Halls Fountain City Shopper-News 022111

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Woman recalls ‘Bama civil rights struggle

Marvin recalls big games from Majors era




Vol. 50, 5 , No. 8 • February 21,, 2011 • www.ShopperNewsNow.com • 45 4509 9 Doris Circle,, Knoxville 37918 • 922-4136

Feeders installed By JJake ake ak ke M Mabe abe be


wo feeder boxes containing high-protein pellets of animal food were installed Feb. 10-11 at Fountain City Lake. Lake visitors are being asked to purchase a handful of pellets, which costs 25 cents, rather than using bread or other food to feed the waterfowl. It is part of an ongoing effort by the Tennessee Izaak Walton League in cooperation with the city of Knoxville and the Fountain City Lions Club to improve health conditions and the water quality at the lake. During a span of 20 minutes on a beautiful afternoon last week, three families showed up at the lake to feed the fowl. One used

Education effort aims to improve health, water quality

at Fountain City Lake

Tennessee Izaak Walton League executive director Mark Campen inspects one of two new feeder boxes (see inset) that have been installed at Fountain City Lake. The League is spearheading an education effort asking that visitors use high-protein pellets, which can be purchased for a quarter per handful, to feed the animals at the lake rather than using bread and other food, which is harmful to both the animals and the lake’s water quality. Photo by Jake Mabe

bread. Another saw the feeders and opted to purchase the pellets. A third family saw the feeders, read the sign and used the bread they had brought with them. “The cycle has been going on for so long,” says Tennessee Izaak Walton League executive director Mark Campen, who lives in Fountain City and is a Lions Club member. “We knew it was going to be a hard task to break it.” The League held a meeting at the lake last July to give the public an overview of its plan. The

feeders, which provide a healthier alternative food source, were installed by Todd Howard of Sevierville. Howard’s business provides the machines, food, labor and upkeep at no cost and splits the profits 50/50 with the Fountain City Lions Club, which is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the lake. Campen says that the next step is to continue educating the public. Discussions are underway to place signage at existing kiosks at the lake and to hold a poster contest

with prize giveaways for Fountain City area 3rd through 5th graders under a “Healthy Ducks are Happy Ducks” theme. The theme for this spring’s Honor Fountain City Day will also have a lake-based theme. “If you sit down and watch here at any given time you can see potential problems,” Campen said. “Anywhere from 50-100 birds are here during the day. It’s not good when you have a lot of birds eating and defecating in the same place,” which can lead to the spread of To page A-2

Clothes make the (police) man By Larry Van Guilder Sheriff’s deputies are familiar with the techniques of “restraint.” It’s knowledge that could save an officer’s life. But a measure of fiscal restraint at the top in the Knox County Sheriff’s Office may be overdue.

Analysis According to information provided by the KCSO, the chief deputy and eight assistant chief deputies, earning from $71,173 to $104,000 annually (an average salary of $88,079) each receive annual clothing allowances of $575. Plain clothes and undercover deputies also receive allowances, purchasing clothing at retailers as diverse as JCPenney, Banana Republic and Nautica. Salaries for those under the rank of chief deputy range from $30,000 to $60,000 according to Allison Rogers, the KCSO finance director. Police work is a dangerous and often thankless job, and a uniform allowance for the 137 rank and file dep-

Allison Rogers’ response to some issues raised in our story: “The uniform/clothing allowance is not based on the salary of the individual, but rather on their job title/job description. Knox County Commission approves the uniform allowance every year, and in fact increased the allowance approximately 4-5 years ago. “The sheriff ’s budget has increased over the last four years due to several events. First of all, the sheriff has taken over (with the approval of Knox County Commission) Pretrial, Juvenile Court Officers and Animal Control for an increase of approximately $1,600,000. The additional increase is from pay raises the Knox County mayor and Knox County Commission approved in FY2008 and FY2009. Also, Knox County finance increased our budget due to the rise in health insurance costs. The pay raises and health insurance premiums account for over $5 million. “However, KCSO’s operations have virtually seen no increase over the last four years. Sheriff Jones has continued to provide the same services to the citizens of Knox County over the last four years with no additional funding in the budget’s day-to-day operations.” uties in the field may be warranted in most instances. But an allowance for those earning more than double the average wage in Knox County is an unnecessary holdover from the days when even the highest ranking officers were underpaid. Last week the Shopper-News reported that 100 new patrol cars are

on Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones’ wish list. The tab could run more than $3 million. Eliminating the clothing allowance for the rank of deputy chief and above won’t make a noticeable dent in the amount required for new vehicles, but it would signal the sheriff’s intention to get the

costs. The Uniformed Officers Pension Plan shares the same drawback as other “defined benefit” plans: in the long run, the cost for the county is unsustainable. Corporations with assets that dwarf Knox County’s resources began dropping defined benefit plans some years ago in favor of 401(k) plans. Perhaps more than any other county employees, sheriff’s deputies deserve the best benefits we can afford to give, but the current plan has the potential to bankrupt the county. If anything, the clothing allowance for high-ranking administrators betrays a culture that has flourished for years with little accountability, other than that which comes at the ballot box. It’s telling that the KCSO’s budget has continued to grow during the worst economic stretch this country has seen since the Great Depression. The difference in fiscal practices between the economy-minded mayor and the sheriff are due for an airing before the county’s next budget comes to commission for approval. 2707 Mineral Springs Ave. Knoxville, TN 37917 Ph. (865) 687-4537

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most from the department’s budget during difficult economic times. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett announced a $3 million dollar budget shortfall for FY 2012 just weeks ago. New cruisers widen the gap to $6 million. Maintaining law and order isn’t cheap, but a review of Knox County’s last four budgets reveals that outlays for public safety are outstripping most all other departments in the general government. For FY 2008, public safety’s adopted budget was $63.5 million. It grew to $66.2 million in 2009, $68.6 million in 2010 and $70.4 million in the current fiscal year, or about an 11 percent increase for the four-year span. Only the school budget has shown greater growth, about $21 million over four years, but that represents only a 6 percent jump. For the same period, the general administrative budget is down $4.1 million, a decrease of nearly 25 percent. There are other indications that the sheriff should take a close look at


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Salem to host Annie Moses Band David Whipple called the Shopper office recently to excitedly report that Salem Baptist Church will host the Annie Moses Band 6 p.m. Sunday, March 20. The concert is free and a love offering will be taken.

Jake Mabe

Spring fling It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature, but she doesn’t mind fooling you. Last week’s false spring certainly stirred up some blood grown sluggish from a nasty winter. But if you were around here in March 1993, you’re not ready to pack away your long underwear just yet. Anyway, it’s not so much the song of the robin as the lament of the politicians that signals the arrival of spring in Knox County. We hear from Mayor Tim Burchett that deep cuts to the budget are in store, and that feathering the nest is no longer fashionable in county government. So be it, although the fact is that despite occupying the top rung in the food chain, the mayor controls only a fraction of the county budget. The school system accounts for about 60 percent of your hard earned tax dollars, and – contrary to rumors – the school board remains in charge of the education budget. Regardless of the mayor’s plans, the final say on the county’s budget rests with commission, or at least that’s how the Charter reads. Granted, you’d be hard pressed to provide practical proof of this statutory authority in the recent past. With few exceptions, commission scarcely rearranged a penny in former Mayor Mike Ragsdale’s budgets. There was much sound and fury during budget discussions, mostly signifying nothing. Burchett’s inaugural budget may get more scrutiny, and it should. Chief financial guru John Troyer is a veteran, but there are rookies on Burchett’s staff, and rookie mistakes will happen. It remains to be seen if commission is still so dazzled by the mayor’s landslide victory that it can’t read the fine print. We’d hate to hear, for example, that the mayor had added a couple of positions here or there on the sly after his doomsday proclamation. Speaking of “fine” print, we’re glad you’re back to give us another look. Our Karns readers should enjoy Joe Rector’s story of a father who passed on his love for drumming to his son. (One of Joe’s protagonists appeared in a television commercial. Hmm. Does that make us a multimedia content provider?) We don’t mean to pay short shrift to any of our contributors, so check out all the front pages online at www. shoppernewsnow.com. And think spring! Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.

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The Annie Moses Band is a Christian family of Julliard-trained musicians and award-winning songwriters dedicated to virtuosity in the arts. They perform a unique blend of classical, Christian, pop and folk music. Led by lead singer/ violinist Annie Wolaver, the Band includes her five siblings: Alex, viola; Benjamin, cello; Camille, harp/ keyboard; Gretchen, violin/mandolin; and Jeremiah, guitar and banjo. Based in Franklin, Tenn., outside of Nashville, the band has numerous critically acclaimed recordings to its credit. Salem Baptist Church is located at 8201 Hill Road. For further info on the concert, visit www. salembaptisthalls.org or call 922-3490. Be watching the Shopper-News for more.

The Annie Moses Band will perform live in concert 6 p.m. Sunday, March 20, at Salem Baptist Church.

Bill Chadwick, Leticia Wright, Barbara Sue Purdom and Audrey Chadwick enjoy a Valentine’s breakfast at the Sunnybrook Apartments clubhouse. Photos submitted

Sunnybrook holds Valentine’s breakfast

fi xings. Phil Nichols State at the Fountain City branch Farm brought information library. and gave out Valentine’s Neely will review his most Sunnybrook Apartments treats to the residents. recent book, “Knoxville residents enjoyed a Valen(TN): This Obscure, Pristine’s breakfast to celebrate Neely to speak to Open matic City,” which traces every romantic’s favorite day. Door Book Review the city’s history by “delving Assistant manager ShaLocal columnist and writer into the shadows of centuron James and mainte- Jack Neely will speak to the ries past.” nance tech Ed Covington Open Door Book Review Club Coffee and conversation made pancakes with all the 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, begin at 10.

Feeders installed communicable and avian diseases. “It’s also a water quality problem. Then you have kids walking barefooted and playing in the stream below the outfall (into First Creek).” A study by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has found that excess nutrients in ponds caused by unnatural numbers of waterfowl droppings can lead to summer algal blooms and other water quality issues.

From page A-1

Campen was scheduled to meet with Lions Club members and representatives from Fountain City Town Hall last week to discuss future options. Discussions have included thinning out the non-native domestic waterfowl population at the lake by perhaps moving them to another appropriate home in nearby counties. Native waterfowl are protected by law and cannot be removed. No decisions have yet been made.

“It’s part of a greater plan to beautify the lake and make it cleaner,” Campen says. “We’ll see where it goes from here. We need support from all the local businesses to get the word out that people need to talk about the fact that feeding the ducks is not good for the lake, not good for the ducks and not good for anybody.” For further info, contact Mark Campen at 414-5593. Visit the Tennessee Izaak Walton League’s page on Facebook.

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The Fort Sumter Community Cemetery Association will hold its yearly business meeting 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, at Salem Baptist Church, 8201 Hill Road in Halls, in Room 140. Directions/info: 660-6949.

Coupon Fair The second annual Knoxville Coupon Fair will be held 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 26, at Faith UMC, 1120 Dry Gap Pike. Attendance is free and child care will be provided. Local coupon and money saving experts will be present to give one-on-one attention to participants. Instructional handouts will be provided for those new to couponing. Participants are encouraged to bring extra coupons and “freebies” to trade. Info: Gabrielle Blake, couponingincriticaltimes@ gmail.com.

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Fort Sumter Cemetery group to meet

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Death and taxes client who wanted to put Estate attorney Anne funeral instructions in her McKinney did the impossible will, including the name of a at the Halls Business and Pro- woman who was absolutely fessional Association meeting not allowed to sing. “Most of the time, your will Feb. 15: she made death and does not get read until long taxes funny. She even kicked off her after the funeral,” said McKtalk about end-of-life plan- inney. McKinney spoke about livning with a musical number, “Medicaid” to the tune of ing wills, powers of attorney “Hollywood.” and other tools people can McKinney practices here use to prepare for the future. in Knox County, just off ClinThen, to end the talk on a ton Highway. She came to her high note, McKinney treated profession after a stint with the audience to a song about the Internal Revenue Service. much-reviled former Vols “It’s hard to be happy coach Lane Kiffin, to the tune working for the IRS,” she said. of “Rocky Top.” The song was first played on the Phil Wil“Nobody wants your card.” McKinney admitted that liams Show and later picked most people are “too busy up by HBO’s Real Sports. “Once we had a coach at living their lives” to keep organized records, so she cre- Tennessee, half snake the othated a booklet called “Things er half rat!” sang McKinney. My Family Should Know.” Info: 525-8700 or admin@ Therein, people can record ammtaxlaw.com. information their survivors will need, like the location of From the community wills and funeral preferences. Dr. Alan Price of Beaver She remembered one Dam Baptist Church gave the

By Shannon Carey

invocation for the Halls B&P meeting and took a moment to speak about the church. He said the church, located in the heart of Halls, is full of ministries and opportunities for members. There is so much going on at Beaver Dam that he couldn’t list it all. The church is committed to seeing its members grow spiritually and to teaching people how to live Godly lives. The Halls B&P teacher of the month was Karen Casteel of Halls Middle School. She spoke about the school’s effort to renovate the auditorium. Of particular need are lighting, a new black backdrop curtain, rigging and a new finish for the stage floor. All told, the project will cost between $15,000 and $20,000. Fundraising efforts are underway, and the Halls Crossroads Women’s League has already donated to the cause. Knox County Commissioner R. Larry Smith committed $250 more.

Learn your rights

Tim Weigenstien

Anne McKinney

Dr. Alan Price

Karen Casteel

Halls Middle School principal Tim Weigenstien followed Casteel’s presentation. “We’re proud of all our

students,” he said. “We want to upgrade our stage so we can provide a place for our students to continue to shine and grow.”

The Community Law School is a free program of courses taught by practicing attorneys who are volunteers with the Knoxville Bar Association. On Saturday, March 26, “Consumer Rights and Responsibilities” will be held from 9-11 a.m. and “Wills and Estate Planning for Everyone” will be held 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Fellowship Church, 8000 Middlebrook Pike. The program’s focus is to inform the public of their legal rights and the role these rights play in their daily lives. To register, call 522-6522 or visit www.knoxbar.org.

Happenings at the art center The Fountain City Art Center, located next to Fountain City Park, offers art classes and workshops, including children’s art for ages 6-12, clay for children 8 and older and adult classes in watercolor, oils, bookmaking, clay, jewelry and drawing. Classes are held Monday through Saturday. If there is an interest in the community for a class that is not being offered, most instructors will teach a new class if the enrollment reaches five students. Upcoming exhibits include the Knoxville Book Arts Guild beginning Friday, Feb. 25, and the Southern Appalachian Photography Society beginning Friday, March 4. Artwork by students from the Farragut and Hardin Valley areas will be featured in the student exhibit. An opening reception for all three exhibits will be held 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, March

4, with all three exhibits ending Friday, April 8. Music during the reception will be provided by Dave Williams. Artists from the center will create works on site during the Dogwood Arts Studio DeTours on Saturday and Sunday, April 2-3. The center’s seventh annual Garden Party Luncheon Benefit will be held in May in the gardens of Ginger and Bill Baxter. The four-day festival, Art-apalooza, will be held in the fall and will showcase the work of area artists and crafters. The second annual FCAC Murder Mystery Dinner is planned for late October. The center also offers the

Parkside Open Door Gallery, an artists’ market and co-operative featuring paintings, handmade books, pottery, photography and more. Featured artists for February are Jessica Gregory, Heather Hopkins and Mary Secrist. Artists featured in March will include Leann Cooper, Mignon Naegeli and Kate McCullough. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. most Saturdays. The center is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Info: 3572787, e-mail fcartcenter@ knology.net or come by the center at 213 Hotel Ave.



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government Simplified redistricting Up in Washington, D.C., the number-crunchers are still massaging the 2010 census data. Answers to questions vital to our country’s future are on the line: Can Sarah Palin actually see Russia from her front porch? How does U.S. Rep. John Boehner stay so tan?


Campfield bails, Woodson sails If Stacey Campfield had shown up, this column could have written itself. It would have been called “The Odd Couple.”

Betty Bean

Piece of cake – but Oscar was a no-show. Knox County’s state senaWhat we’re talking about has tors, Jamie Woodson and nothing to do with opera. Stacey Campfield, are pretty For example, quite a few much polar opposites in Larry residents in the 5th District style and substance and Van oppose locating permanent Guilder supportive housing units for were booked for a Saturday breakfast with the League of the chronically homeless in Women Voters. Democrats their backyard. Commissionabound at League meetings, er Jeff Ownby’s low regard While we wait, we should for the Ten Year Plan surely and the discussion would begin to steel ourselves for helped when he wrested the no doubt have gotten lively the next round of everyone’s 4th District seat from Finbarr if Campfield, who has called favorite political maneuvering Saunders last year. So, let’s himself “the far right feather on the far right wing,” hadn’t game, redistricting. There’s a combine those districts. sent his regrets via a 1 a.m. elot at stake for the major poCurrently, the most impor- mail saying he had to go to a litical parties as congressional tant issue in the 8th District districts are redrawn, but to- is Carter Elementary School. funeral. So the League had to settle day we’re concerned with the But parents in Districts 2, 3, for substance over slapstick local scene. 4 and 5 are also campaigning in the form of an hourlong County Commission dis- for new schools or renovatricts are slated for modifi- tions, so we may as well com- question and answer session with Woodson, who spoke cations to reflect the census bine all these areas. off the cuff and demonstrated results. It takes loads of techOn the surface, Districts nology and GIS geeks to shove 1 and 9 might not appear a few hundred residents here to have much in common. and few hundred more there Wrong. They border one anso that representation on com- other and allow residents to mission is “fair and balanced.” cross without a passport, so That’s the aim, anyway, they’ll join hands on the new By Sandra Clark but fair is in the eye of the district map. County Commissioner beholder, as we witnessed That leaves Districts 6 and during the last redistricting 7. One was once represented Tony Norman cut to the hearings. Short fuses were by “Scoobie,” the other by bone: “How in the world in abundance, and onlook- “Lumpy.” Those are close did you beat Finbarr Sauners were startled as “Give me enough cultural ties for me, ders?” he asked colleague Norwood, or give me death!” and we’ll partner them up Jeff Ownby at last week’s and similar calls to arms with the 1st and 9th Districts. meeting of the West Knox Republican Club. echoed through the halls of Now we’ve simplified to Ownby just grinned and the City County Building. two districts, one comprised Enough already – let’s of the old Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 shrugged. Out in the crowd simplify redistricting. We can and 8, the other made up of Ruthie Kuhlman claimed save time, money and stress former Districts 1, 6, 7 and the credit. “It was me!” “Ruthie is the good and with the following plan. 9. We’ll place Ed Shouse’s atthe bad!” Jeff joked. He atFirst, forget population. large seat in with the latter, The minority can be just as giving each district five com- tributed his upset win in vocal and effective as the ma- missioners. Mike Hammond District 4 to his hard work, jority in the realm of politics. will only cast a vote in the his volunteers, Republican Toss out geography. Loca- event of ties, which should be clubs across the county and his willingness to listen to tion may be important for real plentiful. residents. estate agents, but we’ve got a Voice your support for Jeff Ownby is Everyman. more fundamental standard simplified redistricting. It He and his wife, Jayme, are in mind – culture. may take a Charter amendraising eight kids – six of You say you’re as “cul- ment, but “larrymandering” them foster children. Jeff tured” as the next fellow? makes sense to me. sports a crew cut and susDon’t get the wrong idea. contact: lvgknox@mindspring.com. penders. He fights a weight problem. He has taken a high school diploma and some courses at Pellissippi State to a supervisory position in technical services at Comcast. Now he’s taking night courses online to earn a college degree. He recently lost 30 pounds after having his tonsils removed. “All I could eat was chicken soup with no chicken,” he explained. So what does one guy mean on County Commission? Hardin Valley Academy sophomore Trevor Dixon recently served as a page in the state Senate after being invited by Ownby’s was the swing state Sen. Randy McNally. Dixon is the son of Brent and vote on the Midway BusiShelia Dixon. Photo submitted ness Park. Saunders would

the prowess that has allowed her to rise to the position of speaker pro tempore of the Senate. Campfield likes to file legislation that messes with teachers (like his “Don’t Say Gay” bill), but Woodson’s specialty is education, and she has built a considerable reputation as a passionate and skilled advocate for Tennessee’s schools. Her focus this lean budget year will be on “outcomes,” she said. She will be looking for ways to make Tennessee’s students smarter, and she shared a story that she heard while participating in a bipartisan education study group convened by former Gov. Phil Bredesen. She said that a business leader told the group that he had to plow through 900 job applications to fill 30 entry-level positions. “That is an alarming number,” she said. “Right now, about 27 percent of Tennessee’s population over the age of 25 has a 2 or 4-year degree. We need for that number to be about 67 percent.” She was heavily involved in the state’s successful application for “Race to the Top”

Jamie Woodson

Photo by Betty


funds and is rightfully proud that Tennessee was one of two states that won in the first round. “We came home with $500 million. That’s distributed among 136 school systems across the state, and we want transformational change,” she said. “We won the national championship – it’s a policy national championship.” But another important element of Woodson’s skill set, the adroit dipsy-doodle, was on display when she was asked some sticky questions about the raft of tea partyish, creationist-ish, teacherunfriendly-ish education

Everyman at County Commission

Dixon visits the Senate

Jeff Ownby hitches up his trademark suspenders. Photo by S. Clark

have supported the project; Ownby did not. His resolution to block county funding for homeless housing unless alcohol was banned led to the dissolution of the TYP. You can bet whatever Stephanie Matheny and Ron Peabody come up with won’t be called TYP. And the housing won’t permit alcohol. Jeff spouts the usual Republican platitudes: less government, fewer taxes, end wasteful spending, too many administrators for Knox County Schools. But his philosophy has some wrinkles: Five years from now, he says, his vote might be different on the Midway Business Park.

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The TYP failed, he says, because it lacked “solid buyin” from citizens. “There is a homeless problem. We all agree. We will discuss the ways to solve it.” The contentious ridge top protection plan: “They’ve been working for three years on that; I’m catching up.” Jeff summed up his six months of service: “I’m surprised by how somebody who doesn’t even know you can send you a nasty e-mail. I’m the type of person who tries to please everyone. I’ve learned you can’t make everyone happy. So you hope to make more people happy than you (annoy).”

bills that her Republican colleagues are dropping in the hopper this session (not to mention the immigration, environmental and TennCare issues that she’ll be asked to vote for or against). She smiled a lot and talked about finding a responsible balance and moved on to the next question almost before the audience knew it wasn’t getting an answer. Finally, she was asked to talk about redistricting, something the League plans to become heavily involved in this year. Again she smiled, even when she hearkened back 10 years to when her colleagues redrew the 17th House district into a creature that ran from White Pine to Rocky Hill and connected Knox and Jefferson counties with a strip of land too skinny to support human habitation, forcing her to run in two counties to keep her seat. “The first priority will be to comply with the spirit of the law,” she said. “I have seen in a very real way the damage redistricting can do when it’s not fair.” And she smiled again.

Work to commence on First Creek flooding project The construction company that was formerly the bridge subcontractor on the stalled First Creek Drainage Improvement Project is now in charge of finishing the whole job. City officials say that Bell & Associates Construction LP has been awarded the new contract, and that work will begin “within the next few days.” The company anticipates completing the project in 182 days, or “sometime in August.” The project has blocked access to Fairmont Boulevard from Broadway and partially blocked Emoriland Boulevard since last summer. The previous estimated completion date was last November, but by September it became apparent that the deadline wasn’t going to be met. Work halted in November due to a dispute between Bell & Associates and the former contractor D.H. Excavating LLC. The city negotiated a new performance bond as part of the settlement agreement.

Halls GOP ■ Phyllis Severance, vice chair of the Knox County Republican Party, will speak to the Halls Republican Club at 7 p.m. today (Feb. 21) at Mandarin House in Halls Center. Former president Wally Welch will be honored.



Launching the school of the future Kids with parents in tow packed the L&N Station last week for a glimpse at the new STEM Academy, set to open this fall for 100 freshmen and 100 sophomores.

Sandra Clark

Principal Becky Ashe said everyone was excited. “I heard a student say it would be like going to school at Hogwarts.” Ashe said she’s “afraid to check”

on the number of applications. Slots will be decided by lottery with a factor for geographic distribution. Ashe and Assistant Superintendent Donna Wright were in Miami later last week, touring model magnet schools. Ashe said they saw programs that “just set our heads spinning.” The absence of athletics concerned some at the STEM open house. And Ashe has the answer. “All kids in Knox County have a happy choice. The zoned high schools have fine academics and athletics. (If sports are that impor-

tant) we wish them the best of luck at their zoned schools.” Ashe anticipates a “really robust art and music program” at STEM because there’s a “huge connection” between these subjects and academic achievement. Space is available for both vocal and instrumental music, and the nearby Tennessee Amphitheatre can be used for performances. The new high school will have World’s Fair Park as its campus and the University of Tennessee right over the hill. Ashe said teachers will be selected

through the KCS’s normal HR process.


Notes Tamika Catchings, UT and WNBA basketball star, has launched “Catch the Stars” Foundation in conjunction with UT and KCS. The program will help atrisk high school students by providing goal-setting programs that promote literacy, fitness and mentoring, and will be administered by Cathleen Falsani UT’s College of Education, Health and Human Scienc- King College es. The Foundation will first ■ Cathleen Falsani, author and former religion columnist for work with students at the the Chicago-Sun Times, will Dr. Paul L. Kelley Volunteer speak at King College and Academy, located in Knoxthe Bristol Train Station on ville Center mall.

Monday, Feb.28. Falsani will present “God as Author” in the college’s Memorial Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and “Listening to your life” at the Bristol Train Station at 7 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public. Info: 423-652-4156

Pellissippi State

UT accounting students win award

Austin-East receives donation Eddie Mannis, president of Prestige Cleaners, presents a check to Benny Perry, principal of Austin-East Magnet School. To date, the program has donated $45,000 to schools in Knox County. Customers select their favorite school through Project Classroom. The amount donated is based on a percentage of sales. In 2010, 76 schools received a donation with Austin East, Sequoyah Elementary and Bearden Elementary getting more than $500 each.

Daniel Aycock, Camille Crumpton, Richard Lusk and Johannah Reed are UT-Knoxville accounting students who won $5,000 for demonstrating excellence in sustainability accounting. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) awarded the students second place in a national case competition focused on enhancing environmental sustainability practices at a luxury hotel. While 64 student teams from around the country entered submissions, only 10 were chosen to participate in the competition. Photo submitted

KSO’s family-friendly concert

Model bridge contest

The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will present “Let’s Build the Tower of Music,” a family-friendly concert for children ages 3-8 and their families, 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, at the Tennessee Theatre. Tickets start at $6 for children, $14 for adults. Beginning 12:45 p.m., early arrivals can participate in Picardy’s Playground, held in the lobby of the theatre and featuring a variety of children’s activities including an instrument petting zoo. Info: 291-3310 or www.knoxvillesymphony.com.

The East Tennessee Regional Model Bridge Building Contest will be held 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 5, at the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge for students in grades 7-12. The top two winners in the Senior High division will advance to the International Model Bridge Building Contest at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago Saturday, April 30. Participants must register by Monday, Feb. 28. Info: www. amse.org.

■ The Knoxville Opera Gospel Choir will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center on the Pellissippi Campus. The performance is one of several events taking place as part of the college’s Black History Month celebration. The performance is free and open to the public. Info: 539-7160.

Roane State ■ Black military veterans will share their World War II experiences during a Black History Month Forum presented by Roane State Community College’s Social Science, Business and Education Division. The forum will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, in the City Room at the college’s Oak

Ridge campus. Speakers will include Leon Holley and William Mills. Info: Casey Cobb at 354-3000 ext. 2205.

UT-Knoxville ■ Tennessee Yards and Neighborhoods will present a landscaping workshop for homeowners from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church, 2931 Kingston Pike. Lunch, workbooks, rain gauges and $20 vouchers for soil testing will be provided. The workshop costs $35 ($50 per couple) with advanced registration required. Info: 215-2340. ■ William F. “Bill” Regas will be honored as a “Legend of the Industry” at 6 p.m. Saturday, March 26, at the ninth annual Appalachian Spring gourmet dinner and auction hosted by the Department of Retail, Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The evening will include a wine-and-beer reception, passed appetizers, a silent auction and a four-course banquet with wine pairings. Tickets are $150. Info: Carol Costello at 974-6241. ■ Theodore Henry, an adjunct professor for UT Knoxville’s Center for Environmental Biotechnology, and his colleagues have found that blue-green algae may be responsible for producing an estrogen-like compound in the environment which could disrupt reproductive hormones and adversely affect fish, plants and human health. The research can be found in the American Chemical Society’s journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Check out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at


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A-6 • FEBRUARY 21, 2011 • HALLS/FOUNTAIN CITY SHOPPER-NEWS Myra Horn on the University of Alabama campus in 1967. As a student there, she became an honorary member of the Afro-American Society, a testament to her belief in equality and her courage.

Cynthia Jackson and Myra Horn became lifelong friends after meeting at Shades Valley High School in Birmingham, Ala. Jackson is pictured holding her daughter, Lydia. Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of Myra Horn

Myra Horn

Larry Van Guilder


hat does courage look like? Myra Horn, a soft-spoken woman who works in administration at Webb School of Knoxville, doesn’t look like a hero, but don’t be fooled – she’s the genuine article. When her family relocated from Nashville to Birmingham, Ala., in April 1962, she summoned the courage to uphold the ideal of equality taught by her parents. Horn makes no heroic claims for herself. She points, instead, to the accomplishments of the African-American girls and boys she befriended in strife-ridden Birmingham. Let’s set the scene, and you decide. Shades Valley High School, Birmingham, 1966: Horn is a senior. In a speech she gave at Webb in 2008, she recalled an incident that became a “defining moment”: “I was 17 and went in my senior high school physics class for the first time to find all the white kids lined up against the walls around the room, and a lone black girl sitting at a desk in the center of the room. I took another look around, then went over and sat in a desk next to this girl, held out my hand and said, ‘Hi, I’m Myra Horn.’ She put out her hand, we shook and she said, ‘Hi, I’m Cynthia Ann Jackson.’ … I did what I had been raised to do – acknowledge that all people are, indeed, created equal in the eyes of God and should be in the eyes of man.” Jackson was one of “three brave black girls” who integrated the high school during the 1966-1967 school year, Horn said, and she and Jackson have been “best buds” since that day. Back in Nashville, Horn had known only all-white churches, schools and neighborhoods. The move to Birmingham was “like being picked up and set on an alien planet.” Like all big cities, Nashville in the ’60s was struggling with its own racial issues. But Birmingham was a world apart from anything Horn had experienced, home to the brutal police chief “Bull” Connor and a cauldron of Klan activity. Horn describes her family’s reaction to Birmingham as “beyond appalled.” She recalls hearing a local resident say on televi-

Myra Horn today with a treasured collection of rings from the 1960s. The self-described “aging hippie” courageously put her beliefs into action as a young woman in Alabama. Photo by L. Van Guilder

The face of


sion one day: “If I ain’t better’n no nigger, who am I better of?” Horn and her twin sister, Leah, were close to the ages of the four young girls killed in September 1963 when a bomb planted by Klan members exploded at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The

The first appointment CROSS CURRENTS | Lynn Hutton I left you behind in Crete for this reason, so that you should put in order what remained to be done, and should appoint elders in every town, as I directed you . … (Titus 1: 5)


remember the mother of five who watched her only son pack to move away to take a job in another city. She told me later that she felt he was no more ready to strike off on his own than her youngest, who was 8, was able to drive off in the car. But the mother smiled and waved bravely as she watched him leave.

I watch the new ordinands at Annual Conference every year, frequently (though not always) young and starry-eyed. They receive their appointments and are sent out to preach the Gospel, to tend the flock, to administer the affairs of the local church. I wonder if they have any idea. …

blast shook the First Baptist Church where her family was attending that morning. A few years later, Horn’s first visit to the Birmingham home of her new friend, Cynthia, furthered her education on racial inequities. Today, she compares the setting to “the Bottoms,” the notorious neighborhood

And I marvel at Paul, who would plant a church and leave a young colleague behind to “put in order what remained to be done.” Churches are not easy organizations to lead. Ask any pastor. This is true across the board, for many reasons, I think. First, churches tend to be made up of people. That is a big problem, right there. Because people are sinners, every last one of us, and even sinners saved by grace occasionally forget the grace part and think we did it all on our own. Churches are unwieldy, they are unpredictable, they are full of high expectations, their mission is formidable, and did I mention they are made up of people? So Paul deposited Titus on the island of Crete, in a new church, full of brand new Christians, then leaves

depicted in the late ’80s’ television show “In the Heat of the Night.” “The only white people who had ever been there were official people – police and firemen,” Horn said. Horn and Jackson both attended the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa their first two years in college. There she made more black friends and joined marches against segregation. “We’d march from campus to downtown Tuscaloosa, then gather in the square to sing ‘We Shall Overcome’ while good old boys in their pickups with their gun racks would circle around us,” Horn said in her 2008 speech. Her father managed the local Baptist bookstore and often welcomed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to the establishment. When King was assassinated, Horn, who was an honorary member of the Afro-American Society, started searching for her friends on the Tuscaloosa campus. “Two huge black guys” at first barred her from entering the society’s building. Eventually, another black friend, Moses, got her in. “I sat there with them all day watching the news coverage and crying – the only white person given this honor and privilege,” she recalls. Interspersed with the drama were lighter moments at Tuscaloosa. One day Horn was called into the presence of “Mammy Morgan,” a dorm mother from Lowndes County, Miss. Morgan told her that no decently-raised white girl would behave as she did. Horn replied that she’d “match her upbringing” to Morgan’s “any day.” Cynthia Jackson became Dr. Cynthia Jackson, earning a doctorate in microbiology. Horn is godmother to Jackson’s daughter, Lydia. Of her choice to join others in putting what she had been taught into practice, Horn admits they were often afraid. Although she was blessed with something rare for the times, an upbringing that stressed the equality of all races, she and her friends had to overcome fear as great as any encountered on the battlefield. So, take another look at the face of that young woman posed demurely in front of the oak tree. Take a look at the face of courage. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.

him, with instructions to “do the rest,” including appointing elders. We aren’t sure of Titus’ age, but my guess is that he was a whippersnapper compared to the “elders” he was about to appoint. Paul wanted elders set apart, selected from the older men. They should be men of experience (not a bad idea), men who were indigenous to the community, who would provide wisdom, who would teach, who would lead the older men. And young Titus was to choose the leaders. Also Titus was to lead the leaders. And he was to teach the young men. One wonders if he stood at the port, feeling abandoned, as he watched Paul’s ship sail away across the Mediterranean. Did he turn and gaze on the Island of Crete with trepidation? We know Titus had been with

BASEBALL TIME Halls Community Park

Paul on the trip to Jerusalem when Paul’s apostleship was first recognized by the leaders of the baby church. We know that he was a Gentile convert to Christianity and that Paul resisted all efforts by the Jewish Christians to insist that he be circumcised. It is clear that Paul trusted him implicitly. Paul’s letter to Titus reminds him to teach the structures of a wellorganized family household, and to encourage good works, as a product of faith – an outgrowth of the joy of the knowledge of Christ. Not, it behooves us to note, as brownie points toward salvation (a fact we tend to lose sight of, even now). Titus was to teach the people of Crete that Christian love flows in and through the believer, eventually splashing over onto everyone he meets. May it be so, even today.

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Majors’ landmark games TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West


he column a few weeks ago about defining games in Bill Battle’s time at Tennessee sparked several questions from younger readers. Most had something to do with Johnny Majors and what happened next. This much is required background: Majors is in all the halls of fame that matter. He is a legend. It says so in the second chapter of my second book. It was inevitable that Majors would coach at Tennessee. His father was a spectacular example and John was the first son from what became the state’s most famous football family. He was an All-American Volunteer, one tough, talented and smart tailback who followed great blocking through that unforgettable 1956 season to Southeastern Conference player of the year honors and runner-up for the Heisman. It seemed certain that he would be a success as Tennessee coach. He was a winner elsewhere under what appeared to be more difficult circumstances, up from the ashes

at Iowa State and Pitt, all the way up to a national championship. Tennessee was in decline but not at the disaster level at the end of the Battle era, when Majors finally got the call. Repairing what was broken took a while, longer than expected. Majors thought the cupboard was bare. Some of us didn’t think the talent was terrible. Jimmy Streater, Reggie Harper, Robert Shaw, Brent Watson, Jim Noonan, Greg Jones, Roland James and Craig Colquitt were in the house. Even when Majors teams eventually won titles, consistency was rare. In fact, inconsistency was a trademark. There was a hint of things to come in his third season, 1979. The Vols lost to Rutgers 13-7 in a shocking upset. One week later, they clobbered Notre Dame. Hubert Simpson scored four touchdowns. The Irish sped out of town. Three years later, one of the defining games of Majors’ career occurred on the third Saturday in October. At long last Tennessee defeated Alabama. It was 35-28, a glorious rebellion after just 11 years of abuse. Even that was trial

by fire. In the closing minutes, the Tide drove goalward as if to break more hearts. Didn’t happen. Lee Jenkins tipped a pass and Mike Terry intercepted. After that came dancing in the streets. The losing streak was not all Majors’ fault. Battle lost the first six. With Paul “Bear” Bryant gone, Tennessee won four in a row. The 1983 victory in Birmingham, 4134, was a new experience for young Alabama fans. Alan Cockrell hit 80-yard bombs to Lenny Taylor and Clyde Duncan. Majors recorded several significant victories in 1985, including Tennessee 38, Auburn 20. The Tigers and Bo Jackson came in ranked No. 1. What a season that turned out to be, capped by the highlight of Majors’ 16 years, Tennessee 35, Miami 7 in the Sugar Bowl. The head coach shared credit with Ken Donahue’s great defensive scheme that gathered four interceptions and two fumbles and sacked the quarterback seven times. Other Majors landmarks: Tennessee 21, Auburn 14. Key victory in the 11-1 season of 1989. Tennessee 31, Arkansas 27 in the 1990 Cotton Bowl. Vols averaged 8.4 per rush with Chuck Webb setting the pace with 250 yards. Alvin Harper finally stopped the Razorbacks by fielding an onsides kick with 1:23 remaining. Tennessee 45, Florida 3 that October. Gators’ new coach, Steve Spurrier, an East Tennessean, got an entirely different perspective of East Tennessee.

Johnny Majors File photo by Jake Mabe Tennessee 23, Virginia 22 in the 1991 Sugar Bowl. Vols trailed by 19 in the second half and caught up with 31 seconds remaining. QB Andy Kelly was named most outstanding player. Tony Thompson gained 151 yards and scored the winning TD. Tennessee 35, Notre Dame 34 the following autumn, the miracle in South Bend, was another defining game. Want to talk about the luck of the Irish under the Golden Dome? The Vols rallied from 31-7 deficit. As great as was the comeback, it couldn’t have happened without the Orangemen being awful in the first half. They looked dead in the water just before intermission but Darryl Hardy blocked a field goal. Floyd Miley found the bouncing ball and ran 85 yards. Late in the game, the Vols got the

lead and staved off two Notre Dame dying threats. A last-second field goal failed. A diving Jeremy Lincoln flew past the placement only to have the low kick hit his rump. Alas, there were different defining moments in 1992. Majors rushed back to work from heart surgery and got trapped in a threegame tailspin. The team that had whipped Georgia and Florida while he was away suffered a discouraging loss at South Carolina. It was a crushing blow that finalized the decision to change coaches. Majors accepted a buyout and resigned the following Friday, the most controversial day in Tennessee football history. John Majors really is Chapter 2 in Marvin West’s second book, “Legends of the Tennessee Vols.” Signed copies are available by mail from WESTCOM, P.O. Box 38, Maynardville, TN 37807. The cost is $25.

TV comes to Concord-Farragut I

t’s hard for me to browse through the electronics section of the large retailers in our area with their myriad offerings – Blue-Ray disk players, surround sound and the latest innovation of adapting 3-D technology to television – without thinking about my first experience with TV. The year was 1951, and although most of the villagers had read about the new technology, very few had actually seen a “television set” as they were called, and even fewer had any idea of what to expect from this new invention. These new curiosities were stocked by the large Knoxville retailers, but in the ConcordFarragut area there was only one source – Ray Hobbs’ electronics. Ray’s operation was run out of a converted mobile home where half the area was used as a sales and repair shop, and the other half served as the family residence. Ray had a monopoly on both sales and service, and since the sets often needed repairs, most people preferred to purchase from Ray rather than the Knoxville retailers because of convenience. Ray also offered another service that was quite unique. If your set was being repaired, you were welcome to come to his shop and watch TV while he worked. He had several chairs set up for that purpose, and it also served as a gathering place for neighbors. In reflecting on Ray’s service, I am not sure he had any formal tech-

MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell nical training. Rather, he simply experimented with the set until he happened to find the problem, and that could take some time. TV sets were very expensive, relatively speaking, and in the beginning only a few could afford them. A new 21-inch black and white TV cost in the range of $300 to $400, depending on the brand, and when one considers that a new Chevrolet only cost about $2,000, buying a new TV was a significant expenditure. There were no credit cards, and the purchaser was faced with the options of either saving the money or trying to convince Ray to accept several installment payments. My family purchased a new 17inch Emerson even before the stations began broadcasting so that we could see the first program. Several months prior to the first telecast, a test panel was displayed, and I can remember people sitting for hours just watching the test panel which never changed. Reception by today’s standards was very poor. In fact, the signal was so weak that even the test panel was very faint and was like looking through a driving snow. Reception was through an antenna affi xed to the roof, and it helped if you lived on a hill. In fact, antennas later became a sort of status symbol; the more complex one was, the better the reception. So, you could look at an antenna

and have a good idea of the type of reception that family enjoyed. We lived midway up a hill and had a more modest antenna. Finally, the big night came. We had a house full and everyone’s eyes were glued to that small screen with the snowy test panel. Programming was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., but technical difficulties at the station moved it back about an hour. It finally appeared, and for the first time you realized that the set also had an audio system. The first program was a movie titled “G. I. Joe.” It was an old film made shortly after World War II, but even with the poor reception, it was an improvement over radio programming. There were very few commercials, so the program only lasted about two hours. But I can remember our guests leaving after the show vowing that a TV would be their next purchase. Today, as I enjoy big screen programming in my home, I often think about that first program, never realizing that the medium would someday be in color, three dimensions, and the primary source of our news and entertainment. But our first television was a revolutionary entertainment medium in a rural area where opportunities were limited, but still enjoyed no less than the many entertainment opportunities we now take for granted.


The new president of the Halls Crossroads Women’s League has been a member for only three years, but it’s her habit to hit the ground running. As a retired manager in the accounting department at TVA, Janis Crye was a natural Janis Crye fit as League treasurer, an office she assumed after she’d been a member for a year. She became a board member at that time, too.

She’s proud of the League’s accomplishments – running the clothes closet, donating money to buy curtains at Halls Middle School and for Project Graduation at Halls High School as well as getting involved in Halls High School’s outdoor classroom. The League does hospice work, litter pickup and historic preservation projects (like working on the Thomas Hall Cemetery, where Crye learned that her grandmother, whose last name was Hill, may well have been a descendant of the Halls). “There were a lot of smart,

COMMUNITY PARTNERS dedicated women from all different backgrounds in the League, and what one can’t do, the other one can, and that’s one of the things that make it wonderful,” Crye said. She is very excited about the League’s upcoming projects – the February 26 rummage sale, the April 2 litter pick-up, the April 16 Dogwood luncheon and plant sale at Beaver Brook Country Club. “We’re also going to be more active with the Halls Welfare Committee’s toy and food drives at Christmas time. We’ve got a lot of

good plans,” Crye said. She and her husband, Bob, who retired from Alstom Engineering and is also a retired builder/ developer, have lived in Halls since 2000 and are active members at Beaver Dam Baptist Church. Janis is a board member of Jesus Center Ministries, which works in the inner city and also has built churches in Nicaragua and Romania. The Cryes have two daughters, Kristen Stevenson and Laura Cloud, and one grandchild, Zoey Stevenson.

Hallsdale-Powell Utility District is proud to salute Janis Crye, and we look forward to the great things she is sure to accomplish as president of the Halls Crossroads Women’s League.


History comes alive at Copper Ridge

Students Reid Shannon and Ben Edens create their costumes – complete with beards – to represent Stonewall Jackson and Thomas Edison.

Grace Headrick and Taylor Gooch researched Sally Thompkins and Clara Barton to present to the school for biography day. Each 5th grade student was required to research their historical figure and write a paper to present during an assembly. Many students chose to wear costumes to bring their character to life.

Elijah Wise gets an “A” for his costume of William T. Sherman.

Hunter Lepper transforms himself into Charlie Chaplin for biography day at Copper Ridge Elementary. Photos by Ruth White

Meet Mr. and Ms. Central High By Betty Bean Even though the faculty nominates the candidates, Mr. and Ms. Central High School are chosen in a straight-up popularity contest. It’s a student vote (seniors only) and Riley Hammett and Michael Reece are this year’s winners.

Central Bobcats

Central honors senior cheerleaders Central High cheerleaders honored on senior night at the school are Courtney Carden, Riley Hammett and Brooklyn Wilson. Photo by Ruth White

Shannondale to host gala event Save the date for Shannondale Foundation’s Mardi Gras celebration to support academic excellence for the school. The benefit will be held Saturday, March 26, at the Knoxville Art Emporium downtown. The evening will be filled with delicious hors d’oeuvres, drinks, music, dancing and a live auction of special items. The cost is $40 per individual or $75 per couple. The foundation is still seeking sponsors and auction items for the event. Contact: foundation president Todd Moore, tmoore24@utk.edu.

Riley, the daughter of John and Brenda Hammett and sister of Haley, 20, and Bailey, 13, has been a cheerleader all four years, is a dance captain with the Bobcat Company/ Bel Canto and has been active in Rachel’s Challenge, a movement that aspires to start a chain of kindness among the student body and beyond. The Bobcat Company has been her favorite school activity followed by peer tutoring, which she says she has also loved doing. History is a favorite, too. Michael, whose parents are Susan and Donny Re-

ece, has a brother, Chris, who is almost 23 and a student at the University of Tennessee. He is a 4-year varsity letterman on the baseball team and a member of DECA. He says he got invited to join the National Honor Society, but got too busy to do much more than fill out the application. And he says his favorite class is math, “in case I can’t say gym. I really prefer gym.” He figures he has lots of company when he says his least favorite thing at Central is work. “I think it’s everybody’s least favorite,” he said. “I’ve got good grades, but it’s still my least favorite.” Riley plans to attend Pellissippi State next year and eventually transfer to UT, and hasn’t yet chosen a major. Michael wants to play baseball in college. “Hopefully, I’ll get a baseball scholarship to play in college. If not, I’ll go to either ETSU (East

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Michael Reece and Riley Hammett

His favorite major leaguer is Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia. “He’s about as tall as me and he’s scrappy. I’m 5-7 and he’s about 5-8, maybe.” Why not all-time Central High great Todd Helton? “Todd plays a different position than me, and when I’m taking notes, the only thing I can take from Todd is home runs and I’m too small for that. I’ve got to be disciplined, let’s say.” He notes that he has hit two home runs in his high school career – both in his junior season. “What was weird is they were against Anderson County and Campbell County and they were on the same pitch – runner on second, two outs, no balls, two strikes. Curve ball both times. Weird.” Michael figures he got elected Mr. Central because he’s funny. Riley agrees, calling him “a little jokester.” She is too modest to speculate about herself, but Michael says she’s a winner because she is always nice to everybody and is unfailingly good-natured. “I have never seen this girl mad,” he said.

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Student seeks help for Eagle project Junior to build shelter at outdoor classroom By Jake Mabe Halls High School junior Jacob Wessels needs your help.

Halls Red Devils Wessels, a member of Boy Scout Troop 506, has decided to build a 12-by-12 foot shelter with a 3-foot overhang at the Halls Outdoor Classroom as his Eagle Scout project. Agriculture teacher Mike Blankenship says the shelter would provide a place for folks to use during inclement weather during programs and other events. Jacob has solicited some Halls High junior Jacob Wessels stands at the entrance to the Halls Outdoor Classroom. Jacob is material from Schaad Lum- building a shelter at the classroom as part of his Eagle Scout project and needs help raising $700 ber but needs to raise $700 for metal material. Photo by Jake Mabe

SCHOOL NOTES ■ The deadline for Knox County transfer requests is Monday, Feb. 21.

Adrian Burnett ■ The 4th annual Hoopalooza will be held 7 p.m. Friday, March 4, in the Halls High gym. The staff at Adrian Burnett will play the WBIR Heartbreakers to help raise funds to purchase a stop clock for the school gym.

Gibbs Elementary ■ Fun Run will be Thursday, Feb. 24; and Book fair, Tuesday, March 1.

Gibbs High ■ Project Graduation will be held 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Saturday, May 21, at the North Side YMCA, 7609 Maynardville Highway in Halls. It will be a special celebration for the Class of 2011 to hang out with friends, enjoy games and activities, food, drawings for door prizes and more, all in an alcohol and drug-free environment.

for metal material to complete his project. He is hoping area businesses and individuals will chip in. He has already sketched out a plan for the shelter and has put down stakes. His goal is to do the project the weekend of March 19 and have the shelter ready for the spring outdoor classroom celebration April 12. Anyone interested in helping with the project can contact Jacob at jwess7@ gmail.com or call him at 922-2478. Jacob has been involved in Scouts since the 1st or 2nd grade. He says he became interested in Scouting because he’s always enjoyed the outdoors. “Backpacking has probably been my favorite thing to do with Troop 506,” he says.

He decided to work toward becoming an Eagle Scout in early 2010. His older brother, Joseph, conducted an Eagle Scout project at the outdoor classroom two years ago. “They would be the first brothers in Troop 506 to earn Eagle and they would be the first brothers to both do their projects at the outdoor classroom,” Jacob’s mother, Becky, says. “His dad (Dean) is going to help him with the prebuilding part of the project. His dad’s the builder and I’m the fundraiser and refreshment provider,” she says, laughing. Jacob hopes to one day “do something with biology,” perhaps in environmental science. “I’ve always enjoyed the sciences and think it would be an interesting field.”

Studying biology in the kitchen By Ruth White At the same time Rebecca Young’s Food and Nutrition class is studying the process of making bread, Amy Davis’s AP biology class is studying yeast in the fungi kingdom.

Gibbs Eagles Young and Davis know the importance of the fermentation process in their respective classroom studies and decided to join forces and let their students experience it from a different point of view. Each class learned about fermentation as it applied to their field of study and used the knowledge learned to create a product with their own hands. Each class was able to create a sour dough bread starter from scratch, feed it and watch it ferment Gibbs High Food and Nutrition teacher Rebecca Young (center) assists students Paige Turner as each teacher talked about and Zach Williams as they prepare dough for baking. Photo by Ruth White

the process and importance of fermentation. Once the starter was ready, each class was able to make bread dough, watch it rise and then bake loaves of bread for a finished product. “The students in both classes enjoyed the project,” said Davis. “They were able to see the process come to life and get a better understanding of fermentation.” Through the collaborating of classes, students learned about nutrition mixed with science and sprinkled with a little history and literature.

Freight Hoppers Old-time string band the Freight Hoppers will perform 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at the Laurel Theater. Tickets are $14 (discounts apply for students and seniors). Info: www.knoxtix. com or 523-7521.

Gresham Middle


■ Rising 9th grade student/ parent meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22. A food tasting will be held Thursday, March 3, at the school. The book fair will be held Feb. 28 through March 4 in the school library. The PTSA is hosting a campaign to “Stack the Amps” for a new sound system in the gym and school auditorium. Anyone interested in making a donation can contact the school, 689-1430.

Brickey-McCloud Elementary kindergarten students Maddox Belue, Madison Collier and Abby Crabtree celebrated the 100th day of school by counting out 100 pieces of trail mix. Other activities for the day included estimating the distance walked with 100 steps, doing 100 exercises, making 100 count cereal necklaces and more.

Halls High ■ Parent/teacher conferences will be held 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. To schedule a conference, call 922-7757. The Halls High School Band will host its annual spaghetti supper and mid-winter concert Thursday, March 3. Tickets are $5 in advance, $6 at the door. Children 5 and under eat free. All proceeds benefit the band program. ■ The Symphonic Band will have mandatory rehearsal 6-9 p.m. Monday, March 21.

Photo submitted

Area schools celebrate 100 days of learning Adrian Burnett student Grayson Buchanan wears a pair of glasses and cereal necklace to celebrate the 100th day of school. Buchanan counted out 100 pieces of colorful cereal to make the necklace.

Ritta Elementary ■ The school will celebrate Dr. Seuss week Feb. 28 through March 4. Teachers will send home information on the activities planned for the week. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite book character on Thursday, March 3, and parents are invited to be guest readers. Reading times can be scheduled with each classroom teacher. The clinic is in need of pants and new underwear for boys and girls.

Adrian Burnett student Canaan Pfeiffer enjoys the 100th day of school with a pair of eyeglasses made in class. Students spent the day participating in activities that required counting to 100.

Sterchi ■ Book fair, March 7-11 with Family Night Tuesday, March 8; Schoolwide rummage sale, Saturday, March 26.

Count on us.

Copper Ridge Elementary student Molly Featherson wears a special hat in honor of the 100th day of school. Photo by Ruth White

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Busy winter for area Scouts


Jera Swinson was named to the dean’s list with honors at Lee University for the fall 2010 semester. Swinson is a 2010 graduate of Berean Christian School and an active member of Loveland Baptist Church. She is the daughter of Jerry and Julie Swinson.

Waylon Jay Spierdowis will celebrate his second birthday Thursday, March 3, with family and friends. Waylon’s parents are Bill and Eden Spierdowis of Corryton. He has a big brother, Will, and little sister, Rebekah. Grandparents are Jay and Eunice Hindley of Chepachet, R.I., and Bill and Sandy Spierdowis of Foxboro, Mass. His greatgrandmother is Dorothy Hindley of Lincoln, R.I.

Principals prefer road project extension By Natalie Lester The proposed renovations to the intersection of Tazewell Pike and Emory Road at Harbison’s Crossroads include widening the roads to four lanes and the installation of a traffic light. However, the plans could be short of what some say the area really needs – by about 1,850 feet. Tazewell Pike will return to two lanes 750 feet after the intersection, which is before drivers reach the entrances to Gibbs High and Gibbs Elementary schools. Gibbs Elementary principal Adam Parker and Gibbs High principal Lynn Hill report congested traffic 30 minutes before classes in the morning and after the school day in the afternoon. Both said their staffs arrive early to avoid the traffic and some stay late to alleviate the trouble on the commute home. “Most of our staff tries to get to the school at 7:15 a.m. to avoid the traffic,” Parker said. The principals wish the plans were to extend the project to the school, but

AARP driver safety class For registration info about this and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Barbara Manis, 922-5648. ■ Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 21-22, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Church Street United Methodist Church, 900 Church St. ■ Thursday and Friday, March 3-4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., St. Marks United Methodist Church, 3369 Louisville Road, Louisville. ■ Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15-16, 9:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Dandridge Senior Center, 917 Elliott Ferry Road, Dandridge. ■ Wednesday and Thursday, March 16-17, noon to 4 p.m., O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. ■ Thursday and Friday, March 17-18, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Alcoa First United Methodist Church, 617 Gilbert St., Alcoa.

worry most about the safety of their students and parents commuting to and from the schools. “I’m surprised the project doesn’t extend down to our school, but it is better for the change in lanes to be made before the school entrances as opposed to right in front of the schools. I’d prefer – of course – the road to stay wide through our area and return to two lanes past the schools,” Parker said. “It would be much better for the project to extend to us. We’ve outgrown the intersections and the two-lane country roads,” said Hill. Hill worries most about the students in the Parent Responsibility Zone, which is the area 1.5 miles around the school that is not serviced by buses. “Those students must have their parents bring them or walk to school. For those who choose to walk, I worry about them because it is just country roads with two lanes and a ditch. During the renovations, I would love to see those subdivisions connected with sidewalks for these students,” he said.

It has been a busy early winter season for our area Boy Scouts and Venture Crew since our last visit. Some members of Troop 506 attended the annual Winter Camp at Camp Buck Toms during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. This is a cold weather adventure that can test the skills and perseverance of any young man. Instead of giving you the details from the camp, I have a letter from one of the young men that I will include at the end of the column. Winter Camp was followed by a number of other events that have kept the area Scouts and Scouters quite active. The Echota District Winterfest was in early January and the Troop 506 contingent had a wonderful time and came back with some impressive awards. Winterfest is one of two annual districtwide gatherings for area Scouts to share experiences, compete in skills competitions and have a chance to build on their outdoor knowledge and confidence. The Gryphon Patrol took second place in the Bobsled Design with the Blue Dart and was edged out of first place by a combination of other 506 patrols and their Blue Bomber sled. The troop took second place in the chili cook-off, and while the snowball fight is not an official Winterfest event, I heard from reliable sources that our young men more than held their own in that one, too. Scout Sunday was Feb. 6

Discussion on chronic homelessness Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, will host a special dinner 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23. Guest speakers Grant Standefer and Jessica Bocangel from Compassion Coalition will explain the major points of the Mayor’s Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness. Everyone is invited.

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The Halls Crossroads Women’s League will hold a rummage sale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at the Halls Senior Center. Proceeds will be used to support league projects. Items to be donated can be brought between 2-4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, or 8-9 a.m. Feb. 26. No clothes, only furniture, household items, tools, etc., will be accepted. Info: Peggy Beeler, 9220874.

in churches across the country and we had numerous Scouts proudly wearing their uniforms to Sunday church services and, in many cases, either participating or actually conducting the entire service. The annual Scouting for Food Drive to benefit area food banks is going on and several area Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops are busy collecting food by going door to door or having a presence outside local grocery stores. Most of the food collected here in Halls will be used at the Halls Food Pantry. I also have the honor of recognizing our newest in a long line of Eagle Scouts. Matthew Holt completed the requirements and passed his Eagle Board of Review to join an elite group of young men. Congratulations to Matt and the entire Holt family on the accomplishment. The recently formed Venture Crew 506 attended its version of Winterfest the weekend of Feb. 5, along with approximately 2,500 other Venturers from across the country, in Gatlinburg. The most impressive were the Scouts and Scouters from Troop 506 who organized, staffed and attended the annual Wintercamp during a cold week in late

Barbecue will be served by Bernie’s BBQ. Cost is $5 adults, $3 per child and no more than $16 per family. RSVP: 690-1060.

Everything from teaching merit badges to cooking for the 115 people at camp was done by volunteers. Troop 506 assistant scoutmaster Bill Thomas, along with Dylan Enzor, myself and others, worked hard in the kitchen providing hardy fuel for the winter campers. The food that came out of that kitchen during Winter Camp was not at all what most people would consider ‘camp food.’ Scouts at Winter Camp not only learned important skills, but many also grew in character and self-confidence. It takes a brave person to camp out in a tent, in sub-freezing temperatures, and not complain. When a young boy, who has never been more than a few miles from his mother, goes into the woods and camps with his buddies in the cold, he learns something that could never be taught in school. He learns self-confidence and self-reliance. He learns teamwork and self-discipline. Scouts and adult leaders alike left Winter Camp with a greater understanding of themselves and their place in God’s wonderful creation. Great job, Andrew. As always, if you are interested or know someone who is interested in becoming a Cub Scout, Boy Scout or Girl Scout, contact me via e-mail at troop506@tds.net or call the Greater Smoky Mountain Council (Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts) at 588-6514 or the Girl Scouts of the Tanasi Council at 688-9440.


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ATTENTION HORSE OWNERS Annual Spring Coggins Clinic Knox Farmer’s CO-OP in Halls 3903 Fountain Valley Drive

Women’s League to hold rummage sale

Jim Byrge

December. The following is a report from former Senior Patrol Leader Andrew Mc Mahan that was written for school. The report is verbatim and I could not have said it any better. For the Boy Scouts, cold weather is no reason to put away the camping gear. Nearly 90 Boy Scouts and adult leaders took part in the Great Smoky Mountain Council’s Winter Camp at Camp Buck Toms in Rockwood. Winter Camp is five days of cold weather camping lasting from Dec. 26-31. Boys got to work on merit badges covering topics from auto maintenance to weather. Younger Scouts learned the fundamentals of Scouting such as knot tying and fire building. Although lows were in the teens, there were very few complaints about the weather. The most common complaint might have been that there was no snow. Although there was plenty of firewood and spare zero degree sleeping bags, those 20 degree nights chilled people to the bone. It’s hard for Scouts to think about the cold weather when they are enjoying activities such as shotgun shooting, archery, rifle shooting, tracking and wilderness survival. Yes, in the mind of a Scout, wilderness survival is a fun and interesting activity. One reason that winter camp is possible is the volunteer staff. Around 20 people took time out of their winter vacation to come run Winter Camp, including several Boy Scouts.

Februaryy 26,, 10 am – 2 p pm

Contact Danny at Halls CO-OP for further details including pricing and information regarding vaccine availability.


hapters are established with only one person per profession, per chapter, so each member gets to benefit from all other fellow chapter members. The Summitt Chapter of BNI meets in Knoxville every Tuesday morning at Beaver Brook Country Club. Over a friendly breakfast, chapter members casually mix and mingle, sharing business cards and ideas, and then the “formal” part of the program begins. Each member makes a 60-second presentation to the group, requesting specific referrals, offering new products or programs, etc. In addition, each week one member makes a more extensive 10-minute presentation about what’s happening in their business. A “referral passing” session concludes the meeting, when the “do you know a good electrician” referrals can be made. At their latest meeting, statistics were presented that were of great interest to the Summitt Chapter members. Since May of this year, members have reported that they have made a total of $89,000 through direct contacts made through the BNI group. If divided between members, that’s $7,400 in actual “pocket money” that the group has generated for its members. If you’d like to see what personal networking can do for your business, and if you’d like to make some new friends and learn about your community, consider joining or visiting. For information about the Summitt Chapter, contact Travis Hawkins at instravis@gmail.com, 233-4237 or Mark Enix at markenix@hotmail.com. Schedule a visit to a meeting and see what it’s all about.

Business Networking International is an organization with chapters all across the country. It exists for the purpose of sharing referrals between qualified business professionals. Last year alone, BNI’s chapters generated more than $2.2 billion in business for all its members.

The Summitt Chapter is seeking the following new members: Health Insurance Agent Hair Stylist Commercial Realtor Home Inspector Massage Therapy/ Spa Owner Pest Control Owner Banker Advertiser Local Small Business Owners Architect Printer If you are involved in one of these businesses, contact a BNI Summitt Chapter member to ask about joining our group or email instravis@gmail.com for more information.


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Church Street United Methodist offers senior care By Natalie Lester Child care services are plentiful in Knoxville, but one downtown church offers care for a different age group – senior citizens. “It’s a place for seniors who need a safe place to stay during the day and who want to be around other people with activities to keep them busy,” said Judith Winters, director of Kay Senior Care Center. At Church Street United Methodist on Henley Street, Winters and her team provide entertainment, activities and supervision for adults 55 and older. Winters said they currently care for four to 10 adults a day, but can handle up to 12. “A lot of the families say our students seem happier to be with other people. They notice a difference in them wanting to be active, not to mention the caregivers report great stress relief with a few hours off.” A typical day begins with coffee, discussion about current events and reminiscing activities. As the morning progresses, the group tran-

CONDOLENCES ■ Mynatt Funeral Homes Inc. (922-9195 or 688-2331): Leola Marie Bock Eugene Dusina Katherine Frye Linda F. Hancock James Hughett Kenneth E. “Gene” Kidd Sr. Kelly Ralph “Smokey” Leach Norma Beaver Loveday James “J.T.” May Sr. Don James McCarty Sr. Junior F. “Pinky” Pinion Lona Uneida McHaffie Porter William Clifford Richard Sr. Nakisha Breann Williams Evelyn Haney Wright Harland G. Vix ■ Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Jack Ray McAbee Troy Eugene “Gene” Harrill Anna Deane Goins Vickers James Burke

CHURCH NOTES Community services

sitions to arts and crafts, games, pet therapy or intergenerational activities with the children in the church. The kitchen staff prepares lunch, and a short rest period follows the meal. The group will host guests, take a walk or enjoy other activities until they begin leaving around 4 p.m. There is a daily fee for the services, but financial assistance is available. Participants are also required to have a doctor assessment, as well as one with the program, before they are accepted. “It doesn’t usually take that long to get enrolled and involved,” Winters said. The program has been serving the community since 1989. Winters joined the team nine years ago. She originally thought she wanted to work in child education but soon discovered her love for working with seniors after volunteering at a nursing home. “I never would have thought this is where I would be, but now I can’t imagine doing anything else,” she said. For more information or to begin the enrollment prourday of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Info: 228-9299 or the church office, 690-0160. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC Food Pantry hands out food to local families in need 1-2 p.m. every Monday and 7-8 p.m. every first Monday. Donations and volunteers are welcome. Info: 690-1060 or www. beaverridgeumc.com. ■ Cross Roads Presbyterian hosts the Halls Welfare Ministry food pantry from 6-8 p.m. each second Tuesday and from 9-11 a.m. each fourth Saturday.

Fundraisers and sales ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, youth will hold the annual Spaghetti Supper and Basket Auction 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, in the family life center. Tickets are $10 adults, $5 for children 10 and under or $30 per family. The

Remembering loved ones By Mary Lou Horner

Program coordinator Maria Salomone (standing) helps Doris Wise make the right moves during the dice card game. Photo by N. Lester

cess, call the Kay Center at 521-0289. The program is libasket auction will be 6-8 p.m. All proceeds support the missions and activities of the youth group. Info: 690-1060. ■ Central UMC, 201 Third Ave., will hold a children’s clothing and toy consignment and bake sale Friday and Saturday, March 4-5, with a consignors-only pre-sale Thursday, March 3. Consignors are currently being accepted for a $10 registration fee. Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 1: e-mail kanoak@ knoxcentralumc.org or call 363-3103. Info: knoxcentralumc. org/cs01.html. ■ Christ UMC, 7535 Maynardville Highway, will have a formal wear consignment sale for children and adults 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 12. Info: 922-1412.

censed by the Department of Human Services. Southern Gospel trio HisVoice 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 27. A love offering will be accepted. Info: www.hbcknox.org or call Byron, 219-0996.

Marguerite McCampbell has joined her husband, Joe, in heaven. Mildred Baskette, age 99, was a member of Central Baptist Church of Fountain City and local service clubs. Ernie Jones was a member of Grace Baptist, a Central High grad and a carpenter. Shirley Ann Bean will be missed by her children, 19 grandchildren and siblings. Albert Cain was a World War II veteran, a good fisherman and a glass blower. Max Kitts of Corryton was a member at Graveston Baptist Church and was a World War II veteran. Joann Monroe was a member of Christ United Methodist Church. Leola Marie Bock was a faithful member of Fountain City UMC. J.T. May Sr. was a member of Salem Baptist Church and a World War II veteran. Don James McCarty Sr. leaves his family, his loving wife, Linda Sue, children,

grandchildren and friends. George Dye was a member of Fountain City Presbyterian Church, served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and taught at Carter High. Evelyn Haney Wright, 83, was a member of Smithwood Baptist Church. Editor’s Note: These two obituaries were printed with errors last week. We apologize for the mistake. Mae Biddle, age 96, was a member of Smithwood Baptist Church for 72 years. She is in heaven with her husband, John, brother and parents. Mae leaves her children and grandchildren, and she will be missed by so many people. Donald Eugene Grissom was a member of Sharon Baptist Church. He was a custodian and cemetery caretaker for nine years. He attended Halls High School and served in the U.S. Army. He retired as a captain in the Knoxville Fire Department. He leaves his wife, Betty, of 55 years. Family members and friends will miss this special man.

Youth programs ■ Graveston Baptist Church Parents’ Day Out program is enrolling children ages 11 months to pre-k. Prices are $145/month for two days a week, $85/month for one day a week. Info: Michelle, 465-9655. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, will begin registration for summer and the 2011-2012 school year sessions of preschool and Parent’s Day Out 9 a.m. Wednesday, March 2. Info: Lori or Lisa, 531-2052.

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Music services ■ Highland Baptist Church, 6014 Babelay Rd., will host the

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■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, takes orders for Angel Food Ministries by phone, 228-9299, or in person the Saturday before each distribution. The distribution of the food is usually the third Sat-

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The Five J’s of Modern Supply Modern’s Millie Modern Supply's design consultant and remodeling expert. I’ve had an epiphany: good cabinets can simplify your life! Think about it – smart storage means less clutter, more work surface and a whole lot of feng shui in your living space. Just the other day, Jennifer Poston (one of the aforementioned 5 J’s of Modern Supply) showed me a fold-away ironing board built right into a drawer and a rollout laundry hamper tucked away under the counter. Armstrong Cabinets thought of everything my laundry room needs, except maybe a built-in dog kennel for my Great Dane, Dixie. Then Jennifer took me over to the Starmark kitchen cabinet display and romanced me with the concept of “zone planning.� That’s where you design cabinetry for a room based on the activities that happen most frequently, so you make the best use of your available space. For example, every kitchen needs a meal prep zone and a clean up zone. To keep your work zones clear, you use a pull-out spice rack and a pantry cabinet with durable built-in trays. Jennifer said Starmark will install inserts in your cabinets before they’re even delivered. In addition to all the clever storage features, there’s the purely decorative stuff that makes me want to keep my kitchen orderly and organized – unique glass-front cabinets, wire cottage inserts, bow-front cabinets and full overlay doors that hide hinges. Bring your room dimensions to the showroom and select door styles and finishes from cherry and maple to exotic woods like bamboo and rosewood. Jennifer will show you brushed nickel and Venetian bronze hardware for drawer pulls and cabinet knobs. You can choose expresso or java finishes, rubbed for character. Or go urban-boho-chic with aluminum doors and recessed cabinet lighting. The style choices are almost endless. Jennifer’s design time is free. She’ll even come to your house and take measurements free of charge. So get over to Modern Supply and get organized. Zen is in. Clutter is out. Say hey to Jennifer, and tell her Millie sent you!

They call them “The Five J’s,� and whether you meet them individually or all together, they’re the public face of Knoxville’s Modern Supply. It’s sheer coincidence that the five women who meet and work with customers at the company’s headquarters and showroom on Lovell Road all have first names that begin with the letter “J,� but it’s no coincidence whatsoever that they’re the ones selected to serve the company’s clientele. They do it well. When you call or visit the business, the first “J� you meet, and the one with the longest tenure with the company, is the ebullient Judy Pultz. She’s been there for 17 years and she’s the gatekeeper and the traffic manager. She answers the telephone, makes appointments and greets customers. She’s a natural for her position with the company. “I love my job because I get to talk to people all day,� she laughs. A North Knoxville native and Fulton High graduate, Judy was a banker for 18 years in Halls, where she has lived with her husband, Tom, a retired Knoxville firefighter, for 37 years. She is an avid

The 5 J’s of Modern Supply are Janice Allen, Jacque Quarles, Jessica Ducote, Judy Pultz and Jennifer Poston. Photo by Justin Acuff her work, gives some as gifts UT sports fan, cheering on the football team and both the and sells others. Her dream is to sell her fibre art through men’s and women’s basketball a gallery. teams. “I live, eat and drink UT sports,� she says. We Her years with Modern believe her. When we met her Supply have given Allen a she was wearing lots of orange, vantage point from which including orange earrings. to observe more than just design trends. As an example, Janice Allen is second she says that while there in seniority among the five has been a decrease in new women. She has been with home construction because Modern Supply for 14 years of a slowed economy, there and specializes in sales and design of kitchens and baths, has been an increase in the remodeling of kitchens and a job for which she is well baths, as homeowners decide trained. She has a degree in to improve their existing interior design from Middle homes rather than buying a Tennessee State University. She is also an artist, work- new home. Jacque Quarles has been ing in both needle arts and fibre arts. She keeps some of a showroom consultant with

Modern Supply for about nine years. She was previously in advertising sales with the Halls Shopper. She is “a lake person,� who can be found boating or skiing on weekends from spring to fall. Quarles is also a North Knoxville native and a graduate of Fulton. She has a daughter, Traci Cumins, and a son, Kevin Cumins. And she wouldn’t want us to leave out her pride and joy – her Giant Schnauzer, Taylor. Jennifer Poston, also a showroom consultant, is another of “the J’s� with a degree in interior design. Hers is from East Tennessee

State University. She has been with Modern Supply for about six years. She and her husband, Bubba Poston, who was a UT cheerleader, recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary with a trip to New Orleans. They are also “outdoor people,â€? who enjoy boating, snow skiing and tailgating at UT games. Their extended family includes pups Scooby and Buddy. Jessica Ducote, the newest showroom consultant, has been on staff for almost three years. Her specialty is kitchen design. She says cherry finishes remain popular in cabinetry, and white sinks and oil-rubbed bronze fixtures are also best sellers. Also an ETSU graduate, Ducote and her fiancĂŠ, Mark Whitmire, are busy planning an April wedding. In her spare time, Ducote enjoys cake decorating, but she won’t be doing her own wedding cake. She says there will be too many other details to take care of. So stop by Modern Supply if you’re building a new kitchen or bath or remodeling an old one. By the time you leave, “Jâ€? will be your favorite letter of the alphabet. – Anne Hart

Modern Supply enters 7th decade Editor’s Note: We welcome a new Strategic Partner to Shopper-News. Modern Supply is both a wholesale and retail source of kitchen and bathroom supplies, located on Lovell Road in Farragut. Nick Frantz interviewed owners Pace Robinson and Dottie Ramsey two years ago. Here are excerpts from that story. “I can still tell you where the displays were at our downtown showroom,� says Pace Robinson, CEO of Modern Supply, about the store’s location nearly 30 years ago. The Knoxvillebased business moved out to its current location, 525 Lovell Road, in 1980 – displaced by the World’s Fair. Over the years, one thing has remained constant. “People are the most important part of what we do,� Robinson says. “We can buy things, we can open up stores, but if we don’t have great people, the rest doesn’t matter. “We spend most of our time hiring and cultivating relationships. Attitude can’t be taught but faucets, baths – that can be taught.�

Robinson’s father started the business on Magnolia Avenue in a one-room house, selling scrap plumbing to builders and contractors. The legend is he started with $1,600, according to Dottie Ramsey, the company’s president and COO. Modern Supply quickly outgrew its Magnolia location and moved to Western and Dale avenues in the late-50s; then to Farragut. “So we came out to Lovell Road. There wasn’t anything here except us and a couple of truck stops,� Ramsey says of the now-hectic stretch of road near Turkey Creek. For the first 20 years, Modern Supply only sold one thing – plumbing. The company added HVAC. Then came cabinets and kitchen appliances. The ’70s brought expansion with a Morristown location. Modern Supply currently has seven branches in Tennessee and Virginia. Recently, the company remodeled its 10,000 square foot showroom and redesigned its

Now and then: Dottie Ramsey, president and COO of Modern Supply, shows off the latest kitchen appliances and cabinets. website to target individual buyers as well as general contractors and builders. One of the best services Modern Supply can offer is its expertise. Those expert showroom consultants give its customers design, planning and installation consulting services. For free. “And it’s not just AC where we have experience. Our people know it all. At some big box stores, you may have to go

to Aisle 11 to get help there and then another person helps you in Aisle 15. We all do Aisle 1 to Aisle 30,� Ramsey said. But, if you think that experience has led to a stale, stuffy, old-fashioned business, think again. You can take a virtual 360-degree tour of the showroom on the new website. You can find Modern’s Millie on Twitter and be a fan on Facebook.

“We aren’t the place to go online to find out how much a faucet costs,� Robinson says. “That’s not what we’re about. But you can take a look at what we do have to offer in our showroom and then come in and see what a great thing we’ve got going on here.� Modern Supply is located at 525 Lovell Road. Info: 9664567 or www.ModernSupply Showroom.com/.


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Developers oppose hillside slope plan


By Sandra Clark Lumpy Lambert always said it would come to this: When folks discover how hillside protection affects their property values, opposition will form. The opposition is here. Realtors, homebuilders and developers are expected to pack the workshop session tomorrow (Feb. 22) as County Commission starts debate on the proposal. The plan is available for inspection online at www.knoxmpc.org/. Commissioner Tony Norman and former City Council member Joe Hultquist chaired the committee which developed the plan, after extensive public hearings in all parts of town and with staff assistance from the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Now it’s up to the full commission and council to adopt, modify or reject their proposal. Scott Davis, a former county commissioner and developer of Jefferson Park in Farragut, says everyone is in agreement that ridge tops should be protected, but this plan goes too far. “Around here, we call a 15 percent slope pretty damn flat,” said Davis. The plan allows a maximum of two dwelling units per acre on slopes of 15 percent or greater. Slopes of 30 percent or more can have just one home per five-acre tract with added restrictions on tree removal. “If you want to build affordable housing or condo units, that won’t happen when 200 units require 100 acres,” Davis said. He said the apartments along I-640 west of Broadway were built eight to 10 units per acre, and some in the RB zone are 12 to 15 units per acre.

Ables celebrates 28 years in Halls

This map from the MPC website shows the area in green which will be impacted by the proposed Ridge, Slope and Hillside Development and Protection plan. Opponents say the plan affects more than 60,000 property owners.

He said MPC has spent more than $300,000 to develop the plan, yet now say their budget doesn’t stretch to cover an esti-

WORKSHOPS ■ County Commission will hold a workshop on the hillside plan at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, in the main assembly room, City County Building. Info: 215-2534. ■ City Council has reset their workshop to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28, also in the main assembly room. Info: 215-2075.

mated $17,000 to notify affected property owners. Davis said homebuilders could get behind a plan similar to Sevier County’s. It restricts development on

slopes 30 percent or greater only. Gary Novell, an engineer with Batson, Himes, Norvell and Poe, resigned from the task force, citing misrepresentations and a lack of information from MPC. Davis said the plan places an overlay on 131,077 acres – 204 of Knox County’s 526 square miles of land. Developers in Knox County and across the country have experienced a tough three years. The local ones are uniting to battle land use restrictions that will affect their ability to cram multiple dwelling units onto steep land. And that fight will occur this week and next at County Commission. For a little while, it will seem like the good ol’ days.

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Sean Mitchell watches a demonstration of a cold laser by Dr. Lynn Ables of the Halls Chiropractic Clinic. Ables celebrated the clinic’s 28th anniversary last week and showed customers her appreciation with free refreshments, free chair massages, half price specials and drawings for great prizes. Ables has built her practice through offering more than just chiropractic services and by looking at the whole person. “I care about my patients and keep on the cutting edge of technology to help them.” Photo by Ruth White

Teaming up to win As a former football player, I love to win. As the head of KCDC, I love to help our community win. That’s why I’m so pleased with a joint endeavor between KCDC and the Knoxville Area Urban League that’s a win-win for Knoxville and, in particular, the Mechanicsville community. Gary Gamble is the owner of Gam’s Hair Fashions, a successful barbershop in Mechanicsville that was opened with the help of a loan from the Urban League. Next month, Gamble is branching out with Linda’s Soul Café, a restaurant located in the building next door to his barbershop. Gamble was able to purchase the building through a loan from the Urban League’s micro-lending program. That loan will be

Alvin Nance Executive Director and CEO, Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation

transformations backed up by KCDC. Basically, the arrangement is that, in the unfortunate event that the restaurant doesn’t do well and the loan is defaulted, KCDC will acquire the property and resell it. That way, we protect Mechanicsville from having an empty building that would create an eyesore. KCDC, through HOPE VI, has invested much to revitalize the area, and we intend to protect that investment. Gamble has never operated a restaurant, but he plans to employ the same

strong customer service that has helped his barbershop thrive. Having seen his happy customers at the barbershop and knowing that the Urban League provides solid small business education to its loan recipients, I have every confidence that the restaurant will succeed. I sure look forward to stopping by for a good meal. Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize that the Knoxville Area Urban League touches more than 8,000 lives in our community each year. In addition to helping support economic and small business development, they work to provide a skilled and diverse workforce; increase home ownership; and enhance education efforts for our youth.

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All contact information collected is used exclusively by the American Diabetes Association. We will not rent or sell your information.



Area teams in district tourney action For some the season ends, others advance By Greg Householder

Graham joins 1,000 point club Central High girl’s basketball coach Tony Patterson congratulates junior guard Makayla Graham on scoring her 1,000th point in her high school career. Photo by Ruth White

Halls soccer tryouts Halls middle school-age (10-14) boys soccer tryouts are 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at the Halls High soccer field. Info: Paula Owens, mysoccerboys@comcast.net.

Powell Youth Football sign-ups Powell Youth Football sign-ups are 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 22 and March 1, and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at Halftime Pizza.

Coggins clinic at Co-op The spring Coggins clinic will be held at the Knox Farmers Co-op in Halls, 3903 Fountain Valley Drive, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. For info, pricing and availability: Danny, 922-2114. Check out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at


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For many area high school basketball teams it was “win or go home.” District tournament action began last week. Prior to tournament play beginning, many squads had unfinished regular season business to complete. In girls play on Feb. 10: Farragut downed CAK 6045, Central fell to Campbell County 72-56 and Halls topped Sevier County 40-37. In boys action: Farragut beat CAK 74-57, Central thumped Campbell County 106-69 and Halls fell to Sevier County 74-68. In girls games on Feb. 11: Hardin Valley Academy topped Karns 68-50, Grace Christian Academy fell to Anderson County 35-18, West beat Cleveland 47-26, Farragut topped Bearden 48-30, Central fell to Fulton 57-45, Halls rolled over Clinton 64-35 and Powell fell to Oak Ridge 62-35. In boys play: West beat Cleveland 71-62, Grace topped Anderson County 66-63, Central beat Fulton 84-72, Halls topped Clinton 64-61, Bearden downed Farragut 74-47, Karns beat HVA 67-58 and Powell fell to Oak Ridge 75-55. In girls play on Feb. 12, CAK fell to Elizabethton and Catholic beat Notre Dame 47-28. In boys action, CAK topped Elizabethton 7256 and Catholic beat Notre Dame 47-37. In nontournament action last Monday, the CAK girls topped Scott 50-48 while the Warrior boys fell 56-48. The Bearden boys mauled

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by Campbell County 73-72 and Clinton sent the Halls boys packing 56-53. In Division II-A East/ Middle regional action, the Webb boys’ season ended at the hands of Ezell-Harding 54-44. In last Tuesday’s tournament action, the Webb girls beat the Webb School of Bell Buckle 56-15 in Division II-A East/Middle regional action. The Gibbs girls’ season ended at the hands of Union County 57-45 in District 3-2A play-in action. The William Blount girls sent Catholic home 52-49 in District 4-3A tournament action. The Bearden girls beat Heritage 54-43 also in District 4-3A play. The Grace girls’ season ended against Sweetwater in District 3-1A action. In boys play last Tuesday, Gibbs’ season ended with a 60-49 loss to Union County in District 3-2A play. In District 3-3A Karns sent Powell home 66-58. Last Wednesday, the HVA girls ended Powell’s season 55-27 and Halls sent Central home 63-46 in DisHalls High’s Madison Keith and Central High’s Caroline Tester- trict 3-3A play. Farragut’s man battle on the court in hopes of staying alive in district boys beat William Blount tournament action. Halls defeated Central and advanced to 68-49. play Hardin Valley Academy last weekend. Photo by Tim Gangloff District tournament play continued through the Carter 80-58. home 75-47 while Powell’s weekend and ends early this In last Monday’s District girls did the same to Karns week. Results of the week3-3A play-in games, the 63-44. end games were unavailable Central girls sent Clinton The HVA boys squeaked at press time.

Halls High seniors honored Senior athletes at Halls High were recently honored for their contribution to their sport at the final home basketball game of the season. Pictured are basketball players Joe Swearingen and Cayla Varner, cheerleader Alyssa Vito, and dance team members Sarah Monroe and Katie Treece. Photo by Ruth White

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Central High seniors honored Above, Central High School honored senior basketball players during the final regular season game against Fulton High. Pictured are: Dre Mathieu, Tommy Bushur, Matt McBee, Marcus Stanford and A.C. Eddins. At left, senior member of the Central High basketball team Jalisa Ash was honored for her accomplishments and contributions during her high school career. Photos by Ruth White

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Powell wins; HMS girls earn award By Ken Lay The Powell Middle School girls basketball team closed its season with a 33-29 victory over Holston in the thirdplace game in the James A. Ivey Jr. Memorial Middle School Basketball Tournament. Jill Gorman scored 10 points, and Tori Lentz added nine to help the Panthers avenge their regular-season loss to the Hurricanes. Hayley Cavalaris led the third-seeded ’Canes with nine points. Point guard Quay Hines finished with eight points, and Alaeni Ray added seven. Gorman, Hines and Holston’s Hope Hopson were named to the All-Tournament team along with Gorman and Powell’s Averi Williams. Logan Lacey was named to the All-Tournament team

in Powell’s two games. He had 14 points and 10 rebounds in the seventh-seeded Panthers’ 59-35 victory over rival Halls in an opening-round game. In the overtime loss to the second seeded Warriors, he scored 22 and pulled down 11 rebounds. He hit a shot to force overtime as time expired in regulation. The Halls girls and Powell boys won the conference acaThe Halls Middle School girls basketball team won the Knox demic award. The Demons County Middle School Basketball Conference Academic had a 3.8 team GPA. The Award. Pictured are (front): manager Katie Tang, Danielle Dug- Panthers, who also had a 3.8 ger, Rachel Drumheller, Celine Hughes, Harper Cherry, Carley GPA, won the award for the Shuler, Amber Headrick, Daniele Beeler; (back) manager Nicki second consecutive season. Corcione, Taylor Moon, Daniela Jones, Kaci Mitchell, Katelyn Holston’s Kelvin Jackson Cantrell, Lauren White, Katie Corum and coach Tom Poisal. The and Powell’s Peyton Smiley team won the award with a 3.8 GPA. Photo submitted were named to the All-County team. Katelyn Cantrell of for the Powell Middle School County runner-up Whittle Halls, Gorman and Cavaboys. Powell played two tour- Springs on Feb. 5. laris were regular season allnament games before being Lacey scored 36 points county selections along with eliminated by eventual Knox and pulled down 21 rebounds Northwest’s Jakayia Fain.

SPORTS NOTES ■ The second annual Mark Bradley, Jarvis Reado lineman camp will be held 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at CAK Football Field for current 4th-7th graders. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119. ■ Sign-ups for Halls Community Park spring league’s 5U14U and wee ball for 3- and 4-year-olds 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the park every Saturday in February.

Members of the Halls High swim team who participated in the Tennessee High School Swimming and Diving Championships include: (front) Kent Eldreth, Tucker Hunley; (back) Ryan Lovvorn, Ashley Durham, Will Duncan, Caleb Whitaker and Holten Wyatt. Photo submitted

Swim team makes splash at state The state high school swimming and diving championships were held earlier this month at the University of Tennessee and the swimmers representing Halls High School made a great showing. The 200 and 400 replay events were the highlight of the weekend for the team as it dropped more than a combined 30 seconds in the relays. Holten Wyatt broke his best 100 backstroke time, Kent Eldreth broke his best 100 butterfly time and Tucker Hunley broke his best 100 freestyle time.

■ Willow Creek Youth Park girls softball spring 2011 sign ups for weeball (3-4-yearolds), coach pitch (6U-8U) and fast pitch (10U, 12U and 14U) will be at the park 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. every Saturday in February. Weeball is $35. All other ages are $55. Bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Info: Dedra Johnson, 5999920; Alishia Liston, 742-9205; or Mike McFarland, 789-4113. ■ Sign-ups at Inskip Ballpark every Saturday in February and March, noon to 2 p.m. for ages 4-14, baseball and softball. Fee is $65 and includes a shirt and hat. Teams of up to six are welcome and siblings get a price break. Info: 7429911 or 740-5840.

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■ Spring recreational baseball sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 3-12. Tee ball, coach pitch and player pitch. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through early June. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Spring recreational softball sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 7-12. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through late May. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403.

Halls High senior Wade Collins recently signed to play soccer at Carson-Newman College. Pictured at the signing are: (seated) Will Collins, Wade; (standing) HHS soccer coach Scott Rhea, parents Lori and Barry Collins and HHS athletic director Jason Webster. Photo by Ruth White

Collins to head to Carson-Newman Wade Collins has been playing soccer since he was 5 years old. He fell in love with the constant nature of the sport. The four-year player at Halls will continue playing soccer after graduation at Carson-Newman College. For Collins, the soccer program at Carson-Newman was “a good fit” and he felt at home when he visited the campus. While playing for the Red Devils, Collins learned to be

a leader and to step up and show the younger players a good work ethic. He will take these skills with him to college and use them on and off the soccer field. Collins plans to study in the medical field while in college. As for this season, Collins would like to see his team advance past the district tournament. He believes it is something that the team can do and he plans on helping them reach the goal.

Start the week off right.t.

■ Aggressive, experienced player needed for Gibbs Knockouts 12u fast pitch softball. Info: 335-3232. ■ Three players needed for 12u traveling team. Info: 466-0927. ■ Baseball tournament , at Halls Community Park, Friday through Sunday, March 4-6, 6U-14U and also a middle school division for both varsity and junior varsity. Info: 992-5504 or e-mail hcpsports@msn.com.

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Halls High School

Alumni Hall of Fame Mission Statement The purpose of the Halls High School Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor Alumni who have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements, leadership and/ or contributions in the following areas: academics, the arts, business, public service, and athletics. The intent of the Hall of Fame is to foster pride in our school and community by inspiring both present and future students.

Hall of Fame Criteria 1. Nominee must be an Alumnus of Halls High School 2. Nominee must be a person who has excelled through recognized contribution and/or achievements at the local, state, national or international level 3. Nominee must have been out of school for thirty years 4. Application will be kept on file and will not need to be resubmitted for five years 5. There will be a maximum of three inductees annually 6. Application must be submitted by March 1 to qualify for the current year

HHS Hall of Fame Nominee Application Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________


Telephone: ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________

at Halftime Pizza

Birth Name:__________________________________________________________

Tuesday, February 22 Tuesday, March 1 6 pm - 8 pm

Years at HHS: ________________________________________________________

Saturday, February 26 11 am - 3 pm

Living: ________________________Deceased: _____________________________

Contact information of person making nomination: Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________

RECREATION N LEAG LEAGUES GUES 4 & 5 Year Old Boys & Girls T-Ball 6 & Under Coach Pitch 7 & 8 Year Old Coach Pitch 9 & 10 Year Olds 11 & 12 Year Olds The league you play in is based on how old you are as of April 30, 2011. • Fees: 1st child - $80, 2nd - $75, 3rd or more $30 each. • Due to Knox Co. deciding not to provide insurance we have had to increase our fees by $5 per player to offset the added expense of carrying our own insurance. • Fees also help pay for umpires, field upkeep, team equipment & year-end individual trophies.


Telephone: ___________________________________________________________

Ages 6 and 7 - 8 Monday, March 7 • 6pm

Relationship: _________________________________________________________

Ages 9 - 10 and 11 - 12 Tuesday, March 8 • 6pm If you are required to tryout someone will contact you prior to the tryout date. Any player not already on a team from the previous season or any player wishing to not play on last season’s team must tryout and go through the draft. If a player cannot attend they will be drafted blindly.

Explain how the nominated individual’s actions, service and/or achievements bring honor and distinction to the heritage of Halls High School. To enhance the nominee’s credentials please provide detailed evidence with documentation of the person’s accomplishments, recognition, contributions, and any other supporting information that will assist the selection committee. Please attach with the application. Return all applications to:

Halls High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame Selection Committee P.O. Box 70654 Knoxville, TN 37938

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New hip hits home run for Knoxville man After nearly three decades of pain, Scott Vogt of Knoxville knew a hip replacement was in his future. As a teenager, he had surgery on his left hip and pins inserted in the joint because it slipped out of place playing football and hockey. Over the years, the remaining cartilage had worn away, causing pain. “It was bone on bone and very painful,� remembers 47-year-old Vogt. “It was hard tying my shoes or putting my socks on. I thought I’d better go ahead and get a hip replacement done.� Orthopedic surgeon Dr. John Harrison replaced Vogt’s left hip with a prosthetic at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center’s Joint Center, which specializes in hip and knee replacements. While this surgery is never easy, Vogt set a new record for recovery thanks to the before-surgery education and after-surgery care he received. Vogt attended an hour-long class at the Joint Center at Fort Sanders before surgery to help him know what to expect and how to prepare his home for his return. He removed throw rugs from the hall, moved the dog’s dish out of the way in the kitchen, and put pots and pans out where he could reach them easily after his hospital stay.

Since having his hip replaced at the Fort Sanders Joint Center, Scott is now able to enjoy outdoor activities again. As a result, Vogt says he was prepared mentally as well as physically for the surgery. “They told me they were going to get me up right away,� he says. “I had the surgery at 1 p.m., and by 3 p.m., the physical therapists had me up and walking.� In fact, Vogt walked 2,200 feet on his second day after surgery.

“That was a record,� he explains. After going home, Vogt worked another two months with physical therapists several times each week, training on an elliptical machine, walking and lifting weights. “The physical therapists were tough, but they were doing what they needed to do. They really whipped me into shape.� Vogt is

back at work as a manager at the Fort Sanders Sleep Disorders Center. On weekends he’s been remodeling his house and even golďŹ ng – this time, without pain. “I’ve got to say my care was excellent at Fort Sanders,â€? says Vogt. “The whole experience was scary at ďŹ rst, but when I saw how quickly I healed, I was very impressed.â€?

The hip is one of the body’s largest weight-bearing joints. It has two main parts: the ball (or head) at the top of the thigh and the socket (acetabulum) in the hip bone. In a healthy joint, the ball and socket are both coated in a smooth covering, called cartilage, and bathed in a small amount of fluid. This enables the two parts of the hip to move freely. But over time, arthritis can wear away at the cartilage in a hip joint. As cartilage wears, the resulting bone-on-bone scraping is painful and can damage the underlying bone.

Surgical options for hip pain include: minimally-invasive procedure in which loose cartilage or bone fragments are removed through very small incisions.

emphasizes team approach to recovery that gets patients moving sooner and healing faster. “Standardized means that every patient is getting a similar type of approach to therapy,� says Joint Center co-director, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Edkin. “Each patient goes through a similar protocol. The center offers a more aggressive approach to rehabilitation and advanced pain management. Part of therapy is helping patients mobilize quicker and become more at ease with their daily activities.� The process begins with a preoperative education class, often led by the same nurses and therapists who will see the patient following surgery. Those familiar faces before and after surgery are a boost for patient success, says Patients and staff are partners in their Denny. care at the Fort Sanders Joint Center. “We talk about the surgery, what to expect afterward, how to knee and hip replacements, al- prevent complications,� says Denthough other joints can be treated ny. “Patients like knowing what to as well. The standardized care expect. I tell them to bring their combines modern surgical tech- own clothes, because we’re going niques, patient education and a to get you up and out of that hosmore intensive therapy program pital gown.�

Hip replacements are among the most important medical advancements of the last century, with some 193,000 total replacements every year in the United States, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Replacements are most commonly done in patients over the age of 50, whose hips have been damaged from the cumulative effects of arthritis.

N Arthroscopy – A

Fort Sanders Joint Center Fort Sanders Regional patients are beneďŹ ting from an innovative approach to joint replacement surgery. While knee, hip and other joint replacement procedures have beenperformed for years at Fort Sanders, the hospital’s Joint Center Brian S. Edkin, program ofM.D., Orthopedic fers a new way Surgeon for patients to prepare for and recuperate from those surgeries. Doctors, nurses and physical therapists work together to design a standard treatment plan for patients, in a newly remodeled 13room section of the hospital. “Our No. 1 goal is to get you well and get you home,â€? says Joint Center manager Tricia Denny. “We have a uniďŹ ed approach for all patients who come into the center, and we have had excellent results.â€? The Fort Sanders Regional Joint Center primarily focuses on

Hip replacements are hip

N Osteotomy – For younger

The day after surgery patients are encouraged to get out of bed for breakfast and dress in their own clothing. Patients undergo physical therapy both individually and in small groups with other patients. Just being with others in the same situation is a motivation for success, according to Dr. Edkin. “They can see how they’re doing in relation to their neighbor,� says Dr. Edkin. “They motivate each other. If they see a nearby patient walk 100 feet, they say “By golly I’m going to walk 100 feet!’ � From a staff standpoint, the program is also very popular because nurses and therapist get to know the patients and care a great deal about their success. “We’re excited about it and enjoy working with patients through the whole process,� says Denny. By the morning of the second or third day, most patients are ready to go home. “It’s amazing how great they do,� exclaims Denny. For more information about the Joint Center at Fort Sanders Regional, call 673-FORT (3678).

patients with early arthritis and hip dysplasia and an abnormally shallow hip socket, the bones of the hip and thigh bone are reshaped and realigned to decrease pressure in the joint. This may delay the need for future hip surgery for a decade or more.

N Traditional hip replacement – Uses a 10- to 12-inch incision on the side of the hip, the muscles are split open and the ball and socket of the hip are cut away. A new artificial prosthesis ball and socket, made of a combination of metal, ceramics and plastics, are attached to the bone, typically with special surgical cement. The muscles are reattached, and the surgical site closed. Recovery usually takes at least two months, but most patients have a significant improvement in quality of life and reduction of pain. For information about the orthopedic surgeons who practice at Fort Sanders Regional, call 673-FORT (3678).



Critters in the community Good news to report from the Knoxville Zoo. Geoffrey’s marmosets Willow and Newton welcomed a beautiful set of twins Feb. 6.

Sara Barrett

Critter Tales The babies are doing great and will rely on both the mother and father to raise them. According to information released by the zoo, Geoffrey’s marmosets are a threatened species and are housed at only 28 zoos in the nation. The Knoxville

Two Geoffrey’s marmosets similar to this little cutie just added to their family at the Knoxville Zoo. Photo submitted Zoo is home to one of only 16 breeding pairs. In other local animal news, the German Shepherd Dog Club of East Tennessee and UT’s College of Veterinary Medicine will again host a “K-9 Veterans Day” to honor all dogs who have served our country, includ-

Snow, where are you?

ing military working dogs, search and rescue dogs, and therapy dogs who comfort our wounded veterans. The event will take place 1 p.m. Saturday, March 12, at the War Dog Memorial at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, 2407 River Drive. Everyone is invited. Names of military working dogs, police dogs or deceased service dogs may be submitted for inclusion in the ceremony. Submit the information by e-mail to gsdc.east.tn@gmail.com no later than Friday, Feb. 25. Remember to include your name, the dog’s name, service duty and tattoo number or other identifier, if applicable. Info: www. k9veteransday.org.

This is another one for the “Kids Say the Darnedest Things” file. You and I may be ecstatic over the warmer temperatures and brighter days lately, but Daniel, apparently, is missing his old friend, snow. It was one of the first warm days last weekend, and Zac and I had thrown open the windows and the door to the back deck in celebration. As we enjoyed the fresh air, Daniel dug into his bedroom closet and found a toy we’d put away: a little blue sleigh with a stuffed bear sitting in it. He pushed it around on the kitchen linoleum and the hallway laminate for a while before heading toward the great outdoors. Once on the back deck, though, the little

New additions to Vista Radiology Board certified radiologist Monica Kessi, M.D., and d ia g no s tic neuroradiologist Jason BrantDeen, M.D., have joined Kessi Vista Radiology P.C. Dr. Kessi will work remotely from her office in Maui, Hawaii, and Dr. Deen will work within the continental U.S.

Vista Radiology is the largest and most sub - spe cialized radiology practice in East Te n n e s see, providing Deen radiology services for nine hospitals including Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and East Tennessee Children’s Hospital.

Glass workshop The Appalachian Arts Craft Center in Norris will a Glass Fusing Workshop 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, with Kathy King. Students will learn the basics of glass fusing and make pendants using dichroic glass. Cost is $50 for members, $60 nonmembers plus $40 for materials. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 23. Info: 494-9854 or www.appalachianarts.net.

HALLS - Plenty of room & lots of possibilities. This 5BR w/ Bonus has approx 2000 sqft of basement w/half bath plum for shower, great for workshop or could finish out. Main floor has 9ft ceilings, Master on main w/lrg bath, 12x10 laundry rm on main, 2 full baths up, 2 HVAC units, , 2 car garage on main w/2 separate stg areas. Lots of storage space & closets. $325,000 (732214)

GIBBS - One level 3BR 2BA open floor plan featuring: Plantation shutters, vaulted ceilings & sky lights in lr, gas fp, master suite w/ large walk in closet, 12x8 Sunroom, 10x12 screen porch & fenced yard. Neighborhood Pool & Clubhouse. Convenient location. Seller to give $2,000 carpet allowance. $149,900 (745761)

FTN CTY - Great 2BR 2BA Ranch end unit condo in very convenient location. This end unit features: brick 14x20 courtyard entry, living rm/ dining rm combo, eat-in kitchen, handicap equipped. Washer & Dryer stay & some furniture for sale. Updates include: new microwave & garage door opener. $122,500 (738065)

HALLS - Looking for a large open floor plan? This 3Br 3Ba Brick Condo features: Vaulted Ceilings, Crown Molding, beautiful tile flooring, upgraded cabinets & fixtures, Master suite & office on main, fam rm, living rm and 11.8x23.6 sunroom. Open kitchen w/double wall ovens & 5 burner cook top, 10.6x7 laundry rm w/extra storage. Plenty of closets & storage w endless room possibilities. Enjoy outside with private courtyard patio. A Must See! $249,900 (745129)

LAND Corryton - Great 3BR 2BA Rancher w/private view in back and level yard. This home features: Eat in kitchen, Living rm/Dining rm combo, master suite w/ dbl vanity & walk-in closets through-out. $129,600. Seller will pay up to $2500 cc w/ accep offer. (729063)

Beautiful Norris Lake! This .93 acre lot in the Gated Community of Hickory Pointe features: Year round lake access & $500 year dues include Club House, Pool, Boat Ramp and boat slips on first come basis. $ 39,900 or Lots 1 & 2 can be purchased together 1.86 acres for $70,000. Well & Septic Needed. 742593 & 742585

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sleigh lost its momentum. Daniel carried it back to the doorway and held up his hands. “Where’d the snow go, Mommy?” “It’s too warm for snow right now, buddy.” He looked up at the sky. “Snow, where are you?” Then, putting his hands on his hips and stomping his foot in what I hope wasn’t imitation of yours truly, he said, “Snow, come down

■ The second annual Adopt a Rescued Rabbit month will be celebrated throughout the month of February. Info: 212-876-7700 or visit www. aspca.org. ■ Smoky Mountain Great Danes rescue group will hold an adoption event 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at AgriFeed Pet Supply, 5716 Middlebrook Pike. Info: 5843959.

Wheeler, a 12-week-old male shepherd/terrier mix puppy, is a handsome Young-Williams Animal Center resident with unusual striped markings. His personality is outstanding and he loves to play with other puppies. For such a young pup, he is a good listener. This should make training him a bit easier for his family. Wheeler is available for adoption at the main center, 3201 Division St. As the weather warms, the number of kittens and puppies coming to the center will increase. Now is the time to spay/neuter before the numbers rise. Call 866-907-SPAY (7729) for information about low-cost spay/neuter options in your area. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday. The adoption center at Young-Williams Animal Village, 6400 Kingston Pike, is open daily from noon to 6 p.m. See all of the center’s adoptable animals at www.knoxpets.org.

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■ The fourth annual Mardi Growl Parade will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, March 5, beginning at the PetSafe Downtown Dog Park on the corner of Summit Hill and Central Avenue. A festival will follow from noon to 2 p.m. on Market Square. Prizes will be awarded for best costume, most volunteer spirit, petowner look-alike and best naked dog. The grand marshal will be local canine celebrity Little Brown Dog. Info: 2156599 or www.knoxpets.org.


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Dr. Steven C. Crippen had root canal treatments need to have caps made for them?” Answer: “The great majority of teeth which have had root canal treatments do indeed need to have “caps" (crowns) made for them. Two factors primarily contribute to this need. One, when the diseased nerve and tissue are removed from the tooth root canal (tunnel), the enamel and dentin become more brittle, and the possibility of fracture is increased. Two,

for most teeth that have had root canal treatments, the “above the gumline” tooth structure has been weakened due to decay or fracture. Crowns serve to help protect the teeth from further breakage and restore their natural appearance. In some rare instances, a tooth with little or no structural damage will require root canal treatment. On such a tooth a crown may not be needed, and the dentist will often permanently seal the entrance to the canal with a bonding tooth colored restorative material”

Steven C. Crippen, D.D.S.

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Contact Shannon Carey at shannon@ ShopperNewsNow.com.

Gluten Free Vendor Fair Celi-ACT, a support group for families with members affected by gluten intolerance, will host its third annual Gluten Free Vendor Fair 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 12, at the Jacobs Building at Chilhowee Park. There will be more than 40 businesses and organizations present that cater to people with gluten intolerance, as well as dietitians and pedicatric and adult gastroenterologists speaking about gluten allergies. Free samples will also be available. Children’s activities will include face painting and much more. Admission is $5 with children 13 and under admitted free. Maximum admission is $20 per family. Info: www.celi-act.com or www.giforkids.com.

Halls Senior Center Events for the week of Feb. 21: ■ Monday, Feb. 21, Center closed for Presidents Day ■ Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2 p.m., a veteran’s representative from Knox County will be at the center to answer VA questions ■ Thursday, Feb. 24 , 2 p.m., movie time: “Casablanca” ■ Friday, Feb. 25 , 9:30 a.m., Pilates class, free admission ■ Every Monday and Wednesday, 1 p.m., Rook ■ Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1 p.m., SAIL exercise ■ Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 11 a.m., exercise class ■ Every Friday at 9:30 a.m., Pilates ■ Info: 922-0416

Corryton Senior Center

Dental Answers Question: “Do all teeth that have

here now!” “Mommy, snow down here now?” he looked at me and asked. At which point I was forced to admit through giggles that Mommy can do a lot of things, but controlling the weather isn’t one of them. I didn’t have the heart to break it to him that it might be a year before he sees snow again. But, before the snow situation got too intense, Daniel hit upon another plan. He grabbed his red wagon, set the sleigh and bear inside, and the ride was smooth once more. If we have another late blizzard this year, guess who I’m blaming.

Events for the week of Feb. 21: ■ Monday, Feb. 21: Center closed for Presidents Day ■ Tuesday, Feb. 22: 9 a.m., billiards; 1 p.m., pinochle ■ Wednesday, Feb. 23: 8:45 a.m. exercise; 9 a.m., quilting; 10 a.m., dominos ■ Thursday, Feb. 24: 8:45 a.m., exercise; 9 a.m., quilting; 1 p.m., pinochle; 6:45 p.m., exercise ■ Friday, Feb. 25: 9 a.m., billiards Mark your calendars: Monday, Feb. 28: 10 a.m., trip to East TN Historical Museum and lunch Friday, March 4: 5-7 p.m., chili supper Tuesday, March 15: 10 a.m., crochet class begins Tuesday, March 29: 9 a.m., mammograms; 10 a.m., decorative painting class


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FOR INFO leading to apprehension of person(s) who stole a cast-iron security safe made by Halls Safe Co w/Eagle on front door, taken from residence on Old Tazewell Pk. Pls call 257-7281 or 356-0915. No questions asked.


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LUTTRELL – 5BR/3BA, 3268 SF. $219,900 MLS#734669

Starting in the $300s





2002 16x80, 3 BR, 2 BA, big deck, new stor. bldg., in nice park. $21,000 obo. 865-689-5646 3BR, 2BA Singlewide Owner financing. Karns area, $613 mo. 865-250-4205 for info. SINGLE 14'X70' 2BR/2BA Split plan, MB 17.5'x13.75'. Walk-in closet, new hvac & L/R flooring. Fridge, stove, W/D. Clear title. $11,500. 250-3831

Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 2BR mobile home. 2 adults/ 2 children. No pets. $400-$600/mo. 992-2444.



TION 725286MASTER SATURDAY, Ad Size 2 FEB. x 5 26 • NOON 4c NOwner Selling due to <ec>

FIRST TEAM REALTY 731292MASTER Ad Size 3 x 5 4c N Eddie <ec>

Cats ^


Auctioneer’s Notes: Halls Has it

CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 10 wks, 3F, purebred, $125. Phone 865-966-9261

Owner “Ordered Sold” 3BR/1.5BA, 1300 SF, all brick, 1-level home. Hardwood floors, open floor plan, fireplace w/insert, screened-in back patio, level and fenced-in rear year and 2-car garage. Immaculate home is owned by a non-smoker and is ready for you. Low down payments and low monthly payments. Terms: 10% buyers premium added to all sales. 10% buyers premium down on real estate day of sale, balance at closing. View/inspection call for appointment. Leadbase paint inspection starts Jan. 30, 2011 until Feb. 14, 2011. Directions: Maynardville Hwy to Afton to left on Seeber. Property address 3716 Seeber Drive. tnauctiononline.com for details.

Doberman Pinschers, males, black & tan, born 1/1/11. $450. 423-223-0318 KNX733095


Co-op Available To All Realtors

HALL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. Gibbs Area – Immaculate, large open floor plan, 3BR/2BA, 1394 SF, hardwood floors, updated kit, screened-in porch, landscaped yard, plenty of storage. MLS#743980. $149,900.

HOUSE ACCOUNT PAID 221082MASTER Ad Size 10 x 6 SRO N Re/Max Group Ad <ec>

Lic#2447 • 688-8600 tnauction@aol.com Homes

40 Homes

40 Homes

40 Homes

It’s the experience that counts! 689-8100

24/7 Info Line: 865-392-5800 – enter CODE

Deborah Hill-Hobby 207-5587





Janice & Larry Weaver



TIMBERLAKE $479,900. 5BR + bonus rm. 3BA/3 half BAs! Approx 4353 SF. Master on main & master suite up. Master w/adj study w/french doors, cultured marble shwr & whirlpool tub. Loads of windows. Set up for cen vac. Sec sys, irr sys & sod front lawn. Raised patio w/wrought iron railing. Lrg kit w/cherry cabs & granite tops, S/S appl. Braz cherry hdwd flrs. Walk-up attic, DR w/ columns open to FR. Grand 2-sty entry w/ open staircase, 3-car gar. MLS# 747293


Rhonda Vineyard 218-5063


WOW! This is a condo with it all! Bldr's personal hm, 2 lrg BRs, 2 full BAs, open flr plan w/vaulted ceil in FR open to kit & dining area. Lrg bonus rm over 2-car gar. Screened porch, triple fire wall protection. Conv location, close to interstate, shopping & dining. $170,000. CALL 865-218-5065.



100% FINANCING AVAILABLE! All brick, 3BR/2BA w/ bonus rm/ office & 2-car gar. Lrg open FR & DR, eat-in tile kit, 2 W/I closets in master, tile floors in BAs, new carpet allowance, fenced lot on a cul-de-sac st. $124,900. MLS#737108

Jason McMahan 257-1332


Beautiful 1-level in great North location! 3BRs w/split BR design, open flr plan w/lrg FR w/vaulted ceil & FP open to dining area & kit. Hdwd flrs, covered back patio. Well maintained. $157,500. CALL 865-218-5065.

8000 Dove Wing Ln. H in Solomon Place S/D RT in Halls. 3BR/2BA, all NO brick ranch home. 2-car garage, level cul-de-sac lot. Seller has added sunroom, hdwd & tile, vinyl fencing, storm door, patio & much more. Big kit & formal DR, FR w/gas FP, tray ceil in master. Conv to schools & shopping. $159,900. CODE 40436. MLS#746302

www.rhondavineyard.com/746289 LLS

$564,900. 3 1/2 acres. Custom built Frank Betz plan in 160 acre development. Approx 40 acres of common grnds, 4-wheeler trails & creek. 3-car det gar. w/elec, water & gas + 2-car att gar. 3BRs + bonus rm, 2.5BAs, soaring ceils, quartz tops, hdwd flrs, heated tile flr in master BA. Tile shwr, his/her vanity & W/I closets. French doors, FR w/built-ins, keeping rm, breakfast rm, kit w/pot filler, built-in ovens, island, W/I pantry, bonus rm w/unfin W/I attic. MLS# 739349

www.deborahhillhobby.com s

er Ov

MUST SEE INSIDE! All brick over 1400 SF, 3 lrg BRs, 2BA, hdwd floors, gas FP, upgraded cabs & appl, split BR floorplan, fenced cul-de-sac lot, looks brand new. $127,900. 100% financing available. MLS#741758 BB



cre 5A

Powell – Just listed in conv Powell area! Over 5 acres w/gorgeous views. Secluded but yet only 5 mins to interstate, dining, shopping, etc. Perfect to build your dream home. $99,900. CALL 865-218-5065.

www.larryandjaniceweaver.com/737392 149 Prospect Rd. Perfect for horses on 3.87 level acres in Maynardville, TN. 3BR/1BA on main, full unfin bsmt w/1car gar, new 1-car carport on main, new H&A, vinyl siding & new int paint. Lrg eat-in kit w/plenty of cabs, huge utility rm, all BRs are spacious. Private setting, conv to shopping, schools. $119,900. CODE 40456. MLS#745465.




www.rhondavineyard.com/746302 GI

New Const. $339,900. Approx 3100 SF. Master & guest suites on main. 4BRs + bonus rm. 2-sty grtrm w/open staircase. Formal DR w/ coffered ceil. Master w/sitting rm. Granite kit tops, tile shwr. Stone front FP w/gas logs, huge screened porch, 3-car gar, level lot. Loads of hdwds & tile. MLS# 694196



8009 Branson Rd. in Corryton, TN. Approx 15 mins from dowtown Knoxville. Spacious 3BR/2.5BA, approx 2342 SF, 1.07 acre level lot, full 1000SF unfin bsmt plumbed for BA & FP in FR. Big bonus rm over spacious 2-car gar on main. Lots of strg, nice kit w/bay window @ eating area. Fantastic master, open 2-level entry w/ beautiful staircase & private setting on dead-end rd. $239,900. CODE 41956. MLS#746289





www.larryandjaniceweaver.com/745618 R NO


BRUSSEL GRIFFON Valentine toy pups, reg., will be small (from movie "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson), UTD on S&W, M&F, 423-539-4256 KNX731917

865-992-TEAM (8326)

Gibbs Area – Walking distance to Gibbs High School. 3BR/2BA, 1550 SF, brick home. Corner lot w/prof landscaping. 8’x10’ strg bldg, sunroom, storm doors, drop down ladder for strg access, work bench in garage. All appl and W/D to convey. MLS#745063. $149,900.


HIGHLAND LYNX kittens, 2 M, 16 wks, 2 vac's, dewormed. 865435-1510; 865-435-2826 KNX733143

illness – “Must Sell”

4378 Maynardville Highway, Suite A Maynardville, TN ~ Since 1996 ~ Email: firstteamrealty@bellsouth.net Eddie & Debbie Perry Web: www.FirstTeamOnLake.com


Drivers Wanted Are you a people person? Do you hate being stuck between four walls? If you are ready to make between $500$1000 a week and are 21 with a valid license. Call 865/455-1365 or 423/723-9716 between the hours of 10am-6pm.


Call Barry today! 607-3326 or BarryEmerton@BarryEmerton.com Search all listings @ BarryEmerton.com DIRECTIONS: I-75N to Emory Rd (Exit 112), (east) on Emory Rd - Go 3 miles; (L) Greenwell - Go 1 mile; (R) Crystal Point into Timberlake S/D; (R) Heron; (L) Harbor Cove; (R) Reflection Bay; (R) Shoregate Lane to model house on right.

WEST, 3 BR, 2 ba, porch, deck, fncd yard, comm. pool. $1100/mo + sec dep. No smoke, 865-216-7585 KNX721946

Real Estate Auctions 52 Real Estate Auctions 52


Rocky Top Office: 688-4663 Cell: 406-7938 Realty

Custom Homes • Custom Stained Hardwoods on Main • Designer Kitchen – Granite Counters • Spa-like Master BA w/Tiled Shower • Elegant Trim & Millwork Package • Irrigation System & Sod

73 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Manf’d Homes - Sale 85

Halls / Gibbs, 1.1 Acres, 2 PLOTS Lynnhurst SINGLE OFFICES, 1BR, NORTH KNOX WEST, 3 yr. old, 5 gently sloping, cleared Cem Section B3, Lot $350/mo. In Halls. Call $400. No smoking/pets, BR, 3 BA, 3,000 SF, & ready to build. 911, spaces 4 & 5 Steve at 679-3903. credit ck. 865-471-6372 year lease, $1,750 + $69,000. 865-742-7007. near Rachel Mourning www.knoxjeffrentals. deposit. 865-384-6111 statue. Valued at blogspot.com KNX735145 $2995/ea, selling for Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 2 BR, 1 BA, avail. WEST, at Cedar Bluff obo. Call Acreage- Tracts 46 $1500/ea North & Halls. 4 br, 2 1/2 ba, 2400 966-2527 or 567-3728. Starting at $450. sf, DR, den, LR, 51 Acres-nice pasture, 3 BURIAL PLOTS for 865-414-1848 $900/mo 865-522-6993 sale. $1595/ea. In soldcreek/views, Sweetout Mature Garden water, $124,900. CEDAR BLUFF AREA area of Greenwood 423-333-4908 FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD Condo Rentals 76 Cem. Call 704-225KNX728217 2BR, 1.5BA, laundry rm, new carpet, 1397 or 704-553-9807. avail. at 2600 Hollg bkyd, 1 yr lease $695 mo $250 2-STORY TOWNbrook Dr in Ftn City. FSBO HALLS: 5 ACRE HOUSE, Halls area. 2 dam. dep. 216-5736 or 694-8414 2 blocks from Ftn LOT w/all utils. Pri- GREENWOOD CEM. 4 lg bdrms, 1.5baths, kit plots in Monumental City Lake. Ideal for vate, great views, near Kingston Pike/ appls incl'd. W/D conn. section 18 lot 264 family reunions, Bvr Brook CC. Ready Sequoyah Hills area No pets. $550/mo + graves 1-4. $1250/ea. birthday parties, to build! $125,000. Quiet neighborhood, $500 dd. 1-yr lease. 687-8453 or 437-9273 clubs, etc. Plenty of 314-1129 or 679-1731 charming older home. 254-9552 adjoining parking. Ceme3 br, 1 1/2 ba, 2 story 524-4840, 803-2159. LAND FOR SALE GREENWOOD Cedar Bluff. 3 br, 2 1/2 tery, private estate + bsmnt stor., covKnox Co: 10.13 ered tile porch, hdwd ba, LR w/vaulted mausoleum, $10,000 acres. Septic pre(52,000$ value). flrs, lrg full kitchen. ceil., frpl, DR, den, approved. Spring mstr on main. 2 br, 865-742-0647 Dep, ref's, cr chk req'd. across property. $890/mo. 865-604-9012. 1 ba up. Fam rm, City water at street. Owner/ Agent. 1/2 ba down, screen $83,000 obo. 992-2444. porch. Mega stor, 2 Real Estate Wanted 50 KNX734064 car gar. $1350/mo. 865-671-3237 HOUSES!! Lakefront Property 47 I BUY 865-963-8368 Houses - Unfurnished 74 CASH FAST! KNX733034 ANY SITUATION!! Apts Unfurnished 71 FSBO Sunset Bay, Nor865-363-8010 Palisades 2 BR Units ris Lake 4000 sq ft 1 BR NORTH near Bearden Hi, pool, 5BR/3.5BA. $355,000. Columbia Ave. cent h/a, no pets, No Pets. $700-$750 687-3584 or 314-1129 Commercial Prop-Sale 60 865-673-0833; 250-1289 tennis. $400/mo. + dep. + dep. 617-4171; 588-3493 865-531-7895 2BR 1BA, West Knox, TELLICO VILLAGE KNX732000 3 Acres stack W/D, on huge prime building lots HEART OF HALLS Rooms-Roommates 77 lot $700/mo. $500 sec for $2,900. Two to Ready for construction. DUPLEX, Holston Hills, dep. 865-947-4944 1 BR, W/D conn, lovely choose from. 3 golf Can build to suit. KNX733139 setting w/deck, water MIDDLEBROOK INN $70,000 per acre or best courses, boating, incl. Nice, quiet. Priv. Nicest Economical Office fishing, fitness center, offer. May be divided dr. $450/mo. 865-556-1257 Commercial Motel in West Knox! space, Powell/Clinton marinas. $500 down, or leased for storage. 865-567-5788. HBO, ESPN, Lg. Rms Hwy, 1750 SF +. LARGE, CLEAN 2$100/month, 0% interest. *Realtors welcome* Exc. for law, insur., 1 Night $21.90 + tax 3BR/2BA apt in Old 941-769-1017 medical, dental, other North Knox off Ce Week $104.50 + tax prof. Exc. cond. & Wicil Ave. Central Exc. Area on Bus Line Fi wired. $1650/mo. 1st A/C, W/D hookup, 588-1982 Mountain Property 47a mo. free. 938-6465. yard, private parking. Credit refs & Farragut. 4 BR, 2 BA, dep req'd. No smokLOT IN TOWNSEND. 78 den, frpl, scrnd bk Room & Board ing, no pets. Level. Hard to find porch, fncd bkyrd, $595/mo. 522-7552 lot this close to Lit$1150 mo + $1000 dep. Room & partial board to tle River. River acNo smoking. 11713 WEST KNOX, 3 BR 2 a lady. $300/mo + occess lot (with beach Foxford Rd. 310-9822 1/2 BA twnhse apt, casional help w/ transarea) across the KNX732164 W/D conn. No pets. portation. 640-4612 street. Quiet area, 2 $670 mo. 865-405-0678 miles from national FTN CITY, like new, KNX731812 park boundary. 3 br, 2 ba rancher, 2 Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 $94,500. 865-216-4225 car garage, $895/mo. Office Space - Rent 65 Apts - Furnished 72 865-599-2639 KNX733767 Homes 40 1BR, nicely furnished, LAKE HOME ConW. Knox, working person, cord/Farragut Schls, util. furn., carport. No 3 BR, 2 BA ranch, alcohol or drugs. No pets. $1,500/mo. 865-755-1023 $600 + dep. 865-693-4675 LOUDON, HISTORIC SMALL BUT COZY, all loft, 3/2, new renovaprivate in-home bsmnt tion, brick walls, efficiency in Halls for hdwd flrs, granite & single adult female. stainless kit., lease Fully furnished incl'g w/all pmts applied to cable. No pets or purchase option. smoking. $400/mo + $1150/mo. 865-924-0791 ^ dep. 922-6915 KNX729174



HALLS CONDO! Hard to find 3BR/2BA w/master on main. Close to Beaver Brook golf course, new hdwd flrs, gas FP private patio off master backing up to woods. Super location, won't last @ $89,900. MLS#726382




Action Ads


Furniture Real Estate


Service Guide


Garage Sales

pp Appliances


I Saw it in the Shopper-News Action Ads!

FIND THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN IN THE SHOPPER-NEWS ACTION ADS Call 922-4136 to place your ad. Deadline is 3 p.m. THURSDAY for next Monday’s paper


109 General

109 General

109 Motorcycles

238 Alterations/Sewing 303 Childcare

Heritage Softtail Springer ALTERATIONS 1997, 11k mi, runs/looks BY FAITH great. $12,000 firm, 2 Men women, children. helmets, Harley Custom-tailored cover. 865-850-6059 clothes for ladies of all sizes plus kids! Faith Koker 938-1041

STAFFMARK - KNOXVILLE MARKET 735411MASTER Ad Size 3 x 4 4c N help wntd <ec>

Autos Wanted 253

A BETTER CASH OFFER for junk cars, trucks, vans, running or not. We also buy junk tractor trucks & buses, aluminum rims & auto batteries. 865-456-3500

Local manufacturer seeking top quality employees in the Clinton area! Immediate openings in the following departments:

• Machine Operator • Production • Warehouse • Forklift Candidates must have previous manufacturing experience, lift 70+ pounds on a continual basis, pass a forklift test, have inventory experience & data entry, have a stable work history and pass a background and drug screen. Must be available to work either first or second shifts. Overtime is required at times! Temp to perm opportunities for the right candidate!



4 Wheel Drive 258

Come join a winning team!

FORD F250 2003 4x4 Lariat, 7.3 diesel, AT, crew, 159k Like new $16,900. 865-388-6813 KNX730668

141 Pet Services

144 Auctions


GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, AKC males + older male. 865-856-6548

Pro groomer w/25 yrs exp! Small dog special: $25. 925-2761

GERMAN Shepherd Pups, AKC, sables & blk/tan, ready 3/4, $400-$450. 865-397-4105 KNX732999

Free Pets

GERMAN Shepherd white puppies, AKC, hip cert., only 4, $850. 423-775-9697 KNX733713

Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit Young-Williams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. www.knoxpets.org

Golden Doodle Puppies

931-581-0697 oodlesofdoodles@puppiesbreath.com KNX722272

Golden Retrievers, CKC, 8 wks. 1st shots & wormed, F $250, M $200, 931-704-6220. KNX734436 Great Pyrenees fem. puppies, 7 wks old, all shots, raised w/ sheep/great pets. $125 ea. 423-623-7676


** ADOPT! * *

* * * * * * * *

Farmer’s Market 150 21 BRED Heifers, Angus & Angus-X, bred to Angus Bull. Due early March. Vac's & dewormed. $1100/ea. 865-475-2501; 387-4756

BLACK BULLS Call 865-856-3947

HAVANESE PUPS, AKC, home raised, HORSE HAY. Good 262-993-0460; noahs mixed grass/clover littleark.com $4+, 4x5 rolls $25+. KNX733301 Loudon 865-458-4239 LAB PUPPIES, AKC, all yellow, 1st shots, Massey Ferguson 35 tractor, gas, exc wormed. $250. Call cond, $4500. 20' hay 865-475-5367 feeder wagon $2100. KNX733519 865-992-2918 LAB PUPS AKC BEAUTIFUL bred for quality. Many refs. Building Materials 188 865-992-6853; 719-0416 94 SQUARES Of 25 Yr LAB PUPS, AKC, roof shingles. choc., 1 M, 2 F, S&W, Driftwood $50/SQ. no tax. One or beautiful heads, all. 865-680-3078. $375. 865-385-7148. Lab pups, black, champ. GOING TO AUCTION Steel arch bdgs! bldln, AKC reg., 1st shot Save THOUSANDS! wormed, 7 wks, parents 20x26, 25x40, more. on site. 865-254-6165 Ltd. supply selling for KNX731581 balance owed. Display program also!. 866LABS-Need to place 352-0469 CALL NOW! Classic AKC black lab pups w/block heads to good home with Buildings for Sale 191 fenced yard. Parents on prem. Price nego. 865-539-3634 lv. msg. GOING TO AUCTION KNX732420 - STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! MALTI-POOS, SAVE THOUSANDS! VARIOUS COLORS, 20x26, 25x40, others. $300. Phone 865-246- Limited supply selling 9446. for Balance Owed. Additional Display PIT BULL Program Savings. PUPPIES 866-352-0469 ADBA reg. CALL NOW! Call 423-625-9192 POODLE PUPPIES, gorgeous, parti, girls, only 2, $475 ea. 865-805-7311 SHIH TZU, AKC reg., female, blk & wht, $350. 865-426-8317, 865-963-1965 KNX731951

Machinery-Equip. 193 GMC Dump truck 1986, 70 series, 10' bed, great cond. $5200. 865-922-2999; 679-1421

Household Furn. 204


NEXT AUCTION: Tues March 1, 6pm Cherokee Auction Co. 10015 Rutledge Pike Corryton, TN 37721

Just 10 min from zoo exit off I-40. 865-465-3164 or visit a u c t i o nz i p .c o m T A L 238 6 FL 5626

Medical Supplies 219

361 Windows

RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Ca ll V i vi an e 924-2579 Free estimates.


Ford Expedition EL 2008, Eddie Bauer, 49,320 mi, 4 WD, 3rd row seats, ext. clean. $26,900. 865-659-7887 KNX732439

Wanted To Buy 222


Electrical VOL

LANDROVER LR3 2007, great cond, fully loaded, 33k mi, $32,000/obo. Call 865522-1715 KNX731718 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER LTD 2003. Exc cond Garage kept, 1 owner, V8, gray w/gray lthr int. 86k, $17,000. 865-675-1867 KNX729826

BEDSIDE POTTY chair $50. Commode potty chair w/arms & rails $75. Liftchair used only 3 mos, open arms, 262 eating tray, paid Imports $1100+ new, asking $500. Bed lift rail ACURA TL 2005, $50. Deluxe 4-wheel white w/tan lthr., walker w/basket & 57K mi., $16,500. seat $75. Elec Mich. tires. 368-3774 ^ Hoveraround paid $3500 new, will take BMW 325ci 2005 conv., $600. 925-3021 46K mi., white w/ blk top, mint cond. $19,500 obo. 865-405-6996. KNX733304 Cement / Concrete


I ns tal l ati on Repair Maintenance Service Upgrades Cab l e P h on e L i n es S ma l l j o b s welco me. License d/Ins ured Ofc : 9 4 5 -3 05 4 Cell: 705-6357

Elderly Care


KB'S HOME HELPER 377-3280 Shuttle svc, home companion, run errands, light cooking & cleaning. 7:30 am -6 pm

insured, refs avail.



330 Misc. Services

CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ walls/repairs. 30 yrs experience, excellent work! John 938-3328






MAINT. & REPAIR HEATING & A/C Plumbing, electrical, appliances. Apts or homes. 7-day svc, low prices! 368-1668.


Lawn Care

Knoxville Expo Center

5441 Clinton Hwy. EVERYTHING for babies to Juniors & something for MOMs too! "We're PICKY … because YOU'RE Picky!"


Boats Motors


361 Windows

D.R. HILL Remodeling, 25 yrs. exp. quality work, low pricing. No job too small/lg. 387-6191.

Home Remodeling & Repairs. Painting, doors, windows, decks, bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, plumbing, laminate floors, tile. No job too small, quality work at affordable prices guaranteed. 806-5521. Licensed & Bonded

SEMI-RETIRED. Small jobs welcome. Int/ext, porches, decks, windows. 38 yrs exp! Call 938-5412 or 414-7918



AA PAINTING Int/Ext painting, staining, log homes, pressure washing. 992-4002 or 617-2228

*Repairs/additions *Garages/roofs/decks *Siding/paint/floors

938-4848 or 363-4848

Roofing / Siding

AFFORDABLE PAINTING - interior & exterior. Free estimates. 661-1479.

265 Domestic



ONE ROOM AT A TIME Int/ext, wallpaper removal, faux finishes. 15 yrs exp, refs avail. Call Sue at 6897405 or Cathy 947-5688.


265 Domestic

265 Pest Control

RAY VARNER FORDXLT LLC ’07 Ford Explorer 4x4 16K miles, Extra c lean.............................. 592090MASTER Domestic 265 Ad Size 3 x 4 $25,930 CADILLAC DE- 4c N TFN VILLE 2002 estate sale, immac. cond. <ec> Only 77k mi. $7850. ’05 Nissan Frontier King CAB 2wd 32K miles ...................................................


Picture SNBLANKFOUR.eps Size: 1 x 4

ALL TYPES OF PAINTING, int/ ext, special coating on metal roofs. Barn & fence painting, 237-7788 or 688-9142. ^


MINOR HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING. All repairs, free est. Fred 679-1161

(NADA avg. retail 19,000$). 865-599-9210 KNX729393


BREEDEN'S TREE SERVICE Over 30 yrs. experience! Trimming, removal, stump grinding, brush chipper, aerial bucket truck. Licensed & insured.

Insured, licensed & bonded Locally owned & operated



524-5888 exteriorhome solutions.com



24 Hour Service Will work with your insurance company

688-6363; 680-2656

Chevy Caprice ClasBAYLINER, 2006, 18' sic 1991, 101k mi, Inboard/outboard, good cond. $12,500/obo. sound eng, solid body, $3,000. 865-687-0567 Call 865-680-8500 KNX724136 FORD MUSTANG 2010, STINGRAY 220CS 2006, V6 Prem., white, AT, air, 22 ft cuddy cabin, 4K mi., many options. $19,995. 423-312-4660 asking $16,900/b.o. 865-659-2956 KNX735557


Licensed General Contractor Restoration, remodeling, additions, kitchens, bathrooms, decks, sunrooms, garages, etc. Residential & commercial, free estimates. 922-8804, Herman Love.


MERCEDES 300E 1989, nice. $3850. 865-689-4984 or 865850-2822.

Cadillac Deville 2002 gold, 3.2 Northstar, 96k mi, $6950. Call 865-556-7225, Tom




★★★★★★ Sports 264 PICKY CHICK PORCHSE 911 Targa, ^ CONSIGNMENT 1986, 90K mi., exc. Domestic cond. $17,500 obo. www.thepickychick.com Thu, 2/24 10am-8pm Restocked Daily! Fri, 2/25 10am-8pm 1/2 OFF on Sat, 2/26 9am-3pm

Painting / Wallpaper 344

CRE ATIVE L AN DSC APES Giving estimates for trimming Bradford Pears & Shrubs also leaf removal. 925-4595

315 Excavating/Grading 326

BMW 325xi, 2001 AWD, wht, silver lthr, SR, 127k mi, immaculate in every way. $8500. I will pay taxes. 865-806-4071

HUGE 2-DAY INDOOR SALE, Ftn City on Bwy. TOYOTA Solara 2000, Apr 2 & 3. Call 217AT, moonroof, V6, 6616 to reserve a table 131K mi, runs good, for only $25. Open to $4185. 865-933-7020 public & dealers.

Tree Service


1st Available Hauling & Cleanout All types of hauling. Low fees & discounts for good, reusuable items. We clean out houses, bsmts, garages, etc. Specializing in residential, rental & foreclosure cleanouts. Satisfaction guar. Free est. 865-556-0497; 865-556-4690

HAROLD'S GUTTER SVC. Will clean front & back $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed. 945-2565

LEXUS 2003 GS300 sports design, black Buying Standing ext, black lthr, all Timber pwr, loaded, clean Small or Large Tracts title, 75K mi, $15,200 of Timber To Log obo. 865-680-6389 Pays Top Dollar KNX732122 Ky ,Tn, VA Master Logger Lexus LS430 2002 sr. adult Program owned, 79k mi, svc re606-273-2232 or cords, silver. Exc. cond. 606-573-4773 $16,300. 865-696-5360 ALSO PAYING KNX731511 FINDERS FEE

Garage Sales


^ Bobcat/Backhoe. Small dump truck. Small jobs welcome & appreciated! Call 688-4803 or 660-9645.

$10/hr + mileage.

$$ Wanted $$

STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES, AKC, PATIO FURNITURE. $400 & up. 235 Aluminum table um- Campers Call 865-230-3242 brella & 6 chairs. KNX732304 $250. Call 938-3698. FRANKLIN 39', 2007 2 br, 2 slides, W/D, YORKIE 8 mo. old M, many extras. 17,200. all shots. No yap or Baby Items 207 OBO. 931-510-0922 chew-good with kids $450. 865-755-5996 TO BUY small CHERRY BABY bed LOOKING lt-weight tag-behind YORKIE FEMALE, w/reversible mattrailer. Very reasonable AKC reg., health tress, changing table, pls. 687-9530 warranty, $550 865chest of drawers, 426-8317, 865-963-1965 $500/bo. 865-970-3693 NEW, NEVER used KNX731952 2006 Gulfstream Cavalier Camper, YORKIE MIX PUPS, Collectibles 213 26 ft, $3400. 924-0484 $350 & adults, $200, KNX734755 3 to 4 lbs. M&F. 865A BEAUTIFULLY 376-0537; 898-3091. framed civil war 237 print "Surrender at Motor Homes YORKIES, AKC Reg., Appomattox", by 1st S&W, M $300, Tom Lovell, size Winnebago Brave 2003 865-828-8067 or 86536x26, signed twice 32', class A, 45k mi, 850-5513 by artist & num2 slides, exc cond. bered. Asking $3200. $35,000. 865-777-1255 Call 865-435-4514 KNX733986


Sport Utility

MARK'S PLUMBING Low overhead means low cost to you! 992-0464 or 773-8575


ABC ROOFING & HOME IMPROVEMENT Leak repair specialist for all type roofs, gutters, chimney repair, siding, soffit, windows, floor jacking. 237-7788 or 688-9142.



FORD 1984 P/U, reblt engine, transmission replaced. $1300. Call 865-475-1745

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348 Roofing / Siding


TRACTOR, BOBCAT ^ BUDGET WORK. Driveways, COOPER'S LAWN CARE. Cheaper plowing, disc, etc. 356-1966 or 992-7615. than the rest, but still the CAROL'S CLEANING Free estimates! best. Aeration, mulchSERVICE 20 yrs exp, ing, mowing, trimming, comm & residential. overseeding, Bonded & insured, refs Fencing 327 fertilizing, etc. Dependable, free ^ avail. Call for quote 323-9105 estimates. 384-5039. UPRIGHT FENCING, all types, free CLEANING BY GAIL estimates. Licensed Home/office, very de& insured. When you pendable, trustworthy, FRED'S want the job done exp'd. Free est, refs LAWN CARE right, call 689-1020. avail. 368-9649 Seeding, aerating, YOU buy it, we install trimming, etc. MiKIMBERCLEAN nor mower repairs. it! Fencing & reserving Powell & pair. We haul stuff, Reasonable, great refs! Knox Co. 20 yrs. too! Free est. Call 679-1161 Call for est 584-3185. 604-6911.


NISSAN FRONTIER LE 2005, king cab, V6, AT, cap, 62K mi, $13,000. 865-919-2333 KNX729187

ENGLISH MASTIFF AKC pups, champ bldln, PET GROOMING lrg parents, health guar. SHOP, wait or drop $1000. 423-253-2615. off. Andersonville KNX734302 Pike, Halls. 925-3154. ENGLISH MASTIFF Pups, AKC, exc. bldln, VIOLET'S POP, 1st & 2nd S&W. $650. 931-863-8132. PET KNX733361

LOVING HOME ENVIRONMENT has several openings for FT or PT. Infants to 3-yr-olds. Refs upon request. 922-9455

GMC 2002 Work Van, 188k mi, runs good. $2,250/obo. Call 865919-8997

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Dodge Grand Caravan SXT 2006, many extras, V6, 82.5K mi., clean, N/S Below book $8.9K. 865-671-1899


339 Plumbing

In-home PRE-K PROGRAM now has openings for ages 24. Our program offers exp'd, Christian, non-smoking staff w/back ground checks, physicals, & CPR training, firstaid, & child safety. Our smaller group size allows more individualized attention. Open 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, M-F. Our reasonable tuition includes breakfast, lunch & snacks as well as ALL program material. Refs. avail upon request. For your personal tour call 922-1516.

FERN'S ALTERATIONS corner Afton & Devon, Halls. 922-5285


316 Excavating/Grading 326 Lawn Care

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’05 SPECIALS Lincoln NavigatorOF Ultimate, 4x4, Loaded, 24K THE WEEK!

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