and antique shopping has slowed down, but anything with Coca-Cola on it will still get a second look. And Gene still has a love for classic cars. “I used to have four but have sold all but one,” he says. The one that remains, however, is a beauty: a 1974 gold Cadillac convertible in perfect condition. “It’s a classic,” says Gene. “Right down to the 500 cubicinch engine and the seven miles to a gallon.” Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Gene Wessel:
What is your favorite quote from a television show or movie? “It is not really from a show or movie, but my favorite quote is ‘I’m not bald. I’m just growing faster than my hair.’”
What is the best present you ever received in a box? “My Confirmation Bible.”
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “Trust in the Lord and never lose faith. God will always be with you.”
What is your social media of choice? “I email and have a cell phone. That’s the extent of my technology.”
What is the worst job you have ever had? “I never really had a bad job. I owned my own businesses for most of my life. I even enjoyed life in the U.S. Army.”
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “It wasn’t a cartoon, but I loved ‘Superman,’ the champion of ‘Truth, Justice and The American Way!’”
What are you guilty of?
What irritates you?
“I have always been guilty of being a neat freak!”
What is your favorite material possession? “A Rotary ring made of four kinds of Black Hills gold.”
What are you reading currently? “I am reading travel brochures and maps for a long extended trip across this beautiful country.”
What was your most embarrassing moment? “When I was in high school, I turned over a tractor while hauling sweet corn to the factory late at night.”
What are the top three things on your bucket list? “Travel across this country; spend more time with my grandchildren; reach 50 years in Rotary Club; and play more golf.”
What is one word others often use to describe you? “There are two: energetic and outgoing.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “I would like to have more patience and be more
“People who have forgotten the rules of the road and how to be respectful drivers.”
What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “There are two: Fresh Market and Homespun Craft and Antique Mall.”
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself at 18? “I would tell myself to appreciate more deeply the value of family and friends.”
What is your greatest fear? “Not being around to watch my grandchildren grow up to be adults.”
If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “I would drive an Indy race car around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.” It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.
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Enjoying a Sunday afternoon of music are supporters of the Joy of Music program. From left are Ann Hitch; Marilyn Dick, whose husband helped found the Joy of Music program; Frank Graffeo, executive director of the Joy of Music; Susan Brackney; and Greg Scribner with the American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek. Photos by Sherri Gardner Howell
Piano, violin, guitar and voice were all represented at the Joy of Music concert. Performers were (front) Emerson Fulton and Annalise Travis; (back) Breyon Ewing, Fiona Holland, Mobin Araghi, Weston and Kristen Thames, Joy of Music Director of Music Education Julie Carter, Lauren LeCren and Estera Ciui.
Judith Bible, who is on the University of Tennessee faculty, talks with Charles Goan at the recital. Judith accompanied one of the students for his vocal presentation.
Lost in the music is Autumn Thames, who takes violin lessons at Joy of Music.
Sunday concert showcases young talent
Sherri Gardner Howell
There just isn’t anything not to love about a concert showcasing the talents of young children. Mix in a charity for disadvantaged youth and a Steinway piano and, well, it’s just a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. The American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek and the Steinway Society played host to The Joy of Music School Student Recital on March 18 in the store’s recital hall. Ten young people performed for a full house of 60-plus, including parents, teachers, siblings and community guests. Eva Jane Travis entertains her mom, The Joy of Music School is Jackie, and Joy of Music instructor An- a nonprofit that provides free drew Skoog on one of the Steinway pia- music lessons to children nos at a Joy of Music recital. who cannot afford classes otherwise. All the teachers are volunteers, and the school supplies the instru-
Sam Fulton, 8, likes the sound of the Steinway piano. Sam came with his family to the concert to hear his brother, Emerson, perform.
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FARRAGUT FACES ments, music and supplies. Goals are not only artistic development, although listening to the performers, it is evident that is a focus. The school endeavors to give support and encouragement, to teach good habits, to provide opportunities to perform and to expose disadvantaged young people to new opportunities for success. Frank Graffeo is the executive director and Julie Carter is director of music education. Concert guests were treated to a variety of music. Young Annalise Travis, playing on a violin one-sixth the size of a regular instrument,
entertained with “Song of the Wind,” accompanied on piano by Stan Smith. Emerson Fulton took command of the keyboard with the “Pizzicato Polka,” followed by Lauren LeCren’s piano rendition of “Malaguena.” Mobin Araghi played “Fugue” on guitar. Closing out the program was a special treat as Breyon Ewing sang two songs and received hearty congratulations on receiving the Grace Moore Scholarship to the University of Tennessee College of Music. Opening his store for the Sunday concert was Greg Scribner, manager of the American Piano Gallery, which sells Steinway & Sons, Boston and Essex pianos. The event was hosted by the Knoxville Steinway Society and president Thomas Boduch was on hand to welcome guests. Other special guests included Marilyn Dick, whose husband the late James A. Dick, founded the Joy of Music School, and her friends Ann Hitch and Susan Brackney.
Spring 2012 Classes, Workshops and Events Kiwanis K Kids Arbor Day Art Show When: Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 13, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (weekdays only) What: The Farragut Intermediate School Kiwanis K Kids are participating in this poster contest with the theme “Our Treeless Future.” Reception: Thursday, April 12, 6 p.m. Beginner Jewelry Making When: Thursday, April 12: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. What: Students will make a bracelet and earrings to take home! Cost: $35 Registration and payment deadline: Monday, April 9 Zumba When: Mondays, April 16 – May 21 (6 weeks): 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. What: Combines Latin music rhythms and dance styles into the ultimate cardio party! Cost: $45 Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, April 12
4917 Jenkins Rd • Knoxville, TN 37918
Yoga When: Mondays, April 16 – May 21 (6 weeks): 9 – 10 a.m. What: Class includes the basics and beyond – stretching, posture and gentle positions. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a mat or heavy quilt. Cost: $60 Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, April 12 Pilates When: Tuesdays, April 17 – May 22 (6 weeks): 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. What: Pilates is a mind-body exercise that works the whole body. Cost: $60 Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, April 12 Embroiderer’s Guild of America Knoxville Chapter Spring Show When: Saturday, April 21 and Sunday, April 22: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. What: The show will feature techniques including beading, canvas, counted thread, surface embroidery, hardanger, pulled thread, free style and more. Wire Wrap Ring Making When: Thursday, April 26: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. What: Learn to use wire to make two rings! Cost: $40 Registration and payment deadline: Monday, April 23 All spring classes, workshops and events will be held at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, unless otherwise stated. Payment must be received within 5 business days of date of registration but no later than the registration deadline. No refunds are given after the registration and payment deadline. The Town of Farragut is not responsible for costs associated with the purchase of supplies when a class is canceled.
Call 966-7057 to register (if required).
Get the Facts About Surgical Weight Loss
Tuesday, March 27 5:30 p.m. Turkey Creek Medical Center Johnson Conference Center 10820 Parkside Drive Space is limited. Call 865-694-9676 to register.
A-4 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Rogero budget will presage greenway support Knoxville is closer to getting a greenway coordinator to fill Donna Young’s shoes. Recreation Director Joe Walsh is recommending Lori Goerlich and has sent her name to his boss, Christy Branscom, who apparently has not yet signed off on it. When I get a bio on her, I will provide more information on Goerlich assuming she is the one chosen. She will have an impor-
Victor Ashe
tant post for those of us who care about greenways. Donna Young’s salary was $49,000 and the new person will earn somewhat
less than that, I am told. If she does what is hoped, she will earn every penny of it. The greenway coordinator will report to Walsh. Whether this person will have access to the mayor directly or will have to go through Walsh to Branscom to Bill Lyons or Eddie Mannis and then to the mayor is unclear. However, given Mayor Rogero’s strong, deeply felt commitment to a green city, the new coordinator ought to have direct access and not have their thoughts filtered through three others before they reach the mayor. Knoxville should be adding at least four miles a year of new greenways to our current system. It will not happen unless the greenway coordinator is seen as having the mayor’s personal support. I have no reason to doubt Mayor Rogero’s sup-
port of greenways, but the test will come with what is or is not in her budget to be unveiled on April 27. ■ Meanwhile, Lonsdale Recreation Center, 2705 Stonewall, will get more space with the 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 28, event at which Rogero will help knock down a wall to start a $522,000 addition to the facility. According to Kathleen Gibi, recreation spokesperson, the renovation will include new restrooms, a new office, new HVAC, computer lab space and a multipurpose room which can be used for varied community events. KCDC is fronting $150,000 of the total cost. All represents good news for Lonsdale. ■ If former Sheriff Tim Hutchinson runs for state representative in the new Knox House district
and wins, it will represent a political comeback as stunning as Richard Nixon winning the White House in 1968 after losing the California governor’s race in 1962. Remember, this is the same person who lost in a landslide to County Mayor Tim Burchett only two years ago. Hutchinson did not even reach 20 percent of the total vote. If two years later he can win a seat in the Legislature he once again is a player in Knox County politics. If he serves two terms (four years), he will immediately qualify for a state legislative pension on top of the enhanced and controversial county pension he now receives. As a state representative, he will be able to block or support local legislation which requires approval of all seven House members.
■ County Commissioner Amy Broyles raised eyebrows last week when she mentioned increasing the County Commission size back to 19 members. Not certain whether she is advocating this or simply throwing it out for discussion. Broyles is a county charter committee member who is very vocal in meetings. Generally she is viewed as opposed to the old way of doing things, so it would be a surprise if she favored returning part of county government to the old commission with increased cost to taxpayers who would have to pay eight more commissioners’ salaries and pensions. The huge 27-member charter committee is operating under the radar screen with little media attention on its work.
Not dead yet Shots fired in Battle of Midway, part 2
Can church ladies move mountains?
I wasn’t in Nashville last week, but I know enough about how things work down there to be able to describe the scenario, and I’d bet my best imitation Louis Vuitton bag that last Monday’s Chattanooga TimesFree Press editorial cartoon got emailed out, printed off, passed around and guffawed about all over the Legislative Plaza. But probably not where Rambo, the meanest hombre on Capitol Hill, could see them doing it. To be fair, Ron Ramsey’s probably no different than anybody else when it comes to being made the butt of somebody else’s joke. Nobody’d be tickled to see himself caricatured standing on top of a pile of Benjamins like he’d just summited Everest, planting a banner that says “Campaign Cash” with a cartoon balloon that says, “There is one mountain I’ll protect.” Nope, the Speaker of the Senate/Lt. Governor of Tennessee could not have been amused. The cartoon, of course, referenced Scenic Vistas Protection, a bill written by Knoxville lawyer Dawn Coppock, who has spent the last five years lobbying the General Assembly to ban mountaintop removal coal mining from Tennessee. She has given ground in the process (the bill now applies only to slopes 2,000 feet and above in altitude, for example), but she’s never given up, even after being dubbed the “Church Lady” and watching her bill killed off in obscure subcommittees year after year. She is one of the founders of LEAF, an environmental organization originally composed of
By Betty Bean
Betty Bean members of the Church of the Good Shepherd, which is dedicated to a philosophy called Creation Care, the heart of which is that God frowns on stuff like blowing the tops off mountains. And what the cartoon means is that people across the state are paying attention. The bill that started out as a minor annoyance to Ramsey, who has been the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the coal industry over the years, has grown into a major aggravation. After LEAF supporters kicked off this year’s session with a highly publicized 40 days of prayer for the mountains, culminating with a grand finale in a Nashville church in January, Ramsey had had enough, and decided to gut Coppock’s bill. Nearly a month ago, the Senate’s Republican majority came up with a version of the Scenic Vistas bill that purports to ban mountaintop removal, but in reality only bans dumping the rubble formerly known as mountains into surrounding valleys. Blowing the tops off is OK, as long as the remains are piled back up into mountainesque rock piles. Ramsey issued a press release declaring the mountains saved. His enthusiasm will be tested April 2, when the decoy bill is scheduled to go to the Senate floor, marking the first time a mountaintop removal ban has gotten to the floor of any state legislative body. The sponsor, Eric Stewart, will likely move to restore the original bill, and regardless of what the majority does, the world will be watching.
Second District County Commissioner Amy Broyles voted no on the Midway Business Park in 2010, in part because of community opposition and in part because she doesn’t support “greenfield” development, which she believes leads to sprawl. Today, she is undecided about The Development Corporation’s proposition to sell KaTom Restaurant Supply 22 acres of land at the Midway Road site and give them a substantial tax break to relocate from Hamblen County. “There are a lot of reasons for me to like this company,” Broyles said at her monthly constituent meeting last week. “I want them in my district, where people could walk to work. This is exactly the kind of business the 2nd District wants. This is a community that would welcome them with open arms.” KaTom was founded by Patricia Bible and her husband, Tommy, who died some years ago, leaving his widow with children to raise and 17 employees to keep working. Today, the business is bursting at the seams and has 62 employees, most of whom will follow the company to Knox County. TDC vice president Todd Napier said KaTom will hire 15 additional employees once the move is complete, and that the work force should number 135 after five years. Napier said the problem with Broyles’ observation is that KaTom, which started in Bible’s garage, isn’t willing to look at other county property. Bible likes the Midway location because of its proximity to Hamblen and Jefferson counties, where she and most of her employees live, its interstate exposure and its location near the larger population center of Knoxville.
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The neighborhood’s primary concern is the area around it is heavily riddled with sinkholes. Most everybody up there is on well water and there is a huge concern about polluting the ground water,” Wolfenbarger said. “At first they were talking about building a regional sewer plant in the vicinity of Seven Islands Wildlife Park. We think of the French Broad River as being the primary water supply of the entire county of Knox. The addition of those components to the water supply is not a desirable thing.” Wolfenbarger also preBob Wolfenbarger, Todd Napier and Amy Broyles share a rare dicted that KaTom’s impact moment of harmony after a vigorous discussion of KaTom Restaurant Supply’s proposal to open a new facility on the Midway on job creation will be minimal because it will bring Business Park site. Photo by B. Bean most of its current employees along after the relocation. He “I wish I had the ability to ponent Bob Wolfenbarger, said he doubts that a wholetell companies ‘This is where who still opposes developsale operation can generate you need to be in Knox Coun- ment at Midway, listed posignificant sales tax revenue ty’ but they are telling us tential problems, including and he expressed skepticism there are no other sites they not having a sewage treatthat KaTom will live up to its are interested in. We have ment plant anywhere near end of the bargain. an opportunity to embrace the site. Napier said Wolfenbargthis company, or they will go “There’s no infrastrucer’s speculation has no basis somewhere else,” said Napier. ture. There’s no sewer. It in fact and predicted that Midway Business Park op- only recently got water… KaTom’s moving to Knox County will have spin-off benefits beyond tax revenue. “The real value of a comDollar for dollar pany is the jobs and the lifestyles it allows the employAn analysis by those opposed to the sale of 22 acres to ees to enjoy,” he said. KaTom asserts: ■ Purchase price of 380 +/- acres ■ Pat Wood commission ■ Infrastructure advance from County Commission
$9,462,454 $850,000
Total investment Avg. cost per acre
$17,812,454 $46,875
■ KaTom’s proposed purchase price for 22 acres ■ Less grading allowance Avg. cost per acre
$550,000 ($150,000) $18,181.82
In addition, KaTom is asking County Commission for tax increment financing (TIF) of $221,000 with a five-year recovery.
GOSSIP AND LIES ■ The Affordable Health Care Act (“Obamacare”) will be the topic for the Third and Fourth District Democrats. Todd Shelton and Rick Roach will speak at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, at the Bearden Branch LIbrary, 100 Golf Club Road. Info: Lorraine Hart, 8506858 or 637-3293. ■ Knox County Republican Party will host its Lincoln Day Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 31, at Rothchild, 8807 Kingston Pike. Tickets are $30. per person. Info: 689-4671.
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Shopper writer Anne Hart found a cutting crew in Kensington subdivision off Northshore Drive on Thursday. “The puny little pine trees are nowhere near the power lines. But cutting them down will horribly damage the value of the homes those trees are behind. The topography is so that those little pines have pretty much shielded the neighborhood from the sight of the towers. No more,� she wrote.
War on trees ther west, challenged TVA right-of-way specialist Michael Nance’s claim that Leyland Cypress trees can grow 100 feet high. “UT Extension says they grow 15-25 feet tall. TVA is not giving people good information. ... There are public spaces that are just going to
From page 1
be decimated. We’re talking dogwoods, crape myrtles, redbuds, crab apples and all these ornamental trees.� Kline said Catholic High School and the Cedar Bluff Racquet Club have had trees cut and residents of Kensington have been put on notice that they are next.
So if you read page 1, you know that Knox County commissioners visited the town of Farragut last week. At the invitation of Mayor Ralph McGill, they came and dined on boxed Chickfil-A and actually had dialogue. Amazing. If Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre and the school board have any hope of the commission funding their proposed budget, that hope lies in school teachers and principals talking directly to the commissioners. It also lies in slaying the myths of a bloated central office and “money not reaching the kids in the classroom,� as stated by Commissioner Jeff Ownby. Look at it this way. If you sat on the school board, exactly which money would you cut? There are the school bus money, the custodians, the lunch room workers, the termite contract. None touches the child in the classroom, but all are necessary to a
Sandra Clark
smooth functioning system. Sallee Reynolds, principal at Hardin Valley Academy, told commissioners that high schools previously received $2,700 per year for staff development. That was cut out in a previous round of belt-tightening. “Now we can’t send anyone and it’s hard enough for us (principals) to go ourselves.� In what other occupation do the professionals not attend conferences and training outside the office? Primary school principal Julia Craze spoke with humor. She calls portables “villas� because it just sounds better to tell a parent their child will be schooled in the villas. Craze said her school
has not been painted inside since it opened. “Four years ago we were scheduled for painting. We boxed up everything and moved it to the middle of the rooms (for the summer).� The painters never came. “It didn’t happen; it still hasn’t happened.� Commission chair Mike Hammond asked Craze how the new elementary school at Northshore Center will effect her school. “I don’t see much relief,� said Craze. “I have four villas (8 classrooms) and am scheduled this fall to add two more. I am literally using every inch of space. I am literally just maxed, and I don’t see much relief.� Over at the Intermediate school, principal Kay Wellons said, “We have one computer lab; we need two. We lost our curriculum teacher for two days (a cut from 5 days to 3). I’d like to see that come back.� Craze said educators must be resourceful, and
Michael Reynolds called schools “the heart of the community.� Farragut High has 17 percent on free or reduced price lunches; Hardin Valley Academy has 25 percent.
Becki Van Guilder Last week we lost a member of the Shopper-News family. Becki Van Guilder, wife of our former editor, Larry, succumbed to ailments including pneumonia. L a r r y emailed us: “Becki passed at 12:18 this a f ter no on, very peacefully, no Van Guilder vent i l ator, no tubes, no machines. All her hurting is over. I was with her to the end, holding her hand, telling her how much she was loved.� He said a memorial service will be scheduled.
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Principals honored at Great Schools Partnership event Principals Cindy White (Karns Middle), Jack Nealy (West Valley Middle), Jill Hobby (Whittle Springs Middle), Cheryl Hickman (Carter High) and Sallee Reynolds (Hardin Valley Academy) were honored March 15 by the Great Schools Partnership at an event at The Square Room on Market Square. The principals were recognized for their schools’ academic gains in TVAS scores (middle schools) and ACT scores (high schools). Photo by Jake Mabe
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A-6 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Possum Valley traces roots to Civil War MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell
I was talking to a couple of my Farragut High School classmates a few days ago – Lafayette Williams and Earl Hall – and during our conversation we discussed the area where they grew up, just a few miles southwest of Concord Village. Today, that gently rolling pastoral area is the home of the new YMCA and subdivisions with homes in the million dollarplus price range – Montgomery Cove, Mallard Bay, Jefferson Park, Cabot Ridge and numerous others – and commercial development has also started to take hold. But 60 years ago the whole area was known to locals as “Possum Valley” and the westernmost end of Northshore Drive was called “Possum Valley Road.” I wonder how many of the area’s new residents are aware that they live in Possum Valley. No one is quite sure how the area acquired its name, but the most plausible explanation seems to be attributed to Gen. Ambrose Burnside’s Union forces that wintered there in 1863. In some of the soldiers’ diaries they noted that, “If it had not been for the possums, we would have starved to death.” One of the notorious residents of the area was Charley Smith, also known as Lying Charley Smith and Possum Valley Charley Smith. Charley was one of those characters who delighted in amusing his friends with his tall tales. And people were always glad to see him coming
because they knew they were in for a big laugh. Charley also told stories about himself and the Possum Valley area. I remember him saying once that “if a rabbit ran across the road in front of you, you had better slam on the brakes because there would be a man right behind it.” Now, Burnside’s soldiers and Charley’s tales suggest that the area was a very poor place where possums were the main food source and men literally tried to run down rabbits for food. But neither of these depictions is accurate. In fact, the area was selfcontained in that it had its own churches with adjacent cemeteries, a school where several classes were taught in the same room by a single teacher and a country store that was a favorite gathering place. Most of the area’s residents made their living by farming. And like their Scots-Irish ancestors, they were extremely independent people who grew their own vegetables, raised their cattle and poultry to provide meat for their families, and depended on the sale of their cash crops for income. And families were very supportive of each other. Indeed, it was a place where farmers would readily lend their farm machinery and labor to a neighbor who might be temporarily in need. And it was a place where people put in 12-hour workdays six days each week and emphasized the value of such traits as honesty, hard work and virtue in their
parenting. And their early training must have had an influence on them because most of the “possum valley boys” excelled in both sports and academics in high school.
Most Possum Valley residents lived in traditional, two-story, clapboard farmhouses at the end of dirt roads. In fact, all of the roads in Possum Valley were dirt, and alternating periods of drought or rain each presented their own problems. During dry periods, you could see vehicles coming far in the distance by the dust cloud, so not many people were inclined to wash their cars or pickup trucks. Today, the influx of new residents and modern subdivisions has completely changed the area landscape. Single mailboxes and dirt roads leading to farmhouses have been replaced with beautiful subdivision entrances that lead to paved streets with exciting street names. And if you ask one of these newcomers where they live, they will proudly say Mallard Bay, Montgomery Cove or Jefferson Park. But if you can find one of the locals –their numbers are declining rapidly – and ask where they live, they are apt to say, “Oh, down in Possum Valley.”
Gen. Ambrose Burnside
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SHOPPER-NEWS • MARCH 26, 2012 • A-7
Linda McDermott, Joyce Shoudy, Robin Wilhoit of WBIR and 2011 winner Mike O’Hearn (back) Regina Fox, mom Mary Fox and Geri Sutter sample various pasta dishes. TEPHOTOS.com judge the 2012 pasta cook-off at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Pasta cook-off benefits Family Promise By Theresa Edwards Sacred Heart Cathedral’s annual pasta cookoff again benefited Family Promise, a nonprofit organization which helps homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence. Family Promise has a day place where people can use a computer, telephone, laundry facilities and storage and have an address to ap-
ply for various assistance programs such as food stamps. Overnight stays are available at a circuit of churches. A shuttle provides children transportation to and from school and adults to work or back to the day house. Denessee McBayne is a graduate of the Family Promise program and will soon become a board mem-
ber. She shared her story of unfortunate circumstances transforming her from a corporate person with a 401(k) to losing everything, becoming “residentially challenged.� McBayne was a youth minister in South Carolina and always took people in. Then the tables were turned when she became displaced. It was a challenge. “It took losing ev-
Gabriella Miller and mom Denessee McBayne benefited from Family Promise’s program. McBayne now works at Fountain City Presbyterian Church. Photos by T. Edwards
erything to gain so much more, so I could share it with other people,� she said. “It’s been a great ex-
■Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments. Info: 675-2835.
Fundraisers and sales ■Knoxville Catholic High School will host the 14th annual Kids Helping Kids Fun Walk Sunday, April 1, in the school’s stadium. Activities will include a one-mile fun walk, inflatables, games, a children’s art show, refresh-
I was only in 40 days, but they’ll stay with you longer as needed (up to two years). It’s a great program.� McBayne stayed at one of the host churches, Fountain City Presbyterian Church, which then hired her. She has been working there a year now and has her own family place. “It’s so small I have to go outside to change my mind,� she joked. Faith Promise has 16 host sites and 26 support organizations. The agency can work with four families or 14 family members at a time. It needs a new day center to enable a second rotation serving more families. Info: www. FamilyPromiseKnoxville. org/.
Rector to sign copies of new book
WORSHIP NOTES Community Services
perience. You don’t lose your identity. Family Promise gave me a place of safety to sort things out.
Photos by T. Edwards of
ments and more. Regisration begins at 2 p.m. The walk begins at 3 p.m. All proceeds will benefit Columbus Home Children’s Services.
Music services ■Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, will host the Maryville College Concert Choir’s performance of “Pipes, Glens and Thistles: A Celebration of Gratitude� 7 p.m. Sunday, April 1. Everyone is invited.
Special Services
â– Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will welcome evangelist Tim Lee and Christian comedian Tim Hawkins at 7 p.m. Friday, April 13. Tickets are $19 in advance, $25 at the door. VIP tickets are $49. Info: www. timhawkins.net.
■Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or email bhallman@tds.net.
Local author Joe Rector will sign copies of his new book, “No Right Field for My Son,� 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, at Double Dogs in Hardin Valley. His previous book is “Baseball Boys.�
Rec programs â– Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class Mondays from 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email denabower@comcast.net.
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A-8 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
HVA twins create film in 54-hour contest By Theresa Edwards Hardin Valley Academy students Elisabeth and Thomas Crout joined a team to produce a film in 54 hours to compete in Knoxville’s 2012 Film Festival. Elisabeth Crout wrote the story on which the film was based. “The Answer� is about a homeless man’s redemption brought about through an angel’s visit revealing his life’s mistakes. Elisabeth’s twin brother, Thomas Crout, was director. He also filmed and edited the production. The main characters were played by Tim Burns, Kristian Moats, Zoe Toper, Nathen Dubs, Allison Brown and Hope Nelson. This film competition is designed to help local filmmakers network, have an outlet for their creative talent and ultimately be inspired to create better films within a competitive environment. The contestants are given 54 hours to produce their films. There’s not much time to sleep. Thomas slept for maybe 30 minutes
SPORTS NOTES ■Baseball tournament: Chris Newsom Preseason Classic, Monday, March 26, through Sunday, April 1, Halls Community Park. Rec teams only, Tee ball to 14U. Info: 992-5504 or hcpsports@msn.com. ■Coach Rusty Bradley’s quarterback and receiver clinic will be held 6 to 7:15
Emily Buskey and Caitlyn Autery line dance to the song “Tennessee Homesick Blues� at Hardin Valley Elementary’s concert “Salute to Tennessee.� Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Salute to
Hardin Valley Academy twins Elisabeth and Thomas Crout compete in Knoxville’s 54-hour film festival. Photo by T. Edwards of
and Elisabeth was too nervous to sleep at all, she said. Thomas and Elisabeth achieved their goal of immersion into local film making. It was worth the sleep deprivation, said Thomas. “We have learned how to make a film p.m. Monday, April 2, and Monday, April 16, for current 4th through 7th graders at CAK football field. Cost is $20 and includes both dates. Campers should bring running shoes and cleats. Preregister by calling Jeff Taylor at 765-2119. ■Knox Seniors Co-Ed Softball Season open registration will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 10, at Caswell
This Easter, let us do the cooking so you can enjoy the day
Soloist Mackenzie Smith sings “I Will Always Love You� which was written and originally recorded by Dolly Parton.
in 54 hours and how to work better as a filming team. It was extremely fun.� The Crouts definitely recommend the competition to others, and they are making The West End Center Merplans for next year’s event chants Association will hold with a strong team of 25. its first Community Easter Festival 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Park. Noncompetitive league, Saturday, April 7, in the West
Community Easter Festival is April 7
new players are welcomed. There is a $10 fee for accident insurance (a city of Knoxville requirement). Info: www. knoxseniorsoftball.com.
SCHOOL NOTES â– A fundraiser for the Farragut High School Education Foundation will be held Monday, April 2, at Einstein Bros. Bagels Co. at the corner of Campbell
End Shopping Center in front of Farragut Intermediate and Middle schools. There will be numerous activities including face painting, a bounce
Station Road and Parkside Drive. Tickets for breakfast or lunch are $10, and all proceeds will be given to the foundation. To purchase tickets, stop by the Einstein Bros. location on Cedar Bluff Road (cash or check only) or call Jerry Martin at 777-2700.
house, egg hunts and visits with the Easter Bunny, live music, and more. Free food samples will also be given out from the center’s merchants. Everyone is invited. Free admission.
ETTAC to demo speech device
The East Tennessee Technology Access Center, 116 Childress St., will host two one-hour demonstrations of Lingraphica speech generating devices for Aphasia and Apraxia from 9-10 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. Thursday, April 5. Anyone who has lost the ability to speak due to a stroke, brain tumor, etc. may benefit from this workshop. Lingraphica communication devices are simple to use, providing both communication and therapy benefits. Medicare, the Veteran’s Administration and many private insurance plans will pay for them. Participants will be able to have hands-on experience with the devices after the presentation. Admission is free but registration is required by Tuesday, April 3. Info: 2190130 or www.discoveret.org/ettac/.
â– An open house for Greenway School will be held 2-4 p.m Sunday, April 1. Grades 6-8 are now enrolling for fall.
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Bike stunts amaze Farragut students By Theresa Edwards X-Games medalist Matt Wilhelm entertained Farragut Intermediate School students with amazing bike stunts. It was a reward and celebration for their magazine fundraiser for technology including iPads and Macintosh notebooks. Matt Wilhelm won three X-Games medals and twice won a national championship. The first year he competed, he came in last place. But he did not give up, and his perseverance paid off. He Teachers Casey Robison, Beth Doughty and Beth Kennedy receive loud cheers as Matt Wilhelm encouraged students to prepares to jump his bike over them. The teachers lay side by side on the floor with the one also keep trying and not receiving the loudest cheer put in the most dangerous spot. Nobody was hurt in this stunt. give up on their dreams. It took eight years for Wilhelm to learn the “tornado Chloe Dunn sold spin” stunt which won him 28 magazine a $25,000 prize. subscriptions to Last year, Wilhelm win first place made it to semifinals in prize of a large “America’s Got Talent” toy frog, and with his glow-in-the-dark a free T-shirt. bike stunts. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com Wilhelm also taught bike safety, telling the students: “Please wear a helmet. … It may save your life.” Owen Retteter He also explained the wins second importance of walking place prize your bike across intersecof a large toy tions instead of riding it. A frog by selling race with students demon22 magazine strated it is quicker to run subscriptions. short distances than ride a bike. If needed, a person can drop her bike and escape from an oncomThe BigBrothers BigSisters ing vehicle. “My bike cost BigBroBigSisETN $2,000, but I would drop it in a second if needed to save my life, because my bike can be replaced, but there is only one Matt Wilhelm.” Wilhelm also started playing the saxophone in 5th grade and received a music scholarship for college. He graduated with raising money to mentor area children honors and straight A’s. “It was important to me to benefiting: be a biker, but even more important to be in school,” he said. “Find your talent and do it, and go to colof East Tennessee X-Games Medalist Matt Wilhelm entertains Farragut Interme- lege. Always be safe.” diate students with a bike stunt.
FOR KIDS’ SAKE y! a d o t r e t s regi rg ODAY.o
K i d s T. 2 1 7 9 r o F l w Bo 865.523
T E A C H E R ’S
The Farragut/Knox County Schools Joint Education Relations Committee has asked principals at schools that serve Farragut students to provide a “wish list” of things their schools need. If you can help with this list through monetary donations, equipment or materials, contact the principal directly. The town of Farragut contributes $10,000 per year to each of the schools, but the schools are still short on funding for some items. Farragut High School, Principal Michael Reynolds, michael.reynolds@knoxschools.org Short-term needs: 1. Money totaling $5,500 per semester to staff a two-day per week after-school math, science and English learning center for all students. 2. The school needs $10,000 for satellite wireless hubs integrated to the existing central server. This would complete the campus wireless system and eliminate current bottlenecks of faculty and administration accessing the current system. Long-term needs: 1. Lights along the street by the ballfields from Kingston Pike to the school campus. 2. Paving throughout the campus.
UT @ Down Under Rec Center
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A-10 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Community Calendar Send items to shoppernewscalendar@gmail.com
Events must happen in West Knox or downtown and must be FUN.
Arts Council featured artist
McFee Park expansion workshops
Farragut resident and Tennessee native Sandy Dean is the town of Farragut Arts Council featured artist for March and April. Her exhibit of watercolor art depicting wildflowers of the Smoky Mountains will be on display 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through April 30 at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive.
The town of Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department will hold public workshops at 2 and 6 p.m. Thursday, March 29, at Farragut Town Hall to discuss the McFee Park Expansion Master Plan. The workshops will give community members the opportunity to voice comments and opinions on various options for this park land. The plan will decide the future of the additional 26 acres of undeveloped land at the northwest border of the park. Those unable to attend the workshops may express their opinions on the new Community Voice module at www.townoffarragut.org using the link on the home page from Monday, March 26, to Sunday, April 1.
THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY 18 World’s Fair exhibit at Folklife Museum The Farragut Folklife Museum is remembering the 1982 World’s Fair with an exhibit that runs through Friday, May 18. The World’s Fair exhibit features an assortment of artifacts from the museum’s collection as well as items on loan from museum committee members. The display includes memorabilia from booths that represented various countries, a slideshow of the fair’s exhibitions, and T-shirts, mugs, commemorative beer and other souvenirs from the event, which was held in downtown Knoxville from May 1 to Oct. 31, 1982. The museum, housed in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Admission is free. For more info, contact museum coordinator Julia Jones, julia.jones@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
MONDAY, MARCH 26 TO FRIDAY, APRIL 6 Kingston Pike eastbound lane closure The Tennessee Department of Transportation will close the outside eastbound lane of Kingston Pike near the intersection with Everett Road from Monday, March 26, through Friday, April 6, weather permitting. The lane is expected to be open Saturday and Sunday, March 31 and April 1, unless unexpected work must be completed over the weekend. The closure will allow the First Utility District to construct a new sewer line along Kingston Pike. Concerns about this project may be expressed to TDOT at 1-877-SmartWay. For general questions, call the town of Farragut Engineering Department, 966-7057.
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 29-30 Seniors can refresh their driving skills at a two-part AAA Safe Driver Class, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, March 29-30, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Ed Langston of AAA will teach the class, which costs $10. Reservations must be made in advance. Info: 670-6693.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30 Preschool Storytime at library Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 30, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30 Community Grant applications due
Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 26, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
Older Preschool Storytime at library
Independence Day Parade registration
Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 27, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Info: 777-1750.
The registration form for the town of Farragut’s 25th annual Independence Day Parade will be available beginning at 5 p.m. Friday, March 30, at www. townoffarragut.org (link on the home page). Forms will be available beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, April 2, at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The parade is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 4. Registration deadline is Thursday, June 21, until the Town receives 95 entries or the lineup area is full, whichever comes first. Entries may be submitted by groups such as businesses and community organizations and can include antique cars, floats and entertainment. Musical groups and bands are encouraged to participate. The parade lineup will be based on the date the registration form is received at the Town Hall and by category. Confirmation letters will be sent within two weeks of receiving registration forms or by June 21 for those who respond near the deadline. Lineup numbers will be available at www.townoffarragut.org and posted at the Town Hall at 8 a.m. Monday, July 2. No lineup numbers will be given over the phone. WATE, Channel 6 anchor Gene Patterson will be
Preschool Storytime at library
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 Baby Bookworms at library Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 28, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
THURSDAY, MARCH 29 Toddler Storytime at library Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 29, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30 Farragut Lions Hoedown The second annual Farragut Lions Club Hoedown will take place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 30, at the Knoxville Square Dance Hall, 828 Tulip Ave. The fun evening will include lots of dancing and a barbecue dinner. Tickets are $20 and are available from Dave Crawford, 947-1891 or dccrawford@frontiernet.net.
Senior safe-driver class at Strang
Applications for the town of Farragut Community Grant Program are due Friday, March 30. The Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen will review the applications at a workshop on Thursday, April 12. The Community Grant Policy and applications are available at www.townoffarragut.org under the Government tab and at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The Town may award grants to nonprofit charitable organizations and nonprofit civic organizations, taking into consideration such factors as amount requested, the applicant’s ability to monitor and account for the awarding of funds, and applicant eligibility and compliance with policy requirements. Applicants are not guaranteed grants. For more info, contact the town of Farragut Administration Department, 966-7057.
the 2012 grand marshal. The parade will begin in the Farragut High School parking lot, travel to Kingston Pike and continue to Boring Road, just east of Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center. Parade participants must be in line at the high school no later than 8:30 a.m. on July 4. To have an individual or group added to the parade mailing list, to receive a registration form by mail or fax, or to confirm that a registration form has been received, contact Arleen Higginbotham, 966-7057 or arleen.higginbotham@townoffarragut.org.
Tax assistance for elderly, low income On Fridays and Saturdays through April 14, lowerincome and senior taxpayers can receive help with their federal tax returns through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, sponsored by the town of Farragut and the Internal Revenue Service, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. At no charge, volunteers will complete and e-file tax returns for participants. Taxpayers should bring wage and earnings statements (Form W-2 from employers, Form 1099-MISC from clients); interest, dividend, capital gains, pension, IRA and Social Security statements; a list of items that might be considered for itemized deductions; support for other income and credits; and a copy of last year’s tax return. Taxpayers should also bring Social Security numbers and correct birth dates for all taxpayers and dependents to be listed on the return. VITA volunteers will be available beginning at 9 a.m. both Friday and Saturday. Participants are encouraged to be in line no later than 3 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
THURSDAY, APRIL 5 FHS Empty Bowls at Einstein Bros. The Farragut High School Art Department’s Empty Bowls fundraiser will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 5, at the new Einstein Bros. Bagels, 11693 Parkside Drive (at Campbell Station Road). All proceeds will go to an organization determined by the National Art Honor Society. Last year’s event raised more than $1,000 for the Love Kitchen. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from an FHS NAHS member or the school’s front office. Ticket holders receive a meal of soup, served in a handcrafted pottery bowl made by FHS NAHS students, and bread/ bagels. For more info, contact Yvonne Kidder, 363-2239.
TUESDAY-FRIDAY, APRIL 10-13 Einstein Bros. Bagels plans opening Einstein Bros. Bagels will celebrate its grand opening on Parkside Drive and Campbell Station Road with games and giveaways Tuesday through Friday, April 10-13. Grand opening events include free meals, coffee, treats and four grand prize giveaways of Kindle Fire tablets. The restaurant, 11693 Parkside Drive, is open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Each purchase includes a chance for the giveaways. On the schedule are: Tuesday, April 10: 10 diners will receive free coffee for a year. Wednesday, April 11: Free breakfast for a year (one per week) will be given away to 10 winners. Thursday, April 12: Free lunch for a year (one per week) will be given away to 10 winners. Friday, April 13: Grand prizes of an Amazon Kindle Fire tablet will go to four winners. Winners will be drawn each day and announced on Friday.
Town Of Farragut Public Workshops McFee Park Expansion Master Plan
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Thursday, March 29 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Farragut Town Hall Board Room 11408 Municipal Center Drive
These workshops are YOUR chance to give comments and opinions on various options for this additional 26 acres of undeveloped park land! Current McFee Park amenities: two lighted rectangular fields, lighted walk trails, an ADA accessible lighted playground, a splash pad, two picnic pavilions with grills and two restrooms. This 26-acre multi-use facility also features "green" elements: solar panels, permeable pavers, LED lighting, bioswales/rain gardens and natural light in the restrooms.
Can’t attend on March 29? Then visit townoffarragut.org from Monday, March 26 to Sunday, April 1 and share your opinions through Community Voice (link located directly on the homepage)! For more information, call 966-7057.
SHOPPER-NEWS • MARCH 26, 2012 • A-11
News from Turkey Creek Public Market
Turkey Creek Public Market welcomes Outlet Drive extension By Theresa Edwards Turkey Creek Public Market welcomes the extension of Outlet Drive connecting Lovell Road to Campbell Station Road via Snyder Road. This will make the Public Market more easily accessible and increase visibility with the
increase in traffic flow. Vendor booth coordinator Cassy Hayes is optimistic springtime will increase the customers at the Public Market. “The farmers will start setting up outside. Also, people get out more when the weather warms up,” Hayes said.
“The live music always draws a crowd. On Saturday, March 31, the band ‘As Girls Go’ will perform a free concert at 2 p.m. in the Food Court.” With Easter approaching, spring fashions, decorations, candies and gifts are at the Public Market. These colorful fish are at the Hemp Monkey.
These bunnies and other Easter decorations are at Baby Cakes. Photos by T.
Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
One of a Kind offers children’s clothing sizes 0-14 and has a new selection of spring apparel.
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The Hemp Monkey carries a variety of hand-carved gifts including this monkey and djembe drums from Indonesia.
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Office administrator Patricia Fuller and vendor booth coordinator Cassy Hayes are two “behind the scenes” people at Turkey Creek Public Market.
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A-12 â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 26, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ SHOPPER-NEWS
News from Rural/Metro
Careers in emergency services By Rob Webb While the overall job market may be tough right now, job prospects are good for those pursuing careers in emergency services. According to Webb the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment is expected to grow in all emergency sectors. Aging baby boomers will contribute to an increased demand for first responders, EMTs and paramedics. Emergency room overcrowding and hospital specialization can also create longer patient transport times making additional emergency service providers necessary. Rural/Metro is one of the largest employers of emer-
gency service professionals in East Tennessee, employing more than 800 EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, telecommunicators and support personnel. We have a compassionate and committed team which continues to grow to meet the needs of our community. When you are committed to your work, it is exciting to help others get involved. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why several Rural/ Metro professionals recently spent a day speaking to students about the emergency services field during the Knox County Schools Career Fair held at the Knoxville Expo Center. We were one of nearly 80 local employers on site to give high school students information on career options. Many students were genuinely interested in learning about emergency service. Others enjoyed checking
out our latest technology, including our state-of-the-art ambulance, fire truck and the Segways used to help us respond in densely populated venues such as sporting events and festivals. We are also reaching out to future emergency service providers through a new pilot program for firefighter training with seniors at SouthDoyle High School. The Fire Cadet Academy is a two-part training program in conjunction with our state-accredited Fire Academy to offer interested students the first phase of firefighter instruction during the school year. Upon successful completion of the course and graduation from school, qualifying cadets will be able to complete their training and actual live-fire experience as reserve firefighters. When the 240-hour training pro-
Rural/Metro firefighters Brandon Gross and Tim Hancock speak with Abby Herrell and father Rick Herrell at the Knox County Schools Career Fair. Rural/Metro team members discussed career opportunities in both fire and emergency medical services with the nearly 3,000 8th graders and high school students attending the event at the Knoxville Expo Center. Photos submitted gram is complete, students are qualified to test for certification as a Level 1 Firefighter, the minimum level required by most fire departments.
Rural/Metro is proud to partner with Knox County Schools on a variety of safety programs and services. But it is especially rewarding to help students
interested in emergency services pursue a career in this growing field and join the dedicated professionals who serve and protect our community.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;East Coast preppy meets West Coast coolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; By Anne Hart John Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell is one cool guy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the very type you would expect to create the coolest of cool lines in menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fashions. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a walking advertisement for his product. And sure enough, since its launch just eight years ago, the Johnnie-O apparel line for men, women and children has achieved meteoric popularity nationwide. M.S. McClellan & Co. in Bearden carries it Trae Golden drives toward the basket. He scored 14 points as UT lost to MTSU 71-64 last Monday in exclusively in this area. the NIT tournament. Photo by Doug Johnson Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell, who lives in Los Angeles, and his senior vice president of sales, Quinn Veysey, based in Greenwich, Conn., have been in Knoxville for McClellanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trunk show of the Johnnie-O spring and summer styles, including polo shirts for both men and women, belts, beach towels, jackets, visors, hats, f leece vests, and menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ties, all in bright colors. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell defines his apparel as â&#x20AC;&#x153;East Coast preppy meets West Coast cool.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a perfect description, and it all started when Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell â&#x20AC;&#x201C; just for fun â&#x20AC;&#x201C; cobbled together The Knoxville Tenant Council held a breakfast to honor its community partners who donate some polo-style shirts for their time and resources to the 11 KCDC properties represented by the council. The president his golfing buddies. Inand vice president of the Love Towers Resident Association, Mickey Norris and Gail Kersey, prestead of an alligator or sented a certificate of appreciation to Elaine Streno and Gail Root of Second Harvest Food Bank some other familiar logo for the weekly truckload of food it provides to the elderly and disabled at the Love Towers. on the front of the shirts, Pictured are Mickey Norris, Elaine Streno, Gail Kersey and Gail Root. Photo submitted Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell applied a surfer guy and a surf board in a contrasting color to that Advertise your unwanted items in our Action Ads and make some money! Ad of the shirt. The shirts were a hit, 4 lines for only $3.00 and other people startCall 218-WEST (9378) ing wanting them. Before long, Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell had his
UT men bow out of tourney
Saying â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;thanksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Sell, sell, sell!
John Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell and Quinn Veysey with the Johnnie-O display at M.S. McClellan & Co. Photo by A.Hart
own line of clothing. The shirts are now seen on stars in movies and on TV and on sports figures all over the world. Not surprising, because Johnnie-O polos arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like others in the market today. The front placket is longer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; four buttons instead of three â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like the style had when it originally debuted decades ago. The collar is pointed again, and the fabric is
different, too. None of that stiff, scratchy pique here. The shirts are made of high quality 100 percent cotton jersey. Johnnie-Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s designs are both classic and casual, but not so casual that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sloppy. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re comfortable, great-looking and just plain cool. Like their designer. Info: M.S. McClellan, 5614 Kingston Pike, 5843492.
Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
@home audio-video Tom Leavy with @home audio-video shows a Sharp highdefinition flat 40-inch LCD television with a Tannoy HTS speaker system. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We sell only the highest quality products on the market. All are tried and true, high-quality brands,â&#x20AC;? he said. They are located in Colony Place at 5084 Kingston Pike. Info: www.athomeaudiovideo.com.
SHOPPER-NEWS • MARCH 26, 2012 • A-13
Preparing Students for Tomorrow’s World By Scott Hutchinson, Webb School President
or well over 50 years now, Webb School of Knoxville has provided area students, ages 5-18, with an academically rigorous, broadbased liberal arts, college preparatory experience. Among the strengths of the school over time has been the vast array of interesting and relevant curricular offerings. In the 480-student Hutchinson high school alone there are courses that range from Shakespeare to Chaos and Fractals, from Forensic Science to Mandarin Chinese. Additionally, Webb’s Upper School offers 25 Advanced Placement classes and more than 30 arts-related courses. Students who come up through the Lower and Middle schools are likewise exposed to a strong core curriculum of English, mathematics, science, social studies, and a second language, as well as a varied and vibrant pool of electives.
In 2012-2013, Webb will expand its offerings on two fronts – engineering and computer programming. On the engineering front, Webb will offer an after-school, LEGO-based engineering club for grades three through five; a required seven-week course in engineering in the sixth grade; a semester-long engineering elective in both the seventh and eighth grades; and three elective engineering courses in the high school. The three Upper School courses include an introductory semester course, a full-year course with an interscholastic robotics competition piece included, and an advanced semester course. On the computer science front, Webb’s high school will offer three courses as well – an introductory programming course, a fullyear AP computer science course, and an advanced computer-programming course for iPad development. The goal of a successful K-12 education is largely threefold. ■ First, it is to engender a love of learning and to awaken in young people the notion that lifelong learning is critical to one’s more complete development and to a more fulfilling and productive adult life.
Webb’s Team #1466 was among the 50-plus teams, representing schools from as far away as Ontario, Canada to across the Southeast, to compete at the 2012 FIRST (“For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology”) Smoky Mountain Regional robotics competition, March 1-3, in Knoxville. Team #1466 is gearing up for its next competition – the Queen City Regional in Cincinnati, OH, April 5-7. ■ Second, it is to equip young people with a wide array of literacies so that they can function as knowledgeable and enlightened citizens within their communities. ■ And third, it is to equip young people with the salient thinking skills,
knowledge base, and work habits to provide them with the requisite foundation to help secure quality jobs in an increasingly competitive world. By adding these new course offerings to our curriculum, Webb School continues to better address all three objectives.
Webb Robotics Mentor Recognized for Inspiring Team, Advancing FIRST At this year’s FIRST Smoky and it was only later that I learned that Mountain Regional robotics he had never worked in that program competition in Knoxville, one of the before, and was studying tutorials each city’s own, Sam Bacon – a Webb School night to keep ahead of me,” she noted. Class of 2008 graduate and former Keenum also wrote about Bacon’s robotics team member; now a senior at greater vision for FIRST in Knoxville, University of Tennessee and a mentor describing how he recruited his UT for Webb’s robotics team #1466 – was classmates to regularly help students named the Regional Woodie Flowers at the area’s Girls and Boys clubs to Award (WFA) winner. further their STEM education. Bacon This prestigious FIRST Robotics worked closely with the clubs to Competition award recognizes robotics develop effective ways to teach STEM, team mentors who lead, teach, inspire, including the purchase of LEGO and empower students to reach their MINDSTORMS NXT robotics kits to goals. FIRST names one adult team help tackle problem solving. He’s also mentor a Regional WFA recipient been a member of the Smoky Mountain at each of the some 70 regional Regional planning committee for the competitions, worldwide. past two years, and has offered his Students on each robotics team pick Webb alumnus and former robotics team member Sam Bacon has mentored Webb’s robotics expertise to other robotics teams, candidates for the award. They must team for the past three years. This year, he won FIRST’s prestigious Woodie Flowers Award for especially local rookie squads. then submit an essay describing the Sam Bacon “motivates us,” concludes the Smoky Mountain Regional. (above) Sam Bacon (third from right) and Webb Team #1466 qualities of their nominee and why he Keenum. “He inspires our team by members consult with a FIRST official at the 2010 National Championship in Atlanta, Ga. or she deserves the honor. More than showing us what we can achieve after 50 teams representing schools from as far away as high school. Sam dedicates himself to making us advancing FIRST Robotics and to developing Ontario, Canada, Indiana and Ohio to squads from better-informed and effective as a team, and because leaders within Webb’s team. “Sam cares more about across the Southeast, including Webb School, of him, we are successful.” building a competent, problem-solving team than competed at this year’s Smoky Mountain Regional. winning,” writes Keenum. “He cares only that the As a 2012 Regional WFA winner, Sam Bacon Of those mentors nominated for the Knoxville team is united and knows that if not all members is automatically eligible to win the national competition, Bacon was declared the Regional understand the robot, we will have failed.” 2012 Championship Woodie Flowers Award. WFA winner. Currently, he’s helping Team #1466 prepare for As team coach/mentor, Bacon constantly takes In her nominating essay to FIRST, Webb senior its next competition – the Queen City Regional in it upon himself to encourage learning, according Ishi Keenum described Bacon’s commitment to Cincinnati, OH, April 5-7. to Keenum. “Sam personally taught me LabVIEW,
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A-14 â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 26, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ SHOPPER-NEWS
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March 26, 2012
Gammon/Heatherly Series strives to care for caregivers Speakers from The Davidson Centre for the Professions will be featured during the 2012 Gammon/Heatherly Series, an annual series of lectures targeted at chaplains, pastors, physicians, nurses, social workers and other caregivers. Set for 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 29, at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Parkwest Medical Center, this year’s lectures are geared toward providing those caregivers the resources needed to prevent burnout. Participants are invited to attend three of four seminars (two in the morning session, one in the afternoon) focusing on “Mind,” “Body,” “Spirit” and “Praxis (or active process).” Titled “Sustaining Resilient Leaders: Tools to Build Personal and Professional Resilience,” the sessions will feature Dr. George W. Jacobs, president of the Davidson Centre for the Professions, and Davidson staffers Dr. Cynthia Ackrill, Leesa Sluder and Rabbi Barbara Thiede. Jacobs, who co-founded the The Davidson Centre for the Professions in Davidson, N.C., in 2003 as a program for wellness, revitalization and reminder of purpose for clergy and church professionals, will launch the Gammon/ Heatherly Series at a Physician Breakfast with his talk on “Caregivers as Unique Professionals.” He will later be joined by Ackrill, Sluder and Thiede at the 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. plenary session, “Resilience of Mind, Body, Spirit and Praxis,” in the Thompson Cancer Survival Center auditorium. The first breakout group session is 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. and the second session 1-2 p.m. Lunch will be provided 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. at the Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center cafeteria. In the seminar dealing with the “Mind,” Jacobs looks at information Ackrill, a primary care physician for overload or how, in an age where we the least ability to focus and listen. He have access to more information than also looks at relearning the languages of 15 years, addresses issues of the “Body” anytime in human history, we may have life, death and being human. in her seminar which looks at how stress
Artists sought for Artsclamation!
Gina Williams, event director, at gwilliams@covhlth.com, or call 865531-5210. The deadline for submitting samples of work is Friday, April 27.
Bikers revving up for ‘We Care Ride’ Bikers are invited to get their motor running 9 a.m. Saturday, April 21, as the 2012 “We Care Ride” makes its annual 90-mile trek to benefit the Fort Sanders Foundation and Parkwest Medical Center Chaplain Fund. The ride will begin with late registration 8:30-9 a.m. in the physician parking lot at Parkwest Medical Center, 9352 Park West Blvd., Knoxville. Bikers will ride to Fort Loudoun Medical Center and Methodist Medical Center in Oak Ridge before returning to Parkwest. The $25 per rider (and $10 per passenger) registration fee includes snacks during the ride and a light lunch at the end of the ride. The fee helps support the We Care Campaign, a fundraising effort that enhances patient care and support programs at facilities within Covenant Health. It also benefits the Parkwest Chaplain Fund which provides services for patients, visitors and employees in need. For more information about the “We Care Ride,” call Chaplain David Bluford at 865-373-1630.
another a no oth her reason people prefer prefeer pparkwest arkw west
w w w. t r e a t e d w e l l . c o m
Are you an artist looking for the perfect venue to sell your work and support a worthwhile cause? Apply to be a part of the 11th annual Artsclamation! fine art sale to benefit the behavioral health services of Peninsula, a division of Parkwest Medical Center. About 30 artists, including painters, photographers, jewelers, fiber artists and sculptors, participate in each year’s show. A percentage of each artist’s sales is donated to Peninsula. The Artsclamation! leadership committee will review submissions and selected artists will be notified in May. The Artsclamation! fine art sale will be Nov. 2-3. Artists interested in participating in Artsclamation! should contact
has become so pervasive caregivers often discount its impact and rationalize denial. Ackrill also looks at how we can manage our energy level and make significant improvements in our health, focus and happiness. Thiede, who serves as rabbi for Temple Or Olam and as a Mashpiah (a spiritual director in the Jewish tradition), is the featured speaker for the “Spirit” seminar. She will look at nurturing an “awareness and exploration of the sacred” in life as well as finding meaning and connection in everyday life. Sluder, who combines a 25-year finance career with a psychology background and executive coaching experience, will examine “Praxis,” a Greek term for the process by which a theory, lesson or skill is practiced or enacted. In this seminar, Sluder will look at how coaching supports transition, how to overcome obstacles, and develop a vision and set goals for a healthy professional and personal life. The seminar series, established in 1983, is named after the late Rev. Joseph Gammon, a former chaplain at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, and this year marks the first joint effort with the inaugural event at Parkwest Medical Center in honor of former CAO Wayne Heatherly. Registration fee is $20 (make checks payable to Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, Pastoral Care), include $10 for Continuing Education Unit credit or $50 for theological and medical professionals. Approval is pending for Continuing Medical Education credit, which will require a $25 fee. For more information about the lecture series, call the Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center Pastoral Care office at 865-541-1235. For more about Davidson Centre for the Professions, visit davcp.com.
B-2 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
HEALTH NOTES ■ Kid Support, an eight-week peer support group for kids ages 6-12 with loved ones living with cancer will be held 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evenings from March 27 through May 15 at the Cancer Support Community, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6 p.m., and the program will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. There will be stories, art, games and more to help kids express their feelings and share experiences. Info and registration: Call Kathleen Williams or Debra Sullivan at 546-4661 or visit www. cancersupportet.org. ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings, Tuesday mornings and Tuesday
evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www. covenanthealth.com/bodyworks or call 541-4500 to find a location near you. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.
Get ‘Lucky’ at Young-Williams Meet Lucky, 2, a tabby and white male cat. He is gentle and loving, but he is missing something. He is missing a home. Help improve his luck by adopting him today. Lucky is available at the center at 3210 Division St. Hours there and at the main center at YoungWilliams Animal Village, 6400 Kingston Pike, are noon to 6 p.m. daily. Visit www.young-williams. org to see photos of all of the center’s adoptables or call 215-6599 for more information. Photo submitted
Dee Searcy, Sonja Berger, Kendra Self, “Queen” Peggy Maxwell, Janet Murray and Elsie Baxendale celebrate spring at the Red Hat Society luncheon at the Strang Senior Center.
Red Hats at Strang The Red Hat Society enjoys having fun. The Society is a national women’s organization with local chapters, including the Strang Senior Center group.
together, we might as well join red-gloved hands and go for the gusto together,” explains national leader Sue Ellen Cooper, “Queen Mother.” Red Hats will celebrate their 14th birthday April 25. The Strang group is led by “Queen” Peggy Max“The Red Hat Society Theresa well. started here eight years Edwards ago,” said Maxwell. “I came mainly because my mother wanted to come to it. By the third meeting, I “We believe silliness is was put on the board. Now the comedy relief of life, I’m Queen and am not sure and since we are all in it how I ended up in that po-
sition. I fuss and grumble when people don’t show up. But I’ll tell you what … I love it.” “We often go out to eat,” said Elsie Baxendale. “We like to get together and have a good time.” She explained they all wear red hats and purple outfits, except for when they celebrate a birthday and wear purple hats with red outfits. The Red Hat Society meets at 1:30 p.m. every third Tuesday at the Strang Senior Center or various restaurants.
Janet Murray brings a hopping bunny to the Red Hat Society “spring fling.” The bunny sings, “Everybody’s doing it, hop, hop, hop.” Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
The smallest member of the team (Is not the least important) Darla Dunn is participating in the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge with a group of others who lean on one another for inspiration and support. In addition to her human teammates, Dunn has another special training partner who gives her endless support and an unconditional shoulder to lean on. Well, he doesn’t really
Special Notices
15 Cemetery Lots
Sara Barrett
Critter Tales have shoulders. He has four paws. Dunn has been training for the marathon with her German shepherd/Doberman mix, Zombie. She adopted him a couple of years ago from a local rescue group and would encour-
49 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Cats
DAV Chapter 24 has HIGHLAND MEM. Westland, Bluegrass FREE RENTAL OF $2,100 ea; $7,800 for $1200. 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, POWER OR MANUAL all 4. Mountain LR, DR, sunrm, 2C gar WHEEL CHAIRS views. 865-386-1630 Neigh pool. 865-719-3718 available for any area disabled veteran. Also looking for donations Real Estate Wanted 50 Condo Rentals 76 of used wheelchairs (power only). Call 765CONDO/WEST, Colo0510 for information. nies, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Pay Cash, Take over frpl, pool, tennis payments. Repairs cts. View of Smoky not a problem. Any Mtns. $795/mo. + situation. 865-712-7045 deposit. NO PETS. BUY HOUSES, Available 3/17. 865Adoption 21 WE any reason, any con216-8053 dition. 865-548-8267 ADOPT -- Looking www.ttrei.com Middlebrook Pk Area To Adopt Your New Condos, 2BR, 2 BA, car gar, $775/mo. $775 Baby Apts - Unfurnished 71 1damage dep. No pets. Meet all your adoption Doyle 254-9552 needs with us. We'll FTN. CITY, clean 2 BR, provide never ending cent h/a, appls, DW, love, security & education no pets, $460 mo. $300 for your child. All exWanted To Rent 82 sec dep. 865-684-7720 penses paid. Rachel & Barry 1-866-304-6670 www.rachelandbarryadopt.com Ret. Private Detective FTN. CITY near pond & author needs 1-2BR For Sale By Owner 40a & park, studio apt., house on secluded, util furn., $400 mo. private property with 865-803-4547 rent reduced in exCHARMING BUNGALOW change for security in Historic Fairmont and/or light caretaker Area on Powers St. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ duties. 865-323-0937 This home offers 3 SENIOR HIGH bedrooms, 2 baths and many updates. It RISE FACILITY really is a must see Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 1 BR APTS. for $139,000. Please call or email to Oak Ridge, TN 2000 CLAYTON 48x28, schedule a visit, 865865-482-6098 3BR 2BA, exc cond, 607-4605 or stephens many updates, 7787@gmail.com $42,000. 865-560-5610 NEW HOUSE IN FOUNTAIN CITY 3BR, 2 full BA, deck, General 109 lg. laun rm, all appls. Lg. level yard, great #1 BEAUTY CO. AVON schools & neighborhood. Reps Needed! Only 1400 Fair Dr. 37918, $10 to start! Call Marie ★★★★★★★ $119,000. Will pay up at 865-705-3949. to $3500 of closing cost. 865-288-4164, Apts - Furnished 72 cell 423-578-0970.
WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN! Seller Financing -$400 Down, $250 monthly. 3728 Lilac Ave., Knoxville, TN. 3 BR, 1 1/2 baths, only $26,485. 888-605-7474. www.USHomeLLC.com
Cemetery Lots
WEDGEWOOD HILLS AT CEDAR BLUFF 2BR Townhouse, 2BA, frplc, laundry rm, new carpet, 1 yr lease, $730 mo, $250 dep. 865-216-5736 or 865-694-8414.
CEMETERY LOTS. 4 in Lynnhurst Cemetery. $800 for 1; $1500 for 2; $2200 for 3; $3000 for all four. Call 865-661-1879.
25 1-3 60 7 $140 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.
GREENWOOD, orig. section. 4 plots (will Houses - Unfurnished 74 split), upright markers allowed. POWELL, SMALL Reg $2400/ea, sell2 BR, 1 BATH, ing at $1100/ea. Call appliances, $375/mo. 523-8223, lv msg. $250 dep. 938-1653 ^
age anyone looking for a pet to do the same. “Training the last few months with Zombie has so deeply strengthened our bond and makes exercise so much fun,” said Dunn. “I cannot stress the excellence of it to others enough. “I’m not always so comfortable in public, so he gives me something to focus on besides my own head,” said Dunn about her training sessions. Zombie helps her stay motivated while being active himself and improving his own social skills. Dunn says her form suf-
140 Free Pets
HIMI, Lynx Pt Male Kitten, CFA, ch bloodlines, $400. 423295-2233, 865-306-3536
DACHSHUNDS, Mini, M&F, black & tan, starting $200. Call 865-428-9228. ***Web ID# 952398*** DOBERMANS 1 yr. AKC. Black M & F. Trained. $500-$1000/bo cash. 931-858-4242
145 West
ADOPT! Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit YoungWilliams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. knoxpets.org
German Shepherd pups, WHITE, 4 male, LARGE parents on 8 Young Angus cows pregnant, will calve site, AKC, shots, in 4 mos., examined $400. 423-775-9697 by vet, $2,195 each ***Web ID# 954109*** or best offer. Can GOLDEN DOODLE deliver. Greenback 865-335-9836 PUPS, CKC, $650. www.berachahfarms GOOD GRASS HAY, .com. 615-765-7976 4x5 rolls in dry, $25 ***Web ID# 952979*** each. 865-986-3160 or 548-0822. Golden Retriever pups, AKC, OFA/champ lines, www.berachah Music Instruments 198 farms.com $500. 615-765-7976. ***Web ID# 952971*** BABY Grand Piano w/bench Knabe. HAVANESE AKC REG Ivory keys. $600. CH. BL., choc. male, 865-281-9848; 924-1905 1 yr. old, $500 (paid $2,500). 865-363-3424
MALTI-TZU PUPPIES, born New Years Day, reg., 1st shots, dewormed, looking for a happy home. $350 Fem. 865-951-2702 ***Web ID# 952661*** MASTIFF "English" Puppies, AKC reg., wormed, 1st shots, vet chkd, fawn $800. 423-912-1594 ***Web ID# 953525***
225w Motorcycles
Ed Spring Fling Rummage Sale March 31, 9am-1pm Benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters
Darla Dunn stands with Zombie and the rest of her team for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge. Pictured are Melody Peters, Amanda Paletz, Dunn, Arielle Arthur, Lee Ann Bowman, Mike Howell, and Edee Vaughan.
Photo submitted
238 Antiques Classics 260 Guttering
SUZUKI C90 VL1500 BLVD 2005 VG cond. only 5K mi., Blck. w/Corbin Beetlebags, $4000 obo. Call 865-607-3320.
PONTIAC GTO 1970, Orig. motor, 400ci 350 HP, auto, PS, PB, AC. Orig. paperwork, vinyl top, good int., minor rust. $8500. 423-743-7000, Glenn.
333 Roofing / Siding
HAROLD'S GUTTER SERVICE. Will clean front & back $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed. Call 288-0556.
Lawn Care
Edfinancial Services @ Windsor Square Imports 262 120 N. Seven Oaks Dr. ABC LAWN & 238a AUDI A4, 2006, 115K SEALCOATING Rummage sale/crafts/ ATV’s Comm/Res. Mowmi., runs but needs direct sales items welcome ing, mulch, hedgework, $5,900 OBO. HONDA 2011, 420CC, $25 to rent a space. 865-207-2428 trimming, tree/ green, only 1 hr. use, Call 865-342-5128 for stump removal, warr., never off rd., info or to rent space gutters cleaned. $3950. 865-579-5923. 377-3819 Red with black inte149k miles. Boats Motors 232 Autos Wanted 253 rior. Automatic, sunroof, 345 exc. cond. 865-254-8861 Paving Chaparral Deck Boat, I BUY junk cars and 24 ft, 1995, great trucks. 865.456.5249 MERCEDES S500 1999, 126K mi., loaded, lthr. shape, ready for or 865.938.6915 summer. $9500. 865Sharp & Clean! A STEAL! $6900. 680-3668 696-0082; 865-414-1056 We Are Paying Top Dollar For Your Junk FOUR WINNS Vesta Vehicles. Fast, Free 1989 w/trlr. Exc. shape. Pickup. Also Looking New Mercruiser eng. w/1 For Nice Repairable yr. warr. $9500. 865Late Model Vehicles. 696-0082; 865-414-1056 Call C.J. Recycling VW JETTA, 2009, 865-556-8956 or 363-0318 Wolfsburg pkg., 39,600 Campers 235 mi., red. Asking Utility Trailers 255 $15,000. 865-437-8634 1999 26' Citation travel trailer, super UTILITY TRAILERS, Domestic 265 slide, sleeps 6, all sizes available. $5,000. 865-435-7845 865-986-5626. FORD Thunderbird smokeymountaintrailers.com AVION WESTPORT, 2002, conv./HT, 50K 2000, 5th wheel, 38', mi, good cond, 3 slides, exc. cond., Vans 256 $16,476. 865-269-4602 $12,900. 865-256-5268 GEO METRO 1992 Convertible, AT, FORD CLUB Wagon Motor Homes 237 1995 w/Braun wheel- $1,650. 423-295-2233 or 865-599-6361 chair lift, $4300. 865^ 947-5478 FLEETWOOD EXPEDITION 2005, 38 FORD ECONOLINE Cleaning 318 ft, diesel pusher, 39k E-150 2002, dark mi, 2 slides, loaded, blue van, Triton V8 CLEANING NETWORK always in covered engine, trailer tow Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. storage, excellently pkg., 91,832 mi., Good refs! Free est. maintained. $92,500. $6,500. 865-458-4158 258-9199 or 257-7435. 865-986-5854 ***Web ID# 952520*** SPRING CLEANING! Pressure Washing 350 4 Wheel Drive 258 Cleaning, windows & NEWMAR Mountain carpet clng. Homes & Aire 2001, 37' JEEP Wrangler X 2006, offices! Lic'd ins'd & Ford V10, 49k mi., slide, W/D, cherry exc cond, 58K mi, bonded. Est & refs. cabinets, loaded. straight 6, 6 spd, 363-8207 or 809-8543 $13,500. Owner 588-8493 Extra nice in & out. Kept in cvr'd. storage. Flooring 330 $40,000. 865-458-0740.
Honda Prelude 1998
Farmer’s Market 150
LAB PUPS, AKC, CHOC., born 2/23/12, 9 pups, 7 M, 2 F. 1st shot, $300. 423-836-3439 ***Web ID# 953451***
fers occasionally from trying not to step on Zombie, but otherwise he helps keep her pumped up during a practice run. The Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon weekend is Saturday, March 31, and Sunday, April 1. Events will include a one-mile kids run on Saturday and a marathon, half-marathon, four-person marathon relay and 5k races on Sunday morning. Online registration ends Tuesday, March 27, but onsite registration will also be available. Info: w w w.knoxvillemarathon. com.
Household Appliances 204a
90 Day Warranty 865-851-9053 1716 E. Magnolia Ave.
MINI SCHNAUZERS Sporting Goods 223 2 M, 2 F, AKC reg., vet checked, 1st EZEE GO 2002, 36 Volt Elec. Golf Cart shots, $400. 865-414Antiques Classics 260 w/charger. Runs good. 5666, 865-453-1107 $1250 obo. 865-898-9766 CERAMIC TILE instal***Web ID# 954870*** Motorcycles 238 lation. Floors/ walls/ 1970 GTO Org Motor, TAYLOR & repairs. 32 yrs exp, 400ci 350 hp, Auto, SHIH TZU PUPPIES, GOLF Ping Irons & woods. exc work! John 938BMW F650ST 1997, PS, PB, AC. OrigiCKC, shots/wormed Ping G10 $200. 3328 nal Paperwork from 39K miles, lady beautiful colors, 6 Phone 865-670-3980. dealership. Vinyl wks. $400. 423-404-4189 owned, $2500. Call 865-604-8785. Top, Good Int, Mipuppeeperson@yahoo.com Rust $8500 423- Furniture Refinish. 331 225 KAWASAKI 1500 Vul- nor SIBERIAN Husky AKC Garage Sales 743-7000 Glenn can Classic, 2003, Pups, champ lines, DENNY'S FURNITURE KIDS CONSIGNMENT CHEVROLET 6800 mi., loaded, shots, $450-$500. REPAIR. Refinish, reSALE Sat. March 31, CORVETTE 1967 $6,000. 865-947-8688 865-995-1386 glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! 8-2, Beaver Ridge Roadster Stingray ***Web ID# 953137*** 922-6529 or 466-4221 UMC in Karns. 427/435 blue/black, Clothing newborn to #S matching, great WIRE FOX Terriers, DENNY'S FURNITURE teen, toys, furniture, condition. $28,500. adults, AKC regisREPAIR. Refinish, reequip, books & more. Contact 731-599-4393 or tered, $100 each. glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! Cash only please. broker9061@yahoo.com 865-621-1733 922-6529 or 466-4221
SHOPPER-NEWS â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 26, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ B-3
Mike Wigger
The weather is changing and you can too! We all get stuck in our daily routines, but take D PRPHQW WR UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW $UH your daily habits and routines helping you to be a better person? Busy schedules, work and family obligations VRPHWLPHV PDNH LW GLIÂżFXOW WR LQFRUSRUDWH ÂżWQHVV LQWR \RXU GDLO\ URXWLQH Once you get out of the habit, it can be that much KDUGHU WR JHW EDFN LQWR LW Now is the time! Recent research shows that exercising outdoors (when compared to exercising indoors) is associated with greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement coupled with decreased feelings of tension, anger and depression (Journal of Environmental SciHQFH DQG 7HFKQRORJ\
Exercising outside also provides you with a unique opportunity to enjoy Knoxville in a difIHUHQW ZD\ One such opportunity is the Provision Health and Wellness Dogwood Classic 5k Run/Walk on 6DWXUGD\ $SULO 7KLV event takes place along Cherokee Boulevard, a beautiful area of West .QR[YLOOH :KLOH PLOHV may seem intimidating, break it down into small steps, literally! Walking or jogging can be a great way to spend quality time with IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV WRR Regardless of your FXUUHQW ÂżWQHVV VWDWXV completing a 5k is never LPSRVVLEOH <RX ZLOO QHHG the right training program DQG WKH ULJKW DWWLWXGH Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget the behind the VFHQHV EHQHÂżWV WRR VXFK as lower blood pressure, better blood sugar control, DQG UHGXFHG VWUHVV If you need some guidance in developing your training program, we are PRUH WKDQ KDSS\ WR KHOS Our Provision Health and Wellness trainers are well educated and experienced and will help you get one step closer to completing your 5k!
Spring into
New programs for April Provision Health & Wellness (formerly The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs) is stepping up its game for 6SULQJ ZLWK QHZ FODVVHV â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are your community resource for information on a healthy lifestyle,â&#x20AC;? said Executive Director Lisa :ROI Âł<RX GRQÂśW KDYH WR EH D PHPEHU WR WDNH FODVVHV Just call for pricing inforPDWLRQ :H KRSH WR VHH \RX soon!â&#x20AC;? LiveWELL Lifestyle Change Program is a beginner-friendly, unique and comprehensive program that combines nutrition, ÂżWQHVV DQG VWUHVV PDQDJHment to achieve remarkDEOH UHVXOWV 7KH ZHHN program meets three times each week for one and a half KRXU VHVVLRQV $ QHZ JURXS will start at noon Monday, $SULO DQG PHHW HDFK Monday, Wednesday DQG )ULGD\ Yoga Series Âą <RJD LV D VWDSOH DW 3URYLVLRQ &ODVVHV LQFOXGH %DVLF <RJD 6XQULVH <RJD DW D P 6HQLRU <RJD <RJD RQ WKH /DZQ DQG &KDLU <RJD <RJD SURYLGHV stress relief and muscle
WRQLQJ 1HZ FODVVHV VWDUW LQ $SULO ,Q WKH QHZ <,1 Flow <RJD 6HULHV SDUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO IXVH <,1 ORQJ KHOG poses targeting connective tissues) with Flow (rhythPLF Ă&#x20AC;RZ RI SRVWXUHV WKDW build strength as well as Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ Duathlon/Triathlon Training Âą <RX GRQÂśW KDYH to be an elite athlete to FRPSHWH LQ D WULDWKORQ +HOS is here for both the veteran DQG EHJLQQHU ZLWK 7XHVGD\ FODVVHV VWDUWLQJ $SULO DW S P $Q LQIRUPDWLRQ VHVVLRQ ZLOO EH KHOG DW S P 7XHVGD\ $SULO 3URgram includes coaching on spin bikes and treadmills, education on nutrition for training and performance, weekly training plans for biking, running, as well as suggested swimming workRXWV 3DUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO DOVR receive pre- and post-body FRPSRVLWLRQ â&#x20AC;&#x153;To be or not to beâ&#x20AC;? Gluten Free â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Learn the pros and cons of this ubiquiWRXV FRPSRQHQW RI Ă&#x20AC;RXU DQG other foods processed from wheat to which VRPH DUH DOOHUJLF
Book Study â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?â&#x20AC;? a book by organizational consultant Peter Walsh, is an easy plan for losing weight while living a less clutWHUHG OLIH $UH \RX UHDG\ to clean up the spaces where you cook, eat and live? Chief Dietitian Casey Peer will lead this series starting Tuesday, $SULO DQG PHHWLQJ at noon Tuesdays for six ZHHNV Food Is Medicine Series â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Programming includes classes on nutritional management of diabetes, hypothyroidism, food allergies, cardiovascular disease, $'+' 2QFRORJ\ 3&26 etcâ&#x20AC;Ś Healthy Eating Series Âą &RQWLQXLQJ LQ $SULO Provisionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Registered Dietitians will discuss healthy eating with a pracWLFDO DSSURDFK 2QFH \RX become educated on the different aspects of healthy eating, positive changes EHFRPH PXFK HDVLHU In â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be DENSE,â&#x20AC;? partici-
Casey Peer, Chief Dietitian pants discuss ways to trim calories per bite to trim SRXQGV Âł6RPH KHDOWK\ foods are high in calories and could be sabotaging your diet,â&#x20AC;? says Casey 3HHU 7KLV RQH KRXU FODVV ZLOO PHHW DW S P 0RQGD\ $SULO DQG DW QRRQ 7KXUVGD\ $SULO $GGLWLRQDO FODVVHV RIIHUHG LQ $SULO â&#x20AC;&#x153;What Is Really Making 8V )DW"´ $SULO # S P $SULO # QRRQ Âł+\SRWK\URLGLVP Weight Managementâ&#x20AC;? $SULO # QRRQ DQG $SULO DW S P
For information on these and other classes, please call (865) 232-1414.
1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 232.1414 ¡ livewellknoxville.com
B-4 • MARCH 26, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS