FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com
Meet the interns
It’s summer (almost), which means the Shopper interns are back. Meet this year’s group and see photos from their tour last Tuesday of the News Sentinel plant. See page A-8
You’re invited to discuss land use As part of the town of Farragut’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan update, a community meeting is planned for 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 26, at Town Hall. The open house format meeting will be conducted by Winston Associates and will present a summary of the input from the May 8 public meetings and preliminary recommendations and options regarding four topics: historic preservation, land use, a town center and aging shopping centers. Winston Associates will show three-dimensional examples to give citizens an idea of what the future might look like. An important element is that every attendee will have an equal chance to share his or her input anonymously through electronic keypads. Participants will respond to a variety of questions presented on a screen, with the answers shown immediately. Can’t attend the Community Dialogue on June 26? Share your opinions and stay up-to-date on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan progress at www.farragut2025.com. The Farragut Town Hall is at 11408 Municipal Center. For more information, visit www. farragut2025.com or contact Assistant Town Administrator Gary Palmer at gary.palmer@ townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
Index Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Marvin West Town of Farragut Faith Shopper Interns Business Community Calendar Health/Lifestyles
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10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com GENERAL MANAGER Shannon Carey shannon@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sherri Gardner Howell gardners@tds.net FARRAGUT REPORTER Suzanne Foree Neal papernews@tds.net ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
Anchor Park is Farragut’s first park and is situated on 15 acres adjacent to the water at 11730 Turkey Creek Road. It’s family-friendly and offers something for all ages. The town purchased the first nine acres in 1983 and, in the same year, received its first Tennessee Department of Conservation recreation grant to develop the park. In 1984, the town constructed a softball field, soccer field and walking trail with exercise stations. The next year brought a Commissioner’s Award from the Department of Conservation. A concession stand and restrooms were added in 1986 and a band/picnic pavilion in 1997. When the playground was first constructed, it was the typical wooden structure. In 2004, that was replaced with a more modern multi-activity structure with slides and all sorts of places to climb. The soccer field was irrigated in 2005 and two fishing piers added in 2008. The following year the picnic shelter got a facelift and new roof. The town dedicated a memorial to Sgt. Mitchell Stout at the park in 1997. Stout, from Lenoir City, was awarded the Medal of Honor and was killed saving the lives of those under his command in Vietnam. On any given day, you’ll find people of all ages enjoying Anchor Park. On a recent Saturday, Patsy Douglas was watching grandson Luke Douglas as he played in the sand box. Patsy Douglas says the family often visits the park. From the amount of sand spilled onto the walking trail, it would appear the sand box can get wild at times. Tim and Beth Shelton were trying their luck fishing from one of the piers at the park. It wasn’t the first time they’d tried their luck there. The fish weren’t biting, but a turtle took a hit on Tim Shelton’s hook. He tried to guide the turtle to shore to free it, but the turtle managed to free itself and disappeared back into the water.
By Suzanne Foree Neal This is one summer camp where the last thing you want to do is be yourself. WordPlayers Acting Up! keeps teen actors on their toes, learning acting skills, character development, movement and improvisational exercises. They spent a week from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Middlebrook Christian Ministries on Robinson Road in West Knoxville to better their skills as thespians. Improv was the lesson of the day Tuesday
Mabry Layton proves she’s a “big girl” as she stretches to grab hold of bars on the playground equipment at Anchor Park.
Grandparents Pat and Steve Morrison applaud the accomplishment of one of their grandchildren on the Anchor Park playground equipment. Granddaughter Emma Layton takes a break from playing to join them.
Maryville visitors chose the park as the perfect location for a birthday party, so the playground and log climbing “house” were getting lots of use. Steve and Pat Morrison were enjoying their first visit to the park with their grandchildren. The couple moved to Farragut from Nashville to be closer to family. “Now we get to see them all the time,” granddaughter Emma Layman volunteered. “We drove by it the other day and just decided to get some fast food and go to the park,” Pat Morrison says. Keeping a watchful eye on the grandchildren from a park bench at the playground wasn’t a bad way to get ac-
quainted with the park. You can find information to rent the park’s facilities on the town’s website and can make reservations online or call 966-7057. All pavilions are rented for half day, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 3-8 p.m. Anchor Park has three pavilions. Essex is covered, has a grill, is in the center of the park and can seat 24 at four tables. A half day is $25; full day $40. The Hartford has electricity, a grill, is near the playground, seats 48 at six tables and is uncovered. A half day is $45; full $80. The Saratoga is covered, has a grill, is near the west entrance and seats 32 at four tables. A half day is $45; full $80.
as teachers Rollin Prince and Wendy Potter gave the group a basic story, and, one by one, the teens jumped in to play a part. The first exercise involved a mother telling her son a bedtime story. Jennie Cunic of Farragut took on the role of mom with Jared Hinton of Karns playing her son. Jared stretched out on two folding chairs to make his “bed.” Like a good mom, her first question was, “Did you brush your teeth?” From there she started spinning a tale of a princess, a fire-
Park it @ Anchor Park
This week: Anchor Park, 11730 Turkey Creek Road Hours: 9 am to 8 pm ■ Three picnic pavilions with grills
■ Fishing pond
■ Rectangular field
■ Recreational basketball court
■ Softball field
■ Horseshoe pit
■ Paved walk/.8-mile exercise trail
■ Two fishing piers
Farragut Shopper-News takes a look at what amenities you’ll find if you venture out to any of Farragut’s family-friendly parks. Four are active parks: Anchor, Campbell Station, McFee and Mayor Bob Leonard; the one by Town Hall, Farragut Memorial Plaza, is considered a passive park. Each offers a different experience.
breathing butterfly with sparkles, a rock that comes alive and a group of friends dancing around in a circle. Then the butterfly burped, out came the fire and everyone was hot until the ice cream man came along and they all had ice cream to cool them down. Somewhere in this tale, everyone but the mother and boy were frozen, but a warm hug from a dancing child’s mother brought them all Jennie Cunic of Farragut, in blue, gets a scolding from bus back to life. driver Jared Hinton of Karns while passenger Katelyn Parker of Powell chills out behind him. Behind her from left, are Liel To page A-3 Kirk of South Knoxville and Chandler Hinton of Karns.
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Tristan Cody makes it to the top of a log climbing “house” at Anchor Park, while in the background Cassidy Burger and Barbara Kasputna conquer the other side of the structure. Photos by S.F. Neal
Quirky characters created in an instant
June 18, 2012
Anchor Park: Farragut’s first
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A-2 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Coffee Break with
process. It is very rewarding to see the completed product knowing that you were a part of it from the very beginning.”
Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My wife’s grandmother, Grace Adkinsson. My son knew her as “GG” for great-grandmother. She was quite a lady. I think the greatest thing she taught me was to hug!”
I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Regular exercise and a consistently healthy diet. I get focused, work out super hard, eat right and get in shape. Then I get complacent and forget about all the hard work it took to get fit and healthy. I then get fat and lazy again and start the process all over.”
Noah Myers
What is the best present you ever received in a box? “I was able to confirm that my future wife was the woman of my dreams when I opened up my gift for Christmas that contained a really super cool remote control car that I still have to this day (although in about 50 parts).”
Allison, Luke and Kate Myers may not love the “back roads car trips” planned by husband/dad Noah, but it was road trips with his family as a child that first introduced the Myers brothers to East Tennessee. Noah, co-owner with brother Knick of Myers Bros. Holdings, grew up in Oklahoma. Family trips included driving to Myrtle Beach, routed through Knoxville and East Tennessee. “We had great memories of this part of the country,” says Noah. “When the opportunity came to put an Ace Hardware at Dixie Lee Junction, which is what we did, we welcomed the chance to come here.” The Myers brothers owned and operated Ace Hardware until 2000, when they sold it and went into real estate development. Projects since then include Vista, a highend residential development off Virtue Road, and Renaissance Center, an office and retail campus on Kingston Pike near Watt Road. Noah, who is also on the Farragut Planning Commission and the city’s Visual Resource Review Board, has been on the board of Shangra-La Therapuetic Academy of Riding (STAR), the East Tennessee YMCA board and is a member of the Rotary Club of Farragut. Allison works for the town of Farragut as town recorder, and the family stays busy on the baseball field with Luke, 8, and Katie, 5. Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Noah Myers:
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? hardware store on a Sunday afternoon with my son or daughter at my side. It didn’t come from the factory with seat belts, so my wife made me add them before she let me tote around the kids.”
What are you reading currently? “Robert Ludlum’s ‘Bourne Legacy’ by Eric Van Lustbader. I love a good book that is so ‘edge of your seat’ that it’s hard to put down.”
What was your most embarrassing moment? “The recent one that comes to mind was at the beginning of this year’s baseball season. My son’s baseball coach asked me to coach first base. I love to help out, but I am not the athletic one of the bunch. At the start of the game, I headed over to first. The other team’s coach came over to first base also. That was when I realized that you only coach first base when your team is at bat! I acted like I was making small talk with the ‘other’ first base coach and slowly moseyed back over to our dugout. Coach hasn’t asked me to cover first base since. I’m a great bat boy though!”
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
What is your favorite quote from a television show or movie?
“I would love to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with my family, take my future grandkids camping and get my pilot’s license.”
“Has to be Clark Griswold in National Lampoon’s Vacation: ‘Why aren’t we flying? Because getting there is half the fun. You know that.’ I love to torture the family on long road trips by taking the back roads. We have traveled to both the Outer Banks and the Florida Gulf Coast on back roads only, no interstates. I’m not sure my wife enjoys it as much as I do, but it does make for great memories.”
What is one word others often use to describe you and why? “Composed. A good friend of mine says I am ‘calm, collected and copacetic.’ My kids may disagree with this when I rant about their messy rooms or the cake crumbs stuck in the couch cushions. But life is too short to be ill tempered. I’ll leave that to my wife when I don’t listen. … See next question.”
What are you guilty of? “I am absolutely guilty of pretending to listen to my wife when I’m not.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What is your favorite material possession?
“I think that I would try to listen to my wife more.”
“Other than my Bible given to me by my surrogate parents (aka my in-laws, Mike and Lois), my favorite material possession is my restored 1950 GMC threequarter ton stake bed truck. Nothing beats a trip to the
What is your passion? “Building things. I enjoy the process of building: being able to start with an idea or concept then manage the entire
“God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. You should use them proportionally!”
What is the worst job you have ever had? “I worked for an accounting firm in college. I quickly learned that I did not want to be an accountant, but I was too far along (and burned out on school) to change my degree. It was very hard for me to stay inside in an office and sit behind a desk all day.”
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “Definitely the old school ‘Batman.’ He drove a really cool car and beat up the bad guys with ‘Pow!’ and ‘Wham!’ My older brother always got to play Batman, and I was relegated to play Robin. It was always a ton of fun until Batman tried out his ‘batarang’ on me. Long story short, I ended up hanging by my belt from the ceiling of the garage. Our ‘Bat mother’ came out, screaming, ‘What are you doing?’ I pulled the tears back in and said, ‘Nothing. Just playing.’ My brother let me play Batman all afternoon for keeping him out of trouble.”
What irritates you? “It irritates me when people think the rules don’t apply to them.”
What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “I think that everyone should visit the Dixie Lee Farmers Market at Renaissance Farragut. This is a great weekly event for Farragut, helping to build community spirit and also support the local economy.”
What is your greatest fear? “My children preceding me to Heaven. Explanation shouldn’t be necessary.”
If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “I would love to hit life’s pause button and hike the 2,000 miles of the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. What a great way to connect with God and appreciate the beauty of His creation.” It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.
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Quirky characters
What a blast!
From page A-1
For the popular concert series Second Saturdays at the Cove, the seating requirements are simple: Take a seat anywhere and enjoy the music.
Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES
Jennie Cunic of Farragut improvs the role of a mother telling her son, Jared Hinton of Karns, a bedtime story that features a fire-breathing butterfly with sparkles. The two chairs pushed together serve as Jared’s “bed.” They were taking part in an acting class sponsored by WordPlayers. Photos by S.F. Neal Throughout the exercise, Jared made faces to react to the bedtime story that was more akin to a nightmare. Every time Jennie brought a new character into the story, Rollin or Potter would tap a student on the shoulder to jump in and take over the part. At the end, there was a lot of laughter from teachers and students. In another improv, Jared is a city bus driver. His first passenger, Nick Pearson of Powell, took inspiration from Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Borat” character right down to the Russian accent. Along the way Jared picked up Katelyn Parker of Powell, a brash girl with a streetwise attitude who kept telling him to “keep your eyes on the road and take those ear buds out of your ears”; Liel Kirk of South Knoxville, a bit of a germaphobe, was very unhappy when a sickly Chandler Hinton of Karns boarded the bus, sneezing all the way to her seat. Then there was Jennie, who hopped on the bus attempting to sell the passengers a product she was hawking. Jennie says she keeps an eye out for theater classes. She’s done a WordPlayers class before so she was happy to try this one. “I try to get as much theater instruction as I can,” she says. “No matter what’s going on
in the world or in your own life, you can portray an experience from any walk of life. When you portray someone you don’t know, you get a better understanding of the world.” Potter has taught acting for about six years, but this was her first experience with WordPlayers. “The most interesting thing to me is these kids didn’t know each other the first day and today they’re connecting,” she says. “It’s interesting how they grow on stage and get to know each other.” Prince is the education director of WordPlayers, a Christian theater company. He started helping with the Boys and Girls Club in Oak Ridge with a volunteer drama class. Then he decided he could bring acting classes to Middlebrook Christian Ministries on Robinson Road. Family and friends were treated to a showcase at the end of the session. “I’ve worked with kids since I was in high school,” Prince says. His first job in high school was working at a children’s day camp. “It’s really fun. To work with kids and bring them together in theater with a Christian outlook is something I like. It gives them someplace to channel their creativity and not get in trouble like I did sometimes when I was a kid.”
WordPlayers’ Summer 2012 acting classes CreACTivity, July 9-13, 1-4 p.m., ages 8 to 10, at Clayton Performing Arts Center, Pellissippi State Hardin Valley Campus, $115; call 539-7167 or check www.pstcc.edu/bcs. ImaginACTion, July 16-20, 1-4 p.m., ages 11 to 13, $125, same location. WordPlayers will present the musical “Ragtime” at 7:30 p.m. July 12-14 at Bearden High School auditorium, 8352 Kingston Pike, and at 2:30 p.m. July 15. Tickets are $15 adults; seniors 60 years and older and students 18 and older, $12; youth 13 to 17 years old, $10. Tickets can be purchased online at www. wordplayers.org or at the door. Info: 539-2490.
And “anywhere” is part of the fun. The concert series at The Cove park in Farragut kicked off June 9 with a record crowd who listened to the music of the Atomic Horns from the park, the beach, the water and the boats. “That is one of the fun parts about The Cove concerts: You can enjoy the music from anywhere, even Barbara Stinnett and Larry Willis find the music of the Atomic if you are on the water,” said Ellen Blasius, community Horns just right for a dance. relations manager with Knox County Parks and Recreation. Blasius said the number of people attending the free
June Lindsey pulls up to the shore to listen to the Atomic Horns at The Cove in Concord Park. Photos by Justin Acuff.
Mark Goodson of the Atomic Horns plays the bass guitar and sings a cover of “Angel of Harlem.”
Jalen McCord, Mekhi Carter and Jahvin Carter pose for a photo with their Hawaiian shaved ice.
David R. Hill’s
REMODELING David Stewart does a poi dance while the Atomic Horns perform at The Cove.
Rick Carl of the Atomic Horns performs a trumpet solo at Second Saturdays at The Cove.
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concert was hard to count, but that Saturday’s kick-off for the 2012 summer series was clearly the largest, with well over 500 people. The band was great, she said, and interacted with the crowd. “There were people dancing, and the band came down into the audience with their horns. The crowd really got into it. They played over two hours with only one little break.” The Second Saturday Concerts at The Cove will continue through September. The free concerts are from 6-8 p.m. at The Cove in Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Entertainment on July 14 is Half Past, a rock and roll cover band. The Knoxville Symphony Brass Quintet will play Aug. 11. September entertainment will be announced soon. Playing with the Atomic Horns were Bill Walker, Paul Burdick, Rick Carl, Jeff Hauschildt, Blair Ross, Scott Davis, Amy Dix, Dave Freeman, Mark Goodson, Mark Vowell, Tracy Walker and Barry Wallace.
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government Mannis report due in June The long awaited city mulch fire report will be released by the end of June if not earlier, according to Jesse Mayshark, who told this writer in front of Deputy Mayor Bill Lyons on June 12. Lyons speaks for Mayor Madeline Rogero on many matters and is considered one of four persons working at the city who is closest to her. Originally, it had been announced that June 5 would be the release, but that was missed. This was the fire which shut down several streets and created major smoke clouds for days earlier this spring. The other deputy mayor, Eddie Mannis, is supervising the mulch fire report. This will be the highest public profile event he has supervised since becoming deputy mayor in December 2011. How it is handled will reflect on his record and be carefully watched given his political aspirations. Citizens are expecting real answers to how it all happened and who is at fault plus any penalties for those who failed to meet the test of responsibility at critical stages. This is an opportunity for the city to show its resolve, transparency and competence in meeting the disclosure aspect of an unfortunate event. What changes are needed in current city codes, regulations and education of personnel to prevent this from occurring again? Portraits unveiled: On Thursday, June 21, Mayor Rogero will unveil the mayoral portraits of Bill Haslam and Daniel Brown. The Haslam portrait was done by Knoxville and New York painter John Woodrow Kelley who lives here on Lyons Bend Road. He did it from photos he took of Gov. Haslam in the fall of 2011 at Haslam’s Sherwood Drive home. Haslam is reported to be very pleased with the result which is a head and shoulders portrait without hands. Kelley has been commissioned to do Haslam’s gubernatorial portrait for the State Capitol. Kelley, 58, is a wellrespected painter who has done portraits of the late federal Judge Robert L. Taylor, former Gov. Lamar Alexander as well as this writer. He reduced his normal rate for the city. The unveiling will be on the 5th floor of the atrium of the City County Building
Victor Ashe
at 2:30 p.m. Arrive early for security checks and to get a good spot at the ceremony. Reception will follow. Janet Testerman Crossley, former first lady, was first to assemble the portraits of Knoxville’s 68 mayors (63 at the time). She deserves credit for this endeavor. Greenways: This past week, I interviewed Lori Goerlich, the new city parks and greenways coordinator. Accompanying her was Jesse Mayshark, current Rogero spokesperson who used to interview me when he was the investigative reporter for Metro Pulse. An interesting reversal of roles. Next week I will have details of the interview. Conference: Mayor Rogero spent two days in Orlando at the annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. She has not yet determined on which committees she will serve. The USCM meeting lasted four days and represents an opportunity from my own experience to network with other mayors and high level administration officials such as Vice President Biden and cabinet officials. This trip is one worth the cost to taxpayers. Most times the mayor will learn ideas worth implementing in Knoxville. Williams Creek: Five council members plus state Sen. Becky Massey were at the news conference celebrating the purchase of properties by Tennessee Clean Water Network along Williams Creek in East Knoxville. They were led by Daniel Brown, who lives nearby, and included Finbarr Saunders, Marshall Stair, Mark Campen and Duane Grieve. This may lead to another greenway in a beautiful part of the city near the Knoxville Botanical Gardens. Hopefully, work on this will start this calendar year. Brown, who represents the area on council, will be monitoring it. There is a nearby dump on Daily Street which is an eyesore and health hazard. Hopefully, the city will move to remove it.
A-4 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Burchett’s victory lap County Mayor Tim Burchett came to the Fountain City Business and Professional Club ready to defend his budget, but he didn’t get a lot of pushback over his battle with the school system, which wanted a $35 million annual increase for new programs, technology enhancements and an extensive building/ renovation program. County Commission pretty much went Burchett’s way, but came up with an additional $4 million for education, over the mayor’s objections. The sharpest exchange of the day actually came when County Commissioner R. Larry Smith attacked school board member Indya Kincannon for the deteriorating condition of vacant school buildings. “Closing down Rule
Betty Bean High School was the worst thing the schools ever did,� he said. “And the day we (County Commission) got Oakwood (Elementary School), the roof caved in.� Kincannon reminded Smith that County Commission nixed a deal to hand over the old South Elementary School to a developer and said that maintaining vacant buildings is difficult financially, because the school system’s first obligation is to spend money where the students are. “We often can’t afford to maintain these old buildings or restore them to their previous glory,� Kincannon said.
Burchett told the group that the $677,717,291 budget (for fiscal year starting July 1) has approximately $13 million in new funding for school operations, which constitutes a greater increase than the last three years combined, he said. (These numbers do not include a $3 million appropriation for an intensive kindergarten through 3rd grade reading program.) Earlier this year, county employees got a raise totalling $3 million annually, yet general government spending decreased by $331,000. “Why? “ Burchett asked. “Because that’s what I had control over.� He said that department heads have trimmed costs by measures such as replacing retirees by increasing the duties and the pay of existing employees rather
Tim Burchett than making new hires. Funding the Uniformed Officers Pension Plan will cost more than $5 million, not including the bond payment, Burchett said. The county’s debt load sits at more than $1 billion. Burchett said his administration has trimmed that by $20 million this year and is on pace to carve out another $110 million over the next 5 years, in part by not borrowing more than is paid down each year.
Massey sets re-election kickoff By Anne Hart If you didn’t know any better, you might have thought you were at a family reunion at West Knox Republican Club meeting last week. With just a few exceptions, most of this crowd that gathers once a month for supper and politicking has been doing so for many years now. Some of them actually are family, like the speaker for the evening, state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey, and her nephew, John Duncan III, who is Knox County trustee. Also at the meeting, was political newcomer Nick Ciparro, who is running for Congress in the Aug. 2 primary against Becky’s brother and John’s dad, U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr.
Massey told the group that in her first year she was the only newcomer out of 132 people. “Thank goodness I had a lot of friends there.� Over the years she had made many trips to Nashville to work on issues involving the nonprofit Sertoma Center, which she serves as executive director. One of the most significant pieces of legislation passed this year helps curb prescription drug abuse Becky Massey through a statewide database. “It is another step in That’s OK. Everyone was fighting the drug problem, nice and polite and there and I believe it will make a were no fisticuffs, just the huge difference, especially usual bunch of politicians in doctor shopping.� Massey will formally ancircling the room to shake the same hands they have nounce her campaign for rebeen shaking at these meet- election at the Foundry at ings for who knows how World’s Fair Park from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, June 19. long.
Club president Gary Loe, himself a candidate for the state House in District 13, made certain all officeholders and candidates were introduced. Also introduced was Alexander Waters, Knox County campaign manager for Mitt Romney for President. He told the group, “If you’re tired of out-ofcontrol budgets and tired of deficits, Romney is your man.� He was preaching to the choir. Mary Ann Thompson who works with Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.� Jones, said next month’s club meeting will be at the Rothchild facility on Kingston Pike. As always, the highlight will be the auction of cakes and other pastries donated by elected officials.
whose company renovated the Southeastern Glass building on the corner of Jackson and Broadway, expressed his frustration about the crumbling structure down the street from his building. “When we did Southeastern Glass, we were out on the edge. It’s hard out there – it’s hard on the edge. We need the city’s commitment to follow through. And McClung is a huge stumbling block. Sometimes the private sector gets in the way. It’s important that government does what it alone can do,� he said. He cited Market Square – “the city’s living room� – as the best example of his theory. “Only the city and KCDC could have developed the public spaces on Market Square.� Downtown developer John Craig, who has restored the S&W, Harold’s Deli and
Emory Place, agreed. “One of the things the city has done well has been judicious use of strategic investment.� He approves of tax incentives like PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes) and TIFs (tax increment financing) to move projects along. Most of Budd Cullom’s work has been in suburban areas, but now he and his partner Jim Harrison are working on University Commons, which will bring a Walmart and a Publix to the old Fulton Bellows plant on the edge of the UT campus. It’s Cullom’s first foray close to the heart of Knoxville, and he said he wishes people understood that tax increment financing isn’t a handout. “There are people in financial circles and in government who don’t understand how it works. A TIF is not a direct subsidy. These are loans that are paid back.�
Blight fight Developing success in the city By Betty Bean
A nationally known consultant who came to Knoxville to advise city officials about dealing with blighted property saw striking differences between downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods. Alan Mallach of the Center for Community Progress was enthusiastic about Market Square. “I was struck by how drastically the character of the area changes when you leave downtown,â€? Mallach said. “This is the sort of place that people from other places go to France or Italy and come back raving about. But neighborhoods are critical. ‌â€?
Mallach said the issue of property rights frequently becomes a stumbling block to combating blight. “Property rights cut in a lot of different directions. Anybody sitting on a piece of property and allowing it to blight is interfering with their neighbors just as surely as if he’s going around and dumping garbage on their properties.� The massive, deteriorating hulk of the McClung Warehouses on Jackson Avenue, where a suspicious 2007 fire threatened to burn out the north end of downtown, was the most frequently-mentioned example of Malach’s property rights versus the neighbors theory. Conversion Properties representative Joe Petrie,
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Photo by Ruth White
Always time for Dead End BBQ Neal Kelly prepares to load a van with food for a catering event by Dead End BBQ. No party is too big or too small for Dead End’s catering department, featuring the best pulled pork, smoked chicken, smoked sausage, sliced brisket or St. Louis cut ribs plus delicious homemade side dishes. Dead End BBQ is available for catering, dine in or carry out service and has been voted Best of Knoxville by Metro Pulse for the best barbeque three years running. They are located at 3621 Sutherland Avenue and are open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Info: 212-5655 or catering@deadendbbq.com.
SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 18, 2012 • A-5
Pieces of history fit for a king
them co-founded TAMIS, a nonprofit that preserves local and regional film, music, TV shows and other slices of
East Tennessee history. The collection includes everything from “Mid-Day Merry Go Round” recordings to early film shot in Knoxville to an old WTVK Channel 26 camera. But Elvis is there, too, and why not? The King was the flashpoint for the whole darn thing. Plus, Presley considered himself a Tennessean and made three or four legendary stops in Knoxville. One of Reeves’ best “finds” is a long-thought-lost audio recording from Elvis’ matinee performance at Stokely Athletic Center on April 8, 1972. His latest pieces of Presley were donated by Carolyn Turner, an Elvis collector from Fountain City who originally lived in Mississippi and belonged to that state’s first Elvis fan club. “She loved Elvis Presley and wanted this stuff to go to somebody who cared about it and would not sell it.” Her collection includes pristine vinyl records from Elvis’ career – including rare
soundtrack albums – that look like they just rolled off the assembly line. She also donated never-before-seen photographs, including shots from Elvis’ December 1975 engagement at the Las Vegas Hilton. But the rarest item is the original “Mid-South” edition of the Memphis Press-Scimitar newspaper from Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1977, with its headline: “A lonely life ends on Elvis Presley Boulevard.” Yellowing copies of a special edition can be found in attics and antique stores everywhere. But the edition that rolled off the presses the day after Elvis died is ultra rare. Take a look at your copy if
Fame. Former Volunteers elected him an honorary letterman. SID peers gave him plaques and trophies and eventually voted him into their hall of fame. This final award is the best they can do. A few thousand Tennessee fans, through the years, heard Bud’s civic club previews of Volunteer football but most of what he did was behind the scenes. He managed the flow of news, Neyland Stadium press box, basketball adventures and responded to a multitude of special requests from sportswriters and broadcasters. “Ford always let it be known that he stood for integrity, passion and tradition when it came to his beloved University of Tennessee,” said John Painter,
another former member of the revised UT department. Painter said it was the same for everybody, boss, student intern, eager fan. Doug Dickey said: “Bud Ford was typical of the heart and soul of Tennessee athletics. He bled orange, wore orange and probably sang ‘Rocky Top’ in the shower. His work ethic for UT was amazing.” John Majors said Bud was one of the most valuable to an athletics department he has ever known. “I’ve worked with some mighty good people, and Bud Ford is as good as they come. He is honest and loyal to the highest degree and has great integrity. He is extremely efficient and knowledgeable about his profession.”
Phillip Fulmer said: “Bud Ford loves Tennessee with a passion that showed in the way he did his job. … Whatever the situation, you could be sure he always was protective of the integrity, tradition and image that make Tennessee football special.” Here’s what I say: Amen. He was that and more. Alas, there may not be another forever Volunteer. He was a boyhood fan. He earned a UT degree and never wanted to be anywhere else. Gus Manning did it that way. Haywood Harris almost did. He worked in the real world for a little while. Bud was truly dedicated. I doubt he ever made a decision not based on what was best for Tennessee. Incidentally, when you called 974-
Did you know that Elvis Presley is indirectly responsible for the founding of the Tennessee Archive of Moving Image and Sound at the East Tennessee History Center?
Jake Mabe Pull up a chair and let me tell you about it. Film archivist, Bearden native and uber Elvis fan Bradley Reeves attended an Orphans Film Symposium in Columbia, S.C., a few years ago. He took with him a Super 8mm version of Elvis’ 1968 NBC-TV “comeback” special. Librarians do not normally get all shook up over Elvis. But when he screened part of the special, he noticed one woman who was “really diggin’ it, man.” That turned out to be
Bradley Reeves holds the original edition of the Memphis Press-Scimitar from Aug. 17, 1977, announcing Elvis Presley’s death. The newspaper and other Elvis items were donated to the Tennessee Archive of Moving Image and Sound by Barbara Turner. Photos by Jake Mabe Louisa Trott of London, England. Long story made short, Louisa moved to Knoxville, married Brad and the two of
Ford 1, UT 0 Shhh, don’t tell anybody. Bud Ford is back near the news. Try to keep it quiet. The former UT associate athletic director for media relations, arm-wrestling the university over a post-retirement service contract rejected by Dave Hart, is going to St. Louis next week. Bud will pay his own way, take one more bow and receive a lifetime achievement award from America’s sports information directors. This is big stuff, top of the mountain among those who still serve what remains of the media. In his 45 and a half years
Marvin West
working on behalf of the Volunteers, Bud collected an assortment of awards, including 37 “best in the nation” ribbons and bows for functional brochures. Excellence was recognized. He is a member of the Tennessee Sports Writers’ Hall of Fame and the Greater Knoxville Sports Halls of
Community Dialogue
Elvis on stage at the Las Vegas Hilton in December 1975. Photo courtesy TAMIS/Carolyn Turner Collection
Visit Jake Mabe online at jakemabe. blogspot.com.
1212, somebody answered the phone. When asked to retire, it was correct for him to step aside. He is 67. I thought the university should have honored the historian contract without discussion. The previous athletic director made the agreement. The chancellor knew about it. A deal, signed and dated, is a deal. Eliminate the job? Clear the decks, make way for the new guys? Save $40,000? In a many-million-dollar department, this would have been a token investment for institutional memory. Dave Hart, clearly in charge of all athletics, should have said OK and spent an additional $300 – for a gold watch. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.
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Preliminary Town of Farragut
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you’ve got one. If yours has a blue box on the front talking about reprinting the edition to meet demand and a box on the masthead that says “special edition,” you’ve got the mass-produced one. Reeves has been defending Elvis to critics that for some insane reason turned their nose up to The King and missed his magic. I guess Elvis didn’t seem hip to a generation turned on to Bob Dylan and The Beatles, but if all you know of him is either “Elvis the Pelvis” or the sweaty, bloated Southern Gothic caricature, you’ve missed Elvis Presley. And you’ve missed the point. “Listen to the voice. Listen to the feeling he puts into each song, even on the worst movie soundtrack. He’s giving it everything he has. “He did such a wide range of great music and did it well. Nobody else can say that.” Plus, Presley helped put into motion events that would lead to the preservation of East Tennessee’s rich film, TV and music history. They didn’t call him The King for nothin.’
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AmeriCorps worker leaves no ‘to do’ list Farragut has gotten a lot of bang for its buck out of Josh Cunningham, but it’s time for him to say goodbye as he heads for the cooler climate of Nome, Alaska. The tall, lanky Cunningham spent most of his 10 months as an AmeriCorps worker in waders meandering right along with the waters of Turkey Creek as he studied it from bank to bank. Town Engineer Darryl Smith says Cunningham will be “sorely missed.” As a farewell summary of his work, Cunningham entertained with a slide presentation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen at its meeting last Thursday night. Jason Scott, storm water
Suzanne Foree Neal
coordinator for the town and himself only two-andone-half years out of AmeriCorps, noted that in 2011 500,000 people applied for 87,000 AmeriCorps positions. Cunningham was a first for Farragut. “AmeriCorps is a national service program that’s good value for communities, in this case for water quality,” Scott said. Cunningham likens AmeriCorps to the Peace
Corps only participants perform their service in this country instead of abroad. “My year has been all about water quality; a little bit whimsical and a little bit crazy and a whole lot of fun. My baby here is Turkey Creek.” He said he knew he wanted to come here for three reasons: One, to do another tour of duty with AmeriCorps; two, he wanted to do environmental service; and three, “I knew I wanted my mom to stop asking me when I was going to move back to the East Coast.” Previously, he was fighting forest fires in California. The project that domi-
KAT bus routes may land back in budget By Suzanne Foree Neal Passionate pleas on the behalf of Knoxville Area Transit’s Farragut express bus service prompted the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen to table its vote on second and final reading of the 2013 budget. There had been a move afoot to cut the $40,000 funding for the service in favor of schools. Mark Calvert read a prepared speech to the board to restore funding for the bus service he’s used for 11 years. He says ridership has increased to a steady number of about 20-21 people in the morning and evening.
“Riding the bus is not about convenience,” he said. “It’s good for the community and good for the environment. KAT has upgraded the service and maintenance.” A core group of about 40 people ride the bus on a somewhat regular basis, he said. Some ride every day while others ride only a short period of time. “There are UT students who ride it only when they have classes. People who ride to summer jobs downtown. Some ride when their cars are in the shop or they’ve loaned their car to someone. I’ve seen six or seven new riders who
said they only now learned about the bus.” He said if 20 people ride the bus, that’s 20 fewer cars on the interstate every work day and that reduces pollution. Calvert noted that Knoxville is frequently on the “bad air” lists. “The way to have less ozone in Knox County is to have less cars driving.” Mayor Ralph McGill called KAT general manager Cindy McGinnis to the podium to comment on whether the bus service could be offered for a lower grant amount. She said the service already operates at a deficit of $80,000 a year with Farragut cutting that
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nated his time was inlet mapping GPS points for all the town’s storm drains. He called this, “Joshapalooza.” The best way to start a big project is to divide it into small parts, so Farragut was carved into several quadrants. Cunningham is happiest when he’s outdoors. He finished mapping all the drains in the first quadrant, so he moved on to the second one. “I became adept at the GPS system, so I went ahead and did No. 3 and just for good measure, I mapped out the rest of the town.” That’s how Farragut got a lot of bang for its buck because he got the town caught up to 2015 on its storm drains. He did apologize for one thing. “The next three AmeriCorps members won’t get to do this,” he joked. During his stay he mapped 3,387 of the inlets and checked the health of
amount in half with its $40,000 grant. “It would be up to Knoxville to pay more of the deficit share for Farragut,” she said. “I really wouldn’t advise cutting any more trips. That’s how we save money. The last time we cut trips, we lost ridership.” She suggested the town might want to consider a smaller bus for the service, which would cost less to operate. Both she and Calvert said a big problem with ridership is people can’t find room in the commuter lot to park. Alderman Bob Markli said in a license plate audit of the lot recently, “I saw cars from Meigs, Anderson, Loudoun, Blount (counties), two from Kentucky and one from Pennsylvania. I don’t think these people are riding the bus.” Alderman Jeff Elliot asked town administrator David Smoak if there
all of them. Only 45 were flagged for further study. Elicit discharges came to 24 cases. Twelve discharges were mapped, but none of the results raised red flags, he reported. That means our water quality in town is pretty good. Through his “Adopta-Stream” program, volunteers collected 1,470 pounds of debris from Turkey Creek. He took 2,720 pounds of trash collected from Town Hall and special events around town to the recycling center. He also procured grants to pay for 350 new trees for the town. Of all the places he’s worked, he holds a soft spot in his heart for Farragut and hopes to return someday. “I’ve had amazing people to work with and truly enjoyed my time with the staff and volunteers,” he said, choking just a little on those words.
was some way to limit who parks in the lot. “No,” said Smoak. The lot was built with grant money with a clause that it be open for public parking. Markli has maintained for some time that the bus service needs a big PR campaign to build more ridership and find a bigger lot. Both McGinnis and Smoak said they had tried to find more parking in nearby businesses and churches, but none are willing to participate. Elliot urged Smoak to get with the Farragut Business Alliance and the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce to try to get some more parking spaces. Smoak agreed, but the board will have to bite the bullet and vote on some kind of budget at its June 28 meeting. July 1 is the looming deadline.
FARRAGUT NOTES ■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Guest speaker Hank Fennell will answer questions relating to HOA or community groups. Info: www.cwkch.com/.
■ Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
■ Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at the Fox Den Country Club.
■ Free budget classes are held from noon to 1 p.m. each third Thursday at the Good Samaritan Center, 119 A. St. in Lenoir City. Everyone is invited. No preregistration is required. Info: annaseal@ credibility.org.
Everett Road work shifts traffic on Pike The Tennessee Department of Transportation plans to shift traffic on the Kingston Pike/Everett Road project to provide the necessary room for bridge construction immediately west of the intersection. This traffic shift is scheduled for Saturday, June 23, weather permitting. In case of inclement weather, Sunday, June 24, is the backup date. As a result of this traffic shift, Kingston Pike will be reduced to one lane in each direction and Everett Road will remain closed for this phase of the project. The portable signs on the side of the road at each end of the project have been set to flash “New Traffic Pattern Beginning June 23rd.”
SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 18, 2012 • A-7
Grace Baptist 5K By Theresa Edwards Grace Baptist Church held its first 5K race June 9, coordinated by the women’s ministry. “Our women’s ministry is newly revived. This is our kick-off year. We wanted to provide a community activity for families to have fun and make memories together. Hopefully this will become an annual event,” said coordinator Pat Wade. The race course went down the parking lot, to Karns Fire Station and back, around the parking lot and building, and ending across the football field next door. There was musical entertainment along with free food and coupons provided by Campbell’s Pool and Spa, Scoles Chiropractic, Bojangles, Ingles and Hardees. Grace Baptist Church also thanked financial sponsors Vaughn Pharmacy, Downtown Dental, Axiom Machining, Ritchie Tractor and Charis In Action Ministry Center.
Becky Stewart, wife of the Rev. Ron Stewart, gets ready to run in the 5K race. She enjoys running in a lot of races around town.
Pat Wade, women’s ministry coordinator, says Pam Coleman is her “right arm.”
Grace Baptist Church has its first 5K race, inviting the community to participate. Enjoying the race are Karla Hopkins and Sara Cox. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Without a bat! When Jesus heard what had happened [to John the Baptist], he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. (Matthew 14:13) Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. (Matthew 14: 22-23 NIV)
Between the two passages quoted above, Jesus fed the 5,000. I can relate. It was what I call “a day in the Refuge.” It was the normal (mostly pleasant) confusion of lots of folks, lots of needs, enough volunteers (thank God), and one person’s enthusiastic conversation on the phone, which happens to be situated just outside my office door, for semi-strict monitoring purposes. I had survived a truly awful day earlier in the week, and was still trying to put my reports (and my nervous system) back together. Additionally, I was up against some deadlines, which always raises the adrenaline level. One of our neighbors stuck his head in to say “Hello,” and ask how I was doing.
Lynn Hutton
CROSS CURRENTS “I have too many plates I am trying to keep in the air,” I replied. He grinned at me and said, “What you need is a baseball bat!” I laughed and kept typing. Then I stopped. I realized the import of what he had said. I went out to the lobby area where he was talking to the person behind the desk. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, “You know, you are a wise man.
You are absolutely right. I ■ A Carr Family Reunion for need to take a good swing descendents of John Carr at some of those things and and Mary Etta Whitson just get rid of them! Get will be held noon to 6 p.m. ’em outta here!” Saturday, June 23, at Gibbs Ruritan Club on Tazewell He grinned at me, and Pike. Bring a dish to share asked, “Will you do it?” for lunch at 2 p.m. Info: April “I already am doing it,” I Gosnell-Parker, 312-5086 or told him. aparker180@att.net. It is true. I am in the ■ The Russell, Duncan, process of giving up some Jones, Tinnell Reunion things I love because there for the friends and families were just too many plates of Lee and Leona Duncan to juggle. And because life Russell and Walter and Ann is about more than work, Jones will be held 5 p.m. even work I enjoy. Saturday, June 23, at Hill Top I need time. Like Jesus, Baptist Church on Walker I need time to be still, to Road. Bring a covered dish pray, to go off into the wilto share. Ice and paper derness (or to the creek) goods furnished. Bring pictures to display. Info: and think for a while. I 250-8252. need to refill the wells. I have to say, though, ■ Central High School Class of 1962 will hold its 50-year that writing for this space reunion July 6-7. Info: Bob is not one of the things I am willing to give up. This is one of the ways I work things out, how I consider meaning, how I deal with life, how I wrestle with Scripture, how I praise my Maker. I am so grateful for the Call ways in which Jesus’ example gives me permission to be who I am, and to be true TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL to myself. Honest, Reliable Service Since 1971 And when the needs of the people I serve are really great, he will give me the strength and patience to help them. Even without a baseball bat.
Davis, 689-4302, or Diane Turner Sebby, 521-6652.
37938. Info: Debbie Helton Keebler, 922-0049.
■ Central High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th reunion Friday through Sunday, July 22-24. Info: Idonna Tillery Bryson, 6885816, or Ann Paylor Williams, 687-7759.
■ Halls High School Class of 1965 will hold a reunion July 28 at Beaver Brook Country Club. Any class is welcome. Info/reservations: George VanDeGriff, 922-8345 or 278-6724.
■ Fulton High School Class of 1972 is planning its 40th reunion celebration 6 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at The Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive, and will include a catered dinner buffet, photos by a professional photographer that will be available online, Jake the DJ from Ogle Entertainment and more. The cost is $55 until July 13 and $75 at the door. Dress is business casual. Mail registration to: FHS Class Reunion, 4224 Williamson Drive, Knoxville, TN
■ Standard Knitting Mills reunion is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Any employee or relative is welcome. Food donations are accepted; limited to finger foods. Info: 523-5463.
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WORSHIP NOTES July 4th events
Music services
■ Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will host its annual “Grace American Cookout” at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 1, with fireworks to follow. Guest speaker and nationally recognized war hero Clebe McClary will speak at the church that morning at 8:45 and 10:30. Everyone is invited. Info: www.gracebc. org.
■ Farragut Presbyterian Church, 209 Jamestowne Blvd., will host a farewell concert by the UT Chamber Singers as they prepare to leave for a 10day choral residency in Belfast and Dublin. The concert, “To the Emerald Isle,” will be held 8 p.m. Thursday, June 28, and will include a variety of music the group plans to perform during the trip. Everyone is invited.
Community Services
Rec programs
■ Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.
Festivals ■ St. Mark UMC, 7001 S. Northshore Drive, will have a peach festival 2-5 p.m. Saturday, July 14. There will be games, baked goods, peach ice cream and a live bluegrass band. All activities are free, and everyone is invited. Info: 588-0808.
■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class 6-7 p.m. Mondays upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or denabower@comcast.net. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC will hold Open Gym Night each Wednesday during summer from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Elementary-age children must have a guardian accompany them. Info: randycreswell@ yahoo.com or 690-1060. ■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, has started Young Adult Professionals for anyone age 22-35 who wants to network with other young business professionals in the West Knoxville area. Seasoned professionals
will discuss their experiences and how to live out your faith while growing into your profession. Info: Glenna Manning, gmanning@concordumc.com, or Kelsey Feldman, kelsing01@ comcast.net.
Youth ■ Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or bhallman@tds.net.
Pellissippi State Move through the program as a group. Get a degree in as little as 16 months.
‘Train Your Trainer’ Fitness Together locations will host “Train Your Trainer” 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 23. All funds raised will help the Open House for the Alzheimer’s Association of East Tennessee. FT clients and friends are invited to take their trainer of choice through the workout of their choice in exchange for a donation. There will be complementary appetizers, drinks and chair massages, and a silent auction will be held as well. Everyone is invited. Info: 357-8863.
Avoid schedule surprises along the way.
A-8 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Junior dance camp
Jake Mabe and Sandra Clark welcome the new interns to the program, show the first paper printed (june 1, 1971) after Clark bought the Shopper and talk about the days of printing without computers. Photo by Ruth White
This year’s Shopper-News interns are Mitchell Kolinsky, Madison Noe, Caroline Longmire, Elizabeth Longmire, Sarah Dixon, Mitchell “Chill” Zavadil and Ethan Sanders. Not pictured are Jacob Messing and Melinda Taylor. Photo by R. White
The interns have arrived! at Halls High in the fall. Noe likes science and music classes and hopes to gain more knowledge about different places in Knoxville. Asked if she would rather walk by a stream or climb a mountain, Noe responded, “Climb the mountain!” So, it is not surprising that her favorite song is “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. Jacob Messing will attend Karns High in the fall as a 9th grade student. He enjoys science and technology and watching the New York Yankees. Described as curious, i ntel l igent and hopeful, Messing Messing would prefer to climb a mountain over walking by a stream. Mitchell Kolinsky is a rising sophomore at CAK and loves being in the outdoors, whether it be playing football or enjoying the scenery. If he had to choose between walking by a stream or climbing a tall mountain, Kolinsky is ready to conquer the mountain. During the internship he hopes to fine-tune his people skills and experience new things. Ethan Sanders will be a 7th grade student at Halls
By Ruth White It is summertime and that can only mean one thing – the Shopper interns have arrived and are ready to venture out and get to know Knoxville up close and personal. Sarah Dixon is a rising 9th grade student at Halls High. She is most interested in politics and government (you may have found your successor, Sandra) and music. Through the intern program Dixon hopes to better her people and writing skills. Caroline Longmire will be a sophomore at Gibbs High next school year. She is a second-year intern who hopes to meet influential people at the places she visits this summer. Described as smart, responsible and caring, Longmire enjoys English and science courses at school. Elizabeth Longmire is also a rising sophomore at Gibbs High and back for a second round of interning this summer. This independent, driven leader plans on a future in broadcast journalism and hopes to gain more knowledge on the subject through the program. Madison Noe returns for a second year of the Shopper intern program and will be a sophomore
Middle School in the fall. Sanders is interested in technology and music, and enjoys cheering for the Tennessee Vols. If he had to walk by a stream or climb a tall mountain, Sanders would conquer the mountain. Melinda Taylor is a rising 9th grade student at Catholic High. She enjoys music and English and watching the U.S. Olympic swim team. T a y l o r admires writers and hopes to Taylor improve her writing skills and experience life as a journalist through the internship. Mitchell “Chill” Zavadil is a rising 9th grade student and is deciding between attending Farragut High and Catholic for school in the fall. Zavadil is a musician and likes any song written by the Beatles. He is also interested in technology and enjoys capturing life on video. He would rather walk by a stream as opposed to climbing a mountain. Through the intern program Zavadil hopes to gain a better understanding of how businesses work.
Interns learn the ropes By Sara Barrett Last week’s game plan was a crash course in photography and reporting by the staff at the Shopper, followed by lunch at Cancun Mexican restaurant and a tour of the Knoxville News Sentinel’s press room. Sandra Clark took a stroll down memory lane, while Jake Mabe described being the only print journalist who got
Touring the big press
– Karen Schmidt
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SPORTS NOTES ■ Baseball tournament, Friday through Sunday, June 22-24, Halls Community Park. T-ball to 14U, open to all. Info: 992-5504 or email hcpsports@msn.com. ■ Bearden Bulldogs Junior Cheer Camp will be held 6 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, June 25-27, for ages 5-14. Registration is $55 and includes a camp T-shirt and insurance. There will be a live performance on the final day of camp and again at a Bearden home football game in August. All proceeds will go toward the yearly expenses of BHS football cheerleaders. To register: www. beardencheerleaders.com. Info: beardencheerleaders@ gmail.com or call Dawn Irwin, 680-9086. ■ Roane State annual Boys Basketball Camp for boys age 8-14 will be held Monday through Friday, June 18-22. It will be taught by Raiders coach Randy Nesbit. The cost is $115. Info: 882-4583. ■ The 10th annual KARM Dragon Boat Festival will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at The Cove at Concord Park. Info: 742-4306 or www.knoxville. racedragonboats.com. ■ Knoxville Youth Athletics will host its annual summer track and field program for local youth ages 5-18 through Saturday, June 23. Practices are held 6:30 to 8 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday. Registration is $40 (maximum $95 per family). Info: www.ktcyouthathletics. org or 385-6237.
Commerical print coordinator Karen Schmidt shows the interns the distribution area from the balcony above the floor. Photo by ■ T-ball tournament, open to
Mitchell Kolinsky
By Elizabeth Longmire
“This is where the magic happens”
past the gatekeepers at C.H. Butcher’s funeral. On Tuesday, we’ll explore the Knox County Health Department and Knox Area Rescue Ministries with lunch at WDVX and the Blue Plate Special. The interns will spend the summer exploring Knoxville and meeting people who help make this city a great place to live, work and visit.
Bearden High Dance Team’s Junior Dance Camp will be held in the BHS gym 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 28-29, for grades kindergarten through 5th. All campers will perform Friday night and awards will be given. The cost is $50. Those who register by June 22 will receive a free T-shirt. Info: email bhsdancecamp@ aol.com.
During our first day as Shopper-News interns, we took a tour of the Knoxville News Sentinel and experienced what it is like to work at a daily newspaper. Our tour guide, commercial print coordinator Karen Schmidt, first took us in the office area where you could find people hard at work on the next day’s paper. After checking out what it was like to see what was actually going into the paper, we got to see the printing process in action. Schmidt took us to the room where pictures are developed onto the plates, a process that involves lasers and very detailed work to make sure none of the ink is smudged or blurred. We were then taken to the place where the magic happens. Before us was a $20 million, 12-tower printing press that came all the way from Germany. Completely computer operated, the press can print a maximum of 70,000 papers in an hour. The News Sentinel, The Oak Ridger and the UT
Daily Beacon are printed on that press. Right behind the press is its control room. It is sectioned off according to which area of the press it operates. A few stories under the press, we entered the paper loading dock. This area is filled with huge rolls of paper that are picked up and inserted into the press by robots. Five large ink storage units are located in the back corner and include yellow, blue, red and black, all painted their certain color, except a second black tank that is painted UT orange! After seeing the behindthe-scenes action, we finally got to see where the finished newspaper would come out. Though the press wasn’t running while we were there, there were still rolls and rolls of next week’s comics ready to be inserted into the paper. A process that one would think would take hours only takes one and a half! It was a wonderful and interesting experience to see how a newspaper is made and printed.
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all T-ball and 6U coach pitch, Friday through Sunday, June 22-24. Info: 992-5504 or hcpsports@msn.com. ■ Baseball tournament, open to all T-ball and 14U, Friday, June 29, through Sunday, July 1. Info: 992-5504 or hcpsports@msn.com.
COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ Captain W.Y.C. Hannum Chapter #1881, United Daughters of the Confederacy, will have its final meeting of the year 6 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Green Meadow Country Club in Alcoa. Newly elected officers will be announced for the 2012-2014 term. Special guest Brenda Hall McDonald of the Remembrance of 150 Year Committee will bring the Division Sesquicentennial Quilt to display. Everyone is invited. Dinner is $20. Info: Elaine Clonts Russell, 980-6346, or Debra Wilson, 856-9300. ■ Knoxville Writers’ Group will meet 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 27, at Naples Italian restaurant on Kingston Pike. Members will read from works-in-progress and published works. Allinclusive lunch is $12. RSVP by Monday, June 25, 9833740. Everyone is invited.
CHS Wall of Fame
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Papers are delivered to the distribution area on a belt from the print room. Photo by Ethan Sanders
Nominations for Central High School’s wall of fame for 2012 should be emailed to rlsmithins@yahoo.com or faxed to 922-4467. The deadline is June 30. Any questions, contact CHS Foundation president R. Larry Smith at 922-5433.
SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 18, 2012 • A-9
Hear better for the best of your life at Weaver Hearing Aid Center By Sandra Clark Gary Weaver has seen big changes in hearing aid technology over the last six months. As an independent, locally owned and operated hearing aid specialist, Weaver can use any manufactur-er that meets his expectations. “We spend a lot of time testing technology, and I’m especially intrigued by the new ‘smart’ hearing aids,” he said. So Weaver has selected brands which he labels, “good, better and best.” He based his choices on these criteria: Good – simple to use and affordably priced; ideal for those living at their own pacee who do not need the bells and whistles on a more complex model. These hearing aids are easy to use, Gary said, and offer multiple features but most features are automatic. They are comfort-
able to wear and easier to keep clean. Better – moderately sophisticated, these hearing aids are for people who are getting along in life with more free time; people who are not concerned with the latest gadgetrry. “This aid has the features that these folks need, including easy telephone usage and removal of background noise. It is tried and true, reliable with quality you can count on.” Best – This model is ultrasophisticated with Bluetooth compatibility. “This model works well in all environments, bar none,” said Gary. It is ideal for the on-the-go person who is juggling work, family and w volunteer responsibilities. Why three categories? Gary said it’s simple. He’s got patients in all three groups. Most of the new aids have connectiv-
ity, meaning you can wirelessly link your hearA hearing aid smaller ing aid to than a dime your cell phone, sometimes even to your land line and/or your television. Each aid comes with a remote device, similar to a television’s remote control. You can adjust the volume in one ear or both, again wirelessly. Gary and Belinda Weaver are celebrating their 14th year in business. With a convenient office in Franklin Square, the Weavers are available during business hours to consult with clients or counsel them on specific problems. Gary will program every device that he sells and will stand behind it – very important for such a major investment. The Weavers look for good quality hearing aids, made by a world class Gary and Belinda Weaver at Weaver Hearing manufacturer. “We want reliable prod- Aid Center. Photos by S. Clark ucts that are simple and easy to use. Service is our first priority,” said Gary. “Whether you purchase a good, better or best grade hearing aid, the service 9648 Kingston Pike, Suite 2 (Franklin Square) doesn’t change.” 357-2650
Weaver Hearing Aid Center
News from Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation (KCDC)
Making a connection By Alvin Nance
The team at Rose Mortuary includes (front) Adam Starkey, Whitney Marcum Hunthrop, Andrew Marcum; (back) Robert Starkey, Brian Starkey, A.H. Pickle and Kent Marcum. Photo submitted
An occupation and a ministry Being a funeral director is a tough job. Bob Starkey, who co-owns Rose Mortuary, says it’s one of the few professions that deals with families at their roughest moments.
Shannon Carey “It’s an occupation,” he said. “But it’s a ministry, too.” Rose Mortuary, with it’s Broadway and Mann Heritage Chapel locations, is Knoxville’s third oldest business. Bob Starkey and Kent Marcum purchased Rose Mortuary from Fred Rose in 1984. In 1996, Rose purchased Mann Heritage Chapel from Art Pickle, who remains as the Patriarch and still actively serves families. Starkey has been a funeral director for 50 years. Now, his sons Brian and Adam have joined him in the family business. Tradition is important at
Rose Mortuary. Both locations have a staff member on-site around the clock, a practice many funeral homes have discontinued. No matter what time of the day or night, a Rose Mortuary staff member will answer families’ calls. Respect for families’ needs is paramount. While Rose offers pre-need planning and a full range of services, there is no pressure to buy more than one can afford. “We don’t sell here. We do not pressure families,” said Brian. “Every funeral director in this place puts families’ needs first.” In fact, everyone at Rose Mortuary, from the office staff to the owners, regularly attend grief counseling training to help them be sensitive to the families they serve. “Those extra steps matter in what we’re doing and helping people through this grief process,” said Brian. “I feel like that’s why we’re growing right now.” Even while traditions of caring and respect drive
At Weaver Hearing Aid Center, we believe it is important to provide you with
CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE INFORMATION about hearing loss and the NEW HEARING INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY available to help correct your hearing loss.
the business, the world has changed. Bob has been a funeral director for 50 years, and in that time he has seen societal changes reflected in the funeral business. Cremations have become more accepted. Family units are more spread out, so time has become more of an issue. “The challenges are always there,” Bob said. “They just change.” “Life is so fast-paced now,” said Brian. “The onus is really on the funeral director to work with families to show them the reason why this time is so important. This experience matters.” In the end, operating a successful funeral business is about nurturing trust in the families you serve. “I believe in the value of everything we do,” said Brian. “The reward comes from helping families. Everybody wants to matter. Here, you can personally matter to people.” Info: www.rosemortuary. com. Shannon Carey is the Shopper-News general manager and sales manager. Contact Shannon at shannon@shoppernewsnow. com.
Each KCDC property benefits from the m a n y wonderful par tnerships we have with local social service orgaNance nizations. I cannot fully express my gratitude for these agencies that provide extra support for our residents, especially those with special needs. KCDC recently began a new partnership with Compassion Coalition, a nonprofit that connects faith-based organizations with service opportunities, and I have been astounded at the positive response we have received from this group. In April, the Compassion Coalition invited our KCDC staff to present to representatives of around 90 faith-based organizations who attended the organization’s Salt and Light Luncheon. Our staff presented the specific needs of the senior residents at the Manor at Northgate Terrace, an independent living facility in North Knoxville for those experiencing problems with the aging process. The Manor provides a great service to our area’s seniors, including supportive services like two meals daily delivered to each room, laundry service, daily safety checks and housekeeping ser-
KCDC executive director and CEO Alvin Nance shakes the hand of Manor at Northgate Terrace resident Ruth Norman during a recent visit to the independent living facility. Norman has been a resident of the Manor at Northgate Terrace for two years, receiving supportive services. Photo submitted vices for a fixed monthly rate of $495. The Manor serves 41 total seniors, and 15 of our residents are over the age of 80. We have four residents over the age of 90! Since that meeting, we have received an outpouring of monetary and in-kind donations to help residents of the Manor. Volunteers have been lining up to come in and help out as needed. One organization connected through the Compassion Coalition volunteered to repot all of the plants in the Manor’s sitting areas. Another organization donated a year’s supply of laundry detergent to reduce the seniors’ monthly costs. All monetary donations have
gone toward scholarships to cover rent for low-income seniors to ease their financial burden. The Compassion Coalition has connected us with their network of nearly 200 faith-based organizations. Their support is an added value to our residents and helps us create a better program and a better life at the Manor at Northgate Terrace. I am so thankful to executive director Grant Standifer and the rest of the Compassion Coalition for their support of the Manor and for seeing the importance of serving the elderly here in our community. Alvin Nance is executive director of KCDC.
Hear better Weaver Hearing Aid Center for the best of your life
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A-10 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Community Calendar Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com
Farragut library events The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, June 18, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. ■ Tuesday, June 19, 10:30 a.m., Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, June 20, 10:30 a.m., Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2; 1:30 p.m., “The Elephant’s Sneeze”: A puppet show tells the story of an elephant who dreams of becoming a circus clown, but he can’t stop sneezing. A craft will follow. ■ Thursday, June 21, 10:30 a.m., Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, June 22, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.
THROUGH FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Movers and Shakers exercise program The Farragut Movers and Shakers Club has already started, but registration is open through Friday, June 29, for the town of Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department’s seventh annual free summer exercise program. Open to students in rising grades kindergarten through 12th grade, the program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among families in the community. The club will run through Friday, Aug. 3. Registration forms are available at www.townoffarragut.org/FormCenter and at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
blanket and blocks (if they have them). The instructor is Valerie Whiting. Cost is $60.
‘Salute to Uncle Sam’
Mental health care for seniors
Students from Lovell Heights Music Studio will perform a “Salute to Uncle Sam” at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The recital will honor the military and the audience is encouraged to wear red, white and blue. Refreshments will be served (suggested donation of $1), and prizes will be given away. Registration is requested at 670-6693.
Paul Tinnel art at Town Hall The town of Farragut Arts Council has chosen Paul Tinnel as the featured artist for June. An exhibit of Tinnel’s handmade wood bowls will be on display from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through Friday, June 29, on the second floor of the rotunda in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Tinnel’s work is also a featured exhibit at The Town Framery in Farragut. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 9667057, or visit www.townoffarragut.org.
From 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday through Oct. 29, the Dixie Lee Farmers Market is open with fresh, locally grown produce and handmade crafts. The market is at Renaissance in Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Local farmers and Tennessee artisans provide the products for the market. In season, offerings include peaches, berries, grapes, melons, apples, tomatoes, peppers, beans, corn, greens and a host of other fruits and vegetables, plus grass-fed meats, honey, potted plants, fresh-cut flowers, herbs and cheeses. There are also baked goods and crafts by local artisans.
Irish music, old-time banjo on Tennessee KARM Dragon Boat Festival Shines The 10th annual KARM Dragon Boat Festival will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at the Cove at Concord Park. At least 60 community and corporate teams are expected to compete for the title of grand champion. Proceeds from the event benefit Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Asian cultural entertainment, music, food and kids’ activities will be featured at the familyfriendly event. Volunteers are needed. Info: 742-4306.
SATURDAY, JUNE 23 ‘Train Your Trainer’ Day
KTC youth cross-country camps The Knoxville Track Club will offer Summer CrossCountry Camps for two youth age groups this month at Campbell Station Park. The camp for middle- and high-schoolers will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from June 18 to Aug. 3. The camp for 3rd- through 5th-graders will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. July 16 to Aug. 3. The camps are co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. Info and to register: www.ktcyouthathletics.org.
Fitness Together will hold its annual “Train Your Trainer” fundraiser and open house for the Alzheimer’s Association of East Tennessee from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at the training studio, 9430 S. Northshore Drive, Suite 102A. Fitness Together clients and friends are invited to take the trainer of their choice through the workout of their choice in exchange for a donation. There will be complimentary appetizers, drinks and chair massages, and a silent auction will be held. The event is open to the public. Info: 357-8663.
Community helpers at Smart Toys and Books
KTC youth track and field program The Knoxville Track Club Summer Track and Field Program for ages 15 to 18 will wrap up this week at Farragut High School. The program meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 19, and Thursday, June 21. The summer program is co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. For more info and to register: www.ktcyouthathletics.org.
Community Dialogue on Land Use Plan
The Knox County Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled youth golf clinics throughout the summer at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. Three-day sessions for 9- to 17-yearolds go from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Thursday on June 19-21, July 10-12, July 24-26 and Aug. 7-9. Cost is $100. Two-day camps for 6- to 8-year-olds run from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays on June 26-27, July 17-18 and July 31 to Aug. 1. Cost is $75. Saturday morning beginner clinics will be available during June and July for $15 a week. To register or info: 966-9103.
TUESDAY, JUNE 26 The town of Farragut will hold a Community Dialogue on the latest updates to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan on Tuesday, June 26, at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. An open house begins at 6 p.m., with a brief presentation by consultant Winston Associates at 7. Attendees will each have an equal chance to share input anonymously through individual electronic keypads. Those unable to attend may share opinions and stay up to date on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan’s progress at www. farragut2025.com. Info: www.farragut2025.com or contact Assistant Town Administrator Gary Palmer, gary.palmer@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.
Youth golf clinics
Produce, crafts at Dixie Lee Farmers Market
Four Leaf Peat and Clarke Buehling will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, June 18, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitors Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www. BrownPaperTickets.com.
perform at 7 p.m. Monday, June 25, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitors Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
Community Helpers Day at Smart Toys and Books will feature a Knoxville Fire Department truck, a Knox County Sheriff’s car and West Side Rescue Truck. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at the store, 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square. Trucks will be on hand until 1 p.m. Children’s activities, including the opportunity to make a theme-related craft, will continue until 3 p.m. In addition to photo opportunities with the vehicles and department personnel, the Knoxville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad advisers and members of Explorer Post 630 will be on hand to talk about community-service careers.
Yoga class at Town Hall
The town of Farragut is offering a yoga class from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays through June 28, in the Community Room at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat, yoga straps, one
Boling, Brown & Holloway, Salnikova on Tennessee Shines Boling, Brown & Holloway and Lydia Salnikova will
Mental health wellness and depression in seniors will be the focus of the Wednesday, June 27, Boxed Lunch and Learn presented by Parkwest at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The Lunch and Learn begins at noon. Tamela King, a licensed clinical social worker from Peninsula, a division of Parkwest, will discuss mental health and various maintenance techniques and treatment options. Attendance is $5. Complimentary box lunches will be available to all attendees who RSVP by June 22 to 541-4500.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 Kids cooking class at Smart Toys Experienced chef Connie Valeson, in association with the Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, will bring her extensive knowledge of food preparation and nutrition to Smart Toys and Books at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 27. Topics cover selecting healthy foods, using kitchen tools safely and making healthy snacks and lunches. Demonstrations and hands-on preparation are included. Special dietary needs (gluten-free, lactose intolerance, etc.) will be addressed. There is a $15 materials charge. The class will be held at Smart Toys and Books, 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square. Reservations are required: 691-1154.
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 28-29 AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors A two-part AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors who want to refresh their driving skills will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 28 and 29, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The course is $10, payable to Ed Langston, AAA, and must be paid in advance. Participants are welcome to bring lunch or snacks; coffee and hot drinks will be available for 25 cents. To sign up: 670-6693.
FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Family Game Night at Smart Toys and Books Join the game experts at Smart Toys and Books for an evening of family games from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 29. The store is at 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square. Classic games as well as new games will be presented. Refreshments will be served. The event is free, but reservations are requested: 691-1154.
MONDAY, JULY 2 Doug & Telisha Williams on Tennessee Shines Doug & Telisha Williams and The Harmed Brothers will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, July 2, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitors Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com.
MONDAY, JULY 2 Woody Pines on Tennessee Shines Woody Pines will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, July 2, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitors Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www. BrownPaperTickets.com.
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SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 18, 2012 • A-11
Class of 2012 looks to the future By Allison Donovan
n Monday evening, May 21, Temple Baptist Academy held its 35th annual high school graduation ceremony. Family and friends gathered for the special occasion to show their support for the seniors of this year’s class. As the graduates entered Temple Baptist Church to the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance,” a sense of accomplishment could be seen on their faces. Principal David Whitaker began the ceremony with a greeting, and Vice Principal Tim Missey led an opening prayer. Valedictorian Amanda Brock addressed the audience and her classmates, recounting some of the many memories she has made while attending the Academy since kindergarten. She then challenged her fellow students to take the time to seize every opportunity God
gives and follow the admonition of Proverbs 3:5-6 to “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Salutatorian Timothy Burley reflected on those who influenced his life. He expressed his gratitude to God for family and friends who invested in him and encouraged him by making his education possible. He said, “I am here to tell our senior class that I know with God’s help we will achieve whatever we set our hearts to do.” Dr. Clarence Sexton, pastor of the Temple Baptist Church, was the commencement speaker. He reminded the graduates of the gift of education they have received and that the graduation ceremony is not an ending, but a new beginning –
an opportunity to continue in their pursuit of God and His will for their lives. Sexton exhorted the class to develop a philosophy of life that grows out of knowing God. The graduates of Temple High School’s class of 2012 are excited about their future and are eager to build on the foundation they received while attending school. A number of students from this year’s class plan to pursue a college education in a v a r ie t y of fields.
Temple Baptist Academy principal David Whitaker and Salutatorian Timothy Burley.
Summer sports camps in Powell By Taryn Jones
Fifth grader Autumn Arsenault won first place in the state competition for vocal solo and violin solo.
Seventh grader Stephen Lockett contemplates his next chess move.
Students excel in fine arts By Michelle Baker The 2011-2012 school year was one of high achievement in music and fine arts at Temple Baptist Academy. From elementary to junior high and high school, students excelled in both individual and group competitions. Students competed at the district, state and national levels. At the Tennessee
Association of Christian Schools (TACS) state academic and fine arts competition in Murfreesboro, Temple brought home 46 awards. Twenty of those were first place awards. The Temple debate team finished in third place at the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) national competition in Greenville, S.C.
One of the trademarks of the Academy at Temple is that so many of the students are not just honing their academic skills, but striving for excellence in both athletics and fine arts. It is not at all uncommon to find a Temple student going from competing on the basketball court one minute to presenting a stirring piece on the violin the next.
Crown College, in conjunction with Mount Moriah Christian Camp and Temple Baptist Academy, is hosting Crown Championship Sports Camps this summer. These camps will provide a great opportunity for team and individual instruction. Championship coaches who know what it takes to compete at a high level will be working with each athlete. Time will be invested in the teaching and reinforcement of sound fundamentals, as well as team play and game situations. The sports camps are being directed by coach Jared Berry of Temple Baptist Academy. In addition to athletic instruction, campers will have the opportunity to enjoy activities at the 110acre Mount Moriah Camp located on the outskirts of Powell. Camp activities include the 800-foot zipline known as “The Screamer,” the water slide and swimTemple Baptist Academy 8th grader Jordan Sullivan. ming pool and more.
Championship Sports Camps ● June 25-29: Boys Basketball with coach Del Wubbena ● July 2-6: Elementary Sports (no Wednesday camp) ● July 16-20: Soccer with coach Shannon Sexton ● July 23-27: Girls Volleyball with coach Lea Turner
A limited number of spaces are available for each camp. Space will be reserved on a firstcome, first-served basis. Camp instruction and competition will be held in the gymnasium and on the soccer field at Temple Baptist Church. Info: Jared Berry, 207-7194 or sports@ mountmoriahcamp.com.
A-12 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
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144 33
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Halls Crossroads
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640 640
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Oak Ridge 170 62
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40 694
162 675
7510 Asheville Hwy. Knoxville, Tennessee
11 70
1950 Western Ave. Knoxville, Tennessee
169 672
4216 North Broadway Knoxville, Tennessee
8905 Kingston Pike Knoxville, Tennessee
131 62
11501 Hardin Valley Road 162 Knoxville, Tennessee
9565 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, Tennessee
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• $4 Prescriptions on 100’s of Generic Drugs 441 Value... Service... Over 70 Convenient 71 Convenience 170 Food City Pharmacy Locations. We accept VALUCARD PRESCRIPTION Express Scripts116 Ask any Food City Pharmacy Associate DISCOUNT CLUB www.foodcity.com Insurance about our Prescription Discount75Club. 33 Plans! 61 VISIT WWW.FOODCITY.COM FOR YOUR COMPLETE LIST OF FOOD CITY PHARMACY LOCATIONS. 9
5941 Kingston Pike (Bearden Ctr.) Knoxville, Tennessee
129 115
284 Morrell Road Knoxville, Tennessee
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441 168
30 locations in the greater Knoxville area! NOTE: NOT ALL LOCATIONS LISTED BELOW ARE PICTURED ON THE MAP
# 609 Food City Pharmacy
# 654 Food City Pharmacy
# 676 Food City Pharmacy
2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676
507 S. Charles Seivers Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259
1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376
# 611 Food City Pharmacy
# 655 Food City Pharmacy
# 677 Food City Pharmacy
1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844
7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635
5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955
# 616 Food City Pharmacy
# 661 Food City Pharmacy
# 678 Food City Pharmacy
11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183
2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033
5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115
# 632 Food City Pharmacy
# 667 Food City Pharmacy
# 679 Food City Pharmacy
2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312
741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018
3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838
# 634 Food City Pharmacy
# 672 Food City Pharmacy
# 680 Food City Pharmacy
1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117
9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580
4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534
# 642 Food City Pharmacy
# 673 Food City Pharmacy
# 681 Food City Pharmacy
508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187
4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761
1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889
# 644 Food City Pharmacy
# 674 Food City Pharmacy
# 682 Food City Pharmacy
11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728
5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972
7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090
# 647 Food City Pharmacy
# 675 Food City Pharmacy
# 685 Food City Pharmacy
2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338
8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935
4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286
# 650 Food City Pharmacy
# 687 Food City Pharmacy
300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032
2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008
# 651 Food City Pharmacy
# 688 Food City Pharmacy
1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110
7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683
# 653 Food City Pharmacy
# 694 Food City Pharmacy
1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085
284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153
Value… Service… Convenience
June 18, 2012
Health & Lifestyles /IJńŀ ijĿğĺ 1ĎĿĸńIJŀŠ8IJŀŠ,ÄťÄźĹ…ĹƒÄśÄšÄšÄ˛ Ĺ€ )IJĎĚŠľİĎĿIJ -IJĎĹIJĿ t 5ĿIJĎŠIJĹ8IJĚĚ İğĺ t Ŝźš 1"3,
COVENANT HEALTH: ALL HEART Innovative valve centers offer specialty cardiovascular care locally care here,� said Jim VanderSteeg, executive vice president of hospital operations for Covenant Health. Valve centers will be staffed by experienced cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists, nurses and other professional medical staff who are educated in the latest protocols expertly trained in the latest procedures.� “If you have a heart problem, we
Even the most complex cardiovascular problems can now be treated in Knoxville. Covenant Health is debuting “valve centers� at Parkwest Medical Center, Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and Methodist Medical Center. “The opening of the valve centers mean that a certain population of patients who used to be referred to places such as Vanderbilt or the Cleveland Clinic can receive their specialty
Breakthrough TAVR Procedure now available ‘Chest-cracking’ not needed for certain heart patients What if a heart valve could be replaced without surgically opening the chest cavity? That “what if� is now a reality for some patients. “For certain patients, a heart valve will be able to be replaced endovascularly using a wire,� said Dr. Chadwick Stouffer, a cardiothoracic surgeon. “Traditional surgery would require a large incision and dividing the breastbone. The risks and recovery time associated with TAVR are much less in comparison.� To be eligible for the TAVR, patients must have severe aortic stenosis and be deemed not a candidate for traditional surgery. Covenant Health has been selected as the only entity in Knoxville to have surgeons trained in the TAVR procedure by Edwards Lifesciences. TAVR is short for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. TAVR is a percutaneous procedure recently proven to be an appropriate alternative to standard medical care (a combination of careful ob-
servation, medications and balloon aortic valvuloplasty.) TAVR is appropriate for select patients with severe aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve opening) who are not candidates for surgery and those who are at very high risk. In the United States, TAVR continues to be studied as part of the PARTNER (Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves) trial which studied inoperable patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. Compared to standard medical care, among the inoperable patients who had TAVR, the procedure reduced their absolute risk of dying by 20 percent. The risk of mortality decreased from 50 percent to 30 percent. Dr. Mike Ayres, Dr. Thomas Pollard, Dr. Chadwick Stouffer, and Dr. Nicholoas Xenopoulos are &RYHQDQW +HDOWKÂśV ÂżUVW physicians to be trained in TAVR. 7R ÂżQG RXW PRUH DERXW whether TAVR is right for you, call 541-4500 or visit www.covenanthealth.com/ heartcare.
FDA-approved in November 2011, the Edwards SAPIEN Transcatheter Heart Valve is the first biologic transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) therapy approved for use in the U.S. Select hospitals are now performing the procedure on qualified patients. This transcatheter procedure enables the placement of a collapsible aortic heart valve into the body via a catheterbased delivery system, which allows the valve to be inserted via the femoral artery in the thigh. The valve is designed to replace a patient’s diseased native aortic valve without traditional openheart surgery and while the heart continues to beat – eliminating the need for cardiopulmonary bypass.
can treat it,� said Dr. Mike Ayres, cardiologist. “When it comes to cardiac care, Covenant Health is ‘all heart.’ What patients want is better outcomes, fewer complications and higher survival rates, and the comprehensive coordination of care made possible by the valve centers help us deliver.� A new $2.6 million hybrid operating room which opened this spring at Parkwest is part of the plan. It is used primarily for cardiac and vascular
procedures performed by members of multiple Covenant Health medical staffs. Parkwest is one of only 140 sites in the nation to offer Trans Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), an innovative procedure to replace diseased aortic valves. It is the first Knoxville hospital to have this capability. For more information about the valve centers of Covenant Health, visit w w w. c o v e n a n t h e a l t h . com/heartcare or call 541-4500.
Aortic Stenosis
The leaflets of a calcified aortic valve are unable to open wide, obstructing blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta. The narrowed valve allows less blood to flow through and as a result, less oxygen-rich blood is pumped out to the body, which may cause symptoms like severe shortness of breath. With the TAVR procedure, an artificial device (see SAPIEN valve, pictured at left) opens the aortic heart valve wide to allow oxygen-rich blood to flow unobstructed in one direction. The blood flows through the valve into the aorta where it then flows out to the rest of the body. Illustration courtesy of Edwards Lifesciences.
Hybrid operating room enables novel and less invasive treatment options In much the same way as Ă€RZHU RU IUXLW YDULHWLHV DUH developed to maximize the desirable traits of the plants, a “hybrid operating roomâ€? combines the best of a traditional surgical suite with large imaging equipment such as real time x-ray and CT in a sterile setting. Such an operating room is now open at Parkwest. “Hybrid operating rooms allow surgeons and their colleagues to perform combined open, minimally invasive, image-guided and/or catheter-based procedures in the same OR in the same operative setting,â€? explained cardiothoracic surgeon Chadwick W. Stouffer, M.D., who was involved in the design of the hybrid OR for Parkwest along with colleagues Thomas R. Pollard, M.D.,
A team of physicians was instrumental in the design of a “hybrid operating room� (seen in background) which combines the best of a traditional surgical suite with large, real-time imaging equipment in a sterile setting. Pictured are some of the physicians who will be involved the breakthrough TAVR procedure for patients who are medically unable to have open-heart surgery. L to R, Chadwick Stouffer M.D., Lee Collins M.D., Nicholoas Xenopoulos M.D., Mike Ayres M.D. and Thomas Pollard M.D. Willard B. Campbell, M.D., C. Scott Callicutt, and Christopher W. Pollock, M.D.
“If you are facing aortic aneurysm surgery or aortic valve replacement, you
may have a less invasive option and a quicker recovery,� Stouffer said.
“The hybrid OR concept is gaining popularity around the nation, although just a few years ago, only large teaching hospitals had them,â€? said Parkwest CAO Rick Lassiter. “The hybrid OR allows less invasive, endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms in the chest and abdomen via catheters placed in the arteries in the groin.â€? Âł:H ZHUH QRW WKH ÂżUVW LQ the area to have a hybrid OR, but we do have the newest equipment with more ‘bells and whistles’ than anywhere else,â€? said C. Scott Callicutt, M.D., a general/vascular surgeon. “This OR has amenities comparable with Vanderbilt and our physicians have access to technology that will allow them to access sophisticated stents and other procedures which have been
primarily isolated to the Cleveland Clinic.� Approximately $2.6 million has been invested in the creation of a 1,100-squarefoot hybrid operating room which will contain a state of the art Toshiba imaging system, as well as the full complement of standard operating room equipment. Cardiothoracic Surgeon Thomas R. Pollard, M.D. said that the hybrid OR is about twice the size of a normal operating room and has a separate control room for the state of the art imaging equipment. “This will allow us to expand on the surgical procedures provided previously,� stated Pollard. “We will be able to care for patients who were previously too highrisk for a standard open operation.�
All Heart. All Here. No longer does getting treatment for the most complex heart problems mean going somewhere else.
Covenant Health is East Tennessee’s first and only health system to offer the innovative TAVR procedure for replacing heart valves in patients who cannot have open-heart surgery. Procedures will be performed at Parkwest Medical Center in a new $2.6 million surgical suite designed specifically for minimally invasive cardiac procedures.
When it comes to your heart, the physicians and hospitals of Covenant Health provide the most advanced cardiac services in the region. Together, we’re all heart. And all here.
Fort Loudoun Medical Center Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center LeConte Medical Center Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge
Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System Parkwest Medical Center Roane Medical Center
B-2 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Max Smith, Albert Hank, Maggie Greff and Louise Piske play bridge. “Last night there were 55 Texas Hold ‘em card players at Baileys, and I came in second,” said Greff. She does not argue about being a card shark. “It’s being lucky more than anything, unless you’re a good bluffer,” said Hank.
Playing cards at Strang
The Strang Senior Center offers a variety of card-playing opportunities to have fun and meet a friendly group. They were talking and laughing as they played contract bridge at 10 a.m. Monday.
Theresa Edwards
Other card games at Strang include bridge at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, ca-
nasta and pinochle at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays, social bridge at 10 a.m. Wednesdays, duplicate bridge at 10 a.m. Thursdays, canasta club at 9:30 a.m. Fridays and social bridge at 10 a.m. Fridays. If you like other games, Scrabble players meet at 12:30 p.m. most Thursdays and Rummikub players meet at 1 p.m. most Fridays. Calendars of upcoming events are available at the Strang Senior Center at 109 Lovell Heights Road. Info: 670-6693.
Before taking your pet to work, be sure he or she is dressed for success. Photo courtesy of www.iseeahappyface.com.
Bring a friend to the office But don’t forget the Scooby snacks If you have found yourself staring at your coworkers and wondering why they can’t be as much fun as your dog or cat, then this is the week you’ve been waiting for.
Marge McLaughlin and Bonnie Baba play bridge. McLaughlin explains they play four hands total, with the two winners moving on to play the winners at other tables. The final winners’ tallies are posted on the board in the game room.
Sara Barrett
Critter Tales Sara Costigan, Muriel Maxwell and Nancy Haun play bridge at the Strang Senior Center. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
! a z o o
l a P en
AARP driver safety class For registration info about this and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Carolyn Rambo, 584-9964. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, June 27-28, Second Presbyterian Church, 2829 Kingston Pike.
PetSitters International is encouraging everyone to celebrate “Take Your Pet to Work Week” Monday through Friday, June 1822, with “Take Your Dog to Work Day” as the grand finale on Friday. The purpose of the fur-friendly week is to celebrate the bond between pets and their owners and to raise awareness about animal adoption. Before packing the poop scoop and heading for the office, though, there are a few things to keep in mind when taking your pet to work. First and foremost, make sure all furry, temporary employees are approved by upper management. If your office is already a zoo, making your pet put up with a bunch of
monkeys all day would not allow you – or anyone else – to work efficiently. Make sure your work area is clear of any clutter that your pet may find inviting. Move any important papers out of reach of your pet’s lounge area or litter box. The last thing you want is to have your first “Take Your Pet to Work Week” be your last. Possibly the most important item to remember is to contact a local shelter and invite them to take part in some way. A speaker from an organization could discuss adoption options with your company’s staff, or an adoptable animal could stop by your office for a quick meet and greet. Other possibilities include having pet costume contests or talent shows with all participants making a donation to the local shelter. Bringing pets to work has become so popular in America, parties will be held in central locations around the country for pet owners to celebrate the cause. San Diego, New York City and Miami will all host a pet bash on Friday in honor of our fourlegged friends. Info: www. takeyourdog.com. To contact Sara, email her at barretts@ shoppernewsnow.com or call her at 218-9378.
Whatever you call it, it’s happening right now at the Humane Society of East Tennessee!
Dozens of kittens and cats
... and a few puppies and dogs all ready and waiting for a home to call their own!
■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: www.cancersupportet. org or 546-4661. ■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Info: 541-4500 or www.covenanthealth.com/ bodyworks. ■ The Healthy Living Kitchen Team at the University of Tennessee Medical Center has published a cookbook called “A Recipe for Life.” It is available for $35 at the gift shop or online at www.utmedicalcenter. org. Info: 305-6877. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.
Adoption fees start at $75.00 and include spay or neuter, testing, vaccinations, de-worm, microchip and free lifetime microchip registration. Call 865-309-HSET (4738) • www.humanesocietyetn.org
■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
We always need monetary donations & are a 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible. Ad space donated by
■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems,
Meet Twiggie Twiggie is a 7-year-old Jack Russell mix who is already spayed and is available for adoption at Young-Williams Animal Center. She is ready to go home with her family today! Her adoption fee is $50. If you would like more information on Twiggie, visit between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. at 3201 Division St. or call 215-6599.
2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807, or www.namiknox.org. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is pro-
vided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. each first and third Tuesday in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or RSVP: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ■ Church Street UMC, 900 Henley St., will have “Bible Olympics: Champions of God’s Word,” 9:30 a.m. to noon June 18-21, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. There will be Bible study, stories, crafts, games and snacks. Info: www. churchstreetumc.org or 5210282.
■ Farragut Church of Christ, 136 Smith Road, will have “Bean Acres VBS” 8:30 a.m. to noon June 18-22, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. Info: www. farragutchurch.org or 9665025.
■ Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will have a Summer Spectacular 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 20-22, for ages 2 through 5th grade. The Adventure Squad will return for another action-packed adventure with music, drama, nightly giveaways and fun. Info: www.gracebc.org.
■ Karns Church of Christ, 6612 Beaver Ridge Road, will have “Christian Academy, Training Superheroes for God,” starting at 6:30 p.m. June 24-27, with classes for all ages. ■ St. Mark UMC, 7001 Northshore Drive, will host “SonRise National Park” 5:15 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 16-20. Children age 4 through rising 6th graders are invited. Adults are invited to nightly fellowship and Bible study. A donation will be requested for dinner. Info: 5880808 or www.stmarkumcknox. org/sonrisenationalparkvbs.
Bible lessons, fun combine By Suzanne Foree Neal School may be out, but children are still learning lessons. It’s Vacation Bible School season. Churches around town are opening their doors to members and guests to have fun and learn about religion at the same time. Today’s Vacation Bible School programs are built around themes that appeal to children. At Farragut Presbyterian Church on Jamestowne Boulevard, it was “Adventures on Prom- Jack Pennoyer and Colten Collier use mini-marshmallows and ise Island.” Children from toothpicks to create their version of the tomb where Lazarus pre-school to rising 6th lay dead until Jesus told him to rise and get up. graders recently filled the rooms from 9 a.m. to noon for a week. There were 87 youngsters enrolled in this session, about a third of them from the Korean Presbyterian Church. The children spent the morning doing crafts, science, music, recreation, Bible stories and, of course, snack time. The children planned to sing a special song at the 11 a.m. service the following Sunday at the church.
Decorating craft sticks in craft class are Brooke Frynkewicz and Amy Lee.
Kennedy Reynolds, Kerrie Cheng, Camryn Kim and Grace Szymczak take part in a music session at Farragut Presbyterian Church’s “Adventures on Promise Island.” Photos by S.F. Neal
Junior dance camp Bearden High Dance Team’s Junior Dance Camp will be held in the BHS gym 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 28-29, for grades kindergarten through 5th. All campers will perform Friday night. The cost is $50. Register by June 22 and receive a free T-shirt. Info: email bhsdancecamp@aol.com.
Lost & Found
Ethan Sharp and Gavin Gregg get into the rhythm of the music during Vacation Bible School.
13 Adoption
Reward Offered Missing Since 6-9-12 from Old Ebenezer area. Sandy is loved please help him get home. Please call 865-310-1242
Special Notices
Aaron Sharp and Jelena Armsworth dig into cupcakes during snack time.
21 Condos- Townhouses 42 Apts - Unfurnished 71 Condo Rentals
WE ARE LOOKING 7100 ALLISON WAY, THE OLD CITY to expand our family 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 car 1BR, 1BA, studio apt. through adoption. If gar., great cond. in the Heart of the Old you are pregnant and $124,900 Open House City. Hrdwd flrs, new considering an adoption Sun. 1-3. 865-441-5612 carpet, new tile, DW, plan, please contact disposal, W/D conn., CONDO-JONESBORO, Must see to appreciate. us at 1-866-918-4482. TN, Reduced, $199K. We have a lot of love Sorry NO Pets. 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, close to give. $525/mo. + $525 DD & to ETSU, medical www.lindaanddave.com 1st mo. rent due at centers, & schools. time of signing lease. 423-948-3065, A min. of 1 yr. lease 865-277-7327 req. For more info. West 40w or to see, call Ghippi Lee or Connie Taylor Lakefront Property 47 at (865) 524-4974, Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30pm. 495+ KNOX AREA FORECLOSURES $150-750K BANK OWNED Call for a complete list! Lot near Straight Creek Dock on Norris 865.291.0355 The Holli McCray Group Lake. Must sell $9,900 No doublewides alat Keller Williams lowed. Bank financing 865.694.5904 available. Financing subject to credit apCall Janine at Apts - Furnished 72 Special Notices 15 proval. Citizens Bank 423-526-5036 Equal Credit Lender WALBROOK STUDIOS 25 1-3 60 7 $140 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.
Real Estate Wanted 50 Houses - Unfurnished 74
Thursday, July 12, 2012 7:00 PM
Pay Cash, Take over payments. Repairs not a problem. Any situation. 865-712-7045
Farragut Town Hall
WE BUY HOUSES Any Reason, Any Condition 865-548-8267 www.ttrei.com
11408 Municipal Center Drive To hear citizen’s comments on the following ordinance: 1. Ordinance 12-06, an amendment to the Farragut Municipal Code, Title 14 Land Use Controls, to create minimum building facade requirements. 2. Ordinance 12-08, an amendment to the Farragut Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4. Section XXVIII. Outdoor Sales Permit, to modify potential users and the parameters of such permits.
40 Homes
Apts - Unfurnished 71 1BR, 1BA NORTH All appls., exc. cond. $450/mo. No pets. 865-604-8726, 922-9658. N. near I-75, Ftn. City/ Inskip area, beautiful new 1 BR, quiet, priv., 2 yr. lease. No pets. Credit chk. $425. 865-522-4133
40 Homes
76 Cats
BEAUTIFUL RIVER/ mtn. view. Immac. 1 BR/1 BA across from Lakeshore Park. New carpet, balcony, pool, tennis . No smoking, no pets. $575/mo. Water incl. Credit check. 687-8148 Like New brick townhouse, 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Turkey Creek area. No pets. Credit ck. $350 dep. $700 mo. 1 yr lease. 865-986-0905 ***Web ID# 995661*** West Town/Cedar Bluff, 3 BR, 3 BA, w/ loft, lots of closets, quiet neighborhood, $1300 mo lease. 865-405-5908
Wanted To Rent 82 Ret. Private Detective & Author needs 1-2BR house on secluded, private property with rent reduced in exchange for security and/or light caretaker duties. 865-323-0937
N.E. BRAND NEW 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car gar., cathedral ceil- Trucking Opportunities 106 ings, hdwd & marble flooring thruout, huge master BR, closet & Class-A CDL Flatbed Drivers Home on BA w/sep. garden tub the weekends! All & shower. $1150/mo. Miles PAID 865-599-8174. (Loaded & Empty)! to Own-No NEWLY Remodeled Lease Money Down CALL: 3BR, 1BA w/gar., 888-567-4971 1108 King Rd., Seymour. $750 mo. $300 dep. 1st & last General 109 mo. 865-573-9639. WEST, Off Ebenezer HOUSECLEANING, Rd. Immaculate 3 F/T no nights or BR, 2 BA all brick weekends. 4-person ranch. 2 car gar., team, West Knox fenced backyard & location. Call The deck. Bonus room, Maids at 670-0025. cath. ceilings, walkin closets, great rm w/frpl, kit. bar, 140 quality upgrades. Cats Safe, quiet subd. Credit ck. $1275/mo. Himalayan & Persian w/dep. No smoking. Flat Face Kittens, 865-607-9000 Adorable. New litter. 423-627-4426. ***Web ID# 994711***
40 Homes
40 Homes
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Call 218-9378 Today!
140 Music Instruments 198 Boats Motors
232 Trucks
257 Painting / Wallpaper 344
HIMALAYANS, CFA WURLITZER PIANO, SEA DOO GTI 1997, FORD F-350 Dually reg. kittens, champ med. oak, exc. runs & looks great RWD flat bed. Wht, bldlns. $200 & up. 423cond. $900. Call 865w/trlr. 50 mph. 7.3 liter powerstroke 295-2233, 865-306-3536 922-1105; 607-5912. $1600. 865-805-3403. turbo diesel, 4 DR crew cab, tow pkg., MAINE COON kittens, new trans., 196K reg., big, fluffy, Misc. Items dependable, 235 mi, 203 Campers beautiful, make exc. $7995. 865-591-6430 companions, $350. 423- CHERRY & Walnut BEAUTIFUL 2011 RANGER 2011 478-1815; 423-667-0372 lumber, kiln dried, CARDINAL 5th WHL FORD XLT, 6 cyl. super shop stored, make By Forest River. Full cab, 6K mi. loaded, body paint, 39'4". Deluxe offer. 865-558-6325 $17,200. 865-414-0323. Dogs 141 pkg, 2 Lazy Boy LOSE WEIGHT for a leather recliners, 4 dr BASSET HOUND pups, $1 a day with ACE refrig., frpl, cent. vac., Sport Utility 261 tri color, 6 wks old, (Appetite Control and 3 slideouts with awn1st shots, vet ckd, Energy) 865-200-2649 ings, fantastic fan HONDA Pilot 2003 EXL, $150. 865-257-3197 w/rain sensor, dual Black, Leather, 4 WD, pane windows, boat CAIRN TERRIER Household Appliances 204a hitch, King bed, corian Exc Cond. 174K mi. "Toto" pups, 2 M, 9 wks, $7,500. 865-938-1906 counter tops in kit. CKC, shots, $450. Call Used very little. Like or text 865-919-8167 new. $64,500. 865-947- Mercedes Benz GL450 2007, black/blk, loaded, ***Web ID# 995134*** 2531 or 865-556-0016. exc cond, 56K mi, Chihuahuas beautiful $33,800. 865-599-4946 PROWLER 2001 TT 27 ft. small quality appleLg. slide out, qn bed, heads, Regis., S&W, rear BA, AC, gas range $250-$275. 865-387-2859 Imports 262 / heat, all hitch, levelers ***Web ID# 994647*** / sway bar. $8000 / bo. Exc. cond. 865-717MERCEDES E350 CHOW PUPS, 6 wks. 1716 E. Magnolia Ave. 1268; 717-645-1619 2011, Conv., 21,500 old & 8 mos. old, mi, white w/black top, full blooded, $150 Refrig., 22 CF, $125; TRAVEL MATE Camper $55,000. 865-924-9588 Cook top, exc. $185. each. 423-234-0476 17', self-cont. Every***Web ID# 994842*** Wall mount dbl oven thing works. Load level$350. 865-599-5192 CORGI, PEMBROKE ing trailer hitch. $1100. Toyota Prius Touring Welsh, AKC, 6 wks, 865-661-6199. 2008, driftwood pearl/ 1st shots, vet chkd, fawn leather, 48 mpg, Coins 214 $350. 865-435-2878 6 disk JBL, Motor Homes 237 GPS, alloys, new tires & Doberman Pinscher mats, premium cond., puppies, AKC, 6 wks drives new, save! 2008 Forest River old, Vet ckd. 1st shots, $16,900. 865-307-6530 Birkshire diesel pusher, dew claws & tails 39', only 16K mi, 4 ***Web ID# 996593*** Will Consider docked, $550. 423slide outs, 1 owner, 231-3432; 423-489-5097 Collectibles, Diamonds real clean, $85,000. VW BEETLE 2003, or Old Guns. lime green, leather, 865-755-6758; 982-9407 Free Appraisals SR, manual trans. 7600 Oak Ridge Hwy. $6500/bo. 865-274-6806 TROPI-CAL 2006, 34' 865-599-4915 2", diesel pusher, w/freight liner XC GREAT DANE Pups, 6 Sports 264 series chassis, air wks. S & W. Ger. Sporting Goods 223 suspension, air bred. Merle, blk, harq. $400. 931-526-1763 GOLF TAYLOR & brakes, gently used. CORVETTE 1986 11,567 mi. Gen. has Pace Car conv. 48K Ping Irons & woods. GREAT PYRENEES 215 hrs., Corian kit. mi., all orig., yellow AP1 irons $300. puppies, CKC reg, 2 counter top, cherry w/blk top. Documents, Phone 865-670-3980. finish cab., 2 slide F, 2 M, $300 obo. $11,500 obo. 865-755-4729 Call 865-323-3291 outs. 2 tv's, DVD/VCR ***Web ID# 985336*** combo. $115,000 obo. IRISH RED SETTER Fishing Hunting 224 865-584-4737. MERCEDES SLK 300 PUPPIES ***Web ID# 995087*** 2010, hdtop conv., 6200 AKC/FDSB reg., HUNTING LEASE mi, loaded, exc cond, $300. 865-465-8027 available, 450 acres $43,200. 865-806-6026 238 in Russell Co., Ky. Motorcycles Labradoodle Pups, no 859-396-6524 allergies or shedding, 318 HARLEY DAVIDSON Cleaning vet chkd w/shots, $450. 1996 585-750-9055 cell Boats Motors 232 Sportster, Custom, must sell CLEANING NETWORK ***Web ID# 997269*** $3800. 865-755-5104 Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. Good refs! Free est. 1996 SUPRA MALTESE $400 & MaltiHD Road King Custom 258-9199 or 257-1672. SUNSPORT Poos $250 CKC, S/W 2005, black pearl, $11,500 obo. paper trained, health 14K mi, Vance & Hines Call 865-310-1154 guar. 423-248-8516 $12,500. 865-804-0570 FISH &/or PLAY POMERANIAN Pups, VSTAR AKC, teddy bear 1994 19'6" Seanymph YAMAHA Classic Motorcycle deep V alum. 1996 115 face! $300. Older like new, 7k mi, puppy $150. Call 865- Johnson. W.T. windshield, 2007, $5400. 423-494-3774 top w/side enclosures 933-2032; 789-5648. ***Web ID# 994495*** & trailer. 2 down riggers & other extras. X-good Drywall 322 YORKIE POOS, cond. $7,900 make offer. Autos Wanted 253 beautiful small babies, 865-947-9720 DRYWALL FINISHA BETTER CASH S&W, $250. Call 865ING. Repairs, FSBO. 1996 Norris OFFER for junk cars, 387-2859 new/old constr, Yachts 16x73 Fully trucks, vans, running ***Web ID# 994650*** lightt/med hanging, Furn. Alum Hull or not. 865-456-3500 res/comm'l. Free Houseboat, Exc Cond, est. John 661-6521 We Are Paying Top Decorated 4 Free Pets 145 Prof BR, 2 Full BA, HW Dollar For Your Junk Vehicles. Fast, Free Flrs, W/D, Cent H/A, Flooring 330 Pickup. 865-556-8956 Twin 3.0 Merc I/O's, or 865-363-0318. 12.5 Westerbeke ADOPT! CERAMIC TILE inGenset, Trace Inverter, stallation. Floors/ Xantrex 12 V System Looking for a lost walls/ repairs. 33 w/Extra Capacity, Utility Trailers 255 pet or a new one? yrs exp, exc work! Bow & Stern Shore Visit YoungJohn 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8 Power Connections, UTILITY TRAILERS, Williams Animal 42" HD Plasma TV all sizes available. Center, the official w/Surround, HD Sat 865-986-5626. Furniture Refinish. 331 TV and Ipod Music shelter for the City smokeymountaintrailers.com Thru Out, Fly Bridge of Knoxville & Knox w/Bimini, New Canvas DENNY'S FURNITURE County: 3201 DiParty Top w/Bar, Vans Refinish, re256 REPAIR. vision St. Knoxville. New Rail Canvas. glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! knoxpets.org Incl. Parking Space 922-6529 or 466-4221 DODGE Grand & Prem. Double Slip Caravan 2003, 71K at Sequoia Marina on mi, clean, A-1 Guttering Norris Lake. $159,900. 333 mech., 865-938-1755 Music Instruments 198 Steve (865) 389-7000 ***Web ID# 993886*** Toyota Sienna LE 2004, HAROLD'S GUTTER PIANO Home Digital, exceptional, 116K mi, SERVICE. Will clean Roland, 88 weighted roof rack, tow pkg, front & back $20 & up. $12,000. 865-483-1888 Quality work, guarankeys, bench $850. Two 28' Pontoon 423-625-3652 Boats. 865-354-3009 ***Web ID# 993515*** teed. Call 288-0556.
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B-4 • JUNE 18, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Fitness Together is working for Randy Carr By Anne Hart When it comes to being the living, breathing model of what can result from the determination to live a more healthy lifestyle,and the willingness to work incredibly hard to achieve it, no one sets a better example than Randy Carr, who has now lost 80 pounds and 30 percent of his body fat. And when it comes to telling the story of how it all came about – well, no one does that better than Carr, who won last year’s Covenant Health Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge and is now a personal trainer at Fitness Together on Northshore Drive. “I have been heavy all my life,” Carr says. “I was the fat kid who wore the Sears Husky Jeans in elementary school, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they were in green, gold and red colors. I was ridiculed, made fun of, teased and I was an outcast. I never did any sports, and gym class was a nightmare for me.” After reaching 285 pounds, Carr had gastric lap band surgery in 2007. He lost 30 pounds but then started gaining it back.
Randy Carr at 285 pounds “That’s when I realized that cutting back on calories and walking around the block a few times a week wasn’t going to be enough for me.” On Dec. 31 of that year, Carr walked through the doors of Fitness Together and his life changed forever. “I had a free training session. It was so intense I thought I was going to have a stroke when I got into my car to drive home. It was because of my blood vessels dilating to release heat, which allowed a blood flow rush.”
Once Randy’s body started adjusting to his new, higher intensity program, he started seeing results quickly. He has stuck with the program, has seen a dramatic change in his body and overall health, and now, in his 40’s, runs marathons. Recently Fitness Together Northshore hired Carr to train others. Even at home, Randy is working closely with his 11 year old son Jackson, ensuring that his healthy lifestyle is getting passed down.
Randy Carr training Joel Roettger at Fitness Together Northshore Photo by A. Hart “He leads a much, much healthier lifestyle than I did at his age, and he has fun doing it.” Carr says that’s part of
the challenge of being a personal trainer. “I want people I work with to enjoy what we do here and to be proud of their results.”
In addition to one-onone training, all four Fitness Together locations are now offering small group training for up to six people.