Farragut Shopper-News 112811

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A great community newspaper.


VOL. 5, NO. 48

NOVEMBER 28, 2011

INSIDE www.ShopperNewsNow.com





Fun at Fantasy of Trees New leader Elder Thomas Clapp Jr. is the Knoxville stake president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Kennedy Tull intently paints a wooden reindeer in the kids’ area of Fantasy of Trees. But wait! The whole show is for kids.

See page A-7

Admirals band Suzanne Foree Neal recaps the band’s marching season. Page A-13

Farragut Middle School students created this “gotta have it right now!” gingerbread house. Wow. Take me home! Photos by Ruth White Nathaniel Calloway (at left) poses for mom’s camera every time the carousel comes ‘round. Hard to say who is having the most fun.

Peyton watch How much do the Colts miss Peyton Manning? Marvin West tells us on page A-6


Concord’s First convenience stores. See page A-6




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Changes ahead for Northshore at Choto inquiry from Randy Wolfe, president of the homeowners association at Choto Estates. Wolfe said recent imBy Sandra Clark provements including a Knox County Engineerturn lane for the Markets ing will ask consulting engiat Choto have created conneers Cannon & Cannon to fusion. “Drivers unfamiliar evaluate the intersection at with the area move into this Northshore Drive and Choto turn lane only to realize at Road and design a plan for the last moment that it ends improvements. Cannon before the intersection and & Cannon designed the they have to merge quickly roundabout at Northshore John Huber back into the right lane. and Concord Road and the “Because the road has roundabouts slated for Bob Commissioner Richard been resurfaced, widened Gray Road at Mabry Hood Briggs had requested inforand flattened, and the flashand Bob Kirby. mation in response to an ing caution light removed,

it’s no surprise that traffic speed has increased. Our residents expressed concern over the increased traffic speed and now sometimes difficult and dangerous intersection.” In an e-mail exchange, Deputy Director of Engineering Jim Snowden said a speed study conducted after the roadwork was completed showed an operating speed of 49 miles per hour, equivalent to speeds before the road work. Meanwhile, development plans for the Markets at

Choto have been reworked to eliminate 2-story buildings. Developer John Huber said each building will remain at 5,000 square feet, but now eight rather than six pads will be built and three will have basements. He has reduced the overall size from 77,000 to 75,000 square feet. Huber expects Weigel’s to start construction in January following completion of its store in Seymour. He’s received letters of intent

The best laid plans?

“It’s raining again,” said Norman, as discussion wound down. The vote is about water issues and Briggs’ amendment “is a Trojan horse, he added. “City Council walked away (from the joint facilitated meetings) and we were in agreement. “Water knows no boundary between city and county. … We need to stay parallel with the city.” “The Briggs amendment,” Norman concluded, “is muddying the water metaphorically and practically.” But Briggs said his amendment “un-muddies” the water. “People may say I’m taking one side or another, but I’m not,” he said, without a trace of irony. What are those who expected more left with? First, a plan for the county that is unlikely to pass – or even be presented – at City

Council. If council members sign off on the plan approved at the joint meetings, city and county policies on slope protection diverge. That outcome brings to mind the city/county divide on stormwater ordinances in 2007 which resulted in the city threatening to sue the county. Because of Briggs’ amendment, developers in the county may feel less constrained in continuing the practices that resulted in the Dawson Hollow disaster a few months ago or the hillside stripping at Watt Road which Norman aptly called “an abomination.” “How do you have a ‘nonbinding’ map?” Norman asked. With Briggs’ “advisory” amendment tacked on, that self-contradicting, limbo-dwelling creation is precisely what we have.

Developer to extend sidewalks

Commission neuters Hillside/ Ridge Top Plan By Larry Van Guilder

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Larry Van Guilder lvgknox@mindspring.com ADVERTISING SALES Sydney McLean mcleans@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

After more than 3 1/2 years, County Commission’s debate on the Hillside and Ridge Top Protection Plan ended last week as that body accepted an amendment which declared the plan “advisory.”

Richard Briggs Tony Norman

Briggs’ amendment was supported by the Knoxville Chamber and mollified developers. It allowed commissioners who had never supported the plan Commissioners voted 7-3 to declare victory. R. Larry for the amended plan, with Smith said later Monday at Dave Wright abstaining. the Halls Republican Club, Only Tony Norman, Amy “both sides won.” Broyles and Sam McKenzie Despite Briggs’ declarastood against the amend- tion that the amendment ment that gutted the plan. was “not intended to subCommissioner Richard vert anything,” it’s a frank


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betrayal to homeowners and businesses that endorsed the plan that had emerged from the facilitated joint meetings of commission and City Council. Plan opponents have habitually engaged in bluster and threat, and last week was no exception. Speaking for the Chamber, attorney Tom McAdams said, “There are lawsuits waiting to be had if you make this binding.” “All you want to do is kick us in the teeth when we’re down,” developer Scott Davis said, alluding to the depressed construction industry. County Law Director Joe Jarret said a property owner’s right to appeal an MPC decision was not affected by the plan. “Regardless of what language you put in the plan, there’s still redress for the landowner,” Jarret said.


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To page A-2



Brass brings holiday cheer to Turkey Creek

Salvation Army band members Elly Friedle, Susan Lewis, Allen Segraves and Gene Ace entertain shoppers with a Christmas music medley. The band is a mixture of two bands, Battle Brass and Concord United Methodist Church Brass. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Changes at Choto From page A-1

from an ice cream shop, a pharmacy and a restaurant, but has no signed leases. “We won’t spec build anything,” Huber said. “We will only build as leases are signed.” The new site plan is online at www. marketsatchoto.com/. Huber confirmed he will build a 6-foot wide sidewalk 500 feet farther than originally planned from the Markets at Choto north on Choto Road to the entrance to Montgomery Cove. “This will provide pedestrian access to 400 more homes.” John Schoonmaker, who represents the area on the Board of Zoning Appeals, announced the redesign and sidewalk extension at the November meeting of the Council of West Knox County Homeowners.

Volunteers enjoy atmosphere at WUOT By Wendy Smith Eric McAnly had been a public radio fan for more Anna Claire and Addie Grace Fields contribute to Salvation than a decade before atArmy as Katie Segraves watches. Katie’s dad, Allen Segraves, tending an open house at plays the trombone in the Salvation Army band. WUOT last summer. It was a convenient stop for him, since he’s a UT student and the station is housed in UT’s communications building 620 N. Campbell Station Rd., Knoxville, TN on Circle Park Drive. After becoming acquainted with WUOT staff, it was an easy decision to volunteer December 1, 5:30 - 8:00 for the station’s annual fund December 2 & 3, 10:00 - 5:30 drive. December 4, 1:00 - 5:00 “I was happy to finally Special sales throughout the mall with door prizes and tasty have done it. I’d wanted to treats. Find unique Christmas gifts and holiday decorations. for a number of years,” he 865-675-1033 says. McAnly was one of 110 volunteers that helped the station exceed its fundraisCheck out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at ing goal. More than 1,900 www.ShopperNewsNow.com pledges brought in more

Gatehouse Antique Market

Christmas Open House


UT student Eric McAnly was one of more than 100 volunteers who helped WUOT exceed its goal during its annual fund drive held last month. Photo submitted

than $187,000. He answered phones during the drive and enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and work with the staff, who made the work pleasant. “There always seems to be somebody laughing around the corner.”

The experience was so positive that he now volunteers weekly at the station. His primary task is sending out thank-you gifts to donors. The station has some 300 volunteers, and the success of the program is due to the efforts of membership coordinator Lisa Beckman, says Corporate and Community Relations Coordinator Cindy Hassil. The two make up the WUOT development department. “It’s not exciting to stuff envelopes, but if there’s a group of people doing it, it’s more fun, said Hassil. No matter how mindless the project, the staff is appreciative. There’s no shortage of volunteers at WUOT because of the passion of the station’s listeners. Volunteers often contact donors who are more than happy to talk about their favorite National


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Public Radio programs, like “Car Talk” and “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me.” “Anyone who is a public radio fan wants to talk about public radio and their favorite programs. It’s like an instant cocktail party ice-breaker.” The station makes the work fun by assigning volunteers tasks that match their interests. Outgoing ones might make phone calls, while those with taxing day jobs might prefer something mindless. When the station adds food, as it does during the fund drive, it feels like a party, says Hassil. “It just blows us away that folks care so much about the station.” Those interested in volunteering can look under the “Support WUOT” tab on the station’s website, www. WUOT.org for upcoming opportunities.




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Sacred Heart holiday boutique Ally Summie helps decorate a Christmas tree during the “hanging of the greens� at Concord United Methodist Church. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Concord United Methodist prepares for Christmas Pastor Brent Hall of Concord United Methodist Church adds the candles on the Advent wreath. The white one is the “Christ candle� and the four blue candles symbolize hope, love, joy and peace. Each Sunday, one of the blue candles will be lit and the white Christ candle will be lit on Christmas Eve during the candlelight carol services.

The Rev. David Boettner of Sacred Heart Cathedral admires a print of Mary from the Pieta created by Jerry Smith using powdered graphite applied with brush. Sue Greer looks on at right. The print is also seen in a gold frame in the foreground. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Bartering for holiday shopping If you are short of cash for holiday shopping, you would like this growing trend of bartering here and nationwide. “The Barter Source� is the Knoxville area group which is part of the national Itex trade group. Each business member is able to trade both locally and nationally for goods and services. When you or your company “sells� an item, you receive credit into your account which you can use at your convenience to purchase items from other members of Itex. This show featured a variety of small businesses in conjunction with the national campaign of “buy small business America,� explained Todd Olson, Knoxville’s broker of “The Barter Source.� At the show were gift certificates for

a variety of products and services, toys, framed art, jewelry, massages, video services, household appliances, invisible fencing and more. To find out more about Itex, visit www.itex.com, or call the Knoxville office at 691-4388. – Theresa Edwards

Lisa Keith of Knoxville Plumbing enjoys using her Itex trade account to purchase a “Wow Wee Alive Husky Puppy� from Liz Highfill of Itex in Kentucky. Keith said, “My daughter Brittany just got a husky dog and will really like this.� Chris Jones and Gib Berquist of Invisible Fence look at the pink elephant squeaky toy Greta Harless of American Classifieds purchases with her “barter bucks� at the Itex holiday trade show Nov. 19. This show featured a variety of small businesses in conjunction with the national campaign of “buy small business America,� explained Todd Olson, Knoxville’s broker of “The Barter Source.� Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Info: 966-7057. Events and classes are held at the Farragut Town Hall unless otherwise noted. ■“Dec. 7, 1941: A Day of Infamy� presented by Frank Galbraith, retired Farragut Middle School history teacher, 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 28. ■Wire Wrap Jewelry Class: Participants will use the wire wrap technique to create a unique bracelet and pair of earrings to take home. Registration and payment deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 29. Cost is $40, all supplies included. Class time is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6.

Megan and Diana Patterson shop for jewelry from Creative Designs at Sacred Heart’s 12th annual holiday boutique held on Nov. 19 to benefit Ladies of Charity.

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Nip it in the bud No one likes a bully. When we see bullying, especially in our schools, we’re becoming quicker to condemn it and take action. County Commission isn’t the schoolyard, and practicing politics will never be confused with “Ring Around the Rosie.” Sharp, informed exchanges are not only expected but desirable in our representative form of government. But lately the transparent dislike of one commissioner for another has reBroyles sulted in one crossing the line that separates mutual exchange from the tactics of intimidation. Mike Brown is consistently targeting Amy Broyles with the all but spoken acquiescence of commission chair Mike Hammond. Broyles is, to begin with, in a uniquely vulnerable position. She’s the only woman on the 11-member commission and one of only two Democrats. Brown Being outnumbered 10-1 in gender and 9-2 in party preference hasn’t stopped Broyles from saying her piece, and apparently Brown finds that annoying. At last week’s commission meeting he angrily interrupted Broyles. “I have the floor,” Broyles said. You’re repeating the same things “over and over,” Brown said. Hammond mildly said – in effect – “Play nice.” Because of her outspokenness, and because she is so often in the minority on questions before commission, for other commissioners Broyles can be (as my grandfather might have said) “hard to cotton to.” And she does have a tendency to revisit an issue once too often. But personal dislike for a fellow legislator or her style doesn’t trump the necessity for mutual respect when commission sits as a body. The venomous tone with which Brown addresses Broyles even suggests an underlying misogyny. If there are any woman-haters on commission, a rapid attitude adjustment is in order. Knoxville just elected a woman mayor, and the times they are a-changin’. Perhaps Brown isn’t aware of how the spectacle of a strong, husky man bullying a petite woman plays to the audience. If not, the clerk’s office could retrieve the video of the day when Commissioner Greg “Lumpy” Lambert left his seat and approached Mayor Mike Ragsdale’s senior staffer Cynthia Finch as she stood at the lectern. No matter how you felt about Finch, it was an ugly moment. It isn’t incumbent upon Broyles and Brown to be pals. However, it is the duty of the commission chair to see that members conduct their business with mutual respect. Hammond may have been off his game last week. We know he was ill for a time. Assuming he returns to form for the December meeting, he should clarify the ground rules sooner rather than later. “Nip it in the bud,” our favorite fictional law officer would say, before the problem gets worse. Some might say Broyles talks too much, others Brown too little. Both were elected to vigorously represent the interests of their constituents, and we trust that each will continue to do so. But enough already with the bullying. It discredits the individual, the leadership and the body. Knox County expects better. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.


Johnson says Senate run worth the pain I get knocked down But I get up again You’re never going to keep me down - Chumbawamba Gloria Johnson doesn’t sound defeated. Not even after she ended her firstever run for public office on the short end of a 63.5 to 36.4 perJohnson cent thumping at the hands of now state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey. Johnson, a special education teacher who also chairs the Knox County Democratic Party, took on the assignment shortly before the qualifying deadline when no other candidate stepped forward. She had little time to plan a campaign and little money to finance it. “When you live on a

Betty Bean schoolteacher’s salary, you get pretty good at staying on a shoestring budget,” she said. “I don’t have a big giant savings to tap into – but we got a lot done on very little money. I don’t play. If I do it, I’m gonna really do it.” She didn’t live in the district, so she took the giant step of vacating her home in North Knoxville and moving into a rental house in Halls. She campaigned fiercely against the odds for 90 days. Despite the outcome, she remains relentlessly optimistic and upbeat about her campaign for the 6th District Senate seat vacated by Jamie Woodson, who departed last summer to take the helm of an education think tank.

“Democrats in that district have never done better than 70/30 in the last few election cycles, so we moved the bar nearly seven points. In under three months. Against a Duncan,” Johnson said. “I got two-and-a-half times more votes in the general election than I did in the primary, and on the Republican side, with all three candidates in the primary, they got 11,000 votes. Becky Massey got 10,000 in the general, so she didn’t even get all the Republicans. To me that says something.” What it says to her is that she was able to change the discussion (guns/ abortion/ immigration) that dominated the Republican primary. “We got people to talk about different issues,” Johnson said, recalling the time when a reporter wanted to ask her the same questions he had asked Massey

and her two GOP primary opponents. “They were talking about newspapers printing government whatevers, guns, things like that, and I asked shouldn’t we be talking about things that are going to help people in the 6th District, like taking the tax off groceries and taking taxes off of small businesses? I talked to a lot of Republicans who completely supported those two issues.” Johnson says that moving to Halls hasn’t been a hardship, and that she had intended to move closer to her ailing parents, who don’t live far from her rental house on Long Hollow Road. She also intends to stay in touch with Sen. Massey. “I think she’s a very nice lady,” Johnson said. “I called her on election night and told her I will be in touch. She’s going to hear from teachers.”

Joyce Burchett: guts and gumption Until her husband, Charlie, died three years ago, the great sorrow of Joyce Hicks Burchett’s life was losing her brother Roy, who died somewhere in France not Burchett long after D-Day. That had to be a sad, scary time for Joyce, who was “engaged to be engaged”

Candidate School at Georgia Tech to study engineering. He got worried that the war was going to end before he could get a lick in so he flunked out on purpose and got shipped to the Pacific. Joyce wrote him every day, following the war’s bloody course across a map of the Pacific, knowing – despite the heavy hand of the censors – that he was in the thick of the fighting. Being a woman of guts and gumption, she earned her degree, became a teach-

er and learned to fly an open cockpit Meyer 90 by taking lessons with the Navy flyboys. When she and Charlie married in 1948, she excised the word “obey” from her vows, and they lived happily for the next 60 years – living reminders of the contributions and the sacrifices made by the Greatest Generation, both those who fought and those who waited. – Betty Bean

metal desks and a bunch of file cabinets.” He reorganized a customer service area, a mapping department, a section for data entry and data analysis, and a corridor for managers. “We didn’t have computers and phones on Sandra most desks,” he said. Clark Whitehead said he’s a conservative. “I will be in the office and I will answer cogent case for himself. the phone. I’ll look after Even Whitehead realized his your money.” clumsiness when he stopped The case for Carson and observed, “Well, the Karen Carson is seeking crowd got awfully quiet.” re-election Money quotes: to the school Ballard, pulling out a board from campaign brochure: “PromDistrict ises made, promises kept. 5, which We are better off today (than includes when he took office).” Bearden Whitehead, calling BalHigh and lard a big spender: “I’ll save sur roundyou $1 million over four ing areas. Carson years.” C a r Whitehead said Ballard son chaired the board that spent $600,000 to upgrade hired Superintendent Dr. a computer system that Jim McIntyre and is closely worked fine. “He himself identified with him. With used this system (for the a background in PTA, her 2009 reappraisal). What passion is parent involvemade it obsolete?” ment. Carson advocated for Ballard said he came into a nonvoting student on the office to find “four or five board; she pushed for a re-

alistic cell phone policy. “I believe that the foundation is in place in our strategic plan and it is time for me to put the pressure on the system to truly embrace parent and community engagement. I firmly believe that we will never reach the levels of success necessary if we don’t make significant changes in this area. I don’t have the ‘magic bullet’ for this, but I do know that websites, newsletters and community forums only scratch the surface of seeking active engagement,” she said. A nurse at Children’s Hospital, Carson brings a thoughtful, deliberate style to board debates. She deserves another term.

to Charlie, whom she had met in 1942 when they were both students at Austin Peay State College. He was from Clarksville, she was from Cheatham County. She’d always been at the top of her class. Charlie was a wild boy who liked to say that his main interests were “girls, football and motorcycles,” in no particular order. He got her attention by putting a tack on her chair. Before long, Charlie decided to enlist in the Marines. He was sent to Officer

Wanna be an assessor? The winner of the Republican nomination for property assessor will be the first candidate who hires a speech coach. That’s the major takeaway from last week’s joint appearance by Phil Ballard and John Whitehead at the Halls Republican Club. Incumbent Ballard stumbled first, thanking folks for electing him county comm i s s ioner. Oops. That was his first Ballard job, before he quit to run for property assessor in 2008. Whitehead, the previous assessor who was termlimited in ’08, played defense, refuting Ballard’s points rather than making a Whitehead

Random thoughts Knox County Commission disrespected the school board (what’s new?) in redistricting. Cindy Buttry and Thomas Deakins don’t even live in their districts now and Indya Kincannon picked up all of Fountain City in District 2. The commissioners, meanwhile, seem generally please with their districts.

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Becky Massey is off and running

By Sandra Clark

For anyone who missed the significance, Becky Duncan Massey is running hard for re-election. And she should, since candidates can pick up petitions starting Jan. 6, the qualifying deadline is noon April 5 and the winner-take-all primary is Aug. 2. The swearing in event at Central High School a couple of Sundays ago wasn’t so much a coronation as a campaign kickoff. And it was a dandy. First, Massey had participation from each high school in District 6: Carter, Central, Gibbs, Halls, South-Doyle and West. An opening dance was choreographed by Massey’s daughter Courtney and the master of ceremonies was radio personality Bob Thomas, who attended school with the senator at Chilhowee Elementary. The invocation was by the Rev. John Wood of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. The former softball coach touched all the bases. “This is a happy day for our family,” said Massey’s brother U.S. Rep. Jimmy Duncan. “Becky will speak out for the people she serves. She has the confidence to do a good job and a heart for service.” Then he joked, “I just don’t understand how she got to the Senate before I did!” Massey spoke briefly: “I want to make government work, not make government bigger. … Despite our difficulties, the United States remains strong. … Tennessee has incredible natural beauty and amazing people. Financially, we’re in better shape than almost any state. But there is always more to do.” John and Lois Duncan would have been proud to see their four kids – Beverly, Jimmy, Becky and Joe – on stage together. They would have been even prouder to see the folks in the audience, old friends from days gone by and lifelong political allies. So Becky Duncan Massey heads off to Nashville, buoyed by the good wishes (and a landslide mandate) from the folks in District 6. Godspeed.

Retired Criminal Court of Appeals Judge Joe D. Duncan (below) swears in his niece, state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey, as her husband, Morton Massey, looks on. Photos by S. Clark

Senators all: Ben Atchley, Sue Atchley, Becky Duncan Massey, Jamie Woodson and Victor Ashe. Sue Atchley served briefly following Woodson’s resignation. Ben Atchley had represented the 6th District since 1974. Photo by S. Clark

Rogero sets Inaugural: much to do During a four year term, a mayor gives five speeches which are carefully listened to by the public and decision makers. These are the four budget or state of the city messages and the fifth, but the first one the mayor makes, is the inaugural address. A mayor makes countless talks and speeches but these five are the ones guaranteed to be heard. Madeline Rogero, by choosing the Jacob Building as the site of her Inaugural and swearing in for four new council members and city judge, has made East Knoxville the well deserved focal point of her attention. This will be the first time a mayor has been sworn into office in East Knoxville. The site will be a good setting to address concerns in our African-American community as well as the entire city. The first Jacob Building was built in 1910 and burned down in 1938. Rebuilt shortly thereafter, it was substantially overhauled during my tenure as mayor under the able, steady, longtime leadership of Robert “Bob” Polk, director of public assembly and facilities. New bathrooms, heating and air condi-

Victor Ashe

tioning, an elevator and new panels were added, along with a dressed up entrance off Magnolia Avenue with the ugly chain link fencing removed. I held one of my 16 budget messages at Chilhowee Park in front of the bandstand and it is great to see the 2011 Inaugural occur there as well. By having it indoors she does not need a rain alternative. Polk says he is “honored and excited” that the city’s 68th mayor will hold her Inaugural at the Jacob Building. No doubt he and the chair of his board, the energetic, irrepressible Shirley Nash Pitts, will leave no stone unturned to ensure a flawlessly executed event at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17. I suspect it will be a huge crowd (700 to 800 people) by mayoral Inaugural standards so one had better plan to be there early for parking and a good seat. Yet to be announced is the mas-

ter of ceremonies, whether the governor or U.S. senators will attend, who will sing the national anthem, who will give the invocation and benediction, and if any musical group will perform as well as a band. Invitations must go out. Who will sit on the platform, all of City Council or just those being sworn into office? Spouses included or not? Will the persons giving the invocation and singing the national anthem get a platform seat? Where will elected officials be placed? The six persons being sworn into office will choose who will administer the oath, who will hold the Bible and who will stand with him/her as the oath is given. A photographer is required. Programs must be printed which emphasize the theme of the Rogero Administration. It is not a simple task to pull off such an event. I was fortunate to have optimistic, dedicated Sue Clancy followed by the incomparable Mickey Mallonee lead the effort for four Inaugurals. They did it without a hitch. City Pension Board: Barbara

Pelot, chair, departs next month when her term expires. Speculation centers on incoming council member Finbarr Saunders, who has an extensive financial background, replacing her. Council will probably opt to have one of its own members on the board. Hopefully, Mayor-elect Rogero will attend the meetings herself each month and not turn it over to an aide. She will learn a lot simply by being present. While the board chooses its own chair, an attentive and attending mayor is likely to be the chair by vote of the board if she participates. Given the large amount of money and problems involved in the pension plan, it is appropriate (even imperative) for the mayor to be the board’s leader.

Lakeshore Commissioner Jeff Ownby will host a meeting with employees and concerned citizens regarding the closure of Lakeshore Mental Health Facility at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30, at West High School.

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Concord’s first convenience stores

MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell


onvenient-type stores are now found on almost every corner in Concord/Farragut and all offer similar items ranging from fast-food and beverages to grocery staples. Many are open 24/7 to ensure customers have a convenient place to pick up a late-night jug of milk or loaf of bread. But in our area 60 years ago, only two of these quick stop stores existed and neither offered late-night services. One was the Lone Star Service Station located on the south side of Kingston Pike about a half-mile east of Concord Road. The store was owned and operated by Oscar Woody who took a vacation to Texas where he found a large, neon enhanced metal star. Oscar bought the

star, brought it home and mounted it on the cupola of the store. The Lone Star soon became an icon in the area and was recognized from Bearden to Dixie-Lee Junction. The other store was Lakeland Service Center at the corner of Concord Road and Front Street (now Lakeshore Drive). This store fondly remains in my memory. During my teenage years, I often worked there on weekends and during summer vacations. My co-worker was Bland Winfrey who, along with the GI Bill, put himself through UT Law School working there and became one of Loudon County’s premiere trial attorneys. The owner, Ben Jones, affectionately called “Uncle Ben,” lived directly across the street in a stately

old home known locally as Calloway’s Landing. Ben came to town during the Concord Fair days (18901920) and was an equestrian trainer of some renown. He met a beautiful woman named Mayme Callaway, and their marriage produced four children. Mayme’s brother, Sam, was not particularly fond of Ben and warned Mayme that if she married that “horse trader” he would never speak to their children. The Calloway and Jones families were eccentric during an era when conformity was the norm, and having dined in their home several times, I can attest to the fact that Sam carried out his threat. At the dinner table, Sam would say, “Mayme, tell Ruth to pass the bread.” Lakeland Service Center closed

Bits ‘n pieces and other small thoughts TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West


ust 20 months ago, Tennessee basketball was within one goal of the Final Four. Look at us now. This team has far less ability but is giving greater effort. This is sometimes what you get when you tell somebody they can’t do something. Tough road ahead. Rivals are not letting up. They continue to bring in superior talent. The Volunteers get Yemi. Shouldn’t have said that.

It was unfair. Yemi Ibrahim Makanjuola may be a great player someday. He isn’t ready yet. He is 6-9. That is good. He is a better scorer in soccer and ping-pong than baskets. That is not good. In some large way, Yemi is symbolic of the recruiting plight. Coach Cuonzo Martin could not snap his fingers and change the world. A lot of people are still trying to decide who is Cuonzo and what is his

game. High school superstars, no more than curious about Tennessee, are yet to be attracted. As for Yemi, he plays hard. He is a warrior. He can block shots. He can run and rebound. He may not frighten Kentucky. *** Sports Illustrated picked the 68 teams it expects to see in March Madness. From the Southeastern Conference are the usual

Outlet Drive

several months ago because much of their business was construction workers, and with the downturn in housing, their business all but ceased to exist. But in its heyday it was the busiest place in the area. It was the last stop before entering Concord Park, and it was much cheaper than the typical items sold at Concord Marina. I can remember 10 or more cars pulling boats backed up with people waiting to fill their marine gas tanks and purchase fishing supplies. But the best seller was beer and crushed ice. Beer was not available at the park, so the Center had a virtual monopoly on both marine fuel and cold beer. Procuring a license to sell beer in those days was very involved and often depended on political pull. So, it could only be bought in a few places. In those days, few stores were open on Sunday, and even fewer sold beer. And the combination of these two transgressions was the topic of many church sermons in the village. In fact, my parents were a bit concerned by the fact that I worked there on Sunday afternoons after church. And you could always hear conversations in church about that “sinful place on the corner.” But some of the most vocal critics also

suspects: Kentucky, Florida, Vanderbilt, Alabama and Mississippi State. Where it starts to hurt is on down the list: Chattanooga, Austin Peay, Harvard, Drexel, Central Connecticut State and Florida Atlantic with the 5-6 guard. You do get the message? *** File this under good news: Terry Francona, convinced he was not going to become manager of the Cubs, decided he would enjoy a year in the real world. That means he will not be all that busy and can speak as scheduled at the UT baseball leadoff banquet Jan. 18 at the Knoxville Convention Center. Francona is a good man. He did well as manager of the Boston Red Sox. He figures to be very entertain-

showed up late Friday afternoon and ordered some “groceries.” They never got out of the car, but we knew what they wanted and the groceries were delivered in a brown paper bag. I remember they always had the correct change available so they could make a quick getaway. The Center also had its locals who showed up in late afternoon to share their stories. Nail kegs were used as seats and large coffee cans served as spittoons and cigarette butt depositories. Conversations were diverse, but most usually got around to politics. And these could become rather heated. I never had the inclination or time to participate in those conversations, but the participants in the current presidential debates could have taken some valuable lessons from those characters. Today, the Lone Star has been torn down to make way for an office complex and Lakeland Service Center sits vacant in a rapid state of deterioration. But in their heyday, they served their clientele as both a place to buy groceries and engage in brisk conversations. And when I drive by the old building, I always think of the great times we had there and the cast of characters who made up that clientele.

ing, worth the $40 ticket no matter how goes the chicken dinner. I do hope the kitchen offers Bigelow green tea, Joe Torre variety. *** The Colts told us again the other day how important is Peyton. The team had 12 offensive possessions. Two were squandered on a fumble and interception. After that came 10 punts and the postgame shower. *** Any time the basketball family gathers, tall tales flow. Forty years after the fact, we hear that Ray Mears wanted a wild boar as team mascot. He visualized a stout steel cage on wheels and the ferocious beast charging in all directions, clanging giant tusks against the bars, threatening to

Photos with Santa: 11:00 - 6:00 Breakfast with Santa: $5.00 per child, 9:30 - 10:30am

break free and consume or cripple Wildcats and Tigers and even red elephants. The mean hog was going to be motivation for his guys and a distraction for the enemy. What followed was big cage construction and research regarding proper diet of wild boars. Mountain wildlife friends actually captured a wicked one. It had impressive battle scars. A UT vet said time out. Does Coach have any idea how bad a wild boar smells under stressful circumstances? Tell him the odor would empty Stokely Center faster than a fire drill. Mears settled for the guy inside the paper mache orange. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.


What will you do on Christmas? Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. (Psalm 29: 2 NIV) OK, so I know it is Advent, and normally on this day I would write about the season of preparation, the penitential nature of the weeks leading up to Christmas, the fugue in time that has John the Baptist show up as a grown man immediately after the visit of the Magi. But not yet. We will get there, but not yet. This is a pre-emptive strike, because there are church boards and committees – right now – who are wringing their hands over the fact that Christmas falls on Sunday this year. “Oh, what will we do? We can’t possibly tear children away from their toys and families away from their Christmas festivities!” And my personal favorite: “Christmas has never fallen on Sunday before.” (I actually heard those words uttered in a church board meeting one year!) Really? There are only seven days to choose from, and sometime in the past 1,600 years – since Christmas settled into Dec. 25 – it must have been on a Sunday! So here is what I want to ask those boards and com-

Cross Currents

Lynn Hutton mittees who will decide about whether to worship on Christmas morning: Why would you not? Time was – and thankfully still is, in some traditions – that you went to church on Christmas morning, no matter what day of the week it was on! It was a day of sacred meaning, a day of rejoicing that God had entered the world God created, that God was “pleased as man with men to dwell.” It was a day to rejoice, to worship this God who had come to be one of us. Only after you had worshipped did you go home and celebrate with feasting and gift-giving and singing carols. “But what about the children?” you ask. “They won’t get to play with their toys!” Yes, they will. Of course they will. After worship. Am I hard-nosed? May-

be. Am I a worship junkie? Most certainly. However, before you turn the page in disgust, dear reader, consider this: this is an opportunity to teach your children about the real Christmas: what it is, what it signifies, what it is really about. We do a disservice to our children if we are not careful to keep the Christ Child at the center of Christmas. It seems that every year some wellmeaning, kind-hearted person says “Oh, Christmas is all about the children, anyway!” To which I always reply, “No! It isn’t. It is all about The Child.” Now, I work in the church and I fully understand that churches who have three or four different services on a Sunday morning may rearrange the usual schedule because it is Christmas. I know that an 11 p.m. Christmas Eve service – my favorite service of the church year – makes for sleepy worshippers on Christmas morning. Been there, done that. But please, in the name of the Babe of Bethlehem, do not forsake Him on His birthday. Make your plans now to worship Him, adore Him, celebrate Him.


It’s almost the holidays and all through the town, the merchants are bustling and the deals abound! SHOP FARRAGUT this year because the sales tax supports your parks, roads and services... Town amenities of all sorts! Special discounts are plentiful, for ladies and gents.



New Knoxville Stake President




Special discounts may be available from participating merchants from

Elder Thomas E. Clapp Jr. is welcomed by Elder Paul E. Koelliker from Salt Lake City as the new Knoxville Stake President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Prior to this appointment, he was the bishop of the West Hills Ward. He was surprised to receive this position and said he is “very humbled to have the responsibility of leading the members (of the churches) in this area.” Photo by T. Edwards

Nov. 19th thru Dec. 31st Restaurants/Fast Food/Bakeries Apple Cake Tea Room • Archer's BBQ Border Tacos • Hibachi Factory Little Joe's Pizza • Oskie's Sports Bar & Grill McDonald's of Farragut • Meksiko Cantina Mellow Mushroom • Seasons Café Snappy Tomato • The Cup Cupcake Bakery Mario’s Pizza & Grill

Apparel & Home Furnishings David's Abbey Carpet & Floors • Design House Interiors Elliott's Boots, Shoes & Sandals Gatehouse Antique Market • Red Line Gallery • SteinMart Farragut The Adorable Child • The Cottage Door Interiors The Shoppes at Homespun The Town Framery • Town House Interiors Totz 2 Teenz

Groceries/Food & Drink Benefit Your Life • Dixie Lee Wines & Liquors Farragut Wine & Spirits • Go Nutrition • The Shrimp Dock

Hotels/Motels Baymont Inn & Suites • Comfort Suites Knoxville West Country Inn & Suites Knoxville West


Trash and treasure at Holy Cross Anglican Church At the “Trash and Treasure” sale held recently at the Holy Cross Anglican Church, three friends – Tammy Beavers, Allison Ogden and Lynne Crowel – laugh as they read inside a pink bunny bowl, “Some bunny needs a treat.” One says, “We are having fun … always do though!” All proceeds from the sale will help local organizations as well as elementary schools with a high poverty rate. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com




■ Click Funeral Home (675-8765): Samuel Martin Billingsley Jr.

■ Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is welcome to attend. Refreshments are provided Info: 675-2835.

Music services ■ Holy Ghost Church, 1041 N. Central St., will host a performance of “A (Mostly) Medieval and Renaissance Christmas Concert” at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, presented by The Pope Benedict XVI Schola. All proceeds will benefit the Ladies of Charity organization. Tickets are $10 and are available online or at the door. Info: www. b16schola.org or 437-8620.

Joyce Hicks Burchett Alan Myles Davidson Frank Henry

Admiral Veterinary Hospital • All Styles Grooming Allied Music Instructors • Bark Place Grooming BCS Counseling & Learning Center Concord Veterinary Hospital Cool Sports - Home of the Icearium Creative Dimensions, Inc. • Digitize it Now Dog Days Canine Playschool • Goin Postal Golden's Tax & Business Services Great Clips • Interim Executive Lea's Natural Health Solutions, LLC Massage Envy Michael Broyles Photography Nail Art & Spa LLC • Premier Eyecare Quick Gym "4 Minute Workout" The Eye Group Vasey Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Village Veterinary Medical Center Volunteer Home Inspections Garde Bien Spa Salon

Financial & Insurance/Real Estate BB&T Farragut Branch CornerStone Realty Associates, LLC Edward Jones - Wendy Schopp Home Federal Bank of Tennessee Jefferson Federal Bank Myers Bros. Holdings • Renaissance | Farragut Unit Owners Association State Farm - Laura Ash

Specialty Products Sharon Alene Roberson-Allor ■ Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Christina LeAnne “Christy” Acuff Nancy Vineyard Cowan Glenn Edward Slagle

American Piano Gallery • Bath Junkie Blue Ridge Mountain Sports • Gander Mountain Herbalife Independent Distributor/ Healthy Alternative Wellness Center - Ron Garrett Mary Kay Cosmetics - Betty Miller, Independent Beauty Consultant Mayo Garden Center (Village Green) • Rick Terry Jewelry Design Southern Bullion • The Fabric Market The Yarn Haven • Thirty-One





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Holiday on the Square O

nce again, the merchants of Franklin Square will help ring in the Christmas season starting with Holiday on the Square, an old-fashioned family celebration, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Shops at Franklin Square, 9700 Kingston Pike. The public is welcome to enjoy fun and entertainment throughout the day. Lights and decorations, as well as special holiday activities, performances and refreshments, will make the day festive.

Carriage rides with Percheron draft horses will be available, and proceeds from the carriage rides will benefit Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Children of all ages are welcome to have their pictures taken with Santa on his sleigh, while his elves and other helpers liven up the atmosphere. One lucky attendee will win a fabulous $1,000 Franklin Square shopping spree. For information and entry form, visit www.franklinsq.com.

Horse-drawn carriage rides are a feature of Holiday on the Square. Proceeds from the carriage rides will help support Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Photos by S. Clark

Molly Barton tells Santa her Christmas wishes at Holiday on the Square.

Holiday on the Square, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, the Shops at Franklin Square, 9700 Kingston Pike. Info: www.franklinsq.com

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The Bluegrass Carolers (we made up the name on the spot) are affiliated with Uncle Lem’s outfitters, located across the street from Franklin Square. These guys have a mean rendition of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” They are Ethan Bennett, Cody Bennett and Mic Mingie.

Maggie Mallicote gets into the Christmas spirit at Holiday on the Square.

Performance Schedule ■ 11 a.m.: Karns Middle School Encore Choir ■ 11:30 a.m.: Christian Academy of Knoxville Junior Praise Choir ■ Noon: Christian Academy of Knoxville Concert Choir ■ 12:30 p.m.: SonLight Puppeteers and Knoxville Children’s Choir ■ 1 p.m.: Episcopal School of Knoxville Middle School Choir ■ 1:30 p.m.: SonLight Puppeteers ■ 3 p.m.: The Akima Club Singers

Register to win a $1,000 Franklin Square shopping spree at www.franklinsq. com. Drawing will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3. Must be present to win.

Parkey Miller dances at Holiday on the Square.

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Franklin Square Chop House manage Coby Leach is one of Santa’s little helpers at last year’s Holiday on the Square.

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Scojo New York Readers are a gift of distinctive styles, fine ready-to-wear reading essentials and high quality vision assistance. What better gift than the gift of sight? Scojo has eyewear for people who love to read. Loominus Handwoven Scarves are made in America and individually created as art-to-wear. Mixing the nature of rayon chenille with imported cashmere and occasionally a touch of fur keeps Loominus at the forefront of the luxury accessory market. at Coachman Clothiers with music, Colonel Littleton leathergoods make great gifts. refreshments and great gift ideas. Cell phone holders, briefcases, key chains Thursday – Saturday, December 1-3 and knives are great gifts. Personalize Franklin Square “Holiday on the Square” December 3 Southern Proper® men have always been noted for your gift with engraved initials. their distinguishable décor and dress. Southern Proper Davek are sleek, beautiful umbrellas and come in all Truefitt and Hill cologne provides Southern gentlemen with proper attire from sizes, from compact to 60-inch diameter golf umbrellas is always a welcome gift bowties and neckties, polos, prep belts, southern drawls to for maximum coverage. With whisper-quiet automatic that “grooms men for frat hats and frat visors. Coachman Clothiers carries the opening mechanisms, these umbrellas are able to withgreatness”. Since Truefitt full line of Southern Proper for the Southern Gentleman. stand gale-force winds and carry a lifetime guarantee. & Hill was established in Recently introduced is their new Little Biscuits Collection 1805, they have provided Royal Highnies Boxers are the ultimate Christmas of Hats, Gents (ties) and Beaus (bowties). Southern Gents discerning gentlemen gift (for men and have to start somewhere, so why not with Southern with only the finest in women). The Royal Proper®. Exclusively available at Coachman Clothiers. grooming products and services. All of the necessiFamily also includes Tateossian is a luxury product with a unique design Tiny Highnies (just like ties for an indulgent shave from pre-shave oil to after culture. The collections of cuffl inks, tiebars and Dad’s), the Royal Robe, shave balm & cologne in 8 scents, including the new bracelets have a distinctive signature. The designs Pajama Pants, Lounge Sandlewood, plus all of the necessary accessories, are are contemporary, but unusual, fashion-forward, exclusively available at Coachman Clothiers. Tops, T-Shirts, Hats & but timeless. Innovative materials, including semithe newest member, Caswell-Massey, the original purveyor of the finest precious stones, fiber optic glass, and CRYSTALLIZED™ the Royal Hankies, all personal care products and accessories has attracted - Swarovski Elements, are mixed and paired in unique made from luxurious America’s elite with its high quality, naturally derived combinations. The Tartan Fusion Blue & Navy Blue Cuff 400 thread count soaps, gels, lotions, creams, after shave, cologne, talc, and links are Rhodium plated, curved square with thin lines pima cotton. accessories. Caswell Massey has attracted the who’s who of metal and a flush inlay of mixed blue and navy blue among politicians, movie stars, tycoons of business, and Barbour of London, an authentic British brand, is best fibre optic glass. (Also available in black). Tateossian is other notable figures in the public eye for decades. known for their waxed cotton jackets. Barbour provides exclusively available at Coachman Clothiers, clothing for country pursuits, country living and for The Art of Shaving® gives headquarters for great those who simply love the country. Barbour’s full line you “The 4 Elements of looking cufflinks. COACHMAN includes sweaters, sportshirts, scarves and gloves, all the Perfect Shave®” what Gift Certificates are CLOTHIERS made with the same quality as their famous waxed every man wants. Available always a perfect fit when coats, all at Coachman Clothiers. in Unscented, Lavender, ■ (865) you don’t know what to 690 -5805 Lemon and Sandlewood. The M-Clip® ultimate money clips are finished in ■ 9700 K get the gentlemen on ingston The Art of Shaving even precious metals including 18K Gold, Rhodium, StainHistoric Fran Pike your list. y klin Square, comes in a convenient TSA less Steel and Ultralight Aluminum. They are then Knoxville, TN approved carry-on kit. New decorated with the highest quality alligator skins, rare Holiday ho urs to The Art of Shaving® line woods, stingray, carbon fiber, enamels, etc. in various ■ Mon-F ri: 9:30 am 7p is the Power Shave Collec■ Sat: 9: colors of your choice. Now available are a variety of 30 am - 6 pm m ■ tion. Every gentleman will Su nday: closed University M-Clips, including 4 designs for the UniverCoachmanC be elated with the Power Thank you for voting sity of Tennessee. Better function and superior quality lothiers.com Shave Brush, Razor and Coachman Clothiers are built into each M-Clip® and warranted with a 100% “Best Men’s Store” Stand, all state of the art satisfaction guaranty and a limited lifetime warranty. in 2010 & 2011! in shaving essentials. Exclusively available at Coachman Clothiers.

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Musical Admirals march toward new goals By Suzanne Foree Neal Marching band season ended on a high note for the Farragut High School Marching Admirals. Members really didn’t miss a step with a new director at the helm. Keith Clupper says the season went “went well” and students were “receptive” to all the changes for a transition year. “With competitions, I saw incredible growth from the beginning to the end of the season,” he says. The band leader says he sees the program advancing over the next four to five years to be one of the finest marching band programs in the nation. Just because the marching band uniforms have been packed away until August, doesn’t mean downtime for Clupper or band members. He’s been auditioning students for positions in Winter Guard, Indoor Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble and Concert Band. Winter Guard and Indoor Percus-

Farragut’s Marching Admirals step out at the Knoxville Veterans’ Day Parade. Photo submitted sion are equivalent to a traveling sports team. These two groups will compete in four events now through early March. “We may try to recruit some students from Farragut Middle School for Winter Guard,” Clupper says. He wants to get 10-12 members for the group, similar to the flag corps in marching band. The percussion group will have 15-18 members.

There are also plenty of other opportunities for musicians to try extra activities. The winter band concert is 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13, in the auditorium and will feature the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Band and Orchestra. Freshmen musicians will be trying out for Junior Clinic at Maryville Middle School and if they make it, will per-

form Saturday, Dec. 3, in a concert in Oak Ridge. For sophomores, it’s tryouts for All-State East Band on Jan. 7. Those who go on will perform the first weekend in February in Gatlinburg at the East Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association meeting. Juniors and seniors will be vying for a spot in one of four All-State bands, Clupper says, and the top chairs are named to the Blue Band and go on to play in the All-State Band. All musical groups compete, including bands, choirs, jazz bands and orchestras. “If you make All-State, you really are exceptional,” Clupper says. Because there are so many requirements for students today, some won’t return second semester for concert band, and Clupper readily recognizes it and is OK with whatever decision a student makes. He also realizes that personal preference comes into play. Marching band

isn’t for everyone and neither is concert band, he adds. “I encourage the 100-plus 8th graders at the middle school to try both semesters their freshman year,” he says. “Ninety-nine percent of students in marching band love it and it’s their favorite part of the year. Concert band is similar to what they’ve experienced in middle school.” His goal is to retain as many students as possible for

both semesters because that’s what will make the program hit a crescendo. One hundred signed on for concert band and they’ll be split into 3540 for Wind Ensemble, what Clupper calls the equivalent of “AP Band,” while 60-65 will be placed in Concert Band, mainly a more intermediate level band for students still developing technique and skill. “The goal is for them to work hard and move up into Wind Ensemble,” he says.

2011 Farragut Marching Admirals competition results: Cumberland Falls Invitational, Corbin, Ky. Class 5A – 1st, color guard; 2nd, percussion; 2nd, band; overall score: 70.7

Music in the Castle, Bristol Class 4A -1st, drum majors; 3rd, percussion; overall score: 86.7

United States Scholastic Band Association – Tennessee State Championship, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville Class 5A- 1st, percussion; 2nd, color guard; 2nd, drum majors; 2nd, band; overall score, 91.3

COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The Knoxville Writers’ Guild will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, at the Laurel Theater.

Guest speaker Bill Landry will discuss his new book “Appalachian Tales and Heartland Adventures.” A $2 donation is suggested as admission. Everyone is invited. Info: visit www. knoxvillewritersguild.org.

Financial Focus Here’s your year-end investment checklist

Future educators honored by retired teachers Six students majoring in education were recently awarded scholarships thanks to the Knox County Retired Teachers Association. Each recipient was required to write an essay on why they wanted to become and teacher and described the path taken to reach their goal. Scholarship winners are: (front) Ashley England, Charlene Lombardi; (back) Amber Yarbrough, Jonathan Oldacre, Emily Browning and Mariannina DeRosa-Morris. Photo by Ruth White

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As an investor, you’ve pretty much seen it all in 2011 – including slow-but-steady gains early in the year, a market correction during the debt ceiling debate and the U.S. credit downgrade, and huge one-day price movements, both up and down – and there’s still a Wendy month to go. But despite the volatility of the past Schopp 11 months, you can make some positive year-end investment moves, including the following: ■ Boost your 401(k) contributions. If your employer permits you to make extra contributions to your 401(k), put in as much as you can afford, up to contribution limits. You typically contribute pretax dollars, so the more you invest, the lower your taxable income. Plus, your earnings have the potential to grow on a tax-deferred basis. ■ Consider converting to a Roth IRA. You might benefit by converting a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA), which offers tax-deferred earnings, to a Roth IRA, whose earnings grow tax free, providing you don’t start taking withdrawals until you’re at least age 59½ and you’ve held your account for five years. Keep in mind, though, that you’d need the money available to pay the taxes that would be due on such a conversion. Also, income limits apply to Roth IRA contributions. This is a complex decision that you should discuss with your qualified tax professional. ■ Set up automatic contributions for 2012. Like most people, you may find it difficult to come up with a lump-sum payment to fully fund your IRA for the year. Why not set up an automatic investment plan for 2012? By directing

your bank to transfer the same amount each month from your checking or savings account to your IRA, you’ll find it easier to “max out” on your IRA – and, at the same time, you’ll boost your investment discipline. ■ Contribute to a 529 plan. When you contribute to a 529 plan, your earnings have the potential to grow tax free, provided they are used for qualified higher education expenses. (However, 529 plan distributions not used for qualified expenses may be subject to income tax and a 10% penalty.) Furthermore, your 529 plan contributions may be deductible from your state taxes. Discuss this with your tax professional. ■ Re-evaluate your investment mix. It’s a good idea to review your investment mix at least once a year to help ensure your portfolio is still aligned with your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Due to changes in market value, your portfolio can undergo subtle, but significant, changes – even if you took no action yourself. Consequently, take the time to review your holdings with your investment professional to help ensure you’re still “on track.” ■ Review your insurance coverage. If you’ve experienced any changes in your life in 2011 – new spouse, new child, divorce, new job, etc. – you may need to review your life insurance coverage to make sure that it’s still sufficient for your needs and that you still have the correct beneficiaries in place. To determine if any of these actions are right for your situation, consult with your financial advisor and qualified tax professional. By taking these and other steps, you can close out 2011 on a positive note and get 2012 off to a good start. For more information on investing, contact Wendy Schopp at Edward Jones Investments, 671-1318.


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A-14 • NOVEMBER 28, 2011 • WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS The family travels on another vacation in the play “Leaving Iowa.” Pictured are Terri Lloyd (Mom, front left), Gabe Potter (Dad, front right), Rollin Prince (Don, back left) and Jeannine Brown (Sis, back right).

Rollin Prince (playing Don) travels through a journey of reflections about his deceased father (Dad) played by Gabe Potter (standing behind him, in his thoughts) at the WordPlayers presentation of “Leaving Iowa.” It is both a poignant and comical play. For other upcoming plays, visit their website at www.wordplayers.org. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

WordPlayers present ‘Leaving Iowa’

Payton Walker signs scholarship Hardin Valley Academy senior Payton Walker (front center) receives applause from her coaches, family and friends as Bryan College awards her a volleyball scholarship. She will be playing alongside her sister, Corrie Walker (front right), currently a sophomore at Bryan. Phoenix Rising Volleyball Club Coach Kynette Williams said, “A house divided is now united.” Payton said, “Since age 10 I dreamed of play-

ing volleyball at Bryan College.” Pictured are (front row) Danny and Martha Walker (parents), Payton Walker, David Shumaker (Bryan College, women’s volleyball coach), Corrie Walker (sister); (back row) assistant volleyball coaches Rachel O’Connor and Mitzi McCurry; volleyball coach Mike Rosenke; and Phoenix Rising Volleyball Club coaches Kelli Martin and Kynette Williams. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Carrie Booher Thompson (“Multiple Character Girl” on right) plays a drunk about to pinch Rollin Prince (Don, center) as he talks with Matthew Lloyd (“Multiple Character Guy” on left) about where he might be going.

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Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

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Webb’s Upper School: An abundance of challenge and opportunity By Matt Macdonald, Upper School Head, Webb School of Knoxville


reat schools do two things very well. They create and sustain relevant, engaging, important learning environments that support and challenge students, and they sequence those environments so that students are prepared for successful and fulfilling lives beyond school. They are, in fact, both an end in itself and a means to an end. In that context, Webb’s Upper School is proud to offer academic, athletic, art, extracurricular, and community service programs reflective of those two profound truths. With 480 students enrolled in the Upper School, our main charge each Macdonald day is to provide a nurturing, supportive and safe environment within which our students may develop intellectual and interpersonal skills necessary for success in the 21st Century. Academically, our program is designed to help students develop advanced critical and creative reasoning skills across all subject areas. Taught by faculty members who are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to ensuring that each student reaches his or her full potential, the coursework in the Upper School is both rigorous and engaging. More specifically, our Upper School curriculum is designed to help students build their level of expertise in fundamental areas as they cultivate a sense of their own strengths and interests.

In keeping with Webb School’s commitment to developing leadership and character through service, the school supports more than 50 charitable organizations, annually, through community service projects. In fall 2010, Webb completed its fifth schoolsponsored Habitat for Humanity house.

Our Upper School curriculum is designed to help students build their level of expertise in fundamental areas as they cultivate a sense of their own strengths and interests. In addition to completing the required core curriculum, students are able to choose from a variety of electives – including numerous Honors and Advanced Placement courses – as well as independent study and research options. Class size in the Upper School typically averages 14 students with many opportunities available to meet one-on-one with teachers throughout the school day. Moreover, coursework extends well beyond the confines of the classroom through field trips and study abroad. The same spirit that prevails in our academic life is also a guiding force behind athletics in the Upper School. Participating in athletics at Webb is not only critical for one’s good health, but also teaches invaluable life lessons in teamwork, peer support and self-discipline. Webb has three gyms, a newly renovated outdoor track, numerous playing fields, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, a wrestling room, and two weight rooms; all providing students a variety of options depending on their interest level in athletics. In addition to the school enjoying tremendous success competing in the TSSAA, many of our student-athletes have gone on to play college sports; some at the highest level.

In addition to the required core courses, Webb’s Upper School science program offers a wide range of electives, including Honors and AP classes as well as Forensic Science, Anatomy and Physiology, and Scientific Research.

inspiring developing

More than 40,000 high school students on some 2,200 robotics teams representing more than 15 countries participated in regional FIRST Robotics competitions last year. Webb’s Robotics Team #1466 competed in the FIRST Smoky Mountain Regional at the Knoxville Convention Center. Team #1466 also mentored the Seymour High School Team in its rookie year.

In the arts, our program is rich and varied. We encourage students to discover their artistic interests and abilities through introductory visual arts courses in areas such as ceramics, photography and 3-D design. Once a student has had an opportunity to explore our art curriculum, he or she then may continue to take similar courses at the advanced level. Additionally, our drama productions and award-winning vocal groups receive high praise for the quality of their performances. At Webb, we have created an environment within which the arts thrive. We also have numerous clubs and organizations that offer students the opportunity to acquire new abilities, engage in self-expression, develop leadership skills, share interests, and provide service to the community. Whether the club or organization involves school government, the environment, business, technology, or robotics, the diversity among the groups allows students to broaden their horizons and experiment with new ideas. Community service, in particular, is a vital part of the fabric of the Webb experience, promoting greater leadership, character development, and civic responsibility within our students. All Upper School students are required to complete a minimum of 100 hours of service by the time they graduate. The school supports more than 50 charitable organizations, annually, through community service projects.


Our Honor Code is based on the premise that every student has a fundamental right to be trusted and to have his or her word accepted at all times and by all people. Equally significant to the daily life of the Upper School is our Honor Code. Our Honor Code is based on the premise that every student has a fundamental right to be trusted and to have his or her word accepted at all times and by all people. In order for each student to have this right, all must accept the covenant not to lie, cheat, steal, nor to tolerate this behavior in anyone else at the school. The atmosphere of mutual trust between students and faculty that exists within Webb’s Upper School is fundamental to the community and enriches the lives of all who work and study at the school. The Upper School is a diverse family that welcomes and values individuals from all backgrounds. Such diversity is essential to a vital community of learning and growth. In nurturing the hearts, minds and bodies of its students, Webb’s Upper School prepares students for fulfilling lives of responsibility, leadership and service to others.


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WWW.WEBBSCHOOL.ORG Scan this QR code with your cameraenabled smartphone to go directly to our Admissions website.

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# 609 Food City Pharmacy

# 654 Food City Pharmacy

# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

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1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

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# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

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5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

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3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

# 687 Food City Pharmacy

300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

Value… Service… Convenience



November 28, 2011



You like us. You really like us! Parkwest Medical Center wins prestigious Excellence in Patient Care award for overall rating/patients who gave a rating of 9 or 10 Parkwest Medical Center is the w winner of an Excellence in Patient Care award given b by outcomes firm Studer Group®. Parkwest was honored The hospital rewith an Excellence in cently received the Patient Care Award at award at the ninth the 2011 What’s Right annual What’s in Health Care® national Right in Health conference, during Care® conference which the top health– for its exemplary care organizations in “overall rating of the industry gather to hospital” results share “best practices” on the HCAHPS with an audience of patient survey. their peers. The 2011 “What is so conference was held in exciting about Chicago October 19-21. this award is that it is based on measurements from HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems), a national standardized survey tool which measures adult inpatient perception of the quality of care they receive at a given acute care hospital,” explained Parkwest CAO Rick Lassiter. “Parkwest received this award because our patients rated our care 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale.”

award for having the best responses to the HCAHPS question, “Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst hospital possible and 10 is the best hospital possible, what number would you use to rate this hospital during your stay?” “Hospitals care deeply about how patients perceive them,” said Quint Studer, founder of Studer Group®. “When a hospital receives an overall rating of 9 or 10, well, that’s high praise. It means the hospital is aligned, accountable and taking consistent action. This is something to be proud of – for the people who work at the hospital and for the community that hospital serves.” “I want to publicly thank and commend all Parkwest employees and physicians for their continued dedication and hard work to making health care better for the patients and families who choose to receive care at Parkwest,” Lassiter said. Parkwest Nurse Managers with the Excellence in Patient Care Award. Standing, left to right: Beth The 27-question HCAHPS survey was Cummings, RN (Oncology/Post-Op/Gyn); Denise Duncan, RN (Joint Replacement Center); Sabricreated in 2002 by the combined efforts na Trollinger, RN (Senior Behavioral Center); Sheila Chadwick, RN (Childbirth Center), and Wendy Shock, RN (Capacity/Patient Flow). Seated, left to right: Suzanne Miller, RN (Cardiac Specialty of The Centers for Medicare and MedUnit); Heather Jett, RN (Cardio/Pulmonary/Renal Unit); Sue Casper, RN (Endoscopy), and Crystal icaid Services (CMS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Wilkerson, RN (Orthopedics) (AHRQ). Scores are publicly posted four Studer Group® gives its Excellence in scores in each of the HCAHPS catego- times a year at www.hospitalcompare. Patient Care awards based on very high ries. Parkwest Medical Center received its hhs.gov.

Patients tell why they prefer Parkwest Valerie Dugger says, “I delivered my baby at Parkwest on Aug. 16 and stayed there through Aug. 18. I was treated very well. I LOVE this hospital! All the nurses were very nice and the food was good also. My favorite nurses were Mary and Vickie. Mary worked with me pushing for an hour and an half. I love her and don’t think I could have done it without her. Dr Walker delivered my baby, and I love her, too – she’s awesome! I will definitely have my next baby there!”

Parkwest President and CAO Rick Lassiter personally reads every comment that is submitted to Parkwest via the link on the Parkwest website. Following are a few recent comments that he would like to acknowledge and publicly share:

■ Lauren Monahan Once again, Parkwest impresses me. It’s not the first time. But it WAS a first for me. I never considered going to an ER. However, Patients give Parkwest top marks for attentive care and fast service. I woke up with severe stomach pain, and knew I couldn’t wait facility. Thank you for renewing for a while. Nope! I showed the for my doctor’s office to open. I my faith in health care. staff person my paperwork, he was bent over in pain. I headed to Parkwest. In my imagination, checked his computer and said, ■ George Seabolt I figured I’d walk into an over“Your done here!” Painless, crowded, hot and horrible ER. I smooth, efficient and treated I was hospitalized from Aug. was more than surprised to find well. I thank you for the fine 27 to Sept. 1 and appreciated the it empty, clean, inviting and a re- service. I am still surprised it can effort made by Oksana, Christy, ceptionist who greeted me kindly. be done well if you care enough. Stephanie and the CNAs. EveryIt was barely 6 a.m. on a Monday. Thank you, Parkwest. one was attentive and helpful. A I sat down, in pain, thinking I’d special note I would like to make wait who knows how long and in ■ Mike Horn is to your Food Service staff. I less than five minutes my name am a vegetable lover and found Yesterday I had surgery at was called. The nurse took great the vegetables provided with my your facility. I never thought of care of me, and her sense of meals to be exceptional. I particusurgery as being a pleasant exhumor helped greatly. Her name larly like the collards and brocperience, but that has certainly is Beverly, and she made it bearcoli. Carrots are not my favorite changed. Your staff, facilities able. Dr. Mesmer came in, talked and operations is simply the best but I found yours to be tasty also. to me and told me he’d get started Your shuttle service is greatly apI have ever had the pleasure of on tests. They gave me morphine preciated. My wife found it to be experiencing. Everyone from for the pain, and I was taken convenient and the drivers to be check in to exit was pleasant, care of with great concern. Even courteous and helpful. professional and giving. I can’t though I felt terrible, I joked and say enough about every staff smiled with the nurses and other ■ Veronica Grant staff. I appreciate even more that member that was there to help me. My friend who was there to On the night of Sept. 7, I had I didn’t have to sign multitudes take me home had the same exthe unfortunate chance of being of paperwork, nor have to fish perience, and that was the topic at Parkwest Emergency Care for cards or identification. After for discussion all the way home. Center for two family members at it was over, they explained my I am not sure there is a high the same time. My father-in-law condition, sent me home, and enough rating for you staff and arrived in the ECC and eventually then I knew that the discharge would “get me” and I’d be there

ER visit. She was comforting and extremely competent. Dr. Barry Cummings was the ER physician for both of my family members. He was so caring and professional. I knew that they were both in excellent hands. My fatherin-law’s nurse was Brandy. My husband’s nurse was David. Both nurses were comforting, caring and skilled, and took excellent care of them during the entire ER The food at Parkwest is so good that experience. Lyle in CT was also so some local radio talk show hosts were nice and professional as he took heard on the air a few weeks ago say- my husband to CT. Everyone that ing they choose the Boulevard Bistro we came into contact with during as their lunchtime choice. this time was a great example of Parkwest’s mission. Thankfully was admitted for pneumonia. A my husband only had a migraine couple of hours later my husband headache (which is not great, but checked in. My husband had better than the other diagnoses experienced a headache for three that I feared!). He received meds days that had eased up at times that did help the pain to go away but other times was excruciatand was able to go to work today. ing. I was witness to the care My father-in-law remains in the that both of my family members hospital and I feel sure that the exreceived, although I was with cellent care will continue each day my husband the majority of the that he must be there. I am so glad time. Sharon Eustace was the to know that Parkwest lives up to triage nurse and did an amazing the slogan of Treated Well, Well Treated. Thanks so much to all of job of putting our minds at ease you for the excellent job you do! from the very beginning of our

Parkwest C.A.R.E.S. Comments About Really Excellent Service


No one enjoys being in the hospital – that’s why our goal is to exceed your expectations. Do you have a comment you want to share about your experience as a Parkwest patient or would you like to recognize one of your caregivers?

Go to www.TreatedWell.com. Click on the Parkwest C.A.R.E.S. icon in the upper right corner of the home page. We want to hear from you!



Blake McCoy, owner of Independent Insurance Consultants, holds the “We Back Pat” framed poster at the Strang Senior Center while fans Jeanne Faber, Maggie Greff and Connie Chavannes sign it. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

‘We Back Pat’ fans at Strang Senior Center The day before Thanksgiving, people at the Strang Senior Center took time to show their thanks to Pat Summitt by signing a “We Back Pat” framed poster that was to be presented by Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc. and co-sponsor Blake McCoy, owner of Independent Insurance Consultants, at yesterday’s pregame ceremony of the Baylor game. The Baylor game was the first game named a “We Back Pat” game.

rooms decorated in “patriotic orange.” About Pat Summitt he says, “She’s an aweTheresa some person, a great coach Edwards and an excellent leader to have in our community.” McCoy’s grandfather was recently diagnosed with dementia and now resides in McCoy’s family members are longtime fans and sea- an assisted living facility. The Strang Senior Center son ticket holders who have is now decorated for the holattended all the University of Tennessee women’s bas- idays and invites you to join ketball games for years. in their upcoming activities Their home even has several and classes.

Activities for the week of Nov. 28: ■ Monday, Nov. 28: 8:45 a.m., Advanced Cardio; 9:30 a.m., Watercolor; 10 a.m., Bridge; 10 a.m., Cardio; 12:30 p.m., Sit N Be Fit; 1 p.m., Tax information for 2012; 1:30 p.m., Belly Dancing. ■ Tuesday, Nov. 29: 8:45 a.m., Tai Chi 1; 9:30 a.m., BB Bridge; 10 a.m., Oil painting; 10 a.m., Digital class; 11:15 a.m., Pilates; 12:30 p.m., Canasta/PIN; 12:30 p.m., Yoga; 2 p.m., Line dancing. ■ Wednesday, Nov. 30: Noon, Snack Series “You Can Beat the Blues” includes lunch and prizes, $3. ■ Thursday, Dec. 1: 10 a.m., Paint group; 11:15 a.m., Cardio M&B; 12:30 p.m., Sit N Be Fit; 1:45 p.m., Chorus. ■ Friday, Dec. 2: 8:45 a.m., Advanced Cardio; 10 a.m., Social Bridge; 11:15 a.m., Pilates; 1 p.m., Rummikub; 2 p.m., Ballroom. Dates to remember: ■ Wednesday, Dec. 7: 1 p.m. Christmas Show featuring entertainer and singer Tammy Marshall. Bring finger sandwiches to share. $2 donation, call center to register. ■ Info or to register for classes: 670-6693. Complete calendar listings available at www.knoxcounty.org/ seniors.


Open House

■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday

Sunday, December 4, 2011 Noon to 3 p.m.


Christian Science Reading Room Resources for spiritual growth

5032 Whitaker Drive (in Homberg Place) Stop by and share Christmas joy while you shop for inspired gifts and enjoy yummy goodies & music ... hope to see you here!

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Meet Max The Young-Williams Animal Center team would like you to meet 2-year-old boxer mix Max. Boxers are known to be especially wonderful family dogs. They often get along great with children and are playful and fun. One thing they lack is much body fat. Boxers and other lean dogs are susceptible to cold, so sweaters and coats are a good idea for your boxer during walks and outside time. Do not overdo food and treats to try to bulk up your boxer. Instead, help them maintain their weight with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Should you give them ear muffs to keep the cold away? That is up to you, but your boxer will let you know what he thinks of that. Max is available for adoption at the main center at 3210 Division Street. Visitors are welcome noon to 6 p.m. seven day a week. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village is also open daily from noon to 6 p.m. and is located at 6400 Kingston Pike. If you don’t have time to stop by on a given day, visit www.young-williams.org to see photos of all of the center’s adoptable animals, Info: 215-6599.

evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Free Varicose Vein Screenings will be held Monday through Friday, Dec. 5-9, at various locations around town. Request a screening online at www.premierveinclinics.com. ■ The Knox County Public


Library and UT’s College of Health, Education and Human Services will host a class for parents to help them guide children through various kinds of loss. “Navigating Loss: Helping your child through grief or change” will be offered at the Farragut Branch Library 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 3. Info: 974-3845. Registration: www. knoxlib.org/griefworkshop.


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865-584-7571• www.missionofhope.org What if there were no Christmas presents for your kids under the tree on Christmas morning? The downturn in the economy, has brought anxiety to a lot of us. But it’s made life even more challenging in the rural Appalachian communities of which we serve. Many of the areas we go to have lost factories and businesses; and have no promise that those job opportunities will return. But we believe that there is always Hope and that’s why we are trying to take Christmas, to almost 17,000 children and their families this year.

2011 Christmas Barrel Drive November 18 - December 5

Robert W. Elliott & Assocaties, Inc.

Thanks for helping extend the Hope Donations benefit the children and families of Appalachia. The Mission of Hope is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Food, Clothing & Toy Collection Drive Bring your New Unwrapped Items to the BIG BLUE BARRELS located at any participating Food City, Chick-fil-A, Kmart, Home Federal, Sears, Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union or CVS location.

Items Most Needed Are:

Food Suggestions

Children in Kindergarten through 8th Grades

Clothing Suggestions

Macaroni & Cheese 7.5 oz. Coats - Warm Winter Green Beans 16 oz. Oatmeal 18 oz. Corn 16 oz. Jeans, Shirts & Blouses Socks & Underwear Peanut Butter 18 oz. Fruit 16 oz. Hats and Gloves Dried Beans 2lb. Soup 10.5 oz. Toy Suggestions Sugar 5 lb. Tuna 7 oz. (Suggested $15 Value Each Gift) Flour 5 lb. Entree Items Action Figure Sets (Stew, Chili, etc.) 18 oz. Cornmeal 5 lb. Arts & Crafts Sets Saltines 16 oz. Electronic Games Rice 2 lb. Watches & Jewelry Non-perishable food items only. Remote Control Vehicles New & unopened items only. Please - No glass containers. Gifts For Children Ages 10 -

Hygiene Suggestions (Full Size Products Please)

Tooth Brushes Tooth Paste Soap Bars 2 in 1 Shampoo with Conditioner

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Do you have Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) between your toes? If you have red, itchy, flaky skin between your toes you may have Athlete’s Foot. Give us a call to learn more about a study for an investigational medication for Athlete’s Foot. Qualifying participants age 12 or over receive an exam by a board certified dermatologist. No insurance necessary • Compensation for time and travel


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Bring a New Unwrapped toy or clothing item to any area Chick-fil-A and receive a FREE Chck-fil-A sandwich (1 per person). KNS895345


News from the Turkey Creek Public Market

Santa gives a “high-five” to Cole Smith, 7, a student at Eaton Elementary School in Loudon County. Cole enjoyed a long chat. Photos by S. Clark

By Sandra Clark It’s Black Friday every day at the Turkey Creek Public Market. Well, at least on the days the Market is open (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Libby Fisher is the events coordinator. She has entertainers, live animals, food vendors and, of course, Santa and Libby Fisher Mrs. Claus running about. It’s a trip! Let’s talk Santa for a minute. Adopt a Reindeer is a drawing to benefit the Blount County Humane Society. A $5 donation enters you to win a pretty big wicker-like reindeer, valued at $1,000. And the Humane Society will gift wrap your items as well. And there’s the Christmas Tree Man, displaced by a Chickfil-A in Bearden, who brings in fresh-cut trees from North Carolina. Libby recruited him to the Public Market. “These trees are fresh off the mountain every week,” she said. There’s garland, too. Perhaps the calmest vendor booth is that of Webster “Web” and Dottie Sherman. At least, Web is pretty calm. Dottie was back in a corner, zipping through a project, while Web sat amicably up front to welcome visitors.


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Web Sherman canes chairs and rebuilds wicker furniture. But they also sell an eclectic stock of merchandise, including vintage goods and antiques. “I taught him everything he knows,” said Dottie. The couple have been married for 30 years. They formerly did outdoor shows but now are content to work at their shop in Rockford and weekends at the Turkey Creek Public Market. “I’m insistent on ‘Made in the USA’ merchandise,” said Dottie. “You can find out more about us at www. wickerwoman.com,” she said, “or just call 719-8597.” We paused at Jim’s Amish Food but he was so busy ringing up sales that we begged off and promised to return. Off to one side Dayton Hanford is hammering and sawing. It’s “Art and Beyond,” 11 booths customized to show off Dayton’s best work. He also will take consignment items but insists that everything be made in East Tennessee. Hanford currently operates an antique store in the same building as Cotton Eye Joe and says he will open at the Public Market as quickly as possible. “Call our opening ‘Gray Friday,’” he laughed. Call if you want to talk: 414-4838. Yes, everyone’s a character at the Turkey Creek Public Market.

Upcoming: Santa: Saturdays until Christmas Eve. Volkswagen Enthusiast Car Show: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3.

Dayton Hanford is expanding to 11 booths at Public Market.

MEDICARE ENROLLMENT Dates have changed. Medicare coverage and costs change each year. There are important dates coming up that you should know about, so you can make the best choices for you and your health. Get help from a trained professional to understand how these dates below affect you.

Oct. 15 – Dec. 7:


Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.

Dec. 8: You are locked in to your chosen plan for the upcoming year, unless you have special eligibility to enroll during this period.

Find out more today! For more information, call a licensed agent at the number below.

One turkey had no fears on Thanksgiving. He’s the huge sculpture at Turkey Creek Public Market. Truly a work of art, the turkey is made of hundreds (perhaps thousands) of pieces of steel, welded into place.

25 1-3 60 7 $130 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.

$10 to start! Call Marie at 865-705-3949.

Healthcare CONDO FSBO - 2BR, 2BA, $155,000. Info: http://bigbrick.com\ 95680 or 308-9310.

3, 4 & 5 BR houses avail. All appls incl W&D. $900-$1500 mo. Amanda 865-363-9190 ***Web ID# 894638***

Residence Lots 44

AVAILA BLE NOW G O LF C ourse, 2B R , 2B A 6917 La C hrista Way $875 Farragut - Sugarwood 5 BR 12400 B utternut Cr $2000

FIRE SALE! Desperate! 140 lots + 22 acres in a resort. $189K. 865-322-2243 ***Web ID# 898887***

O ne-B R off As heville Hwy 207 Branch Ln $450 Realty Executives Assoc 6933232 Jane Parker 777-5263 web .m e.co m/jan epar ker

TELLICO VILLAGE FINAL BUILDING LOT CLEARANCE All wooded with all utilities Only 4 left at $900 each Condo Lease to purchase 865-458-0089 2 BR, 2 1/2 ba, $800 mo + $40 HOA mo. 865-679-8105


Mountain Property 47a 75% Below LMV- LOT in cabin community 4 mi to PigeonForge $16,500. 865-773-9596 ***Web ID# 896812***

Real Estate Service 53 Prevent Foreclosure Free Report / Free Help 865-365-8888 PreventForeclosureKnoxville.com

3 BR, 2 BA w/ 2 car Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 garage, approx 10 yrs old with approx 1512 SF. Located at 5920 Weisbrook Lane 2156 River Road, includes 2800 s.f. office/ New Market. Asking s.f. Warehouse/ $125,000 & owner 4166 3000s.f. Mezzanine will finance w/$6,250 over office. $4500./mo down. Call Bill 877- Bill Tate, 423 309 2410 488-5060 ext 323.



Photos and Videos with Santa Claus for sale: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. Breakfast with Santa: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Saturdays until Christmas Eve, $5 per child. Santa and Mrs. Claus will welcome the youngsters as they enjoy a fine breakfast from Savor Catering, Southernly Sweet or Puléo’s at the Market!

There is no obligation and all the information is FREE.

Senior Financial Group 865-777-0153 A sales agent may contact you. A sales agent may contact you. Not affiliated with any government agency. Not affiliated with any government agency. BH_11_0242 09142011

40w Apts - Furnished 72 General 109 Dogs 141 Dogs 141 Farmer’s Market 150 Machinery-Equip. 193 Campers 235 Furniture Refinish. 331 BEAUTY CO. AVON ENGLISH BULLDOG YORKIE PUPS AKC, FALL CUTTING 690 TRACKHOE w/ 4' CAMPERS WANTED DENNY'S FURNITURE WALBROOK STUDIOS #1Reps Needed! Only (Olde) adults, 1-3 yr www.mmpuppies.com GRASS HAY, sm bucket. John Deere We buy travel trailers, REPAIR. Refinish, re-

Lakewood Patio Home. Brand new construction, spacious 3-bed, 2-bath, cathedral ceilings, deck & front porch. $169,900 on your lot & avail in Tellico Village with a FREE LOT, while supply lasts. See model: 865-458-0089

Condos- Townhouses 42 Houses - Unfurnished 74

For Sale By Owner 40a

Web and Dottie Sherman of Rockford are happy vendors at the Turkey Creek Public Market.

40e Apts - Unfurnished 71


up to date on shots, Guarantee. Visa/MC. square bales, avg 55 w/thumb. $15,000. vet chk'd. $450. Call Sara 423-562-4633 lbs. Starting $3/bale. 423-881-5730 931-993-4442 865-850-0130. Straw ***Web ID# 897153*** YORKIES, AKC, 7 bales also available. Household Appliances 204a weeks old, 2 males, ENGLISH BULLDOG in time for Christmas, pups AKC, M & F, $400 ea. 865-363-5704 1st shots, vet chkd, ***Web ID# 896868*** $1,250. 423-519-0647 ***Web ID# 899660*** YORKIE Tcup, ACA, 1 F, $750; 2 M, $600. German Shepherd puppies, AKC reg, Great Christmas Gift! BEEF. imported working Rhea Co. 423-365-0041 FREEZER Angus & Hereford, bldlines, $400 & up. all natural fed. 865-717-0012 live weight. 1716 E. Magnolia Ave. ***Web ID# 899075*** Free Pets 145 $1.25/lb. 423-887-5342 Goldendoodle Pups Boats Motors 232 F1 & F1B, $400 each ** ADOPT! * * Buildings for Sale 191 www.Lckennels.com 270-566-4167 2007 23' Odyssey PonLooking for a lost pet or a new ***Web ID# 896851*** STEEL ARCH BUILDtoon w/90HP E-Tech, one? Visit Young-Williams INGS Fall Clearance loaded + trailer, GREAT DANE PUPS Animal Center, the official Save $$$!!! Build be$12,000. 423-907-3775 AKC, $500 each. shelter for the City of fore winter. 20'x24', www.Lckennels.com Knoxville & Knox County: 25'x40', more. Ltd Alumacraft Croppie 270-566-4167 Pro, Like new. 50 supply avail at dis3201 Division St. Knoxville. ***Web ID# 896848*** count. Ask about disHP Merc. Like new. www.knoxpets.org $7500. 865-947-9275 play savings! 866MASTIFF "English" * * * * * * * * ***Web ID# 897355*** 352-0469 PUPPIES, AKC reg., wormed, 1st shots, vet Substitute Header Substitute Header Substitute Header chkd, brindle & fawn 109 General 109 General 109 General P.O.P. $650. 423-912-1594 1 x 0 2 (3 52941) 1 x 0 2 (3 52941) 1 x 0 2 (3 52941) ***Web ID# 896833***

MIN PINCHERS AKC reg, 6 wks old, 3 males, 1 females, MATTHEW ESTATES $350. 865-585-0491 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car ***Web ID# 898940*** garage, laundry room, large yard & MIN PIN PUPPIES, water filter system, ^ ready 12/12, 4 feon cul-de-sac, great male, $450/ea. Call neighborhood in Cats 140 931-879-2225 Dandridge, TN. Close ***Web ID# 898295*** to Douglas Lake. No Persians & Himalayans pets/smoking inside. English Bulldog $800/mo, $800 cleaning breeders & babies, ch. Old puppies, very rare, bldlines, $275 & up. 423dep. 423-733-9345 solid white, blue eyes, 295-2233; 865-306-3536 ***Web ID# 896763*** $1200. 931-337-5137 ***Web ID# 898436*** WEST, Completely Dogs 141 POMERANIAN Pups, redone, 3BR, 2BA in Village Green. $1500 mo. 865-671-3894 AMERICAN PIT Bull cute & adorable CKC, 1 Yr. guar. 1 F pups, 11 wks. old, S&W, 1 M $375. Credit reg., 1st & 2nd $400, ok. 423-404-4189 Condo Rentals 76 dual vaccines, parents cards on premises. $150. puppeeperson@yahoo.com Call after 1pm, no Rottweiler Pups, GerWEST KNOX, conv text, 865-696-4238 loc, 2 br, 2 ba, 1350 man Bldline, AKC/ sf, gar, vaulted ceil, ***Web ID# 886867*** DNA, parents on frpl, patio, all appl, site $500. 865-426-4841 community pool. Aussies, Mini & Toy, ***Web ID# 897737*** all colors, M&F, Dep $895/mo. 865-242-2819 will hold for Xmas, ***Web ID# 895655*** AKC, $250 & up. 931-268-2465 Rottweilers, German lines, extra lrg ***Web ID# 898581*** pups, vet ckd, 1st Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 CAVALIER KING shots, 865-986-0530 CHARLES SPANIELS. ***Web ID# 897040*** MASCOT AREA, CHRISTMAS PUPPIES private lot, 2BR, Puppies will be born SHIH TZU 1 male, 8 wks old, $350; Daddy $450 mo. $450 dep. Nov. 28. Taking 5 yr old Imperial, Call 865-933-5705. deposits. Contact for $500. 865-680-8759 more info. 423-639-4306 ***Web ID# 896605*** ***Web ID# 889737***

LARGE, UNIQUE 2 4BR, 3BA, All brick br, 2 ba, Seq. Hills, basement ranch, W/D & water incl. new roof. Conv. to $850. 865-924-0454 Knox, Jeff. & Sevier Co. $149,900 or to rent, ***Web ID# 897357*** $1000 mo. 865-368-4620. LENOIR CITY, huge loft style, 2 BR or 1 1 BA, his- Trucking Opportunities 106 North 40n BR/den, toric bldg., ground CHIHUAHUAS, M & F SIBERIAN Husky AKC Pups, champ lines, level, $650 + elec. Reg. small, various MIN. FROM Hickory shots, $300 to $500. Debbie 988-9321 colors & ages, shots, Star Marina, + or - 10 865-995-1386 CDL CLASS A truck $200-$500. 865-216-5770. acres, 3 BR, 2 BA, ***Web ID# 896697*** ***Web ID# 898132*** driver. Immediate masonry frpl., large opening. FT/PT. Call playrm, good garden, Dachshunds Mini, Reg., TOY POODLE PUPS 9a-3p, M-F. If you stocked pond, M & F, diff. colors & M&F, CKC, Shots, want to work, call inground pool, 4 bay patterns, S&W, $225no shed, $350-$400. me. 992-1849. storage bldg, $340,000. $550. 865-216-5770 Call 865-216-5770. No agents 865-992-0063 ***Web ID# 898135*** ***Web ID# 898138***

5th Wheels, Motor homes & Pop-Up Campers. Will pay cash. 423-504-8036

GOOD AS NEW Autos Wanted 253 A BETTER CASH APPLIANCES OFFER for junk cars,

90 Day Warranty

trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500

Call 637-1060

4 Wheel Drive 258

STAFFMARK - KNOXVILLE MARKET 869764MASTER Ad Size 3 x 4 4c NW Class <ec>

Local manufacturers & Staffmark have partnered together to hire exceptional people!

Self-motivated, loyal & passionate? Looking for a long-term career path?

If so, Staffmark is looking for you! Now offering increased rates of pay to qualified candidates for the following 2nd shift positions: Inspection Machine Operating Expediting Warehouse

To apply, stop by our office: 9335 Kingston Pike, call 693-4047 or visit our website: www.staffmark.com Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Come join a winning team! EOE

DODGE DAKOTA 2008 SLT, ext. cab. 4WD, AT, bedliner, 2" receiver, 15,000 one owner miles. exc cond. $17,500. 865-671-9875. DODGE DURANGO SXT 2002, exc. cond. V8, new brakes, new shocks, $6700 obo. Call 865-546-1165. ***Web ID# 896948***

glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! 922-6529 or 466-4221



HAROLD'S GUTTER SERVICE. Will clean front & back $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed. Call 288-0556.



LANDSCAPING MGMT Design, install, mulch, small tree/shrub work, weeding, bed renewal, debri clean-up. Free estimates, 25 yrs exp! Mark Lusby 679-9848



Toyota Tacoma Sport SR5 LB 2007, quad cab, 90K mi, V6, exc cond., $24,500 obo. 865-546-1165 ***Web ID# 896952***

Sport Utility


FORD ESCAPE XLT 2006, white, 1 owner 101k mi, grt cond. NADA $11K, sell $7950. 865-354-4609 or 423-534-4275 ***Web ID# 897058*** Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 2003, gar. kept, loaded, DVD, lthr, $8995. 423-762-8884 aft 3 ***Web ID# 897578*** ^ JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT 2000, 4x4, 4 Tree Service dr., 171K mi, $4,000. 865-982-8416



BMW 328i 2007, 62k mi, blue ext., grey leath. int., loaded, exc. cond. $18,400. 865-742-5854 ***Web ID# 897308*** HONDA ACCORD LX 1995, AT, pdl, pw, white w/tan int. 165K mi., good cond. $2,200. 865-705-3616.



Chevy Cobalt LT 2010, 4 dr., 29k mi, all pwr, spoiler, sharp, $8850. 865-522-4133



CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ walls/repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8




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