FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com
A great community newspaper
VOL. 6 NO. 15
Coffee Break with Cuddy
April 9, 2012
River Rescue
It all started with a motorcycle. Mike Cuddy was a 12-yearold with a dream: He wanted a motorcycle. No problem, his parents told him. Just earn the money to buy it. The journey to earn that money and make that dream a reality nurtured an entrepreneurial spirit in the young Kingsport boy that has been the hallmark of his life and career.
Shumard Oak leaf
See Coffee Break on page A-2
Happy 60! It wasn’t so much that John Charles Retinger Jr., was turning 60, or that he really didn’t want a big deal made of the milestone. It was just that, through the years, it hasn’t been easy to pull one over on him.
See Sherri’s story on page A-3
Josh Cunningham of AmeriCorps and Jessica Davis plant Shumard Oak trees at Campbell Station Park. The trees will get green by the end of the summer and produce acorns in about four years, according to Cunningham. “So the squirrels will be happy we did this,” he said. By the end of the project, they will have planted 400 trees, primarily in or near the park. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
By Theresa Edwards
SHOPPER ONLINE ShopperNewsNow.com
All shook up! Jake Mabe extends a heartfelt thanks (“thankyaverymuch”) to those who called or wrote last week sharing memories of Elvis Presley. Powell guy David Hunter reminded Jake of a tale about Elvis and Cas Walker. Elvis made a brief whistle stop in Knoxville, most likely when he came home from the Army in 1960. David said Cas decided, as a prominent Knoxvillian, he needed to go down to say hello. Says David: “That evening, Cas was trampled by teenage girls. He showed up on the ‘Farm and Home Hour’ the next day, battered and angry about outof-control youth.” See Jake’s column and more at www.ShopperNewsNow.com/.
The 23rd annual River Rescue organized and coordinated by Ijams Nature Center reached far and wide, including the Turkey Creek Stream flowing through Campbell Station Park. Josh Cunningham of AmeriCorps organized the river cleanup along with tree planting at Campbell Station Park as part of this joint River Rescue effort. His parents, John and Wilene Cunningham, drove at 5 a.m. from their home in Mount Holly, N.C., to spend the day with Josh for his 24th
Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Town of Farragut Faith Schools Community Calendar Business Health/Lifestyles
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10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sandra Clark sclark426@aol.com.com ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
Oak trees at Campbell Station Park, Cunningham gave away several trees to the community at this event. He is planning another huge tree planting event on May 5 in Farragut. Funding is by a Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency tree grant. Farragut hopes to plant more than 200 trees that day on public and private property. Campbell Station Park will be the center of this event. Teams will go throughout Farragut planting trees on pre-approved private properties that have completed and returned the proper form to Town Hall.
Magic timing Alex Tedford conjures up new book to debut at Book Fest By Sherri Gardner Howell
birthday. Upon arrival, they picked up trash before going out together for dinner. Amy Mann with Knox County Soil Conservation District explained why it is good to plant beside the stream’s banks. “Vegetation including trees and bushes help hold the soil in place,” she said. “Vegetation also filters toxins and cools down the stream, providing a favorable environment for the inhabitants (animals and bugs).” The vegetation also can prevent debris from entering the stream. After planting the Shumard
Alex Tedford is a person of few words – until he sits at his computer. Then the author lets the creativity flow, creating villains, heroes, palaces and cursed forests. He weaves his storyline with the enthusiasm of a master puppeteer, drawing his audience deeper into his world with suspense and action. Which is, of course, what an accomplished author is supposed to do, so why all the fuss? The plot thickens, you see, when the readers learn that Alex is 13 years old. The young author has just published his second book and received finished copies just in time to be a featured artist at the Farragut Book Fest for Children on Saturday, April 14. Alex started writing his first book, “Firven the Warrior,” when he was 11 and a 4th grader at Chris-
Keep Your Me Memories emo SAFE!
tian Academy of Knoxville. He was in the 5th grade when the book was finished and published. “I worked on it for about a year and a half,” says Alex. “I just wrote when I felt like it and when new ideas would come to me. In the beginning, I was just writing, but about threefourths of the way through it, I knew I wanted it to be a book.” He created very little fanfare around his task. “I told my family and a few friends. It was no big deal. It was just something I wanted to do, so I kept on until I finished it.” After the writing, Alex started researching ways for young authors to get their work published, and he found KidPub Press. “Firven the Warrior” is now also available for the Kindle tablet, as well as online through Amazon and KidPub Press. It was about six months
Alex Tedford shows a copy of his first book, “Firven the Warrior,” at his home in West Knoxville. Alex, a 7th grader at Christian Academy of Knoxville, will be one of the featured authors at Farragut Book Fest for Children on April 14. from the time Alex completed writing Firven to the day he held a finished copy in his hand. He estimates he has sold about 100 copies of the 76-page book. His parents, John and Kathy Tedford, didn’t read it until he was finished, and he says he thinks his dad was the most surprised. His grandmother was the first one to read the book in its
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Melissa McKenzie, with Jacobs Engineering, cleans trash out of the stream as part of the River Rescue. Behind her the bank is eroded, showing the need for more vegetation to prevent further damage.
published form. As for the reaction of his brothers – Matthew, 15, and Luke, 8 – Alex just shrugs. Alex says he knew as soon as he finished the first book that he would write a second one. “The Wizard’s Magic” is not a sequel and is very different from Firven. “It is written from my perspective,” he says. “The book is like a journal, set in medieval times.” For example, “The Wizard’s Magic” begins: “How this book came into your hands is a mystery to me. Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was coincidence. Whatever the reason, I need to make one thing absolutely clear. This book contains very valuable, and also quite dangerous, information. I’ll just go ahead and tell you: the secrets contained in this book are, well, unsafe, in a manner of speaking. If you read from beginning to end, you will know what is beyond the sight of most. I’m not saying that is a good thing, but if you really want to know the secrets of the past, read on. And brace yourself, reader. These are powerful words.” The main character has two brothers who read a Mowing & Lawn Aeration Mulching & Flower Bed Installation Edging & Trimming Small Tree & Shrub Trimming Fertilizing, Weed Control & Seeding Raking & Blowing Seasonal Clean-Up Gutter & Roof Cleaning Pressure Washing Property Maintenance Commercial or Residential Licensed/Insured
magic book with him, and all three get transported to the past. If you expect any insight into Alex from his main character, however, don’t count on it. “I tried to make him as opposite of me as possible. It is written in first person, but he is still just a character I created.” Alex does, however, like the format, and the second book is almost 100 pages longer than the first one. “I like writing where I am part of the action,” he says. Alex hopes to write many more books because he has a wealth of ideas ready to be put to paper. He doesn’t really plan to be an author when he is an adult. “I don’t think I will be a writer, like, for my whole life,” he says. What does he want to do? “I don’t know,” he answers, wearily. “I’m 13.” The best part of the whole process, he says, is the writing. “I like the creative process – getting the idea, getting started and writing it all. That’s the best part.” The worst? “Editors,” he says. Amen. To page A-3
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Coffee Break with
Cavan, as my ski instructor.”
What is one word others often use to describe you and why? “Driven. I am always looking for the next project.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “Slow down and smell the roses.”
What is your passion? “I like to test my limits everyday.”
With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “One of our U.S. presidents, and I’m not sure if it matters which one. I would like to get their perspective on what it is like to lead this great country.”
Mike Cuddy
It all started with a motorcycle. Mike Cuddy was a 12-year-old with a dream: He wanted a motorcycle. No problem, his parents told him. Just earn the money to buy it. The journey to earn that money and make that dream a reality nurtured an entrepreneurial spirit in the young Kingsport boy that has been the hallmark of his life and career. Cuddy, who is “again” retired, never let go of that propensity for finding ways to encourage businesses and solve problems. “I had two paper routes and one yard to mow,” says Cuddy, “and I worked until I had enough money to buy a motorcycle. I kept those endeavors until I was about 15, then got a job bagging groceries in a local supermarket. In the summer, I worked at Eastman. That work ethic set the pattern for the rest of my life.” Mike found his way to Knoxville when he enrolled at the University of Tennessee, graduating in engineering and going to work as a design engineer at Y-12 in Oak Ridge. His career with DOE spanned 30 years and took him to K-25 and then Oak Ridge National Laboratory. During that time, he went back to UT and “got an MBA the hard way – nights and weekends.” Mike’s passion for business development grew as he worked in Oak Ridge, and his responsibilities grew as well, working for Union Carbide, Martin Marietta and Lockheed Martin as the companies acquired the bids to run the DOE businesses. When he retired, he then worked 10 years as vice president of business development at SAIC in Oak Ridge, a science and technology company. In 2008, Mike retired again, but picked up the mantle of CEO and president of Tech 2020, a 501 (c) (3) company he helped shepherd 16 years before when he was one of the company’s founding committee members through the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce. “Tech 2020 helps support and advance entrepreneurial companies in the area,” says Mike. “That kind of support can sometimes make all the difference in business development.” As of late October 2010, more than 375 companies had been mentored and enabled by Tech 2020, with an economic impact of $305 million. “I think my passion for this goes back to my roots of always looking for something new, something better,” says Mike. “This region is blessed with so many natural assets. It is a good environment for entrepreneurs to start and grow their companies. The challenge is finding ways
Carolyn and Mike Cuddy pose overlooking Santiago, Chile, on a recent trip with the UT Executive MBA students. Photo submitted to take advantage of those assets and identify the things we need to do to help more start-up companies come to this region.” In January 2012, he retired from Tech 2020. Mike and his wife, Carolyn Babb Cuddy, plan to do some traveling and spend extra time with their two children and four grandchildren. Carolyn is executive director of the University of Tennessee Center for Executive Education and is chief financial officer for the center itself. “I have several projects I am going to work on,” says Mike. “And I love cycling, so I plan to be on the bike a lot more.” Son-in-law and daughter Dr. Jamie and Candace Williams live in Knoxville where Jamie has a dental practice, Turkey Creek Dental. They have four children, ages 7 to 2: Camdan, Siler, Neyland and Rigsby. Son and daughter-in-law Cavan and Jessica Poppel Cuddy live in Denver. Cavan is lead systems engineer at Lockheed Martin, and Jessica is product manager for Spyder skiwear. “One of Cavan’s projects is the GRAIL mission, part of a NASA program that is measuring the moon’s gravitational pull in great detail,” says Mike. Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Mike Cuddy:
What is your favorite quote from a television show or movie? “From the great Clint Eastwood movie: ‘Make my day!’ ”
What are you guilty of? “Habits. We are creatures of repetition and must work to keep the good ones yet be flexible when situations demand change.”
What is your favorite material possession? “My bike … a Specialized Roubaix.”
What are you reading currently? “Born to Run” and “Ride to 100”
What are the top three things on your bucket list? “Ride the Alps; spend a winter anywhere on the coast; and spend a winter in Vail, Colo., with our son,
Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “Clearly my wife, Carolyn. She is awesome with great character and work ethic. I would also add our children, Candace and Cavan, for allowing us to share their experiences and successes.”
I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Taking uncalculated risk.”
What is the best present you ever received in a box? “A receipt for a new motorcycle from my wife. It started a new adventure for us, and not all good, to hear Carolyn tell it!”
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “Work, work and then work harder.”
What is your social media of choice? “I am not fond of the social media space since I grew up with more than 100 emails a day in business. I do not look for more time consumers. I do really enjoy the Internet and access to the World Wide Web and the data it offers 24/7.”
What is the worst job you have ever had? “All jobs are what you make them. I must admit that being on the wrong end of a jackhammer was a pain.”
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “The cartoons at Horse Crickers at the Eastman theater in Kingsport. It was for the families of Eastman employees and a way to pull us all together. I remember it as an awesome experience.”
What irritates you? “Seeing a lack of discipline and effort in people who have been blessed with so much.”
What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “This is a wonderful community with such a relaxed environment. I would recommend the Farragut biking paths out toward Loudon County and Beals Chapel Road. It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.
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A surprise birthday gathering for John Retinger brought more than 30 friends and family to a dinner at Lakeside Tavern. John and his wife, Meg, are standing in the center.
Fun of birthday party is in the surprise It wasn’t so much that John Charles Retinger Jr., was turning 60, or that he really didn’t want a big deal made of the milestone. It was just that, through the years, it hasn’t been easy to pull one over on him.
Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES Why? “He’s nosy and suspicious,� says his wife, Meg, who was determined that this party be a surprise. Family and friends were called and sent Top Secret invitations to a dinner and party for March 30. John’s birthday is officially April 4, so one of the key components in pulling off the surprise was to do it early. To keep the ruse going, Meg discussed with her
husband whether he wanted to celebrate his midweek birthday the weekend before, during the week or weekend after. With Easter vying for attention the weekend after, John decided that all he wanted was a family dinner on April 1. Daughter Libby Phillips, who lives in Arlington, Tenn., left the sad news that they couldn’t make the trip, so plans went forward with son and daughter-in-law J and Larryn Retinger and granddaughter Mathis to have a birthday dinner on Sunday. To further confuse the issue, they hoped, Meg staged a dinner invitation with another couple for the night of the party at Lakeside Tavern. Getting everything ready in secret had some tense moments. Once, Meg mentioned to J that she would have his sister look at the new curtains when she came in town. “It wasn’t so much what I said as J’s reaction to it,� says Meg. “I thought
John might notice how he glared at me to ‘keep quiet.’ � Then, there was new furniture arriving for the bedrooms. Meg had a sense of urgency to get everything in place before Friday, because she knew company was coming and they’d need places to sleep. John, not having that information, might be prone to wait until there was more time on the weekend. Meg was also working on a photo book that chronicled John’s life, so there was some snooping in his office and late nights at the computer to pull off. One out-oftown trip during the weeks of planning helped her get some of that done. “And, he’s old, so he goes to bed early,� Meg quips. The biggest scare came when a friend left a message about the party on the home answering machine, something John almost always checks before his wife. Luckily, the culprit called during the time John was
out of town, so the message was obliterated before he returned home. On the night of the celebration, friends and family gathered at Lakeside Tavern to wait for his arrival. Text messages from Meg chronicled every mile: “Leaving subdivision; turning into parking lot; coming in door.â€? When the door was opened and “Surpriseâ€? yelled, the look on John’s face left no doubt that the mission was successful. Friends from every decade of John’s adult life were on the guest list, and family came from West Tennessee, Missouri and Virginia to help in the celebration. Each guest was introduced based on how long they had known the birthday honoree and were encouraged to tell a “Johnâ€? story. In all, 33 guests enjoyed the dinner and the fun of finally pulling one over on their friend. John’s response: “It took 60 years. ‌â€?
Magic timing
My Wiggleâ€? and “The In- will receive a free storybook fered across the street at famous Underwear Song.â€? and pencil. Free hot dogs Christ Connection Church. From page A-1 Other entertainers include and lemonade will be avail- In case of inclement weathmagician Michael Messing able (while supplies last) be- er, call 966-2420 to check Alex Tedford will be one and musicians Frank Gal- ginning at 11 a.m. the status of the event. of the featured authors at braith, Samantha HatmakLimited parking will be For a schedule and map, visit www. townoffarragut.org. For more info, conthe fifth annual Farragut er and Conny Ottway. available at the park; ad- tact Lauren Cox, 865-966-7057 or lauren. Book Fest for Children on The first 300 children ditional parking will be of- cox@townoffarragut.org. Saturday, April 14. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Campbell Station Park, next to the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Presented by the Farragut Arts Council and the Knox County Library Farragut Branch, the event is free and open to the public. Yes, you read it correctly! Parkview West has its very own Sandi Schulte, who wrote movie theater, hosting all kinds of entertainment and meetings. “Rachel’s New House,â€? will also be a featured author. Residents’ recommend a wide range of movies, as well as She and Alex will be sellsporting events of interest. ing and signing their books. Storytellers will include ƒŽŽ —• –‘†ƒ› ƒ– ͚͙͜Ǥ͚͙͛Ǥ͔͙͔͛ ˆ‘” Â?‘”‡ Laurie Fisher, Marilyn ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒ„‘—– –Š‹• ÂƒĆĄÂ‘Â”Â†ÂƒÂ„ÂŽÂ‡ ƒÂ?† Jones, Merry Shipley and Millie Sieber. There will be ‡Â?Œ‘›ƒ„Ž‡ ”‡–‹”‡Â?‡Â?– Ž‹ˆ‡ •–›Ž‡Ǥ inflatables, art activities and the Ruff Reading Program, which gives kids the opportunity to read to dogs. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite storybook character. One of the featured entertainers will be Kevin Kidd, a musician who keeps chil ‡–‡”ƒÂ?• ƒÂ?† ™‹†‘™• ‘ˆ ˜‡–‡”ƒÂ?• Č‚ ĥÂ? ƒ„‘—– ”‡Â?– ƒ••‹•–ƒÂ?…‡ „‡Â?‡Ƥ–Ǥ dren laughing with songs such as “The Stinky Feet Song,â€? “I’ve Got a Giggle in Í•Í”Í?͕͘ ‹Â?‰•–‘Â? ‹Â?‡ Čˆ Â?Â‘ÂšÂ˜Â‹ÂŽÂŽÂ‡ÇĄ Í—Í›Í?͗͘ Čˆ ͚͙͜Ǥ͚͙͛Ǥ͔͙͔͛ Čˆ ™™™Ǥ’˜•‡Â?‹‘”Ž‹˜‹Â?‰Ǥ…‘Â?
John Retinger walks into the back room at Lakeside Tavern for a quiet dinner and finds 33 friends waiting to wish him a happy 60th birthday.
Cousins Tripp Phillips and Mathis Retinger dance at their grandfather’s 60th surprise birthday party.
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government Smelling a rat When you read that the county’s Charter Review Committee may split charter proposals between the August and November elections this year, you need to fasten your seat belts and be careful in reading what proposal goes where.
Victor Ashe
Why? Because the county election on the first Thursday in August will be lucky to have 20,000 voters given the few offices to decide. However, the November general election will include the Obama/Romney presidential contest for which voter turnout in Knox County could reach 100,000. It is entirely possible that persons wanting a small turnout to decide the question and a desire to keep discussion to a small number of voters will opt for August. People who believe in full voter participation will want November. When we read that some charter members worry there will be too many proposals which might confuse voters, do not be misled. Voters are not stupid. They can smell a rat. This is an excuse, not a reason, for splitting proposals. Shelley Breeding, an attorney who wants to be the Democratic nominee for Knox House District 89 in northwest Knox County, is having residency questions raised. Seems the property she claims as her residence is partly in Knox County and partly in Anderson County. And apparently her house is in the Anderson County portion and that’s where her mortgage company has sent the property taxes. However, she has been a Knox County voter for several years. A lawsuit may develop which will secure her considerable publicity which her campaign could never afford to buy. If Breeding is disqualified, Democrats can re-open qualifying or do a write-in for someone else. Republican U.S. Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas was in town
last week to visit Oak Ridge National Labs. He spent two full days there and had dinner with close friend Rep. Jimmy Duncan on Tuesday. Womack serves on the very important House Appropriations Committee and is vice chair of the Energy subcommittee which triggered his visit to Oak Ridge. It’s unusual for a new member to take out two days for such a tour and that is good news for Knoxville and Oak Ridge. Chick-fi l-A has announced it will revise its originally 50 foot high sign at its new Bearden location on Kingston Pike. Council member Duane Grieve and Scenic Knoxville helped persuade them to change course. If only TVA would listen to the public on their massive tree cutting program which has triggered a federal lawsuit and considerable outrage. The public hearing April 4 on proposed apartments near Island Home drew a capacity crowd at South Knoxville Elementary School. More than 150 persons attended along with Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis who represents South Knoxville on City Council and Council members Finbarr Saunders, George Wallace, Nick Della Volpe and Marshall Stair. Also present were high level Rogero officials Bill Lyons, Bob Whetsel and Communications Director Angela Starke. Starke is new while Lyons and Whetsel are veteran city officials. An obvious flaw was the absence of any working sound system. It was virtually impossible to hear unless you were within five feet of the one speaking. Had Special Events Director Judith Foltz been included in the planning she would have checked that box. I discussed this with Starke and she saw the urgent need for correction. She is new and energetic. I suspect she will not let this happen again. The plan itself is going nowhere until it is substantially changed. Attorney Chris Field and his wife, Casey, spoke eloquently on how the plan contradicts the city waterfront mission statement adopted a few years back. Next week more on TVA and how it has lost its way with the neighbors. Victor Ashe is a former Knoxville mayor and ambassador to Poland. Reach him at vhashe@aol.com.
Running for the county line In a lot of ways, Shelley Breeding is a mail order candidate.
Betty Bean
Instead of business as usual – you know the drill: trotting out a tired retread or some frat boy son-ofan-officeholder– Knox County Democrats have come up with a smart-asa-whip, likeable prospect with a real job as a candidate for the new 89th District House legislative seat. She’s a coal miner’s daughter (yes, really) who came down to Knoxville from the hills of southwest Virginia to attend the University of Tennessee as a Whittle Scholar (remember how hard it was to get a Whittle Scholarship?). She majored in political science, Japanese and world business, and interned at the first private medical facility in Japan. She stayed here to go to law school and paid her
It was almost a historic unanimous vote for a superintendent’s budget, but in the end Mike McMillan could not say yes.
Sandra Clark McMillan seemed to want to vote yes. He said the budget contains many items he supports. He even said since he “just got re-elected,” he could vote yes (without political consequences). He tried to postpone the vote on personal privilege, a courtesy extended to members who want a month’s delay. Cindy Buttry quickly quieted that suggestion, observing that the county charter requires the school board to vote on a budget by April 15. McMillan said “my district” is not willing to pay more taxes, and he’s concerned that the mayor would veto this budget, even if it was adopted by County Commission. So he voted no. Support came from all others: Buttry: “I am super excited about … this budget. Some folks don’t realize how far behind we are in
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way by tutoring football and basketball players at the Thornton Athletics Student Life Center. She also found time to study international law in Cambridge, England; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Cape Town, South Africa. She got her law degree and worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Office for Global Health, where she dealt with international health threats like bird flu, HIV-AIDS, typhoid and other infectious diseases. She returned to Knoxville to practice law in 2006 and opened her own
used to determine residency, and Breeding says five of them put her squarely in Knox County – she votes here, gets her mail here, works here, is a notary public here and had her new septic tank inspected by the Knox County Health Department. Democrats suspect the Republic an- controlled election commission of partisan hanky-panky, pointing to Commissioner Rob McNutt, who voted seven times in a district where he didn’t live (a felony under election law). His GOP colleagues dismissed this as a mere technicality. Rodgers says that his staff simply came across the anomaly “while doing our due diligence” and checking the addresses of those who signed Breeding’s qualifying petition. He says he is awaiting an answer from Nashville and suggests that she might want to run in Anderson County. Breeding says she’s going to sue. And the fledgling career of the brightest new face in Knox County politics hangs in the balance.
8-1 vote sends budget to Burchett
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Shelley Breeding
firm in 2008. She does a lot of business in family law – divorce, adoptions and foster care work – and says that representing children who have been abused is a big part of what makes her want to run for the Legislature. Today, Breeding and Dothard has six lawyers, six staff members and two clerks, making the 31-yearold Shelley Suzanne Breeding a small business owner as well as a lawyer. She’s made a payroll and she’s created jobs. But they may not let her run. “They” is the office of the state coordinator of elections, where Knox County’s election coordinator Cliff Rodgers punted the question of her eligibility after discovering that the house she and her husband, John Payne, built in 2009 sits right smack on the Anderson County line. Breeding says she didn’t realize that her mortgage holder was paying her taxes to Anderson County until Rodgers called her up to tell her that she couldn’t run. There are six criteria
technology. We were behind five years ago; now we are further behind. … And this budget is more than just technology. It’s academic and capital improvement driven. Every district and every student will benefit.” Indya Kincannon: “I’m all in. We have a specific plan for how to spend the (extra requested) $35 million; not just for one year but for five.” Pam Trainor: “I am uber-excited. This moves the community forward.” Karen Carson: “I like the high accountability factor of this budget. If we can accelerate the funding, we can accelerate the outcome. … We need the community around each of our schools (to give support).” Lynne Fugate: “It’s the obligation of this board to do what we can to increase resources. We’re expecting more from students and teachers. In the private sector, where I come from, when we expect more we invest more.” Kim Sepesi: “I ran on moving education forward. For me, the issue is the pace. Do we move forward slowly or do we accelerate the movement? Our children will compete in a global economy. I favor this budget.” Thomas Deakins: At the joint retreat of school board members and coun-
Buttry, who has opposed previous budgets, said this one got it right. “We can pay it now or pay it later because these are things we need.” Leaving Mike McMillan, the man whose district is getting a brand new school at Carter Elementary, to cast the solitary no vote. So it’s on to Mayor Tim Burchett and then to County Commission. There’s a short time frame. Burchett will present his budget in early May; the commission will vote before May’s end. School board chair Thomas Deakins talks with board member Cindy Buttry following last week’s meeting. Deakins said: “I will champion this budget.” Photo by S. Clark
ty commissioners, we agreed that we want “the best school system in the southeast. This budget allows us to move to that.” Deakins said the school system must build the infrastructure for technology, and then equip each teacher and student with tools, whether iPads or Notebooks or something not yet invented, to teach the way today’s kids learn. “It’s time for this board to lead. Let’s invest in what matters,” he said. Gloria Deathridge didn’t make a rousing speech; she just voted yes.
More details than you ever wanted are available on the KCS website at knoxschools.org/.
GOSSIP AND LIES ■ Greg Johnson will speak to the West Knox Republican Club at 7 p.m. today (April 9) at Red Lobster on Kingston Pike. Arrive at 6 p.m. to eat. ■ Park Overall is running for the Democratic nomination to oppose Sen. Bob Corker. That could be fun. ■ Tom Kilgore, CEO at TVA who makes about $4 million a year, says he needs another $1.5 billion to $2 billion to complete the Watts Bar Unit 2 nuclear reactor. The agency underestimated the time and money it would take to complete the project, he said. ■ Really, Tom? Hey, we know a kick-butt administrator who would take the TVA job for about 10 percent of Kilgore’s annual wage. Somebody call Gloria Ray!
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Artists head outdoors for inspiration The dogwood blooms may be fading, but April is still the month for artistic expression in East Tennessee and Farragut is no exception. The Farragut Business Alliance is once again sponsoring Farragut Art in the Park from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22. No matter where you live in town, there will be an artist near you painting live and in person at various locations. Artists will set up their easels at Anchor Park, Campbell Station Park, Mayor Bob Leonard Park, McFee Park, Farragut Town Hall/Memorial Plaza, historic Pleasant Forest Cemetery, Old Concord and Bridgemore Boulevard. A gallery reception and art
Suzanne Foree Neal
sale is planned for 7 p.m., Friday, April 27, at Red Line Gallery in Village Green Shopping Center. The event is free and attendees will be able to purchase their favorite piece from the two-day painting session. A portion of the sales will go to fund a park bench specially designed to incorporate the town’s logo. This is the second two-day “paint on location� event and juried art show. This year a
Executive assistant hears it all first By Suzanne Foree Neal Valerie Millsapps never knows who’s going to be on the other end of the line when she answers the phone at Farragut Town Hall. The caller may just need information or an opportunity to vent. Either way, she tries to help. She’s been working as an executive assistant to David Smoak and Gary Palmer for about two-and-a-half years. If anyone else needs help, she’ll jump in and do whatever is needed. Previously she worked in a doctor’s office so she’s used to the fast pace. “I’m a good listener,� she says. “When people call I listen to their concerns and let them know I’m here to listen, and they can vent if they have a problem. I come in a little early and I’m pretty much running around all day, talking on the phone or doing something for the town administrator, assistant administrator or reminding the mayor of his appoint-
Valerie Millsapps enjoys her job as an executive assistant for Farragut’s town administrator and assistant administrator because no two days are the same. Photo by Chelsey Rieman/town of Farragut
ments. It’s never the same, which I like.� Millsapps hopes she can make a difference even if she doesn’t have the answers callers want to hear. She takes down the complaint and passes it along to the correct department. A lot of calls deal with drainage issues, but lately she’s getting more about
musical component has been added featuring strolling musicians. There will be a kids’ cookie decorating workshop offered by Southernly Sweet from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at Campbell Station Park.
Board’s agendas in Shopper-News I’ve been working from home, recouping from some surgery and there must have been a dose of dumb in one of the pain pills. So, let me get it right this week. The Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen meets the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, usually at 7 p.m. unless there’s a workshop scheduled. The agendas will now appear in graffiti. If a caller is irate, she just brushes it off. “They aren’t mad at me, so I don’t take it personally,� she says. She also takes minutes for the Economic Development Committee, the Joint Education Relations Committee and the town of Farragut/Knox County Schools meetings along with processing community grants when they come in. Presently, she’s setting up a series of focus group meetings for the town’s land use plan. Millsapps says the town is “really good� to the employees and says its benefits are the best of any she’s had. One thing she’d add to those benefits would be a workout room. She has an elliptical at home, lifts weights and likes to run at night when it’s cool. She thinks the town’s parks and recreation opportunities are what draw a lot of people to settle in Farragut. When the weather is nice, Millsapps likes to slip out of the building and head for one of the town’s parks to eat her lunch and enjoy the sunshine. She, her husband, Jason, and daughters Cayleigh, 13, and Makinze, 5, live in Friendsville. The family enjoys the
the Monday edition of the Farragut Shopper-News prior to the Thursday meetings.
home and also learn about selecting tools, beads and findings for making jewelry. Sheila Akins is the instructor for the class, to be held 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12 at Town Hall. The $35 fee includes all supplies. The second class, also taught by Akins, is “Wire Wrap Ring� making class. Students will learn to make two wire rings. The class is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26. Cost of the class is $40 and includes all supplies. Registration deadline is Monday, April 23. To register for either class, call 966-7057.
Museum hours cut for docent training The Farragut Folklife Museum will be closed the morning of Wednesday, April 11, for a docent training session. The Museum will reopen at 1:30 p.m. Contact Museum Coordinator Julia Jones at julia. jones@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057 with any questions.
Jewelry-making classes scheduled
Farragut Dogwood trail opens early
Two craft classes are being offered by the town of Farragut. Registration deadline for “Beginner Jewelry Making� is today. Students will make a bracelet and earrings to take
Farragut is joining Mother Nature in getting a head start on spring and opening the town’s Dogwood Arts
outdoors and the girls like visiting McFee Park. Cayleigh just made her school’s golf team and Makinze is starting Tee ball. They love vacationing at Disney World; it’s where Jason surprised Valerie when he popped the big question in front of Cinderella’s Castle.
They often spend time with Millsapps’ grandparents, who live near the Smokies. They are her inspiration. “I look up to my grandparents, who are in the 70s,� she says. “They took care of my uncle who had spina bifida. Just watching them take care of him had an
Festival trail. The 7.9-milelong trail is now up and ready to view through Monday, April 30. Added in 2000, the trail showcases 487 Farragut homes throughout three subdivisions. The trail begins at the entrance to Fox Den Subdivision off Kingston Pike, winds through Fox Den on North Fox Den Drive and Oakmont Circle, connects with Clover Fork Drive in Country Manor Subdivision and ends in Village Green through a variety of roads. Visitors will exit the trail on Campbell Station Road from Old Colony Road. Pink stripes and arrows painted on the asphalt will guide visitors through the neighborhoods. For more Dogwood Arts Festival info, visit www.dogwoodarts.com.
impact on my life. They never complained or stressed out. He died nine years ago.� Millsapps says she likes to have a positive attitude, something she learned from her grandparents, and make people laugh. “I’m not really a downer person,� she says.
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Sultana reunion is this month held in Knoxville 11 more By Dr. Jim Tumblin On April 26, 1865, an over- times as well as in Vicksburg loaded packet boat, the Sulta- (Miss.), Athens (Ala.), Mansna, left Memphis with 2,300 field (Ohio) and Chattanoopassengers aboard, many of ga, Franklin and Memphis them Union soldiers recently (Tenn.) – all at or near sites freed from Andersonville and connected to the disaster. The 25th annual reunion Cahaba prisons at the end of the Civil War. Seven miles will be held April 27-28 near upriver and a few hours later, Cincinnati, Ohio, where the one of the boilers exploded group will tour the defenand the boat burned and sive line built across the sank. In the largest maritime Ohio River on the outskirts disaster in American history, of the city, a historic river about 1,700 lives were lost walk on the river’s shore compared to the 1,517 who line, the site of the Litherdied when the Titanic sank bury Shipyard where the Sultana was built and Camp on April 14, 1912. Among the passengers on Dennison, where many of the Sultana were some 400 the Ohio and Indiana Union troopers of the 3rd Tennessee soldiers who were on the Cavalry (USA), many of them boat were mustered into from Blount, Knox, McMinn service and trained. Those interested in atand Monroe counties. Until the last one died in 1931, the tending the meeting should local survivors of the disas- contact Norman Shaw at ter met annually on April 27 693-2171 or email shawto commemorate the loss of clan4@bellsouth.net. Editor’s Note: Dr. Jim their comrades. When he realized the need Tumblin will have a feature to memorialize those whose story on the Sultana in next lives were lost in the Sulta- week’s Shopper-News on na Disaster as well as those page A-6. who suffered but survived, local attorney Norman Shaw organized a modern-day annual Reunion of the Descendants of the Survivors of the Sultana. The inaugural meeting was held at Mt. Olive Baptist Church on Maryville Pike in April 1988, where an impressive monument was erected in 1916 to commemorate the event. Since that time the re- The Sultana memorial monument. Photo by union has been Jim Tumblin
Softball offers fun for seniors The Knoxville Co-Ed Slow-Pitch Softball League, now in its fifth season, is accepting new members. This is a noncompetitive league, which means score is not kept and there are special rules to promote safety for all players. Women must be 55 years old and men must be 60 to participate. Special consideration is given for persons who are younger if that person has a diagnosed handicap and can still play slow-pitch softball. The league consists of four teams including a “poolplayers team” for players who cannot come to most of the games or who are brand new in the league. Each member of this team will play on one of the other four teams if he/ she shows up on game days. All players will participate in every game since the league is about promoting healthy exercise and fitness, fellowship and fun. The season begins at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 10, at Caswell Park, 620 Winona St. (If it rains on the 10th, the first day will be Thursday, April 12.) The only cost to players is a one-time $10 accident insurance fee required by the city. The four teams play every Tuesday and Thursday from Partners in the newly expanded restaurant Kasumi & Thai April through mid-October. Players are asked to arrive on Cafe take a minute from their grand re-opening celebrations time at 9:30 a.m. for warm-ups and to ensure all teams to pose in front of the restaurant. From left are owners Honare balanced. Games begin promptly at 10 a.m. Info: email gzhi Li, Xiaosong Zhang and Deny Lin. jeanreif@msn.com.
Double the fun Double the fun might well be the theme for the newly renovated Kasumi & Thai Café at 743 North Campbell Station Road. Owners Hongzhi Li, Xiaosong Zhang and Deny Lin have expanded the restaurant, doubling the seating capacity of the former Kasumi Japanese Grill and Sushi Bar. The remodeling has also opened new possibilities for the partners, and the restaurant now offers a new menu and a complete Asian dining experience. Three types of food are waiting for customers, all custom-cooked with fresh ingredients. Diners can choose from traditional Japanese fare, including sushi, or the new Thai and Chinese dishes. The three partners, who were busy during their grand reopening last week, say they are eager for the community to come in and experience all the new offerings on their menu.
Mammograms Food City has partnered with UT Medical Center to offer onsite digital screening mamg mograms utilizing UT Medical Center’ss Mobile Mammography Unit from 9 a.m. y, until 4 p.m. Monday, dApril 16, at 9565 Middlebrook Pike. 0 Women age 40 and older who have not received a screening in the last year and have no current breast problems or personal history of breast
cancer or implants are welcomed. Insurance will be filed and women without insurance may contact the UT Breast Health P Outreach Program for deop tails on options. To sch schedule an appointme pointment, call 305T 9753. This program is po made possible through suppo support from the Kno Knoxville Affiliate o of the Susan G. K Komen for the Cure, Nation National Breast Cancer Foundation, Champions for a Cause and Avon Foundation.
Darkness dinner The East Tennessee Technology Access Center will host “The Sense of Darkness” dinner 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, May 3, at The Foundry, 747 Worlds Fair Park Drive. Anyone age 12 and older is invited to experience what it would be like to be blind and try to eat at a restaurant. Music will be provided by Emmanuelle Lo, a 12-year-old nationally recognized singer and songwriter who is blind. Tickets are $30 and space is limited. RSVP by Monday, April 30, by calling 219-0130. Owners Hongzhi Li, Xiaosong Zhang and Deny Lin.
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SHOPPER-NEWS • APRIL 9, 2012 • A-7
WORSHIP NOTES Community Services ■Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Info: 675-2835.
Fundraisers and sales
Eric West repairs a car during the 2011 Inasmuch United Knoxville. Members of 32 local churches will participate in this year’s event Saturday, April 21. Photo submitted
â– Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, will have a rummage sale in the family life center 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 28. Doors will reopen from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. to sell everything for $5 a bag. Items can be donated for the sale Thursday evening, April 26, or anytime Friday, April 27. Info: 690-1060.
Rec programs â– Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class Mondays from 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email denabower@comcast.net.
Special Services â– Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will welcome evangelist Tim Lee and Christian comedian Tim Hawkins at 7 p.m. Friday, April 13. Tickets are $19 in advance, $25 at the door. VIP tickets are $49. Info: www.timhawkins.net. â– Second Presbyterian Church, 2829 Kingston Pike, will present noted author and speaker Tony Campolo at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 14, and 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday, April 15. Campolo is the founder of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education (EAPE). Info: 523-2189 or
Women’s groups ■Knoxville Christian Women’s Connection will host the “Hunting for the Good in Everyone� luncheon Thursday, April 12, at Buddy’s Banquet Hall on Kingston Pike. Special guest will be stylist, designer and hairdresser Joey McEachern, who will give updates on the latest in hair fashions and makeup. Inspirational speaker will be Phyllis Page from Alabama. Admission is $12 inclusive. Complimentary child care by reservation only. For tickets, call Connie at 693-5298 or email her at dick3234@ bellsouth.net.
Youth ■Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or email bhallman@tds.net.
Churches to join for day of service By Wendy Smith There will be strange things happening around Knoxville on Saturday, April 21. Expect free car washes, neighborhood carnivals or folks passing out smoke detectors. Less obvious happenings will be quiet acts of service to our most needy neighbors. It’s all part of Inasmuch U n i t e d K nox v i l le, the local event of the national nonprof it Operat ion Ina smuch. Members David Crocker of 32 local churches will pitch in, and more than 2,000 volunteers are expected to participate, says David Crocker, executive director of Operation Inasmuch, which is based in Knoxville. Crocker was a pastor in Fayetteville, N.C., when he worked with other church leaders to put together a one-day event designed to get church members out of the pew and into the community in 1995. When he became senior pastor at Central Baptist Church in Fountain City in 2002, he continued to have a heart for compassion ministry.
He stepped down in 2006 to devote himself to the nonprofit full time. While some Christians are turned off by the idea of a one-day event, the idea is to “draw in people who sit very comfortably on the sidelines.� Within a typical church, most of the work is done by 20 percent of the congregation. But Operation Inasmuch events are geared toward the other 80 percent, he says. Crocker travels across the country to train churches on how to conduct events like Inasmuch United Knoxville. His first task is to stimulate a vision of what could happen if the majority of members would participate in a day of ministry. Then, he helps with logistics, like how to find projects, organize volunteers and promote the event. In preparation for Knoxville’s event, three dozen local agencies were contacted ahead of time so projects could be planned. Some were large agencies, like Knox Area Rescue Ministry and Volunteer Ministry Center. But others were small, like Agape Outreach Homes. “We’re trying to spread it out a bit, to get as many
people to help as possible,� he says. Another goal is to acquaint church members with new service opportunities. Sometimes, they get hooked. “There’s nothing like exposing people to real need.� Crocker sees a nationwide trend toward compassion ministry over the last 15 to 20 years. Operation Inasmuch and other similar models have changed the way churches are working in the community. He’s encouraged by it. “God is doing this. And there’s no better place to be in the world than where God is working.� He is frustrated by churches that claim their membership is too busy to participate in community service. Some Christians say they can’t help because they’re too old. To them, he says, “Oh, yes, you can. You may not be able to get on a roof, but you can do something else.� “We’re all called, regardless of our age or situation, to do compassion ministry. So it behooves us to find something we can do.� For information about participation in Inasmuch United Knoxville, call David Crocker at 951-2511.
Tellico Lake Flotilla’s new officers The Tellico Lake Flotilla of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary has elected new officers. Pictured are commander Tom Walsh, newly elected commander Art Pelka, newly elected vice commander Bill White and division commander Don Edwards Jr. Both newly elected officers served in the Coast Guard before joining the Auxiliary. Their new duties include representing the Coast Guard on local waterways and promoting boating safety. The Flotilla meets at 6:30 p.m. each fourth Wednesday at Tanasi Restaurant in Tellico Village. Info: 458-3808. Photo submitted
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‘Greater Tuna’ The Clayton Center for the Arts in Maryville and Foothills Community Players will present “Greater Tuna� on the Haslam Family Flexible Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 4; 2 p.m. Sunday, May 6; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 11-12; and 2 p.m. Sunday, May 13. Tickets are $15 and will go on sale Monday, April 9. Info: www. foothillscommunityplayers. com.
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E-mail them to news@ShopperNewsNow.com
Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Exercise physiologist Britton Leitch holds a kettle bell at Mind Body Kinetics Health and Fitness Studio. The studio offers a variety of services, including personal training and the latest in fun and effective classes. Look for new aerial yoga, BarreAmped and bellydancing classes coming soon. The studio is located at 146 North Forest Park Boulevard. Info: 584-8414 or www.mindbodykinetics.com.
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A-8 â&#x20AC;˘ APRIL 9, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ SHOPPER-NEWS
Modernâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millie Modern Supply's design consultant + remodeling expert
Bathroom Furniture Trends Bathrooms today are as stylish as the rest of a home. From ginormous master baths to small powder rooms, there are oodles of chic and stylish options for every budget. The custom cabinetry folks provide the widest choices in size, wood, finishes and cool storage features. Pull-outs designed specifically for hair dryers, curling irons and makeup are a divaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dream! Snazzy touches like crown molding, glass doors, decorative cabinetry legs and specialty towel cubes add a timeless touch. The skyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the limit on customizing! Vanities and matching bath furnishings are hot, hot, hot! Available in pre-determined sizes, these spa-like pieces create an uncluttered, streamlined look. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ideal for a powder room! Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flexibility in sink choices tooâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a one piece countertop with an integrated sink or a jazzy vessel sink can complete the look. Towel towers, wall cabinets and mirrors add extra storage and are super cute. My stars! Did you ever think medicine cabinets would make a come-back? Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not just an old, squeaky metal cabinet anymore. Stunning wooden medicine and overjohn cabinets complement vanities and provide extra storage. A fab piece for a small area! Take your bathroom from drab to glam! Drop by Modern Supply and let our top-notch designers show you the stuff dream baths are made of. Tell â&#x20AC;&#x2122;em Millie sent you!
All thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s old can be new again at Modern Supply There are lots of old things weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re fond of: old friends, old movies, old songs. But old bathrooms? Not so much. Mostly, old bathrooms are ugly to look at and downright inconvenientâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;especially when compared to the many gorgeous designs and state-of-the-art cabinets, vanities, and fixtures available at Modern Supply, just off Lovell Road. You may live in a mid-century subdivision home, a turn-of-the century Victorian or even an older structure whose charm and character you want to preserve, but hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s betting that sense of historic preservation doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t apply to the bathrooms. In a recent remodel of a local 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bathroom, Modern Supply design consultant, Sherry Williams, helped the homeowner select products to transform a small master bath into an updated and more efficient space. Starting with a neutral palette, an Armstrong cabinet, with ample storage, was selected and topped with a cultured marble sink and counter top. Deltaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Linden faucet in Venetian bronze complements the marble counter top and is an environmentally-friendly WaterSense labeled product. Towel bars and a tissue holder from Liberty Hardware are finished in oil rubbed bronze and coordinate with the faucet. A pretty vanity light from Minka-Lavery was hung over the stylish round mirror. The owners choose to replace the tub with a large tiled shower complete with bench and shelvesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a better choice for the home ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lifestyle. A Basco glass shower door keeps the small space open and airy and features a towel bar. A Delta integrated showerhead and detachable handshower feature In2ition technology. The In2ition shower features a detachable handshower, which can run separately from or simultaneously with the showerhead, giving the flexibility of two streams
Deltaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Linden faucet in VenetianÂŽ Bronze
Before: 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s style of water at once. In addition, the In2ition has a pause function reducing water to a trickle. This is a great way to conserve water while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re lathering up or shaving your legs! A new comfort height elongated toilet was installed. It featured a powerful but quiet 1.6 gallons per flush performance which is a considerable water-savings over the old model. From updating a showerhead to a full bath renovation, stop by Modern Supply at 525 Lovell Road and see the huge array of watersaving plumbing, vanities, sinks and accessories that can make your bathroom sparkle! Their experienced staff is always glad to help. 865.966.4567
After: A neutral color palette
Deltaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Linden hand-held showerhead with In2itionÂŽ technology
Modernâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millie @modernsmillie
Before: Beige tile with a pinkish tone
After: A spacious shower
GLVFRYHU Ă&#x;QG vanities & bath furnishings in the
perfect style & size for your bathroom update.
FKRRVH from chic & sleek to ornate
traditional designs in a variety of ďŹ nishes.
PDWFK with coordinating linen towers,
medicine cabinets & mirrors. Take your bath from drab to glam!
Tell â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;em Millie sent you!
Modernâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Millie
0 ) Ă? Sat. & Evenings by Appt.
SHOPPER-NEWS • APRIL 9, 2012 • A-9
Inventors at HVA win awards
HVA girls champs in track
By Theresa Edwards Philip Keller and Andrew Messing invented an omnidirectional track system which won them the Gary Lessman Regional and Superintendents awards. This project was accomplished by them as interns at ORNL Robotics Department as part of the STEM program at HVA. They utilized new technology of 3D printing, a process of creating parts usually made of high quality ABS plastic. Keller and Messing used a polycarbonate material for their invention. ORNL has several of these printers, including the Stratasys Fortus 900mc FDM 3D production system, which is the largest 3D printer in the world. It is capable of creating parts up to 3 feet by 3 feet by 2 feet in size. Keller and Messing were enthusiastic about using this new technology, and both plan to continue their education and career in the robotics field. Their next goal in continuing with this project is application for a patent. Currently they have a provisional patent, along with their third team member, Josh Penney who helped with the invention.
Congratulations to HarCo Academy girls din Valley V track team who won the HVA Invitational champiHV o onship. The HVA boys placed 4th out of 31 teams. Meet champions included: Girls p 4 x 100 relay – Abbi Ervin, Er Cassie Smith, Jayde Ja Hodge and Emily Yarnell; Girls 100 and Ya 200 2 – Emily Yarnell; Girls pole vault – Ashley G Kessler; K Boys 3200 – Aaron A Templeton. New meet records were set m by Emily Yarnell in the 100 1 and Ashley Kessler in the pole vault and girls 4 x 100. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Hardin Valley Academy seniors Philip Keller and Andrew Messing show the Gary Lessman Regional and Superintendents awards they won with their omnidirectional track system they invented as interns at ORNL Robotics Department. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
HVA grads to make film in Knoxville Ben Neal and Grant Bromley, Hardin Valley Academy graduates now attending Watkins College of Art, Design and Film in Nashville, will create a feature film in Knoxville this May called “Dreams of the Wayward.” Their own dream is to receive funding to help them achieve this low-cost ($2,500) production with plans to enter it in various film festivals. “I have been obsessed with filmmaking since age 10,” Bromley said. “It is my passion.” For more information or to contribute, visit www.kickstarter.com/projects/184641394/dreamsof-the-wayward. Photo submitted
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STEM Academy Dean Debbie Sayers encouraged Keller and Messing to enter the competition. “I’m so glad they entered, because I knew they had a project with a great potential of winning, and they won a lot of stuff. I’m really proud of them,” she said. The omnidirectional track system invented by Philip Keller and Andrew Messing. “They are great students.” Photo by Joyce York
Hardin Valley Academy ■ Senior Portfolio Showcase Night will be held 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26.
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Award winner Liu heads to Vanderbilt By Sandra Clark The Knox County school board saluted Farragut High School senior Cheran “Jennifer” Liu last week as the state winner of the Siemens Foundation award for 2011. Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre said each year the Siemens Foundation recognizes students for excellence in Advanced Placement math and science. The award is given to the male and female student earning the most 5s on the AP scale of 1 to 5 on Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science and Physics Advanced
Placement Exams, he said. The winners are recognized nationally in USA Today. Jennifer’s mother accompanied her to the school board meeting and Karen Carson, who represents the Farragut area, recognized her as well. McIntyre outlined a busy schedule for Liu. At Farragut, she is president of the Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA), the volunteer coordinator for the National Honor Society and a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Science Club, Senior Student Government, National Junior Honor So-
ciety, Model UN-cofounder and vice president, Science Bowl Team, Science Honors Society and French Honors Society. McIntyre called Liu “an outstanding student and role model. She volunteers in local nonprofits including Buddy’s Race for the Cure and the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. She serves as a tutor for English Language Learners at Farragut High School. In 2011, Jennifer organized a summer camp called “Hand-in-Hand” to aid in the understanding of other cultures and assist adopted children in retaining their ethnic cultures. She plans to major in biochemistry or biomedical engineering in college and has received a full tuition Chancellor’s scholarship to Vanderbilt University.
School board member Karen Carson, Farragut High School student Cheran “Jennifer” Liu and Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre celebrate Jennifer’s accomplishments. Photo by S. Clark
Alexis Parker, Ashley Blackwell, Brina Kirwan, Catherine Brown and Bridget Gibson play on the inflatable obstacle course and slides. Photos by T. Edwards
K-Kids beach bash at Farragut Intermediate School
Keely Carter plays on the inflatable slide during Farragut Intermediate School’s K-Kids beach bash.
Youth leaders Zachary Koekenbert, Hannah Steinbach and senior youth leader Doug Simmons entertain youth at the kids carnival and teen mania on Saturday’s grand opening of Westgate Christian Fellowship. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Westgate’s grand opening By Theresa Edwards
Fight hunger A fundraiser for Kids Against Hunger will be held during the grand opening of Einstein Bros. Bagels Friday, April 13, at the corner of Campbell Station Road and Parkside Drive. Travel mugs that you can design and personalize will be sold outside for $10 each and will include a free cup of coffee with purchase. All proceeds will benefit Kids Against Hunger.
Westgate Christian Fellowship celebrated the grand opening of its new location at 1110 Lovell Road on March 31 with a kids carnival, teen mania, barbecue dinner and egg hunt. There was also a 10:30 a.m. church service on April 1 led by Pastor Mark Steinbach. The church began in November 2006 on Sunny Lane in northwest Knoxville. From 2007 to 2008, the congregation met at the Howard Johnson Motel. Their next meeting place was West Hills Elementary School from 2009-2011.
Last November, they moved to their newest location on Lovell Road. However, it was in need of much repair. With the completion of the renovation, the church was ready for their grand opening prior to Easter Sunday. Pastor Mark Steinbach and his family moved to Knoxville from Nebraska in 2005 to plant churches here. He helped start Cedar Point Church in Maryville, then Westgate Christian Fellowship in Knoxville. “I feel we can have an impact in the community here with our ministry,” he said.
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Pastor Mark Steinbach preaches about victory during Westgate Christian Fellowship’s grand opening at its new location at 1110 Lovell Road. Their church is affiliated with Assemblies of God. Saturday’s participants wore T-shirts with three words on the back to sum up their motto according to Steinbach: Simple (love God, love each other), Relevant (ministry that matters), Real (real life, real needs, real God). In addition to regular services, the fellowship has “life groups,” small groups which meet throughout the week on different nights. For example, on Friday evenings some families get together. “In a high-tech, low-touch society, we’re trying to encourage faceto-face interactions,” Steinbach said. The church has about 75 members and is growing, with an invitation to the community to visit. Info: www.westgatecf.org.
SHOPPER-NEWS • APRIL 9, 2012 • A-11
Community Calendar Send items to shoppernewscalendar@gmail.com
THROUGH MONDAY, APRIL 30 Arts Council featured artist Farragut resident and Tennessee native Sandy Dean is the town of Farragut Arts Council featured artist for April. Her exhibit of watercolor art depicting wildflowers of the Smoky Mountains will be on display 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through Monday, April 30, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive.
THROUGH MONDAY, APRIL 30 Keiger paintings at Red Line Atlanta-based artist Charles Keiger is the artist of the month at Red Line Gallery, 11519 Kingston Pike. Keiger is showing 12 new works under the exhibit title “Menagerie.” The paintings take an offbeat look at the wild animals, acrobats and clowns brought together by a circus. Info: 288-0277 or www.redlinegallery.net.
THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY 18 World’s Fair exhibit at Folklife Museum The Farragut Folklife Museum is remembering the 1982 World’s Fair with an exhibit that runs through Friday, May 18. The World’s Fair exhibit features an assortment of artifacts from the museum’s collection as well as items on loan from museum committee members. The museum, housed in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Admission is free. Info: Julia Jones, julia.jones@ townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
THROUGH THURSDAY, JUNE 21 Independence Day parade registration The registration form for the town of Farragut’s 25th annual Independence Day Parade is available at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, and on www. townoffarragut.org (link on the home page). The deadline for registrations is Thursday, June 21, until the Town receives 95 entries or the lineup area is full, whichever comes first. Info: Arleen Higginbotham, 966-7057 or arleen.higginbotham@townoffarragut.org.
MONDAY, APRIL 9 Preschool Storytime at library Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, April 9, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
TUESDAY, APRIL 10 Older Preschool Storytime at library Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 10, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Info: 777-1750.
TUESDAY-FRIDAY, APRIL 10-13 Einstein Bros. Bagels plans opening Einstein Bros. Bagels will celebrate its grand opening on Parkside Drive and Campbell Station Road with games and giveaways Tuesday through Friday, April 10-13. Grand opening events include free meals, coffee, treats and four grand prize giveaways of Kindle Fire tablets. The restaurant, 11693 Parkside Drive, is open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Each purchase includes a chance for the giveaways. On the schedule are: Tuesday, April 10: 10 diners will receive free coffee for a year. Wednesday, April 11: Free breakfast for a year (one per week) will be given away to 10 winners. Thursday, April 12: Free lunch for a year (one per week) will be given away to 10 winners. Friday, April 13: Grand prizes of an Amazon Kindle Fire tablet will go to four winners. Winners will be drawn each day and announced on Friday.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 Baby Bookworms at library Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 11, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
THURSDAY, APRIL 12 Toddler Storytime at library Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 12, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
THURSDAY, APRIL 12 K Kids Art Show reception The town of Farragut is presenting the Farragut Intermediate School Kiwanis K Kids Arbor Day Art
Events must happen in West Knox or downtown and must be FUN.
Show through Friday, April 13, at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. A public reception will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 12, followed by the announcement of the Best of Show award at the 7 p.m. Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting. The show is on display during regular Town Hall hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Sketch class at Strang Center Linda Blair’s sketch class, usually held the first Friday of each month, will be held 10-11 a.m. Friday, April 13, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. At this month’s session, participants will create sketches referring to printed diagrams. Newcomers are welcome. Cost is $5. To RSVP: 670-6693.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Preschool Storytime at library Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 13, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Parrott/Ryalls reception at District Gallery Works by Knoxville native Joe Parrott and Asheville artist Cassie Ryalls will be on exhibit through Monday, April 30, at The District Gallery, 5113 Kingston Pike. A reception for the artists will be held 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, April 13. Info: 200-4452 or www. TheDistrictGallery.com.
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 13-14 Tax assistance for elderly, low income On Fridays and Saturdays through April 14, lowerincome and senior taxpayers can receive help with their federal tax returns through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, sponsored by the town of Farragut and the Internal Revenue Service, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. At no charge, volunteers will complete and e-file tax returns for participants. Taxpayers should bring all W-2s, 1099s, receipts, a copy of last year’s tax forms along with correct birth dates and Social Security numbers for everyone listed on the return. VITA volunteers will be available beginning at 9 a.m. both Friday and Saturday. Participants should be in line no later than 3 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
SATURDAYS THROUGH APRIL 28 Knox Walks at McFee Park The Knoxville Track Club and the town of Farragut are teaming up to bring to the Farragut community Knox Walks, a nine-week walking program to help participants make a healthy lifestyle change through regular walking. Designed for all ages, the Knox Walks at McFee Park, 917 McFee Road, will start at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays through April 28. Participants will meet each week at the restroom building in the lower parking lot. Knox Walks will conclude with a 5k walking event on Saturday, May 5. The registration fee is $35 per participant.
SATURDAY, APRIL 14 Farragut Book Fest for Children The fifth annual Farragut Book Fest for Children will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 14, at Campbell Station Park, next to the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. The free festival, presented by the Farragut Arts Council and the Knox County Library Farragut Branch, is open to the public. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite storybook character. Activities will include storytelling, book signings, music and more. In case of inclement weather, call 9662420 to check the status of the event. For schedule and map: www.townoffarragut.org. Info: Lauren Cox, 9667057 or lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org.
SATURDAY, APRIL 14 Leanne Morgan comedy benefit Comedian Leanne Morgan will perform at a Parents Night Out benefitting diaperLove, a nonprofit that helps children in need, on Saturday, April 14, at Side Splitters Comedy Club, 9264 Parkwest Blvd. A cocktail hour begins at 5 p.m. which includes a silent auction. The comedy show begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are $30. To purchase, visit www.sidesplitterscomedy.com or call 934-5233.
MONDAYS, APRIL 16 TO MAY 21 Yoga classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer yoga classes from 9-10 a.m. Mondays, April 16 to May 21, at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Participants should wear
loose clothing and bring a mat or heavy quilt. Instructor is Betty Calister. Cost: $60. Payment must be received within five business days of registration. Info or to register: 966-7057.
MONDAYS, APRIL 16 TO MAY 21 Zumba classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Zumba classes from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays, April 16 to May 21, at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Instructor is Karen McKinney. Cost: $45. Payment must be received within five business days of registration. Info or to register: 966-7057.
TUESDAYS, APRIL 17 TO MAY 22 Pilates classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Pilates classes from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesdays, April 17 to May 22, at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Instructor is Simon Bradbury. Cost: $60. Payment must be received within five business days of registration. Info or to register: 966-7057.
THURSDAY, APRIL 19 Strang book club discusses ‘Unbroken’ Current members and newcomers are invited to attend book club at noon Thursday, April 19, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The April selection is “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand.
FRIDAY - SATURDAY, APRIL 20-21 Embroiderers Guild exhibit The Knoxville Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America will host an exhibit from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 20-21, at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The exhibit coincides with the Dogwood Arts Festival and Farragut’s Arts weekend and is co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. The show will include more than 200 pieces including beading, canvas, counted thread, surface embroidery, hardanger, pulled thread and freestyle. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
MONDAY, APRIL 23 Preschool Storytime at library Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, April 23, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 Aneurysm information at Strang Center Aneurysms will be the topic at a Boxed Lunch & Learn at noon Wednesday, April 25, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Christopher Pollack, MD, of Premier Surgical Associates will speak. Attendance is $5, with complimentary boxed lunches available to all attendees who RSVP by Wednesday, April 18. To RSVP: 541-4500.
SATURDAY, APRIL 28 Lions’ ‘Run for Sight’ Poker Run The Farragut Lions Club will hold the “Run for Sight” Poker Run on Saturday, April 28. Registration will be 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Farragut Wine & Spirits, 11238 Kingston Pike. Cars and motorcycles are welcome. Preregistration is $15. Day-of-event registration is $20. All proceeds benefit the vision-assistance projects of the Farragut Lions Club. Info: Gerri Crutchfield, 789-6392 or gcrutchfieldflc@gmail.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 19 Rain barrel workshop There will be a workshop on making rain barrels from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 19, in the community room at the Farragut Town Hall. The $55 cost includes a rain barrel, supplies for installation of the barrel, an instructional demonstration and an explanation of the benefits of using rain barrels. The workshop is limited to the first 40 barrels reserved with payment. Send payment to the Fort Loudoun Lake Association, 956 Volunteer Landing Drive, Knoxville, TN 37915. Info: 523-3800 or email Julie Costner, julie@fllake.org.
SUNDAY, MAY 20 Pianists Akins, Dulin to perform Two acclaimed pianists will perform a concert of their original compositions at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 20, at the American Piano Gallery Recital Hall, 11651 Parkside Drive, Farragut. Joseph Akins, a piano artist and Middle Tennessee State University professor, and Alabama-based pianist Michael Dulin will perform individually in the concert, which was postponed from a February date due to bad weather. The Steinway Society concert is free and open to the public.
A-12 • APRIL 9, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
‘Eats for Easter’ provides food
News from Office of Register of Deeds
Real estate sales improve in March By Sherry Witt The weather isn’t the only thing that warmed up during the month of March. Even as record-setting temperatures bathed East Tennessee, the local real estate market emerged from the winter season with a healthy spring surge. For the month that ended on Friday, Witt March 30, there were 681 property transfers in Knox County. That was a jump of 167 from the month of February and 32 parcels ahead of the pace from March 2011. March produced total land sales of $110.7 million, compared to about $89 million a month ago. Preliminary analysis of the first quarter data indicates that 2012 is slightly behind 2011 in terms of the aggregate value of property sold. Since Jan. 1, about $288 million worth of property has sold
in Knox County, compared to $320 million during the first quarter of 2011. Lending markets were rather robust in March, with more than $312 million loaned against property in Knox County, making it the strongest month since December when a large amount of money was refinanced by Tennova Health Systems. Perhaps the most notable transfer was for commercial property known as The Shops at Turkey Creek. The sale brought $4.3 million. On the lending side, the largest refinance was by Scripps Media in the amount of $22.95 million against the property located on News-Sentinel Drive. Another transaction in the amount of $18.3 million involved the Sherrill Hills Retirement Community. I would like to say thanks to everyone who participated in the recent primary elections. By exercising your right to vote, you are helping to honor and protect one of our most sacred privileges.
Building business, building relationships Sure, washing cars is about getting them sparkling clean, but for Brian Davis of Synergy Auto Wash, it’s also about the people, both his customers and his employees.
for the kind of quality handwash and hand-dry that was up to his personal standards, and he wanted a business where he could see his customers more frequently. “We’re building this business around customer service,” he said. To that end, Davis made a commitment to hiring people Shannon who are as customer-focused Carey as he is. Manager E.B. Hunter had no car wash experience before he joined Synergy, but Brian Davis, owner of Synergy he’d successfully owned and Davis, a Knoxville na- operated Hunter Brothers Auto Wash. Photo by S. Carey tive who attended Farragut Deli in Halls Crossroads for High School and UT, opened decades. customer service,” said DaSynergy after nine years in “You can teach anybody vis. “He (Hunter) treats this real estate, development and to wash a car, but you can’t place as if it was his own.” remodeling. He saw a need teach the heart and soul of In turn, Hunter hired em-
Home Federal Bank has donated to the YWCA Knoxville and YMCA of East Tennessee to help families in need celebrate Easter. Dale Keasling, bank president and CEO, authorized $10,000 toward the purchase of Food City gift cards for designated recipients. Food City discounted the gift cards purchased for the program to help the donation go further. The program, “Eats for Easter,” is in its second year and is designed to support women in crisis and families in transition during a time of year that is less visible than Christmas or Thanksgiving. Last year, the YMCA was able to provide groceries to more than 150 families through the program, demonstrating to clients the generosity of the community. “We’re humbled and honored to support the outreach efforts of the YWCA and the YMCA during this time when we have so much to celebrate,” said Keasling. In addition to money,
Keasling presented both rocking chair, an iconic organizations with a red symbol of Home Federal.
ployees who may not have car wash experience, but who are clean-cut, personable and committed to doing a great job every time. “What is (Hunter’s) biggest asset to this company is the way he’s trained these guys,” said Davis. Davis’s mother, Jolene, works behind the register. “People love her,” he said. “People come to this car wash just to see her.” Now, Davis says seven out of 10 customers are returns or referrals.
Even though it’s gotten him some complaints, Davis is committed to what he calls “the Chick-fil-A concept” of closing shop on Sundays to give his employees a day to rest and spend with family. “Would we make more money if we were open Sundays? Yes. It’s probably an expensive investment, but ultimately it’s worth it to me to make sure my guys are taken care of,” he said. Before opening Synergy, Davis spent two years researching the car wash
YMCA president and CEO Jim Dickson and YWCA CEO Marigail Mullin enjoy a new pair of red rockers, compliments of president and CEO of Home Federal Bank Dale Keasling. Photo by Ruth White
celebrates one year anniversary with In the fall of 2009, Todd Richesin and Bobby Brown started looking for a place to expand their retail presence in the area. There was an instant attraction to the unique building at the corner of Kingston and Lyons View Pikes, the former Up N Down Gulf gas station. With its great energy and beautiful light, this little spot would perfectly showcase their antiques and unique product lines and was transformed into UPSTAIRS at Todd Richesin Interiors. Now celebrating its first anniversary, it seems Richesin and Brown did indeed find the perfect location. UPSTAIRS has received an amazing response from the community and has quickly become the go to place to find unique home accessories, lamps, furniture, antiques, and gifts. They are always on the hunt for new and different items to share with customers. Unique products coupled with an incredibly friendly, helpful and knowledgeable sales staff is what sets UPSTAIRS apart. One product recently added is a candle exclusive to UPSTAIRS; Thompson Ferrier has exotic scents and upscale packaging. Todd Richesin Also just in: a new shipment from Fortunata, an Italian ceramics company, who produces hand made decorative bowls and containers and a new collection of antique accessories including a beautiful selection of English wooden boxes. UPSTAIRS also carries a wide array of beautiful lamps by Lauren Lighting from Ralph Lauren. During this special event, Nashville jewelry designer Kari Beth, will be having a trunk show of her one-of-a-kind pieces that she creates by layering found heirlooms of bygone eras. Local artists Alex Smith and Susan Seymour will be doing in-store demonstrations and will be exhibiting new works.
industry. He said Synergy has grown twice as fast as he expected. “If someone will come here once, we will have them as a customer for life,” he said. “We have a great group of employees who really, truly care. It’s hard to find that.” Synergy Auto Wash is located at 10500 Kingston Pike. Info: 297-3403 or SynergyAutoWash.com. Shannon Carey is the Shopper-News general manager and sales manager. Contact Shannon at shannon@shoppernewsnow. com.
Open House
Friday & Saturday April 13 & 14 • 10 am to 5 pm • Special in-store events & door prizes
• Bellinis & sweet treats (compliments of Sugar Buzz Bakers)
Fortunata ceramic pieces
Thompson Ferrier Candles
Special Events Friday 10:00 Floral designer, Tammy Wells 12:00 Local artist, Alex Smith Saturday 12:00 Local artist, Susan Seymourr
KariBeth Jewlery Trunk show
Ralph R l h LLauren llamp
Door prizes from Seda France, Michel Design Works and Le Cadeaux
Friday and Saturday 10:00 - 5:00 Kari Beth
4514 Old Kingston Pike • Knoxville, Tennessee • 865.249.6612 • Fax: 865.249.8171
SHOPPER-NEWS • APRIL 9, 2012 • A-13
Paideia Academy celebrates spring By Theresa Edwards Paideia Academy held its annual spring banquet and auction at thee Foundry with board members, bers, teachers, parents ts and students attending. “An event like this doesn’t take place by itself in a vacuum,” m,” headmaster James ames Cowart said. He thanked “behind-the-scenes” nes” people and a host of volunteers who helped make the banquet possible.. He also gave special recognition cognition and thanks to Mitzi tzi Bodie, Kevin and Janett Bryant, and Julie Raines. The evening started off with a reception tion and silent auction. Musician Prentiss Kendall ll Allen played the harp.. Auction items included many donated gift baskets, kets, gift cards and memberships b hi from local businesses. The dinner buffet included roast beef, salmon, new potatoes, mixed veg-
etables, spinach manera, rolls, and chocolate and red velvet cakes. Dur-
ing dinner, everyone had a chance to view the live auction items on display. There were 30 items in-
cluding 10 items handmade by students as school projects. A hand handmade quilt contained self-portrait tain drawings of the d kindergar ten students. “All the parents of the kindergarten kids are going to want this g because they made beca it,” Julie Raines said. Other student projects in the auction were: handauc made bus busy bee gardening pots by 1st 1 graders, sea creatures toy box by 2nd graders, gardener’s bird bath and canvas by 3rd graders, treasure box by 4th graders, coffee table grad book b by 5th graders, picnic basket inspired b by Tennessee history by Tenn 6th graders, Nicene Hall grade project of two handmade picnic tables, tabl and Apostles Hall of a handH ll project j made reclaimed cedar bench and a park bench. “These items have sentimental value,” Cowart
said before he started the auction. “Hopefully, it’ll draw some bids. It won’t be a typical auction, I can promise you that.” All of the auction proceeds fund Paideia Academy’s need-based tuition assistance program. After the auction, presentations were given by Arnold Lumsdaine, Dr. Keith Gray and Sherry Allen regarding the three distinctions of Paideia. It is a Christ-centered, classical school and covenantal. Keynote speaker G. Tyler Fischer then gave a presentation followed by a question and answer session. He is the headmaster at Veritas Academy and the managing editor of Veritas Press Omnibus Project. The evening ended with closing announcements and benediction. Paideia Academy is located in West Knoxville at 10825 Yarnell Road off Lovell Road.
Headmaster James Cowart is the auctioneer for 30 items, including 10 items handmade by students as school projects. Proceeds from the auction fund Paideia Academy’s need-based tuition assistance program.
G. Tyler Fischer is the special guest speaker at Paideia Academy’s spring banquet. He is the headmaster at Veritas Academy and managing editor of Veritas Press Omnibus Project.
Prentiss Kendall Allen plays the harp at Paideia Academy’s spring banquet. Photos by T. Cindy Williams and Hannah Warrick enjoy the spring banquet.
Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Ken and Tammy Lowery win the largest auction item, one week’s vacation at Gulfshores, Ala. Included is excusal from school for the vacation, granted by headmaster James Cowart.
School friends Nehemiah Guinn, Caleb Bethel, Ayden Case, Bryce Kenny and Drew Clapp gather at the Paideia Academy spring banquet.
Paideia Academy is ~ Christ-centered ~ Classical ~ ~ Covenantal ~
That includes our
Home School Umbrella Program Paideia Academy is dedicated to helping your family homeschool classically. Please stop by, call or check out our website to see the difference. Located in West Knoxville off Lovell Road 10825 Yarnell Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 670-0400 PaideiaKnoxville.org
A-14 â&#x20AC;˘ APRIL 9, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ SHOPPER-NEWS
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SALE DATES Sun., April 8 Sat., April 14, 2012
April 9, 2012
Once candidate for amputation, Virginia woman now runs It was early February when Linda Kidman caught the Gingerbread Man. He’d zipped through her kitchen at breakneck speed, giggling as he taunted her with “Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me – I’m the Gingerbread Man.” But before he knew it, Kidman’s 3-year-old grandson had been scooped up into her arms, and the 52-year-old grandmother – once wheelchair-bound and told by doctors that she should have her leg amputated – suddenly realized that she was running. “It hit me so hard that I just stopped and thanked God right there that I could run,” said Kidman. “I’m running everywhere – through the living room, through the den, the kitchen, the dining room, around in circles, and I’m screaming, ‘I’m running! I’m running!’ ” For Kidman, whose knee problems had once taken her to the depths of despair, chasing her grandson was nothing less than a miracle performed by God and delivered by Parkwest Medical Center orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hal E. Cates and Charles Strader, his physician assistant at the Tennessee Orthopedic Clinic. “I love them both,” said Kidman. “They’re both my heroes. They really are, and God is using them for a purpose – to give people back their lives.” By the time Kidman met Cates, she had given up all hope for a normal life. Two total knee replacements back home in Roanoke, Va., had left her left leg bent at an almost 45-degree angle, she could no longer stand and spent much of her time in a wheelchair. She was taking seven pills a day and was so depressed that she was putting on a lot of weight which aggravated her back problems caused by her bent gait. When her doctor in Roanoke had recommended amputation or fusing her leg at the knee, she had sought help elsewhere. Unable to get an appointment at the renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, she began searching online and found hope at a prestigious university medical center in yet another state. Taking her medical records –
1,876 pages – in a box, her hopes were quickly dashed. “The doctor didn’t even read them,” she said of the records. “He looked at me and said, ‘There’s no hope. You can never have surgery on that leg again. You’ve had two total knee replacements, and the way that your body makes scar tissue, it will make it worse if we open it up again. Prosthesis is the route.’ And when he brought out a piece of a prosthetic, I lost it and started to cry. All I could think about was that I could never carry my grandbaby. That killed me in my heart. I was at the end of my rope because I believed he was THE best – there was none better. At that point, I gave up.” But Kidman’s brother, Ricky Legard, hadn’t given up. Legard, who owns a fireplace supply store in Greeneville, Tenn., had met a customer in his store who had gone through a similar ordeal. That customer, Patsy Denton, was so convinced that her doctor – Dr. Hal Cates in Knoxville – could help that both she and Legard began pressing Kidman to make an appointment. After numerous calls from her brother and Denton and urging from her husband, Terry, Kidman relented and made the appointment “just to pacify them” but still believing it a waste of time. She pared down her medical records to 481 pages and sent them along with a letter to Cates. “I didn’t tell him in my letter how the other doctors wanted to cut my leg off because I was afraid he would jump to that conclusion and say, ‘Well, they’re right – let’s take it off. There’s nothing you can do.’ ” The 5 1/2-hour trip from her home in Virginia was filled with quiet despair. “I went in thinking, ‘Why am I going? I’ve already seen the best and they can’t do anything – there’s no hope. What’s this man going to do?’ ” said Kidman. “Little did I know he was going to turn my world around. “When he walked in, he shook my hand and looked at me. I swear I looked into his eyes and I KNEW he was going to do something for me,” said Kidman. “He was different from the minute he stretched out his hand. He said, ‘I’ve got all of your notes, and I’ve read your letter and I’ve read every page.’ And I thought, ‘Oh my God! Is he for real?! He’s read all those pages – all 481?!’ He said, ‘I’m going to have you walking in eight to 10 weeks.’ At that point, I put my trust in that man, completely. When I walked out of there, I had hope, hope that had gone out of my life.” Upon his initial evaluation on April 2, 2008, Cates noted Kidman was Kidman sent 481 pages of medical records to Cates in advance of her appointment – and was shocked when she learned he’d read them all.
Linda Kidman was deeply depressed when she made the 5 1/2-hour trip from her home in Roanoke, Va., to her first appointment with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hal Cates (photo at right) at Parkwest Medical Center. “I went in thinking, ‘Why am I going? I’ve already seen the best and they can’t do anything – there’s no hope. What’s this man going to do?’ Little did I know he was going to turn my world around,” she said.
“extremely debilitated” and had suffered “almost every complication possible” after her first total knee replacement, including a condition known as heterotopic ossification – or abnormal bone growth in soft tissues – inside the knee. “When I first saw her, she had essentially only 30 degrees of range of motion, and a stiff and painful knee that required her to limp,” said Cates. “She used her hands getting out of a low chair. Her prior surgeries included a first time total knee replacement, followed by manipulation, then an arthroscopic scar removal and manipulation, followed by a formal revision of the knee, followed by yet another manipulation on two occasions – she’d had six knee operations and a complex revision knee implant when I first saw her.” Despite the higher than usual risks, he was confident he could improve her condition. “I have seen cases similar to this that turned out well, and I was excited about trying to help her get her life back,” he said. Doing so, however, would require a lot of pre-operative planning, and the ossification, which recurs with each surgery, must first run its course over 12 to 18 months before any intervention. To minimize the risk of recurrence, Cates ordered radiation therapy on her knee. “He had me go to the cancer
center and I thought, ‘I don’t have cancer!’ but he did radiation on my knee,” Kidman recalled. “I don’t really understand it, but he said he had a window of time. He said, ‘When the time is right, we’ll do the surgery.’ And I would come down and be tested and stuff, and then one day, he looked at my knee and said, ‘Now is the time.’ ” On Oct. 21, 2008, Kidman was rolled into surgery. “It was completely different at this hospital,” said Kidman. “They put blankets on my body to warm my blood before he opened me up. He was with me all the time, explaining and telling me everything, reassuring everything for me.” The surgery was pretty much uneventful, although scar tissue from the previous surgeries had so encapsulated the entire knee area that the main ligaments had to be cut. “They had to come into my room to do therapy, because I couldn’t walk to them,” said Kidman. “I asked, ‘Is this going to put me behind? Am I going to walk?’ They said, ‘You’ll walk.’ ” “The service we got at this hospital, the kindness that everybody showed, from the person who took my blood samples to the nurses to the doctors to the people cleaning in my room, I’ve never had such treatment,” she said. “Even the food was good! That’s saying a lot, but I
The Hip (and Knee) Place to Be
have bragged so much to everybody about Parkwest and how different it was.” Just as Cates had promised, Kidman was walking within 10 weeks – not big steps, but enough to get her on the road. She returned home to Virginia and began rehabilitation therapy, returning to Cates periodically for follow-ups and to track her progress. Whenever she returned, she would always bring another family member with her. “They all wanted to come and meet this great healer that I was always talking about,” Kidman said. While her revised knee has done well, her right knee has developed arthritis, requiring Kidman to return to Cates every three months for a steroid shot and evaluation. The shots, he told her, should help until she has a necessary total knee replacement in her right leg. “If it gets to the point that it’s bothering me really bad, he said he would go in and take care of it for me,” said Kidman. “I can deal with a little clicking every once in awhile to be able to walk, but I’m not going to have another knee replacement until I can’t stand it any longer. When that time comes, I will come to Dr. Cates.” “Now they tell me that I can’t have another knee replacement on the left leg – three’s all you can have but they only last 10 to 15 years,” Kidman added. “So I don’t know what the future holds, but Dr. Cates reassured me. He said, ‘Think about medical technology and how far we’ve come from year to year. By the time you need that, there’ll be something else.’ And he said, ‘I’ll take care of you.’ That was what I needed to hear. I haven’t worried about it again because I know whenever it is, he’ll take care of me. I don’t care if he was 1,000 miles away; I’d fly to see him wherever he is.” With that assurance and the ability to walk again, she has shed 91 pounds, dropping from a size 22 dress to a size 12. The collection of knee braces, cane, walker, electric scooter and wheelchair that were all once part of her life are now in the garage. “Dr. Cates changed my life. He gave me my life back,” Kidman said. “He gave us all my life back. I see a future now and I am enjoying life like never before. I am standing by my husband’s side, I can go shopping with my daughters and I can play ball, and take walks and RUN with my grandsons and chase them. I can pick them up and carry them to bed.” It’s been 18 months since she last saw Cates. But when she caught the Gingerbread Man in her kitchen, she fully realized just how far the doctor had brought her. “ ‘Thank you’ is not enough,” she said. “When the world – and I – was giving up on me, God picked me up and handed me to Dr. Cates.” For more information, visit www.TreatedWell.com or call 865.374.PARK for more about Parkwest Joint Center – The Retreat.
Parkwest Joint Center The Retreat
B-2 • APRIL 9, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
HALT, popular vote and training
Stay safe! Last Wednesday at the Strang Senior Center, Knoxville Police Department Deputy Chief Gary Price gave seniors helpful advice on staying safe. This presentation sparked a lot of interaction, with the group having many questions as well as some of their own safety suggestions.
Theresa Edwards
The warmer weather has brought our local animalrelated groups out of hibernation. Here are some newsworthy items you should know about from our local animal community:
Sara Barrett Knoxville Police Department Deputy Chief Gary Price Photo
Talk with Ty
by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Price addressed safety issues including fraud, identity theft, home safety, personal safety outside the home and safety resources. There are a lot of scams and frauds to beware of. To avoid identity theft, closely guard your personal information. “Do a periodic credit check to see if there is anything suspicious, and look carefully at your bank and credit card statements,” Price said. “Use your card as a credit card rather than a debit card. It gives you more protection,” he added. He also suggested not carrying too many cards. Regarding home safety, Price explained criminals look for the easiest targets, weighing the risks involved. He recommended alarm systems since the noise usually scares off burglars. “In my 30 years on the police force, only two or three times have robbers not left when an alarm was going off.” Trim bushes around the house which could conceal a possible intruder.
Special Notices
15 North
HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY If you had hip or knee replacement surgery between 2004 - present & suffered problems, you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727
ADOPT -- Looking To Adopt Your Baby Meet all your adoption needs with us. We'll provide never ending love, security & education for your child. All expenses paid. Rachel & Barry 1-866-304-6670 www.rachelandbarryadopt.com
The staff at Young-Williams would like you to meet 3-yearold male Siamese mix Ty. Siamese are known to be chatty Use lights. “A dog is always cats. Ty has not shared many opinions with Animal Center good. Get a big one that staff, but we suspect he will settle into a home relatively looks mean or a noisy one quickly and let his new family know what he thinks. Ty is that will warn you if someavailable for adoption at the main center at 3210 Division one is near,” he said. St. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village is When going out, there is at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both facilities are open daily from safety in numbers. Awarenoon to 6 p.m. If you don’t have time to drop by and take ness is also of utmost ima look, visit www.young-williams.org to see photos of all portance. Pay attention. of the center’s adoptables and call 215-6599 for more in“Criminals look for least reformation about each pet. sistance,” Price explained. “Don’t be flashy. Don’t wear a lot of jewelry.” Prescrip■ Noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday tion pills are a major proband Thursday, April 18-19, lem, so be conscious of who Cheyenne Conference Room, is around and beware if 964 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak someone follows you after AARP driver safety Ridge. you buy your medications. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday Price also recommended classes and Thursday, April 18-19, various safety resources. For registration info about Roane County United Way, Call 211 for social servicthese and all other AARP 2735 Roane State Highway, driver safety classes, call Caroes that are available. LoHarriman. lyn Rambo, 584-9964. cal law enforcement and ■ 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ThursSheriff’s offices are avail- ■ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April day, April 19, New Market able resources. To find out 10, Buckingham Clubhouse, Senior Center, 1611 Depot St., 801 Vanosdale Road. what crimes have occurred New Market. in your community, go to ■ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, ■ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 20, www.raidsonline.org. April 11, Harrogate Senior CenWest Park Baptist Church, 8833 ter, 310 Londonderry Road, On Wednesday, April 11, Middlebrook Pike. Harrogate. at 1 p.m., the Strang Senior ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday and Center welcomes a travel ■ Noon to 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, April 23-24, Maryville party with Starr Travel. Tuesday, April 16-17, Loudon First UMC, 804 Montvale StaCounty Senior Center, 901 There will be information, tion Road, Maryville. Main St., Loudon. prizes and goodies.
40n Condos- Townhouses 42 Real Estate Wanted 50 Condo Rentals
GIBBS/CORRYTON By Builder 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage. 1330 sf, $0 Down Pmt. Total payment $742.56. Located in Kinleys Kanyon S/D. Call Gary 548-1010
NEW CUSTOM HOME, 3 BR, 2 BA, cath. ceilings, frpl., W/I closets, tile & wood flooring, 2 car gar., split BR floor plan, brick/vnyl ext., 2012 SQ. FT. incl. gar., & more. 5 min. to schools, Boyd's Creek/Seymour area $169,900. 865-680-4631
TELLICO VILLAGE Loudon, Sits on level tree shaded lot, split BR's, 2 baths, 2 car gar. rancher, Toqua Greens, $129,900. Call Hallmark Realty, 865-588-7416.
New Luxury Condos On Gay Street Downtown Knoxville
Private, gated parking on site. For sale or lease. 865-218-3318 www.the300building.com
Pay Cash, Take over payments. Repairs not a problem. Any situation. 865-712-7045 WE BUY HOUSES Any Reason, Any Condition 865-548-8267 www.ttrei.com
Commercial Prop-Sale 60
Acreage- Tracts 46 22 ACRES, 5 min. from Super Wal-Mart, off Norris Fwy. w/3BR, 2BA, 2 car gar. Manufactured home (like new). $155,000 firm. Call Scott, 865-388-9656. 5,000 SF Flex 9.70 ACRES, FARM Industrial Building house, horse barn, 2 Office/Warehouse, ponds, outbuildings, Strawberry plains exit, near Wartburg, By owner 704-996-0470. Morgan Co., 30 min. to Oak Ridge. $115,000. 423-346-6573 Office Space - Rent 65
76 Dogs
Critter Tales The HALT program (Humans and Animals Learning Together) is about to kick off its spring training session with five lucky dogs from Young-Williams Animal Center. The program – which is celebrating its 25th anniversary – shows at-risk youth how to teach obedience training to dogs while building the adolescents’ self-confidence and social skills in the process. The dogs will be available for adoption once they graduate from the program. “Meet and greet” events with the animals will be held Saturday, April 14, at Mast General Store on Gay Street; Saturday, April 21, at Rita’s Italian Ice on Market Square; Saturday, April 28, at PetSmart on Morrell Road by West Town Mall; and Saturday, May 5, at Union Avenue Books on Union Avenue. During the last 25 years, 324 dogs have found homes after graduating from HALT and 1,300 adolescents have helped teach them manners.
141 Shop Tools-Engines 194 Vans
256 Domestic
WEST, Williamsburg LAB English/American 12" RIGID MITER HONDA Odyssey Manor, 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, Puppies, AKC reg, SAW with stand & 2009, EX-L, 34K mi, 2 story brick condo. blk, yellow & choc. wheels, $475. Call ext warr, loaded, 2 car gar., hdwd flrs. M&F, 6 wks old, 865-254-5403. gar kept, perfect down, lrg. family room $325-$350. 865-851-6917 cond, $25,750. 865w/FP, & SS appls., ***Web ID# 962088*** 356-6485 or 856-9898 Ceiling fans, alarm Music Instruments 198 LAB PUPPIES, AKC, sys. $1250/mo. + $1250 champ bldlns, block TAYLOR DN3 acous- Trucks sec. dep. 865-661-3229. 257 heads, parents on tic guitar w/case. 3 site, black & yellow, Williamsburg Twnhs, mo. old. $799/b.o. FORD F-150 LARIAT M&F, parents OFA West Hills, 2 BR, new 865-438-5699 Super Crew 4x4 2003 hips cert. lakeshore crpt, water furn no 4 dr., new tires, red labs.net $500. 931pets. $685. 865-584-2622 w/saddle leather, 968-1033 Misc. Items 203 loaded + chrome, Line X, 137K mi. "English" Wanted To Rent 82 MASTIFF $7,200. 865-604-7237 Puppies, AKC reg., RING Collection, 90 pcs, triple plated wormed, 1st shots, gold & rhodium, FORD F150 XLT Larvet chkd, fawn $600. iat 1990, 76K orig. mi., $315. 865-705-7007 423-912-1594 Ret. Private Detective good shape, $4,000 ***Web ID# 961953*** & author needs 1-2BR OBO. 865-922-6408 house on secluded, POMERANIAN Sewing Machines 211 private property with PUPPIES, 12 wks. 3 rent reduced in exM, 1 F, 1st shots, 3 FEATHER SINGER Antiques Classics 260 change for security $300. 865-454-7081 WEIGHTS, $350 each. and/or light caretaker Antique sewing ma- LINCOLN Continental duties. 865-323-0937 1964. All Original, chines. 865-397-6396. numbers match. Shots & wormed. 7 $3,400. 865-776-6721 wks. old. 423-235-2106
PUGGLES, $100 ea.
Manf’d Homes - Sale 85
Sassy is a student in the spring semester of the HALT program. She will be looking for a forever home after she graduates. Photo submitted
Info: www.vet.utk.edu/halt. Young-Williams Animal Center hopes to be in the running to receive $100,000 in the ASPCA Rachael Ray $100K Challenge, but the organization needs to get votes from community members (through Monday, April 16) in order to compete. If won, all of the money will go toward improving spay/neuter, adoption and pet food pantry programs. Info: www.votetosavelives.org. If your pooch doesn’t understand the word “no” or if you don’t have the courage to tell him or her “no,” PetSafe Dog Park will host a series of training demonstrations by PetSafe Village trainer Mike Shafer. Dates are 2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 14, at PetSafe Village Dog Park, 10424 PetSafe Way; 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 21, at PetSafe Downtown Dog Park; 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 28, at Tommy Schumpert Dog Park; and 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 5, at Carter Doyle Dog Park.
265 Pressure Washing 350
FORD FOCUS SES 2009, AT, loaded, 43K mi., $10,750. 865-591-4239; 983-5440 Ford Thunderbird 2002, soft & hard tops, exc. cond. Gar. kept. Asking $16,500. 865-670-4017
CLEANING NETWORK Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. Good refs! Free est. 258-9199 or 257-7435. GET YOUR SPRING CLEANING HERE! Cleaning, windows & carpet clng. Homes & offices! Lic'd ins'd & bonded. Est & refs. 363-8207 or 809-8543 ^
CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ walls/ repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! John 9383328
MUSTANG CONV., 1964 1/2, completely Many different breeds 100'S OF Matchbooks, restored, black with nice collection, white top, 865-458-1934 Maltese, Yorkies, best offer. 865-458Malti-Poos, Poodles, ask for Ben 1934 ask for Ben Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, Shih Tzu, $175/up. shots Plymouth Valiant 1971, & wormed. We do act. mi., 318 Fact. Furniture Refinish. 331 214 47k layaways. Health guar. Coins eng. Drive anywhere Div. of Animal Welfare $2450. 865-274-1229. DENNY'S FURNITURE State of TN REPAIR. Refinish, reDept. of Health. glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! Lic # COB0000000015. Sport Utility 261 922-6529 or 466-4221 423-566-0467 Will Consider SIBERIAN Husky AKC Collectibles, Diamonds CHEVY HHR SS 2008, Guttering 333 64k hwy mi, great or Old Guns. Pups, champ lines, gas mi. Beautiful Free Appraisals shots, $400-$500. car. Perf. for HAROLD'S 7600 Oak Ridge Hwy. 865-995-1386 GUTTER around town or 865-599-4915 ***Web ID# 960831*** SERVICE. Will clean commuting. $12,900. front & back $20 & up. 865-216-4225 Quality work, guaranFree Pets 145 Sporting Goods 223 ***Web ID# 960715*** teed. Call 288-0556. LANDROVER 12 GA. S&W shotgun DISCOVERY SII, 1999 Lawn Care 339 30" full choke $450. one of a kind, full 308 Stelr Rifle ColADOPT! walnut trim, Adv. lectors $1,500. 357 rack, Warn winch, Looking for a lost Dan Wesson 2 barladder, Safari rel, 2 sets of grips pet or a new one? bumper, rear flood, $900. 865-254-5403 Visit Youngtop lights, lens Williams Animal guards, rock sliders, snorkel, locking Center, the official Boats Motors 232 R.E.D., interior cargo shelter for the City divider, underbody of Knoxville & Knox 17' BOAT. 1999 shields & guards, County: 3201 DiALUM. w/75 HP garage kept, 88K mi. vision St. Knoxville. Merc. Excellent Phone pics avail. condition. 615-210-8208 knoxpets.org $8,200. Serious only 865-604-7237. 6HP JOHNSON
1996 CREIGHTON 16x76, remodeled, KINGSTON PIKE West Knox location. FRONTAGE Need to sell, $8500. 3800 SF retail space in Farragut 423-231-2023. at Patriots Corner under the big American Flag beside anchor I BUY OLDER For Sale By Owner 40a MOBILE HOMES. tenant, David's Carpets. Large 1990 up, any size OK. open space w/ 20 ft ceilings, REDUCED TO SALE 865-384-5643 $257,500! Or Rent. parking at the door, offices. Cemetery Lots 49 Perfect Tellico Village, aprx. uses: retail destination, 2700 SF, 4BR, 3 1/2BA fitness/exercise classes, Trucking Opportunities 106 w/bonus, 2 car gar., 2 CEMETERY Plots wholesale/retail showrm 4 1/2% assumable in Ft. Sumpter Min. 5 yr lease. FHA loan. 423-388-5168. Cemetery. $600 ea. 1/2 the price of Turkey Creek retail. ***Web ID# 960417*** 865-363-5831 Call Susan Correro DRIVERS: $1,100.00 865-531-6100 ext 203 Special Notices 15 Special Notices 15 Special Notices 15 weekly pay guaranMb 865-414-1868 teed! Growing The Williams Company, owner-agent. Dedicated Acct! Must be able to have CDL-A Apts - Unfurnished 71 unload, w/18 mo. exp. Riverside Transport: 2 BR townhouse near 800-397-2627 West Town, new carpet, W/D conn, no pets DRIVERS -$2000 sign$585/mo. 865-584-2622 on bonus! Start today! CDL-A. Heavy THE OLD CITY Haul. 2 yrs exp with April 12, 2012 • WORKSHOP, 5:00 PM 2BR, 3BA, 2 level apt. oversize/overweight in the heart of The freight req. O/O's: Old City. Hrdwd flrs. McFee Park Expansion & Grant Workshop up to 78% of freight & exposed brick & bill. 1-800-835-9471 lots of light - stove, BMA MEETING, 7:00 PM frig., W/D, French DRIVERS CDL-A: doors, you must see Your current 10-20 I. Silent Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call BOAT MOTOR, LEXUS RX300 2001, to appreciate. Avail. have you down? 139k mi, great MPG, now. Sorry NO Pets. Why not get home & Farmer’s Market 150 $450. 865-254-5403 II. Approval of Agenda lthr, all pwr, 2 WD, $775/mo. For more get paid?! 2012 great cond. Gray w/tan info or to see, call tractors/trailers to 2 rare lt. red donkeys, III. Mayor’s Report lthr, $8995 firm. Call Ghippi Lee (524-4974) 235 865-354-4609; boot! 888-219-8040 5 mos. old standard Campers 423-534-4275 Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm. jacks, $250 ea., both A. Arbor Day Poster Contest Award Forest River General 109 $400 obo 865-254-1560 2000 camper, exc cond, Imports 262 IV. Citizens Forum Apts - Furnished 72 FSBO. $8500. Serious buyers only 865-966-0028 #1 BEAUTY CO. AVON BMW 330i, 2001 white, V. Approval of Minutes Needed! Only WALBROOK STUDIOS Reps SMOKEY SUNRAY auto., beige lthr int, ^ Round Baler 2006 $10 to start! Call Marie 25 1-3 60 7 Travel Trailer 2007, snrf, all pwr, 150K New Idea, 5x4, barn at 865-705-3949. A. March 22, 2012 $140 weekly. Discount 30', 1 slide, bunks, mi $7500. 865-748-0194 kept, bought new. ABC LAWN avail. Util, TV, Ph, qn. bed, $12,000. ***Web ID# 959838*** $7000. 423-626-3875 & SEALCOATING VI. Ordinances Stv, Refrig, Basic Call 865-789-1581. or 423-526-7821. Restaurant Equipment 133C Comml/Res Cable. No Lse. JAGUAR S-Type 2004, mowing, mulch, A. First Reading 6 cyl, 92,600 mi, hedge-trimming, RESTAURANT racing green, tree/stump reQueen & sofa bed, British EQUIPMENT Houses - Unfurnished 74 $9,500 obo. 865-386-2211 1. Ordinance 12-06, an amendment to the Farragut $6200. 865-382-6694 moval, gutters FOR SALE ***Web ID# 959952*** cleaned. 377-3819 Projected opening CALL 865-235-7622. 426 E. Caldwell, 2 BR, 1 Municipal Code, Title 14 Land Use Controls, to April 14. Strawberry CAMRY LS, BA, C H/A, W/D conn, Motorcycles 238 TOYOTA Knob Farms located 2004, V6, low mi., create minimum building facade requirements $600 + dep, yr lease, Dogs in Madisonville, TN, 141 garage kept, like Paving 345 no pets. 865-414-2578 1/2 mile past The Lost HD Sportster 2005, new cond. $12,500. 2. Ordinance 12-05, an amendment to the Farragut new Hwy. 68. black, all chrome, 865-376-2915 NEWLY Remodeled 2 Australian Shepherd Sea on 423-836-1133 custom whls, saddle Municipal Code, Title 5, to add Chapter 3, Business Pups, 2F, 3M, born BR w/bsmt. Vouchbags, 3800 mi, $5,000 2/12, $200. 865-475- www.strawberryknobfarms.com ers accepted. 4619 Registration Program obo. 865-405-3588 Sports 264 3343; 607-0460 Joe Lewis. $600/mo. ***Web ID# 959753*** $300 dep.865-573-9639 V-Star 2009 3. Ordinance 12-07, Ordinance to amend Fiscal Year Building Materials 188 YAMAHA CORVETTE 1986 650cc, custom blue, POWELL, NICE 2 BR BEAGLE Puppies, triPace Car conv. 48K 2012 Budget only 200 mi, extras 1 BA, cent. H&A, color, 6 wks, all shots NEW TILE, boxes on mi., all orig., yellow $4,500. 865-525-0543 appls., comm. pool, & wormed, F $125, pallet, 12" Realto w/blk top. Documents, VII. Business Items $490/mo. 938-1653 M $100. 865-494-6186 Terra (Italy), 36 YAMAHA VSTAR 950 $11,900 obo. 865-755-4729 boxes, 432 SF, retail 2009, 10K mi., never ***Web ID# 961483*** RENT TO OWN Border Collie puppies, A. Report by the Farragut/Knox County Schools Education price $960 + tax, dropped, $4995 obo. new unfurnished ABCA reg, blk & PONTIAC SOLSTICE your price $550. Call 865-567-9754. Relations Committee houses, only $850 mo. wht, $175 ea. 4232006, great cond. 5 865-604-7237 ***Web ID# 961223*** Call 865-256-5253. 240-8178; 423-365-6076 spd., leather, 79k B.Approval of Contract 2012-11, Cap and Compaction mi, silver w/blk top. SEYMOUR 2 BR, BosYor adorable de- Buildings for Sale 191 firm. Call 865Grouting on Ivy Lake Drive, Farm at Willow Creek Autos Wanted 253 $9975 signer puppies (Boston 1 BA, extra clean, 354-4609; 423-534-4275 Terrier & Yorkie), 2 very priv., incl. new C.Approval of FY2012 Mid-Year Committee Appointments F, 3 M, 7 wks, born METAL BUILDINGS W/D. No pets, no A BETTER CASH SALE - Save $1000s, OFFER for junk cars, 2/21. $250. 865-363-5704 smkrs, $550/mo. + 265 to the Economic Development Committee factory direct, dis- trucks, vans, running Domestic ***Web ID# 962114*** $550 dep 865-406-4227 count shipping. Xld or not. 865-456-3500 VIII. Town Administrator’s Report SOUTH KNOX 2 BR, English Bulldog pupCADILLAC DTS 2007, order clearance 2 BA, conv. to UT & nav, chrome, pwr pies, champ bldlns, bldgs: 24x20, 20x30, I BUY junk cars and trucks. 865.456.5249 sunrf, all opts., 71K mi. downtown, $750 + more! Ltd avail. AKC unlimited reg. IX. Attorney’s Report dep. 865-938-3928 LM $16,000. 423-494-4135 or 865.938.6915 $1200. 865-250-6896 Call 877-280-7456 ^ GIBBS/CORRYTON 7.75 Acres, all cleared, partial fenced, conv. location to I-640. Asking $154,900. Call Doyle 254-9552 or Gary 548-1010
Roofing / Siding
BUYING OLD U.S. Coins, Gold & Silver
U Pick Strawberries TRAIL MANOR 2720 Opening Soon
SHOPPER-NEWS • APRIL 9, 2012 • B-3
Casey Peer
From the desk of Casey Peer, Chief Dietitian
April 2012 PROGRAMS Don’t be DENSE: Trim Calories per Bite to Trim Pounds, April 19, noon-1 p.m. LiveWELL Lifestyle Change: Starts April 9, noon to 1:30 p.m. M-W-F. Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Six-week book study, Every Tuesday, April 10 thru May 15, noon to 1 p.m. Hypothyroidism & Weight Management: April 12, noon to 1 p.m.; April 18, 5:306:30 p.m. The REAL Secret to Weight Loss: April 25, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; April 26, noon to 1 p.m. Duathlon/Triathlon Training: Eightweek training, Tuesdays, April 10 thru May 29, 5:30-7 p.m. Group setting, use of Spin Bikes & Treadmills; beginner to novice duathlete/triathlete. Focus on physical conditioning needed to complete a Sprint to Olympic distance triathlon/duathlon. YIN + Flow Yoga Series: Wednesdays, April 11 thru May 16, 6-7:30 p.m. What is YIN + Flow? 1.5 hour class, appropriate for all levels, fusion of YIN (long held poses) with Flow (rhythmic flow of postures). YIN targets the connective tissues which involve ligaments and joints that are not normally exercised in more active styles of yoga practice. Flow is a more flowing group of yoga poses that will build strength as well as flexibility.
Lifestyle change ‘Tried and true’ protection against adult onset diabetes By Mike Wigger Every day we are inundate d with the “newest and best” health informat ion – new products and foods that guarantee we will shed the weight and keep it off. Recent media outlets (New York Times, Good Morning America) have made popular a study claiming weight loss surgery is more effective in reducing and reversing type II diabetes than lifestyle intervention. It is informat ion like this that is devastati ng our society and further fueling the “quick fix” mentality. Make no mistake, the incidence of diabetes in the United States has tripled in the last 30 years and there is no doubt this is a critical issue facing our society today. Contradictory to the findings of the study, The NIH (Nationa l Institute s of Health), CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and NDEP (Nationa l Diabetes Education Program) conclude d after 10 years of research that intensive lifestyle changes, i.e., losing 5 to 7 percent of weight through increased physical activity and responsible nutrition prevented or delayed the onset of type II diabetes by 58 percent in people at high risk for the disease. The same researche rs also showed that metformi n, an oral diabetes drug, reduced the onset of type II diabetes by only 31 percent. Unfortun ately, the article from the Times only alludes
to one of many problems with weight loss surgery: a 31 percent success rate. This means about 2/3 of patients that undergo surgery do not see long term weight loss results. The article mentions , “Patients may lose 100 pounds or even more after the surgery. Most gain some weight back; some gain a lot back.” Lifestyle intervent ion has been shown to be effective 58 percent of the time in reducing or reversing the effects of type II diabetes for those at high risk. Compare this to the success rate of medication (31%) and surgery (31%), it is suddenly clear that lifestyle intervent ion is twice as effective as alternate treatments for such a prevalent and serious disease. So why then is lifestyle intervent ion seen as the least popular of treatment for type II diabetes? Unfortun ately, recent media made it seem as though weight loss surgery is the exclusive fix for type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is a lifestyle related disease, meaning it is develope d over time as a result of physical inactivity and poor nutrition habits (genetics also play a role). However, your stomach is not solely responsible for the development of type II diabetes, your lifestyle is. Why then is it acceptable to “fix” the stomach if the stomach isn’t the problem? You wouldn’t put a cast on your ankle if you broke your arm!
Proper nutrition and regular physical activity are still necessary for successfu l weight management. In order to ensure long term success, we must take a comprehe nsive approach to our health, not simply rely on surgery as a quick fix. Weight loss surgery can be a viable and necessar y treatment in some situation s, especiall y when serious health issues have already develope d because of excess weight. Whether or not weight loss surgery is used as treatment for type II diabetes, lifestyle intervent ion is the only way to guarante e long term success.
The LiveWEL L Lifestyle Change Program goes stepby-step through the behavior change process in order to develop life-long healthy habits. We teach the facts about nutrition, how to use exercise as medicine and even how to do it all on a budget. Provision Health & Wellness wants you to become a healthier, happier person, one step at a time. Join us Thursday, April 12, at 5 p.m. or Friday, April 13, at noon for an informat ional session to learn more about our LiveWEL L Lifestyle Change Program . Mike Wigger, MS, CSCS, is the Exercise Specialist/Wellness Coordinator at Provision Health & Wellness.
NUTRITION CLASSES: The Real Secret to Weight Loss Don’t Be DENSE: Trim Calories per Bite to Trim Pounds Hypothyroidism and Weight Management Diabetes Made Simple Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? (book study) For information on these and other classes, please call (865) 232-1414.
1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 232.1414 · livewellknoxville.com
B-4 • APRIL 9, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
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