Farragut Shopper-News 103111

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A great community newspaper.


VOL. 5, NO. 44

OCTOBER 31, 2011

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Connecting Farragut New sign design to link greenways By Suzanne Foree Neal

Pumpkins on Parade At Farragut Intermediate See page A-10

Meet Wasabi As PetWellClinic celebrates Halloween See page A-12


Backlash Republicans are rallying to Madeline Rogero following unsigned, scurrilous mailing. See page A-4



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10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Larry Van Guilder lvgknox@mindspring.com ADVERTISING SALES Sydney McLean mcleans@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

Greenways are popping up like mushrooms on a fall day throughout Farragut and surrounding communities. Now there’s a plan afoot to let users know where they are and where they’re going as they walk, run or bike from one municipality to another. John Innes with User Friendly Maps is the man behind a plan to make area greenway signs conform to one similar style. “We’re a graphic arts agency and can design more than just maps,” he says. “Our business includes a lot of greenway work. We originally designed signs for Knoxville with dogwood blossoms in the background. As other cities expressed interest in having their own greenway designs, we adapted so they could have what they wanted in the background.” Knox County adopted an old emblem design from the past. In Farragut it’s an oak leaf cluster. Parks and Leisure Services Director Sue Stuhl says the town is in the process of replacing its old greenway signs with the new modular design. The new model is composed of parts, which means when something needs changing or updating, only part of the sign needs to be replaced. Innes says being able to replace only part of a sign means the remainder will still be good for a long time to come. That also saves money. Farragut ordered 200 signs at a cost of just more than $6,000 with an additional $3,000 for design and hardware for installation, including posts and vandal-proof nuts and bolts. Stuhl says the signs are gradually being replaced as weather allows, first on the four major greenways: Grigsby Chapel, Turkey Creek, Parkside and McFee for a combined length of approximately 7 miles of asphalt greenway.

with a large white letter “G” to designate a greenway. As you get closer, you begin to see the unique symbol for that municipality come into view. “It was inspired by parking signs,” Innes says of the design. “When you see a blue sign with the white letter ‘P’ you know what that means. We wanted something to announce the presence of a greenway.” He says the company found that people were driving past without realizing there was a greenway. One sign design indicates the beginning of a greenway. As users go along, signage changes to include maps to show distances to nearby locations with directional arrows. “We’ve designed a very practical system for greenway signs,” Innes says. “We simply design and let cities use their own staff and practices to install the system. Any greenway can adapt this system.” As Farragut adds links for greenways, signage will be added or updated. Stuhl says the coordinating signage will alert users when they go from one community to another because the themed logo will change. “That’s especially good for bike riders,” she says. “Greenways can be confusing. When you see the ‘G’ you know you’re going in the right direction. The maps help give you your bearings.” Farragut’s greenways get “huge use” says Stuhl. “There isn’t one that isn’t easy to get to, even along Parkside Drive.” With motels on both Parkside and Campbell Station Road, the Park Side and Grigsby Chapel greenways draw tourists wanting to stretch their legs after a long day’s drive. “People know when they walk, Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Director Sue Stuhl shows off one of the town’s new greenway signs with a map and directions. This one is behind Far- run or bike on greenways they’re going to get exercise,” Innes says. ragut Commons at the start of the Grigsby Chapel greenway. Photo by S.F. Neal “Studies have found that when greenways are placed in neighIn addition, there is another 10- occurs, the numbers change. borhoods, they have more impact plus miles of shorter links that are Innes says the greenway signs than even golf courses. Greenways part of a development or are seg- were designed so that if you were have a draw from children to sements that have not been linked looking at them from a distance, nior citizens. Everyone can enjoy as yet, Stuhl says. As development you would see a big green sign greenways.”

Orchids promote beauty in business By Wendy Smith Property owners who attend the annual Orchid Awards, presented by Keep Knoxville Beautiful, are hoping for a flower. But those who neglect their property may walk away with an onion, instead. The 30th annual awards dinner was held last week at The Foundry. Bruce Wheeler, director emeritus of the Chancellor’s Honors Program at UT, was the keynote speaker. He explained how Knoxville’s industrial boom in the late 19th century came with a price. “We sacrificed beauty for profit.” In 1947, a newspaper reporter declared Knoxville the ugliest city in America. The comment resulted in a push to improve the city’s aesthetics during the 1950s. The Dogwood Arts Festival was established as part of the effort. Wheeler used racing terminology to characterize how far the city has come. “Knoxville is ‘winning in the turns’ as the place is turning around, from the edge of the city, to the very center of the city.”

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Chad Weth and Allison Teeters, right, of Keep Knoxville Beautiful, present a Butterfly Award to Charles Atchley, owner of the Public Market at Turkey Creek, and Stephanie Hopson of R2R Studio, for renovating a blighted property. The award was presented at the annual Orchid Awards dinner, which recognizes Knoxville and Knox County’s most beautiful commercial properties. Photo by Wendy Smith The East Tennessee Community Design Center judged the nominees. Ten Orchid Awards were presented to recognize Knoxville and Knox County’s most beautiful commercial properties. Winners were: Bistro

by the Tracks restaurant, Cherokee Mills office complex, Emory Place historic district, the Knoxville Station Transit Center, Montvue Place shopping center, Water’s Edge office park, Pellissippi State Community


College’s Magnolia campus, Todd Richesin Interiors, West Jackson Workshops and the Young-Williams Animal Village. Three Butterfly Awards recognizes properties that have benefitted from extensive renovation. Winners were: the Carson condominiums, the Public Market at Turkey Creek and Thomas “Tank” Strickland Park. One Evergreen Award recognizes a past Orchid Award winner that has continued to enhance the community. Stanley’s Greenhouses and Plant Farm took that prize. Onions, according to master of ceremonies Robin Wilhoit, cause irritation and a stinging sensation to the eyes. Four properties were given the status of “onion” for the long-term lack of attention to beauty: Weeks Ambrose McDonald architects on Market Square, Knox Rail Salvage, the University Market and the Norfolk Southern railroad trestle over Loves Creek Road. Nominations for Orchid awards are accepted year-round at www. keepknoxvillebeautiful.org/orchids.

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community Lewis Cosby joins PBA By Larry Van Guilder County Commission has confirmed Mayor Tim Burchett’s appointment of Lewis Cosby to the Public Building Authority’s board of directors. Burchett could not have made a better choice.

Analysis Years from now, thousands of local politicos will claim “they were there” in August 2007 when an ill-advised remark by former Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale transformed a retired CPA and business owner from concerned citizen to the county’s premier political watchdog. As Cosby concluded his presentation to County Commission about the problems with the mayor’s accounting practices that afternoon, Ragsdale – sotto voce – muttered “showboat.” It was Knox County’s version of the shot heard ’round the world. And while those of us sitting on press row were among the few to actually hear the mayor and witness Cosby’s justifiably indignant

COLLEGE NOTES King College ■ The Theatre Program’s Studio 106 will present Oliver Goldsmith’s comedy “She Stoops to Conquer” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10-12 and Nov. 17-19 in Bristol at the College’s Fine Arts Theatre. Tickets are $10 general admission, $8 senior citizens, $5 students and free with King College ID. Info: 423-6524839 or http://arts.king. edu/.

Lewis Cosby reaction, Ragsdale’s mouthing of the word was replayed (in slow motion, no less) to thousands on the local news later that evening. Ragsdale gave Cosby fame which he had neither sought nor coveted, and in the process created a relentless critic of the administration. But what was bad for the mayor was a boon for Knox County taxpayers. Cosby’s tireless probing alerted the public to such questionable practices as the mayor’s “hospitality fund” and pricey outings on the taxpayers’ dime. But no one should mistake ■ Lauren Winner, author of “Girl Meets God,” will speak at King College and the Bristol Train Station on Nov. 7 as part of the Buechner Winner Institute’s Lecture Series. Winner serves as an assistant professor of Christian Spirituality for Duke Divinity School. She received her bachelor’s degree and doctorate from

A-2 • OCTOBER 31, 2011 • FARRAGUT SHOPPER-NEWS Cosby’s expertise as an independent investigator as a sign that he lacks the skills and the spirit to cooperate with others. His service on the county’s Ethics Committee demonstrated clearly enough that he is a team player, a trait that he’ll bring to the PBA’s board. He also unselfishly shared his time and his knowledge with this reporter and other media representatives as we struggled to untangle the skeins of the former administration’s books. “Lewis brings a wealth of experience to the table, including an extensive privatesector business background that will inform his actions on the PBA board. Without a doubt, he was the right choice for this most recent appointment,” Burchett said. “In recent years, he has shown his willingness to hold government accountable, and I am confident that he will continue to do just that.” Cosby is the right man at the right moment. The PBA has grown exponentially since its establishment, and inevitably questions about its role and its reach have multiplied. As a member of the board, Cosby’s expertise will prove invaluable in answering those questions and helping to guide the organization in a direction that provides the greatest benefit to Knox County taxpayers.

Columbia University. Info: 423-652-4156 or www. buechnerinstitute.org.

Lincoln Memorial ■ Burrus Carnahan will speak at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, at Duncan School of Law in Knoxville as part of the R. Gerald McMurtry Lecture Series. Carnahan will present “Lincoln’s Choices: Ethics, Law and Confederate Civilians.” The program is free and open to the public. Info: 545-5325 or 423-869-6327.

Faith s Family s Future

Retaining wall to hold its ground It seemed simple enough. Just replace a crumbling old retaining wall with a new one, but there’s that issue of being a few inches over the line. That’s the problem facing Terry Brown and Becky Macklin Brown when they replaced an old retaining wall with what they believed to be a sturdy concrete block upgrade. The property at 11421 Turkey Creek Road is divided by the roadway with a narrow strip on one side giving them lake access. They tore out the old railroad ties and started to install a new wall when they received a stop work order from the town of Farragut. A previous owner received permission to build the retaining wall so the strip of land would be usable. It was done at a time when the town had no ordinances regarding retaining walls. Not only is the new wall over the easement by several inches, but it’s also within the 10-foot setback requirement from the town’s right of way. The owners came to the Farragut Board of Mayor and Alderman meeting Thursday seeking relief. “It’s somewhat of an unusual situation,” said Tom Hale, town attorney. His wondered if the board granted the variance request what would happen if the wall had to be moved for some reason, such as widening the roadway or moving utility poles. The owners’ attorney, Stephen Irving, quickly answered. The owners will pay a bond to cover any costs. They have also

Suzanne Foree Neal agreed to top the wall with a highway guardrail for added safety for drivers. “The wall is better than what was there,” said Irving. “The collapse of the old railroad ties was a concern for some of the neighbors and for the Browns.” The new wall design will not only be sturdier, but drainage across the property from Turkey Creek Road will be improved to prevent erosion. Irving said the Browns had hired a contractor to rebuild the wall. If the town would require the wall to comply with the 10foot setback requirement, it would be in the water. Town Engineer Darryl Smith found no fault in the construction techniques being used for the wall after viewing photos of the partially completed project and some discussion with the Browns. The board granted the Browns a conditional easement but is requiring them to go before the board of zoning appeals to obtain a variance for the 10-foot setback requirement. In other business the board: ■ Amended the Farragut zoning ordinance to define “medical spa” as a permitted use in commercial and office zoning districts as requested by Stacey Handel, owner of Garde Bien Spa Salon.

‘Small Hidden Doors’ Red Line Gallery in Farragut will host “Small Hidden Doors,” a group invitational exploring the mysterious art of dream interpretation, 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. All are welcomed. Artwork by Charles Keiger, Elizabeth Foster, Fang Ling Lee, Lara Dann, Samuel Davis and Sarah Kaufman will be featured. The work is curated by Lara Dann,

■ Amended the Farragut Municipal Code to update the beer ordinance to reflect current state law. ■ Approved $19,546.90 for additional work to fill a void at the Farm at Willow Creek drainage project. Smith said contractor Blalock & Sons Inc. essentially had to put a “$20,000 cork” in a hole to fill it. ■ Adopted a revised storm drainage policy that limits the town’s responsibility to public rights-of-way and public property. The town will not be responsible for the maintenance of stormwater and drainage features on private property nor within easements on private property. ■ Suspended issuance of separate special event permits during the “Shop Farragut” program, from Nov. 5 to Jan. 14. This allows a two-week period before and after the “Shop Farragut” holiday (Nov. 19 to Dec. 31) to help brand the program. Places of worship are excluded. ■ Approved a memorandum of understanding between the town and the Farragut Business Alliance. The FBA will take over responsibility for several economic development issues. The agreement is for five years and the town will gradually reduce its grant money to the FBA from $44,000 to $23,000 in hopes that it will generate its own revenue. ■ The Beer Board approved an on-premise beer permit for Go Bananaz Cafe at 11151-D Kingston Pike, owner Kai J. Chia.

who quotes Carl Jung: “The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.” Red Line Gallery is at 11519 Kingston Pike. Info: 288-0277 or www. redlinegallery.net/.

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Schooling on retirement plans By Suzanne Foree Neal Employee retirement benefits were once again the only workshop item for the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen before its Thursday meeting. While there’s some agreement, there’s still no clear consensus on the solution. Town Administrator David Smoak prepared several charts. The first offered hypothetical illustrations of what an employee might get if electing to participate in Social Security. Smoak said Social Security calculates payments based on a person’s last 35 years of employment, which lowers the costs for Social Security as compared to how many other pension plans are calculated using fewer years of service. For every year someone doesn’t work, Social Security counts that as $0 income, but it’s still averaged in with the number of years a person does work. If someone has a 10-year break from contributing to Social Security, the Windfall Elimination Provision kicks in. That reduces eventual Social Security benefits by 5 percent for each year that person is covered by another pension plan. Once a worker reaches 30 years of covered service under Social Security, WEP disappears. Smoak calculated that someone who starts working for the town and has continuous employment for 35 years would get a monthly Social Security check of $1,593.04. The person who had that 10-year break from contributing to Social Security would get $1,117.88. He also illustrated two employee lump sum retirement options. Option 1 is based on years of service and employees would get $500 or $1,000 times the number

David Smoak

of years of service. Option 2 is based on either 1 percent or 2 percent of salary. Alderman Ron Honken saw little difference between the two options. Option 2, he believes, takes into account an employee’s level of responsibility because it’s based on pay. “It’s fair and equitable to all staff,” he said. Alderman Dot LaMarche disagreed. “I favor Option 1,” she said. “The people here the longest would get more money. It seems more fair and equal to all employees.” Smoak said each option looks at years of service and weighs that in the calculation. Those here the longest will get more, he said. Honken opined that nothing about payroll is equal because people are paid at different rates for their salary and vacation pay. “Equal is not fair,” he said. “Everything is based on salary and not on a flat amount.” Board members also reviewed a chart on a supplemental retirement plan giving employees an option to contribute 2, 4 or 6 percent of their wages with a 100 percent match after four years of employment. The town doesn’t contribute to Social Security but has been putting 8 percent into a 401-A plan. With the town now join-

ing Social Security, employees will put in 4 percent with the town providing a 4 percent match. The town has budgeted a 4 percent contribution for all employees no matter the length of service at a cost of $87,614. Employees who choose to join Social Security would also be able to participate in the supplemental plan and participate in the 401 plan if adopted. The supplemental plan does have a fouryear vesting period and then contributions would be based on experience and longevity. Honken said the combination of these plans would put Farragut staff in the top 10 percent in Tennessee if not the nation for retirement plans. “A 100 percent match is not common in retirement plans,” he said. Smoak asked the board to study the proposals before the Nov. 15 meeting where the subject will be revisited.

■ The Community Church in Tellico Village crafters will host their annual holiday craft and bake sale 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 12, at the church, Highway 444 at Choto Road. Proceeds will benefit the Child Advocacy Center, Good Samaritan Center, Good Shepherd Center, Habitat, scholarships and many other nonprofit organizations. ■ Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra Association members are gearing up for their first performance of the season at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, at the Tennessee Theatre. This free concert, sponsored by UT Battelle, will feature performances from all five of the orchestras in the Association. Info: 291-3310.

Safety first Cub Scout Thomas Nagy tours the inside of a Rural/Metro ambulance and receives safety information from Rural/ Metro first responder Jeff Petress during the Knox County Fall Fire Prevention Festival recently at the JCPenney in Turkey Creek. Photo submitted

Mission of Hope Christmas Campaign The 2011 Mission of Hope Christmas Campaign Blue Barrel Collection begins Friday, Nov. 18, and runs through Monday, Dec. 5. Collection barrels can be found at Chick-fil-A, Food City, Home Federal Bank, Kmart, Sears, Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union and CVS/Caremark locations. To make donations, become a volunteer or for more information, call 584-7571, email info@missionofhope.org or visit www.missionofhope.org.

Making friends Arbor Terrace resident Beverly Dawson visits with adoptable pooch Beau and Humane Society executive assistant Alysha Wise last week. The shelter recently started the visits at Arbor Terrace to bring smiles and four-legged friendship to the facility’s residents. For information on adopting Beau, call the shelter at 573-9675. Photo by S. Barrett

■ The Knox County Public Library and UT’s College of Health, Education and Human Services are offering a class for parents to help them guide children through various kinds of loss. “Navigating Loss: Helping your child through grief or change,” will be offered at the Farragut Branch Library 10 a.m. to noon Dec. 3. Info: 9743845. Registration: www. knoxlib.org/griefworkshop. ■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners will meet 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 Cedar Bluff Road. Refreshments will be available at 7:15.




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Things that go ‘Huh?’ in the night Welcome to a special Halloween edition of Mr. Answer Man’s answers to the questions that keep you up at night. Young children and people with heart conditions should avoid today’s session. Q: Mr. Answer Man, I hear the school system is spending $750,000 to supply students with something called “isotonic water.” What is that? Could this be a Marxist plot to corrupt our children’s precious bodily fluids? Sign me, “Scared.” A: Dear Scared: You have every right to be frightened. Fittingly, “isotonic” is an English transliteration of Egyptian hieroglyphics discovered on the tomb of King Tut: iso, “costs a lot;” and tonic, “water with stuff added to it.” It’s fitting because water was a scarce commodity in the Egyptian desert, and isotonic water was reserved for the Pharoahs. Commissioner Tony Norman, who pursues Egyptology as a sideline, noted last week that, “Kids want a whole lot of things.” Norman added: “Just because they demand it doesn’t mean we have to supply it.” School officials countered that they want to provide “attractive items students are interested in.” Besides, the markup is 250 percent, better than double the profit realized by Egyptian traders during Tut’s reign. But what will students “demand” next? Free bus rides? No school on Christmas Day? Who knows where this will end. Q: Mr. Answer Man, maybe it’s just because Halloween is approaching, but I’m having a recurring nightmare about the county going back into business with a vendor some say owes taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Am I losing my mind? A: You seem perfectly normal to me – it’s the county’s sanity that’s in question. Recently, Commissioner “Our” Larry Smith summed up his fears about the county’s contract with Nature’s Best Organics LLC, also known as “the same guys who operated Natural Resources Recovery and got sued by Brad Mayes.” Smith said, “Guys, if we vote for this we have our heads in the sand. They screwed us once (and) they’ll try to do it again.” With a nod to the supernatural, Norman described the situation as “a lawyer’s heaven (but) … our purgatory,” and said there was no recourse other than letting the courts sort it out. “They’re tainted, and we shouldn’t be doing business with them,” Norman added, before voting for the contract. Mr. Answer Man’s assessment: “The horror … the horror.” (Thank you, Marlon Brando.) Q: Last week Commissioner Sam McKenzie said he had a hard time justifying a 1.5 percent pay increase over a period of four years for county employees. What’s your take? A: Mr. Answer Man’s sources tell us that County Mayor Tim Burchett and his staff, ever mindful of the Halloween season, arrived at the percentage by bobbing for apples. Chief of staff Dean Rice grabbed 1 1/2 Granny Smiths, and the rest is history. There is no truth to the scurrilous rumor that Commissioner Amy Broyles tried to slip a poisoned apple into the tub, which, by the way, was fi lled with isotonic water. Anyway, if McKenzie worked for a print newspaper he wouldn’t have made such a silly observation. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.


City election generates yawn A week from tomorrow night and it is over, this mayoral contest which started last summer (2010, not 2011) when Marilyn Roddy hosted fundraisers only to switch races once Jamie Woodson resigned as state senator. Last week I was asked during a talk at the Farragut Rotary Club if Roddy had stayed in the race would it be a different set of candidates in the current run off. This is a “what if” question to which the answer is only a speculation. However, I think it is certainly possible that would have been the case. There is no doubt Madeline Rogero was going to have a spot in the runoff or win it outright (only 16 votes short as it was). She has always been the person to beat and still is. Mark Padgett was only a few votes ahead of Ivan Harmon. Roddy would have taken some Republican votes from Harmon and perhaps gotten some Padgett votes as well. Padgett and Harmon were neck and neck. Certain-

Victor Ashe

ly it is plausible that Roddy could have been in the same close mix. She had ample funding which she returned once she switched races. She had been running for more than a year. Padgett and Harmon got 23 percent each so all Roddy had to do was win 24 percent and she would have been in the runoff. Now whether she would have defeated Rogero is another matter and my guess is not. However, I think that runoff would have been less negative than the current contest. The more interesting question is what would have happened had interim Mayor Daniel Brown decided to run for mayor. I am convinced he would have won a place in the runoff and probably faced

backfire. People do not appreciate such tactics and are more informed than the author of the mailer may think. It certainly will fire up the Rogero base. ■ Mayor Brown has indicated he will make office space available to the mayorelect to run his/her transition office between Nov. 8 and Dec. 17 when the new mayor takes office. The winner will be invited to a seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard to be held Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 for newly elected mayors of cities over 90,000. It is sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the JFK Institute of Politics and is a valuable source of information. ■ Vice Mayor Joe Bailey and his family have moved recently from his home on Hillvale Turn West (previously occupied by former County Commissioner Bee DeSelm) two blocks away to the corner of Kingston Pike and Oakhurst. His term on City Council ends Dec. 17.

Blowback: Republicans for Rogero Tennessee Conservative Union chair Lloyd Daugherty lives in Karns and doesn’t usually mess in city politics, but the anonymous letter trashing mayoral candidate Madeline Rogero and several prominent Republican supporters sucked him

Betty Bean into the maelstrom when he reported that eight of 15 TCU members who received the letter have decided to vote for Rogero. When TV reporters called, he said that he disagrees with Rogero on many philosophical issues, but has always liked her personally. That pulled him even deeper into the battle between Rogero and Mark Padgett, who, like Rogero, is a Democrat, but who enjoys the support of several well-known Republicans, most notably losing mayoral candidate Ivan Harmon and Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones. Later, Daugherty was in the doctor’s office and was approached by one of the nurses. “She said ‘Because you’ve endorsed Madeline, my friend and I have decided to vote for her. …’ I told her that I hadn’t really endorsed anybody, but I said Madeline’s honest and she’s smart and that’s who I’d be for if I were in the city. The lady said, ‘That’s good

enough for me.’ ” Daughterty said his friends are furious over the attack on Rogero supporter Eddie Mannis, who is responsible for the HonorAir flights that take World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., to see the monument to their service. “That went over like a tofu turkey at a Baptist homecoming. One fellow told me that Mr. Mannis helped his older brother go to Washington before he died. He said that letter made him sick. So if you talk to Madeline, tell her she didn’t know it and I didn’t know it but I’ve endorsed her.” County Mayor Tim Burchett says he doesn’t get involved in city politics when asked if he has a favorite in the Rogero-Padgett race. “But I’ll say this: We disagree about a lot of things, but she’s never lied to me. That’s more than I can say about a lot of people I know. And that letter? It’s just the death rattle of the old courthouse crowd.” Republican Executive Committee member Lynn Redmon is an unapologetic Rogero supporter: “I care about neighborhoods. That’s why I’m for Rogero.” Attorney Richard Beeler, who served as county law director when Rogero was a county commissioner, has GOP credentials that go back to Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign in the New Hampshire primary.

5113 Kingston Pike, Knoxville Next door to Gourmet Market


Rogero although his candidacy would have taken votes off Rogero in the African-American community. It also would have taken votes all across the city from people who have been impressed with the calm and deliberate manner in which he has led the city. A runoff between Rogero and Brown could have been close. If early voting averages 700 to 800 voters a day, about 9,000 people will vote early, which means the total city vote may reach 18,000, a few thousand more than the Sept. 27 primary. This is half the 33,000 who voted in 1987 when Randy Tyree and I faced off in a similar runoff. It is a shame so few people are voting and it argues strongly for changing the city elections to coincide with the state elections where turnout is much higher. This election is generating a yawn from 80 percent of the registered voters. ■ The nasty, unsigned letter attacking Rogero may

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Madeline Rogero and Tim Burchett at Hollerpalooza

Photo by

Betty Bean

“This is a nonpartisan race, and I am a conservative Republican who thinks Madeline is the only candidate who is actually prepared to be a really great mayor. “I’ve actually worked with her, and the first thing I look for in a candidate is

a mind. She’s brilliant, and she’s solid on policy discussions. She’s prepared.” He said that the letter made him so mad he did something he rarely does in a city race: “I wrote her one of the biggest checks I’ve ever written a political candidate.”

KCEA and TEA endorse Johnson Gloria Johnson stands with supporter Harvey Boles. Johnson, the Democratic Party nominee for the 6th District Tennessee state Senate seat and a teacher with Knox County Schools, was endorsed by the Tennessee Education Association and the Knox County Education Association last week. Photo by Betty Bean


Discerning the Arab Spring

Pay to play, says Pension Board Board wants $13K from Lobetti By Betty Bean County pension board member Ed Shouse was taken by surprisewhen politico Robert M. “Mose” Lobetti showed Lobetti up on the board’s September agenda to talk about his status under the Uniformed Officers Pension Plan. Lobetti has been asked to repay some $13,000 that was distributed to him before he switched from the county’s Asset Accumulation Plan to the UOPP in 2007. The UOPP is a defined benefits plan that was passed by referendum in 2007 and was sold to the public as a way to provide a decent retirement for law enforcement officers who risk their lives to ensure public safety. Lobetti, 82, is best known for his high profile involvement in local political campaigns – most recently that of mayoral candidate Mark Padgett – and his connections to the family of John J. Duncan Sr., Jr. and III. “When item No. 6 concerning Mose Lobetti came up, I said that I had known Mose for a long time and realized that he had been employed at the courthouse for many years, but I had always thought that he worked for the attorney general in the grand jury area and therefore was actually employed by the state. I then asked how could he be a participant of the UOPP. The response was that he was a ‘Court Officer’ and was on the payroll of the sheriff.

I asked if this was similar to a bailiff’s position and the answer was yes. As you know, bailiffs qualify for the UOPP,” Shouse said. Lobetti’s attorney, Steve Sharp, did not return a telephone call when contacted for comment on this story, but pension board minutes for the September meeting reflect that Sharp asked for a postponement and requested that the board provide Lobetti with calculations “based on where he would stand if he had not transferred to the Uniformed Officers’ Pension Plan.” Pension Board executive director Kim Bennett told the board that Lobetti received payments (due to his age) from the Asset Accumulation Plan in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in the amount of $11,171.81. She said that Lobetti should have been given the option of repaying that money with interest or taking a reduced benefit at that time. Instead, she said, “He fell through the cracks.” “Either he needs to pay it back or his benefit will be reduced,” Bennett said. She explained that anyone receiving the UOPP must have 25 years service and be at least 50 years old to draw the pension. Pension board attorney Richard Beeler confirmed Bennett’s take on the Lobetti matter: “If he buys back that lost time, he will receive an increased benefit when he officially retires under the UOPP.” The matter was postponed again in October and has been rescheduled for the November meeting.

It’s hard to write history when you’re in the middle of it. That’s why we have newspapers.

Sandra Clark

So, I drifted by the Democratic Club that meets on Bearden Hill last week to hear retired UT professor Bob Cunningham talk about the Arab Spring. You know the Arab Spring. We just finished it, although one could argue it’s the Arab Era and we’re not done yet. Cunningham discussed the populist uprisings in the Middle East in terms of the economy and what he called “old men and their families.” Every country was impacted by the bad economy, even the oil producers, he said. Production was cut and workers were laid off. Even college educated young people could not find work. “There is a feeling that the system doesn’t work and an enthusiasm, especially by young people, to change it,” he said. Cunningham traced family or military control back to the 1960s for most Middle Eastern countries and back to the 1920s for Jordan. There is pentup pressure for regime change. “Religious and ethnic minorities often do better with authoritarian rule. They get by because they are no threat.” Cunningham, who lived and taught in Syria for three years, said minorities

Dr. Bob Cunningham

have reason for concern as dictators are overthrown, especially those minorities such as the Sunnis in Iraq that have ruled over the majority Shiites. Then he asked: Is Islam a threat to the United States’ way of life? He called Turkey a “real hero in the Middle East” as an example of a secular Islamic country.

That’s the key it seems. Don’t mix government and religion. Good advice for us all. The Q-and-A was all over the map, reflecting both the audience’s engagement in the topic and the individuals’ need to have Cunningham hear their point of view. “Technology is an irresistible force,” said one. With computers and cellphones, dissidents can organize. What happens in Iraq when we leave? “They can’t blame the Americans any more,” said Cunningham. “The younger generation wants to participate, and that leads to optimism. … The military wants stability and often will trade growth for stability. “It’s all mixed up with pieces that don’t fit. It’s impossible to predict (the outcome).”

Timeline Since January, revolutions have occurred in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya; civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria and Yemen; major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco and Oman; and minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara. Three heads of state were overthrown: Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on Jan. 14. In Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak resigned on Feb. 11, ending his 30year presidency. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown on Aug. 23, killed on Oct. 20 and buried in a “secret location.” – Wikipedia

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Norman to be inducted to Central High Wall of Fame Educator founded UT’s religious studies department By Courtney Shea Ralph V. Norman Jr., Ph.D., a Central High School graduate of the Class of 1951, is being inducted into the school’s Wall of Fame at the annual breakfast ceremony 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at the school. Dr. Norman is being recognized for his career of scholarly accomplishments, especially as the founding head of the Department of Religious Studies at UT. As an educator and scholar, his activities and writings brought together themes and ideas from diverse disciplines. Ralph V. Norman Jr. was 9 when his family moved to Fountain City. In 1942, Ralph V. Norman Sr., a sales manager for the tobacco firm of Brown and Williamson, received a promotion and moved his family – wife Anna Lee, daughter Sara Jane and son Ralph Jr. – from Johnson City to Fulton Road. Ralph liked the area, remembering Fountain City as somewhat different from the rest of the community. It was a harder for his sister, six years older, to make the transition from Johnson City at a time when many of the young men of her age were leaving school for the military. Ralph recalls Fountain City as an interesting crossroads, having a diverse professional class with new families brought in by Oak Ridge and TVA as well as international visitors observing the results of the TVA social experiment. He attended first Fountain City Elementary then traveled one block over to Central High. Ralph enjoyed both academics and activities at Central. He played in the band and was an enthusiastic member of the debate club. His junior year, the debate team reached the state finals, placing second.

devoted to interdisciDuring his junior plinary writings in the year he also met and humanities. Dr. Norbegan dating a freshman advocated for UT man student, Corneto become the publishlia “Connie” Shirley, er and he served as ediwhom he later married. tor from 1985 through His senior year, he and 2000. fellow debaters Ruth Bradfelt and Tom Un“Seek Simplicity and derwood were asked Distrust It,” a quotato debate the welfare tion from philosopher state. Rather than Alfred North Whiteadopting the commonhead, became the purly accepted position pose statement for the of opposing “creeping journal. Peruse a few of Dr. Norman’s introsocialism,” the team ductory essays in this was challenged by an journal and hold your older acquaintance to hat for a rollercoaster practice arguing an of writing, threading unfamiliar viewpoint together ideas and inin favor of socialism terlacing themes in and communism. Their subjects as diverse as debate coach, Alberta Satchel Paige and OrAilor, invoking the aupheus. His editing disthority of the principal, plays a willingness to firmly informed them that a debate team Dr. Ralph Norman, founding head of UT’s Department of take on profound quesrepresenting Central Religious Studies, will be inducted into the Central High tions, with the room to consider contradictory would not be advocat- Wall of Fame on Saturday, Nov. 12. Photo submitted answers. His writings ing communism in the He then studied at Yale where include “Community in America” 1951 competition. The somewhat dispirited team Connie became director of the with Charles Reynolds. In 1971, Dr. Norman became did not fare well in competition Yale University Divinity Nursery that year, but Tom Underwood School. In 1961, having obtained the associate dean of the College and Ralph would both become his divinity degree and a second of Liberal Arts then moved into teachers who encouraged stu- master’s, Ralph completed his the university administration as dents to think and analyze for doctorate in philosophical the- Associate Vice Chancellor then themselves. History teacher Nan- ology. Five degrees in 10 years Vice-Provost. He oversaw the denie Lee Hicks gave him a solid reflect the profound love of aca- velopment of a faculty exchange grounding in the U.S. Constitu- demia and scholarship which program in American Studies with Bonn University, as well as tion. Ralph took Latin all four have marked his career. In 1961, Ralph and his fam- participation Bonn’s Transatlanyears at Central and his teacher, Pace Moore Johnston, helped ig- ily left Yale for a position at Mi- tic Summer Academy on Europenite a strong interest in languages ami University in Oxford, Ohio, an Integration. In 1991 and 1996, and ancient cultures, introducing as an assistant then associate he served as a guest professor in professor in the departments Bonn’s North American Studies him to writers such Virgil. Ralph received a Bachelor of of philosophy and religion. In Program. His office oversaw the Arts from UT in 1954 with ma- 1966, UT recruited him to begin development of UT’s Normandy jors in philosophy and English, a Department of Religious Stud- Scholars Program, allowing sethen a master’s in philosophy ies. He accepted the challenge lect students from UT to explore in 1956. In 1955-56, he was ac- which provided the opportunity different aspects of the 1944 alcepted as a Fulbright Scholar to to cross-fertilize between differ- lied invasion of Normandy. Tubingen University in Baden- ent disciplines and departments. Ralph developed lighter interWurttemberg, Germany. He also Another opportunity to en- ests as well, including an interest had the opportunity to attend in- courage interdisciplinary schol- in croquet, the formal game in formal English-language semi- arship arose when Vanderbilt which participants are expected nars conducted by famed Swiss University decided to cease spon- to wear white. Despite his potheologian Karl Barth in Basel. sorship of Soundings, a journal sitions of influence within the

university, he was unable to persuade former athletic director Doug Dickey to include croquet as a university sport. Among his honors are the Chancellor’s Citation for Extraordinary Service to the University (2003) and the University Studies Award for Distinguished Service (2002). Dr. Norman’s interests in humanities and the arts extend beyond academics. He chaired the Tennessee Committee for the Humanities and served on the board of the Knoxville Opera Guild. He has combined his love of croquet with community service through croquet tournaments benefitting the Opera Guild and the High Country Women’s Fund in Avery County, N.C. He has been involved in arts councils for the city of Knoxville and the state of Tennessee. Connie and Ralph raised two children, son Stephen and daughter Emily. Knoxville is home to Emily and her husband, David Cox, and children, Jonathan and Caroline. Son Stephen passed away in 2000. Connie passed away in 2007. Now retired, Ralph Norman divides his time between Knoxville, Blowing Rock, N.C., and Key Largo, Fla. He met his new wife, Linda, in Blowing Rock and has enjoyed introducing her to competition croquet. A native of Albany, N.Y., Linda Lillo Norman has also enjoyed being introduced to Knoxville’s version of Southern culture.

Breakfast is Nov. 12 The 10th annual Central High School Wall of Fame breakfast is 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Central High commons. Other inductees include Charlotte Davis, Eddie Mannis and the Rev. Billy Wallace. Tickets are available at the school office or by calling 922-5433.


WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS • OCTOBER 31, 2011 • A-7 gifts. Messiah Youth will offer a continental breakfast 9 to 10:30 a.m. and a complete sandwich lunch for $5 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will also be a silent auction. Proceeds from the gift exhibition will benefit Compassion Coalition and Mobile Meals.

CONDOLENCES ■ Click Funeral Home (675-8765): Wilma Leona Peterson Campbell Brian Clayton Henry Freda Carolyn Castle Sharpe Don Steffen


■ Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Tami Shawn Hans

■ Trinity UMC , 5613 Western Ave., will host WHY & Rescue Ministries in a talk about the Philippines, mission trip possibilities and more at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, in the Parlor/Logos room. The public is welcome. Info: Tonya Jelf, 357-6134.

Gerald Barbee

My ode to autumn For before the harvest, when the blossom is over and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the shoots with pruning hooks, and the spreading branches he will hew away. (Isaiah 18: 5 NRSV) Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too. … (“Ode to Autumn,” stanza 3, John Keats, 1819)

I was meant to be an October baby, a fact no one pointed out to me while I lay curled up, warm and cozy and protected in my mother’s tummy. For three Courses weeks past her due date, I Special Services ■ Concord UMC’s Caregiver lazed around, getting fat, Support Group will meet 10 ■ First Cumberland Presquite unconcerned with calto 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, byterian Church, 6900 endars. Then, on Halloween in Room 226 at the church, Nubbin Ridge, will begin a night, I decided it was time 11020 Roane Drive. Affiliated new contemporary worship to make my debut, and Dadwith Alzheimer’s Tennessee service. “A Night of Praise dy drove Mother to the hosInc., the group meets on the and Worship” will be held 6 first Tuesday of each month. pital. (I have never until this p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. Nursery Anyone in the community moment thought to wonder provided. who gives care to an elderly inif my brother got to go trick■ Grace Covenant Baptist dividual is welcome to attend. or-treating that night!) Church, 9956 Dutchtown Refreshments are provided. Even at the hospital, still Road, will host a four-week Info: 675-2835. sermon and curriculum series reluctant to leave the seculed by Dr. Alan Smith through rity of the womb, I procrasFall festivals Nov. 13 during the morntinated further and did not ing worship services and ■ Bethel UMC , 2004 Amherst draw my first breath in this Wednesday evenings called, Road, will have its annual fall world until late afternoon, “It’s a New Day for Financial bazaar from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the next day. So I missed OcFreedom.” Saturday, Nov. 5. There will tober altogether that year. be holiday and fall crafts, ■ The Laurel Church of But nowadays when I see homemade breads, desserts, Christ, 3457 Kingston Pike (at the blue October skies, the hot tamales, jelly, apple Cherokee Blvd), will hold its air so clear I can see every butter, a Christmas store and 100th anniversary celebraleaf, and the leaves thema lunch. tion Sunday, Nov. 6. Dr. Jerry selves a riot of color, my Rushford from Pepperdine heart sings, and I know it is University in California will Fundraisers and true. share his research into the sales origin and inspiration of I am a child of October. the old English hymns at 9 ■ Messiah Lutheran Church, Years later, when I was a.m.; Mark Smith will speak 6900 Kingston Pike, will host a student at UT, my sophoduring the 10:15 a.m. worship HolidayMarket@Messiah 9 more English professor was service and an old fashioned a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. of English descent. I think singing will begin at 3 p.m. 5. More than 25 artisans will of him every year at this Info: www.laurelcc.org. showcase unique, handmade time, not because of all the wonderful things he taught me, nor his dry British humor, or the twinkle in his eyes, but because he spoke as Tommy, Pepper Boone of Keats’ “Ode to Autumn” By Greg Householder The Powell Playhouse will as Hester, Judy Morris as with such reverence. present its second produc- Augusta, Devin Harvey as Every October I take out tion, “The Night is My En- Gerald, Jeff Carter as Ora, my textbook, “World Masemy” by Fred Carmichael, Ray Weeden as Hubert and terpieces,” and reread not this week. The first perfor- Chuck Denney as Rodney. only Keats’ poem, but also Performances will be at the notes I wrote in the marmance is Thursday, Nov. 3. Suspense and terror are 7:30 p.m. Thursday through gins of the page. I can still interwoven with humor to Saturday, Nov. 3-5, with a hear Dr. Sanders saying, provide a thrilling evening. matinee performance at 3 “This is the perfect poem. This poem doesn’t say someSet in 1900, the play takes p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. place in a large house on the All performances are at thing; it is what it says.” British coast. the Jubilee Banquet Facility He went through the The story revolves around off Callahan Road. poem word by word, helpRoane Shepperley, a blind Tickets for “The Night is ing us appreciate the imaggirl, and her change from a My Enemy” are $10 and may ery, the sensuous sound and girl into a woman. be reserved by contacting pace of the words, the arrangement of the letters. He An accidental death is Mona Napier at 947-7428. proved to be murder and it becomes obvious that a maniac is intent upon getting rid of those who are imperfect, making Roane the next victim. Wendy D Schopp An attempt on her life reveals the murderer to the Financial Advisor audience but not to Roane. 12744 Kingston Pike Slowly but surely all those in the house are taken care of Suite 103 until Roane faces the murFarragut, TN 37934 derer alone – a blind girl 865-671-1318 versus an unbalanced killer. The production is directed by Nita Buell Black. www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Cast members are: Elizabeth Eaker as Roane, Christy Davis-Rutherford as Tessie, Jean Weeden as Margaret, Hunter Long


‘The Night is My Enemy’

Cross Currents

Lynn Hutton

pointed out the perfection of the brief moment captured in the poem, a moment that is balanced in perfect maturity: ripeness, suspended between growth and decay. He waxed eloquent also about the perfection of the arrangement of words: the three stanzas (three being a perfect number: beginning, middle, end), and the fact that all the senses get drawn into play. The first stanza, he noted, is all about taste, touch and smell. The second deals with sight, and the third is devoted to sounds. Rereading that poem reminds me to taste and touch and smell autumn in all its glory, as well as to see it. Keats nudges me: turns my face to look, to savor, to listen, to breathe. I am so grateful to live here, in this place, with four distinct seasons, with the turning of the year painted in gold and amber and scarlet, with the quiet brook lying at the back of my meadow, and the sky so blue it hurts my heart. I am so blessed to have eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to wonder, and a soul to give thanks. Happy autumn!

Come by and register to

Fall means Dr. Carvenstein, too! Dr. Carvenstein (aka Ken Clayton) carves up a pumpkin at the Norwood United Methodist Church fall festival on Oct. 22. “That’s a lot of seeds for a little pumpkin!” he said as he kept pulling them out. Photo by Jake Mabe

Upcoming at Jubilee Community Arts ■ Traditional Appalachian dance with Allison Williams at 7:30 p.m. each second Thursday at the Laurel Theater. Tickets are $7 ($5 for students and JCA members). Knoxville Square Dance, 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10. ■ Robert Belfour in concert, 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12. ■ The Revelers, 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18. ■ Thanksgiving singing, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23, sponsored by JCA and Epworth Old Harp. ■ Kendal Rogers & Brad Battey, 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28. Events are at Laurel Theater, 16th Street and Laurel Avenue. Info: info@jubileearts.org or 522-5851. Tickets: 523-7521.


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3403 Lake View Drive. $824,000. Completely re-modeled w/stately presence above Lake View Dr. providing privacy, seclusion & expansive view of Ft. Loudon Lake. Main level master w/16x14 area that would be ideal dressing rm, potential for 2nd BR on main w/private BA, wet bar, main level office, formal LR w/lovely marble FP & bay window overlooking lake. Gourmet kit & keeping rm opening to formal DR & cozy library w/vaulted bead board ceil. Massive flr to ceil lodge FP & doors opening to front patio.


2134 Sco Lane. $1,199,000. Imagine coming home to over 9.5 acres of total privacy, yet mins from all the amenities of West Knoxville. Beautifully re-modeled in private enclave of Winfield Estates. Stunning kitchen, large great rm w/grand stone FP, glassed sunroom, lrg FR, formal DR and LR.

7347 Bellingham. $864,000. Just beautiful! Robert Dew Const. Relaxed elegance features hdwds, huge master on main w/luxury BA & lrg closet. Coffered ceils, custom trim, gourmet kit w/2 pantries. Library/office on main. Bsmnt features heated African slate tile, full bar, dressing rm, spa BA & steam shwr. Irrigation, mahogony doors, sur snd, grt strg & prestigious Sherwood Oaks location! Simply too many features to list.


920 Lourdes Lane. $291,000. Fabulous home located at back of cul-de-sac in Turnberry Subdivision just off of Northshore Dr. in “Old Concord” near Ft. Louden Lake. Brand new roof, siding, gu ers and pre-listing home inspection make this home truly move-in ready. Home features eat-in kitchen that opens to formal dining room as well as large family room with fireplace overlooking fenced-in backyard. Upstairs master with trey ceiling, double sinks, W/I shower and large soaking tub.



Reflections on childhood wins writing award By Suzanne Foree Neal Amelia Dmowska let her imagination take flight and it landed her an achievement award for writing. The Farragut High School senior has received the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Award in Writing for 2011, one of 520 students nationwide to receive the recognition. She was nominated by her English teacher, Dr. Hunter Brimi. Amelia, the daughter of Wojciech and Marta Dmowska, was judged on a short story of her own making and a timed piece she wrote in class. From among a list of essay topics for the timed piece, she chose to write about how books help shape our understanding of the world. Books, she says, are like windows on the world that influence our perceptions of what’s around us. She

Amelia Dmowska says her love of books has helped her be a better writer. She has won national accolades for her writing. Photo by S.F. Neal

drew on her own experience for her short story based on childhood and how we “perceive it as sort of a fantasy dream until we grow into adulthood.” “We don’t remember or we exaggerate parts of childhood, so I compared it to a dream,” she explains. “I’m in a stage of my life where I’m maturing into adulthood, at a stage where everything is getting so

real. When I think about childhood, it wasn’t the real world, but I think about how we have to retain that innocence and see the best of the world even as we face realities of life.” Amelia isn’t ready to abandon all those childhood elements and still wants to retain a sense of imagination and creativity, but realizes she has to begin functioning as an adult. While she’s “sad” childhood is ending, she’s also excited to experience independence as she heads off to college. “I have to be in charge of my own life and participate in life,” she says. Amelia’s already taking steps toward her future as a participant in the Science Academy at UT where she works with a mentor helping with experiments and learning about scientific research. She’s in the animal science department, which

is researching the effects of low-dose radiation. Although she’s more interested in science, Amelia thinks writing is an essential part of any job. Even scientists have to write abstracts, research papers and books. She hopes to study neuroscience, behavioral sciences and molecular biology. “You can discover things about the world and bring in your perspective to science,” she says. “When you’re exposed to new things in science it broadens your perspective.” Her favorite book is “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Colombian writer. She’s reading William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury” in English class and enjoys it. Writing can help you escape the world or get you to reflect on it, she says, and being an avid reader helps her be a better writer.

Ramos wins school design contest Lauren Ramos, a 7th grader at St. John Neumann Catholic School, created the winning design in the fifth annual Mustang Spirit Shirt Design Contest. The school’s Mustang Cheerleaders sponsored the contest which drew 34 creative designs from students from all grades. Each participant received a ticket for one free bag of popcorn and one free admission to any of the school’s sporting events. Long or short sleeve versions of the shirt may be ordered through the school office until November. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to Catholic Charities of East Tennessee.

SPORTS NOTES ■ 14U fastpitch softball tryouts for Cherokee Academy, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5 at Willow Creek park. Info: Josh, 257-5356. ■ A Golf Fundraiser to Benefit Knoxville Free Food Market will be held 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, at Beaver Brook Country Club. Cost is $25 for 18 holes and golf cart rental. A $10 donation from each admission goes to charity. Info: 689-4479.

League champions Sacred Heart Cathedral School girls’ soccer team recently won the City-County championship. This was their second year to go undefeated. Pictured after the win are: (front) Caroline Wilson, Erica Patterson, Jasmine Rizk, Emily Camfield, Keeley Longoria, Natalie Eilerman; (back) coach Dr. Walt Zibas, Carter Anderson, Paige Merry, Alyson Dorsten, Renee Semaan, Anya Wegryn, Laura Patterson, Luna Luna, Camille Mancini, Cheyenne Quinones and coach Mick Ingram. Photo submitted

Jack-N-Jill Children’s Boutique If you have a child on your shopping list for any reason, whether it’s birthday, holiday, school clothes, party clothes or just time for something really, really cute, JackN-Jill Children’s Boutique, the newest member of The District In Bearden, is the place to go. Located in The Village Square at 5201 Kingston Pike and owned by Perry Purvis, the store is jam-packed with new and consignment items for children. From hair ribbons to tutus, you won’t want to miss it. Store hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. Info: 951-0186.

■ Baseball tryouts for Team Octane 10U spring 2012, 9387662 or 815-245-6177. ■ Baseball tryouts for The Heat

Lauren Ramos

Photo submit-


Info: 777-0077 or email SJNCS cheerleading sponsor Karen Theodore at ktheodore@ sjncs-knox.org.

11 and 12U spring 2012, 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, Halls Community Park. Info: 250-3983. ■ Baseball tournament, Tee ball and 6U coach pitch and 8U-14U, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 5-6, Halls Community Park. Info: 992-5504 or email hcpsports@msn.com. ■ Baseball tournament, Tee ball and 6U coach pitch and 8U-14U, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 12-13, Halls Community Park. Info: 992-5504 or email hcpsports@msn.com. ■ Eagle Talon Wrestling Club, grades K-8. Informational meeting in November. Info: coach Bill Smith, 385-1840 or email wrcoach67@yahoo.com.

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Pumpkins on Parade Farragut Intermediate School 5th grader Matthew Graham decorated his pumpkin to resemble Abraham Lincoln after reading the book “Killing Lincoln.” Matthew’s teacher, Antoinette Williams, said her class will vote and awards will be given including best pumpkin and funniest pumpkin.

Farragut Intermediate School student Lygia Karagilzis based her pumpkin’s design on the character from the book “Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia.”

Farragut Intermediate School 5th grader Sam Liske was inspired by Katniss Everdeen from the book “Hunger Games.” “She’s one of the ‘good guys,’ ” he said.

Farragut Intermediate School 5th graders Luke Rainey, Hunter Calbaugh and Jon Buell compare pumpkins last Friday during “Pumpkins on Parade.” Characters from “Percy Jackson,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Avatar” were influences for their works of pumpkin art. Photos by S. Barrett

Free computer recycling at Goodwill Why pay to recycle when you can do it for free? Residents throughout Goodwill Industries-Knoxville Inc.’s 15-county service delivery area are now able to recycle their computers and computer equipment free of charge. Goodwill Industries and Dell have teamed-up to offer the Reconnect program which will allow consumers to drop off their computers and computer equipment at any Goodwill Industries-

Knoxville retail location or attended donation center for recycling. Even though Goodwill will not be reselling computers in its stores, it is important to remember that it is each individual’s responsibility to delete all private and personal information for their protection. For more information regarding the Reconnect Program and/or to find a computer recycling Goodwill location near you, visit www. reconnectpartnership.com or www.gwiktn.org.

SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! '10 Ford Focus SEL, leather, moonroof, loaded, warranty, R1129 .........$16,990 '08 Lincoln MKX, leather, panoramic roof, nav, loaded!!! , R1102.......$25,900 '09 Ford Escape Limited, leather, moonroof, chrome wheels! R1154 ..... $19,900 '10 Nissan Versa S auto, air pwr windows & locks SAVE $$$, R1137 ......... $14,900

Time to focus on bowl eligibility Optimism is linked to good health. Encouragement is wherever you find it. Fortunes are rooted in the power of positive thinking. Sometime soon those still wearing orange sunglasses will stop looking back at the wreckage of what might have been and switch their focus to bowl eligibility. Six victories open the door to one of the many minor bowls. Go Vols! Give us six! Nipping Middle Tennessee State will be a giant step forward. After that comes an inconvenient trip to Arkansas and then the old faithfuls, Vandy and Kentucky. Push hard, men. End this season with a bang! Ah yes, Johnny Majors had it right, people remember what you do in November. And December. Last year, Tennessee and the officials found a way for North Carolina to prevail in the lovely Music City Bowl. OK, so it required overtime. And

Price includes $399 dock fee. Plus tax, tag & title WAC. Dealer retains all rebates. Restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Prices good through next week.

Marvin West

Tyler Bray didn’t notice the Tar Heel linebacker. If going to Nashville leaves something to be desired, there are several other potential destinations with exciting settings. Boise. Mobile. Albuquerque. Shreveport. Any one would be a genuine adventure for Dave Hart, new athletic director. The bulk of his experience has been in tandem with the big boys. At about this stage of the discussion, some dull cynic will ask, “Why bother?” There are valid reasons to covet minor bowl invitations. Some donors don’t want to go which reduces university losses on the guest list. Coaches are in favor of

all bowl invitations. They receive extra pay. Bonus is a key word in all Mike Hamilton contracts. Players like bowl bids. They receive funds for individual travel, then pool or hitch rides and pocket profits. They also receive bowl gifts, watches, cameras, iPods. Some work. Fans, richly blessed, applaud bowl opportunities. Bowl trips make memories. Good neighbor Carl was never able to forget the Garden State Bowl, 28-21 over Wisconsin on Dec. 13, 1981. Steve Alatorre was MVP. Even minor bowls are important. They are status symbols. Well, sort of. They are rewards for not losing seven or more games. They supposedly create good feelings about the future. We will definitely get ’em next year. Young players who are now just watching get extra practice opportunities. No doubt you noticed widespread im-

provement generated by the additional workouts of last December. Bowl bids are recruiting tools. If prospects feed on history lessons, we can offer a thick book. Tennessee has been bowling 49 times. In the official 2011 brochure, it says the Volunteers traditionally provide an exciting bowl spectacle with high-powered offense and grudging defense. How about that! It is a splendid idea for Tennessee fans to look ahead boldly to bowl eligibility. Soon and very soon, let us cheer that accomplishment, no matter where it leads. The alternative, missing out, is simply not acceptable. Staying home by the fireside, no matter how large is your TV screen, is absolutely awful during bowl season. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.

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Financial Focus Improve your financial picture during “Open Enrollment” Late fall marks the beginning of the holiday season, which probably means that you’ll have a lot going on over the next couple of months. However, busy as you are, you’ll want to take the time to review your employee benefits package, since November also is a popular month Wendy for employers to offer open enrollment. And the Schopp decisions you make now could have a big impact on your financial outlook for years to come. So, if you are in an open enrollment period, here are some steps you may want to take: ■ Boost your 401(k) contributions. It’s almost always a good idea to put in as much as you can, up to the contribution limit, in your 401(k) or similar retirement plan. After all, you typically contribute pre-tax dollars, so the more you put in, the lower your taxable income. Also, your money can grow on a tax-deferred basis, which means it has the potential to grow faster than an investment for which you paid taxes every year. At the very least, contribute enough to earn your employer’s match, if one is offered. For example, if you work for an organization that will match 50 percent of everything you put in up to, say, 6 percent of your salary, then you should contribute 6 percent of your salary – which is like getting a three percent raise. ■ Rebalance your 401(k) portfolio. You may have a dozen or more investment options in your 401(k). Ideally, you’ll want to spread your money among these options in a way that’s appropriate for your risk tolerance, time horizon and long-term goals. But over time, your

401(k) portfolio can become “unbalanced,” even if you made no changes. For example, if you’ve invested in a couple of aggressive-growth accounts, and these accounts have gained significantly in value, they may now be taking up a greater percentage of your portfolio than you had originally intended, exposing you to more risk than you’d like. Consequently, if your plan doesn’t offer an automatic rebalance option, you may need to rebalance your portfolio by moving some of your assets into less aggressive vehicles. ■ Be cautious about adding company stock. You may be loyal to your employer, but try not to hold too much company stock in your 401(k). After all, your company, like all businesses, may go through ups and downs, and if your portfolio is dominated by this single stock, you may experience considerable volatility. And if your company matches your 401(k) contributions with its own stock, you may want to invest all your own money in vehicles other than company stock. ■ Take all the insurance that’s offered. Typically, when employers offer life insurance as a benefit, it’s at little or no cost to you, so you’ll probably want to take all that’s offered. However, this amount may still be less than what you really need to fully protect your family, so you may well need to purchase an individual policy to supplement your employer’s coverage. And always be aware if your employer reduces or eliminates the insurance that’s offered as an employee benefit, because you’ll then need to adjust the policy that you’ve bought outside work. You can review and improve your financial picture during open enrollment – so take advantage of this opportunity.

for “Oklahoma!” will be held 3:45 until 5:15 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 2-4, Sign up on the theater door for Wednesday or Thursday afternoon; Friday is reserved for call backs. Techies are needed to do lights, build props, move sets, etc. Info: Caryn Marlowe.

SCHOOL NOTES Karns High ■ Glee Club is forming and auditions are underway. Applicants must prepare a short song to sing and be ready to perform a short dance routine to be learned at audition, set for Tuesday, Nov. 1, after school in the auditorium.

Hardin Valley Academy

■ Spring Musical: Auditions

■ Hip Hop Dance Club meets af-

ter school on Wednesdays and Fridays in front of the library. It’s a fun club for students to learn how to dance or show off dance moves. “We can teach you street dancing, modern dance, break dancing, how to jerk, the cat daddy, salsa and more.” ■ Race for the Cure: HVA put a team in the 15th annual Komen Knoxville Race for the Cure held Saturday, Oct. 22.



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Whittington Creek art show is lively fun The Whittington Creek Art Show, held at the neighborhood clubhouse last weekend, was made more festive by perfect weather and live music performances. Lisa Kurtz used to host the event at her home but has turned the clubhouse into a gallery for two years now. There was plenty of room for the show’s 24 artists, who were chosen through an application process.

Knox Heritage members and developer David Dewhirst, right, enjoy the view from the roof of the former White Lily Food Co. mill. Dewhirst plans to convert the mill into residential lofts. latest project – residential lofts in the former White Lily Foods Co. mill just north of the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Central Street on the corner. Construction on the building began in 1883, and there have been several additions over the years. The mill West Knoxville artist Mike Taylor visits with customer Caroline continued operations until Hanson, owner of Mojoe’s Trailside Coffee House on Sutherland 2008, when another company purchased the plant and Avenue, at the Whittington Creek Art Show. Photos by W. Smith moved out 153 truckloads of was a new participant. traits. To see his work, check equipment, Dewhirst said. Taylor started his own out www.doodlewags.com, Because it was a foodgraphic design business in or visit Gift Gourmet & In- processing plant, it’s the 1995. A few years later, he teriors in Cherokee Plaza most well-maintained buildcombined two loves – car- in Bearden. ing he’s ever purchased, he tooning and painting – said. He envisions about 50 and created his whimsical ■ Dewhirst’s next lofts in the 50,000-square“doodlewags.” The decision foot space. It will be at least lofty project to focus on dogs was a notwo years before the space is brainer for him. Last week, Knox Heri- ready for tenants. “They’re great. They tage corporate sponsors and In spite of the weak econmake you feel good.” members got a peek inside omy, Dewhirst said the deTaylor also does pet por- developer David Dewhirst’s mand for urban residential

units has remained high. “We can’t build them fast enough. We turn people away every day.”

Sherri Lee is so crazy about figs that her license plate says, “FIG LADY.” She grows her own figs and is still in the process of marketing a cookbook that was published in 2009, “Under the Fig Leaf: A Cookbook for Fig Lovers.” The book was a labor of love, and she shared what she’s learned about publishing with the Knoxville Writer’s Group last week. “I’m not sure my parents would be proud of me,” she said. “They spent a lot of money on college and now I’m best known for figs.” The cookbook is beautifully designed and full

of gorgeous pictures of elegant fig recipes. Lee calls herself a “slack-jaw” cook, but says she spent hours in the kitchen testing each of the recipes. She spent even more time editing the book and says that was the most difficult part of the publishing process. She has tips for those who want to grow their own figs. She recommends brown turkey figs, which are available at local home improvement stores, and says the plants need full sun. “They’re like tomatoes. You have a few, then, all of a sudden, you have hundreds.” The book is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The Knoxville Writer’s Group meets at 11:30 a.m. on fourth Wednesdays at Naples.

Farragut grad saves life in Baltimore

compressions per minute. She didn’t like what she saw from the coaches trying to administer aid, so she ran across the field to help. “She stepped up and took over,” says Frank Leuthold. Through a series of misadventures, Beautz was forced to continue compressions for a good 10 minutes before an ambulance arrived. “You are taught to do CPR until somebody comes to relieve you,” Beautz said in the Sun ar-

ticle. “I just did what I was trained to do. “I could not have done what I had done without the help of the jayvee coach and the nurses,” Beautz said. “There is no way one person could have done CPR by themselves. It was a team effort.” Beautz and her husband have two children, a son who is a high school sophomore and a daughter, age 11. “I’m kinda proud of her for stepping in,” said Frank Leuthold.

Wendy Smith

“Not everybody is professional,” she says. “I like to give those people something, to mentor them a little bit.” Kurtz, who is a potter herself, wants the show to be different each year, and only a handful of artists were repeats. West Knoxvillian Mike Taylor, who paints whimsical cartoons of dogs,

By Sandra Clark Frank and June Leuthold are proud of their four kids. And they are especially proud of daughter Beth Beautz who reacted quickly to save the life of a young field hockey player a couple of weeks ago. Beth had gone with a friend to a game when a freshman on the other team’s junior varsity col-

Get ready for some serious poetry Seven poets will be in the spotlight at Pellissippi State Community College Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 8 and 9, as they read from their works and talk about the process of writing. “A Potpourri of Poets” is slated for 12:25 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8, and noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, in the Goins Building Auditorium at the Pellissippi Campus, 10915 Hardin Valley Road. The public is invited to the free event.

lapsed at the conclusion of her game at Catonsville High School on Sept. 27. According to an Oct. 4 article in the Baltimore Sun, Beautz ran from the stands and began CPR and chest compressions. “In a crisis some people basically freeze,” said Frank Leuthold. “That’s why we should decide to react before the crisis.

Cedar Bluff and graduated from Farragut High School and UT College of Nursing. While in school here she was a swimmer and played in both the Farragut and the UT marching bands. A registered nurse, she has worked in cardiac units since 1989. She had recently completed a course in advanced cardiac life support, which emphasized more

Fig Lady rules

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Batteries Plus stores honor veterans

Halloween fun

Veterans Day, Nov. 11, falls on a Friday this year, and 470 Batteries Plus franchise stores nationwide, including the one on North Peters Road, have come up with a unique way to honor U.S. military veterans.

Anne Hart The PetWellClinic, 10549 Kingston Pike, just east of Lovell, hosted a Halloween event for pets and people. The cute Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mix is Wasabi, owned by Coleen Boggess. The cat is Cookie, owned by Colleen Hopwood. Pictured in Star Wars attire is Sarah Meisler, 9, the daughter of owner/veterinarian Dr. Sam Meisler. The clinic plans a Christmas event 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3. Info: www.petwellclinic.com/. Photos by Theresa Edwards at www.tephotos.com/.

Saddlebrook gets new home Agents and staff of Saddlebrook Properties gather with representatives of the Farragut West Knox Chamber to officially open Saddlebrook’s new headquarters at 122 Perimeter Park Drive. Pictured as chief operating officer Bob Mohney cuts the ribbon are: (front) Adam Price, Georgia Sadlowe, Mohney, Angie King, Tina Buckles; (back) Karlyn Reedy, Robin Dotson, Kim Aldridge and Sheri Super. Photos by S. Clark Food City, located on Morrell Road near West Town. Valastro will sign copies Buddy Valastro, better of his new book, “Baking known as The Cake Boss, with The Cake Boss: 100 of will make a special ap- Buddy’s Best Recipes and pearance 1 p.m. Sunday, Decorating Secrets,� which Nov. 6, at the Deane Hill will be available for sale.

Cake Boss coming to Deane Hill Food City

Heather Carter heads the Saddlebrook Design Center, working with buyers to customize each home. The onsite center provides samples of floor covering, plumbing fixtures, cabinets, lighting and more. Vice president Angie King said Carter works with buyers both before and after closing, as she also handles warranties. The TLC reality show “Cake Boss� is now in its third season. Buddy is also in production for his new reality show competition series, “Next Great Baker,� airing on TLC in December.

Chris Peters is the manager of the Batteries Plus store at 222 N. Peters Road. Photo by A. Hart Starting Saturday, Nov. 5, and continuing through Veterans Day, for every regular or lifetime watch battery they replace, the stores will contribute $5 to USA Cares, a Kentucky-based 501(c)(3) nonproďŹ t organization that helps post-9/11 military service members, veterans and their families with basic ďŹ nancial needs. It’s a win-win situation, says West Knox resident Todd Williams, who owns the Peters Road store and four other Battery Plus franchises between Knoxville and Chattanooga. “Who doesn’t have at least one watch tucked away somewhere that needs a new battery? This is an easy way to get your watch running again and do something to help someone else at the same time. We all need to do all we can to support our troops and their families.â€? Batteries Plus will also accept in-store donations which will go directly to USA Cares, and will contribute $1 for each person who “likesâ€? the Batteries Plus Facebook page and “supportsâ€? the USA Cares Jobs for Vets Cause page, up

to $25,000. For more information on all of that, go to http://tinyurl1.com/BatteriesPlusTimeToCare. USA Cares, founded in 2003, helps military families with ďŹ nancial and advocacy support in times of need. To date, the organization has helped families in all 50 states and has responded to more than 31,000 requests for assistance with more than $8.2 million in grants. No fees are charged and no repayment is requested. The organization also works directly with private and public employers to help reduce joblessness among post-9/11 veterans from all military branches. Williams has two of the veterans working in his East Tennessee stores. “These men and women are ideal employees,â€? says USA Cares executive director Bill Nelson. “They are conďŹ dent, highly trained, disciplined and take directions well, all crucial qualiďŹ cations for any business or organization, and the time is always right to assist those who have given so much to


UPSTAIRS is making spirits bright! UPSTAIRS at Todd Richesin Interiors, located at the corner of Kingston Pike and Lyons View Drive, directly across from Western Plaza, is hosting their ďŹ rst annual Holiday Open House on Friday, November 4, from 10 to 6; and Saturday, November 5, from 10 to 5. The UPSTAIRS Holiday Open House will unveil unique gift selections, sophisticated holiday dĂŠcor, and quality antiques and accessories that will make your holiday season memorable. The Christmas dĂŠcor items evoke a vintage spirit that will take you back to Christmas past and include holiday creations

by Debbee Thibault, Bethany Lowe, Cody Foster, Nicole Sayre, KD Vintage, and many more artisans. While UPSTAIRS will have a large selection of unique decorations for your tree, tabletop items will be available for the customer who wants to forgo the traditional large tree and focus on embellishments on mantles, tables, and chests.

UPSTAIRS is the perfect place to “wrap up� your Christmas gift shopping. UPSTAIRS offers complimentary beautifully designed holiday gift packaging in decorative bags or hand wrapped gifts, ready to go under the tree. Our staff is skilled at helping you select gifts for family and friends at many different price points, and will make your shopping experience enjoyable at the same

all of us.â€? Batteries Plus has long been the “go toâ€? place for just about any kind of battery imaginable – from watches to cell phones, digital cameras to wheelchairs, cars to boats. The store on Peters Road has been in operation for more than 10 years. Good public citizens, they have long been “greenâ€? and Williams says they’re about to get a lot greener. Existing stores are expanding and remodeling and will start carrying energy efďŹ cient light bulbs along with batteries. “We already have the batteries for everything, and in just a few months, we’ll have the light bulbs for everything too.â€? So dig out those old watches and head on over to Batteries Plus Nov. 5-11. Five dollars might not seem like a lot, but it can help a veteran put enough gas in his or her car to get to an all-important job interview – and, of course, you can always donate more. Contact: annehartsn@aol.com.

time. You can even phone in a gift order and have it ready to pick up later. In addition to all of the gorgeous holiday merchandise, Upstairs will continue to offer their beautiful and unique lamp collection, handsome chests and tables, as well as hard to ďŹ nd occasional and accent tables. And as so many have come to know their unparalleled array of gifts and accessories for every home. During the Holiday Open House, be sure to register to win fabulous door prizes, enjoy scrumptious holiday treats, provided by our neighbor, Tea at the Gallery, and visit with old friends and enjoy the company of new ones new. A great way to keep up with all the new arrivals and special offers at UPSTAIRS is to “likeâ€? us on Facebook at Facebook.com/Upstairs.Knoxville. Please note that UPSTAIRS will be closed Tuesday, November 1; Wednesday, November 2; and Thursday, November 3 to prepare for this event. We will re-open at 10 on Friday, November 4. We hope to see you and your friends at what is sure to become a Knoxville tradition, The UPSTAIRS Holiday Open House!

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NEWS FROM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF KNOXVILLE Madeline Mixner as Jasmine and Nolan Howell as Aladdin take a ride on the magic carpet in the Christian Academy of Knoxville Middle School production of “Aladdin Jr.” Photos by S. Carey

CAK NOTES The evil Jafar, played by Weston Sullivan, and bird Iago, played by Maggie Murchison, plot Aladdin’s downfall.

‘A whole new world’ Middle school presents ‘Aladdin Jr.’ By Shannon Carey


agic lamps, flying carpets, genies, wishes and sorcerers took over the stage at Christian Academy of Knoxville, as middle school choral music and musical theatre students presented “Aladdin Jr.” According to director Peggy Filyaw, the production was the Broadway version of the Disney movie, but with music scaled for middle school voices. Hence the “Jr.” in the title. The musical still packs all the magic and fun of the full version, though. Filyaw said this is the 12th middle school musical at CAK, and she is glad to see the program grow. “I think it gives students confidence to be in front of an audience,” she said. “It’s just great to be able to give them

that opportunity.” With 48 students in the “Aladdin Jr.” cast and crew, the production offered ample opportunities for student participation. As Filyaw said, “There are no benchwarmers in musical theatre.” The clever street urchin Aladdin is played by 8th grader Nolan Howell, who is gracing the CAK stage for the first time. His performance is paired with Jasmine played by Madeline Mixner in her third CAK performance. The wisecracking genie is played by 8th grader Jane Ann Foncea, and the evil Jafar is portrayed by 7th grader Weston Sullivan, another rookie to the CAK stage. This production is also special because a student director is taking part for the first time. CAK senior Travis Blackwell is serving as assistant director.

Nolan Howell as Aladdin rubs the magic lamp and summons the genie, played by Jane Ann Foncea. “He’s brought a whole lot to this show,” said Filyaw. Set design was provided by CAK parent and professional artist Cheryl Nehls. Parent volunteers helped with costuming. Janet McLean arranged the choreography and helped in other ways, too. “We couldn’t do this without Janet,” said Filyaw. Filyaw also thanked CAK Middle School Principal Debbie Moye for her support of the musical theatre program.

Students raise $1,000 for Ridgedale School

Girls volleyball team make state tournament The CAK girls volleyball team went all the way to the state tournament with wins in the district and regional tournaments. Holly Staabe and Lauren Peterson were named to the Regional Tournament Team. Teresa Slade was named Tournament MVP for the region and the district and district Player of the Year. Maggie Morgan and Taylor Call were chosen for the All District Tournament Team. Lauren Petersen was named district Server of the Year. Cheyenne Hooper was named district Rookie of the Year, and coach Jamie Petrick was named district Coach of the Year. Taylor Call, Courtney Shields and Maggie Morgan received honorable mentions for the All-District Team for the regular season. Photo submitted

CAK students Chris Harpending and Jeff Braswell sold Knox County school coupon books to help the Ridgedale Alternative School, raising more than $1,000 for the program. They will be honored at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at Ridgedale. “I was shocked,” said longtime coupon books coordinator Mary Kerr. “In 23 years I’ve never had a call like this.” Initially, Kerr thought they wanted to sell coupon books to benefit their school. “We do that with private schools, but only after the Knox County Schools kids have finished selling. I told the boys they could start selling after Sept. 26, but they said they wanted to help a school that didn’t typically sell many books.” With $7.90 from each $10 book remaining at the school, Ridgedale gained $940.10 from the 119 books sold by Jeff and Chris. Additionally, First Tennessee Bank offers a $1 incentive per book sold over the previous year. Since Ridgedale sold only

Chris Harpending and Jeff Braswell four books last year, First Tennessee kicked in $115, bringing the total to $1055.10. Kerr is so excited. She’s printing a “big check” for the boys to present to administrators at Ridgedale at Tuesday’s ceremony. “They turned in their money and books matching to the penny. Actually, they did better than some of our schools,” she said. “These are great young men. One wants to go to college at Baylor and the other at Vandy.”

Helbig is new tennis coach Christian Academy of Knoxville has hired David Helbig as the new head coach for men’s and women’s tennis. Helbig comes to CAK after recent stints at Cedar Bluff Racquet Club, where he was a professional tennis instructor, and Webb School, where he was an assistant coach. Helbig says he is committed to the spiritual nurturing of young athletes as well as the instruction necessary to secure a winning program. The CAK tennis program has established a tradition of winning at the high school level. Between the girls and boys teams, the Warriors have 26 district championships, 19 regional championships, three state championships and several individual championships. When longtime coach Betsy Sparks announced her intent to step away from the program, it became imperative to find a coach who would continue her tradition of excellence. With new tennis facilities in place, it is a unique opportunity to hire a coach who will train CAK’s athletes and extend his professional training to CAK families and the community. In fact, Helbig will offer lessons for the extended CAK family and community. This will help create a culture of excitement for tennis on campus and increase involvement from year to year. Also, Helbig will work closely with the middle school players to add tennis to the list of sports on campus that are comprehensive from 6th through 12th grade.

Elementary Open House (PreK-5th Grade) November 3, 2011 - 7 p.m. Visit CAKwarriors.com/openhouse to RSVP!

Spiritually Nurturing Academically Challenging Socially Enriching Campus Tours Daily! Contact CAK Admissions at 865-690-4721 ext. 190 for more information.


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October 31, 2011

HEALTH & LIFESTYLES .%73 &2/- 0!2+7%34 7%34 +./86),,% 3 (%!,4(#!2% ,%!$%2 s 42%!4%$7%,, #/- s 0!2+

Deann Hebert is featured artist for 10th anniversary of Artsclamation! Paintings are ‘vintage with a modern pop of color’ Deanne Hebert (pronounced ABear) is the featured artist for the tenth annual Artsclamation! ďŹ ne art sale. It is Hebert’s seventh year to participate in the event which beneďŹ ts Peninsula, the behavioral health division of Parkwest Medical Center. “Artsclamation! is just the best show!â€? Hebert exclaimed. “From the food at the Preview Party to the people who work so hard to make it a success, and, most importantly, the patrons who come willingly to help support the importance of raising awareness of mental health/addiction issues.â€? Hebert is known for her brightly colored and highly textured paintings. Her signature impastostyle of applying layer upon layer of acrylic paint, and ďŹ nishing with a high gloss UV-protectant varnish is a technique that she developed by trial and error. Hebert uses both palette knife and brush to achieve a distinctive look that is one-of-a-kind. Her paintings evolve within each stage, resulting in a wonder of texture and color. Bright, fun and energetic, Hebert’s personality is a part of every piece she creates. “My paintings are deďŹ nitely a style all their own,â€? Hebert said. “Some have called it ‘rustic elegance,’ and I really like that name.â€? Hebert describes her paintings as “the perfect combination of vintage, texture, with a modern pop of

Artsclamation! 2011 featured artist Deann Hebert is a rising star in the art world, with national chains such as TargetÂŽ, WalMartÂŽ and TJMaxxÂŽ carrying her work. Most recently, Hebert created a series of coasters that will be licensed with CoasterstoneÂŽ. She resides in Brentood, Tenn., with her husband, Lance, and two daughters, Adeline, 4, and Amelia, 1. color.â€? The subjects are not abstract, but very impressionistic in style. “I try not to get caught up in the rules and regulations of art, but rather just paint as I feel,â€? Hebert said. “My work reects a little bit of who I am ‌ I enjoy what I do for a living, and hopefully that shows through in the paintings.â€? As a child in pre-school, Hebert was taught basic art by her aunt and artist Betty Jones of Hein, AL. Hebert won her ďŹ rst art contest in 4th grade for a portrait of her mother.

Hebert received her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree in 2000 from Auburn University, where she majored in graphic design. She went on to work as a graphic designer for Word Publishing in Nashville, Tenn., and then joined Broadman & Holman Publishers where she designed book jackets and worked on major ad campaigns. However, Hebert realized that her path was meant to be different, and she decided to start her own ďŹ ne art business. A proliďŹ c painter, you can catch her most days working in her studio located in the historic Factory at Franklin. Hebert also studied fine art at The Chelsea School of Art and Design and Central St. Martins School of Art in London, England where she took many different art classes. As a result, she developed a style that uses many layers of latex and acrylic paint. She uses a palette knife and “Bella Floraâ€? by Deann Hebert is the featured painting for the 10th annual mixed media such as cheesecloth Artsclamation! fine art sale to benefit Peninsula, the mental health division to create and add even more texof Parkwest Medical Center. Artsclamation! will be held on Saturday, Nov. 5, ture to the pieces. “I use a very ‘earthly’ palette, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. in the gymnasium of Sacred Heart Cathedral School on Northshore Drive in West Knoxville. “Bella Floraâ€? will be auctioned at the with warm colors – reds, oranges, Artsclamation! Preview Party on Nov. 5. The painting may be viewed online mixed with a little blue,â€? Hebert said. “It is this color combination at www.peninsulabehavioralhealth.org./arts. that moves me the most, and one that I can’t get away from,â€? she exEvery summer, Hebert holds a funplained. filled art camp at her studio located Hebert’s work is inspired by the in The Factory at Franklin. Students things in her daily life. enjoy learning Hebert’s method and “Whether it’s the stillness of an approach to painting by using the early morning, or little girl giggles, palette knife and a heavy painting I feel very blessed to be able to do technique. To be placed on the what I love for a living. Behind every e-mailing list for next year’s dates, message Hebert at: DeannDesigns@ painting there is a feeling of happiness, because it is in this that I feel gmail.com. Information is also available at www.deanndesigns.com the most complete,â€? she stated.

Artsclamation! Fine Art Show and Sale to be held November 5 The tenth annual Artsclamation! ďŹ ne art sale will be held Saturday, November 5, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville. Admission and parking are free. Artsclamation! will showcase original works by more than 30 regional and local artists. The event will feature a variety of media, including oil, watercolor, pastel, acrylic, jewelry, pottery, clay sculpture and ďŹ ber art. This year’s featured artist is Deann Hebert of Franklin, Tenn. Hebert (prounouced A-Bear) is known for her brightly colored and highly textured paintings. Using a combination of acrylics and oil pastels, Hebert’s unique style captures subjects including country churches, owers, guitars, boots and angels. Other participating artists include: Hugh Bailey, Gray N. Bearden, Leslee Bechtel, Mike C. Berry, Stephanie Brichetto, Larry Cole, Pat Delashmit, Shannon Haas, Betsy Heerdt, Jonathan Howe, Joppa Mountain Pottery, Ruth Koh, Lorrie Lane, Sharron Mallison, Melanie Morris, Mike Naney, Leila Platt, Marabeth Quin, Sheila Rauen, Jacqueline Saporiti, Julia Schriver, Marcia Shelly, Streater Spencer, Jim Spitler, Charla Steele, David Swanagin, Kristine Taylor and Heather Whiteside. Additionally, Gallery Partner Village Fine Art will have a variety of even more artists’ works available at Artsclamation!. At Artsclamation!, Peninsula Recovery Education Center’s Art Therapy Program will have art for sale which has been produced by mental health consumers in therapeutic art classes. The Center works with patients to aid the emotional healing process through creative expression. There’s something in everyone’s price range at Artsclamation! Prices begin at $10 for a 12" x 21" wall calendar for

Few tickets remain for Preview Party Tickets are nearly sold out for the Artsclamation! Preview Party on Friday evening, Nov. 4, at Sacred Heart Cathedral School Gymnasium. Tickets for the 6-9 p.m. event cost $50 each and allow participants an early opportunity to purchase art before the public sale on Saturday, and attend the auction for the featured painting by Deann Hebert. Heavy hors’ de oeuvres will be served and drinks will be available. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door. Please contact Fort Sanders Foundation at 531-5210 for more information or to purchase Preview Party tickets. 2012 which showcases reproductions from many of the participating artists. Prices range upward to $5,000. This year’s featured painting is a contemporary oral scene called “Bella Flora.â€? The featured painting, which will be auctioned at the Artsclamation! Preview Party on Nov. 5, may be viewed online at www.peninsulabehavioralhealth.org./arts. Proceeds from Artsclamation! beneďŹ t the behavioral health programs of Peninsula, East Tennessee’s leading provider of behavioral health services. Peninsula has helped thousands of people recover from mental disorders and dependencies so they can lead healthy, positive, and productive lives. Major sponsors for Artsclamation! 2011 include Covenant Health Federal Credit Union and Covenant Health. The Artisan Circle sponsors include Cherokee Distributing Company, Inc., First Tennessee Foundation, Messer Construction Company and BESCO. Media sponsors include the Knoxville News Sentinel and Lamar Advertising. For more information about Artsclamation!, contact the Fort Sanders Foundation at (865) 531-5210 or email Gina Williams at gwilliams@covhlth.com. Information about Peninsula’s Artsclamation can also be found at www.peninsulabehavioral health.org/arts.

‘Art of Healing’ calendar features local and regional artwork Peninsula, the area’s leading provider of mental health services, has produced a beautiful, fullcolor wall calendar that showcases artwork from renowned local and regional artists. The calendar, ‘The Art of Healing,’ was created to raise awareness about mental health issues in our community. The calendar’s cover, “Sun Shadows,� is a painting by artist Ruth Koh of Jefferson County. The calendar pages highlight a different Artsclamation! artist for each month in 2012. Calendars are $10 each, and make wonderful gifts. The name of the calendar, “The Art of Healing,� has a double meaning. The first is direct: proceeds from the calendar benefit Peninsula programs and services. The second meaning is just as important. Artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight. Patients at Peninsula are helped to heal by their participation in a variety of art classes led by a certified art therapist. To get your ‘Art of Healing’ calendar call (865) 531-5210.

10th Annual Fine Art Sale 4BUVSEBZ /PWFNCFS t B N o Q N Sacred Heart Cathedral School Gymnasium original works by more than 30 local and regional artists in a variety of media XXX QFOJOTVMBCFIBWJPSBMIFBMUI PSH BSUT


Understanding legal protection for elderly The law affects many aspects of people’s lives and thanks to the annual LawTalk series, obtaining general legal information is more accessible to the community.

Ruth White

LawTalk will be held Friday, Nov. 4, at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St., and Saturday, Nov. 5, at Fellowship Church, 8000 Middlebrook Pike. “Wills and Estate Planning for Everyone” will be 9-11 a.m. and “Legal Protection for the Elderly, the Disabled & their Caregivers” will be 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. At each location, local lawyers will present information and answer questions. “Wills & Estate Planning for Everyone” is designed to help individuals orga-

HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 215-QUIT

Activities for the week of Oct. 31: ■ Monday, Oct. 31: 8:45 a.m., Advanced Cardio; 9:30 a.m., Watercolor; 10 a.m., Bridge; 10 a.m., Cardio; 12:30 p.m., Sit N Be Fit; 1 p.m., Starr Travel informational; 1:30 p.m., Belly Dancing. ■ Tuesday, Nov. 1: 8:45 a.m., Tai Chi 1; 9:30 a.m., BB Bridge; 10 a.m., Oil painting; 10 a.m., Digital class; 11:15 a.m., Pilates; Sonny Schow and Amelia Crotwell will present “Wills and Es- Matt and Frere Kelly will present “Legal Protection for Elderly, the 12:30 p.m., Canasta/PIN; tate Planning for Everyone” at Fellowship Church from 9-11 Disabled and their Caregivers” on Friday, Nov. 4, at the O’Connor 12:30 p.m., Yoga; 12:45 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. The presentation is part of the LawTalk Senior Center and on Saturday, Nov. 5, at Fellowship Church. p.m., Grub Club to Aubrey’s series from the Knoxville Bar Association. Restaurant; 2 p.m., Line dancing. the legal issues of how to tions, and probate “estate nize their affairs in light documents are in place. ■ Wednesday, Nov. of recent changes in the If you care for an elderly finance long-term health recovery” will be discussed. 2: noon, Covenant presents law. Experienced local at- or disabled family member care, the means by which Just in the past year, sig- Lunch and Learn: “Cardiac torneys will provide infor- or anticipate that you may assets can be preserved nificant changes have taken Procedures” with Amy Dale, mation regarding planning one day have this respon- and the do’s and don’ts of place in the laws that af- RN, CCM. for incapacity and death, sibility, plan to attend the property transfers. This fect eligibility for Medicaid ■ Thursday, Nov. 3: which can happen to any- LawTalk program titled program will provide spe- nursing home benefits. 8:45 a.m., Tai Chi 1; 10 a.m., one at any age. The session “Legal Protection for the cific information about the Spaces are limited and Tai Chi 2; 11 a.m., AAA will help individuals learn Elderly, the Disabled and protection and obligation will be filled first come, Driver class, part 1; 11:15 for caregivers, including a first served. Register by a.m., Cardio M&B; 12:30 about documents everyone their Caregivers.” should have in place and During the seminar, lo- review of recent changes in calling the KBA office, p.m., Sit N Be Fit class; 1:45 learn what happens if no cal attorneys will discuss Medicaid laws and regula- 522-6522. p.m., Chorus. ■ Friday, Nov. 4: 8:45 a.m., Advanced Cardio; 9:30 a.m., Canasta Club; 10 a.m., (7848) is a program of Tuesday of every month in Cardio; 10:30 a.m., Social the Knox County Health the UT Hospice office, 2270 Bridge; 11 a.m., AAA Driver Department. The hotline is Sutherland Ave. A light ■ Swap 2 Save Coupon Club meets 5:30 to 8 p.m. the first Thursday answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 class, part 2; 11:15 a.m., supper is served. Info or to of the month at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. Coupons for evp.m. Monday through Friday. Pilates; 12:30 a.m., Yoga; 1 reserve a spot: 544-6277. erything from baby items to groceries, restaurants to retail shops are p.m., Rummikub; 2 p.m., ■ Support group meeting for exchanged. Wallace Memorial is located at 701 Merchant Drive. Info: Ballroom. family members or caregivEmail Lisa at taylor7123@bellsouth.net. ers of an adult with a mental Info or to register for ■ The Poetry Quintessence Society meets 6:30 p.m. the last Monday illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the classes: 670-6693. Comof each month at Café 4’s library, third floor. Everyone 16 and older is third Tuesday of each month plete calendar listings availInfo: Tonya, 357-6134. AARP driver safety class ■ invited. at Cherokee Health Systems, able at www.knoxcounty. Anyone interested in attending a rehearsal or learning about free 2018 Western Avenue. Info: For registration info about org/seniors. vocal instruction with Smoky Mountain Harmony Show Chorus, Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or this and all other AARP a member of Sweet Adelines International, should contact Nancy at www.namiknox.org. driver safety classes, call 521-6975. Rehearsals are held 6:45 p.m. each Monday at First Cum‘A Day in the Life’ ■ UT Hospice conducts Barbara Manis, 922-5648. berland Presbyterian Church, 6900 Nubbin Ridge Road. Info: www. ongoing orientation sessions smokymtnharmony.org. An exhibit of works by ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for adults (18 and older) artists Roy McCullough and Monday and Tuesday, Oct. interested in becoming Kate McCullough will be on Cherokee Mills hosts art show 24-25, Chota Recreation volunteers with its program. Center, 145 Awohli Drive, The Knoxville Watercolor Society is having a fall show- display through Nov. 4 at No medical experience is reLoudon. ing of mixed media works by its members through Nov. 29 Tennessee Valley Unitarian quired. Training is provided. Universalist Church, 2931 ■ Noon to 4 p.m. Info: 544-6279. at Cherokee Mills, 2200 Sutherland Ave. Cherokee Mills Kingston Pike. Wednesday and Thursis a campus style offi ce complex with a large atrium where ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief day, Oct. 26-27, Cheyenne the KWS will exhibit its newest works. The building is Support, for any adult who Conference Room, 944 Oak open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Info: is suffering loss, meets 6 to Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge. Mary Ann Valvoda, 408-0737. 7:30 p.m. the first and third



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Master Woodworkers show Nov. 4-6

UT sponsors seminar for health care professionals The University of Tennessee Knoxville will host a daylong workshop Friday, Nov. 4, for licensed counselors, clinical psychologists, social workers and others in the helping profession on navigating technology in their daily work. The 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. event, “Ethics and the Helping Professions in a Technological World,” will be at the UT Visitors Center, 2712 Neyland Drive. Dr. Ted Remley, professor of counselor education at Old Dominion University, will be the guest speaker. He is a member of the bar in Virginia and Florida, a licensed professional counselor, and a licensed marriage and family therapist. Seminar topics will include the impact of technology on ethics, such as administrative issues in the workplace, clients’ consent to use technology, HIPAA and FERPA privacy statutes, social networking and subpoenas of client records. Registration is $60 for professionals and $20 for UT students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Participants can earn six contact hours toward continuing education. For registration information, visit http://epc.utk. edu/. Participants may also register at the workshop.

Welcome, Jumbe Jumbe the giraffe recently moved to the Knoxville Zoo from his digs at the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield, Mo. Standing at more than 17 feet tall, the 8-year-old male is busy making friends with female giraffes Patches and Lucille, both current Knoxville Zoo residents, with hopes of a romance and calves in the herd’s future. The Knoxville Zoo is open

YWCA to host Race Against Racism YWCA Knoxville will hold its annual Race against Racism starting at 1 p.m. Jan. 14 at the YWCA Phyllis Wheatley Center, 124 S. Cruze St. Registration begins at 11:30 a.mm and an awards presentation will begin after the race at 1:45pm. Registration is $15 per person for a team of five or more, $12 per


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Jumbe is settling in as the newest addition of the Knoxville Zoo’s giraffe herd. Photo submitted 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day except Christmas. Info: www.knoxville-zoo.org. child under 15, or $20 per individual registered by Jan. 6. Every registration submitted after that date will be $25. Every participant will receive a long-sleeved T-shirt on the day of the race. This year there will be a new stroller walk and stroller run to encourage mothers and fathers of young children to participate. Info: Danielle Benson at (865) 523-6126. Registration: www.ywcaknox.com/.

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2 yr old house & 44 acres located at 1245 Snake Hollow Road, Sneedville. House has 3 BR & 2 BA, total of 1,056 SF. Owner will finance with $7,000 down. Call Bill at 877-488-5060 ext 323.




PLOTS available. Greenwood Cemetery Sec. 2B, Lot 117, spaces 3 & 4, w/monument rights, $4,000. Can be seen from Tazewell Pk. 865-771-3332

Lakewood Patio Home. Brand new construction, spacious 3-bed, 2-bath, ceilings, deck Real Estate Service 53 Special Notices 15 &cathedral front porch. $169,900 on your lot & avail in Tellico STOP FORECLOSURE Village with a FREE LOT, Free Report / Free Help 865-365-8888 IF YOU USED THE while supply lasts. See model: 865-458-0089 PreventForeclosureKnoxville.com TYPE 2 DIABETES DRUG ACTOS between 2000 and preComm. Prop. - Rent 66 sent time and were diagnosed with Condos- Townhouses 42 bladder cancer, you 1500 + or - SQ. FT. may be entitled to GREAT FTN CITY medical office space, compensation. Call location. Whitney Campbell Station Rd. Attorney Charles Place, 2 br, 2 ba, 1 New carpet, ceiling Johnson 1-800-535level. Min from tile, & paint. 5727. shopping, 10 min 865-742-1751 from UT campus. Priced to sell. $129,900. 865-282-8127 5920 Weisbrook Lane Homes 40 ***Web ID# 881058*** includes 2800 s.f. office/ 4166 s.f. Warehouse/ 3000s.f. Mezzanine SELL YOUR HOUSE SPECTACULAR over office. $4500./mo IN 9 DAYS OCEAN GULF Bill Tate, 423 309 2410 865-365-8888 PENTHOUSE www.TNHouseRelief.com CONDO! 4BR/3BA! Only Wanted To Rent 69 $479,900 Same unit For Sale By Owner 40a sold for $1.2 mil. Absolutely gorgeous. NEED 3BR HOME, THE ONLY pentpet friendly, fenced Sale or Rent, Tellico yard, off busy Village, 2700 sf, 4 br, 3 house condo available for sale in Panama street. 453-5690. 1/2 ba w/bonus, 2 car City Beach! Enjoy gar, $260K. 4 1/2% white sand beach, reassumable FHA loan. sort-style amenities, Apts - Unfurnished 71 865-388-5476 luxurious accommo***Web ID# 878362*** dations, Must See! BR, water furn., Call now 877-888-2296, 2 ceil. heat, $425 + ext117. North 40n dep. 1800 6th Ave. 865-397-4911 NEW AFFORDABLE home, 711 Sidebrook Ave. 1140 SF, 3 BR, 2 Residence Lots 44 Apts - Furnished 72 full BA, tile & laminate wood flooring, WALBROOK STUDIOS bar in kit., all appl., porch & deck. A Crossville, TN, 1 acre 25 1-3 60 7 must see at $89,900. homesites, clubhouse, $130 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, lakes, utilities, only May consider rent to own. 423-578-0970 or Stv, Refrig, Basic $6,000 ea. Owner Cable. No Lse. financing. 931-261-3317 865-288-4164






40 Homes

40 Homes


Chuck is available for adoption at Young-Williams Animal Center for a spooky low rate of $25 this week only. In celebration of Halloween, adult hound dogs and orange and black cats and kittens are available for reduced adoption rates through Saturday, Nov. 5. Photo submitted

45 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 Dogs

FSBO. $129,900

Cemetery Lots

in the


Two-year-old chow chow/retriever mix Columbus is ready for all this month has to offer, during Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog month. Columbus is available for adoption at the main center at 3210 Division St. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village, 6400 Kingston Pike, is open daily from noon to 6 p.m. Visit www.youngwilliams.org to see photos of all of the center’s adoptables and call 215-6599 for more information about each pet.


yrs old, 2300 SF, 3BR/3BA, P CT formal DR, lrg master, lrg kit DU RE w/island, cherry cabs, black appl, pantry, breakfast rm , bonus rm or 4th BR above 2-car gar, hdwd & tile down, crpt in bonus, plantation wood shutters, sec sys, sec storm drs, HVAC w/April Air Filter Sys, beautiful view from rear windows and deck. $253,900. $220,000. 865-922-3943. Selling due to husband’s illness.

3-1 Craftsman, bonus rm, huge yd, 1715 Birdsong next to golf cse. $675/mo. 865-661-3671

I BUY OLDER MOBILE HOMES. 1990 up, any size OK. 865-384-5643

Manf’d Homes - Rent 86

141 Dogs

The East Tennessee Woodworkers Guild and the Arts & Culture Alliance of Knoxville will sponsor the 16th Master Woodworkers Show on Nov. 4-6 at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay St. Show times are 5-9 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Sponsors of the show strive to highlight the finest woodworking in this region. The three-day event is an unconventional, dynamic blend of gallery layout and the open atmosphere of a festival-style show. With attendance more than doubling over the last several shows, the event has gained a reputation as a premiere woodworking event in the Southeast and it has received exceptional reviews from both makers and the public.

Racheff House and Gardens will hold its second annual Holland bulb sale 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. A new shipment of amaryllis and paperwhites have just arrived. Also available will be tulips, daffodils and other varieties of spring blooming bulbs. In addition to the bulbs, Racheff will offer crafts, gardening items and note cards. Proceeds from this event will be used for beautification and maintenance of the house and garden property which is owned by the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs and operated by a board of governors selected from local garden clubs and state garden club officials. Racheff House and Gardens is located at 1943 Tennessee Ave. From Western Avenue turn east on Keith and immediately turn left on Schofield then back to Tennessee.

Appalachian Arts Craft Center events The Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway in Norris, is looking for new members to sell their handmade crafts in the Craft Center gallery. Anyone interested in going through the jurying process should bring three samples of their work to the center before noon Thursday, Nov. 3. Center hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The jurying will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 8, and items must be picked up by Nov. 21. Each person going through the process must fill out a form and pay a nonrefundable $25 jurying fee. Info: 494-9854 or www.appalachianarts.net. The center is hosting a chili supper with music by the Woodpickers and a silent auction from 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Norris Community Building. The cost is $5 for homemade chili, cornbread, dessert and drink. Those wanting to purchase a meal served in their own handcrafted pottery bowl, which they can take home afterwards, can do so for only $20. There will also be a range of homemade crafts, services and other items up for bid at a silent auction. This event is a fundraiser for the center and is open to the public. People are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance by stopping by the center or by calling in advance, although tickets will also be on sale at the door. Upcoming classes at the center: Nov. 3, Glass Fusing Workshop, 6:30 to 9 p.m. with Kathy King; Nov. 5, Nuno Felting, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with Geri Forkner; Dec. 10, Felted Wool Santa, 2 to 5:30 p.m., with Nancy Shedden and Tammy Straut.

141 Household Furn. 204 Antiques Classics 260 Handyman

BULL MASTIFFS, AKC, POMERANIAN Pups, cute & adorable, 2 M, 3 F, 7 wks, CKC, S&W, 1 Yr. brindle, $750 ea. 865guar. 2 F $500, 2 M 585-6637; 865-585-6655 $450. 423-404-4189 puppeeperson@yahoo.com

CKC DBL WIDE, 3 br, 2 CHIHUAHUAS, reg, long & short ba, chain link fnc hair, $100. Call 865yard, 2 car gar & 654-7199, lv msg. carport. $675/mo, $400/dep. 865-582-5411 ***Web ID# 881437*** 4 BR, 3 1/2 BA, 3 car CHIHUAHUAS, M & gar. Halls area. No F., Reg. small, varipets, no smoking. Trucking Opportunities 106 ous colors, shots, $1500/mo. 865-567-9693 $200-$400. 865-216-5770 AVAIL. 2 BR, 1 BA, ***Web ID# 881027*** W/D hookup, appls, COLLIES, AKC, 2 yr. $1000 - $1250 - $1500 cent H&A, lg fenced old fem., 1.5 yr. old in yard, close to SIGN ON BONUSES male, $200 ea or bus, $750/mo + DD. Hiring Over The Road $300 pr. 865-919-0413 Drivers 865-689-5293 Van, Flatbed, ReCORGI PEMBROKE FTN CITY, 3 br, 1 ba, frigerated Openings Welsh Puppies, AKC bsmnt, lrg yard, Call Roehl 1-888-867Reg. 6 wks. 1st shots. lease, DD, cr chk, 6345 $350. 865-435-2878 $750. 865-805-5903 or AA/EOE 865-805-9414 Dachshunds, Mini, ***Web ID# 880820*** AKC, 865-936-3095 www.pricelessparadise GIBBS, 3 BR, 2 BA farm.com 110 rancher, 2 car gar., Healthcare ***Web ID# 883824*** lots of storage. Outside pets ok. $1,200 HILLCREST WEST is Dachshunds Mini, Reg., per mo. + $800 dep. now hiring. RN'sM & F, diff. colors & Refs. req. 865-966$19.50 to $24.50; patterns, S&W, $2250062 or 865-237-5056 LPN's-$15 to $20; $550. 865-216-5770 CNA's-$10 to $15 ***Web ID# 881032*** HALLS/GIBBS, 2 BR, plus shift diff/part 1 ba, $500/mo, $500/ time and full time, DACHSHUNDS, MINI dep. 1 yr lse req'd. and RN weekend (very small). $150. No pets. 6508 Archer supervisor and full blooded, shots, Rd., 865-388-2736 cook. Apply online 9 wks. 865-556-1666 grace.vikus.net/app ***Web ID# 881540*** KARNS AREA, 1, 2 & EOE DFWP 3 br, $600-$1250. All DOBERMAN Pincher appl, no pets. 865pups, CKC, blk & 691-8822 or 660-3584 Business Equipment 133 rust, M & F, 8 wks, ***Web ID# 883598*** $250. 865-426-9813 Kodak 3 BR, 3 BA, 2 6 BLACK leather of- ***Web ID# 881199*** car gar., kit. appl, no fice chairs, excel- DOBERMAN PUPS, pets, $950/mo. 786lent for office or black & tan, 6 wks. 290-1285;865-201-9284 conference room, reg., 4 M, $200 ea. $50 ea. 865-376-7819 865-254-0602 South, brick 3 br, 1 1/2 ba, new flr, appl & Dobermans AKC, 4 paint. $800/mo + dep. Dogs 141 wks. $350-$450. Blk / blue No Pets. 865-577-8012 / red. In house, detailed, ***Web ID# 882826*** AMERICAN PIT Bull Warlock. 865-428-6981 pups, 9 wks. old, ***Web ID# 883889*** TEMPLE ACRES, dual reg., 1st & 2nd Halls, 3 BR, 2 BA, Shepherd vaccines, parents German enclosed gar., level puppies, good Geron premises. $300lot $800/mo No smk/ man bldlines, 7 wks, $400 Call after 1pm, pets. 865-584-1688 M & F to choose no text, 865-696-4238 from. 865-300-3776 WEST, Cedar Bluff, ***Web ID# 882494*** ***Web ID# 883328*** 3 BR, 2 1/2+ BA, dbl. gar., lg. yard, BEAGLES, Blue Tick Retriever Mini Smoky. AKC, 9 GOLDEN approx 2,000 sf, no Puppies, AKC reg, wks, shots/wormed pets, DD, $950/mo. just in time for 865-522-5076 865-966-8626 Christmas, born ***Web ID# 883845*** 10/1/11. 2 M & 5 F. WEST KNOX, 4 BR, 2.5 HEELER Ready 11/14/11. BA, office, great BLUE PUPPIES, $250 ea. Light golden, kid room, 2 car gar., lg. 1st shots & wormed. friendly. M-$300. Fyard, $1400/mo. No 423-907-2120 $350. 423-494-7468 or pets. 865-719-8676 423-784-5639 ***Web ID# 878667*** BOSTON TERRIER ***Web ID# 882317*** male puppy, AKC, $395. 865-925-8137 GREAT PYRENEES Condo Rentals 76 www.BetterBulls.com puppies, 7 mo., raised ***Web ID# 884528*** w/chickens, $125. 865Architect-Designed 376-0364 End unit, 3 BR, 2 1/2 BOSTON TERRIER BA, master on main, puppies, 1 F & 2 M, AKC, LAB BOYS, 1 Yellow 2 car gar., gas frpl, S&W, $350 or trade for English type avail. upstairs media rm, M puppy. 423-489-7071 $600. Call Ronnie Halls. Lease to Purchase ***Web ID# 882107*** 865-428-8993 or check $1100 mo. 865-898-4558 Grandma's Labs on BOXER PUPPIES, or 865-567-5788 Facebook. AKC, $400. 1 year ***Web ID# 881401*** FOUNTAIN CITY AREA health guar. 423-6679572 or 865-385-8678 LAB Puppies, absolutely Pebbles tone Condos ***Web ID# 885002*** gorgeous, black, white, 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car gar, yellow. 8 wks, 108 yr screened back porch, BOXER PUPPIES champ bdln, father reg., $850 mo. $850 damage AKC reg, 2 Fem, $300. Parents on prem. $400. dep. 1 yr lease, no pets. Call before 7 pm, 423865-560-6866; 363-5815 231-2515 865-254-9552 or 388-3232 ***Web ID# 881728*** ***Web ID# 883413*** The Meadows, 3 br, 2 PEKINGESE PUPS ba, remod., brick AKC, all shots, vet end unit, hdwd, chkd, 2 yr health master w/walk in, guar. 423-404-4510 frpl, W/D incl, 2 car PIT BULLS, blue nose carport, water & sewer incl. $1100. UKC, Gotti bldln, sis865-414-9345 ters, 1 blind, 1 yr. old. $500 ea. 865-200-9376 ***Web ID# 883693***

Racheff bulb sale Nov. 5


BR SUITE, antique 4 1982 CORVETTE, all PLUMBING, DRAIN, poster w/boxsprings original, looks & sewer, water dam& mattress. 8 pc, runs good, call 865age, roof repairs, $500 or will sell bed 430-4014 carpentry, etc. 24/7 separate for $175. emergency plumb865-579-1574/659-5965 ing. No job too small. 221-1362 or 368-8578

Household Appliances 204a

Poodles Standard GOOD AS NEW AKC, $150 & up. Call APPLIANCES 865-221-1378 PUG PUPPIES, AKC, M-$500, F-$550., vet ck'd, shots, dewormed, UTD. 865-804-4293 ***Web ID# 881178*** YORKIE PUPS, 8 wks. old, S&W, CKC reg., F $350, M $300. Small. 931-319-0000

90 Day Warranty Call 637-1060 1716 E. Magnolia Ave.



BUICK SPECIAL 1952 Good cond. Runs & LANDSCAPING MGMT Design, install, mulch, drives great. New small tree/shrub work, tires. All orig. $7500 weeding, bed renewal, obo. 865-207-3300 debri clean-up. Free estimates, 25 yrs exp! CHRYSLER NEWMark Lusby 679-9848 PORT 1964, 2 dr. Hardtop, all orig., $4,000. 865-919-8575

Fishing Hunting 224

MGB CONV. 1978, great shape, low mi, $6500. Call 865GUN SALE, private 992-2230 YORKIE PUPS AKC, collection. Rifles & shots & worming, M shotguns. Call 865$300, F $400. 865-828671-1553; 865-850-5220 Sport Utility 261 8067 or 865-850-5513 ***Web ID# 881155***



LEXUS RX330, 2005, silver, gray int, 77k mi, extra clean, $21,995. 865-661-8040 PASTURES FOR rent Bayliner Cabin in Union Co. Safe & Cruiser, 1990, 26 1/2', ***Web ID# 881080*** secure for horses. great shape, trailer, 865-254-9936 $6500. 865-992-2230


143 Boats Motors

Free Pets




** ADOPT! * * Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit Young-Williams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. www.knoxpets.org

* * * * * * * *

Farmer’s Market 150 EXCELLENT GAME HENS $10 each 865-376-0364 FALL CUTTING GRASS HAY, sm square bales, avg 55 lbs. Starting $3/bale. 865-850-0130. Straw

bales also available.

Buildings for Sale 191


MASTERCRAFT 209 (2003) 570 hrs, factory HONDA ACCORD EX tower, X-Series fea2006, V6, s-roof, tures, clean, great spoiler, 6 CD, Alloys, boat, MC trailer incl. all options, very $26,500. 865-599-7515 clean, non-smoker. $11,500. 865-806-7195 Thompson Marine 1986, 18 ft cuddy cabin, Honda Accord SE 1997, Hydraspot 17' bass 4 dr, AT, great mpg, boat, 1995 200 Mariner 98k mi, loaded, $4000 ea. 865-397-3516 ^ $4200. 865-582-1974 ***Web ID# 884660***



Roofing / Siding


MITSUBISHI Eclipse 2003, pwr, auto, 4 STUCCO / STONE cyl, 65K mi. $5,100. repairs, new const, 865-934-7796 CAMPERS WANTED fireplaces, water damage, ret. walls, We buy travel trailers, VOLVO V70 2005 columns, gates. 20 5th Wheels, Motor 4 dr. wagon, 96K mi. homes & Pop-Up yrs exp! 250-0496 Mint cond. $10,600. Campers. Will pay Call 865-692-7267 cash. 423-504-8036 ***Web ID# 881317***



Motor Homes

237 Domestic

Holiday Rambler Vacationer, 2000, class A, gas, 32'8. 21,600 mi. $25,000. 865-988-7680

Autos Wanted 253


CADILLAC 1990 Sedan Deville, only 58K mi, always garage kept, immaculate, $5400. 865-688-6363 or 680-2656

ROOFING REPAIRS, commercial/ residential, shingles, flat, metal, water damaged, leaks, preventive maintenance, floors & walls. 2211362 or 368-8578.

12X24 OFFICE BuildContracting / Gen. 320 ing, handicap bath- Cash For Junk Repairable Tree Service room & sm. porch. or Wrecked Cars, Trucks, BLDG REPAIR & Suitable for car lot. Vans or Forklifts. Fast MAINT. Lic'd/ins'd, Well built. $4950. Free Pickup. Will match comm/res, metal 865-680-8000 or beat competitors prices. roofs, concrete, bobcat, masonry, STEEL ARCH buildings- 865-556-8956; 865-363-0318 doors, stucco reInventory closeout-save ret. walls, etc. thousands on select Trucks 257 pair, 30 yrs exp! 250-0496 models! 20x20, 25x32, 30x50, others. Ask about CHEVY S10 Extreme more savings$ with dis330 1999, 120k mi, red, 5 Flooring play program. Call tosp, hail damage. day! 1-866-352-0469. Runs/drives exc. CERAMIC TILE in$5500/bo. 423-210-0095 stallation. Floors/ Shop Tools-Engines 194 ***Web ID# 883046*** walls/repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! FORD F150 Heritage, John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8 WELDER, EASY 2004, extra cab, (old Mig; industrial restyle), V6, AT, CD, ciprocating saw; 25 alum whls, 105K mi. Furniture Refinish. 331 gear pullers; belt $6,450. 865-934-7796 sander; 600 watt DENNY'S FURNITURE power converter. $150/all. 865-381-2134 4 Wheel Drive 258 REPAIR. Refinish, reglue, etc. 45 yrs exp! 922-6529 or 466-4221 FORD 250 2005, diesel, Jewelry 202 Lariat super duty, mint cond, loaded, $17,500 Guttering 333 ^ OVEN, WAX mafirm. 865-223-9984 chine, vacuum taGUTTER ble, casting ma- FORD F350 1996, die- HAROLD'S chine, vent, flexible sel, 4WD, dump box SERVICE. Will clean shaft, work bench, wench, reblt trans, front & back $20 & up. new tires, $7,000. Quality work, guaranmolds & acc's. $1400 865-381-2134 865-680-0053 teed. Call 288-0556.



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A Shopper-News Special Section

Monday,, October 31, 2011

An ounce of prevention ... Your life may depend upon it


s we inch upwards of age 50, one piece of advice we too often try to ignore is “Get your colonoscopy.” Dr. Bergein Overholt of Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA) says, “Don’t put this off! Your life may depend upon it.” He and his group feel so strongly about the importance of the exam, they have made a day of it: GIA Screening Colonoscopy Day. The program, now in its third year, provides free colonoscopy exams to a group of people preselected by Interfaith Health Clinic and the Free Medical Clinic of America. GIA has partnered with providers such as Anesthesia Associates of Knoxville, Tennova, Premier Surgical Associates, The Endoscopy Center, Boston Scientific, Interactive Optics, the American Cancer Society and Salix Pharmaceuticals to enable folks who might not otherwise be screened to have this potentially life-saving procedure. But perhaps just as important, GIA Screening Colonoscopy Day helps build awareness throughout the community of the importance of this preventative measure.

“Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. and one of the most curable if caught early,” said Overholt. “Screening colonoscopy is the only test that allows us to find and remove abnormal cell growths called polyps from the entire colon.” He ought to know. Overholt pioneered flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy, devel-

oping the instrument which led to modern colonoscopy. As founding partner at GIA, he has fostered a commitment to research for providing the best and most advanced care in gastroenterology. GIA is a national leader in technology for the treatment and diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. GIA was the first private practice in the country to develop a state licensed,

Left to Right: Jerry Griffey, Partner and LFD; Kaitlyn McAdams, LFD and Eric Arnold Botts, Managing Partner and LFD 5301 Fountain Road • Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 689-4481 www.gentrygriffeyfuneralchapel.com

Medicare certified, endoscopic ambulatory surgery center (ASC), making gastrointestinal health care more convenient and affordable for patients. Now with three ASC locations in Knoxville, GIA serves as a model for practices around the country. Currently, GIA is pioneering new technologies and procedures for the treatment of Barrett’s esophagus. During the latest GIA Screening Colonoscopy Day, more than half of the 46 patients screened had polyps removed. Though typically benign, some polyps contain a small area of cancer or will develop into cancer over time. Studies have shown that polyp removal has been associated with a 60- to 90-percent reduction in colorectal cancer. These exams are essential to preventing colon cancer for anyone age 50 or older. It is even more important for people with a family history of colon cancer to be screened regularly. “I can’t stress enough just how important this screening is,” said Overholt. “This year, 32 percent of the patients screened during the event had at least one cancerous polyp, and one patient was diagnosed with cancer that arose from a polyp. When we find these polyps early, we can very likely prevent or cure this cancer. And early diagnosis gives those with cancer a fighting chance.” So don’t put it off any longer. In the case of a screening colonoscopy, an ounce of prevention could truly mean a cure.


MEDICARE ENROLLMENT Dates have changed. Medicare coverage and costs change each year. There are important dates coming up that you should know about, so you can make the best choices for you and your health. Get help from a trained professional to understand how these dates below affect you.

Oct. 15 – Dec. 7:

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.


Dec. 8:

You are locked in to your chosen plan for the upcoming year, unless you have special eligibility to enroll during this preriod.

Find out more today!

For more information, call a licensed agent at the number shown. There is no obligation and all the information is FREE.

Senior Financial Group 865-777-0153 A sales agent may contact you. Not afďŹ liated with any government agency. BH_11_0242 09142011

Medicare 2012: What you need to know M

edi edicare dicare iiss d dif different iffferent this year because of health care reform, and if you’re not aware of how this important program has changed, pay attention. The Medicare program can be confusing because of its many different parts, supplemental coverage options and specific Medicare enrollment periods for different products. All of these nuances can make Medicare hard to understand for new enrollees as well as for those who have been on the program for a number of years. If you’re new to the program or even if you’re a seasoned Medicare veteran, here are six things you should know about the program heading into 2012.

Be aware of deductibles, coinsurance, out-of-pocket limits and prescription drug costs

percent, depending on the service), after applicable premiums and deductibles. Original Medicare also has no limits on the amount you could pay out of your own pocket for covered medical services each year. And, original Medicare does not cover the cost of most prescription drugs.

New and existing benefits to help you fill in Medicare’s gaps

If you’re new to Medicare, it’s important to know that both parts of original Medicare (A and B) have deductibles. And, the Part A deductibles are not tied to a calendar year like they are with traditional health insurance. Instead, they’re

People concerned about some of the gaps in original Medicare have the option to enroll in insurance products tied to a 90-day benefit pe- regulated by the government riod, with some exceptions. but provided by private comThe Medicare Part B ben- panies. These are products efit also includes coinsur- designed specifically to fill ance after you meet your de- some of the different gaps in ductible. With coinsurance, Medicare. They include: Medicare pays a percentage â– Medicare Part D standof each bill and you pay the alone prescription drug rest (between 20 and 45 plans, which cover the cost

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of most prescription drugs. New Benefit: In 2012 part D recipients get a 14 percent discount on the cost of generic drugs when they reach Medicare’s coverage gap, or “donut hole,� on top of the 50 percent discount they got last year on the cost of brand name drugs when they reach the donut hole. ■Medicare Supplement plans, which cover portions of the deductibles, coinsurance and out-ofpocket costs not covered by original Medicare. ■Medicare Advantage plans, which bundle together the Part D drug benefit with some additional coverage for deductibles, coinsurance and out-of-pocket costs. New Benefit: Starting in 2011, health care reform requires all Medicare Advantage plans to have a maximum limit of $6,700 on how much a customer can pay out of their own pocket for medical services, excluding the cost of prescription drugs. Each type of supplemen-

tal coverage has different guidelines for when you can enroll, change and cancel your coverage.

There are new Medicare annual enrollment dates Most beneficiaries can change a Medicare Advantage plan or stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plan once per year during Medicare’s annual enrollment period (AEP). The dates for AEP changed this year, and run from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 in 2011. Medicare Supplement plans have an initial enrollment period, which occurs in the first six months after you enroll in Medicare Part B and are 65 or older. During that time, you can enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan and not be declined. But, if you try to enroll after the initial enrollment period, your application could be declined based on a review of your medical history. But, if you want to switch

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Adult Day Services • 745-1626 www.tnadultdayservices.com from a Supplement plan to an Advantage plan, the AEP is a good time to make that switch.

It’s critical to compare drug coverage every year PlanPrescriber.com, an Internet company that allows people to compare Medicare plans side-by-side and research benefits, drug prices and different coverage options, looked at 25,000 user sessions on its website during the 2011 AEP (between Nov. 15, 2010, and Dec. 31, 2010). Customers entered their ZIP code; their existing Medicare prescription drug plan or Medicare Advantage drug plan; and the names, dosages and frequency of any prescription drugs they were taking, if any. The site’s prescription drug plan comparison tool found that, on average, a user could save more than $500 per year — more than $40 per month — by reviewing their options and changing their prescription drug plan. But, averages don’t tell the full story. In a recent news article, a MarketWatch reporter compared the cost differences for a single drug in one Georgia ZIP code and found that annual expenses could range from $2,661 to $9,032, depending on which Medicare Advantage plan is chosen. If you want to review and research the different Medicare products available in your ZIP code, www. planprescriber.com is a great place to start.

Pena - (48"X36") Ralph Watts



(865) 687-0411


Get star power in 2012 The Affordable Care Act, (health care reform) requires a star rating system to be used for Medicare Advantage plans, beginning in 2012. Plans get a rating of 1 to 5, with a 5-star rating equating to an “Excellent Performance,� and a 1-star rating equating to a “Poor Performance.�

This year, baby boomers begin turning 65, which means more people will be enrolling in the basic benefit than ever before, putting more stress and time constraints on enrollment experts.



Tuesday — Saturday 10am - 6pm

New to Medicare? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, out of 523 plans nationwide in 2011, only three received an overall rating of 5, and 74 received an overall rating 4 or 4.5 stars. Heading into 2012 the hope is that more plans will achieve this high 5-star rating. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a 5-star plan, consider it as an option for your coverage. One benefit of a 5-star plan is that you can enroll at any time, even outside of Medicare’s annual enrollment period.

Make way for baby boomers qualifying for “Original Medicare� at age 65 That, plus the new dates, means people who wait until the last minute could be putting themselves at risk. It’s a good idea to make a plan and review your coverage for 2012 early. A great place to review and research the different Medicare products available in your ZIP code is www. planprescriber.com. 2012 Medicare annual enrollment period runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, 2011.

Many people who are new to Medicare may have to deal with the complexity of the program. Here are some basics: ■Medicare is comprised of four major programs: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Medicare Part A and Part B are often referred to as “Original Medicare.� There are also Medicare Supplement plans, which are designed as an alternative to Part C to fill gaps in Parts A and B. ■Generally speaking, Part A covers in-patient hospitalization while Part B covers outpatient services and other medical care. ■Part C denotes the “Medicare Advantage� program where private insurance companies deliver Medicare Part A, Part B and, in most cases, Part D benefits to plan enrollees. ■Part D is the Medicare prescription drug benefit that provides insurance coverage for medications. ■Your circumstances determine when you can enroll in or change Part D and C plans. – Family Features

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Saturday Nov. 5 9am - 6pm Anderson County y High School

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Keeping your muscles healthy as you age Take control of how you age


id you know you have more than 600 muscles in your body, including your tongue, heart and stomach? When exerted, your muscles pull against your skeleton, causing your bones to become strong and durable. But a lack of exercise and nutrition can compromise your muscle strength, especially as you age. “The average person can lose 8 percent of muscle tissue every 10 years after the age of 40,” says Dr. Vonda Wright, orthopedic surgeon, medical researcher and author of “Fitness After 40.” “When

it comes to muscle, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” In addition to age, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition can lead to loss of muscle. Many people are surprised to learn that a sedentary person may have 40 to 50 percent body fat. On the flip side, muscle burns more calories than fat during daily activities,

including sitting. A serious, temporary illness or injury or a diet lacking proper nutrition, especially protein, can also cause a loss in muscle mass. So muscle loss is not just a concern of the middle-aged or inactive, but for anyone who wants to stay healthy and active. To find out if your muscles are

in good shape, try the push-up test. Men of any age should be able to do 11 and women should be able to complete eight. If you fall short of your goal, don’t despair. You still have time to build muscle strength with these tips: • Feed your muscle. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. Get your protein daily from meat, poultry, fish, nuts, eggs and beans. You can also augment your diet with healthful protein and nutrition shakes, such as Ensure Muscle Health shakes, which contain Revigor (a source of HMB, an amino-acid metabolite), and 13 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. They are perfect for a snack on the go. • Get aerobic exercise. Try to get between 30 to 60 minutes of blood-pumping exercise daily to build muscle endurance. And stretch your muscles before and after to prevent injury.

Parkview Senior Living INDEPENDENT SERVICE

• Carry a load. Resistance training is also essential to keeping your muscles strong and limber and retaining bone density. Use weights or the resistance of your own body weight to build your strength. “We live in an amazing time when we really are able to have some control over how we age,” says Dr. Wright. “In fact, there’s new evidence that boomers and seniors who exercise three to five times a week are able to retain lean muscle like younger athletes. So don’t let your age discourage you from living a healthier, active life today!” For more information about maintaining healthy muscles and to read more of Dr. Wright’s tips, visit www.ensure.com. Then get started rebuilding your muscle strength. After all, this is the only body you have. – StatePoint


Reasons why you should live at Parkview 1. Monthly Rental, no buy-in fees 2. Large walk-in closets 3. Guaranteed rate for two years 4. Small pets welcome 5. New friends await you 6. Help is always available if you need it 7. Movie theatre, West 8. Convenient to the park, Fountain City 9. Prices start at $1300, Fountain City and $1700, West (includes two meals a day, housekeeping, transportation and activities!) Sensibly designed with the active senior in mind, Parkview, an independent living community, offers the opportunity for residents to enjoy life to its fullest. Whether it’s enjoying all the activities and amenities or finding a quiet place to reflect, Parkview has thought of everything.

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Call 687-0033

10914 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934

5405 Colonial Circle, Knoxville, TN 37918

Driving Directions: From I-40/I-75, take the Lovell Road exit #374. Head south to Kingston Pike.Turn west onto Kingston Pike and travel 0.5 miles. Parkview West is on the left.

Driving Directions: Take the Broadway exit on I-640 and travel north. Just past Fountain City Park, turn left on Colonial Circle at stop light. Take immediate left into Parkview.

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