FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com
A great great community newspaper
VOL. 6 NO. 22
Sheriff JJ and Chef JJ grill sliders
May 28, 2012
Spa day gets llamas set
for summer sun
Corky strikes a pose as he’s getting sheared. Joyce Montgomery says, “He’s the cutest one.”
By Suzanne Foree Neal While some animals don’t need help to shed their winter coat, llamas do. Through the winter they pack on 4 to 5 pounds of hair. That can get hot under the East Tennessee sun. Every spring Tucker and Joyce Montgomery call in a vet, a couple who rescue llamas and several friends for a shearing day. An old cattle stall and a strong leash keep each animal in place while it gets a shearing, a hoof trim, a vaccination, worming medi-
“Wow! This hat looks French.” That’s how Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones engaged Food City Chef Jimmie “J.J.” Jones in a kitchen encounter last week in Bearden.
See Sandra Clark’s recap on A-4
vbs 2012 Summer fun with a message With the close of school, Vacation Bible School is around the corner for area youngsters. We’ve got 2 pages of information about this year’s offerings.
See pages A-8, 9
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’Night Train’ to West High School Betty Bean is reporting that Daedra Charles-Furlow has been hired as girls basketball coach at West High School. Check our Bearden edition.
West View graves Wendy Smith has an exhaustive look at cemeteries in West Knoxville. See the cover of our Bearden edition.
Index Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Town of Farragut Sara Barrett Faith Vacation Bible School Schools Community Calendar Business Health/Lifestyles
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8-9 A8-12 A13 A14 Sect B
10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sandra Clark sclark426@aol.com.com ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
Tucker Montgomery takes a turn shearing Dandy. The tear in his jeans is proof of how sharp a llama’s hoof can be. Rudy kicked him, but the only damage was to the pant leg. “And they were my favorite,” he joked.
cine and a spritz of f ly spray. Veterinarian Melissa Hamilton of Lake Loudoun Large Animal Vet Service gets help shearing the animals from the Montgomerys, and it can take a chunk of time to get through 11 llamas. Joyce Montgomery says Hamilton started her llama collection. “You have plenty of pasture,” Hamilton laughs. Joyce Montgomery gives some TLC Montgomery says to Derringer as others work to cut the llamas make out a piece of barbed wire from his great “watch dogs” coat. because once one
Farragut officials hit Las Vegas jackpot By Suzanne Foree Neal Mayor Ralph McGill was coy about the details, but says residents will be very pleased with a new business recruited to call Farragut home. All he would say is it has to do with food. McGill, Town Ralph McGill Administrator David Smoak, and business representatives David Purvis and Ginny McClain-Tate attended the International Council of Shopping Centers Convention in Las Vegas, returning home at various times on Thursday. McGill and Smoak sat down for a few minutes prior to the Thursday night workshop and meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to talk about the trip. The aim was to make as many connections as possible to get Farragut’s name out there. “It was surprising they know who we are,” McGill said. “We shared a table at a reception one night with a group from Austin, Texas, that was looking for us!” Smoak said they received good feedback and it was a very positive experience. “We’re making more
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connections each year and meeting more representatives each year.” Last year the group representing Farragut put the icing on the Costco deal. Batting two-fortwo has been a good use of their time and town money. “These guys know our demographics, but urging them helps,” McGill said. “I got a little bit of a feeling that things are turning around. There were also more people this year, about 30,000. It’s everything you could think of” in terms of the types of businesses that send representatives to this convention. Smoak says retailers that pulled back in the past are beginning to look at expanding their businesses. The group put a lot of miles on their shoes going from booth to booth. “There are retailer booths and reps that may represent as many as 50 vendors,” he said. “We have to figure out who to talk to.” The focus this trip was on builders, developers and shopping center owners. Smoak sees a trend in big-box retailers shrinking their store size, like Best Buy, which recently announced it’s trimming 100 stores in favor of Best Buy Mobile, smaller stand-alone stores.
“These things are being test marketed and we’ll see where it goes,” Smoak said. McGill believes Farragut would be one of those places retailers with that concept would select because “we would be successful.” He said residents probably shouldn’t expect to see an IKEA in town. “They want a population of 2 million or more.” Farragut’s biggest gain so far
By Sandra Clark On the heels of being named one of the state’s top five public high schools, Farragut High School has been chosen one of the nation’s top high schools. The first honor came from U.S. News and World Report, which rated Farragut High as the fifth best school in Tennessee based on the number of students who were tested and passed Advanced Placement exams and scores on state tests in algebra and English. Student/teacher ratio was also considered. Last week came notice of Farragut’s inclusion in Newsweek’s 2012 list of best public
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is going to be Costco, said Smoak. “It’s the No. 1 seller in the country and the only East Tennessee location is in Farragut.” The mayor said the town has been working with a firm to develop materials to present to prospects. It’s worked so well, he believes it’s time for the town to look for a permanent marketing firm. “Making contacts is something that lasts,” he said.
Farragut High gets second honor
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alerts on something, somet they’ll all come together to see se what’s going on. Sometimes, the they create a commotion for passersby. passers “They’ll lie in the field with all their t legs in the air,” Joyce Montgom Montgomery laughs. “We’ve had people stop and say we have a dead llama.” llamas are rescues and All their llam the couple also has eight pot-bellied horses and three dogs – pigs, two horse also rescues. Llamas can live li to be 25 years old. range from 8 to The Montgomerys’ Montgome curious by na18 years old. They’re Th each one was sheared, ture and as ea the “audience” watched intently, often humming ssoftly as they waited for their turn. Each has its own personalwhite llama with light ity. Corky, a wh gray muzzle, is “the cutest one,” says Joyce Montgomery. Phred, a big, solid black llama, is cranky. When it was time to shear him, he lived up to his reputation. He was unhappy and showed it by sending yellow spit f lying through the air for a distance of about 2 feet. No one wanted to get in front of that. When it came time for llama rescuer George Brandon to squirt worming medicine into his mouth, Phred was a charmer. All that sheared hair won’t make the Montgomerys a dime. Hamilton says it will be trashed and is biodegradable. To use the llama fiber, you have to have a quality coat. That means the llama gets bathed, the hair conditioned and two days later sheared. This bunch sports coats full of burrs and, in the case of Derringer, a piece of barbed wire about 18 inches. No one knows how he managed that.
high schools. In this ranking of 1,000 schools, Farragut landed at No. 772 and was the only Knox County school selected. The full list is online at http:// thedailybeast.com/BestHighSchools. “The best high schools are those that have proven to be the most effective in turning out college ready graduates,” according to the website. Selection criteria gave equal weight to graduation rate, college matriculation rate and AP/ IB/AICE tests taken per student. Lesser weight was given to national test scores and AP courses offered per student.
A-2 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Coffee Break with
lies. I enjoy observing my grandchildren grow spiritually, mentally and physically. This past Sunday, four of our college students were home and the Newby pew at the West End Church of Christ was full. That was the best Mother’s Day present!”
With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “I think it would be delightful to have lunch with Barbara Bush. She is a lady who is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother yet still finds time to be of service to her country. Barbara Bush should be remembered as one of the most influential women in American history. I like that she does not hesitate to poke fun at herself.”
Bettye Newby
Bettye Newby, receptionist for the town of Farragut, is a happy person. She says she has “a dream job,” and she loves being in Farragut, especially since she has gathered her family here. Bettye and her late husband have three sons, who now all live in the Knoxville area. “When I retired from the University of Tennessee at Martin, we moved to East Tennessee,” says Bettye. “One son was already here and a second was in the process of moving here. The next year, the third moved here, so it is wonderful to be in Knoxville and have all my family in one place.” She has also spent a lot of time at Farragut High School graduations. “We have had six grandchildren go through the Farragut school system and have had five consecutive years of graduations, including this year,” says the proud grandmother. “We will get a two-year break now and then be back for No. 6.” Going to work for the town of Farragut was not something Bettye planned. “I came to Town Hall to renew my license plate and saw a sign advertising for a new receptionist. I applied and was lucky enough to be hired. That was 11 years ago, and the Town staff is now a second family for me.” Sit back and take a Coffee Break as you get to know Bettye Newby:
What is your favorite quote from television or a movie? “I actually have a favorite song. It is ‘Climb Every Mountain,’ from ‘The Sound of Music.’ ”
Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My husband. I met him when I was 18 years old, and it was love at first sight. He was a really good man, and I was so honored that he chose me to be his wife. My husband helped me to feel confident, and he always made me feel so special. He also made me think I was capable of doing anything I wanted to do. When he knew he was ill, he helped me to become independent. He wanted to be sure I would be OK. Today I see some of his great qualities in our sons and grandchildren.”
I still can’t quite get the hang of ... “Playing video games.”
What is the best present you ever received in a box?
You and I are leaving a lasting impression. May we live authentic lives of faith that point others to Christ. After all, it is all about Him.’ My daughter-in-law introduced me to this author, and I have read all her books.”
What was your most embarrassing moment?
What are you guilty of? “Thanks to a granddaughter, I am currently addicted to Nutella.”
What is your favorite material possession? “An antique walnut secretary. I paid for it with my first bank loan.”
What are you reading currently? “I have just read ‘A Lasting Impression’ by Tamera Alexander. It is a fictional novel set at Belmont Mansion in Nashville after the Civil War. In her letter at the end of the book, the author closes with, ‘Never underestimate who’s looking at your life and how many people you influence.
“I invited several of my friends over for a ladies’ luncheon. As I was removing a Pyrex dish of twicebaked potatoes from the wall oven, the dish broke in two pieces and the potatoes were dumped on the floor. My friends were all standing around in the kitchen, so I just scooped up the potatoes and put them in the trash. Lucky for me I had prepared two pans, so they got a fourth of a potato each. I was teased for years for this blunder!” “I have been fortunate to have already traveled to three places on my dream list: Australia, England/Scotland and Alaska. So any other trips will just be a plus. Presently I am planning a trip with my friend Brenda to Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. It would be nice if time permits to make trips to the Holy Land, Switzerland/Austria and go on an African safari. I plan to always have a ‘to do’ list.”
“Friendly. I have been told that I have a nice smile. I hope people see me as a Christian, Southern lady.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
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“I am a perfectionist. I wish I could learn to relax and know that sometimes it is OK to let up a little.”
What is your passion?
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What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “My mom had a saying that I heard many times: ‘Life is what you make it. Smile and the world smiles with you.’ I have learned that a smile does make the world go round, and I am drawn to happy people.”
What is your social media of choice? “Texting.”
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
What is one word others often use to describe you and why?
Happy Hour Special MONTH OF MAY
“During World War II, all goods were rationed. One Christmas there were two baby dolls in my hometown. They were at JCPenney in a glass case. I remember standing at the counter looking up at those two beautiful dolls with their little white dresses and bonnets. The clerk asked if I would like to hold one, and I nodded my head. As I was gently holding the doll, the clerk asked if I would like to have it. I told her that my mother said I needed a coat and could not have a doll that year. On Christmas morning, the doll was in a box under the Christmas tree. I did not take the doll out of the box for two days. I would lift the lid and just look at it.”
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“My family, especially my grandchildren. I was raised as an only child and always envied large fami-
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “This is an embarrassing question because you will all know that I really am old! I did not have a TV in the home until a year after I had married. I do remember one of the earlier cartoons that my sons watched. It was ‘Popeye, the Sailor Man,’ and he liked to say, ‘I yam what I yam.’ I liked that because I like for people to be just what they are.”
What irritates you? “People who see the bad side of life and are not thankful for their blessings.”
What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “Campbell Station Park. This is my favorite spot in Farragut. There is always activity there: People walking their dogs, children playing, the water running over the rocks, the flowers during the spring and summer, and the beautiful leaves in the fall.”
What is your greatest fear? “I am most concerned about the state of our country and what it will be for my grandchildren and generations to come. Throughout my life, I can see where the USA has been blessed by God, and I want my family to be able to grow up in a culture that embraces God and his teachings.”
If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “I would escape to Orange Beach near Gulf Shores, Ala., to walk on the beach, sit in a beach chair, read, eat a lot of shrimp and stay until I was ready to come home.” It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.
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Showcasing talent at NHC Students of famed local painter Alex Dumas had a chance to showcase their talents to an appreciative audience last week at an exhibit at the NHC Healthcare in Farragut.
Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES Nine students who work each week with Dumas at the Strang Center brought their paintings to NHC for a show for residents and guests. The different styles and subject matter of the artists made for an eclectic group of paintings, from airplanes to cityscapes to florals, mountain scenes and a delightful bear cub.
Joyce Hutchinson’s close-up of the henna-tatooed hands and arms of a soon-to-be bride from India and Sandra Cagle’s Maui beach scene were especially beautiful. The teacher, who has had some of these painters in his class for more than five years, accompanied his students. “We have a lot of fun and enjoy our time together as artists,” said Dumas. “Some painted when they were younger and are enjoying picking the hobby back up, and some are exploring a new interest.” Students of Alex Dumas showcased their artwork at a reception and exhibit at NHC in Farragut. From left are Dumas, Sandra Dumas had a busy week Cagle, Dodie Kishbaugh, Joyce Hutchinson, Gary Dunham, Paul Harmadi, Mary Ellen Berger, Ruth Ford and Dave Hoof. Not picas well, preparing for his tured but also part of the exhibit is Barbara Finch. Memorial Day exhibit of wartime paintings at Toyota of Knoxville. Exhibiting at NHC were Alex Dumas, right, talks Joyce Hutchinson, Sandra with Paul Harmadi about Cagle, Dave Hoof, Barbara Paul’s painting of the Twin Finch, Gary Dunham, Ruth Towers. Paul is one of Alex’s Ford, Mary Ellen Berger, students at Strang Center. Dodie Kishbaugh and Paul Harmadi.
A Tuscan landscape by Dave Hoof, a beach in Maui by Sandra Cagle and the henna artwork on the hands of an Indian woman by Joyce Hutchinson were three of the paintings exhibited at NHC in Farragut. The artists were at the reception to talk about their works.
FARRAGUT NOTES ■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Guest speaker Hank Fennell will answer questions relating to HOA or community groups. Info: www.cwkch.com/. ■ The Good Samaritan Center’s cookbook is available for purchase at the Walmart in Lenoir City for $10. All proceeds go toward feeding the hungry in Loudon County. Info: Judy, 986-1777, ext. 11. ■ Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at the Fox Den Country Club.
registration is required. Info: annaseal@credibility.org. ■ Memoir Writing Group meets 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread,
733 Louisville Road. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
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Financial Focus Gen X’ers must juggle a variety of financial issues If you’re part of “Generation X” – the age cohort born between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s – you’re probably in one of the busiest phases of your life, as you’re well into your working years and, at the same time, busy raising a family. But just as you’re “multi-tasking” Wendy in your life, you’ll also need to address multiple Schopp financial goals. In seeking to accomplish your key objectives, you may be asking yourself a variety of questions, including the following: ■ Should I contribute as much as possible to my IRA and 401(k)? In a word, yes. Your earnings on a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and a 401(k) grow on a tax-deferred basis, so your money can accumulate faster than it would if placed in an investment on which you paid taxes every year. Plus, since you typically make 401(k) contributions with pretax dollars, the more you contribute, the lower your taxable income. And your traditional IRA contributions may be tax-deductible, depending on your income. If you meet income guidelines, you can contribute to a Roth IRA, which provides tax-free earnings, provided you meet certain conditions. ■ Should I put away money for my kids’ college education? It’s not easy to fund your retirement accounts plus save money for your children’s college education. Still, college is expensive, so if you feel strongly about helping to pay for the high costs of higher education, you may want to explore college funding vehicles, such as a 529 plan, which offers tax advantages.
■ Should I pay down my mortgage or invest those funds? Most of us dream of freeing ourselves from a mortgage someday. So, as your career advances and your income rises, you may wonder if you should make bigger mortgage payments. On one hand, there’s no denying the psychological benefits you’d receive from paying off your mortgage. However, you may want to consider putting any extra money into your investment portfolio to help as you work toward your retirement goals. Work with your financial advisor to determine what may be most appropriate for your portfolio. ■ Do I have enough insurance in place to protect my family? You may hear that you need seven or eight times your annual income in life insurance, but there’s really no “right” figure for everyone. You may want to consult with a financial advisor to determine how much life insurance is appropriate for your needs. ■ Am I familiar with my parents’ financial situation and estate considerations? Now is the time to communicate with your parents about a variety of issues related to their financial situation and estate plans. The more you know, the better positioned you’ll be to provide assistance and support if and when it’s needed. Just to name one example, you should inquire of your parents if they’ve designated a durable power of attorney to make financial decisions for them in case they’re ever incapacitated. By answering these questions, you can get a handle on all the financial issues you face at your stage of life. It may seem challenging, but taking the time now can help you better position yourself to reach your financial goals. For more information on investing, contact Wendy Schopp at Edward Jones Investments, 671-1318.
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A-4 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Looking ahead to mayor’s race of ‘19 Both deputy mayors of Knoxville, Eddie Mannis and Bill Lyons, are about to live in downtown Knoxville just a few blocks apart. Lyons and his wife, Gay, have lived for several years on Union Avenue near Chesapeake’s while Mannis
Victor Ashe
has recently purchased a place on State Street across from First Presbyterian Church. He plans to sell his Kingston Pike showcase home with outstanding gardens which was the site of a large, successful Rogero fundraiser in October 2011. Mannis at one time considered running for mayor but then backed Rogero instead. He is still considered a possible candidate in 2019 when Rogero is term limited and unable to seek a third term. If you are wondering who possible 2019 mayoral candidates might be, then here is the first early list of possibles. I have excluded persons who in 2019 will be over 72. The list does not reflect my personal preferences but those who could be credible in my view if they choose to run. Some of these individuals may not be thinking about it and will be surprised to see their name on the list. However, they are credible if they decide to seek the job. Much can happen in seven years to remove some of these names while new names will crop up which are not being thought about at present. Those possible candidates might then include Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis, Council members Marshall Stair and George Wallace, Police Chief David Rausch, County Commissioner Sam McKenzie, city Service Director David Brace, attorney Wayne Ritchie and business owner Randy Boyd if he moves into the city. Undoubtedly, there are others whom I have omitted and anyone should feel free to email me names at vhashe@aol.com. ■ Federal District Judge Thomas Phillips will retire in June 2013 regardless of whether Obama or Romney wins the presidential election. The President will nominate
Helping Scenic Knoxville Alex and Mary Belle Harkness visit with Joan Ashe and former Knoxville Mayor and Ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe at a fundraising event for Scenic Knoxville hosted by the Ashes at their home on Kingston Pike. Photo by
the new federal judge after June 2013, but Tennessee’s two Republican senators will have a major voice in recommending a name to a President Romney. The senior Democrat who would make recommendations to President Obama would be Nashville’s U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper. However, the potential nominee must also be acceptable to Tennessee’s two Senators to secure Senate confirmation. The 6th federal Judicial Circuit annual conference for 2013 has been canceled due to federal budget constraints. It was scheduled for Nashville. This conference is normally held annually and 2013 will be skipped. A recent conference planned in the 9th federal circuit (west coast) scheduled for Hawaii had triggered active congressional criticism. ■ Watch out for the proposed 35 cent county property tax increase for schools being increased to 45 or 50 cents if it passes to accommodate county employee pay raises (especially in the Sheriff’s Office) plus pension issues. There is talk now about adding on if the 35 cents looks likely to get the needed 7 votes out of 11 to pass. Voters should watch their wallets. This add-on could occur with little public discussion if it goes unreported. ■ Former Fire Chief Gene Hamlin is recovering well from a stroke he suffered May 15 at his home in Andersonville and is back home after a week at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center. ■ Lydia Pulsipher, honorary consul general for Slovenia (formerly part of Yugoslavia), held a wine tasting party on May 20 at her Holston Hills home which was attended by two former mayors, Kyle Testerman and his wife, Gloria, and your writer of this column. Testerman now divides his time between his Sequoyah Hills home and North Carolina (near Asheville).
Anne Hart
Making the JJ sliders
Knox County Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones tries on a chef’s hat offered by Food City Chef Jimmie “J.J.” Jones. “Wow. This looks French,” said Sheriff Jones. “This picture will be popping up in odd places, especially near election time.” “The secret to good burgers,” said Chef Jones, “is not to pound them. Just flip them once and let them cook.”
By Sandra Clark It was too cool to pass up. Learning that the high sheriff has the same name and same nickname as the training chef at Food City was a story made in heaven. Especially for summer when things are slow. (Well, things were not totally slow last week but this is a tastier story.) Take a look at Ruth White’s photo at left. These little burgers are now called JJ Sliders in honor of our cooking adventure to Food City in Bearden. Chef Jones said the meat is 80/20 chuck and the bread is a regular Food City dinner roll (“We make them every day.”)
Last chance, kids! Email today if you’re interested in being a Shopper intern. The program starts June 5. sclark426@aol.com
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The slice of cheese looks like pepperjack (we forgot to ask) and the special ingredients are the crunchy peppers. “It smells like the Fair,” said Sheriff Jones. And then, not to insult anyone at the Fair, he added: “I go twice every year. One day to eat and one day to ride.” Chef Jones gave Ruth the recipe which she promised to try out on her family. “Halve the jalapenos and scrape out the seeds (wear gloves to avoid burns). Cut peppers and onions into strips and soak them for 10 minutes in buttermilk and then bread them in flour seasoned with pepper, garlic and some other stuff.” The JJ Slider is good stuff!
Photo by Ruth White
Toddy’s Liquor and Wine has been in the Bearden area since 1961. Owner John Cook (pictured) and the staff at Toddy’s offer an excellent selection of wine, beer and liquor. They are located at 4821 Kingston Pike and hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: 584-0577.
Schools win big in ‘begging for bucks’ If you’re keeping score in the community grants department handed out by the town of Farragut, KAT earns a big old goose egg. It’s pretty clear many members of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen aren’t enthusiastic about the service Knoxville Area Transit provides the town for the sum of $40,000 a year. Alderman Ron Honken led the charge for taking the lion’s share of KAT’s annual grant and adding it to an already increased amount of grant money to schools. He also proposed an extra $5,000 for the News Sentinel Open. It’s an event, he said, that brings money into the town and “makes us look good.” Alderman Bob Markli complained that KAT has
Suzanne Foree Neal
done little to promote the bus routes that run from the commuter lot on Campbell Station Road to downtown Knoxville. He suggested giving KAT $35,000 and the town take the remaining $5,000 for a promotional campaign. A lot of would-be bus riders have bent Alderman Jeff Elliot’s ear, saying that by the time TVA workers park very early in the morning and catch a company van to work, there are no spac-
Town reviewing health plan options By Suzanne Foree Neal Members of the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen found something more tedious and mind-boggling than sifting through several retirement plans. Health insurance plans. That was the topic for a workshop session before the regular Thursday meeting. After listening to several options offered for much of an hour, Alderman Ron Honken joked, “This makes retirement plans seem simple.” Mayor Ralph McGill
thanked Town Administrator David Smoak and Human Resource Manager Janet Curry by saying, “I know this is mind-numbing and I appreciate your work on this.” Smoak and Curry will meet with staff to find out what concerns they have and get back to the board with a recommendation for a second and final reading. Blue Cross Blue Shield took a loss this past year and that was reflected in a 21 percent increase, but later came back with other plan
es left for anyone else. Vice Mayor Dot LaMarche wondered if the town might get into the transportation business with smaller vehicles to take people downtown for the same amount of money or as Smoak suggested, maybe contract that service out to a company. “I’m not anti-KAT, but if you look at the bang for the buck, as Alderman Markli said, we’d be better off to hire a private taxi or buy them a $500 or $600 gift card to Kroger fuel and come out ahead,” Honken said. He and Markli went tit-fortat on KAT vs. schools with Markli opposed to “pulling the rug” out from under KAT to Honken noting that the increased school funding comes to about $5 a student.
“No business is ever going to do for this town what schools do,” he said. Honken may be right about that. One thing people always ask when moving to a new neighborhood is, “How good are the schools?” Grant requests are a part of the town’s annual budget. KAT could get another chance to plead its case when the board takes up the budget for the second and final reading at a future meeting. If KAT wants to keep running the bus line, it’s going to have to step up and promote it. Maybe the town should look for a bigger commuter parking lot or maybe TVA needs to find someplace else for its employees to park and ride. Lucky winners in the Community Grants game are CADES, $2,000; East Tennessee Concert Band, $1,500; Keep Knoxville Beautiful (Green Miles), $1,000; Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services, $2,000; Sunshine Ambassadors, $1,000; Knoxville Opera, $2,000; Dogwood
options and better numbers. “We had a whopper this year in terms of utilization,” Curry explained. “The issues we have are ongoing.” She noted that for the older employees, health care benefits are important. The average employee age is 46. With the plan the staff favors, employees wouldn’t notice much difference, except a little higher co-pays on drugs. Deductibles would stay the same because the town will set up a fund of about $12,000 a year to cover the extra $1,000 for that part. Employees would be encouraged to choose generic drugs and take part in wellness plans. The board approved
the first reading of the FY 2013 budget with only a few tweaks in community ■ UT is partnering with the grants and one big project. ESSEC (École Supérieure The Willow Creek/Kingsdes Sciences Économiques ton Pike walking trail will et Commerciales) Busibe moved up a year and is ness School in Paris and included in the FY 2013 Singapore to present the budget. The board also apsecond annual Western Europe Global Supply Chain proved, with Markli voting Forum to be held on the no, the McFee Park expanESSEC campus in Paris on sion plan. Costs are subject June 13 and 14. The forum to change, but Phase 1 will will feature leaders from cost $5.4 million; Phase international business gi2, $1.1 million; and Phase ants such as Caterpillar and 3, $1.3 million. As McGill pen company BIC and will noted, the town will get to provide a place for senior it as it has the money. supply chain executives and Estimated revenue this renowned faculty to discuss fiscal year is $6,059,788 global supply chain issues, and estimated spending is opportunities and best practices. $5,861,150. If passed on second reading, the bud- ■ UT has released “Strategies get will take effect July 1, for Economic Improvement 2012.
Mayor Ralph McGill and retiring principal Julia Craze. Arts Festival, $8,000; Farragut primary, intermediate, middle and high schools, each $22,000; Hardin Valley Academy, $22,000; Farragut High School Education Foun-
dation and Hardin Valley Academy Foundation, each $10,000. American Heritage Girls requested grant money for the first time, but was turned down.
in Appalachia’s Distressed Rural Counties,” a groundbreaking study on the state of the economy in Appalachia. The study was conducted for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), a regional economic development agency that represents a partnership of federal, state and local government. A webinar with authors, representatives from the ARC and Appalachian community leaders to discuss the report will be held in the coming weeks. The full report is available at http:// www.arc.gov/research/ researchreportdetails. asp?REPORT_ID=98.
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A-6 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS Knox County animal control Cpl. Frankie Byrne carries a scared stray dog to her truck for transport to Young-Williams Animal Center. This dog has since been adopted. Photo by S. Barrett
Riding with Frankie
This isn’t old school animal control
CRITTER TALES | Sara Barrett
pl. Frankie Byrne defies the stereotype of an animal control officer. She often meets animals (and people) in stressful situations. And like any law enforcement officer, her job is to calm the tension. Byrne was stuffed behind an air conditioning unit at an abandoned building recently, gently rubbing a leash against the body of a terrified dog. Two police officers stood nearby, ready for anything. Someone had complained about the dog, and the officers had arrived to a growling, threatening animal. They were about to use pepper spray on him when Byrne arrived. She stayed by the dog for a time so he would get used to her presence; then she got him used to the leash; then she coaxed him out and carried him like a baby to her truck for transport to YoungWilliams Animal Center. He has since been adopted. It was just another afternoon’s work for Byrne, but she clearly saved that dog’s life. “You have to look at the danger aspect of it – you don’t want to put yourself or the dog in a bad situation,” she said. “If you’re being irresponsible, he’s not a crazy ‘Cujo’ dog, but he will bite you like crazy. You’ve basically just signed this dog’s death sentence.” She is alluding to the common sense rule – any dog that bites a human cannot be put up for adoption. The alternative is to have them euthanized. Last week I rode along with her to see the daily operations of animal control. We visited four cases in North Knoxville and took custody of one dog and one cat. A catch pole was never used. Byrne remained
calm the entire time and seemed to have a calming effect on the people we encountered. “I’m not from Tennessee, but I can relate to people through my life experiences,” said Byrne. She grew up in rural Texas and Ohio and worked in public relations in New York after college. She eventually worked at the Oakland zoo where she realized her heart belonged in animal-related work. Byrne started with Knox County Animal Control in 2007 and has seen the operations change dramatically since the agency was merged with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office in 2010. “We have a lot more access to information and educational resources now,” she said. Animal control is becoming a force to be reckoned with on both a county and state level. “We can write our own search warrants at this point,” she said. During our rounds, we visited the residence of a breeder who had been cited previously because of her animals’ poor living conditions. No one was home at the time of our visit, but Byrne was still able to do some investigative work. The structure the animals were housed in had a pretty strong odor of urine around the door and windows. A crack in a wooden fence allowed her to see a couple of days’ worth of feces on the concrete, which led her to believe the animals may not be checked on as often as needed. Byrne would call the breeder later that day to discuss the situation and state necessary changes to prevent another citation. The last call of the day was to the home of a man currently on probation for animal neglect. His plea deal included not keeping animals
Byrne provided this photo from a closed case in which a box of puppies was thrown over the fence into a cow pasture and abandoned. Photo submitted because of their living conditions. Animal control officers speak for those who can’t Also from a closed case, this picture shows the only ask for help themavailable water this dog was given to drink. Photo submitted selves. Byrne applies gentle presin the house due to unlivable condisure when needed, tions (odor of ammonia from ani- but she doesn’t come across as mal urine on the floor, etc.). overbearing or condescending. Upon our arrival, two pit bulls She is a cross between a horse could be seen jumping at the win- whisperer and Erin Brockovich – dow inside the home. This was an she knows the names of the aniautomatic violation. The man wasn’t mals and people in the cases she home but his wife invited Byrne in follows and doesn’t just see them to inspect and showed her consider- as another file folder. able improvements had been made Byrne was recently promoted to the home since her husband was to corporal because of her dedicacharged. tion to the animals and people she In an instance like this, Byrne helps. has to decide what’s best for the There are 10 officers currently animal. The pit bulls appeared to working for animal control. Bybe healthy, and the woman was co- rne says there is good camaraderie operating. Improvements had been between them and the deputies of made, so Byrne decided to leave the Sheriff’s Office; a great deal of the two indoor animals, although information is shared between the a dog and a cat were taken into two units and they help each other custody from around the property with “tips of the trade.”
A memorable case for Byrne involved a man who kept his dog in a cage on the back porch during the summer with a flannel blanket over the top and no water. A neighbor called to report it and when Byrne arrived, the man explained his plan of “prepping” his dog for hog hunting in Georgia. The dog would travel in an enclosed cage in the back of a truck in the heat of the day. The man thought the dog could be trained to adapt by its current treatment. Byrne explained why this would not work, but the man insisted. Byrne then suggested letting a judge decide who was right, and the man agreed to a change of environment for his dog. The neighbor who initially complained said they no longer saw the dog in the cage. “We answered 10,000 calls last year.” Many of those, she said, were situations where the owners just needed to be educated; some more than others. Info: http://www.knoxsheriff. org/animal/index.php.
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SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • A-7
Safe Boating Week Tellico Lake Flotilla vice commander Bill White and his wife, Linda, kicked off Safe Boating Week with an informational exhibit at Walmart in Lenoir City. U.S. Coast Guard statistics show only 11 percent of boating accidents occurred last year on vessels where the operator had a safe boating course. The Tellico Lake Flotilla conducts training classes in an effort to improve safety on area lakes. Info: Bill White, 376-4822. Photo by Don Edmands Jr.
WORSHIP NOTES Community Services ■ Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Susie Stiles Wilson, licensed clinical social worker and elder care coordinator with the Monica Franklin Elder Law Practice will be the guest speaker June 5. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.
Fundraisers and sales ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, will host a benefit concert to help a church family in need of a specially equipped vehicle to accommodate their young son who requires a feeding tube, oxygen equipment and a full-time nurse. Choir director Jean Osborne and vocalist Jo Ludwig will perform a fulllength program 4 p.m. Sunday, June 3. Everyone is invited and donations will be accepted. Info: 690-1060. ■ Park West Church, 7635
Middlebrook Pike, will host a “Bunco” fundraiser for http:// kicko.org from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 9. Admission is $10. RSVP by emailing event@ kicko.org or call 523-4956.
Music services ■ First Christian Church on Gay Street will host the Jericho Brass Band from Chattanooga at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 9. Free admission. The band will also play during the 10 a.m. worship service Sunday, June 10. Everyone is invited to both performances. Info: jerichobrassband.org. ■ Second Baptist Church, 777 Public Safety Drive in Clinton, will welcome the McKameys for the annual “Hometown Singing” Friday and Saturday, June 8-9. Special guests The Inspirations will perform 7:30 p.m. Friday and the Primitive Quartet will perform 6 p.m. Saturday. Reserved seating is $15 and general admission is $13. Tickets or info: 800-254-3047 or 457-3678.
Rec programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class Mondays from 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info:
Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email denabower@comcast.net. ■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, has started Young Adult Professionals for anyone age 22-35 who wants to network with other young business professionals in the West Knoxville area. Seasoned professionals will discuss their experiences and how to live out your faith while growing into your profession. Info: email Glenna Manning, gmanning@concordumc.com, or Kelsey Feldman, kelsing01@comcast.net.
Youth ■ Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or bhallman@tds.net. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway (at the Karns Red Light) still has spaces available in the Parents Day Out and the T-N-T program for this summer, which begins June 5. Summer PDO is loads of fun for children age 1 and walking through age 5. T-N-T is for elementary school aged children and is a mixture of adventure, crafts and outings to fun places. Info: Lori or Lisa, 531-2052, or the Church office, 690-1060.
The One who holds us … Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6: 6 NRSV) To pray is to laugh, whistle, dance on happy feet, sing, shout, and jump higher than ever before. But it is also to whisper, wonder, stumble in dark places, cry, scream or just hold a tired head in tired hands and wait. Prayer is our tired reaching out to the One who holds us closer and loves us more than we would dare imagine. – Greta Schrumm
If I am honest, my favorite prayer in the world is from the movie “The Sound of Music,” when Maria first arrives at the gate of the von Trapp estate, stops dead in amazement and trepidation, and breathes, “Oh, help.” I love it for its simplicity and for its honesty. I love that it does not bother with flowery words or empty phrases. It gets right to the point, as if Maria were speaking to a dear friend who understood the need and how to supply it (which, of course, she was). I have whispered those very words – “Oh, help” – on more than one occasion. I also remember to murmur “Thank you,” when even the smallest prayer is answered. I was talking today to a friend who is feeling cut
off from that line of communication. My friend is at the “hold a tired head in tired hands and wait” stage of conversation with the Almighty. How many body blows can one person take and remain standing? It is a question I have asked more than once in the past several months on behalf of one friend and another. I have confessed in this space before that there are times when I want to grab the Almighty by the lapels
COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The Knoxville Writers Guild will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, June 7, at Laurel Theater on the corner of Laurel Avenue and 16th Street. Novelist Bryan Charles will discuss his life experiences – including his experience during the fall of the World Trade Center – and how they affect his creativity. Everyone is invited. A $2 donation will be taken at the door. Info: www.knoxvillewritersguild.org.
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and demand to know, “Are you paying attention? Why don’t you do something about this?” (I trust that God understands my frustration and can handle my impertinence.) And that is usually when I remember what one of my favorite preachers said from the pulpit one Sunday morning years ago. It made me squirm at that moment, and it makes me squirm every time I think about it. He said, “Whenever we ask God why God isn’t doing something about a bad situation, just remember that God asks us the same question: ‘Why aren’t you?’ ” In my work, we see a steady stream of need – folks who need help, encouragement, advice, a listening ear, a referral, a “You can do this,” or a “Go, get ’em, Tiger!” If ever folks needed to hear that there is “One who holds us closer and loves us more than we would dare imagine,” it is the folks I see in my office. So I keep a candle burning in my office every day. I get accused – facetiously, I think – of being a firebug. But the truth is, that candle is one of the ways I pray. Its aroma and its smoke reach heavenward, and every time I think about it, see it or smell it, I whisper Maria’s prayer. “Oh, help.”
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Looking for a few good kids Who: Rising 9th graders at Knox area high schools What: Spend Tuesdays exploring Knox County and having fun When: Tuesday, June 5, to Tuesday, August 7, usually 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Where: Corryton to Farragut and all points between Why: Students will be expected to take pictures, write captions and hear “money quotes” from guest speakers. The program is tour-based. Student work will be edited and some may be printed in the summer’s editions of Shopper-News.
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A-8 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Eighth graders celebrate at FMS
Farragut Middle School 8th graders Erin O’Brien, Olivia Feiten, Natalie Above, Farragut Middle School 8th grader Trey Sharpe aims for Schoonheim, Hallie Davis and Ansley Pittman enjoy a catered breakfast of pasbuddy Tu Huynh during a friendly game of inflatable gladiator tries and fruit during an end-of-the-year celebration. When asked how they felt about starting high school next year, one word summed it up: excited. jousting. Photos by S. Barrett
Farragut Middle School 8th grader Cory Stewart spun a basketball as a DJ spun records outside amidst bounce houses and a dunking booth.
vbs 2012 Vacation Bible School
Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, 405 Black Oak Drive, will have Rockstars of the Bible 6-9 p.m. June 3-8, for ages 3 through 5th grade, with crafts, games, music, worship, snacks and “living” Bible stories. Friday night will be Family Night. Info: 689-5397 or www.bohbc.org. Black Oak Ridge Baptist Church, 6404 Old Maynardville Pike, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 6:30 to 9 p.m. June 11-15, for ages 4 and up. Nursery will be
provided. There will be games, crafts, gifts on family night, complete meals each night and more. The church will pick you up if you schedule ahead of time. Info: 219-8589. Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, 9132 Kingston Pike, will have Sky VBS 8:45 a.m. to noon, June 4-7, for ages 4 through rising 6th graders. Pre-register by May 30 or walk-up register June 4. Info or to register: www.cspc.net/vbs or 291-5206. Central Baptist Church of Fountain City, 5364 North Broadway, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 9 a.m. to noon, June 4-8. Pre-register online at www.cbcfc.org. Info: 688-2421. Christ United Methodist Church, June 18-22 from 6:30pm-8:45pm. Operation Overboard (Cokesbury Church has graphic on their website) Register your child online at www.christumcknox.com. Info: 922-1412, ask for Heather. Church Street United Methodist Church, 900 Henley Street, will have Bible Olympics: Champions of God’s Word, 9:30 a.m. to noon, June 18-21, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. There will be Bible study, stories, crafts, games and snacks. Info or to register: www.churchstreetumc.org or 521-0282. Farragut Church of Christ, 136 Smith Road, will have Bean Acres VBS 8:30 a.m. to noon, June 18-22, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. Info or to register: www.farragutchurch.org or 966-5025.
Farragut Presbyterian Church will have Adventures on Promise Island 9 a.m. to noon June 4-8, for ages 3 years through 5th grade. $10 covers supplies, snacks and T-shirts. Info or to register: 966-9547 or www.vacationbibleschool.com/FarragutPresbyterian. Fellowship Christian Church, 746 Tazewell Pike, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS 7-9 p.m. June 4-8, with classes for all ages, including adults. All are welcome. First Baptist Concord, 11704 Kingston Pike, will have The Genesis File June 10-17. Info or to register: 966-9791 or www. fbconcord.org/kids. Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will have a Summer Spectacular 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 20-22, for ages 2 through 5th grade. The Adventure Squad will return for another action-packed adventure with music, drama, nightly giveaways and fun. Info or to register: www.gracebc.org. Graveston Baptist Church, 8319 Clapps Chapel Road, will have Amazing
BIBLE OLYMPICS: Champions of God’s Word June 18-21 9:30am - Noon Ages 3 years to 5th grade To register your child, go to www.churchstreetumc.org. Select Contact Us from the drop-down menu and choose VBS registration.
Church Street United Methodist Church 900 Henley Street (Across from the Knoxville Convention Center) 521-0282
Let’s learn more about the Bible! Enjoy lots of stories, crafts, games & snacks!
SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • A-9
South College names honors lists South College has named the following Knox County residents to the Winter Quarter 2012 Academic Achievers List. President’s list: Thomas J. Eubanks and Janine Travelstead. Dean’s list: Ariel A. Brown, Jamey L. Byrge, Ashley N. Creswell, Benjamin M. Gadd, Daniel J. Perkins, Diann B. Todd and Lindsey M. Witt. Students with a gradepoint average of at least 3.5 qualify for the South College dean’s list. Students with a grade-point average of 4.0 qualify for the president’s list.
Young Eagles Flight Rally Children ages 8-17 will be able to take free airplane rides during the Young Eagles Flight Rally on Saturday, June 2, at Knoxville Downtown Island Airport.
The event is hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter #17 to create more interest in aviation among youth. Following the flight, each child will receive a certificate making them an official Young Eagle, and their name will be entered into the “World’s Largest Logbook” at the EAA Air Adventure Museum in Oshkosh, Wis. The book can also be viewed online at wwwyoungeagles.org. Other activities at the flight rally will include a ground school and several general aviation aircraft on display.
Academic Awards at Maryville College Maryville College recently held its annual Academic Awards Ceremony. Among the students honored were Laura Greeley and Chelsea Morgan. Greeley received the
Clark Family Prize, which is presented each year to rising juniors or seniors in art who have demonstrated outstanding academic and artistic achievement. She is the daughter of Cynthia and Robert Greeley. Morgan received the Charlotta Cook Hensley Memorial Award for demonstrating outstanding academic achievement and significant involvement on the staff of the Highland Echo. She is a 2009 graduate of Farragut High School and the daughter of Kelli Morgan.
PELLISSIPPI NOTES ■ Orientation sessions for new students, the first of which is June 8, will be offered at different times and dates at each of the college’s five campuses: Blount County, Division Street, Hardin Valley, Magnolia
Avenue and Strawberry Plains. Special sessions are scheduled for tnAchieves students (first-generation college-goers participating in the tnAchieves program), for nontraditional students (25 years and older), and for parents and family members of students. Attendance is required of all first-time degree-seeking freshmen, and it is recommended for transfer students and those who have been out of school for a while. For reservation: www.pstcc.edu/admissions/ orientation or call 694-6400.
ROANE STATE NOTES ■ Roane State Community College will host a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday, June 5, for the new Allied Health Sciences and Technology Building at the college’s Oak Ridge campus. The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. at the campus, 701 Briarcliff Ave. The public is invited.
Youth athletics to offer track/field program Beginning Tuesday, May 29, and running through Saturday, June 23, Knoxville Youth Athletics will host a program that exposes kids to the fundamentals of track and field. The program is open to all girls and boys between the ages of 5 and 18. Practices will be held 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at more than 23 schools in Knox and surrounding counties. The program will also offer four consecutive Saturday track meets, held June 4, 11, 18 and 25 at UT’s Tom Black Track. During the meet, youth from all locations will compete in events such as the 50-meter dash, discus throw, relays and high jump. “Our goal for the program is to teach the basic skills most prevalent in the sport of track and field: running, jumping and throwing,” said KYA director Marty Sonnenfeldt. Participants can register online, or onsite at any practice location. Registration is $40 per participant (maximum $95 per family) and includes a T-shirt. Info: 385-6237 or http://www.ktcyouthathletics.org/ programs/summer-developmental-track-and-field.
vbs 2012 Wonders Aviation VBS 6-8 p.m. June 3-8, with dinner served each night. June 8 will be VBS Blow-Out with barbecue, bounce houses, music, giveaways including Dollywood tickets, bikes, an iPod Shuffle and more. Info: 6860186 or www.graveston.org. Greenway Baptist Church, 2809 Addison Dr., will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 11-15. Karns Church of Christ, 6612 Beaver Ridge Road, will have Christian Academy, Training Superheroes for God, starting at 6:30 p.m. June 2427, with classes for all ages. Info: 691-7411 or www.karnscoc.org. Milan Baptist Church, 1101 Maynardville Highway, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS 6:45 to 9 p.m. Sunday-Friday, June 3-8, with classes for nursery-aged children through adults. Info: 992-8128 or www.milanbc.org.
Sky VBS 6:15 to 9 p.m. June 11-15, with themed days, music, food, crafts, games and inflatables. Info: www.newbeverly.org or 546-0001.
Range Road will have Adventures on Promise Island 6:45 to 9 p.m. June 18-22, with classes for all ages and dinner provided. Commencement will be held at 6 p.m. June 24. Info: 922-5501.
Powell Church, 323 W. Emory Road, will have Adventures on Promise Island 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 11-15, for ages 4 through 5th grade, with Family Night on June 15. Info or to register: 938-2711 or www. powellchurch.com.
Union Baptist Church of Halls, 8244 Old Maynardville Highway, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 6:30 to 9:15 p.m. June 10-15, with a kick-off and registration at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 6. Info: 922-7714 or www.unionbaptisthalls.org.
Salem Baptist Church will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 9 a.m. to noon, June 11-15, for ages 4 years to 5th grade. Info or to register, 922-3490.
Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, 701 Merchant Drive, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 9 a.m. to noon, June 4-8, for ages 4 years through 6th grade. There will be crafts, snacks, music and inflatables. Info: www.wmbc.net or 688-4343.
Sharon Baptist Church, 7916 Pedigo Road, will have Amazing Wonders Aviation 6:15 to 9 p.m. June 10-15, for ages 3 years to 8th grade, with adult classes 6:40 to 7:40 p.m. Info or the register: 938-7075 or www.sharonbconline.com. Smithwood Baptist Church, 4914 Jacksboro Pike, will have Sky VBS 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 18-22, for ages 3 through completed 5th grade. Info or to register: 689-5448 or www.smithwood.org.
Nave Hill Baptist Church, will host VBS 7-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 4-8. Everyone is invited. New Beverly Baptist Church, 3320 New Beverly Church Road, will have
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Farragut teachers, students earn rewards
Nancy Wentz, a member of the Farragut/Knox County Schools Joint Education Relations Committee, and Jerry Martin, president of the Farragut High School Education Foundation, chat before lunch. Photos by S.F. Neal
By Suzanne Foree Neal Teachers, staff and honored students filled the commons at Farragut High School last Wednesday for an end-of-school celebration that included lunch and awards. Jerry Martin, president of the Farragut High School Education Foundation, handed out awards and cash to most of the recipients. While he said cash was always welcomed, he joked that they wouldn’t let him handle a lot of cash so he had checks instead. Receiving the Hubbs Scholarship of $2,000 was Kimberly Davis who is attending the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa in the fall. Caroline Crawford, who will attend UT-Chattanooga, received a $1,000 scholarship from The Tennessee Credit Union. Receiving the Ryan Shoup Scholarship of $500 were Christine Guerette and Helen Boone. Christine is off to UT’s Knoxville campus in the fall and Helen will attend the University of Pennsylvania.
Golden Anchors were awarded to a record six teachers this year. Martin said the applicants, nominated by parents, students, community members and two Foundation board members, were so good the Foundation decided to toss in a few more dollars and add one more. Jean Hill was the only one not present. Others included Lindsey Smith, Nadara Albanese, Carrie Brimi, Lea McMahan and Shasta Todd. All received $1,000. Albanese is a school counselor. Hill teaches business; Smith, AP English; Brimi, sophomore English and journalism; McMahan, theater arts and film; and Todd, social studies. Geoffrey Steadman received $1,000 and the Tyler Duke Foundation award. He teaches Latin and Greek. David Moore was honored for his 500th softball victory. He teaches driver’s education and physical education in addition to coaching. Two retiring teachers were honored. English teacher Sue Hartman and special education teacher
Above, teachers line up to dig in at a lunch marking the end of school and honoring Farragut High School teachers and students. Marilyn Keylon received wooden books with an alarm clock mounted inside and lifetime passes to events at the school. “Set the alarm for the first day of school in the fall and when it goes off, just smack that thing and go back to sleep,” joked principal Michael Reynolds. Reynolds told those attending the lunch it had been a “busy year” and it was “time to step back and look at what was accomplished.” He took the opportunity to speak about the controversy surrounding Superintendent Dr. James McIntyre’s proposal of an additional $35 million for the schools. He said it was “a shame” that with all the work teachers put in and the demands on them, they end up getting most of the blame for what’s wrong with education. Reynolds referenced his recent appearance before the Knox County Commission in support of McIntyre’s budget request. “I supported you,” he said. “I hope we can get back to educating and not filling
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out evaluations,” he told his staff. “This year I didn’t get to spend as much time with my teachers or go to things I wanted. I hope that will change. “The Foundation helped open a tutoring center and that probably helped 352 to graduate this year. We got $18.3 million in scholarship funds. Eighty-two percent of our students received some type of scholarship.” Reynolds also noted favorable rankings in recent issues of U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek, and most recently the Washington Post named the school one of the top in the country. “I will put our students against anyone, anywhere, anytime and I will put our staff up against anyone, anywhere, anytime,” said Reynolds.
Stan Duke of the Tyler Duke Foundation presents Geoffrey Steadman with his award from the organization. He said he hoped County nize the schools as well. Commission would recog-
Farragut High School Education Foundation scholarship winners Helen Boone, Christine Guerrette, Caroline Crawford and Kimberly Davis share a table for lunch.
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Golden Anchor Award winners are teachers Nadara Albanese, Shasta Todd, Lea McMahan, Lindsey Smith, Cari Brimi and Jean Hill (not pictured).
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SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • A-11
The marriage of ‘Q’ and ‘U’
Bridesmaid Miriam Withington celebrates with “quarter girl� Brittain Mattingly after the wedding. All the girls in the class dressed as brides with a veil and white dress regardless of their role in the ceremony. Quinn Yellin who played “Q,� the groom, waits anxiously for the ceremony to begin as he visits with bridesmaid Whitney Gohn and “quieter� Matthew Stanton.
Groomsmen Landon Johnson, Braden Wilson and Luke Bass wait patiently for the wedding to begin. Each student in Anderson’s class played a part in the wedding, from the “quarter girls� (instead of flower girls) to the “quieters� that held up signs to hush the audience.
At left, Farragut Primary School kindergartener Addison Pressley plays the role of the bride “U� during a marriage ceremony for the letters “Q� and “U� in teacher Amy Anderson’s class. “I use it as a tool to help the students remember that when writing words,� said Anderson, “wherever there is a Q, there is always a U.� At right, groomsman Gavin Barnes caught the bouquet during the flower toss after the ceremony. Cupcakes were served during the reception. Photos by S. Barrett
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A-12 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Fun Day at A.L. Lotts
SPORTS NOTES ■ Chota Canoe and Kayak School will be held Friday through Sunday, June 15-17, and will include whitewater, touring or canoe tripping. Cost is $115 and includes weekend instruction, two nights camping and more. Info: 288-3249 or www.discoveret.org/chota/ canoe_school_main.htm. ■ Roane State annual Boys Basketball Camp for boys age 8-14 will be held Monday through Friday, June 18-22. It will be taught by Raiders coach Randy Nesbit. The cost is $115. Info: 882-4583. ■ A golf tournament will be hosted by Sons of the American Legion at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at Three Ridges Golf Course, 6101 Wise Springs Road. All proceeds will help several youth organizations in East Tennessee. Advance registration is preferred. Info: Josh Plane, 805-8781 or email littlemantag@yahoo.com. ■ Baseball tournaments will be Friday through Sunday, June 1-3, and Friday through Sunday, June 8-10, at Halls Community Park. Open to all, Tee ball to 14U. Info: 992-5504 or email hcpsports@msn.com.
A.L. Lotts Elementary School 1st graders Jaclyn Smith and Ashlyn McElhaney get rowdy during a game of “Splash Bombs” where they take turns tossing a wet ball back and forth while a song plays. When the song stops, the goal is to not be the person holding the ball.
A.L. Lotts Elementary School 1st grader Roberto Polar shows his disappointment as the marble he grabbed with his toes falls back into a kiddie pool full of water. Students enjoyed a day of wacky games such as “Pickin’ Up Marbles” during the school’s Fun Day. Other activities included rubber ducky and sailboat races and an obstacle course. Photos by S. Barrett
■ Camp 76 Youth Football Camp will be held 7:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 16, at the Johnny Long Training Academy, 2598 Willow Point Way. All boys ages 6-18 are invited and will be dividedinto groups by age. Cost is $50. Proceeds benefit The Harry Galbreath Foundation in memory of the former Vol. Sack lunches will be provided. Info: www.camp76.com. ■ City People Downtown DASH one mile run will be held 7 p.m. Friday, June 1, beginning on Union Avenue. Info: www. citypeople.org. ■ The 10th annual KARM Dragon Boat Festival will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at The Cove at Concord Park. Deadline to register is Monday, June 11. Info: 742-4306 or www.knoxville. racedragonboats.com. ■ Knoxville Youth Athletics will host its annual summer track and field program for local youth ages 5-18 Tuesday, May 29, through Saturday, June 23. Practices are held 6:30 to 8 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday. Registration is $40 (maximum $95 per family). Info: www. ktcyouthathletics.org or call 385-6237. ■ Larry Simcox-Diamond Baseball summer camps will be held 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Wednesday, June 11-13, for ages 6-11 and 1-4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, June 1112, for middle school students. The camps will be held at Karns Sportspark on Oak Ridge Highway. Info: 567-9082, email larrysimcox@charter.net or visit www.diamondbaseballtn.com.
REUNIONS ■ Central High School Class of 1962 will hold its 50-year reunion July 6-7. Info: Bob Davis, 689-4302, or Diane Turner Sebby, 521-6652. ■ Central High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th reunion Friday through Sunday, July 22-24. Info: Idonna Tillery Bryson, 688-5816, or Ann Paylor Williams, 687-7759.
Engineering champions Hardin Valley Academy seniors Philip Keller and Andrew Messing won awards among 1,549 participants at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the world’s largest high school science research competition, held in Pittsburgh, Pa. They won 4th place in the category of Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical, with their project “Reinventing the Wheel: The Omnidirectional Track System.” Photo submitted
■ Fulton High School Alumni Association will host the fourth annual Wall of Fame banquet and induction ceremony Saturday, June 2, at Rothchild Catering and Banquet Hall on Kingston Pike. Meet-and-greet starts at 4 p.m.; banquet begins at 6:30. An open house will be held at Fulton High from 2-6 p.m. Sunday, June 3. Cost is $50 for the banquet and $5 for the open house. ■ Karns High School Class of 1952 will hold its 60th reunion Saturday, June 2, at Karns’ old library, 7708 Oak Ridge Highway. Fellowship starts at 4 p.m. with supper at 6. Price is $25. Info: Sue Regan, 690-2499. ■ Powell High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th class reunion Friday and Saturday, June 8-9. Info: Brenda Owens, 573-4395 or phs67class@ comcast.net; or Lynn or Wayne Tarver, 938-5248 or lynnwayne2@frontiernet.net.
Gunn signs with Walters State Hardin Valley Academy senior Tevin Gunn has signed to play basketball with Walters State. He has been a four-year letterman at HVA. Athletic director George Ashe said, “He’s named to the PrepXtra All-KIL team, and, most notably, he’s the first player in HVA basketball history to score more than 1,000 points. He will leave Hardin Valley as career leader in points, rebounds and blocked shots.” Coach Kevin Galloway said, “It’s exciting for me to see him realize his dream of playing college basketball. We appreciate everything he has done.” Shown are Walters State assistant basketball coach Darrian Jones, Gunn, HVA basketball coach Kevin Galloway and Walters State head coach Bill Carlyle. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
■ Nominations for Central High School’s wall of fame for 2012 should be emailed to rlsmith@yahoo. com or faxed to 922-4467. The deadline is June 30. Any questions, contact CHS Foundation president R. Larry Smith at 922-5433.
Sharp shooter Hardin Valley Academy student Kyle Haun won the skeet competition with the Volunteer Rifle and Pistol Club of Knoxville, shooting 82 out of 100. He will be competing in the Tennessee state tournament June 19-20. Photo by T. Edwards of
■ Story Time with Miss Helen, 11 a.m. Thursday, May 31, at Smart Toys and Books, 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square. ■ Ijams Story Time: “The Hungry Thing” by Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler, 1 p.m. Thursday, May 31. A fun craft is included. Free, but a donation appreciated. To register: 577-4717, ext. 110. ■ “Mommy and Me” art classes at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon Friday, June 1, at Smart Toys and Books. $5 materials fee; reservations
required in advance. Ages 2 and up. ■ Game/craft demo, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 2, at Smart Toys and Books. Hands-on trials with and demonstrations of newly arriving games. ■ Thomas Play Day, 10-11 a.m. Monday, June 4, at Smart Toys and Books. Play with trains, hear a story and
enjoy a snack, Ages 2 and up. Reservations required in advance. No charge. ■ AMSE’s Summer Explorer Camp for rising 5th grade (10 years old), 6th and 7th grade will be held June 11-15 at Freels Bend Cabin in Oak Ridge. Deadline to register is Monday, June 4. For cost, camp schedule, registration form and more: www.amse.org.
Denton signs with Berry College Hardin Valley Academy senior Jake Denton, son of Ken and Nancy Denton, signs to play baseball with Berry College. Athletic director George Ashe applauded Denton on his accomplishments saying, “Jake is a four-year varsity letterman. He has played 110 games in his career. He was recipient of the 2011 Golden Glove award and is in HVA’s top five statistically in stolen bases, assists and home runs.” Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • A-13
Rolling the dice Mike O’Hern of Mathnasium grins when he’s asked to give business advice. Then, he picks up two 12-sided dice he uses to teach kids quick multiplication. “When you open a business, you’re doing this,” he says. Then, he rolls the dice. O’Hern is a Southern California native whose wife hails from Charleston, Tenn. He called the decision to move to Knoxville in 1985 “pretty much a no-brainer.” He studied engineering at UT, then went into research at ORNL. He even partici-
When Mathnasium opened in West Knoxville in 2008, it grew twice as fast as the previous Mathnasium location. O’Hern and his team kept afloat through the height of the recession, and now he has another loShannon cation in Chattanooga. He also operates a Mathnasium Carey call center. O’Hern loves getting to know the students and pated in a start-up business parents who come to Mathin Oak Ridge. nasium, and he loves makThen, he heard about the ing math understandable Los Angeles-based Math- and fun. nasium franchise, offering “The idea is that we want math tutoring and individu- kids to understand math, not al math instruction for kids. just memorize math facts,” “I thought, it’s math and he said. “My biggest thing it’s kids, two things that are here is to help kids with their great for me,” he said. self-confidence. They can do
it. They just need to hear it in their language.” Mathnasium uses games and fun materials to get the message across. O’Hern says 10 minutes spent playing a game with a student helps him get twice as much out of the next 50 minutes than he would devoting the whole hour to instruction. “There is a method here,” he said. “What kids think of as math is really arithmetic. Math is the study of patterns and recognizing patterns to be able to predict. The arithmetic scares them, but we sneak it in. If it’s relevant to them, it’s not scary.” For those getting started in business, O’Hern said to make sure you’re following
Community Calendar Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com
FARRAGUT LIBRARY EVENTS The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, May 28, Library closed for Memorial Day. ■ Tuesday, May 29, 10:30 a.m.: Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, May 30, 10:30 a.m.: Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2; 1:30 p.m.: Shakespeare for Kids, an interactive workshop for children ages 6-12, will be a fun introduction to William Shakespeare and his play “As You Like It,” presented by the Tennessee Stage Company’s Education Outreach Committee. ■ Thursday, May 31, 10:30 a.m.: Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, June 1, 10:30 a.m.: Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.
THROUGH TUESDAY, MAY 29 Chad Airhart exhibition at District The exhibition “Chad Airhart: Clusters, Chaos and Control” is on display through Tuesday, May 29, at The District Gallery, 5113 Kingston Pike. Airhart’s paintings and drawings depict worlds of gathering people, flower clusters and social insects. Info: 2004452 or cinamon@thedistrictgallery.com.
THROUGH THURSDAY, JUNE 21 Independence Day Parade registration About 20 spots remain for the town of Farragut’s 25th annual Independence Day Parade. The registration form is available at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, and on www.townoffarragut.org (link on the home page). The deadline for registrations is Thursday, June 21, or until the Town receives 95 entries, whichever comes first. Info: Arleen Higginbotham, 966-7057 or arleen.higginbotham@townoffarragut.org.
THROUGH FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Movers and Shakers exercise program The Farragut Movers and Shakers Club has already started, but registration is open through Friday, June 29, for the seventh annual free summer exercise program. Open to students in rising grades kindergarten through 12th grade, the program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among families in the community. The Club will run through Friday, Aug. 3. The registration form is available at www.townoffarragut.org/FormCenter and at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 865-966-7057.
THROUGH FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Paul Tinnel art at Town Hall The town of Farragut Arts Council has chosen Paul Tinnel as the featured artist for May and June. An exhibit of Tinnel’s handmade wood bowls will be on display from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through Friday, June 29, on the second floor of the rotunda in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Tinnel’s work is also a featured exhibit at The Town Framery in Farragut. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057, or visit www.townoffarragut.org (on the homepage, hover over the Departments tab, then Parks & Leisure Services to find the Arts & Culture page).
TUESDAYS - THURSDAYS, MAY 29 TO AUG. 9 Youth golf clinics The Knox County Parks & Recreation Department has scheduled youth golf clinics throughout the summer at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. Two-day camps for 6- to 8-year-olds run from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays on May 29-30, June 12-13, June 26-27, July 17-18 and July 31-Aug. 1. Cost is $75. Three-day sessions for 9- to 17-year-olds go from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Thursday on June 5-7, June 19-21, July 10-12, July 24-26 and Aug. 7-9. Cost is $100. Saturday morning beginner clinics will be available during June and July for $15 a week. To register or info: 966-9103.
The Knoxville Track Club Summer Track and Field Program for ages 15 to 18 will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays, May 29 through June 21, at Farragut High School. The program meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The summer program is co-sponsored by the Town of Farragut. Info and to register: http://ktcyouthathletics.org.
Mike O’Hern of Mathnasium. Photo by S. Carey
they’re going to rock in algebra.” Info: www.mathnasium. com or 769-6944. Shannon Carey is the Shopper-News general manager. Contact Shannon at shannon@shoppernewsnow.com.
TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, JUNE 12-28 Yoga class at Town Hall The town of Farragut is offering a yoga class 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 12-28, in the Community Room at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat, yoga straps, one blanket and blocks (if they have them). Instructor: Valerie Whiting; cost: $60. The registration and payment deadline is Friday, June 8.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 ‘War Horse’ at Strang Center The Oscar-nominated film “War Horse,” directed by Steven Spielberg, will be shown at noon Wednesday, June 13, as part of the Summer Movie Series at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The movie is free. Refreshments will be available for $2.
Concord Road project meeting
KTC youth cross-country camps
The Tennessee Department of Transportation will host a public meeting to discuss the project to widen Concord Road from Turkey Creek Road to Northshore Drive from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, May 31 in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. General meeting info: 966-7057.
The Knoxville Track Club will offer Summer CrossCountry Camps for two youth age groups beginning in June at Campbell Station Park. The camp for middle- and high-schoolers will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from June 18 to Aug. 3. The camp for 3rd through 5th graders will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. July 16 to Aug. 3. The camps are co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. Info and to register: http://ktcyouthathletics.org.
SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Tie-dye class for kids The town of Farragut will offer a Kid’s Tie-Dye Designs class for ages 6 and up 9-11 a.m. Saturday, June 2, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The registration and payment deadline is Wednesday, May 30. Instructor: Angela Polly; cost: $20. Participants should bring their own T-shirt or white cotton fabric. Info or to register: 966-7057.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 Alzheimer’s topic at Brown Bag lecture Alzheimer’s disease will be the topic at the Wednesday, June 6, Brown Bag Learning Lecture presented by Covenant Senior Health at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The lecture begins at noon and is free. Bobby Fields and Patty Warner of Alzheimer’s Tennessee will speak about the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, what to do if you suspect a loved one has it, how to manage it and other related helpful information.
SATURDAY, JUNE 9 Atomic Horns at the Cove The Atomic Horns will perform 6-8 p.m. Saturday, June 9, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.
MONDAY TO FRIDAY, JUNE 11-15 Acting program for high-schoolers The WordPlayers will offer Acting Up!, an acting program for rising high-school sophomores through seniors, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 11-15, at Middlebrook Christian Ministries, 1540 Robinson Road. Previous acting experience is not required. A project exhibition will be presented at the end of the week for family members and friends. There is a class maximum of 12 students. The fee is $150. Info: 539-2490 or wordplayers@comcast.net.
TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, MAY 29 TO TUESDAY, JUNE 12 JUNE 21 Farragut Beautification Awards KTC youth track and field program
your passion. “It had better be a passion, because the hours that you spend are not going to be like a job.” Also, he advised people to “figure out realistically how long it’s going to be before you’re making any money and be prepared to live without money for that long.” O’Hern and his team always strive to keep the students engaged and the parents pleased with their results. Mathnasium can work with school-age students of any skill level. “We see some really astonishing results,” said O’Hern. “I can just guarantee that if somebody’s gone through our level eight,
The Farragut Beautification Committee will select the 2012 Town of Farragut Beautification Award recipients Tuesday, June 12. The committee will send a team of judges to visit businesses, residential entrance areas and churches to officially recognize the most attractive landscaping in Farragut. Evaluation criteria include landscape design, selection of plant material, visual appeal and general maintenance of landscaped area. Info: 966-7057.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 ‘Salute to Uncle Sam’ Students from Lovell Heights Music Studio will perform a “Salute to Uncle Sam” at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The audience is encouraged to wear red, white and blue. Refreshments will be served (suggested donation of $1), and prizes will be given away. Registration requested: 670-6693.
SATURDAY, JUNE 23 KARM Dragon Boat Festival The 10th annual KARM Dragon Boat Festival will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at the Cove at Concord Park. Community and corporate teams may register at www.knoxville.racedragonboats.com; the registration deadline is Monday, June 11. At least 60 teams are expected to compete for the title of Grand Champion. Proceeds from the event benefit Knox Area Rescue Ministries. This year’s goal is $187,000, which would provide 100,000 meals. Asian cultural entertainment, music, food and kids’ activities will be featured. Volunteers are needed to help with race duties, children’s activities, the hospitality tent and the food court. Volunteer registration is available on the website above. Info: 742-4306.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 Mental health care for seniors Mental health wellness and depression in seniors will be the focus of the Wednesday, June 27, Boxed Lunch & Learn presented by Parkwest at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The Lunch & Learn begins at noon. The session is aimed both at active, healthy and happy seniors who are looking for ways to maintain their current level of health and at seniors who are struggling with depression that’s more than “just the blues.” Attendance is $5. Complimentary box lunches will be available to all attendees who RSVP by June 22. To RSVP: 541-4500.
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 28-29 AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors A two-part AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors who want to refresh their driving skills will be held 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 28 and 29, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The course is $10, payable to Ed Langston, AAA, and must be paid in advance. Participants are welcome to bring lunch or snacks; coffee and hot drinks will be available for 25 cents. To register: 670-6693.
A-14 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Influential Clothing for Gentlemen of Distinction New Summer colors, textures, styles and accessories have arrived! Coachman Clothiers® cordially invites you to their exclusive Custom Clothing Trunk Show held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 31st through June 2nd. You will have the opportunity to select from the latest clothing styles, patterns and colors with over 1,000 fabric swatches for custom suits, sportcoats, trousers and vests from H. Freeman, Holland & Sherry and Corbin as well as custom dress shirts and sportshirts from Individualized Shirts. Stop in to talk with the clothing experts and be measured for a proper fit and style, tailored especially for you. Mark Stepherson, Southeast Custom Clothing Specialist, from H. Freeman, Holland & Sherry, Corbin & Individualized Shirts will be at the store on Friday and Saturday, June 1st and 2nd, with a large variety of bolts of fabrics and over 100 Private Reserve shirts to choose from with no minimum order. Have your custom shirts personally monogrammed. If you’ve ever wondered what has happened to businesses with a strong tradition of personal service, you’ve not been to Coachman Clothiers® in the Shops at Franklin Square. Coachman Clothiers® has been serving Knoxville and East Tennessee for over 30 years and has built their reputation and business on referrals and patrons who continue to return. Coachman Clothiers®, the most progressive haberdashery in Knoxville, is open to serve you Monday through Saturday from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm. Stop in to see their wide selections from designer colognes to designer clothing! Their clothing experts
Trunk Show Promotions May 31st - June 9th • 20% off all custom H. Freeman • 20% off all custom Holland & Sherry • 20% off custom or in-stock suits, sportcoats and trousers or purchase 3 custom trousers from and get the 4th at no charge • 20% off 6 or more Men’s or Women’s Individualized Shirts with no pattern charge • 2 or more Men’s or Women’s Individualized Shirts with no pattern charge
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News from Rural/Metro
The real signs of drowning By Rob Webb What does Hollywood teach us a b o u t d row n i ng? On the silver screen, drowning victims yell for help and wave f ra nt ic a l ly Webb to those on shore alerting lifeguards to their plight. This dramatized version of a dangerous situation gives people
an unrealistic view of what drowning really looks like. In a real drowning situation, a victim can slip quickly and quietly under the water before anyone recognizes the danger. Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children 15 and under. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 750 children will drown next year, and about 375 of them will drown within 25 yards of a parent or adult. In 10 percent of those
drownings, the adult will notice them, but not realize the serious warning signs until it is too late. Drowning victims often cannot get their mouths above the water long enough to inhale to call for help. Their limbs will be busy under the surface pushing down on the water, trying to bring their mouths above the surface to breathe. Their bodies will be upright with no evidence of a kick or struggle. These are signs of something called Instinctive Drowning Response. Once this critical point is reached, a rescuer may have as little as 20 to 60 seconds to save a child before he or she slips beneath the surface. If someone is waving and calling for help, the
situation is still grave. This is a sign of aquatic distress, which can quickly escalate to Instinctive Drowning Response. Watch for these warning signs of Instinctive Drowning Response: ■ Mouth submerged or head tilted back with mouth open ■ Eyes closed or glassy, unable to focus ■ Hair over forehead or eyes ■ Vertical position in water ■ Hyperventilating or gasping ■ Appear to be climbing an invisible ladder. When supervising a child in the water, remove all distractions, stay alert and know basic CPR. Don’t let Hollywood fool you.
Linnie Sexton supervises her daughter, Riley, while enjoying a day at the lake. May is National Water Safety month, and Rural/ Metro urges parents to supervise their children while enjoying water activities. Photo submitted Know the real signs of drowning, and swimming can be a safe and fun ac-
tivity for your family this summer. Rob Webb is East Tennessee Division General Manager for Rural/Metro.
SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • A-15
Congratulations to Webb School’s Class of 2012… National Merit Scholarship Program Recognition
Advanced Placement Scholarship * From the classes of 2012 & 2011
■ 1 Webb student earned a National AP Scholar Award ■ 10 members of the Class of 2012 were named National Merit Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program competition. National AP Scholar Awards are granted to students who receive Of the more than 1.5 million students in some 22,000 high schools, nationwide, who entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2010 PSAT/NMSQT as juniors, fewer than one percent of the nation’s high school seniors were designated National Merit Semifinalists, and even fewer were named Finalists.
an average score of at least 4 on a 5-point scale on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.
■ 31 Webb students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award The AP Scholar with Distinction Award is granted to students who earn an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
■ 9 members of the Class of 2012 were named National Merit Commended Scholars in the National Merit Scholarship Program. ■ 21 Webb students earned an AP Scholar with Honor Award Commended Scholars placed among the top five percent of the more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program competition.
Sixteen percent of Webb’s senior class earned National Merit Program recognition.
The AP Scholar with Honor Award is given to students who achieve an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
■ 24 Webb students earned an AP Scholar Award The AP Scholar Award is granted to students who received scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
■ All 118 graduates were extended 440 offers of admission to 154 different colleges and universities, including: ■ Elon University ■ Emory University ■ Case Western Reserve University ■ Rice University ■ Cornell University ■ Georgetown University ■ Grinnell College ■ Duke University ■ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ■ Georgia Tech ■ Carnegie Mellon University ■ Harvard University ■ Connecticut College ■ Middlebury College ■ Johns Hopkins University ■ Parsons The New School for Design ■ Syracuse University ■ Oberlin College ■ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ■ University of Michigan ■ University of Georgia ■ University of Pennsylvania ■ Tufts University ■ College of William and Mary ■ University of Tennessee ■ University of Texas, Austin ■ Vanderbilt University ■ Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ■ University of Virginia ■ Wake Forest University ■ Sarah Lawrence College ■ Washington University, and another 120-plus fine schools.
■ Received more than $5.8 million in scholarship offers
Webb School of Knoxville… outstanding academic preparation to succeed in an increasingly competitive world and a graduating class worthy of great praise. WEBB SCHOOL OF KNOXVILLE • 9800 WEBB SCHOOL DRIVE • WEBBSCHOOL.ORG
A-16 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
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May 28, 2012
In memory of …
Service seeks to heal when medicine could not The names flooded the room, carried by a wave of memories and emotions. There was Rose, Ruby and Ruth. Joe, James and John. There were mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands, and other kinships and friendships. Names of loved ones whose last moments on Earth were in a room at Parkwest Medical Center. The hospital’s patient memorial services, held in honor of those who passed away during the previous quarter, aren’t widely known despite being held since the late 1990s. But for families and friends of those who lost loved ones, the services are an extension of the hospital’s Treated Well. Well Treated.® standard of care, helping heal when medicine could not. “It’s just an extension of caring – it’s part of what we do,” explains Parkwest Chaplain David Bluford, who conducts the Sunday afternoon services in the hospital’s education classrooms. The services are simple and informal, usually averaging about 40 guests who hear Bluford call out with “a sense of responsibility” the names of the departed. It’s a process that takes longer than one might expect, but also is strangely comforting. “When you listen to the number of people whose names are being read, you start to realize that you’re not in this alone,” said Jeff Herbold, one of about 70 people who attended the May 4 service. That was precisely Bluford’s point during his message on grief and healing and the inevitability of death. “It’s a journey that we all travel,” Bluford says. “And it’s a journey that we don’t make alone.” Still, more than anything, the services are a celebration of life. “Each of us carries a very real part of that person with us for we are the beneficiaries of that life, of that person who has touched us, who has meant so much to us,” Bluford tells the attendees. “Thus, that individual will always be special, will always be there and will always mean much to us.” A sense of that specialness was evident during a responsive reading in which guests were also asked to call out the names of their loved one. “In the rising of the sun and in its going down,” Bluford reads. “We will remember ___,” the attendees respond, filling in the blanks with the names of their loved one. “In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,” Bluford continues. “We will remember ___,” they answer, again completing the thought with the names of the deceased. It’s a reading that reflects on beginnings and ends, and how each person plays a part in that. With it, comes a cacophony of sounds as one not only hears the names but also whispered terms of endearment like “Mammaw” and “Daddy” mingled amid soft sobs. For many of those attending the service, it is their first trip back to Parkwest since their loved one’s passing, a difficult step in itself. But for others, like John Couch of Rockwood and daughters Alisa Smith and Karen Martin, the service brought a measure of healing for the loss of his wife and their mother. John and Phyllis Couch would’ve marked their 58th anniversary Tuesday, May 29, but she passed away Feb. 4 of lung cancer – a condition that had gone undiagnosed until her arrival at Parkwest in late January.
Parkwest Chaplain David Bluford (second from left) talks with John Couch and his daughters Alisa Smith and Karen Martin following a recent patient memorial service. At left, the Herbold family mourns the loss of Arlene Herbold, shown here with her husband, George.
“When I received the letter (of invitation to the services), I knew right off the bat that I was going to get my family involved and that we needed to come, especially when they said they were going to read off the names,” said John Couch. “Even though we lost Mama, we were extremely proud of everything that Parkwest did. They showed us loving care and we appreciated that.” More often than not, the service also serves as a way for the family to reconnect with Parkwest staff – particularly those in Palliative Care – with whom many had grown close during their loved one’s last days. “Those people deserve to have all the hugs and pats on the back they can get,” said Alisa Smith. “It was good to reconnect with them.” Jeff Herbold’s father, George, echoed that sentiment, praising Parkwest’s Palliative Care for easing his wife Arlene’s suffering during her final days with cancer. “When we found out the end was close for my wife, Mary Sowell (director of Palliative Care) told us, ‘Why don’t you make her room like her bedroom?’ And we took her up on that. Brought a table lamp in, and pictures and different stuff and got a radio where she could hear her music.” “Everyone who came into the room com-
“It’s a journey that we all travel. And it’s a journey that we don’t make alone.” – David Bluford, Parkwest Chaplain mented on how peaceful the room became with that light on,” said Carol Herbold, Arlene’s daughter and a registered nurse at Parkwest. “It helped take away the ‘hospital feel’ to the room. We had other personal things in the room, but I don’t think any of them were as comforting as that lamp was to us.” After she passed away, the family left the lamp – which had been one of Arlene’s favorite gifts – behind with Sowell along with instructions to let others use it. The lamp is now known as “The Angel Lamp” and helps brighten the final days of others. Sowell says hers is the most difficult job she’s ever had “not because patients are going to die at some point, but because of the difficulty and reticence they and families experience in understanding and accepting end-of-life issues.”
“It is certainly human nature that we all want to live forever, but we do not,” said Sowell. “We are all dying at this very minute. So, for those nearing the end of their lives, how do we make it better? As one of my patients said, ‘It is not about the length of time I have left, but the quality of time.’ The relationships I develop with people like this humble me.” Still, when time runs out, those left behind must grapple with the pain of the loss. Time, it is said, heals all wounds. Bluford, however, begs to differ. “Grief is one of those things that, despite our societal way of looking at it, is not something that goes away over time,” Bluford explained after the service. “It changes in intensity and the emotional connection with it may change, but there is a part of you that always has that sense of loss, and that’s OK. That’s what we, hopefully, convey to folks.” David Lowe of Madisonville lost Barbara, his wife of 26 years, in March 2011. Soon after her passing, he attended Parkwest’s patient memorial service and found it so helpful to his own healing that he returned again this May. “When I received the letter about the service, I thought it was a very unique idea, a very good idea and I immediately planned on attending,” said Lowe. “It was a tribute to my wife. That’s the reason I came back a second time – as a tribute to my wife. I love her and I miss her.”
Parkwest Medical Center remains on the forefront of diagnosing and treating disease with the most advanced technology available…those who entrust their healthcare to us demand nothing less. But technology alone isn’t enough to bring healing and comfort to patients and families. True healthcare begins with something less expensive, non-invasive and pain free. It’s called listening.
At Parkwest…listening is state-of-the-art.
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B-2 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Ankle arthritis By Theresa Edwards Ankle arthritis can be a painful condition for many people, and Dr. Tracy Pesut of Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics presented Parkwest’s lunch and learn seminar at the Strang Senior Center explaining what it is, some nonsurgical options and surgery procedures. Unlike the hip and knee, ankle arthritis is less common. It usually occurs as a result of trauma caused by injuries or abnormal biomechanics caused by flat feet or high arches. Radiology will show arthritic changes in the ankle usually within two years of an injury if it is going to occur. Some natural methods of treatment which help in some cases include tart
cherry juice to ease the pain and swelling, cinnamon and glucosamine/ chondroitin supplements. Pain and anti-inflammatory medicines can help with comfort, but Pesut warned these can cause side effects. Corticosteroid (CS) injections are sometimes helpful. Some people experience positive results from hyaluronic acid, but it is not FDA approved for ankles. Another option Pesut discussed was bracing and shoewear modifications. The problem she pointed out with bracing is that it limits movement of the ankle which can cause stiffness, increasing the arthritic condition. Although nonsurgical
Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics presented a seminar on ankle arthritis at the Strang Senior Center. Shown are physician coordinator Amy Selby, Tracy A. Pesut, M.D., and clinic director Rhonda Byrd. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
options are Pesut’s first recommendation, certain conditions warrant surgery. She explained the
HEALTH NOTES ■ A demonstration of the Alexander Technique, a practical method for learning to move with more ease, will be held 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 5, at Lawson McGhee library, 500 W. Church Ave. Admission is free but preregistration is required. Info: Lilly Sutton, 3877600 or www.lillysutton.com.
Momma is a 3-year-old black domestic short hair who loves affection. She has an adoption fee of $75 and can be visited at Young-Williams Animal Village on Kingston Pike at Bearden Hill. Hours there and at the main center on Division Street are noon to 6 p.m. daily. Visit www. young-williams.org to see photos of all of the center’s adoptables and call 215-6599 for more information about each pet.
Count on us. 10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 • 218-WEST
Special Notices IF YOU USED
■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www. covenanthealth.com/bodyworks or call 541-4500 to find a location near you. ■ The Healthy Living Kitchen Team at the University of Tennessee Medical Center has published a cookbook called “A Recipe for Life.” It is available for $35 at the gift shop or online at www.utmedicalcen-
a NuvaRING VAGINAL RING CONTRACEPTIVE between 2001 & the present & suffered a stroke or heart attack or developed blood clots, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles Johnson. 1-800-535-5727
acres adjoining Catoosa Wildlife, in Island Ford Creek w/mtn. views. For more info. call 423215-2210 after 5pm
Cemetery Lots
1-2 PLOTS, Oak Ridge Memorial Park, Oak Ridge, sold out garden. $2300 ea. 865-660-6610. 2 CEM. plots, Highland West, $2500 both, Call 865-297-2535.
WE ARE LOOKING to expand our family through adoption. If 2 LOTS located at Sherwood Memorial you are pregnant and Gardens, $1500 ea. considering an adoption obo. 719-291-9246; plan, please contact 865-524-4575. us at 1-866-918-4482. We have a lot of love 4 CEMETERY LOTS, to give. Woodlawn Cemetery, www.lindaanddave.com Section B, $1100 each. Private owner 865-922-4028 For Sale By Owner 40a REDUCED TO SALE $253,500 "as is" and buyer pays all closing fees; Or Rent, $1300. Tellico Village, aprx. 2700 SF, 4BR, 3 1/2BA w/bonus, 2 car gar., 4 1/2% assumable FHA loan. 423-388-5168. ***Web ID# 983580***
1 ACRE with 3 BR, 2 BA 1056 heated SF home, 9 yrs old, located at 9901 Dutchtown Rd. FSBO. Asking $109,900 & owner will finance with $5,000 down. Call Bill at 877-4885060 ext 323 495+ KNOX AREA FORECLOSURES $150-750K Call for a complete list! 865.291.0355 The Holli McCray Group at Keller Williams 865.694.5904 FOX DEN *Ow ner F in anc ing* Upper bracket corporate hom e. Cus tom built, 5400 Sq Ft. 4BR, 4.5BA on golf course. Contact Brackfield & Assoc. 691-8195
Condos- Townhouses 42 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 level, 1911 SF, sunrm, 2 c. gar., gated comm., $204,900. 865-806-8430
Farms & Land
■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or www. namiknox.org.
‘Bark in the Park’ How many chances do you get to party with your best friend – you know, the real one, with four legs?
Sara Barrett
Critter Tales
The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley will host its 18th annual “Bark in the Park” from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, June 9, on Market Square. There will be games, vendors, food and a silent auction. This is truly something everyone ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief in the family can enjoy Support, for any adult who is (except maybe the cats). suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 After the event, people p.m. each first and third Tuesday can participate in the in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is “Light Up the Darkness served. Info or to reserve a spot: Memorial Walk” starting ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279.
at 9 p.m. Folks and their dogs will walk from Market Square to the State Street garage in memory of a lost pet or person. Registration for the walk is $20 ($25 day of) and includes a T-shirt, glow bracelet, a customizable racing bib for your dog and a membership to the humane society. With your membership, you will also receive 10 percent off all products and services at Adopt-a-Pet and Fix-aPet. While we’re on the subject of the Humane Society, it is currently in dire need of pet food to stock its “no questions asked” food pantry. Folks in the area can receive help from the pantry to feed their animals if a hardship arises such as job loss, a medical issue, etc. All donations can be dropped off at 6717 Kingston Pike.
All participants of the “Light Up the Darkness Memorial Walk” will receive a glow bracelet like this. Photo submitted
Also on the calendar for June 9 is a celebration of PetCo’s National Adoption Weekend. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Young-Williams Animal Center will have an off-site adoption event at the PetCo in Farragut on Brooklawn Street. This is a great opportunity to add to your family since the adoption fees will be discounted, and every adopted dog can go home with a large bag of food for 50 percent off. Info: http://www.petco. c o m /p e t c o _ P a g e _ P C _ petadoptionshome.aspx. To contact Sara, call her at 218-9378 or email her at barretts@shoppernewsnow.com.
Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.
15 Acreage- Tracts 46 Apts - Furnished 72 General 109 Dogs 141 Building Materials 188 Boats Motors 232 Autos Wanted 253 Imports 262 Paving CATOOSA Property, WALBROOK STUDIOS HOUSECLEANING, CAVALIER / BIS- Ladders, Aluminum type SUNTRACKER We Are Paying Top Nissan Altima 2.5 SL, hunter's retreat, 6.4 F/T no nights or HONS, white & red, 1, 40 ft $375; 32 ft. PARTY BARGE, Dollar For Your Junk 2007, 1 owner, leather,
■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org.
ter.org. Info: 305-6877. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.
The Covenant lecture Strang Senior Center differences between various procedures, the heal- will be closed Monday, “Alzheimer’s care and ising process and possible May 28, for Memorial Day, sues” will be noon Wednesday, June 6, at Strang. and will reopen Tuesday. complications.
25 1-3 60 7 $140 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.
weekends. 4-person team, West Knox location. Call The Maids at 670-0025.
73 Restaurant Equipment 133C
MOVE-IN READY 1 BR duplex close to UT, appls incl. + washer & dryer, $475/mo. 865-457-8362 or 865-936-2887
Soda Cooler & 2 door coolers, kitchen accessories for sale CALL 865-235-7622
ADOPTION. Houses - Unfurnished 74 CATS & KITTENS Full vet. $65. 865-765-3400 CLAXTON-Powell, 3 BR www.happypawskitttenrescue.org 2 BA, spacious, convenient, 1st/L/DD HIMALAYAN Kittens, No pets. 865-748-3644 CFA, Seal Point & Torti, S&W, $350. Halls/Gibbs, 2 BR, 1 BA 865-548-9205 WD conn., no pets. $500 mo. & $500 sec. dep. 1 PERSIAN FLAT yr. lse req. 6512 Archer Face Kittens, diff. Rd. 865-388-2736 colors. Adorable. 423-627-4426.
Condo Rentals
Dogs 141 HIGHLAND MEM. $2,100 ea; $7,800 for CONDO FOR RENT, North Knox, 2 BR, 2 AKITA PUPS, CKC, all 4. Mountain full BA, 1 car gar. 2 Fem., health warr., views. 865-386-1630 Near East Towne. S&W. $450 ea. 615-273HIGHLAND MEMORIAL $750/mo. No pets. 2778, 615-631-0346 WEST, Garden of 4 865-389-8244 gospels, 4 plots, $8000 AMERICAN BULLDOG Ftn City Area. Condo cash. 541-944-1316 pups, born 3/20/12. Lease to Purchase. NKC Reg. 1st shots. 2BR, 2.5BA. $800/mo. Asking $400. 865-414-9562 + $40/mo. HOA. Real Estate Wanted 50 ***Web ID# 986067*** Cal l 8 6 5 -6 7 9 -8 10 5 Border Collie puppies, ABCA reg, blk & Pay Cash, Take over Wanted To Rent 82 wht, $175 ea. 423payments. Repairs 240-8178; 423-365-6076 not a problem. Any BOSTON TERRIERS situation. 865-712-7045 AKC, M & F, Shots Ret. Private Detective WE BUY HOUSES & wormed. $400. Author needs 1-2BR Any Reason, Any Condition & house 865-925-1536 on secluded, 865-548-8267 ***Web ID# 985873*** private property with www.ttrei.com rent reduced in exCAVACHONS - Nonchange for security shedding, few if any light caretaker in the Knox area. Investment Prop-Sale 61 and/or duties. 865-323-0937 Almost 9 mos. old, spayed/neutered, INVESTMENT Oppty microchipped, 2 BR, full bsmt. brother & sister, w/exterior entrance, very playful & covered front porch lovable. $650 ea. the length of house, Trucking Opportunities 106 865-599-0398 needs some work. $44,900. 865-523-1198 DRIVERS CLASS-B ***Web ID# 986199*** CDL: Great Pay & Home-Time! NoForced Dispatch! New singles from Dublin terminal to General 109 surrounding states. 888-567-4861
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PARKVIEW INDEPENDENT FULL-TIME POSITION LIVING FOOD SERVICE, LAUNDRY 930752MASTER & GENERAL FLOATER Ad Size 2 x 2 for allwntd shifts. Apts - Unfurnished 71 bw NW help THE OLD CITY <ec> FOOD SERVERS, 4-8pm 1BR, 1BA, studio apt.
RETAIL SPACES for rent, (2) 32x40 avail. Hwy. 66, Sevierville high traffic 865-577-5028
in the Heart of the Old City. Hrdwd flrs, new carpet, new tile, DW, disposal, W/D conn.,
FAMILY FARM with small farmhouse, Must see to appreciate. 2 BR 1 BA stor. bldg, Sorry NO Pets. covered carport, on $525/mo. + $525 DD & 14 acres farm land, 1st mo. rent due at cleared pasture land time of signing lease. w/some wood land. A min. of 1 yr. lease 1 mi. from Wartburg req. For more info. city limits on Catoosa or to see, call Ghippi Rd., 3 mi. from Catoosa Wildlife area. Lee or Connie Taylor at (865) 524-4974, For more info. 423-215-2210 after 5pm Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30pm.
All days available. Background & drug screen required.
Apply in Person, M-F 8am - 4pm
Parkview Senior Living 10914 Kingston Pike
1st shot, very dear. $400. 865-216-5770. ***Web ID# 987194***
Chihuahua Puppies 7 wks, shots/wormed 865-932-2333. ***Web ID# 986112***
$275; wooden step 300 lb., 16 ft. $165. 10 ft. $95. 898-5664
WEERES 2006 20' TERRA COTTA Roof Pontoon, w/50HP Tiles, 20,000 tiles ready for hauling. Johnson, incl. cvr. & trlr. $9500. 865-680-2656 $1 ea. Call Al at 6885657 or 637-0827.
Chihuahua small babies, appleheads, pretty Lawn-Garden Equip. 190 colors, S&W, Regis., $250 up. 865-387-2859 ***Web ID# 984222*** CRAFTSMAN 36" tow behind tiller, 8.75 HP, DACHSHUNDS MINI B & S eng., exc. cond. Mix, M & F, lots of $750. 423-346-9715 colors. 1st shot. $300$450. 865-216-5770 ***Web ID# 987196*** $200. 865-671-3894 or 865-604-0012 GOLDENDOODLE, Rare black male, 5 mos. old, $650. 865- Buildings for Sale 191 671-3894, 865-604-0012 SUMMER METAL Golden Retriever Pups, BUILDINGS reg., shots/ wormed $250. 865-382-4199, Pre-Summer Sale 865-933-5894 Thousands off with
LAB PUPS AKC reg., black & yellow $250, chocolate $300. 423-636-1307 Scottish Terrier puppies, AKC, really cute, black & wheaton, M&F, vet ckd & ready, $300-$400. 865-441-6708 SIBERIAN Husky AKC Pups, champ lines, shots, $400-$500. 865-995-1386 ***Web ID# 984255*** STANDARD POODLES AKC, variety of colors. 10 wks. $450 865-221-4353. ***Web ID# 984398***
YORKIE TEACUP Male, 16 wks., reg., shots, $300. 850-2875
Free Pets
Clearance Pricing. Avail incl. 16x24, 24x25, 20x30 & more! 888-869-8506
CUSTOM DESIGNED LADIES DINNER RING. 14 kt. YG. $1800 (appr. $2500). 865-776-1665
Household Furn. 204 Complete BR group by Basset with Serta king bedding, new cond. Cost over $6000. $1750/b.o. 865-384-3940 Moving Out of state, furniture, kit. items, misc. merch. Gettysvue area, 865-235-7622
145 Household Appliances 204a
ADOPT! Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit YoungWilliams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. knoxpets.org
Farmer’s Market 150
16 CU. FT. upright freezer $150. Frost free refrig. with icemaker $250. 865-6713894 or 865-604-0012
FIGURINES, Lladro, Andrea, Santini, & more. Big collection 865-382-4832
Boats Motors
2003 Sea Fox, 20', CC, 115 Merc, w/trailer, exc cond, $9500. 865475-3842 lv msg
NEW HOLLAND H6830 Trail Disc Mower. DONZI 21 ft bow rider boat w/ trailer, Mowed 200 acres compl. renovated, since new. Exc. cond. $10,500. 865-806-3006 $12,500 865-659-0212 ***Web ID# 985778***
Building Materials 188
2005, 27-I/O Regency Ed w/trlr. $20,000. 865-201-0320
ODYSSEY LEXTRA PONTOON (NICE), 22'. Johnson 50HP, Hustler trlr., loaded with extras. $13,900. 423-562-5173 lv. msg.
SUMMER METAL BUILDINGS Pre-Summer Sale THOUSANDS off with Clearance Pricing SEA RAY 210 Bow Availability includes Rider 2001, 1 owner, 16x24, 24x25, 20x30, Mercruiser 5.0L, & More! While EFI (240 HP), Exc. Available - Call Today $ 18,900. 865-567-1668 (888) 873-1553. ***Web ID# 984220***
Vehicles. Fast, Free Pickup. 865-556-8956
sunroof, new tires, $13,000. 865-523-0285
Utility Trailers 255 Sports
CORVETTE 1986 UTILITY TRAILERS, Pace Car conv. 48K all sizes available. mi., all orig., yellow 865-986-5626. w/blk top. Documents, smokeymountaintrailers.com $11,500 obo. 865-755-4729 ***Web ID# 985336***
28' ALL AUTOMATIC camper, automatic 4 Wheel Drive 258 extension room, screened in porch, FORD 1997 4x4 Diesel 350, white, long bed, $10,000. 865-286-9247 asking $10,000 OBO. PROWLER 5th Wheel Must see. 865-2271997, 30 ft, 14' superMAZDA RX-8 GT 6995, 865-384-1131 slide, queen bed, 2004, Lthr, Nav., all new tires, exc. cond. options. Exc. inside $7500. 865-680-6375 Antiques Classics 260 & out. 60k mi. $11,000. Call Mon-Fri. 9-5pm ^ 865-693-5995 CHEVY CORVETTE ***Web Motor Homes 237 1980, auto./350, ID# 985953*** 35K Pressure Washing mi. Ex. cond. Fleetwood Bounder $16,900. 865-585-5645 Domestic 265 2002. Ex cond, 31K mi., 32', always gar., MG MIDGET, 1976, 2 lg slides w/awning, 2 gold convertible, 2nd AC, backup camera, owner, original paLow miles airhorn, 5K Onan gen, pers, garage kept, $12,500. 865-805-9578 convection microgreat cond. $8,500 wave, Corian counter- (appraised $20,000 & FORD ASPIRE 1995, tops, shwr/tub, day- insured) 865-679-1340 5 spd, A/C, avg. 38light shades, non-smoke 40mpg, $1,650. 865$33,000. 865-376-5937 Plymouth Roadrunner 922-1861, 865-567-5404 1970, compl. disasHOLIDAY Rambler sem., all new parts, FORD FUSION SE 2006, 2008. Cummins diesel big block 4 sp. 9K mi, auto., cruise, pusher/Allison, 10+ $7000/b.o. 865-7716-CD, locally driven, mpg, always under 3545; 865-850-1174. $12,500. 865-474-1649 cover, loaded, 37K mi., $75,000. Crossville 931-459-2382 or Sport Utility 261 Cleaning 318 813-210-0500 TROPI-CAL 2006, 34' Honda Passport 1999, CLEANING NETWORK Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. 4x4, AT, V6, alloy whls, 2", diesel pusher, Good refs! Free est. CD, 149K mi, $4995 w/freight liner XC 258-9199 or 257-1672. obo. 423-744-7775 series chassis, air suspension, air ASCENDER brakes, gently used. ISUZU 2005, black, 4DR, 4 Fencing 327 ^ 11,567 mi. Gen. has WD, 102K mi., 215 hrs., Corian kit. $6,400. 865-435-9391 counter top, cherry finish cab., 2 slide CARDWELL outs. 2 tv's, DVD/VCR ISUZU AXIOM 2002, V6 AT, 145K mi, alloy FENCE CO. combo. $115,000 obo. wheels, $4995 obo. 865-584-4737. 25 yrs exp! 423-744-7775 ***Web ID# 985332***
HARLEY DAVIDSON FXCW 2008 - Rocker, 2K in extras, 3100 mi. $14,500. 423-404-2862.
JEEP Grand Cherokee Ltd 1994, 191k mi, white, brush guard, $3400. 865-599-5192
Roofing / Siding
Free est!
Gary Cardwell, Owner
TOYOTA 4-RUNNER SR5, 2007, 2 WD, 24 mpg, 113K mi., 1 Flooring 330 owner, garage kept, HONDA DN-01 excell. maint., new CERAMIC TILE inCruiser 2009, 700CC, tires & alignment, stallation. Floors/ AT, exceptional low new brakes & spark walls/ repairs. 33 miles, dark candy red, plugs, never been yrs exp, exc work! warr., fuel inj. & more. wrecked, $15,000. John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8 $8900. 865-607-6742. 865-567-0138 ***Web ID# 987001*** XC90 2007, KAWASAKI 550 LTD VOLVO 67K mi, loaded, leather, Furniture Refinish. 331 1983 model, runs 3rd row seat, private great, only 7700 mi. owner, $14,999. call DENNY'S FURNITURE $1250. 865-599-0583. REPAIR. Refinish, re865-591-6300. glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! ***Web ID# 986104*** 922-6529 or 466-4221
ATV’s 238a Imports Honda Foreman 2007
262 Guttering
500 ATV, 272 hrs. $4,200. 865-660-1386
HONDA CIVIC EX HAROLD'S GUTTER 2005, 65K mi., good SERVICE. Will clean cond. $6500. Call front & back $20 & up. 865-475-4350. Quality work, guaranAutos Wanted 253 teed. Call 288-0556. HYUNDAI ELANTRA 2009, 1 owner, 67k A BETTER CASH mi, exc. cond. OFFER for junk cars, Painting / Wallpaper 344 $10,500. 865-984-3324 trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500 Mercedes Convertible FRESHCOAT PAINTI BUY junk cars and new soft top, $5000 ING Res/Comm'l, trucks. 865.456.5249 cash. 865-693-5055; Int/Ext. Free est. 455-5013 or 865.938.6915 865-978-6645 ^
SHOPPER-NEWS • MAY 28, 2012 • B-3
Casey Peer
From the desk of Casey Peer, Chief Dietitian
Classes for seniors
Get moving, start improving Provision plans special day: May 30
Functional Fitness – 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Low- or non-impact cardiovascular, balance and strength. Appropriate for seniors or individuals who desire fitness gains with little impact on the joints. Zumba Gold – 10 a.m., Tuesday. Latin inspired dance fitness class. Zumba Gold modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of an active older participant. Sit to be Fit – 11 a.m. Tuesday. Chair-based exercise program for those who have difficulty standing or balancing. Class will work on balance, strength and flexibility with participants sitting or standing with a chair close by. Chair Yoga – 10 a.m. Thursday. Seated yoga appropriate for individuals with joint issues, pregnant mothers, and more. Forever Fit – 11 a.m. Friday. Class for more active seniors with an emphasis on cardiovascular exercise along with light hand weights or tubing. It is low impact and offers strength conditioning, help with range of motion, and relaxation.
By Sandra Clark Hey, aging doesn’t mean the end of life as we know it. It just means change. And to guide us on the path, the professionals at Provision have set aside a special day, Wednesday, May 30, to talk with seniors. Everyone is invited, but it helps them prepare if you call ahead at 232-1414. Here’s what to expect: Meet and Greet, 9 to 10 a.m. Nutrition Talk with Casey Peer, Registered Dietitian, 10 to 11 a.m. Get moving with a choice of classes suited to your fitness level, 11 a.m. until noon. “Bring questions,” said Casey. “Our nutrition needs change as we age. Finances change. Children leave home and families shrink. Muscle mass is different and the appetites decrease. Even tastes change. “Sometimes seniors decide to eat out rather than cook. Others might skip a meal for a bowl of cereal or soup.
“We will discuss how to prepare small meals on a budget that are balanced and healthy. To keep the body healthy, we must ensure that key nutrients are not omitted from the diet. “Hydration is important. Even if activity decreases, adequate water is important to manage blood pressure, for instance. If you’re working outside, hydration is even more crucial.” Casey Peer works with people of all ages. At Provision, she sometimes counsels people who are managing medical issues. “I want to clear up misconceptions – to cut through the confusing information you might see or hear in the media,” she said. “We hope all seniors (age 60 and older) will call us and stop by on Wednesday,” said Managing Director Lisa Wolf. “We are not your typical gym, and there is a place here for seniors.” Call 232-1414 to reserve a spot at the free celebration of National Senior Health & Fitness Day. Bring a friend. And if you’re not quite 60, well, come anyway. No one will “card” you.
HEALTH & FITNESS DAY Wednesday, May 30, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - Meet and Greet Enjoy coffee, hot tea, healthy snacks, and register for door prizes 10:00 a.m. - Nutrition for the Golden Years Presented by Casey Peer, Registered Dietitian 11:00 a.m. - Get Moving Choose between two different classes appropriate for Seniors: Functional Fitness or a class combination of Chair Yoga and Sit to Be Fit
(Please RSVP to Provision Health & Wellness by calling 232.1414)
1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 232.1414 · livewellknoxville.com
F RE fo r SE
B-4 • MAY 28, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
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