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Stories about active seniors.
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Intarsia artist What does a professor with a doctorate in educational psychology do after retirement? The answer for Arlene Sprague is intarsia. Intarsia is a creative form of wood inlaying similar to marquetry. It began as early as the 13th century, but only a few people realize exactly what it is. Sprague hopes to change that.
See Cindy’s story on page A-3
Catching Vandy So it’s come to this. Vanderbilt football, which has never won an SEC championship, not in eight decades, is leading the Vols in football recruiting. Marvin West ponders this and other “borderline inconceivables.”
See Marvin’s story on page A-6
Fellowship North Fellowship Church Knoxville has branched into North Knoxville, opening a second campus on Churchwell Ave. Cindy Taylor has the details.
See Cindy’s story on page A-7
Frost finds a home as council’s counsel Rob Frost served two terms on Knoxville City County and then was hired to represent the group as its attorney. Betty Bean talked with Frost about the differences in his old job and new.
See Bean’s story on page A-5
A great community newspaper
VOL. 52 NO. 4
January 28, 2013
Laughing all the way By Sandra Clark The best bad joke of the evening came from Alex Stokes who once spotted a UT quarterback working out at the health club. “You Tee Martin?” Stokes asked. “No, UT-Knoxville,” said the athlete. Stokes, who belongs to a comedy group called the Midlife Crisis, brought his kids to his performance Jan. 19 at the Rhythm & Laughter event sponsored by the Powell Playhouse. Nita Buell Black went for both quality and quantity with this show, with an emphasis on quantity. With three comedians, a magician, a ventriloquist and a swing band, who could ask for more? Nobody. The house was packed and no one left disappointed. A show-stopper was Jean Paul Cypress, all the way from France, on the harmonica. Master of ceremonies Ron Houser noted the swingtet drummer occasionally ran a spoon up and down his washboard necktie. “Just wait ’til you see the snake!” Stokes said he didn’t know until his third marriage that CVS wasn’t a grocery store. He even got nabbed one night after trying to do a self-checkout, he joked. Stokes, 37, said he graduated from UT with Peyton Manning and Chamique Holdsclaw. Even his dad took more pictures of them than of Alex. UT student Sam Denney “volunteered” as “the eyes of the audience” to help magician Lance Johnson perform card tricks. Sam swears he wasn’t a plant, but his petrified reactions to an increasingly close “bullwhip” made the crowd cringe. Lance is a fourth generation magician, he said, and he’s good. Lance’s dad, ventriloquist Wade Johnson, brought his friend “Willie Siegle” for the main attraction. Somewhat wooden, initially, Willie finally warmed up the audience by claiming, “This should be my act,” only to hear Wade answer, “I wish we had a better act.”
Alex Stokes entertains the crowd. Magician Lance Johnson gets ready to clip the drinking straw held nervously by audience volunteer Sam Denney.
Eugene Johnson (with guitar) and the Johnson Swingtet band get toes a’tapping at the Powell Playhouse’s Rhythm & Laughter event at Jubilee Banquet Facility. Photos by Nancy Anderson Willie whispered a secret: Wade only got a star on his dressing room door because Nita Buell Black is so cheap. “She put that star on his door to cover up what was there – Men’s Room,” said Willie. “We’ve hit the big-time,” said Wade. “We’re at the Powell Playhouse.” Ron Daughtrey, known to many
as a Realtor or mortgage broker, said he started stand-up comedy at age 53, inspired by Larry the Cable Guy. “That’s one thing my wife and I agree on,” Daughtrey said. “We didn’t want kids. We decided that after we had three.” Drew Whitney rounded out the comedy, followed by another ap-
pearance by Willie and Wade and a reprise by Eugene Johnson and the Swingtet. Nobody felt cheated on their $10 admission, that’s for sure. And now Nita Buell Black and her troupe are preparing for the upcoming attractions: “The Diary of Adam & Eve” and “Louder, I Can’t Hear You!” Coming soon to a Powell Playhouse near you!
R. Larry Smith sets commissioner’s night out Knox County Commissioner R. Larry Smith has scheduled his quarterly commissioner’s night out from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, at the Powell Branch Library on Emory Road. All concerned residents of the 7th District are invited to attend to discuss community or countywide issues. Info: 922-5433.
4509 Doris Circle 37918 (865) 922-4136 NEWS news@ShopperNewsNow.com Sandra Clark | Theresa Edwards ADVERTISING SALES ads@ShopperNewsNow.com Shannon Carey | Patty Fecco Jim Brannon | Tony Cranmore Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at and distributed to 8,185 homes in Powell.
Mr. McClardy goes to Washington By Wendy Smith UT sophomore Derek McClardy rode a bus to Washington, D.C., to see President Barack Obama’s second inauguration. He had quality time with his family and rubbed shoulders with a few celebrities, but he was most impacted by the speeches. The discussion of issues made him realize that he has a role to play in the political process. “It affects me now,” he says. The trip came about because Derek’s mother, Arvetta McClardy, wanted her family to experience the inauguration. She requested tickets from Tennessee’s U.S. Rep. Diane Black, and booked the family on a chartered bus trip.
Arvetta and Mike McClardy, who live in Murfreesboro, boarded in Nashville. The bus picked up Derek and his brother Shawn, also a UT student, in Knoxville at 1:30 a.m. on the Saturday before the inauguration. They arrived in D.C. that evening. On Monday, the family arose at 3 a.m. to travel from their Maryland hotel to D.C. They stood in line from 5-7 a.m. to get into the inauguration area, and spent most of the next hour passing through security. The family was rewarded with 12th-row seats in the red section, which was behind elected officials and ticketed guests. Ticketed guests, many of whom were celebrities, passed through the red section on their way to their
Arvetta McClardy and her son, UT student Derek McClardy, pose in front of the U.S. Capitol. The McClardy family travelled to Washington, D.C., for President Obama’s second inauguration. Photo submitted seats. John Mayer, Katie Perry and Cicely Tyson were among them. Derek’s closest encounter with a star came when he allowed Paula Abdul to sit in his
seat during the benediction and temporarily shielded her from picture-snapping fans. He was immediately engaged by Obama’s address.
The president comforted the souls of all in attendance, Derek says. “In that moment, I felt like everything was going to be okay.” He was particularly touched by Obama’s remarks about equality. The president said the country’s journey won’t be complete until all children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia, know they are cared for, which made an impression on Derek, since his parents grew up on the streets of Detroit. He says that he’s in the process of developing his own political ideas. Before the trip, he considered himself a Republican, but now he’s in favor of certain Democratic views, he says. He returned to Knoxville Tuesday morning – an hour and a half before his first class. He doesn’t regret the lost sleep. “I’ll be able to treasure this forever and tell my kids about it.”
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Jesse Wilson’s birthday
The celebration of Jesse Wilson’s 100th birthday was reported Oct. 30, 1902, in a newspaper called The Observer. A celebration was held at the home of James Maston Wilson, who lived at Forkvale, for the 100th birthday of his father, Jesse Wilson. Early in the “forenoon” the relatives and friends began to arrive and shake the hand of the old veteran. By 11 a.m. there were about 100 guests present, and dinner was announced. It was one of the most sumptuous feasts that had ever been witnessed in this county. Every good thing that women could prepare and every dainty dish that loving hands could bring was here in honor of Mr. Wilson. The
Bonnie Peters
older people were seated at the table, while the younger ones enjoyed a picnic dinner under the shade trees nearby. All of the children now living and many of the grandchildren and even the great grandchildren were present. In fact, representatives of four generations were present. Ages ranged from 5 years to 100. After dinner, the guests were entertained with singing by the grandchildren. Prayer was offered by the Rev. John D. Walker, after which
Professor W. L. Stooksbury of Carson-Newman College was introduced. The Rev. Walker made a very appropriate talk to the old father in Christ, saying that Jesse, his children and grandchildren should all be very thankful for the mercies of the Lord. Professor Stooksbury read an historical sketch of Jesse Wilson’s life. The following is a summary of his comments: Jesse Wilson, father of exsheriff J. M. Wilson, was born Oct. 30, 1802, near Loyston, Union County, (then Anderson County, Tennessee). Mr. Wilson voted for John Quincy Adams for president in 1824. By 1902, he had voted in 19 presidential elections. He continues to live within 5 miles of where he
was born and reared. He has lived here nearly all of his life. He was married to Matilda Ailor, aunt of Judge Nicholas Ailor of Maynardville and Attorney J. R. Ailor of Knoxville. He is the father of eight children, two of whom died very young. James Maston and Calvin were members of Company A, 2nd Tennessee Cavalry during the War of the Rebellion. Calvin died at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, May 21, 1865. James Maston, Alvis and Lewis live near Forkvale, Tennessee. Parley Snoderly, widow of George Snoderly, a brother of Rice Snoderly of Jasper, lives near Thodelia, Tennessee. Jesse professed faith in Christ when he was a young man and joined the Meth-
The art of intarsia By Cindy Taylor What does a professor with a doctorate in educational psychology do after retirement? The answer for Arlene Sprague is intarsia. Intarsia is a creative form of wood inlaying similar to marquetry. It began as early as the 13th century, but only a few people realize exactly what it is. Sprague hopes to change that. She began her exploration in woodworking a few years ago and quickly progressed to the professional level. She has always loved working with her hands in designing and sewing clothing and crafts. “I’ve been a crafter since childhood, designing clothes for my dolls and then for my younger sister,” said Sprague. During her college years, Sprague helped pay her own tuition by designing and selling clothes at a local boutique. Years later she used her skills to design and sew prom and wedding dresses for her daughters. While teaching at LMU, Sprague painted huge fabric panel backdrops for photographers and one for a rock
jor publication. She also volunteers at the Union County Arts Co-op. “I thoroughly enjoy my time at the co-op,” she said. “I love to wander through the rooms filled with local art.” Sprague’s favorite media are fabric, wood and paint. To keep busy during retirement she continues to pursue artistic outlets. “I love to paint and am self-taught in acrylic and oil,” she said. “My husband, David, and I have taken classes in drawing and watercolor and plan to build on what we Arlene Sprague holds one of her favorite intarsia pieces: a bar- have learned.” rel racer and barrel designed for her daughter. Photos by C. Taylor Sprague also designs lightweight fleece hats for children. Her work is availband. Then she discovered ural wood provide depth and able at the Union County Arts woodworking and devel- definition. Co-op located on Main Street The result is a beautiful oped a love for intarsia. in Maynardville. “With intarsia a picture angel, horse or flower, de- Reach Cindy Taylor at brentcindyt@ design is created through pending on the mood of the gmail.com the use of different species of artist. Sprague has sold her work wood,” said Sprague. “Pieces are cut, shaped and assem- at craft fairs and in Gatlinburg and has written articles bled much like a puzzle.” David R. Hill’s The design patterns are about the art form for a mahand-drawn, and Sprague uses a scroll saw for cut• All Types Roofing • Complete Additions ting, puts a clear finish on • Painting • Decks • Landscapes • Door & Window Installation the wood, and then glues the It’s time to stock your pond! • Sheetrock Installation/Repair pieces to a thin section of • Masonry: Concrete, Tile, etc. Delivery will be: plywood to keep the design Thursday, Feb. 7 Free Estimates intact. The shades of the nat25+ Years Experience
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By Dr. Donald G. Wegener In our day-to-day life sometimes we forget about the simple things that occur in our bodies that we do not consciously have to think about, such as the simple act of breathing. Dr. Wegener Relax your shoulders and breathe in as deeply as you can, and then slowly release the air from your lungs. Do this several times and breathe deeply to the point that you feel your lungs filling. This is a great feeling, isn’t it? Being a doctor, I like to imagine what is happening inside the body and at a cellular level as oxygen enters through the nose and travels into the lungs. Life is truly a miracle. The molecules of oxygen pass through the thin walls of the alveoli in the lungs into the blood that is passing by. Here, the oxygen attaches itself to the hemoglobin in the blood and the heart pumps the newly oxygenated blood back out to the other parts of the body.
The hemoglobin then releases the oxygen so it can enter the cells of your body where it gives energy and sustains life. Within every cell in your body there are organelles called mitochondria. Mitochondria reduce oxygen by the transfer of electrons to create energy into the form of ATP, and during the production of ATP they produce a byproduct called water. This ATP is the energy source for the cell, and the water is an important byproduct which is produced 98 percent of the time. But the full complement of four electrons needed to reduce oxygen to water does not always happen as planned, and a “free radical” is often produced. It is the production of the free radicals that causes what is known as oxidative stress. Next time: Free radicals
Dr. Donald G. Wegener Powell Chiropractic Center Powell Chiropractic Center 7311 Clinton Hwy., Powell 865-938-8700 www.keepyourspineinline.com
Jesse Wilson sound of war whoops of the Indian could be heard from every mountaintop and the smoke from their wigwams could be seen ascending from every valley in this area. Professor Stooksbury went on to say, “Our Republic, the nation of liberty, had just been born and was still wrapped in the swaddling clothes of infancy while she was being rocked in the cradle of freedom. “Mr. Wilson has seen a very large proportion of all the progress in civilization made by the human race. “When 5 years old he could have seen Fulton’s Steamboat on her trial trip up the Hudson. Until age 18, he could not have found an iron plow in all the world. “At 28 he could have traveled on the first railway passenger train. For the first 30 years of his life he had to rely upon the tinder-box for fire. “He was 36 when steam communication was established between Europe and America. He was 42 when the first telegram was sent. X-rays now allow him to look through his fellow man, and by telephone he has talked with his friends thousands of miles away.” Mr. Wilson died Oct. 18, 1904. He is buried in StoutDossett Cemetery in the Chuck Swan area of Sharps Chapel.
Susan Dodd, M.D. is now seeing patients at her new Parkwest Professional Building office.
SAT., FEB. 2, 10AM VIEWING 9 - 10AM North Knox collection of 30 pieces antique furniture 80-100 years old—a pristine Victorian couch, vintage curled arm mahogany settee set, oak side by side secretary, Eastlake style dressers, mahogany game tables. Also, contents of closed Jefferson City Home Décor business including 30 plus new table lamps, many floor lamps, occasional tables, curved oak curio, 6ft Acme China Cabinet with matching table and chairs, 30 plus baskets silk flowers. Auction full.
Cherokee Auction Co. 10015 Rutledge Pike, Corryton, TN
Oxidative stress: What is it?
odist Episcopal Church near where he lived 40 years. Owing to the political trouble in the Methodist Episcopal Church after the Civil War, he joined the Baptist Church at Big Springs in 1867, where he has been a prominent member ever since. He was an old line Whig before the Civil War and a strong Union man during the war and today is a staunch Republican. He was in this city in 1894 when the bubonic plague first visited this country, at which time 75 people were dying every day. He still likes to tell about the trip to “Orleans” as he calls it. His mind is sound, he sees well and can hear good. He was always an early riser. He remembers all of his acquaintances and says there is not a man or woman living who grew up as he did. He has always been an honest, hardworking man and at 75 years old could make a good hand at labor. He never had a lawsuit in his life, never had a spell of sickness, never took any medicine except a little quinine once. He is a dear lover of tobacco and coffee. He also drinks his dram. During his young days everybody had whiskey at their corn huskings and log rollings. At these, he says he never saw a young man drunk. If anyone became intoxicated, it was invariably an old man. He eats hearty, sleeps well and is no trouble to his children. He lives with Lewis; however, he spends much of his time with James Maston and Alvis. He has always been a lover of company and makes the visit of his friends and neighbors pleasant. His house has always been open for the preachers. Matilda, his wife, died in 1892 at age 80. Jesse says he is just waiting patiently for the summons from on high to meet her on the other side. When Jesse first saw the light of day a century ago, the
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RECREATION LEAGUES Powell All-Star Teams This year the 7&8’s and 9&10’s will have one All-Star team each made up of only players that play in the Powell Baseball Recreation Leagues. There will be tryouts sometime during the month of March. In addition to the regular season games, the players on these teams will play in competitive tournaments during selected weekends. There is no additional cost for these teams.
4 & 5 Year Old Boys & Girls T-Ball 6 & Under Coach Pitch 7 & 8 Year Old Coach Pitch 9 & 10 Year Olds 11 & 12 Year Olds 13 & 14 year olds The league you play in is based on how old you are as of April 30, 2013. • Fees: 1st child - $80, 2nd - $75, 3rd or more $30 each. • Fees help pay for insurance, umpires, field upkeep, team equipment & year-end trophies.
government Bill limits benefit governor The Tennessee State House has limited bills to 15 per lawmaker, and it will be interesting to see how it works out. My guess is that the current 2,000 bills introduced in each House will decrease to about 1,650. How much having 350 fewer bills will speed up the process and end the legislative session remains to be seen. Those lawmakers who previously introduced bills for discussion purposes such as the selection process for judges or the state attorney general, gun bills, pro-choice or pro-life bills will be reluctant to use their 15-bill allotment that way when they feel the bill is dead on introduction. That is not necessarily good in the sense that many issues merit debate and dialogue which legislation affords and this process limits. Some bills influence the executive branch or state programs just by being introduced. After two years of this new rule, there will be a basis to assess how it worked. The real winner is the administration (any administration) as it means the executive branch has fewer bills to monitor and be distracted by from lawmakers who may not wish the administration well. When the time comes that the governor belongs to a different party than the Legislature (not now), then this limit may fade or be expanded as the Legislature asserts itself. Can you imagine the U.S. House of Representatives led by Republican John Boehner limiting the bills their 230 GOP members can introduce while President Obama sits in the White House? Not likely. The Congress treasures its independence. Limiting bills to some degree will diminish the independence of the Legislature. ■ Coffee with newly elected state Rep. Gloria Johnson two weeks ago was interesting. She spoke of her new role as a “huge adjustment.” She failed in her
Victor Ashe
effort to be named to the House Education Committee, which she feels is due to her opposition to school vouchers. She said she “was disappointed” in not being appointed but declined to criticize Speaker Harwell directly on the matter. As a 25-year school teacher, many had expected her to be named to this committee. However, three of the seven Knox House members do serve on Education, including Harry Brooks, who is chair, along with Bill Dunn and Roger Kane. Johnson does serve on Health and Agriculture and Natural Resources. Environmental issues such as mountain top removal and clean air and water issues will go to this committee. Rep. Joe Armstrong was removed from the House Health Committee which he chaired when the Democrats controlled the House. Johnson’s win in Knoxville in a district Mitt Romney carried by more than 1,000 votes was the one bright spot for local Democrats on the state scene. She said she will not seek reelection as chair of the local Democratic Party at the end of March when the Democrats will re-organize here. She has a meeting planned with Transportation Commissioner John Schroer (former mayor of Franklin). She opposes the extension of the South Knoxville Boulevard as currently planned. Johnson lives at 2506 Brice Street and her phone is 660-9800. Her email is rep.gloria. johnson@capitol.tn.gov ■ Ruth Graham, daughter of the Rev. Bill Graham, is at Carson-Newman College this week (Jan. 29-31) speaking at the Ashe Henderson Lecture Series, which my late mother established more than 30 years ago.
Snow mode The threat of icy rain late Thursday led to an early deadline for Shopper-News. This edition contains some great stuff, but if it’s missing something you were looking for, tune in next week. We’ll all be back!
Sandra Clark
West Hills residents ponder a hospital in the backyard Representatives from Tennova met with the West Hills Community Association (WHCA) executive committee last week to discuss plans for a new hospital on 110 acres that are adjacent to the subdivision. While the group expressed concerns about traffic and potential flooding, the mood was congenial.
Jeff Potter and Melanie Robinson of Tennova talk to the West Hills Community Association executive committee about the company’s plans to build a hospital on property adjacent to the subdivision. Photo by Wendy Smith
Wendy Smith Joe Fuhr, who serves on WHCA’s zoning committee, called it “a harbinger of a good relationship” that Tennova representatives were willing to come to the meeting. Tennova has purchased a two-year renewable option on the property at Middlebrook Pike and Old Weisgarber Road. The parcel is bordered by West Hills on its western edge. The site is being considered as a location for a new medical facility that would replace Physician’s Regional Medical Center, the former St. Mary’s Medical Center, Tennova senior vice president Jeff Potter told the group.
Physician’s Regional is 81 years old and is approximately one million square feet, so it’s hard to find your way around, Potter said. Since the trend is toward outpatient procedures, the new facility needs to offer easy access and a flexible footprint. As of yet, there isn’t a plan for what the facility will look like, but Tennova intends to get input from its board, its physicians and the community over the next several months, he said. “It is our intention to be a good neighbor.” One executive committee member pointed out the number of fast food restaurants and gas stations that
have sprung up since the Tennova’s North Knoxville Medical Center was built on Emory Road. Melanie Robinson, Tennova’s director of business development, answered that development and traffic in that area increased as a result of new neighborhoods, not because of the hospital. “I can’t see a major threat of commercial development springing up around this, unless you go to the east,” Fuhr said of the Middlebrook property. A water problem on the vacant parcel could be improved with development, but it could also be a disaster, said Barbara Pelot. Her
Neighbors brace for loss of the former St. Mary’s Since it opened in 1930, the hospital formerly known as St. Mary’s has anchored North Knoxville’s business districts and neighborhoods, providing employment and medical care.
Betty Bean The Sisters of Mercy, who raised money to build the hospital, stayed on to preside over the birthing of babies and consoling of families in the face of illness and death. For almost 80 years, residents of Oakwood, Lincoln Park, Old North Knoxville, Fairmont, Arlington, Park City, North Hills and Fountain City considered St. Mary’s “their” hospital and felt secure knowing there was an emergency room nearby. In recent years the Christ-
mas tree lights atop the building on Oak Hill Avenue lit up the night from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. So it was natural that people got nervous in 2008 when St. Mary’s and Baptist Hospital merged and became Mercy Health, despite reassurances that things were only going to get better. The nerves grew frayed when Mercy announced a plan to replace St. Mary’s and Baptist with a fancy new building that would combine the best of both, and when a news story suggested the former St. Mary’s facility could make a good drug rehabilitation facility for Knox County, the sheriff had to visit a neighborhood meeting to tell them it wasn’t so. In 2011, St. Mary’s/Mercy became Tennova and the hospital formerly known as St. Mary’s became Physicians Regional Medical Center, leaving neighbors so
confused that they haven’t had much to say about the most recent report that their neighborhood hospital is going to be shut down and replaced with a new one on Middlebrook Pike. County Commissioner Amy Broyles says it’s not an accident that she lives within walking distance of the former St. Mary’s. “Avery (her youngest daughter) was due at the end of January, and we figured if I went into labor during a snowstorm we could still get to the hospital,” she said. But she says she’s disappointed that all she knows about Tennova’s plans is what she’s seen in the news. “The last time they talked about moving, I got a letter. They had meetings. This time I haven’t heard a thing from them. Other residents, however, say that a Tennova representative told members of the North Knox Business and Professional Associa-
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biggest concern is that Tennova might lease or sell the acreage that’s not needed for the medical facility. Concerns about lighting were also expressed. The buffer at the Turkey Creek Medical Center is twice that of the adjacent Wal-Mart, said Potter. While patients need appropriate lighting, low lighting combined with a berm would have a minimal impact on nearby residences, he said. When a concern was raised about another abandoned Knoxville hospital, Potter expressed disappointment that no buyer has been found for the former Baptist Hospital. He said that some services, such as an emergency room, will likely remain at Physician’s Regional. Since it remains to be seen what services will be offered at the new facility, Potter didn’t comment on concerns about emergency vehicles frequently passing West Hills Elementary School and Bearden Middle School or an uptick in cut-through traffic in West Hills. Potter and Robinson said they would keep the homeowners group informed during the planning process.
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tion that the building would continue to be used for some kind of healthcare. That will probably come as something of a relief to former City Council member Larry Cox, who lives even closer to the hospital than does Broyles. Cox observed that the neighborhood has lived through decades of watching the abandoned Oakwood School deteriorate until the county finally moved to rescue it last year (it is being rehabbed and remodeled as an apartment building for senior citizens). “I grew up next to St. Mary’s,” Cox said. “I’d definitely hate to see it go.”
NOTES ■ Fourth District Democrats will meet 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, at Bearden Branch Library, 100 Golf Club Road, to hear from three activists: Chris Foell, John Bohstedt and Lorraine Hart. Info: 637-3293.
New job, same issues for City Council attorney Frost By Betty Bean Far as anybody knows, Rob Frost is the first sp e c ia l counsel and adviser to City Council to have also been a member of City CounRob Frost cil. It didn’t take him long to learn that there’s a big difference between the two positions. “I have nine different clients, but they all have the same goal: ‘How can we improve the city?’ Sometimes they have different routes to get there, but they all have the same goal. I think it’s a thoughtful council, really. They take their duties seriously.” The city pays Frost, who is in private practice with the firm of Arnett, Draper & Hagood, $79,000 a year to advise City Council (no overtime). The workload fluctuates, but he says he’s been enjoying it. “Everybody is real un-
derstanding of the push and pulls that folks have in life. The day before and the day after a council meeting can get hectic, but having served for 8 years I understand that. There are boom and bust cycles of activity with any client. “One attribute I have is a shared perspective. I know what it’s like to put your name on the ballot, run and serve, and help out constituents. I hope that’s a way I’m able to assist council. I enjoy the city and the various processes it goes through in trying to deliver good services. Though I don’t vote anymore, I’ve always been an interested observer.” Frost’s undergraduate degree (more accurately degrees, as he holds more than one) is from the University of Tennessee, from which he graduated in 1991 and was awarded degrees in English, history and political science. Afterward, he did graduate work in Chinese history at UT before going off to study law at Tulane. His years in New Orleans gave him an appreciation for old build-
ber, and his moving on created a vacancy that drew a lot of interest in Knoxville’s legal community. Frost prevailed over some stout competition, including a former city law director and a former city attorney. Vice mayor Nick Pavlis was one of Frost’s strongest supporters for the job, and says he hasn’t been disappointed. “I supported him in that position from the get-go,” Pavlis said. “I had worked on council with him for two years and was impressed by him then. “He had eight years being a council member and served on boards and commissions before that. “He hit the ground running and has been a tremenRob Frost with sons Charlie (at left) and Sonny on the grounds of Sequoyah Elementary School dous asset to us this past Photo by Erin Frost year, and it was a tough year. “Rob gives good advice if ings and historic preserva- by beautifully preserved old ney job came open when you ask him. He questions tion, which he brought home buildings. I got my law de- Mayor Madeline Rogero you and makes you think. to Knoxville after earning gree and got married in the hired Frost’s predecessor “He’s got good walking same week, and when Erin Charles Swanson as city law around sense, and I’m glad his law degree in 1996. “New Orleans is a city and I moved into our first director just after taking of- he’s there.” with great history and archi- home, our first house was in fice. Swanson had been City Rob and Erin Frost have Council’s lawyer for as long two sons: Sonny, 12, and tecture. I lived in the Garden 4th & Gill.” The City Council’s attor- as anybody could remem- Charlie, 7. District and was surrounded
Rogero honored with 2012 ‘Green Leader’ award Mayor Madeline Rogero has been recognized for her efforts as a leader in sustainability and has been named the 2012 Green Leader by the East Tennessee Chapter of the United States Green Building Council. USGBC-ET recognizes leaders in the green building community of East Tennessee. The group held its second annual Green Light
Awards event Tuesday night at The Emporium in downtown Knoxville. “Living green and working green is not just a motto for me and my staff,” said Rogero. “We really believe sustainability is a key to keeping Knoxville a livable city, and I am grateful to the USGBC-ET for this honor.” The nominating committee recognized Rogero as a
proponent of sustainability and environmentallyfriendly efforts. Some of the city initiatives that were cited include: ■ Securing the Office of Sustainability within the City budget Madeline Rogero ■ Becoming a Department of Energy Better consumption 20 percent by Buildings Challenge Part- 2020 ner and publicly pledging to ■ Issuing a Mayor’s Enreduce Knoxville’s energy ergy Challenge with Path-
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Trying to catch Vandy In 1932, Vanderbilt – just past the pinnacle of its athletic dominance – helped create the Southeastern Conference. Interesting, isn’t it, that Vanderbilt football has never won an SEC championship. Not in eight decades. Might never happen. It may not even be a fantasy. Humbling is the realization that Tennessee, for the first time in a long, long time, is eating dust, trying to catch up to the Commodores. This is an awkward position, slightly amazing considering the ambitions and resources in Big Orange Country. It is borderline inconceivable that the once mighty could fall so far so fast. How did this happen? Vandy took a knee to run out the clock and avoid running up the score on the
Marvin West
2012 Volunteers. That is one sad measurement of bad. Vandy didn’t beat anybody big but had nine victories. It again went bowling. It finished nationally ranked. It is riding high, recruiting boldly as if it intends to compete. What a challenge for Tennessee, to be scrambling madly in the approach to national signing day, hoping to finish ahead of Vanderbilt. Perhaps, in years to come, Tennessee can somehow gain on Alabama, Georgia, Florida,
Texas A&M, LSU, Missouri, Arkansas, Auburn, the Mississippis, oh my. New coaches are not supposed to produce miracles, well, never before their second season. They must first change things, adjust attitudes, install new systems, build a base, establish connections and nurture relationships. Personable, inspirational Butch Jones aspires to own the state of Tennessee in recruiting. He has said it out loud and is working toward that goal. That means almost never losing a top prep talent to anybody, not the vaunted Crimson Tide, not Southern Cal, not Notre Dame, certainly not to Vanderbilt. This is a chicken-oregg dilemma. Talent wins games. Winning attracts talent. Which comes first, success or sales?
Don’t worry, be happy “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” (Matthew 6: 25-27 NRSV) I have confessed in this space before that I come from a long line of champion worriers. In his later years my grandfather was the all-time Grand Master worrier, despite the fact that, in his youth, he had
left home at the age of 16 in search of adventure and headed west to be a cowboy. Papa was not a solo worrier. He wanted help in his worries, and would become slightly vexed when his son
Cross Currents
Lynn Hutton
and daughters declined to join him in worrying. Some of his children inherited the worry gene, and others did not. For example, his second child and oldest daughter, Virgie, married a minister. One Sunday, after a
Butch Jones encourages his players during a game in late 2012 while he was still coach at Cincinnati. Jones was named successor to Derek Dooley at UT on Dec. 7, 2012. AP file photo Magnificent facilities, fabulous fan base, tremendous tradition, almost unlimited budget? Tennessee is far, far ahead of Vanderbilt and many others comfortably above in SEC standings. The shocking decline and crash landing implies there must be deeper UT problems than the obvious lack of speed. Internal conflicts? No sense of di-
rection? Weak leadership? Not enough effort, enthusiasm, sincerity? All are relevant in recruiting. Some affect autumn Saturdays. Butch Jones is a brave guy. In spite of information available to the general pu blic, in spite of what video shows, he bet his future on the potential of Tennessee. He believes his way works.
particularly trying week, she washed sheets and hung them out to dry on the clothesline. One of her sisters chastised her, fretting over “What will people think? Washing clothes and hanging them out to dry on Sunday?!” Virgie, the preacher’s wife, calm and unrepentant, retorted, “The Lord will understand, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks!” What do you worry about? Do you stew over the shape the world is in? What people think? What others have? What you lack? What may (or may not) happen? Jesus told his followers not to worry, not to fret. He
asked, in so many words, “Do you think worry does any good at all?” So what can we choose to do instead of worrying? We can be prepared, at least to some extent. We can think ahead, and thoughtfully prepare ourselves for reasonable possibilities. We can be where we are supposed to be and do what we are supposed to do. We can have faith that God cares for us, leads us and will use us to God’s own purposes. We can wake up each morning with hope and the expectation that today is going to be a good day. We can let go of worry, irritation, envy and pettiness. We can look for positive
He is going to change the leopard’s spots. The transformation will get a surge or suffer a setback next week. Who Tennessee persuades to accept a scholarship will be the first clue regarding where this process is going and how long it will take to get there. Do not expect too much. That would be unfair. Recruiting is an endless process. Among the current coaches, only Jay Graham has had more than a few weeks on the job. No way he could sell what he previously had. Tennessee will not steal Alabama commitments that Alabama wants to keep. But it might take one or two away from Vanderbilt. How about that! We now measure progress by whether we can compete with the Commodores. The late George Cafego might not like this. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.
thoughts, kind words, new ideas. We can expect joy. Last, but certainly not least, we can pray. In times of confusion, uncertainty, loss and pain, we pray. In times of victory, celebration and triumph, we pray. But when we worry, doubt or fail, too often we turn to our own resources, blaming ourselves and, at the same time, adding to our misery. Worry is quite simply useless effort; prayer is effective. Fear is paralyzing; faith is nurturing. We are human and fragile; God is God and omnipotent. Turn your worries and fears over – now, today – and be free and blessed.
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GIBBS – Great 3BR/2BA features: Bamboo hdwd floors in LR, Pella windows 4yrs, heat pump & water heater new in 2008. Updated: Sinks, countertops, lighting & doors. $119,900 (819569)
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faith ‘Missions Fair’ at Beaver Ridge UMC By Theresa Edwards Beaver Ridge United Methodist Church held a missions fair to share some of its outreach programs within the community as well as abroad. Fellowship North home group leader Maryjane Haney, Brazilian visitors Elisagele Mascemento, Valeria Ribeiro, Maria Ararujo, “One of the biggest Marilia Jacomimi and home leader Valerie Ellis. Photos by Cindy Taylor things we do each year is the free Thanksgiving dinner. We invite the whole community to have a meal and stay as long as they want,” said Suzanne Davidson, community outSteve VanHorn will be the By Cindy Taylor reach chair. Fellowship Church Knox- primary pastors at the new “We offer a food pantry ville now exists on two cam- campus. Rick DePirro will 1-2 p.m. every Monday for serve as worship pastor. Felpuses. many Karns families. It is The church, located at lowship Knoxville lead pastor funded through our church 8000 Middlebrook Pike near Rick Dunn and lead teaching mission projects as well as Gallaher View and Walker pastor Greg Pinkner will rothe Second Harvest Food Springs roads, opened a tate in on occasion. Bank.” Thomas and VanHorn north campus on Jan. 20. The pumpkin patch Fellowship North Knoxville said the mission for Fellowhelps raise money for the is located at 109 E. Church- ship North is to build a gospel food pantry and some of well Ave. with Sunday ser- planting campus that extends the money goes to the Navices at 10 a.m. along with Fellowship Church’s presence vajo reservation where the and disciple-making minischildren’s church. pumpkins are grown. The growing number of try to the unchurched and “We also have a Karns members making the drive unreached in the area. The Elementary mentorfrom north Knox County objective is to bring God glo- Fellowship North pastors Michael Thomas, Stephen VanHorn ing program,” Davidson was instrumental in bring- ry by pursuing, befriending, and worship pastor Rick DePirro said. “Volunteers go to the ing about the new campus. serving, winning and equipschool and listen to the The opening is the result of ping those people to become children read. There is more than 10 years of prayer, disciples and disciple makers said Thomas. “Job needed to Amelia, 6. also a backpack program to be reminded that the God of “A Christian’s calling can 15 months of planning and for Christ. provide snacks to children The opening brought a the universe and creator of all be narrowed into two simple countless hours of preparafor the weekend.” tion. Fellowship Knoxville packed house and a surpris- creatures is greater, grander, categories: living as a disciple In addition to communihigher and wiser than a morof Christ and making disciassociate lead pastor Kevin ing number of visitors, inty outreach, the church is Huggins was first to address cluding four women on an ex- tal can possibly imagine. We ples of Christ,” said Thomas. involved in missions work the newly-formed congrega- change program from Brazil. need to be challenged on the “The Lord is working in the abroad. One such program “This was their first ex- bigness of who our God is.” tion Jan. 20. north Knoxville area and we is “Imagine No Malaria.” The day was especially perience in an American “It became clear to us in are excited to get to be a part The Sunday school chilthe fall of 2011 that God was church,” said Fellowship moving for Thomas and his of that.” family. He had the privilege Reach Cindy Taylor at brentcindyt@ dren have learned the devraising up two men to lead member Valerie Ellis. astating and often deadly Michael Thomas spoke of baptizing his daughter gmail.com the initiative to establish a consequences of this 100 north Knoxville campus,” about the purpose of Fellowpercent preventable dissaid Huggins. “It has been ex- ship North and brought the ease and have set a goal ■ Christus Victor Lutheran Church adult Bible class will begin citing to see how God has ac- message, choosing the book a 10-week series 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 3. Topic will be to donate $80. Ten dollars complished each of the steps of Job as the focus. Lutheran Boot Camp, “Everything you wanted to know about buys and ships a mosquito “God called Job out from to get us here.” Lutheranism.” Everyone is invited. The church is located at 4110 net with instructions on Michael Thomas and what was going on in his life,” Central Ave Pike. Info: 687-6622. how to properly use it.
Fellowship comes north
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The church is also coordinating the “Skeeter Run” 5K race along Neyland Drive June 1 to raise donations for the “Imagine No Malaria” program. Volunteers are needed for this event. Beaver Ridge UMC is beginning a new “DivorceCare” program 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays Feb. 6 to April 10. Info: 690-1060 or www.beaverridgeumc.org/
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Posters promote safety Powell Elementary PTA recently hosted a safety poster contest. Winners of the event are: Kendal Patty, Jacob Warfield and Haleigh Weaver. Photo submitted
Keondra McKinney of Northwest and Harper Cherry of Halls battle for possession during last week’s game. McKinney scored 14 points as Northwest won, 37-30.
Powell swimmers top two teams Northwest defeats Halls The Powell swim team (116) beat Morristown East (98) and Cocke County (91) on Jan. 10 in a three way meet in Newport. Finishing first for Powell were: Alyssa Rolen, 200 Free; Alec Tripp, 200 Free; Madissen Campbell, 200 IM; Alec Tripp, 100 Free; Girls 200 Free Relay: Meredith Denney, Chesni Ballinger, Alyssa Rolen, Madissen Campbell Collin Caruthers, 100 Back; Chesni Ballinger, 100 Breast; Alec Tripp, 100 Breast; Girls 400 Free Relay: Alyssa Rolen, Meredith Denney, Jordyn Dover, Madissen Campbell. Powell Middle School swimmers posted 147 points to 97 for Cocke County and 26 for Morristown East. First place fin-
ishers were: Girls 200 Medley Relay: Caroline Whitehead, Lilia Whittington, Isabell Loy, Caylin Moore; Boys 200 Medley Relay: Ben Stover, Christopher Wilbanks, Logan Smith, Case Martin; Isabell Loy, 100 IM; Logan Smith, 100 IM; Caylin Moore, 50 Fly; Logan Smith, 50 Fly; Caroline Whitehead,100 Free; Ben Stover, 100 Free; Girls 200 Free Relay: Isabell Loy, Lilia Whittington, Caylin Moore, Caroline Whitehead; Boys 200 Free Relay: Ben Stover, Case Martin, Logan Smith, Christopher Wilbanks; Isabell Loy, 50 Back; Caroline Whitehead, 50 Breast; and Christopher Wilbanks, 50 Breast.
in basketball action Jaquez Johnson makes a jump shot on his way to scoring seven points for Northwest Middle against Halls Middle last week. Northwest won the match, 45-36. Photos by Doug Johnson
for 3U-14U will be 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays, Feb. 2, and Feb. 9, at Halls Community Park. Info: http://hcpark.org or email hcpsports@ msn.com.
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Greg Yarbrough puts in two for Northwest against Tyler Young and Halls Middle. Yarbrough scored 12 points.
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Shopper-News Presents Miracle Makers
Perry is ‘hard-nosed dreamer’ at Austin-East By Betty Bean At Austin-East High School, students are encouraged to dream. Dreaming is an integral part of the school’s décor. The word “dream” is written, sculpted and painted into slogans on the walls and atop bookshelves. Principal Benny Perry is a dream believer. “Things started turning around here my third year in the building,” he said. “In order to be successful, you’ve got to get the kids believing. The students decided they were tired of the stigma. They took it as a challenge. The first part of that year I came up with an acronym: ‘PRIDE.’ “I told them what the public perception (of the school) was, and I told them that the P stands for perform to the best of your ability every day. If you’re in a race, you can’t run at the same pace as the people in front of you. You’ve got to run harder. The R is for responding to the challenge. People are saying A-E kids can’t do what other kids do. What are y’all going to do about it? The I stands for interdependency and the D stands for dream. Dream big. Everything starts with a dream. You can stay in the situation you are in, or you can dream about what you want to do in your life. The E stands for excellence. I told them good ain’t good enough. You’ve got to be excellent.”
Confidence builds
“By the end of the second year, the kids did really well in writing assessments. They went from 79 percent proficiency to 89 percent. That built confidence. The next year we went from 79 percent to 89 percent. The next year, we went from 89 percent to 94 percent. What we were trying to do was use that success to build confidence in kids. By no means are we where we want to be; we’ve still got wide achievement gaps. We’ve still got a ways to go, but I feel the ship is headed in the right direction.” Perry was appointed principal at Austin-East on April 30, 2008, and he walked into a school under threat of state takeover. Because A-E had failed to meet standards required under the No Child Left Behind law, every teacher and staff member in the building had to reapply for their jobs. Perry had to decide who would be rehired. This made for a challenging atmosphere, but he stayed focused on the interview process and relied on assistant principal Alvin Armstead, whom he calls “my right arm,” to handle student and staff morale. “I bet we did 500 interviews between April and August. We got tired of interviewing people,” he
Principal Benny Perry talks with a student at Austin-East High School about the consequences of making a bad decision. Photos by Ruth White
Staff members Rhonda Woodruff and Lasheika Jones with Benny Perry (center) show that at A-E, it’s all about teamwork.
said. “We came back with a 40/60 split. Forty percent of teachers after the redesign were new hires,” Perry said. “Now, we have about 69 percent new staff in the building. Lots of young teachers.” “Tense” is the word Perry employs to describe the situation he found at A-E. “The students threatened to sit in, and in fact, they did sit in for about an hour. But I didn’t deal with that. My assignment was to interview teachers and staff and hire new people. I had to concentrate on the task at hand. We had to start moving the school in a positive direction, or the state was taking it over. Knox County was being proactive,” Perry said. Knox County hired an Ohio consulting firm called Ed Works to help the A-E staff, and Perry says he picked up a lot of good ideas about professional development, even though the money ran out after the second year of what was supposed to be a three-year program. “It was a good partnership, but it was a hard time for Ed Works, too, because the system didn’t buy the whole package, and after the money ran out we didn’t re-sign up with them. It was during that time that we started toying around with the idea of small learning communities, breaking a comprehensive high
school down into smaller schools.”
Three schools in one
Now, A-E’s 600 students (it is the smallest high school in the county) are assigned to one of three schools – FOCUS (Freshman Opportunities Committed to Unprecedented Success), The Discovery School and the Impact School. Last year’s freshman class did so well, particularly in algebra, that they were each given iPads to use as sophomores. Austin-East received a $3 million grant from Race to the Top to spend on improving student performance. The school day was extended to 8 a.m.– 4 p.m. Ninety-one percent of the faculty voted to join the Teacher Advancement Program. Perry believes this has helped immeasurably. “TAP has been the best system of instruction for what we do that I’ve ever been involved in,” he said. “The beauty of TAP is this: every teacher has to be evaluated four times a year – two announced, two unannounced.”
Building community involvement
Another of Perry’s strategies is to build community involvement. For three years, the school has been holding “State of the Roadrunner” meetings. “For A-E to be successful, we need our parents to come to school. I told them if we don’t start doing better,
Knox County Council PTA
the state’s going to take our school over,” he said. “The kids who struggle are kids who go somewhere else and then try to come back. The kids who start here in the 9th grade and stay here, we graduate them at a 90 percent clip. But whatever student comes through our door, we take them and love them just the same. We want to have that old time attitude that every child who comes through our door and follows our plan of study can be successful.” He is proud of last year’s valedictorian, who is now a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, and of the National Merit Scholarship winner, who was in the Class of 2011 and was a product of Beaumont Elementary, Vine Middle and A-E. “All of our kids come back to see us after they graduate and let us know how they are doing.” Perry is from the tiny West Tennessee town of Whitesville, near Bolivar, and is married to Carmelita Perry, who is principal at West View Elementary School. He has been an educator for 38 years, 18 of those in Knox County. This is his second tour of duty at A-E. He was an assistant principal and athletic director there for the first five years he was in Knoxville before becoming an assistant principal at Central High School. He was appointed principal at Whittle Springs Middle School in 2004. He holds an undergraduate degree in history from Lane College in Jackson, a master’s in administration from Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville and an Ed.S in curriculum and instruction from Lincoln Memorial University.
Perry’s philosophy
“My philosophy is, I believe we are all lifetime learners, and the time we stop learning, they need to be throwing dirt on us. But I’m not a person who feels like I know it all. You don’t have to know it all to be an educated person; you need to be a person who knows where to find the answers. To be an effective administrator, you have to hire people who are strong in areas that you need support in, and allow people to do their job by providing them the resources to get the job done. A principal doesn’t have to know everything, and you can’t be a micromanager. Just hire good people and trust them to get the job done. It’s not Benny Perry making a whole lot of changes himself, it’s the people. “The main thing we need from our parents and our students is (to) commit to come here every day and make good choices, and we will commit to making you a good citizen. The main thing for teachers is this: more is expected of you if you’re a teacher at Austin-East. You’ve got to have a heart for the students and for your fellow teachers.”
Nominate a Miracle Maker by calling (865) 922-4136.
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Shopper s t n e V e NEWS
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THROUGH THURSDAY, FEB. 7 Foothills Craft Guild Exhibit and Sale, Fountain City Art Center; 213 Hotel Ave. Also showing: artwork by students from Karns area Knox County schools. Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, Friday; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Info: fcartcenter@knology.net, 357.2787 or www. fountaincityartctr.com.
MONDAY, JAN. 28 Open auditions for the spring production of “Almost, Maine.” hosted by Walters State’s Music and Theatre Department, 6-9 p.m., in room 132 of the Judge William H. Inman Humanities Complex. Male and female actors from high school age and up are invited. Info: T.J. Kent, 423-585-6958.
TUESDAY, JAN. 29 La Technique: The French pastry class, 6:308:30 p.m., Avanti Savoia’s La Cucina, 7610 Maynardville Pike. Space is limited. Info/reservations: www. avantisavoia.com or 922-9916.
THURSDAY, JAN. 31 Psalm Writing workshop with Ray McGinnis, author of “Writing the Sacred,” 6-8 p.m., St. James Episcopal Church, 1101 N. Broadway. Open to all. $10 registration fee. To register: contact the Rev. John Mark Wiggers, jwiggers@stjamesknox.org or 523-5687. Open auditions for the spring production of “Almost, Maine.” hosted by Walters State’s Music and Theatre Department, 6-9 p.m., in room 132 of the Judge William H. Inman Humanities Complex. Male and female actors from high school age and up are invited. Info: T.J. Kent, 423-585-6958.
Rummage sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Pleasant Hill Baptist Church on Hines Creek Road.
Union County Chamber of Commerce Banquet and Auction, 7 p.m., Rutherford Methodist Church, Corryton. Guest speaker: Bill Landry. Everyone invited. Tickets: $35 and available at the chamber office, 1001 Main St.; from any chamber member; or call 9922811.
SATURDAY, FEB. 2 Meet Aurora Bull, Union County Arts Artist of the Month for February, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Union County Arts Co-op, 1009 Main St. Info: 992-9161. Demolition Derby, 7-10 p.m., Walters State Community College’s Great Smoky Mountains Expo Center. Admission: $10, adults; $5, ages6-12; ages 6 and under free. Info: 674-6000; 423-318-2720; www.ws.edu/ expo. Free women’s self-defense class, noon, Overdrive Krav Maga & Fitness, 7631 Clinton Highway. Info: www.overdrivema.com or 362-5562. Saturday Stories and Songs: Kindermusik, 10:30 a.m., Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Road. Info: 689-2681. Saturday Stories and Songs: Laurie Fisher, 10:30 a.m., Powell Branch Library, 330 W. Emory Road. Info: 947-6210. Chocolate Covered Strawberry Sale, Son Light Baptist Church, 6494 Son-Light Way. Proceeds will support Guatemala Mission Team. $15 per dozen: milk chocolate, white chocolate or mixed chocolate. Pick up 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 9. Info/orders: Dororthy Myers, 659-5565, or Michelle Kitts, 387-8269. “A Candlemas Concert” presented by the Pope Benedict XVI Schola, 2:30 p.m., Holy Ghost Church, 1041 N. Central St. Proceeds will benefit the Ladies of Charity of Knoxville. Tickets: $10 and are available at the door or online at http://b16.eventbrite.com/.
Chili Chow Down, sponsored by Halls Crossroads Women’s League, 5:30-8 p.m., Halls Senior Center. Tickets: $5 ($2.50 for kids under 10). Fundraiser for “History of Halls” book. Bake sale will be held and live bluegrass music will be provided by Dave Hall and friends. Info: Peggy Beeler, 922-0874. Church Women United meeting, Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 904 Biddle St. Coffee, 10 a.m.; meeting, 10:30.
“Jammin’ In Your Jammies” overnight events. Register 5 p.m. Friday and conclude with Saturday morning brunch; or register 5 p.m. Saturday and conclude with a Sunday morning brunch. Proceeds will benefit a variety of services at Children’s Hospital. Info or to register: 541-8745.
Benefit singing to help Joann Dobbins, 6 p.m., Mount Harmony Baptist Church, 819 Raccoon Valley Road.
Saturday Stories and Songs: Laurie Fisher, 10:30 a.m., Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Road. Info: 689-2681. Saturday Stories and Songs: Emagene Reagan, 10:30 a.m., Powell Branch Library, 330 W. Emory Road. Info: 947-6210. “It’s a Daddy/Daughter Dance,” 2-4 p.m., Backstage Dance Company, 5548 Washington Pike. $20 per couple, $10 each additional daughter. All proceeds to the Relevé Competition Dance team. Info: karawilson702@comcast.net. SweetHeart Valentine Dinner, 5-8 p.m., Union Missionary Baptist Church on Ailor Gap Road. $8, adult; $4, child. Proceeds to benefit building fund. Info: Angela, 924-7750. Bonnie Keen, comtemporary Christian singer, will bring “Heart Space” to the Metropolitan Community Church at 8 p.m. Tickets: $25 for concert and dinner; $15 for show only. Info: 531-2539.
E-book Help Session – E-readers other than Kindle, 6 p.m., Halls Branch Library, 4518 E. Emory Road. For learning how to check out library books and download them to a computer for transfer to an e-reader other than Kindle, using Adobe Digital Editions (or Sony Reader software). Bring Wi-Fi equipped laptop computer if possible. Info: Reference Department, 215-8700.
Hot Chocolate and Cool Crafts, 2-5 p.m., Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway 61 near Norris. Registration deadline Feb. 3. Info: 4949854 or www.appalachianarts.net.
Sushi 101, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Avanti Savoia’s La Cucina, 7610 Maynardville Pike. Space is limited. Info/ reservations: www.avantisavoia.com or 922-9916. Public Roundtable Discussion, hosted by the Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC), 3-5 p.m., Beck Cultural Center, 1927 Dandridge Ave. Free event; RSVP required. Info or to register: 615-2531608 or http://knoxvilleroundtablediscussionthrc. eventbrite.com/.
TUESDAY, FEB. 12 Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler! cooking class, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Avanti Savoia’s La Cucina, 7610 Maynardville Pike. Space is limited. Info/reservations: www.avantisavoia.com or 922-9916.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13 Digital mammagraphy screenings by UT Breast Health Outreach Program, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Union County High School. Info/appointments: 3059753.
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A Shopper-News Special Section
Monday, January 28, 2013
Living off the grid By Cindy Taylor At 73, Bill Nickle is a man living his dream. Nickle began the Narrow Ridge Community in the 1970s with a 40-acre purchase. Hippies and communes were popular, but living a life that truly preserved the earth had not yet come into vogue. Nickle was born and raised in Knox County and returned to the area after graduating from seminary. Pastoring a church wasn’t where his heart lay. “I have always had a desire to be part of youth ministry,” said Nickle, a former Methodist minister. “At that time in my life I didn’t feel that the institutional church was as relevant as it had once been.” Nickle observed that young people were feeling alienated and unsure of their purpose. He felt there had to be an alternative way to reach them. “Nature is such a healer,” said Nickle. “The spirit of the divine can be felt in nature more than any other area of life.” Nickle based the name Narrow Ridge on the writings of Martin Buber, a man whose philosophy of the inclusion of all peoples he admires. “We treat each other and God’s creation as objects to do with as we want,” said Nickle. “Maintaining that relationship between ‘I’ and ‘Thou’ is like walking
Bill Nickle has a special window to show the bales of straw used to build his home. Photo by C. Taylor a narrow ridge.” Nickle pioneered the movement to develop a self-supporting community. In the early years, he and his family lived in a four-room house.
“It wasn’t easy,” he said. “My wife drove into Knoxville for school and then work every day. I was serving four different churches as pastor.” The two Nickle children were awarded
scholarships to Webb School based on need. The entire family put in long days but felt it was worth it. “There were days when we took our children to school before daylight and they did not get back home until well after dark,” said Nickle. Without grants or other help, the situation became financially difficult, and the family had no choice but to move closer to the city and a more typical lifestyle. But Nickel never forgot his dream. After a philanthropist donated 120 acres adjacent to original acreage at Narrow Ridge, Nickle moved back; and he has no regrets. “Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center was established to study, teach and demonstrate a theological way of sustainable living,” said Nickle. He lives in a straw bale home, and all power is either wind or solar. Water comes from what is collected in a rain barrel. He may live in what seems to be a semi-retired environment, but his work hours certainly haven’t diminished. “I still put in a 16-hour day,” he said. “The difference is that at Narrow Ridge your life and that of others are intertwined with nature. And that is the dream.” Info: www.narrowridge.org.
Consider the advantages of pre-planned cremation No one likes to think about death, let alone plan for it. However, by pre-planning your final arrangements, you relieve your family of having to make important financial decisions during a period of great stress and grief - a time when people aren’t thinking very clearly and may not know what to do because you never made your wishes known. Taking the additional step of pre-funding your plans removes this additional burden from your family and locks in today’s costs to protect from inflation.
Why cremation? Over the last few years, the interest in cremation as a means of final disposition has dramatically increased. There are many options available for those who choose cremation, and it is not necessary to limit or alter the type of funeral arrangements you select because you have chosen cremation. Many families include the traditional viewing, visitation and funeral service as a part of the final arrangements, while others decide to have simpler memorial services. There are many reasons why people choose cremation. Among the most common are environmental considerations,
philosophical reasons, cost, and because they feel it is less complicated for their families. Whatever the reason, choosing cremation is a very personal decision and one that should be made after considering all the options. Gentry Griffey offers Knoxville’s only on-site crematory, and their staff is available to answer any questions about cremation and pre-planning and/or pre-funding your final arrangements.
Gentry Griffey’s leadership team: Eric Botts, managing partner & licensed funeral director; Jerry Griffey, founding partner & licensed funeral director; and Bryan McAdams, assistant manager & licensed funeral director.
Why is an on-site crematory important? Gentry Griffey Funeral Chapel & Crematory offers Knoxville’s only on-site crematory. By having a crematory on-site, Gentry Griffey is not dependent on anyone else’s schedule or facilities, and they oversee every step of the cremation. Your loved one will never leave their care, and as the sole service provider, their services stay affordable for all budgets. Gentry Griffey is the only funeral home in Knoxville that does not use an out-of-town crematory. The entire cremation process is completed on-site at their crematory by their professional and licensed staff. Because Gentry Griffey’s crematory is located on their prem-
The advantages of Pre-Planning: • Make important decisions together, not alone • If something were to happen to you today, your family would know what to do • You have peace of mind knowing you have minimized the anxiety for loved ones • Your final wishes will be carried out • You can choose a pre-payment plan that fits your budget • Costs are locked in and you are protected • Most pre-arranged plans are transferable, should you transfer or move to another area
Tom and Martha Wells review pre-planning options with Gentry Griffey’s managing partner & licensed funeral director Eric Botts. ises and includes a viewing room, they both welcome and encourage families to be present prior to the cremation, which is an option not available at any other area funeral home. For those who have chosen cremation but have pre-planned their final arrangements at another funeral home, it is a very simple process to transfer that pre-arranged plan to Gentry Griffey. Their staff can handle all of the details for you.
Cremation offers limitless options The choice of cremation does not limit the type of funeral arrangements you may make. Many people plan a traditional visitation and funeral service prior to the cremation, while others decide on a simple memorial service to be held
either before or after the cremation. Whatever your decision, it should be the one that is right for you. If a funeral service is planned, either a traditional casket or a cremation casket may be chosen. Cremation caskets are simpler in design and are typically less expensive because they are made with different materials. Following cremation, an urn or temporary container is used to protect the cremated remains. Cremation urns are available in a wide variety of materials and price ranges. Temporary containers are designed to hold the remains only until final disposition and are made of less permanent materials. Direct cremation is another
option. Many people request to eliminate “all the bother of funeral services” for family members. Funeral services aren’t provided for the deceased– they’re there to help support and comfort the living. Take time to consider family and friends and their need to work through the grieving process before you make this decision. It’s easy to say, “Don’t make a fuss. I don’t want a ceremony. Just bury me and be done with it.” But it is important to realize that the ritual of a funeral and/or memorial service isn’t for the deceased but for the living. It is a time when friends and family can gather together to grieve openly and to provide support for one another. Pre-planning, when done properly, can give you peace of mind because you know that your arrangements are pre-determined.
5301 Fountain Road Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 689-4481 www.GentryGriffey.com
MY-2 â&#x20AC;˘ JANUARY 28, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ SHOPPER-NEWS
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Whaley enjoys eye-opening trip to Russia By Shana Sha h na R Raley-Lusk aley ey-LLus usk k Knoxville resident Monroe Whaley believes in the importance of giving back to the community through volunteer service. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do a lot of volunteer work, including pro bono consulting with small businesses,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have also given volunteer service with United Way, Habitat for Humanity, the Inasmuch campaign at Carson-Newman, and through my home church Life Style Compassion Ministry.â&#x20AC;? But recently, he took his commitment to making a difference to the next level by taking part in his first foreign mission trip to Russia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Central Baptist Church of Bearden has an active local, national, and international mission program,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have visited and provided financial relief in Moscow for more than 20 years, and I felt drawn to serve that mission.â&#x20AC;? Seven church members were chosen to serve with leaders Paul
and Marti Hindalong helped and Ma M art rtii Hi ind ndal alon ng wh who he hel lped found the Paradigma Church. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did not know what to expect, but we were going on a fourday retreat right outside Moscow,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. His wife, Claudeane, took part in the mission trip with him. They were scheduled to spend time in a sports camp in Southern Russia on the Black Sea. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were like rock stars at the camp,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The kids captured us at every opportunity. They surrounded us and held us captive with their inquiries.â&#x20AC;? On one day of the trip, the Whaleys were able to take a 14-kilometer hike with some of the kids. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They wanted to know what life is like in America. They asked us about singers, movie stars and sports figures,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. While in Moscow, the Whaleys attended a Russian Orthodox morning service at Christ the Savior Cathedral. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are no pews, no carpet, no choir, no singing and
no p picture ictu ure taking. The building, inside and out, was magnificent and impressive with the different architecture and icons,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. They also attended services at the Paradigma. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We went to share and teach but learned a lot, too,â&#x20AC;? he said. While on the trip, Whaley had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the other individuals. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There were about 40 people present. There were many classes and time for inner reflection. We got to know them over the four days. We heard their testimonies and praise songs,â&#x20AC;? he said. Whaley recalled an organized prayer hike as a very touching experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We went into the forest that surrounded our housing and walked a trodden path,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During this trek there were signs that had been placed on trees with suggestions for prayer subjects. Then we held hands in a
Monroe and Claudeane Whaley recently visited Russia on a mission trip. Photo submitted
circle and those wanting to could pray out loud.â&#x20AC;? During the course of the trip, the Whaleys were able to enjoy a bit of sightseeing as well. From Red Square to St. Basilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cathedral to the crowded Metro system, they were able to see much that the city has to offer. They enjoyed seeing the romantic metal love trees where many newlyweds traditionally visit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The lock has been personalized with names, dates, etc. They
put the lock on one of the standing trees, close it and throw the key off the bridge into the river as a symbol of a life together,â&#x20AC;? he said. The Whaleys remember the mission trip as an eye-opening experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your faith is best told by the way you live,â&#x20AC;? Whaley said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is best to have someone ask about your faith, who wants to know the root of your joy, than to bring up the subject yourself,â&#x20AC;? he concludes.
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Franklin stays active through service By Shana Raley-Lusk After spending 25 years as an auctioneer, East Knox county resident Robbie Franklin knows a thing or two about fundraising. “I feel that God has blessed me with a talent and personality to make people feel good about spending their money, so I try to use this talent to help organizations raise money for worthy causes,” he said. Franklin’s diverse life experiences have certainly contributed to his unique ability to work with people and get involved in the community. In addition to his background as an auctioneer, Franklin was also a football coach at one time. He worked on the staffs of both Bill Battle and Johnny Majors. He is very involved at his church, Pleasant Hill Methodist, where he sings in the choir, teach-
“I hope to continue to serve God daily by using my gifts, skills, and wisdom to serve others.” es Sunday school, and even serves as lay leader and speaker on occasion. But Franklin’s community outreach goes far beyond fundraising and church ministries. “I am also involved with an East Knoxville ministry called Lock Down on the Outside which works with at-risk young people,” he says. The program aims to change the attitudes, habits, and behavior of young individuals who are in negative situations. He also uses his time to be a positive force in the lives of his 13 grandchildren.
“My number one ministry is my family,” he said. “I have created a ‘Proverbs Covenant’ that I ask my grandchildren to join when they turn 13. It is a promise to read the book of Proverbs each year with me for the rest of their lives.” Currently, five of Franklin’s grandchildren are participating in the group. “This has been a great way for me to stay connected in their lives during a period of time when grandchildren and grandparents usually grow apart,” he said. A regular participant at Carter Senior Center, Franklin also feels that staying active is a very important part of life after retirement. He and his wife participate in Senior Fitness and try to work out at least three times per week. His involvement at the senior
center also provides a great way for him to connect with others. “My wife and I have enjoyed the social part of the center,” Franklin said. “All of the participants have common interests.” Franklin looks to the coming year with plenty of anticipation and plans. “In March, my wife and I are going to Ghana, where our oldest daughter Robin and her family are spending two years working with orphans in remote villages,” he said. While he gets a chance to speak with his daughter and grandchildren through Skype and email, he is truly looking forward to seeing them face-to-face again. Franklin views his involvement in local programs and activities as a fundamental part of his life. “They make me feel vital and
Robbie Franklin Photo by Shana Raley-Lusk alive,” he said. “I hope to continue to serve God daily by using my gifts, skills, and wisdom to serve others.”
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Unraveling the mysteries of Medicare By Anne Hart If you find yourself standing at your mailbox awash in a daily sea of flyers, letters and packets of information from insurors, two things are certain: (1) It’s the last quarter of the year, and (2) you have reached the age when you are Medicare eligible or are about to be. And there’s also a third certainty: every insurance company in existence seems to want you as a client. So you’re swamped with information – and anyone who has been through this process knows that’s no exaggeration – but what do you do with all of it? How can you manage to sift through dozens and dozens of promises and pledges to find the one program that is the perfect fit for you? The answer is pretty simple: you can’t. Sure, you can close your eyes and pick a program out of that pile of offers, but much as you wouldn’t buy a house without seeing what’s available on the market and consult-
Blake McCoy ing a Realtor, or buy a car without test driving and kicking some tires, you shouldn’t jump into just any Medicare supplemental insurance and prescription program. There is one perfect fit for you,
but unless you’re an expert in the field, you don’t know what it is. It’s a true conundrum. Finding the appropriate provider is a major, life-affecting decision. It deserves the scrutiny of an unbiased professional who is not going to benefit financially from selling his or her company’s own product. That individual is a broker. To again use the real estate comparison: just as a Realtor sells all agents’ listings, an insurance broker sells the products of many companies. Each of those envelopes in your mailbox represents just one company and that company’s products alone. A broker can tell you about the products represented by each of those envelopes and more, and match your needs to what is offered by a specific company. Blake McCoy, owner of Independent Insurance Consultants in Knoxville, is one of those brokers who charges no fees for his services. He explains that fees are paid by the
insurors, never the client, and that his goal is to meet annually – or more often depending on individual circumstances – with each client to assess and reassess. “Medicare changes every year. It is our job to keep up with those changes and to continue to stay informed and keep our clients informed.” Medicare pays only 80 percent of medical costs. It is up to the individual to cover the additional 20 percent, and that can be done outof-pocket or through either a Medicare supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage plan. “One is not better than the other,” McCoy explains. “They are different in structure and payment. With a Medicare supplement, also called a Medigap plan, you pay a higher premium to have low or no out-ofpocket costs. “Medicare Advantage plans usually have less expensive premiums and some even have zero monthly
premiums, but they require co-pays and co-insurances and some include a Part D prescription plan. Medicare supplements don’t include a Part D drug plan. An Advantage plan does have a maximum for co-pays and co-insurances and will not exceed that amount.” McCoy cautions that “Medicare is not one size fits all, even in families. Often we have husbands and wives on completely different plans because their situations are different. Health issues, age, drug needs, doctors, specialists and assets and income are all among the considerations that would dictate whether a husband and wife would have the same or different coverages. We always need to talk in detail with each person to assure the best coverage.” While most Medicare recipients are eligible to change policies only in the final quarter of the year, McCoy reminds that the exception to that rule is certain people who receive government assistance. “Those who are on Medicaid on Tenncare can make changes year-round as their situation changes. We meet with people every day in those situations. The good news is that we can help them.”
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Focusing on diabetes in the older adult population Reduce your risk
In the U.S., there are nearly 26 million people living with diabetes and more seniors have diabetes than any other age group – 10.9 million, or 26.9 percent, of all people age 65 and older. “Currently, one in four Americans over the age of 60 is living with diabetes and there is a great need for further education among older adults,” says Dr. Vanessa Jones Briscoe, Chair of the Older Adult Subcommittee and Board Member for the American Diabetes Association. In 2012 the American Diabetes Association launched its Se-
nior Signature Series. The series looks to expand education and outreach efforts to seniors across the country. The series includes half-day educational events for individuals age 50 years and older to learn more about diabe-
tes, numerous resources, helpful materials and health screenings. Its goal is to educate older adults about how they can reduce their risk of diabetes and its complications. Because of its great success in 2012, the series will be
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back in 2013, and will include even more dates and locations across the country. “Through continuing our Senior Signature Series, the American Diabetes Association will provide the tips and resources needed to help seniors address the challenge of preventing type 2 diabetes and keeping diabetes treatment from impairing their lifestyle, or slowing them down,” Briscoe says. “The educational resources in the series are important not only for those older adults living with diabetes, but for their family members or caregivers as well.” One way to reduce your risk of developing diabetes, or to better manage it, is physical activity. Benefits include: ■ Improving your A1C, a test that measures your average blood glucose (sugar) control, blood pressure and cholesterol ■ Having more energy
■ Burning calories to help you lose or maintain your weight ■ Keeping your joints flexible ■ Improving your balance to prevent falls ■ Lowering your risk for heart disease and stroke Almost all older adults who develop diabetes have type 2 diabetes, and older adults with diabetes often have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, infections that heal slowly. They are at risk for heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. Seniors with diabetes are also more likely to have memory problems and depression. Awareness and education is critical in helping seniors to lead healthier lives. For more information, or to download the “Living Healthy with Diabetes” guide for adults 55 and up, visit diabetes.org.
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Five things you may not know about hearing aids Hearing aids – those two words alone may conjure up images of unattractive, beige devices that your father or grandmother once wore before finally throwing them in a drawer, never to be seen again. And who could blame them? In the past, hearing aids were big, bulky and fragile - incapable of getting wet or dirty. But hearing aids have come a very long way. Here are five things you may not know about today’s digital hearing aids:
1. Hearing aids can adjust automatically based on your listening situation
switch programs depending on your environment (for example noisy vs. quiet). The latest hearing aids are smart enough to recognize up to six distinct listening environments: quiet, speech in quiet, noise, speech in noise, car or music. The hearing aids continuously detect which of the six situations you’re in and automatically switch settings for the best hearing in that environment. No manual adjustments are needed.
2. Hearing aids can act like your own personal headset
Most people who have hearing loss have it in both ears and need two hearing aids. Wireless hearing aids “talk” with each Digital hearing aids of the other, so touching the volume past required you to manually control or program switch for
3. You can swim, sweat and ski while wearing hearing aids
Just like a personal headset, today’s hearing aids can wirelessly stream audio via Bluetooth technology directly into both ears – with no delay.
one hearing aid automatically adjusts both. Today’s hearing aids are personal electronics that work with your high-tech gadgets. You can wirelessly stream music into your hear-
ing aids from an iPod, hear a call that just came in on your smartphone, and listen to the television with no delay at your preferred volume - without disturbing others.
In 2011, Aquaris, made by Siemens, was the first digital waterproof, dustproof and shock-resistant hearing aid. For high-school swimmer Kristle Cowan of Phoenix, a waterproof hearing aid is life-changing. “Before my waterproof hearing aids, I felt like quitting the swim team,” says 17-year old Cowan. “My old hearing aids couldn’t get wet so I couldn’t wear them in the pool. I would be at a competition and get disqualified because I couldn’t hear the buzzer. Now I can hear everything.” Waterproof hearing aids aren’t just for swimmers either.
Community Law School Learn how the law affects you... Recent changes in the law make these programs more valuable than ever for everyone, regardless of age or financial background. The Knoxville Bar Association is offering a series of FREE seminars on today’s most important legal topics. Courses are taught by practicing attorneys who are volunteers with the Knoxville Bar Association.
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ing aids. The stigma associated with wearing hearing aids still ranks among the top reasons why consumers choose not to purchase them. But with invisible hearing aids, only you know you’re wearing the device. Invisible and nearly4. Hearing invisible hearing aids like Siemens Eclipse are aids are very comfortable, too. rechargeable According to Filips, because they sit closer to If the idea of havthe eardrum, they proing to change tiny batvide a more natural teries once a week (or sound quality without a more) makes you cringe, muffled or over-ampliyou’re not alone. With rechargeable hearing aids, Modern hearing aids are smaller, smarter and more durable than ever, letting fied effect. And, in case you were wondering, a there’s no more constant natural sound in while keeping the elements out. tiny, transparent removfumbling with batteries. According to charging station cost less than three Dr. Gabrielle Filips of Siemens Hear- years’ worth of weekly disposable bat- al cord lets the wearer safely remove the ing Instruments, people with arthritis, teries. They’re easy to use, too. At night, hearing aids anytime - without having Parkinson’s disease or other conditions you place the hearing aids into a charger to see a professional. With all these advances, it’s no wonder that create dexterity problems can re- and every morning you’ll have freshlyhearing aid wearers are happier and more ally struggle with opening battery pack- charged hearing aids. satisfied than ever. In fact, the technology ages, accessing a battery compartment may give some wearers an advantage over and guiding a battery into place. 5. Hearing aids those without hearing loss. So make that apRechargeable hearing aids are also pointment to get your hearing checked that friendlier to the environment - and our can be invisible wallets. Over a three-year time span, Like contact lens wearers, most people you’ve been putting off. two rechargeable hearing aids and a still want to be discreet about their hear– BPT
Because they are so robust and stay securely in place behind the ear, many people can benefit, including those who perspire heavily, are active in sports, or who garden or work in dusty environments.
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Closing the financial planning gender gap Study S tud dy ffinds inds me men en a and nd wome women en a approach pproac ch m money oney management mana agement in very different ways, leaving women at a disadvantage While it’s a bit of a stereotype to say men are from Mars and women are from Venus, when it comes to financial planning styles, the fact remains the sexes are worlds apart in their approach to saving and investing. Prudential Financial’s latest biennial study on the Financial Experience and Behaviors Among Women found significant differences in the financial styles and priorities of women versus men. Among the findings: ■ Married/partnered women are more likely than their male counterparts to say they share financial decision-making equally (35 percent vs. 21 percent). ■ Married men are far
more likely to say they are taking control of financial decisions (38 percent) than married women (19 percent). ■ Women worry most about household expenses, debt and their ability to save for retirement. ■ Men are more focused on external factors such as the state of the economy, followed by household expenses and retirement. The survey also noted that only 10 percent of female breadwinners feel very knowledgeable about financial products and services, and are only half as likely to feel as well-prepared to make wise financial decisions as men.
“The good news for women is that they are more likely to ask for help from a financial professional, a smart move no matter where you are in terms of retirement preparedness,” says Caroline Feeney, president of Agency Distribution at Prudential. “It’s not surprising to learn that women who work with advisors are more likely to report being on track for meeting their retirement goals.” At a time when women are taking greater responsibility for their own and their families’ finances, it is also time for women to take the lead when it comes to saving and investing. While the task can seem daunting and even a bit intimidating, the truth
is simply educating yourself about various products and services can boost your financial I.Q. and your confidence. One good place to start is the Prudential Financial website section for women (www.prudential.com/ women). The site includes helpful life-stage checklists, easy-to-understand guides to financial products and services, and first-person financial accounts that provide encouragement and support. Even if men are from Mars and women are from Venus, getting real-world financial planning assistance now can help both sexes prepare for a more secure financial future. – BPT
A Senior Living Community Parkview is : A HAPPY PLACE with weekly shopping & entertainment excursions, fun activities, games & crafts A WORRY-FREE PLACE with no mowing, shoveling snow or roof repairs! A HEALTHY PLACE with home-cooked, healthy meals, exercise classes & walking trails inside and out AN EASY LIVING PLACE with your choice of relaxing activities – reading, watching movies or doing nothing at all
It’s all about Security & Peace Of Mind FOUNTAIN CITY
WEST Call 675-7050
Call 687-0033
10914 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934
5405 Colonial Circle, Knoxville, TN 37918
Driving Directions: From I-40/I-75, take the Lovell Road exit #374. Head south to Kingston Pike.Turn west onto Kingston Pike and travel 0.5 miles. Parkview West is on the left.
Driving Directions: Take the Broadway exit on I-640 and travel north. Just past Fountain City Park, turn left on Colonial Circle at stop light. Take immediate left into Parkview.
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